
Cloudy And Colder Today ^ m Real Patriots Pay Their Followed.By Rain Or Snow By Night. Income Tax Without Any Penalties. NAVAL CONVOY CRIPPLED PRESIDENT Tacoma Man 60,000 MEN Papal Envoy LONG TERM Wilson Note GOOD HELD BACK New Envoy STRIKE IN Attends Rite METED OUT Of Sympathy For Gibbons BOARD U. S. S. FROM AGED ONGEORGE WASHING- WASHINGTON, Feb. 21.—James TON , Feb. 21.—Presi- Cardinal Gibbons, head of the Roman dent Wilson sent the following BY STORMS Catholic Hierarch PETROGRAD y in the United TO BERGER message of condolence on STATESMAN States Thursday received a tribute unique in the history of the church at learning of the attack upon the celebration of his golden episcopal Premier Clemenceau: Convoys Forced To Want End Of Civil jubilee. With a personal representa- Judge Sends Him to Clemenceau tive of the Pope in attendance, a bril- "Lansing, American mission, Shows liant pontifical High Mass was sung by Prison for Twenty : Please convey to Mon- Leave His Liner War, Free Trade, the aged prelate in the church of the No Bad Symptoms Franciscan Monastery at Catholic uni- sier Clemenceau my heartfelt In Mid-ocean versity in the presence of the most no- Years; 4 Others sympathy and my jo at his es- Cable Says table gathering of clergy and laity ever y Surgeons Say held in North America. Afterwards cape. I sincerely hope that the RADIO GIVES DETAILS the dignitaries attended a dinner at SECURE BAH ; APPEAL report that he was only sli ght- REDS LOSING GROUND the university where Cardinal O'Con- PULSE ABOUT NORMAL ly injured is altogether true. 1 NEWPORT R. I., nell of Boston , presented the vener- CHICAGO, Feb. 21. - -A maximum , Feb. 21.—The LONDON , Feb. 21.— ( British Wire- H y As able priest a purse of S.">0 ,000 the gift prison sentence of twenty years was was deeply shocked by the I 'o.'i'ite .i 1' i vss destroyers Gamble, Meredith and less Service)— Sixty thou.-and work- PARIS , Feb . 20,-A of his fellow bishops and archbishops. imposed by Federal Jud ge Landis j bulletin at 6:5G Harding have been ordered men are on strike in Petrograd , de> news of the attack. u 'clock this by the Papal Envoy Present. Thursday upon Congrc-sman-elect evening by the attending marding the end of civil war , and tha -urgeons- , says: commandant of the second n3val dis- Pope Benedict , represented by Arch- Victor L. Herger, of Milwaukee , and (Signed) establishment of free trade, according "M . L iemenceau ' trict to proceed to sea and escort the bishop Cerrotti , assistant papal secre- four other Socialist leaders , who in " s condition continues to a Russian wireless dispatch re- WOODROW WILSON." satisfactory. Pulse , tary of state , sent a letter, which was final pleas likened themselves to his- 71 temperature, 37 steamer Georoge Washington, with ceived here today. Uentigradei ( 'MX) " read at the mass, bestowing his bene- tory 's greatest martyrs. The five men fahrenhcit > , tho presidential party to Bo3ton. Reliable information received in It was e.i s-dy diction on the cardinal , his clergy and convicted of conspiracy to obstruct the disc ern.il.'le , howevci London from sources which might bo that a more pessimistic attitude was. the faithful of the See of Baltimore . draft in violation of the espionage act. British Delegates ^ expected to t>e sympathetic with the prevailing in the premier s household WASHINGTON , Feb 21 . The. More than 00 prelates attended the .succeeded in obtaining release of S2*> . - Ku-sian revolution goes to show that than last evenng. Madame Brabant IV s dential .-hip. Gc rgc Washington , services. Distinguished laity included 000 bail from Judge Alschuler and de- , apposition to the Bolshevik rule is in- Say Germany Will housekeeper I ;r M. Clemenceau is proceeding to Ho.stoti through heavy Chairman Hurley of the shi ppmg board clared they would carry their legal , foi creasing among the more enlightenefl hours seemed ..n the verge of collapse vv.ather without nava: convoy, tho Justice McKenna of the supreme court . fight to the tinted States supreme working classes of Russia. and her eyes were reddened from navy (k-p.ir titicnt is advised bv radio . Rear Admiral Capp- , Rear Admira l court if necessary. Need Food Stocks The military situation has changed tears , and M . Clemenceau s footman '1 hi' ci'ii ViiyiM ,; battleship New Mex- McGowan and W . Bourke Cochran of The Five Convicted. ¦ , favorably for the anti-Holsheviki H.v A .- .¦. ncja .erl I» rcs.« . Maurice , shows signs of ;< • :,tri; es- New York. Resides Herger ' a sleepless '• pi d one of hei turbine engines, peciall y on the -outhern front as the , publisher of the Mil- PARIS , Feb. 20.--The need for re- night. and w.i '.' forced t', > drop out of tho lleel HUGH C. _ WALLACE Cardinal Gibbons cabled Pope Bene- waukee Leader, the other convicted result .of General Denikine 's victory in victualling Germany is reall y urgent , "Poor old president , " he remarked while !u-a\'y weather made it UM - S - dict on behalf of the assembled cler- men are : the Caucusus and the apparent failure according to the report just made by to the Associated Press. "But he s.u ', for the destrover flotilla wireless President gy their "sentiments of gratitude for Rev . Irwin St. to leave Wil- of Bolshevik attacks on the John Tucker , lecturer a group of fourteen British officers , would never heed my advice " ih- line Archangel your special benevolence toward them and writer. , he BYson announced the nom- front. who visited various parts of Germany added pathetically. Relief Vessel Sent. on this occasion." Adolph Germer national secretary . recently and conducted an investiga- Announced in Chamber. 'I he message said ination of Hugh G. Wal- Cheers For Ireland. of the Socialist party. the destroyers ex- Mention of freedom for Ireland in tion. The officers declare that the PARIS. Feb. 20.- In the chamber of pected to reloin the Georg- Washing- lace of Tacoma J. Louis Engdahl , editor of the country is living Wash., as am- several addresses at the dinner evoked on its capital as re- deputies this afternoon Under Secre - ton when the weather moderated In American Socialist. gards food supplies bassador to France. Mr. stormy applause front the audience. , and that either tary Deschanel said he was glad to an- tile meantime, however Secretary Wal- William F. Kru-e, head of the Young . GLASS EXPLAINS NEW Archbishop Glennon of St Louis, famine or Bolshevism—probably both nounce that the condition of Premier Daniels has ordered the cruiser Denver lace, who is a lifelong friend of People's Socialist league. ¦-will speaking on "Our Country" , was the ensue before the next harvest Clemenceau continued to improve, and to put to sea to meet the Judge Landis over-ruled motions for big liner. the President and has often first to touch on the subject He de- if outside help is not forthcoming. The that those about him seem fully as- The accident to the New Mexico af- LOAN IN STATEMENT a new trial, for a stay of execution and need for fats is especiall y urgent. sured. clared America had achieved first place for bail fected only the port steam turbine and participated in confidential , but granted the filing of a The chief places visited by these of- Raids Follow Shooting. Corrects Misapprehension that Notes in the family of nations and that oth- petition for a writ of error. Counsel still is able to maintain a speed conferences at the White ficers were Berlin , Munich , Hamburg, PARIS, Feb. 20— Emile Cotjin , who of 15 knots an hour. Will Obviate Necessity of Thor- er countries were looking to the Unit- for the convicted men then went before ed States for aid and leadership. Hanover, Leipsic, Dresden , Magde - attempted to assassinate Premier The message House, is to fill the vacancy ough Canvass. Judge Samuel P. Alschuler of the from the New Mexico Bishop Shahan, burg and Cassel. Unrest and disturb- Clemenceau spent last night at police made no mention of any rector of the univer- United States circuit court of appeals, damage to the caused by the resignation of ssity, who presided at the dinner ances are said to be diminishing, ow- headquarters where M. Tanguy, under destroyers, merel y saving the heavv WASHINGTON , and asked for bail. Feb. 21—Scores of broached the subject again by urgmg; ing to the more stable political condi- i commissioner of police, went over weather had forced William Graves Sharp. telegrams reaching the treasury have Must Stop Propaganda. them to slow all bishops who couid to attend the tions and the firm line adopted by ! with him documents, literature aad down. 1 he George Washington indicated existence of a wide misap- Judge Alschuler said he hesitated to appar- meeting of the Friends of Irish Free- Gustav Noske , minister of defense. j correspondence, which had been seized entl y was making good speed prehension that the victory grant the motion for bail lest the de- although liberty dom in Philadelphia Saturday. He al- At the same time , unemployment i in Cottin ' s room yesterday. As a re- i 'tirials here believed she probably loan had been abandoned or . fendants continue their Socialistic agi - modified so was interrupted by cheering. and the cost of living are on the in- | sult of the material found and exam- v. 'iihl lw delayed somewhat in materially by deci. tation. He interviewed each of the reach- -ion of the house Defends Pope's War Course. crease. The number of unemployed in : ination of the papers, the police made i-;c Boston. HOG ISLAND FOREMEN ways and means committee five and then granted them bail , in- to author- The address of Archbishop Cerretti Berlin is reported to be more than ! several raids this morning, particu- ize issuance of notes , instead of bonds. creased from $10,000 to S'.'a .OOO with Exp#?t to Rejoin Ship. and the reply of Cardinal Gibbons, . 200.000. and is increasing by five thou- j larly at the "Liberty " society, where This prompted Secretary Glass the understanding that they refraii The destroyers will follow the Pres- to re- were for the most part in praise of the sand a day. a basket of literature was seized. ' STRIKE ; RESUMt WORK iterat that the campai from resuming their former acts and idential ship s course and when the e gn would be vv\ rk of the Papacy during the war In Hamburg the number of unem- I According to the police the society ; Demand $70 a Week and held as planned , . the utteances during the pendency of weather moderates they will steam full Chairman that it would begin statement of the papal delegate being their plover! is 72 , 000 ; Munich . 32 ,000 ' I.iep- ! has anarchial tendencies. April 21 or possibl case. ypeed in the hope of overtaking the Pioi Aiks for Short Time to y earlier and that in effect a defense direct from Rome sic. 22,000. The communicate federation of the it would be popular in nature, W illiam Hross Lloyd appeared and big liner and accompanying her into Think It Over. with against criticism which he said had j The great and con.-,tant increase in Seine also was searched. Papers therj the exception of selling the securities offered to provide surety for the five. Host on harbor. been made of t 'c.j Pope 's attitude in i unemployment is due to the rapid de- were seizded . but no arrests were to millions of Americans There was delay in arranging for the The accident of the N'ew M'-xico is PHILADELPHIA . Feb. 21 The of small the war. ( mobilization of the army and war in- made. Th e police visited the home of means. bonds aral the men were technically ii' -t an tmurual one . naval officers said.. four hundred foremen at the Hog Cardinal Gibbons declared the Pope ! dustries . coupled with the inability of two of the correspondents of Cottin. 1 ct the message d'd The secretary further expressed con- placed in the custody of the federal not reveal its Island shipyard , who -truck for high- had been unjustly criticized and re- ! peace industries to get started owing One of them is Ro.sk y, a Russian citi- ¦ -use The bi fidence that the loan marshal and late in the night their g battleship which onlv er pay re-ulting in the dosing down of would not be counted the Pontiff' s protests against to dearth ,,f raw materials and coal. zen , and he and the other man had r¦¦ - -i. onl y subscribed but bonds had not been perfected. The > ently was . ommiss tied, is proceed- the big yard , decided Lite Thursday oversubscribed. German outrages in France and Bel- [ The lack of will on the part of the been known to the police as militant ing Patriotic impulses of most new bonds had been fixer! at S'2f>,000 to the nearest Atlantic naval base atternoon to work and await a final citizens will gium and his work in behalf of the i workers is also a factor. anarchists. under the power prompt them to subscribe on each count , and each of the five of or.c turbine . N'o decision on their demands m a week to the limit prisoners of war. j All over Germany, except in the May Be Other Arrests. apprehension for her of their abilities, said the secretary was found guilty on two counts. safety is enter- by Charles Pie - , duo. tor-general of the and The difficulties of the papacv like- ! coal field areas , -industry is stagnant When asked by the Associated Press tained b business interests will give strong The surety, too , was required to be y naval officials . emergency fleet corporation j sup- wise were touched mi by Archbishop owing to lack of coal. Railway trans- if he had abandoned his theory of port for the additional reason double the sum fixed , or $100 , 000 each Boat Drill at Sea. The foiemen . ()."> per cent of whom 1 that the Mundelein of Chicago , who preached , port is crippled throughout the coun- yesterday that Cottin shot the pre- J'.y Wireless to AHxuclat eJ financial and commercial or $">00,000 for all. Press In-long to unions , demanded an in- soundness of the sermon at the Pontificial High try owing to the enormous quantity mier without help and without a com- ON HOARD THE the country depends on All Make Statements. ; U S S crease of SO a week to $71) . time and a the govern- Mass ; of rolling stock lost since last Novem- mand from another person or persons, GEORGE WASHINGTON , Tuesday , ment 's payment of its debts. Herger and his four associates took halt for over tune , double pay Sun- Friends of Cardinal CJibhons said he , ber , partly under the armistice and , L' nder Commissioner Tanguy said: Feb 18 The only incident to.lav Mr . Glass said the treasury full advantage of the customary in- m day work and two and a half days' had not never looked lietter. He sang the Mass partl y through abandonment on the ' "There may be other arrests made, President Wilson s homeward trip was determined the denominations quiry of the judge whether or not thev sick allowance each month . They also of the in a clear , resonant voice , his step w.i:: front. j but I am not at liberty to say so now u Iwat drill , the fust thus securities to l>e , had anything to say before sentence-, far in the complained that simv the fleet cor- issued but he intimat- dastic and a happy The shortage of staple articles of i nor to say whether if arrests ait v oyage Twenty-two hundred ed that they would " smile and twinkl- were passed , and the Milwaukee con- regular poiation has l>een retrenching be as -mall as $. >() ing eve lighted his face food throughout the country , the re- made the prisoners will be concerned army engineers piled on they as in past loans. throughout the gressman elect finished reading his j dei k and took have hail to look after two shift s The notes would car- dav. port continues , is such that much of i with the actual shooting. My opinion their stations as the in- , no i ii|i. ii;s 2 .001) word typewritten statement with bugles sounded , stead of one. 'v i' and would mature th e population is living upon rations , | is that Cottin's brain has been and then "abandoned ship " within five years. tears streaming down his face. He over- About 20.000 men were affected by which, while maintaining life , are in- heiitk'd from continuous reading of The drill was no novelty to the Secretary Glass made profe-sed no surprise at the verdict the strike , and the launching of the ' public corres- sufficient to nourish the body prop- anarchLstic literature. Otherwise there President , he having taken part in pondence with the Investment though declaring his conviction was one freighter Saugus had to be postponed. I Hank- erly. was r.o actual pressure upon him." in the tri p to Europe President Wil- ers ' association , which in violation of the constitution and as- Pies Expects to Quit. had pledged RUSSIAN LEADER HAS Judge Deis attempted this morning ,s. in was breakfasting as the si "absolute and sei ted he would retract nothing he gnal was Mr. Piez told the men he expected unqualified support" to to conduct the preliminary examina- g ven With Mrs Wilson he the victory liberty loan. The had said or written . I left the to resign in two mouths and request- bankers J tion of Cottin . but the prisoner was table and took his place at the boat expressed belief " that the The war was an imperialistic and ed them to be loyal to the remainder loan will j FEAR OF CONFERENCE suffering from an intense pain about to which he had been assigned. Thev present problems commercial one . Herger declared , and of his administration. He told them no more difficult of i 10 SENATE DEBATE the eyes and face as a result watched the troops lining the solution than those Princes Island Parley Abhorrent to " over half the white race is in a cha- ' of the decks shipbuilding in the I' nited State- heretofore met." I pummelling he received yesterday and then returned to breakfast hung Sixty Million Russians Who otic state of revolution out of which ' and by a slender thread. from loss of sleep. Cottin was unable The warm semi-trop i cal day was Oppose Reds. must develop an orderl y Socialistic : "If shipbuilding is to continue an Deny Engagement 01 LEAGUE THURSD AY to repl y intelli gently and will be ques- •spoiled by rain and wind which came Of rei gn within five years." I active American industry ." he contin- NEW YORK , Senator Fall Declines ' tioned tomorrow. i ii in the afternoon driving many in- ¦ Feb. 2I .-Charac teriz- Irwin St. John Tucker in his plea President s In- ued, "the cost of the vessels must be Princess To Briton ing the proposed vitation Because of Or. Paul , a police surgeon , doors . Tlie President remained in his Princes Island con- compared himself and the others to 'i Prolonged had to reduced and this cannot be done in the ! ferences as a moral impossibility, " . HI Health. be called to attend the prisoner. One suite during most of the day and ev- PARIS. Feb. 20 ( Havas i The Ital- ab- Icsus Christ before Pontius Pilate. i face of constant and insistent demands ! horrent to more than ' of Cottin 's eyes was completel y closed ening, working at intervals It has ian embassy here denies the report sixty million Judge Landis at the conclusion of tor higher wages I cannot promise Russians who oppose the " WASHINGTON . Feb. 21-Senator and had to be cut open. l>ecn decided that lie shall make only that the announcement of the en- Holsheviki , the defen i.. c,ts' statements, without just now that your demands can be and declaring his purpose Fall , Republican member of one speech on landing—that at Hus- gagement of Princess Volando eldest to appeal to ether cmmciu sentenced the five ' o the senate granted , for I don 't know where we . the allies to "send quick and lore gn relations committee ton and orders have been issued that daughter of the king of Italy , to the' energetic Leavenworth, penitentiary, each fur has tele- can find monev . Congress has given economic and military aid to Russia " graphed from his home in New nirangemcnts be made for his depar- Prince of Wales will be made in the , twenty vears. ! Mexico Fess Out Of Race us $:i .oOO,(XK) ,000 which us virtually ex- Nocolai Avskenticff , : to Secretary Tumulty declining Pre.si- ture for Washington immediately after near future. former president hausted. Hut I'll promise you a fair of the all-Russian dent Wilson ' delivery of this address. lie Wishes provisional govern- | s invitation to attend the For deal. Go back for a week or -o , give ment at Omsk , who was deposed last Premier George Has ; White House dinner next Wednesday Speakership to waste no time in getting Ivack to The British official press bureau in : me time to reach a decision , then we November, explained here to discuss the proposed constitution oi the capital , so that he can become I.ondon _ on Tuesday declared that a the object Proposal For WASHINGTON , Feb can meet again and 1 can tell you of his mission to the peace confer- Miners the league of nations. , 21. -Repre - conversant with the congressional bus- report from Paris of the engagement sentative Fess of Ohio, what we shall do." ence. The message was not made public chairman of iness before the closing hours of the- of the Princess and the Prince of LONDON , Feb 21— Premier Lloyd . the Republican M. Avskenticff is accompanied ' At the senator 's office here , congressional commit - session and confer with the mcmlKtrs- Wales was unfounded. Newspapers in bv George , it. is understood , made new it was tee, has announced two former members of his said , he had declined because his withdrawal of the foreign committees of both Paris had said that the engagement adminis- proposiis to the miners' federation at of his from the Republican tration , Vladimir Zenzinoff , ex-minis- absence from Washington and "for contest for thi houses might be expected after the si gning of a cor.fereni e Thursday morning with .speakership of the house ter of labor and agriculture, and Eu- other reasons " The senator has not in the next With regard to the league of nations SENATE MY REPEAL the peace treaty. a view to preventing a strike which congress. His action left the race be- gene Rogossky, ex-minister of police, been in Washington during tilt present there seems to be no doubt that tho would lv likely to involve the railway tween Representatives Mann and also by Andre Argunoff , who in session of congress. ot Illi- President will make a report to con- men and transport workers as well as nois and Gillett of Massachusetts. Berlin To Restrict event of the ex-president 's death j the miners Senator Fail is the second member gress in the form of an address and al- Robert Smillie , the leader "In the interest of party solidarity DAYLIGHTJPG ACI would have succeeded him. The par- i , of the senate committee to re fu se to so that he will make use of the oppor- Dances, Night of the miners said that the executive dependent upon continued harmony Agricultural Committee Recom- Revels ty expects to sail for Paris in about attend the dinner , Senator Borah of tunity to say good-bye to many of j committee would immediately consid- which now characterizes the party," My A.waoelatecl Press two weeks. er the government' Idaho, having made known his decis- ihe members who are returning to pri- mends Amendment Complying s order. If the ex- said Mr. Fess' statement, "I have HEREIN . Wednesday, Feb Meanwhile they will confer with ion early this week in a letter to Sec- vate life . It is believed he will make With Request Of Farmers. 1!»--The ¦ ecutive committee should decide to withdrawn from the speakership con- cat nival of dancing, drinking Madame Hrehskovskava . "the grand- retary Tumulty. Tt was said some expression of appreciation for the ~ and convoke a full conference , tha strike that the test and hereby release my friends expulsive nig ht revels into mother of the Russian revolution ," and 1" , other members of the senate Commit- support rendered in the war by the WASHINGTON . May 21- After which cer- planned for > which the bal- from any and all pledges of support." tain ilases of the population of other Kerensky partisans now in this ' tee as well as those ot the house com- congress now retiring. These latter adding an amendment for the repeal Ber- lots of the miners; are said to favor Supporters of Mr. Gillett declared lin and other large cities have country. i ' mittee would confer with plans, however, are tsdl in an indefi- of the daylight saving act , the senate plung- by a large majority, will at least be the President. that Mr. Fess' withdrawal made the ed since the signing There was no discussion of the r.itn form. agriculture committee ord ered favora- of the. armistice , delayed. league election of the' Massachusetts repre- heretofore will be restricted constitution Thursday in The continued , rest seems to be of bly reported tho $31 ,000, 000 annual by the po- the senate, sentative a certainty, but partisans of lice. Under Pan-African Meeting but Senator Borah great benefit to' the Presldrnt for agricultural bill , with committee an order issued today plans to speak to- Mr. Mann refused to concede defeat. he only dance halls American Troops In day is not as tired as when he left port amendments approximating $o 000 - that had permits be- Is Opened In Paris in criticism of the tentative char- . . — - - « 000 fore the war will be allowed to con- Berlin; Food Guards ter and a general debate may follow . tinue and these will !