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i i M / •. -.'iw FBIDAY, MAY 91, 1861 ■ m

> M t - jMattrbpater jEttgitittfl ijgraib A rtn m Dofly Net PreRo R m rat taa Weak IM M The WeotlMr The WonMn*s Auxiliary of the -Mrs. Frederick Mietaner and her ' -Mejr 88, 1N8 Its fund-ralsiiig programs. Sulli­ rataaeat M D. Ik Wae«Mi ^ o w n Fire and PoUoe Junior Athletic committee will sarve rofreahments Three Democrats van, who owns ute Advertising Talk at St. Mary^f i ? Aasootatiaa will hold a. dotblng after the business meeting. Specialty.Go. in MeneheStsr, aid­ demonetratlon on Jutte 8 at 8 p.m. A . CWUuit In Legal Posts ed the publicity campaigns in the Set by Rev. Bryne 1 3 ,9 4 5 Soimy, Wana todey. Olier, eta|^ _ msrit tl»elr at the home of Mrs. Norman The Rev. George F. Noetrand, area for President Keimedy in eaCttM Aodlt a gele tiNUgh& Hwetay msmOtf '-tOP- fOtti ««A««n & n ic c aniHvacMannivvrMry Sunday Bjarlcman at 28 FiankUn St. rector o f St. M ary's E^>isoopal 1960 and in the last state and town aC lUrrelallin Friends of the midget and pony Church, wlU conduct the radio Three Muchester Democreta The Rev. Tttomas Dopgaa Byms, ny, wane and more hmoM. With open houM from S to T p.m. have been appointed as law en­ elections for Gov. John Dempsey Manehester-^A City of ViUage Charm football program are invited to broadcasts sponsored by the Mbii' and others. fomwr dlreotor of education alt St. attend. Refreehmente will be Chester Ministerial Association on forcement otfloera. Mary’s Episoopal Church, wUl S nsek JEtsi* 1^ Iiouia Bm u Ikc, inotiumanUl mu- They are Clarence BWey, 85 Hol- Negro is treasursr of the town ito tmoher, wiB diroct a achool served. radio staition WINF Sunday at apeak Sunday at a breakfast at 7:35 p.m. and dally next week at Uater St., reappointed as a deputy oonunittee and also of the Man­ VOL. LX X XQ , NO. 206 (TEN PAGES—TV SECTION), iMtrumcnUd froup, and the Orade chester Young Democrats. the church after ' the 7:30 a.m. 448 HARTFORD ROAD MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1963 (CtaaalfM AdvertMng on Page 8). The New England Diocese con­ 7:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. sh eriff; John Sullivan, 131 Hklger- service and will preach at the 11 PRICE SEVEN CRNYS d Otoe eSub SvUl alng at th« ton St., appointed for his first Lincoln School PTA'a final meot- vention of the Sodalities of the a.m. worship service.. He 1* a ataff Bleeaed Sacrament of the Polish Combined Catholic . Mother’s term as a deputy sheriff; and member of St. Thomas Church In hiC o f th e MMoon M onday a t 8 Roger Negro, 205 Oak St., ap­ 169th Schedules pjn. In the adiool audttoriuni. National CSAurch will be held to­ Circles Holy Hour will be tonight New York City. morrow at Wallingford beginning at 7:30 at St. Bartholomew’s pointed as a constable. Summer Training The Rev. Mr. Byrne was bom la State N ew s itoM and Ladder Co. 4 of the at 10 a.m. with celebration of Church, with the annual meeting The deputy sheriff appoint­ Mobile, Ala., and received his BA., Maas. Mm. Genevieve Wojnaro- of the group afterwards In the ments have been announced by degree from the Unlvereity of the New Demonstrations Vown Stre Department will hold The new 189th M ilitary PoUce a dHU today at 6:15 pm. at the wlcz, Mrs. Agnes Skrabacr! Snd meeting room. High Sheriff Patrick Hogan of South and Genera] Theological Now Battalion, with headquarters in Roundup School St. flrehouae. Mm. Bernice Sendrowski are ex­ Bristol, who will swear in the new Seminary in 1940. He has been a pected to represent St. John’s Manchester, will be on active duty The Regina D’ltalia Society will officers. reserve chaplain In the U.S. Array Dying Pope Praying Church. hold the last meeting of the sea­ N egro was sworn In as con- at Camp Dempsey, Nlantlc, front Oeorre M. Blake has been elect­ July 6 to July 20, as part o f the with the rank of lieutenant colo­ ed preaident of the Manchester son Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the stsJble b y town selectm en. Scheduled in Jackson nel. Mr. John Pofflnibarger, intern at Itaitan-American Club on Eldrldge ConnecUcut Army National Sammer Weather Philatelic Society for the coming Emanuel Lutheran Church, will Foley has been a deputy sh.eriff Guard’s summer camp program. Tita puhUc la Invited to both 7 A.M. to 1 0 P.M. year. Other officers ejected are St. Refreshments will be served. since 1957. He is chairman of Dis­ JACKSON,' Miss. (AP)—« ranging in years from 12 to 29,Amarch toward a file of po- serve as chaplain at Manchester The battalion includes units that servloeb and the breakfast and was charged with parading with- licemen. Nottnen P. Cubberly, vice presi­ trict 3 for the Domooratlc Town may midte breakfast reservations Most W elcom ed An integrfttion IcMtder called Memorial Hospital next week. He were formerly part of the Second out a permit. Ludden was clubbed to the dent; Manual Andrade, recording will conduct the 6:40 a.m. worship Sparrow Hawk Committee and has been active in Battle Group, 189th Infantry. at the pariah, office. for renewed demonstrations aeoretaiy; Mrs. Sue Hardy, cor­ Hours later, police began re­ ground when he nabbed an arrest­ service in the hospital chapel on WINDSOR LOCKS (AP)— in Jackson today after more leasing thoae under 18 in their par- ing officer in en attempt to break responding aecretary: and RusseU Sunday, June 9. Museum Guest MacKendrick, treasurer. A contdnuatlon o f the fine than 466 marching Negroes— enta’ custody. away from him. While Pain Torments • •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• eariy pummer weather will many of them teen-agers— Roy T. Wilkins of New York, AlMut 80 Negroes were arrested Mrs. Edward J. Plata of 215 Tomorrow and Sunday, blrd- at Brinkley High School while Mra. H. John Malone, president Hollister St. and Dr. Philip Sumner QBher m this first day of June were arrested and taken to executive secretary of the NAACP ywtehers can see a sparrow hawk arrived for a speech soon after m arching to Join those at the of the Women’s Auxiliary ofMan- of 78 Princeton St. will be hostess, the easy way. Lutz Junior' Mu­ in Connecticut, the U.S. temporary detention centers, church. oheater Memorial Hospital, at­ and host at Lutz Junior Museum the arrests were made. seum has one as a weekend guest. Weather Bureau said today In Mayor Allen Thompson again He complained about the "Nazi- Ludden was charged with as­ tended a statewide conference of Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. This smallest of falcons, named rejected a Negro retpiest for a bi- sault and resisting arrest. All oth­ auxiliary presldenta in New Ha­ an exirianatory statement. tactics” used by police and because his coloring resembles racial meeting. Oonditlona were temporary detention centers— ers were booked for parading Whispers ven recently. The session attract- Sunset Rebekah Lodge will meet that of a sparrow, was found In­ Temperatures will rise well too tense, be said. without a permit. ed 35 leaders for discussions


O K N M l W Y Registration Tally Kept Quiet^l B olton Acquittal Case WiimerS About Town . Piarisians May Be Confronted Hospital Notes Miracle Se en S IIN IA Y . Sbeinwold on Bridge Dying Pope Praying Key to Start of Town College^ fiunsDt Gounoti, Dsgrra o t Poos- Car Knocks Doim bentos, will nomlMtts offiesrs for 'Visiting hoars an 2 to 8 p-m. ran PHARMACY With Shortage of Ice Cubes for all areas, except inatenilty, On Man’s Arm Ilia board o t edacAtioo Wednes.^ A q>ecial preaentatkm wiB be I May (iet Record Break NOT ALL nNEaSKS iMxt yw r at its mesUiu' Monday 13 Fence Poiits «T<—MI M U 4 ARB GOOD FOR YOU at 7:80 pjn. at Tinker Hall. Re­ when they are 2 to 4 . p-m., and day will decide whether to open given on the matfaeahalica pro­ porta WiU also bs bssrd. The coun­ By BOSETTE HABCHIOVE ^"long drink." But the canny 6:80 to 8 pjn. and private rooms, After Mishap gram. (Coktlaaed tram P n N * NewMinpef Enterprise Assn. Scots came up with the argu­ where they are 10 a.tn. to 8 p.m. A westbound car left Rt. 44A the pnq>oaed Maheheater Commu­ < ^wand those atferipg iMMUa aug<- B y ALPRED 8HEINWOLO (OeHllmied from Paga Om ) cil win elect officen at Us mid- Also on the agenda are the gaetkms 50 per cent a t the amout June meeting. There wfll be a so- PARIS— (NBIA) —Some mem­ ment that whisky is good for the Vtaltors an requeatod not ‘to and plowed down 18 fence poets at nity ccdleee in September on the following. of thsss days we’re going 1 4 (Oonttined from Page One) 5:17 p.m. yesterday, opposlta South Department if ownership la trans- saved by the idea ititm tint year, to come after you," writes ths 9 A Q 3 after Monday's meeting. bers of the PY«ich Medical Acad­ heart and helps blood circulation smoke in patients’ rooms. No noon B ifu m in o u s baaia o t registration figures. . 1. KHtahliHhment of a special feim L to a maxhnmM'of $5,000, exraeted tha Pope News Tidbits emy brewed some trouble among (to say nothing of filling the than two visitors at one time per Rd., Bolton. Gbilege ofBciais this wedr re- account for the community college. 19 Ftoeeae Lovers Associatkm. "You O K Q 10 5 would live Into the new day. Min­ In a three-hour operation, doc­ Allow reatauranta, hotela and Allow ootnpuks be famed to never have a kind word to say _____ J r ? 4 Playschool oelefarat- the social set when they ssiid the Scotk’ pockets with francs). patient. Behrens V. Rossberg, 24, o f Gull- ftised to give The Herald the flg- 2. R^xirts from Buaineas Man­ clubs to liquor until a jn . on ute by minute, then hour by hour, from th6 AP Wlroo "This is not truf;’' said the in­ tors pinned toe upper ann bone ford, Was arrested on a charge of C o n c r e t e 1 provlda te$«vitiaa. mttimmta a m tor a flnessi, and we’re not going w n r i A « r the bulletins from ths Vatican ra- ed tbs Mst day of school yester­ French wen a wee bK too fond of uree for enrollment. Registration ager Ihniglas E. Pierce on , the Labor Day motning instead of the Scotch—Scotch whiskey, that dignant professors'. “Whisky is Patients Today: 262 with a kmg naU, toen Joined sev­ failure to drive in the established closed 'M ay 25» in weak-raoeptiaa areaa; Set own- to take it lying dovm. What kina ^ and press office had prepared day with s'^pa^ for parents and eral blood vessels by using a syn­ capital improvements reserve fund closing at the regular Sunday book tato the commas ty of flowers do you like?” Conttained from **age Unet largely responsible for the liver ADMITTED .YIBJSTERDAY: lane by Trooper George Lawrenoe "rtie board decided previously and from the chairmen of Uie closing hour of 9 pin. toe waiting Roman Catoouc world relatives. An Moeretta, "The Hap­ thetic tubular blood Vessel graft. of Colchester Troop. IRIVEWAYS- system for s fee. Bast dealer J., py Garden,” wMli jnuaic written by TTuae profeeson didn’t dilute and other chronic ailments from Mrs. Cornelia Fisher, Ellington; that it would open the collet in personnel policies and finance com­ Btod the prment requirement for toe news of his death. which the pld Indian army officers Christopher Beach, Bast Hartford; The spokesman said the severed Rossberg is slated to appear „ ■------iL- The Senste also passed and ■ Both aides vulnwable Fordlnando Cardinal Cento, who Khrufliohev and Fldei Castro Irave M isa Bylvis Cla/Iih^ was preebnt- their words when they declared; September if it had at least 75 mittees, and from Christie F. t o v m holldsy retreat on Bhu^ Sea and all suffered.” Charles Godin, 53 Schaller Rd.; arm immediately became "warm June 17 in Circuit Court 12, bton- PARKING AREAS registrations. Otherwise, the open­ tbaf preferenoe In dktributfon of to the House bilk that woidd: Opening lead—Jack of Spades. welted prayoni for the dying at sd. Graduation osrtlfi.oates, wen “Whiskey U poisoning the French and of normal color." McCormick on the recent Natkmal the 100 acholsntalps for atate sOi- Hava the circuit court pegr off- It’a not that anybody scares me, fly to Soviet Georgia. . . . New people. It is a slow, Insidious poi­ The Fnnch only know Scotch. Donald Bcirrows, 7 Mary Lane chester. ing will be delayed until January, school Boards Association in Den­ toe ^ntlff’s bedside Friday, said presented to 28 youngMer* by Mni. Bourbon, Canadian and Irish Muscles and tendons then w en lege fludents admhdstered by Gie or firemen sum- but some at my beat friends are he heard Pope John murmer York police arrast man charged Glenn Ootnish, director, and Mra. son with no medical properties at Rockville; Alva Roys, Coven­ W .«. SCHWARZ CO. or possibly September 1964. ver, Ook).,-which be attended. State Board of EducatlonJie given whisky are practically unknown try; William Fisher, 639 W. Joined and 10 days later skin HroOBF(«ATEO witneaeea in crknlnal fineasea. Just to show how liberal then, "1 wish to be taken away, with killing o f Qtieena bank man­ Paul McKay, assistant all. Steps must be taken to stop grafts were applied to coyer the Ttie board will also decide 3. A special reception to honor thoee training to become elemen­ :q io » 9 s ager five yeore ago. . . . Relatival toe popular appeal of this harmful in the country. Middle Tpke.; Ssndy Dickin­ BOTTE n , VEBXOX wtieOw to pcTsue its plan to'use the equivalent of a dayk I am, here’s a band in which a ■o I can be with Christ." Refreshments wen served by gunshot wounds. All Occasion Boauty retiring teachois. tary sifiiool teacdiem; the sctioks' pay, phie eeqMusee if they have finesse - la Clearly the best blay. o f many o f 180 persems killed in drink which can Initiate all sorts Before the war, champagne, red son. 1/16 Columbus St.; -Mrs. 875-M tt the old technical sdKxd building 4. Pour apperintments, four res­ 2 A 5 « The pontiff's heart amarad his WUllsm SehaUer. and, white wine, sherry and soft Lottie Miller, South Windsor; pince Petri’s discharge from the aliipa ore for $ ^ a year. to stay oweraigbt in the South raffs the first q^e, .M P m doctors, but one of them, Piero plane crash last June near Paris ~ot circulatory troublee." hoiapltal In December 1962. he has on School St. aa administrative ignations and two request for Engaged Raisa the ntiimmiin age for op- draws a round ot tnimpa, and suing Boeing Co. for $85,686,041. "Ag If It wasn’t bad enough, the drinks wen served at parties and Jerard Banninga, Storrs; Roy offices. leaves. where the court k meeting and Manoni, mid "I doubt it he can Btudento at WaddaU School undergone two operatione to Join eratore of nmlie service veUoIes cannot oonvenienUy go haenau goes after the diamonds. Please live until this evening." Adm. Andra Lemonnler, 67, former soclaliiw next learned that whisky special affairs. Champagne is still Farris. 9 Durkin St.; Bonnie Navnl deputy to supreme silled ptooed flowers ai»und the flag­ served but whWiy has largely Wightman, 178 Lydall St.; Mrs. severed nerves. The engragement o f Miss Linda such ss hums ftom 18 to M, ASow the Oocmeatioiit IndusUtoi don’t look at the Eaat-West cards. this case, South gats A haart The Pope was breathing regu­ pole early Wednesday morning in was nO'longer the aristocrat of hi the nurses' home at Windham McKay to Roger F. Hence is an­ nkb evwy josUoe of the BuOdbig Commission, now limited How should declarer play the discard on dummy's lu t f larly, but slowly and with diffi­ commander in Eutope dies. . . . drinks and the drink of toe aristo- replaced the other drinks. Maude Webber, 24 Orchard St., auur Five per cent siales tax, h ip e s t in a ybslef ceremony to mark Me- In addition to gin, French dis­ Rockville; Ranney Grotta, 79 An- Columbia Community Memorial Hospital. nounced by her parents, Mr. and to di^Iay to aB persona wlio to guanmteeteg loaim for land and It the finesse loara. Baft wlu be culty. His temperature rose to ntorial Day. Later a program waa Nowaktays Just about every- Mra. Him has tnged an early Mra. Arthur M dS ay a t 215 H ^ . his servloes the eerUfleate buildings, to do the same for ma­ Tba actual declarer took the unable to return a club or a dia­ 100.4, degress, toe Vatican said. nation, and on eight oast n pack body can B ifo r d it; consumption tillers an now producing ’ whisky saldi Rd.; Nelson Martinez, 112 Fashion Favorite! WANTED! that tells ths date on wMeli hk three top diamonds, discovering cigarette tax, goes into effect to­ held in the school auditorium at has doubled In the Igst three years. In the Bordeaux region and Brit­ Deepwood Dr.; Arthur Norwood, response to the letters of appeal land St. chinery and mond. East will bave to return a But his stout heart stiU beat reg­ which traditional messages were so the drive may be completed Her fiance is ttie son of Mr. |tod term of ofQoe exidres. Direot the M ato VeUcies De­ too late that the jack was not heart up to dununy's aoa-quaen ularly. day in Pennsylvania. BSxcept for the top-ranking brands, tany. 36 Bigelow SL; Robert Nowak, dean. Late Model Merrick Head Inmttute a state msfilaye sug­ TCing to drop. He sventuaUy feU Bernard Baruch entem New read, songs played arid sung, and wbisky can be bought cut-rate Andy McElhone, owner of the Hidilard Dr., Vernon; John Kil­ soon as possible. Mrs. BYanda It. Hence 61 portment to open a branoh cCfioe or a spade to give declarer ai ^Jproprlate poetry ncited by Lenox St. gestion program tbat would re- in Putnam. back on the heart flneaae but lost York hoi^tal for oheohup... Belti' pricea in chain stores and super­ famous Harry’s Bar in Paris, has patrick, Ekist Hartford; Thomas OUss Trip two heart tricks. ruff-eluff. Either way South makes memhOrs of the student body. Mra. markets. More than forty graduates-to- Miss McKay is a 19^ graduate the rest of the tricks. more paper company rapoirta this to say about the powerful new McNaUy, 22 Waddell Rd.; Mrs. U S E D C A R S Of Lions Oub PMal Flaen Driver of Bus thieves entered plant and only Franoes Hartln planned the pro­ The liquor apparenUy landed In llqiJd turned out by Frenchmen: Mona Albert, 635 Center St.; Mrs. be celebrated by spending Wednes­ of Manchester Hi^,gdxM l and is Pleara omit flowers. gram. TOP PRICES PAID day hi New York City. TTila is an employed as a seerMaty with lib ­ Tha heart finesse was fatal, and Daily Queatfen thing ml661ng was Oeernsn tthep- France about the same time the “'What they do not realize Is Irma Grasso,, 14 Fairfield SL; Paul Merrick has been named Open House to Begin Week here we are again raying harsh Aa dealer, you hold! Spadee, herd wstehdog... Singer Tony Ols stormed ashore at Normandy that good Scotch, Irish and bour­ Stanley Prokopowlcz, 1085 E. Mid­ annual Grade 8 event and the stu­ erty Mutual ^^uranoe Co. of Man­ things about finesses. Don’t shoot, Town tinmen from Companies president of the Columbia lions dents, aooompaaied by parents and chester. Mr. Hence is a 1960 grsd- None, Hearto, 6-4-2t Dtamewda, A- Cleared in Martin nnsble to keep Vas Legae 1 In World W ar n. Befoia the coun­ bon production is an art. How dle Tpke.; Mrs. Arline Griffin, boys, flis Und words are on their oonunittmeht due to virus infec­ and 2 last night answend a false try was liberated from the Nazis, many know that Scotch is distilled French Rd.. Bolton; John O’Neil, CUb, rcfitecing Henry Beck who teadiera, attend ball games, shop, uaite o f Mdhebester High Schod way. 7-2; a n b e, A-K-Q-104-2-2. alarm at Box 182, Foxcroft and and is,« sophomora at the Uni­ Of Marine CorpsLeagueEvents What do yon rayT tion . . Patrick Farrow; 20, son o f about 95 per cent of the French­ from barley macerated In the rich Wapping; Mrs. Jeanette Davds, Carter win become a member of the or go bo the theater. TTiia year the The diamond fineara was the Child^s Death Deepwood Drives.- Police and tire men had never tasted whisky. 8o- waters of ScotU.i> m. For the next two hours, bus- the contract Copyright 1668 The cognac brandy manufactur­ cohol goes to Great Britain In Hdntx, 7 Diane Dr., Vernon; Mrs. rey Miller, dlreetors for two years. mobile visit June 7 at Phelps HaB inesB sesatons wlO be held, foBow- Wilson of 11 Ridge St., a relief ers have tried to ntallate by The dxto voted to pay expenses eign Ware, town service dubs and General Features CMpi. sobool bus driver, was not to Italian Redi^ Obituary the form of brandy aa cemes into Therese Michaud, East Hartford; PLUS PAINT in EMbron. M n . Cart Godine, re- BSdward cmeara, head of the ed by a noon luncheon tor GoU launching the brandy and water France as Scotch. Karen Veimart, 37 Cornell St. of a boy in the Junior daas at omitaMift ebahman, and her m- (OoBtinned from Page One blame. and TRIM 00 State Veterans’ Administration, Star Mothers at the Treat Shoppe. b i r t h s YESTERDAY: A Windham High School bo attend hiltt)ie ere now making phone wiU attimd. More bueineas sessiona will be "Upon careful ooruidecatian of Fimok A. Paul Boys’ State. TTie boy wffi be setect- mula. The grants to towns under- all the evidence I find that the Surprised by Frank K. BUis o f Wethersfield, daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold SPECIAL PRICES ON csBs. Anyone not contacted who Next Friday at T pm., the held in the afltemoon. At 7:30 p. Police Arrests SUNDAY; "MY SIX LOVES* Frank A. Paul, 92, of East Hart­ Francis, Wlndcor; a daughter to lAlMICR HOMES ed by sohoIe. In Trade Quest between those who would tune Funeral Home, 20 Siason Ave„ Manchester. Beanrs were John wonn and other chewing insects that destroy the foliage London, Shout two hours aftw be­ The U.8. Patent Q ^ e gets '300 A . 16-inch rainfall in one day in Hartford, today and tomoirow White, Arthur Oqulst, Robert Jack- toe KarnafuU River basin — an party policy closer to Italian and weaken the trees. ing hit by a car driven by Nonnan PARENTS OP TEENS: IGNORE applications a d j^ tor new prod­ frikn 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. man, Roger Oullette, George Os- Titcomb, 19, of Windsor. Police ucts. WASHINGTON — Businessmen event rated as likely only once In needs and 'toose who would lean THESE BTVE BASIC POINTS going abroad can get information closer to toe Kremlin line or'even tertag, and Charles Krumenaeher. said Gw boy suffered 6 OTUShed Bhqverimentk at Iowa State Un^ Mn.-Mary...W-'Keswey ■ ■ AT YOUR PERIL and leads from foreigti sendee by toe dam, saving toe port city of toe more extreme ^ Peking nne. CALL 043^7695 «hest and intemal kduries. Blvery Junior and senior high verslty indicate the husbands ROCKVIULB—Mrs. Mary WtJz most ^uenUal in determining poets, the Cqmmerce Department Chitta^ang, No property or Uvea Communist officials made no school PTA in the United States reports. were loat* real effort to hide a faar that toe Keeney, 88, of 4 Pleasant St., dl^ Pyramid in U.S. GARTER TREE EXPERT CO. would do well to borrow a set of family ^decisions arv^oae able to All a businessman .has to do Intr^Murty squabbling might hurt 1st* last night at Rockville Otty standards of teen-age parties outtatt their wives. What’ll sci­ HtoepKal. She was the widow o f ence find out next? is notify the Department a few in the fleelections. Never Finished drawn up by the heatbi^stress of weeks before a trip, describing Legal Notict C2iarlee E Keeney. For eomploto troo sorvlcc cc WHEE! WATER’S Don’t lea've your car unlocked. Bora in RockvlUe on April 14, an BkigUsh girl’s school and sent his firm's activities and inter­ Fayetteville, Ark. — William H. S t o r e s and new spapers^^M j^m ^n^t do without each Other. Ws to parents of aU her students.^ Thieves are noW stealing a mil­ OW ES OF NOTICE Lawyers Training 1875, Mrs. Keeney was a daughter to BOT-HOT,..Am lion dollars worth of autos daily. ests, and foreign service omcen olConneoticu;. Duutet of Kan- of John M. and - Catherine Hanser Harvey, onetime "freesilver” can­ The code makes only five, ^ints will be alerted to help. eOMtor. Probate Court, Hay 37. 1088. WASHINOTON (AP) Yale didate [for president, planned to all knew it, but it took the costly New York strike to remind everybody — but if those five points were ob­ In America we buy a coffin and Reports on econmnic condi- * BstUe of Jo)m J. Callasnan, late' of tffiiveraity 'Will begin training Walz. She had lived In Rockville THERE’S A LOTI use it only once. But economy- Kucheotor in .old DlatriSt, doceosod. ell her life. build a 160-foot-tall pyramid at served by all parent^ of teen­ tiems, trade controls, laws, and lawyera to r -service in Africa with Monte Ne in northwest Arkansas. agers, what a dlffe^ce It would ihlnded Koreans purchase their Present Ron. Joim Woilott; JudSS; She 'was a member of Union alt over again. • **The daily newspapers and retail stores are equally de­ coffins while alive and use them ports are available. So are lists - Vron application of HatUiew H 'the Peace Corps, Sen. Abraham Congregational Church, and a Inside were to be preserved make. Here they,/are, for any of foreign businessmen and esti­ Mori^ty prayln* that letters of od- RiW coff, IJ-Oonn., announced yes­ NOTICE as clothes ches|s. mlnistrotion bo rronted on said astate member of Rockville Lodge of articles and books of American Nowl For «ily 9% ^ a PTA that wank to make use of mates of the reliability, reputatiem ra ppr ^plication on fllo, it is terday. The unlverBlty will 'work civilization. pendent upon each other for the success o f their enterprises.** • **The stores them: How long do your household ap­ and activities of foreijgn firms. Rehticahs, the Friendly Clase, Em­ pliances last? TJie n.S. Depart­ That the foresoins ai>- under a $39,671 contract to pre­ blem duft>, the GAR Auxiliary, and Harvey built an amphitheate^. day tor ftid...hot water . 1- Don't ^'teen-age parties be tulcaUon^be heard and determined at pare volunteers who will be as­ held In your home uni^ag you are ment of Agricuhnre reports wash­ io toe Kunlclpoi Burpee Women’s Relief (Torps. center on a lagoon at the base for^ were not able to mount an effective fashion campaign without the daily news­ for all—an the tunel there; ' ing machines should la^ years; to said Dlstr^ signed toyhelp stresmline legal Mra. Keeney is aurvlved by a his pyramid, but his death in 193' Free Public Clinic 11 itoNouilkMlSRMON op,toe Uth d v of June. 19S8, at ten prooedures in fow West African left the project incomplete. It ' 2./Expect to be regarded as rtfrigeratOTs, 16 ytoa; electric New Rocket Plan seaaKmarat'arw.wwmaBW'Mii, ■« ■— o cjpoh to me forenoon, and that noUoo sietter, M n . Brank Burdick of countries. ' Hampton, Va.; four nephews, never been finished. papers.** ..it is essential to stimulate consumer interest through massive MAKE-UP t t you five in a ^rpical bonsAi h ost and hostess, and to be con­ sewing machines, 24 years; vaC' of the time and place set for sold heoi^ sulted about who Is" Invited. ’ uum cleaners, 15 to 18 years; Saves on P*"0toi interested For you could easily run out of hot toasters, 15 years and telenston in ii^d eatatD ^ the pendency of Mid water several times a week. ^ 8. Collect your daughter from The Notorious ^ ndiadv rarito^n. Includinx ^ e helrost-Ssj newspaper advertising or a generally depressing effect on sales will set in. The late parties, or make sure they sets, 11 ysara YUMA, Ariz, — An Army air­ next of lun, lecateei. dei^eei anJ SABIN ORAL POUO VACCINE Niov you eon kma all A t kdP "Childrm have become ao ex­ legal repreaentaUvee^ Hannah Court* have reliable eacoita and know borne sergeant at the Yiana ’Test ENDS TONIGHT finooosod sisters recent s t i^ was cCptly called 'a creeping disaster*.** • "The downtown area TYPE ONE mifer you weed at one Uma fa t what time they have to be home. pensive only those on relief can Center has designed a device in­ Bob Hope and Incille Ball la "Criflo’s O balad' Atr6AOAil5 Oh. DAld decedent, whoee namea and on^ SHf* s dqy.'ndnk of it— 4. Cross-check wttta'other par­ afford them.’ ’-r'AmoId H. QIasow. tended-to eliminate the engines in ^ e r e o ^ t s mra unknown, and Law- p “ Pina Lawrenoe OUvwria "Tenn of Trial” at 7<20 nnce jC. Callahan, grandnephew a o ly O yiP a de^I ents (xt any invltatiaos for a Most U.S. presidents came from the second and third stages a t a Nforoeno A Cahahan, sroi^ioce of of any major city is a unified shopping center whose prosperity depends Manchester High School Yes, thanks to MobOheet— daughter to spend the night large funlUes. Ninetem came three-or four-stage rocket. said docedenL whose whereabouts are from faifilUes of six or more chil­ Tnesday A t 8:15—Opera: "Figaro. Barber O f SerUJeii unluuiwn, by pubilshinx a copy of this * amd an oO-fired hot eAter heater 5. Bbcplain to teen-agers why One engine would b* used to order In some newspaper bavins a cli^ upon the traffic-pulling power of big store advertising. When this adver­ ^ W EDNESDAY. JUNE 5. 1963 afeopaet capacity—your Runfly ■ucl^ care has to be taken. Warn dren. The parents of our 34 power aa three stages, aooording , ralotiott in srid District atieost seven them of the dangers of teen-age Idents bad a total of 227 cM to a plan by S g t IX t AdolfdiEw days before tha day of sold hearing to 3 P.M.-6 P.M. can take care o f ofl flair ewahing drinking. BTsh aren’t slippery to handle if appear if they see cause at sold time Beads at one time. fiamms. Hamms bos received u a plrce and be beard relative there­ tising is not present, as in the recent strike, the entire area feels the Those rules are so sound mmI you first dip your fingm in salt patent for bis invenUdn. ENDS TONISHT to, and by mailing on or before Hay MANCHESTER HEALTH DEPARTMENT Mom can do the finnily waflh so basic some parents may as­ Big business may be getting The device is expectsd to SB, 19tf, by. registered air moll, a Sis can do the diahes at A c eains. bigger in America, but «msn bus­ copy of this order to: effects. ** •"W ithout advertisings especially newspaper adver- sume that any parent in his right heavier payloads poMtble for rock­ A U . CO LO R Timothy Q’Callagban, Nountenone, flaw Jimiar tekea hk bath, and mind would take aU tboee pcecau- iness is doing wen, too. Over four ets by fJfanlnating deed weight. Klllonrito, County Kerry, Ireland- Hon- you epjoy a ahower. tions in guarding a daughter oa miUion U.8. firms have fewer 'Hoh O Oallgghsn. Nountenone, KlUor- Using, retail merchandising would be in a chaotic state.** than emidoyes. gUn, County Kerry. Ireland: and by Don’t delay—phoos oa today. a matter of course. 20 ■k Ausn mailing a like copy by ceruftM mail K nd out how easy it k to sadteh • But every one of - tiieni k neka^.n§i to: Ho t C. Hclntyre. 41 Symphony ignored by some of the parents Eflds Toaltol Adrian) Bd., Suije K, Boeton, iCass.; ‘rimotby • ** There is no substitute for the daily newspaper PLUMBING to a MobOhaat.flred'wmter haat* * TOCONmSE O’Callwfai^ AtlonUc Hotel, 93 Sev- of almost any teen-age groi^. Wickham Park "PHABAOSnS WiMdAN*'' qnth St.. Son IVancisco. Callforaia; T. Water Heaters And the second, "EbepMt to be ^ ALLAMERItt J ^ p h BuUivao, IM Wade St., B rid^ as the major medium for retail advertising.** HEATING regarded as host and hostess and Opeiis 3rd Season H a n d ^ ie r * •iimci/aMily V/MSb to be. consulted about who k in­ Cj CT.M-22.WIUJMAIITIC4tJ / ^ ^iiLLOVERieMNI vited" is a ri|^t most parents of Wldctaam Parit at the Manches- iSuiSbKik. Conn.: 1] ______teen-agers no longer inrist on. SUNDAY Thru TUESDAY uektiuAam at., Waterburr. Conn.; DehamidiDers AIR GONDltlONING ter-Bast Hartford town-line oo W- An Color Show! P H. Ctitenaa, 319 Rubber Avs„ If PTAs all over the country Mlddk T^ika. dpcaa today for its stuok, Oonn.; Jeremiah L. c a s ia - Air Cleaners put this code In the form of a U|ird Jr.. Box 1, Fopponesett Be pledge and asked all parents to cope Ooild. Hass.; luUCallaban,__ W E G IV E ■ The 128-acre park offers picnic LcmnxweU Avenue, Woterburjr, Cton.; Heat Pumps. sign it, that would be a giant step tables and outdoor flrq>lae^ an fiGokizI m m H. Horiorte, 18 Forest Bt, GREEN STAMPS to r parents a step toward re­ Oriental garden and woodland Honenestor, Oonn.: Maurice Horiarty, Water Pumps claiming their right as parents, scenery. F ir a rights too Iwig relinqul&ed to g L W ------WILLIAMS The boura at the p«ra wffl be Water Coolera "teen-age tyranny.’’ hbrIfDihaii Srudrflj^^g^; ^^Ira (AO rigjte reaerved. from aunrlM to aunaet. K. O'Cauaor, Route •, Onlmnlito. Oonn., O IL SERVICE, Inc. The pn^a ty and fundp to de- Water .Softeners MORIARTY velap It aa a park were willed to iaiMK-S-ribi. jaemoouair I HoDchester, Coao.. oa.ot- Zone Control Forest Study Widens the two. towns by the lataCburence raCHNMMM? - — tha heli^t-law, next of kiB, H. Wickham. ai SNiMit ByW/WNERBItOa I .egateeA derlsees and leiml reprosenter GENERAL ELRCitSIO DEALERS BROTHERS New Delhi—^India is planning to ttvei of sold Hannah Courtney and BMh Rooms m l Eileen Casey, deceased sisters of said Known for Quality Prodneta ai^ Service establidi two more forest-research Over 1.8 minion licensed flab-- decedent, whose names and where- Ml 3-51351' centbre—at Jabalpur and Haudhati. e r m e o i tn c ln d liig SOO.OM n o n ra s i- SX^AklS SUNDAY obovU ore unknown, M lUtqraey Mawrpta fh m a talk by Ur. Edward P. Engle, Manager of tha Saiat Pramatian V w U en . NEUA, at 841 Broad 8t,,.MaMDaeatei^-MI S-4548 There are three other centm —at tor. Lowreaci------:e j i . Cillalisii and Moo- dent Mgless, catch a tottl o t 60 roM e A tfcd HiiHiif oowiflilioH c f tfct NatkmU Eataq Uerehaatt AtaaeiaHeu m UoEymoad,Phrida, AgrE Utk 3ft1.315 Canter St. Debra Dun, Oniqibatore, and wilUien flab ' agBafaiy ta .l& p *TASCINA110ir "D A Y «f ilw TRIFHbS' TOdM sr^wiSS Bangalore. nowB. and retani , • WBLURT, radge.. I • H

’ lIAN.GiptSTE^ EVENING HERALD^ MANOHSSTER^ CONN, SATURDAY. JUNE 1.1968 M oi ro u t MANCHESTEft EVENING HERALD. IfANOHESTEB. CONN, SATURDAY. JUNE 1. 1968 ■r*,■"?“ P A G E n v B paiaing etreumatantlal Uitcrast to HUmrl^pEter know whether the five people Wonders of the Universe Eopnins Ifprdd trapped In their flaiitlng car were Connecticut pyidJSBW n TBM wearing Mat belts. lUfiiuLDPSmnNa co. iNa If you want one real clue to go Yankee C h i l T c h e s UjuiM lI itrett. on—to build a theory of how this Mars New Target accident might have been prevent By A.H.O. Coaeordla Lotheraa Chorefe St. Brtdgst^ Onurch Bmaanal iaiMwMui O a r eh ★ Pnblliiieri ed—you take something else police Her. 0. Heatjr Aaddraea, Fatter ★ FoundM October 1. MU Quite conceivably, the most im­ For Space Probes 4« Pitkin Bt. Rev. John F. Dslsnev investigaUon revealed. This was portant result of the legialaUve The R«v, Thai C. Kalaer, Paatar Rhv. Stanley B. Bastllls jeiai Ftfmbargeri.latora Publlihod Bv*i7 Evenmii Bmcm that the driver of the sports car (l«yr and HoIidajrB. Bntarad at Im probe into the state’s insurance ^ v . Dennis R. Husssy SERVICES DIRECTORY " tnca at Hanctaaatar Ceaa.. aa slush funds could be something MIABS — NKir TARGET FOR 8 a.m„ Holy dommunlon. I a.m., OlTbie Worahip and had been "warned” twice recently ♦ed out that theire U no sigiUflcant Church School. Oaaa Mai) Hatlar. for qieeding, once on March 17 and that has nothing whatever to do FUTURE ASTRONAUTS advantage of the manned flyby • a.m.. Matins, Church School at 7, 8, 9,10 and 11 a.m. with Insurance in itself. and Nursery. 10:80 a.m., Divine Worthip and SURtiCRlFTION RATES once on April 2. over a sophisticated unmanned Church School. BlMo Study for pro- Payable In Adraaea Its most important result could By Dr. 1. M. LEVITT flyby. 10:30 a.m.. Holy Cbmmunlon, Church of the Assumption Ona Teat ...... m oo There,. conceivably, on either of be in a certain loosening of Director Hie Fels Planetarium Manned Landing* Next Church School and Nursery. Hie Adams St. and ThqtaiMMm Rd. conflrmanda In rtcoptton room. MANCHESTER Six Montba ...... 11.00 these occasions, seven lives might tongues, and a certain stiffening Of The fVankUa liistttate Rite of Confirmation will be ad­ Rev. Fmncis J. MfehAlek, At both torvloes: te m c n , "The Three Uontha ...... The major breakthrough will Comtortor Sant Ffom Ood,” Nura- HIGH GRADE Ona Month ...... have been saved. of politica 1 nerves, which have Recent developments point to come when we are capable of ministered to eleven young adults, ( Pastor MANCHESTER GLASS been inspired by it. the exploration of Mars as the who 'Will also receiv* their first Rev. Francis T. Butler, ary. , , ? a For Ante WindshleMs Of all the safety measures or landing men on the surface of the MUMBklt OF Tlie loosening of tongues has prime target of the scientist in planet. ’Ihis feat will provide the Holy Communion. Associate s p.m„ Dodicatloa of Mygfon AUTO PARTS^ • For Store Front* and THE ASSOCLATUO PRK8C campaigns that lie within the pow­ made discussion of patronage the next two decades. The disclos­ 7:30 p.m.. Adult Bible Class. Cabin, Camp Olson. 6EA600D aO sizes of windows PRINTING The Aaaoclated Ptmb la exclusiyely maximum return in terms of entitled to the uae of republlcatlon of er and practice of the state, only slush. Contract favoritism, con­ ure of the inordinately high tern' scientific data but it will alao re­ Maase* at 7, 8, 9, 10:16 and '210 HROAD ST„ CHOICE VARIETY • For Tablo Tops JOB AND COMMERCIAL all oewa dispatchea credited to It or tract specifications, contract peratures on Venus by theisuC' Trinity Covenant Church 11:30 a.m. North Methodlat Church not otberwlae credited In tbia paper one, in our opinion, has ever paid quire the largest and most com­ 800 Faikar S t At Your Sfrvioe For PRINTING and alao the local natra publlthed tiara. splits, legal retainers, alleged po­ cessful Mariner 2 probe leaves but plex spacecraft system contem-. Hackmatairit St. Near Keeney St. QualHy OPEN 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. At) rlChta of repaMication of apeciai— off. That -would be a policy of litical control of licenses and per­ one planet in our system which Rev. K. BJnar Bask, Pastor St. Jamea* Church Rev. H. Oegeod BeRaeM. Mlalater e m a c h in e SHOP SEBVIOE Prompt and Effloient Printtag plated at this time. So demanding 0 EQUIPMENT SATURDAY 8 A.M. to NOON dlapatchea heraia are alao reaerred. strict enforcement, out on the mits all favorite topics of conver­ could possibly support some type is this type of mission on space­ Bev. Edward J^ Kcardoa, Pastor Of All Kinds highways, of the laws against sation among those in the political of life and that la the planet of 9:30 a.m., Sunday Sriiool with Bov. Eugeoo F. Torpey , 9 and 10:80 a.m.. Family wor­ e PARTS (DOW end nbullt) Ftill aerrica client of N. B. A. 8arr> craft that it may well be we will e ACCESSORIES Seafood ee, Inc. speed, with loss of license the key game, and those on its fringes. mystery — Mars. This is the rea not be able to consummate this ex- classes for all age groups, kinder­ Rev. Joooph H. McCann / ship. Panteeoat. Holy Communion. J, A. WHITE COMMUNITY PRESS Publiahers RyireaentaUTea The A great deal of material which son for the new importance of this ploraUon until the advent of the garten through adult. Rev. John D. Regan Sermon: "More Power to You.” e SUPPLIES Jullua Mathewa Bpeda) Agency—New punishment. When the state has had hitherto seemed merely vague planet. 10:45 'a.m.. Morning Worship. 0 a.m., Sunday School. a Du Pont Paint, Supplies 43 OAK ST. > 9 East Middle Tpke. Verb Chleam. Detroit and Boaton. nuclear propulsion systems — and Open Saturdaye UntU 5 PJd. GLASS CO. MElimra ADDIT BUREAU OF been tough in pronouncing and en­ rumor took on a sharper sem­ Today, a Russian Mars probe this represents the next generation Sermon: "Hie Secret of Pente­ Masses at 6, 7, 8, 9, .0:16 and 10:3(1 a.m., Sunday School; TEL. 649-9987 . 81 BisseU S t—Tel. 649-7822 Telephone 643-5727 CmCUlATIONB. forcing such a policy, there has blance of reality under the insur­ is winging its way to a rendoivous of hardware. The Manned Space­ cost.” The Sacrament of Commun­ 11:30 a.m. nursery, kindergarten. been a t least some slowing down ance probe’s revelation that such with the planet in |ate June. Scien­ craft Center scienUsts indicate ion will be celebrated. Nursery fa­ 2:30 pjn„ Senior high yCuth will The Barmid Prlntmc Company. lae.. things did go on, and go on with an St. Bartholomew’s Church attend annual masting and picnic aaaumaa no financial reapunalbulty toe of the increase in highway fatali­ tists anticipate a picture transmis' that there may be a need for the cilities are available. t/pompbical errora appearlat la ad> almost unbelievable lack of pre­ Sion system going into operation reliability which results from the 7:30 p.m., F'eatival of Pentecost Bev. Philip J. Hussey, Pastor of Mancheater Chriulan 'Youth ABC APPLIANCE rertlaamenta and other reading matter ties. 'Whenever motorists can sense caution. at Covenant Congregational Rev. BIritard C. I council at south Methodlat In The Hancheater Bveniaii Herald. at that time to relay to the use of two or three vehicles under­ CAR LEASING PONTIAC relaxation of this policy— In the past few weeks, Repub- earth close-ups of the Martian sur­ taking the trip rather than a sin­ Church of West Hartford with Dr. Assistant Past Church. (ThoM attandrag wil)\ iJUuZedRihM JU^ REPAIRS Dlapiay adrertialnR cloalnf honrai which, in our opinion, they have licams have been hearing, from all face. With the unqualified success gle spacecraft. FVahk Lsiubach as ^leaker. Hie gather at North ChurOi at 2:15' AND For Monday—1 p.ra Friday kinds of sources, responsible and Fourth District of The East Coast Masses st 7, 8, 9, 10:16 and p.m.) For Toeaday-1 p.m. Monday. been able to do for the past Uvo of the Mariner 2 probe in relaying Before an ambitious exploratory and RENTALS For Wadneaday—1 p.m. Tueaday. irresponsible, fascinating stories of signals from a distance of 84,000, mission of this magnitude can be Conference is joining in this serv­ 11:15 a.m. 0 p.m.. Junior High Methodlat 858 BURNSIDE AVE. Awnings Insure Summer Comfort 19 Maple St— 649-8879 For Thuraday—1 p.m tFedr.eaday. years at least—the average speed this or that piece of Democratic 000 miles it is hoped that sig­ attempted we must learn a great ice. Hi'Leaguers will leave from YouUi FcUowahlp. Flrat In Manchester. New cars, EAST HARTFORD TEMPEST For Mday—1 p.m. Thuraday. on the highways goes up so every­ patronage pie, and who got it, nals from the Mars 1 probe at deal more about the Martians en­ church at 6:15 p.m. S t Mary’s Eptscopal Church full maintenance, fully Inaured REPAIRS ON- For Saturday—1 p.ni. Friday, and how, and why. Wednesday, 7:S0\p.m., Midweek Church and Park St*. Zion Evtagelloal Uithtraa Church You may not think so, buto now is the time to check them to Claaatfled deadline: 10:80 a.m.; aateh body everywhere can notice it. And a distance of some 80,000,000 vironment. We must know the sur­ to reduce yOur prublems and 289-6333 SALES m d SERVICE GRILLS, BLECTBIO IRONS, day of publicatloa ear.ept Saturday — In all this stockpile of ammu­ miles may also be received. face weather if a landing craft is Service. Rev. George F. Nostrand, Rsetor (Mlsoouri Synod) eventually not only warm but real­ see if they need re-covering. Do 9 a.ra. the score of fatalities goes up, too, nition the Republicans have re­ Rev. John D. H n ^ es . OooMr aad High Sta worries. For full Information ly hot weather will arrive and not wait until hot weather arrives TOASTERS. PERCOLATORS, One unfortunate condition la the to be used. We must know more Power and Hand Tonis Time to Evaluate Your Furnace VACUUM GLEANERS, sometimes by seven in one acci­ ceived, no one knows how much increased time during which the about the density of meteoroids Center Congregattonal Church Rev. Wininm F. Gender m The Rev. Faul G. Fiwopy, Faator caB Painting and Decorating Toois when it does you will wish you for Manchester Awning Oo. ■will Paul Dodge Saturday, June 1 dent, caused by a driver who had may be usable. Some of it is no probe will be subject to the haz­ United Church of Christ Rev. Ronald HnMemnn had given a little more thought to be deluged with work and you will HEATERS, FANS, near Mars. A mission to be lodged Garden and Land Tools SEWING MACHINES just previously received two more than rumor. But some of it ards of space. The Mariner stop­ in the immediate vicinity of the 11 Center St. 9 a.m., BWiday School for ell Pcnil Dodqs Pentiae Baby, Household, Party Ws are about at the end of ihetwhen air conditioning la required) protection from the sun. A'wnings be without awnings when you Pontiac, Inc. pieces itself together circumstan­ ped transmitting after about 160 planet for extended periods must Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, Minister 7:30 a.m.. Family Eucharist INC. and Banquet Snppllae hooting season and now la the for about {80.00. Let Mr. Van are the answer to summer comfort, really need them. Johnson At Gettysburg warnings” about his speeding. tially in a way which suggests that Camp give you- further infor­ and the place to get them 1s at Have you seen the Flexaliim 878 Main S t—Tel. 649-2881 All work guarodteed Vice President Lyndtui Johnson, days and to get to Mara will take possess knowledge of the magnet­ Rev. Joseph H. Dudley, with breakfast following. Speak­ 9:80 a.m.. Adult BtUe time. 878 MAIN STREET Invalid Needs time to C'vialuate your present WTiy Just warnings? perhaps, after a little checking about 100 days longer. While radi­ ic field and trapped radiation 'Assoclste Minister er, the Rev. Hiomas D. Byrne. 10 a.m.. Divine Womhlp with Phone 049-2881 syntem. Were you wartn enough mation on a Landmark heating, the Mancheater A'wning Co., 195 roll-up a'wnings ? These awnings a Southerner speaking at Gettys­ and investigation, it could be ation density will be less in the Baby-sitting nursery in the Chil­ Rite of Confirmation, and Holy this past 'Winter or did you have cooling all-season unit. Space Is W. Center St. Since 1949 Manches­ are made of aluminum and will fired off. belts around Mars. And, finally, ter Awning Co. has proidded cus­ burg on Memorial Day, threw Statistjea Notwithstanding vicinity of Mars than near Venus, there must be available some 8, 9:15 and 11 a.m.. Holy Com­ dren’s Chapel. Oommunlon. Text: II Peter 8; 17 We Urge You To Support to keep pushing the boiler bo no problem with a Landmark for give you comfort, beauty and pro­ But one thing seems certain. In the proximity of Mars to the as­ knowledge of the biological envi­ munion and reception of new mem­ 11 a.m.. Family Eucharist with A 18. Hiemc: "drow in grace and maintain a con^ortable temoer- when headroom is limited for a tom awnings for people oil around tection all year and you have 18 CUNLIFFE some weighty and heart-felt con We heard, from our favorite the future, the Republicans won’t The Lutz Junior Museum this area and the high quality of DON WILLIS tributions into the rising national teroid belt will increase the risk ronment. This' means that an in­ bers. Sermon; "Bom of the Spirit." sermon by the Rev. Mr. Byrne. In the knowledge of Jeaua Chriat, Custom Made Sture? How about the fuel bills? lower blower calMnet can be uied decorator colors to choose from. weather forecasters the other be quite as delicate tmd hesitant from meteoroids. 9:15 and 11 a.m.. Church School, Baby-sitting nursery in ths Chil­ Confiming Yoaraelf Continually.” or the unit can be hung from material and the precision tailor­ These self-storing awnings are a consciousness of the race problem. about trying to set off some tense and well-defined exploratory Were they way out of Una? Per- ing of these custom awnings have MOTOR SALES morning, that the "degree day' The telescope in balloon-launch program must be undertaken be­ nursery through Junior high. dren's Chapel. Nursery in the perish house. hafie it is time to think of getting Joists. Joy for they roll up out of the way ■ One clear central statement he charge under the political opposi­ Window Govariagi This is. the season of the year brought an ever increasing demand when not wanted and you can EXPERT AUTO BODY and GARAGE measurement of the season we tion as they were before they ed Stratoscope 11 scanned the sur­ fore man commits himself to a 2:30 p.m., CYP—Annual meeting . Dally, 7 p.m., Evening Prayer. Wednesday, 7:80 p.m.. Ladles' CUSTOM MADE a new furnace, one that will keep for their services. Adriem St. made cannot be made too often. have Just passed through estab­ face of the planet in the search trip to Mars. and picnic of Manchester Christian We<&esday, 8 and 10 a.n,.. Holy -Aid meeting. your home warm yet operating to have oil burners cleaned and clean, them with a garden hose. FENDER REPAIRS 18 Main St., Tel. 649-4531 somewhat nervously undertook Mars has suddenly become an e Window Shades put in shape for another heating Pierre, the owner of the business, They are available for reg^ilar Our situation, is not merely, he lished it as the third coldest win­ their Insurance probe. They dis­ for carbon dioxide, water vapor, Youth Council on South Metho­ Communion. Friday, 10 *.m.. Meeting of Va­ CANVAS AV9NINGS costs win not be prohibitive. Call believes in ^ving his customers ENAMEL and LACQUER methane and the organic mole­ Intense scientific objective. We dist Church Campus. In case of cation Bible School tooeharo end e Vertical and Venetian BUnde season. This ia a must to insure windows and also for casement said, one in which the dominance ter since degree day records have covered, then, that the opposition Elarl Van Comn at 049-4749 and full value for their money both in windows. Do stop and look at REFINISHINOS Specioiliing In was mortal, a^ter all, and careless cules indicative of life. While the will be reading a great deal about rain, assemble in South Church The Presbyterian Church workers. Drapea and Hardware ask him to look over your heat­ maximum efficient and Earl Van or relative position of either race been kept, vdilch covers almost dO presence of carbon dioxide has this plamet before the end of the Main Building at 5 p.m. for busi­ 48 Spruce St, Near E. Center St Camp will give prompt and effi­ nmterials and workmanship. In them. Hiese roll-up awnings by too, and they succeeded in wound­ ing avftem. Mr. Van Camp offers order to do thla he recommends Flexalum come in two different REASONABLE PRICES BRAKE SERVICE la Important. Something even years. been confirmed the delicate anal­ decade. ness, supper and worship. Bring Rev. James Leslie Ransom Second Cbagregattoual Ohurdi complete heating and plumbing cient service in cleaning, repair­ FREE ESTIMATES ing that opposition, seriously, be­ ysis needed to determine the oth­ ing and servicing on all makes of the use of the beet grade canvas price brackets so you may choose more Important is incidentally At To anybody who has been keep­ fore they decided to rest on their CopjTight 1068 your own supper. Grills provided. Minister 885 N. Mala St. FINDELL'S service and yon may depend upon for it will hold its colors and last ers has not yet been made. Scien­ General Features Corp. Soda for sale. Felix > t Davla. Mtaleter hie work whether It be cleaning oil burners. Call 649-4749 for the one that suits you. The less RT. 88—VERNON. CONN. Front End Alignment at stake, and that is the very exis­ ing track of either the degree days laurels, and point with pride to 485 MIDDLE IPKE., EAST service at any time. so much longer than the cheaper expensive bracket are custom- the fact that the bqodle system tists agree that any investigation 9:30 s.m., Sunday School with Mis. Richard Ffamey oH burners, a plumbing Job, aer- grades. Actually you save maney Jnst Above the Traffic Circle tence of our nation. themselves, or the fuel bills to of Mars from the earth or even Christian education classes for all. Aaaodate Mlaieter Phone 848-4800 With over 28 years of experi­ made by Flexalum especially for General Repair Work was being eliminated, with pros­ irlclng oil hurners or the install­ when you buy a really good grade Manchester Awning Co. TEL. 648-0016 And, said Vice President John­ which they are an index, this is pective annual savings to the state from an earth orbjt will be margi' 10:45 a.m.. Morning worship. R. A. PEARL, Prop. ation of a new heating system. ence in plumbing and heating Earl of canvas. son, the time is now. nal. For significant results it is Sermon: "God’s Best for You," by 10 a.m., Moniing Worahip and Van Camp offers the finest in all While the strug^e of changing not news. which would go into six figures. necessary to approach close to the He will be glad to give you an phases of the business. He han­ At the present time Manchester storm sash to screens is still in "It is empty.” he said, "to plead None of this would have hap­ the Rev. Mr. Ransom. Nursery. Chufeb School. Nuracry. S4nrlc4 of estimate on the cost of any work. Awning (3o. have a full line of new But to thoss who merely live by planet. The real bresdtthrough 'Will Junior church for children in kin­ Holy Communion by the R4v. Mr. dles all Jobs, large and small, and your mind, how about considering that the solution to the dilemma pened if somebody had not dared be realized when a highly sophis­ If you do need a new heating his work is guaranteed. Many canvas in stock and the colors are combination storm and screen what they sense about the weath­ take the leap, and it is that leap dergarten through Grade 6. Davis. system it 'tvill nay you to consider truly lovely. Why not drive down TOURAINE of the present rests on the hands ticated probe will travel to Mars TalcottvlUe ' ' Hie United Methodist Church 6 p.m.. Presby-tseiu in Fellow* 11:16 a.m.. Church 8 Oho el. SEE US FOR: timea people are reluctant to c411 windows? American -Guide er, the statement—making this the muscle which will stay a IHtle Congregational Church CAMPING a Lennox Landmark, the heiter to see them, there is no obligation all aluminum or thel ower priced of the clock.'The solution is in our third coldest winter half of the stronger, inside the Republican or when a manned expedition will Rt. 44A, Bolton, Connecticut ■hip HalL Grades 7 through 12. e Alumlniun Roll Up Awnlnga a plumber when the Job is a small take off for a journey to the plan­ Rev. Robert K. Shlmoda, Minister Rev. Abram W. Sangrey, Minister 7 p.m„ Evening service. Mes­ with tha "bioeks of comfort” that one, but Mr. Van Camp la always to buy, and parking is no problem. American Falcon. You will wonder hands. Unless we are willing to leadership, for a while longer — 7 p.m.. Pilgrim Youth and Mu e Venetian BUnda can provide gas heat or oil heat II your home is not equlgiped PAINTS year in modem times—sounds ex- et. TalcottvlUe sage; "Jonah: the Prophet Who Sigma CSil groups ihOat at the e-Storm Doors EQUIPMENT willing to respondv You are sure why you put up with the incon­ yield up our destiny of greatness probably, to put it plainly, until bv simply adding a section to the with canvas awnings, why not in­ venience of the old fashioned kind. trems and unreal. the Republicans have either won TFlyby’ Missions First 9:15 a.m., Sunday School for all Was All Wet.” Nursery. church. e Combination Windows Tents, Uoto, Sleeping Bnga, that any work he doea will be For Best Results among the civilizations of history, 8 a.m.. Men’s Club father-son agre groups, f Monday, 7:46 p.m., Sunday blower system. Tlje first block is more than aatiafactory and that quire about the cort of having Coming soon to Manchester Awn­ This is not because the degree an election, or, to point to one oth­ In reality, many missions have breakfast. Manehsstsr Awning Co. Air Mattresses, Stovae blower., the second block pro- them put on your house? B<1- ing Co. are the white combination Americans—white and Negro to­ day sUUstics Ue. It is because na­ er alternative, lost an election by been and are being investigated. 