JNCC Report No. 585: Conceptual Ecological Modelling of Shallow

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JNCC Report No. 585: Conceptual Ecological Modelling of Shallow JNCC Report No: 585 Conceptual Ecological Modelling of Shallow Sublittoral Sand Habitats to Inform Indicator Selection Coates, D.A., Alexander, D., Herbert, R.J.H. & Crowley, S.J. June 2016 © JNCC, Peterborough 2016 0963-8901 List of Appendices Appendix 1. List of Species Included in Project Scope Appendix 2. List of Keywords used as Literature Review Search Terms Appendix 3. Species/Biotope/Model Matrix Appendix 4. General Control Model – Shallow Sublittoral Sand Habitats Appendix 5. Sub-model 1. Suspension and Deposit Feeding Infauna Appendix 6. Sub-model 2. Small Mobile Fauna or Tube/Burrow Dwelling Crustaceans Appendix 7. Sub-model 3. Mobile Epifauna, Predators and Scavengers Appendix 8. Sub-model 4. Attached Epifauna and Macroalgae Appendix 9. Confidence model 1. Suspension and Deposit Feeding Infauna Appendix 10. Confidence model 2. Small Mobile Fauna or Tube/Burrow Dwelling Crustaceans Appendix 11. Confidence model 3. Mobile Epifauna, Predators and Scavengers Appendix 12. Confidence model 4. Attached Epifauna and Macroalgae Appendix 13. Description of Identified Anthropogenic Pressures Appendix 14. Sublittoral Sand CEM Literature Review and Ancillary Information In addition to the appendices listed, a spreadsheet containing ancillary electronic information supporting the literature review also accompanies this report, as referred to within the main report sections. JNCC Report No. 585: Development of Conceptual Ecological Models – Shallow Sublittoral Sand Habitats Appendix 1 – List of species included in project scope Please see accompanying spreadsheet for full species list and details of how this list was refined. Acrocnida brachiata Saccharina latissima Abra alba Scoloplos armiger Alcyonidium diaphanum Sertularia cupressina Ammodytes tobianus Sphaerosyllis bulbosa Ampelisca brevicornis Spio filicornis Aonides paucibranchiata Spiophanes bombyx Arenicola marina Spisula subtruncata Aricidea cerrutii Tellina fabula Asterias rubens Thracia phaseolina Astropecten irregularis Travisia forbesii Bathyporeia elegans Urothoe elegans Carcinus maenas Urticina felina Cerianthus lloydii Chaetozone setosa Chamelea gallina Crassicorophium crassicorne Diastylis rathkei Echinocardium cordatum Echinocyamus pusillus Ensis ensis Eudorellopsis deformis Eurydice pulchra Flustra foliacea Gastrosaccus spinifer Glycera lapidum Goniada maculata Hydrallmania falcata Kurtiella bidentata Lanice conchilega Liocarcinus depurator Lumbrineris latreilli Magelona mirabilis Moerella pygmaea Nephtys cirrosa Nucula nitidosa Ophelia borealis Ophiura ophiura Owenia fusiformis Pagurus bernhardus Parexogone hebes Phaxas pellucidus Philine quadripartita Pholoe inornata Polydora ciliata Sabella pavonina 1 JNCC Report No. 585: Development of Conceptual Ecological Models – Shallow Sublittoral Sand Habitats Appendix 2 – List of keywords used as search terms Amphipod Holothuroidea Subtidal Annelida Hydrodynamic flow Suspension feeder Annual variation Hypoxia Suspension feeding Anoxia Infauna Temperature Bacteria Infralittoral Temporal variability Benthic Interstitial Tidal stress Biodeposition Lifespan Tolerance Bioengineering Light attenuation Trophic level Biogeochemical process Macrofauna Troughs Bioirrigation Marine Tube dwelling Biological driver Microbial activity Turbidity Biotope Mobility Variability Bioturbation Muddy sand Water chemistry Bioturbation Natural variability Water composition Bivalve Nitrogen flux Water flow Brittlestar Nutrient cycling Wave energy Burrowing Nutrient provision Circalittoral Ocean acidification Climate Organic Carbon Climate variation Organic matter Crustacea Physical driver Currents Physiographic Currents Phytoplankton Deposit feeder Polychaete Depth POM Depth range Predator Diatoms Prey Dissolved oxygen Primary production Echinodermata Response Ecology Salinity Ecosystem functioning Sand Ecosystem process Sand bank Ecosystem service Sand ripples Environmental driver Sand waves Environmental position Seabed energy Epifauna Seabed mobility Feeding behaviour Seasonal variability Feeding Habits Secondary production Feeding method Sediment Filter feeding Sediment dynamics Fine sands Sediment resuspension Food resource Sediment stability Food web Sediment transport Functional group Sparse fauna In addition to the search Geology Species trait words used above, each Growth form Species trait of the selected species Habitat provision Sublittoral names were also Habitat stability Substratum searched for individually. 