Colne Engaine Parish Magazine October 2016 Produced and hand-delivered by volunteers each month,

for free, to the households in the parish of

Remember to put a lit pumpkin outside your front door on 31st October if you want to welcome Trick or Treaters EDITORIAL THE PARISHES Editor: Michael Estcourt Colne Engaine, and 2 Brickhouse Road, CO6 2HL parishes are cared for by the Team Vicar Tel/Fax: 01787 220049 and Team Curate. [email protected] To arrange Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, All copy should be sent to Michael. other services or use of the Church contact: Advertising: Terry Hawthorn Team Vicar: The Reverend Peter Allen 6 High Croft, CO6 2HE. T: 01787 223140 St Andrew’s Rectory, 5 Shut Lane, Earls Colne [email protected] 01787 220347 [email protected] All advertising should be sent to Terry. Associate Priest: The Reverend Hugh Mothersole Design: Juliet Townsend Curate Area Team, 10 Park Lane, 14 Oddcroft, CO6 2ET. Earls Colne CO6 2RJ T: 01787 222211 [email protected] 07803 699268 [email protected] PARISH COUNCIL Church Wardens: Mr Desmond Shine, 4 Brickhouse Road CO6 2HL Parish Clerk: Terry Rootsey 01787 223378 [email protected] 3 Box Mill Cottages, Box Mill Lane, Mr Terry Hawthorn, 6 High Croft, CO6 2HE Halstead, CO9 2DR. 01787 223140 [email protected] T: 07946 096331 [email protected] PCC Secretary: Mrs Rita Prior 21 Church Street, Colne Engaine CO6 2EX 01787 223867 [email protected]

ADVERTISING Our monthly magazine (double issues 1/4 Page 62 x 88mm £10 / £50 pa in July/August and December/January) 1/2 Page 128 x 88mm £17 / £75 pa is delivered free of charge to all 400 Full Page 128 x 180mm £20 or £100 pa households in Colne Engaine Cheques payable to Colne Engaine PCC. and Countess Cross.

TO OUR READERS Please remember to mention this magazine if you answer any of the advertisements. We welcome advertising in our magazine, the income from which helps to cover production costs. This does not imply any endorsement or approval of the products and services mentioned in the advertising.

FOR THE NOVEMBER ISSUE PLEASE PROVIDE SUBMISSIONS BY 4TH OCTOBER 2016 Please provide Editorial in Word and Advertising as .jpg file Colne Engaine Parish Magazine October 2016 / 3

WELCOME FROM THE EDITOR Michael Estcourt, Editor (contact details opposite) DRONES THREATEN PRIVACY OF VILLAGERS A proposed change to privacy laws may have an impact on the lives of villages in the coming year. For some time now secret trials have taken place over the skies of the village with the aim of advancing drone technology. Apparently drones can be modified to record the movement of dog walkers and their dogs. These trials have taken place at such an altitude that both sound and movement cannot be heard or seen from the ground. Should legislation be granted by Parliament it would enable drones or RPVs to monitor dog walkers during daylight hours. Relying on data already stored (via the now legal requirement that all dogs have to be microchipped and the dog/owner details logged) drones can not only track the movement of dog walkers but can identify whether dog owners pick up the poos left by their dogs. Further technology will allow RPVs to hover and transmit voice commands requesting dog owners to pick up their dog’s poos. It is expected that Parliament will decide on an implementation date for a full scale trial to take place over the skies of Colne Engaine. Should this be successful it will be implemented over the entire country. Furthermore letters can be posted electronically to households confirming that their movements have been monitored. General Sir Bertram Bloodnot, a recent inhabitant of the village, is quoted as having given his full support for this new technology. In his words, “I fully support this initiative as it will ensure that children’s play areas and footpaths will at last be free of dog poos.” It is expected that implementation day will be 1st April 2017. Seriously though, when common parasites of dogs and cats infect humans, the illness is called toxocariasis (or visceral larva migrans). Toxocariasis usually affects kids under age 10. Especially at risk are those who like to put things in their mouths, or kids whose families have pet dogs or cats. Signs and Symptoms Many kids won't have symptoms, but if they do, they can include fever, cough or wheezing, abdominal pain, enlarged liver or spleen, poor appetite, a rash that sometimes looks like hives, and enlarged lymph nodes ("swollen glands"). Quite frankly, do you want to risk the health of our children? Think before you let your dog foul areas where kids play. You have been told! Sadly we say goodbye this month to Mary Nower who has graced these pages in the past with her accounts of running the roads, footpaths and bridle paths in this parish. She has now completed her degree at university and starts her first job shortly. We thank her for her excellent articles and wish her all the best and hope that she is successful in her new enterprise. 4


We talk about God's creation - all we see around us, and about God creating and sustaining us - but how often do we think about how creative we are? To be creative is to do something more than we normally do, and usually means to learn more along the way. A recent article about creativity is challenging: David Bayles and Ted Orland, in their book Art and Fear, narrate the story of a ceramics teacher who divided his class into two groups. Half were told that they would be graded on quantity, the other half on quality. On the final day of term, students turned up with either their one pristine pot or a pile of pots of various shapes and sizes. To the surprise of many the group graded for quantity produced the most beautiful, creative designs. The conclusion was that the quantity group kept learning from their mistakes, whilst the other 'sat theorising about perfection', afraid to get going in case it was not perfect and in the end had little to show for their efforts than grandiose theories and a pot often made with the same skill that they had at the start of the term. ‘Learning by doing’ is a well-known educational theory and is a major way of creating new as well as enhancing skill levels. It does have an aspect to it that is not so well publicised: each time we do something different it usually takes several attempts to get to an acceptable result. Do we call these attempts failures or successes? Sometimes it takes a lot of work to get to a new skill level. It took James Dyson a 'mere' 5,126 'failed' attempts before creating his now famous dual-cyclone vacuum cleaner. James Dyson was persistent and was prepared to learn from each attempt. He did not ignore, erase, what didn't work but learnt and tried again. In the past people have argued that erasers/rubbers should be banned in schools as they create 'a culture of shame about error’. It's a way of lying to the world, which says, "I didn't make a mistake, I got it right first time.' Of course with computers it is very easy to erase what we don't want others to see - we don't need a physical rubber - but if James Dyson had erased his earlier work, would he have been the billionaire he is now? In the Bible God criticised those who were just doing the same thing without stretching themselves, trying to do better, trying to be creative. See Matthew chapter 25 verses 14 - 30. It is not easy because we won't always get it right. We may get to something that is good but, however hard we try, we will make mistakes. We will rarely be at a service that could not be improved, or have a conversation with someone where different words would have been better. But if we don't take part, try to engage, try different approaches then we will not improve. We are not perfect, but God gives us hope that we can do better by learning from our experiences and thereby becoming more useful in God's kingdom. So, is it true that 'the person who never made a mistake never made anything'? Colne Engaine Parish Magazine October 2016 / 5

