../v ' ■■ ■ V - •'[ I ■ i i M / •. -.'iw FBIDAY, MAY 91, 1861 ■ m > M t - jMattrbpater jEttgitittfl ijgraib A rtn m Dofly Net PreRo R m rat taa Weak IM M The WeotlMr The WonMn*s Auxiliary of the -Mrs. Frederick Mietaner and her ' -Mejr 88, 1N8 Its fund-ralsiiig programs. Sulli­ rataaeat M D. Ik Wae«Mi ^ o w n Fire and PoUoe Junior Athletic committee will sarve rofreahments Three Democrats van, who owns ute Advertising Talk at St. Mary^f i ? Aasootatiaa will hold a. dotblng after the business meeting. Specialty.Go. in MeneheStsr, aid­ demonetratlon on Jutte 8 at 8 p.m. A . CWUuit In Legal Posts ed the publicity campaigns in the Set by Rev. Bryne 1 3 ,9 4 5 Soimy, Wana todey. Olier, eta|^ _ msrit tl»elr at the home of Mrs. Norman The Rev. George F. Noetrand, area for President Keimedy in eaCttM Aodlt a gele tiNUgh& Hwetay msmOtf '-tOP- fOtti ««n««A & n ic c aniHvacMannivvrMry Sunday Bjarlcman at 28 FiankUn St. rector o f St. M ary's E^>isoopal 1960 and in the last state and town aC lUrrelallin Friends of the midget and pony Church, wlU conduct the radio Three Muchester Democreta The Rev. Tttomas Dopgaa Byms, ny, wane and more hmoM. With open houM from S to T p.m. have been appointed as law en­ elections for Gov. John Dempsey Manehester-^A City of ViUage Charm football program are invited to broadcasts sponsored by the Mbii' and others. fomwr dlreotor of education alt St. attend. Refreehmente will be Chester Ministerial Association on forcement otfloera. Mary’s Episoopal Church, wUl S nsek JEtsi* 1^ Iiouia Bm u Ikc, inotiumanUl mu- They are Clarence BWey, 85 Hol- Negro is treasursr of the town ito tmoher, wiB diroct a achool served. radio staition WINF Sunday at apeak Sunday at a breakfast at 7:35 p.m. and dally next week at Uater St., reappointed as a deputy oonunittee and also of the Man­ VOL. LX X XQ , NO. 206 (TEN PAGES—TV SECTION), iMtrumcnUd froup, and the Orade chester Young Democrats. the church after ' the 7:30 a.m. 448 HARTFORD ROAD MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1963 (CtaaalfM AdvertMng on Page 8). The New England Diocese con­ 7:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. sh eriff; John Sullivan, 131 Hklger- service and will preach at the 11 PRICE SEVEN CRNYS d Otoe eSub SvUl alng at th« ton St., appointed for his first Lincoln School PTA'a final meot- vention of the Sodalities of the a.m. worship service.. He 1* a ataff Bleeaed Sacrament of the Polish Combined Catholic . Mother’s term as a deputy sheriff; and member of St. Thomas Church In hiC o f th e MMoon M onday a t 8 Roger Negro, 205 Oak St., ap­ 169th Schedules pjn. In the adiool audttoriuni. National CSAurch will be held to­ Circles Holy Hour will be tonight New York City. morrow at Wallingford beginning at 7:30 at St. Bartholomew’s pointed as a constable. Summer Training The Rev. Mr. Byrne was bom la State N ew s itoM and Ladder Co. 4 of the at 10 a.m. with celebration of Church, with the annual meeting The deputy sheriff appoint­ Mobile, Ala., and received his BA., Maas. Mm. Genevieve Wojnaro- of the group afterwards In the ments have been announced by degree from the Unlvereity of the New Demonstrations Vown Stre Department will hold The new 189th M ilitary PoUce a dHU today at 6:15 pm. at the wlcz, Mrs. Agnes Skrabacr! Snd meeting room. High Sheriff Patrick Hogan of South and Genera] Theological Now Battalion, with headquarters in Roundup School St. flrehouae. Mm. Bernice Sendrowski are ex­ Bristol, who will swear in the new Seminary in 1940. He has been a pected to represent St. John’s Manchester, will be on active duty The Regina D’ltalia Society will officers. reserve chaplain In the U.S. Array Dying Pope Praying Church. hold the last meeting of the sea­ N egro was sworn In as con- at Camp Dempsey, Nlantlc, front Oeorre M. Blake has been elect­ July 6 to July 20, as part o f the with the rank of lieutenant colo­ ed preaident of the Manchester son Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the stsJble b y town selectm en. Scheduled in Jackson nel. Mr. John Pofflnibarger, intern at Itaitan-American Club on Eldrldge ConnecUcut Army National Sammer Weather Philatelic Society for the coming Emanuel Lutheran Church, will Foley has been a deputy sh.eriff Guard’s summer camp program. Tita puhUc la Invited to both 7 A.M. to 1 0 P.M. year. Other officers ejected are St. Refreshments will be served. since 1957. He is chairman of Dis­ JACKSON,' Miss. (AP)—« ranging in years from 12 to 29,Amarch toward a double file of po- serve as chaplain at Manchester The battalion includes units that servloeb and the breakfast and was