>e limited PARIS, Feb. 21.--The Pan Senator Rc -d of Missouri Suffrage Bill Will ¦• The daylig ht saving amendment to cer- African . Democrat, I.A -Ol'MHTTIO PAKtM SI'KRPII. tain days of the week congress who will prepare measures was proposed by Chairman Gore and and to a limited re- LONDON , Feb. 21 — American has announced that he will speak Sat- WAHiriNOTON. Fob. 21 — Senator I,*. number of hours in the evening. garding land , capita l , industry and ed- troops have arrived at Berlin and urday and at that time Come Up In Canada I'ullotte of WlHcoimln vlKnroimly de- was adopted by unanimous vote. have Senator fended h|» loyalty ucation for the black people scattered been quartered in diffirent hotels Hitchcock of Nebraska, chairman In tho eourna of a Steps to repeal the act-which ad- ISV.«lt\ AMKNDH says of OTTAWA. Feb. 21.—The Duke of Lui s; ii ililresB Tlmrndny nlarht *' I Kill T I.WV throug hout the world for presentation In the vances the nation 's; clocks an hour L'AUSON* CITY , New , Kel> . ;- t. —An u dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph the foreign relations committee, may Devonshire, governor general of Can- pi-nnto nn what he pictured an oailKeii iinifuiilnii 'iit to the peace conference opened here from Copenhagen reply to the league critics. fur popular unrimt In tli« llillteil from the last of March to October was tn the Nwviii 'lu prize ftKht , quoting the Extra- ada , declared in an address at tjbo Ptnten law , allowing 1'5 round to>x| HK Thursday with fbrty Negro ' Tim senator doelnie.1 he wcinl.l no said to have resulted from protests contests delegates bladet s Berlin correspondent. The opening of the Canadian parliament lonjfor pocmlt aHpcmionH on was passed by tho stuto HIUII U H Thnrs- in attendance. They include ten l'KACH SESSIONS ADJOt n\ hi- loyal- made by farmers' organizations.. Tha ilii y l>y a vote ot ten to flvo . Tho sen- troops are said to belong to the 113th IAI.MION, V9t>. til.—Tho peace confer- that a bill enabling women, to vote ty and declared that lit* Hole aim w-na ute amended th« American Negroes, headed by Dr. W. New York regiment and their duty ence at Paris has decided to preserve pure democracy In farmers, it was said , claim the act has bill to prevent A to adjourn and conferring upon them the privi- thu wUllii ninn from snifaftlng !u H S B. Dubois. There are six delegates :is ,i result of the attack on Premier country. not bocn of benefit to their industry. contest will be the protection of expected lege of sitting in parliament would be wlh a colored man. from the French chamber of deputies. Ctemeneemi. say* an Fxehnnj;e> Tele- transports of food. graph dispatch from Paris. introduced during' the coming session. ¦ r f ' —¦—¦——«^ house steering committee which will Garage Men Meet I Deaths and Funerals form and direct the legislative policy 1 > HIGHER TAX RATE of the lower branch of the assembly. Conversion Rates for U. S. FOR The committee consists of twenty-five IIIY RENTS THE Customers In Get Mrs. Mary Mohrman. Republican members. Edward D. Mrs. Mary Mohrman, wife of Herman Shurtleff of Marengo, Republican floor Together Dinner H. Mohrman of Riverside township, CITIES IN ILLINOIS leader, is chairman and the speaker is died in her home on the North Twenty Mill Levy Designed To a member of the committee. Other BOAT HOUSE TO Customers, friends and employes of War Insurance Announced Twelfth street road Thursday night at Meet Increases In Municipal members are Representatives Holladay, ' the Morris Adler-Moller company 10 o'clock. She had been in poor Expense Budget. Abbey, Boyd, Brewer, Thomas Curran, thoroughly enjoyed themselves In the ASHINGTON, Feb. 21.—Conversion rates for government war risk In- health for a year or so from heart Dahlberg, Dudgeon, Fieldsack, Flagg, "Get-together dinner" served In the surance became known Thursday night and according to officials of trouble, but her condition had not SPRINGFIELD, 111., Feb. 21.—Leg- Green, Gregory, Marcy, McMacklin, W TWO BOAT LINES large workroom of the garage i'u the bureau of war risk Insurance, average thirty per cent lower than been considered serious for more than islation backed by the Illinois Munici- Meents, Meyers, Mueller, Pace, Perkins, North Sixth street Thursday night and rates for similar policies In private companies. They are based upon the an hour before her death. pal league enabling cities, villages and Rentchler, Smejkal, Tice and Watson. In addition "to service with a smile" American experience table of mortality, with Interest nt 3i per cent, figured Mrs. Mohrman was born in Muel- incorporated towns, exclusive of Chi- hausen last they appreciated the beefsteak dinner on a monthly basis, but because the government pays all expenses of admin- , Germany, 60 years ago cago, to levy taxes for general purposes Suggestions Made To Nov. 7 and lived in this country since and the good short talks that followed. istration, a net rate less than demanded by commercial policies is possible. up to twenty mills on 'the dollar of APPROPRIATIONS FOR Morris Adler, who earner a reputa- Rates Cor converted policies are at age attained and no credit can be made early in life. She was well known in property valuation will make its ap- HOME FOR TWO YEARS River only to Riverside township and the city and Beautify tion as toastmaster second for premiums paid for war risk Insurance. pearance in the legislature next week, Edward Fawcett, her death mourned that by Bishop M. Premiums paid annually are slightly less than when paid monthly. A few is greatly . it was announced following adjourn- Following are the appropriations fot , gave as a reason Besides her husband she is survived Front. who sat beside him monthly rates for $1,000 of government Insurance follow: ment of both houses until Wednesday, the Illinois Soldiers' andVSailors' Home the desire on part for the gathering " 20 year 30 year by four sons and four daughters. The February 26. contained in the appropriation bill ol of the Morris Adler-Moller Co. to co- children are: Frederick, in France; Age Ordinary life 20 payment life endowment endowment The present city lax law gives the senate committer on appropria- operate with customers and by meet- , Wilbur and Clarence, at home; Rates for the use of the Diamond 20 $1.15 $1.76 $3.31 $2.06 municipalities power to levy a general tions introduced in the state senate for Jo boathouse, the property of the city, ing them In the hours after work and 25 1.2!) 1.91 3.33 2.09 Mrs. Henry Speckhard and Mrs. the two years ending June 30, 1921: fraternity to secure an ex- tax of twelve mills and to increase it were agreed upon Thursday night in a In social 30 1.47 2.10 3.36 2.16 Charles Wagner, of Riverside town- For salaries and wages, $247,448 ; for change, of Ideas that would create a to twenty mills when approved by meeting of the harbor and finance 35 1.70 2.33 3.41 2.24 ship, and Misses Hilda and Gladys, at office expenses, $2,500 ; for travel, $500; more perfect understanding between vote of the people. An amendment will committee of the city council and A. 40 2.01 2.C2 3.51 2.41 home. Eight grandchildren and three for operation, $308 ,378 ; for repairs, garage owners, workmen and car own- be offered to the existing statute per- H. Pennoyer, representing the St. 45 2.43 2.99 3.68 ?.BS brothers and two sisters also survive. $.')4 ,553 ; for equipment, $6,600; for ers. Using the slogan "Get acquaint- haps in the senate by Senator Barr in- Louis and Tennessee Packet lines and 50 3.01 3.50 3.98 3.14 The brothers and sisters are Christ and permanent improvements, $4,000. ed with your neighbor, perhaps you Fred Weisenhorn of Riverside and Au- tended to enable cities to levy up to Fred J. Bruegge, who represented twenty mills without a referendum. will like him," Mr. Adler said the pol- The low rate allowed by the govern- cies are provided beginning at the gust of St. Joseph, Mo., Mrs. H. Capt. Blair of the White Collar lines. Need for extended taxing authority proposi- icy of tho company was to smilingly end of the first year, bearing the full Schlinkman of this city and Mrs. Hen- The committee accepted a ment and the special disability clause, is said to result from the generally , who listen to all ideas advanced by own- 3,1 1 per cent reserve values. Loans ry Herold of Seattle, Wash. tion that the two steamboat lines providing that the policy shall be paid high prices of commodities and mater- Take Hood's intend entering the Qumcy trade this ers and patrons; to remember that may l>e made up to 21 per cent of the She was a member of the Salem right" if the insured becomles totally dis- ials used by city government and be- season, pay the city $120 a year for "the customer is always in the cash value. Participating, paid-up and church and a member of the Ladies' end to avoid misunderstandings and to abled, regardless of his age, are grant- extended insurance is guaranteed in Aid society of the church. cause of the increases in salaries and the use of the boathouse which is 10 wages. Many cities also have been de- boathouse continually satisfy. ed only to soldiers and sailors hold- all converted contracts. Sarsaparilla per cent of the cost of the prived of saloon license money where re- Talks By Soldiers. ing regular term policies issued under In event of death , all policies are to the city and the contemplated saloons have been voted out. This boathouse was purchased Good talks were made by two re- the war risk- act, the maximum, amount payable only in 240 monthly install- WKf lSSpy SKEi pairs. The Speaker Shanahan has named the Create Appetite Give Strength from the Streckfus lines for S750. turned soldiers, Richard Mitchell , of being $10,000. If death occurs after ments. Endowment policies are pay- ORDER LAW DRAWN TO , The committee will also recommend the 801st Tank corps, who fought gal- the annual premium is paid refund will able in cash at maturity if desired. to the council that $500 l>e appro- lantly at Chateau Thierry, and in Eel- bz paid for all except the current Grace of one month will be allowed priated by the incoming council to fix leau wood, and Evan Morris, 33!Hh month, a new feature and differing in payment of premiums with liberal |llllllllllllilllllllllllllllllltll^ and paint the building. Field artillery, who was In France from private insurance policies whh h reinstatement privileges during a per- PUNISH ANARCHISTS the west roof , be driven in ready for the front when the armistice allow no refund under such conditions. iod of two years from date of lapsa- WASHINGTON" Feb. 21.—Without New Piles will have to awaiting tho outcome of tho injulry the was signed. Converted policies will participate in tion. four clusters of 3 piles each on into radical propaganda now under house agamst Mitchell, an employe of the firm dividends earned from anw mortality Complete schedules of rate will be west to insute the boat way, the senate Judiciary committee a possible damage by a big boat told of the advantages that a complete- or interest savings and may be used announced soon by the bureau, includ- ly equipped garage like the Morris Ad- to reduce premiums or accumulate at ing those for two other classes of in- has unanimously recommended legis- sweeping into the bvilding. lation to punish anarchistic activities ler-Moller shop afforded to both em- compound interest. All policies are surance which will be offered holders The boat house will be painted a col- and propaganda unci the display of ployes and car owners, and he especial- non-taxable, in-contest able and non- of war risk policies, thirty payment or which is n- ,t used by railroads in flags or other emblems of violence. car;, ly commended the turn table in the assignable for debts. life and endowment maturing at the paintmg their 1 Alderman James The bill drawn by the committee E. McNutt contend ! g that a steel plant that ..enabled all cars to go out Cash values under converted poli- age of 62. law- combines the "Red Flag" measure in- gray would be attractive and with the head on. He predicted that a 1 would soon be passed prohibiting au- troduced by Senator New, of Indiana. name ' Quincy painted conspicuously l'er.-ons convicted of violations of tho upon the roof. tomobiles from being backed out of a garage across pavements because of BRIEF PERSONALS new law would be subjected to a fine Other Lfties to Pay. of not more than $5 , 000 or imprisoned The committee also decided that if a the danger to people on the streets. I I Mr. Mitchell dwelt on the satisfaction for not more than five yea is or both. third line enters the Quincy trade it St John's Minstrel show, Sunday. Mrs E. M. Reighard has returned After the committee had approved m experienced in deal- shall pay to the White Collar and St. that car owners ing with a well equipped garage and J J Reib left Thurday night for Hot home after spending a few days in St. this legislation, the sub committee un- y Louis & Tennessee Packet lines its Springs. Mr. Reib will be away sever- Louis. der Senator Overman, continued Its in- le the confidence In driving a car that proportion of the $120 and for a sing al weeks. Mayor Thompson has a postcard veatigation of lawless agitation with ^ Inspired by the knowledge that landing for a strange boat, which was the car had received experienced care. Saturday, Feb. 22nd, legal holiday, written by Andy Be wen , one of the examination of Louise llryant, a writ- I I would use the warehouse, a fee of not C. Clssna spoke of the advance in Washington's birthday, Quincy banks American overseas soldiers. It was er , and one of the spe.ikeis at a re- ^ more than $2.50 payable to the two , garage methods from the- old days will not be open during the day but written from Spe/ia , Italy. cent meeting in a. Waalnngton'theater First Showing lines, shall be assessed. | | when in traveling the motorists found which brought about the senate in- New furniture may also be purchas- will open Saturday evening as usual. Frank Awerkamp, laW) Spring street , ^ garage men as inquisitive about the quiry. ed if there is a balance in the $500 ap- Quincy friends of John M. Walshe has returned from u short bus.ness trip tourist's business as though he was a Spectators Demonstrative. propriation. A clause was inserted of Chicago will be interested to learn to Milan , Mo. of Newest car thief and the present day when Soon after Mibs lit yam began tes- = jj that one of the agents in the boathouse of his new business Mr Walshe was Mrs. 11 Begemann , Mr and Mrs care and courtesy and helpfulness was J tifying, the spectators who crowded look after the interests of the city, quite we'll known here a few years ago Henry Epping have gone to Chicago, the watchword of the garage man. J. the committee room showed their ap- but only insofar as proper protection when he was m charge of the arrange- where they will visit with Albert Bege- R. (Jakes speaking on "oourtesy" told proval or disapproval of h( r remarks ments fur the Illinois State Bank build- mann. to the warehouse is concerned. of the efforts that were being made by applause and hlhses and Senatoi Present at the meeting were Mayor ing lie is connected with tr.e Fmola to please patrons, and Dr. H. U. Col- Miss Alma Huseman of o,!0 Monroe Oveiman ordered the room cleared. | Spring Suits-- | A. Thompson. Alderman Hyatt which is John lins, speaking from the standpoint ot Manufacturing comp.ur. . street , i-> able to be out again alter a Miss Hry mt, wife of John Heed . and Klein of the harbor committee and a patron , told how much garage court- about to erei t a new sfillOOO factory in week's illness. iiNu a wuter, defended the Bolsheviki , Tompkins and Hoar Aldermen McNutt esy was appreciated. Frank Surlage, Hannibal, Mo Mr W.il-he will have Clarence Ruby. Coll Madi-i n stree " , regime in Hus.-'i.i, but admitted that of the finance committee, together H. B. Herbert and Major J. J. Linton charge of the building i f this factory is improving from his attain, o: sick- H(il>hevism would "not fit America." with the representatives of the two made good short talks, while J«jhn and later with his la-r.ily will move ness. She declared she was opposed to the | Dolmans— boat lines. from Chu ago to HanniKil to accept a overthrow of any government by yio- 1 Miller, a lad with tho determination The proposition of paying $120 a to keep things clean in perhaps the position as manager of it. lt nee. and asserted that primarily the year to the city was made by Mr. first public speech he ever made ex- Fine violins at Weilers. Children Learn Of meeting m Washington at which she Bruegge, who was in conference with pressed sentiments that won applause. spoke was hold to protest against Capt. Blair before requested to attend Michael Ernst of S2S Madison street , Teacher's Marriage Bishop Fawcett, a monologuist of no who was stricken with paralysis Tues- American intervention in Russia. | Capes-Dresses- the meeting by his employer. Capt. Blair The witness told the committee that | small wit, concluded the speech mak- day, is s:ill in a very serious condition. To spare her "little sweethearts" in had agreed upon paving a part of the NuorteviL of the Finnish informa- ing with a bunch of stories that He has never recovered consciousness the school near Lotaine from learning S. $120 , while in St. Louis last week in tion bureau in New York was the only "laughed the hours away." and because of his advanced age and that " teacher" had chosen a mate and Conference with the head of St. Louis pen-on she knew m this country who Guests and employes were : Bishop the severencss of the attack it is feared another v ear would desert them to es- & Tennessee Packet lines. actually was In touc h with the Hol- M. Edward Fawcett, Dr. H. O. Col- he cannot recover. tablish a home of her own, Miss Eva Blouses Skirts and Tfc Beautify Water Front. | — | , shovlki. And she said that Acting Sec- lins, C. Cissna Frank Surlage, Evan ' 1 May Furgurson of Loraine, who mar- The rates of landing do not include , , There s that mysterious "C" and "R' retary of State Folk had recently per- Morris H. B. Moller Fred Gray, Wil. ried Walter Wallace of Lima in Qum- excursion boats. The committee also again in yesterdays ad, but that don't mitted Mr. Xuorteva to telegraph to liam Nichols, J. J. Linton, F. Spikier, cy Feb S, decided to keep the wed- talked of steps which should be taken P. Clement, lead verv far. Please come across with I'etrograd in regard to a conference A. E. Thompson, Richard ding secret until two months had by the new council to beautify the Mitchell, John Miller, Paul Baldwin, a better tip Mr. Made-In-Quincy- with Russian Soviets. Wh le-You-Wait." passed and her school term ended. Petticoats river front and install an electrical dis- —Adv. | Fred Witt, H. B. Herbert, H. A. Bruen- Miss Hryant insisted that conditions | The children of her school , like the play to be used when excursion and , J. H. Oakes, Kelley, Henry Speckhardt and famil y who in Russia were not unlike those that Jes M. R. A. L. J. children in schools all over the land other steamers whistle for the local Schuhardt, H. B. Moller and Morris have been residing on N'orth Twelfth prevailed after the French and Ameri- who adore "teacher," she felt would be port. Adler. street in Riverside township moved to can revolutions. y. A most extraor- §§ jealous if they learned that some one H Are arriving dail Mr. Bruegge. the local agent for the their new home, formerl y the old had stepped in to claim their teacher- White Collar lines, announced that the Hoener» farm on Xorth Twenty-fourth dinary showing of distinctive Spring comrade. So when she stood up be- §= = Steamer Keokuk would enter the Business Girls Are street, Wednesday. Quincy-Burlington trade the last Mon- fore Rev. L. C. Mauck in the home of All Well On Board = fashions, replete with exclusive inno- =| Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat , Dr. E. F. day Ala- her sister, Mrs. Philip Carter, 6-11 Oak of March and the Steamer Basketball Winners Stannus, 601J4 Hampshire street. vations that are delightfully charac- bama in the Quincy-St. Louis trade street , Saturday e-.ening, Feb. 8 with President's Liner == = Miss Irene Ostermiller of 824 North Walter Wallace , a young farmer of will be started soon afterwards, says In a fast, close game of basketball teristic of the world's foremost design- street, is a new student in Lima, it Wu9 decided to ON BOARD THE U.SS GEORGE =f || Mr. Pennoyer. There is a possibility Thursday evening the 'Business ' Fourteenth suppress the Girls news of the wedding until " Feb 20— (11 a. m., of the Streck fus lines sending the Du- class of the Y. \V. C. A. m sed out by- G. C. B. C. school was WASHINGTON , . =§ ers. out." by Wireless to the Associated I'ress)— buque into Quincy from St. Louis if two points ahead of the G. C. B. C. Dance Saturday night. N. S. B. C. == Unfortunately for the plan , marriage The steamer George Washington on the business will demand it. girls' quintet, the Business Girls Arion Gesang Verein, whist and license records are tell-tales and the which President Wilson is returning to The use of the Helen Blair of the counting 23 points while the college dance, Moose Hall, Saturday 7:30 p two printed lines that gave public no- the United States was in full wireless White Collar lines has not been agreed fi ve made' 21 The race was a speedy m. Elegant prices. Everybody invited. tice of the license were traitors to communication again today after hav- | Priced Very | tipon, but the Morning Star, the Blair one from the very start and the teams Many fine bargains in little used her hopes. Now excursion boat, has been leased for the both ended the first half in her happiness Mrs. ing been intermittently cut off from with scores pianos at Weilers. Wallace is willing to coming reason to the Coney Island of 12. In the second half the winnin share with the certain communication for twenty-four g George Wittland , 1020 South Fifth children of her school the story of her Amusement Co , of Cincinnati, says Mr. players made 11 points while their hours. | Moderately | wedding Bruegge. opponents scored 9. street, is able to be out again after a The battleship North Carolina is Mrs Wallace The line-ups follow: week's attack of grip. , a daughter of Charles coming up for the purpose of relaying Furgurson , is socially prominent in Stop Polish Offensive. Business Girls—B. Otte , M. Van- "C!" "R!' ' "Made in Quincy while wireless communications. All has been Loraine, while the bridegroom a son BASEL. Feb. 21 —An official state- Steel , forwards; P. Ringler, Jumping you wait!" Wonder how much the fare , going well on board the George Wash- of Alfred Wallace, belongs to a farm- ment from Berlin says: i center; Mrs Kriemeyer, E. Heitland , is to Jacksonville.—Adv. ington The President has alternately I QUINCY, ing family highly respected in Lima | "Conforming with the convention ! side centers ; Bess Heitland, M. , The members of the District Court worked and taken exercise . | prolonging the armistice, hostilities fi rwards. township The young couple will live Besides the formal message dispatch- of Honor No. 74 will give a Washing- on a farm near Lima when the school with Poland were summoned on the G C. B. C. team—Heideman, Hoag- 1 ed to Premier Clemenceau, President ILL. ton whist and dance in the K. of P. term ends. | | morning of February 17." land , forwards; Christ, jumping cen- hall next Tuesday evening. Wilson expressed his deep concern for ¦ ¦ ——— the French premier and hope for his ter^ Miller, He'ndrick , side center,; Big sale on Ukuleles this week at An EnglUhman has Invented a en\or [ Couch , Young, Ricker and Hull rapid recovery. tor hatchways on vessel* that operates i , Weilers. Police Get Three In f> the principle, of a ro!l-top desk. guards. Today the Oeorge Washington is run- Mrs. Mary of Knox City, Mo , Poker Game In Hotel ning through better weather. The has been spending several days in the course of the vessel is constantly being illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllH city. Detective Henry Meise and Ser- shortened in order to make up for the Glasses fitted, eyes refracted by most geants Frank Hollander and Frank loss in time that has been experienced modern and latest scientific methods. Ernst raided a room at the Quinr y Dr. Stannus, GOl'i Hampshire street. hotel at 12 30 o'clock this morning Supply Gone By B II. Lovelace of Keokuk, is spend- and arrested three alleged traveling ing a few days in the city o.n buiiness. men who were enjoying a game of May, Brewers Claim poker They gave their names as Best Player Pianos on earth at NEWARK N. Feb 21.