Parish Magazine December & January 2014-15 For all the people who live here COLNE ENGAINE PARISH MAGAZINE DEC & JAN 2014-15

EDITORIAL THE PARISHES Editor: Michael Estcourt , and Colne 2 Brickhouse Road, CO6 2HL Engaine parishes are under the care of Tel/Fax: 01787 220049 our Team Vicar and arrangements for [email protected] Baptisms / Weddings / Funerals and All copy should be sent to Michael. other services or use of the Church Advertising: Terry Hawthorn should be made with; 6 High Croft, CO6 2HE. T: 01787 223140 Team Vicar: The Reverend Peter Allen [email protected] St Andrew’s Rectory, 5 Shut Lane, All advertising should be sent to Terry. Earls Colne Design: Juliet Townsend T: 01787 220347 14 Oddcroft, CO6 2ET. T: 01787 222459. [email protected] [email protected] Church Warden: Mr Desmond Shine 4 Brickhouse Road CO6 2HL PARISH COUNCIL T: 01787 223378 [email protected] Parish Clerk: Terry Rootsey Buntings Green Cottage, Road, PCC Secretary: Mrs Rita Prior Colne Engaine CO6 2JG. 21 Church Street, Colne Engaine CO6 2EX T: 01787 220200 T: 01787 223867 [email protected] [email protected]

ADVERTISING Our monthly magazine (double issues 1/4 Page 62 x 88mm £10 / £50 pa in July/August and December/January) 1/2 Page 128 x 88mm £17 / £75 pa is delivered free of charge to all 400 Full Page 128 x 180mm £20 or £100 pa households in Colne Engaine Cheques payable to Colne Engaine PCC. and . TO OUR READERS Please remember to mention this magazine if you answer any of the advertisements. We welcome advertising in our magazine, the income from which helps to cover production costs. This does not imply any endorsement or approval of the products and services mentioned in the advertising.

FOR THE FEBRUARY ISSUE PLEASE PROVIDE SUBMISSIONS TH BY 4 JANUARY 2015 Please provide Editorial in Word and Advertising as .jpg file Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 3

WELCOME FROM THE EDITOR Last month I outlined who puts the magazine together and how it is done, thanking all those people in the village who contribute towards its publication. This month I would like to thank the advertisers without whose financial support there would not be a magazine at all. The magazine is, as I mentioned last month, free to all households. Printing costs are met from advertising revenue. There are no other expenses as everyone else contributes their time free of charge. The magazine breaks even each year. We are in a unique situation which other towns and villages cannot match. For instance Earls Colne’s Parish Magazine is only distributed to those who pay for it as the town is too large for advertising revenue to match the costs of a magazine per household. So please use the services of our advertisers where you can and, just as importantly, tell them that you saw their advert in this magazine. From time to time I encourage people to send in articles for publication. I am pleased to tell you that the response has been most encouraging. The magazine is now a good read, so please keep your articles coming. I say this often but this is your magazine and if you know of anything good in the village or you want to make a comment about village life, you should use the forum of this publication to air your views. I receive precious few letters or emails and I think this is a pity as I know from talking to many of you that you have something of interest to say. So come on – let’s hear from you. Finally may I wish you all a very Happy Christmas and the hope that the New Year will be a good one for you. Michael Estcourt, Editor T/F: 01787 220049 E: [email protected]

NSPCC BOOK FAIR Thank you to all those who supported this event at Holmwood House. An amazing £23,634 was taken. How fantastic is that!! I hope all those who supported it had some wonderful bargains! Jane Lambert 4

