Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. PTO Form 1960 (Rev 10/2011) OMB No. 0651-0050 (Exp 09/20/2020) Request for Reconsideration after Final Action

The table below presents the data as entered.


MARK https://tmng-al.uspto.gov/resting2/api/img/87269766/large




MARK STATEMENT The mark consists of standard characters, without claim to any particular font style, size or color. ARGUMENT(S)

This is in response to the Office Action dated October 13, 2017. In the Office Action, registration of Applicant’s mark was refused under Trademark Act Section 2(d). Applicant herein responds to this refusal.

Registration of Applicant’s mark has been refused under Trademark Act Section 2(d) based on an alleged likelihood of confusion between Applicant’s mark and the mark in U.S. Registration No. 4,566,058.

In any likelihood of confusion determination, a key consideration is the similarity of the marks. In re Fat Boys Water Sports LLC, 118 USPQ2d 1511, 1516 (TTAB 2016); see TMEP §1207.01. In determining the similarity of the marks, the marks are compared in their entireties for similarities in appearance, sound, connotation, and commercial impression. Stone Lion Capital Partners, LP v. Lion Capital LLP, 746 F.3d 1317, 1321, 110 USPQ2d 1157, 1160 (Fed. Cir. 2014); TMEP §1207.01(b)-(b)(v).

In this case, the registered mark is a design mark that includes the term “logi cdrive.” Applicant is seeking registration for its LOGIDRIVE word mark.

In making the refusal, the current Office Action continues to treat the deletion of the letter “C” from Applicant’s mark as being an insignificant change. Applicant respectfully disagrees. The deletion of the letter “C” from Applicant’s mark in this case makes a huge and significant difference in terms of the sight, sound, connotation, and commercial impression between the two marks at issue here.

A. Similarity or Dissimilarity of the Marks in Terms of Meaning and Connotation

As a preliminary matter, it should be noted that the current Office Action continues to state that the term “logic” can be shortened to ‘logi” or alternatively that the term “logi” invokes the word “logic.” In support of this proposition, the current Office Action includes, as evidence, several Internet web in addition to the Internet web pages that were attached to the previous Office Action in this application. These Internet web pages, however, do not support the contention that the term “logic” can be shortened to “logi” or alternatively that the term “logi” invokes the word “logic.”

The “Gizmodo” and “Catchword” Internet web pages attached to the most recent Office Action each include a third party discussion of Logitech’s decision to change its name from “Logitech” to “Logi.” It should be noted that each of these web pages contain commentary from third parties who are completely unaffiliated with Logitech, and who are completely uninformed about the history of Logitech. The “Gizmodo” web page, for example, in commenting on the name change, states the following:

“Logi isn’t a word. It’s not quite “logic,” which was of course the reference in the original name.”

The “Catchword” web page similarly states the following in commenting on the name change:

“Originally Logitech came from a portmanteau of logic and technology, a name that hearkens back to the days of the company’s founding in 1981.”

The problem with each of these statements is that they are wrong. The “logi” portion of Logitech’s name was not derived from the word “logic” and Logitech’s name was not formed from a combination of the words “logic” and “technology.” To the contrary, as evidenced by Logitech’s own history obtained from its company Internet web site at https://www.logitech.com/lang/pdf/logitech_history_200703.pdf and included in Exhibit A attached hereto, the history and origin of Logitech’s name is as follows:

“Originally, it was to be named Softech because of the software background of the three founders. Since this name was already registered, the founders chose Logitech, using the root of the French word for software: “logiciel.”

As can be seen from this evidence, the term “logi” in Logitech’s name was not derived from the word “logic,” but rather was derived from the French word for software, namely, “logiciel.”

With respect to the “Continental Girbau” Internet web page provided as evidence with the most recent Office Action, the word “logic” is only used on this web page as an abbreviation for the term “Logi Control.” Nothing on this web page suggests that the term “logi” is a shortened version of “logic,” or that use of the term “logi” invokes the term “logic,” or that the term “logi” is used in a definitional sense in connection with, or to describe, any of the products discussed on this web page, or that the LOGI marks discussed on this web page are in any way descriptive of the products on which they are allegedly used.

With respect to the “Constellation Research” Internet web page also provided as evidence with the most recent Office Action, this page simply states that the “Logi DataHub product is designed to give data professionals as well as analyst types a logical data view for self-service data prep, data access and data enrichment.” This one happenstance occurrence represents the only use of the word “logical” (or any form of the word “logic” for that matter) on the entire web page. This single usage appears to be nothing more than a random arbitrary reference by a third party reviewer of the “Logi DataHub” product. It does not in and of itself demonstrate that the term “logi” is a shortened version of the word “logic,” or that use of the term “logi” invokes the term “logic,” or that the term “logi” is used in a definitional sense in connection with, or to describe, any of the products discussed on this web page, or that the LOGI DATAHUB mark discussed on this web page is in any way descriptive of the product on which it is allegedly used.

In fact, as it turns out, LogiAnalytics, the provider of the Logi DataHub product, does not, even use the term “logic” to describe its Logi DataHub product. As evidence to support this, Applicant is submitting herewith, as Exhibit B, the product datasheet web page for the Logi DataHub product from LogiAnalytics’ own web site. This web page can be obtained on the Internet at https://www.logianalytics.com/datasheet/datahub/. A can be seen, nowhere on this data sheet does LogiAnalytics use the term “logic” in connection with, or to describe, its Logi DataHub product.

We now turn to a quick review of the evidence provided with the previous Office Action in this application.

The “Brain Food” web page attached to the previous Office Action only shows use of the term “logi” as part of the trademark LOGI- NUMBER. Nothing on this web page states or indicates that the term “logi” is a shortened version of the word “logic,” or that use of the term “logi” invokes the term “logic,” nor does anything on this web page show or suggest use of the term “logi” in a descriptive or definitional sense, or that the LOGI-NUMBER mark is in any way descriptive of the puzzles on which it is allegedly used.

The ValentF(x) web page attached to the previous Office Action also only shows use of the term “logi” as part of a trademark, namely, the mark LOGI FPGA. Again, nothing on this web page states or indicates that the term “logi” is a shortened version of the word “logic,” or that use of the term “logi” invokes the term “logic,” nor does anything on this web page show or suggest use of the term “logi” in a descriptive or definitional sense, or that the mark LOGI FPGA is descriptive in any way.

It should also be noted that to the extent that this web page does use the term “logic,” it does so only in the context of describing a single unrelated third party usage application for ValentF(x)’s LOGI FPGA product that just happens by chance in this case to be a “logic analyzer.” As it turns out, ValentF(x), the manufacturer of the LOGI FPGA product, does not itself use the term ‘logic” in connection with, or to describe, its LOGI FPGA product or its other “LOGI” branded products for that matter. As evidence to support this, Applicant is submitting herewith, as Exhibit C, numerous product web pages from ValentF(x)’s web site. These web pages can be obtained at the following Internet addresses:

(1) The web page entitled “LOGI FPGA Development Boards” is located at http://valentfx.com/fpga-logi-family/.

(2) The web page entitled “LOGI Pi FPGA Development Board for the Raspberry Pi” is located at http://valentfx.com/logi-pi/.

(3) The web page entitled “LOGI Bone – FPGA Development Board Cape for the BeagleBone” is located at http://valentfx.com/logi-bone/.

(4) The web page entitled “LOGI EDU Package for the LOGI Pi - FPGA HDL Educational Pathway” is located at http://valentfx.com/logi-edu/.

(5) The web page entitled “LOGI Camera Package - Machine Vision with the LOGI Boards” is located at http://valentfx.com/logi-cam/.

None of these Internet web pages use the term “logic” in connection with, or to describe, ValentF(x)’s LOGI FPGA product or any of its other “LOGI” branded products.

With respect to the “Yelloport” web page attached to the previous Office Action, the terms ‘logi” and “logic” are both used as trademarks on this web page and only as trademarks. Neither of these terms is used in a descriptive or definitional manner on this web page and nothing on this web page states or indicates that the term “logi” is a shortened version of the word “logic,” or that the term “logi” invokes the term “logic.” Furthermore, nothing on this web page suggests that the terms ”logi” or “logic” are used in a definitional sense in connection with, or to describe, any of the products discussed on this web page.

Finally, with respect to the “Test Equipment Depot” web page attached to the previous Office Action, this web page only shows use of the term “logi” as part of the trademark LOGISCOPE. Again, nothing on this web page states or indicates that the term “logi” is a shortened version of the word “logic,” or that the term “logi” invokes the term “logic,” nor does anything on this web page show or suggest use of the term “logi” in a descriptive or definitional sense, or that the mark LOGISCOPE is descriptive in any way of the goods on which it is used.

Based on the discussion above, it is clear that none of the evidence of record in this application shows or demonstrates in any credible way that the term “logic” can be shortened to the term “logi,” or that the term “logi” invokes the word “logic.”

As it turns out, and notwithstanding the discussion above, the term “logi,” as used by Applicant as part of its LOGIDRIVE mark, actually invokes and conjures up a meaning and connotation that is completely different from the word “logic.” More specifically, as used by Applicant in the marketplace in connection with Applicant’s goods, the “logi” portion of its LOGIDRIVE mark is likely to invoke and conjure up the word “intralogistics” and/or the word “logistics,” not the word “logic.” As evidence to support this, Applicant is submitting herewith, as Exhibit D, a copy of Applicant’s brochure for its LOGIDRIVE products. As can be seen from this brochure, Applicant’s LOGIDRIVE products are used as solutions in a wide variety of “intralogistics” and “logistics” applications.

In addition to a copy of Applicant’s brochure for its LOGIDRIVE products, Applicant is also submitting herewith, as Exhibit E, several Internet web pages from Applicant’s web site. These Internet web pages are available at the following Internet addresses:

(1) The news article entitled “NORDAC LINK – Intelligent Drive Solutions for Warehouse Logistics” is located at https://www.nord.com/cms/us/nord_group/news_and_press/articles_1/news_detail_116160.jsp.

(2) The news article entitled “Drive Systems for Digital Factories Unveiled at Hannover Fair” is located at https://www.nord.com/cms/us/nord_group/news_and_press/articles_1/news_detail_118272.jsp.

(3) The news article entitled “Drive Solutions for the Airport Industry – Always on the Move!” is located at https://www.nord.com/cms/us/nord_group/news_and_press/articles_1/news_detail_117760.jsp.

(4) The product information web page entitled “LOGIDRIVE – The Ideal Solution for Intralogistics and Airport Applications” is located at https://www.nord.com/cms/us/solutions/cp_variantenreduzierung.jsp.

(5) The product information web page entitled “Geared Motors from the Food & Beverage Industry to Warehouse Logistics” is located at https://www.nord.com/cms/us/product_catalogue/geared_motors/geared-motors.jsp.

(6) The product information web page entitled “Helical Bevel Gear Motors High Torque Capacity with Industry Leading Ratio Range” is located at https://www.nord.com/cms/us/product_catalogue/geared_motors/helical_bevel_geared_motors/pgop_helical_bevel_geared_motors.jsp.

Each of these items further evidence and support the fact that Applicant’s LOGIDRIVE products are used as solutions in a wide variety of “intralogistics” and “logistics” applications.

In addition to the above, and to further evidence and support that the term “logi” is likely to conjure up and invoke the words “intralogistics” and “logistics” in Applicant’s industry, Applicant is submitting herewith, in Exhibits F and G, additional third party Internet web pages. For example, Exhibit F attached hereto contains the following third party Internet web pages which demonstrate and evidence that the “logi” portion of Applicant’s LOGIDRIVE mark is likely to invoke and conjure-up the word “intralogistics” in the marketplace for Applicant’s goods:

(1) A product brochure entitled “A Masterpiece of German Engineering.” and available on the Internet at https://www.clsi- logispeed.de/cpmedia/downloads/1504171320logispeed_bei_buenting-13.pdf. This brochure promotes a product line by the name of LOGISPEED which is used as a solution in “intralogistics “applications.

(2) A product brochure entitled “Vertical Lift LogiMat. Powerful Technology for the Storage and Picking of Small Parts” and available on the Internet at https://www.materialshandling.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/MH-Logimat_en-20151.pdf. This brochure promotes the LOGIMAT product for use in “intralogistics and “logistics” applications.

(3) The web page for LogiMAT 2019 which promotes the 17th International Trade Fair for Intralogistics Solutions and Process Management (see https://www.logimat-messe.de/en).

(4) The “About Us” web page for LogiSoft Ltd., a company that provides systems and solutions in the field of industrial and “intralogistics” automation (see https://logisoft.bg/en/aboutus).

(5) A web page from the web site of LogiVations, a company that has considerable experience in planning and performing different “intralogistics” simulations (see https://www.logivations.com/en/consulting/Simulation.php).

(6) A press release entitled “Independent Fork System Now Called LogiMover” and available on the Internet at http://www.eisenmann.com/en/media/press/press-releases/2014/2014_05_19_CeMAT_LogiMover.html. This press release states the following about the name of the product: “’Logi’ identifies it as a highly versatile intralogistics solution, while ‘Mover’ reflects its maneuverability and flexibility.”

Similarly, Exhibit G attached hereto contains the following third party Internet web pages which demonstrate and evidence that the “logi” portion of Applicant’s LOGIDRIVE mark is likely to invoke and conjure-up the word “logistics” in the marketplace for Applicant’s goods:

(1) A product brochure entitled “Discreet RFID Tags that Withstand Liquid Immersion, High Pressure Conditions and Extreme Temperatures” and available on the Internet at http://www.hidglobal.com/sites/default/files/resource_files/hid-rfid-il-logi-tag-family- ds-en.pdf. This brochure promotes the LOGI TAG product for use in “logistics” applications.

(2) A product information web page for a product called LOGITAG and located at https://logi-tag.com/automated-logistics-center. This web page states that this product is used in connection with automated “logistics” centers.

(3) The “About Our Company” web page for Logi-Freight Logistic Services, LLC, a company that provides services in the field of shipping and “logistics” (see http://www.logi-freight.com/about.html).

(4) The web page for LOGI, the scientific journal on transport and logistics (see https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/logi).

(5) A web page from the web site of Logisuite Corporation, a leading provider of comprehensive and user-friendly “logistics” software solutions (see http://www.logisuite.com/).

(6) The “About Us” web page for LogiPharma, an organization that provides programs to meet the practical needs of those individuals involved in supply chain strategy, “logistics,” transportation and distribution (see https://logipharmaeu.wbresearch.com/about-us).

(7) A product information web page for a product called LOGILIFT and located at https://www.ambaflex.com/products/spiralveyor-sv-logilift/. This web page states that this product is used to reduce costs and handling times in the “logistics” process and further that this product is within the range of many “logistical” layouts.

(8) The “About Us” web page for Logi Plus Limited, a company that provides “logistics” support and supply chain management services (see http://www.logi-plus.com/about.php).

(9) A web page promoting a class at Nashville State Community College entitled “LOGI 2020 - Intl Trans & Logistics.” This class “provides an understanding of the “logistics” processes required in moving goods and people across international boundaries, the transportation modes used in such movement, and current “logistics” issues in the global environment” (see http://catalog.nscc.edu/preview_course_nopop.php?catoid=7&coid=5140).

(10) The “About Us” web page for LogiWare Global Shipping Software, a company that provides operating systems for global “logistics” (see http://www.logiwareinc.com/about.html).

(11) The products web page from the web site of LogiNext Solutions, a company that provides “logistics” management software solutions (see https://www.loginextsolutions.com/products).

(12) The “About Us” web page for LogiWorld, LLC, a company that provides transportation and “logistics” services (see http://www.logiworldllc.com/about/ ).

In conclusion, it is clear from all of the evidence submitted in this application that the meaning and connotation of the parties’ respective marks are completely different when used on and in connection with the parties respective goods. As previously discussed, the registered mark consists in part of the word “logic.” Applicant’s mark, on the other hand, when used in Applicant’s industry on and in connection with Applicant’s goods, is not likely to invoke or conjure-up the term “logic.” To the contrary, when used in Applicant’s industry on and in connection with Applicant’s goods, the “logi” portion of Applicant’s mark is likely to invoke or conjure-up the terms “intralogistics” or “logistics.” In light of this, it is clear from the evidence of record that the meaning and connotation of Applicant’s mark and the registered mark, when used on and in connection with the parties’ respective goods, is different. Because the registered mark contains the well-known defined word “logic” while Applicant’s mark is likely to invoke or conjure-up the terms “intralogistics” or “logistics,” Applicant’s mark and the registered mark, when viewed in the marketplace, clearly are not likely to be confused in terms of their meaning or connotation.

B. Similarity or Dissimilarity of the Marks in Terms of Sound

In terms of sound, it is clear from the evidence submitted with Applicant’s prior response filed September 21, 2017 that the mere deletion of the letter “C” from the word portion of the registered mark significantly changes the sound of the two marks at issue here.

More specifically, the pronunciation of the “logic” part of the registered mark clearly involves the use of a “short o” sound followed by a “j” sound, and then followed by an “ick” sound (e.g., the phonetic equivalent of the word “logic” is /ˈlÉ‘dʒɪk/ using the standardized IPA phonetic alphabet). For more information, see Exhibit A attached to Applicant’s prior response filed September 21, 2017. The pronunciation of Applicant’s mark, on the other hand, does not include any of these sounds. The pronunciation of the “logi” part of Applicant’s mark involves a “long o” sound (not a “short o” sound), followed by a “hard g” sound (not a “j” sound), and then followed by a “long e” sound (not an “ick” sound) (e.g., the phonetic equivalent of the term “logi” is /logi/ using the standardized IPA phonetic alphabet). For more information, see Exhibit B attached to Applicant’s prior response filed September 21, 2017.

The most recent Office Action cites to the case of Embarcadero Techs., Inc. v. RStudio, Inc., 105 USPQ2d 1825 (TTAB 2013) for the proposition that “it is impossible to predict how the public will pronounce a particular mark.” In Embarcadero Techs., Inc., the marks at issue were ER/STUDIO and RSTUDIO. The Board, after referencing the above proposition, went on to state that “because opposer’s mark begins with the letter E, there is a noticeable visual difference in the marks as well as a reason to pronounce the marks differently.” See Embarcadero Techs., Inc. at 1835. The same rationale apples in this case in that the inclusion of the letter “C” in the word portion of the registered mark creates a noticeable visual difference between the registered mark and Applicant’s mark such that the marks are likely to be pronounced differently.