—Predic- Fred Mever , II. . J, SHHBHHflBalHI^H^HBHB^^^B^HBvHHBHHHSHHHHH^^IHHlBBi^HHSBS^nBl^^lHBBBHBBBSiERS Hachen and George HEALTH SEEK Weiler?. J. tion that the nation's beer supply Iloerchenreder and were released on ' Otis Waddell returned to his home bond. would be exhausted by May 1 was Theres a made in a statement issued here b p in Tennessee , 111 , Thursday afternoon The defendants in police court this y Christian W. Feigenspan , president of after spending the last week in the morning probabl y w 11 enter pleas of Why travel hundreds of miles and spend hun- the L' nited Brewers association an- citv. guiltv through some other person and dreds of dolars Kolnf? to HOT SPRINGS or distinction be- nouncing that the brewers of this vi- i Dr. H. F. Lafler, Chiropractic treat- receive fines The game was being Homo other health resort when we Ruurunteo cinity had agreed to pool their sup- ments, 201-201 111 State Bank Bldg. ployed on the third floor of the hotel lies. absolutely the snmc resultH right here lu Quin- and if the officers had been a few- p btfeeri' Mrs. W. II Hall and children have "With the country dry of beer by cy at a coat that will surprise you. i coznmori ' minutes later a half dozen more would gone to Maquon where they are visit- May 1 you can see what it will mean Hall' have been caught in the net. ing as the guests of Mrs s sister. for tho months of May and June." the conj flakes See Weilers for Player Pianos. speaker said "The country will be on I a straight whi'key basis. And in these Mrs. A. C. Davis of 923 North Third street , is spending a few days in St BOWLING days of unrest it is dangerous to have Louis as the guest of Mrs. E A. Rus- steady beer drinkers switch to whiskey Vapor The On To Victory Sulphur Baths I and TheBes+r sell. 's were winners The result may surprise people." of three: Hlralght giimcn In the Lalior Miss Grace Beauce of Clayton, is Temple howling league Thursday niuht visiting in the city with Mr. and Mrs. over th<: Hltzs. The Hit' s hid a handi- cap of 24 plnH to their have proven to bo the pnfo nncl sure way of I That's why wise Robert Malcomson, 221 Chestnut street. < r«dit but only '•jine elote to winning one Bame--tlio PUT CREAM IN NOSE curing Rheumatism in any form, Sciatica, Lum- , ' fir.it. The following- were the ieorea: Tight with his information isn t he' bago, Dropiy, Neuritis, Nervousnoee, Kidney " O. T. V.'«. AND STOP CATARRH 8 ones call for the Well, let him keep his old made-in- Players. (1) (2) (?.) Tot. Av. Quincy-while-you-wait" It means but Disease, High Blood Pressure, Eczema, Poor F. Druffel .. ..175 130 166 4IU 154 Nos- little in our young lives. We should Schuette 157 139 177 473 158 j Tells How To Open Clogged Circulation, Colds, La Grippe, Skin nncl Blood I best by name — Abbath 162 198 1SS 488 163 i trlls and End Head-Colds. worry.—Adv. Kenrlsdorff . .147 1S7 147 431 144 Diseases and other kindred ailments. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Seigfried of 608 U. Druffel . . ..168 125 169 440 147 i ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦. TI H . mn—~ South Eighteenth street, liave gone to You feel fine in a few moments. Kansas City for a shott visit. Totals 787 723 777 2293 Your cold in head or catarrh will bo In our parlors wo have cured Home most obstl. Hits'*. Mr. and Mrs. John Keck are visiting Players. (1) (2) f3) Tot. Av. gone. Your clogged nostrils will open . nuto caaes of tho above nature, and we have in Galesburg this week as the guests Pflrman 138 135 116 389 126 The air passage of your head will clear many unsolicited letters from people who can- of Mrs. Ray Stevens, Mr. Keck'B sister. Decker 157 125 137 419 140 and you can breathe freely. No more Fusenlar 145 139 138 422 141 not recommend our baths too strongly. Robert Fisher of Ewing, Mo , is im- filoleman . , ...145 124 126 894 131 dullness, headache; no hawking, snuff- POST proving nicely from the effects of an Mehrman 176 152 125 453 161 ling, mucous discharges or dryness ; no operation in St. Mary hospital. Handicap 24 24 24 72 struggling for breath at night. Those baths havo no weakening effects — but Mrs. J. Fred Luhrs, 222 North Twen- Totals 785 699 605 2140 Tell your druggist you want a small are strengthening and exhlUniting In all cusen. ty-second street, is confined to her HlBh Individual score, Abbath 198. bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apply a home and is not able to get out. High Individual average, Abbath, 163 . little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream Next game scheduled Concordia vs] We invite you to come in and investigate) Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Park will enter- Painters. in your nostrils, let it penetrate I T0ASTIES tain the teachers of Webster school, through every air passage of the head; Separate Dept. for Men and Women. where he is principal in their home on To Cure a Cold in One Day soothe and heal the swollen, inflamed Open from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. East Jersey street, Saturday afternoon. Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE mucous membrane, and relief cornea Mrs. Charles Wagner of Riverside is (Tablets.) It stops tho Cough and instantly. Evenings by appointment. now on the road to recovery after an Headache and works off the Cold. E. It is just what every cold and ca- operation in Blessing hospital and will W. GROVE'S signature on each box. tarrh sufferer needs. Don't stay soon ba able to return home. 80c. —Adv. atuffed-up and miserable.—-Adv. Majestic Bids. Phone 1058-J. 631 Maine St. Navy Recruiting DR. KAPPELMAN MEMORIAL SITE Big Crowds Drawn NORTH ROUTE TO Station Has Been SUGGESTED FOR P^Shrapnelp^ NEXT TO HOME OF To Stores Despite NEW ANNEX FOR COMMISSIONER Private Edward Dashbach has ar- MAJ. HENRY HILL Opened In Quincy rived in Newport News, Va., from Heavy Snow Storm France, a Red Cross message from the BE FAVORED FOR Quincy has a navy recruiting station east states and his destination now, loacted in room 304 of the federal in the Despite the inclement weather "Dol- HOTEL QUINCY IS State Official May Be United States is not known. Members of Commission " building, with \V. H. Schluter, with He is a lar Day was a success beyond the ex- member of the Sixty-second heavy ar- pectations of the men hants fortunate chief water tender rating, a man who Named As Health tillery , Will Discuss Site has enlisting May 31, 1018. He was enough to advertise "Dollar day" bar- ROAO PRIORI TY served for 19 years in the navy, first sent to Jefferson as recruiting officer. Officer. Barracks, then Tonight. gains. Stores were crowded all day BEING PLANNED to North Carolina, where he was but during the morning hours the jam The office was opened Thursday as Dr. John Kappelman, a representa- placed in a a sub-station for the main station in Replacement Batalion. He That the site for the new memorial of shoppers in many - stores was so Sentiment Also Favors tive of the state board of health who sailed from Camp Merritt to France in to tho sailors and soldiers of Adams great that ,at times it was necessary Eight Peoria and H. R. Moore, first class has been In Quincy several days, left September. Story Building yeoman of the Peoria ofifce, accompa- county in nil probability will be the to close the doors until the lucky shop- Liberty Route Is Thursday night for Carlinville to in- ground Just west of the Detention pers within the building could make nied Schluter to Quincy to assist him vestlgate a smallpox epidemic and Across The in opening the recruiting quarters. Harlan Stowe of Columbus , 111., ar- Home on Broadway, between Fifth and their purchases. In some stores the Alley probably will not return to Quincy. rived in Quincy Thursday morning Sixth streets and adjacent to the heme array of bargains, great as the stock Belief. Men from the ages of 17 to 35, n- He spent several days investigating clusive, are wanted in unlimited num- from the Great Lakes, where he re- of Major Henry It. Hill , U the opinion placed on the counters was, became This Year. the few cases of scarlet fever which ceived his honorable discharge and that prevails among the members of exhausted before the morning was ov- ber to e'nlist for a period of four exist in Quincy, but After a hearing says there Is no Thursday afternoon went to his home the spoclal committee from the board er and merchants loathe to disappoint in Springfield Thurs- years, machinists and firemen being cause for alarm and with a few in- An annex to Hotel day before Frank L. Bennett , director especially desired at this time. Boys in Columbus. of supervisors and city council which the eager customers threw out goods Quincv that wiH structions the spread can be prevent- meets tonight to further the plans for that they had not p tower seven or ei K ht stories from the of public works, S. E. Bradt, division under 18 years must have the consent ed. lanned to place in street and superintendent , and a member of the William H. Sullivan , son of Mrs. Ida the memorial. the sale in order that no one should cost from $100 ,000 to $150,- of their parents to e'nlist and those 18 Dr. Kappelman also conferred with 000 will be built this year Illinois highway commission and their years of age and older must either Sullivan , of 1024 North Fourth street , The site probably will be agreed leave the store disappointed. , according some of the Qutncyans, who wore be- came home Thursday morning after upon in tonight's meeting and an out- Snow may have to plans of the Royal Hotel company, at^istants, Adams county men who show their age certificates or their hind the new health ordinance, and It kept some country championed the more than a year's service in France, line of the proposed building discussed , customers away but there were hun- owners of the property. northern route 31 and registration cadrs before being accep- Is said that he may be considered as Delay in starting asked that this be given priority of ted for service. The preliminary ex- where he took part in many of the im- Tho intention, it is said , Is to erect a dreds of men and women drawn by immediate con- a candidate for the appointment of portant engagements modern four-story building which will the pulling power struction is occasioned by the consider- construction in buildin g the first of the amination will be held in Quincy with health commissioner of Quincy when in the Argonne , of newspaper adver- 160,000,000 highways, were greatly elat- Chateau Thierry, St. Mihiel , Lens and include a big assembly hall , swimming tising in Quincy to share with the city ation of two building plans. One plan the final in Peoria and most of the the recommendations are made to the contemplated ed and left the hearing convinced that recruits will be sent to the Great in the Champagne. In one of the bat- pool and shower baths, trophy rooms, patrons the many great offerings that the purchase of the mayor by the three citizens who will tles he was billiard , pool and card rooms, recrea- the property that was occupied by the this route would be officially adopted Lakes first with promise given that comprise the new board of health as struck by a piece of shrap- enterprising merhcants advertised. and be one of the first routes con- nel but was saved from injury because tion rooms, rooms for the transaction Strange Faces in Stores. Kessell store , across the alley from Ho- they will be kept there but a short required under the ordinance. Dr. tel Quincy. structed in the state highway pro- time and then given active duties, the shrapnel struck his watch. He of business, etc. A striking fact that more than one the other plan to build on Kappelman also discussed and recom- The vacant lot west of the Deten- a lot in the rear of the Kessell store gram. many being needed to man the ships. mended a modern Incinerating plant came to Quincy from Camp Grant, man noted was that there were so , W. II. Bennett, representing the The pay where he received his discharge. tion Home belongs to the county, and manv faces in the crowds that were owned by the Royal Hotel company _ of sailors is from $32.60 to for the disposal of garbage. and now Chamber of Commerce, and other ad- $77 per month with their rations giv- was purchased from Mr. Rlckcr when strange even to the nabitual shopper occup ied by a structure con- vocates of the northern route were en them. No one enters the service at Donald Lape returned to Quincy he sold the county his residence for or man on the street. The reason for taining the hotel engine room , laundry greatly pleased and believe favorable less than $32.60 for Thursday night from the Great Lakes the Detention Home. An old house this was that newspaper and 10 rooms that were formerly used each month and , b action on the claim of the northern promotion in the navy is rapid. j with his honorable discharge from ser- formerly stood upon the site but was and the attractions of "Dollar Day" y employes but recently because o* route will be/ speedily taken by the The station at Quincy will be tem- WINTERS WAITS MORE vice. He has been in the radio service torn down by the countv . induced many housewives who seldom the great demand for accommodations hi ghway commission. In mapping out porarily located at 304 in the postof- for nearly a year and a short time ago come down town to lock up the house were remodeled and are now used for tho northern : oute from Quincy the ficc buildin g until after the March wrote that he did not know when he Thursday morning and perhaps to guest rooms consensus of opinion among the Ad- term of the Federal court , when the INFORM ATION ON BONDS would receive his discharge. I Quincy's Pulse j leave their w-ual work undone in order Difficult to Get Title. ams county men present is that the quarters will be changed \o those on to share in the wonderful bargains of- Difficulty in obtaining a title may route will go from Quincy over the the second floor occupied by the re- Will Not Discus* Fifth Loan Un- Frank Dick is likely now at Camp fered. defeat the ideal plan that the company State street road to Libert Grant Buys Cows In Macoupin—Albert had formulated y and Rel- cruiting officers who were here dur- til Rates And Terms Are , Rockford , where he expects to Heckle and Wilbu r Coc reached Quin- The large department stores , the to build an eight story ic rville and hence toward Mt. Sterl- ing the war. The hours during which be mustered out of service , as his par- si- >e stores the clothing and furnish- annex fronting on Hampshire street ing. Finally Announced. ents received cy Thursday with 10 head of Holstein ing stores for and extending to the alley the ofifce will be open are' from 0 a telegram from him cows and heifers that they had pur- men and the stores on the About the onl y division of opinion o'clock to 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Wednesday that he was on his way to where all wants of women kind are ground occupied by the Kessell store among the Adams county representa- Leaders in the fourth liberty loan chased in Macoupin count y this week and the utility Nineteen Tears in Service. who will direct the Illinois camp. He has been in the The cattle are pure bre catered to were all crowded and their building of Hotel Quin- tives in the hearing was over the the campaign in the ordnance department d and will be owners reported Thursday cy. If legal obstacles in Chief Water Tender Schluter has had fifth victory loan are anxiously await- in Camp Rari- a valued addition to the number of night a securing a question of routing the road through 19 years of service in the navy to his tan , N. J., for several months. greater volume of business than they title can be cleared this building plan Adams county. The cential route ing final announcement by the gov- pure bred dairy cattle that have been will be adopted credit and has been across the ocean ernment of the terms had antici pated. Jewelry, furniture , and an eight story fire through Columbu s, the proposed route and rates for Lieut. Waldrip Edwards has just brought into Melrose township this proof modern building and back 18 times. He returned but the next bond issue. Until the gov- year. drug stores and all places that adver- containing 100 that would go between Liberty and six weeks ago to New York on the been named first lieutenant of the tised "Dollar Day " bargains were well rooms with either a tub or shower bath Columbus and the ernment makes an official announce- George Washington on which ship for each Ball trai l U S. S. President Grant and was i" ment of conditions pleased Thursday and are firm in their room will be constructed. It route that would go through Camp governing the loan President Wilson is returning to the Efficiency Expert in Quincy—Rob- would cost SlaO OOO without Peoria a few days receiving instruc- local men are withholding comment. ert Schreffler , head of the Robert conviction that to advertise a "Dollar . furnishings. Point had advocates , but the senti- tions in the main station for this ilic- United States , according to a letter re- Day " is a sure means of attrac ting If it is found not feasible to acquire ment in favor of the Litiertv-Keller- J M. Winters, whose successful work ceived this morning by his mother , Schreffler system of retail merchandis- the Kessell trct before coming to Quincy. His as chairman of the fourth liberty loan ing, passed thousands of shoppers. property a seven story, fire ville road was extremel y strong and home is m Philadelphia , Pa Mrs. E. T. Edwards of 327 Jersey- many favorable comments When wise, proof building containing placed Quint y in the front rank of on the efficiency and intelligence of merchants realized that 81 rooms with the fact that this route was advocated Tirst i 'lass Yeoma n Mo,.re ' home is street , He has been stationed on the CT cither tub or shower s patriotic Illinois cities and who will the sales forces of : account of the heavy snow and baths will be built in a petitio n signed bv 2.1 supervisors in Rushville , 111 , and he is a graduate destroyer Bainbridge. He goes from the W. T. Duker -h tin- streets Thursday would have on the land the company owns in the of Adams will be called upon , in all probability, to Philadel phia to Boston .-tore iust before leaving for Chicago count y indicates that it of G C H C He is a cousin of Uni- direct the to meet the li "-. n an extremely poor sales day, if rear of the Kessell building. On account win • , fifth bond campaign, said George Washington when it arrives Thursday after spending the first part of the fact only ted Slates Deputy Marshal Moore Thursday: of the week it had not been "Di liar Dav " they that comparatively Much Division in Pike County. will remain in Quincy until Monday there. in Quincy. Only Mr . Duk- appreciated full what an offering of low buildings adjoin this property "In the present nebulous state it is er knew of the reason for Schreffler be- on There w.is some division of senti- to help with the first few days of re- perhaps not proper to discuss rates or seasonable goods and widespread pub- the east and nothing interferes with ment am jng Schuyler county men ;n cruiting. Hubert Moore has arrived safel y m ing in the store and he had an excel- licity li ght or air on any other side terms for the fift h loan, . I believe i lent chance to observe can do to make merchandising the an- re gard to the routes that the highway Both offcers are hi gh in their praise New York and is now in Camp Mcr.'itt conditions. weather proof and excite shoppers to nex will contain many desirable rooms. that the government when definitely N. J., according to word ie reived by would take near Rushville but thi s of the record Quincy made in enlist- decided on terms and conditions will disregard some personal discomfort to The cost of this annex will run over discontent cannot be compared to the r.g men for ser\ice during the war relatives Thursday evening Moore be- Banquet to Celebrate Washington's sh-i 5100 ,000 and more than make them such as will not further Birthday—An 'e in a great sale. $2.1.000 will b* division of opinion among the 30 rep- r.nd hope that tins station will keep up came ill while on the way to France informal banquet will spent m furnishing the annex , no mat- impair the value of outstanding bond in October and on reaching the other be held in the Hotel Quincy Sunday resentative citizen ; of Pike county the reputation for sending out the issues . l'or this reason I think it is to ter which building plan is adopted. who in pleading for the southern or finest men to the navy Most of the side was placed in a hospital an i had evening at 6 30 o'clock by the fourth the interest of all bond holders to hold been there since. degree assembl y of Will Be Second Largest. route 3(1 were hopelessly divided. Pome recruits obtained during the war en- He sailed from the Knights of When the annex on to bmds and not sacrifice them by France on the steamer Ortego and the Columbus to celebrate Washington 's is completed Hotel win ted the road to %n into Quincv bv listed for tho duration of the war and selling at the present market prices " LOT. GRIMMER LEFT Quincy will be the second largest ho- way tj{ Plamville their re- . .elegram received Thursday stated birthday and Pavson while manv of them are securing tel in the state of Illinois , outside of others wanted it to follow the bluffs leaeses. especially those who have de- that he was well and writing. Chicago Stewart Football Captain—Kenneth , Manager George T. Thompson and come out as near as posisble to pendents. Sailors are needed in grea t UVE STOCK BREEDERS L declares . Hotel rea- Grover C. Gray of Coatsburg , broth- Stewart was elected captain of the BOYS IN FINE SHAP Jefferson in Peoria, for- the bottom road through Adams coun- numbers, however , and for that MEET IN SPRINGFIELD merly managed by Mr. Thompson ty opened. er of Mrs. Elmer Lummis, arrived in football team for next year after the I Quincy Officer Says There Is No Place will Naturally, friends of Hanniba l in son the sub-station is be the onl y hostelery in down state the hearin g were strong for the lower ' Quincy Thursday morning with his assembly meeting in Quincy High Like the United "Farmer ' Rusk is urging breeders of honorable discharge from the navy and school Thursday States. cities to compare with the remodeled or bluff route but their views were pure bred live stock in Adams county morning. The deci- by art of Quincy ; George Dean of Burton, was accompanied by Fred Cralk of sion of the football team was unani- Hotel Quincv . combatted many others who desire j to attend the Twenty-fourth annual The main hotel directly and John Longlett . of Burton , and Philadelp hia , Mo., both boys having mous for his election. Stewart is "No place like the United States , " building is now con- the road P> run as as is pos- meeting of the Illinois Live Stock nected with the property in the sible from Barrv into Ouincv . William Schlagenhauf of Quincy. been stationed on th e transport the small of stature but makes up for that was the joyful exlamation of Lieut. rear J. L Rice of Richfield , was also be - Breeders association that will l>e held Princess Matoika. They have been to in speed and ability to Carl Grimmer when asked Thursday of the Kessell building by a brid ge ovei Four Local Routes Asked. j Feb 2."