Annual General Meeting Information Booklet

Dear Owner

This is your information booklet for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for Woods Community Trust Limited. Please take the time to read this as it holds important information, which the committee will be looking for your agreement on.

Please make every effort to attend the AGM on Sunday 1st July 2018 at 12.30pm to be held at Inglis Memorial Hall in Edzell. Doors open at 12:00 noon.

If you are not the owner of the property please forward this information on.

Any questions please email [email protected]

We look forward to seeing you there. Alternatively, a Proxy form issued with the Notice should be completed in the event you are unable to attend.

Many Thanks Karen Traill Director/Chairperson Edzell Woods Community Trust Limited

Edzell Woods Community Trust Limited Company No. SC358018 Trading as: Edzell Woods Community Trust Registered Office: Elliot & Co., Ws, 8 Charlotte Street, Perth, Perth and Kinross PH1 5LL

Annual General Meeting

Inglis Memorial Hall Edzell

Sunday 1st July 2018 At 12:30pm

Edzell Woods Community Trust Limited Company No. SC358018 Trading as: Edzell Woods Community Trust Registered Office: Elliot & Co., Ws, 8 Charlotte Street, Perth, Perth and Kinross PH1 5LL

Annual General Meeting 1st July 2018 AGENDA

1. Welcome and Safety/Fire Aspects

2. Cllr George Carr – Opening Remarks

3. Minutes of AGM of EWOG held on 11th June 2017

4. Report from Chairperson (Karen Traill)

5. Report from Vice Chair Mike Boyd

6. Report from Ken Williams (Sewage Maintenance)

7. Fundraising Report

8. Report from Karen Trail (Treasurers Role)

9. Recommendations/Resolutions (Mike Boyd/Karen Traill)

10. Any Other Business – Q & A

11. Cllr George Carr - Closing Remarks

Edzell Woods Community Trust Limited Company No. SC358018 Trading as: Edzell Woods Community Trust Registered Office: Elliot & Co., Ws, 8 Charlotte Street, Perth, Perth and Kinross PH1 5LL

Dear Owner

The committee continue to maintain the trees, grass and flowerbeds. This year saw our first phase of having some of the roads repaired, main one being Halsey Drive along where the bus stop is. We continue to work with the local contractors to get the best prices and services that we can with what little money we have.

We have continued to work on increasing the amount of people that are paying. We have been consulting with the estate lawyers as to what our options are and to confirm that we are now in a position that we can now move forward on pursuing people in the courts if need be in order to collect in monies that are owed.

I have been making enquiries with the estate lawyer and Inspector Sheila McDerment to clarify the law with regard to the estates road. I am told by both that our roads are private roads, as they are not adopted by Council. However as we do not restrict the public, commercial and council vehicles or the bus service from driving on and off the estate, the roads are subject to the Road Traffic Act 1988. Accordingly, the police have every right to arrest anyone who is breaking the law and they can ask that any cars that are on the road that are SORN, with no tax or insurance, they can take them away if you refuse to move them or comply with the road traffic act 1988. No names or address have been given but the police are checking all cars on the estate as they are doing all over Aberdeenshire.

There has been much work done on the Memorandum of Articles more information on this has been circulated to all homes. Once this is approved we will be moving towards the estate having charitable status.

Its time for us to start making plans for having Scottish Water to adopt the estate sewage system, ambitious plan some would say but one that needs to be done. I have been working with Scottish Water, MSP Liam Kerr, Cllr George Carr in the hope that Scottish water would help us but unfortunately the most they will do is to help guide us. It is our intension to commission an engineering company to come onto the estate to look at what is needed in order for Scottish Water to adopt the estate.