charged with parading with- licemen. Nottnen P. Cubberly, vice presi­ trict 3 for the Domooratlc Town may midte breakfast reservations Most W elcom ed An integrfttion IcMtder called Memorial Hospital next week. He were formerly part of the Second out a permit. Ludden was clubbed to the dent; Manual Andrade, recording will conduct the 6:40 a.m. worship Sparrow Hawk Committee and has been active in Battle Group, 189th Infantry. at the pariah, office. for renewed demonstrations aeoretaiy; Mrs. Sue Hardy, cor­ Hours later, police began re­ ground when he nabbed an arrest­ service in the hospital chapel on WINDSOR LOCKS (AP)— in Jackson today after more leasing thoae under 18 in their par- ing officer in en attempt to break responding aecretary: and RusseU Sunday, June 9. Museum Guest MacKendrick, treasurer. A contdnuatlon o f the fine than 466 marching Negroes— enta’ custody. away from him. While Pain Torments • •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• eariy pummer weather will many of them teen-agers— Roy T. Wilkins of New York, AlMut 80 Negroes were arrested Mrs. Edward J. Plata of 215 Tomorrow and Sunday, blrd- at Brinkley High School while Mra. H. John Malone, president Hollister St. and Dr. Philip Sumner QBher m this first day of June were arrested and taken to executive secretary of the NAACP ywtehers can see a sparrow hawk arrived for a speech soon after m arching to Join those at the of the Women’s Auxiliary ofMan- of 78 Princeton St. will be hostess, the easy way. Lutz Junior' Mu­ in Connecticut, the U.S. temporary detention centers, church. oheater Memorial Hospital, at­ and host at Lutz Junior Museum the arrests were made. seum has one as a weekend guest. Weather Bureau said today In Mayor Allen Thompson again He complained about the "Nazi- Ludden was charged with as­ tended a statewide conference of Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. This smallest of falcons, named rejected a Negro retpiest for a bi- sault and resisting arrest. All oth­ auxiliary presldenta in New Ha­ an exirianatory statement. tactics” used by police and because his coloring resembles racial meeting. Oonditlona were temporary detention centers— ers were booked for parading Whispers ven recently. The session attract- Sunset Rebekah Lodge will meet that of a sparrow, was found In­ Temperatures will rise well too tense, be said. without a permit. ed 35 leaders for discussions <m Monday at 8 p.m. at Odd Fellows into the 80a both today and r hog wire stretched around exhibi­ jured by Sam Sweet o f 42. N. Medgar BVers, state Held sec* tion halls on the state fair Mjsanwhile, Qty Judge James organisation, program and special Hall. The new district deputy presi­ WEEKEND lilOllEY-SAVERS! retary fob the National Aaaocia* School St. Sam, 14-year-old Offi­ Sunday with cool readings in Spencer convicted a 28-year-old projects. grounds. dent, Mrs. Clyde Beckwith of Sun­ cial bird census taker for the the 60s for pleEwant sleeping Uon for tha Advancement of Col­ white man, Bennie Oliver, a form- In Latin set Lodge, will make her first Hartford Audubon Society, has ored People, urged continuance of , "This is pure Nazism and Hit-, er Jackson policeman, of assault Memibem of the Manchester Ekn- official visit. been nursing it back to health. conditions tonight. Bright the civil disobedience campaign. battery on Negro student Wem dU b w ho are Interested In The bird Is about a year old and sunshine will prevail both Bvera, who appeared at a mass 7?.* ^ ! Memphis Norman. sittendlng Dlstrlot Defxjty Night The Connecticut Society of Civil night rally, later declined to aay measures 10 Inches. His preferred Low Discount Prices and W B G IV E d i^ a . i Norman, 21, a Junior at Touga- In New London on June 12 and Engineers will view the cable spin­ diet Is insects wd mice. T lio cliiaf eaum of the pleaannt what form weekend protests College, took part In a Itmch To Others ; wish to make diimer reservations ning on the Verrazano-Narrows Sam plans to leave the sparrow eoiUUtiona Ig a large high preeeure would tsdee. MptiK CTTur^, blocks counter sit-in last Tuesday, should get in touch with Mrs. Hec­ Bridge and lunch at historic Fort hawk at Lutz through Sunday and ayatem drifting eaatward from the It took police more than fiva from the heart of Jackson. ■ Oliver got a $100 fine and a 30- tor Rivard of 13 Foley St. Reser­ Hamilton during their New York hours to process prisoners Friday will then release It. Kldweet in the paat few daya. Hi# W lllie Ludden, 28, of Atlanta, I day jail term.
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