> and 2(1 in the Lcland play and his fore the hearing as an advocate of ; hotel France and back eight time- , helping work on last fall's team was excep- if it were a useless question to put the alley and a tunnel underneath. The delegation from (Ju-.iv y and Springfield. All departments of live Hotel Quincy is a seven story Adams countv was practically K> ute 3d II F Scarborough of Pay- bring American troops to the United tionally good. He is also a valued to him if he were glad to get home. modem all , and H O Larimore spoke in fa- stock will be represented and group structure containing 170 rooms but a united in urging that route 31 , that son | States. They will remain in the city member of the basket ball quintet. Lieut. Grimmer is among the first vnr of the priority of route 3G, known , meetings of breeders of horses , cattle , a few davs as the guests of Mrs. Lum- larger building is imperative for the leads from Quincv to Mt Sterling via hogs , of the One Hundred Twenty-third Ma- as the South Route, whic h leads to! and sheep will hold department- mis and Miss Marie Gray, Grover Case is Continued.—County Judge chine Gun battalion boys to return to hotel is crowded each night and after Rushville and on to Springfield , lve al sessions E T. Ri.bbins of Payson ( patrons are unable to secure given priorit y in Construction but S; ringficld through Pike countv . Gra y 's sister , of "oat-burg, and Miss Fred G. Wolfe has granted a continu- Quincy, but he say- when he left them accommo- was w 11 Iv one of the speakers in a dis- dates unless reservations are made div ided into four parts on the route Ella sitter of Mr , will also spend ance in the case of Joseph F. and December 17, m Luxemburg, thev in cussion of "The horse as an economic a few davs in Quincv . Charles W. Wciler ys estate of George were all in advance. P l>e taken thi< ugh Adams county source of Farm power." fine condition and in the '1 Miss Missing Geanetos from which ju igment of be-t of health. Capt. Kenneth Elm-ire Plan To Build This Year. he pimeipal delegation was for , ")0 what is known as the Libc ttv r ute At Time Of Trial 5l t>. is asked The case involves is m charge of the company and Lieut. The new annex will be begun and It wa-. a-ked that the n..id be bu It Knuf Presented Past some improvements made on the Wei- Gnmnur praise- him as a leader. completed this year , Mr . Thompson I Deaths and Funerals ler building. 120 North Fourth street , says. The demand , out ot Ouincv by th" w:iv of the St it" Miss Norma Took Cnoip.il witness I ' The Quincy boy is on a leave of ab- for rooms he states i President s Emblem which was alleged to have been leased sence for a few days and will go to has never been as great as it has been stieet i.' .id go through I.ibeitv to Kel- for the prosecution again st her father , to ler, ill. ¦ and on to Mt Sidling '1 John Thornton. Hen .T . Knuf was honored b Mr . Geanetos and a termer partner , Camp Grant to report shortly. His since the war ended During war times he 1 Norman Cn"k , charged 1:1 < '''\ ago y the lo- the lease of which was not advoi .itcs for this load K-fore the John Thornton died Wednesday af- cal aeiie of Kagles in tile regular meet- earned fractured arm which was hurt when the hotel was filled each night but w.th the murder of William Bridway. out , according to the plaintiffs. since the war thousands hearing were W . H Bennett , who rep- a wealthy Chi ago c lub man last ,im- ternoo n in his home in Lima after an ing Thursday night by receiving the he was thrown from his horse after h s 0 f young busi- resented the Chamber of Commerce " .llness of six davs from pneumonia. emblem of Past Worthy President of arrival in Luxemburg, is fast healing ness men have been released and have mer has disappeared and the cas" has He On Force Four Hours. piiman '.v for Route 31 and who also I ' was born in Missouri Septemlie r 22, the order . Past President Knuf filled —Frank but still requires medical attention. He returned to the road while increased i Been cont nued , according to informa- S(k) Schroeder was appointed a member of business has augmented tpoke in advocacy of the I.il>erty tion from Chicago The girl was a l , and was f>S years old. When a the unexpired term of Charles Koss expects to be discharged from the the number of route . E C.rubh and small child his famil who died while in office. The emblem the police department Wednesday and camp soon , however. older traveling men who want the best J Steve Lawless, friend of Bradwav and her father re- y moved to Lima within four hours alter going of Liltrty . Supervisor J. B Ccvok , and he had lived there since He is of sold , and is presented to each out on After the arrival of Company A and hotel accommodations that a city af- . of sented his attention :, which ,were be- was his "beat" his cap, star and club were Burton , Osc ar Arntzen . of Concord , one of the largest bee raisers in Adams retiring president. B in Roodt and Oolingan , Luxemburg, fords. ing paid to his daughter Before leav- back to headquarters. Mr. Schroeder An enlarged and L L. Boyer , of Quincy, Adams ing Miss Cook left a note , saving that county and was also noted for the fine The rules were suspended to hear Lieut. Grimmer was hurt on December Hotel Quincy will in- c iinty superintendent of apples raised on talks by W. K. Abbott , candidate on resigned at the request of Chief of 11 , but he stayed with Company B crease the prestige of the city for it is highways she would rather die than face the or- his farm Mr. Thorn- Police Louis Melton. and former resident of Liberty. ton was a member of the North Meth- the democratic ticket for mayor; until Decembe r 17. when he was sent an axiom that a city is judged by its deal of cross evamin.it on and declares , hotels. Traveling men seek The second local route advocated that she is almost cr.i/y from think- odist church of Lima His mother , Mrs Frank Kackler democratic candidate back to a hospital , where he was for and praise was what is known Priscilla Thornton , for city treasurer; Judge P. W. Hear Wile Looks for Husband —Mrs. W. more than a month with Lieut. Nor- a city with good hotels and contrary as the Contral ing of the trial died last week. One B. "Bnggs of Clayton asked the asist- route , to leave Quuu v out the Colum- son . Carl , one daughter , Laura , of Lima don . democratic candidate for police bert Markus . who is expected home in wise damn a town that fails to have Miss Cook attended LnGrange col- magistrate , am~ e ot the police department Thurs- hotels commensurate bus road through Columbus and on Christmas The one sister, Mrs Anna Corey of L'rsa , and Al Heckle talked in a short time. „ with its commer- lege until last defend- behalf of l.ieut. John Wheelock , who day to locate her husband , whom she cial standing. It has long been east to Mt . Sterling. This road was ant is n nephew of Dr T F Cock , for and one brother , Alfred , of Luna sur- The Quincy officer was struck by recog- advocated bv S H. Thompson vive. has just landed in the states, and will said was in Quincy on one' of his shrapnel while on a tour of inspection nized that the social, political and bus- , of many vears president of the college. periodical "good tunes." She says he Quincy and former member of the be a democratic candidate for city at- in Hamel , July 14, in the face and iness life of a city centers about its legislature ; Clay Lawless Paul E. Riceman , the two year old torney. All of the candidates are mem- took all the money about the prem- knee, but he did not go to a hosp big hotels and that adequate hotel of Gilmer ises and has been away since ital township, and J. B. Thomas of Co- Was Under Heavy Fire son of Mr and Mrs Joseph L. Rice- bers of the Ka tries. last for treatment for these injuries . facilities have a true function in com- lumbus man of 6-1.) Madison street , died Thurs- Two candidates wore initiated and week The way Mrs. Bnggs talked to munity life . Viewed in this light the Switchboard Operator Robert The third local rout? through For 27 Days Straight day morning after a three weeks' ill- 3 applications were received. Bum- improvements to Hotel Quincv- have a the ster , " it looks bad for Bnggs" when countv was the one which follows te ness from pneumonia and brain fever Following the meeting the conven- Game With Palmyra persona! interest to every citizen. Edward Bussc, a member of the fifth An infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. tion committee was organized and the he is located and turned over to his The installation of two new alternat- Cannon Ball trail thr. ugh Powlcr, Pa- spouse. Has Been Postponed loma , Coatsburg and ( " amp Point and division , was in the thickest fig hting Riceman died about ten davs ago. members will start a fund which is to ing current electric elevators that have had a number of advocates who spoke the 30 days preceding the Signing of Paul was lx>m in Quincy February' be individually used the Illinois gath- The basket ball game scheduled been contracted for and will take the ering of the Eagles in East St. Louis , Held for Child Abandonment.— to in its favor. Thev were Superviso r the armistice and writes that the di- 10, 1917 His parents , three brothers, be played in Quincy Saturday night place of the present electric elevator vision was seriously engaged under Ralph, Russell and Francis , the middle of June. The customary Crusher Allen , a colored janitor, was Robert Melntvre , of Ellingto n town- three sis- by between Palmyra and the local V . M C. service in Hotel Quincy will be started ship, IIez Henry, ( ' shell , rifle and machine gun fire for ters , Helen , Ruth and Evelyn , his luncheon was nerved. arretted Sheriff James Simmons this month. Contracts for of amp Point, Dr 'l hursdav on a charge of child A. quintet has been cancelled because the new lifts Haxel of . Supervisor 27 davs For two weeks not a day grandmother Mrs. S E . Spalding and aban- have been made with a Quincy concern. Enoch ] donment and his case has ben con- of the illness of four of the Marion Selters . of Clavton ; Alex Thompson , of passed when some town , wood or hill great grandmother , Mrs. Barbe r , sur- county city s players. Sam not wrested from the enemy Infidelity Charged In tinued to Saturday. Gabel . Camp Point , John I' r.izier of Quincv was . Manv vive. Funeral services will K- private ph ysical director of the Y , is trv mg to The fourth route advocated prisoners as well as guns and ammuni- and will be held Saturday afternoon at | BIRTHS is the Three Divorce Suits Guilty of Wile Atsault.—William secure some team to play in Quincy (¦lie that leads stiaight out Broadwav tion weie taken by the inemN-rs of the 2 o'clock from the residence. that night fifth . Kioner , charged with assaulting his and iiiiii between Columbus and Lib- Mrs Jane Hammond is the plaintiff wife m their home Gem City Business college will plav A son was born Thursday it tv through Kellervi!!e and on Bu«o is now in Germany , he writes , Rev. Louis Adrian. , 637 Jackson street , morning to Mt. Funeral services for Rev in a suit for divorce filed in the cir- was tound guilty in the county court against 'he Hamilton five this evening to Mr . and Mrs. Harv ey Montague, Sterling This was represented as the but saws he does not like it there and . Louis Ad- hopes to come home soon He went rian who died in Denver Colo.. Mon- cuit court Thursday against Thomas Thursday and judgment will be pa.-sed in Ham Hon and after a great deal 1027 Cedar street This is their sec- shortest route from i.hnr.cy to Mt day Hammond. They were married in Oc- this morning by of practicing the past few weeks fee! ond ch.ld , the tirst bc' Sterling The speakers for this over the top several tutu s but never I will be held in St Louis, where Judge Fred G. Wole ng a daughter road 1 he was assistant tober 1S117 and separated in December The Kroners have had a stormy mat- confident that they will s' -ore a vic - Quincy tr ends received aim nince- l>»-foie the meeting weie George Stew- received a scratch . I pastor of a large Catholic church , todav in St. Nicho- 191S. Mrs Hammond charges infidel- rmom.il career and according to the tory. ment Thursday of the birth of a son, ity Barry las church and burial will be made in and names Dolores Hobbs as the ev idence all kinds of kitchen untensils Quincv Huh will go to Sat- Charles Edward Gate s , to Mr and Mrs j QUINCY TRAINMEN ON Calvary cemetery. corespondent She is represented bv and hi usehold goods are hurled at one urday evening for a game and are m E P, Gates of Chicago . Mr Gates is WABASH NOT AFFECTED Father Adi ian attended St. Francis Attorney William Schlagenhauf anothe r dunng their battles. the be-t c f c>-nditi w to come home well known here as he has -o. ken in Abe Martin college here at one tunc and is well Orville Johnston charges lennie with the long end if the score The Quincv on numerous occasions as field Wabash trainmen l.ving in Quincy Johnston with being untitl e and savs Cattle on Island. —John Ward' Quincv team has b. ,th won and lost secretary of the Illinois Chr. stuu En- known here. A short time ago he- ' .ow will not be affected by the change cause of fading health he went to Colo- in his su t that Dennis Reag.ri and was awarded judgment of SH>2 J0 for th s season having a t-ve ,. f speedv in- deavor union made in lavover for conductors and rado where he was given others have lven intimate with his d >mages which were incurre d by cattle dividual players but have been slight- a parish near ly brakemen on trains 31 , H2 , 35 and 36 Denver. He became ill of influenza wife Their married life was shoit . on his rented farm on an island m shy en team work. However Can Make Near Beer. running l>ctwecn Quincy and Pc< atur and pneumonia and death during May 1916 , to December 1917 the Mississippi river north of the eitv , smce their last game with Macomb came quick- Roy WASHINGTON. Feb Jl - Restric- that was made Tuesday. By the new ly Father Adrian is survived by Adair fded the suit wh-.le Charles Pnbble , who alleges that thev have been having strenuous work- tions on the use grain m the man- five W of arr mgement instead of tlie crews mak- brothers, three of whom are priests. James . Akers alleges that his w 'fe the same stock damaged his grass, is outs aitd fee! that their qumtet is able ufacture of "near beei and other nun" ing the round trip, as formerly the One of his brothers married Miss Lid- deserted him in Feb 1917 , although asking for judgment , the amount of to hav e a series of wins fc r the re- intoxicating beverages weie icmovec crews leaving Quincy will lay over in wina Freiburg of this city and they they were married in 1S9C The eom- which has not l*'en fixed Messi s main ler of the season Thursday after receipt ot the procla- Decatur for the next trip and tho crew reside in Jennings a suburb of St. plaintant resides near Camp Point. Waidlow and Pribble rent the premi- mation signed at Paris b\ President leaving Decatur will lay over a tri p in Louis. ses from Henry Dayton and the cattle Quincy Masons Pay Wilso n and Secretai v Lansing several Quincy. . belong to William Greiscr. Justice of weeks ago. This announcement was Soldiers Have Long the Pc-aoe Heckle finds it a hard prob- a Visit To Palmyra made by the food administration. j IN PROBATE COURT f Stop Over In City lem to fix the loss on the grass. j Y. M. C. A. NOTES. \ A delegation of members of the Ma- Whiskey Thief Brought Back.—De- sonic bodies of Quincy Herman II. Stormer appointed ex- Soldiers, 23 of them , from Camp Lo- went to Pal- f THE WEATHER. 1 A big "sing" was held for the Cliff ecutor of the William Belter estate tective Pat Piercy returned Thursday myra Thursday night and put on de- gan , Texas , bound for Camp Grant , night from Burlington , gree work Dwellers of the Y. M. C. A. Thursday and bond is fixed at $S50. where he took for Fabor lod ge A. F. & . colder ex- spent several hours in Quincy Thurs- charge of Frank Jones, who is A. M ., of Palmyra The Palmyra Illi nois' Cloudy I' rldav evening, the boys sing ing with enthus- Report of Frank \V. Thomas estate day afternoon and evening and were wanted lodge treme south and probat.l y snow flur- in Quincy for the theft of 18 quarts of is one of the oldest Masonic chapters ries In north; Saturday unsettled, prob- iasm all the popular songs and many shows receipts and disbursements of given a royal reception by the Red ably rain In sunt!- , and sn<.\v or rala of the old favorites. George Caw- $3,670. whiskey from the Standard in the state of Missouri and the Quin- Cross canteen committee at thi Bur- company on Hampshire between I n contral nnd i.orth portions . thorne, secretary of the Y , led in the Margaret Anerino appointed admin- Third cy visitors were entertained royally Missouri. Cloudy Friday. probabljr lington station. Nona of the boys had and Fourth streets The whiskey and were guests at an enjoyable songs and Miss Ruth Glthens and Miss istratrix of Anton Anerino estate and been overseas but they had i>;en was din- followed bv rain or snow at night and in valued At $2 a quart and Jones mav ner. Those who partici pated were Fred on Saturday: colder In east portion Myra DeYarman furnished the mu- gives bond of $1,000. Camp Logan for many months nnd all Friday. have to face a grand larceny charge. W. Brink.x:tter, Frank Brinkoetter S. m.: seta 5:41 p. m. sic. Final report of Edmund M. Botaford wero anxious to get home. Most of A. Lee , • Sun rises 6:47 R . Mr. Cawthorno loaves estate shows a balance of $3 W. J. Smith , W. C. Bradlev , rises midnight. ' Sunday for ,332.07 tho soldiers were from Illinois end Assassin for President. W. Hart S I. Bragg. Camp Grant where he will attend the which has been distributed as required J. . Charles Eieh- will bo mustered out in Camp Giant. LONDON , Feb. 21 —Dr. Friedrieh enauer , Paul G Duncan , W. S. Sprague', l.OCVI. TEMI'KHATI RES, five day conference of "Y" secretar- by the will among the wife, Mrs. Car- They were given fruits, sandwiches Adler , who assassinated Premier Arthur Garrett , ' The local temperatures yesterday ies and workers where they oline Botuford ana her childre , Phineas Haggas, S G ! will be giv- n Alfred and coffe by the canteen worken. Stuergkh at Vienna in 1916, has been Bartlet. George Zoller , Ralph ' ran»> 'd as follo w*: Th' salesman that sells goods made en nv'litary drill nnd live according to M. Botsford and Mrs. Katherlne B. Mrs. W. A. Schwuideler was cap tain Reed 7 a m -.. in Germany after peace of proclaimed president of the. German and Henry Knapheide. N'oon 81'** '11 have t' have schedule as real soldiers. The con- Gay. The report recites that other the canteen for the day and was as- Austrian republic by a skin like a rhinocerous. Nbbuddy the defense ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ference is to be attended by Y. M . C. property, consisting of stocks, bonds sisted by Mrs. Albert Dick , Mis . Will troops outside the town hall, according The Inventor of a safety raior fea- MidnlBtit . . . . .['...... fi. ever grew despondent lookin' fer trou- A. workers from all over tha state. and notes has been distributed as or- Pick. Mrs. Herman Moeclcer, M:s. A to reports tured by a roller claims the latter stives River S«a*e. bJ* from Vienna received by the blade the correct motion and mas- Klver stage (midnight) •. i?» dered. B. Grewe and Mrs. John Schrage. the Exchange Telegraph company. ¦ages the faoe at the utile time. Rise #• CAT TALES, —By POP, liamieilbal News £s*—/| Department Conducted By H Cha* H. Ling, 817 Union St. ;;.., Phone 1257-J. '

—— ¦" ~ * MiBM a«H«MwJ ¦ ^OULD FLOAT BONDS TO ¦-¦¦- -¦-¦——¦¦ ' " ' —- — — —i ¦ ¦ . ._.. . -¦-¦ ,-. ,-¦¦¦ .. -. ,. |j DIPPY'S #TJILD CONVENTION HALL DICKY DIARY. —By SINNOTT Hannibal Citizens Are Wanting Building f! For Meetings. ASSOCIATION IS

Agitation that originated some months ago and which has now as- expect- READY FOR VISIT sumed definite proportions is ed to result in a mass meeting of Han- nibal citizens at which time the prop- osition to build a convention hall for Hannibal will be discussed. The mat- OF ST. LOUIS MAN ter is still in preliminary stages but 'there seems to be a strong sentiment in the city for a convention hall which Hannibal Rabbit Owners has been greatly needed for years in- asmuch as the city has had numerous Will Give Banquet conventions but without a building large enough to accommodate the hun- dreds of visitors who usuall y Cock to March First. a convention city when some large meets. State organization I The Felg ian hare rabbit industry is ¦The most feasible plan with which to convention fast coming to the front in Hanniba l finance the building of a ; and northeast Missouri More than citizens of Han- . hall would be for the 100 rabbit owners in Urm u ba! are , according nibal to vote; a bond issue ¦ members of the ' Northeast Missouri general. to the views of citizens in 1'ct Stock and Live Stock association , FI>F.IJ KOH I'. S such a buiidiny .- l'HOM-: nATKS. . They believe that which held a meeting Wednesday nig ht i n\i..vii (i .viA I ; IT \ , Okl a.. ]' et>. 21. -- to accommodate at Whiskey Runners I-"Ine\s of II I .".ou were assessed could be erected in the 1. O. O. F. hall , at which tunc . against 000 persons for $100 , 000. [ Hie Southwestern Hel Telephone com- least 4 , final araugements were completed for PREDICTS INCREASE pany by the corporation commission An Ideal Location. I WILL BE Thursday afternoon 4- THEATERS -4 ' S75.000 . the visit of Judge George I'legge of St . Thick On Michigan for alleged con- "Why build a convention hall tempt in ion 11 nir into effect rates or- SHOWING TODAY not : Louis to Hannibal . March 1. On that known as the 'City dered tiy rostmiistcr tteneral Kurlesoii . on the property evening at (3 o ' cloc k a fried Belgian IN MACHINISTS WAGE 'toe tines are "a)il day ' between Seventh and I Ohio State Line $. a for every day Market Place '¦ hare banquet wii be served in the I. the rates have been In effect . hth streets on Broadway." said a Hannibal Brotherhood Men Told Eig ; O (.) . F . hail , followed by a lecture by SPENT -FOR ROADS _ DET-ROIT. Mich., Feb. 21—The first ¦well known Hannibal citizen Thursdavv That Government Is Consider- fatalities incident to the increased Most good things come to those PRINCESS Judge Plcgge o T1 the rabbit industry. " Billie "This property is owned by the city of he will visit some ing Their Demands. whiskey smuggling as a result of the who hustle while they wait- | The following day IN Hannibal and in order to furnish addi- Hannibal and reg " l iiprcnie court's decision invalidating of the rabbi trie- in "PURSUIT OF POLLY" tional space for the convention hall "ister the hares that are qualified. IN HARION GOU NTY HANNIBAL . Feb. 21.— An increase the search and seizure law occurred the city could purchase the ground On Friday evening, Fe 'o. 2* I' r f. T. in the dail y wage of the- machinists 'lhursdav- when an intcrurban train , just to the \ fronting on Church street S. Towneslc y < •{ the Missouri universi- was predicted Thursday night by Fe- demolished an automobile at Wyan- ¦ rear of the market property. It is a ty will address the association with Hannibal And West Ely lix Eckiund of Davenport , of the' in- dotte , near here instantly killing the COLONIAL shame that Hannibal , the metropolis ¦ regard to poultry raising. This addrers ternational organisation , at the annual three occupants. According to the SAVOY of northeast Mis-ouri , is without a also will l>e given in the Odd Fellows' banquet of Hannibal local N". 2-"> . Mr. police the car was heavily laden with TODAY Mary Pickford place large enough to accommodate hall on Broadway. | Gravel Road Will Be Eckiund announced that the ; Te--en' lienor . sU];p,,Sl(l t-. have been brought I.N any convention that might be held in • Re-ervc Plates. wage scale of IIS cents an hour was in •into the state from Ohio. M'LISS. Hannibal. This city has always been Reservations for the banquet should Improved. the process of readjustinent through C >vcrip.r Albert E. Sleeper , has or- boosted throughout the state as an ! ' ALICE HOWELL be made with C . C . Wilson at the conference bclween the heads of the dered the state constabulary to assist In Her Laughing Success ideal place for conventions and Hanni- ! Walkover shoe store on Br>adway not machinists' organii-Mti- 'n and the rail- fede ral officers in patrolling the Ohio- more than its share of ¦ bal has secured ; Inter than next Thursday and tic kets Marion county will expend at least road administration. ]], - pivdi. ted Mi. higan border. A justice of the FAMILY but the accommoda- such assemblages ' will Ixe t0 cents aniece. No tickets will . iluium c .l; r - „d improve n -.ci'.t this year that the increase w-aild be granted peace will accompany each trooper , it The CABBAGE Dorothy Phillips tions have been poor and sometimes , be s, o (1 after !