Sid Dawson Memoir

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Sid Dawson Memoir University of Illinois at Springfield Norris L Brookens Library Archives/Special Collections Sid Dawson Memoir D323. Dawson, Sid Lawwell, J. Richard Moyer, William J. Reynolds, Captain Thomas J. Memoir 26 pp. STEAMBOATS AND INLAND RIVERS This memoir consists of four separate interviews with individuals who have lived and worked on the Ohio River. Reynolds discusses running a showboat; Lawwell recalls the 1913 Manchester, Ohio flood and his grandfather Captain Prather; Moyer recalls the 1913 Dayton, Kentucky flood and the 1917 ice flood; and Dawson, the leader of the Riverboat Ramblers Band discusses showboat bands and music. Interview by John Knoepfle, 1957 OPEN: released by John Knoepfle Archives/Special Collections LIB 144 University of Illinois at Springfield One University Plaza, MS BRK 140 Springfield IL 62703-5407 © 1957 University of Illinois Board of Trustees Dawson Memoir Captain Thomas J. Reynolds (7 pages) J. Richard Lawwell (4 pages) William J. Moyer (6 pages) Sid Dawson (7 pages) These interviews were conducted by John Knoepfle in 1957 as part of the river tape collection. The interviews are catalogued under the name of Dawson Memoir. COPYRIGHT 1989 SANGAMON STATE UNIVERSITY, SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopyingand recording or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Oral History Office, Sangamon State University, Springfield, Illinois 62794-9243. Preface Thismarnxscript isthepmkctof atap recorded interviewccfflducted by Jahn -fie in 1957. Maqaret Ikeder transcry.ihd the tape ard Dr. EMepfle edited ard reviewed the transcript. Tkie and other interVi~w8in a series on steamboslts & inland rivers were pmdwed under the auspices of the Public Library of Cincinnati d Hamilton County, Qhio and Sangm State Universiw, Springfield, Illinois. This collection of fmr memoirs consists of Captain Thama~tJ. Reynolds, who is captain of the ~iramCollege Shmkat Majestic ami discusses the running of a shcrwboat; J. Richard Lawwell, aodiscusses t.h@1913 Mand'lehter, Ohio flood and his grandfather, Captain Frather; William J. Eaoyer, who discusses the 1913 Dayton, l&ku&y flood; and Sid Dawson, who is the leader of the Rivdt Ramblers Band and discusses shadmat musicians and music, Jahn -fie was born in Chhtiin 1923. He obtained his FLD. in literature from Saint Lwis University in 1967. Dr. Knoepfle is presently a professor of English at Sangamrm State University. He was nanwd Illinois mthor of the Yeax in OCMXX, 1986. ~ohnand his wife Peghave one daughter and three sons, 1953-1955 while working as pmlu--dimor of an educational station, WCEIVrV, Cincinnati, Dr. Knoepfle praposed a project on steamboats and inland rivers. These river rmmh are a result of the msec& collected durm 1954-1960. Rsaders of the oral history memoir should bear in mjnd that it is a twansCrip'k of the spoken word, and that the interviewer, narrator and editor mght to preserve the informal, comemati- sttzyle that is hiherent in such historical scxlrces. Sangman State University and the Rzblic Library of Cincinnati and Hamiltcr~CcrwYty, CUlio are not mspnsible for the factual accuracy of the mmir, nor for vim qre8sed therein; these are for the reader to judge. The manuscript may be read, quoted and cited freely. It my xlot be re- in whole or in part by my means, electronic or mechanical, without pdssion in writing fram either the Oral History Off ice, Sang- State University, Springfield, Illinois, 62794-9243 or the CUyrsltor of Rare Books and Special Collections of the Public Library of cinchti and Hamilton County, Ohio, 45202-2071. Capbin Thanas J. Reynolds, Cincinnati, Ohio. David Amold and June Ashweiler, Interviewer. Q: [Dave Amold] We are aboard the Hiram College Shawboat Majestic at the foot of Market Street, Public Wharf, Cincinnati, Ohio, (Whistle blm) We have here with us the Captain of the Majestic, Th- J. Reynolds of West Virginia. Say hello, Cap. A: Hello. Q: Well you get no more than yau bargain for. Qptain, haw my years for you in shhtirag? Q: And haw mny years have you been with the Hiram College bunch? Q: Hcrw do you like workhq with the college kids? A: Fine. Q: Do you think they put on sham like they used to in the old days? A: A good bit like the old days. Q: Haw about the crcrwds, do they change mch? A: Well no, not too mu&, same better I guess