Current Sources for Federal Court Decisions Prepared by Frank G. Houdek, January 2009

Level of Court Name of Court Print Source * LexisNexis* Internet

TRIAL District Court , 1932 •Dist. Court Cases—after •US Dist. Court Cases, U.S. Court Links (can select (e.g., S.D. Ill.) to date (F. Supp., F. 1944 Combined by type of court & Supp. 2d) •Dist. Court Cases—by •Dist. Court Cases—by location) circuit circuit •Dist Court Cases—by •Dist. Court Cases—by state /courtlinks/ state/territory

Federal Rules Decisions, 1938 to date (F.R.D.)

Bankruptcy Court Bankruptcy Reporter, •Bankruptcy Cases—by US Bankruptcy Court Cases U.S. Court Links (can select 1979 to date (B.R.) circuit by type of court & location) •Bankruptcy Courts /courtlinks/

INTERMEDIATE Courts of Appeals (e.g., , 1891 to •US Courts of Appeals •US Courts of Appeals U.S. Court Links (can select APPELLATE 7th Cir., D.C. Cir.) date (F., F.2d, F.3d) Cases Cases, Combined by type of court & location) [formerly Circuit •Courts of Appeals •Circuit Court Cases—by Courts of Appeals] Cases—by circuit circuit /courtlinks/

Federal Appendix, 2001 to US Courts of Appeals date (F. App’x) Cases, Unreported

HIGHEST Supreme Court •United States Reports, All US Supreme Court US Supreme Court Cases, •Supreme Court of the APPELLATE 1790 to date (U.S.) Cases Lawyers’ Edition United States, •Supreme Court Reporter, 1991–present, 1882 to date (S. Ct.) http://www.supremecour •United States Supreme Court Reports, s.html Lawyers’ Edition, 1790 •HeinOnline, vol. 1-present to date (L. Ed., L. Ed. (subscription electronic 2d) resource)

* select most specific database possible that will satisfy your research needs (i.e., don’t use US Dist. Court Cases Combined if you are looking for district court cases from Illinois)