Based on the discussion above and the evidence previously submitted in this application, it is clear that the deletion of the letter “C” from the word portion of the registered mark significantly changes the sound and pronunciation of the two marks at issue here and therefore the registered mark and Applicant’s mark are not at all similar in terms of their sounds or pronunciations.

C. Similarity or Dissimilarity of the Marks in Terms of Sight and Commercial Impression

Finally, the two marks are also not similar in terms of sight or commercial impression. The registered mark, for example, consists of the terms “logic” and “drive,” each of which are well known defined terms in the English language. A person viewing the appearance of this mark, therefore, would readily recognize the registered mark as consisting of these two well-known defined terms and the commercial impression conveyed by the registered mark is created by the existence of these two well-known defined terms.

Applicant’s mark, on the other hand, does not include these same two terms. Furthermore, the “logi” part of Applicant’s mark is not a well- known term and is not defined in the English language. A person viewing the appearance of Applicant’s mark, therefore, would not be confused that Applicant’s mark is the same as the registered mark because Applicant’s mark, unlike the registered mark, is not comprised of two well-known and defined terms. As such, it is clear that Applicant’s mark and the registered mark are also not confusingly similar in terms of sight and commercial impression.

D. Similarity or Dissimilarity of the Marks in Their Entireties

In conclusion, based on the significant differences as outlined above between Applicant’s mark and the registered mark in terms of sight, sound, connotation, and commercial impression, it is clear that confusion between Applicant’s mark and the registered mark in this case is unlikely. Applicant respectfully requests therefore that the refusal to register Applicant’s mark under Trademark Act Section 2(d) be withdrawn.


In view of the foregoing amendments and remarks, it is believed that this application is in condition for prompt publication. Favorable action is therefore requested.



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SIGNATORY'S POSITION Attorney for Applicant (Admitted in Wisconsin)


DATE SIGNED 04/13/2018



SUBMIT DATE Fri Apr 13 21:31:54 EDT 2018 USPTO/RFR-XXX.XXX.XXX.XX- 20180413213154604262-8726 9766-5106150456a61ef50724 TEAS STAMP 2ab7cf3e424e9e531ddd27183 3e7a962ee610102f5540-N/A- N/A-20180413211241765961

Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. PTO Form 1960 (Rev 10/2011) OMB No. 0651-0050 (Exp 09/20/2020)

Request for Reconsideration after Final Action To the Commissioner for Trademarks:

Application serial no. 87269766 LOGIDRIVE(Standard Characters, see https://tmng-al.uspto.gov/resting2/api/img/87269766/large) has been amended as follows:

ARGUMENT(S) In response to the substantive refusal(s), please note the following: This is in response to the Office Action dated October 13, 2017. In the Office Action, registration of Applicant’s mark was refused under Trademark Act Section 2(d). Applicant herein responds to this refusal.

Registration of Applicant’s mark has been refused under Trademark Act Section 2(d) based on an alleged likelihood of confusion between Applicant’s mark and the mark in U.S. Registration No. 4,566,058.

In any likelihood of confusion determination, a key consideration is the similarity of the marks. In re Fat Boys Water Sports LLC, 118 USPQ2d 1511, 1516 (TTAB 2016); see TMEP §1207.01. In determining the similarity of the marks, the marks are compared in their entireties for similarities in appearance, sound, connotation, and commercial impression. Stone Lion Capital Partners, LP v. Lion Capital LLP, 746 F.3d 1317, 1321, 110 USPQ2d 1157, 1160 (Fed. Cir. 2014); TMEP §1207.01(b)-(b)(v).

In this case, the registered mark is a design mark that includes the term “logi cdrive.” Applicant is seeking registration for its LOGIDRIVE word mark.

In making the refusal, the current Office Action continues to treat the deletion of the letter “C” from Applicant’s mark as being an insignificant change. Applicant respectfully disagrees. The deletion of the letter “C” from Applicant’s mark in this case makes a huge and significant difference in terms of the sight, sound, connotation, and commercial impression between the two marks at issue here.

A. Similarity or Dissimilarity of the Marks in Terms of Meaning and Connotation

As a preliminary matter, it should be noted that the current Office Action continues to state that the term “logic” can be shortened to ‘logi” or alternatively that the term “logi” invokes the word “logic.” In support of this proposition, the current Office Action includes, as evidence, several Internet web pages in addition to the Internet web pages that were attached to the previous Office Action in this application. These Internet web pages, however, do not support the contention that the term “logic” can be shortened to “logi” or alternatively that the term “logi” invokes the word “logic.”

The “Gizmodo” and “Catchword” Internet web pages attached to the most recent Office Action each include a third party discussion of Logitech’s decision to change its name from “Logitech” to “Logi.” It should be noted that each of these web pages contain commentary from third parties who are completely unaffiliated with Logitech, and who are completely uninformed about the history of Logitech. The “Gizmodo” web page, for example, in commenting on the name change, states the following:

“Logi isn’t a word. It’s not quite “logic,” which was of course the reference in the original name.”

The “Catchword” web page similarly states the following in commenting on the name change:

“Originally Logitech came from a portmanteau of logic and technology, a name that hearkens back to the days of the company’s founding in 1981.”

The problem with each of these statements is that they are wrong. The “logi” portion of Logitech’s name was not derived from the word “logic” and Logitech’s name was not formed from a combination of the words “logic” and “technology.” To the contrary, as evidenced by Logitech’s own history obtained from its company Internet web site at https://www.logitech.com/lang/pdf/logitech_history_200703.pdf and included in Exhibit A attached hereto, the history and origin of Logitech’s name is as follows:

“Originally, it was to be named Softech because of the software background of the three founders. Since this name was already registered, the founders chose Logitech, using the root of the French word for software: “logiciel.”

As can be seen from this evidence, the term “logi” in Logitech’s name was not derived from the word “logic,” but rather was derived from the French word for software, namely, “logiciel.”

With respect to the “Continental Girbau” Internet web page provided as evidence with the most recent Office Action, the word “logic” is only used on this web page as an abbreviation for the term “Logi Control.” Nothing on this web page suggests that the term “logi” is a shortened version of “logic,” or that use of the term “logi” invokes the term “logic,” or that the term “logi” is used in a definitional sense in connection with, or to describe, any of the products discussed on this web page, or that the LOGI marks discussed on this web page are in any way descriptive of the products on which they are allegedly used.

With respect to the “Constellation Research” Internet web page also provided as evidence with the most recent Office Action, this page simply states that the “Logi DataHub product is designed to give data professionals as well as analyst types a logical data view for self-service data prep, data access and data enrichment.” This one happenstance occurrence represents the only use of the word “logical” (or any form of the word “logic” for that matter) on the entire web page. This single usage appears to be nothing more than a random arbitrary reference by a third party reviewer of the “Logi DataHub” product. It does not in and of itself demonstrate that the term “logi” is a shortened version of the word “logic,” or that use of the term “logi” invokes the term “logic,” or that the term “logi” is used in a definitional sense in connection with, or to describe, any of the products discussed on this web page, or that the LOGI DATAHUB mark discussed on this web page is in any way descriptive of the product on which it is allegedly used.

In fact, as it turns out, LogiAnalytics, the provider of the Logi DataHub product, does not, even use the term “logic” to describe its Logi DataHub product. As evidence to support this, Applicant is submitting herewith, as Exhibit B, the product datasheet web page for the Logi DataHub product from LogiAnalytics’ own web site. This web page can be obtained on the Internet at https://www.logianalytics.com/datasheet/datahub/. A can be seen, nowhere on this data sheet does LogiAnalytics use the term “logic” in connection with, or to describe, its Logi DataHub product.

We now turn to a quick review of the evidence provided with the previous Office Action in this application.

The “Brain Food” web page attached to the previous Office Action only shows use of the term “logi” as part of the trademark LOGI-NUMBER. Nothing on this web page states or indicates that the term “logi” is a shortened version of the word “logic,” or that use of the term “logi” invokes the term “logic,” nor does anything on this web page show or suggest use of the term “logi” in a descriptive or definitional sense, or that the LOGI-NUMBER mark is in any way descriptive of the puzzles on which it is allegedly used.

The ValentF(x) web page attached to the previous Office Action also only shows use of the term “logi” as part of a trademark, namely, the mark LOGI FPGA. Again, nothing on this web page states or indicates that the term “logi” is a shortened version of the word “logic,” or that use of the term “logi” invokes the term “logic,” nor does anything on this web page show or suggest use of the term “logi” in a descriptive or definitional sense, or that the mark LOGI FPGA is descriptive in any way.

It should also be noted that to the extent that this web page does use the term “logic,” it does so only in the context of describing a single unrelated third party usage application for ValentF(x)’s LOGI FPGA product that just happens by chance in this case to be a “logic analyzer.” As it turns out, ValentF(x), the manufacturer of the LOGI FPGA product, does not itself use the term ‘logic” in connection with, or to describe, its LOGI FPGA product or its other “LOGI” branded products for that matter. As evidence to support this, Applicant is submitting herewith, as Exhibit C, numerous product web pages from ValentF(x)’s web site. These web pages can be obtained at the following Internet addresses:

(1) The web page entitled “LOGI FPGA Development Boards” is located at http://valentfx.com/fpga-logi-family/.

(2) The web page entitled “LOGI Pi FPGA Development Board for the Raspberry Pi” is located at http://valentfx.com/logi-pi/.

(3) The web page entitled “LOGI Bone – FPGA Development Board Cape for the BeagleBone” is located at http://valentfx.com/logi-bone/.

(4) The web page entitled “LOGI EDU Package for the LOGI Pi - FPGA HDL Educational Pathway” is located at http://valentfx.com/logi-edu/.

(5) The web page entitled “LOGI Camera Package - Machine Vision with the LOGI Boards” is located at http://valentfx.com/logi- cam/.

None of these Internet web pages use the term “logic” in connection with, or to describe, ValentF(x)’s LOGI FPGA product or any of its other “LOGI” branded products.

With respect to the “Yelloport” web page attached to the previous Office Action, the terms ‘logi” and “logic” are both used as trademarks on this web page and only as trademarks. Neither of these terms is used in a descriptive or definitional manner on this web page and nothing on this web page states or indicates that the term “logi” is a shortened version of the word “logic,” or that the term “logi” invokes the term “logic.” Furthermore, nothing on this web page suggests that the terms ”logi” or “logic” are used in a definitional sense in connection with, or to describe, any of the products discussed on this web page.

Finally, with respect to the “Test Equipment Depot” web page attached to the previous Office Action, this web page only shows use of the term “logi” as part of the trademark LOGISCOPE. Again, nothing on this web page states or indicates that the term “logi” is a shortened version of the word “logic,” or that the term “logi” invokes the term “logic,” nor does anything on this web page show or suggest use of the term “logi” in a descriptive or definitional sense, or that the mark LOGISCOPE is descriptive in any way of the goods on which it is used.

Based on the discussion above, it is clear that none of the evidence of record in this application shows or demonstrates in any credible way that the term “logic” can be shortened to the term “logi,” or that the term “logi” invokes the word “logic.”

As it turns out, and notwithstanding the discussion above, the term “logi,” as used by Applicant as part of its LOGIDRIVE mark, actually invokes and conjures up a meaning and connotation that is completely different from the word “logic.” More specifically, as used by Applicant in the marketplace in connection with Applicant’s goods, the “logi” portion of its LOGIDRIVE mark is likely to invoke and conjure up the word “intralogistics” and/or the word “logistics,” not the word “logic.” As evidence to support this, Applicant is submitting herewith, as Exhibit D, a copy of Applicant’s brochure for its LOGIDRIVE products. As can be seen from this brochure, Applicant’s LOGIDRIVE products are used as solutions in a wide variety of “intralogistics” and “logistics” applications.

In addition to a copy of Applicant’s brochure for its LOGIDRIVE products, Applicant is also submitting herewith, as Exhibit E, several Internet web pages from Applicant’s web site. These Internet web pages are available at the following Internet addresses:

(1) The news article entitled “NORDAC LINK – Intelligent Drive Solutions for Warehouse Logistics” is located at https://www.nord.com/cms/us/nord_group/news_and_press/articles_1/news_detail_116160.jsp.

(2) The news article entitled “Drive Systems for Digital Factories Unveiled at Hannover Fair” is located at https://www.nord.com/cms/us/nord_group/news_and_press/articles_1/news_detail_118272.jsp.

(3) The news article entitled “Drive Solutions for the Airport Industry – Always on the Move!” is located at https://www.nord.com/cms/us/nord_group/news_and_press/articles_1/news_detail_117760.jsp.

(4) The product information web page entitled “LOGIDRIVE – The Ideal Solution for Intralogistics and Airport Applications” is located at https://www.nord.com/cms/us/solutions/cp_variantenreduzierung.jsp.

(5) The product information web page entitled “Geared Motors from the Food & Beverage Industry to Warehouse Logistics” is located at https://www.nord.com/cms/us/product_catalogue/geared_motors/geared-motors.jsp.

(6) The product information web page entitled “Helical Bevel Gear Motors High Torque Capacity with Industry Leading Ratio Range” is located at https://www.nord.com/cms/us/product_catalogue/geared_motors/helical_bevel_geared_motors/pgop_helical_bevel_geared_motors.jsp.

Each of these items further evidence and support the fact that Applicant’s LOGIDRIVE products are used as solutions in a wide variety of “intralogistics” and “logistics” applications.

In addition to the above, and to further evidence and support that the term “logi” is likely to conjure up and invoke the words “intralogistics” and “logistics” in Applicant’s industry, Applicant is submitting herewith, in Exhibits F and G, additional third party Internet web pages. For example, Exhibit F attached hereto contains the following third party Internet web pages which demonstrate and evidence that the “logi” portion of Applicant’s LOGIDRIVE mark is likely to invoke and conjure-up the word “intralogistics” in the marketplace for Applicant’s goods:

(1) A product brochure entitled “A Masterpiece of German Engineering.” and available on the Internet at https://www.clsi- logispeed.de/cpmedia/downloads/1504171320logispeed_bei_buenting-13.pdf. This brochure promotes a product line by the name of LOGISPEED which is used as a solution in “intralogistics “applications.

(2) A product brochure entitled “Vertical Lift LogiMat. Powerful Technology for the Storage and Picking of Small Parts” and available on the Internet at https://www.materialshandling.com.au/wp- content/uploads/2017/03/MH-Logimat_en-20151.pdf. This brochure promotes the LOGIMAT product for use in “intralogistics and “logistics” applications.

(3) The web page for LogiMAT 2019 which promotes the 17th International Trade Fair for Intralogistics Solutions and Process Management (see https://www.logimat-messe.de/en).

(4) The “About Us” web page for LogiSoft Ltd., a company that provides systems and solutions in the field of industrial and “intralogistics” automation (see https://logisoft.bg/en/aboutus).

(5) A web page from the web site of LogiVations, a company that has considerable experience in planning and performing different “intralogistics” simulations (see https://www.logivations.com/en/consulting/Simulation.php).

(6) A press release entitled “Independent Fork System Now Called LogiMover” and available on the Internet at http://www.eisenmann.com/en/media/press/press-releases/2014/2014_05_19_CeMAT_LogiMover.html. This press release states the following about the name of the product: “’Logi’ identifies it as a highly versatile intralogistics solution, while ‘Mover’ reflects its maneuverability and flexibility.”

Similarly, Exhibit G attached hereto contains the following third party Internet web pages which demonstrate and evidence that the “logi” portion of Applicant’s LOGIDRIVE mark is likely to invoke and conjure-up the word “logistics” in the marketplace for Applicant’s goods:

(1) A product brochure entitled “Discreet RFID Tags that Withstand Liquid Immersion, High Pressure Conditions and Extreme Temperatures” and available on the Internet at http://www.hidglobal.com/sites/default/files/resource_files/hid-rfid-il-logi-tag-family-ds-en.pdf. This brochure promotes the LOGI TAG product for use in “logistics” applications.

(2) A product information web page for a product called LOGITAG and located at https://logi-tag.com/automated-logistics-center. This web page states that this product is used in connection with automated “logistics” centers.

(3) The “About Our Company” web page for Logi-Freight Logistic Services, LLC, a company that provides services in the field of shipping and “logistics” (see http://www.logi-freight.com/about.html).

(4) The web page for LOGI, the scientific journal on transport and logistics (see https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/logi).

(5) A web page from the web site of Logisuite Corporation, a leading provider of comprehensive and user-friendly “logistics” software solutions (see http://www.logisuite.com/).

(6) The “About Us” web page for LogiPharma, an organization that provides programs to meet the practical needs of those individuals involved in supply chain strategy, “logistics,” transportation and distribution (see https://logipharmaeu.wbresearch.com/about-us).

(7) A product information web page for a product called LOGILIFT and located at https://www.ambaflex.com/products/spiralveyor-sv-logilift/. This web page states that this product is used to reduce costs and handling times in the “logistics” process and further that this product is within the range of many “logistical” layouts.

(8) The “About Us” web page for Logi Plus Limited, a company that provides “logistics” support and supply chain management services (see http://www.logi-plus.com/about.php).

(9) A web page promoting a class at Nashville State Community College entitled “LOGI 2020 - Intl Trans & Logistics.” This class “provides an understanding of the “logistics” processes required in moving goods and people across international boundaries, the transportation modes used in such movement, and current “logistics” issues in the global environment” (see http://catalog.nscc.edu/preview_course_nopop.php?catoid=7&coid=5140).

(10) The “About Us” web page for LogiWare Global Shipping Software, a company that provides operating systems for global “logistics” (see http://www.logiwareinc.com/about.html).

(11) The products web page from the web site of LogiNext Solutions, a company that provides “logistics” management software solutions (see https://www.loginextsolutions.com/products).

(12) The “About Us” web page for LogiWorld, LLC, a company that provides transportation and “logistics” services (see http://www.logiworldllc.com/about/ ).

