promoting access to White Rose research papers Universities of Leeds, Sheffield and York This is an author produced version of a paper published in Aslib Proceedings. White Rose Research Online URL for this paper: Published paper Cox, A.M. (2008) Flickr: A case study of Web2.0, Aslib Proceedings, 60 (5), pp. 493-516 White Rose Research Online
[email protected] Flickr: A case study of Web2.0 Andrew M. Cox University of Sheffield, UK
[email protected] Abstract The “photosharing” site Flickr is one of the most commonly cited examples used to define Web2.0. This paper explores where Flickr’s real novelty lies, examining its functionality and its place in the world of amateur photography. The paper draws on a wide range of sources including published interviews with its developers, user opinions expressed in forums, telephone interviews and content analysis of user profiles and activity. Flickr’s development path passes from an innovative social game to a relatively familiar model of a website, itself developed through intense user participation but later stabilising with the reassertion of a commercial relationship to the membership. The broader context of the impact of Flickr is examined by looking at the institutions of amateur photography and particularly the code of pictorialism promoted by the clubs and industry during the C20th. The nature of Flickr as a benign space is premised on the way the democratic potential of photography is controlled by such institutions.