
Mearns Youth Consultation


The Mearns Youth Forum

Supported by Council’s CLD Service

The Mearns Youth Forum

For more information please contact:

Mearns Community Centre, 148 High Street, , AB30 1BL

01561 - 378298

2 Mearns Youth Consultation 2011


Introduction 3

Community 9

Top Issues 10

Leisure 13

Transport 16

Community Safety 18

Information 24

Substance Use 27

Decision Making 29

I would love if we can get more

stuff for the kids to do it’s a bit The police should be out boring for us. making sure there is no trouble in the high street on Friday nights We need more shops that are youth friendly. More things to do in the park for younger kids and teenagers

3 The Mearns Youth Forum


The Mearns Youth Consultation 2008

In 2008 young people across the Mearns told us that there wasn’t much to do and they wanted more places to hang out, that they wanted more lighting in parks, that transport was too expensive and that there was not enough buses connecting smaller villages with towns, young people also told us that there are not enough leisure facilities and that access should be cheaper. Young people asked for more places to get information and many said they were uncomfortable talking to professionals. Young people said that they weren’t listened to or consulted about things that affect them. Young people felt strongly that they aren’t included in decision making.

What has been done? • The Mearns Youth Forum has worked to ensure that young people are listened to and involved in decision making and now have representation at the Mearns Area Partnership and on the Laurencekirk Medical Centre Patient Participation group. • The Mearns Youth Forum worked with young people from the Action Team and the Young People’s Society to produce a youth information guide funded by the Community Planning group. • The Kincardine and Mearns Community Planning group are looking at lighting in parks. • Representations have been made by the Mearns Area Partnership on behalf of the Mearns Youth Forum to the Kincardine and Mearns Transport Forum and by the young people themselves to NESTRANS at community planning events although this has not resulted increased provision. • Plans for the new included improved leisure facilities. • Working alongside staff from Mearns Community Centre youth forum members have helped re-open the Friday night youth café, which also operates as an information point. • The Mearns Youth Forum supported by youth workers have set up two music and media projects for young people in the area. • Two youth events have highlighted youth work in the Mearns and the services available to young people living in the area.

4 Mearns Youth Consultation 2011

The Mearns Youth Consultation 2011

In October of 2010 the Mearns Youth Forum successfully applied to the Kincardine and Mearns Community Planning Group for funding to conduct a follow up consultation. The Community Planning Group also submitted questions to the youth forum which were included in the questionnaire. The consultation was run in February at Mearns Academy, at the Friday night youth café, at youth work groups and online, via the youth forum website.

144 young people took part. We do not know exactly the size of the population, but as the current role of Mearns Academy is 610 we could say that we engaged with between 15 – 20% of young people aged 12 – 25 living in the area, taking into consideration that some young people are privately educated, attend college, university, are in employment or unemployed.

Back in 2008 young people from the Mearns took part in the

Mearns Youth Consultation. Although the participation by young people was great, many of the issues they raised have not been addressed. The 2011 consultation revealed that transport is still an issue, as well as lack of lighting in parks.

This time the Mearns Youth Forum hope more will be done.

Many young people felt that there should be more youth friendly areas to hang out, despite the forum helping to run the youth café and the music and media project. Young people have also made it clear that they feel less safe in the Mearns than they did three years ago.

Hopefully within this report you will find some facts that relate to your area of interest or expertise. We feel that as a strong youth group in the Mearns, we can work together with you to achieve positive outcomes on these issues.