\b. 27. in addition to the money winch the within six week-;' time. was announced , prepared to issue a IX I wonder why we have been as for- | President ' '¦ C . Wilson of the as- j county court expects ;, > sivure from Mr. Kok' and' s speech was well re- John Doe warrant for the search oi — QUEEN "TALK OF THE TOWN" tunate as we have been in the past. — ! soriation said Thu.siiuy th.at the rab- : state and federal aid a '.l of which will ceived by the hundred odd members machines suspected of carrying liipi >r Helen Gibson jp "The building could be put up for bit industry in Ilimnibal and northeast ] amount to a!'. -.it $75, 000. ot the local 'gathered in the Mark If Honor is found , officials say they In Her Western Feature. ¦ $100 ,000 and the city could float bonds Missouri had tak-n great strides the ; 'i he. eve:-, of the c untv court are Twain h.'tei for the ann-iai Kir.-j eict plan to turn the snuigg 'n-rs over to ' to pay for it. The city has greatly re- last few months "The raiding of Bel- j n-iw ci'iitered on the improvement of J. B . Shaw , president of the local , act- the federal authorities f. ,r prosecu- GEM duced its bonded indebtedness result- < gian hares , " he sa-d , "has proven to ; the Har.n.b.o and West K';y -raved ed as toastmaster and tho arrange- tion. The liquor parade from Toledo The MYSTERY I "IT S A BIRD" * ' ing from the purchase of the water be both fascinating and profitable. r. .-. '! which connects with the city in.- iits cc'ir.mitee included J. B. Fent n- grew to such pr-. .p -iti-ais Thursday A I ,Si > plant and it didn ' t take very long for ¦ -s Tiiere is not meat that excels the' de- ; proper on St. Mary 's avenue at Cham- crsp tie , John Suit/man an 1 t harl-. 'di.it railways were f< i ced to put ex- 01 The THREE I HEARST NEWS. \the electric li g ht plant to pay off the I licious white meat of the Felg ian hare | Veriain 's corner. Th.s road will be Morgan. The Hannibal local has Hn tra cars on their tra :r.s . Reports front tjond floated to purchase that sys- ' and it may be surprising to many pco- re built and converted into a nieml>or.s. most of whom are employed ^ ¦ modern Monroe iu..r the state line place the SHOT tem. I believe that a convention hall I pie to know that Belgian hare meat is gravel road !v r a rtr-eich of ten mile-; in the Burlington shops here. number i f automobiles parsing throug h could be built in such a manner that ' I | at the head of the list in both nutri- ••vest of Hannibal. 1 he county court the re in the p.W '-'I h¦ urs at 4 .(30. Read Whig Want Ads it would be self-sustaining from rev- i tive value and digestive qualities. ; members are i'."u- c onsidering two Buying Uo Autos. enue obtained from store rooms on the ' ! There is no question that manv p.e--p .a routes for the road to take to the Hibbard-Remley Rite SANDCSKV. Ohio . F-.b. 20 - -All first floor and other ways such as ren- ' notice of the modest little , are takin g ; Monroe county line. One route which the fad an '' :iv bill s in Sanrluskv are - tal for the convention hail and office 1 Belgian hare' . Many people who a year ; is considered the most feasible goes In Home Of The Bride being b itg ht at oNorbit.int prices by room s that could be located on the ' ago ridiculed Ute industry are now ; by the Crabapple sch' -ol and 1 West Ely HANNIBAL Feb. 21.—The wedding rr.cn who admit th.at they represent second floor. My idea would be to among the most enthusiastic Belgian I while the other proposed . route is ov- of p h Ilibbard and Miss Gertrude vvh ' :k° y smuged'-rs' One second hand have four or five store rooms on the h;;re owners. I would say that within . cr the Cciiterville Jose road whioh holds Rc-mley took place Thursday evening car was sold to - more than it cost orig- first floor with a hall directl y above I n year or more you will find dressed ' - . to the Rails-Marion county line until in the home of the bride , 70-5 Paris inalb. . them to seat 500 persons. Th?. main j Belgian hares on the market along :it reaches Monroe county. avenue. The ceremony was perfo rmed convention hall would be to the rear ' the side of dressed chic ns and tur- thousand . Thirt y ch liars will be ex- by Rev T W. Walters , pa.-t.-r of the with balconies and seating accommo- ' kevs We have many h. .use-wives ask - ¦ . . Missouri Hospital pended for the improvement of th« South Side- Christian church , in the dations for at least -1 .000 persons. | ing for Belgian hare for their Sunday ten-mile stretch of hi ghway. The resi - of re!ati\Jt ; and intimate Some Good Loeic. I dinner." dents presence Burned ; All Saved are expected to contribute- $7 , - friends . The bride is the daughter of "When we held our Chautauqua in 500 trie county court a like am- -tint 1 and ' one of Hannibal's pro- .IKFFKKSOX CITY , M".. K-h. 21.— Hannibal we paid cut at least $'2, 500 OK) J W. Rc-Ti ey. Slo . will be given bv the. state of gre-'s ' ve business men. St. Mary 's hospital , the only l.-irto ho.-;, each year to erect a structure on Remains Of Katy Mis-ouri , making a total of $30 , 000. pital in central Missouri wa.s destroyed North Fifth street, whereas we could At the last meeting of the court held by fire early Thursday night without have saved that money had we had a Foreman To Okla. I in Palmyra last Monday [r!ans for the Leonard Will Ii. ;- - -. of life , the seventy-five patients convention hali. For nine consecutive improvement of the Hannibal and Benny being re moved to safety. The origin years we held chautauquas and count- of John II. Durbin . gen- I The body ! West F.lv road were d'scu;:^d at length of the fire is unknown . ing the entire time we expended more M & T . rail- Meet Willie Ritchie | era! foreman of the . Jv l and definite ac tion will be taken at the The loss is estimated at $1." I"I . 1 H O. than $22, 000 for erection and razing : road roundhouse in Hannibal, who died : ne.xt monthly session March 3. PAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 2b- Benny of the temporary ehautauqua pavil- | from injuries received when struck on Leonard of New York , lig htweight ions. There is a possibility that as the head by a heavy chisel bar Tues- champion of the world , and Willie Shelbina Winner Of soon as world conditions become ad- ! day night .were taken to Atoka , Okia , Ritchie of San Francisco , farmer h<>ld- I" The Canton, Mo., Game justed once more these chautauquas j at 9 o'clock Thursday morning. u- i er of the title will meet here tonight will be resumed in Hannibal It seems j nera.l sen-ices were field at the home SUCCESSFUL AUCTION < •!¦. j in a rrhedultd four round , no decision i .- oi.in.i Ilicli s) i ¦•>: ilcfeateil fan- to that Hannibal's crying need is such 1 on Lally street at 8 o'clock Thursday ' t '-a Hiej-j s' -h' ."l in a n 'ln'r r'. .i„'h l.ut bout. As the men will enter th e ring cue I aarnero 'l li.isket!>a !l iranie plave ,] a hall, and I hope to see the day when j morning, conducted by Rev. C. II. at catch wei ghts the winning or los- I in tie- KV miiasi-i -i: of xr.tr ( ' a lrer-M "ck- the city shall possess one that is a ; Winders , pastor of the First Christian REAR KMERNOOK . ILL ing of the title will not be involved. . io n coil.-we in 'Hilto n Thtiislay tii;.ht credit to Hannibal," ' lodge So. 28 of I > ' Itefer,.,. church. St. John s . Col. Lee Francis Cries Sale »Fo .' Le onard is expected to fight at about iy a scere i,f ;:i t.i ! a . Ad ams the Masons, of which Mr . Durbin was a r of ill. . .I .ilney Y Kav satisfaction !¦>' J. E. Buters, Wednes- i 135 pounds while Ritchie will wei g h ! tiis i ulla ers. member, attended in a body and ac- I from five to seven pound'j more. ) Ti. f1 bean ie was one of a series that is companied the remains to Union Sta- day. ita -li 'ie " plnv.ai li v teams- In t):e Northeast ' Missouri 'A thletic Bonrlatimi, Shelbi na tion. ¦\viti-:«Ti.i-: HKI.I) URGES ACCEPTANCE Col. Lee Frau'-is , of Hannibal , cried n iv Ftuvi n. : ¦: ¦< '. • Ho- assoeiatioii wiili a r-c .ir.l n! PI-:?; MdiNKS. Iowa . ]->b . 21— .lust nine ^ames won ,'ili d one iost . Thite a successful stoc k sale for J. E. Gut- as pergf-ant Karl ("addoek c.f Joiv .-i. mi- ciilv flee more names of the scries Man And Wife Now ters , alxjut three mile south of Kin- wor ld' s fhanq-l ' in wrestler, was about to I"- oaHoci . OF CHRIST'S derhook , 111., to sail from Fru.T'e for home , lie was The lino-lip follows: CHEED Wednesday. A laic,*- Rev. , Eaton Delivers Confined In Jail crowd attended . Some of the prices ordered baek to his- division-- the i Slo lhlna . Canton Powerful elK 'nty -rig ht a—at Oondre Court . France To,l.l . If TK . I'lnifon follow : accordlne; to a special dlsi-Hieli pub- ! Po rilr- r K , Kcl cvards Sermon In Revival At South "¦ . rf. I Side Church. John Greer and his wife are now in Sow and fi jjht smell pigs , $S0: sow lished here. It was said , tl.at Cnddoek , • ij i Pcrtsoii , c. e. Stark the Marion county jail at Palmyra as and ten pie^, S70 ; sow and six pigs, ! probuMy wo iM wrestle In the- Olympic ! Pc-rr >, rir if , Pn .shnrh nitet planned for Paris this .sprlii";. I Halliburton , lg. rt, Ilc-mmlng a result of trouble which they and a $77 ; ")-year old Jersey covy. 3137; 7- | "The Creed That Needs no Revision" woman named Edith Childs, well year old jersey cow and calf , $113; 3- was the subject of an interesting ser- known in police circles in Hannibal , year oid jersey cow- and calf , $100 ; mon delivered Thursday night b y Rev. started in a loca l restaurant a few coming 3-year old bred heife r, $70; E Lolin Eaton of Memphis, Mo., at the nights ago. Greer and his wife plead- coming 2-year old bred heifer, $63 ; revival meeting now in progress at the South Side ed guilty to a peace disturbance coming 2-year old bred heifer, $59 ; Christian church. Next pair coming yearling Sunday Rev. charge in Judge John II. Totsch's horse mules, J. W. Walters , the pas- S1S2 ; coming yearling horse mule tor, will o to Memphis court and each received a sentence of $77: E to occupy the 7-year old mare, $101 ; 13-year old pulpit of Rev . Eaton's church thirty days while the Childs woman Kirsetibaum Clothes . mare , small, $.50 ; three outside horses, Rev. Eaton said in part Thursday likewise admitted her guilt and was S160. S142..V) and S122 ..W. Spring fined S15 and costs. Shirts night, chosing For The his text from 1 Corin- ' thians, 1:23-24 : The sale brought $1700. The Ladies "Character Aid society of th? M . E. church serv- , surrounding conditions - Returning Soldiers and destiny constitutes Mrs. Henry Ewing Is ed lunch. I. F. of Hulls, was The most comprehensive and beautiful ex- the supreme clerk. good of man . The best results in hibit we have ever prepared. No description in cold type human characte Dead Near Saverton And Sailors r and condition come could give you even an idea of the rich fabrics—the soft, from internal forces and principles. thp Mrs. Susie Ewing, wife of Henry These nre clothefl that measure "In Jesus, the Son of God . we have a PRINCIPAL OF quiet, but rich color tones or the extent of this early show- Ewing, well known Ralls county farm- up to tho stunclarel required for crefed that meets all the requirements they ' er died -t 3 o'clock Thursday morn- re right In quality—-correct In ing. of men Jesus is a universal Saviour. Ktylc and rightly priced. | ing in her home four miles south of SCHOOL CAUSES He is simplicity. A child can under- ' stand Him. He is a vital force , con- ! Savertoil She was w'ell known in ThiH store. Is exclusive hendquarters Hannibal , and was 27 years old. He- ARREST OF TWO victing and converting. He is a prac- j for these Justly famous Hulls and So we •will give you an invitation instead : tical helper. He become I sii>c her parents Mr. and Mrs. Rich- Overcoats In Quincy. Come In and s a bond vof It isn ' fellowship among all believers. He. is ' aid Sickles, and her husband, she t very often that you hear tec them. aj of a school principal Manhattans, the peer of all shirts—are here perfect mode. He is the God , incar- ! leave- two brothers. Elmer Sickles of having his pupils nate. He is easily read Ohio , and Lewis Sickles of St. Louis. arrested for forgery, but such has in all their spring beauty and elegance. of men. He i happened in reveals the glory of God. j The funeral arrangements have not Hannibal with the filing Kirschbaum Clothes , of information "A few of the benefits of this creed l ee" mad" in the court of Judge Should cause you all to Income Chris- Allen E. Dent by A . C. Macklin , prin- Fine imported madras—exclusive weaves in cipal of the Douglas school (colored ,) , tians. Its acceptance brings a feeling $09.50 $JA linen batiste—linen with silk stripes and all of restfulness and contentment. In- Louisiana Men Want against Thoma s Johnson and Ksque silk in a won- Douglas MM XO 1U fidelity is deprived of any weapon be- , Negro lads. derful variety of colors and combinations. To Become Citizens Policeman fore Christianity. There is power to Pete Turner arrested the two youths and they were later taken Kirschbrum Overcoats make the modern pulpit Apostolic. It Second papers for naturalization binds together in an unbroken union, to the state court and arraigned on $25 to $40. have been filed with Deputy Clerk the forgery charge. Through their at- Come and see them early—this store is shirt faith and action . It destroys man- Thomas O'Hcrn of the United States creeds which are imperfect. torney, E. W. Nelson, they pleaded not Other Good Suits and Over- headquarters—we not only show you the made It District court by Jacob and John Van recognized best unites ill a bond of perfect fellow- guilty and waived the preliminary Strein , brothers , who were born in the hearing and were bound over to await coats $14 to $25. shirts in the world—but more of them than you would see ship." Netherlands. ' Jacob Van Strien is a the action of the Hannibal court of , Rev. Eaton s theme tonight will be blacksmith and automobile repairer Complete line Men's Toung Men's in ALL Quincy stores. "The Eyes of the World." at common, picas which meets in May. ind Boys' Furnishings. Shoes for Louisiana . Mo., while his brother is en- They each furnished bond of $300 and every member of the family. Buy gaged in farming five miles from were released until court convenes. at Schwartz's and you'll SAVE A TEXAS WONDER Louisiana. Macklin claims that the youths, or at MONEY. The Tezae Wonder for kidney and Their petitions will be heard by least one of them, forged his name to § bladder trouble*, gravel , dlabetei. weak Judge P. Dyer at the May term M4 lame b«ok, rheumatism and Irregu- a check for $10 which they are alleged uu-Utee of the kldnejre and bladder lo of the federal court. to have passed. both men and women. Reculatee blad- The youths had just returned from igar trouble* in children . If not cold by BALLOON rrcDEVT KH'i.nn. school when the policeman made the Jacob Schwartz drugKtet win be aent by IXJS ANG EIvES, Calif., Keb. 21.—Irv- -*»ur mall on ing- arrest. Clothier — Hatter — Fwniaher f*eelbt ot 11.25. One email bottle la Kennard, a student balloonlnt , 23 l^H^OU INCT'S CRUTtST CLOTHING «•• DIC the' treatment and often euree mm oM was killed Thursday at th* 228-230 N. 5th St. HOUSt ' *e*d for «worn tentlmonlnln. Dr. E. V.' . United HtHtes army balloon school at A mixture of two or more honeys a.1- .eibtl. I»W r»in-« at., «t. u>ui» . »jo S IM Arc-Rdta . near here, when he fell 300 wnys la darker than any of the origin- t^jtrnKKims.—AUv. . '• feet. Kennnrd was from Melroxe , Muss. al ones. of $1 ,000 against any one who might Pershing and his staff will bo a mar- Washington indicate that sho will according to Former Mayor C U sell or give intoxicating liquor to a vel of all future" time. Surely It wu Walker, who is also a deacon in the reach port Sunday night In which The Sign Of Quality And soldier or sailor of the United States a marve.lous piece of work, marvelous- event the President probably will de- Methodist Episcopal church here. He GRIEF SESSIONS while in uniform. GENERAL TRAUB \y well done by all concerned." liver his address in the day time on says: 8avlnga A senate bill introduced by Senator 9 i — _^ Monday. "Many yeans ago there was a wide- and referred to the appropria- spread epidemic of hiccoughs and the tions committee, would appropriate Planning Reception only remedy found was beer It Is $462,820 to the department of agricul- Eight German Ships necessary to drink to one's full capa- THURSDAY ; BOTH ture for the 1919 state fair. OENIES CHARGES For Wilson In Boston city in order to effect a cure, but si." In Transport Service ter the effect has worn off the htc*- BOSTON Feb. 21.—Plans . for the WASHINGTON —Definite cough will have disappeared " reception of President Wilson upon his , Feb. 21 return on Sunday or Monday, information has reached the war de- HOUSES RECESS WAR DEPARTMENT TO MADE BY ALLEN from the partment that eight German steam- KAXSKR HAS RXLAPSK. peace conference have assumed more ships, including the Imperator, had AMSTERDAM , Feb 19 —The form- definite form Mayor Peters decided been allocated to the* United States er German emperor has suffered a re- Legislature To Convene CONSULT RELATIVES Says 35th Division Had that the President should be escorted for transporting troops from France. currence of the serious affection of the to the Mechanics Building to deliver Ham- car for which he was recently treat- Bodies of Fallen his address. All • of these ships, now at Wednesday Day After Heroes Will Be Artillery Support burg, have been inspected and exam- ed according to adv ice" from Ameron- Brought Home If It Ii De- The city steamer Monitor with May- ining boards reported they were ready Ken sired. or Peters, Major General Edward in SPECIAL for immedtate service. They will pro- Spring Primary. And Lots Of It. command of the north east, and Rear vide accommodations for from 50 000 By EDWARD Admiral Spencer Wood, commandant J. KING, M. C. to 80,000 additional troops monthly WASHINGTON 21--Offiuals of the first naval district on board , Feb WASHINGTON CHILDREN Sl'KINGl 1ELD. Ill , Feb 21 Both of the war department arc an\ious to , Feb. 21 —Major will be the first ship to greet the Should not be "dosed" General E Traub £"& houses ot tru general absembl> after asxertain the wishes of fanulns ot of- J , who commanded President when tlie George. Washing- for colds—apply the the 35th division Recommends Beer As t^Ty bnet sessions lliuisda> adjournal un- filets enlisted men and ciwlian em- in the battle of the ton comes into the harbor. "outside" treatment— Argonne, /SjWS til ten a in net \\ celue-day Ihe ploys' regarding the pcn.i inent de- denied before the house rules Th-» Monitor will go close enough to Cure For Hiccoughs committee/ Tuesda> usual 'Iuesila> sc-sinn was onut'v'l position of the bodies of tho^e wno the charge of Gov. the big liner to permit Mayor Peters Allen of Kansas that irum next wiks urejgruni becau&c of died o\ erseas the men of the and others to make short addresses ATCHIS ON, Kan . Feb 21 Recr ^ dix ision , Missounans the. piimait ekction on that da> In a short time rejire^nta' nes of and Kansans, of welcome to the President drunk, to full capacity, is the only were sacrificed b Ihe, senate in executive hC-Muii i m- the dee eased will be eall 'd oi for an > failure of artillery Latest adv ices from the George remedy known to hiccough enidcm'c, VICR'S\4PORU^ sui>port ' YOUR DODYGUAriD~ - ~0*. <5C>^VT i nmed the rteess appo'iilinents of Oo\ expression of their defies as to the We wire Lew din with the ixciptie n of tin. n\e final disposition of the Indus Ortg up against three track Boihe dm-ions iikmbeirs ot the pub.u utihtiis com- mal jiki.is weie to deh\er the bodes , said the general, but we ad\anied twelve iTTrii'TnnHlhlilsllli IMtMriTBMsMMsWiMMIiinwrriMIWWt ^MllgMH^ mission Action on tlic-e! was vvith- in e\er\ ease at the hi me address of and a half kilo- meters on a two in lii pending imestiK ition ot t mi- the dee eased to the person lt",-all\ en- or three kilometer fiont and held ll] i ills tiled agaiu->i C onim, s.oiiir titled to dispone of the rem uns it In the first three hours of the W alter A Shaw , miiunH number of A desire has btin rxpres ed how - battle we had taken what the French th^ commission, b> a disi.i.ujjed m- i\er in numerous in tames to ha\ e had been up against for ears ' tjineer 'I he nature ot the complaint the body remain ab'o.id and General > Gen T raub was not made publii I'lishiriK is hkel) soon to enter into said the dmaoiis casual- ties A motion bj r*enatoi Rous that tlie negotiations with in the six da\ s and nights of fight- AUTO the fre nc h and oth ing were 500 \\aterwa\s and tin i «. u i o lnnittLis er allied KO\ ermncnts with a \ lew of killed and 4,500 wounded J The Germans b_ i-onseilidatid and th .t Wsnatoi ( stabhshitij, pe rmanent ( emctenes for had been preparing for the defen se for four SUGW l luulow ti Ks ugton oi Mieatur be. iik'inb.Ts of the Amernan i\j> dition- >ears and they ~ made ihaiiniau of th I'uiibi Kei ,m- ai\ forces had e\ei\ thing comei\ able in the art Armory Duildinq ¦ of delense ' J , he said ' There was a J late Senator I .mttec, to sui'iced th Marshal Retain has mfouned Gen rid Sielnev U MilLi ot t airo who hud Pershmp that France would be hip- ge filled with craters some 50 feet Fri. & Sat. W deep and ed tlie watiresa) mi'mttce. was I>\ and pn ud to retain the I < dies of the high ground at each side and in the .(1 ptid Ami rii an \ (tuns v ho h i\ e 1 ille'i up- rear was f lied with a great defensn e s\ stem ' Invito T<-ft to Spej.': on her soil ' A bill now b' fi.t ion- Quincy Illinois A T THE BIG ¦ '1 IU sena' e. ,u e p < '! i j< mt ri o- K'rc s ptosidi'iK fir the i"-tnl Khi.ienl Declares Reports False. I tr ' of Velds of ' Repoi ts ot lack ot equipment and *^Wl lu n n comuTic! i l. i ir li\ the h mors ibn id will in- h« i se inwtii „' I > • ir lie . Ill Wil ure futi re i.r b\ thf I nit'd states supplies were declared untounded The I Wi " ll ii r ¦ j Feb. 26, 27, 28 and March 1. hniu ll \ irel att t . 1( ' e. a jeiinl n ernment s nation4l le.n'ti rn s are gcneial sa ,d the artilltn support J --i-Mi 'l i ' th' kt, i he,, ill .it 'i s inn 11 \' 1 irnl for liner tailed when tailed lor and that \ ei H 11 oil tile. i , U ell 1 1 li Iglle. A burials hi\.. been mad' m it me not half a do/en shells trom the Amer- IKl t ens ti r r s if the allied nations at or neir ican artilkr> fell into its own line- j Si iiiiti- jui'it res 1 Uioii -. pi \id iiL; tie bittleh 'Ids in land H t ii>art foi He added that sometimes tntre were ! B I / 11L*. IM More gorgeous than anything ever before attempted REMO VAL lor a Joint l oium'ttt i to investigate ttis iunj)Ost. as a unnlen and r> jilcnU ot American an planes in this ( ell l|C ot 111 alkvjl l mil bill" .11.l et I 1 1 )1IS sen III , ill Keii'rino" Wl 'll t 'll -i tor along the 20-mile battle fr 1 it ' it s ^ m muf ie tint i-. Mt bin! t n^ m ra' i ti n ' e' s ot tin 1'rottst m t i itlioitc or am. otln r times there were net the ' Vlore extensive than any of its predecessors. fix priee s and .motile ' i iiiin ttn to in Iklri w la th ha\i ben hJd at tin artilltn 1 r-es win uot untit 'or I \f\l qu li m" ) the i Mil D I -MMI OOO e ai -, IM their We ik but there wa> a shortage tolls eit (,'! i\*'1 irie ti thi stal" lor \\ >rk 01 transfer if the b rhe , t eif 1 500 in the full complement and the I thi ( must be d wiindt d 1 ould It umened 01.1\ at SALE hauling made b\ Paul K mis<. r l ouiitr> i ' iirnl until Lowest Prices In i.i Were ntirred b, i. s 1 nditiors tin killing 1' 't it ui p u 11) I t 1> 1 .Ills, ot tile (i "llll,l|i ' if" Ali' ^ pi i . u. 1 / . / rnliaSSSSr¦f r?yBa\ an tol l Hurbir 111 the (.nil wai Gene r al , all displayed in a setting of beauty and grand- n ' l I'eikn s lorn luiran M Da\id It is 11 t deemed id\ s,d>ii t,, e-unt 'I raub ( omjMied the casualtie s there (J / I'^ ^^^r^- ^ // sories MEN'S UNDERWEAR and I laren e loies ti se r e as a spec- reipK sts lor lelatms lrnnd, or 1111 with those of the .'J5th division s.iMiig Men's Heavy Fleeced Unions— ( lal inmniittu on i J . ti tid eleeti ins dertakers to K I t> 1 r im e t) sujie'iii Grant lost 10000 i.uu and ai- Gray or flesh , no seconds, ac- tend the ji eparat n 111 Ji | ni'n; r r luir e mtists are pe nding ' nn.plished nothing By tual \alue $2 50 . Re- d» -| QK ti ii is nijiain b du , b 1 k t > tin L 111 And The Kepre-i'iit iti\ e Huks In " PI IMII,; il Ihe g' in ral told a dramatn stoi \ oi 1 1 t< r 'i hm I 1 ti u ts t ; v N x lU) tin battle He described how the Ger- | t > t! r e per i tit t r idin it oi il pur \11 11 i , uin s in tin- mittei -1 oubl 11 ans wasted 3C0 shtll, m a \.un et- Automobile MEN'S SOX dip (ti ji -J Jin \ idid the t tal le\ \ does n't li • mil' t to \di it mt nt i,il tort to hit him when he was mr \i *ig { \JS l^tB^^^SBT'H Association Men's Blue Wool Sox—Extra > P e Ham \\ .1-liiiiL e 'Hi I) < <\ e d four per ; doing ' he de< land 11 singing 1\Y"' 'sJ/ffffii ffiBli wWjFT Rockford blue and mix- -| fu- bien added 'le bill JROIS to the American -¦ ldiers who gi\mK t em^rnim\ tures Regular 25c value Xtlv^ cftlet j bn tig ht thn Hoche ji iwer to the dust ' FINAL ACTIO! TAKEN l|fflt *i» t ^^Bf tujj m^mmf xr^ Remember the Truck and Tractor Show Follows Amend Civil Service Bi'l and tbtre is no qutsti in but that the Black, brown and fanc> -| 1H *- S .ldnrs' ii\il s( r\ i< pre f er nee b lis Amern an soldnr, did it It was won- ^iiffiMJilfff^'iiil 'i^lM Immediately After The Auto Show. Regular 25c values ... A I \/ ( inf din ed b\ Re, pre <>iilati\i a^tu- BY HOUSE ON LOAN derful wink mar\/i«lousl\ well done b\ LISLE—Black, white, green, and the wondcrtul n^-ii mil unintn ' of i hn IJ ; J wen iim ndt d on seien'l sent other colors, 35c value, OQ^* rending te> c \.ilu > numbers of th* Measure Will Be Ready Friday over there x pair £l«/C students arni\ triintiii, t orps Tin' With Secretary Given Au- 1 It was a most stupendous task and Men's Gray Mix Wool Sox—Reg- ni is'ire are nit' n i 1 to j^ne soldiers thorily To Fix Rates. I 1 ne that our < ountry was not prej>ared , ular 75c ATt fur The wav it was handled bv Gen pre edenie mi st ite mil i ty i .