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Cross.bindex 9/19/06 4:27 PM Page 283 INDEX A Atlee, T., 135, 147 Bolles, R. N., 92 A CLUE, 86 Authentic happiness, 113 Bonk, C., 170, 171, 172 Abu Dhabi World Café, 138fig Bourdain, A., 151 Accelerating Change 2005 conference, B Bowling Green University, 229 5 Baldwin, T. T., 32 Boyatzis, R., 95 Access: to expertise, 25–26; as informal BAR Camp, 206, 210–215 BP: approach to improving interface learning factor, 18 Batelle, J., 210 within, 195–199; background infor- Adams, J., 94 Baum, D., 182 mation on, 195; cartoon mapping Adaptation, 15fig–16 Beale, S., 213 critical interface in, 197fig; decision ADD (attention deficit disorder), 93, Behlendorf, B., 227 cards used by, 198fig–199 94 Bell Harbor Conference Center Brache, A., 33 Adkins, S., 32 (Seattle), 207 Brand, S., 2 Advanced Micro Devices, 121 Bennett, A., 91 Bransford, J., 79 Aetna Insurance, 57 Berensson, A., 103 Brinkerhoff, R. O., 32 Akers, J., 43 Berman, M., 31 Broad, 32 Alcoholics Anonymous serenity prayer, Beyond Bullet Points: Using Microsoft Brown, J., 135, 136 228 PowerPoint to Create Presentations Brown, J. S., 38, 45–46, 132, 212 Allee, V., 10 That Inform, Motivate, and Inspire Buchanan, L., 177 Alta Visa, 169 COPYRIGHTED(Atkinson), 103 MATERIALBuilding Beehives (Kahan), 151 Altus vSearch, 155fig Bird by Bird (Lamott), 101 Bullitt (film), 64–65 Amelio, G., 121, 124, 126 Blakeslee, S., 12 Bureau of Labor and Statistics, 17 American Fern Society, 153 Blended learning: description of, 171– Burke, J., 107 American Psychological Association, 172; dimensions of, 172–173t; Burns, F., 113 112 origins of, 170–171 Bush, G.
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