Each section begins with our summary of what young people told us, what we think needs to be done to address the issues and what we, as the Mearns Youth Forum, think we can do to help. We have put our logo on each of these pages so it is clear that the opinions represented are those of the Mearns Youth Forum and not those who took part. Fraser Thomson President - Mearns Youth Forum 2011

Aberdeenshire council were going to run There are too many a Saturday shopping bus service which troublemakers and people who allowed less then an hour shopping! They threaten me when I I've heard of places to go about say we never used the services; it’s go out at night. sexual health but feel unable to I hate it talk to the people who work because they were irregular, unreliable personally... and badly timed! They need to discuss, there as it feels like they judge you because of your age or that not just set silly new times... they don’t totally understand

5 The Mearns Youth Forum

Ethnic Origin

1% 3%

White Mixed Black


Citizenship 1.0% 1.5% 1.5%

British citizen EU citizen UK visa holder Asylum Seeker


6 Mearns Youth Consultation 2011


MALE 57% 53% 2011 2008 FEMALE 55% 45%


1% 11 1%

18% 12 22%

13% 13 19% 2011

8% 2008 14 11%

8% 15 20%

20% 16 13%

24% 17 10%

8% 18 1%

1% 19 - 25 3%

7 The Mearns Youth Forum

Employment Status

1.5% 1.5% 1.0% 2.0%

School Pupil Employed (17 + hours) Employed (under 16 hours) Unemployed (under 12 months) Student


What’s the name of your school, college or university?

1.0% 1.0%

Mearns Academy The Robert Gordon University University


8 Mearns Youth Consultation 2011

Community In which community do you live?

Arbuthnott 1%

Marykirk 3% 4%

Luthermuir 4% 4% 2011 4% 5% 2008 5% 8% 5% Woods 3% 8% St. Cyrus 11% 10% 11% 13% Other 20%

Laurencekirk 47% 33% Other

Inverbervie 1% Edzell 1% 3%

Drumtochty 1%

Brechin 1% Garvock 2% 1%

9 The Mearns Youth Forum

Top Issues

What did young people say? 17% Alcohol • The 144 young people who took part in 23% the consultation told us that the top 3 12% Drugs issues affecting young people living in the 22% Mearns were: o Alcohol 17% 12% Jobs o Drugs 12% 1% o Jobs 12% • 21% say that their friends are the best 11% Nothing to do thing about where they live. 19% • The most common thing that young 11% people don’t like about where they live is Smoking that the transport is bad (20%) and they 13% live far away from their friends (16%). 11% • 29% of young people felt that improved Sex transport was the one thing that would 4% improve their quality of life. 10% • Transport 17% felt that more things to do would 6% improve their quality of life. 9% What does the Mearns Youth Money 2011 Forum think needs to be done? 2008 Older people not treating 4% • It needs to be harder for young people to young folk with respect 5% get hold of alcohol and drugs. • Parents need to be educated about the 4% Mental Health impact of substance misuse on their 8% children. • It should be easier for young people to get part time jobs, for example if a young person wants to get a paper round they need to get permission from the school and many local farms will not give local young people seasonal jobs. • Young people need more information about how to find employment. • Less sensational reporting in the press about the future and employment would help young people to feel more confident about their future. • Better buses to surrounding areas, e.g. Fettercairn, , Edzell, Stonehaven, Bervie, Auchenblae etc.

What can the youth forum do? • We could speak to the school about teaching employment skills in PSE. • We could have a page on our website which has information about how to look for a job and information about legal requirements. • Attend the bus forum and shout at the major bus people.

10 Mearns Youth Consultation 2011

If there was one thing you could change to improve your quality of life, what would it be?