\ il sir , value ^X I Vr \ e h^ts and .i s,i in park distm t I ' \\ .\sIII\t.IO\ .|s |S , I eb 20 1 ma' dt ' e.- > 11 t r the sale ui tie \ ii tor\ lib MEN'S WHITE HANDKER- 1 lie 1 ins - rpait with a resolution ot CHIEFS iris loin in A jinl ot short term noti' s 1 iii 1 limit to the famiK ot the late Regular 10c \alue^— n' n ttiiruiK 111 one to !i\t \ears msti id M 'in i I I), unlurti i t (.ale bmij a ot b inds was le.n he d \\iunisdi\ In Removal Sale price I \s t Mier niMiibe r ot t K liRislulur who the l ouse wa\s anei means eommit- i id rtiintlv in I os Xngeles, Cal BLUE AND RED HANDKER- ' tee Ass, stmt Vue'tm leffm^well \ 1 i 'l in 'i(>1i.i ed I e Ri t ri'«t. iitati\ e CHIEFS ol the t'l.Mlli to'1 t e l( 1.11 'ttl'l ( i" s >un m ti n if ( " arlm\ ille and Good fast colors , extra large tl it thi plan was aietpt ibk to Spo - le i rre l t i e e niim tti sizes , a variety of patterns; ' t ' ' mi elfu ien- ilt ir\ til is- reg- i \ u 1 ei o.nnre prop •• ••. th it th« de- ular 15c \alues, Rt jui- ^iit itivt Kite inn ihiiimi.i | 1 1 ^» j -tin-nt 'f j 'tb' e e II n • ike o\cr ( choice ill/ ot tne ommitti i aim 1111 d tn it the ] fi • t ' t <.| , al IIII .N i n mmtil fin d dratt ot the measure' w uld l>0 1 v <• .\ I". F Dun-v ti. - w .rk e f ' WOMEN'S RUBBERS n id\ Ir li> and that ' ( ixpn tcd 1 id • ' the new pe'uti nt ire it Toll St} les for e\ery shoe last and all tie n\' asun t> JII S til ' h IU C next t week Ihe maximum- .lutim-i' -it on ot Bt>le heels High storm or low Reprice nta t \e Hu .u r f Tampi o sandal stj le» , J5 tie n ti was fixed at 57 (MO OOO OOO $1 QQy» t- 1" d -i Ml pr I 1 fVi f i nn 1 i ti 'l nitv 1, 1 x 111 ^e' n tiin Gl iss \ alue—choice OI7 K/ to tix te 1 rati s of inte re -t m tbe fe ui MEN'S RUBBERS t\ pe - if note s to be - Id 1 hi exemj'ti >n in all tin 1 in t\ pes Sandals or stotm front. Regular $1 50 grade , aj'p ' it, t> l>oth jii in'pal aid intire-t all sizes for broad or EnKliah toe shoes t' m i 'l p e e nt 11 futuie tax le\ t- , fl» -| *| if DollarDay 1 itht r tedeial or lo* al The pmile.re Removal Sale price .. tp J-*X3 ot t m 1 r -n 11 of tin b 1- 1 t mn t\ jie n UNIONALLS ti tho e' of an Uhei 1- i-i inUel pur- ehisers t r 1 pi Mid ' ix ni nths Blue fancy stripes or express Extension Ute r then d ite of issue stupes, regular $4 50 and $5 00 ades ¦¦¦¦ BMBHBMJI With the view ol 111 t KI V t' e libern Kt , Removal (£Q £Q b nls more ittrnti\ t i- 1 m -tment- bale price «P"«0«/ Due to storm my Dollar tin ( ommti' i 't pri t> -<¦ - m its new ttr 1 1 ition to pr e,(U t' it S.«)(^K) of in\ MISSES' ARCTICS Day Offerings uiii the four is-m s In 1 ximjit fiiMn One buckle, i.ll size*. 13 to 2, will hold good $165 \alue, Removal d» tl idditional i^ riltntnl nu in tixes -| Op? Sale price «P -L»^0 j Kansas City Strike j WOMEN'S ARCTICS TODAY Is Taken To Wilson One buckle, extra heavy; $1.75 j value; Removal (p -| At\ Sale price TI« ' KA\S\S (IV Teb 20 - Th" Km-' *PA« / r s.is 1 it\ st itt tar strike whuh 1 -is BOYS* ARCTICS since Die' 11 \ ill Ix; been in pr< uioss: ¦¦ ¦¦ 1 buik'e , extra heavy ; fl» -| Af\ carried up to Piesnlent Wilson ac- ! Von ( HH flB HB fl^Ma^B^ HJ HJ ^Bl HJ $1 75 \alue *pX«4l«7 Burg! N'olson -e i retarv of HJ lording to \\ I H HI JEWELER the Ccntr.il I abir union wlm stated BOYS' RUBBER BOOTS he and Mis Sarah Greni pri-nUnt of I Fiom 9's for small bo>s to 5'a 609 Maine the Women s 1 rade I' linni league for big bo> s—from $1.89 to $3.25 j w ould Ko to Washington ne xt week to 1 attempt to reae h the Piesnlent with a BOYS' RAINCOATS statement of the situation 1 Regular $6 50 value, fl» J f *(\ Remo\ al Sale price .. V^»»Oe/ RUBBER BOOTS |lllllllillllllllllllllllllllll lM H H I H H I wait ¦¦ H ¦¦ I H¦¦ H¦¦ ¦¦ H ¦¦ B ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ H ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ CiJLV* Black or led—knee length , un- usual MUues In tins. Removal Sale: YOUR EYES Red—$6 50 (Ttt QQ Black—$6.00 (Tt A £tf\ I value , . J&4.UJ7 Black—$4 30 (J» Q QK \ aluo «P"»*'«J OVERALLS AND JACKETS Fink Special Detroit — Union Kids, *« 50 Y2lue3'

P WT^^L9 ^^^IK/ ML A. ^^^MA AMLA M B. GOLDBURG I H^PNI^^ " I== OPTOMETRIST M == 519 J Hampshire St Second Floor. 9 The Sinn of Quality ami ' r ^ M Il!llllllll!llilllllWIIWIIM ' W" M — ¦—— £a** " " ^ - ^ "— —— — - Savlrme >, » Life's Darkest Moment. —By Webster. into his mouth. I don't want to sit p Animal here all day, and yet I can't'do a ullj f uinry 131jig Stories thing until he catches one of thosa "Reed (t First In The Whig" r;;For The Children;;; hens." The Whig Co., Pub. Every Morning Except Monday. Established May B, 1838. So Reddy waited patiently and MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. By THORNTON W. Blacky waited impatiently, and tha n BURGE88. fat hens wandered about unsuspect- Tbe Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of ingly, and for a long, lone time noth-< all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwlso credited in this paper Patience and Impatience. ing happened. of the and also the local news published herein. ONE first things which the little people of the Green Forest Next Story : Things Happen AH at Foreih"n Advertising Representative and the Green Meadows who Once. hunt other little people Marbrldge Building. P. ALCORN COMPANY, learn is pa- New York. Peoples Oaa Building. Chicago. tience. Sometimes it takes a long time Expect President In Entered at Quincy, 111.. Postoffice as Second Class Matter. to learn this, but it has to be learned. Reddy had learned MEMBER it. With all Boston Next Monday . AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS. his cleverness Reddy knew that often SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY CARRIER IN CITY—Per week, 15c; per year. cleverness itself would not succeed BOSTON, Feb. 21.—The steamship In advance, $7.00. without patience. When he was young George Washington, bringing President BY MAIL IN ILLINOIS. MISSOURI AND IOWA, INVARIABLY IN AD- he had lost many a good meal through Wilson and Mrs. Wilson from France, VANCE—One year. $4.00; six months, $2.50; three months, $1.25; one impatience. will reach Boston Monday, according month, BOc; one week, 12Jc. Reddy could not remember when he to an official message from the steam- BY MAIL OUTSIDE ILLINOIS, MISSOURI AND IOWA. INVARL\BLY IN had been more hungry than he was er received by Rear Admiral Spencer ADVANCE—One year, $7.00; six months, $3.50; three months, $1.75; ono now. Lying there behind the fallen S. Wood , commanding the first naval month, 65c; one week. 16c. tree trunk watching the" fat hens walk- district. The message was relayed by ing about unsuspectingly just a little the battleship New Mexico, flagship way from it, it seemed to him that he of the convoying fleet. It did not in- simply must rush out and catch one dicate the hour at which the Presi- of them. But Reddy was smart enough dent's ship might be expected. RETURNED SOLDIERS AND PROFANITY. to know that if he did this there The New Mexico has been in direct EARS of parents and nhgioua workers that the often reported pro- would at once be such a screaming wireless communication with the first and squawking that some one would naval district for the last 48 hours and fanity of American soldiers in camp would make them l&is desirable bef sure to rush out from the farm- sent word that the George Washing- F companions after their return home are not to be realized. house to find out whta was going on. ton had received message's sent by If he was discovered there would be Mayor Andrew Peters and others, but Returning soldiers, however, lurid their vocabulary may have been in small chance that he would have a could not reply because of atmosphere barracks, do not continue to alternate their words with oaths after their re- chance to get another fat hen. Reddy ic conditions. is clever enough to make the most of turn home. All of them testif y to the truth of the report that barrack room an opportunity. He* knew that if he could get one Michigan Dry Forces language was spectacular , and that the talcs of reformers could scarcely have of these hens without frightening the others he would have Planning New Laws been overd raw n in th s respect. a chance to get another. He might LANSING But it was an innocent sort of profanity. The top sergeant who called have a chance to get several in this , Mich., Feb. 21.—Pro- way. hibition leaders in the state legisla- his men to time on the drill ground in language which would have made So, though he was eager and so ture are considering new legislation hungry, an old-time stevedore blush might be seen reading a chapter of his Xew he made himself keep perfect- with which they hope to remedy the ly still and studied out a plan. By defects of Michigan 's prohibition law Testament by the li ght of a candle in his tent at ni ght , while waiting for and by he stole ever so carefully stripped of one of its most effective the bugle to sound 'lights out.' And sometimes a 'buck' private who won the around back of the barn to the cow- clauses when the supreme court inval- yard. Some of those fat hens were idated the search and seizure provis- admiration of an entire company by the stream of fiery epithets which he scratching in the straw of the cow- ion. yard. would pour forth upon the head of any man that encroached vipon his corner Just outside the cowyard was a Attorney General Groesbeck is en- pile of old boards. Reddy crawled gaged in drawing up a new measure for of the barrack room would be the most competent hymn leader in the Y. M. behind this pile and settled himself submission to the legislature. C. A. services Sunday evening. to be patient. He knew that sooner Meanwhile officials admit the flow or later one of those fat hens would of liquor into Michigan from Ohio More often than not the strong language was affected against the sol- be likely to come out of the cowyard . cities , probably will continue unmo- In this way he might be able to dier's own inclination , mere ly because its absence would make him con- catch lested except bv a small force of fed one without the others knowing a oral officers operating under the Reed spicuous among his fellows. No one was exempt ; in officers training camps thing about it. amendment to the Webb- Kcnyon law. populated by college men the conversation was not more Blacky the Crow sat in the top of fit for home cir- a tall tree where he could see all that cles than that in a squad tent occupied by privates. But the habit does was going on. Blacky was as impa- Chicago Will Vote not follow the soldiers home. tient as Reddy was patient. "Why On Saloons April 1 doesn't that red rascal rush in and get ' "It s the environment , I think ," said one man , recently returned from one of those fat hens?" muttered SPRINGIELD , 111 , Feb. 21.—In an Blacky. "What is the matter with opinion Thursday France. "In the service I swore with the best of them, but since I came the Illinois supreme him , anyway ? I wonder if he is court directed tho board of election back I never think of it. and it is natura l to rcrume the old habits of afraid. He could catch one of them commissioners of Chicago to submit without half trying, and there he lies speech." Although there may be occasional instances of reversion to army- the local option question to the vot" ns if he expected them to run right ers at the election April 1, 1919. language in unthinking moments profanitv seems certain to be one more of the dreaded reconstruction problems that is going to >- '.lve itself .

_ Anj how , the league of nations 1 •———^——M—_—M—MH———MB_ _B—_ , has furnished our sub- needed to govern the country, and a Aero Club of America. Nearly 1.000 stantial friend William Howard Taft with a vehicle for hard task was before him. "If God persons were present, including offic- Trench Poetry grants me life," said James on his ac- ials of the American army, winning back great chunks of navy and popularit y by h's country- cession , "I will make the key keep marine corps and allied aeronautical wide campaign for the new constitution. Indianapolis News—The doughboy the castle and the bracken bush the authorities and "aces." Ihe mired in Frene-h trenches attacked by cow," meaning that he would make John Hays Hammond , Jr . inventor AN OPPORTUNITY FOR LEADERSHIP. gas and bullets on one side and by the law obeyed in every part of law- and radio expert , discussed three radio cooties on all sides, found time and less Scotland. The whole of James' appliances which will be used in the logical outcome of Illinois ' determination to bu Id good roads is spirits to mount Pegasus. His rhyth- reign was taken up in showing the polar expedition which was character- THE mis effusions Highland chiefs and the outlaws that ized as "revolutionary '' by explorers at the use of the improved highways by , printed from time to cross-continental road-makers time in Stari and Stripes , have been he was not a man to be trifled with, the dinner. TONE TEST and although not a fexit of road has been built the prospect is dis- collected and published in a small vol- lie was murdered at the monastery '' of Perth in 1436 by Sir Robert Graham tinctly encouraging for the other. The O/ark Trail ume called "Yanks. Some are gay will not follow cow- and some are sad, some limp a little and his men. Coast League Sends paths that are mud and mire. The Mississippi Scenic highway wants a pas- and struggle for a rhyme, but many James and his courtiers and ladies Cable Of Sympathy p roves that of the habitual poets whose work is had been spending a merry evening the sable route. Both seek to become linked to Illinois' hard roads system and ' printed in the little magazine of poetry when Graham s men broke into the SAN FRANCISCO should be cord ially welcomed. monastery. The king was alone with , Feb. 20 —The ' freed that circulate among the elect. Pacific Coast congress for the Undoubtedl Here is one who sings of a bird yet the ladies when the noise of the at- league of nations y one of the main benefits to be derived from the state high- tack was heard. Catherine , under the unsung by other poets, the cootie ¦— Douglas auspices of the League to En- NEW way system was that it would invite is said to have barred the this cross-country travel. Quincy is ex- that is unless a cootie and a louse are door with force Peace, at its session here sent a synonymous, in which case is her arm. It was forced open, break- pecting to share in this benefit as a logical stop-over point for the tourist cablegram to "the people of France" the predecessor. A stanza follows: ing her arm and the king was stabbed as follows: who needs supplies, food and rest. This cross-country travel is today not a by Graham. "Our hearts are moved toward you. stands alone fraction of what it will be ten years hence. The automobile sales increasing If I were a cootie (Pro-Ally, of course) We pray the life of your great leader I'd hie me away on a Potsdam-bound Scheidemann may be spared to complete the mighty year after year point to a chronic wanderlust Chides of the average man. The horse, Assembly At work he has in hand.'' "The tone test advertises your instrument most ef- car is a necess'tv but it is also a pleasure vehicle that has come to stay. And I'd seek out the Kaiser (the war- Weimar The cablegram was signed by Wil- fectively. Who evolved the idea?" a man inquired , last maddened cuss) , liam H. Taft, president of the League The Illinois hard road system was laid out to connect county seats but And I d be bum cootie if I didn 't muss BASEL, Feb. 19.—In the German to Enforce Peace. night, after the Hardy Williamson concert. with commendable vision the designers saw that these web-like red lines His imperial hide from his head to his national assembly at Weimar, Phihpp " Scheidemann , the Socialist leader "The tone test evolved itself , was the reply. "It inked on the map had toes! , de- Arrest Youngest the genesis of important cress-state routes and lie might hide from the bombs, but clared that the government did not Son was inevitable that the final perfection of the phonograph cross-continental routes Many of the deviations from air-lines I'd give him no show ! consider itself in a position to decline Of Kaiser For Plot should be accompanied by some convincing method of are slight responsibility for and four or five mile If I were a cootie signing the armistice demonstrating its merit. It is not a device for advertis- s is nothing to the motorist of today who wants a I'd deem it my duty conditions , painful as they were. He COPENHAGEN. Feb 20 —Prince ing the instrument. It is merely a method of demon- good road. So far sectionalism has had very little to do with alterations To thus treat the Kaiser, strongly criticised the attitude of the Joachim of Prussia, youngest son of Ah Oui! members of the Right. former Emperor William , strating the truth of our claim that it is impossible to ena- in the general plan although the sta te board may fi has been ar- gure earnestly to get In this he was supported by Herr rested , acording to a dispatch from tinguish the voice of the living artist from that of the routes laid along highways where economy can 1« made, the material There is a pleasant lilt as well as a Erzberger , who exclaimed: "You have Munich. The dispatch stated his ar- commendable sentiment in that and no right to complain. You , yourselves rest was on suspicion cost being the one bugaboo of the pro blem. of his being the several stanzas which follow it. are guilty. You led the German peo- connected with "certain intrigues." But with this ' honor of being gate-way to the north and south , east and Other verses by other versifiers in the ple to d- saster. What would become The NEW EDISON of us had we refused to sign the terms west, comes responsibility. The routes must volume sing of the dead , of Frei.ch ' "The be organized and Qtoincy as well girls , of France , of the daily job, of Clemenceau would have triumphed Phonograph with a Soul" as any other point i, free to take the lead. It will take leadership and pa- wheat fields , of privates and generals, and Wilson 's fourteen points would T'nquestionnbly the tone test achieves this result. have been put aside." Plcturo a tience, vi'ion and courage, if we are to become and everything else that would interest famous star of the Metropolitan Opera Company standing beside the gateway to the west a <=oldier on land or on sea. «nd Fauth. the New Edison on the concert platform. Tlio Instrument begins There is something about the sol- to pluy one of the dlvu' r -—-—. ___ Four Generals Given s own Re-Creations. In a moment , tho dier 's job apparently that inspires him singer Joins in, making a duet. Suddenly the volume of sound One is almost tempted to shame the Weather Man to poetry. Prosaic enough he may be Belgian Decoration diminishes. One or the othi-r has ceased. The question Is which: for 1 such miserable outdoors a" a clerk or mechanic or newspaper singer or instrument? So absolutely Identical ore tho two ren- on D ollar Day after the open win- man , but when he puts on the uniform By ARio rlatcd Presa. dltions that no one, unless he watched COBLEXZ tho singer's lips, his cvi>r ter But then it merely serves to show that of a soldier he must sing. Unrhymed , Feb 19 —In the Platz been nblo to state when it was the singer ho heard nnd ' mortals can be near the former royal palace in Cob- mhen tho spcied by too murh and unrhythmical words connot ex- New Edison. f r.c weather as with everything else. press the glamous, the glitter, the fun lenz , four American generals were dec- Besides Dollar D;, v was a su c ess and sorrows , the romance and the hor- orated today by the Bel gians, while It Is only the Xew Edison which Re-Creates the singer's voice. ror of war. It would not be like an from the background several German Other devices meioly Imitate it. It Is only the New Edison which American '-olo'ier to hesitate at any- off.cers in uniform viewed the cere- has been Mibjectoil to tho searching tone test. No other instru- th'r.g He mounts Pega^ui with a monies with much interest . ment could sustain the test. The Day merry whoop as if it were his daily Major General Joseph T. Dickman commander of the army of occupation Call at our store tomorrow and hear u d-tiionstration of this By DR. habit , and he gets there, just as he gets marvelous invention . FRANK CRANE. ain where he starts for. anrl Brig. Gen. Hines of the third | | (Coj>> right , 191 9, by Frank Crane ) corps were decorated as commanders of the Order of Leopold I. while Brig Beautify Skin andHair By HE mail Ccimans u.sc-d to (oust The Day. Gen. Craig, chief of staff to Gen. Dick- T* They (.. .e . it ,t « ,.„. , man and Brig Gen Parker, uhnination of a racial ambition , as a triumph command- Daily Use Of Cuticura of orp-imzi d .nlht.-u. sm , _s thp - TODAY er of the first brigade of the first di- * re„ i Izat,on of ,,,„ old dream of Let Cuticura be your beauty doc- world dominion j .j sujic , r.m, ^^ vision were decorated as commanders tor, one that reall y does something the same old dream that Alexander had and of the Order of Courronne. Caesar, a nd N;ep <>!< on . Today, February 21, is the annivers- to purify and beautif y your hair and enmr . ary of the murder of James I. of skin. Bathe with Cuticura Soap and The Day . Sc otland and of the death of Robert Radio Experts Talk hot water to cleanse the pores. If But it was not what signs of redness they had thought. When the reality appeared they Southwell . , roughness or pim- —Five Stores—. discovered that ih,y had been looking toward In 1SS."> , on February 21, the Wash- Over Polar Dashes pl es are present, ordandruff on scalp, it with astigmatic eyes In touch gently with Cuticura > ¦ atead of the frowning frightfulirtsa ington Monument , at Washington, D. Ointment Quincy, HI. Hannibal, Mo. Palmyra, Mo. Mt Sterling, III. of military dominance it bore the face NEW YORK , Feb. 20.-A movement before bathing or shampooing. Universal C, was dedicated. The monument is \ -~ Ot Brotherhood , an obelisk of gra y granite 555 feet in for -the wide development of American They are ideal for all toilet use*. Keokuk, la. »«g»»u»»«tlfc. fc irti Saturday, January 25th In the year of our Lord 1919, hught. The dedication ceremonies civilian aeronautics was launch^J--&t v «—nmruM K OM- ' was The Day. " ' :' , It w«3 the grrutett day since the Birth of Christ. were set for the 21st , as the 22nd , the 13th annual di>,«f; nefe of the It was the d., y on which the representatives Washington 's Birthday, fell on a Sun- of the natione on earth In day in that year. eo a8SCI < ^KmWKk^^K^mWmWkVmtMWmWmWmWmWmWtAfmWBmt^^mW^MmWmWmtkWmW 5oivd voted without a dissenting voice to Eati£t 2«iiaeue of Na- In 1901, on the 21st, th- L'h'i'ted ¦aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaaaaaagMaaaaaaWBaem aiMll ^BMM M ge ^ States Steel Corpora*; 1"';", 'Vvas incor- ~f , e "1 'IP !iew Jersey. -iy?. Thls marks tho triumph of the modern. Idea of Federation over the out- porate . '- ' worn idea of Empire. On Feb. 21 , in 1917, the British troops in Palestine captured Jericho, J Special Notice You Can't Buy Wrong When You Kuy at Weilers It signifies that Co-operation has won at last the victory over Competition. fourteen miles from Jerusalem. It la the supreme triumph of human intelligence ovor brute force Robert Southwell , an English Jesuit )^ It la the greatest stride which tho youth of the world has ever made away and poet , was born in Norfolk in 1561. (torn the hampering shackles of the post. Ben Johnson said of him that he New Pianos BK)^ ~BB New Players It la a greut culminating day, an epoch of dostlny, which shall bo writ- would willingly have destroyed all of Due to the Storm All \ ten down In letters of gold In future histories. his own poems to be able to claim Humanity has turned a. new page. Southwell's "Burning Babe." In the A At last wo have done the one and $245 *8? only thing that can rollovo mankind judgment of posterity Johnson's en- Dollar Day Offerings SliyH $495 u? from the horrible folly, stupidity, and brutality of war, thusiasm is not shared. The Biggest Stock of Instruments In the At last we have found the key, the door in open and tho human race oan James I. of Scottland was born in city to select from—the most liberal mareh forward without etopplng every fuw jrears to Indulge guarantee—nnd the lowest prices awnlt you at Wellors. You can't afford to In a debauch of 1406. lie is one of the last known Will Hold Good Today buy ANYWHERE before visiting Weilers. floetruotlon. of the Scottish kings, a man of great ' It waa not en artificial deed, It was tho result of Evolution, tho bursting physical strength and marked char- Into bloom of a flower through tlie centuries preparing, » acter. He was also skillfull at music tt waa the world coining of age. and painting, and was the author of Henry G. Garrelts n waa Jeeua Chrlat with Hla theory of & Sons . universal brotherhood at laat. a book called the "King's Quair"— -:" after two thousand yaara, having Ilia way, that it, tlie "King's Book." SI 3-815 State-St. i WEILERS I 'jO It wa« th* triumph of ovary nation over lUelf Thlnk , . Scotland was in a turbulant aryl "Whan Y«V U>>; ^§ MWLW> •' Oarralts" j aHBMBBBBBMaajMaMaBBBaaaaBaBBBVaaaBaBB ^^ rr It waa Democracy coming Into iU own, ,a,^ unsettled condition when James came ^^f n-M^-P^,Xi» ^'9t.^f9T-i-\4 .. ^ . ,. to the throne,, A strong man nu'