In conclusion, it is clear from all of the evidence submitted in this application that the meaning and connotation of the parties’ respective marks are completely different when used on and in connection with the parties respective goods. As previously discussed, the registered mark consists in part of the word “logic.” Applicant’s mark, on the other hand, when used in Applicant’s industry on and in connection with Applicant’s goods, is not likely to invoke or conjure-up the term “logic.” To the contrary, when used in Applicant’s industry on and in connection with Applicant’s goods, the “logi” portion of Applicant’s mark is likely to invoke or conjure-up the terms “intralogistics” or “logistics.” In light of this, it is clear from the evidence of record that the meaning and connotation of Applicant’s mark and the registered mark, when used on and in connection with the parties’ respective goods, is different. Because the registered mark contains the well-known defined word “logic” while Applicant’s mark is likely to invoke or conjure-up the terms “intralogistics” or “logistics,” Applicant’s mark and the registered mark, when viewed in the marketplace, clearly are not likely to be confused in terms of their meaning or connotation.

B. Similarity or Dissimilarity of the Marks in Terms of Sound

In terms of sound, it is clear from the evidence submitted with Applicant’s prior response filed September 21, 2017 that the mere deletion of the letter “C” from the word portion of the registered mark significantly changes the sound of the two marks at issue here.

More specifically, the pronunciation of the “logic” part of the registered mark clearly involves the use of a “short o” sound followed by a “j” sound, and then followed by an “ick” sound (e.g., the phonetic equivalent of the word “logic” is /ˈlÉ‘dʒɪk/ using the standardized IPA phonetic alphabet). For more information, see Exhibit A attached to Applicant’s prior response filed September 21, 2017. The pronunciation of Applicant’s mark, on the other hand, does not include any of these sounds. The pronunciation of the “logi” part of Applicant’s mark involves a “long o” sound (not a “short o” sound), followed by a “hard g” sound (not a “j” sound), and then followed by a “long e” sound (not an “ick” sound) (e.g., the phonetic equivalent of the term “logi” is /logi/ using the standardized IPA phonetic alphabet). For more information, see Exhibit B attached to Applicant’s prior response filed September 21, 2017.

The most recent Office Action cites to the case of Embarcadero Techs., Inc. v. RStudio, Inc., 105 USPQ2d 1825 (TTAB 2013) for the proposition that “it is impossible to predict how the public will pronounce a particular mark.” In Embarcadero Techs., Inc., the marks at issue were ER/STUDIO and RSTUDIO. The Board, after referencing the above proposition, went on to state that “because opposer’s mark begins with the letter E, there is a noticeable visual difference in the marks as well as a reason to pronounce the marks differently.” See Embarcadero Techs., Inc. at 1835. The same rationale apples in this case in that the inclusion of the letter “C” in the word portion of the registered mark creates a noticeable visual difference between the registered mark and Applicant’s mark such that the marks are likely to be pronounced differently.

Based on the discussion above and the evidence previously submitted in this application, it is clear that the deletion of the letter “C” from the word portion of the registered mark significantly changes the sound and pronunciation of the two marks at issue here and therefore the registered mark and Applicant’s mark are not at all similar in terms of their sounds or pronunciations.

C. Similarity or Dissimilarity of the Marks in Terms of Sight and Commercial Impression

Finally, the two marks are also not similar in terms of sight or commercial impression. The registered mark, for example, consists of the terms “logic” and “drive,” each of which are well known defined terms in the English language. A person viewing the appearance of this mark, therefore, would readily recognize the registered mark as consisting of these two well-known defined terms and the commercial impression conveyed by the registered mark is created by the existence of these two well-known defined terms.

Applicant’s mark, on the other hand, does not include these same two terms. Furthermore, the “logi” part of Applicant’s mark is not a well- known term and is not defined in the English language. A person viewing the appearance of Applicant’s mark, therefore, would not be confused that Applicant’s mark is the same as the registered mark because Applicant’s mark, unlike the registered mark, is not comprised of two well-known and defined terms. As such, it is clear that Applicant’s mark and the registered mark are also not confusingly similar in terms of sight and commercial impression.

D. Similarity or Dissimilarity of the Marks in Their Entireties

In conclusion, based on the significant differences as outlined above between Applicant’s mark and the registered mark in terms of sight, sound, connotation, and commercial impression, it is clear that confusion between Applicant’s mark and the registered mark in this case is unlikely. Applicant respectfully requests therefore that the refusal to register Applicant’s mark under Trademark Act Section 2(d) be withdrawn.


In view of the foregoing amendments and remarks, it is believed that this application is in condition for prompt publication. Favorable action is therefore requested.

EVIDENCE Evidence in the nature of Exhibits A through G has been attached. Original PDF file: evi_16224823482-20180413211241765961_._Resp2._Exhibits_A_through_E__A3083485x9DEB4_.pdf Converted PDF file(s) ( 40 pages) Evidence-1 Evidence-2 Evidence-3 Evidence-4 Evidence-5 Evidence-6 Evidence-7 Evidence-8 Evidence-9 Evidence-10 Evidence-11 Evidence-12 Evidence-13 Evidence-14 Evidence-15 Evidence-16 Evidence-17 Evidence-18 Evidence-19 Evidence-20 Evidence-21 Evidence-22 Evidence-23 Evidence-24 Evidence-25 Evidence-26 Evidence-27 Evidence-28 Evidence-29 Evidence-30 Evidence-31 Evidence-32 Evidence-33 Evidence-34 Evidence-35 Evidence-36 Evidence-37 Evidence-38 Evidence-39 Evidence-40 Original PDF file: evi_16224823482-20180413211241765961_._Resp2._Exhibit_F__A3083486x9DEB4_.pdf Converted PDF file(s) ( 32 pages) Evidence-1 Evidence-2 Evidence-3 Evidence-4 Evidence-5 Evidence-6 Evidence-7 Evidence-8 Evidence-9 Evidence-10 Evidence-11 Evidence-12 Evidence-13 Evidence-14 Evidence-15 Evidence-16 Evidence-17 Evidence-18 Evidence-19 Evidence-20 Evidence-21 Evidence-22 Evidence-23 Evidence-24 Evidence-25 Evidence-26 Evidence-27 Evidence-28 Evidence-29 Evidence-30 Evidence-31 Evidence-32 Original PDF file: evi_16224823482-20180413211241765961_._Resp2._Exhibit_G__A3083487x9DEB4_.pdf Converted PDF file(s) ( 37 pages) Evidence-1 Evidence-2 Evidence-3 Evidence-4 Evidence-5 Evidence-6 Evidence-7 Evidence-8 Evidence-9 Evidence-10 Evidence-11 Evidence-12 Evidence-13 Evidence-14 Evidence-15 Evidence-16 Evidence-17 Evidence-18 Evidence-19 Evidence-20 Evidence-21 Evidence-22 Evidence-23 Evidence-24 Evidence-25 Evidence-26 Evidence-27 Evidence-28 Evidence-29 Evidence-30 Evidence-31 Evidence-32 Evidence-33 Evidence-34 Evidence-35 Evidence-36 Evidence-37

SIGNATURE(S) Request for Reconsideration Signature Signature: /Joseph W. Byrne/ Date: 04/13/2018 Signatory's Name: Joseph W. Byrne Signatory's Position: Attorney for Applicant (Admitted in Wisconsin)

Signatory's Phone Number: (608) 257-9521

The signatory has confirmed that he/she is an attorney who is a member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of a U.S. state, which includes the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and other federal territories and possessions; and he/she is currently the owner's/holder's attorney or an associate thereof; and to the best of his/her knowledge, if prior to his/her appointment another U.S. attorney or a Canadian attorney/agent not currently associated with his/her company/firm previously represented the owner/holder in this matter: (1) the owner/holder has filed or is concurrently filing a signed revocation of or substitute power of attorney with the USPTO; (2) the USPTO has granted the request of the prior representative to withdraw; (3) the owner/holder has filed a power of attorney appointing him/her in this matter; or (4) the owner's/holder's appointed U.S. attorney or Canadian attorney/agent has filed a power of attorney appointing him/her as an associate attorney in this matter.

The applicant is not filing a Notice of Appeal in conjunction with this Request for Reconsideration.

Serial Number: 87269766 Internet Transmission Date: Fri Apr 13 21:31:54 EDT 2018 TEAS Stamp: USPTO/RFR-XXX.XXX.XXX.XX-201804132131546 04262-87269766-5106150456a61ef507242ab7c f3e424e9e531ddd271833e7a962ee610102f5540 -N/A-N/A-20180413211241765961 Exhibit A


Amendment and Response to Office Action ~~ Logitech History Logitech March 2007

Logitech is the world's leading provider of personal peripherals that people want to buy and love to use. Driving innovation in PC navigation, Internet communications, digital , home-entertainment control, gaming and wireless devices, the company designs, manufactures and markets products that make interacting with the digital world more personal and rewarding. Sold in more than 100 countries, ..tll!lllMlll!ll,...... h­ ~ .....,...... Logitech's personal peripherals are used in the living room, in the office and on the go - enhancing people's experiences with their gaming consoles, home-entertainment systems, personal computers, iPod/MP3 players, and mobile phones.

Very much a specialist, Logitech is focused solely on personal peripherals, which it distributes through retailers as well as through major computer manufacturers. The company maintains its product leadership by combining continued innovation, award­ winning industrial design and excellent price-performance with core technologies such as wireless, media-rich communications and digital entertainment.

Logitech's ever-expanding product lines now include control devices (keyboards, mice, trackballs, digital writing solutions, and advanced universal remote controls), video communications products (webcams and applications), interactive entertainment products (gaming controllers and mobile gaming accessories) and audio products (multimedia speakers and headsets for gaming, music, Internet voice access, mobile phones, and portable music players).

A global company with an internationally diverse management team, Logitech has more than 7,200 employees in more than 30 countries. The company has a significant operational presence in Europe, the U.S. and Asia, with its key manufacturing facility in China. Logitech's largest engineering teams preside in Fremont, Calif., Romane!, Switzerland, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Vancouver, Wash., and Toronto, Canada, while the company maintains a strong engineering presence in Cork, Ireland and Suzhou, China.

With annual revenues of nearly $1.8 billion, Logitech is a Swiss public company traded on the SWX Swiss Exchange under the symbol LOGN and on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the symbol LOGl. In January 2007, Logitech was added to the NASDAQ- 100 Index®.

The Early Days The idea for Logitech was spawned in 1976 at Stanford University, in Palo Alto, Calif. While enrolled in a graduate program in computer science at Stanford, Daniel Borel and Pierluigi Zappacosta formed a friendship that would become a business alliance. While completing their education, Borel, a Swiss, and Zappacosta, an Italian, identified an opportunity to develop an early word-processing system. The pair spent four years securing funding and eventually built a prototype for the Swiss company Bobst.

Shortly thereafter, Borel and Zappacosta joined forces with Giacomo Marini, a former Olivetti engineer and longtime friend of Zappacosta, on a second venture. The three eventual founders of Logitech began work as consultants in publishing-related software Logitech History - Page 2 development and hardware architecture. Ricoh awarded them a four-month contract for a feasibility study on developing a graphical editor.

With this initial funding in hand, Borel, Zappacosta and Marini founded Logitech S.A., on Oct. 2, 1981, and opened its first office in Apples, Switzerland. Originally, it was to be named Softech because of the software background of the three founders. Since this name was already registered, the founders chose Logitech, using the root of the French word for software: "logiciel."

Zappacosta led a feasibility study from the back yard of a farm in Apples that served as Logitech's first office. In January 1982, the Logitech team showed Ricoh management a prototype. Ricoh agreed to move forward on the project and tasked the Logitech team with most of the software development. Shortly thereafter, the trio opened Logitech's first U.S. office, at 165 University Ave. in Palo Alto, Calif., to be close to Ricoh's development office in nearby San Jose.

Enter: The Computer Mouse Meanwhile, a little-known device called the computer mouse was beginning to surface. It caught the Logitech team's attention - the early pointing device was the perfect navigation aid for a graphical interface. Logitech knew of a mouse in development at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland. Working closely with its developers, Logitech helped to bring the mouse out of the lab and took it to market. In 1982, Logitech introduced the P4 Mouse, the company's first hardware device.

The marketing of the P4 began in the fall of 1982, at the Comdex trade show in Las Vegas. Initially, Logitech made a few small OEM sales in the niche graphics market. In the second half of 1983, the company began to register some larger sales. Apollo Computer, which manufactured workstations, purchased mice at a rate of 500 units a month for a price of $99 each. In early 1984, Logitech signed a contract with HP to manufacture a redesigned mouse at $44.95 per unit - it was a deal that allowed for very little margin, but the production rate would eventually reach 25,000 units a year.

Other larger OEM deals were quick to follow. In order to continue to grow and to increase its margins, Logitech needed to expand its manufacturing abilities. After thorough evaluation, the company chose to manufacture in Taiwan. Logitech Far East operations officially opened in July 1986, in Hsinchu, Taiwan. Production started in September of that year. In Sept. 1986, the company moved its Swiss headquarters from Apples to Romanel.

In parallel to its thriving OEM activity, Logitech was monitoring the small but growing retail mouse market. With no experience in retail, Logitech attempted to partner with Microsoft on a bundle with its software. After two years of discussions, no deal was struck, so Logitech decided to take its first retail plunge with its own mouse - the Logitech C7. Despite limited marketing resources, Logitech sold 800 units of the C7 mouse in the first month, December of 1985.

After proving that it could manufacture mice competitively, Logitech won some of the prized Apple business - supporting the up-and-coming platform. With the experience gained from the Taiwanese project, the company decided to further expand its global operations. An Irish manufacturing site was established in Cork to better serve European customers. In April 1988, Logitech Ireland was created. Logitech History- Page 3

In July 1988, Logitech decided to go public to help finance its growth. With a balance between its OEM and retail businesses, a worldwide presence, 400 people and $40 million in revenue, the company officially registered on the Swiss Exchange.

Rising Competition In the early 1990s, Logitech faced fierce competition in the mouse business. To respond, the company made two important moves. In 1994, Logitech consolidated its manufacturing in Suzhou, China. Also, Logitech identified a larger market opportunity for computer peripherals and began growing its business beyond the mouse.

In 1988, the company introduced a handheld scanner, the first of several varieties of scanners it would eventually manufacture. In 1992, Logitech introduced FotoMan, an early digital still camera that sold for just under $1,000. Also in 1992, Logitech brought to market AudioMan, a speaker/microphone that enabled people to insert audio clips into certain applications. And in 1994, the company introduced WingMan®, its first gaming peripheral - a joystick - for a growing PC game market. In 1995, Logitech launched VideoMan, a Web camera on a flexible arm. Silicon Graphics became the first Logitech OEM video customer.

Meanwhile, Logitech continued to innovate within its core mouse business. In 1991, the company delivered the industry's first radio-based cordless mouse: the Logitech MouseMan® Cordless. The first product used 150 kHz radio (RF) technology; however, in 1994 Logitech introduced its -generation cordless mouse with 27 MHz RF technology, which would become the foundation for many future Logitech cordless peripherals. In 1995, the company introduced the first large-volume computer pointing device to use precision optical technology instead of mechanical to measure movement, the Logitech® TrackMan® Marble® trackball. In 2001, the company combined optical tracking precision with cordless freedom by introducing the much­ anticipated Logitech® Cordless MouseMan® Optical. In 2004, Logitech introduced the world's first mouse to use ultra-precise laser tracking technology, the Logitech® MX™ 1000 Laser Cordless Mouse. And in 2006, the company introduced the Logitech® MX TM Revolution cordless laser mouse, marking a radical change in how people navigate complex and abundant content.

As the home PC market - and the ensuing demand for peripherals to enhance the computing experience - exploded in the mid 1990s, Logitech was poised for new growth. In April 1996, Logitech - by then the world's largest manufacturer of mice­ celebrated the shipment of its 100 millionth mouse. Meanwhile, the development of the Internet and the applications that helped drive the home PC market also strengthened the retail opportunity for Logitech branded products. A new demand was born for after­ market peripherals that helped people take advantage of the Internet's offerings, from the World Wide Web, to music, to audio and video communications, to gaming. Subsequently, Logitech's business continued to grow beyond its OEM roots and into retail, while consumer awareness of the Logitech brand soared.

With a growing product portfolio and an increasingly strong brand image, Logitech went public on the Nasdaq exchange in March 1997. Logitech History - Page 4

Taking the Helm In February 1998, with the support of the company's board of directors, Borel, the co­ founder who had been chairman and chief executive officer since 1992, hired Italian­ born Guerrino De Luca as Logitech's CEO. With a long and diverse history at Apple Computer, both in Europe and in the U.S., De Luca brought a product philosophy rooted in cutting-edge design and intuitive interface. Under De Luca's leadership, Logitech's financial results have consistently met and often exceeded both company and market expectations - as of March 31 , 2006, Logitech reported eight consecutive years of record revenue and profitability. During this time, the company's product portfolio has continued to expand, and the company has grown both organically and through acquisition.

Growth Through Acquisition In 1998, Logitech acquired the hardware division of Connectix, the manufacturer of the QuickCam® line of webcams. The move propelled Logitech to a position of market leadership in this category. With the growth of broadband Internet access and the development of applications around video, Logitech's QuickCam family of products has become a mainstay of computer users. Logitech has worked with partners such as Yahoo!®, MSN®, AOL® and Skype™ to integrate video with popular Internet communications applications. The company continues to work with leading solution and service providers to define new applications for video communications, both for personal and business use.

In 2001 , Logitech acquired Labtec, instantly broadening Logitech's presence in the audio business. Subsequently, the company has released an array of award-winning PC speakers, competing at both the high and low ends of the market. Many Logitech speakers also are configured for gaming consoles and entertainment systems. Logitech's digital speaker systems are THX certified and among the most powerful on the market, helping the company to capture market leadership in the U.S. in only 2 1/2 years. The company has also introduced successful headsets for gaming platforms and mobile phones. For digital music, Logitech has unveiled a line of speakers and headphones for iPod® and other portable music devices, in addition to pioneering a family of wireless music products that make it easy for people to play and share their digital music on a stereo system or wireless headphones - though the source of the music or audio is a PC or portable music player. ·

In May of 2004, Logitech purchased Intrigue Technologies, manufacturer of the acclaimed Harmony remote controls. These advanced universal remotes have activity­ based buttons, allowing one-touch control for watching TV, playing DVDs, listening to music and other activities. The move brought Logitech into the entertainment center of the home, with a platform the company believes could evolve into the "mouse of the digital house."

