Public Document Pack To : Councillor Milne, Chairperson ; Councillor Councillor Peter Argyle, Vice Chairperson ; and Councillors Bellarby, Corall, Cox, Finlayson, Merson, Smith, Taylor, Thomson, Topping and Yuill. Aberdeen City Council Substitute Members: Councillors Boulton, Cormie, Delaney, Donnelly, Graham and Taylor. Aberdeenshire Council Substitute Members: Councillors Clark, Gardiner, Gray, Kitts-Hayes, Owen and Stephen Smith. Please note that a substitute member may only participate in the meeting when a substantive member is absent. STRATEGIC DEVDEVELOPMENTELOPMENT PLANNING AUAUTHORITYTHORITY WEDNESDAY, 12 MARCH 2014 at 2.00 pm Committee Room 2 - Town House Your attendance is required at a meeting of the STRATEGIC DEVELOPMEN T PLANNING AUTHORITY to be held on WEDNESDAY, 12 MARCH 2014 at 2.00 pm at the above address. JANE G. MACEACHRAN HEAD OF LEGAL AND DEMOCRATIC SERVICES ABERDEEN CITY COUNCIL B U S I N E S S 1 Minute of Previous Meeting of 11 December 2013 (Pages 1 - 4) 2 Strategic Development Plan Update (Pages 5 - 16) 3 Development Plan Scheme 2014-15 (Pages 17 - 26) 4 SDPA Budget Monitoring 2013-14 (Pages 27 - 30) 5 SDPA Budget 2014-15 to 2018-19 (Pages 31 - 34) 6 SDPA Bulletin (Pages 35 - 140) 7 Dates of Future Meetings • 29 May 2014 – tbc • 25 June 2014 • 24 September 2014 • 10 December 2014 • 25 March 2015 Website Address: Should you require any further information about this agenda, please contact Rebecka Coull, tel (01224) 522869 or email
[email protected] Agenda Item 1 STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AUTHORITY WOODHILL HOUSE, ABERDEEN WEDNESDAY, 11 DECEMBER, 2013 Present :- Councillors R Milne (Chair), P W Bellarby, J Corall, G J Clark (substituting for J B Cox), A Finlayson, R J Merson, N J Smith, A Taylor and B A Topping.