Karen Traill Director/Chairperson

Edzell Woods Community Trust Limited Company No. SC358018 Trading as: Edzell Woods Community Trust Registered Office: Elliot & Co., Ws, 8 Charlotte Street, Perth, Perth and Kinross PH1 5LL

Report from Vice Chair / Acting Secretary (Mike Boyd)

The proposed change to the Memorandum of Articles for EWCT has now been distributed. This change if approved at this AGM will allow the organisation to apply for charitable status once the change has been accepted and formalised by Companies House. If charitable status is accepted it should open up significant funding opportunities for the community. We looked at two other alternative organisational routes; a Development Trust and a SCIO. Neither of which we consider would be appropriate for Edzell Woods. The former requiring enterprises to be set up in order to generate funding and the latter could if charitable status was removed for any reason complicate the ownership of the Edzell Woods Land Titles. Remaining as a limited company with charitable status will protect the Titles if we were to ever lose such status but still enjoy the charity tag providing we keep to the Objects in Article 4.

As you are aware the community has the Title to the land at Edzell Woods. However, since the sale of RAF Edzell to a developer in 1999 there has been an MOD Clawback relating to the land Titles we hold that we have been trying to have discharged for the past 7 to 8 years. I can now report that at last this has been achieved and we await the Register of to formalise this in the Title.

We hope to change our Registered Office from Elliots, Perth to a local organisation and to change the Company Secretary from Donald Elliot.

It is pleasing to report that one of the approved housing development projects has progressed and the CDC is now demolished and will be replaced with domestic houses. There is still the potential of two other housing developments on the estate; at the old school at the end of Perry Road and at the end of Denstrath View adjacent to the Lang Stracht road.

There are now several caravans parked on the hard standing. One was stolen from there recently so all caravan owners should take precautionary security measures to prevent such a reoccurrence.

Karen and I have had meetings with MSP’s, various department representatives of Aberdeenshire Council and sub-groups over the year. Some to highlight the issues we have on our estate; progress our relationship with Scottish Water over future connection to the Edzell Village sewage infrastructure and help with our becoming a community based organisation. The latter is now nearly a reality.

This year we will be targeting some more road repairs, path repairs, installation of LED streetlights, underground pipe mapping and some sewage engineering work (subject to funding).

We will expand on the above at the AGM.

Edzell Woods Community Trust Limited Company No. SC358018 Trading as: Edzell Woods Community Trust Registered Office: Elliot & Co., Ws, 8 Charlotte Street, Perth, Perth and Kinross PH1 5LL

Report from Ken Williams (Sewage Maintenance)

General: • Operational State of the STW – No significant operational concerns although the infrastructure is old and will require more and more maintenance attention over the coming years • SEPA Results – all good – no concerns – the overall annual SEPA rating is ‘Excellent’ • Thanks for the support from Richard, Stuart and Geordie including other residents from time to time at the Wet Well and STW over the year

Wet Well: • In 2017 and to date there were no major issues with the Wet Well. There was only an occasional instance of excess water during heavy rain resulting in overflow. The Wet Well basket requires emptying every 2 to 3 weeks due mostly to wipes flushed down the toilets.

Yellow Submarine: • No major concerns with the two pumps but they will require an inspection this summer to ensure continued operability.

STW: • Brickwork Refurbishment – an ongoing annual summer program for sealing and upgrading. • Lagoons require annual maintenance and constant recycling. • One Filter Bed is still not working due to a broken central unit. Replacement unit to be sourced - this is not an issue as there are three other serviceable Filter Beds • No concerns with the Electrical components at the STW however the pump-house pump may require inspection and refurbishment. We have a spare pump in the event it needs changed out. • There are six (6) Plywood Water Tap Housing Units with 3-Phase Electrical connections around the STW, which have all deteriorated to the extent they are falling to bits and require replacement. An insulated GRP unit has been purchased and has been fitted. If this is successful we will replace others with the same type of unit.

Edzell Woods Community Trust Limited Company No. SC358018 Trading as: Edzell Woods Community Trust Registered Office: Elliot & Co., Ws, 8 Charlotte Street, Perth, Perth and Kinross PH1 5LL

Fund Raising Report

A new post was created on the committee to be our fund-raiser; this post was created for them to raise funds for the estate. This is important when applying for grants as we have to prove-we have made attempts to raise the money ourselves and that we have community buy-in by doing some of the work ourselves.