LETTER FROM THE REVEREND PETER ALLEN No doubt in December and January we will find ourselves giving and receiving greetings of ‘Happy Christmas’ and ‘Happy new year’. Such greetings are common place to us within our culture and carry within them a desire for hope, health, good cheer, blessing, and prosperity. There are a number of greetings involved in the Christmas story we find in the gospels. One is the greeting the angel Gabriel gives to Mary when visiting to give her the news that she is to be the mother of the promised Messiah. Gabriel greets Mary with the words, ‘Greetings, favoured one! The Lord is with you.’ We may also know this greeting as ‘Hail’ as different Bible translations seek to capture the spirit and meaning of the word. The original Greek word translated ‘hail’ is ‘chario’ and basically it contains a sense of cheerfulness, happiness, gladness, and joy. This same word is used of the feelings the men from the east felt when they saw the star they had been following re-appear over the place where Jesus could be found. They greeted the star with the same sense of cheerfulness, happiness, gladness, and joy that Gabriel appeared to Mary with (Matt 2:10). We also find this word being abused and misused by Judas (Matt 26:49) when he greets Jesus in the garden when he betrays him to the authorities. In turn Romans soldiers use it as a term of mockery when they dress him up and beat him and spit on him before he is lead out to be crucified (Matt 27:29). You may feel that Christmas is not the time to be thinking about Jesus’ suffering. In one way that may be the case as the Christmas story, the birth of the long awaited Messiah and Saviour of humankind, and creation is definitely news that should be greeted with the kind of greeting Gabriel gives to Mary, and the men from the east gave to the star. However we do a disservice to the gospel writers if we miss out the shadow of the cross hanging over this event. Matthew wishes us to recognise the place of Jesus’ passion even in the midst of the celebration of his birth when he points to the reason of Jesus is here is to save people from their sins (Matt 1:21). He also directs us towards the danger that surrounded Jesus from the beginning as we are left in no doubt as to the intentions of Herod who falsely greeted the men from the east with words of good intent (Matt 2:8). And finally in case we missed these two allusions to danger and suffering Luke picks up this theme when just a few days after his birth we are told that this tiny helpless baby will cause a great stir in the world, have to suffer and that his mother will know great pain on account of this (Luke 2:34-5). In our modern commercial and predominantly post Christian culture we find it so much easier to gravitate towards the cuddly, cherub like, baby we Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 5 have come to see on so many Christmas cards, nativity scenes, and pictures. That’s quite understandable and not something we should be ashamed of or don’t allow ourselves to be uplifted and encouraged by, Christmas is a time of great celebration. But neither should we shy away from the real reason that Jesus’ birth is the be greeted with such joy, which is because he has come to save us from the darkness that lurks within us and hovers around many just as it did him at his birth. It is when we truly allow ourselves to experience the Christmas story in all its light and shade that we will find our joy at celebrating the birth of Jesus deepens. That is because it is only as we recognise our need for a Saviour to deliver from darkness that threatens us within and without that we can fully celebrate and rejoice in the birth of the one who was born to do that. May your Christmas a new year be full of the joy of knowing how wonderful and glorious is the birth of Christ for the whole world. Rev Pete

PRAYERS FOR THE PARISHES Weekly on Thursdays at 9-9.30am. Dec 4th The Rectory, Shut Lane, Earls Colne Dec 11th Church Hall, Brook St, Colne Engaine Dec 18th The Rectory, Shut Lane, Earls Colne Break over Christmas and New Year Jan 8th Church Hall, Brook St, Colne Engaine Jan 15th The Rectory, Shut Lane, Earls Colne Jan 22nd Church Hall, Brook St, Colne Engaine Jan 29th The Rectory, Shut Lane, Earls Colne All Welcome BIBLE READING FELLOWSHIP GROUP WITH BIBLE STUDY December 18th at 10am at The Rectory, Shut Lane, Earls Colne We would be delighted to welcome new faces. Do give this friendly discussion group a try! Discussion is often triggered by the readings from our Bible Reading Notes but it is not necessary to read these to join in and enjoy the discussions. We find these meetings help us to clarify what we believe (or don’t!), to discover that others have the same doubts, problems etc. as we do and to grow in our faith, as we see what the Bible has to say on a wide variety of subjects and how that affects our daily lives. Finally, don’t be intimidated at the thought of ‘discussion’ – no one has to say anything if they would prefer just to listen! 6 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 7