FROM THE REGISTERS PASTORAL CARE Baptisms: Hugo James 14th August EC Would you or a friend like a visit from a member of our pastoral care team? Weddings: David Rice &Michaela Ann Norris: 222015 Cudmore 13th August WC Beryl Amy: 01787 223486 Terry Hawthorn: 223140 Funerals: Barbara Cutts 11th August CE The Rev Hugh Mothersole: 222211

SACRED SPACE There will no longer be a set time for Sacred Space on Thursdays as we are going to create a prayer station in St Andrew’s Earls Colne so that there is a sacred space people can use anytime the church is open.

PRAYER FOR THE Seekers PARISHES Every Thursday 9am – 9.30am Please feel able to come along and share in this time we set aside to pray together for the life and work of the We’re all ‘seekers’ - no-one has all the answers! churches in The Colnes. If you’d like to join us on our Christian journey as You’d be most welcome. Peter we study and discuss God’s Word you’d be very welcome at our next meetings. We meet every 6th St Andrew’s Earls Colne month from 10-11.30am.

20th October at 5 Swallow Field, Earls Colne 13th St Andrew’s Colne Engaine Each third Thursday of the month we meet to explore our Christian faith through looking at 20th St Andrew’s Earls Colne bible passages, discussing and sharing ideas and sometimes having some input from one of the clergy or ministry team. We welcome anyone who would like to join us or just come along 27th St Andrew’s Colne to see if it's for them! For more information Engaine please contact Ann Norris on 01787222015. 6

Midweek St Andrew’s Harvest Communion Supper & Barn Dance

th Saturday 8 October, 7pm Earls Colne Village Hall Tickets £10 (£5 for under 16s) Each Tuesday 9.30am Bar open A great way to say thanks for all the good things in our lives, particularly St Andrew’s Earls Colne friends, family and community. Please join us for a good ole Followed by refreshments dosey oe! Ring Beryl 223486 or 222526 All Welcome or Helen to book tickets. Parish of St Andrew’s Colne Engaine

Your Church needs you….

We are looking for people to assist in a fundraising project that we will be starting at the beginning of 2017.

We are looking to raise in the region £228,000 for the following:

Churchyard extension, Maintenance of porch, church roof and a new boiler We have also been having discussions over some time about improving the "community" opportunities the Church has to offer. To meet these aspirations, it is considered necessary to provide key facilities. These incorporate:

Toilet facilities, Kitchen facilities, Church Hall. If you are interested in helping in your community then in the first instance please con- tact Rita Prior – PCC Secretary on 01787 223867 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine October 2016 / 7


Date Time Church Service Leader Organist/Music Readings Season

2nd 10am EC MW LT Bret Johnson Lamentations Trinity 19

5pm EC EP HM Bret Johnson 1:1-6 Green 8am CE HC BCP PA - 10am CE All age PA Nick Chapman Luke 17:5-10 Harvest 10.30am WC HC CW HM Ivy Hicks 9th 8am EC HC CW PA - Jeremiah Trinity 20

10am EC All age PA Bret Johnson 29:1, 4-7 Green Harvest 10am CE MW LT Roger Osbourne Luke 18:1-8 16th 10am EC HC PA Bret Johnson Jeremiah Trinity 21 8am CE HC BCP PA - 21:27-34 Green 10am CE MTs BCP LT Nick Orbel 10.30am WC MW TBA Ivy Hicks Luke 18:1-8 23rd 8am EC HC CW HM - Joel 2:23-32 Last after 10am EC MW LT Bret Johnson Trinity 10am CE HC CW HM Tim Stone Luke 18:9-14 Green Trinity

Oct 30th Halstead Area Team joint Service at Colne Engaine (Hugh Mothersole)

4 before Advent All Saints Isaiah 1:10-18 Luke 19:1-10 Red or Green

St ANDREW’s CHURCHES KEY to Leaders EC - Church Hill, Earls Colne CO6 2RG PA = Peter Allen CE - 25 Church St, Colne Engaine CO6 2EY HM = Hugh Mothersole WC - Boley Road, White Colne CO6 2QB LT = Local Teams HA - Parsonage St, Halstead CO9 2LD VB = Viv Bookes KdB = Katie de Bourcier 8 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine October 2016 / 9

A BACKGROUND ON GARTH HEWITT, COMING TO HALSTEAD BAPTIST CHURCH IN OCTOBER! Garth Hewitt has been touring for 40 years and has performed in diverse venues such as Nashville’s in Tennessee, rural village Gomathimuthupuram in Tamil Nadu, India, and Changi Prison in Singapore. He has visited many areas of poverty, con- flict, deprivation, and disaster, cementing better friendships with local people and bringing them encouragement, but always returning to Europe and the US with person- al stories bringing to life media headlines, keeping individual’s stories at the forefront when newspapers have forgotten, and challenging the privileged to share, and to join the protest against injustice. He has been joined on his records by a wide variety of artists including , Martyn Joseph and

Founding the human rights charity Amos Trust in 1985, Garth worked for 26 years as its Director and is still a Founder member.

Garth passionately believes that it is always time for people of all faiths to speak up and call for justice, reaffirming the dignity, rights and value of each human being made ‘in the image of God’. As part of this passion Garth has written nine books, he believes in a revolution of love and justice that is relevant all around the world – a revolution of non-violence, of valuing all people as equal.

For 25 years Garth was one of the Directors/Board Members of the Greenbelt Festi- val... It was particularly through Garth’s influence that it became an Arts Festival with a commitment to social justice.