To date the following have been organised and the amount raised:

• The bake off at the end of September 2017 was for funds for the estate and the McMillan cancer research raised £149 for the estate and £157.84. • The bonfire/BBQ in November raised £154.48 • Stalls at two local Christmas Fairs raised £88.60 • The pallet Christmas Trees competition and soup evening raised £183.96

Total funds raised £576.04

We would like to thank everyone who was involved in preparing, organising, giving their time and making items for the above fund raising events.

Thank you also to the local business who have supported us and will continue to support us by donating items, Coop , Scotmid, Mcphies and Freds Wee Chippy van.

Please note we do our best to advertise the events that happen but in order for us to control costs we are limited to how much printing we can do. We appreciate that not everyone has access to the internet so we will be adverting the events on the notice boards.

Thank you to everyone who attends these events, and for those to give their time freely and donates materials and their skills to help these events take place.

Keep an eye on Face book, the website and the notice boards for the next event.

Edzell Woods Community Trust Limited Company No. SC358018 Trading as: Edzell Woods Community Trust Registered Office: Elliot & Co., Ws, 8 Charlotte Street, Perth, Perth and Kinross PH1 5LL

Finance Report 2017

This year has shown an increase in people paying their fees; we continue to work with non-payers to have them start paying their fees on a regular basis. We have spent some time working with the estate lawyer and putting together a procedure for chasing of non-payment.

The new business rates for 2017/2018 have been reduced by 50% due to the new way of Aberdeenshire calculating the rates; this will be a good saving for us for the future.

Last year we decided that due to some of the roads beginning to crumble and break up that we needed to start repairing the roads using a contractor instead of volunteers and bags of tar. Halsey Road, North of the bus stop, was breaking up quite badly and could not be repaired as we do pot holes, we required the road to have the top surface removed and re-laid. We took the decision to take £10,000 from the kitty and get some of the roads fixed the biggest cost being Halsey Drive.

We have continued to work on mapping the drains and having some excavation work done to try and solve the issue of excess water. The cost of pumping the excess water to the STW is expensive although Bell Ingram has secured a reduced electricity tariff saving around £500 pa. We are looking at ways of diverting the water that will keep Sepa/Scottish Water happy. This is important work; it leads to us finding out what work is required for Scottish Water to adopt our system in the long term.

We have been able to move forward on electrical repairs at the Sewage Treatment Works.

Money was spent as always on maintaining trees, grass and streetlights; these will always be on-going costs.

Edzell Woods Community Trust Limited Company No. SC358018 Trading as: Edzell Woods Community Trust Registered Office: Elliot & Co., Ws, 8 Charlotte Street, Perth, Perth and Kinross PH1 5LL

Budget 2018

Income 2017 £85,000

STW Maintenance £25000

• Empty, Clean and Repair Lagoons • Welding • Brick work pointing and Sealing • Servicing pumps at Pump House, Wet well and Yellow Submarine • Water Stands Replacements • Replace Adams Distributor

Estate Maintenance £30,000

• Street Lights Maintenance and Replacement • Grass Cutting • Shrubs • Trees to be maintained • Traffic Signs, White Lines, Road and Path Repairs • CCTV Program

Other Major Expenses £25,000

• Estate/Public Liability Insurance • Shiells Law - Legal Fees – Consultations - Advice • Bell Ingram • Walker Harris • Sepa • Business Rates

Projects Cost unknown Currently

• Excess Water – Continuation mapping of sewage and storm water pipes • Development Options at the Hard standing including Re-Cycle Area • Repairs to Paths, Roads, Road Drains and Sewage Manholes • Replacing Street Lights – Long-term project • Feasibility / Conceptual Studies – estate development opportunities • Engineering Services to determine future sewage infrastructure requirements Edzell Woods Community Trust Limited

Finance Report for Edzell Woods Community Trust Limited 2017

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Total Money Collected 6,131 6,705 6,090 6,063 6,867 6,720 6,702 6,335 6,905 6,255 6,605 6,819 78,197 Arrears Collected 942 5,636 6,578 0 6,131 6,705 6,090 6,063 6,867 7,662 6,702 11,971 6,905 6,255 6,605 6,819 84,775

