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September 9, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S9027 to Florida's Eleventh Judicial Circuit ana is also a land of many peoples, the senior Senator from Washington Court, where he has served with integ- with East Indians, Africans, Chinese, presented a story of a most tragic situ- rity and competence. His peers and col- Amer-Indians, and Europeans counted ation on the Yakama Indian Reserva- leagues have overwhelmingly endorsed among its ancestors. Guyana is also a tion in his call for support of an appro- his abilities. In a 1994 survey of re- country that embraces freedom of reli- priations rider that would require trib- gional attorneys by the Dade County gion, which allows Christians, Mus- al governments to relinquish their Bar, 92.8 percent of respondents rated lims, and Hindus to worship side by right to sovereign immunity in order Judge Gold's performance as qualified side. to receive Federal funding. or exceptionally qualified. My colleagues may be aware that In 1994, a tragic accident involving a As a circuit court judge, Alan Gold Guyana achieved independence and ob- tribal police officer en route to the served both in the family and criminal served its first free and fair election in scene of an ensuing robbery resulted in divisions, where he presided over felony 1992, after more than three centuries of the death of 18-year-old Jered jury cases. Despite the demands of a British, French, and Dutch colonial- Gamache. Before I proceed, I want to heavy caseload, Judge Gold continued ism. Guyana's first constitution bore express my deepest sympathies to the his efforts to improve the legal system the influence of British legal tradi- Gamache family for this devastating for Florida communities, families, and tions, and former President Jimmy loss. As a mother of two, I find it al- individuals. He was appointed to the Carter supervised the team of inter- most unbearable to contemplate such a Florida Supreme Court's Family Court national observers to guarantee the loss. It is always painful to lose a loved Steering Committee and has recently fairness of the 1992 elections. one, but the loss of a child is some- chaired an effort to develop a model Guyana's three decades of unpopular thing no parent should have to face. family court. and repressive rule slowed economic The issues involved here are very During the confirmation process, progress, but Guyanese are working to controversial and everyone involved Judge Gold's support transcended par- overcome these hurdles. I hope that has strong views. In the interest of air- tisanship. In addition to the support they will succeed. ing views from all sides regarding sec- Guyanese-Americans have much to from Senator CONNIE MACK and myself, tion 120 of the Interior appropriations he earned strong endorsements from be proud of. Their history is rich, and I bill, I have agreed to submit a state- hope the future of Guyana will be U.S. Representatives LINCOLN DIAZ- ment on behalf of the Yakama Indian bright. · BALART of Miami and E. CLAY SHAW of Nation in response to the chairman's Fort Lauderdale. f comments. I ask that the statement Mr. President, Judge Alan Gold has TRIBUTE TO THE SHELBURNE from the Yakama Indian Nation be long provided an example of academic MUSEUM printed in the RECORD. diligence, legal acumen, judicial excel- · Mr. JEFFORDS. Mr. President, I rise The statement follows: lence, and determination to serve Flo- today to pay tribute to Vermont's YAKAMA INDIAN NATION ASTONISHED BY GOR- ridians. I am pleased that he will join Shelburne Museum on the occasion of TON FLOOR STATEMENT WHEREIN HE MADE the Federal bench, and extend my con- its 50th anniversary. The museum, ANALOGY OF TRIBAL POLICE OFFICER ACTING WITHIN HER SCOPE OF DUTY AND NEW YORK gratulations to him, his family, and sometimes referred to as New Eng- the Senate for its prompt review and COPS WHO BRUTALIZED A HAITIAN IMMI- land's Smithsonian, will celebrate its GRANT confirmation of this worthy nominee.· anniversary on September 27, 1997 with TOPPENISH, WASHINGTON.ÐThe Yakama In- f a myriad of activities for people young dian Nation today responded with both MICHIGAN STATE CONFERENCE OF and old. amazement and sadness to statements made THE NAACP The museum's founder, Electra Wednesday on the Senate floor by Senator Havemeyer Webb, was a pioneer collec- Slade Gorton (R-Wash.), wherein the Senator · Mr. ABRAHAM. Mr. President, I rise tor of Americana and American folk made an analogy of a 1994 accidental vehicu- today to extend my best wishes to art. Today, the museum collects, pre- lar death involving a Tribal police officer re- those who will participate in the 61st serves, and studies art as well as his- sponding to an emergency call (regarding an annual convention of the Michigan tory with an emphasis on the New Eng- urgent armed robbery in progress), to the in- State Conference of the NAACP. This tentional brutal beating and sodomization land area. Thirty-seven exhibit build- recently inflicted by New York City police- event will be held in Saginaw, MI, on ings spanning across 45 scenic acres in- September 12, 1997. men against Haitian immigrant Abner clude three galleries, 7 furnished his- Louima. As race relations continue to be at toric homes and over 80,000 objects. In what appears to be an attempt to justify the forefront of American life, this con- The historic buildings and collections a far-reaching amendment he has inserted vention provides an opportunity for reflect our transition from an agricul- into an appropriations bill that would eradi- delegates to openly discuss issues tural to an industrial nation. cate tribal sovereign immunity, the senior which confront not only their commu- The Shelburne Museum has become Senator from Washington has chosen to ex- nities, but everyday lives. The NAACP an important cultural resource for Ver- ploit the victimization of Abner Louima and convention will focus on finding pro- a tragic car accident that occurred on our mont and the Nation. In a rapidly reservation. grammatic solutions to such issues as, changing world its collections as well The facts of the case cited by Gorton education, violence, crime, homeless- as its programs provide the public and should be brought to light as should the ness, and drug abuse. It is through open scholars alike with an opportunity to point that a close associate of the Senator, dialog and the exchange of information reflect on and explore the central Yakima County Prosecutor, Jeff Sullivan, that concrete solutions to these issues themes of ingenuity, craftsmanship declined to pursue a criminal prosecution will be found. I commend the delegates and creativity. (for ``disregarding the safety of others'') and organizers of this convention for The museum embodies a spirit of against the tribal police officer involved in their steadfast desire to address the ra- the accident. celebration which provides visitors On October 25, 1994, Tiffany Martin, a fully cial and social problems facing the from across the country and around trained police officer of the Yakama Indian United States today. the world with a unique perspective Nation responded to an emergency call for Again, I extend my heartfelt best into the region's history. As a learning assistance from the Yakama County Sher- wishes on this special occasion.· tool, it plays a significant role in re- iff's office. There was a burglary in progress f minding patrons that the past can at a convenience store and the closer police force in the city of Wapato had not re- TRIBUTE TO GUYANESE often provide a key to the future. Mr. President, I wish the Shelburne sponded. Officer Martin proceeded in her po- INDEPENDENCE Museum many more years of continued lice vehicle northbound on Route 97 with both sirens and overhead flashers on. During Mr. LAUTENBERG. Mr. President, I success in service to our community.· rise to commemorate the May 27, 1997 her response a second call came in indicating f that gun shots had been fired and the situa- 31st anniversary of the independence of A MORE COMPLETE PICTURE tion was clearly quite urgent. As the officer the Republic of Guyana. The word approached a particular intersection, where ``Guyana'' is an indigenous word that · Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, on she initially had a green light, she slowed means land of many waters. But Guy- September 3, during floor deliberations her vehicle down (she estimates to between.