Until recently Garth has been the Guild Vicar of All Hallows on the Wall in the – a centre for organisations involved in issues of justice and art. He is now an Associate Priest at St Clement’s Eastcheap, the home of Amos Trust, also in the City of London. Garth is also an honorary Canon of St George’s Cathedral, Jerusalem. He is a Patron of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and in 2007 Garth was given an award by the British relief and development agency Interpal for his ‘longstanding commitment to the Palestinian people through both the relief and awareness work done by his charity, the Amos Trust. Garth has been a regular contributor to BBC Radio 2’s Pause for Thought.

Date: Saturday November 19th, Time: 7.30pm . Tickets: £8 or £10 on the door, on sale now through Halstead Baptist Church. Phone 01787 477800 for your tickets or speak to anyone from Halstead Baptist Church 10 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine October 2016 / 11

SENIOR CITIZEN’S LUNCHES WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO OUT TO LUNCH EVERY FORTNIGHT? Three ladies from Crossways Church Fellowship cook a 2-course meal for up to forty people at Earls Colne Village Hall every other Tuesday at 12.30pm. Sometimes a professional pianist serenades the diners! Cost £3.50. Free transport is available. Next lunches: 11th and 25th October. For information call 01787 223677. Third Thursday of the month: COLNE ENGAINE WOMEN’S INSTITUTE

Next Meeting: Thursday 20th October 2016 Competition “Design a card” Talk by Bryan Thurlow “We’ll meet again” Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 7.30pm in Colne Engaine Village Hall. The WI offers opportunities for all women to enjoy friendship, to learn, to widen their horizons and together influence local, national and international affairs. Visitors welcome. President: Kathy Gowlett 223338 COLNE ENGAINE YOUTH CLUB FRIDAYS: October 7th, 14th, 21st / November 4th, 11th, 18th / December 2nd, 9th, 16th. CEYC is a social club for children who live in the parish and/or go/went to the village primary school. We have pool, table tennis, air hockey, team games, arts and crafts and a tuck shop. In the Summer term we use the recreation ground for outdoor games. The club is held in the village hall from 7-9pm and is run by volunteers. Year 5s can join from January to June. Year 6 and over can join any time.


Colne Engaine Parish Magazine October 2016 / 13

Letter to the Editor

Sir I’m sure that I am not alone in being frustrated with the speed of broadband to many properties on the fringes of the village.

Having registered interest in high speed broadband with Superfast at the beginning of the proposed ‘roll out’ programme, which seems like many years ago now, I was quite optimistic that I would soon be seeing an improvement to my 0.8mbps to 1.8mbps download speed. Unfortunately, I was not living in the real world and it soon became clear that the programme would initially be focusing on larger populated areas with the potential I suppose of more customers for BT and other uses of the line (Sky, Talk Talk etc) to make it worthwhile. Nevertheless, Openreach, an arm’s length subsidiary of BT, work on behalf of the majority of the country’s service providers and understandably have the expertise and the large workforce to take on projects of this scale.

Recently I have been looking into the current local situation and discovered that the cabinet (No 2 Earls Colne) which is situated on the verge among the vegetation at Countess Cross and supplies properties in the vicinity was Fibre Optic enabled. This seemed strange as Fibre Optic cabinets are normally much larger and require planning permission along with a power supply. I queried this with Superfast Essex and was assured it was connected. It was explained that the reason I was unable to receive a faster broadband speed was due to external factors such as the distance from the cabinet and the quality of the cables etc. Copper and aluminium I am told while acceptable for a telephone connection is not ideal in this age of the internet. It was recognised that this particular area still requires investment to improve the service and while Superfast Essex are in ongoing discussions with BT to identify connection options in the area, in reality it is likely to take some time to agree a suitable solution.

Delving a bit further it has now come to light that there is also another cabinet No.2 Earls Colne at the top of White Colne green. I assume this is where the confusion has arisen. Apparently, our line goes from this particular cabinet out towards Bures then goes across the fields to the box at Countess Cross. This must be in the region of 3.5 to 4miles from the exchange in Earls Colne followed by another 1.0 to 1.5miles along Brickhouse Road. That just about sums it up!!!

If customers cannot achieve 2Mbps it might be a consideration to look into a satellite or wireless system, particularly given that there are no plans to upgrade the lines within the next six months.

Dudley Felton



We are delighted to welcome some new faces to our school community this year.

We welcome eighteen new children and seven new families to our school this year, bringing our number on roll to 110. Hello to Arwen in Year 5 and Gareth in Year 3, as well as all of our new children in Reception:- Arietty, Poppy, Josh, Eddie, Phoebe, Eden, Florence, Elsie, Farley, Frankie, Rebecca, Freddie, Jenson, Toby, Arthur and Oscar. We hope you have a wonderful experience with us here at Colne Engaine.

We also say a big hello to our two new teachers. Miss Fordham joins us as the new teacher in the Reception class and Miss Andrews is our new teacher for children in Year 1 and 2. They have already made a great start and we are looking forward to an exciting journey with our new team.

Our classes have all been given new names over the summer too – taken from some of the beautiful trees we are lucky enough to have in our school grounds.

Class One is now Class 2 is now Class 3 is now Class 4 is now Syca- Oak Tree class Willow Class Rowan Class more Class

We have also introduced our children to a new ‘Learning Buddy’ in school, designed by one of our children in Year 6 – Fletcher Brady.

‘BEN’ stands for ‘Becoming Expert Now’ By using the tools in BEN’s learning toolkit, children will build the skills they need to be resilient and robust learners, who love a challenge! The skills are to imagine, to work hard, to be ready to try new things, to always work to improve, to concentrate, to be good communicator, to never give up and to push ourselves. The children are already making good use of these tools to rise to those new challenges they meet every day. 16


The inaugural Colne Engaine 5 mile run

The day dawned brightly as 104 eager runners assembled at the start line on the iconic village green to run their 5 mile race - dreaming of a personal best, a unique medal or perhaps a bacon sarnie at the finish. They were punctually set off by race director Jane Roach and led round the course by Nigel Warwick on his trusty steed.

The runners who had been warmed up by Kimberley Metson set off at a pace to run along the lovely country lanes in the glorious late summer sunshine.

Meanwhile a good number of village youngsters turned out to enjoy their mile race around the lower field perimeter.

At the end runners amassing at the village hall were overheard discussing individual triumphs and hopes for exceeding their performance in next year’s Colne Engaine 5 mile run. They enjoyed bacon rolls, tea and cake beautifully served by members of the Festival Committee.