Better Transport, 29%

More things to do, 17%

Nothing, 13%

More places to hang out, 7%

More shops, 6%

A swimming pool, 6%

More sport things to do, 5%

A job, 2% Being more socially active with my friends, 2% Money, 2%

Perfection, 2%

Less trouble makers, 2%

Some comments: More places to hang out Better Transport • better park facilities • Cheaper and more regular transport links to both the villages • better places to and the bigger towns and cities. hang out outside • More bus routes from St. Cyrus to the other side of the dual- • More lights in the carriageway (Auchenblae Laurencekirk etc) - without having park. to go through Montrose or Stonehaven with a change of bus at least once in between. More sport things to do • Better transport to places, including late night busses and • More sports transport on Saturdays! Direct busses from small villages facilities e.g.: Luthermuir to Montrose, or direct links between local • A gym to play villages e.g. Fettercairn to Edzell or Edzell to Luthermuir or games Edzell to Laurencekirk. Aberdeenshire council were going to put a sat shopping service on but the timing would allow less Other then an hour shopping! They say we never used the services; • If less people it’s because they were irregular unreliable and badly timed! smoked They need to discuss, not just set silly new times... • Less litter in areas • Buses scheduled from Fettercairn to Laurencekirk for trains • Less threats • Make streets safe More things to do • MUSIC! • Something to do in St.Cyrus. • Moving aware from • I would love if we can get more stuff for the kids to do it’s here! a bit boring for us.

11 The Mearns Youth Forum

Things I like about where I live

21% Friends 14%

17% It’s quiet 39%

14% Nothing 4%

13% Friendly people/community spirit 6% 2011 11% The park 16% 2008 11% A good school 3%

10% Scenery 9%

3% Shops 10%

Things I don’t like about where I live

20% Bad transport 14%

Far away from my 16% friends 4%

Not enough leisure 15% facilities 4%

10% Nothing to do / Boring 54%

9% Middle of nowhere 5% 2011

Boy-racers on the high 7% 2008 street 2%

7% Lack of shops 6%

Anti-social 6% behaviour/vandalism 5%

6% Everything 5%

Not many people my age 6% in my village 2%

12 Mearns Youth Consultation 2011

Things that would make where I live better

23% Improved transport 14%

18% Better leisure facilities 19%

17% More activities/things to do 29%

13% More shops 10% 2011 More places for young people to 12% hang out 9% 2008

8% Lighting in parks 6%

6% Better park facilities 13%

4% Cleaner streets 2%

13 The Mearns Youth Forum


What did young people say? There are enough leisure facilities such as • 81% of people think that there are not enough parks, libraries, gyms, pools in my area activities for young people in the community. • 78% think that there aren’t enough leisure facilities 78% Disagree What needs to be done? 82% • Better advertising about what’s going on and also better communication between the people who are 22% 2011 organising it. Agree • More activities open to young people and better 19% 2008 places to hang out. • More leisure facilities in the Mearns

What can the youth forum do? • Although 81% of young people think that there are not enough activities for young people the Mearns Youth Forum feels that there are a lot of opportunities available but that many young people do not look for things to do. The youth forum website is a good source of information but they will try to improve it and ensure that information is up to date. • Increase communication between groups through leaflets, contact with parents and weekly promotion. • The youth forum could perhaps set up some activities within a limit. • Write to the council about the lack of leisure facilities locally.

I would like more activities related to:

18% Music: i.e. Digital Music / DJing / Bands 12%

16% Football, Netball, basketball etc. 14%

14% Outdoor sports: climbing, mountain biking 15%

14% Dance 11%

10% BMX, skateboarding etc. 9% 2011 10% 2008 Drama 7%

8% Arts & Crafts 18%

8% Youth Drop-Ins 5%

4% Media: video editing and graphic design 10%

14 Mearns Youth Consultation 2011

There enough youth friendly areas for people to hang out in the Mearns

70% Disagree 75%

30% Agree 2011 25% 2008

Young people are able to access village halls for their own activities

Disagree Agree 41.0%


There are enough activities for young people in my community

19% 2011 Agree 2008 15%

81% Disagree 85%

15 The Mearns Youth Forum


What do you think about the regularity, cost and quality of public transport in your area?

Poor, 44%

OK, 30%

Good, 14%

Excellent, 12%

What did young people say? • 44% think that transport in the area is poor. 12% think it is excellent. • 33% use public transport a few times a month. 56% said they did not use public transport because it does not run at times when they want to use it.