In October of 2006, Logitech acquired Slim Devices, a pioneer in the development of music systems that take advantage of a home network and the Intranet. The acquisition is part of Logitech's growth strategy for digital music. The company believes a very promising area for growth is in this emerging category of whole-home music. Logitech plans to offer affordable solutions for distributing music throughout the home, listening to the music on high-quality speakers and controlling it in a comfortable, intuitive way. Logitech History - Page 5

Organic Growth While periodic acquisition has served Logitech well, the company has also continued to innovate and grow with its core business.

Perhaps the biggest development area for Logitech in the past decade has been in cordless devices. Logitech has sold more than 100 million cordless mice and keyboards, allowing consumers the freedom to live the digital lifestyle, where and how they want, without any cords to hold them back. In 1998, the company created a new product category with the introduction of the Logitech Cordless Desktop®, the combination of a cordless mouse and a cordless keyboard.

In 2001, Logitech introduced the industry's first retail pointing device with Bluetooth® wireless technology - the Logitech® Cordless Presenter™. In 2003, Logitech took a leadership position by introducing products that transform a PC into a Bluetooth - making it easy to wirelessly exchange information between the PC and Bluetooth devices, such as PDAs, mobile phones and printers. These innovative Bluetooth products all feature a USB wireless receiver that acts as a Bluetooth wireless hub. In 2003, Logitech introduced the Logitech® Mobile Bluetooth® Headset, its first of several mobile headsets with Bluetooth wireless technology.

Logitech has also expanded its presence in the rapidly growing gaming industry. Long a leader in devices for the PC platform, Logitech introduced its first gaming console controller in 2000 - the Logitech® GT Force™ racing wheel for PlayStation®2. Logitech has since developed more than 20 peripherals for consoles, including its popular line of cordless controllers for both PlayStation and Xbox®. In 2005, the company unveiled its family of PlayGear products designed to protect and enhance the use of the new PSP® (PlayStation® Portable) platform. Logitech continues to work closely with its partners in developing a wide range of products for all gaming platforms.

In 2002, the company introduced the Logitech® io™ Personal Digital Pen, a platform that merges the use of traditional pen and paper with the digital world. Working with technology and solution partners, Logitech is helping to develop digital writing applications that enable the automated transformation of handwritten data into archived information for both consumers and professionals.

Logitech Today Logitech continues to deliver landscape-changing technology, but also keeps a focus on even the subtlest of design details that make its products personal and its brand cherished by millions of customers worldwide. The company owns a diversified patent portfolio, and its products frequently win industry and media awards for both design and innovation. Logitech will continue to help make interaction with the digital world more personal and rewarding for entertainment in the living room, communications on the go, and personal computing in the office.

Logitech - at the beginning a software company, once solely an OEM manufacturer, and then just a mouse company- has become a personal peripherals leader by leveraging both its strong OEM relationships and a thriving retail business. The company has sold more than 700 million mice, and its product lines extend into keyboards, Web cameras, voice headsets, speakers, headphones, game controllers and remote controls. In its most recent fiscal year, completed in March 2006, Logitech introduced more than 130 new products and shipped more than 143 million products worldwide. Exhibit B


Amendment and Response to Office Action 411312018 DataHub Datasheet I Logi Analytics


SEPTf,\IH.Hr< 2016


Dc1t:1Hub rnakC'<; delivering self-service analytics e.1~y by eliminating concerns <'lround cfat;1 performance and pre11arat1on.

DataHub connects to multiple sources, caches data for high-performance, and prepares your data in intuitive ways - so you can deliver e'cient reporting and analysis without impacting your transactional systems and application data sources.

With DataHub, you can:

• Connect to and acquire data from diverse sources, " • • • 4 - • ftJ -- including files, databases, and even applications that are -- on-premise or in the cloud • Create a business-friendly view of your data by selecting J the specific objects and columns you want from your data sources, joining data from multiple objects or . blending data from multiple sources -·--- .~'ti ICll ,. ~ iF. • Accelerate performance for large data sets with a self­ tuning. columnar data store that continually optimizes the data for interactive, ad-hoc analysis • Enrich data with DataSmart profiling that automatically identifies the types and formats of your data, and provides easy ways of enriching through new calculations and manipulation of multi-part data

With Logi DataHub, you can quickly create, prepare, and manage data views for self-service analysis and guarantee top performance regardless of what questions users will ask of the data.

Databases AppUcations Flies

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https:l/www.loglanalytics.com/datasheet/datahubl 1/2 4113/2016 DataHub Datasheet I Logi Analytics Get Started Now


©Copyright Logi Analytics I Privacy Policy +1-688-564-4965 / salesteam111logianalytics.com

y https:/lwww.logianalytics.com/datasheeVdatahub/ 2/2 Exhibit C


Amendment and Response to Office Action 4/1312018 FPGA LOGI Family on ValentF(x)



LOGI BLOG POSTS LOGI FPGA DEVELOPMENT BOARDS KlwiSDR on Klckstarter LOGI boards are back In stock Gradient Filter implementation on FPGA: Part The LOGi series is a family of FPGA development boards that mitigates the sharp learning curve 2 Implementing gradient Filter associated with FPGA development and unifies existing hardware interfaces and platforms. FPGA Gradient Filter implementation on an FPGA - development is an invaluable technology that allows a single board to morph in functionality to fit Part 1 Interfacing an FPGA with a camera the needs of changing environments. The LOGi Family FPGA boards allow beginning or Obstacle detection using Laser and Image experienced FPGA developers a plug-and-play experience with popular embedded systems Processing including the Raspberry Pl and the BeagleBone that can easily connect to a multitude of off-the­ shelf hardware peripherals. The LOGi Team has created a closed-loop development solution using the LOGi Boards by providing the hardware, software, drivers and applications for users to jump start their FPGA/CPU applications. LOGl-Bon e1og1-cam loqi- fa m i Iy logi-m••k logi-m••k-;i o g i­ PRODUCTS ne ws LOG I-Pi 1091-proJectsmakerfair•


ok2top and miket46 joined. Is it possible to transform kiwi sdr on Xilinx Zynq FPGA a single chip Kd4jrx, lou_lovu and jackobian joined. solution [for GPS only] momu136 AM Overload Solved momu136 lonosondes momU136 Receive and Decode DGPS on 306 KHz GPS: Galileo reception possible on Kiwi?

http://valentfx.com/fpga-logl-family/ 1/1 4/13/2018 LOGI Pi on ValentP(x}

¥JkvalentFfx J


LOGI BLOG POSTS LOGI Pl FPGA DEVELOPMENT BOARD FOR THE RASPBERRY Pl KiwiSDR on Kickstarter LOGI boards are back in stock Gradient Filter implementation on FPGA : Part 2 Implementing gradient Filter Gradient Filter implementation on an FPGA - Part , Interfacing an FPGA with a camera Obstacle detection using Laser and Image Processing

LOGl-Bone1091-cam loqi- f am i Iy logi-mark 109i-mark7l o gi - news LOGl-Pi 1091-projectsmakerfake

LOGI AT ELEMENT14 You can now order the LOGI Boards at Element14!


The LOGI Pi is an FPGA development platform that has been optimized for use with the Raspberry Pi. The LOGI Pi/Raspberry Pi combination was designed with key design attributes in mind including ease of use, maximum expansion capability and low cost to performance ratio. The LOGI Pl creates a powerful and versatile digital canvas for users to create their imaginative digital designs.


The LOGI Team has developed software and drivers that make it easy for users to communicat e between the FPGA and the Raspberry Pi. APls and Wrappers have been written that al low easy access t o the FPGA custom hardware peripherals using the wishbone bus standard. Applications can easily be written using C,C++ in conjunction or with python. APls for these languages allow easy to use communication with the FPGA.


The LOGI Team has created a number of applications for the LOGi-Pi including a bitcoin miner. machine vision and aut onomous vehicle and robotic controllers. All applications are open source and available on the LOGI repository. An "" (Free) application methodology has been developed that allows users to simply download the latest fully built applications and run them with no need to delve into building the HDL and source code.


The LOGI Team is developing custom hardware modules to enable direct support for applications that they could not find an easy existing solution. LOGI Hardware modules are designed using the widely used standards including Digilent Inc PMOD, Arduino Shield and http://valentfx.com/logi-pi/ 1/3 4/1312018 LOGI Pi on ValentF(x) high bandwidth modules using SATA connectors (For LVDS expansion only - SATA protocol not supported). Existing LOGi modules include the LOGI Cam and the LOGI EDU.


• FPGA: Spartan 6 LX9 - TQFP144 Package - XC6SLX9-2TQG144C • Plug and play interfacing the Raspberry Pi

• Ardulno Shield expansion allowing for more than 200 existing plug in hardware modules

• PMOD compatible headers allowing for more than so existing low cost hardware modules

• 4 layer optimized design to support maximum performance of high bandwidth applications

• Length tuned GPMC, SDRAM and LVDS signals for high performance applications


• 2xPush buttons

• zx DIP Switch

• ix High bandwidth SATA connector expansion port (SATA protocol not supported)

• 32 FPGA 10 through PMOD and Arduino headers

• 4x Digllent Inc. PMOD ports supporting 59+ plug and play hardware modules

• ix Ardulno Header supporting 200+ Arduino Shield modules

• Optional l2C, SPI access from the Raspberry Pi

• 1ox length tuned LVDS pairs



All LOGJDocumenta tion LOGI Pi Schematics LOGI Pi User Manual LOGI Pi Quick Start Guide LOGI Projects

LOG I Repository


The LOGI Boards are now being sold at element14, Farnell and Newark and MCM.

ok2top and mlket46 joined. Is it possible to transform kiwi sdr on Xilinx Zynq FPGA a single chip Kd4jrx, lou_lovu and Jackoblan joined. solution [for GPS only] momu136 AM Overload Solved momu136 lonosondes momu136 Receive and Decode DGPS on 306 KHz GPS: Galileo reception possible on Kiwi? http:/fvalentfx.comflogi-pi/ 2/3 411312018 LOGI Pi on ValentF(x)

http:ffvalentfx.comflogi-pil 313 411312018 LOGI Bone on ValentF{x)



LOGI BLOG POSTS LOGI BONE - FPGA DEVELOPMENT BOARD CAPE FOR THE KiwiSDR on Kickstarter LOGI boards are back in stock BEAGLEBONE Gradient Filter implementation on FPGA: Part z Implementing gradient Filter Gradient Filter implementation on an FPGA - Part i Interfacing an FPGA with a camera Obstacle detection using Laser and Image Processing

LOG I-Bone logi-cam Ioqi- f am iI y logi-mark 1ogi-mark7l og i­ n eWS LOGI-P i 1o91-prnjects maker1a1re

LOGI AT ELEMENT14 You can now order the LOGI Boards at Element14!


The LDGI Bone is an FPGA development platform that has been optimized for use with the BeagleBone. The LOGI Bone/BeagleBone combination was designed with key design attributes in mind including ease of use, maximum expansion capability and low cost to performance ratio. The LOGI Bone creates a powerful and versatile digital canvas for users to create their imaginative digital designs.


The LOGI Team has developed software and drivers that make it easy for users to communicate between the FPGA and the Beaglebone. AP ls and Wrappers have been written t hat allow easy access to the FPGA custom hardware peripherals using the wishbone bus standard. Applications can easily be written using C,C++ in coniunction or with python. APls for these languages allow easy to use and high bandwidth communication with the FPGA.


The LOGI Team has created a number of applications for the LOGI Bone including a bitcoln miner, machine vision and autonomous vehicle and robotic controllers. All applications are open source and available on the LOGI repository. An 'App Store" (Free) application methodology has been developed that allows users to simply download the latest fully built applications and run them with no need to delve into building the HOL and source code.


The LOGI Team is developing custom hardware modules to enable direct support for applications that they could not find an easy existing solution. LOGI Hardware modules are designed using the widely used standards including Digilent Inc PMOD, Ardulno Shield and high bandwidth modules using SATA http://valentfx.com/logi-bonel 1/3 4/13/2018 LOGI Bone on ValentF(x) connectors (For LVDS expansion only - SATA protocol not supported). Existing LOGI modules include the LOGI Cam and the LOGI EDU.


FPGA: Spartan 6 LX9 - TQFP144 Packag~ - XC6SLX9-2TQG144C

• Beagle bone Black optimized

• 4 layer optimized design to support maximum performance for high bandwidth applications

• Length tuned GPMC, SDRAM, LVDS signals • zx Push buttons

• zx DIP Switch

ix High bandwidth SATA connector expansion port for maximum LVDS bandwidth (SATA protocol not supported)

• 32 FPGA GPIO through PMOD and Arduino headers

• zx Digilent Inc. PMOD ports supporting 59+ plug and play hardware modules

• ix Arduino Header supporting 200+ Arduino Shield modules

• Optional GPMC, SPI or lzC port access from the Beaglebone

• iox length tuned LVDS pairs



All LOGI Documentation LOGI Bone Schematics LOGI Bone User Manual LOGI Bone Quick Start Guide LOGI Projects

LOGI Repository

PURCHASE The LOGI Boards are now being sold at element14, Farnell and Newark and MCM.

ok2top and miket46 joined. Is it possible to transform kiwi sdr on XilinxZynq FPGAa single chip Kd4jrx, lou_lovu and jackoblan joined. solution (for GPS only] momu136 AM Overload Solved momu136 lonosondes momu136 Receive and Decode DGPS on 306 KHz GPS: Galileo reception possible on Kiwi1

http://valentfx.com/logi-bone/ 2/3 4/13/2018 LOGI Bone on ValentF(x)

http://11alentfx.com/logi-bone/ 3/3 411312018 LOGI EDU on ValenlF(x)



LOGI BLOG POSTS LOGI EDU PACKAGE FOR THE LOGI Pl - FPGA HDL KiwiSDR on Kickstarter LDGI boards are back in stock EDUCATIONAL PATHWAY Gradient Filter implementation on FPGA : Part 2 Implementing gradient Filter Gradient Filter implementation on an FPGA - Part, Interfacing an FPGA with a camera Obstacle detection using Laser and Image Processing

l,..OGl-~one 109i-cam loqi- t am 11 y logi-mark logi-mark';l 0 g1- ne ws LOG I-Pi 1o91-proJ•ctsmak•1faire

LOGI AT ELEMENT14 You can now order the LOGI Boards at Element14!

The LOGI EDU package is an expansion board board for the LOGI Pl FPGA board. The LOGI EDU serves as an educational pathway to allow FPGA beginners to easily learn and implement basics of FPGAs and HDL design. The educational path walks beginners through the basic steps of FPGA design by using examples from the book "FPGA Prototyping By Verilog Examples" or "FPGA Prototyping By VHDL Examples". The examples can be run by using the add-on EDU expansion module that supports the book examples and applications. Using these examples allows the user to quickly get up to speed with the basics of FPGA design and allows the user to migrate to working on and designing greater complexity FPGA applications.

There are many FPGA resources that do not give all of the information needed, or omit some of the relevant information required to fully understand the basic and advanced topics of developing FPGA designs. The Pong Chu books chosen contain the crucial concepts ofFPGA design in a practical and concise way that will get the reader up and running in an efficient manner.

The LOGI EDU was designed to be used after you are done with the educational content. We have added some extra peripherals that make it a well rounded board for many types of general purpose projects. FEATURES

4x Seven Segment Character display • 9 bit VGA video output • 2x PS/2 peripheral ports • 2x PWM or delta sigma audio outputs • 2x NES (Nintendo original) controllers 2x Servo connectors Breadboard area utilizing 10 shared 10 pins for general purpose use


All LOGI Documentation LOG I EDU Quick Start Guide http://valentfx.com/logi-edul 112 411312018 LOGI EDU on ValentF(x)

LOGI EDU User Manual LOGI EdU Schematics Youtube example video LOG I Projects

LOG I Repository


The LOGI Boards are now being sold at element14, Farnell and Newark and MCM.

ok2top and mikel46 joined. Is it possible to transform kiwi sdr on Xilinx Zynq FPGA a single chip Kd4jnc, lou_lovu and jackobian Joined. solution [for GPS only] momui36 AM Overload Solved momui36 lonosondes momu136 Receive and Decode DGPS on 306 KHz GPS: Galileo reception possible on Kiwi?

http://valenlfx.comllogi-edu/ 212 4/13/2016 LOGI Cam on ValentF(x)



LOGI BLOG POSTS LOGI CAMERA PACKAGE - MACHINE VISION WITH THE LOGI KiwiSDR on Kickstarter LOGI boards are back in stock BOARDS Gradient Filter implementation on FPGA: Part 2 Implementing gradient Filter Gradient Filter implement ation on an FPGA - Part 1 Interfacing an FPGA with a camera Obstacle detection using Laser and Image Processing

LOGl - ~one iogi-cam Ioqi- fa mi ly logl-mark logi-mark71 og i­ news LOG I-Pi 1091-projectsmak"r.;,.

LOGI AT ELEMENT14 You can now order the LOGI Boards at Elernent14!

The LOGI Cam Is designed specifically make video applications with the LOGI Boards a snap. The LOGI Cam PCB allows for a plug and play experience with the OV7670 or the OV7725 camera modules and the LOGI Boards. The kickstarter LOGI Cam package will ship with OV7670 Camera module and will allow you start working directly with the existing LOGi machine vision code or general image/video processing by Jonathan Plat.