Over heads STW/WetWell Maintenance Tisbew -Gloves/Ropes/Tape/Pump 26 44 70 Stensons Electrical work 2,793 2,793 Sepa - One year 3,568 3,568 Digger Hire 552 552 Tisbew/Mcauliffe - Manhours 458 458 458 458 458 458 558 458 458 458 458 758 5,898 Electric Pumping /Lighting 1,979 2,026 521 423 454 8 764 6,175 Presley Vermin Control 191 191 191 191 765 Business Rates 1,546 1,546 699 699 699 699 699 699 699 1,398 9,383

2,030 2,195 2,438 1,010 4,916 3,950 3,283 1,870 1,580 1,611 1,400 2,920 29,204

Estate Maintenance Electric Street Lighting cost/ins refund 45 45 43 43 176 Street Light maintenace replacement 789 -539 2,644 2,894 Sherrit Tree Surgeon 1,000 1,000 Road Repairs 9,494 9,494 Skip Hire 254 254 Additional Hard standing fencing 2,095 491 51 164 2,800 Grass Cutting 2,575 2,375 2,375 2,375 9,700 Gardening 150 500 500 300 1,450 Drains Mapping/Evacuation 4,579 1,074 5,653 0 0 9,294 491 51 2,420 404 3,664 9,537 2,336 3,808 1,417 33,422

Expenses AGM Costs 287 287 Bell Ingram 959 1,447 1,216 1,137 4,760 Archive Records storage Hire 58 58 58 58 58 288 Website hosting/Domain 124 124 Shiels Solictors 648 1,000 1,648 Liability Insurance 1,620 1,620 Walker Harris 300 300 0 0 2,268 959 287 0 1,447 58 1,274 58 182 2,495 9,027

Surplus/Deficit 4,101 4,510 -7,910 3,602 1,613 1,292 1,567 6,379 -5,486 2,250 1,215 -13 13,122

13,122 Income 84,775 STW 29,204 Estate 33,422 Over Heads 9,027




STW Estate Over Heads

Recommendations / Resolutions 2018 / 2019

The Directors are proposing the following:

1. We maintain the current Directors of the Community Trust for the next year. 2. Approve the Special Resolution changing the MOA and apply for charity status. 3. 2018 / 2019 Fees – No change £53.00/month (Annually £636) 4. We maintain our existing contractors/suppliers for estate maintenance and repair works including factor Bell Ingram, accountants Walker Harris (except if we achieve charity status), and estate solicitor Shiells Law. 5. Change our Registered Office and Company Secretary should local candidates be willing and acceptable to the Directors. 6. Approval to negotiate with Owners who have arrears or go to court. 7. Subject to availability of funding/grants we pursue the following projects (the order below does not infer priority): - seek professional services for feasibility and conceptual options for a community facility and engineering work relating to upgrading of our on-site sewage and drain water systems; - replacement of our streetlights; - upgrade the community area at the Hard Standing; - investigation into connections of third party facilities to our sewage infrastructure (old school, Denstrath View and Newesk) should they become a reality; - the upgrading of the area housing the Aberdeenshire recycling bins at the end of Perry Road. Edzell Woods Community Trust Ltd. General Meeting 2017 1

Edzell Woods Community Trust Ltd Minutes of 2017 General Meeting 11th June 2017 at 12:00 Noon at Inglis Memorial Hall, Edzell

Attended: Committee Members: Karen Traill, Mike Boyd, Alisa Vickrage and Maria Day Ex Officio: Cllr. George Carr Edzell Woods Neighbours Together (EWNT: Jackie Boyd and Maj Senior – providing refreshments Apologies: Ken Williams and Willie Munro

Edzell Woods Home Owners (Properties Represented: 37 Property Owners Present: 28 (38) Proxy Vote Forms: 9 Guests: 1