What needs to be done? • Buses should run at times when people need to use them. • There needs to be a more joined up service for remote villages.

What can the youth forum do? • Find out what times transport is actually to be used. • Attend the Kincardine and Mearns bus forum and make Mearns young people’s views known.

16 Mearns Youth Consultation 2011

There is enough transport in and out of Laurencekirk

35% Agree 2011 36% 2008

65% Disagree 64%

How often do you use public transport?

A few times a month, 33% A few times a week, 18%

Every day, 16%

Never, 13%

A few times a year, 12% Once a week, 8%

If not, is it because:

Get lifts with parents or friends? 61% Does not run when you want to use it? 56% Does not go where you want to go? 36% Is too expensive? 32% Public transport is not available? 30%

17 The Mearns Youth Forum

Community Safety I feel safe at night when out and about in the Mearns

59% Agree 80%

2011 41% Disagree 20% 2008

What did young people say? • 59% of the young people who took part in the consultation said they felt safe when out and about in the Mearns, but this had fallen from 80% in 2008. • 82% agreed that they would like better lighting in parks. • Most respondents (75%) don’t use the skate park. This is because they either don’t skate or don’t live in Laurencekirk and there is no transport.

What needs to be done? • Young people need to be made aware of ways in which to contact the Police. • Get the message out there that young people need to let someone know where they are. • Personal safety briefing for young people when they are in 1 st or 2 nd year. • We need better lighting in parks – who do we need to talk to? • If we get lights then they should be timed.

What can the youth forum do? • Write to the community safety partnership highlighting the issues. • Work with the Police on a peer-education project. • Initiate a “friends watch” scheme.

18 Mearns Youth Consultation 2011

The streets in my village are well enough lit

61% Agree 42%

2011 2008 39% Disagree 58%

I would like better lighting in parks

74% Agree 82%

2011 26% 2008 Disagree 18%


Around the Corners so Around common youth we can see where were hang-outs, such as the going at night., 2% parks and the alley way to the co-op, 2% Laurencekirk, 6%

Every park, 9%

Johnshaven Park, 2% Laurencekirk memorial park, 10% Fordoun, 2%

Edzell Woods, 4% Mearns Skate Park, 23%

Edzell, 4%

Marykirk Park, 6% Kinnear Square, 4%

Fettercairn, 6% Auchenblae Den, 10% Park, 10%

19 The Mearns Youth Forum

Do you use the skate park in Laurencekirk?


NO YES If not, why not? 75%

Other, 10% I don’t like the people who go there, 7%

I don't skate, 38%

Not my thing, 12%

OTHER: • Boring • Don’t have time • Don't want to. • I don't use it because I don't do stunts and there is always a group of older boys there. • It's a waste of money I don't live in • It's crap Laurencekirk • It's full of drugs and alcohol (no transport), 31% • No lights • People smoke • Too much drugs there

If you do, what improvements would improve the facility and make it more accessible to you and your peers?

48.0% 12.0% Lighting 8.0% A bowl and a spine and a hip 8.0% Better transport 8.0% 4.0% Bigger Cleaner 4.0% Don't know 4% A skate park jam 4% More things to do in the park for younger kids and middle aged kids.

Repair the broken fence

Some shelters to go under

20 Mearns Youth Consultation 2011

I would like to see more youth workers on the streets

65% Disagree 61%

35% Agree 39% 2011 2008

I would like to see more police on the streets

62% Disagree 69%

38% Agree 31% 2011 2008

Are you aware that you can contact police on-line and by text?

YES NO 42%


21 The Mearns Youth Forum

Have you ever had dealings with a police officer?

52% YES 32% 2011 2008

48% NO 68%

If yes, no matter what happened, was the experience:

31% Positive 2011 33% 2008

31% Neutral 41%

38% Negative 26%

If negative how could the experience have been better?