9:15 and 10:'4S a.m.. Morning School Board meeting *at church. Calvary Church Lantema ail calls will receive a prompt re­ mates will be given gladly. Not 10 a.m., Church School classes. Worship, Holy Communion. Guest Tuesday, 8 p.m.. Special busi­ 195 WEST CENTER ST. wdee gaaf or oil heat as you choose sponse. windows, made of aluminum, gether—must be about the busi­ ture itself has been unusually and depending upon some oorruption The first, like the Mariner 2, is 11 a.m.. Morning Worship. Ser­ (Assombllas of God) Telephone 649-309! and the' third block provides air only will your entire home remain manufactured by American, of issue too much. Proportion mat­ a "flyby.” This is essentially what leader and preacher, ^ e Rev. Dr. ness meeting of Women’s Fellow­ 047 E. MMdIo Tpko. IS plenty of hot water a prob­ PAUL'S ness of resolving the challenge unobtrusively decepUve in its allo­ mon: "Thou Art The Man.” Greet­ ship at the church. EstaMlBbad 1949 MANCHESTER ccmditlonlng. It is not neceraary lem at your house 7 If so, Earl measurably cooler but they are so course, and selling at a moderate ters, in all things. is being undertaken with the So­ James V. Claypool, district super­ Rev. Kennoth L, O n a ta l^ , Pastor ■ ■ attractive that the appearance of PAINT SUPPLY which confronts us now. cation and distribution of its tem­ ers, Mr. and Mrs. James McCar­ intendent, The Methodist Church, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.. Fellow- SURPLUS SALES CO. to have the third Mock, but more Van Camp has a unit that will de­ price. For doorway protean of time in which this mode the probe would to into 6:30 p.m.. Senior HI Youth attendance awards praaanted by Mgneheirtffr that will amaze you. The unit ia livable, alniost like adding an ad­ burg 10 years -ago. 'We must not aged to achieve its record without Monday, 8 p.m., Bible class at Group. Church of the Nasarene Open Dally to 9:00 PJL ing, this third block can be added. very compact, the price is alightly news that they majr obtain grom­ no standard of morality and de­ orbit aroimd Mars to conduct ex­ Weddle family. Rug Cleaning J. FARR—648-7111 ditional room for outdoor enter­ mets, eyelets %nd fasteners for lose that soul In dishonor now on any of the extreme dips in the cency is guarded and enforced by periments and relay the result Everett Castetter’s home, Avery Robert J. Shoff, Pastor With Lennox Landmark air con­ higher than some but its low St. 11 a.m.. Worship Sorvlot. Rev. Company ditioning there are no high water cost of operation will actually taining. If you do have a'wnings. boats at Manthester Awning Co. the fields of hate.” thermometer which would, for in­ occasional investigation. Connecti­ back to the earth. This type of Kingdom Hall of • Mr, Weddle will preach cn proph­ cut had gone too long a time with­ mission necessitates a large boos­ Tuesday, 8 p.m., "Hie New 9:30 a,m.. Church School ciasssi bills to contend with for your home make It pay for itself. Be kind to What many of us Americans stance, have killed the buds of for- Curriculum” will be the theme of Jehovah’s Witnesses for all ages. ecy, “The Signa of the Hme.” A 15 Hannaway St. is air cooled and your home can your budget. To find out more Berubp'i find it difficult to realize, in any out some such reminder to its con­ ter vehicle that can send a siz­ Hartford Turnpike, Rt. film, "Hie Two Berlins,” will be sythia or of certain fruit trees. It science; it was in danger, in fact, able payload to escape velocity. the teachers’ and parents’ session 80 10180 a.m.. Children’s Church and Del Knowles, Prop. PORTABLE TV RENTALS be comfortably, cool for a period about it, call Earl Van Camp at Hope to Alleviate Sit-Ins TYPEWRITER SERVICE sharp, immediate sense, is that if was a winter which took its cas­ of slipping into some double-ma-. with Miss Margaret Winchester of nursery. shown. of ten weeks (the average time 649-4749 for details. ■ ... ' ' 479 Middle Tpke. E. The other missions involve a Congregational House. Sunday, 3 p.m., Public Bible Wedneeday, 8 p.m., Bible study Call 643-0012 Call there la ever race war, racial vio­ ualties by other techniques—spe­ chine complacency in which every­ crew, and with a crew the de­ 10:45 a.m.. Worship Servic*. Motorola and Zenith Sales 6 4 4 -m i Manchester Wednesday, 6 p.m.. Final outing lecture ^ven by R. Clifford. His Message: “The BapUsm of the Holy and prayer service. and Service lence, unbridled racial conflict in cifically by the maintenance of body had something on everybody mands on the booster system are 3-DAY FOR REPAIRS, else so that nobody ever dared explosively enlarged. Here again of Golden Rule Club. subject: The future in the Light Ghost”. Friday, 7:80 p.m.. The Revival- REBUILT TYPEWRITERS the world, it will not begin or steady freezing cold over long pe Thursday, 7:30 p.m.. Senior of Bible Prophecy. ,6 p.m.. Youth Service. time Oholc will preecnt ooneeii at We Service AH Alnkee of TV, New LegisTation Asked REPLACEMENT ROYAI.S, UNDERWOODS. pretend that honesty could be a there are several modes. The first SERVICE!, Radios and Phonographs ON ALL TYPES OF reach its worst height in darkest riods of time when, there was no policy. The disclosures of the in­ is a manned flyby mission to per­ choir. 4:16 p.m., Group discussion of 7 p.m.. Evangelistic Service. OMnmimlty Baptist Church, House Passes Bill L. O. SMITHS Etc. 'Africa,, or in any recognized back­ surance probe, as far as it went, the April 15, 1963 (special lesue) Message: "Inescapable Altema- thick snow cover on the ground, mit the crew close-up observations RockvUIe Methodist Church — also — We Handle Stationery Along ward section of the world, but in were enough to show that these of Mars and its satellites. 'This of the Watchtower magazine, ar­ tlves", Jehovah’s Witnesses but rather merely an ice cover, 142 Grove St. ticle: Identifying the Resurrected, Ktagdem Hall FURNITURE CLEiANiSo MODERN To Pu^ Desegregation With Office Machine Supplies supposedly civilized and enlight­ downgrade tendencies were becom­ mission may be feasible 'within Wednesday, 7:80 p.m Prayer Your Mall List As Desired which was damaging to many ing worse an^ more brazen as Saturn launch-vehicle capability, Rev. Laurence M. HUI, Pastor paragraphea 9-40. Page 238. service. 791 Mala St. — «>— ^------ened America. We, the Americans, T V SERVICE For State Housing plants, grasses, and shrubs. time went'along. There is now at especially if earth rendezvous Wednesday, 8 p.m., Group Bible (Oonttni}ed from Page One) The girls were selected on the A. J. BERUBE* Prop. lU'e the ones who keep venturing least some temporary cause for 9:30 a.m.. Church School, grade study in the book "Let Your Name First Church of Christ, fldeattst .3 p.m. Public Bible didooursc: basis of tryouts and Judged by a During the winter Itself, the were employed. In the second the 4 through adults. 99 SUMMER ST. 649-3477 — 643-6342 toward the thin edges of complete steady, even quality of the cold hope that such flimsy ideals as manned expedition can land on be Sanctified” held at the King­ , Masonic Temple "The Future In the tig h t of Bible 2 Blocks From McKee St. (OeaMniied from Page One) fa significant step forward in civil such tjailng is not definite' and it group of faculty members. honesty, will possess, for a time, one of the two moons of Mars, 11 a.m.. Church School, nursery dom Hall and at five other loca­ Prophecy.” Is i^erstood no decision has been Briefs violence; we, the richest, most was interrupted by only one brief­ a little muscle of their own, even through Grade 3. rights Isgialation. WOODCOCK which should not prove difficult tions in the Rockville Srea. 11 a.m., Sunday service, Sunday 4:16 p.m. Watchtower mag­ TEL. 648-3208 "March their consclcncea and al­ But some Democrats spid the made on whether the school and The Junior high basebaU team powerful, and in our own fancy at est of thaws, and by only a few in the political arena. because of their small size and 11 a.m.. Morning Worship, Youth Friday, 7:30 p.m.. Theocratic azine study, "Identifying the Ras- HiubUc accommodations proposals has a total of seven wins and no REHUGIMTION CO. Membership Class received into School and nursery. "Ancient And low ua to b4 free.” amendment was contrary .to the VIC’S PIZZA SHOP least the most civilized nation in casual dips below zero. extremely low gravity. From the Ministry Bchool. Modem economy, alias Mesmer­ urreoted. (Acta 24:16). Hire# other amendments ■ware should be presented to Coqgress losses, having recently defeated the moons the expedition can e.\plore Membership. Wednasday, 8 p.m. Group stud­ intent of the bill. by the attorney general or in a 158 W. fillddle Turnpike the history of the world, are also So the winter Itself, to the cas­ 6:30 p.m., Methodist Youth Fel­ 8:30 p.m.. Service Meeting. ism And Hypnotism, Denounced” Iteaton down. "The amendment still sew"color Tolland Junior high team. Phone 649-3700 the people 'Who stand closest to a Hebron the surface of the planet using a Theme: True Wltneasea, like the subject of the Lesson-Sermon. ies in tha Bible aid: "Let Your "BLOCKS FINE SELECTION special presidential message. Stephen Jamaitus and William kA Upholstery ual observer, did not ever seem ex­ lowship. Nam# Be Sanotllled” at 87 Birch One woujd have written Into law while the bill is color bljnd,” said The attorney general is sched­ relnvocation of the laws of the complex of instruments to yield “Word of God." Golden Text:, Isaiah 59; l9. Scrip­ authority for the State CSvIl Hoffm an^ave been awarded full tremely cold. It -was persistently definitive pictures and information Monday 7:15 p;m.. Prayer and tural seloctldna: Jeremiah 17: 18. St., 18. Chambers St., 287 Oakland Rep. Timothy McNamara (R-East uled, to testify before the commit­ tuition scholarships for a summer P and IV l Shop PIZZA Jungle. cold. about the planet surface. The fi­ Discussion Time. St., 144 Griffin Rd., South Wind­ WINES Itigtita Commission to bring an in­ Hartford. tee June 12 on the administration's Re-npholstering Burnham Sale Tuesday 11 a.m., Rockville Area Vernon Methodlat Church Correlative passages from "Sci­ junctive action in Superior Court Another legislator labeled it engineering and laboratory pro­ SPAGHETTI Vice President Johnson seems to nal mission would, of course, be Rt. SO ence and Health with Key to the sor, and French Rd., Bolton. voting rights bill. There has been gram sponsored by United Air­ On the other hand, to cits a Clergy Council meets at Church. LIQUORS against a landlord. "sugar coated^gregatlon." some discussion of advancing his RAVIOLI have sensed enough of this to have a manned landing on the planet Bev. Robert Fli4)y Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, Friday, at Kingdom Hall 7:25 COMFORT” Another would have called for craft and to be held at Trinity * Modern Furnitur* strange paradox, this spring, surface. From this last mission 7:30 p.m.. Club Pack committee. pages 82: 31-2. p.m. Theocratic ICniMry Sehd>l. Rep. Robert Setter, D-Newing- appearance to enable him to pre­ College. stood, at Gettysburg, full of some Like Old Days Wednesday 7:30 p.m., Methodist licenses of real estate agents to be tpn, no.t^-tvhat he called a pattern and Antiques OPEN DAILY which has, statistically speaking, would come the answers to ques­ 9:30 a.m., Morning Worship and 8 p.m., Wednesday meeting. 8:30 p.ra.. Service meeting. BEER sent at the same time the admin­ Leif D. Jacobsen has been pro­ emotional apprehension over what been just about normal in its aver­ tions posed about the planet. Men's Ladies’ night. suspended if they were found of segregation in the large cities in istration’:^ school and public ac­ 7:30 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. The ] auction sale held at the . Saturday, Couples’ Club Supper child care. Sermon by pastor; Reading Room hours at 749 gfullty under the proposed statute. thesrtate. moted to lieutenant (J.g.) by the . e Store Stools and Booths we may do to ourselves, aa a Maxima A. Faget and Paul E. Main St., excepting legal holidays, W E DELIVER commodations proposals. Navy Department; He is station­ *■ Custom Furniture SUNDAYS age temperatures, or perhaps even home of the late Mrs. Carrie Seyms Picnic at church. All welcome. "Ten Commandments.” Holy Com- The Selvatioa Am y Both were Democratic amend­ ^« e asserted that slums breed In some administration quarters tlon, unle8s_w*e can begin facing Afractixm of a degree above nor­ Purser of NASA’s hfqnned Space­ qjiwipn. Monday thCPugh Saturday, 11 ajn. SOI Main St. _____ ments, ...... ed with the First Marine Brigade ‘ Slipcovers and Draperies 4 P.M. to 10:30 P.M. Burnham in Amston was attended craft Center, writing in "Astro­ social maladlM* such as Juvenile such a step -ia considered afrategl------Made to Order -* together tte primitive instincts mal, has seemed, to the amateur, by about 150 people. In some ways First Lutheran Church 10:45 a.m.. Church School. to 4 p.m.; Thursday, i i ' a.m. to Major E. Walter Lamlr A third defeated amendment delinquency and that the state in Hawaii as naval gunfire ilalson CLOSED MONDAYS nautics and Aerospace Engineer­ 7 p.m., Methodist, Church Fel­ 9 p.m. . Officer In Charge v i C H r 's cally desirable. June 10 is the officer on. the special staff of the Complete Selection of Materials which divide us. One can think of RockvUIe . would havf texqepted the saleA or I I — — kAw— non-instrumental observer, to be it was like the auctions of fitty ing,” indicate that, of the three lowship. 0 ended up by paying Yor the social deadline set by a federal- judge comniMaing general. FREE ESTIMATES more than one thing bigger than years ago, a genuine sale with no The Rev. Dr. David G. Jaxhelmer, PACKAGE STORE rentals of single fanilly 'houses ills through state progrrama to for the admission of two Negroes cold and late. modes, a manned flyby mission Pastor ■ South Methodlat Church 0:30 a.m., Sunday School for all which had been used by Oie owner Jacobsen is the son of . Lower Level of the Parkade any conflict or division founded on groups of dealers putting in ar­ will demand the lea.st energy but ages, 20 BISSELL ST.—640-8507 remedy them. to the University of Alabama. pdrge Jacobsen of Storn and 649-0824 The explanation is the same. Ex­ ticles of their own as if they be­ St. George’s Church, Eplscopsl Rev. Lawrence F. Almond for six' months prior to the pro­ There waa some outright opposi. Gov. George C. Wallace’s stated the color of our skins. One can will also have the least scientific Sunday. 9 a.m., Sunday School Rt. 44A—Bolton Rev. Ray C. HolU* Jr. 10:45 a.m.. Holiness eervlce. posed sale or rental. ' .rs. Gudrun Jensen of Coventry, Ostnnsky cept for one two day period of high longed there. No tents were set up value. It would give the crew op­ Music by Citadel Band aad Song- tlon to the bill on the basis that intention to attempt to block th Manchester Evening Herald think of country. One can think of and no chairs for bidders provided. classes for all ages. Adult Bible The amendment was introduced the legislature had no right to admission makes,June 10 a ul'tl- DEALER IN WASTE heat and two untimely nights of portunities for a close look at the class. Teacher training class. Sunday, 8 a.m.. Holy Commun­ , ? 10:46 a.m., Momhw Wor- atari. Bandmaster C. Peter Carl- Coventry correspondent, F. Pau­ humanity. One can think of one’s For sale were simply the contents planet. It could yield detailed sur­ ion gAfi soAS.ltsr by Rep. Richard Noyes, R-Farm- legislate on matters that could be cal date in coping with slvll ?rost, nature has avoided temper­ 10:15 a.m.. Church service. Holy ship. (Jommunion Service,ce. Or3r4da 8 ington. It was opposed by Republi­ rights problem line Little, telephone 742-628L MATERIALS religion. Bujt the practical side of of an old home, accumulated house­ face • temperature measurements. 10:15 a.m.. Holy Communion Classes in church. 2:00 P-m., H oa^tal viiitation by' considered moral problems. MANCHESTER ature extremes. None of us human hold goods of varied age and de­ Using special procedures, even the Comrnunion will be celebrated. Reuben Plen’s can Majority Leader Louis Padula. "We are trying to do in one fell this problem of feeling concerns beings, consequently, has ever had Nursers’ during service. with sermon. 9 and 10:45 a.m.. Church School Mrs. lUsatoeth ^ a c n and Mrs. scription. Prices were low on the atmosphere of the planet could be Wednesday, 10 a.m.. Ember lor nursery through Grade 7, Hiomaa McCann. In^ presenting* their successful swoop what the churches and syna­ Coventry RAGS, IRON the question of how* and when we Ume enough to get feeling really average and there were bargains analyzed. However, these scien­ Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.. Special Con­ amradment. Republicans said it gogues have been trying to do for Radio Today MEMORIAL CO. gregational meeting. Day,' Holy Commui^n. 10:45 a.m. Second MUe Qub for p.m.. Prayer aarvloe; Lt. Texaco Station Opposite East Cemetery Start giving more importance, and warm. And gardens and fields for all. A bid of 2100 by Nathan tists point out that the duration Friday, 10 a.m.. Ember Day, Grades 8 and 9. Classes for Senior C^. WlUiam Spatlg In charge. was in the form of a compromise. 10 years," said Rep. WUIiam Mayer, more emotional loyalty too. to Liverant for a oed was not op­ when they are close to Mars is Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Lutheran 381 Main Stimet ^ They labeled the bill as amended. R-Eoat Granby, SCRAP METAL haven't had that really convincing Church Women's meeting. Holy Communion. High. 7:00 p.m., Inrangeiiatie service. Meeting^cheduled WDBC—use those concepts which should unite posed. Allan L,. Carr, present at the short and at that very time they Teen-agers in cbaiga. Sertnon 1:00 Weekend Review Quality Memorials kind of push they can get only Friday, 7 p.m.. Senior Choir re­ 2:30 p.m., Manchester Christian S:06 and PAPER sale, told a story about the bed. will be concerned with exciting hearsal. St. John’s Episcopal, Oiurcb Youth Council annual meeting and by MaJ. Lamle. Phone 643-9149 ^ C^rl^uilding Code Jerry Bishop us than we give, all too easily, to from a spell of weather so W’arm He said Mrs. Burnham told him exercises in the spacecraft’s con­ 6:00 Weekend Review Over 30 Year*'Experience those superficialities which divide Saturday, 10 a.m.. Junior Choir Rt. 80, Vernon picnic South Church Campus, ^And They Were All Amazed^ 8:06 Raynor Shines 731 PARKER ST. the heat of the day lasts at least that w’hile sitting on her porch, trol and navigation. The also point Rev. James L. Grant, Rector Sports, .elections, supper, wormlp. Hydmniatio Transmission 1:00 News. Skm Q(; years before, she saw 'Will Seyms, rehearsal. Repairing •' Procedure^ involved in the en­ • Coll 649-5807 m 643-5735 or 643-5879 lu. It was for this urgency the part way through the night. So. 7 p.m., Mr. and Mrs. Club at­ For , Grade 9 fellowshm and senior A l%oBfht for Todsy forcement of the state building 1 .. wagon. She asked whab he was 9:15 a.m., Hply Communion, ser­ 6 p.m'., TwenUes and Thirties Pentecost Prayers Sun^y U ^^turday Hstinee than normal didn’t seem that cold, going to do with it and he replied OonaeO of OtumhOa Texaco L'nbrtcntion Servtee at a meeting at 8 p.m. lyesday at' 3:30 Red Sox vs, Detroit wn*n N*a «m a tm First Congregational Church mon, classes. barbecue at home of Miss Charlotte Coventry High School cf&eiterla. 6:30 Monitor Harrisdn St., Manchester and a spring which has been hav­ he was going to take It to the Budget Cuts of Vernon II a.m., Holy Communion, *ei> Keeney, 25 Pioneer- arcle. We Give Green Sjtompa Tlie meeting .called by the Board Sports and Weather Slaughter In Corriwall ing statistics close to normal has dump and bum it up. She thought mon, classes, 7:80 p.m,. Membership Seminar, Requested Among All Races of Selectmen is' ppen to all inter­ 9:30 Monitor Taking the necessarily incom­ that was too bad and he. said, Sunday, «no Church School Susannah Wesley Hail. C^r Lord and Saviour Jeeus ested buUders or other individuals. Keyboard Rhythms actually seemed abnormally slow "Well, Carrie, you can have it if Would Impair 7 p.m.. Evening prayer; Young 7:16 Careers plete and inconclusive details- and cold. 10:50 a.m., Service for K-3rd People’s Fellowship. Fun night. Chriet has not armed ua fra* noth­ (OoBttBued troai Page O n «) fRev. Dr. Ben M. Herbster, presi­ Annual Ptenks 7:30 Monitor you want it.” So she found room Oommimlty Baptist Chureh ing. No, we are to etaad ea Uvfaig >0:30 Ju st Jazz WATKINS-WEST known about that accident over in grades celebrating Children’s Sun­ Wednesday, 10 a.m.. Holy Com­ dent 6f the United Church of The North Coventry Coc^rea- 11:00 News I* - ^ And in matters of weather, in for it among her possessions., It munion. 585 E. Center St. wlrtneaaae for the world to aee tlve Nursery and Kindergarten Cornwall Memorial Day, one asks is a bed over seven' feet high with State Groups day. Junior Choir directed by Mrs. ther of Jesus Christ whose spirit Christ, sent telegrams to. the 1:80 Starllsht Serenade C A L t. this department at least, things Shirley Maharan. 6:30 p.m.. Junior choir. Rev. Alex H. Blsesser, Minister and reflect upon. We era to stand gnothar LiNNOX firit at Pentecost united men of di­ church's 60 state conferences, urg­ classea will have their annual pic-, 1:00 81)01 Off ■ FUNERAL Ii /• what phase of the state's present sturdy tapering maple posts, of • *7------girded with truth, alone If neoea- verse tongues and backgrounds In nic Monday at the home of Mrs. w aav -n * are always what they seem. If you the early twentieth century period, (Continued from Page One) Wednesday, 8 p.m., Church 6:30. p.m., Hartford Archdeacon­ ing that Pentecost be made a 1:00 Bobbin Along 643-6563 or potential highway safety pro­ thought it was a passably moder­ Council. ry Division of Christian Education 9:30 a.m.. Church School for all ■W- We are to put on the breaat- You eon switch to de- A U fO B O D Y a new feUawshlp of love." ,“day of penitential prayer and re­ William Glenney on Rt. 44A. Each 2:30 Mets vs. PlUsburgh SERVICE gram could be said to be. really in­ the kind of bed that could be en­ ages. Olpsaes through Grade 2 plate of rightouaneM, the new The National Council includaa child is to bring a box lunch to 9:00 Radio Tonight ate winter, followed by a cold dila-- closed by curtains. After plaster Murphy said nearly {280,000 of Thureday, 8 p.m.. Annual Church meet at St. Mary’s Church, Man­ mdablo, eloan GAS conciliation between the races.” 7:30 Dance Party volved. • aa approximate {460,000 cut In his meeting including the report of chester. have an expanded session lasting life which we have in (%i1st W* 38 Protestant and Orthodox de­ The United (^urch is a recent school. Dessert and beverages will 10:3o Tonight At My Pise* ORMANU J. WEST tory spring, you were right. and stoves became more common through the moniing worship ser­ be served. Parents are a ^ e d to 13:00 Sign Off , Of the seven people almost •In­ department’s a.ppropriation3 was the Nominating CommitfM. Friday. 9;S0 a.m„ Holy Ckwi- are equipped with the OoaMl of BEAT at anytime by nominations with a total of about merger of Congregatlonallsts and bed curtains were no longer need­ vice. peace in a nation truetlng nahdy AO million members. the Evangelical and Reformed pick up, their ohlldmi between ^ WPOP—lilt stantly dead in the combination ed and lower posts exposed, were made in the buildings and grounds munlon. eallirig ItOO Joel Cash Director division. St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Saturday, 7:80 p.m.. Couple’s 10:30 'a.m.. Morning Worahip. In weapons. Taking the shield o t Commending Miner’s call, tha Church. ' ' 12:30 p.m. and 12:45 p.m. 9:00 Bill Hughes crash and flame, five were com­ decorated. Communion. Sermon: “Hie Pras- WRECKER The school has openings in the 13:00 Girard LTM Schedules He said that no money wan pro­ Wapplng Chib. faith, wearing tha helmet of ealva- wimr—ut* 142 B. CENTER ST. - pletely innocent, on their own side anqe and the Power.” A nuraety tlon, and carrjing the award of nursery and kindergarten claases vided in the GOP budget to tear R4v. James A. Blrdsall, Vicar for the fall aeaalon. Mrs. Lawrence 1:00 CBS News of the road in a vehicle apparently Casting I^ates down the Wethersfield State Pris­ ■ ------5* is provided during the womhlR the iplrit, the word of CM, we are 1:10 CBS-It's NSW 6lanohestor’B Oldest Manchester Moving Gibbons Slates Union Congregattonal Chureh service. to fight the good flAt of faith. Fentlman may be contacted for -1:16 Showcase of Ituglc being driven well and safely. on after it is abandoned or to pay 10 a.m., Whitsunday. Hbly Com­ Roelnrilto EARL further InformatlAi. 3;00 Yankees vs. Cleveland - With Finest Facllltiss and Trucking 4^0. Open casting for watchmen to care for It while it ia munion. . Rev. Paul J. Bowman, Footer Hie glfta we have V^yad from 6:00 Showcase and NeWs Police investigation made one “Boy MceU Art Exhibit «till standing. CM muat be treaaiated by ua into A. graduation ceremony for some 6:S( CBS—European D iary Girl” by the U ttle Tbeater______„of Wednesday, Archdeaconry 30 children will be held at 6:80 6:66 It's Sports Tims ' r quick on the spot diagnosis of the Manchester will be held Tuesday "There won’t even be anyone to Teachers’ meeting at St. Mary’s. 9:30 a.m.. Church School action for God sad Hie kfaigdam. 7:00 CBS News -e An art . e.xhlbit and outdoor eoctatlon Baptist Youth Fellowship p.m. Thure^y at the Second Oon- 7:l0 Showcase and News suscldent. High speed caused the and Thursday at 8 p.m. in the keep the grass cut at the old pris­ Dinner, 6:30 p.m. Evening Prayer, Grades 5 through high school. Submitted by gT«gational Church basement. chicken dinner are on the agenda on,” he siud. 7:30 p.m.; meeting, 8 pan. annual picnic at Pbople’a Stats VAN CAMP 10:30 Showcase and News sports car Involved to leave its workshop rooms at the old Che­ 10:40 a-m.. Church School for John Pofflnbarger, latom Cheerleaders 13:16 Sign Off for Gibbon.s Assembly, Ca.hol.c The Republican budgetary pro­ Friday, Buildihg and Planning Forest, New Hartford. BmanuM Lutharaa Chureh warn own side of the road and 'come ney Tech building on School St. infanta through Grade 4. Coventry High School cheerlead­ Ladies of Columbus, at its final posals were also criUciz^ by Committee meets with architect" crashing into the innocent car. It Mrs. Ralph Uundbergi. president meeting of the season Tuesday. 10:65^ a.m.. Morning Worahip. Oinrdi of Christ MeachaeUr. Complete ers for the coming school year of the theater group, a town-spon­ Council 16, American Federation at 'vicacage. Sermon; "Twenty Years in the ;.'fpeiidfbl- fw nmr flu |ib . . . M hM jiat Iht iM Da PM u Mrs. Janies Gorman will be of State, (k>unty and Municipal Qrange HaU, 72 B. Center St. Plumbing and M ter it . . la ciliti R atodi liipWNi.HM a have been listed by Alfred Boulden, may, later on, be pronounced that sored organlzayan, reports there Ministry,” the pastor preaching. irononiM .1 school public" relations director. hostess fdr. the event at her home Employes. The Union, which rep­ St. Francis of Assisi Church'" Eugene Brewer. Mlaieter Beating Service qaeiUaa aa eelerr. . . lAial la tM?., . lew to 4a nr Suburbia liquor was also a factor. And, al­ 19 parts In^be comedy—14 at 599' Porter St. Dinner will be The Jupior varsity cheerleader though the driver of the sports car resents state employes, said the Soqth Windsor St. Bernard’s Church MU II let aiqitt Mpia yearanl laWiai ioh. /# L^**"*'*- foP Peo- i t 6:30 p.m. I n ’event of rain it htate employe “as so qften hap­ Rev. James F. Glynn, Pastor 0:46 emi., Bible drill for chil­ 25 Yknalogton group follows: Sharon Pierce, was himself no minor, a party in­ pie from 20 to 60 years of age. will be served a t the Knights of St. Bemard’a Ter., BoekviDe dren. Mary Frankland, Kathy Mahr, Rehearsals for the show will be- pens, becomes the soft underbelly Rea-. Rnymood R. Yosknqsfcss, Rev, Fatrtek F. Mahowy Street Today hamburgers., volving drinking by minors may Columbus Home on Main St. of the budget." Assiotnnt Pnotor . 9:55 ajn.. Bible claeees for all TERMITES ? Susan Tilllnghast, Sally Scovell, THE MAOAiZINE OF gin in SSepUmber. Philip L. Bur- The art show, featuring works Faster ages. OUCOaMDULUXIIfFNSHil Ann Roy, Sheryl Gray, Barbara have been a prelude to the acci­ geia Sr. will direct the comedy, The council said the proposals MaaCheBter PLEASANT PLACES of local artists, will be on view the affecting state employes in the Masses at 10:45 a.m.. Moniing wbrshtai. ,6e Sura...Cali BLISS Rose and Sandra Molobah, sub­ dent irs t *«en seei on Broadway in 1935 7, 8, 9, 10:15 an.