Applications In image processing technology are becoming more and more prevalent with the availability of low cost high performance electronics systems. The addition of Image processing algorithms to such systems enables applications such as object tracking and detection, autonomous movement, ambient change recognition, etc. Image processing is known to be very data processing intensive based on the amount of data needed to be processed and the speed which the data needs to be processed. FPGA technology handles both of these requirements very well, which makes FPGA's, especially in conjunction with high performance embedded systems, a very powerful tool for implementing a vast array of applications. FEATURES:

• Plug and play connection with the OV7670 and OV7725 with other Omnlvislon modules being compatible. • Expansion port to add a flash or external light with pass transistor and series current limiting resistor. RESOURCES

All LOGI Documentation LOGI Cam Quick Start Guide LOGI Cam schematics LOGI Project s LOGI Repository

LOGI Cam video demo

http://valentfx.com/logi-cam/ 1/2 4/13/2018 LOGI Cam on ValentF(x) PURCHASE

The LOGI Boards are now being sold at element14, Farnell and Newark and MCM.

ok2top and mlket46 Joined. Is it possible to transform kiwi sdr on Xilinx Zynq FPGA a single chip Kd4jrx, lou_lovu and jackoblan joined. solution [for GPS only] momu136 AM Overload Solved momu136 lonosondes momu136 Receive and Decode DGPS on 306 KHz GPS: Galileo reception possible on Kiwi?

Copyright© 2016. ValentF(x).

http://valentfx.com/logi-cem/ 212 Exhibit D


Amendment and Response to Office Action rDRIVESYSTEMS

NORD Drive Solutions NORD Motors NORD DRIVESYSTEMS Group I Headquarters and technology centre in Bargteheide, near Hamburg Innovative drive solutions for more than 100 branches of industry Mechanical products Parallel, helical, bevel and worm gear drives NORD Gear Units I Electrical products NORD lnveites and IE2/IE311E4 motors IMotor starters Electronic products centralised and decentralised frequency inverters and ENERGY-EFFICIENT1E4 motor starters • Compliance with the most stringent specified efficiency 7 production locations with cutting edge technology regulations for all drive components • Considerable reduction of TCO Subsidiaries and sales partners in 98 countries • High efficiency, even in partial load and at low speeds on 5 continents due to PMSM technology provide local stocks, assembly centres, REDUCTIONOF VARIANTS technical support and customer service More than 3,600 employees throughout the wortd • Standardisation of geared motors for intralogistics create customised solutions. and demands • Easy Engineering www.nord.comllocator • Easy Selection • Large speed range through inverter technology

SERVICEAND MAINTENANCE FRIENDLY • Considerable reduction of stock keeping • Service friendly through plug-and-play technology • Compact, space-saving design • 25% weight reduction with 'lightweight'' aluminium housing • Replacement of individual drive components possible GLOBALPRESENCE Headquarters: • NORD DRIVESYSTEMS is represented in 98 countries GetriebebauNORD GmbH & Co. KG ®) throughout the world. Getriebebau-Nord-Str. 1,22941 Bargteheide , Germany ENERGYEFFICIENT • Global production, assembly, service and sales network T +494532 289-0, F +4945 32 289-2253 [email protected] STANDARDISED Memberof the NORDDRIVESYSTEMS Group SERVICEFRIENDLY DRIVESYSTEMS NORCJD RIVESYSTEMS cog1D1ve r THEDRIVE SOLUTION FOR THEIE4-DRIVE INTRALOGISTICSAND AIRPORTS ENERGYEFFICIENT

The usage of IE4 synchronous motors minimises overall life cycle costs. The NORD IE4 motor is LogiDriue considerably more efficient and has a shorter pay back period (ROI).

Statur;LEDelld error code, ~EEPROM RJ12 comm.inication • Higti-efficiency2-stage • Incrementalencoder ;- bevel gear unit • Pre-assembledcables

• IE4 PMSMsynchronous motor • High ove~oadcapacity • Powerplug connector • Hollowshaft diameters • M12 connectors standardised Stmtu1LEO <111IE3 l/OstalUI The LogiDrive solution from NORD DRIVESYSTEMS reduces engineering and commissioning effort: • NORD inverters for intralogistics and airport applications control with synchronous and asynchronous motors. PE MaWla Power Molar 12 oadod M12 ~ 1k1t1 • Easy engineering with the same housing dimensions on ~ dllsyd191 ~ '°"S...,STO,enooderl: synchronous and asynchronous motors. -- The field cistributor NORDAC LJNKup to 7.5 kW <111IE4 • Internal or external brake resistor • Extemal 24V DC power supply for the control board. This Size80 0.75kW 1.1/1.5 kW ensures the same potential for all drive units. Size90 1.1/1.5kW 1.5 / 2.2 / 3.0 kW • The drive units can be accessed via the bus even without the 400V mains voltage, as the control board remains active due Size100 2.2/3.0kW 3.0 / 4.0 / 5.5 kW to the 24V DC supply. • Decentralised installation • Plug-in EEPROM Data can be transferred if servicing is required.



Amendment and Response to Office Action 4/13/2016 NORD - NORDAC LINK - Intelligent Drive Solutions for Warehouse Logistics

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At the 6th annual Technical Press Days event In Hamburg, NORD DRIVESYSTEMS presented its LogiDrive drive solution, consisting of a premium efficient NORD gearmotor and a NORDAC LINK field distribution system.

Baratahaida, 2018-01-03 This complete drive solution is optimized for applications used in conveyor and handling technology. With the help of the modular LogiDrive system, a suitable drive solution can be designed for all common warehouse logistics operations utilizing only three different sizes.

The new NORDAC LINK family of decentralized drive electronics is the ideal answer to the evolution of control architectures - from the automation pyramid to an intelligent automation network. With a PLC integrated into the NORD frequency inverter, application-specific functions close to the drive unit can be efficiently programmed and parameterized the same way as other frequency inverter functions. Intelligent drives are an integral part of the automation network. They continuously log drive and application data and evaluate all available data from sensors and actuators. The collected data are then processed and evaluated locally by the integrated PLC. The intelligent drive transmits all relevant data to the control center and other components on the network. The intelligent drive operates independently from a higher-level control system so that It is able to initiate control of sequences and movement autonomously and respond appropriately at any time. At the 2017 Technical Press Days which took place at the Hotel Hafen Hamburg, automation industry journalists learned that NORD DRIVESYSTEMS successfully provided NORDAC LINK drives for various projects including baggage sorting systems, automated warehouses and parcel distribution centers.

Learn more ( .. / .. / . ./documentation/ftyers_and_brochures/details_1143/detail_95809.jsp )

https://www.nord.com/cms/us/nord_group/news_and_press/articles_ 1/news_detail_116160.jsp 1/2 4/13/2018 NORD - NORDAC LINK- Intelligent Drive Solutions for Warehouse Logistics

https://www.nord.com/cms/us/nord_group/news_and_press/articles_1/news_detail_116160.jsp 212 4/13/2018 NORD - Drive Systems for Digital Factories Unveiled at Hannover Fair

By using this website you consent to the use of cookies and similar technologies and agree to our cookie policy. Storage of data from previous and future visits as well as the use of this data is canied X out according to the conditions of our data protection guidelines (/cms/us/global/privacy_policy.jsp).



From April 23 - 27, 2018, NORD DRIVESYSTEMS will be exhibiting Its Innovative drive solutions for dlgltal factories of the future at the Hannover Fair 2018. These include NORDAC LINK decentralized field distributors, smart drives with Cloud integration for predictive maintenance, as well as LoglDrlve - the efficient drive solution for lntraloglstlcs that offers a reduction of the number of product variants. A PROFlsafe communication module ensures even greater safety in production.

Waunallee, WI , 2018-03-09 The Hannover Fair Is the world's leading industrial exhibition. Under the motto 'Get new technology first", this year, more than 5000 exhibitors are presenting their innovations, including the North German drive manufacturer NORD DRIVESYSTEMS, who will be presenting its smart solutions in Hall 15 on Stand H31 . The company will also be displaying its latest technologies for the logistics industry at the CeMAT exhibition in Hall 21 on Stand C33.

The components which will be exhibited include the NORDAC LINK decentralized field distributor for applications in modern, networked intraloglstics systems. This drive control for flexible close-to­ the-motor installation is available as an AC vector drive (up to 10 hp) or a motor starter (up to 5 hp) and enables rapid commissioning, simple operation and maintenance. Thanks to integrated PLC and compatibility with many common bus systems, the highly flexible field distributor can be easily integrated into most modern automation systems.

Networked NORD drive units communicate their status via the control system or directly into a secure Cloud communication. Among other things, this can enable predictive and preventative maintenance - ranging from conveyor drives up to large industrial gear units. Recording of the

htlps://www.nord.com/cms/us/nord_group/news_and_press/articles_1/news_detail_118272.jsp 1/2 4/13/2018 NORD - Drive Systems for Digital Factories Unveiled at Hannover Fair

performance data also enables continuous condition monitoring of the drives. With these features, NORD supplies intelligent drive technology for digitalized production in Industry 4.0. With the example of an industrial gear unit application, the company demonstrates possible predictive maintenance solutions especially for this group of products.

In addition to intelligent networking in drive technology, and particularly in intralogistics, special economical solutions are also often required which for example can achieve savings through a reduced number of product variants. With its LogiDrive systems, NORD provides efficient and maintenance-friendly plug&play technology. This consists of standardised versions with IE4 permanent magnet motors at rated powers of up to 7.5 hp, a two-stage helical bevel gear unit and an AC vector drive - a combination that ensures optimization of processes and costs.

You can find the intelligent drive solutions from NORD DRIVESYSTEMS at the Hannover Fair 2018 in Hall 15 on Stand H31.

https:/lwww.nord.com/cms/us/nord_group/news_and_press/articles_1/news_detail_ 118272.jsp 2/2 4/13/2018 NORD - Drive solutions for the airport industry - always on the move!

By using this website you consent to the use of cookies and similar technologies and agree to our cookie policy. Storage of data from previous and future visits as well as the use of this data is carried X out according to the conditions of our data protection guidelines (/cms/us/global/privacy_policy.jsp) . ~p DRIVESYSTEMS


Customized solutlons, rellable technology, global service - NORD DRIVESYSTEMS supplies optimized drive solutions for every airport appllcatlon. Efficient, rellable, proven.

Bargleheide, 2011M14-IO Reliability and avoiding downtime are the top priorities for operators of baggage handling systems. The breakdown of even a single system component results in a backlog and unnacceptable delays. NORD DRIVESYSTEMS has a proven track record and extensive knowledge of airport requirements and supplies drive solutions for a wide range of baggage handling applications (http://airport.nord.com) .

All NORD system components are carefully selected to ensure smooth operation and optimized operational efficiency. The gear units are extraordinarily rugged, run quietly and feature industry leading service life. NORD modular solutions are extremely service and maintenance friendly which translates to reduced downtime and increased efficiency/availability of the entire system.

The reliability and cost-efficiency of electronically controlled NORD conveyor drives have proven themselves time and time again at airports throughout the world. The systems combine high flexibility and optimized functionality to ensure convenient and simple operation. NORD drives ensure particularly high conveying speeds that are often required due to more stringent safety measures. The mechatronic NORD drive systems are based on lightweight 2-stage bevel gear motors ( . ./. ./. ./product_catalogue/geared_motors/helical_bevel_geared_motors/pgop_helical_bevel_geared_motors.jsp) with high efficient, infinite life gearing. In combination with wall-mounted or motor-mounted

https://www.nord .com/cms/us/nord_group/news_and_press/articles_ 1/news_detail_117760.jsp 1/2 411312018 NORD - Drive solutions for the airport industry- always on the move!

frequency inverters, they form a complete and efficient drive solution. NORD also supplies the required cable connectors and interfaces to a variety of bus systems as well as the respective software.

The Modular NORD range of products (http:f/airport.nord.comf#produktbaukasten-d) enables complete drive solutions from a single source and reduces part number variants. This helps lower overall operating costs and the required spare part inventory. With LogiDrive, NORD supplies standardized, highly efficient drive solutions ideally suitedfor horizontal and inclined conveyors ( ..f . .f ..fdocumentallonfflyers_and_brochuresldetails_ 1143/detail_ 111296 .jsp ). LogiDrive solutions consist of a two stage right angle bevel gear unit, an energy saving IE4 synchronous motor and a NORDAC LINK field distribution system ( . .I . .I ..f product_ catalogu eldrive_ electronics/ decentral_ drive_ solutions_ 1 /pd op_dece nIra I_ drive_ solutions .jsp) · - a perfectly matched drive system for intralogistics and airport applications. IE4 synchronous motors ( . .I. .f ..fproduct_cataloguelmotorslsynchron_motorsfpdp_product_detail_page_ 113293 .jsp ) really showcase their full cost savings in partial-load and partial-speed ranges, which are particularly common in airport baggage handling applications.

From design and commissioning to service and maintenance, NORD supports its customers in all phases of the project and supplies a quality product that meets or exceeds global standards. Thousands of NORD drive units are already in operation throughout the world. NORD DRIVESYSTEMS has powered airport systems in Liverpool, Birmingham and Hamburg, as well as Ottawa, Johannesburg and Taipeh.

NORD DRIVESYSTEMS is recognized in the airport industry by well known international consultants and operators such as the German Airport Technology & Equipment (GATE) ( . .f. ./about_us_globalfcooperations_and_associationslcp_associations_and_cooperations.jsp) , the American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE) and the International Association of Baggage· System Companies (IABSC).

AT A GLANCE: NORD drive solutions for the airport industry

• System solutions individually customized to the unique specifications of the airport industry • Intelligent control and system monitoring helps avoid downtimes • Rapid, simple commissioning • Plug & Play systems • Easy, service friendly maintenance • Efficiency and cost savings even at partial loads • Standardization • Energy savings • Full project support • Complete, modular drive solutions from a single source • 2417 Global NORD support network

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• Highly efficient 2-stage bevel • Signal connector gear unit • Incremental encoder • IE4 PMSM synchronous motor • Pre-assembled cable • Power plug connector • High overload capacity

Reduced numbar ol Variants with tha NORD Modular svstam




Gear units ( ../product_catalogue/geared_motors/helical_bevel_geared_motors/pdp_helical_bevel_geared_mators_62720.J ) Motor ( . ./product_catalogua/motors/standard_motors/pdp_standard_motors_B0777.jsp) Frequency inverters ( . ./product_catalague/drive_electronics/decentral_drive _solutions_ 1 /pdp _ decentral_drive _ solutions_ 1_102465. )

https://www.nord.com/cms/us/solutions/cp_ variantenreduzierung .jsp 1/3 4/13/2018 NORD

Available hollow shaft diameters: 0 30 mm or 0 35 mm

With the NORD modular system, the number of variants can be reduced. Reduction of the number of variants saves TCO costs for the end user.

NORDAC LINK field distribution system (SK 250EJ

• Internal braking resistor • External 24V DC supply for the control board. This ensures the same potential for all drive units. The drive units can be accessed via the bus even without the 400V AC mains voltage, as the control board remains active due to the 24V DC supply. • Decentralised installation motor-mounted or wall-mounted. Plug-in inverter • Plug-in EEPROMData can be transferred if servicing is required.

Field distribution system ( . ./product_catalogue/drive_ electron ics/decentral_drive_ solulions _ 1/pdp _ decentral_dr ive_solutions_ 1_102465.j )

IE4 Drive Unit-Energy efficient Use of IE4 synchronous motors minimises overall costs during service life. NORD IE4 motorsachieve considerably greater efficiencyand a fast return on investment (ROI). Alternatively available as motor- mounted version.


• Compliance with the most stringent specified efficiency regulations • Considerable reduction of TCO High efficiency, even in partial load ranges and at low speeds thanks to PMSM technology


• Standardisation of geared motor versions specially tailored to intralogistic and airport technology • Easy Engineering • Easy Selection • Large speed range through inverter technology


Considerable reduction of spare part stocks Service friendly through plug-and-play technology Compact, space-saving design • 25% weight reduction with lightweight aluminium housing • Replacement of individual components possible

https://www.nord.com/cms/us/solutions/cp_variantenreduzierung.jsp 2/3 4/13/2018 NORD


NORD DRIVESYSTEMS is represented in 52 countries throughout the world. • Global production, assembly, service and sales network

https://www.nord .com/cms/us/solutions/cp _ varianten red uzieru ng .jsp 3/3 4/13/2016 NORD - NORD - Gearboxes and gear motors from Nord Drivesystems

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NORD produces three series of geared motors with high output torques and gear efficiencies for a wide variety of applications in more than 100 industries.


(helical_inline_geared_motors/helical_inline_geare (parallel_shaft_geared_motors/pgop_parallel_shi

• Performance: 0.16 - 250 hp • Performance: 0.16 - 250 hp • Torque range: 88 - 205.000 lb-in • Torque range: 575 - 680.000 lb-in




hltps://www.nord.com/cms/us/product_catalogue/geared_motors/geared-motors.jsp 1/3 411312018 NORD - NORD - Gearboxes and gear motors from Nord Drivesystems

• I • .: - ~ · . ·~ 0

(helical_bevel_geared_motors/pgop_helical_bevel_ (worm_geared_motors/pgop_worm_geared_motc

• Performance: 0.16 - 250 hp • Performance: 0.16 - 20 hp • Torque range: 1584 - 440.000 lb-in • Torque range: 433 - 27.346 lb-in





• Performance: 1.16 - 150 hp



GEARED MOTORS • FROM THE FOOD I BEVERAGE INDUSTRY TO WAREHOUSE LOGISTICS NORD DRIVESYSTEMS produces geared motors which can be adapted and customized for almost any application. We work closely with our customers to find the optimum solution for their requirements. Millions of NORD geared motors are already in use throughout the world and provide ultimate performance in various industries every day.

https:l/www.nord.com/cms/us/product_catalogue/geared_motors/geared-motors.jsp 2/3 4/13/2018 NORD - NORD - Gearboxes and gear motors from Nord Drivesystems

Our geared motors provide superior performance in addition to high axial and radial load capacity. Thanks to NORD's modular design concept, customers also benefit from industry leading delivery times. GOOD ARGUMENTS FDR NORD GEARED MOTORS

• Powerful The gear units provide high axial and radial load capacities and achieve high drive torques up to 880,000 lb-in. • Rugged The UNICASE housing combines high precision, rigidity and strength. • Flexible When required, NORD can furnish customizable gear motor solutions with options like brakes, encoders and many more!

• Modular Thanks to our modular design, you can combine the gearboxes with all motors from the NORD product offering.