Much to organisers relief the event was completely incident free notwithstanding the challenges of a freshly laid road dressing 24 hours before the run and the presence of several hundred lycra clad cyclists sharing the same route.

MOBILE LIBRARY Thursdays: 6th & 20th Oct at the Primary School at 11am for 30mins. Fridays: 7th & 21st Oct on The Green at 11.55am, then Brook Street from 12.30-12.45pm EARLS COLNE LIBRARY Opens Tues & Fri, 1-5pm and Thurs & Sat, 9am-1pm. 38 High Street, Earls Colne. T: 223565 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine October 2016 / 17 TUTOR Lunchtime Recitals at St. Andrew’s Church GCSE KS4 MATHS Earls Colne On the second Thursday of the BOOKKEEPING/ month at 1pm for 40 minutes.


Tuition in your own home

on a one-to-one basis. Many years experience. Reasonable rates. Accounting/Bookkeeping Service also offered. 13th Oct: Jane Bellingham / Edward Contact Tony 01787 224589 Preston (Piano) 18

THE PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Meetings: Colne Engaine Parish Council meets at 8pm on the 2nd Thursday of each month with the exception of August and the meetings are held in the Jubilee extension of the Village Hall. Members of the public and press are welcome to attend and at the beginning of each meeting a 15 minutes Public Session is held for non-members to address Council on items specified on the agenda. Please feel free to e-mail any items you would like added to the Agenda and / or Noticeboard and they will be dealt with ASAP. In addition, if you have anything you would like to report to the Parish Council again feel free to e-mail or telephone. The Parish office is staffed on a part time basis so please feel free to leave a message and I will return your call as soon as possible. MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL: Members of the Council work hard to make sure that Colne Engaine remains a beautiful and tranquil place to live. So if you have any comments or suggestions please feel free to contact them. CLLR ALAN BARNARD [email protected] 01787 224709 CLLR PATRICIA TAYLOR [email protected] 01787 224876 CLLR TIM EVERITT [email protected] 01787 223612 CLLR LUCY ORROW [email protected] 01787 224786 CLLR TRACEY JOHNS [email protected] 01787 222372 CLLR NIGEL WARWICK [email protected] 01753 494000 CLLR IAN MESSENGER [email protected] Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer: Mr Terry Rootsey [email protected] 07946 096331 3 Box Mill Cottages, Box Mill Lane, Halstead CO9 2DR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE MEMBERS AND CLERK ALLOTMENTS CLLR BARNARD & CLLR EVERITT ESSEX ASSOC OF LOCAL COUNCILS CLLR TAYLOR / THE CLERK FESTIVAL COMMITTEE LIAISON CLLR BARNARD FINANCIAL CONTROL CLLR ORROW / CLLR MESSENGER FOOTPATHS & TREE WARDEN CLLR EVERITT / CLLR TAYLOR FUNDING FOR VILLAGE PROJECTS CLLR ORROW / CLLR JOHNS PLANNING LIAISON CLLR ORROW / CLLR JOHNS RECREATION GROUND CLLR JOHNS / CLLR WARWICK TOWNLANDS TRUST CLLR BARNARD / CLLR EVERITT VILLAGE HALL COMMITTEE LIAISON CLLR ORROW VILLAGE SCHOOL COUNCIL LIAISON CLLR JOHNS WEBSITE & IT CLLR MESSENGER YOUTH CLUB CLLR ORROW SEXTON’S FIELD TRUSTEES CLLR BARNARD / CLLR EVERITT Colne Engaine Parish Magazine October 2016 / 19

NOTES FROM THE PARISH COUNCIL As is the norm there was no Parish Council meeting in August although Council business continued pretty much as normal with the Clerk, Chairman and Councillors working quietly on your behalf. As always a number of emails and phone calls from residents as well as and Essex County Councils were dealt with. Don’t forget you can keep in touch with all that is going on via the website or by our Facebook page.

By the time these notes are published the September meeting will have taken place and I know that Councillors are looking forward to reviewing all of your suggestions made earlier in the year although I fear that the Olympic swimming and diving pools may be a little beyond the Council’s resources!!! I will summarise those discussions in my November notes. I think this would be a good time to say a big thank you from the Parish Council to the unsung heroes who either regularly or on an ad hoc basis pick up litter from the footpaths in and around our village. Keep up the good work! We would also ask all dog owners to follow the lead (excuse the pun but quite apt perhaps!) of the majority of well- behaved owners who clear up after their dogs. Dogs mess has recently had to be cleared up by others in the children's play area and the lower recreation ground where the young of the village play football and other games. PLEASE clear up after your dog so others don't have to do it for you. Someone who rarely gets a mention in my notes is Chub the Village Maintenance man who is out every weekend come rain or shine, or indeed snow to keep the village clean and tidy. He has a cheery word for everyone and I think we are lucky to have him working so diligently for us. Well done Chub. Regards to all Terry (Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer to Colne Engaine Parish Council) WOW - Women of the Word Presents Guest Speaker Beck’s Korniej Christian Outreach Worker

Thursday 6th October ● 7.30 - 9.30 pm at ‘The Five Bells’, Colne Engaine £12.50 includes a hot meal

To book your place call Sharon on 07879119255 or look out in your church for your local contact. 20


Jill & Chris warmly welcome you to their 17th Century cottage in Colne Engaine. Would you like more time to do the things you enjoy? 2 double bedrooms plus cosy Let me clean while you're out & about. sitting room and private facilities. I can clean your whole home or English or Continental breakfast. business as a one-off or regularly. Countryside views & walks. At work all day - pets get no play? I will walk, feed & love your pets while T: 01787 223348 you're away. You can enjoy your M: 07919 200646 holiday or stress less at work knowing your pets are in good hands E: [email protected] Call or email today [email protected] Mobile: 07919 220807 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine October 2016 / 21 22 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine October 2016 / 23