• They didn't shout at me x 2 • Cycle on the right side of the road. • If I wasn't getting into trouble • Juice and Biscuits • Less smoking • Them being nicer. • They could be less rude • We all got sent home when we weren't even doing jack. • Well the officer was arrogant and extremely unprofessional! He was a disgrace to the force

22 Mearns Youth Consultation 2011

What could the police be doing for you in your community?


14.0% Nothing

12.0% More patrols

10.0% Doing something about kids on the street

5.0% Making sure everyone is safe

5.0% Stop young people smoking and drinking on the streets 5.0% They’re already doing quite a good job 5.0% More of a presence in the station 1 4.0% Making sure that underage drugies are not 4.0% taking drugs Leave the skaters and go after the real 4.0% criminals! They could be coming in the schools and talking 4.0% to pupils and staff Catching Criminals 4.0% More interaction with youth/public 1.0% More youth friendly info! 1% Sorting out the streets so they are safer to walk 1% in, traffic wise Running some sort of drop-in?

Not pulling me over every second


• Not in the car on feet. • Staying out on Friday and Saturday nights • Walk around at night. • Ensuring the safety of young people by breaking up fights, and keeping the noise levels groups of youths Make, as it can disturb people in their homes • Making sure there is no trouble in the high street on Friday nights • Keep an eye on big groups • St Cyrus I feel is reasonably safe and I feel the police are doing enough in my community.

23 The Mearns Youth Forum

Information Do we need more places for young people to access confidential advice and information in the Mearns?

72% YES 57%

28% NO 2011 43% 2008

I would prefer to receive information on matters via

The Internet, 29.0%

School, 26.0%

Text, 17.0%

Email, 16%

Posters & Leaflets, 12% What did young people say? • 73% of respondents know where to find information about their sexual health, alcohol and drugs and 70% know where to get information when they are stressed about home/work/school or their social lives. • 72% of respondents think that there needs to be more places for young people to access confidential advice and information in the Mearns. • School (29%) or the internet (26%) was the preferred way to receive information.

What needs to be done? • Someone to talk to about confidential advice excluding guidance teachers at school. Better information of danger, sex, age, the law.

What can the youth forum do? • Help to set up a peer listener scheme with older young people who can speak to younger teenagers and answer any problems and questions. This could be a continuation of primary seven club. • Speak to the school about having a box where people can write down their problems and be answered by young people and youth workers in a confidential way.

24 Mearns Youth Consultation 2011

I know where to go to find help and information about my sexual health

73% Agree 57%

27% Disagree 43% 2011 2008

I know where to go to find help and information about alcohol and drugs

73% Agree 73%

27% Disagree 27% 2011 2008

I know where to go to find help and information when I’m stressed or having problems at home/school/work/social life

70% Agree 65%

30% Disagree 35% 2011 2008

25 The Mearns Youth Forum

Information is not youth friendly – there’s too much jargon

53% Agree 35% 2011 2008

47% Disagree 65%

• I've heard of places to go about sexual • There needs to be more about HELP info. health but feel unable to talk to the people • I know about drugs in Laurencekirk. who work there as it feels like they judge • Where do I get it? you because of your age or that they don’t • Usually good. totally understand • Quite good. None. • It's not very accessible out with school • It's OK. times. • What's there is good but there isn't enough • It's fairly widely covered in PSE at school, it readily available. is also made clear that all staff (especially • Very helpful. guidance teachers) are approachable with • What information? these matters and also that it's okay to talk • It is good! about these things with parents or other • Its OK family members • Okay • Of high quality. Helpful. • There is no info on self-harming. • decent quality • Nae bad - Could be more voiced and • It is good available. • Fairly good • It is really good. Well it's OK> • Never need it but what I've heard it's great • The quality is not child or youth friendly. • Some of the jargon used is not • Pretty good. understandable • Too complicated at times. • It is good information. • It is not really available • It's often very sophisticated (a good point by • Its really good and useful to see what is out the way) there • really helpful and good • Ok. • Don't know where to find it or it is not in • It is very good suitable language • It's there but not readily available • Really helpful • The information is good. • Its to complicated • not very useful for young people • I don't want pictures I want answers damn it! • I don't know where to go for information • Top notch about or if I needed the morning after pill. • Good. • I'd rather use the information online it's so bad for getting information confidentially

26 Mearns Youth Consultation 2011

Substance Use

What did young people say? • Although only 9% of people were of legal drinking age 65% have had alcohol in the last month, • 9% drink on the streets, 35% drink with their parents.