' i . V u . YA0E SIX MANCHESTER EVENDW HERALD, MANCHESTER. OQNN^ SATURDAY, JUNE 1, IMS MANCHESTER EVENING HEBXLD, MANCHESTER, CONN, SATl)l®AY, JUNE 1, 196S .V, LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON OUR. BOARDING BOUSE with MAJOR BOOPLB DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLR I __ __ \ aRaas»f*- OH,TN'AfATOR [THEffSSTH'iia \MusiaVs Out Provides Gard I CM Hr& - COULDNTBa^ JUSeLSR 49FMOOK eoTHBRso wrm a m e r b 6EAM6,H(M«SUy R iv e n wi^ARlNfi SOME' ]*10 HERITAOE.WHeN tH iN A N E W w h ere-fifSAIUJR N E W Y O R K ( A P ) — Stan'^the Inlleld fly rul^slnce the urn- CARDS-'GIANTS— !> Plnsta homered and .,singled,i»that threat cold, and blanked the IN CRAVATE A N Y DAV NOW H E 'LL . MA.6 a (otKL IN 4DnIl In edoc Musial has batted in 1,921 pire Judged the ball could be The Cardinals were behind 6-2 Skinner got three hits, Ckirdcnas COM E in to TH' BILLK3N- ICbavaUtr'i Phils in the ninth. Lou Brock’s UNOSR UK EVERY PORT, TH' IScMMi I runs. And No. 1,921 might caught by ari inflelder, although after five Innings but got a single knocked in two runs with slngies, double in the third and Ron San- C0UAffWiN6S/j D O LLA R l e g a c y LEFT, M A30R CLAIMS ABaUaa tl Mand run in the sixm and pulled even and Pavietich poked a bases-foad- eV H iG UNCLE JULIOS. A RELATIVE tHoaz (alang) rank as the oddest of 'The it fell among four Giants. to’s single in the fourth drove in HI MUfiTNe ST“ TJaponata in the seventh when BiU White ed single in the three-run fifth in­ the Cub runs off Chris Short. TH'DIAMONb AND, FROM NOW Man’s career. The Cards won their , fourth honiered with a man on. Flood C LA IM ED tVO Bhrar outcaat ning that gave the Reds a 6-3 lead. • • « *10UEPTBV KiNGOFtW YYWHV, un Rallying for three runs in the NATIONAL LEAGUE / BY AL VERMEER body’s about to fill Bo Belin­ and Vic Davallllo in the ninth Carl Colangelo allow^ only four about oil left on the Indian- last of the sixth. Sears tripped Whitey Ford’s three>hltter en a were the only hits off Ford, now Into the infield and brushed a Batting (76 at bats) — Coving­ sky’s brogans, but by a hits and fanned eight as he went apolls Motor Speedway as- guard rail on the 176th lap, PoUoe A Fire, 6-4, at Waddell Suppose the , pitchers' night. 6-8. the route to blank Naissiff's. Dan ton, Philadelphia, .354, Groat St. That's the i^ AN D THBN.‘ strange quirk of fate Dan phalL with Sachs ornitendtatg but he stayed in the race until Field last night Louis, .346; Boyer, S t Louis, 383; folks should move!] Jim Bunnlng checked Mlnneeota Bourque’s two-run double was the that oU from Jones’ par he hit the wall on the 181st Steve Redmer drove in the tying Gratitude I (FOR NO REASON Osinc^i may wind up taking en seven hits for a 8-1 Detroit vic­ 'nOERS-TWINS— H. Aaron, Milwaukee, >880; White BlacUie'9 H6ht! I'd be ruined!' ^anelsco, 9. MOVi/'d A I^HEULO- ITS GOOD McNasflilAftHtkdir, Im. you can have the things he doesn’t have— against the Angels was Oainskl’s gels. Xfllt Pappas, 4-1, took the A’s-SENATORS— bardo and Dragon. Tom Rea’s three-run homer in first in the majors as a starter. loss. Pena, 8-6, hit his grand slam the fourth provided the meirgin of Pitching (Five decisions) — CHANCE TO TO HEARVOURVOICE,^ Hka your own parking qiaoer Red Sox May Drop GeneG>nley OTIeU, Sem Frandsoo, - 8-0, 1.000; Jb' Dees, brought up,from Hawaii in a six-run fifth inning uprising E lla 112 010 O—5-6-1 victory. Charley Blake and Dick TURK ON MY AGAIM— SURE. I < the day Belineky was sent down, Perranosld, Los Angeles and (Mm- (A»& BORN THIRTY VEAR5 TOO SOON TANKEBB-INBIANS— that put the A’s ahead to stay. Pohoe A fire 200 000 0—2-2-2 Jagouts had two hits each in the CHARIA ' RECOGNIZE >t>UR supplied the punch with three hits, Ford didn’t need much support Ed (Carles and George Alualk winners’ 10-hit attack. mons, S t Louis, 6-1, .867; McBean, Davi.s and Fitzgerald; Herdic, From Starting Pitching Status Pittsburgh and BrogUo, S t Louis, ^^s^VO^CE• including a homer in the . fifth in­ but he get it all from two) swings also homered for Kansas City, CYOonnell (6) and Pllkonla. Fred Gliha accounted for half ning that proved decisive. The de­ as both Tern Tresh and Blston while I^arry Osborne, Don Lock of Nasslff’s runs ■with a two-run 5-L .883. BEN CASEY feat dropped the Orioles into a tie Howard' connected for twe-run and Jim I ^ g connected for the CHICAGO (AP)—Con the Red^surprlse pitcher te start the see circuit clout wjth New York for the American homers Off Indians’ starter Jim Senators, who lest their 18th game Sox afford to* keep Gene Conley in ond game of tomorrow’s double' Auto Parts ...... 002 30x—5-10-2 AMERICAN LEAGUE L«aguo lead. Grant. Singles by Jerry Klndall in in 28 starts. Friars Win, 10-6, the rotation of starting pitchers' header after rookie Dave Morehead Nassiff’s ...... 000 202—4- 5-2 Batting (75 at bats) — Maizone, handles the epener. Speculation is Rea. Harrington and Ballard any longer? '.ton, .344; Wagnar, Lea An- JUSTONBOFtHEBeiEFne r flCMETKINS Oppose Crusaders that he may be contemplating a Moyer and Spector. s,, A4S; Robinson, Ghloaga and NOTUSTBPAWONSCOUMry / UKBTHAr, ' Hiat was a question nagging switch of Conley to the bullpen. -icy, Kansas Glty, .840; Kallne, fieNERALtSSTONMRP^.^ P0C10R... WaaOHSTER, Mass. (AP) — Boston Manager Johnny Peal^ to­ One of the so-called loiig re . roll, .322. Sephomere Dick Jeyce, whose idol day as the dub sent £UU Monbou- liefers—Jack Lamabe, Chet Nichols Runs — Allison, Minnesota, 31; Indians Continue is Warren Spahn and 'whese earned quette—author of a nb-hittor here or Mike Fomieles—may get the Sports Schedule Kallne, Detroit, Charles imd Sle- run average is 9.60, wlU pitch the 11 months ago — against Chicago shot as a starter. Nichols yielded bern, Kansas City and Hmton, first game tor Holy Cress against ace Bay Herbert (5-2). only one earned run in four and Washington, 30. two-thirds Innings last night while Saturday, June 1 Evidence today in the District The 'White Sox got five rune, Bantly’s vs. A A I, 6:80, West Runs Batted In — Wagner, Los Links Domittation One NOAa basetall playsffb. tour of them eam^, off Conley Fomieles mopped up 'with a spot Side. Angeles, 38; AUlson, Minnesota, less final three outs. SBORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEai. A doulbleheader is listed here to­ last night in a 8-0 triumph. Bos­ Htfd. National vs. PontlcelU’s. 34; Nicholson,' Chicago, 32; Rob­ day and a third game, if needed ton couldn’t do much with Na­ Although the Red Sox teed off 6:30. Mt. Nebo. inson, Baltimore, Kallne, Detroit G«lf obampignships are getting te be pretty much reutine solidly on Yankee pitching earlier / IT LOOKS JUST ^ NATIONAL LEAGUE in the beet ef three finals, is set tional League castoff Johnny Buz- Sunday, June 2 and Battey, Minnesota, SO. /.BUT ITDOESNT \ at ManchBstCT High Scheol. Yesterday Ceach Larry Perry’s W. L. Pot G3. for Providence Monday, The win­ tardt wh« threw a thre«-hitter for in the week, the only hits mustered A A I vs. Htfd. National. 1:30. Hits — Wagner, Lm Angeles, LIKE WATER. J ( FOOL MB. J club defeated Opnard and Wethersfield te boost its record Baa Franolaoe .80 IS .836 — ner advances to the Collegiate the home dub. off Buzhardt were singles by Lu West Side. 58; Robinson, Baltimore and Pear­ for the season tb^ 12-2 and win its 10th CCIL crown in the SL Leois ...... 28 31 .680 | World Series a t OmaHa, Neto., June ,And the Red Sox did oommit Clinton and Dick Stuart and Elks vs. Bantly. 8 p.m.. West son, Los Angeles, 56; KaUne, De­ past II years. Las Angeles .. .27 10 J»4 2^ IO'J.4. Holy Cross (10-4) is the re­ three eirera in a idghtmariah ses­ double by Ed Bressoud. Side. ' troit 66; SchUIing, Boston and Fox, Chicago ...... 26 22 .682 4i/, gional defender. sion at Camlakey Park. Gary Geiger walked t'wice but NtusslfTs vs. Fire A PoUce. 1:30. Chicago, 64. Co-Captain Tom Jacofaton led saw bis hitting streak snapped at yesterdayb twin triumphs with an Pittsburgh .....28 22 Jill Si/, The suiprlsing Friars w MUST ADMIT ■X TH» STOP Http Baltimore ....SO 18 d26 — A record-smashing three-mile run YOU TOOK THEM Ot/ER AMSHTMAREl SUMMEBETTBS—Jans Oaulka rcoUe far the Yankees In 1M2. tile MUwaukee Museum. The a walk and another one-baser ac- |THATGRAND(A New York ,,.26 16 .625 1 coimted for the three early scores. of 14 minutes, 13/10 seconds by WAS VERY* lee—466, Miartta Motlfltt 487. His previsus high was 16. organization which the symbol Ohioago ...... 27 18 .686 2 South scored its fourth nm in the Jim Keefe of Central Oonnecticut IMPRESSIVCJ represents points out that sav­ Kanaaa City ..26 10 .588 2 ing wetlands is of benefit to fourth on one of Ron Feeney's two marked the opening of the 12th Beaten ...... 22 20 .624 6 many species of wildlife besides triples and a squeeze bunt. annual National Association of z Miqqeseta . . . .28 22 J i l l 6/, Intercollegiate Athletics track and wateifowl. Blanked until the final inning. Los Angeles ..22 27 .449 8>A Its aim is to buy marshy East came close to tying it when field championships here la s t Taf! drawing? Detroit ...... 10 26 .422 - 9/, areas and tom them over to Mike Masiuk singled in two runs. night. Cleveland ....17 24 .416 0/, government agencies. But the rally died with Eagle run­ Keefe, defending champion, out- Washington . . 16 86 JOO 16 duelled Malcolm R o b in so n of Y m I M ners on the base paths. Friday's Resorts Ed Miller and Feeney had two Southwestern Louisiana and Ire­ New York A Cleveland 0. hits each for SouPi. Leach went land Sloan of Emporia over the Chicaga 6, Beaton 0. Patriots Win Big, three for three for the Eagles. last four laps to win going aiway. I. Kansas City 0, Washington A Sum m ary: AU three finished under Kerfe’s SNKK AtSMiERS Detroit 8, Minnesota L Ellington Defeated Sooth (4) old mark of 14:14.4. ' Lee Angeles 7, Baltimore A . ,, ab r b po a e rbl Maryland State took the early DAVY JONES Ceodyear deaUe-aetiaa thsek Angel{c, >3b ...... 8 0 0 1 1 0 0 BY LEFF and MeWILLlABtH Tedays Games Red hot Coventry tripped Mervai. lb ...... 3 1 1 S 0 0 0 lead in the point totals, scoring abiarbara previda ail tbe 12. 'Whlttior • MlUei' leaped 26 3% to win the GIGANTIC OMoago (Herbert 5-2) 2:80 pan. toward tourney play. ab r h tky a e rbl broad jump. i n s t a l l e d Detroit (Anderson 1-0 or Foy- Eliington Icm another toughle Malson, I I ...... '. 4 0 3 0 0 0 2 PINNER Leach, cl ...... 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 RARTy tnok 0-1) at Minnesota (Kaat yesterday when E. O. S m ith Bavler, 2b ...... 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 jJDNIGHC A 4). erupted for eight runs in the lOth Hurley, lb ...... 3 0 0 5 0 0 0 Sunday's Games inning for a 10:2 victory. The Alubickl, c ...... 3 0 0 11 0 0 0 BASEBALL HEROES ------C Thoma*. rl 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 Baltimore at Los Angeles Knights had diUed the SLorrs club, LUwin. 3 b , ...... 3 1 0 6 3 0 0 S E A t BELTS 5.95 Waohlngton at Kansas City evmi at 2-2 «»ver the regiUation Vlara. as ...... 8 1 1 1.0 0 0 ^-ITCHlNJJk— Whitey vo.u — ABOVE FAOTOBY SPECIFIC ATIONBI Detroit at MInneaeta seven frames and a pair of extras. Kinel, p ...... 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 Vankees — shut out Cleveland 4-0 Rpaton at Chicago. 2, 2 pun. The loos dropped the youthful McCarthy a ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 on three hits, mevtiig New York New York a t CtovahwA 3. HSO FLYIN' HOME—Dodger Tommy Davis flies to home Knights to 3-8 With three games TotiTs: ...... 27"2'b » T ^ ' j Into tie for American Leagne isad m. . plate at San. Francisco’s Candlestick Park in an attempt to pfliy.. a Walked lor Kinel InTth. with Baitiniore. / SarviciB Sfeiw Monday’s Gamea South ...... > 0 0 1 0 0 X—4 BATTING r- Charlie Dees — G O O D / . ^ E A R to steal a run. Giant catcher Tom Haller waits for the Eaat ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -6 711 Bfala 8L. Maaebestor Chicago at Loo Angeleo, (N) Warren Giles is serving: his 12th 2B; Coetello: SB; Faeney 3: SB; De- Angels, stroked tluree hite» tneind- Mtntaoota at Kanaaa CMy. (N) throw that caught the runner. Batter ducking out of th« Paolia, Maaluk; SAC; Belanger; LOB: Ing dsdshre home HM« la 7-4 IH-, Moaon as National LeagtM presi- South 7, Eaat 6; BB; Kinel 3; SO; O nly gaan way ki Dodger Dick Traoewski, umpire Ed Vargo. lifnt. Kinel 11, CoateUo 6; HBP: Coatailo 1, . Vv \J MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, JUNE 1,1968 f PAQB NPjnit m i l K O H T M ^CHESTBB EVBNiNG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONK, lATURDAY, JUNE 1, 196S Hoosos For Salt 7g Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Hoosts,For Sale 72 Hoiuai For Sola 72 Houses For Sale 72 Lota For gate 73 Saborboin For Sato 7$ b o w e r s SCHuOL — e room - I - ...... I i, MANCHESTER — Appealing oue- FOUR BEDROOM raised ranch, YOU WILL enjoy doing business louse,-nc MANCHES’TER — Ehcecutlve con­ Honsebold Serrlees THERE 0U6HTA BE A LAW Bjr FA6)I^T and BHORTBN P te flid B n Cape, one unflniahed. possltde « THREE BUILDINO lota, prima' vCOLUMBIA — Low tavta obU. WltlMMt B oui M Ho< t m built 0 room SpUt Level on huge recreation room, 2 fuU With us. If you a n looking for painting and papering. $7jl00. Jo­ temporary ranch home, scenic location, AA zone PhUbrick Offered 18-A bedroona, vary neat and olrnn,' ntgb elevation. Features include n baths, 2-car garage, exoeUent con­ something in n a l estate and dren’s haven, full lake privtltees, oonooR O __ pertUiMiit aldUg, |U,90e. Bayee seph Barth, Broker, 649-0320. AAA area. This excellently main­ Agency, 849-8464. choice of 6 ranches, big lots, driv­ frmiOBHBD ROOM lor rout, goa- Sgmoy, 6dM8^ V fan plaster .bouse, 9-oar garage. dition, $28,900. PhUbrick A ^ c y , can’t fii)d it, let us find It for tained 8 room home offera large CUSTOM REUPHOLSTERING tloman prefUrod. All now fadU- iBiga llTlag looaa, Ih Rm I d W u Fmmal dining room, 2 Itrmlaoee, you. Call today. “ Anything In en weUs, Americen heat, garages, CLASSIFIED and sUpcovere made to'order. In n o n . oidbaMt hrfehaa, * h a t 'center foyer, magnifleient c e U ^ INDUSTRIAL lot for sale, railroad noh-development. Low dovm or no tloa. Vtae parUng. Private on* IH bathe, etatnlsee steel double Real Estate." Tongren Agency, TWO FOR THE MONEY «elMt< in living room and dining room, 800 to $17,900. Lessinger Co,-, Real­ COVENTRY LAKE larm lot with storage shed. Im­ tremendous kitchen, 8 large bed­ work guaranteed In writing for aon. Realtor, mediate oooupeacy. r a c e d below BOLTON ROCKVILLE — 10 room older B • ZONE LOT FOR SALE, ap- tors, 423-9291 anytime. 10 years. Sam’s UpholstSing, rooms, paneled den With bay ADVERTISING RoMia Board 89 -A n ^ e t . Pbeoe 648^6978, Brae- home in business zone, 8 bed­ MANCHESTER — 6 room cus­ window, 8 ceramic bathrooms, proximately half an acre, all fa­ BOLTON — $26.16 monthly, small 822-4206. $8,000.00 — Out# waterfront Burn Realty. $18,000 . . . four-room rancher rooms, large yard. Good home for tom built split level ranch, culties, including sidewalk. CaU WHjL TAKB.elderfy or middlo ago home of four roonu and bath. with a large famUy room add­ laundry room, double garager 6498891. mortgage left. Ideal ’year, round $18,960 trofesslotiU man with large many exciting features includ­ screened rear porch, Thermoptme expandable home. 3 rooms, bath, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS paraon to board. .Quiet hame. ra - Stonge shed, sarade. Nice lo­ MANCHESTER - VERNON Bne. ed to the rear. Basement alu­ Jamlly. Union Street. Tongren ing recreation room, white co­ eolleat moala. Raferancea. cation with 64 feet of beach Immaculate 8 bedroom fanoh minum siding pliu stone front, windows throughout. Stone and BOLTON CENTER — Approxi­ attic, cellar, furnished, clothes 8 A3I. to 5 PJS. Btulding— Contrscting 14 Wapt a good buy? Look aver Agency, 848-8821. lonial brick fireplace, wrought frame exterior — a distlnctiY de­ dryer, rug, drapes, etc. Nice 5 » w n . thla atx>room Oaiw on Dnrfcln frontage. Financing available. near city, yet with covmtrT at­ exceUent condition. The lot is iron stairway in the l l v ^ mately 6 acre site with large Now vacant signed home for the discrimina­ beach area. Boat dock, raft. Own­ QUAUTT CARPENTRY—Rooms, Street Now botaig eouptotaly mosphere. Fast sale a must Bel- two acres, loaded with trees. MANCHESTER — Comfortable 7 room, 2-car garage. HENRY pond. Ideal homeslte. T. J. Crock­ ftore, 048-6121. Now vacant Ideal for the cou­ room older home, 4 rooms down, ting buyer. Principals. 648-0678. ett, Realtor, 643-1677. er, 646-9770. ” • COPT CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT basements refinlshed. buUt-lns, it»—F1at»— repainted, papered, ete. New ST. — Reduced to $26,900. formica, tile, genera] repair. No kitchen eounter, new hath and 111,000.00 — Another lakefrant ple starting:'out, or retiring. 8 large bedrooms up, attractive VERNON — 6 bedroom Colonial MONDAT Thni FRIDAT 10:M AAl.—8ATDBOAV • AAL lenta 68 VERNON — Older partly restored lot, 2-car garage, one block to bus, BOLTON — 4 BLTLDINO lots, not Wanted—Real B stiti job too small. Call William Rob­ shower . . , tip top eondltlon home. Excellent area (John 8 room Colonial. Lsiige lot. A $14,600 . . Immaculate thrse MANCHESTdR-76 room split, ranch. Large rooms, fireplace. A too red hot, but prices are low. bing Carpentry Service. 649-8448. Hand Drive). Five larae rooms $16,900. Eve. Mr. Rueter, 648-0809, Blue Ribbon home. Tongren TWO ROOMS, centrally looated, and wo ean pot you In with large family special. Tongren bedroom ranch, buUt in 1940 Robert Wolverton Agency, Real­ breathtaking design by a cus­ Ray Holcombe, Realtor, 644-1286. REIAL ESTA’TE Listlnga wanted. PLEASE READ YOUR AD 180. monthly, heat funddied, pay low down . . . or leaa wMi and g a r ^ . Oompletery rebuUt Agmcy, 648.6821. or so. Ceramic fUe-bath, Uving tom builder, all birch kitchen, Agency, 648-6321. Free estimates of value. Law­ ALI. KINDS OF carpehtry and In 1066. Year round home. Im­ tor, 649-2818. CiMiMM ar *^ a a t Ada” ara taken ovei the phone m • oon- monthly or weekly. J. D: Realty, FHA finaaefaig. room, separate dining, plus a rec room, wall to wall TAIX30TTVILLE — Large Improv­ rence F. Fiano, Realtor, 643-2768. painting, roof and gutter worft, mediate occupancy if desired. MODERN 7 room jpUt, fantUy CUS’TOM DESIGNED executive ed lot, Allison Road. Call Reyn- eMteaea. The adrertiaer abooU read Ue ad the FIRST DAT IT kitchen and bathroom remodeling.' 643-8U9. nice Ught kitriiiui. FuU dry FOR SXLE — 18 room duplex, carpeting, large rooms, built- home In one of Manchestor’s T. J. C R O C K S , RasHor Can be bought furnished for room, IH baths, ga ru e, 1% acre family owned, well cared for, cen­ 1ns, raised hearth fireplace, olds Agency, 236-8668 days, WANTED — By private party, 6-8 APM1AB8 and REPORT ERRORS la time for the next inMr- dormers and hatchways. J. Char-' $13,600. basement Large rear porch af­ prime locations. 7 spacious room older single home og 9 H n. The Herald la remtoaelhle tor only ONE In oorr^ or omitted THREE ROOM a p a rtm ^ with lot, $28,900. ^ b r i & Agency, trally located to schools, bus, 2-car garage. DALE RD. — 621-0628 evenings. est, 649-0722. | 649-8464. fords the (nmcimum of pri- rooms, sunken living, room, family flat. Phone 649-4983. iMnrtiBa'Itor any adrerUaement and ^en only to the extent of •- large aoreened in ^pmrch, first 64E.1B77 •vacy on this 1% acre plot playground and shopping center. Priced at $27,900. cathedral ceiling, 2 l ^ e fire­ floor, private h o n ^ u u atova and WYLLY8 ST. — Extraordinary g o ^ Inaertlon. E m m which do not leeaen the mine of CALL ME on your formica n e^ ^ j T. J. Crockett, Realtor MANCHESTER — Two family, ExceUent financing, too. Priced in low 20’s. For full par­ places, lemdscaped lot. CaU own­ single lot, 240 foot frontage. TWO FAMILIES and duplexes. : win not be oorreoted hr "make good” Inawtlon. bars, counters, kitchen cabinets, refrigerator. AQxhtiHtlea funiish- ticulars write Box M, Herald. No er 649-6286, after 6 p.m. or Satur­ 648-7444. Buyers are always calling. For ed. Tel. beautifuUy decorated, 4-4 rooms, agents please. vanitory units, table-tops and' SPURT LaivxiL—6 roanm, rMtaa* fine nelgtiborhood, 2 ^ r garage. T. J. CROCKETT, Realtor J. D. REALTY day and Sunday. suits, E. E. Bushey Agency, island stands. 649-8936. ! tlon room, n n g e , very elwm. 668-1677 $19,800. J. D. Realty, 818 Center TWO CHOICE buUding lots, cen­ 649-2083. immaculate 4 648-1577 COLONIAL — Bowers area. 8 618 Center St. » MANCHES’TER — 7 room Cape, trally located. Call 643-6623 after TOm COOPERATION WILL room apartment, quiet nelghbor- $16,900. .m artfafa IBT.TB S t 643-6129. rooms, 2 very large bedrooms, BE APPRECIATED HOME REPAIR and maintenance moothly. Oartton W. Hutdiina, loads of cabinets, built-ins, alumi­ 4 p.m. WANTED — In Manchester, by DIAL 643-2711 remodeling, roofing and altera-' boodG nil conveniences. Rox HH, jalousied dsn, aluminum siding, 643-6129 num storms, breezeway, attached private party. Multiple dwelling Id. a40*6in. M id t ^ Uatlog. jaDDUa TURNPntB West-Real SMALL FIVE room home off Cen­ storm windows, awnings, beauti­ tions Call Russ Atkins, Builder neat oai>e. Full six rooms plus ter St, one block from transpor­ Investment $17,900 garage, plus summer house with Resort Property For Sale 74 for owner-occupancy, good loca­ 643-0411. 4H «-|8S.80 M O N im T . Attrae- fully appointed yard, early , occu­ barbecue pit; also, completely tion. Write complete details to I l8 MAIN — THREE romns, heat, basement with b lg r e c room and tation, park-like yard, breezeway, pancy. Owner-Broker, 849-6061, hot water, stove, refrigerator, thre 8-bedroom raadi. ahimtoum bath Tritb ehower. Fenced in jrard, garage, trees, khrubs. 456% mort­ Two fomUy house, 4-S. New gas furnished bomb shelter. Chambers LAKE BUNGGEE — Choice lake- Box E, Herald. No agents. ADDITIONS, recreation rooms, ga-1 storms, cellar, ameeKe drive, 649-9162. 223 OAKLAND ST.—6 room Realty, 643-2325, 643-6980. view buUdlng lot for sale. $1,295. rages,'^ dormers, all types of 649-6126, 9-6. trees galore. Excellent value for gage is asBumable. Belfiore, hot water furnaces. New base­ house, oil steam heat, 8 or 4 bed­ traea, OnOy $18,000. CarUoii W. only ^.0q& T. J. Crockett, Real­ 648-6121. CaU owner 649-1698. Legal Notices IROUBLE REAGHIN8 OUR ADVERTISER? carpentry. No job too small. Call HuUmina, Realtor, 849-aS9. board radiators. Newly decorated MANCHESTEIR -r- BlspeciaUy ap­ rooms, sunporch 1-car garage, VERNON — 656 room ranch, dead­ tor, 648-1677. throughout 'Trees and fruit on pealing custom built brick ranch, Nelson Higgins, 644-1700. TWO ROOM >artment, 148 Oak- QUALITY built 6 room ranrii sit­ large utUity shed, large lot nice­ end street, large lot, brook, con­ Northeastern Vermont ,^AT A COURT OF PROBATE held at BOBIBRS SCHOOL —— 6^ room 160x166 lot, comer ViUag;e and 8 bedrooms, family room, dining ly lawned and shrubbed. AU city Manchester, within and for the district land Street. 