FERRIERS BARN Ferriers Barn is hugely grateful to the Colne Engaine Festival Committee for their very generous donation as a result of the village festival in June. They would also like to thank St. Andrews Church for its continuing support. As you may know, Ferriers Barn is a day centre for adult seriously disabled people to attend and learn skills such as weaving, pottery, woodwork, art and gardening. They love coming and make friends as well as learning. It also provides some relaxation for their carers. Like most small charities, Ferriers Barn is run on a shoestring and is always short of money. The Barn’s regular income (from donations and the attendance fees paid by the day members) covers basic outgoings but leaves almost nothing for repairs or new ideas. To raise a bit of extra money for these things, we have a Christmas Bazaar, a Bridge Drive and a Plant Sale, plus at least one other event during the year. We have no professional fund raisers - it is all done by volunteers. Those of us who run and man these events are getting a bit ancient and we would love some younger help. The Christmas Bazaar (held at the Barn) will be on Tuesday 22nd November from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. At it, we sell things made by the disabled day Members , plus cakes, jam, marmalade, chutney, mince pies, sausage rolls, etc. (all home- made). We need people to help with selling and also with cooking, if possible. Do make a note of this date in your diaries. We also have a bridge drive booked for Wednesday 15th February at Bures Community Centre (Village Hall). We give the bridge players lunch and then help -themselves tea, coffee and cake. Again we need help with cooking, serving and washing up and would welcome some younger, fitter volunteers with a few hours to spare. If you are interested in helping at either of these events (and there will be others during 2017), or have some other bright ideas, we would love to hear from you. Please contact either: Jane Lambert 01787 224 220 [email protected] or Jill Kerr-Smiley 01787 222 214 [email protected]

School Hall available for evening or weekend lettings If there are any local groups looking for somewhere to meet our school hall is available from 4.30pm to 10pm each evening and also at weekends, term time only. Mon-Fri before 6:00pm £13 per hour Mon-Fri after 6:00pm £15.50 per hour Sat & Sun: £15.50 per hour Add 5% surcharge if heating is required. For more information please call Bev Coltart on 01787 222717. 24 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine October 2016 / 25

MUSTELIDS by Hannah Elkington

If you haven’t come across that word before, you are probably already thinking what? That sounds unpleasant? I suppose it can be so. The Mustelid family is the weasel family, and actually most of the predatory animals we have in the UK are members of this family. They are a bit of a “smelly” group, as they have strong scents that are left to mark territories. It is pretty diverse; from badgers, to otters to the tiny weasel. I’m not going to talk about all of them this month, just two! First of all, let’s get to the bottom of this old chestnut: “A weasel is weasily recognised, and a stoat is stoatily different”. Actually this statement is pretty true; the animals are not that hard to tell apart once you know a few basic things about the species. Weasels are tiny, a little furry sausage with legs (quiet at the back please!), as they are only about 29cm long including their tails. They are vicious predators; pound for pound the most ferocious of all our carnivores as this tiny creature can bring down a rabbit. They must eat once a day to avoid starvation, so they can be seen at any time of the day or night, usually as a ginger blur running or bounding across your path or the road. They like to move in short leaps as they run and are fantastic climbers. Their underside is a creamy white colour but they do not have the black tip to the tail that a stoat has. Stoats are larger and perhaps more beautiful, with their russet fur, white belly and jet black tip to the tail. In parts of Scotland the Stoat will turn white in the winter, but it isn’t cold enough further south for that so ours look the same all year round. A Stoat can measure around 44cm including their tails, which are proportionally longer than a Weasel’s at 14cm rather than 6cm. They eat a similar diet of mainly small rodents and also larger prey such as rabbits – so just as fierce. They are masters of pursuit, weaving whichever way their prey turns and never giving up. I was once introducing a pond dipping activity to a group of city schoolchildren when my colleague excitedly pointed out to them the rare view of a stoat running across the picnic area. Delight turned to horror in her eyes when she realised it was hot on the tail of a cute bunny, and these children who had earlier been excited to see a “real sheep”, could be about to witness a death. Luckily the bite to the back of the skull was effected out of sight, and the teachers chose to tell the class the animals had been playing chase. Nature, red in tooth and claw and all that...

Handmade Craft Market At St Andrews Church, Earls Colne Saturday 5th November 11am - 2pm Please contact Helen on 01787 222526 or e-mail [email protected] if you would like a stall. 26 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine October 2016 / 27


Property Sales and Lettings in Halstead and surrounding villages. All types of property continually sought for buyers and tenants. Competitive rates. A personal, professional, reliable service. Established 1990. Contact Jonathan White on 01787 476888 St Andrews Cottage, rear of 21, Head Street, Halstead CO9 2AU


In excess of 100 years of a caring service for bereaved families.

Arrangements can be made in your own home, independent family firm, 24 hour service.

Private Chapel of Rest Memorials & Pre-payment plans, Woodland Burials

Market End, Coggeshall CO6 1NH Telephone: (01376) 561316 or 561779 Fax: (01376) 561011 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine October 2016 / 29

The Retreat House, Pleshey

A Place of Prayer, Space & Quiet Reflection

Halstead Area Team Ministry Why not take the opportunity to get away for a day? at Pleshey House Of Retreat on Saturday 1st October Arrive at 9.30am for a 10 o’clock start

The Chelmsford The day will include: Walk softly in the Diocesan House  Worship ways of God of Retreat at Listen gently to Pleshey is a  Talks the voice of God quiet place within the life of  Walks Sit quietly in the the Diocese, love of God where through  Coffee, Tea and Lunch Pray humbly to the heart of God encounter with All activities are optional and God we are Act boldly in the inspired to you are free to spend time in strength of God holy living quiet in other areas of the Go forth in House (other bookings His name permitting) or in the garden. The day will conclude at 4.30pm. Cost (to include soup lunch) £16 Please note there is no public transport to Pleshey, lifts can be arranged for those requiring them. Contact your local minister to book your place: Revd Katie de Bourcier, Revd Gay Ellis, Revd Hugh Mothersole, Revd Peter Allen, Nick Ellis, Terry Streamer 30 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine October 2016 / 31 32


6.30 for a prompt start at 7pm A light hearted, sociable game of whist, with a coffee interval and raffle. Everyone is welcome. We are always looking for new faces. All profits to the Village Hall Improvements Fund. DO COME AND JOIN US! Ring Frances Simmons on 222872 for more information. Future dates for your diaries are: November 25th, no whist drive in December, January 27th (in Annnexe), February 24th, March 31st and April 28th. Colne Engaine Parish Magazine October 2016 / 33


Don’t be so Dramatic

I’ve been tied up lately supporting the cast of “Short Tails and Tall Tails” – the latest pro- duction of The Colne Engaine Dramatic Club. It seems that while drama clubs in the UK are in decline, that in Colne Engaine is alive and kicking. Founded in 1963, and based in the village hall, its members practice their art on a variety of plays as well as the yearly panto. When I talked to members of the audience as they left the performance, many stressed how much they had enjoyed being part of a exclusive group. They also loved the way they were exposed to live emotion, as well as the quality of the whole produc- tion from the acting, lighting, use of the stage, and sound effects. In addition they partic- ularly liked seeing people they know in the village take on completely different charac- ters.