Total Number in Attendance: 39

1. Opening of 2017 General Meeting: Karen opened meeting with a Welcome, Preamble and Safety Brief

Karen introduced Cllr. George Carr

2. Opening Remarks – Cllr. George Carr: Welcome to all present. George spoke about the development of EW over time to get to the position you are now in. You will hear from the Committee on it achievements and progress. Aberdeenshire Council (“AC”): Following local elections there is now a new AC Administration. AC will be run by a coalition of Conservative, Lib Dems and Independent councillors, with many new and younger members. George has been working on the Area Committee of ‘Education, Learning and Leisure’ for 16 years. George has now changed roles for the Area Committee on ‘ Infrastructure Services’. This includes: planning, roads, public transport, waste management, gritting, lampposts, bridges and strategy meetings. George will therefore have more information to back up with the work we are doing in EW. AC has a deficit because of being underfunded by 13% (£30M). This is a significant deficit. AC is pursuing ways of increasing the council’s budget. There is the challenge of the huge rise in business rates that will result in major businesses being lost because of the increase. Newesk: There is not much to report, but you will have noticed the NWB junction work on the A90. Discussion: about the availability of Builders who still build affordable housing. Sewerage Pipe: discussion about the timetable going forward. Everything is in lockdown. We need to be prepared for Cross Party talks and we just need to be ready to move forward.

George thanked EW Neighbours Together, especially Jackie and Maj, for today’s refreshments and for all the other events that NT have organised. NT has been a great support to the committee.

At this point I wish you a successful AGM and will pass you over to the Chairperson, Karen.

3. Chairperson Karen Traill: Minutes of EWCT Ltd. General Meeting 2016: Distributed to all properties prior to General Meeting. All in agreement: Proposed: Maj Senior Seconded: Stuart Vickrage

4. Chairperson Report, Karen Traill: There are a lot of things and projects that need to be followed on from last year. Street Lights: Currently we are struggling to find replacement parts to fix broken lamps and replace light bulbs. It costs £1 500 to replace a street light and this money can’t be found with the fees but through obtaining grants. We have 70 streetights – 2 of which are new Clear Sphere and 3 are new LED. That leaves 65 streetlights to be replaced at an overall cost of approximately £97,500. Edzell Woods Community Trust Ltd. General Meeting 2017 2

This is the first year that we can get all the paper work together and apply for grants. We all need to get involved with fundraising to show on the grant applications that we have attempted to raise money. Fencing: at the Hard Standing was erected by volunteers: Stuart, Ken, Richard, Mike Geordie, Willy and young Michael. Thereby a financial saving for the estate. We need more of the community volunteering to help with such projects. We have been busy creating natural barriers to stop the travellers from getting back on to the park: this has been done by planting shrubs to fill gaps, having flower boxes made and benches sited. The fencing at the hard standing had the dual purpose of preventing access by travellers and hopefully encourage people to move their commercial vehicles and caravans there. Deeds of Conditions: changes have been completed and all property Titles now reflect these changes. For example: naming Edzell Woods Community Trust Ltd, as the property manager giving full power to collection of fees including any arrears. In January 2016 we closed down EWOG and started trading as Edzell Woods Community Trust Ltd. Moving forward: we need to think about the next stage, which is a new Memorandum of Articles, offering each household to be a member of the Community Trust. Mike will discuss this more in his report. Meetings have been attended with Aberdeenshire Council, Development Partnership, MSPs Mairi Evans and Liam Kerr covering such topics as repairing the roads, streetlights, sewage system and what funding is available to us. Car parking continues to be a problem and driving and parking on grassed areas. When I visited some residents about this issue I was given a torrent of abuse that I am not prepared to subject myself to. There is a need to have a working road policy that you as a community have input and agreement to address this problem. We will continue to look at various options to increase the parking spaces. The hard standing can be used as a secure area to enable fair use of the existing spaces outside of people’s homes. STW: Negotiations continue with Scottish Water (SW) to connect our estate to their Edzell Sewage Works, which would allow us to decommission our private STW that is not up to the standard of SW. We are continuing to get some clarity of what we would need to do to have the STW up to SW standard and the likely cost is beyond our ability to undertake this task. Road Drain Repairs: we had a company carry out repairs and cleaning on some of the road drains in EW.