Sun 7th Dec Colne Engaine 8am Holy Communion BCP 10am All Age Service including Nativity Pieces Earls Colne 10am Morning Worship White Colne 5pm Christingle Readings Isaiah 40:1-11, Mark 1:1-8 Tues 9th Dec Earls Colne 6.30pm Village Carols Sun 14th Dec Earls Colne 8am Holy Communion CW Earls Colne 10am All Age Service Colne Engaine 10am Morning Worship Readings Isaiah 61:1-4,8-11, John 1:6-8,19-28 Sat 20th Dec Colne Engaine 5pm Carols and Readings Sun 21st Dec Earls Colne 10am Holy Communion 5pm Carols and Readings Colne Engaine 8am Holy Communion BCP White Colne 10.30am Carol Service Readings Samuel 7:1-11,16, Luke 1:26-38 CHRISTMAS EVE Colne Engaine 3pm Crib Service Morning Worship Weds 24th Dec Earls Colne 5pm Tree Lighting Service 11.15pm Midnight Communion Readings TBA CHRISTMAS DAY Earls Colne 10am Christmas Celebration Service Thurs 25th Dec Colne Engaine 10am Christmas Celebration Service White Colne 10am Christmas Celebration Service Readings Luke 2:1-20 Sun 28th Dec St Andrews Halstead 10am Team Service Sun 4th Jan Earls Colne 10am Morning Worship 5pm Service of Light for Epiphany with Christingles Colne Engaine 8am Holy Communion BCP 10am All Age Service White Colne 10.30am Holy Communion CW Readings Isaiah 60:1-6 Matt 2:1-12 Sun 11th Jan Earls Colne 8am Holy Communion CW Earls Colne 10am Morning Worship Colne Engaine 10am Morning Worship Readings Genesis 1:1-5 Mark 1:4-11 Sun 18th Jan Earls Colne 10am Holy Communion Colne Engaine 8am Holy Communion BCP 10am Mattins BCP White Colne 10.30am Morning Worship Readings 1 Samuel 3:1-10, John 1:43-51 Sun 25th Jan Earls Colne 8am Holy Communion CW 10.30am Earls Colne Baptist Church Readings Acts 9:1-22, Matt 19:27-30 8

LOST AND FOUND A 50 metre extension cable has been found abandoned within the village. If you think it’s yours please contact Ann Hardwell, 15 Shellcroft, 01787 222097.

FROM THE REGISTERS Baptism:Henry John Rees 26th Oct: St Andrew’s, Colne Engaine Funeral: Jean Simmons 2nd Oct: Service at Three Counties then service at St Andrew’s, Earls Colne

PASTORAL CARE Would you or a friend like a visit from a member of our pastoral care team? Mrs. Ann Norris 01787 222015 Mr. Terry Hawthorn 01787 223140 Mrs. Beryl Amy 01787 223486 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 9 TUTOR A TALE OF EIGHT HOUSES They are building eight houses in Colne Engaine GCSE KS4 MATHS We hope they are different and not all the same BOOKKEEPING/ But where will the cars park you may well have to ask? ACCOUNTANCY It’s something we may have to take the Developer to task Tuition in your own home Parking’s a problem to date a la mode on a one-to-one basis. So keep cars on the forecourt Many years experience. and not on the road Reasonable rates. Make sure that Church Street is kept clean and clear Accounting/Bookkeeping For Village Shop parking and Service also offered. those that live near In the centre of site there

Contact Tony 01787 224589 may well be a lake Filled up with gold fish, not haddock or hake We hope no one drowns CHRIS HAZELL in the deep water there CAR CARE Because we have loved ones and no parishioners to spare ALL MECHANICAL WORK TO All round the site maybe ALL VEHICLES UNDERTAKEN a hedge will be sown 30 years experience If it’s all to be leylandii Servicing the parish will moan MOT preparation and testing The idea of this is to ensure General Vehicle Repairs the houses are hid Collection and Delivery Service From all passers by like 07814 559583 / 01787 223348 you, me and Sid by Cedric Janicus 10 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 11

JUNIOR CHURCH October & November were very busy for the children of Junior Church. They created the much loved Munch Bunch Harvest Festival window display which everyone enjoyed doing and then in November got down to the very important job of poppy making which made a really lovely display for Remembrance Sunday. Don't forget on 7th December at 10am we will be having the Junior Church Nativity performance in the church. Let us know if you wish to take part or please do come along and watch. Also see Ginny or Alison if you wish to have our gorgeous travelling crib for one night during December - it’s getting pretty booked up but we may be able to squeeze you in. See you all at the Nativity! Ginny & Alison