Well it really is exclusive as the evening supper performances (yes you get fed as well for £12.00) only cater for 55 people a night, and even other plays perform to capacities of 78 a night; so that’s about 1000 people a year who get to see high quality, home crafted performances, - I think that that’s quite special.

Everyone knows how special I believe our village is, and detractors knock my “Centre of the Universe” slogan, but the drama club shows how this village nurtures talent and the confidence to do great and different things. It also seems to bestow the gift of youthful- ness on its players, - I’m often in awe of Pat and Brenda and how much they give, - and how much they encourage newbies like my wife to expand her boundaries. So here’s a toast to AM DRAMER everywhere, may you long keep village halls everywhere filled with laughter, tears, and live emotion.

Proud to be at The Centre of the Universe,

The Landlord

PS You will be glad to know that apart from a small part in the panto, my wife has for- bidden me to go on the stage, as it’s “her thing.” I’m confined to a support role which is good really as I am quite shy.

PPS Tickets for the panto go on sale in December, so don’t be one of the disappointed. I’m told it’s got a great cast this year (hint) 34 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine October 2016 / 35 36

Stephen Strelitz

[email protected]

JMAC INTERIORS Specialist Painters & Decorators Est. 1997

 All Interior and Exterior Work Undertaken

 Specialist in Period & Listed Properties

 Wallpaper Hanging to the Highest Standards

 Restoration of Ornate Cornices & Ceiling Roses  References Available  Fully Insured Contact: Jeff Macdonald Tel: 07778 031505 - 01787 224674 Email: [email protected] Colne Engaine Parish Magazine October 2016 / 37 38 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine October 2016 / 39

UPDATE FROM MOTHERS UNION Our October Meeting – Tuesday 11 October at 2pm at Earls Colne Village Hall This month I will be looking back on my holiday from the beginning of the year, and sharing my memories with you all. We will also be discussing and planning future events coming up.

Overseas Boxes Our own Overseas Fund collections help to give assistance to MU work where it is needed throughout the world. Our October meeting is when we collect the money you have saved through the year. Please bring your boxes to the October meeting, or bring a donation for vital MU funds. Thank you.

Getting Together – Tuesday 18th October, at Colne Place Join us at Colne Place 10.15 for 10.30am for coffee with the residents. Lunch and Fellowship – Wednesday 25th October We meet 12.15 for 12.30pm, a time to enjoy a meal and share fellowship with friends at the Castle. All are welcome. It is Harvest Time and in the current Families First we read, “This Harvest we thank God for the gifts we have to share; not only the food we eat, but also the loving relationships that are part of our lives. We share in fellowship and prayer, and share our time, skills and resources. Each of us has gifts given by God and we must use and EARLS COLNE share them to make a difference in our own community and further HERITAGE MUSEUM afield. Open Weds/Sat/Sun. 2-4pm. How has God blessed your life this Admission free. year? What gifts has God given you that can be shared? Take some time The Old Water Tower, this harvest to say thank you.” Reuben Walk, Earls Colne, CO6 2SZ Beryl Amy 40 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine October 2016 / 41 42

FLYING THE NEST: MEMORIES OF COLNE ENGAINE Well, the time has come; the bags are packed (a process made vastly easier by never actually getting round to unpacking them in the first place) and I’m ready to go. As you are reading this, my wings are unfurling, ready for the tentative leap of faith into the real world. My days in Colne Engaine have finally come to an end: I’m flying the nest. I have lived in this village since I was born; same place, same house, same room for the last 15 years! I am now about to take a step into the unknown (quite literally, as my employer has neglected to mention some insignificant details such as where I will be living next) and leave our little snapshot of idyllic rural residency for the dangerous and uncertain ‘world of work’. There is so much that I’m going to miss about our village that I could fill this entire magazine. I think, quite oxymoronically, that it simply comes down to space and people. I am a creature of the countryside through and through; even at university, the need for fresh air still coursed through my veins, accompanied by coffee and stress. I have now lived in a city for three years (and not even a proper city at that), and I can still say, totally impartially I’m sure, that the Great British countryside is still firmly positioned as the winning side in my mind. Nowhere else can give you the rolling green valleys, the flutter of flocks of starlings and sheer, unadulterated space. Where you can listen and hear nothing but pure nature; no motorways or the babble of a crowd, or the footfalls of commuters, but instead the wind gently caressing the grass, rattling the leaves in a natural crescendo. The space I’m going to miss most is the stars; lost to light pollution to so many, we have the privilege of the uninterrupted cosmos, scattered across the sky. But the thing I’m going to miss, even more than wildlife of which I am so fond, is the people. Colne Engaine is a community, which looks out for each other and makes everyone feel welcome. I had a friend who fell over in Cambridge and was ignored; fall over in Colne Engaine and you will be instantly thronged by a concerned mob. I cannot overstate how much I will miss living in a place where, it doesn’t matter if you haven’t the faintest clue who they are, you will always smile and greet someone strolling in the opposite direction. Although I’m sure I will enjoy my new career, I’m desperately sad to be leaving my job in the shop (this gives me the perfect opportunity to say goodbye and say, quite honestly, how much I’m going to miss you all); getting to work at the heart of this wonderful village has been a privilege and I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to get to know all our lovely customers. This village has so many amenities that I have been lucky to utilise, but it is the people that made Colne Engaine such a special place to spend my formative years. I will remember my time in the village with fondness, and although I’m sure my nostalgia (and my mother) will ensure visits home are both frequent and numerous, it just will not be quite the same. So, from me, for a final time, goodbye, and thank you. Mary Nower Colne Engaine Parish Magazine October 2016 / 43