NORD GEARED MOTORS: POWERFUL, QUIET AND FLEXIBLE Our AC electric geared motors achieve torques of up to 880,000 lb-in and speed ratios of up to 14,340.31 :1. NORD gear units run quietly and efficiently and can be operated at adjustable speeds with the aid of a variable speed drive.

Would you like to know more? Click here (variable_speed/pgop_variable_speed.jsp) Efficient and easy to clean Geared motors for the food & beverage industry

Geared motors for food production machinery must be hygienic and energy efficient because the production process consumes a large amount of energy. NORD parallel shaft gear motors not only have a smooth housing surface, but also operate with minimal efficiency loss. If you buy a geared motor from NORD, you get the most out of your production plants!

Read more about our parallel shaft geared motors (parallel_shaft_geared_motors/pgop_parallel_shaft_geared_motors.jsp)

Geared motors for intralogistics applications In intralogistics, the goods which are transported often have to travel long distances. Conveyor operations consume a lot of energy and are cost intensive as a result. Our LogiDrive system combined with a two-stage helical bevel and super premium efficient IE4 synchronous motor considerably reduces your operating costs. Ex. in parcel distribution centers and airports

https://www.nord.com/cmslus/product_cataloguelgeared_motorslgeared-motors.jsp 3/3 4/13/2018 NORD - High efficient helical bevel gear units from NORD DRIVESYSTEMS

By using this website you consent to the use of cookies and similar technologies and agree to our cookie policy. Storage of data from previous and future visits as well as the use of this data X is carried out according to the conditions of our data protection guidelines (/cms/us/global/privacy_policy.jsp) . ~p DRIVESYSTEMS HELICAL BEVEL GEAR MOTORS HIGH TORQUE CAPACITY WITH INDUSTRY LEADING RATIO RANGE

These geared motors provide output torques of up to 440,000 lb-in, are washdown capable and can be provided with innovative corrosion protection if required.

UNICASE HELICAL BEVEL GEAR UNITS Energy ellicient right angle solution

• Performance: 0.16 - 250 hp

• Torque range: 1 580 - 440 000 lb-in


PRODUCT CONFIGURATDR (pd p_helical_bevel_geared_motors_1527 . jsp) (• ./ • ./ • ./DOCUMENTATION/SOFTWARE/CONFIGUR SEARCH/8EARS?FAMILY=A453BOA4-B91 C- 4DF8·B1D8·241 &A8E3AI02)

TWO-STAGE HELICAL BEVEL GEAR UNIT Su11arlor 111rlormanc1 In 1 ca11111ct, madular design

• Performance: 0.16 - 12.0 hp

• Torque range: 440 - 5.841 lb-in


PRODUCT CONFIGURATOR (pdp_helical_bevel_geared_motors_62720.jsp) (.. / .. / .. /OOCUMENTATION/SOFTWARE/CONFIGUR SEARCH/GEARS?FAMILY=2CFE7010-861A· 49CO-B505-11461B 1324041)

https://www.nord.com/cms/us/product_catalogue/geared_motors/helical_bevel_geared_motors/pgop_helical_bevel_geared_motors.jsp 1/3 4/1 3/2018 NORD - High efficient helical bevel gear units from NORD DRIVESYSTEMS

BEVEL GEARED MOTORS - POWERFUL AND LOW-MAINTENANCE NORD bevel geared motors are the best choice wherever high speed ratios and torques are required. Our drive systems, consisting of an AC electric motor and a helical bevel gearbox, are ideally suited for use on conveyor belts as well as in intralogistics and packaging technology.

Compact, highly effective drive unit: NORD helical bevel geared motors Regardless of whether you choose the lightweight aluminum alloy or the rugged cast iron design: bevel gear units from NORD DRIVESYSTEMS operate with ultimate efficiency over the entire range of speed ratios.

Additional advantages of NORD helcial bevel geared motors:

• Powerful They achieve torques of up to 440,000 lb-in (as industrial geared motors ( . ./ . ./industrial_gear_uniUmaxxdrive_helical_bevel_industrial_gear_unitlpdp_maxxdrive_helical_bevel_ ) up to 2,200,000 lb-in). • Corrosion protection Optional surface treatment with nsd tupH protects the bevel geared motors even in harsh, demanding environments (two-stage bevel gear unit). • User-friendly Infinite life, high efficient gearing ensures Jong service life with low maintenance. • Fle)Cible The direction of rotation between the input and output shaft can be easily reversed.

The classic: UNICASE helical bevel geared motors This geared motor offers a torque range from 1584 to 440,000 lb-in while incorporating a compact, space saving right angle design. Like all other NORD bevel geared motors, the motor is optionally available with a variety of options such as brakes. encoders and blower fans.

Even more power: Our new two-stage helical bevel gear motor With our two-stage helical bevel design we have optimized performance even further: They are now one of our most powerful bevel geared motors.

As a standard, we manufacture two-stage helical bevel gear units with a high strength die cast aluminium housing, which can be optionally supplied with with NORD's nsd tupH sealed surface conversion. nsd tupH effectively protects the housing against corrosion and has distinct advantages in comparison with conventional paint systems: It cannot flake and is extremely sratch resistant. This is due to a special additive which, in contrast to paint, forms a permanent bond with the underlying aluminium alloy. nsd tupH makes surfaces extremely resistant to acids and alkalis and offers users a cost­ effective alternative to stainless steel reducers.

Find out more about our innovative nsd tupH sealed surface conversion Click here ( .. / ../corrosion_protection/nsd_tuph/cp_nsd_tuph .jsp)

Helical Bevel gear units for the food Industry We have developed our two-stage bevel geared motors in a solid housing version (SK 930072.1 - SK 93772.1) specficially designed for use in washdown applications (ex. in the food industry). This version features a smooth and easy to clean cast aluminium housing which prevents the accumulation of dirt/debris.

Do you want to know more? Read how you can benefit from NORD washdown drive systems. Further information ( . ./ ../ . ./solutions/markets_1 /food_2/cp_food.jsp)

https:J/www.nord.com/cms/us/product_catalogue/geared_motors/helical_bevel_geared_motors/pgop_hellcal_bevel_geared_motors.jsp 2/3 4/13/2018 NORD - High efficient helical bevel gear units from NORD DRIVESYSTEMS

Helical Bevel geared motors for lntraloglstlcs

In combination with an IE4 synchronous motor, our two-stage bevel gear units become the energy efficient logiDrive system for intralogistics. LogiOrive drive units have a large overload capacity and greatly reduce operating costs thanks to their high efficiency. Due to their modular structure, users also achieve considerable savings in maintenance costs.

https://www.nord.com/cms/us/product_catalogue/geared_motors/helical_bevel_geared_motors/pgop_helical_bevel_geared_motors.jsp 3/3 Exhibit F



els D



If you want to redefine the principles of intral~istics,many conditions must be met. Abcwe all, a groundbreaking idea Is re­ quired as well as a customer who Is enthusiastic about this idea 11ndl:rave enough ta support it BOntlng .,oup of companies In Leer with its loeistics center in Nortmoor is one such customer. Its v;sion and ambition to extend its own central WMehouse are perfectly in line with the philosophy of C-plelle l.GtJlstica 51'1· '8ms lnmnationol GmbH (CLSI) based in Leer. Here, individual, intraloglstic system solutions are developed and built under the l..aclspeedproduct group label.

The most stringent quality criteria are hereby complied with - typically "Made in Germany". A positive as.pect is that CLSi, as a subsidiary of the renowned Logaer Maschinenbau GmbH which was founded in 1974, can rely on the extensive knowledge and skills of qualified staff and on state-of-the-art production

machines. Precisely in this~. CLSi was able to set things in motion and achieve a lot at BOntlna. Bunting ~~·~ Bijntinpobjec:ti.. , to reorpnise and channel the operational product nowswhile at the same time reducin1 Nnnina costs.

OU. solution '°'Bllntlnc' project planning, -lopment and pniductlon of a system which CVManl2es maximu• product availability at the ""11 time, sus­ tainably- Joadinc processes and in 1

The advantages are significant:

• precise scheduli~gof c ommodity flows • careful and safe order picking in advance of required goods

• considerably shorter yard t imes than~ to quicker loading and unloading processes •r eduction in vehicle fleet= environmentally friendly • reduction in the number of shop floor vehicles • reduction in the number of truck parking spaces In the ramp area • efficient use of available storage vorume which means increased flow of goods in comparably less space • reduction in labour costs and ancilliary labour costs due

to efficient use of pe~onnel

h1cidentally-, the mobile transport unit in t his system solut ion is ttie express lift which can be moved in three dimensions.

It me2ns that the use of personal and t raditional shop floor 11ehi­ cles in the central area ol the syst em can be dispensed wi th, HERE'S WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE WHEN A GREAT IDEA BECOMES REALITY.

. (/) (/) I-a:: (/) I-<[ i ~ < -en-a.. 1 L.r.iP f ): LI.I<[ LI.. ...J l nn; • ...J cc:[ o~~=> t lP!I I1l I i;i1n ! :c LL.I=> c : d. ! § • 3:: a:: (/) s: l ~ f i'1ljl1 • • • LI.I c.!J LL.I - I ~ r ~ • H ! :c cn:c c J <; UH!) d i ! ; ~ It .k l 1-<[I-~

t Farsighted planning and the ability to react to unforeseeable challenees as regards goods traffic thanks to large reserves have never been easier. The result is clear to see. Every day. Take, for example. the goods shelves of numerous subsk:liaries of the successful BOntinz group of companie5.

Are you successful, too? Would you like to know which Logispeed system solution is suitable for your company? Then tell us about your wishes and expectations regarding the future of intralogistics. let us take these as our standard and con~inceyou of our competence.

Why shouldn't our next project be your project - be it in the field of procurement, production or sales loeistics, shuttle traf­ fic, just-in-time delivery or in ttie field of deliveries to central warehouses or branch operations. Complete Loe;lstics Systems international GmbH is ready to face any challenge. els D Ei!il SCK•FER

Vertical Lift LogiMat® Powerful technology for the storage and picking of small parts


LogiMat": We improve the performance of your storage and picking processes

The vertical lift LogiMat from SSI SChilfer is your all-in-one storage and picking solution. With its numerous main funct ions and unique additional options, the LogiMat not only improves the performance of your storage processes, it also guarantees ergonomic and safe operations in your ware­ house. The LogiMat can be used as an autonomous system or integrated into an automatic application.

Your advallblges:

Highly convenient •goods to person• concept Reduces the floor area required for storage by up to 90% compared with static storage solutions Travel times reduced by over 70% Automated processes and ergonomic design improve performance by over 20% Compact design has economic and enllironmental advantages Makes optimal use of the available room height

Main functions p, 4 Control & software ___ _ p. 13 Optloos packages p. 6 Standard coMrol p •• 14 Optioos p. 1 Control Driver p. 15 Engineering .. 10 WM/..AS Loa;iMat p. 16 Implementation p. 11 WA.MAS l.J::lg:iMat Enterprise_ p. 17 Jl Sortirc accessories ___ p, 12 Service p. 18 Refe rences p, 19

SSI Sdliler: Ym lctll UttL,odMtt• (SLLJ HIGHLIGHTS

The vertical lift LogiMat is a well-rounded complete solution that offers numerous main functions as standard features and is intended for all Thanks to its scalable concept, the scope of functionality of the companies that would like to have a high-performance storage and picking LogiMat can be customized precisely to the individual customer system with all the most Important functions. re(luirements.

---• The compact design makes maximum use of the avalabte room heignt • Continuously variable storage of the trays ~ -- ina25mm&rid • Automatic stored article monitoring to ensure that the goods to be stored lie within the .... permissible dimensions bath vertical!)' ------and horizontalJy • Vertical shaft monitoMng to detect any pro­ ~ truding trays before starting the elevator • Safety light barrier for securing the oper&tWlg openrng against accidental access during • Visual, automatic display of tt'le capacity utilization storage or retrieval and~ overview the ftlled anct empty trays in of • Predefined access pennbisions to trays - the vertlcal lift and functions • Defragrnentatlon and retocallzatk>n of the stored trays • Intelligent lighting in ~eryoperatJne openin& • Storage strategy with AXED heigtrt for highly • Programmable k>gic controller (PLC) compressed storage • Storage strategy wlth inteUlgent heigtit optirrizatlon (IHO)

• ModlAer des~nwtth standard components • Low-maintenance system thankS to high-quality components and robust design • Ruible tray design with frame end base designed to optimize space and weight

• 3 drive packag~iiWililable for selection • Elevator drive with low-maintenance gear drive

• Touch user interface with intuitive navigation • Ergonomic e>peratln& openina: with unique optional teature!'i • Up to 4 operating openings per vertlcat lift at any position as standard feature


Expend the blc;Vonall~of YOl.W vertical lift as ncedee With ttlttt pmiellned options packages. In th!& 'Ml'/, the LogiMat C3\ be W5ly and ~ adapted to YOLW~ufrements with reptd to ergci~cs.parfonnaoce and rnaintenanoe. All verttcal m options. • r• af course also ..... t•tll• lndM!llal'j. This

By setect.int:an opUon.s package, you also profit from an advanrJtgeous co.st· allows )Oil to as.sembf)' ~cisdythe l.Df:IMat you 'Mitt and tlnlbly ...... oonne.ireIt to )'01# needs. - - - ...... - Options package 1 Options package 2 Options package 3 - Ergonomics Perfonnmce Maintenance

0000[[]_._...... __ ..,....._ [1]0000 ::::.-:.-:.-:..-=:::...-= --·-....--llf'lt• ...-~--­ ...ltl'- .... ® [2J tr - - - - - ..... ,.~_...... ,._-' Fo1~h~ .dooqi.i.....-.::r.W olllN/Sl:J- -.ltr\ent ~ ...... ,...... _~ ...... ,.,.....,.nll ~ .. h'"""1 'rl 11W rw.. t11c~u011 1~ ...... ~ ...... ,,_...._ .....,,._ - m t1>11~,a-: tlN .. QlllW.: ct] [[][[] Lo(IBa• ,,,.,... LceJClrde ,.._.,.,,..,____ ,, ------~-· .. 00~00____... _.,. .. ___.._ .,... Moo_N:_,,._ _ _,, l.oCIPclnter :.=-i.::=:-..::.: --~--...,..- ____,.,.__ ___ ""'°"we' -·-- -- _ - - ~ ..._...... _.,..i.._ -·- ·----- ...... ""'"""' -....-_.... ------·--·... Lo&inl logiPolnter u.;spare '"-"'-,...... ) ...... ~ Ui&fWo* LoCl- "'-LotiPDwer - - - ~

The ...... la,uc..lon .... _ ...... _"' I 1 ...- .... _ """"__ ,.._ ,__ .._ ...... ,,...... ,.. ______000000 000000__..._..,, ...... ::..-:::·-··-··--... =------=::----·- ===-..:::--..-- ;::.:';=---==:= _ _ [4'QftEEJ!StijQ IMPLEMt::NTA.TIO~

The LogiMat" comes in a wide selection of standard model widths and depths.

• - trtm NoaltnttatoOICNlala:tion~dH ~­...... , ...... ~....,,.._.,, . _.,,. ·-­ Wlle~M~9fa'9CS•nd!U'IWmllCIN,tlillt-9llHIW~- -.1-~ l890IN~Otl'tM,_lloo ,.....,... h!llllerll.ol'111 1'111m 2.45Gmm :---... •B!Wld-•t-.IGo...pnl)K\Jll,l'ltl~thll ·-cellin11><-....ilntalh•"""'-thed!M~1t.11nbe.iaptMt

to•n~w..tion. upt.::i2J,&50mm

--­ln10Gmml~nia ,_.__ ~ ·- ..,.- :-.:=.:: ..-::.. ~--:::==:..= ....._ --...-..-- ·~- ...---

~ l (dr:pttid,..:"'I~ 1nte1'cent mteriot ~ Danks Tfel.W. topaneinc 11pt116S011C ) _770 ri-1.tiit.-,...~ m_..._ ... ~•v...,. ftcecle ol 1 -~. ifneeeuary. Slic~111 ~ up\1160\11,.,.PI can minimlni lll4f ~~-".A tor u_.., ol'"" ltllldl nl dctl&n --~- u.. .,..,,.DMlcuklUll'llrllle~ope,.. ~ th~ cor11lo.ml~ .,_ l>t 10 bo QM!! ll'ltD ln (flldlclrlOld R-.t»" 1.41-. ,_. lM t.ild l.. f'locadll. In m!cllf"", ltlll t'1'119elwrtlml ... I.Gii poa!D!• UJO!'I '"Jnt) ~ _ _ ,,.,,._ ___ ... ___ _ rt mocM1 inlllll l.tiun el'- tor lnalipmldent Illa....,.cr1' triia..-am l\alill'!t. ·----.....----- ·· &e n greater efficiency thanks to __,,~-- Cllll'M)'if\lsys'temS

l~ tri1i..-.M• irlt&~m dlly...... ,...._...,_ li'l11Mi..m1i.1netteeuw me1A1ref«R11llttlltl'lllet1c lera...... ~-.-tl!l,l'llll·~ni.~ ...... ~111alndlroWu.ii1- .. ..u1or,..rlmml-tD­ ..,_n...,._,,,_.....,,_.10~~to'I­ -- P>d*\IOllPDC1oiot1tti1U>&iw.t.n.SS1Sc:htfer~: ~~,.....~ ... tr.cMI ..... ~1~1ndcMDo.atlilllol~mi.rr..iw :.::,-=..,-;~r.::..-=:=:.1'-UI-


From simple applications to complex Optimal use of warehouse space warehouse management: Anything is possible!

SSI Schafer offers almost unlimited choice in the selection of sorting ac­ The LogiMat is equipped with a standard control (PLC). One control option and two Ellctuaholy flom 551 - - cessories. The standard trays can be supplemented with items from the LMB container Hrles, with lndtvi.. software packages are available for individual configuration of the vertical lift. In comprehensive pfasUc t>ox selection, entirely according to your needs. _.,. cooft.. ,.,,..- ...... this way, every project is based on a straightforward and reliable solution that can Here are a few examples of t ray layouts. other optfons can be found in be individually customized to the requirements of your logistical business process­ our container catalog, and we would also be hapP)' to work out possible es by means of simple extensions. Operation is easy with a self-explanatory touch layouts with you during a personal consultation. panel user interface.