Karen also asked (again) that if there were any residents with skills that could help the estate with work or repairs to come forward and volunteer.

Website: the resident who worked on the new website is away for some time. Karen asked for any volunteers (with experience) to take over the website development.

Bell Ingram: It is hoped to have Bell Ingram take some management responsibility off the committee under a formal factoring service. This would enable the committee to do concentrate on development work.

I would like to thank everyone who has volunteered their personal time to activities on the estate: Keeping flowerbeds tidy, donating tea, sandwiches, burgers and keeping the area outside your home clean and tidy. The work of Edzell Woods Neighbours together in creating and improving social atmosphere on the estate is instrumental in our ability to develop as a community. Most of all I would like to thank all the people who paid their fees this year, without your continued support we would not be able to achieve what we do.

I would now like to pass over to Mike for his report.

5. Vice Chairperson and Acting Secretary Report, Mike Boyd: Last General Meeting: 30 Actions to be undertaken; 15 have been achieved or are work in progress. 7 are still outstanding and 8 are no longer an action or waiting to be triggered by other events.

Edzell Woods Community Trust Ltd. General Meeting 2017 3

Resignations: Nsikan Udo and Jay Gallagher have resigned due to work commitments. Neighbours Together: NT and other Residents who help from time to time, thanks to their efforts throughout the year. This team of 6 people with the help of numerous residents provide social events or just help out with things which all help to bind the community. I just wish more older residents attended the events because its not just for the kids – and more able people just did a little more to keep the estate tidy outside or near their homes. Meeting with other bodies: This is an indication of the effort Karen and I have undertaken this year: Shiells Law Firm, Brechin, Funding event in Laurencekirk, Ed Garrett -Aberdeen Voluntary Action, Mairi Evans MSP, Liam Kerr MSP, Willy Munro – Aberdeenshire Council, Scottish Water, Jackie Niven – Kincardine Development Partnership, Rory Dutton- Development Trust Association Scotland, Bell Ingram – Factor, Walker Harris – Accountants, Lanes for Drains, Stensons Electrical, Taylors Industrial, ERIKS UK Pumps, Ferrier Pumps and other contractors we use as well as meeting contractors for quotations for work on the estate. Statistics for Payers and Non-Payers: 80% v 20% = 1/5. Persuasion is not having a material impact but we will pursue this for a little longer until legal action becomes necessary. We now have the right to force payment but forcing payment of arrears is complex and risky. Memorandum of Articles: Changing the MOA is complex and is taking as long as it took us to change the Title Deeds. Face to face and Skype meetings have taken place and it looks like the only sensible approach, currently, is to move to become a Development Trust with language to allow it to become a charity in the future should that be beneficial financially to remove tax liabilities. There are some issues still to iron out through membership and the rights of owner’s v renters. The benefits are the opportunity to gain funding and grants to develop the estate based on the needs of the community. Maintenance of Estate Infrastructure: Road Drains, Trees, Wet Well and Yellow Submarine (sewerage), Street Lights, and grassed spaces are all areas tackled. This will continue but an effort to include Roads and Paths will be tackled this year providing sufficient funds are available. Hardstanding Development: We procured and erected ourselves the fencing and gates at the Hardstanding. This will prevent Travellers incursion and offers a more secure area for the storing of caravans, boats and commercial vehicles etc. that are not supposed to be parked on our streets or grassed areas. Factoring-Bell Ingram: Why? DIY is unsustainable in the long term. If the estate is to develop the residents need to concentrate on the developments it wants and the time it takes to undertake the day-to-day activities, does not allow us the time to undertake development opportunities. Bell Ingram needs to register to become a full factor of the estate, which they are willing to do. Therefore, the day-to-day work the committee undertake can be substantially reduced. To achieve this each element of the maintenance programme and budgets needs to be detailed in a documented process with a Service Level Agreement so we can monitor progress and ensure goals are achieved. Also, all our contractors need to meet Bell Ingram’s criteria, which we will help them with. This may cost more as a result as we do a lot of in-house work currently that will have to be paid for (in the future) when Bell Ingram take over the responsibility. The additional costs will be manageable though. Sewage Treatment Works: Big thanks to Ken Williams and Richard McAuliffe, who are the residents who maintain the STW. Stuart also helps from time to time. Ken sends his apologies for not being here due to his holiday. The report in the booklet speaks for itself. There is on-going work required.