Colnes Footpath Association Next walk: Sunday 2nd October 2016 Hike Essex Time: 2.00 pm Hike Essex is an established walking group Meet at: Sible Hedingham Car Park for people typically in their 20’s, 30’s and (behind the Co-op) 40’s. We have walks every weekend, as well Contact: Astrid on 01371 810627 as mid week evening walks between Spring and Autumn, around the Essex countryside. Halstead Footpath Walkers We also have weekends away and regular Next Walk: Sunday 9th October 2016 socials. All our events are run by volunteers Time: 9.30 am who have a love of hiking and the outdoors. Meet at: Solar Car Park, Halstead – drive At Hike Essex we think hiking is a great way and walk. of getting fit and meeting like minded Walking in: Langham area (4½ miles) people. We’re part of the Ramblers Association so for a one off yearly fee (that’s

● Members & guests participate in less than a month’s gym membership) you these walks entirely at their own risk ● can come along to any of our events. Grace Carey Childminding Services

YOGA GENTLE & MODERATE CLASSES IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME For people of all ages who prefer slow, gentle yoga

For those recovering from injury or illness For seniors with desire to become stronger OFSTED registered childminder Individually prepared yoga practice classes Fun and learning in a caring and Please contact Odetta 07514 880604 lively home environment [email protected] (term time only) T: 01787 220219 [email protected] 44 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine October 2016 / 45


COURTAULD MEMORIAL HALL 1 Station Road, Colne Engaine FOR ALL YOUR SOCIAL NEEDS Receptions, Discos & Dances, Children’s Parties, Auctions & Fundraisers, Exhibitions, Meetings. AMPLE CAR PARKING For full details telephone 01787 223668 46

OPEN ALL WEEK 7am-7pm Plus late night opening on Fridays & Saturdays until 10pm

Providing everything you need right here in the village FRESHLY BAKED BREAD EVERY DAY



FRESH MEATS from The Rare Breed Meat Co.




We’re a friendly, family business so just drop in and say hello to Richard, Wendy & Winnie the dog!

Want to know if we’ve got something? Ring, email or tweet ahead and we’ll let you know... t: 01787 220163 m: 07977 636624 [email protected] 39 Church Street, Colne Engaine CO6 2EY

Colne Engaine Village Shop @shopkeeperjones Colne Engaine Parish Magazine October 2016 / 47

Dog Grooming Services All breeds of dog welcome. Free Puppy Introductory Visits Collection and Delivery Service available. Easy Free Parking Caring, Friendly and Professional. Fully Insured Bathing, clipping, hand stripping, nails Loyalty scheme with discount offers available

01787 267888 Cooks Cottage, Twinstead Road, CO9 2PB ***MICROCHIPPING NOW AVAILABLE*** 48 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine October 2016 / 49 50 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine October 2016 / 51 52 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine October 2016 / 53

Come and choose Having a Party? from our delicious Our VW Ice Cream Dub, range of Award Winning Ice Cream Bike or Barrow are all available for parties, Ice Creams and Sorbets, weddings and celebrations. available from our own See website for details: Self-Service Ice Cream Shop.

Handmade in the village… you can’t get much better than that! Shop opening times: 11am to 6pm everyday, on a self-service basis. Home Farm, Colne Engaine, CO6 2HU. T: 01787 220420 @hadleysdairy 54 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine October 2016 / 55


Colne Engaine to EVERY MONDAY TO BRAINTREE No. 82A and 82B The service stops in the villages and in Monday to Friday. Halstead and as long as it is safe to do so, From The Green 09:08, 11:18, 13:18 the bus will stop along the route within Arrives Osborne Street 09:58, 12:14, 14:11 the village when hailed. Monday to Saturday. For help boarding or leaving the vehicle, From The Green 09:05 or with shopping bags, just speak to the Arrives Osborne Street 09:58 driver. The service is fully accessible, but please would passengers in wheelchairs Colchester to Colne Engaine phone ahead on 01376 557896. No. 82 FARES, payable on the bus Monday to Friday. Adult £2 (single or return) From Osborne Street 10:05, 12:20, 16:15 5-16yrs £1 (single or return) Arrives The Green 10:56, 13:10, 17:07 Under 5s Free Monday to Saturday. Concessionary bus passes must be shown From Osborne Street 16:15 to receive free transport. Concessionary Arrives The Green 17:07 bus passes are available from Braintree Please note that the 83 route is now solely District Council on 01376 551414. used on the Bures/Colchester run and has Timetable no direct contact with the parish. 11.10 White Colne, Heatin’ & Eatin’, Full details of all the above timetables, Colchester Rd including all stops, are available from 11.13 White Colne, Village Green 11.14 Earls Colne, Tey Road, Lowefields 11.20 Earls Colne, Hillie Bunnies 11.23 Earls Colne, De Vere Road 11.26 Colne Engaine, The Green Do you know a 11.31 Halstead, Market Hill 11.32 Halstead, Bridge Street new parent or 11.55 Braintree, Sainsburys 14.00 Braintree, Sainsburys grandparent? 14.18 Halstead, Bridge Street 14.19 Halstead, Market Hill Do they know about 14.24 Colne Engaine, The Green Colne Engaine Stay & Play 14 27 Earls Colne, De Vere Road 14.30 Earls Colne, Hillie Bunnies Baby & Toddler Group? 14.36 Earls Colne, Tey Road, Lowefields A chance to get out of the 14.37 White Colne, Village Green 14.40 White Colne, Heatin’ & Eatin’, house, play & chat in Colchester Rd a friendly atmosphere! Does not operate on Bank Holidays. Details on p27. 56

LIST OF DEFIBRILLATOR OPERATIVES WHAT TO DO IF YOU SUSPECT A HEART ATTACK Should you suspect that a person you are with is suffering from a heart attack or they have stopped breathing for whatever reason, Call the Ambulance Service first on 999. When, and only when you have taken this step, you may call any of the trained defibrillator volunteers on this list who will attend with the AED (Automated External Defibrillator) and assist you until the Ambulance Service arrive. Name First phone Second phone Darran Lingley 01787 224166 (5 Bells) 07715 991221 (Mob) Richard Jones 07813 746717 (Mob) 01787 220163 (Shop) 01787 223666 (Home) Brian Fleming 07967 949808 (Mob) 01787 224166 (5 Bells) 01787 222080 (Home) Barbara & Geoffery Marcoolyn 01787 222334 07771 950735 Jo Davidson 01787 223163 07815 140568 Suzie & Adrian Gasser 01787 224983 07714 647696 Ginny Jeggo 07792424061 01787 220358 Paul Knightly 07583 522908 01787 581701 Lucy Orrow 01787 224786 07711 704770 Mary Ashby 01787 222799 07745474959 Moira Mizon 07947499126 01787220497 Gareth Jones 01787 224318 07771 503306 Jane Roach 01787 221390 07739118116