Your bonertb:

• Streamlined warehouse processes (picking and material flow)

Tray design with Trays height-adjustable in LMB containers are opd•l...il fat "8rltUonlnir; at t e11mrnationof unnecessary WOfks-leps tho! trmwMplll., .aa 111• Md Col!,,adlfttiO l'l

' r- WAMAS LogjMat" Order llandln&: Enterprise \' p, 17

A brilliam organizer for every Cleverly organized with the classic WAMAS LogiMat• warehouse: R.ac bcmN top seller EURORX {EF) l •-•m••- P.16

Tray manaprn.rrt '======""====1 l- Conuol SO~• I

SSI Sc~ifer:Yertl eal un t..oglMat" (SUJ STANDARD CONTROL DRIVER CONTROL ~ Eilld Control the LogiMat• Integrated standard control with your own software

The LogiMat vertical lift module from SSI The •tandard PLC also enables numeroci• Schater is equipped by default with a care lunetlon• without addltl-1 software, programmable logic controller (PLC) that for example: Would you like to control the represents the first step in computer­ aided warehouse management. This is Requesting and returning trays LogiMat vertical lift module operated with a graphical user interface. Fixed storage with your own ERP system? lntellleent height measurement (IHO) The standard PLC controls all drives via with automatic compression function Would you like to use your frequency control, monitors the stored Shaft monitoring articles and ensures reliable operation Safety light curtain own user interface with with up to four operating openings per Capacity utilization display the LogiMat? vertical lift module. Logging and diagnosis User management Do you have your own in­ house software developers?

__ .c. ."'."'· I I·-· " ;: 8 ;. ~ ·- · · ;: El j ----.i ~

Then the Driver control option is just right for you! With this control option, the my. of the l.oCIMat.,... be contlOlled with cu.tomer-developed .ottwme . l~¥J...... The Driver option is an Interface based on the TCP/IP protocol. ..:... The precise specification can be obtained from our local specialists. ~ L. ' 11· \lj " ('J '! :t-£ ·" ~ \8 , 0 .....Vlsu.I _Drplctlofl of the f¥<m ...... staw1 n. fl.Jnctlof\1 al9 lntultMly irdleatecl


FfI l ~ WAMAS" LogiMat WAMAS" LogiMat Enterprise ~ The software solution for article management The software solution for integration of one with one or more LogiMats or more LogiMats into an ERP system

Would you like to manage your articles and their Quantities in the LogiMat? Would you like to integrate your LogiMats into your existing ERP system? Should articles be stored and retrieved based on the scanning of barcodes? Should your LogiMat processes be highly automated? Would you like to minimize possible sources of picking errors? Do you want to process complete orders on the LogiMat? Would you prefer not to develop or adapt your own software?

Then you will 11nd that WAMAS LogiMat is the Ideal WAMAS LogiMat Enterprise Is the Ideal solution fot standard software for one or more LogiMats. WAMl\S advanced requirements. LogiMat is based on the warchMAS LogiMat Enterprise affel'S the additional ca· simple and canvenlent wat to get started in the 'MM1d pabllltv to ftexlbly integrate the application into an of profession• warehouse management systems. ERPsystem via an interface.

Your advantaa;e: Article Inventories and tirdcrs are WAMAS ~-­ automatlcall'/ synchronized b~n the ERP sys­ ,.. .. tunctleftlllty: tem and tl'le WAMASlogiMa t Enterprise software.

• User management WAMASLAICIMo

• lot manacement • Ttaywclght control: Visual monitori~of the ttayload • Trayweigtttcont.rol:Visual monrtoring ofthet.reyload • Storage, picking and inventory orders • Best before date • Velocity rnanagemetlt Varying ele\'ator speeds > Velocity management: Varying elevator speeds • Flexible interfaces allow s1ml)l:e lntecratlon with • Stlm1g,e str8tegles (including AFO, UFO) adapte

lllot.: Specific fvnction 5 rmquin1 c a1re&ponding ~ardware, • Statistics and reports operating ~ening • Par11!HtlDidung at multiple YeftK:4I hf\ mooules Ouropert1wtllbehp.fl¥toadYlscyou l • Pick by llCht • Opening priorities: On systems with multiple opera­ • Order priorit ization • Put by li&ht ting openings, the openings can be prioritized In tne order processing



!a NI 5cN>~~ Venial Uf'l ~ -.U SERVICE REFERENCES

Service & Maintenance LogiMat• Integrated standard systems (ISS)

If you choose SSI Schiiifer, you can also rely on our strengths in the service area that have SSI Schifer offers a range of products designed for mutual compatibility that can made us a market leader: a service spectrum unique throughout the industry and the certainty also be customized and expanded precisely to your requirements. The LogiMat ver· that all eervlces and site visits wHI be carried out by our own specialited SSI Sch.ifer service tical lift module is no exception and can be used iu: e stand-alone solution as well technicians. as integrated into {partially) automated material flows. Your can further optimize your lntemal processes by integrating the vertical lift module with other warehouse Thanks to its robust design end high-quality componenb, the vertical ltft LogiMat from SSI areas, conveyln& systems ot ergonomic assembly workstations.

Sc~feris e1ttremely low-maintenance. With customef'speci11c service and maintenance rnodds as well as innovative spere parts cancepts, our servlce team ensures the opllmal availability of

your 'YStem, maximum operational rehability and com~etecustomer satisfaction.

llucher SctlOrtln• A8 ci.oti. corn.. .,y A/I Manufacturer of municipal vehicles Hobby and creatiVe pr0ducts

