S9026 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE September 9, 1997 America and around the world. This bound students rose more than 200 Yugoslavia, and Austria, Peter eventu- event which begins on September 12, points. ally settled in Akron, OH. His interests 1997, is worthy of recognition. Mr. President, I have been honored to led him to educate himself in American Mr. President, I commend each per- visit Florida A&M University on many history, specifically with a focus on na- son who will participate in this impor- occasions. I have experienced the spe- tive American lore, tribal cultures, and tant conference, which in effect ad- cial spirit on campus, in the class- contributions to our lifestyle today. vances and demonstrates the continu- rooms, and among the greater Florida Peter recently completed a project ing positive contributions of Muslim A&M University family of alumni, fac- where he carved out enormous totem and Arab Americans. Through lectures, ulty, administrators, and students. poles by hand and presented one to round table discussions, and exchange Our State and Nation are better be- each of the fifty States to show his of ideas, I am confident that this con- cause of Florida A&M University and gratitude to our country. ference will continue to build upon the its commitment to educational excel- His totem pole to New Hampshire relationships which exist between the lence. Congratulations, Rattlers. was presented in 1984 and it stands in United States and the Muslim and Mr. President, I ask that an editorial Opechee Park in Laconia, NH. The dedication ceremony that September Arab communities.
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