9-8339, 9-6. MANCHESTER—Two family, at­ uated on a beautifuUy landscaped venient location. CaU owner Real Estate of Manchester, on the 27th day of May. H-Hour Ausworiug Sonrieo ranch, large modern Utchen with Orchard Streets, RockvUle. ’Two room, spacious kitchen, imusual utilities, bus at door. Price re­ 643-6578. Business Opportunities 52 Situations Wanted—* tractive and ht an excellent loca­ one acre lot. 2-oar garage, utUity story garage, and a two story living room with fireplace, 156 A.D. 1963. Special Services 15 HonsejM^ Goods 61 TWO UNFURNISHED rooms, bullt-liu, large living room, fire­ tion, 0-0 epaclous roonu, 2-car room, ree room, steel beam con­ duced to $1'3,900. Drive by and Hunting Gamp accommodates four Present Hon. John J. Wallett, Judge. Male 39 Tinker Building. Apply Glenney’s place, 8 bedrooms, garage, wood­ buUdlng (one room each floor) be-" baths, 2-car garage. ’Tree studded look at this home. Frank Mott, MANCHES’TER — 169 Oak St., St. Estate of Myrtle E. Richardson, late Free to Horald Readors THREE BAY GULF service sta­ EVERYTIJB^Q In sterilized recon- garure, landscaped lot $21,900. struction, selling $2,000 below ap­ lot. 7 rooms of easy, convenient people, % acre of land, good deer of Manchester in said district, da- ’TREE CUTTING and removal, lots Men’s Shop, 789 Main St. ed lot, $10,600. PhUbrlek Agency. sides. Rents $95 and $85. Price 643-6668. James parish, 2 family, 6-6, really ceased. tion available for lease, excellent ditioned used furniture and ap- 049-8464. J. D. Realty, 018 Center S t praisal. Drive by 89 Finley S t, living. Mid twenties. Robert Wol­ country, $600. cleared. Insured, Joe Pelletier, opportunity for the right indi­ 048-6129. then caU Robert Wolverton Agen­ $17,900. Glenn Roberts Agency, good condition, easy walk to bus, Upon application of Nan R. Clapp, WhBt m of oar clsaalflsd H* 742-7658. RELIABLE BOY will mow your pliapcbs, high quality—low prices. HEBRON — 4 room apartment, MLS Realtors, 644-1621. verton Agency, 649-2818. Eve. MANCHESTER — 4 bedroom Gar­ praving that an instrument purporting at Rw Hatedt afanply taM «ha vidual, paid training program. TANNER STREET — Bowers cy for Information. 049-2818. Eve. shopping, church, schools, first 28 acres and 4 acre pond Route 5. to be the last will and testament of lawn. Call 289-1974. LeBlanc Furniture, 196 South St, heat and hot water furnished, SIX ROOM CAPE, bresMway, at­ Conrad Rueter, 648-0309. rison Colonial, 24 foot Uving room, floor vat;ant. Move right in with Ideal for summer home and private For additional information, call Rockvilla. 876-2174. Open 9-8. adults only. Call 648-0046. School area. 7 room M onlal, 8 Oonrad Rueter, 048-0809, formal dining room, center hall, said deceased be admlUed to probate Gulf Oil Corp, 626-6168. tached garage, paneled and BOWERS SCHOOL—6 room Cape, reasonable down payment. Only trout pond. $8,000. as ^ r application on file, U is twin alaad bedrooms, garage, 2 unfinished, walking distance all S O im i WINDSOR — SpUt level, 8 den or office, finished rec room $4,400 aesumes mortgage. Save on ORDERED; That the foregoing ap- MANCMESTCR ANSWERING SERVICE Roofing—Siding 16 NOT $900, NOT $800, FOUR ROOM apartment, including mortgage, only $18,000. screened porch, aluminum com- (30LONIAL RANCH • - 8 rooms, llcation be heard and de,termined at Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 binatione, near bus line, $16,900. 156 baths, modem kitchen with schools. Owner 649-9860 after 6 bedrooms plus family room. This with fireplace, 2-car garage, alu­ closing cost. Very reasonable at Other Listings Available S NOT $700, NOT $600, heat, hot water and gaa for cook­ Hayes Agency, 048-4808. ’ is a good house, good location at minum siding, treed lot, $29,900. le Probate office In Manchester, in A, A. DION, INC. Rboflng, siding, Help Wanted—Female 35 Phllbrick Agracy, 649-8464. buUt-lns, 2.car attached garage, $18,900. Arey Co., 289-8288. said District, on the 10th day of June, 649-0500 GERMAN Shepherd, female, spay­ NO! NO! ing. Electric refrigerator and gaa MANCHESTER — Older Cape, A- a good price, $18,800. Call now, Phllbrick Agency, 849-8464. FENTON W. CHESTER A.D. 1963 at eleven o’clock in the fore­ painting. Carpentry. AUeraU(»a NOT EVEN $680 stove furnished. Call 649-7737 from MANCHESTER — T room qrilt lot 200x260, $22,900. PhUbrick zone, asking $18,300. 6 rooms, 8 noon, and that notice be given to all MO’THERS! YOU have used our ed, AKC registered, pufe-bred. 6 EIGHT ROOM Cape, 4 bedrooms, Agency, 049-8464. Ray Holcombe, Realtor, 644-1286. MANCHES’TER — July 1 occupan­ BROKER loBW yoor oMMBg*. T oifa hear from oar oitrorHofo la M and additions. Ceilings. Workman­ products. You know their quality months old. Will sell or swap. BUT A WHOLE HOUSE 6-7 p.m. level, 1 ^ baths, r«o room, gar­ dining room, family bedrooms. Tongren Agency, MANCHESTER—Oonvinoing cus­ persons interested In said estate of the ship guaranteed. 399 Autumn St. 3 ROOMS LOVELY age covered patio half acre of 648-6821. * tom built 6 room Split Level on cy. 8 bedroom home, possible 4 pendency of said application and the » wNbaat opeadlag afl oveafaig at tho ------and guarantee. Why not join the What have you ? After ed'^.garage, TBxlW’ lot, shade bedrooms. 2 fuU baths. Spacious Lyndon, Vermtmt lime and place of hearing thereon, by 643-4860. 649-0766. / NEW FURNITURE TO RENT — Small heated apart­ parkUke grounds. Hayes Agency, high elevaticn. Numerous fea­ publishing a copy of this order in some many thousands of MO’THERS ment, partially furnished, suitable 648-4803. trees, $17,600. Phllbrick Agency, MANCHESTER — 4 bedroom 6 kitchen. Living room, fireplace. Tel. 626-8358 who are bringing the better things AND APPLIANCES 649-8464. ANDOVER LAKE tures Include "irteture book” newspaper having a circulation in said BIDWELL HOME Improvement EVERYTHING for one. person. Call 643-6118 be­ COVENTRY room Cape, full shed dormer, kitchen, formal dining room, full FuU . basement. Garage. Real district, at least seven days before the Lost and Foond Company—roofing, stding, altera­ in life to themselves and their tween 8:30 a.m. and 4:80 p.m. ROCKLEDGE — Quality built hardwood floors, plaster walls, Value, $18,000. H. B. Grady, day of said hearing, to appear if they 1 Trailers—Mobile Homes 6-A families the AVON WAY? Earn­ CUTE LI'fTLE tiger type kitten FOR ONLY $600.00 DOLL HOUSE — Manchester. Cute plaster house, 2-car garage, 2 Legal Notice see cause at said time and place and tions additions and remodeling ranch on Ferguson Road (No. Bread and Milk Street aluminum combinations, 2-car Broker, 648-8009. be heardV. ...4c»k.a«x;relative thereto, ;iteed. Call 649-1315. reel Toro mowers at special ed 2-car garage. CaU on this one. Level bn a well landscaped lot, sume O.I. mortgage. Principals. floors, aluminum storms, nice lot Alexander Cavanaugh, '647D ^ a n SECRETARY- delivery anywhere in Conn. rooms, three of .them could be ministrator. and directs that nubile no­ education course. State certified. prices! Save up to $20. Marlow’s, Free set-up by our own reliable Owners offer this immaculately bedrooms. Full basement with ga­ Have several 4 and 6 •• room enclosed garage, rec room, 8 649:7648. and garage. $20,900. J. D. Realty, SO. WINDSOR — 8 bedrooms, Drive. RFD No. 2, Bolton, Conn.; tice be given of this order by adver­ Pcnonali 649-7398. MANCHESTER — School St. area, large bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, paneled family room, aluminum Sadie Plavell, 93 Spnice St.. Mancbe.- tising in a newspaper having’ a circu­ RECEPTIONIST 867 Main Street. men. Original price for ail this 6 room duplex, no children, $90 cared for 6 room Cape, Bow­ rage, walk-up attic. Excellent ranches in the $11,000 class. CaU 618 Center St. 643-6129. ter. Conn.: George Plavell, RFD No. 4, lation in saiq district, and by posting a Moving—^Trucking— the EUsworth Mitten Agency, fireplace, oU hot water heat, VERNON — Near Orcle. 856 room storms and doors, pretty cabinet Rt. 44A, Box No. 67. Coventry, Conn.; ELBCntOLOX Snlen and Benrlee, LARSON’S — Conneoticut’s first merchandise was $826.46. Some monthly. J. D. Realty, 643-6129. er’s School area, freshly re­ residential location. Were asking copy thereof on the public sign post in SPECIAL SALE — Picnic tables, fortunate person can purchase It decorated Inside and out. City in the M|d> 17’s . . . now open to Realtor, 648-6980 or 648-2826. walking distance to school, $2,300 Split Level. Rec room, garage. 189 LAKEWOOD CIRCLE North — kitchen, formica counters, walk­ Marion G. Plavell. 562 Woodbrldge St.. sold Town of Coventry nearest the bonded reprenentative. Alfred licensed driving school, trained Storage . 20 extra sturdy 2” lumber, 8 foot .down, $19,600. Robert Wolverton out basement. Only $16,800. Ray MancheMev Conn., guardian ad litem place where the deceased last dwelt. Amrtl. 306 Henry St. 643-0460. Excellent opportunity for a all for only $500.00. FOR RENT — First floor, 4 rooms water, sewers. Walk to schools, offers. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, ConvMilent location. Tongren 656 room custom built ranch, lot for Paul Flaveir minor. certified and approved, now of­ career in a worthwhile and in­ S12.96, 7 foot $14.60. Delivered. W. MANCHESTER — West Side.. 6 Agency, Realtor, 649-2813. Agency, 648-6321. 100x166, owner. 646-8686. Holcombe, Realtor, 644-1285. Certified from Record fering classroom and behind MANCHES’TIuk Package Drilvery. MONTHLY and bath, close to Main Street. church, bus and shopping. A •48-1077. JOHTl J. WAUiETT. Judge '______ELMORE TURKINGTON. Judge Uc^t. trucking and package deliv­ teresting position in the office Zinker, 876-7143. Reasonable rent. 649-3316. room Colonial, 8 bedrooms, 156 AntomobDes For Sale 4 wheel instruction for teen-agers. PAYMENTS steal at $14,900. Call Mr. baths, garage. Owner 648-6646. ery. RetrigeratOim, washera and of a local doctor. Applicant ONLY $16.93 lArtvlere at 649-6306, 876-8611. VERNON — Just over Manchester 849-6075. mu.st be neat, a good typist, Nsihiu CAR? Tour credit turned stove moving specialty. Finding LARGE SAFE. $100. Cali 648-8726. Phone For Appointment line. Like new 0% ranch, 156 HERE’S LOCA-nON, value and down? Short on dosm payment? chairs tor rent. 649-0762. and able to meet the public. SAMUEL ALBERT Farnished Apartments 63-A baths, built-in Utchen with Employment at present is on a quaUty in one package. 6 room Baaknmtr Rmonseirton? Don’ Hartford, Conn. dinette, fireplace. Hayes Agency, Colonial Cape with garage, fire­ E-Z LERN THE AUSTIN A . CHAMBERS Oo! part-time basis. This will be* THREE ROOM furnished apart­ BARROWS A WALLACE 648- 4808. ______despelrl See Boneet Douglaa.,t Moving, packing, storage, local PICNIC TABLES — Extra sturdy, 247-0368 ment, heat, hot water, electricity, place, 156 baths, very large OPEN SATURDAYS 1 PJH. to 6 SUNDAYS 11 AM. to 8 P.M. quire about lowest down smaJ come a full time position. all bolted construction, 6 foot and long distance. Agents for SEE IT DAY OR NIGHT good location, $25 a week. 86 E. Center St., HOLLISTER STREET — immacu­ rooms, plaster waUs, attractive OR payments anywhere No smai. Driving School Pleasant .surroundings, liberal $19.95, 8 loot $22.95, 10 foot If you have no means of trans­ Wheaton Van Lines, Inc., world­ benefits. Salary commen.surate 649-1768. late 6 room Colonial Bungalow, lot 'nrith many trees. Inspect this loan or finanoa corng s ^ plan. Connecticut’a largest, auto­ wide movers. Free estimates. $25.95 and others. Assembled, de­ portation. I’ll send my auto for Manchester, Conn. unusual home now. Mid-twenties. Dooglaa Motooi. 383 with experience. References, livered. W. Zinker, 876-7143. you. No obligation. large airy rooms, natural wood­ matic and standard shift, 643-5187. both personal and business, re­ work, fireplace, new furnace. Bel Eve. Mr. Rueter, 648-0809, Wolver­ free pick-up service, teen-age quired. Box R. Herald. FARMALL F-20 tractor with new A—D-B—E—R—T’—S ’TWO ROOM apartment, furnished. Air Real Estate, 648-9882. ton Agency, Realtor, 649-2818. ALWAYS A good aupply of used Inquire at 186 Bissell St. Oievrolets and Fords, 1896 and classroom, older and nervous tires. Runs good, $295. Interna­ 43-45 ALLYN ST.. HARTFORD students our specialty, lie Painting—Papering 21 OVERSIZED CAPE, 7 rooms, 2 CARTEJR ST., BOLTON—8 room down, at Center Motors, 634 Cen- tional trailer plows. 843-2371, OPEN NIGHTS ’TILL 8 P.M. MANCHESTER — 8 room modem Cape, S-car cinder block garage, Street, 643-1891. trinucing Center St., Manchester.) Call full baths, 4 bedrooms, large liv­ PAINTING ANDt papertiaiiglng. Bosineas Loeatloiia home. 4 bedrooms, family room, luibrioatlon pit and loft. Bel Air arranged rwardlesa of price with for free booklet, 643-8682. SEWERS WANTED Immediately. FORD PICKUP, new clutch, gen-'BIRCH CRIB and mattress. $16; ing room, formal dining room, at­ Good clean workmanatalp at rea- Work ;at hqtne doing simple sew­ For Rent . 64 attached garoM, 168’ frontage, tached garage, 160x160 wooded lot, Real Estate, 648-0332. avenge credit erator, etc. Cedar clothesline Hotpoint dryer, $26 or best offer. trees, $16,600. Carlton W. Hutch­ acnable rates. 30 years in Man­ ing. We supply materials and pay poles, many sizes; also, chain 875-7240. $22,900. Pntlbriok Agency, chester Ravmond Flske. 649-9237. shipping both ways. Good rate of THREE ROOMS ground floor. ins, 649-5132. 649- 8464. WEST SIDE — 6 room Cape, rec­ M62 PONTIAC CONVER’IIBLE. LEARN TO DRIVE — Special at­ saw. 649-1353. reation room, close to bus line fully automatic, like new, take pay. Piece work. Apply, Dept. Ideal for any office or commer­ VISIT tention to nervous and elderly. MUST SELL 6 room ranch on TWO FAMILY — New roof and and shopping, $16,600. PhUbrick HERITAGE ever payments. 649-8128. Classroom for teen-ager. Pickup AD344, Box 7010. Adelaide Post 1960 RCA COLOR television, $400. cial use; other apace available. HOUSES PAINTED — Reason- Office, Toronto, Ontario, ^Canada. DARK. RICH, stone free loam, fill, 649-1292. 474 Main St. Plenty of parking. large wooded W , built-ins, alumi­ siding, aliuninum combinations, Agency, 646-8464. LEBANON, CONN. service. Day or evening lessons. able Phone 649-7816. 640-6229, 9-5. num combination storms, attach­ 90x180 foot lot with shade trees, 2- 1961 VOLKSWAGEN Sunroof, 31.- Reasonable rates. Manchester gravel, sand, stone. Call 643-8603. US THIS 360, good eondiUon. Phone 649-8468 BOOKKEEPER — Must have gen­ O.B. Refrigerator, jfood condition. ed garage. Have been transfer­ carl garage, $18,600. Phllbrick $14,600—S bedroom ranch, fire­ after A Driving Academy. 742-7249. EXTERIOR AND Interior pedntlng. eral knowledge of accounts pay­ Can be .seen at 29 Cook Street or red. 68 Croft Drive. By Owner. Agency, 649-8464. place, attached garage, finished A FINE SERIES OF NEW HOMES IN BEAUTIFUL LEBANON— DIRECTLY ON ROUTE 207 Wallpaper books. Paperhanglng. able to work 20 hours per week. Boats and Accessories 46 phone 649-5566. 246 NOR’TH MAIN — Store. 644-8988 recreation room, patio. Carlton WEEKEND FORD 1968, blue and white, 4-door, Ceilings. Floors. Fully Insured May arrange own hour.s. Reply in 649-6229, 9-5. MANCHESTER — d ean , convanl- W. Hutohiiu, 649-6182. V-8, automatic transmission, ex­ Business Services Offered 13 workmanahto guaranteed. Leo own handwriting. Box S. Herald. I 16 FOOT LYMAN, 1958, 80 h.p. 38” BENGAL GAS range with BEFORE YOU BUY In Bo. Wind­ ent, compact, no problem with cellent condition, 649-5012. Pelletle;. MI 9 -^ ^ If no auMwer, j electric start Evinrude, complete heating unit, call 849-2662 any­ STORES FOR RENT, excellent lo­ sor, see this 8 bedroom ranch. maintenance, cheaper than rent­ SHARPENINO Servtoa>- Sawi, call 648-9043. WAITRESS FOR counter and grill I accessories, excellent condition. time. cation, State ’Theatre Building. Dining room, fireplace, oil hot ing, 4 room Cape, full cellar, 1968 PLYMOUTH STATION wag- work. 6 a m. -2 p.m .experience 1 Phone 633-4651. 1 Apply Jack Sanson, Theater Man­ aluminum combi^tions, 2 bed- knives, axes, aheara, akatoa, PAiNTINO ana wallpapering, wall­ water heat, garage. Reduced to 3 BEAUTIFUL NEW HOMES on, 9 passenger, automatic, radio, rotary bladaa. Quick service. C ^ - preferred. Apply in' person. ager. $17,800. Ray Holcombe, Realtor, /rooms, walk-up eiqiaadable attic, heater. Make offer. Call 649-9638. paper removed. W a U p ^ r .book* Hilliardrille Luncheonette, 303 BOAT ’TRAILER. 30 h.p. Scott, tol Equipment Oo., 88 Main St., on request Ceilings. Free esti­ Office and Sfore 644-1285. $12,000. Wolverton Agency, Real­ Manchester. Hours dally T-e. Adsims St. Toro powerhandle lawn-mower tor, 649-2818. RAMBLER AMERICAN, 1988, ex- mates. Call Roger 648-0923. Equipment 64 Thursday T-9. Saturday T-4. and snowrplow, bandsaw. 649-1454. Houses For Rent 65 FOUR BEDROOM Ranch. 36x82’ eellaat condition, good transporta- 643-7958. i n tlen. $460. Call 643-9341. EXTERIOR AND interior paint­ NEW TYPEWRITERS. $59.96 up; ’YEAR ROUND home — 4 rooms, foundation, two full ceramic ing, paperhanging, wallpaper re­ Help Wanted^—Male 36 uaed typewriters, $29 iip. Berube’s baths, fire alarm, large kitchen. 8-ROOM THEE REMOVAL pruning, and Building Maceri8ils 47 fireplace, garage. Partly furnish­ "THE THE "THE OLDSMOBILE, 1968, 4-door sedan, moved, ceilings, fully insured. EXPERIENCED painters wanted. Typewriter Service. 479 E. Mld- ed. 742-6661. 100x200’ lot. $17,600. Phllbrick ADDRESS TO BE lot clearing. Frank C. N

n a t m K HHanrltrBtpr lEnptttnQ Upralb 8ATURDAT, JUNE X, IM S r1 • -• ItM OtvMaa Ctub wUl hear a Library Adds Degree Conferred About Town talk on drugs and haalth by a rep- resentatlvie of a pharmaoebtloal On 85 of D of I firm a t ttl nwattog Tuesday at New Pamphlets UuioiMBter WA.TBB will inect 1 2 :1 6 a t W illie’s Sbeidc House. Business Bodies Tliiiliir at tlw Italian Anurioaa Some recent addttlem to toe A dsfrse team directed by Mias au b on BSdridga St. Aw a buabieaB SgL Bamud J . Haiigh of 71 pcunpitlet coUecUon of the Mary Anns LaOsoe of 8L MamntUi wemkm. W tlgUae in wtU b« from Garden St. has arrived in Panama of Economic Research for toe pocket which goes all across the try wd Us pecple—their language, will be incoaporated in toe Pen­ chants,” plans were shaped for Michael A. Kleinschmldt, Kathy for runways. The Army Corps of customs, religions, history, culture, Europe’s ‘first stock exchange, am NEC. "The BUI wiU greaUy bene­ bottom and is offered by Gerber tecost fesUved a t Zion Ehrangelical a 1 Knoess, C^arol A. McCann, Chris­ Engineers In New Ekigland em­ government, armed forces, types which came Into being In 1658. In fit our regional silver, jewelry Products Co., Fremont, Mich.. . . Lutheran Chutbh tomorrow during pa; tine H. McCann, Forrest E. Pat­ ployed the process at toe AVindsor The problem of dam ag^ phono­ of recreation, and holidays. It also 1668 in Hamburg the “Commerz ten, Gerald D. Slater, and David Locks airfield during 'World W ar and electronics industries in toe the 10 a.m. service. in procurement of sUver. graphs is solvd, .says Sonotone describes places to go and things Deputation" was born, the fore- G. Stoneham. n . Runways required some two to The Rev. Paul Prokopy wUl ruimer of Chambers of Commerce. a t three inches of the mixture, it was "More than 50 per cent of the Con>., through its new “Sono- to see. A brief language guide is conduct toe rite of OonfltmaUcn. X\ The class will also receive first flex” needle. The firm says this communion at toe service. reported. Nation’s Silver and jewelry indus­ incltlded. The oonflnnands wiU receive their bo The use of Portland cement for try Is in New . Elngland,” con­ needle can be bent, knocked, flick­ Headache, Hope Through RC' first communion at toe asrvlce. bat paving in this area is not new. tinued Mr. Hardy. “Silver hoa also ed, dropped on a record, or twist­ search — Explains what headache They will be given oentificotes and ■ I The cement roadway on Forest St., become an important material in ed in a 360-deg;«e orbit — but is, what you can do about your memento booklets by the pastor. OV( LAZY "N in front of the Pioneer Parachute the production of electronic com­ wlU stUl spring back imdamaged headache, and what research is The group wiU be guests Of da; Co., beliefved to be the first cement ponents and New England has al­ into playing x’o^i'tion. being done on headache. honor at the' Walther League Um roadway in toura, was put down most 20 per cent of toe Nation's Recreation in the Paclflo—^De­ meeting on toe following Surutey, PHARMACY me RANCH some 57 years ago by Cheney Bros. electronic component industry.” P ratt & 'Whitney Aircraft re­ scribes toe parka, monuments. June 9, at Ms 7 pm. meeting. 468 Hartford Rd.—JIH 9-8948 be "This BUI is designed to reUeve tirements have been noted for “I DOUBLE PONY RIDES BITYS DAIRY QtTEEN the pressures of Government Sil­ George Okerfelt of 29 Bigelow To maiiitain our eontinatty Fred Annulli of 61 W. Middle ver purchases which In the past St.; Albert Post of 59 Ferguson WORLD GREEN Tpke., formerly with Regal Men’s have oontiibuted to the short sup­ ltd.; John Horvath of 66 PU^ant of medical aerriee we are 787 LYDALL ST. ply of this increasingly imi>ortant ST. JUDE COUNCIL NO. 4818 (Near Lake 8^) Shop at 903 Main St., has pur­ St.; JuUa M. Chapin of 230 Oak chased toe Dairy Que^ at 488 industrial commodity—the result St.; and Flora Nelson of 71 Del- K of O OPEN EVENINOS Hartford Rd. will be more sUver available for mont St. Open All Day STAMPS commercial use,” he concluded. 4 PM. to 8 PM. SA’TTTRDAY-StrNDAY BRIEFS Louis Ohorches of Chorches Mo­ SUNDAY ALL WEEK tors, 80 Oakland St., last week James A. Murray of 34 West- attended a "E>odge ’Truck Drive- BINGO wood St. has left his assistant Away” with some 100 Dodge deal­ 'treasurer’s post at the Savings ers at Framingham,' Mass. The SUNDAY EVENING 7:30 Bcuik of Manchester and has event, in which dealers attended a joined the People’s '^vings Bank Rod Sox baseball game and dinner, K of C HOME of Rockville. Murray joined the marked the largest single Dodge, banking staff at Manchester in Truck shipment tq New England. SNAKE HILL ROAD— SOUTH COVENTRY 1955 and had about 15 years of Ohorches’ “Drive-Away” truck 1s Bos Leaves ManohMter Center Post OfBos At 8:80 banking experience before that. now on display in' his showdown. Colonial . Board Oo. directors this week announced a company dividend of 15 cents on common stock and 30 cents on preferred stock. The dividend is payable on Ju n e-15 to stockholders of record on June 5. SPENCER WEDDLE FAMILY A special report on Arrow-Hart and Hegeman Electric Oo. of Hart­ b a H boor dotoea os* ford has been released by Putnam GOSPEL AND SONG CRUSADE and Co. Profit before taxes in TONIGHT— 6:00, Family get-together for hot dog roost. oleaned, dried and deodor­ 1962 was $5,943,363 compared with 7:30. Crusade service. Color film, "The Danger Trail." Fred AnmiUl $5,996,074 in lOTl. A yearly divi­ ised! Doesn’t add wrinkles dend ot $3 per share is a reason­ SUNDAY SCHOOL Roily at 9:45 o.m. Special music and attendance owords. ■Itoert Charlotte R, Gray The transaction la effective to­ able expectation which would pro­ day. The business was formerly vide a return of 4.8 per cent. In­ WORSHIP service at 11:00 a.m. "The Message of Reidvd," sermon. owned by Allan Ooe Jr . of 274 creased orders in recent months Crusade service at 7:30 p.m. "The Signs of the Times," sermon. For 8 Lbs. Teacher of Voice-Piano Boulder Rd. show that 1963 sales volume Is ex­ • (Rev. Weddle wlU answer the question, “Will toe antt-C9irist come out of RuaalaT’' A • 2 . 