I would like to pass on to Karen for Treasures Report.

6. STW Report: Karen asked if all present at the meeting had read the STW report in the information book. Ref: General Meeting Booklet delivered to all property owners. All present had read the report. Edzell Woods Community Trust Ltd. General Meeting 2017 4

7. Treasures Report – Karen Traill: Karen asked if all present had received and read the General Meeting Booklet on Finance. Are there any questions? Q. Resident (with Drains and drainage experience) said that the repairs and cleaning of the drains were carried out inefficiently and the job was of poor value. A. Mike disagreed and said that the work was quoted and carried out as requested: There were 4 gullies repaired and one jet cleaned. The cost was the same however long it had taken the company. The job was completed up to specification. Karen said that she was unaware of the resident’s expertise on the subject and that she would visit him requesting that they help with future work that will be undertaken. Karen added that, we try and pool what resources we have. If someone has skills or experience to help we will utilise these skills. Q. What happens to the LP’s that are replaced by council? Couldn’t we get the parts we need to repair our own ones? A. Karen said that now George will be on the Area Committee for Infrastructure this could be an option. Discussion: about Stensons Electrical and the prohibitive cost of replacing all LP without a grant. Q. Why was a metal fence put up on the Hardstanding instead of a wooden one? How much? A. Karen said the fencing had cost £3.5K. A wooden fence would require considerably more maintenance. The type of fencing erected is the type council’s use because they are cheaper in the long term and require much less maintenance. Discussion: The metal fence has more advantages: it allows a more open feel; it allows wind to pass through it. EW is a lovely place and efforts are always made to keep the open feel. It was also decided to keep the fence shorter to maintain the openness feel. The fencing of the Hardstanding is to keep it safe and secure. Q. Resident asked about putting up garages as no parking is allowed on grass. A. Karen said that the Hardstanding is a secure place to put caravans and in future where we can we will use the Deeds to develop. Discussion: Once the Hardstanding is fully secure the gate will have a combination lock. The deeds state that caravans and vans etc. should be parked on Hardstanding and not on the EW roads Q. People driving and parking on grassed areas. A. Karen said she had approached people about parking on grassed areas and has been very abused. Karen is not prepared to do this again. We have approached our lawyer and we will have a road policy that will be agreed by the estate. We will then be able to pursue and take action.

Agreement of Finance Report for EWCT Ltd 2017 Approved

Budget Proposal 2017 Karen discussed the budget proposal Trees: will be topped around the park. Some people have asked not to remove them because of the wind. George suggested planting a second hedge, allowing it to establish before removing the existing one. Some trees will need to be removed or topped. Q. Resident is worried about a tree/branch falling. Karen said the Tree Surgeon would come and look at it and advise. Q. About the wet patch on the park and excess water. A. Scottish Water says that none of their pipes go through the park. The area cannot be dug up because council say it is contaminated land. Discussion: about diverting the water to a safe place which SEPA and SW are ok with.