it is. Q: Captain, ycru used to run this boat all by ycnuself, that i~ your family used to he the &w and you used tc, do sane of the directing and acting, that's right isn't it? A: Yes. Q: What are sane of those old &CTWS you used to do, I;ure of the city and sclare of those oldies? A: Yes, Lure of the City, St. Elmo, East Lynn, all those old plays. Q: Ned Albert. God old shows. Your first boat wa& what andwfiat Y- did you start out? A: It was the Illinois, I don't the year. Camin Thamaa J. Reynolds 2 Q: That burned down in Foster, WntucsCy, right? a: Yes. Q: Was that whim you built your first boat, the America? A: %tgs right, built the mica after that. Q: Yau built this boat when? A: Built this in 1923. a: Aria what happened to the Americzl? A: Sold it to my brother. Q: I see. Is it still afloat 2lrrywhere? A: No. It's on the Green River, they built a summer hare out of it. (pa-) Q: Cap, tell us what it used to be like hck in the days there were a lot of showhats on the rivers. What were sane of the names of them? Cotton Blosscnn? A: Cotton Blossom, Sunny South, Greater New York, Frenclh's ~msation, fcrurteen in all. Q: That's a lot of hts. DO YOU happen to -what happened to mst of those? A: Yes, they either sank or tore up in a wind storm. Q: You were tell- us a mament ago about the professional actom you had on, maybe ytru have rxm significant incidents you might liks to relab or about your family in the shuw? I lnmw that you have told ma elysmne pretty humorous ones, perhaps you can mmabr scrme of t.hOseraaw? A: Well my Emily tmk Wte a part in the shw and the actors, I had so many of them I don't bc1w much about them now, Q: I see. I would like to introdtuce naw our business mger June Ashweiler, who has been with the Hiram College grwrp for five seasons ard ahe perhaps would have sane light to thrclw on this and maybe she can get Cap to talk about the old days. J: [JLuhe Ashweiler] Hello. Qp just said he had a lot of good ones and a lot of bad stories. I mrmbr once he wzla telling me sawthing abut Wing the slm times when mlewuuld ccrme dawn to the river and bring potatoes and things likk that along to pay for the &m. Is that right, Cap? A: Yes, that's right, Captain Thcrmas J. Reynolds 3 J: Is mt all you have to say abmt it? J: We had to hep the ahowhoats going me way or araother, didn't we? A: HardthEs. J: In hard times people would bring dam potatass and chi- too sametkes, didn't they? Axl butter, aqthirq just to get on the ht. Theyhadto~andseethesh~tshawhonewayor~er. A: That was in Howerlsday. J: I see. Well Cap, you have a long lh, it was your daughter that used to play the calliope. A: Yes, Catherine. J: Yaur daughter CaUlerine played the calliape and your son Tcrnmry did %med.ancing. Thetwoof thermdidsamsdancingontheboat? A: T2mt's right he did dancing, dnmaning, atrything you wanted hhto do* J: He was also advance man tw, wasn't he? A: Yes, advanceman. J: In other words Caps1 family took care of the whole &mw? A: Thatlsright. J: Hewekept his boat go- for along time naw. How do you keep it going this way and kaep it in such good amlition? A: Well working with Hiram Cbllege I guess. J: I guers I ask for that one. What do you think abut these college kids, Captain? Do~runtheahc~waswellasacaneofthe professional groups do? A: They do a very gdjob of it, yes. J: Does #e mnplete format of the shm keep SQmewhat the same? Did the old sham have the Wodlrama, the czuady sales, the vaudeville acts much the same as we do ncrw? A: That's right, the same way. J: I mad scme stories abut the vaudeville acts baing spliced into the m&lcdmm. Did yau wer do it that way? A: Wall yes we did. We would run an act of the play ard an act of vaudeville. To change curtains ycru Imcrw. Captain Thcrl~sJ. Reynolds 4 J: Oh I sea, in Mxem. We have an act, we call it now, every onceInawhileinbe~a&lyW@change~tWmorethan erbout three or four -. So that's what you used those vaudeville inthatwaythen? Hmlongisthecalliopebeenonboplrdncw? A: About thizty-four years. J: About thirty-fan years. Is this the biggest one on the river? A: Yes, it's the biggest one and the last one that Nichols made in Cinchti. J: In Cinchti, Ohio? It was made right here. Do they make ~li~any longw, Cap? A: Not that I how of. J: -use we have tried to get parts for aurs and we have had a rough th~do- it. A: Tkis the only calliope on the Qhio River.
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