0 0 AjuvulH said today that he will pected to compare favorably with ___ “The Two Berlin*,” wbioh dramatloally pwaenfai toe . diffennee between remodel the building and a grand 1W2. The Putnam Co.” bfajuto of­ capitalism and communism wiU be shown.) opening is planned for the' week­ fice at 71 E. Center St., has a presents end of June 20. complete copy isf the report. PIKE LAUNDRY TO MARK TENTH YEAR Robert A. Millkowski, owner of CALVARY CHURCH OF THE ASSEMBLIES OF COD 27fi W est Middle Tpke. Howard S. Turkington of Flower Fashion at 86 E. Center 647 E. MIDDLE TPKE— REV. K. L. GUSTAFSON, Pastor (Next to Stop and Shop) Howard’s Sleep Center, at 539 St., is chairmen of the special PLAN TO ATTEND EVERY SERVICE Student Recitals Main St., announced today that evento committee for. toe Connect­ starting Monday, toe firm will hold icut Florists Association which a month-long celebration marking will mark its 30th anniversary on W EDN ESDAY, JUNE 5th its 10th anniversary in downtown Nov. 14 at New Stratfleld Hotel Manchester. in Bridgeport. THURSDAY. JUNE 6th ’Turkington woe formerly as­ sociated — for l2 years — with New Product* — A wrap-around Sfar;t Your Sets Today Keith’s FUmlturt prior to opening bib of Polyvinyl plastic designed SOUTH METHODIST HALL his own firm In June 1953. for babies six months and older gives them ample coverage against At 7:45 P.M. LAUDS SILVB» CHANGE toe spills arid, splashes which oc­ FREE! The New England Ctouncli at cur with mortmonous regoUartty. With Purchase of 8 G^alloits SOUTH MAIN STREET Boston this week praised Con- The bib fits snugly at the neck, or More! g;ress for passing legislation re­ covers the totmlders, snaps under moving silver backing from one toe arms uid has a deep, catto-all BEAUTIFUL PUBLIC INVITED — NO CHARGE and two dollar bills abolishing the Silver Purchase Act. GENUINE TTie Bill, which now goes to the President, calls for gradual re­ FREE DELIVERY TOWN OF MANCHESTER placement of silver certificates by ANCHOR HOCKING Federal Reserve Notes. "This Is an important step for < 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Monthly Rubbish Collection New England because it helps free Cut Glasses the Silver Commodity _ 'M arket’’, ARTHUR DRUG says Rudolph W. Hardy, Director &hedule For June Three WATER H Your Your Monthly Types Seml-Woddy Garbage Rubbish CollMrioh JUIGE CoHeefion Days Are: WIN Be: to choose Monday and Thursday Monday, June 3 from SHERDET t. DRIVEWAYS Tuesday « id Friday Tuesday, June 4 Free Esfitpafes On: Wednesday and Wednesday, June 5 PLUS SPECIAL RONUS Saturday Rubbish must be placed at the curb in containers not DITUMINOUS ASPHALT PAVING larger than 22 gallon capacity and not weighing over • DRIVEWAYS • PARKIN^ LOTS DOUBLE STAMPS sixty (60) pounds or in cartons of similar size and weight WEDNESDAY THROUGH SUNDAY— MAY 29^UNE 2 and the longest dimension shall be three (3') feet. Un­ • GAS STATIONS • BASKETBALL COURTS usually bulky articles such as stoves, bed springs,- re­ ALL WORK PERSONALLY SUPERVISED YOUR FLYING "A" DEAUR frigerators, etc., placed at the cuib will be picked up the following day. WE ARE 100% INSURED The refuse disposal area will be open to individuals 8:00 aun. to 6:00 pjn. Monday through Friday and SIN C E 1920 from 9:00 ajn. to 2:00 p,m. Saturdays, “Sundays and DE MAIO BROTHERS STATE SERVICE STATION holidays. ^ TEL. 643-7691—WE CARRY JENNITE SEALER 770 MAIN ST. (Oppoedtfi th e S tate J h a e t e r ) Phone 643-6860, MANCHESTER RICHARD MARTIN, General Manager iMMua, oon- igrMW o f tho itM TumOJKg lita o f Cotuin> dogm a w »r« ir t>r«iinan*a d, u wall as garat's Circla; rapm antad wtaloh laolud* m as Mgant; past ragaat; naro, vtoe ra* lUNE dmi JUNE Soblelo, flnaa- 1 7 [n. Antbony CHAMIfMUI>a>II-S|-M-Se-4a4S IS Alio* Csga> rstary; Mra. Borlba; Mrs. I, ohanoallor; vnmo mriMt wam—aix uum i BaNnvBK b. t. mqmwxwi • oo-. , monitor and , custodian, noa MarlnalU, Suikfing Bick Jason . WUftad La* TV Penonalitie* Mbs..^C9iazloa ; Mis. Waltar Don Collier pd; Mrs. Via> guard; Mra. ‘Gombat’ Series Plans When Don OoUter faced the rganlst; Mrs. ohoios of turning out for a high ity ; and Mrs. s ( ^ ^ play or the football toam, Nd Summer Vacation h« wasted no time making a deci­ nstry of Brla* sion—it was football hands down. D . of I, and “A t that time I didn’t have the 9f Bast Hart* By ibinm B. b B o m p s o n <> Confining himself strictly to slightisst notion of becoming a regent, ware n dtdri’t-leaye my haart In Ban "Combat" was a big dsciaion to profeeeional actor," cays ColUer make. Rick’s eareSr was a smash' lasts from the jVanelaoo, I brought her with me," who co-etar» as Abe! Forsyte, : a Irclaa sa wall ing success—plural-faoet variety. private detective, on NBC-TV’a lie. was the way Rlok Jason, Star^ of He'd starred as RoWn Scott in ths "Ben Jerrod” (Monday through ABO'S Tuesday nMW "C om bat" "Dangerous Robin" investigator Friday daytime drama . color ae­ aarias rewrote the p i ^ a r lytic to series, there were MsrrlM rolee ries 2-2:25 p.m. ED T). In movies and in the top 'fV dra­ i Grad suK — or more s|itly, to f i t —^hlm- Following bis graduation from matic shows. Now, of course, he’s Van Nuya (Calif.) High School in ■alf. R is wife o f three montha senf delighted with the series and glad 1946, Don sought outdoor wogk. i School a smiMng oonunant from her aide he made the trade. Over a two-year span he worked Of ttM taBto. "H e maane," aha okurt- Rick had planned to be a stock as a logging hand, a seaman, and kham o f S8 aed, "that wa met In Ban Pran- broker, "though I ’d always liked a ranch hand. ng 109 grad- fliaoo.*' acting," when World War H ’The ranch Job Chainged the itral Institute They were aandwtohlng the New snatched him right out of prep course of Don’s Hfe. Ttve rssxdt parents, Mr. Tdrk trip Into the few weeks be­ school into the A ir Force. By the was owned by actor Francas l*jd- Peckham, at- tween the end of the "old" or time he got out of the service he’d erer, who took an taitereot in Don. icemmt exei> 1982-SS film Bohedule and the June thought it' through clearly and it Ute movie star ooaohed Don in act­ S begirming of the “ new" 1963-64 was to heck with Wall Street. He ing for six montha. season. (There wiU be no break in ed from Man- enrolled at the American Acad­ Acting looked like an easy and last year. Ra Iha vlewer’a sohedule, th ou gh ...). emy of Dramatic Arts, with sum­ intereeting life — especially when, orestry school Thehr d fy was starting early— mer stock, television and Broad­ with an interview over praakfaet way following in rapid succession. wUh Liederer’s help, he landed parts- Hume O^nyn ta lk ^ him up for In such movie Westerns as ‘‘Mais- stitute is a la their Rampehire House suite sacre River," “ Indian Soout," and al preparatory ovarlooking Central Pa^ West. his first major role in Bemelman’s Maine. "Anid It's going to be a long day, Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep” ) Fort Apuhe." too." added native New : Yorfcer- (which won him a ’Theater World ’ WUh oewboys in oversupply in Rh^k, '"beoause my parents are Award) ’ i 1949, however, Don return^ to ige First planning a oelebraUon for ua to­ When did I start to act? lH , school. He accepted an athletic night." bet my mother could tell you schokirshlp to Hardln-Simmons >17 meeting In every last amateur thing I ever University In ’Texas. 'Oie follow­ norable mer- H m niopd was one p f low-hay good humor wHh the 6 ft. 4, dark did, but to me it’s a pleasant blur ing year he .transferred to Brig­ ■a shaped for With one exception. In elementary ham Young University to. study ck exchange, and bandtome Rick relaxing In a natural sHk robe over matching school I played the ghost in Dick­ greology. ing In 1888. In ens’ ’Christmas Carol.’ I remem­ Married In 1961, Don soon start­ he ’ ‘Commerii pajamas and his fata--haired w ife tai a black peignoir. T f» luxury ber going to a Junk yard and get­ ed a poultry and fish businees to om, the fore- ting some old tire chains to rattle : ’’Combat" siar Rick Jason, shown here With Lisa MonteH In support a growing family (Don ’ of Commarce. of the silver Mrvloe and the Louis am episode from ABC’s World War H series, was delighted to » d XV decor wore In marked oontraet and I remember covering my face and his wife Joanne now have six thick with flour." . th«t women are avid viewers. He was at first afraid the seiiee to the mire and tension o f "Com wou)^ app^ only to veterana, but le glad to say he wm wrong. children: Pamela, 11; Diane, 10; Just as well he got used to — ------— Dave, 8; Don Jr., 7; Steve, 2%, and realism early; with "Combat" it’s Mike, 1% ). ‘>Onoa I got back tt’s; a lf day, EHie (Abby Dalton) deT. Repeat moved into high gear when he tkintlon In fact—was that I didn't around the world” from Switzer­ of Dec. 22. was cast in a starring role in “The . “ Is it all done on set?” "No, no,” Outlaws" for two seasons on. II Day realise how wide Its appeal would Rick answered; "Sometimes we land to New York, with a stopover Desecration of the itK ttlefldd NBC-TV (1960-62). Don played be. I assumed, for example, that need lots of space and go on lo­ at Old Vienna, Pridi^y, June 7 on deputy marshal' Will Foreman in women wouldn’t watch war Stor- cation. But when I aay ’set’ don’t NBC-TV’s “Sing Along with at Gettysburg, Pa., and a “taHc- >AY ise. ' The produoem pointed out Mitch” color show (8:30-9:30 p.m. ing typewriter" that- is teaching the Western series. get me wrong. ’That’s the back ’The Colliers make their home in that I. was wrong. I was!" He lot of MOM and that’s pretty big." EDT. Repeat of Sept. 28). three-year-olds to- reM, and write finds out Just how wrong when' are the subjects of filmed features Granada Hilla, Calif., a 30-minutd He went on to explain there is .a drive from NBC-’TV studios In evor viomen fans ooifte up to him series "of little French vll'a.ges "The Kremlin,” the NBC N.owi on "Da-vid Brinkley’s Journal” oxdalming over the aeries. ."Vyivot Monday, June 3 (NBC-TV color Burbank where the “ Ben Jerrod" and a que^r and a bridge ixtilt color program desci;ibed liy critics color aeries is produced. of men. who served overseas tell for an old Jeanette MaoDonald- as "remarkable,’’ “stunning," “ fas­ broadcast 10 p.m. BJDT). me that while their huSbSnds re- Nelson Eddy movie," which wore cinating” and "eminently educa­ Mvo war expe'iienoee. (firough our ideal for the ETTO setting of "Oom- tive,” will be re-telecast ’Tuesday, NBC-TV’s “Bonanza," color se- W alter l&Urthau, John McGiver, seiies they themaelvos gain in- bat." ’’’These wonderful sets had Jime 4 (7:30-8:30 p.m. EIDT) on .•iesi will staurt a r^>eat schedule Zachary Soott and Teresa W right , SMt*t.” , been standing since 1985. 'Then the NBC-’TV Network, It was an- ■:eginning Sunday, Jupe 2 (9-10 star in “Big Deal in Laredo," to our show came along stnd blew; noijmced by WUliam R. McAndrew, pjn. Ba5T) with the episode “The be repeated in color on NBC-’TV’o' up 826,000 worth of It. ’Worst of ^eoutlve Vice President in charge Artist.’’ The repeat show w ill con­ “Du Pont Show of the Week” Sun­ all, it )wd to be rebuilt. • Ot NBC News. tinue through Sept. 5. day, June 2 (10-11 p.m. EDT). JOHN L lENNEY "The prop department does a beautiful Job....all we have to ADENCY do Is be absolutely right in our timing. We often rehearse a rood /SATU RD AY Television PROGJIAM six times. The charges In our land mines are supposed to be too TtiM OSsaael (48) HaBlaaaal (ttJ^Skiard., ^ b l U ;M ( S) Sky Kiss (S3) Harlr Banob . (fO'Satarday E^ltlea sHgbt to be fatal but jrou could (M-SS) WiUeh Nr. W iu *« T:M • S> iacKle Oleaaaa Shaw 11:1# (tt).fNnrtaia Tiaie certainly break a leg." ( 8> Box* Bsssr The American Scene Magaalne— "Hasard,” Paulette Goddard, dathes are "Daddy, Daddy," a tow-headed lan In The Gray Flannel Suit.” room, landed in Rick’s lap. gave (M> Serf’. ^ . (8t-M) Sam' BeaMIct ( 8) Academy Theater O. LEROY NORMS ar» _ _ “ Bird of Warning.” Benedict tries lasaraaoe of All Mads ( AM) My FfW«Bd meka to aalvage a 80-yearyear mairlagemi un- (4t> Bakyweed’a Fhiesl Kt he had on a Mickey Mouse .FilBBB dermlnInM by a blonde. ■ The M rd’s Prayer K. Center Sh—B48-4117 •X lit t ( I ) TBSr OMsreBBBUUi Robert Mc^eeney, William 1:1* ( 8) H earth the MMIer _ _ r 8 Lbs. (Oenttnaed e« Page Three) CMHIMtIeBt Reynolds. "A Place to Die.” 1:88 ( 8) Mameuts af Camfart. ON ad l;te < I) 'Bis S TkciBta* Sheltered from the enemy a ' algh't Hyma Ladd. wounded Gt receives unwanted t:#8 (1 ) Newa B Weather ‘•Hell Below Zero." Alan til* ( I) Soa Fraaelaea Beat Joan TeUal..... „ - aid (r-m a troubled novice nun. < S) Balsh Kbbbb Shaw (R ) _ Antomatic <1») Bis WelBT* ■ iM < 8> The nefeaders ' _ . Nlnteen-y«ar-oid Leslie U^g*- «t> Vffw E. G. Marahall. Robert Reed. game, .of NBC-TVa '‘«n g AVmg ATLINTIC'FHIlNieE (ML Delivery (44) BaaekBll ‘'Reunion With Death.” Five INDRY New York at Ctevidand. Korean War veterans seek ven- w4th MIttoli,” hoe been a pcoCes- gence againat on* of their form­ lie Tpfca. 24 h o u r rUSTOMHR SWRVICE--«49-3071 (U) B ^ y * ekmal performer for 12 yea^ lise <1J) tBjsle er Air- Force Crew members. Sasurday Nhcht A t The 4;M (8) Beai^ TIew Movies _ ALL YOUR HEATING PROBLEMS <4e> Hlskway Pa»fal (Color) "River of No Return." ELECTRONICS SOLVE Marilvn Monroe. Robert Mltch- ■I um. A man. a woman aiid a boy ■ ■ A h t h o u h c o n v e n i e n t s e r v i c e c o n t r a c t must shoot perilous rapids on a LABORATORIES '■European Cu Socemr C ham p!^ raft to evade hostile Indians. (R> ahlo" froft» London. Ensland. Jim I adf-aS) Lawrence Welh Show - lions AB-year-round cofivehJeiioe--our low-coet service contract takes Bong Dancing and inatrufnental BoloB featuring Lawrence Welk 277 BROAD care of all your heating problems. Sign up with us and we serv­ g:M <*S)^Bi^J»v|a 6***' and his Champagne Music Mak­ ,:48 ers (Froth Hollsrwood). . ice your oil burner for a year. Includes annual cleaning and TheIIS’) Mother Oooao. •:M ( 8> Have Oaa/Will Travel from Aqueduct. Long Taiand. N.Y. Richard Boone. Paladin and Cheek-up of. your heating system; ’This ie your beet protection Fred Capoaaela commenla. Chris missionary disagree about how to Sctienkel commenla. rid Bugbear of gunmen. (R ) Effeetiv* At due* against service Interruptions when you need heat the moat. S:M f S) Weather , _ I8:M ( 8) ounamahe __ ■ (M)'Ratarday NI*M Besart James Amess. Dennia Weaver. S:M < 81 Cloaeap oa Sparta Dillon haa one week to find t)ie CLOSED ING ftl8 < 8) Newa real killer and save an innocent <*t) MaWr Baaarta friend he aras forced to Imprison. (84) PeatBT* Slafw ( 8.4*-8S) F«ght Of T)«« We-*- SATURDAYS « t U

p a g e Y w o ItANCHESTBR VyBNING H E R A L D . MANCHBaTBR, OONN^ SATURDAY, JWfB 1, M if h e r a l d . MAIIGHBSTBR, ODUM., t A T U R D A T , m m 1 , P A O B T H R n SUNDAY Television PROGRAM I Empire ,, Ttmm CluuuMi i (48) daacia Pltaa * “ ------f (U> Sakaaafptlia TV fiM < S) ■•■UBto W '' --- *TTt. Ml 1.(18) Mala HaaakaB.. ^ Car radio n m r i ) ( 8) T ear OtanaiBaBp , Coming Shows (88) PSm ' (48) Baal a< Oiaaafca I soiaidad so in i jf } 8 (Color)—Haamlnattoa of tlm ^i^ o m * ^ * l2 aim o B id aa" thraaak- natie. lUo-aBMaatli atm ola Aarlas Branson, a star o t tiaalioa of bia taackln«a a S pca- nlsteiiee amoiM wtla aula TWa “Sing Along iHtti ICUch” tba flnaUats for the 1058 dyiw < «) !■ Tka U fa oa^ in oontiM ^ aBiaia fr— wlnaton Hlblar la diraetor •*BmpIra,'' mKM V ofltar aarlaa, color series, is the Author of “The pica, coming within a whiekar .of pi« to preaenL (5T narrator. (R) worked in tba ooal iwinaa e t P a n - 8 »!riSS!£‘'r* ' ttU Borlaontal Lleutenatit’’ and, under meeting Floyd Patterson for the j}} J*4*«*5F'a. % « » art ( SA8A8) The J o4m m MOTOROLA w lvaniA whan ha waa a boy. Ba- the pseudonym Alest Oordon, wrote V 8 }.£t ”38 8 Thaaira 5:88 ( 8) IM SalUvaa iMoar right to represent the UJ3. The IroB Mlatraaa.*' U aa Im Guefts: Saimny D ai^ ftira baooinitig an Bctor h« wnAad “The Cyi^er,” a atystery. (8) Ika Aaswar Blaii^ musical oomady auu-. M A short order oook, paokad raila <«> ^ ®«58 ^ B i s a (8 -4 ^ ) Saaday TiniM Movla Vibrasonic Cary Clarke, co-atar of NBCTa < 88> BIc Ptetara in A bakery, woriied ab a Ufe Beaton ya. Chloaao. van Johnson and BUdegarda Neff NBQTV star Art Uiddettar ba- "The Virginian” color series, ones - , , {i!> 2s®*** Haart (48) Baaakali star in "Subway la ^ Sky", beiuih ehalrs on the gan his ahowbueineea oareer whan ! ‘!S 3 ?^ Cfcria*apfce*a ^ Anselea at CtiioiiaulL taut crime drama set In post-war sound system turned down a movie o Be bad to decide between a 9190 a < 8) Oriaia (N) laaaaa aad Anaweta Berlin. ^ A^A tAfi gunner duriag World cause he thougiit the offer waa a Noted peraonality iaterriawad ky 8)88 (18-18) Oar 84 Wkeca Aaa YoaT month teaching Job and a $190 a f« « - Tka Okilatapkan newamen. 8:88 < S> The Baal HaOeyg Wat n . ^ ^ (48) Oral BokaHi (58) PliBi _ (8M8) Beaaasa (Oelor) FOR CARS mimth Job as a stidf announcer *•'•*.<*> ^»a My Paat ( 8) SporlB TIaar for a San Diego radio atatlon. He Rellcloua aerlM, wftli Dr. Oaoraa • i8 t ( 8) TV True icon than 500 leading Amen- Crotkera. 1 ( 8) P im y e William Conrad. Brama ooaoerns Father’s VTendeU MUea, Anneunoer of ohose the latter. loan and international statesmen ) ( 8) F afr Kxehoaaa a doctor faced wMh a eendea • Adds cono8rt-han rasHsm to NBC-TV’s “Tour First Bupras- ( 8) Jewlak Kawa Vlawa ( 8) The i S p S r Okallea Of SalriSaB aurgteal problem aboard a noa- «ar radio music slon," color series, started Ms pro­ h a v e a p p e a re d on "Meet the (58) T a k tT w i ^tm ship eraring WW n. warren Vanders, eo-atar of Preaa,” and more major national < 8) SacrUiea at tk e M u a Don ^cNalll, hoat.ak V p Aad U ra Body Goodman and niahtehib Allen I>mt Quest: Actress while ^ w e U.N. Naval Air Corps the first time an the program than gtJtonnw^Prof. Backwarda (Jim Strasbenr. CkMTdon Cotter, prodiieer o< MBO- (IPt^-jg) and amerged as ona of ( 8) latataaA oaal la a a (18-88) d m Of The Week ( 8) I’ra Got A Secret (Color) Walter Mathau, John Mo- A S L O W A f l U:88 ( 8) Camara Tkrea ( 8 ^ 1 Major d ^ a TraB- Glver, Zachary Scott and Teresa or Jamea Macandrew. boat. "The m aater Secret Agenf dedicated to the Wright Family of transient farm­ Mntemporarjr poet N. H. Aaden. Ward Bend. Bmaat Bordslna er becomes involved In blgRest {Rj poker band ever. (R) T U E S D i^ Television PROGRAM >"«. ttAU of a veteran law m an. (.8-8853) Tae Voloe Of Piresteae Per (28) Film (28) lA kc Joha SUvar (88) PmtkoUe Hoar Franco • OorelU, Met W e e k Graduation 5U) MlllleaJPrtlar Movie •6* enrages the squad. (88) ChUdraa’a Ooaeerla ienor. Rudolf Nuroyev, bal- IT*®.*®"* . .Stoanger." SaelM n.ia /tS\ ^««fc»raa 5:88 (8 ) OoDMe------Bawlwl star“ and ' ... Wilfrid...... Iv n etler Hunter. H ’l i ** Walk Robert Karle, .moderator. C tt\- , ^ Fl®*^ Faith Domsrgue. Ii88 Rrldges Shew. n est oonductor. •iW ( 8) Te Ten Tha Trath Journalisti Imagines blraself to lenginK team: „St. . M ary’a Colleya 18:88 7 8) What’s My U a e l ? .« } « • { ______(Cole** (8) The School Story (St. lUry'e Calif.) . With John BaJy,iSHy, moderatormoderator, and < 8) Disesvery ’•8 (22) H ea lato Space BallwIaMe Mtaw (Oalai) panelials Borothy Klji^len.len, Ben­ (4M_____8 )) Wha A Yea Traair Cartoon Series nett Cerf. Arlene Francisicia and „ (88) Thia la tkeTufo (1*> Tke Ohrlatophera iesta. Tise ( 8> . H d w a ^ fSderSrSi u1rls& 18:88 ( 8) laalphta *•** o.** Twentieth C raiary 8-5S) Howard K, Smith, News njcnoNics ( 8) Mr. Oteehai 8:88 Sory. ^ the last sreat battle ol Aadf Comment 8,88 ( I) ^^{^SSsSSS* ______( 8) Take Two yjW'.n. the Okinawa cam- Weekly report aad analysia of lAiOIIATOmES 8:88 (88) Cyril Rltchord and Joonle Sonk- Champloaaklp BrUUe paln. Walter Cbonkite la the re- important news stories with •:88 ( I) f'if **®F» Afleraeoa He pert "•era J|ne*t star when Red poi- < JJ> 5i“f. Saaday • i t s ( 8) hew s trays Fraddle the Freeloader nSi „ „ (48) Prablem Today porTer. (R) guesta. w r t B M K b o m t. (KkW) Make Beam Her Daddy < * « « J»e«* The Preee (Oaler) U ;l 1(8)■ News *• ®**nK„i»nlshed from park.' (R) 18:88 ( 8) Wo Bellere (^M> Empire (Color) < 8) Tea Pla BowUar ( 8) Gombal ( 8-12-38) News * Weather Olewa (8858) Disoevesy >88 (22) Davey k OoUatk (18) Oar FaHh (48) Saaday Bdlttea *49-1124 • liS ' e Skew (DU MlUlea DsIIu Mavis R l^rd Egan. Jim Redigo. Aa (48) Proka J U :I5 ( 8) Capitol Heporls 8:88 P®®’®''*®' oppoolUoo <88) Wild Bin Hlekock (88) Film U :l# (22) Mevie I’Vtolent . Btawngsr." Baehasy when he returns to Mesa after t:M I 1) Mr. Bd STANEK Scott ’ 9Uth Domei^e. “ejvlns prl*®n term . (R) 'Hie Fallen Sparrow.’’ John u is e , , ______**•88 (8 ) Yoar OoByreoamaa from ii8i ( 8) Big. 8 Theatre (48-68) Hawaiian Eye OoBBectleat Alan Young. Connia Hlnaa. Wll- Garfield, Mimreen C'Hara. Wkea 1:88 ( 8) PerceptloB Prontlaea Mr. Bd. a new 11:18 ( 8) Movie Ibisterpleees J r a e s r Message 'To (Jarcia.” WttHoe« Connie Stwens. Robert Conrad. saddle If a wrestler wine an ui>- "Break In The Circle.’’ Forrest ?®rfT. IBorbora Stanwyric. SiM 8) Jack Benny Show A-' cominr match. Tucker, Bva Bartek. ntlro program le devoted to an- 5l88i ' S (82) F irst Show R®w»»toa6 k W) Sandaysjs?«%ik®i Matinee 2Jir (M) McKcever And The Calaael ( 8) Academy Theatre N BG -TYf hoMr^ofiOf Tutiday night Waotom " Emplid'' ?