^O0B9HS HHK__!^t^^k-.^sf./e^uv -.-t\J2i&.*4 w '<** *. i -^s.r»i...3.j- .!. ... Needs. Training Association Children's * yy^smrt - - Work Of Children In and Community Parent.-Teacher , Health Will Be Division Leaders—Mrs. Bryner. Meetings—Open Discussion. Church Is Discussed Our Goal—Miss Weaver. 2:45—Song. Afternoon Session. 2:50—Open Conference. Subject Before 1 - 30— Devotional led by Miss Mary 3:45—Closing Words. Mrs. Mary Bryner of Peoria B. Hyde, Quincy. Parent-Teachers and Miss Pearl L. Weaver of Chicago 1 40—Our Program for the Year. Mrs . Kenner Seaton of North Sixth gave excellent addresses on the work Children 's Week —Miss Emma G. street , went to Camp Point Thursday Parent-Teacher association meetings with the children in the church as the Lemen. noon where she was called by the seri- QOCimvrl featured by addresses on health and in- ous illness of her brother, Daniel Hun- X opening features of the efficiency Children's Division Institutes—Mrs programs t)0 -^ sanitation in tlie school and stitute for children being held in Bryner. saker, who has been ill for several ^ by the children will be held in the ' r " *^==^— "* SOCIAL " AFFAIR8 AND EVENTS Quincy for the children s division Conferences of Community Leaders months. 1 ^-^^-^^ ^ schools this afternoon and evening. workers of tho Sunday school asso- OF INTEREST TO WOMEN The Rev. f. W. Bingaman, pastor of ciation , the talks being given in the the Luther Memorial church, will talk Presbyterian church Thursday even- at the meeting of the Emercon school ing. A number of the workers in the parents and teachers on the question children's department of tlie Sunday of health supervision and medical in- schools of Quincv were present and What is Castorla Girls' 8tag Party. Miss Robinson Married. Shower for Miss Burkhart. spection in the schools. were given valuable instruction in the . R. V. harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, ISS VANESSE FAUCETTE en- Miss Eva Robert Robinson, former Mrs. T. Schlerchen and Miss Bertha At the Adams school the Rev increasing of the efficiency of their de- CASTORIA ia a M tertained her friends at a girls' domestic science teacher in the Quin- Heim, 1332 North Ninth stret, gave a Meigs will talk on the same subject partments. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither to and the children have a program pre- stag party Thursday evening in her cy schools was recently married shower Sunday afternoon in honor of The devotional service was led by J. Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guar, Univer- pared for the parents. home at 14811 Vermont street. Half Prof. Henry E. of the Miss Vurple Burkhart of Hannibal, M. Dunlap followed by the address of For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief Agriculture. The Franklin school Parent-Teacher ante*. of the girls dressed as boys and called sity of Dakota School of Mo., who is to be married in the near Mrs. Bryner on the 'Value of Child- Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverisn- schools here association will meet at night when of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Cor their ladies to bring them to the Mrs. Dawes taught In the future to William Heim. Whist was hood." Mrs. Bryner has been in , but has since the question of health supervision and neas arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, party with all the gallantry of the about fifteen years ago played during the afternoon and the Quincy several times and i^ a widely guest of medical inspection will be discussed. healthy and natural Bleep. modern gentleman. Five couples were visited in Quincy often as the prizes were won by Miss Coletta known Sunday school worker. Miss aids the assimilation of Food ; giving There will also be a program of folk present and the evening was spent Miss Sallle Williams. Hummert and Miss Agnes Geweller. Weaver has also been in Quincy before The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. luncheon dances given by the children of the with dancing. A two course • • • The other guests were Mrs. Frank and is the state elementary superin- The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over Move To New Home. school under the direction of Miss Ma- was served. , Mrs. Carl Herman, Miss Anna tendent. 80 years, has borne the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under Mr. and Mrs. Will Flfer will move bel Ahern. Parents will conduct a • • • Rossmiller, Miss Alvina Hummert, Miss The program for todav follows: his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Loula. from their present home at 2231 Maine Geneva Damhorst pop corn and candy sale. Here From St. , Miss Elnora Wal- Morning Session. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-Good" are but Experiments that Mrs Clara Blackmer of Webster street to the J. E. Miller residence, terman Miss Ma ry Stevens Miss "The Month of February" a play of . . , trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and ^~ 0 Grove! St. Louis, arrived in Quincy, 1836 Maine street, as soon as It Is re. Teckla Stevens, Miss Rose Bruening, historic character will be given this af- 0:4,T—Devotional. Children—Experience against Experiment. rJ^ J^T^^~^~t Wednesday evening, and Is staying at decorated. Miss Helen McCoy, Miss Le'na Nichol- ternoon at the meeting of the Parent- 10:00—Our Children—Their Needs— Genuine Castorla always bears the signature of y *£La^7X^^ /-CCCC#4/2A the Hotel Newcomb. Mrs. Blackmer • • • son , Miss Vallie Hummert, Miss Ger- Teachers' association of the Jackson Miss Weaver. O itnes here now to be with her aunt, Return Home. trude Heim and Miss Bertha Heim. school. The children of the second 10:30— Organization to Meet Their Mrs. Joseph Hobbins, through her Ill- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dedrlckson • • • grade will handle the parts Miss Bid- ness. and baby daughterr, Dolores, who have Scherzo Club Concert. dinger of the Cheerful home will dis- been guests In the home of Mr. and • • • Walter Spry will come to Quincy cuss "Medical Inspection." Mrs M. L. Thompson, have returned Return From Florida. . next Tuesday evening, Feb. 25 as the The meeting of the association of wife re- to their home in Burlington, la. , X \ Hev. H. W. Trueblood and guest of the Scherzo club and will the Jefferson school will be held this Thursday after a » • • turned to Quincy give a concert in the home of Mrs. afternoon with J. F. Wellemeyer of the L ¦aaaaaHBMBMMBannMMBHaMaa ^^ O visit of several weeks in Tampa , Flor- Mrs. Fick Entertains. High school as the speaker on health Mrs. John Fick was hostess to tho John T. Inghram, 1617 Hampshire ida. street. Mr. Spry is coming for just and sanitation. The childre n will give • « » members of her card club Thursday a program. afternoon in her home at 2039 Grove his expenses and all the other proceeds Mrs. Gunther Entertains. of the entertainment will go to the The Madison school Parent-Teach- Gunther was hostess to avenue. Mrs. R. F. Armenian relief fund. Mr. Spry is ers' association will be featured by an her card club Thurs- the members of • • • very well known in Quincy and his address by Supt. C. M. Gill on health home at 1327 Chicken Pie Supper. H d ey afternoon in her BA problems and medical inspection of the ; | T EDE friends will look forward with pleasure - IB " " AL Bro.iilwuj . The chuken pie supper at the Jarrett will direct -1 pupils. Miss Letha H R eve- to hearing him plav again. • • • First Christian church Thursday • '• • a demonstration of the work done in j w great success in spite of Entertain At Dinner. nine as a Assistants Named. the physical training class of the Mr. an-' Mrs . A. L. Castle entertain- the weather. Every seat was sold and school. ed a few friends at a very informal the hall was filled to capacity. The Mrs. C. Lawrence Wells, who re- dinner Wednesday evening in their menu consisted of delicious chicken cently accepted the chairmanship of home at 2085 Maine street. pie, mashed potatoes, gravy, peas in the refreshments committee for the Have February Sale Of army and navy ball to be given in The Rebekahs \ Annual • « * thimbles, slaw , hot rolls, butter, jelly | Surprise Party. cake , cream and coffee. Mrs. J. R. the armory Monday night, has been Big Masquerade Dance The Ladles' Auxiliary of tho Eagles Frockman was the general chairman. very busy getting the members of her Wednesday afternoon gave a surprise Mrs. Joe Taylor and Mrs. Sam Potter committee together. Everything Is , party in the home of Mrs. J. Yates in were in charge of the dining room^ jnow arranged, however, and the" re- Irma lodge , Order of Rebekahs honor of Mrs. Jennie Mast. Each guest Mrs Will Ceilma n and Mrs. Mary' Ed-* freshments promise to be one of the staged one of its most successful mas- presented Mrs. Mist with an artlei e wards were in charge of the kitchen greatest attractions of the ball. The querades in the Odd Fellows hall ' of crochet work and she roeohed and Mrs. W. M. KirtleV, assisted by members of Mrs. Wells committee are Thursday evening whan several hun- Miss Elsie of in.iny beautiful plrces. During tho aft - M IPS Fern Burrows, was in charge of Mrs. Bertha Dick Brown , dred were present , the majority ernoon whist was played at five ta- the tickets. Thursday evening Mrs. and Miss Helen Rothgeb, Mrs. T. C. whom were masked. Dancing was a | bles the prizes for the game Be.ing to commit- Nichols, Mrs. Ralph Snyder, Miss Irene feature and the lodge sold soda and HOSIERY Kirtley was on the reception Mrs Paul S.idewater, Mrs. Marolel and tee and Mi<=s Lorena Hig hfield had the Seaton, Mies Arlene Weis, Miss Mar- ice cream. , j Mrs. Ella Smith. tickets in charge. The' dining room garent \YViK Miss Dorothv Durant The masqueraders presented some • • » was beautifull y decorated with many Miss Helen Retick«r and Mrs. Neal excellent impersonations and consid- To Give a Program. large flags. One especially beautful Monroe. erable difficulty was experienced by • • Tho rr.cmbirs of tho Mispah class large silk one Ix-longmg to Miss Bur- * the judges in selecting the winners. of the Vermont street M. E. church rows was used The table was cover- For Miss Schlicher. The judges were Mrs. C. N. Rumbck, will give a "Ve OM Time Concert . " ed with cherri napkins and hatihets Mrs Chris Quest entertained a few a guest from Kewanee , Mrs Alta Sur- In the Sunday «<-hnol l ooms of the and regard'ers of the heavy snow a friends Wednesday evening in her face of Bloomington and Gus Meyer churrh this even'ug at t> o'clock. It lovel y cherry tree iovered with fruit home at Twelfth and Payson avenue of Quincy. ^ i*lHiPlB ^^^fl^r^^^^^> to J^farch 1 inclusive Y. will he a Washington day program fi.nni.-d the center 'pieee or each table in honor e'f her sister, Miss Ruth The prize winners were as follows: nnd will hue a colonl.il nature. Those • • • Schlie her , of Nauvoo. The evening was Mrs C. Wamsley, first ladies, who was takin g |>irt In the program will wvar Meeting Postponed. spent with music and games and de- attired as an old maid; Dr. Pratt , Reductions Hosiery ivlomal eostuni'-s . regular meeting of the Sunday licious refreshments were served. first men's , who impersonated Charles The ' Big in • * • school teaiheis of the Sulem Evair • * • Chaplain ; C. Wamsley, recond men s > iiplS^KH^^M! y Girl Volunteers Called to Meeting. gt iital iluire h was not held Thursday To Entertain at Dinner. who was dressed as a clown and Miss A <• ell for an Important business evening, owing to the fact of a boiler Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Noll will enter- Leona Meyer , who did not represent B^M^^B^^ f°r Men, Women and Chil- y meeting for the Girls' Volunteer Train- in the school hall being repaired, but tain at dinner Friday evening in their any special character but who present- > ^M ing oe>rps te> be held this evening In will be hild in two weeks. home on Eig hteenth and Maine streets ed a comical appearance , was award- the Y. W. C . A. has been Issued and * • ? • * * ed the second ladies' prize. evei y member is naked to bo present. Entertains at Tea. For Mrs. Erdmand. The committee which so successful- The girls have been holding their as- d Monroe was hostess to a affair was composed of Mrs. Floy Mrs. Charles E. Hasson entertained ly handled the sembly in the Armory, but the meet- few friends at an informal tea in Mrs Emma Wom- at a very informal luncheon Thurs- Miss Fern Burrows. ing pi ice tonight is the Y. W. at 7.30 f Mr Monroe 's sister, Mrs. Elma Crawford . honor e . day noon in honor of Mrs. Kenney hoener and Miss O'cleli'k. Br'ogle , of San Diego, Cal. Mrs . masquerade a busi- lohn Erdmand , the guest of Mrs. Frank Preceeding the » • • Brogle' leaves Wednesday tor her home was held and several ap- > Weems. ness session AT V Neal Monroe To Sail. in California. pi-'-ations were received. Arrange- Mrs Neal Mour e received a rable • • • * • * .-its were also started for a b '4 Thursd i\ fr

WANTED—A Ford roadster, must b» In good condition and cheap for cash TaL 4288-W. 21 I WANTED—60 or 100 gallon oil uult with crank pump. Must be in good I Shape and reasonable. Addruss Mr OTerton, Newoomb Hots!. 21 \|, _— . _ _ Cream Wanted

V Ship to Davis-Cleaver Product \ Co., Quincy, UI

Wanted—To Rent V»WANTiai>—One, two or three nia aj> „, - furnished roams with steam heat for , out II¦ ttSH?M7" i *««"". WJ /urnu£ mW i!*±n,>e2\ Anm'%r a-lvlng full partlcu. ¦fette f and location., Addrass iJ -4»\cara BHpp>W iaffl' <.^'«jf<*«i .---<»^.. .i-A,, ,„ \ **. "1 MondRy night for a visit with her hus- tines and flowers to cheer her In her PRESIDENT RR1VDS THANKI. iLiiuii lillllllllllllllll llllllll ¦IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllMI IIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII band's parents, Mr. and Mrs. EUson long illness . Mrs. Magle Minor sent HAN FRANCISCO,, Calif.. F«b, S».—-AZ Marion County Has Dean. her a big box of choice flowers. They wireless message / from Preihtent Mrs. Martha Mlleham entertained a were of her own raising and no green Woodrow Wilson Tuesday night There, house , conveying his UuUika Quiet Court Week number of friends . production could surpass them for his resolutions adopted by the was music and tho hostes served pop for beauty and fragrance. Northwest congress Word' for a league of nt. LATEST MAR corn and home made candy. has been received that Mrs. tlona In Portland, has been received KET Levi Curry of Kansas Kate Rose NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Is dead ln ! PALMYKA, Mo., Feb. SL—The Feb- Palmyra inflrm- here by William It Short f . , secretary of evening to ery. Mr. and ruary seaaion of the Marlon county City. Mo., arrived Tuesday Mrs. Rose were taken the League to Enforce Peace. circuit oourt adjourned last week. Few visit until Friday with his parents, there some time ago on account of the cases were disposed of but three was Mr. and Mrs. Sam Curry, Sr. condition of their minds NdTHING DOING not a Jury trial. Everett Taylor of Olathe, Kan., came Otto Glover and Orvllle Strock are The case of the Btate of Missouri Tuesday evening to visit relatives. now at Camp Funston awaiting dis- No Tradtusr and No Change In Any ot againBt John Knlckabocker of Warren J. H. Moore of Springfield spent Wed- charge. Otto was formerl* at Camp Mc- GRAIN the Price* Heporled Thursdny. STOCKS township, charged with assault, was nesday with Arthur C. Boger. Arthur, Texas and Orvllle has been at dismissed by the prosecuting attorney Mr. and Mrs. Sam Curry, Sr., gave Camp Lee, Va., a short time since com- WHY CHILLY WEATHER With no offerings on the city mar- Two colored boys, a dinner at noon Wednesday ln honor ing from France. ket and William Bright and CHICAGO, Feb. 21.—Corn prices ran no changes in any of the lo- Clarence Dant wore given two years of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Curry of Kansas We were misinformed last week cal quotations the market Thursday NEW YORK, Feb. 21.—Under the about Glover Smith being up sharply Thursday owing ln a con- further guidance of pola and profes- ln the penitentiary for stealing chlok- City, Mo. The other guests were Mr. in the states. Btorms, rain was status quo. Owing to the snow ens at the county and Mrs. Everett Taylor and daughter When last heard from he was at Bor- siderable degree to snow storm no farmers sional operators the stock market hospital but were af- BRINGS RHEUMATISM Mississippi. The brought any offer- terwards paroled. Helen of Olathe, Kan., and Mr. and deaux, France. He Is in the navy. and sleet west of the ings ot hay and registered another fairly general ad- market closed firm 3 to 3%c net high - grain to the city mar- vance, V. S. Hawker's case against John T. Mrs. Henry Reld of Camp Point. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDanlel enter- ket lot. transactions attaining the lar- tained several of SAYS SKIN PORES ARE CLOSED er with May J1.24H to $1.24% and July gest proportions of,any session thus White on contract was dismissed, each Everett Miller of Chicago, came their children and gained 1 to 1% party to pay his share of the costs. Wednesday to visit his wife. their families Sunday. AND URIC ACID REMAINS $1.19%, to ll.lOTi . Oats far this year. Oils, motors, equipments, Mr I provisions 50c to $1. The case of J H. Boldrldge vs. Fred Landon of Congress Park, 111., . and Mrs. Morton Angus and IN BLOOD. ©IM C and tobaccos, leathers, shippings, fertilis- . Grandma Strength characterized the corn mar- f LOCAL MARKETS ") ers and a varied assortment of unclassi- Jeptha Ivlzer was dismissed. came Tuesday night to visit a few days Job visited at R. B. Sanford s ket right from the outset. A majority fied The venue case from Lewis county with his mother and his sister, Mrs. Monday. specialties were again singled out Rheumatism is no respecter of age, of traders assumed that tho unsettled for bullish attention at gross gains ol for alienations of affection, M. Lola Lena Behan. Mr. Landon went to Quin- Harry Kelley and Arthur Hull de- weather would spread over the entire FAltH PRODUCTS. two to nine points. Brace vs. Edward Brace,, et al, was cy Wednesday to spend the day. livered hogs ln Knox City Wednesday. sex, color or rank. If not the most corn belt, and that not only would re- Frlcea I'ald for Hay sail Grain Far most conspicuous were Pan- continued on account of the death ol Sam Tipton departed Wednesday Will Cox arrived home from France dangerous of human afflictions it i» curtailed but that the By the Knollenkcrsc UUIlas Company, American one of the attorney's father. night for Deaver, Wyo., where he will Tuesday of last week. He was with ceipts be further Petroleum, Mexican- Petrol the 337th one of the most painful. Those sub- effect would also be to increase feed- Wheat—No. 1 tasted 60 pounds or eum, and General Motors and One or more cases against J. W. make his home for several years. En artillery. better. J2.30. Tobacco Patre was dismissed for the reason route he will stop at several places ln Rev. M. B. orton, Lute Poor, Aubrey ject to rheumatism should eat less ing on farms. Products, Hide and Leather Poor and Oats ad-vaneed with corn. No. 2 wheat—$2.17. Preferred , Peoples Gas, General Chem- that the defendant had been declared ebraska, to visit for a few days. Robert Plunkctt are new meat , dress as wa rmly as possible, All provisions l >se to the limit al- Baled straw—$84?9. ical, Industrial bankrupt. Mr. and Mrs. John Williams are visit- members of the I . O. O. F. lodge. Alcohol and Interna- L C. strock' avoid any undue exposure and, above) lowed Huge exports together with Baled mixed hay—J2S. tional Paper. By agreement J. W. Fuqua was al- ing their daughter, Mrs. August A. . s write from Exeter, corn and hogs Baled timothy hay—$24. lowed damages ln the Simon and famll> at Quincy. Calif., saying their garden vegetables all , drink lots of pure water. higher quotations on Sales amounted to 885. 000 shares. amount of $425 are furnished the impetus. Baled clover hay—J22. The general Including against the city of Hannibal. Mr. and Mrs. eJromo Hostetter re- more than three inches high and Rheumatism is caused by uric acid Baled clover bond market, noon from the weather ('4>ni p«rathr (Juoialloni. hullings—$12©1S. Liberty and foreign issues was firm. W. E. Dunn vs. Dan Phillips on note, turned home Wednesday Is Ideal . which is generated i n the bowels and (By Long Commission Co.) Market L-ot Prices for Cora. Total sales Judgment by agreement Des Moines, la , where they spent two Mrs. Hazel Specs and little son came $12, 875 , 000. for $218. Friday from absorbed into the blood. It is the) Corn— Open. High. Low Close. Yellow corn—[email protected]. New York Stock Llat. Frank J. Pennick vs. Kdward G. Kel- months with their son , Alvln Hostetter Davenport , Iowa, to at- 132i 134 131% 34 White corn—fl.4O01.SO. ler, et al , cjjectment. Judgment for and family. They also spent a few days tend tho funeral of her mother Mrs. function of the kidneys to fil ter this Feb ,i Oats—64 Q tiGc. Open. High. Low. Close. Townsend Janncy. Mar 128' 129% 127% 129% Am. Beet Sug, »a 69 6S 68 plaintiff with restoration of property. with their daughter, Mrs. J . B. Clark acid from the blood and cast it out in * 121 124H Loose mixed hay—$18@21. and family at Dallas City, 111. Mr. and J. T. Coder of La Belle was here Sat- May 121% 121% Am . sugar . . .117% UTS 117% 117% H. L Loudermllk vs. Edna M. Bogen- the urine; the pores of the skin are 119-4 H7\4 119% Baled mixed hay—$214(22. A T. and er, ejecment Judgment for plaintiff Mrs. Clark will move to a farm near urday. July 117% Long Tom hay—$10. . T. . .104 104% 103% 104% . George at Am. Loco 64 64 with restoration of property. Carthage March 1st. Corbln and family have arriv- also a means of freeing the blood ot Shredded fodder—$114fl2 per ton. 64% 64% % ed from Kansas Feb ?7.... 59 59% 68% S9tfc Anaconda . . .. 59 69% 68% 68% Decree of divorce granted to Susla Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sigler return- where they have been this impurity. In damp and chilly, 69 69% Loose clover hay—$19 4*23. at Crenshaw, Miss., for some time. Mai . . 