Natural Gas & LPG Bathrooms Central Heating Installations Design Boiler Servicing Installations Boiler Breakdown Showers Landlord Gas Safety Checks Wetrooms Cookers & Ranges Wall & Floor Tiling Alterations Commercial Natural Gas & LPG Oil Air Heating Central Heating Installations Gas Safety Checks Boiler Servicing Pipework & Pipework Commissioning Boiler Breakdown Catering Installations Tank & Oil Line Installations Mobile Catering Installations Mobile Catering Safety Checks Kitchens Design Installations

Tel: 01787 224796 Mobile: 07977 426831 (Kevin) Mobile : 07977 427081 (Ferg) Email: [email protected] 58


Colne Engaine Youth FC is getting ready for its second season. We have filled some of the uneven areas on the pitch, and got smart new kits for the team to play in. The Team participated in a pre-season tournament at Hatfield Peverel to help the players get used to playing 7 a side games on a much bigger pitch.

Our season with the Colchester and District Youth Football league commenced on 11th September. Our fixtures are posted on the under 9s section of the club website - http://

We currently play our home matches on Sunday mornings at the Colne Engaine Recreation Ground - matches kick off at 10.30 hrs. We enjoy good home support, which is probably as a result of the great bacon sandwiches, teas and coffees as much as the great football.

21 Colne Engaine Youth FC players / fans to watched U 21s convincing victory over Norway U21s on 6th September

WOULD YOU LIKE TO COACH YOUTH FOOTBALL IN COLNE ENGAINE? Colne Engaine Youth FC is looking to expand in 2016 to achieve this we need people interested in managing new teams. The youth football club already has a great set-up, with a committee, FA affiliation and league membership. We have all the equipment and facilities in place for training and match days. We can also offer FA coaching courses. We need committed people of any age who would be prepared to take training sessions and manage teams. If this is of interest, please get in touch.

INDEX OF ADVERTISERS October 2016 / 59 Beauty Treatment 34 Bed & Breakfast 20 USEFUL NUMBERS Builder 21, 22 Church Care in the Home 38 St Andrews Church, Colne Engaine Carpet & Floor Fitting 14 01787 220347 Carpet Cleaning 36 Councils Colne Engaine Parish Council 07946 096331 Child Minding 43 Braintree District Council 01376 552525 Cleaning and Pets 20 Colchester Borough Council 01206 282222 Computer Services 11, 20, 24 Doctors The Elizabeth Courtauld Surgery, Halstead Dog Grooming Services 47 01787 475944 Double Glazing 14 The Pump House Surgery, Earls Colne Electrician 40 01787 222022 Estate Agent 28, 53 Schools Colne Engaine C of E (Aided) Primary School Farm Produce 37 01787 222717 Farm Shop/Ice Cream 53 Honywood Community Science School, Fencing 12 Coggeshall 01376 561231 Financial Services 49 The Ramsey School, Halstead 01787 472481 Police Fireplaces 8 Halstead Police Station 0300 333 4444 Funeral Directors 26, 28, 52 Village Amenities Garden Services 54 Colne Engaine Village Hall 01787 223668 Groceries/Newspapers 46 Colne Engaine Village Shop 01787 220163 Earls Colne Post Office 01787 222258 Insurance 51 Village Groups Motor Cycles 34 Colne Engaine Village Archive 01787 222080 Painting and Decorating 36 Youth Groups Pet Portraits 21 Colne Engaine Youth Club 07984 794004 Photography 44 1st Earls Colne Brownies 01787 224175 1st Earls Colne Girl Guides 01787 220065 Physiotherapy 35, 50 1st Earls Colne Rainbows 01787 224913 Plumbing/Heating 5, 14, 49, 57 Pub 10, 41 If you are an officer of a club or group in School Hall 23 Colne Engaine and would like to place information about the group’s activities Solicitors 17, 47, 54 and events in the magazine for free, please Swimming Pool 28 contact the Editor (p3).

Tutor 17 If you would like to advertise your business Village Hall 45 in the magazine please see the inside front cover for advertising rates. Yoga 43 COLNE ENGAINE VILLAGE DIARY: OCTOBER 2016 1 Sat Pleshey House of Retreat visit (p29), Youth Club Laser Tag Trip for Over 11s. 2 Sun Colne Engaine Harvest Lunch (p30) 3 Mon Bellringing Practice 4 Tue Midweek Communion (p6) 5 Wed 6 Thu Prayer for the Parishes (p5) 7 Fri Colne Engaine Youth Club returns for the Autumn term (p11) 8 Sat Earls Colne Harvest Supper & Barn Dance (p6) 9 Sun 10 Mon Bellringing Practice Midweek Communion (p6), Senior Citizens Lunch (p11), 11 Tue Mothers Union meeting (p39) 12 Wed Prayer for the Parishes (p5), Parish Council Meeting (p18), Earls Colne Lunchtime 13 Thu Recital (p17) 14 Fri Colne Engaine Youth Club (p11) 15 Sat 16 Sun 17 Mon Bellringing Practice 18 Tue Midweek Communion (p6) 19 Wed 20 Thu Seekers (p5), Prayer for the Parishes (p5), Colne Engaine Women’s Institute (p11) 21 Fri Colne Engaine Youth Club (p11) 22 Sat 23 Sun 24 Mon Bellringing Practice Midweek Communion (p6), Senior Citizens 25 Tue Lunch (p11) 26 Wed Half Term 27 Thu Prayer for the Parishes (p5) 28 Fri 29 Sat Colne Engaine Halloween Party (p31) 30 Sun 31 Mon Dates for your diary 8th Nov Men at Work at The Five Bells (p48) 22nd Nov Ferriers Barn Christmas Bazaar (p23) 15th Feb Ferriers Barn Bridge Drive (p23)