®n' Wilson and trooea (.nimpanaee from Kovemment’a "That Midnight Kiss." Mario ( I) Homeim^erc Msvis "Remember Last lOght" Bd- Wilson B broadcasting careeria Three Kids And A Queen.” May ward_^^oId,_ Robert 'Yotmg. Hobaon, x*imiivit3Frankie J>vtfcITOiDarro. '* brought to Grayson. "’The Last Poasee." Beed(derlok 7*£!rav of ,nt»hbacksnR ) <4S> Winainir Flag "cetfleld without Colonel Black- (3t) Iaat« Show win not nfom e Near Me." Swokby Skew' J j15 (5S) The CnrliSopherg (18) Inelght ‘ J® '5 ■■■* ttJrtsrt (88)»•/ FilmV im 1:2S ( 8 ) Yom CoaRreggmaa frem Maria“ »• •» S^ell iaviioii. ''O. W. Fleher. EXPERT .. .. ' *> ®»V *■ Oeari {2! ^BcymoaBcra 11:28 (t8) F eatare 48 ICiiS ( 8) Almsaae 5iS8 (88) Borly Shew Coaaeeticnt . (48) Take Two who ployi foiifiMn Rodigo, will eonttnuo hi a {8) JIJigMBRtoH BepoH "Jamaica Run.Run." Hay Mtlland. UiS8 (12-M) Ths Price la 1 "Sandy la A Lady." Baby Sandy, (tt) The Catholic Hoar 1:88 < 8) Laaale 1:8# (8) News, W««ther: Memeat ef (Color) Tom Brown. LW Sw i) UntoBclwbloe A aeriea of^four leaaona baaed on Jon Provost, June Lockhart Meditation PAINTING m i m ( 8) (lalek Draw MeGrmr Ro^rt Bt^k, Kathy Nolan. Jon- The i^ta of the Apoatlea. Lectur­ ‘rie» to help hie friend ( 8) N ew m iw . Moment of Com now holMioiir I m owmir of o 26,00(Loera im d i. U:S8 (48) Sheriff ef Oeohls* Of top hoodlum is no- er is Dr. Edward Bauman. Cully stop the laying of a new gas fort, poodnlAt Hymn ( 85858) Sevan Kqr* 5i8S (W) Big Pietare IR)* *'“*'”'"^'s down- v is *i"‘ough Cully’s property. (44) Lord’s Pnryor Ut88 ( 8) Love Of U fe 8:88 (8) Non aad WaaRee <40> Gardener's Wo^shop ( 8) Zoorama ir H li piobiMiM ¥dn bo much the lamf m ho hod on " Em> (U> Big Fletar* MitS tS) Garry Moore Show V eter G n u (22-90) Today show Shew off and darted back to Join Ms li88 ( I) As Ths WezM Torai (18) SabsertpUsa TV U :M (8-8-4058) News, Weather and 7:15 ( 8) The People Speak . . (88) Film Painters, Builders, Decora fort (8) Oeoaeotloat luvleliviettme (22) Lsoal News i ^ r t s Be ready for the hot weather 8:88 (38) Early Show cap ona eouM sae w hen the pam- brother in front of the TV set. Dangerous Profsasloa.'' "The Big Cage." Zlement aincted.) (BM^Newe Aad Weather (n) Big New* ahead with a HUNTER ATTIC 7:88 ( 3) Perceptioa Mickey Rooney, “With all this hasardoua land mine George•go Raft, 1—EUa Raines. '15) N*'r® A WeaSkeT Clyde Beatty. (St) Boirvc Ba rey Qlsea~ Show (22) Bpeolal B epsrl PAN installed in your home. ( 8) Friends of Mr. Oooker ( 8) Yogi Beer ‘«l|y iDBtant forolly,” eKplalned U:H 5) Taesday Btortight 7:56 ( 8) Let’s Talk Aboat a JoynuB RMc IntroduniBg Btenreo. buetaiees have there been any hi- (48) Beet' et______Oroaoka 7A * (22) W M ten I Moss. BHdhHghtS m^way So." Steve Ooohrao, Complete With fan louvers and ( 5) Captala Kangaroo _ <*•) |h®rlH ef Oeehlse . _ Bible Aaswers (48) Newa irginia Grey, all (xirpentry work. *•*5 5^> «®' P®8r lafonnaHea “inhera’a another Just U u bim-but JurieeT" “WeU , . . yea," ao l i l t (58) Mea ef Deirifay 7tM ( 8) m a t la Ths World isr Steve AHea Shew o ’m i*Si VI ®* Scieneo 8:88 ( 8) News and Weather (33) Bpselal n S p n f (33-18) Laramie 9:88 ( 8) Hap B iclu u ^ (18) Big Fletnre twtoe as oM, thet'a Bobby who’s knowledged Rick trying to dirug 8) News <*) tot Lanao Shew etui ghMd to the TV set. Aasd aU 3:88 ( 8) Password (Cglot) John Smith, Robert 11:18 8) Sportsview (2258) Bomper Boom (40) News MANCHESTER the subjrat off with turned (32-18) Bea J e m d (Oelea) pbller,- Spring Syliwton. Jess U:S8 18:30(24) EdacaUoBal PregnuBa .^ ™ ~ o mm MB of OB ara Oemiiils." out to be a shoulder stlU painful (4858) Day tu C eart Harper and Yuikee General as* (48) Boso The Clown 3:14 (SI) Midday B ^ rt ambushed by gunmen Ured to 8:15 ( 8) Debbie Dmke Show 8:85 (48) Call Mr. D JUtta in bar ooVOy ao o en ted from something that went boom 3:18 ( 8) Hoase P5S& lOjie Minute To Zero.' 8:88 ( 3) MUUonalre OLDSMOBILE kOI the generoI.^R) ra.es Blythe. 5 ® J J Americaas At Work «peedh took a turn at gpelttng too soon. “However,” he concluded (33-88) Tba Oeoters ( 8) F irst Baa Theiktre iS'if Lord’s Prayer Ot Oroncko 8:28 ( 3) Y ear Senator “muaketeer." A. foim er ‘aOBB Oer- obeerfuUy, proud of a good record, (48-58) Jaae Wymaa Prat "Above And Bwood." Robsrt 18:88 ( 3) Calendar 8:25 ( 2) Weather News A Sporta "TOUR (MAMMOBIUS DBAUBR" 13:88 f M Mews A Wotrihor A Mom cat (22-38) Say Wkea many" riia oama to the XAilted “Z am the only caeualfy ao ta r .’* 3lW (33-88) ■■ Taylor, Eleanor Arker. _ „ H Medlt^oa 5:88 ( 8) .Follow *ho San tiM ( Of IQght (4A58) Cembat lt88 ( 8) Newaoopo, Moments st Goa ELECTRICAL i.Si(48) Morning »® Movie F®« YrtUtt (18) Barns A Allea S12 WEST CBHTER flM ET 12-88) Loretta Yoaag Ric Jason, Vic Morrow. Ameri- fort, Hrtna (22) Weather 8-4858) Qaeea F o r A B ay oan tank commander with a sav- <88) Newa WORK "You Know What Sailors Are.' (48) Lone Banger ' g r i a i - M u .. "L Tamlroff, Bonald Slnden. (58) News 18:88 ( 8) Homemakers Movie 8:36 (22) Clnbhonse "On The Loose." Joan Bvaas 5:48 ( 8) Clesenp on Sports Melvyn Douglas. 8:48 ( 8-22-S8) News ALUMINUM LADDERS Owr S r» Y SpMiolty WILSON 5*2-88) Flay Year Hmwh (58) News WEDNESDAY Television PROGRAM (Color) 7:88 ( S) After Dinner Mevie NEW or USED TRULY DCUCIOUS ELECTRICAL CO. .. „ ( 8) Day la Ceart 1*'twa8'-41.00ft. 18:55 ( 8) Almanac "The Jan Singer." Danny Thom­ ftoM OhaaasI Site ( » Edge et Night Tlrglnian tries to vindicate friend Besl denUaI-Comm.-Ind. as, Peggy Lee. 32*10 40'— $1.30 ft. 8ll5 ( 8 ) Mm Ot OsBitoSt (3354) Loretta Yeoag of muider chorae and becennes 11:88. (22-38)___ 8) The' Friee It Bight (18) SnbscrlpttoB TV CHICKEN Sl48 (. 8) . NsvNeweeopo BoIletUe S a ls M d ( 85851) Qalaeea..FeyA Day toralved with widow. (R) 640-4S17 — 6SS-7S7« (Color) (22) L o ^ Newa 8:45 ( 8) Opesatlsa Alphabet (18) MllUea Dollar Movie ,( 8) Jaac - Wyman OottsyieSe w ith rapes (85858) Wagon Train (8858) Newt and W ester ^ W W II I n Q IfffWnWwO 7:88 ( i) I te illy U vlag "M_____ urder on Diamond Row," M John McInUre, Michael Burns. U:88 (22-38) Oenoentmlien (58) FUm r-. a n d puB eyA (33581I) Today ____ (B-4853) Seven Keys COBURN IMDDLMOOK. Iim. mund Lowe, Ann Todd, 5 * ep „a^ctl® n dovel®p* between 7:18 (22) ^ e l n l Beport i t Pranant S4)ay Maatdee Tha world's "haeat eatta’ ehleh- TtH ( 8 ) Ike______People Speak 6iS8 ( 8) To Ten The Trath BUI Baoics and a lone hpy on a 18:88 ( 8) Leve el U fe 7:U (22) Western W an. BigUIgMs (33) W eather (33-88) Yea B ob’! Bay (Oolesl 5J»-88) Yonr First Impressien C A S H a k v r trail near Sacramento. (48) News , INVESTMENn ■B" with iaeoaaparable taste. 7iW ( 8 1 ------( 8) PUpoTerv ’•8 *'** 1*> ®®bie Oinis (Color) . (88) Sports Camera MB. OBOROB r dOHNBON S tL , T -----g ~ 8 ____ V Mr. Boobee - . . ^ ® d o Yea TraetT Dwayne Hickman, Frank Faylea. .. .. 5 Tennessee Brnle Ford IM S> LeVa Aboirt » 11:88 ( 8) Search ter Temerrew 7:88 (22-88) Monday Night a t the M ev CALL IN ORDER A quest for caab for an expen- ies nm HMJWPl. TBAMBAOnONB HAMIMA) VERNON Flak Up 16 BOButea L atar 8i88 i 8) O apSU a____ aiTe date leads I^ble into an evil (22-88) Trath or Ooaaeqaei (Colw) "’The Bravado*." Oreg- OM A u. EXCHANGES LISTED AMD tnnjam cii—imwnAi. pmiDM StW (48) FVoallera s t i j 8) laager Andy Shew nlot . . . . <*il*5J*(8-4858) Father'K Kaewn now n V i PAJMT aad WAUJFAPMB ti8 8 l| I^M Asadi ( 8-4858) Amerleaa Baadstaad ------13:46. .8) 8) The The Onldkag U ght pra Peck, Joan Collins. Ranober 699 MAIN STREET yit^ aai g.1166 8-4855) G e lu My Way kills four escaped ecovlcts who VEBNONoraOLB 4 til (33-18) News, Afteraoea Report Gts.-vj-,.fone Kelly,----- Yorit. ^ c k Father “ ' 12:55 (22) News Day Heport he believes murdered his wife. TEL. 669-1659 DEOI’S DRIVE-M 8tl8 ( 3) News O Malley tries to smooth the 1:8 ( 8) Besl Seller (R) path to marriage for Intellectuol- ."Bepth ^ a Salesman." Fredric ( 85858) The Daketaa 675-9969 66|9 OBMnat I 6-9666 March, _ Cameron. Mitchell (Part Larry Kard.-Oiad Bvsrett, Com­ ■ "''*'11 II r 8) Beverly HIllMfiies mander of Army' prison gives m ^ddy Bbsen, Irene Ryan. MU- (8-58) Geaeral Hospital order for- the enecutfotlon ot mutin- Iti88 "Murder on Dtomoiid Row." Rd U o ^ e hillbUly Jed CFIompett (8858) At Heme W iS Kitty . _ mund Lowe. Ann Todd, ®“6 hi; family ore mistaken for (48) Newt 8,88 Tke BlOei IT DOES^ Mahc A D iffm e t Wheva T m Bw9r]| toil ( n Big i 4foealer _ staff of servants. (R) 1:85 (48) Barbara Beraard Shew "I Was A Communist Itor M il 1:38 ( 8) As The WerM<'’ram s 8 :8e ( 8) D u a y T ksauu Skew ______A asw osw ’ Y«riy Osmo’s Maslo HaB WeTl be glad to ahow yon a iuatoh Marjorie Lord, Ruaty Hamer. F.B.I." lYank LoveJoy, DoroGqr Wolor) TotoAfs guests: Peter ( 8) Coaaectteat MevieUme i f « Joan Benaott,. BYaaohot Tone. H8rt. eumer Blaln Dunn. lees selectloa of Mohanic or "The Senator Was Indiscreet.’’ Danny extends invitation vrMle in Mi88 ( I) Homsasakars JCovts _ _ ' d:IS (4853) Amerteaa Hewsstaad 9i88 William Powell, EUa Raines. ^ndon and a miaunderstandlns (9) DIek Vaa Oyto Show Bigelow carpet right la your own S t "Tile Sirea of Mary Tyler Moore. Morey Am- ( 88 ' Harvey Olsoa Show U hand, (R) 5i88 (tt) Movie at 5 home. Make yonr home carpet (48) Best Of Greaehe > (8-48-SS) aioaey Barke vS A V I M <; s 4% "Fair WindWInf To“ JavA" Vera Ral­ s t e r d ; ^ Ritchie asks hto por- eomfortable! (53) This Is The Answer ; J'.A * * * Orimtti ,Bkow ston, Fred MocMurray. onto Where did I come ftomT" 1:55 (22) Special Beport (22-88) Art Llakletter Skew Regular panelieto Jayne Meadow* i U l ( / I . O A N Mt86 AteKSr aad Swabby S " * f h S ? h ^ ^ ! ^ ° " to delivered . „ <3g> Jfepert From Waehtagtoa and Carl Reiner. People’* re- ENJOY A NEW WORLD OF HEARINO 11:88'(3358) The Prtoe to BkiM (Ol {jsi-ar ( 6 48 58) Oar Man HIgglas MANCHESTER CARPET 8:88 ( 8) Password action* In unusual eltuatlona. ( 8) Ja a e W ymaa (83) f to a SSSii®*' Holloway, A um y Totter. ! S ! S i 5?" .'^*5®” Sttunp ’The Stay* S . 85A58) Father HMiwe atoUatli^ exist' ( 5-48^) Qaeen Fkv A Day the looks conveolenee and perfocinanca you want in a hearing aid. U iU < I) n e Oaldlag Miht (34) Edaeotional Pragmi (3358)------..Me:leveath Hoar Mike Stoluy. host; PanellsU Se- l t : H (33) Nawa.Oay Report 18:88 (18) Million Dollar Movie If you have never worn an eyeglass aid beoauaa your loss la too . (48) News ^disturbed woman "Unknown Island." V irg il Grey, Cabot Beverly Garland. itee (ColUn WUcox) confesses to the and Barton MacLane. Rosa Hartlia Hans Conrlad. Ruta •wrara, you nmat tiy the Bup^O to beUeve RI V oe a free demon; ^‘Deoth'of^s’& eam B n^ «iM «•>, ** .Stubby Kaye. Quest LATEST CAPITOL RECORDS 8:18 ( i> News murder of her husband on leara- «!*• < >> P® Jf®n Tbc TtbU atratkxL dtop in or call as aotm. Maitdi. (tomeron MUiAra H w to S ^ ^ her lover has he«. aa- 5U5W Yen .Dea’t Say (ealer) stars: Jeanne Crain and Bd Be|- ___ (n> BiMsh OolsMda* ( 8) Diacevery ’88 M 79S MAIN STOBBT — 64M191 (8-58)' Goaetnl «tM ( » Weather. News aad Bsehg hwtt Hhieials (Itolff AMtoasa WffliKlHy •iM IJI m Preetael «... J H8ked OMy >.» 1‘OT.S' »»' (88) S ir n w e r I Love You Because* B aras A ABoa ***** Sptrto**^’ Newa. Wotobee • U:8S < W yM ri Few*. Wea4h8r sM R y AX, M A R T IN O {(M$ S o X o ro Beraard BhMP (U) <<•> H®n ® ( S-8558) A m eriou i------) Wg Haws u r t s S> Hewa and Waalh** • a r B H - P I Uv^J^T^^ritora. fiM (33) ^ , ______O s a * . Sis {ij"iieSr” U:U 5,8) M ea^ B taifl^ t ^ McGuire. fidl ( M 35t) Hews I^SSlosW ^B^^" Customized Seat Covers (69) News ( 8) News Mson. Steve Coehraa. O t^ fi8 8 Customized Auto T eras- (88) News M A IN MB., M A H C brt. IbasB. ' 9iK (3358) Hasra m> UUo Nows V O l

FP’ V-


Weky Melsan fflsi df dMaie imd Hainiiit), T H U R S D A Y Television PRQ 6 RAM Hotlyvjood Donna Doug^ I to . Ossas Far A ! B U M S ie s ). J ! » f » ______W Osmlsri t i N Te Tab The TBilh t (Oeirri Jack Benny (The^Aeok B «n y atW— - ai -|C ^NesrSMes'______a s t _ a BalMies _ s l _ s ___M. S h ow ). (4M l Bhe ^ Tea ~ o n T V S o in th e m a ll departm ent at- •iW Issst, that puU th e HUMdUlea, ne- f i V 4rie portedty No, 1 on the telerleion (fi> wsmaev m r n u N K o n i m h n s o n TiW < J> fisastsWsilse Ow Wsrid (jIaSSdtotolaee servicee, in fifth plaoe. i U msads s( lb . Ossbsr (l$4S) HM^AMei SiW B o lly w M * OmtrmrmStmt liM .t » CsiSats Is a n iN s S) Mem « ------"But It’s nothing like the i Far Masaay, IMnigipm III N m n p m§w€ wn t M/gnMn old movie dayslays In ththe e. late ISsaUen st ■ death baeMwe’ :tr ,im N ow ( * i asa ■leiavis r * L S a a s r BOULYWOOD (NBA.) commented Nelleaen. “Thera wits simr ■ (M) Dbeevery MS retanM^-ntrwM dmt tal«*Wkn mtinv m t m o m much more fan mail Uien. I gueisr (U ) Hniies OaUar Mevia ••Oiir*0111 ofnf thetk a Blue.---- George Breat. L to i^ ) Leava''(^Tb' hav* iM(B*ooiiM(l o i dealing m o ^ p e^e are too I1U1 7 .thSM days, to ! « f e r Beaver shea up BtaM <' o m u Brake gh Vlrginis Muo. jr te BoMMSVCidlc, tlM qcarttan maybe tbey don’t, idol- tiW r ' ' MilHeesIfe « ■ « stfdto. in .aT a •. iae television stnrs aa they did Best si Otaechs >y From^klahoma." WIU Where will -our ueiBt teleeWon MiW s Jr., Maacy,Kaacy Olaen. tiW ( movie personaUUes."- ' ' Bsv Wbaa I Amerleaa MawTstaaS pocoAertty poH oome fromT Movie Stare are still big fin r i ) Wto T f Tee- Tiaetr (SS) MSvIe a t F ive Fred Iho Murwer is here snA »"Dam Busters.” Bhshard Todd. RB omuiliEtioil w t ig h t mall pullers with, says Mildred, (M> itarBlBg Hsvi. selt-protecllon after-a diaS#roua i% ht now—end with no tricks. ’The DlvidSd fMvidSd Heart.’’Hwu Michael Rtognwe. John. Wayne the moat consistent BOiel. Alexander IUmhc. (SS) T h re s ______bllM date. • iTou oant tamper with TAm Is end b lg g ^ draw. MiM ( S) itomanuken Mevia (IS) FsatUy Marhel _ B en’s postal serWoe., But television fen mail now .“Kmareenoy Wedding." t o r r r (set Admiral sad Swahby Shew ’■'•iiS&'SRV‘‘Ssl’ ’deduetloa” which to nw t’s where I went — to Urn dominates. Pnriu. BnrW a Hale. ()Se (SS) Ksriy Shew Plar T eu Hnneh (Oelael “The Btoik pays Oft.” Viotor Inleraal Revenua S B toBirwood post otkoo — ih r a "There was a time,’* Nelleaen < ■> Day b OeaH riieck Qewjre's refund Jory. Rochelle Hudeon. i ± i S j m Mritale’i,Navjf seelletJc lovedown on the audlenoe esid, “when pe bherlft el Oeehlse Brnest Borgnlne. The oiwwatagan appeal of the B ev«^ mtlbUlks ure out the stars with jmsslers Utea (»ae> The rrle* b BigM ((Meet ( S) HaekIcherryHaaad ( •) gaae Wywaa SiM ( S> Nam sad weather a Tsahepeee hoedojsq ie cheer up and other ehows based on fSn Instead o f names. BMliasnMi Willy 1 ^ . U:M OStoi OeneeUnUea (U> Big rieture ISito l») Nneee ^ "A letter for Haleb Twelvetreee, < S-M^> Bnen Here (54) Kdaeatiossl Fregrame W r i Conway. Kina Bethuae. K li* The ^hfudlmsteK^ resutts—iettera for example,” said Nelleaen, u r n ( 1) Leve or U h IfiM IM t> Tear flret Inieerselee ( « ) Nam Hunter suest .Mar. A nursa. re­ tfooumehted with Dhcie Barn’s ^of> "might ai^ve -in an envelope Color) •tU ( S) Newt turns t^ the boapUal after, ten 1 S-4Mt) Tehneeseo Braio Brel yean 61 domesU tM al postmatfc—are sacked and bearing a drawing'ot'Satan stand­ (IS) ArrlssBMBt Underwater (tt-SS> Andy WO______sorted daily, there eaa be no !%• IfiM ( » geareh Bor Tenu rrew ( S) Weather, Nam B SeerSt ing on a raft of twelve, traea and (n-M> Tratk Or Oeaeoee— re ( S) Hesg Kasg (Color) TonlghCa gueets are K a^-- Bing shit fan man is pretty gOM Just the word, TlolIyWood’.” < S A M ) gather Kaawa Beal (IS) Barst A ABra Sailth, Artuco Romero and ' Hn avidenoe in popularity teiAiog. The poatal people patiently de­ U;«S < S> n e OaMiax light (IS) Weather _ iiasdl:'Vk^' “ ( ikhM )- I . ^iFoaelero , M may hare its weaknesses, of coded these. M:SS (IS) Hawe OnTmeeert (4S) Adventarer b Ttaas lito ( S) Beat SeDer (55) Glahhenre Buiaane leaHette. Chepthr Mor- eoome. But not as many, I’d say, Nm* , I ) Speria View beleviBion stars (whioti also hidl- ie' oonstontiy amaaed at the num­ *Mltohum, Jan Sterling. TiSS I S) Award Theatre (IS) Harrajr (Mron Shew (Si) Wide Caaatr* (St-W) Tenigbt Shew (0). astee ataow popidarlty): ber, of letters sUM iddrsesed to (M) Bert Of Orenehe lEari Holliman. Mitch Guthrie, ( S) Cinemn S .. Dick Ohamberiain (Dr, Kildare) (SS) Thlr b The life exotic carnival dancer (, "MeMei...... er Race.” JAafS Bridgee, Marilyn Monroe. U :a (M)^>i>rd’s Prayer bi the most popular television per- " I t ’s BO strange," she oonkneMts. 1:H (M> Men el Dertiar Helm) charms Andy, and flghta (TIV Special Bei^rt efforts to break up romance. (R ) liSS ( I) ife’ewB, , Weather, Memeut a( .sonaMty in mo fan letter count. "How oouM anyone not know?" 1:N ( S)-Parrwerd ( S-W ^) AdvewtuTes eirQmle •It’s really, ameakig,” postal (Mto) Ben iem d (Oebr) and Harriet ^if'lSsmeope.' MemeuTel Cesn- (4 ^> Day la Ceart Nelson family. Hpli-hour special fsrt, Hyma aloric Mildred Murphy told us. She i L S:U (51) Midday of song and dance with Ricky (SS) News and poMhl cleric Clarence Nelleoen S:Se ( » Benue I Nelso^ The Brothers Four. Bud tmnille all the television'and (n-M> ’The and Iravifr^and Jennie Smith. Fopty-jdx domestic a«d foreign* (WAS) iaae Wyman Dave witt-rnterview guests baric- banod N ^ . M «w n Hbaffera oon- star mail in the Hcdlywobd branch Notebook t:S5 (Ift o ) Hewe e ^ e . . t free ( s)Tsdi— re Of Nlxhl. (SS) luells trlbuted’ to tfie book, “TTHI Bent o f BihpiMMto.’V a dbstiNaitlon o f tJM ‘HSuimberlaln rabeivea about MO By DICK KUSINBR (tS-M) Xorette Tenng P e rn Mason (IS) Mllltea Denar M<___ aymona Burr. Barbara Hate, bout ooirnnOntArthh prenentod on Iettera a day," riie said, "it is the Newspaper Enterprise Aaan. "Out of th^ Blue." George Breat, Perry Is called im-to defend a the NBC Radio Network in IMU. most regrular mad a fikn or trie- NEW YORK (NHIA) — H ope yiiginia Mays. youth against- ct rgea of murder- ttWon risr has received sinoe I Lange wants to niake love. - The aterted .woridiig here in 1048." only thing is, ahs cant g ^ anyone Following Chambertein in popu­ to cooperate. larity iuu: ' New, before you rush out to Television Vkioe Bdwarda (Or. Oaaey). PROGRAM volunteer, cahn yourself. What Ohaaaei (88) Livlag Word 11:85 ( 8) Sparta View M iss L a i ^ ia talk in g about ia ( S) Momeals w f Oensloit (58) Film U :M (88-88) TaalghI Shew (eeler) Wi love stories on television and in I ( S) Newseepe BaUetta Be (18) Big Plotare ( 8) Clum a 8 The the movies. That’s the kind of ( S> ^ rM S eB Alphahot ( 8) News B Weather “ Bombardier.” Pat (FBrieB I ( S) T h ilW e O tn m Way (84) UdBcatlMSl Pragrame I Kandolph Scott. day love she wants to make, (SSjjr Today Show ^ U;M. 18:48 (48) Lard’s Prayer *T’d like to do a ieal, old-fasb- ( jb^ewish Newt B Vlewa (4#)'News does Z) Weather 8:88 (18) Yaaey Derriager 1:88 ( 8) Newa, Weather sad Mameal kmed love stoty,” saya Uhe beauti­ . rhls Is DCeaa 8:U (8 ) Newa ef Medilattaa »gre( ful bkmd star. “But love storiee ( S> Frieade e( Mr. Orashei (58) l ^ ia l Seearily Irtt ( 8) Mewaeepe. Memeals at Oeae- fart, Hyma decis aren’t done today. I keep sug| ( S) Captain Knngnroe ( 8) Weather News B Spsrte i (M> Frontiers e( Sclenee ( 8) Vletery at Sea (88) News h i b i t ing the idea to produoera and ( S) Hap Bichnids (U ) Baras B Allea ^ M n e k keep saying, ’It^a a nioiet,^ ( S) Jaok La Lanne Bhew (88) Weather tract (St-SS) B o s m r _____ but nobody la doing kn^stories. (48) Sapenaas. BoU (M) B o b o The down (58) . News * ELECTRONICS "The trouble is, they the tilS ( S) Debhie Drake Shew (88) aabhoBse love stories. in laughs or in sick- SiSS ( 5) MUIIoaalra ( 8) Oloseap e Sprtts iABORATORIES ( t> Best ef Oreuehe (88),^Bdltoi-----erlal PAINTING neas—laughs f n / w oomedlee and U iW ( » Cslesdav ; ( Ato88) News slckneaB in dramas about sick, (U-M) Say Whea ^ ( 8) Death Valley Days ' i n t e r i o r , e x t e r i o r Nc sick peopje^iit they just won’t do ( 8) Wha Da Tea TraetT ( 8) Biography WALLPAPER BOOKS 277 BROAD (M) Meralag Mavie (U ) Babecrlptloa a straight love story today. Why “ Touch and Go.” -Jack Hawkbig. (88) Leeal News PAPERHANOINO not?. Margaret Johnson. (S8-48) News and Waalher lt:N ( 8) Hememahen Mavie FLOORS BBd CEIL1N08 Cl las Lange, ourrer|tly. starring “ Cratr-s Wife.” Roeailnd RusaeU, (U ) Film PAINTED and REFINISHED a (comedy) love story called ( 88 ) Special " Bessrt Effoetiv* A t O ne* JohniBoIes. - . “Love Is a Bah,” in whioh She (88-88) P U y T ear Haaeh (C ak e) (88) Westera Maseachasetts WorfcmnaaUp Onnmataad ( 8) Day la Ceart ------Me Fallv buRired Fo {days the richest girl In the world, 18:88 ( 8) E1*^8W^* « m is a movie star who .Is a complete 11:8* (88-88) ’The P rice Is B igh t (Oalav) 8) Sparta Bperts ClCamera CLOSED 7:S ( 8) Bawhlde product of televWon. .( 8) Jane Wyaraa Brie Fleming, Cllnt Baatarood. LEO PELLETIER JAC ‘T was in a Kraft Theater abow 11:88 (88B8) CeaeaatratlaB Brian Aherne guest. A valet K Ne SATURj ( S-88A8) Savea Keya S49-«8»d with Jo Van BTeet,” Mfae Lange 18:88 ( 8)^ Lave Of .Ufa ’’adopts” trail bora Gil Favor aa studei says. "The director, Fielder Opok, (88-88) T e a r Pleat Bnpeeeelee bta master. . O p cornel (18) latarBafteaal SbewUaM S4S-S0U A T ^ O N wanted me for the ahO(W, Imt the (Color) : . : . tenael; .. ... ’ '1-4* W'» Tem eeeee Bnie Feed Starring Don Amechei boat. : The Summer agency was afridd to take a 18:88 ( 8) Seaioh Far Tsm errew "Katie's Circus" ■ a toogram count! taped at the Circus Soott ia ohnnoe on aa inkknown. They bad (88-88) Track ^ Caaseeaeaeae tw o c ( 8-4MS) Father. Km w s Bert Orebro, Sweden. (R) a big fight and, bepplly, Cook won. 18:48 ( 8) The OaMtarrlight ( 8) Dragaet 7 SHO P and D av "Before that I was on a game 18:55 (88) Mews Day Bepsrt (88) Haaermeanen show with Gene Rayburn, giving tie t ' 8) Beet Seller- (t a n ) Cheyeaae SAVE ■‘Death ot a -flalaamaii.” FTedrie' (Hint Walker. R. O. Arnutroag. (C out the prises and doing commer­ March. Cameron Mltchelf (Part Mine owner la bent on revenge WHERE cials. I was very bad—I kspt get­ 8) against Oierenne for kllllhg lua PETS ting the commercials wrong. I quit ( 8-58) Oeaaral, Haapilal son. (R) (88-88) AI Haara WitV KIMyKt ( 8) Baseball Just beftwe they fired ine. (48) Hewe ; , t Meta vs. St. Louts iP H IS “ But out of the B>aft thing came (48) Barbaraa Bmaard (88) Daaee Time PET FO O D S a HoUywood offer, to do ’Bua Stop.’ ( 8) As ■Pile I--, ^ _____ I 8) Baato 18 . SIGN ( 8) Ceaaeciliraf .Naviellme Martin Milner. Tod SUIes tries to A I’d never Wanted to go there, I ’’Sreond Chapcc.’’- R o b ^ Mileh- figure out why beautiful blonde PET ATTIRE don’t have much drive, in Oie first eirfors being a troublemaker. place. I went because my fiance }SS?) K li^ ty fe ilm r (8tn> Stag Atanx wiih Mttah (48) Beet ef Oreaebe Mitch Miller, the Sing Along (Don Murray, from whom she ia (88) Faith Far Teday, Gang and soloists Leslie Uggama, G c m I m i S v p p S c s new divorced) was going, and I i88> Mea ef pemay ^rlorialoria Lambert and ___ Mo- ft i"! t il's Uwught my life Would be there." (88) Special . Beaeri grath. Subject of tontcht'a muslo- al segments In "Wsltxlng Around And so, reluctantly, a star was Irt* ( 8) Paaaward;’ .(tt-88> Bea d a r M (Osier) Die Wortil." (Color) (R) F U R N IT U R E bom . ( n n ) Day la Oaart , ___ I) The Fltatataaes (Oeter) TU (58) Midday M f - Bmrart Animation. Lodge delegates Fred I l l s M A I N ST. .ldCSFII ^^diihthBdHIC^l ( 8) Haase Party and Barney attend a convention brick (88-88) 'The q ^ r s at-a ski resort. (R) L b w i i M o w e r s Attorney Sam Benedlot (Ed­ (ta n ) “ arts (t a n ) Pm Dfehsas . . . He’s OLIVA’S ESSO bams mond O’Brlon) triep to asavnge A I (8M8) News Feuter U 411 H A R T F O R D R D . towai 30-year marriage that ban been • J ) Edge Of NtaM Mhn n As^Aatin. Marty Ingels. Harry’s On . (nnTLeretta Teaag Shew prise - shainfy-dog:’ yarn etrikea undermined b y a. bsixcsn blonde, In ( 8-tan) qaeea Far A unreiponslve chned In nil hearers. rSDRWELL’S TES^AOO day, \ LITTLE & the "Sam Benedict’’ episode, "The (llkM nilea Deltar M Ha aJSr (R) 1476 S ilver Lane, B. H a M o r d dent, ' B ird o f Wstrnlngr,” on NBC-TTV “ Railroaded." John Ireland, •rts ( 8) Alfred inickeeck Hear Sheila Ryan. Vera HUes, Jeffrey Hunter. RUDY’S SERV. STATION ot the M c K i n n e y Sskturdwy, June 1 (7:90-8:30 p.m, 8:8a < {> Ta Ten The Trrth Young w om u Is uked -by her Wall BDT. Repeat of Nov. 17). (n( 8_ n------i'^ aa--- Daa’I Say (Oslart fiance to risk her life in order to 164 B. CENTER 8T. snterii U WOOIMHtIDOE ST. (-W’ —soeveryDiseave) Ml capture a murderer. (R) (ta n ) Wha wb De Tsa. Traatt The Price Ie Bight (Celarl Alabcu Mnwdieeler—«4S-t74* Marilyn Monroe and Rofiert . I^> Mews. Deariaa Bdwarda BUI ' Cullen is emcee. WYMAN OIL OOn Inc. Rut Mttchum star in "River of No Re­ (_S) B.aaxer aager, AadvAi -flniew ( t W ) n Sanest Strip 84 M AIN ST. plan (tH f'^ jK te b . Dame Efrem Zlmbal'st Jr.. Roger turn," a story o f pursuit by hos­ ( a n n > AmeHeas: Baadslaad Smith. Stu Bailey ta hunted u ter PECK LUMBER CO. M alon tile ImHaiw, op.NBC-TV’s “Satuir- (Ur-Sa) News. .Afierasea Beasrt he helps client stage “ phony” and t COMPLETE (J ) Hews robbery. 8 M A 1 N 8 T . day Night at the Movies" color School ( t i n ) Make ■Beam Far Daddy • i* * * ? !i.'? * * '‘ F ragram ' Faatare 476 HARTFORD RD. xlota i (Sa) Three (SB-toniNewe. Weather Cameo Beauty NBC-’TV star Perry Oomo, a (ta) The Swahby mild and retiring sort ,pt man, has (Pksw ’AjtissrA.d (W) Big Newt GARNER r u g CLEAN (tt) Film (St) Hewe and .Weather 8 GRISWOLD ST. Jam es Studio' one great extravagance: he has 8:Sa (8a> Early Shew ( 8) toeriea'e Gnatast Meviea "W e The Lone Wolf Keeps A Data.” u g - t u a one of the largeet (xiUections of "GeMlemen's Agreement.” G ra » other sweaters, slacks and sports Jack­ Warren William. Erlc jBIore. anr Peck. Dorothy McGuire. STATE SERV. STATION « M M a l n S t „ ( t> Bortar B Ble Frieada ■ay—a ets of anyone in the worfd. (#8) Steve A tlc 770 M A I N ST. (4rt Sheriff af Cechiss ( 8) News vlolani lone’s toUed. The today (hla B