What needs to be done? • Discourage the people on the streets to stop drinking by advertising more activities for them to do during their free time. • Start giving information at younger ages. • Parents need to be better educated and more responsible.

What can the youth forum do? • Highlight these issues to school and the community planning group.

Have you used any of the following?

53% Alcohol 65%

13% Other 12%

11% Cannabis 10% 2011 2008

7% Cocaine 4%

7% Speed 4%

6% Ecstasy 5%

3% None 0%

27 The Mearns Youth Forum

How often in the last month have you drunk alcohol?

36% Never 44%

32% Once or Twice 37%

16% Once a week 10% 2011 13% More than once a week 7% 2008

3% Almost Every Day 2%

Where do you drink?

35% With Parents 38%

With Friends in 32% the house 34%

14% Other 20%

At the pub 12% 2011 In the park / on 7% 2008 the street 8%

28 Mearns Youth Consultation 2011

Decision Making I feel that I am listened to as a young person

58% Disagree 60%

42% 2011 Agree 40% 2008

Young people are included in decision making in the community

53% Disagree 74%

47% 2011 Agree 26% 2008

What did young people say? • 58% people disagreed that they were listened to as a young person. 42% people agreed. • 65% of young people don’t know about the Scottish Youth Parliament. • 68% of young people think that the Mearns Youth Forum had made a difference. 32% did not. • For many young people transport was an issue.

What needs to be done? • The Mearns Youth Forum have done a lot in the last two years – we need to highlight our work more. • The members of the Scottish Youth Parliament need to be more active in the Mearns and stay in touch with the Mearns Youth Forum and local young people. • The Mearns Youth Forum need to look at transport issues for their meetings.

What can the youth forum do? • We can promote our work more. We need to let young people know that we can be the link to the Scottish Youth Parliament and the Aberdeenshire Youth Forum. • Hold monthly surgeries in the outer lying villages, in village halls or on the COMET so that young people from different places can get involved.

29 The Mearns Youth Forum

Are you involved in volunteering?

NO YES 43.0%


I know about the Scottish youth parliament and the issues they are involved in

65% Disagree 85%

35% 2011 Agree 15% 2008

30 Mearns Youth Consultation 2011

The youth forum makes a difference to the lives of young people living in the Mearns

68% Agree 68%

32% Disagree 2011 32% 2008

Would you get involved in the youth forum if transport were provided?

54% YES 41%

46% NO 2011 59% 2008

• It is very good. • Really well put together • Asks you a lot. • Doss • Sounds good but I live too far • Awesome • I don't know much about it. away! • Great • I’m not totally sure what it is • I don’t really know what it is • I can't get there. • It is a great idea, but • Just no. • I don't know what it does. personally I don't have time. • It all fine • It is helpful to young people • It seems to listen to the • Wonderful like me. young community and gets • Awesome. • Very good just make the things done about their • It is good. information child friendly. issues • It is helpful for youth. • Wonderful • Well set up could maybe do • Cool. a lot more with a better • They are like awesome! budget • And they listen to all of our • I admire their efforts issues!


The Mearns Youth Forum are: The Mearns Youth Forum • Calum • Chloe • Connie

• Corey

• Corrie • Erin • Gayle

• Fraser

• Jodie • Lee • Lewis • Mafalda

• Robbie

The Mearns Youth