69 59% Atchison 92 92% 92 92% Elder vs. Sam Elder with $25 per ed to their homo cold weather the skin pores are closed ' ' «0% 60% Baled wheat stiaw—$8.50®9 50. B. month toward support Tuesday night nfter a visit of several The funeral of Mrs. Townsend Jan- Mav . 59H 59J4 Baled oats straw—$10 nnd 0 47% 47% 47 47% of children. ney was Jul'v 58 W% 5.% 5S% . B. U. T 2CU 26*i 25% 26% Flnul decreo of divorce granted in weeks with their daughter, Mrs. Floyd held in the family home Sat- thus forcing the kidneys to do double Baled threshed hay—$20. Can tho case of Laura L. Omer and family. Miss Hoso Sigler re- urdav morning. The service was con- work , they become weak and sluggish Pork * Baled clovor hay—$21. . Par 160% 101 160% 161 Martin vs. Noah ducted by Mav . .. -10 00 40. 16 40.00 40.C5 C. M. and SL P. Martin . Testimony ln this case showed mained for a longer visit with her sis- Rev. S. E , Bottaford of Edina ' " Baled timothy hay—$26 36 36% 25% 25% Mrs . Janney had and fail to elimina te t his uric acid Jul'y ...... 37.90 38.60 37.SO 38.50 . Erie 16% 16% 16% 10% that the couple had been married for ter. been 111 of pneumonia Loose timothy hay—$26. fifty years. Lieut. Hubert Cate of Camp Bowie. only a few days. Had she lived until which keeps accumulating and circu- """ < Baled mixed straw—$10. Gen Elec 153% March 10, Mr Mav 21 65 24. R5 24. 50 24 >.> Grt . Nor. pfd. . 93 153% 93 15392% 153%93 , Anna Holler vs. John W. Holler, di- Fort Worth, Texas. Is enjoying a fur- . and Mrs. Janney would lating through the system , eventually ' ' ' 23.90 23.77 2J 90 ItutitntloM from l.ocal Batchers, vorce, lough and he and his wife arrived Mon- have celebrated their 50th wedding an- Jul v . . . .23.S7 (Conected dally by Anck Brothers.) I-ehigh 65% 65% 65% 55% final decree. niversary. settling in the joints and muscles caus- Mex Petrol . ..178 Walter Crane vs Minnie Crane day to spend the week with his par- Married when but fifteen "rt RUJS72.50 5", Hough sows and stags, $13til4. . 180% 177 177% . , di- years of age she proved ing stiffness, soreness and pain called M.fy 22.65 22.45 22 N.Y., N.H.andH. 27% 27% 27% 27% vorce, final decree. ents, Mr . and Mrs. Arthur Cate. Wed- herself a true ' ' ' ' 21 60 21.40 21.50 Choice nugou hogs weighing 200 to nesday evening they went to Golden to wife and helpmate. She was sixty-five rheumatism. July ...... 21.60 i'5u pounds., $16^16.(5 Nor. Pac 92 92% 91% 92 Palmyra Personals. Car I.ota 0. f'enn In the Armenian visit his sister, Mrs. Bertha Wallace years old at the time of her death and \nrthiTKt . Pigs, weighing 126 to 140 pounds, 44% 44% 44% 44% and Asyrlan relief looked young At the first twinge of rheumatism Deiluth: Thursday 2 , last week 4; Peoples Gas . drive tho west end of the county was and family. and beautiful for one of $14.0U. . . 50 60% 49 49% that age. Besides her devoted get from any pharmacy about four last \enr, 9. , , Hock Island . . 24% 24% 21 24 given a tjuota of $1 , 700 and the amount Private William Boger has written husband 62 , last weeK Calves— $10 it 12. relatives that he was "held up" ln her twelve children and twelve granel- ounces of Jad Salts ; put a tablespoon- Winnipeg- Thursday Fat steers— 3. So. Pac. 102 102 101% 102 wan passed by $25 making the total Hit $1 , Chicago and relieved of his month's chlldrena re all living. Mr. and Mrs. ful in a glass of water and drink be- 110. last veur H*. Fat heifers,—$7 7. . % 129% 129% to housekeeping and their' fore breakfast each morning for a Wheat Thursday 47. contract 24 , es- P. S Steel .... 93% 94 93 93% licitors have not yet reported. B. F. Saturday afternoon Mrs. Elizabeth s was a .Sheep—$0. her Sunday school home where love, health and happiness week. This is said to eliminate una Imnted 47: last year 11. L.nnb!> - JbS 10.50. I* S Steel pfd..114 % 114% 114% 114% Glahn of this city had charge of the Grimes entertained Corn- Thursday 50 , contract 24; es- West Fnlon work In this part of the county class of boys named "The True Blues." reigned. All of tho children but two acid by stimulating the kidneys to nor- \\ nitun Load Hogs. . . 87% SS 86% 86% were present at the funeral. Mrs. Ma- timated 50; last year 2<53. Willys-Over. . 20 26% The Polly Carroll chapter, D. A. R . At the business meeting the following mal action, thus ridding the blood of esti- Choice hogs, weighing Horn 225 to . 25% 26% President Floyd bel Snell and Mrs. Emma Ferguson re- Oats: Thursday <» . V . S. ref. 2s reg Feb. 2Sth beginlng at eight o'clock. ster; secretary. Harold -treas- were four sons, a son-ln- Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless year pounds. Jib.o0© 10.65. 97%b Oberllng. Miss Gertrude law and the oldest grandson. The floral Wheat: Thursdiy 271 . 00" , last . L". S. ref 2s ton pun 97 %b All Indications point to the affair as urer. Carl and is made from the acid of grapes Choice hogs weighing from 180 to 200 Beckett and Miss Mildred Reynolds offerings were beautiful anil the flow- 160 ooo . pounds. $1«U 16 6U. IT. S. 3s reg 89b being an extremely pleasant one and n ju , combined w i th li thia Com Thursday 399 , 000: last year, IT S were guests. There was music and er pillow with the word "Mother" was and lemo ice t hoice hogs weighing from 160 to 180 . . 3s coupon 83b elaborate plans are being made for the from children wheT 1, 4.17 1.00 V B. 4s reg event. The proceeds wll go to the bene- games and the hostess served ice cream had lost their best and is used with excellent results by . pounds, $15.50etr 1 e». . 104%b friend. Mr. Janney Is suffering from a (>nt< , . Thursday 566 , 000; last year, hogs w • .g.ilng from I'. R . 4s coupon 104%b fit of disabled soldiers and the Mark and cake. thousands of f olks who are subject to Choice 140 to 160 The Missionary society of the Prei- light stroke of paralysis and he and 832 , 000 . pe, .l lld.,. J14i(14.G0. IT. S. Liberty 3%s 98 48 Twain orchestra of Hannibal will fur- rheumatism.—Adv. Shipment*. nish tho music. bvterian church met Wednesday after- his loved ones have the sympathy of " t hi.i. <• n i;s w tigiimg from 120 to 140 Liggett. This all In this dark hour. Wh.-at- Tliur.silav fi .2 000; l.i"U year. pe.unelh , $13 i 14. Nevr York Money. Dewey Turner who has been in the noon with Mrs. William ooo » was the last meeting of the society's 14 1 ( hulcu lio ^, -. ee erlghiug from 100 to 120 NFW YOKK , Feb. 21 —Mercantile pa- service for more than a year returned (' .. -n Thtirsd w 403 , 000; la»t par, per 54(5%. Sterling 60 day hills $4 to his home In this city last Sunday missionary year Mrs. James Moffett Will End by Strike. poundt, $10 50^ 13. 73%. gave an 721 I'lraltr) Mautatlona Moxlcan dollars 7%. Government night bringing with him his discharge of Clayton was present and NEW YORK , Feb. 21 .—Reversing d.i, Thursday II'. ono , l.mt year. . address on "The Missionary Society in (Trice's quoltd by C. F. Bishop Co) bonds lrregulnr: railroad bonds firm. papers. He was released at Camp a decision made earlier in the day, the 75.' o.i i . Time lo.. ns stiong. 60 anel Travis, T^xap , where he has been for the ew Eta Movement. " This was much Hens — 25c. 9'1 d.ij s 5< y Building Trades Employers' c a Successfully Treat! To«nl ricnrnnco. Springs—21c 6%, 6 months 5%'< ( .".% Call monev the past few months with the same di- enjoyed. The hostess served refresh- asso i - Wl < at - (li l .i'i.ij bel'-lH- s Huusu-rs- 15c. strong; high 6 . low- 5 %; closing bid vision in which Chaplain Bloom was ments. tion has determined to comply with a i *' "i n - N.-ii.' btags - Uc. 5 %. serving Dewey enlisted early ln tho suggestion by Secretary of War Baker O.us None war and went from here J , LIUL K S- 22 C. • to Jefferson NEWARK, MO. of its representatives with those of I II Chronic Nervous Geese—10c. Liberty Honda. Barracks. | TurkeiB--26c. NEW YORK . Feh 21 —Liberty bond Evorette Whlto who recently return- Rev. Hallle Rice of La Grange filled the striking worgkers in the trades, in Lggs—Jeic. closing 3%'.s 9S .42 . flrs-t convci tible ed from Franco has been ln this city his appointment in the Baptist church an effort to etid the nation-wide strike. and Pelvic Dis- Markets | 4' if j Grain iAical Oil Quotatlona. s . second 4' s 92 ^S; flist convert- for the past few days on a brief fur- Saturday and Sunday. The prayer and This announcement was made by Sam- | (yuoteel oy Miller A. Anhur ible 4%' n 93 12 second convertible lough. Ho landed at New York from praise service for Sunday evening was Co) uel B. Donnelly, secretary of the Em- Linseed , law , $1.«S gallon , boilod , 4%' s 94 .12; third 4 % 'a 95 9" , fourtli overseas ln January but has not yet postponed on account of the roads be- * eases in Men and Chicago. $1 70 gallon , white leau $14 per 100 lb 4%'s 94 30. been released from the service but ing almost Impassable. ployers' association. | CTTP" \i ".i> . Feb 21 - Wheat—No. 2 t 2 J pc- i J^ lu u0 lb kegs thinks that he will be discharged soon . M' ss Daisy Hall visited MrB. Nat Tay- ffi 1> keg, Jl , $14 ou red M'lng $J 2n . No 3 red spring I2 . >; per 12V4 llJ ke-' o-s , pui e tuipeuiine »0c He had seen sere Ice in France but did lor last week and assisted her with VETERAN PYTHIW DIE«. Women. No ¦ .' N S . J' e. 1 . No 3 N S , $2 19 gallon not Kct to the forefront He Is a son sewing CHICAGO, Feb. 21.—Henry Palmer | < in N".. 4 mixed $1 - X li 1 .'si , . No Dlllllug of J. T. White of this city but was ln Morton Angus recently visited his Caldwell for 41 years grand keeper of Product*. I Livestock Markets Never, under any circumstances, [ ! B miM.l $1 ITi S 'u 1 " •', . No . « tilled Hetail selling pi ice of m.n j hicago when called to the colors and son , Lee who Is a high si hool student records and seal of the Knights of ¦ ' 1 2:i > ; products do I treat any one unless X 1 »1 2 J 3 No 4 M-llow Jl -' *' - !! 3 reported by the Knoilenberg MUlln^f will probably go back tnere when he at Clarence. Mrs. Asa Job and Mrs. El- Pythias died ln his residence here ( 5 i.iloev $1 ;:. 274. No >*. yel- honestly believe I can cure or I No ' * '1 Comj-auy al mill. Chicago. Is released from the ser\Ice. la Caity came home with him and are Thursday. Mr. Caldwell was born ln [ low Jl 21 No '.I ulilt ,' Jl 29.i 1 20; \'<> retail per bbl—$12 Members of the Zion League of the friends 1840 at old Washington, Ohio, and 1 Ffbui . . CHICAGO . Feb 21 - Hogs — Rer.-lpts visiting old home . benefit them. [ j 4 whit. ' $1 2> . 1 Jl' .-: No 5 white J . Lutheran chutch gave a surpris- Sunday ¦ 'I ' i;i an , 1 er cut- i- 4 . 41 'on . a.-tlve , mostly 10 to l." e party Mrs W. C. Irf?ar returned served ln the Civil war. I Jl 2" _. '.; 1 2< i 2 . No 6 white Jl 2: ' <\ I 24 . -t ifl- -$- e.5. c higher for Mr an"H Mrs Adolph Lehenbauer from a visit with Miss Georgia Rich- I 1 Mni. . thnn Wednesday ' s general tia.le, esti- . . samp .' Jl 10 . (. i .ets , bu $...c. The e\en!ng was spent In music, games ardson of West Point , 111. | I have cured Rupture, Hydro- {{ 2 white mate i ,e.ay 23 . OU0 . bulk of tales $17.60 ti .it- No 2 mixed t« . No Corn meal, ;er cw t—$4 25. (fsl'T". and social converse and dainty refresh- Mrs . A D Glover has little chickens S cele. Varicocele, Piles, Fistula, I ¦' <• i.'.1i ,. No 4 wh.to but. 'luts $17 5 Funston where he has been released Hummer and family and other rela- 4 white Jl 2S No 6 white Jl 22 25 to 5»c lower: calves steady, feeel«,rs due to removable reflex dis- i I . 2 4o closing 23c lower; estimated from the service. tives Sunday. J3 Oats -No ?, white «0 ft 60'S . standard Sucrene > feed , per cwt—$2 today 6. - Miss Edna Lucke Is confined to her Barrows visited turbancea. 11 1 65. 010 Beef cattle , good , choice and prime Mr. and Mrs. O. B. 5 • 1 . N.. 3 mixed S 'xtfuS *. Bwllts iieul seal pa, per e.wt—$5.70. home north of this clt> with an attack in La Belle "Wednesday. Kanaaa Cltr. feed , per cwt. $13 85erJ20 , comon and medium $10 50 j/) UKULELES i Arab horso of the Influenza —$2.86 16 85. Butcher stock , cows and . Mrs Alice Pruett was in Klrksvllle JJI Many of the so-called diseases ] i KANSAS CITV . I- '.'b 21 —Corn—No 4 Ulalchford'a Milk Mash—$5 25 heifers Roy Brownell is home from Camp last week. J mixed Jl 21< 1 25 . No 5 mixed Jl 22 Blatehfor.l s t 'a.f Meal—$5 ' $7 25(al6 25; canners and cutters $6.25 n of the Heart, Stomach. Kid- j 1 » U 25. ffi 7.25. Stockers and feeders Funston having been discharged there. Miss Thelma Hendren's friends gave d\ 23 . No 3 \ellow Jl 31^1 33 . No. 4 H P. Lgg M isn , per cwt—J3.45. , , good , Russell Phillips of Philadelphia, was her a surprise valentine shower Fri- Special S neys. Liver and Bowels are { choice and fancy $ll r?l4 75; Inferior, J yellow Jl 27 . No. 5 >ellow Jl 24 , No. i 11 P. Lgg ^. r.vle. h , per cwt. —J3.65 in this city yesterday. day. There were cards, letters, valen- n merely reflex Bymptoms of j « mte li , per common anel medium Jsji 11: veal calves white Jl 3 5. H P. ChKk M cwt.—$3 S5 good « some pelvic lesion or disease. . ITS N.i 3 white 62 . No . 4 white 61 HlUliS. to choice $16 25 ft 16 75. [ J ci > 2 (Prices quoted by Holies & Sheep— Iteeeipts 17 . 000 , generally CAMP POINT. ILL. e . Itogers ) steady; estimated todav S 000 P ll I'rnrla. No. 1 cuied hides. 17 Vk. No. 2 cured . , 1 unbs. The Camp Point Literary club met ln h The pelvic organs (which are 1 choice nnd prime J 11. 25 ' ill S 35; hum the library reading rooms Monday £ PEORIA . Feb 21 -Corn—Receipt" 27 hldos, 16H, No. I cured bulls, li . .\-u % >• fi the organs located ln the low- [ I cai« market .1 It 4. - tilgliei . N'o 5 white bulls, 11, No. 1 green hides and good J16 50ff is 23 . culls $14 ,( 1.". 50: nlght. The leader was Miss Annie Cy- cured , laU- ew.s, choice and mime fi er part of the body) are most { 1 Jl 27 , No 6 white Jl 24H No 3 v«U«»w No X green hides, 14ft, No. l gieen J 1 2'.i 12.50 , me- rus and she read a paper on "Birds and LEGS STIFF? JOINTS $eoo| $1 33 . No 4 ve 'low $1. 'Wi l 30 , No 5 bulls. 10. N IK 1 green bulla. t» , ,\j dl-'.m and good $10'.jl2, ..u'.ls J5 JOefl - Anl-nals of Illinois. " Miss Cyrus has fi important to perfect health. { I e»j - i S fio. vellow- Jl 27 No f. yellow Jl 24 < a ; No veal calf. 3J , No. 2 » ^a! /t i2 _ Xo j maele a study of binls for many years ™ Some of them are the very life JC ix..1 Jl 29 No 5 mixed J) 27 , No. 2 kip, 22 , deie-ous •¦ St. I.onla. and so was able to tell many interest- AND , 4 n kip. i-i , ^- l 5u &W U centers of the body. By cor- | I O.ito R^> elpti > irs . market lc 254; 50 , norse hides PT I.oris. Feb 21 —Hogs—Receipts ing things concet ntng them. A number v ' r sluuka. . No. 1 lull "• m MUSCLES ACHz? U recting unnatural conditions i . 310 . 5 to 10c higher. Lights of the club members recited [ ! hlgber , No 3 white mane and tall , $6 . No. 2. $6 . ponies and f $17,204? poems on UP MInnrniHilla. , Jl aOifi.iil . colts, I5c©$i; 17. pigs. SI 2 BO 5T16; mixed and birds and animals The topic for gen- P and making the pelvic organs 1 gluo peiu -hei - good Limber up! Rub any kind of pain, [ MINNEAPOLIS . l>h 21 —Wheat — Sen. U $.:, as to wooL but. $17 20^fi7,S6: heavy eral discussion was "The Laws for the j D healthy, I am able to bring I $17 75"i 17 S5; ' i:k , 20eff SO soreness, stiffness right out with j rtri .-li 't-. 213 cms . c.iih No . 1 northern No, 1 tallow , 18 . No. 2 tallow. 10 A Jl7 17 . Protection of Birds." Mrs. Ethel Spence, 1 12 , yellow Cattle—Receipts 2. 3e)0 , steadv . steers Miss Neva Tipton , St. Jacobs Liniment." You can easily ] P about cures that are life long| ? 2 21 ff 2 27 white grea*e. grease. 10 , " Miss Murphy who Corn -No 3 xe '.low Jl 26 It 1 28 . giease, 8 $11 30- 1118 50 . yearling steers a nd heif- is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Miriam P ln results. | ! blow n ers 30-If play the Ukulele, j (i-its N'o 3 white 5 6 ln i» ."> 7 % WOOL. JO 16; tows $7.50^12 30; calves Thomas, Miss Margaret Bradley who ' $7 755T16 25 guest of her Don t Ftay sore , stiff and lame! fi Don't l'lai - Jl 64 '(I 3 C6 (As quoted by Holies Sc Rogers. ) is the sister, Mrs. George Its melody has a ' suffer in silence with j ! Omaha. Uood bright ntaple wool, choice Sheep—Receipts COO . stendv; lambs Flett. were guests of the club. Limber up! Rub soothing, penetrating me- 501 " back pains, lack of strength, i 1 PMAH\ , Fe i 21 Corn—No 3 whlto dium. 62erf85; fine, 60(f62 . coarse M $17 (17 90 . ewes $* 5fi 17 S5. packers and talk urging tho formation of a union nd doesn't burn the skin. i Nrw Yorfc. 6c less than tbe above prices. butchers $1 7 40 o 17 60; lights $16.504j missionary society with less rf. you a free lesson. . B health. j 1 a union meet- " -conquers pain . NEW YORK . Fe' . 21 -Wheat— ."pot . Fffecllio wools such us hurry, chaf- 17 40 , pigs $12fi'16 ing three times a year. The hostess "St. Jacobs Liniment sten.lv , No 2 i ed $2 34 \ trark New- fy or vegetable matter, stained or oth- Cattle— Receipts 6.000 . steadv to low- served tea and cake. It instantly takes away any • ache, | Because of my careful and pains- { I er defects from 6 to 10c a pound er: pilme fe 1 steers Jliifiij , * Tor k less dressed The North Side club was entertained soreness and stiffness in the heaa 5 taking examination, I have ] « pnt firm. No 2 ve than prices given above, according to beef steers J^-iflS; calves J7ffl4. Tuesday afternoon ln , } Corn 'low and the home of Mrs. 1 cured many where others have No 2 white Jl 51 coat nnd freight New tho amount of defect Uieie la in the Sheep—Receipts, 6 . 000 . higher; lambs Ruth Reed. The time was spent social- neck , shoulders, back , legs, arms, fing- } 1 York ne.ol . $17 75? .- IS: yearlings $ll'|.15"5: weth- ly. Mrs. Everett Taylor of Olathe, ers or any part of the body—nothing 5 failed to even help. { I $12; Kan , Oats—Spot, firm; standard 69'». The above prices are for mil wools ers )13 . ewes . Jll 50 if 11.73 . and her small daughter, Helen were the Weilers Quincy. like it. You simply pour a little in drltvered In Knal St. I.oula. guests of honor The club will meet 5 If I accept your case for treat- j I EAST ST LOflS. Feb 21—Hogs—Re- your hand and rub "where it hurts," . again in two weeks with Mrs. Seneca " ; - tho door ot health is I celptB 15 000 . S'u'lUc higher: top $17 83 Selby. and relief comes instantly. Don't Everything In Music i i iru , My methods ar* ] Mixed nnd butchers $1 7 20 @ 17.85; good M IB . John Bellew went to Clayton stay cri ppled. Get a small trial bottle ] open to you. " _ j heavy $1 7 75'it 1 7 S5 . rough heavy 122 N. FIFTH ST. New York Stocks Produce Markets ) $15ig> Tuesday evening to visit relatives for 1 up-to-date and sclent!^?- { I j 16 40; light $17 20 more receipt" 5 , 464 tubs , croamery higher Sheep—Receipts 600, market steady. family. NO CHARGE FOR EXAM- Ij active .iii. l h.g ' er nil along the line than extras 63'>i52te, extras (92 score) Miss Mollio Ta>lor of Plymouth \" ; INATION. ]| due to the better feeling gener.il!>. ln- 52Ti62H: firsts 46<4 ;7t51; packing stock visiting her father, Thomas Taylor and du.-tii.il. K.ilnln g In sltcngth and clos- cuiient make No . 2, 34. ^ wife who are quite porly. l.ir.n. 'i , spei-luly ln the \ HAY AND STRAW ing < motor I' gg- -I nsott' ed; receipts 23 , 935 cas- William Vollbracht went to Barr\ Waldron, of- gl.. l). e\ ' 1. h h.is shown signs -tM enUv v __ Sunday night ^^HMM S^BA i ' es fresh gathered extras 44; fresh and is spending several Glass of Hot Water of In ' ieient strength. These securltlej gathered rcteular parked extra firsts BT LOUIS days there attending to his business j flee specialist ^Rll|§|i| f|^B i ¦ will «.. 'll lilBher owing to the good , Feb. 2! — TImothv hay ' mit I J ., 13 . do fit- ts l'T{-4?42 m.u k.-t again lower, interests theie. Dr. Qupman s k foi Increased bualnc-s under libernl re- I for men and lo. . thi- , Cheese- liiegulnr . n^e-elpts 1 , S41 hav- eelpts and very . .lli t denrin.l. Frank Roberts spent Tu. e ' .iy in ^^B^HmPlR l j I Stnngth will carry other Indu^l i i.i '.t. . Quote: es stnt. ' whole a Ilk flats current Timothy No U N Quincy. Before Breakfast ! women. ¦K ^^^^^^ B wl.. n - .Uft. of 1' . S Steel will be In . 1 $2C 2 ; stand.erel $24® ; ! ol- in . lie spee l.ils 301131 , do average run 25: No 2 , $21'.|2I , No. 3, The family of William Webster Is 111 ¦ der . in $1^-^20; fio,n Hours : 9 to 2' <' -j .' threshed $12 ttl4. Light clover mixed , the Influenza. ^^B ^^^^^ H I ! The 'tindard rails moved, up slight - To ItM T.i\e , Hlendv; chickens 34; , Mrs. Gertrude Link^m-Dean mornings .in h I SKIIOI ut the No 1 J24Ji23 No 2. $21 ->f 23 . Heavy arrived a Splendid Habit j 12 , WBi^SKlllll ljL ' j ly ii'id - Pa.lflts . fow ls 4ii old t"ii-ters 2fi , turkeis 33-i t' No , At. hi- ..ui and St Paul should be bought cloier mixed , . 1 $23{f24 , No. 2 , $20 Health Can dy 4" li iersed irregular , fowls 2''i.i 33't, .j 21 clover On Ihe t.ct hacks, they have the earning h.i>, cho.uo $23W26 50 , No. i WIIIII ..I ' ll . i n.'hanged. 1. $23 i( 24 , No 2, $18eeJ20 Alfalfa hay Mll!*r'» Anfturptle oil, Knonu an nwy—a——mmtm 3 afternoons power Hii.l with big busliies -K nhe.id w ill Chlcngo. Open sluices of the systom each ^HP^HP?'' I continue ti-tuinln g god ditldendi Rnv choice $32^33: No. 1. $30 a 31 , etand- day ex- CTIICMio . ivi. 21 —Putter—Cream- iird $29',i 30; No 2, $27< [i 2S. every th.-so htuck. c-peclallv Smthein Pi Pi.ulilo hay morni ng and wash away tho Is not only delicious candy to eat , ^ A^mmJ&M&i^r 1 ¦ . i v 3s .i r.2'ij ihoie -o $27(ii 28; No. 1 , $25 .T26 , standard elfi. - wl l.' li i-< i t.'.i t .led as the loidlnu I KKS IH K I I . M . iccelpitu 9 (140 poisonous, stagnant matter. but it Is also a remedy for cough , pe.i. . rases: $23«24; No. 2 , $20iT21. Sttaw $7i( 7.50. e stuck Ho thern Rnilwnv and fli. sts 39 . oidlnary fusts 3se>SSS. at Kni. '-.H Cltv ft oitbern should also ho mark , cas-es included 3S (f3S hoarseness, sore throat, throat ca- bri u -Jit on the tlull days , they will sell I" . tito. s Higher, receipts 25 cars; Snake tarrh, bronchitis, tonsilltis. colds in- s ings on Wed- ! I Oil , higher. W 1° Ml '' . aid Minn , bulk and sacks The.se of us who are accustomed to Motor storlci g.tilted several points: i;-i Connect Bolshevik croup, H nesday and Saturday from ! ] $1 .i i 7o . 'el dull and heavy when we arise ; ellgestion, whooping-cough buv Studeb.ikef . (lenernl Motors anel .. line Alive fe 6: SO to 8:00. Office. Third ffi 1' , lower , si.rings 31 . For Rheumatism and permanently clears the voice | Wil 1 \ -'-Overland, there Is good ltu est- fow 1-1 31 'j With Assassin Plot splitting headache, stuffy from a cold i Floor Wells Bldg., S. W. Cor. !fi nu-nt opp.it lurn t h"< ln these lssuos foul tongue nasty breath T..b.i. Knnana CIO. , , acid stomach for singers and public speakers. This Fifth and Maine Sts., Quincv, c.i Piodni 'tM and Cnlted Cigar KANSAS CITY . Feh. 21 -Putter - PARIS . Feb iiO— Was the attempt | J§ St. ii: , still going up. reaching Try This Once lame back , can, instead both look and candy is made out of pure white new I.owei rie.tme ry 49; tnsts 4,' . seconds upon Premier Cleinciiceau's lif e o f Bol- IU hli h levels this week , buy these se- , a. King 2S feel as fresh as a d.itsy always by 45 1 granulated sugar and seven non- p curities nn lb.- de. lines and hold for F.gUH l-'lists 25. shevik origin is u ijutMinn being asked You will bo wonderfully surprised at washing the poisons and toxins from se MtcinnctnnriF'"""" "HF" i¦ ! still I Ighcr pi loei tho Quick relief you wil get n lauuiunjiuuiiaiauiuiuounai? | Ponlti \ rnclinnged. hete. The Matin recalls that a few from Mil- the Ixidy with phosphateel hot water poisonous herbs and barks of trees. The \>w Yoik curb market showing lor'p Antlsoptlc Oil (commonly known St. I.oula. days ago a llenc\ a newspaper an- eacli morning. The golden rod flower and eucalyp. r I I am an expert truss fit- Cj I { Inteict eipeclilly In the unlisted oils; ST I. IH'IS . Feb 21 --Poultrv - Hens, na Snnko OH It penetrates right Into Houston, Federal neuuKeel that the Holsheviki in Laus- tho ntlfr , aching joints R jfi ter. I guarantee to hold SJ1 I . nnd Island .Id. splines 32 tin keys 35; others un- and LubrleaUu We should drink, bef"re breakfast, tus bark In It , make it a well fla- oil being the f.ivorltes changed annei , S\\ it/erland , - were plotting nnd Llnilu-i-s thorn up, dilvlng away all ,i R Q* your rupture or return S i j The mining group hits; ninny l>aln like magic c, lass of real hot water with a tea- vored and powerful antl-septio friends; Hi.ttei .ind eggs Cnch.uiged. .igTiinst M. Cletneneeau's hte and that . B jc your money. I fit the Qj 11 bu\ l in; Is going on In Cnleelonla Ileela Snako Oil Is a mighty fine tiling to spoonful of limestone phosphate in it germ-killer and a preventative of . \e« \