Our .-v ice. :

~~~-z·~~~,....,., ...... ," • Troubleshooting : ~ B . + ,.. 1l""f'l ~~;Cl~m;ll~~l&nd ~ + ~., • Co~rtod1nol0f.Y • Maintenance ~ ~ ~ 1he..,lf11 m11z11nfne1 • Supervision

• Rack inspection/ safety inspections Bucher SchOrling AG optimized its warehouse and picking Cre&tlv Company ls a leadfng prOYider of t\obby anO crea- • Spare parts management processes with a new, highly coordinated intraloglstics sotu- tive materials. When the company was looklr« to establish • Modernization / repair / retrofits tion. FIVC modem vertlcal lift modules and one static rack a new, comprehensive logistics system, it chose a sohrt.ion ~ Documentation now ensure an exceptional ICYet of compression in the new from SSI Schi ftt . The core of the system cooslsts 018 Logi- • Tra.,ing I certification warehouse as well as fast. stn1ctured proceues. Mats, which are used for picking end storage. TI\8 SSI Au-­ tocrulser corweying system transports a total of 300 - 450 units per hour over a 300 m long path .

11 $51 Sdli1er: Vertlul Uf'I: lolJM.t' (SLL) REFERENCES

Integrated standard systems (ISS)

lnofd L Bl.cha Gn..m.b.H atzert:Wltb9P.Gruppe •~ntKtGmbH KNFFloda.AG Aluminum products Automotive Manufacturer of electric train couplings, oontacts, etc. Membrane pumps expert


...... + • S1'161Yif1Clechnology IT!J+ fQ) :~~:. '"' ~ ~ 1DrM'l ;mllp;1rt. ~ + ~ : =~Wt•IT!] + fQ): =~m·

ln£,fid L Blecha Ges. m.b.H sels aluminum products to rus­ The atzert:weber group operates four car dealerships and The 4 new LogiMat vertical lift modules not only save space, KNF Aodos encompasses 16 companies and 5 produeUon tomers around the wortd. To avoid ilterfering with lt!i>vehic le Auto Sofort Service GmbH in Hesse. Germany. One locator they provl

2" $3' Stlliter. \llettical un Lapi!IM" (SU.> 651 SCHJEFER

Our website: www.materialshandling.com.au MATERIALS Phone us: 1300 25 84 07 Fax us: 1800 68 68 96 Email us: [email protected] Handling Australia Wide Sales and Service LogiMAT 2018 - 16th International Trade Fair for Intralogistics Solutions and Process M... Page 1 of 5

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LogiMAT ..Daily NEWS

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A top event

for in-company material flow and computer-controlled processes from procurement to production and distribution in the heart of Europe.

LogiMAT, the International Trade Fair for lntralogistics Solutions and Process Management, sets new standards as the biggest annual intralogistics exhibition in Europe. This is the leading international trade fair that provides a comprehensive market overview and competent knowledge-transfer.

How can companies best manage the raw material of the future - "data" - efficiently and securely? How can interfaces between operatives, production resources and intelligent robot assistants be

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defined, in order to optimise the workplace? How can virtual reality help in making key decisions on future investment? The technologies needed for intralogistics solutions and process management are in focus at LogiMAT.

Between 19 and 21February2019 international exhibitors and decision-makers from industry, trade and the service sector will be coming together at the exhibition centre at Stuttgart Airport to find new business partners. The focus will be on innovative products, solutions and systems for procurement, warehouse. production and distribution logistics.

TradeWorld 2019

Featured again at LogiMAT

TradeWorld - Live on-site 899 views • No comments a

TradeWorld is the competence platform for optimizing trade and distribution processes in e-commerce and omnichannel. TradeWorld delivers products, services and solutions for the design, control, and digitization of Retail 4.0. Visitors can enjoy an exclusive exhibition of products and services together with three full days of presentations by distinguished speakers on trending topics. More informationen under www.tradeworld.de.


Wrap-Up Report 2018 LogiMAT 2018 Exceeds All Expectations


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LogiMAT 2018- First-hand intralogistics Press Folder 2018: lntralogistics from the Source on industry trends

13.03.2018 Award-winning BEST PRODUCTS for intralogistics Presentation at the opening ceremony

08 01.2018 LogiMAT 2018 in Stuttgart LogiMAT 2018- the added-value event: Accompanying Programme

Read here the press releases of TradeWorld


LogiMAT China - The Business Platform

International Trade Fair for lntraloglstlcs Solutions and Process Management

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Due to increasing labor and logistics cost in Shanghai as well as in nearby areas, heaps of labor-intensive enterprises and storage facilities move northward seeking for lower operation cost. This brings the huge current development to the province of Jiangsu. LogiMAT China is the new platform to highlight logistics equipment and information technologies. LogiMAT China will help your company to achieve more attention and chances from leading Chinese enterprises. Join LogiMAT China and be part of the world's fastest growing market on lntratogistics. For more information please contact us or visit: www.logimat-china.com

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About us

LogiSoft Ltd. is a leading Bulgarian company in the field of industrial and intralogistic automation. Throughout its 20-year long history, we have implemented many successfully working systems in various industrial branches. Our control systems are running in a major part of the coffee, chocolate and ceramic factories in Bulgaria. We also have perfect solutions for the pharmacy, energetics, lifting, filling, packaging, labeling and bottling technologies. The development of control systems for new automatic high bay warehouses and conveyor systems for commissioning, as well as a retrofit of old ones, is a priority in the company's development. LogiSoft Ltd. is a partner of SIEMENS since its foundation, and as of 2014 - an official Motion and Drives SIEMENS Solution Partner. Since 2017 we are an official partner of GEBHARDT Ftirdertechnik a leading German company in the field of intra logistics and part of the GEBHARDT Intra logistics Group.

About us https://logisoft.bg/en/aboutus 1/2 4/13/2018 About us I LogiSoft

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Simulation of logistics systems is one of the most important tools for analysis and optimization of existing logistics applications alongside with protection and planning of new investments.

Logivations has considerable experience in planning and performing different intralogistics simulations:

·./ Our project approach is oriented on the reliable industry standard VDI 3633.

~" The consultants of Logivations therefore use the multi-award winning software W2MO to efficiently implement various logistics aspects, e.g. standard time models for accurate and efficient modeling.

v ' Once created simulation and optimization models can be reused for further observations on your own or by our consultants - this enables security of investment.

1 ' Due to the various optimization algorithms, you can check different logistics strategies and identify the best ones for your approach.

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Master Data Target If necessary Demand Data Specification further Data



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> > Press & Media > Press > Press Releases > Independent fork system now called LogiMover Independent fork system now called Logi Mover

B6bJingennl11nover, Gennany. M•y 19, 2014- Eisenmann'• new creation has a name - just In tlma for CeMAT. From now on, tho Independent fork syotem ftr91 unveiled In September 2013 will be known H LoglMover. This drlvarla11 guided pallet conveyor Is equipped with Innovative controllers In Ila twin tlnao and a hlgh-11erformanco lllhlum-lon ban.ry syotem. Tha cost-elfectlva aolu~on la now ready for roal...,orld appllcatlona, wllh the first pilot deployments 1cheduled for 2014. LoglMover Is extremely man1uverab'8, •avH •pace, and can transport roada of up to a metric ton at spHd• rwachlng one meter per a11cond. tt straamHnee procaeaaa in warehouse and transport loglstlca and la comparatively quick and aaay to commlaalon. Many businesses have already ldonllfied concrete appllcatlona for the new oyatem to automata their intralogladcs processes. And LoglMovar w11 swarded the "Beat Product" prize In tha Procurement, Handling and Storage category at tho LoglMAT trade show this February.

The name LogiMover expresses the key features of the drivertess guided pallet conveyor. ULogr identifies it as a highly versatile intralogistlcs solution, while "Mover" reflects its maneuverability and flexibility. The patent-pending system was developed in partnership with Stuttgart University's lns1Jtute for Mechanical Handling and Logistics (IFT), and the prototype was unveiled In September 2013. Now, the soluUon Is ready to ant..- volume production. LogiMover has also been protected by a Europe-wide patent since February. The Ingenious new transportation system comprises two tines that move in parallel without being physically connected. The 11nes autonomously move Into position underneath a standard Ellro pallet, before lifting It and accek3ratlng It at 0.3 meters per second. The conveyor carries loads to predefined destinalions via a system of visual floor markings. By communicating with each other, the tines keep their movements synchronized, while a master computer keeps track of them via a WLAN connection.

All drive and power-supply components are Integrated Into the tines, so there are no protruding or mounted parts. The agile LagiMover weighs only 60 kilos and can be used in a wide variety of intratogistics scenarios - from material feed ing and removal at a machine, to moving goods In or out of storage, to sophisticated order­ picking tasks. 11 does not require dedica1od inFraslructure in tho factory, and can be put into operation rapidly and without specialist help. Route layouts can be modified easily at low cost, the load-<:arrylng capacity Is scalable, and the solution requires little maintenance. All these fea1ures and beneflts add up to an efficient, extremely vert1atile conveyor that interoperates perfectjy w ith other warehouse logistics equipment. Eisenmann is working to evolve LogiMover into a transportation system that incorporates collision-avoidance mechanisms that prevent injury, eliminating the need for safety fences.

About El1enmann

Eisenmann is a leading global industrial solutions provider for surface finishing, material flaw automation, environmental engineering and thermal process technology. The company develops and builds custom manufacturing, assembly and logistics plants that are highly flexible, energy- and resource-efficient. The family­ run enterprise ls headquartered in southern Germany and has been advising customers across the globe for over 60 years. Today, Eisenmann has a worl

LogiMover features a space-saving design, with all drive and power-supply components incorporated into its two tines. The autonomous pallet conveyor is compact, versatile and cost-effeclive.

Contact Katrfn Ranz Eisenmann SE T +49 7031 78·1182 Downloads Press Release (PDF, 51 KB) Image (JPG, 704 KB)

© 2018 EISENMANN SE http:llwww.eisenmann.com/en/media/presslpress-releases/2014/2014_05_19_CeMAT _LogiMover.html 1/1 Exhibit G To

Amendment and Response to Office Action INDUSTRY AND LOGISTICS


• Inconspicuous - Compact form factors conceal easily in t extile assets. hand tools or small e quipment.

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HID Global Logi Tag'" transponders endure Logi Tag discs enable medical facilities severe conditions while protecting data integrity. automatically track clothing , linens, rags, surgical These small, thin discs enable discreet placement sponges, and life-saving equipment. Effective TECHNOLOGY HIGHLIGHTS: in a broad range of appliG3tions. t racking of reusable assets and verif ication al Lf· 12'> d-wntc industrial tools and small equipment. Among infect ion control. u~er ,,.1cm<.Yy, crypto ont;ons (Vgc',.. 2K) the smallest HF tags available, Logi Tag 081 and Art1-collio;1on. '"'1U ~1 · 'Pnd cao2blt- (HF) 121 units are assembled using patented DBond'" Logi Tag oiscs are easily sewn into the hem or H191"' .:bcm cal a"'lc mt=cranir..d rt:~1~tdnl.:e Vigo·• technology that enables HID Global to seam of a g arment, uniform, napkin, tablecloth Teml)€'dt.Jrl' re~ ~lu"t up to 347° f- tl 75" C) Oµt1011s for 1nol.rt1ng on met.ii er non­ produce tags in thinner, smaller formats without or runner. They may also be affixed to custodial ·...-,etal Sl,rfaccs, or rudtc:i tior resistant compromising performance. They mount with supplies, such as mats, mops. w•shrags and F~AM industrial adhesives, with options for metal or towels. The Logi Tag Button 162 transponder is non-metal surfaces. Logi Tag HF t ransponders indistinguishable from ordinary buttons, and can APPLICATION AREAS: aro NFC Tag Type 5 compliant when formatted be sewn onto clothing with standard stitching ASsf'- TRAC.<:t'JG A'JD LOG1s- cs with NDEF data structure. equipment and processes. '1\'ent ory Uniform management companies use Logi Tag Logi Tag transponders empower logistics ToD I ~ and ~...,.,II c quip"ll'nt LAUi\JRY transpond ers to increase garment productivity applications that are optimized via radio Au to•nntcd .nccount1ng ot c lecH ll'lg by 20 percent. reduce throughput by 15 frequency identification (RFID) technology, Autornuted sorting and mvcntor v percent, and decrease stock requirements per enabling more accura t e, efficient asset Clot ·11n9, urnforrTiS customer by an average of 12 percent. As part management and inventory control p rocesses. Cornrncrc1al launciry of a commercial laundry logistics system, Logi Logi Tag discs are compliont with standard RFID OwnPr 1dP.rit1f1cat ·or Tag discs ensure accurate item counting and readers and modules, and are ATEX certified for ME::JICA_ AN') HEALrH Hospital auno•y documentation. while enabling automatic b illing safe use in potentially explosive environments. Meo cal a'ld s..,'g cal atccssones and real-time inventory control. LogiTag 161 is also available in a radiation resistant, high-memory FRAM option for most demanding application scenarios. SPECIFICATIONS

120 110 011 121 121(0M) 1&1 112 Button

6A9121- 6A9121-310 010 (lK), (lKOM), 629108-400 (SLIX) I 601108-410 68S110-400 (SLl-L) 811• Modal Number 62411S 612115 601115 601106 6A9081-010 629108-411 (SLIX2) 600121- 600121-310 (F-Mem) 629110-411 (SLIX2) I I 010 (21<) (2KOM) ILECTRONIC:

Op1r•tln1 Frequency 125 kHz 13.56 MHz

Chlpl)pe HitagS Q5 UnlQue Vigo ICOOE SLIX (2) F-Mem ICOOE SLl-L. SLIX2

2048bit 264bit 64 bit UIO, 1024 bit EEPROM or SLIX - 896 Bit UM 8 Kbyte SLl-L - 256 Bit UM Memory 64 b it read-only EEPROM EEPROM 64 bit UIO, 2048 bit EEPROM SLIX2 - 2560 Bit UM FRAM SLIX2 - 2560 Bit UM

Antl..Colfl1lon Yes Yes Yes Rudln11 Distance [4 W Proximity Up to 13.4 in (34 cm) r.. derJ PHYSICAL 00.5•0.lin 12l0.6•0.lin 0 0.6• 0.1 In Dlmen1lon• 00.5 • 0.1 in(12x2mm) 100.6•0.lin I "0.31•0.l in I (16x3mm) (8x2mm) (12x2mm) (16x3.0mm) I (16x2.5mm) Mounting Method Sew into. glue, embed I Saw en Embed• In I AfflXltl TO Clothing and Textile5, non-metal Tools and Boxes INon-metal I Metal Clothfng and Te>etiles. non-metal Tools and Boxes PPS with epoxy Moualng M1terlal PPS with epoxy potting Epoxy I ABSwlth I PPS I epoxy catting oottlng Color Black White 0.004 oz Weight 0.02 oz (0.6 9) O.Ql oz (0.4 g) 0.04 oz (1.0 Ill 0.03 oz (0,8S g) I0.04 oz (1.1 g) I (0.11 g) I I

W1ter IP68, 68° F (20' CJ, 3.3 ft (1 m) x 24 h IP68, 68' F (20' CJ, 3.3 ft (1 m) x 24 h

PreMure 70 bars, 3 m in isostatic 70 bars, 3 min isostatic

Wlttwl•nds Expo1ur• Hydrogen pero'ICide (5")· Industrial laundry detergent (pH 10 -11), TD Bl•:~~~~~· ~~~·~:~~~~~i~PP~~;~1 :~;; 1~a~tc~.~~~7), Iveg~~=~~~l~r.:~.~~:um. neutnsllzing agent, perchlorethylen (100%) Envlranm•nt1I T•1t 68° F (20· 100 h condition• ci. Vlbretlon IEC 68.2.6 [1 0g, 10. • 2000Hz. 3 axis, 2.S h] Shock IEC 68.2.29 [40g, 18ms. 6 axis, 2000 x] Drop Tait 100 x 6 ft (1.8 ml 1000 N/ 1000 N / 1000 N, 1000 NI 1000 N, A•lel/R1dl1I Fore• 800 N / 500 N, 10 sec 1000 N. 10 800 NI 500 N, 10 sec 1 800 NI soo 10 sec N, lOsec I 10sec I sec I THERMAL

1-13' to +248' -40° to +266° F (-40' lo 130° C), F (-2S' to -40° to +194• F (-40° to +90' C). Storage -40' to +185' F (-40' to +85' CJ, 1000 h 1000h +120°C), 1000 h lOOOti -13' to +185' I Operetlng F(-25' to -40' to +185' F (-40' to +8S' Cl 1-40' to +194' F (-40' -13' to 185' F (-2S' to +85' C) to +90° C) +BS' C)

68• t o +320' F (20°C t o +160°C), 100 x 5 min -40' to +194° F (-40'C to +90'C). 100 68' to +3S6' F (20'C to +180'C), 300 x S min Shock/Fatigue with 30 sec transition x 5 min with 30 sec transition with 30 sec transition

248' F (120' Cl. 100 h, 428' F (220' 248' F (120' C). Peak 320' F (160' C), 35 h I C). 30sec 100h

Spin dryer I tunnel 1347' F (175' C), 347' F (175' C), 100 x 10 min llnl1he1 (111 point) 100•10min OTH!R EN 60079-0:2009. EN 60079-11:2007, EN S0303:2001 St1nderd1 EN 60079-0:2009, EN 60079-11:2007, EN 50303:2001 ISO 1S693, ISO 18000-3, NFC T•g Type 5 (optional)

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North America: +1 S12 776 9000 «> 2017 iAID Glabal Cotporation/ASSA ABLOY AB All rights rQSCIVCd HID. HID Glo r:ial. tnc HID Blu e Brick lo go, the Chain Dc~igr'I an d LO!]i T,lg arc trad~atks or reg stered trademarks of HID GIObal or its hcensor(s)/suPJJlier{s) tn the US and other ::ountries <'nd m av not b 11: used Toll Free: 1 800 237 7769 without permission All other trademarks. sarvicc 1rark s, and produt."t or ser vice nilftH'!S are n PG-0028 0 Latin America: +S2 SS 5081 1650 An ASSA ABLOY Group brand Automated Logistics Center • LogiTag Systems • Medical RFID Solutions - Cloud SAAS Page 1of3

Enterprise (https:/ / logi- LogiPlatform

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Automated Logistics Center

Home (https://logi- tog.com/) > Automated Logistics Center

Suppliers Automating medical device centers CONTACT RFID Tagging • 100% accuracy us • O%waste (HTTPS://LOGl­ (https://logi- • Increased efficiency TAG.COM/CONTACT­ us/) tag.com/rfid-

tagging/) ASK US ABOUT A FREE Consignment DEMO AT YOUR FACILITY Management TODAY! (https://logi- Your name tag.com/consignment- Enter your E remote- Medical device manufacturers and dist ributors Phone Num management/) maintain and manage medical inventory of Your Count disposable, reusable instruments, implants, and other Automated items. They often struggle with space limitations, Message Logistics Center accuracy requirements, distribution timeline challenges, billing discrepancies and more. The bigger

(https://logi- their customer base is, the more consigned stock, the greater the management challenge. tag.com automated- I I'm not a robot LogiTag entire solutions (https://logi- logistics-center/) tag.com/solutions/) suite, including rcCAPf CHA sophisticated RFID and Barcode technologies,

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Mobile Workforce enables device warehouse centers to increase Submit efficiency as well as their customer support (https://logi- capabilities:

tag.com/mobile- • Real-time product traceability - inside the warehouse, on the road, and at the hospital workforce/) • Accurate status reports (usage and billing, expired items, re-orders)

Temperature monitoring for controlled storage conditions

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The outcome:

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Cloud server (https://logi-tag.com/cloud-server/) The medical devices contain RFID tags, containing specific batch ID. They are enrolled in LogiTag's cloud server (https://logi-tag.com/cloud-server/) solution - LogiPlatform - and automatically tracked as they

move down the supply chain.

LogiTag is servicing some of the world's leading

medical device manufacturers and distribution centers.

Contact us (https://logi-tag.com/contact-us/) today to increase revenue and decrease costs

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..,. RFID Products

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LogiTag develops, manufactures, and markets -t RFID Antennas intelligent, best-in-class RFID solutions and systems -t RFID Readers for tracking, monitoring, and managing inventory, -t Case Studies assets, and people.

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LOGI - Scientific Journal on Transport and Logistics LOGI_____ .. __ 2 Issues per year SCI ENDO '1 liO OPEN A.CCESS

Online ISSN 2336-3037

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The LOGI Journal is international scientific journal published in cooperation of several faculties of universities in the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Poland, Germany, Austria, Russia, Hungary and GO Croatia.

Articles focused on basic and applied research in the field of transport, logistics and other related sectors are published within the LOGI Journal.

The LOGI Journal was established in 2010, and since then, it is published twice a year. The language of this journal is English.

Even though the LOGI Journal was established in 2010, the basics of the idea of such journal ensued from the international conference with similar title which started in 1997, and since then, it is organized on the ground of the Institute of Technology and Business in Ceske Budejovice or Jan Perner Transport Faculty, University of Pardubice every year.

The need to publish the special scientific journal resulted from tasks of participants in a conference and progressively resulted into present form of the journal.

The reason of creation of the LOGI Journal also consisted in the absence of special technical and scientific periodical focused on the issues of theory in the field of transport and logistics.

The back issues of the journal can be accessed here: http·lfiournals,vstecb.cz/publicafions/logi/

The journal does not have article processing charges (APCs) nor article submission charges.

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Aims and Scope Why subscribe and read The LOGI Journal is the only scientific journal of this kind in the Central and East Europe. Why submit The LOGI Journal covers the absence of special technical and scientific periodicals focused on the issues of theory in transport and logistics.

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• 20%

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Detailed description of the Similarity Check System can be found at: https://www.crossref.oralservices/slml!arjtv-check/

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SCIENDO Language: English Type of Publication: Journal

Subjects Business and Economics> Business Manaaemant > Jnduslrles > Transporta.Uon Logistics Air Traffic. ~

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Instructions for Authors

Please submit your manuscripts to [email protected]

e Abstracting & Indexing

LOG/ - Scientific Journal on Transport and Logistics is covered by the following services:

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0 Editorial Information

Editor in Chief Assoc Prof. Rudolf Kampf Faculty of Technology, The Institute of Technology and Business in Geske Budejovice, Czech Republic e-mail: [email protected]

Assistant of the Editor in Chief PhD. Ondrej Stopka Department ofTransport and Logistics, Faculty of Technology, The Institute of Technology and Business in Geske Budejovice, Czech Republic e-mail: [email protected]

Publishing Board Assoc. Prof. Jan Lizbetin Department of Transport and Logistics, Faculty of Technology, Institute of Technology and Business in Geske Budejovice, Czech Republic e-mail: [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Barna Abramovic Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia e-mail: [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Jozef Gasparik Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, University of Zilina, Slovak Republic e-mail: Jozef qasparlk@!pedas unlza sk

Assoc. Prof_ Petr Prusa Jan Perner Transport Faculty, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic e-mail: oetr [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Jaromir Siroky Jan Perner Transport Faculty, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic e-mail: [email protected]

PhD. Josef Novotny Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic e-mail: Josef.novotnv@uoce cz

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Ing. Ladislav Bartuska Department of Transport and Logistics, Faculty ofTechnology, Institute of Technology and Business in Geske Budejovice, Czech Republic e-mail: bartusllal@mail ystecb cz

Scientific Editorial Board Prof. Jozef Gnap Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, University of Zilina, Slovak Republic e-mail: [email protected]

Prof. Gabriel Fedorko Institute of Logistics, Faculty BERG, Technical University of Kosice, Slovak Republic e-mail: gabriel [email protected]

Prof. Vieroslav Molnar Institute of Logistics, Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnology, Technical University of Kosice, Slovak Republic e-mail: [email protected]

Prof. Vaclav Cempirek Jan Perner Transport Faculty, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic e-mail: vaelav [email protected]

Prof. Gerhard Bahrenberg lnsMute of Geography, University of Bremen, Germany e-mail: [email protected]

Prof. Bernd Kortschak Faculty of Commerce, Logistics, Transport, University of Applied Sciences Erfurt, Germany e-mail: kortsc!!ak@th-er!urt de

Prof. Hans-Martin Niemeier Institute for Transport and Development, School of International Busness Bremen University of Applied Sciences, Germany Email address: [email protected]

Prof. Ulrich Weidmann Eidgenossisehe Technische Hochschule zurk:h, Swiss Federal Institute ofTechnology Zurich, Switzerland e-mail: [email protected]_ch

Prof. Maria Nadia Postorino Department of Civil, Energy, Environment and Materials Engineering, Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria, Italy e-mail: noostorino,Wunirc ii

Prof. Alexandre Dolgui Professor and Head: Automation, Production and Computer Sciences Department, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, Nantes, France e-mail: alexandre.dolgul@mines-nantes rr

Prof. Srecko Krile Department of Electrical Engineering and Computing,

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University of Dubrovnik, Croatia e-mail: srecl

Prof. Fusaomi Nagata Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Enginearing, Tokyo University of Science, Yamaguchi, Sanyo-Onoda, Japan e-mail: [email protected],jp

Prof. Yossi Bukchin Department of Industrial Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Israel e-mail: bukchln@tau acJI

Prof. Vladimiras Grazulis Faculty of Politics and Management, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania e-mail: gra [email protected]

Prof. Larisa M. Kapustina Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg, Russia e-mail: [email protected]

Prof. Elzbieta Marciszewska Collegium of Management and Finance, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland e-mail: [email protected]

Prof. Momcilo Miljus Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia e-mail: mmll!us@sf bg ac rs

Prof. Otgontugs Banzragch School of Economic Studies, National University of Mongolia, Mongolia e-mail: [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Stefano Ricci Department of Civil Environmental and Building Engineering, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy e-mail: stelano.ricci@uniroma1 .It

Assoc Prof. Jasmina Pasaglc Skrinjar Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia e-mail: [email protected]

Assoc. Prof. Milos Hitka Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology, Technical University in Zvolen, Slovak Republic e-mail: [email protected]

PhD. Michal Weiszer School of Engineering, University of Lincoln, United Kingdom e-mail: rowelszer@llnco!n ac uk

PhD. Eric Tchouamou Njoya Department of Logistics, Operations, Hospitality and Marketing,

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University of Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom e-mail: E [email protected],uk

PhD. Sweek Kuik, Division of Information Technology, Engineering and the Environment, School of Engineering, University of South Australia, Adelaide, South Australia e-mail: [email protected]

Priv. Doz. Dipl.-lng. Dr.teclln. Andreas Schl>bel,

lnst~ute for Railway Engineering, Vienna University of Technology, Austria e-mail: [email protected]

PhD. Jerome Parrin VP Scientific Director, - Department of Research and Advanced Engineering, RENAULT SAS. - Guyancourt, France e-mail: [email protected]

PhD. Chenguang Li Faculty of Economics and Management, North China University of Technology, Beijing, China e-mail: [email protected]

PhD. Salvador Hernandez School of Civil and Construction Engineering, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA e-mail: sal.hernandez@oreoonslate edu

PhD. Marin Marinov NawRail, Rail Education Group, Mechanical and Systems Engineering, Stephenson Building, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, United Kingdom e-mail: [email protected]

PhD. Norbert Reuter Managing Director of Saarbahn GmbH, SaarbrOcken, Germany e-mail: nort?ert [email protected]

Contact The Institute of Technology and Business in Ceske BudejOvice, Faculty of Technology Assoc. Prof. Rudolf Kampf Journal LOGI Okrutni 517/10, 370 01 Ceske Budejovice Czech Republic

Publisher DE GRUYTER OPEN Bogumila Zuga 32A Str. 01-811 Warsaw, Poland T: +48 22 7015015

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Transforming Pharma Supply Chain. Together. LogiPharma is the longest-running supply chain event celebrating its 18th consecutive year in 2018. Since its inception thousands of supply chain professionals from the top pharma, generics and animal health companies took their careers to new levels by learning new skil ls and making new contacts onsite. Over the years the LogiPharma network of past attendees has grown and grown providing those new to the event access to the most senior pharma supply chain leaders for unique professional development opportunities.

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Another website by McRufus Interactive (http://www.mcrufusinteractive.com/)

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Our Story

Logiware was founded in 2006 by GokulnathVenkataraman and Alan Palmore. The idea for our product sprung out of our interaction with forwarders, NVO's, and shippers while managing technology in the Americas for Nedlloyd Lines. We were working very closely with our clients and quickly realized the complex and ever-changing environment they were dealing with. The sheer number of moving parts and parties involved in their business gave us the idea of a collaborative, configurable, web based system to help improve their productivity and visibility. Logiware's first client was based in Atlanta, GA, and we have grown to now serve customers all over the world. In 2008, Logiware opened a technical development and service center in Bangalore, India, which now has over 150 people supporting all time zones. Our passion and drive is to provide the best operating system for global logistics that brings all of the involved parties together. We know that to improve our software, we need to understand our clients business, make things as simple and easy to use as possible, and apply innovation into our platform. Our goal is to improve every single day.

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INDIA: +91 97 6901 6653 (tel:+919769016653)


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https:/lwww.toginextsotutions.com/products 4/4 4/13/2018 Freight Forwarding & International Shipping Boston MA I LogiWorld LLC

Specializing in Exports, Imports, Project Cargo, International & Domestic Household Moves, Auto Shipping, Crating & Packaging, & More!

Our Logistics· Your World

About LogiWorld ~ Log i Wo rld

LogiWorld, LLC has been in the transportation industry for many years. Over the years, you see what separates you from the rest and it is simple: communication, honesty, and a competitive edge. We instill these qualities in our staff day in and day out. 2417 we provide answers to your logistic needs and always strive to be competitively better priced than the rest.

We have seen too many times companies getting wrapped up in the top 1 O service providers with no real feel as to what they are getting in return for the high dollars spent. LogiWorld, LLC can guarantee that when you call us, you will know the person on the other end by the end of that phone call, and you will have that person by your side every step of the way.

Our passion for what we do transfers into our services

Connecting New England With The Rest Of The World

LogiWorld LLC provides exception service throughout New England and around the world including

Boston MA Burlington VT. Concord NH. Lowell MA Manchester NH. Portland ME. Providence RI. Salem NH. Springfield MA. Worcester MA. I Honesty & knowledge is an understatement!

Elizabeth S> LogiWorld Client

http://www.logiworldllc.com/aboutl 1/2 4/13/2018 Freight Forwarding & lntemetionel Shipping Boston MA I LogiWor1d LLC

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