Karen asked: Does any one have objections to the Budget. All in Agreement

8. Recommendations 2017/2018 8.1. We maintain the current Directors of The Community Trust for the next year. All in agreement Edzell Woods Community Trust Ltd. General Meeting 2017 5

8.2 2017/2018 Fees – No change to £53. 00/month (annually £636) All in agreement bar one. 8.3 We maintain our existing contractors/suppliers for estate maintenance and repair work. All in agreement 8.4 We continue with our factor Bell Ingram and develop their role to a more full factoring service. Discussion: Karen said if a street lamp goes out take down the number and report it to Bell Ingram. Q. About making sure Bell Ingram do the work they are paid to do. A. Karen said that it would still be the job of the committee that Bell Ingram is doing its job. Bell Ingram will need to show the work they will be charging for. Q. Why are the residents not given more information about ongoing estate running and developments? A. Karen said that printing costs were expensive and the new website was the ideal place to put everything up. At present there is nobody to do the website. Mike and Karen have estate meeting every week and Karen is very busy. Tracy is willing to do the social media and website but requires training. Q. Should the fees go up to pay for repairs? A. Karen said ideally we should have a Sink Fund in place (like a saving account) to pay for any large expenses. E.g. to replace one pump at the YS cost £30K. Karen added that the fees might have to go up next year to meet demands. Q. About connecting to the proposed sewerage pipe. A. Karen explained the difficulties with discussing things with SW. George agreed. Karen added that we will have to get our SWT up to SW standard and that is why we are carrying out CCTV work to identify and solve problems. All in agreement 8.5 For the moment we continue with our accountants – Walker and Harris who have advised us they are not set up to offer services of a Charity or a Development Trust. This will depend on the outcome of the recommendation for becoming a community organisation All in agreement 8. 6 Subject to availability of funding/grants we pursue the following projects (not prioritised) * Seek professional services for feasibility and conceptual options for a community facility * Upgrading of our on-site sewage and drain water system * Replacing of our Street Lights * Upgrade the community area at the Hard Standing * Investigation into the connections of third party facilities to our sewage infrastructure (CDU, Old School, Newesk) should they become a reality in the next 12 months * The upgrading of the area housing the Aberdeenshire recycling bins at the end of Perry Road All in Agreement

Karen said a big thank you to Mike for all his work

The aim is to turn EW into a working community where everyone is working together. Mike and I are looking into contractors to repair roads, drains and street cleaning. Karen added that we need more people on board to share the load and make all these projects work.

9. AOB Dog-fouling on the Estate: A resident raise the subject of dog fouling and what could be done about it. Karen said it was an on-going problem with some people letting their dogs off the lead and not picking up the poo. There are bins available. George said that anyone could contact the Dog Warden. Rubbish Dumping on streets and around the estate: There are many residents who pick up rubbish and take it to the tip. Ken often takes stuff to the tip. Some residents dump garden waste on the estate. Old School: Resident asked about what was happening with the Old School. A. Committee and George do not know what is happening with the old school Karen said that there was some query about the location of the fence at the Hardstanding. Bell Ingram Surveyors visited EW and identified the boundary of the Old School so we could ensure the fencing would be on EW land. Rats and discarded Food: Resident said she was concerned about food being discarded on the estate and attracting rats. George reiterated that, despite the fact you are not council adopted you can still access services like Environmental Health and Dog Warden giving addresses about concerns. Edzell Woods Community Trust Ltd. General Meeting 2017 6

Tennis Court Net: Resident asked about replacing net at tennis court. Karen said that attempts would be made to locate the net and replace. Planning Permission: Resident asked whether you apply to council or the committee Mike said you have to apply to council for any planning permission.

No further business

10. Cllr. George Carr’s Closing remarks: George said that the Council’s Development Plan would be going for public consultation in near future. Discussed the difficulties with negotiating with Scottish Water. There will be a need to involve 3rd parties in these negotiations.

This has been a good meeting and EW is a great estate. Thank you to all those who helped: in making this General Meeting a success. There is a great deal of respect for your committee and for yourselves in coming together. It is also an opportunity to join the committee.

This is an opportunity for you to join the committee. Thank you and this meeting is officially closed.

Meeting Closed: 2pm

Date of Next Meeting: TBA

NOTES (Prior to or during the meeting, you may wish to make notes or note down questions to ask)

Edzell Woods Community Trust Limited Company No. SC358018 Trading as: Edzell Woods Community Trust Registered Office: Elliot & Co., Ws, 8 Charlotte Street, Perth, Perth and Kinross PH1 5LL