1 Sub functional group circalittoral muddy sand A5.262 - Amphiura brachiata with Astropecten irregularis and other echinodermssediment in A5.261 - Abra alba and Nucula nitidosa in circalittoral muddy sand or slightly mixed sand - CircalittoralA5.26 muddy sand A5.252 - Abra prismatica, Bathyporeia elegans and polychaetes in circalittoral fine fine sand A5.251 - Echinocyamus pusillus, Ophelia borealis and Abra prismatica in circalittoral - CircalittoralA5.25 fine sand A5.244 - Spisula subtruncata and Nephtys hombergii in shallow muddy sand A5.243 - Arenicola marina in infralittoral fine sand or muddy sand in infralittoral compacted fine muddy sand A5.242 - Fabulina fabula and Magelona mirabilis with venerid bivalves and amphipods sublittoral slightly muddy fine sand A5.241 - Echinocardium cordatum and Ensis spp. in lower shore and shallow sand - InfralittoralA5.24 muddy A5.234 - Semi-permanent tube-building amphipods and polychaetes in sublittoral sand A5.233 - Nephtys cirrosa and Bathyporeia spp. in infralittoral sand with cobbles or pebbles A5.232 - Sertularia cupressina and Hydrallmania falcata on tide-swept sublittoral sandA5.231 - Infralittoral mobile clean sand with sparse fauna - InfralittoralA5.23 sand find Species Major functional group Model JNCC Report No. 585 Appendix 3. Species Biotope Model Matrix Abra alba Chamelea gallina Ensis ensis Tellina fabula Bivalves Moerella pygmaea Burrowing Bivalves Kurtiella bidentata Nucula nitidosa Phaxas pellucidus Submodel 1. Suspension and Deposit Feeding Infauna Spisula subtruncata Thracia phaseolina Aonides paucibranchiata Arenicola marina Chaetozone setosa Magelona mirabilis Burrow dwelling Ophelia borealis Scoloplos armiger Polcyhaetes Travisia forbesii Lanice conchilega Owenia fusiformis Polydora ciliata Tube building Spio filicornis Spiophanes bombyx Sabella pavonina Aricidea cerrutii Crawlers Echinoderms Acrocnida brachiata Ophiurids Echinocardium cordatum Subsurface dwelling Echinoids Echinocyamus pusillus Submodel 2. Small Mobile Fauna and Bathyporeia elegans Tube/Burrow Dwelling Crustaceans Amphipods Crassicorophium crassicorne Burrow dwelling Amphipods Urothoe elegans Ampelisca brevicornis Tube building Amphipods Small Mobile Diastylis rathkei Crustaceans Cumaceans Eudorellopsis deformis Eurydice pulchra Isopods Gastrosaccus spinifer Mysids Mobile Epifauna, Predators and Carcinus maenas Crustaceans Liocarcinus depurator Submodel 3. Mobile Epifauna, Predators and Scavengers Scavengers Pagurus bernhardus Astropecten irregularis Asterias rubens Echinoderms Ophiura ophiura Ammodytes tobianus Pisces Glycera lapidum Predatory Polychaetes Goniada maculata Lumbrineris latreilli Burrow dwelling Nephtys cirrosa Sphaerosyllis bulbosa Paraexegone hebes Crawlers Pholoe inornata Gastropods Predatory Philine quadripartita Predatory Gastropods shorter Permanentely Attached Epifauna and and Epifauna Attached Permanentely epifau Erect, Erect, lived Hydrallmania falcata na Hydrozoans Sertularia cupressina Submodel 4. Temporary or Flustra foliacea Soft-bodied or epifaunal species Bryozoans flexible Alcyonidium diaphanum Macroalgae Urticina felina Anemones Cerianthus lloydii Macroalgae Saccharina latissima Kelp JNCC Report No. 585 Appendix 4. General Control Model - Shallow Sublittoral Sand Shallow Sublittoral Sand Habitats Legend Driver Relevance to Infralittoral/Circalittoral Geology Depth Wave Exposure Water Currents Climate Propagule Low Relevance 1. Regional to Global Drivers Supply Infralittoral High Relevance Infralittoral Low Relevance Circalittoral High Relevance Circalittoral Water Primary Suspended Light Dissolved Degree of Natural Variability Chemistry & 2. Water Column Processes Production Sediment Attenuation Oxygen Temperature Low natural variability Moderate natural variability High natural variability Feedback Driving Influence Food Grazing and Seabed Recruitment Positive 3. Local Processes/Inputs at Sources predation Mobility Interaction the Seabed Negative Interaction Version 1.0 Benthic infauna Mobile Epifauna, Please see accompanying report predators and for model restrictions and 4. Habitat and Biological Suspension and Small mobile fauna Temporary or scavengers limitations Assemblage deposit feeding and tube/burrow permanently attached Sediment Type fauna dwelling crustaceans Epifauna and Macroalgae Secondary Sediment Habitat Supply of 5. Output Processes Production processing modification Propagules Biogeochemical 6. Local Ecosystem Functions Food Resource Nutrient Cycling Sediment Stability Habitat Provision Microbial activity Cycling 7. Regional to Global Ecosystem Export of Biodiversity Export of Organic Matter Biodiversity Enhancement Biotope Stability Functions JNCC Report No. 585 Sub‐model 1. Suspension and deposit feeding infauna Appendix 5. Legend Magnitude of Influence Geology Depth Wave Exposure Water Currents Climate Propagule Small 1. Regional to Global Drivers Supply Medium Large Driving Influence Positive Interaction Water Primary Suspended Light Dissolved Negative Chemistry & 2. Water Column Processes Production Sediment Attenuation Oxygen
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