Coin •rs ha to pre a n (f in “ L et tbe t Sometl don’t 1 Reso Smt li ' i - ' -iT > ■’ 4 "■


, /Tn - , Ar«n«« Daily Nat Pn m Kan J *tm thai WMk B nM Tha Waattiar ^hum 1,‘j m if V .«. waaiiM 13,920 Incronriag olondbioM aad w ana with nrin developUy IMw « o rt^ M m hat at Om A a« t % ■oram of OhrooMon Bate eanttniiiiif moot tf 'T aoail M anehsii& r^A CUy o f VUIago Charm Coaler oad 'broeojr ItMOtey. VOL. LXXXn, No. 207 (FOUBTEBN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CON^., MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1968 (CUuHllied AdvertioinK on toga U ) PRICE SEVEN CENtS Pope John XXIII Dead, Dramatic Struggle Budget Unsettled Catholic As Eteadlinh Nears Leader HARTFORD (API.-^i^he General Assembly entered the final hectic days ofi;h€ 1963 session today with several im- poi*tant matters^notably the budget—still unsettled. Mourned 'The LegUdatuto must adjourn by*----^------midnight Wednesday. It must ap­ prove a bUdget by toat time or be VA-nCAN CITY (AP)— obliged to go' into special session. The Vatican press office an­ __ t* R^Ublioans, In their budget ap- State News tbn. m> -provrtl by the House, slash^ Gov. nounced today Pe John waUCM Dempsey's proposed 8697.7 million XXIII is dead. MMr «« general fund budget by about 830 million. They accepted, among sev­ Roundup The Pope’s stout heart gave IM. Khu eral Increases propcoed by the ad­ up after a long and dramatic ministration, only a boost of a fMr.'tm penny a pack In the flve-cent cig­ duel with deaj^ in which his arette tax. Valerie Stetson resistance confounded all and' Hie OOP’s Highway Fund budg­ et also differs from the adminis­ Miss Connecticut medical iptpectations. ICor- tration’s although not nearly as The pontiff, 81, called "Pope at at radically, and Its capital bonding Unity and Peace,” had daserlbod a Film proposals also conflict In some WALLINGFORD (AP) — himself as serenely ready, “gefaig •r and' areas. Valerie Dale Stetson, a 19- sweetly toward toe end.” But the major area in which year-old beauty from South­ The final Illness was caused by compromise must be worked, out is ington, reigns today as the a stomach tumor, which brought toe general fund budget. persistent hemorrhaging and was tt Frtea, 1963 Miss Connecticut. complicated near the end by peri­ Anyone for Sailing. .Fjshing. .Swimming? Other issues still undecided in­ Her Saturday night victory over tonitis, an inflammation of the Balmy, aummer weather on tl^e weekend pytiM sailing and boating enthusiasts out on clude reapportionment, on which other hopefuls from the state lining of the abdominal cavity. no compromise will be reached, makes 'Valerie the^ Connecticut en­ the waters. It was a good weekend for^thglers, too, not to forget swimmers—like the and an open spaces conservation The supreme pontiff of tha Ro­ 1 try In the Miss America pageant man Catholic Church succumbed rl above—^who didn’t mind the chilly waters at Bolton Lake. (Herald photo by progqsm, for which toe chances to be held In Atlantic City In Sep­ at 7:48 p.m. (1:49 p.m. E8T) the iara.) of compromise appear good. tember. announcement said. The Senate went through the The three days of competition Death came to the 261st su­ motions Saturday of doing some In Wallingford, she said on the preme pontiff of the world’s Ro­ thing about reapportionment. It day after, winning the crown, was man Catholics only nine mimites torektti* passed a bill that would redistrict “a wonderful experience.” after echoes of an extraordinary irs oon* the Senate along the Mnee recom. 'T don’t remember last night too outdoor sunset Mass in St. Peter’s M Bart mended by toe Cooper Commie. Square died away. Supr^iie Court Rules Sion, whose report was pretty clearly, though,” said Valerie, a I a t Bm Junior at Boston University. “I There at least 20,000 of all t«d on much Ignored, two years ago, and think I was numb.” faiths and nationalities had joined In IMS. that would alko reapportion toe Valerie, who stands 6 feet S% in prayer for the dybig Pope. House. inches, has brown hair and blue An announcer on Vatican radio According to the State Consti­ eyes. broadcast the news to toe world, tution, Senate redistricting can first in Italian, in a calm but sor­ No Ban on Shop Pacts only be aocompUshed by the Leg­ POPE JOHN XXIII rowful -voice. islature which ctHivenes “next af- Faces Kidnap Charge The Pope was stricken a year 5CTT tav a census of tha Unttod States, -.j^Ooldberi NORTH BRANFORD (AP) — ago with a stomach tumor t ^ t WASHINGTON (AP) •A.fbrmer saetotuy efCnen-uidoa waployes balkail at pay- so this action, if tos House wont Noil Thornoa, who police toy has cauaed hemorrtiaging, but hq a pot take part. fees to toe union. along with it, would bb unoonstltu- The Supreme Court ruled to­ under agMtcy shop agreements, confesBed to carrying a frightened tinued his hea-vy tartis -virtuAly to Florida’s Supreme Court ttonal. 6-year-old girl from her bedroom the end. day the TaftrHartlsy nembers i ctded such an agency shdp As tor reappoitkMunent of toe does not ban^ agency sh<^ untens fio equivalent of f w and Rouse,, that nan K. ill toe m dd^ a t toe night, faces rangement waS iUegal -«i#ep^_ ^ cheaega In- Circuit Court Wallace Insists VATICAN CITY (AP)— agreements, bytbut in a separate duos paid by members. state’s rigbt-to-wotk law, ’Hie t^or- opto by eoastHutfonai smsndment. decision nphela Florida’s.»« pro*...A Many unions have pressed for ida court rejSeted union argu­ ’The Senate m d House Pope John XXIII sank into a - f l ments that Taft-Hartley deprived conflicting bills setting to Hiomas' could not explain 'why hibition of agency shop con­ such agreements in states which he made toe attempt, police said. state of increasing stupor to­ have so-called right^to-work laws, day, but His stout heart con­ tracts. forWdding a requirement for un­ (Oonttaned on Page Seven) (Oonttoued on Page Seven) The Child, red-heired Tracy Mii- Both decislana were ao. Juetiee lett, w«ui found cut and bruised He’ll Stop Way tinued to keep approaching ion memWaliip as a condition of *------A------employment. eanly Sunday by her pesents, Mr. death at bay. n ie two cases in the Supreme and Mrs. Harold MiUett, in woods A medical bulletin at noon — 6 Ciourt’s decision today were: near their home. a.m. EST — said that the Pope Republicans Hit ^Footdraggin^ Police said Thomas originally BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP)—The case of the federal gov­ Non - Violence 1. A case fmm Indiana In which ernment vs. Alabam'^ Gov. (George C. Wallace comes up to­ no longer felt the agemizing pain the United Auto Workers 'was intended to burglarize the MiUett which had been wracking him and seeking from General Motors bouse, day in U.S. District Court, There were indications that come sedatives and pain killers no long­ ros C la sses Held Oorp. an agency shop agreement tyhat may, Wallace will go 'through with his plan to try to er were necessary. SHBD for workers in Indiana. Legislation Scheduled Ex-€hief*a Funertd keep Negroes out of the white University of Alabama. Hie bulletin said the pontiff’s «ed temperature had gone up again, For Neg^roes Indiana has a form of rlght-to- HARTFORD (AP) — Funeral No one expected the fiery aegre but "the cardio-circulatory condi- work law, but state cousts ruled servioes wiH be held tomorrow for gationlst governor to be present tim remains, nevertheless, rather the state statute did not forbid To Stop Segregation Henry G. Thomas, a member of On Your Honor! for the legal proceedings. He said vaUd.” JACKSON, Mies. (AP) — About the wgency shop. General Motors the Hartford Fire-Department for on a national television program This was die text o< the noon W Negro high echool and' college contended it was barred under the ------42 years, who served as chief for Sunday that he would send coun­ bulletin: WASHINGTON (AP)—iSventy House Republicans plan to NEW YORK (AP) —• An sel to present his defense of his otudente sat in a semicircle in a national labor law, the Taft-Hart- 18 of them. Thomas died Saturday honor system experiment began "For some hours there has bean comer of a large auditorium, in­ ley Act. The Supreme Court said steal a march on the Kennedy administration today by call­ at the age of 69 after a short lU- stand-in-the-door policy against in­ Increasing in the pontiff a state it is not. Saturday at the customs office tegration. tensely watching a “white lunch ing for legislatifm to eliminate segregation in all public ac­ neos. He had retired from the fire at Idleviild Airport for -vlBitors of stupor and therefore it has no counter”—two small tables an$I 2. A case from Florida Involv­ commodations. department April 5, 1959. Survi- and U. S. dtlzens returning The Justice Department asked longer been necessary to use a ^ - two chairs; ing local 1625 of the ABl^dO Re- One by one toey will take the 'vora include his 'widow, a daugh­ from abroad. Hiey had only U.S. Dist. Judge Seybourn If. atives and analgesics (pain David Dennis, of Jackson, aS, taU Clerks. Hie local had an der the civil rights banner Include ter, a son, three grandchildren, Lynne for an injunction barring killers). floor and urge support for their four members of the House Ju­ to fill out a simple identlflction agreement with Food Fair, Inc., measure and for a companion bill four sisterB and one brother. form, oostoms agents politely Wallace from interfering with an “Hie temperature has gone ini (Continued on Page Seven) stores at Miami, but a group of diciary committee—Reps. John V. earlier court order directing the again. to give the attorney general broad Lindsay of New York, William T. accepted their oral dedarations university system to enroll two legal authority in all areas of civil Cahill of Now Jersey, Clark Mac­ Horse-Trader Sentenced as to whether they had exceed­ "The cardio-circulatory condi­ rights. ed allowances In purchases Negroes. tion remains, nevertheless, rather Gregor of Minnesota and Charles HARTFORD (AP)—A 36-year- valid.” In a statement Sunday, toe GOP M. Mathias of Maryland. abroad. Repeating his vow to stand in IS group accused the Democratic ad­ old M ansfi^ horse trader was This Is the first time the sys­ the university doors to keep Ne­ The 1 p.m. bulletin said: >N ministration. of “footdragging” on .M toot^ toe committee haa sentenced to prison tor three years tem has been tried In the con­ groes out,. Wallace told Intet^iew- “There is nothing new to report. Alabama Campus civil rights. To do so, toe Repub­ been holShg hearings since early oh each of 'thtoe ooimU, bo be tinental 'United States. If suc- ers on NBC television’s "Meet the The slow couTM of the ailment is licans said, is “irreconcilable with last month, “not one leading ad- served ooncutrenOy, in UK. Dta- oeesful, it wUI be applied to all. Press” that his defiance would being contained by the sUll fairly temper of the times vtolch de­ the aerial gateways to iMs “ test In the courts the validity of strong functioning of the cardio- mand immediate action.’’ (Oontiiined on Pago Seven) (OoBtomed OB Pago SevcB) country. this order involving our sfhool circulatory system.” system.” u At 1:50 p.m. (7:50 a.m. BST) New Foca I Point The administration is known to The simplified form requires The issue, he said,, is whether the Vatican press office released be preparing its own two-bill civil no listing of purchases except this communique: rights package for introduction in cases where toe maximum Albama may run Its schools as it TUSCAL(X)SA, Ala. (AP)—Foster Auditorium, a shiny has or must submit to federal gov­ At 1335 (7:35 a.m. BST) tha sit­ later this week or next. One 8100 has been exceeded, or uation remains as reported brick building with jvhite facings on the University of Ala- measure would forbid restaurants, Posti^sfer Fires Back where purchases are being re­ ernment operation of the schools. He said repeatedly that violence earlier. A new particular is that bama campus, is the focgl point today in a critical move ,theaters, hotels and the like to ceived after the arrival of the (blood) pressure was dropped to bar Negroes if the business oper­ passenger. would not be tolerated at the -; ■ toward peaceful desegregation in the South. university, but said it remains to 95. On June 10, one week from to-^i ates in Interstate commerce. The Hie form. Issued by toe^ (At 8 a.m. the Pope’s Mood iCO other would authorise federal au­ At' Many Press Gritics Treasury and distributed by' be seen whether federal troops day, Vivian Malone, a Negro stu. ham Post-Herald, urging Wallace the air lines, says that bag­ will be needed to get two Negroes pressure was 115). •Haiti dent, will be b ro i^ t to the portals thorities to set up coUrt-approved into the iiniverslty system next' The Vatican r a ^ said the Pope of the auditorium. to “drop his battling stance.” desegregation schedules for school gage may be examined on en­ had been unconscious for several n o N ■ Said the Gadsden 7111100, “Gov. districts which refuse to act pa try into the United States. It week. Waiting th«^e to 1>ar her from Widlace is not only in open de- WASHINGTON (AP)—Postmaster General 'j. Edward hours and that his temperature entering.^s6 he has vowed—will be their own. / Day fired back today at his press critics, charging they lack adds that nonresidents may The governor said he has ap­ was above l04 degrees Fahren­ Alabama OoV. George C. Wallace. The 20 Republicans massing un- make their dedaratlons orally, pealed to the citizens of Alabama heit. Inc. But if a secret, carefully detailed (Oonttmed on Page Nine) "an even rudimentary knowledge of how postal expenditures and toat the same usually ap- to stay away from the campus. The Vatican radio also repoqted plan works with precision. Miss are financed.” ‘‘ pUee to returning residents of "Absolute law will prevail,” he Benedetto Cardinal Alois! Masella, Malone will pass Into the l^lding Seasonal Fad 'What ignited Day’s ire was edi­ get-cutting showed a willingness the United. States. the cardinal chamberlain, had and enroll as a student in the torial criticism of his stand that to give up a single postal serv­ (Continued on Page Seven) gone to the Vatican along with School of CSommerce; the second of unless drastic outs voted by the ice,” Day told the Federal Gov- Archbishop Francisco Carplno, her race to be admitted to the Rockefeller NBW YORK (AP) — The House In toe Post Office budget emmant Accountants Association secretary of the College of Cardi­ university since It was founded In season of June brides began were restored he would have in a speech. nals, and other prelates. 1881. Saturday. Fifty couples were to cut back services, , “ Not one editorial contained a Preferred Medicine of Mercy Cardinal Aloisi Masella haa the What thenT Test Period married In the ohiqiel of the “The curious thing about toe concrete suggestion of how we duty of certifying the death of a “We are not going to hgve an­ City License Bureau between editor!''.] attacks was to a t not one could provide the same service Pope and becomes a sort of in­ other Oxford,” they tell you in 8 ajn. and noon. of toe newspapers which seemed with leas money. A few even Rather Than That of Severity terim administrator during the in­ Tuscaloosa—a reference to the BO Ught-heuted about a ll toe bud- urged toat we bring back after­ terregnum between Popes. riots that brought two deaths and Now Starts noon delivery. Archbishop Carplno would take many injuries at the Xhilversity of "Another appalling thing about WASHINGTON (AP) —^fbetween the Catholic and nwi- over the duties of Vatican oaora- SAN Misrtselm)! last September i^ien WASHINGTON (AP)—New York Catholic worlds. Real unity is still tary of state, an offlcs that lapses James H. Meredith was enrolled. Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller re­ Better Impression Than Russian these sharply critical editorials Pope John XXIII said he pre­ on a Pope’s death. was the obvious lack, in so matiy ferred the medicine of mercy a dream. Disunity was-> too deep “We are not going to permit an­ turns to pubUc affairs today and of them, of an even rudimentary for . a quick solution. A Vatican source said Cardiiial n o N other Autherlne Lucy case,” they begins a testing period that may knowledge of how postal expendi­ rather than that of severity, John, out of a peasant family Aloisi Masella and the othor pre­ say—a reference to the shattering chart his course In the 1964 GOP tures are financed.” ' and he used it to minister to in Italy, was a pastoral Pope, lates went to the Pope’s apart­ vlolsnoe of 1907 when Mias Ma­ presidential nomination contest Japan Wowed by John Glenn, ment. lone’s predecessor was briefly sn- The House originally slashed toe the ills of the world. warm, humble, extremely con­ RookofeUer apparenUy intends Post Office’s total appropriation, He had been ruler of the Roman temporary, and optimistic. He At one point Vatican radio oald nllad. to find out at first hand how New Visit Hejps Boost Relations request by 892 miUioo—the Urgest Catholic Church for less than five went to work at once. death already had seemed to anift The atmosphere /In Tuscaloosa York voters are accepting bis re­ cut ever imposed on toe depart­ out the Pope’s Uio, but tt fliekirod today Is wholly mwrocodented In cent marriage to Mugaretta Fit­ years when death neared. That Pope Leo Xm, on the night toe once amln amidst tha torment of this oorranondant’s SKperlence of ter Murphy, divorced mother ,of ment. The Senate voted to recom­ wasn’t long enough to bring about ceu'dinala elected him in 1878, im­ a terrible agony. TOKYO (AP)—John H. CUennAman who vlstted thla oountiy mend a cut of 886 million and a recovery to the world’s troubles. mediately sat. down and wrote similar racial altuationst tour, following his own divorce Jr., toe fliBt American to oihit "Hiis is an hour of prayer,“ Community and university load­ a year ago. Senate and House conferees. fi­ He hardly bad time to do more Chancellor Bismarck in Germany from his wife of 81 years. toe earl|h, baa w o i^ them in Ja- Hw Japaneee w«ra pleased to nally. agreed------on a------862 mllUofi----- cut than----- write out a few prescrip- said Vatican radio. ers haye gone to enormous Imgths In a heavy schedule of state ap­ pan. where Catholics suffered under The Pope received oxtrnne tac­ to prevent violence next Monday aoe Gagarin, but he was kept un­ This will require some limited' t^ns in his eight encyclicals and repressive legislation. This opened pearances, the governor planned The personable Marine lieuten­ der close wraps by aooompanylng his Ecumenical Council. tion, the last ritM ot tha church, and in the sucoeedlng days., to take along his attractive new ant colonel wound up a 26-day vis­ service curtailments. Day said, negotiations and in a few years 72 hours ago. For four days hs Russian ,offlcial8. and “will hamper us from pro­ Yet, It is doubtful any Pope in Bismarck lifted the legislation. “Let’s' have law and order” is wife. Ahead may be out-of-stote it this weekend, lea-vtag behind a Glenn traveled casually. He has llMered bstween life thorns, endlessly chantsd. dates at party fund-raising din- rocord that gave the UB. Image viding the topTflight postal opera­ more than a century gave such a John, within a day after his death. Only toe periods of ■omotlmos they add, “even If we- n w to such .widely separated talked with groupa ranging from tion Vdiich too people of this coun­ sense of -vitality to the Catholic election Nov. 4, 1958, went on the lightened his pain. in Jaiiaa a tremendoua booot school ktda to sotenUata and high try are entitled to expect.” Church or created so much good radio to plead for peace. don’t Mke. tbs0 law." B^to as West Virginto, O to and Many Japaowe agreed hta trip Qfflolala. He was aonsesttile to al- His tamporaturo root to a Resohittons calling tor upbold- Michigan. did muto to oountoraot unfavor- “I completely agree that now will aihong toe non-CathoIics ot He began efforts toward aomo than 104 dograoB todiur aoM tog law' and order have ocme Toifiy, toe govomor: and his UMSt anyime who wsartod to ask that postal rates have been raised the world, both those with a be- form o< working arrangement be­ puiao, which had bettt Ml Im ahia pubUolty for the Unttod him a question. the public has a right to steadily UM in God and. those without any. from numerous organisations in wife attend a dinner at Albany Statoa about MMh thinga as raoiai Hie oontnuR led toe tween the Vatican and Commu­ roM to 140 u d \ MMH the olty, businessmen, womai’s the Cltisona Plan ■trifa and nuclear wel^ wHe tents. Improved service,’’ Day said. Rs he lay dying—he said he was nist governments7-ln the interest aaaln to 180. Kaltotf a elubs, labor unions, eta. . economic nowapapor Nihon Kolsai “But what many of toe editorial prepeu-ed and had his bags packed A major appear- Glenn received great amounta of to comment In an editorial: of peace and of 'Catholics behind conociousnoos btit aaak Tllssalieie to Alabama--nswapa. Is sohodulod tor Thursday, aaanspaper space and telovtelon Vetera apparently failed to under- ^-Catholics, Protestants, non- the Iron Ckirtain—land his efforts coma early in to* per etotmlals are hammering toe “MsJ. Gagarin 'was in uniform rtand is that while kll our Christlans and atheistic Commu­ seenied well received in Russia. tba Rooksisaon will attend from too beginning to the end of ”Hio stninf pii; fun# twSiw#i too Mmual dtanar of Mm ttoU Ro- Tfcsiw i m cos xnarkad oontnutt revenues go into the postal fund nists alike regretted it. In almost no timo he did what tution that has so (_ “All Alabaaia star his visit He was aeootnpanied by we can only spend the amount He had trlM to open the door no other Pope bad done in almoat ■Uted too iUssasi to gild an editorial to of flxad by Oongreoo in tba annual to ' unity—at least unity in to* • n«6 iriM« ivpiopitetloa not" aonso ot better understanding— .(OoBtlanod «■ Pago MIm ). (C 3