The children of the Parish of Colne Engaine will be performing their own version of the Nativity on Sunday 7th December 2014 during the All Age Service in St Andrews Church, Colne Engaine which starts at 10am. Do come along and encourage the young entertainers. All are welcome. Refreshments afterwards. 12 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 13 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 13


We were delighted to present a cheque for £1000 to St Helena’s Hospice at the Festival Committee’s AGM on 30th October from funds raised at this year’s Festival. The Hospice are entering their 30th year and do remarkable work to make life better for those with life limiting illnesses and assist families and carers whenever they are needed. Paul Draper from St Helena’s Hospice came to receive the cheque from committee members seen pictured here. The officers were elected as follows: Chairperson: Belinda Hector Vice-chairperson: Helen Biscoe-Davis Treasurer: Amanda Hooper Secretary: Kate Barnard We now look forward to Christmas. The Christmas tree will be going up at the end of November and back by demand is the hugely popular Torchlight Parade and Carol Singing on the Village Green. There will be lashings of mulled wine, as many mince pies as you can eat and plenty of Carols, so get into the Christmas spirit and - mark 6pm Friday 12th December in your diaries when we look forward to seeing you then. Thanks, Kate Ferriers Barn was absolutely thrilled with the wonderful cheque which came from the profits made by the wildly successful and enjoyable 2014 Colne Engaine Festival. It was for an enormously generous amount and much appreciated. It has enabled us to pay for (among other things) two new signs showing the whereabouts and role of the Barn at the roadside gateway; the previous one having been knocked down and broken by wind and weather. The Barn finds it difficult to pay for extras and much needed items such as signs from its income, making us especially grateful for donations like this one for which we thank you very much. Thank you to all the Members of the Festival Committee for all their hard work and to everyone, including the whole village, who contributed. Jill Kerr-Smiley 14 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 15

“A Babe is Born” St. Andrew’s Church, Halstead Saturday 13th December 7.30 pm Halstead and District Choral Society present a traditional Carol Concert with a chance for everyone to join in with some favourite carols. Mulled wine will be served during the interval. Admission £5 on the door. For further information contact Sue Bennett on 01787 478759

MARQUIS Barry Thompson The Garage Door Man ESTATES from Earls Colne

Property Sales and Lettings in  Electric conversions Halstead and surrounding villages. All types of property continually sought for buyers and tenants.  New springs, locks Competitive rates. and cables A personal, professional, reliable service.  Replacement gear sets Established 1990. Contact Jonathan White on High standards, prompt attention and all work guaranteed 01787 476888 St Andrews Cottage, rear of 21, Tel: 01787 223264 Head Street, Halstead CO9 2AU Mob: 07973 754935 16 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 17

OUR PARISH COUNCILLORS MEMBERS OF THE PARISH COUNCIL WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO WISH EVERYONE A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND A HEALTHY AND CONTENTED NEW YEAR. Members of the Council work hard to make sure that Colne Engaine remains a beautiful and tranquil place to live. So if you have any comments or suggestions please feel free to contact them. Members of the Council Chairman: Cllr. Darran Lingley 01787 224166 [email protected] Vice-Chair: Cllr. Patricia Taylor 01787 224876 [email protected] Members: Cllr. Alan Barnard 01787 224709 [email protected] Cllr. Richard Jones 01787 220163 [email protected] Cllr. Stuart Rust 01787 224434 [email protected] Cllr. Tim Everitt 01787 223612 [email protected] Cllr. Lucy Orrow 01787 224786 Clerk: Terry Rootsey Roles & Responsibilities for the Members & Clerk 3 Box Mill Cottages ASSOC OF LOCAL COUNCILS: CLLR TAYLOR & THE CLERK Box Mill Lane, Halstead FESTIVAL COMMITTEE LIAISON: CLLR BARNARD CO9 2DR FINANCIAL CONTROL: CLLRs BARNARD & EVERITT [email protected] FOOTBALL CLUB LIAISON: CLLRs LINGLEY & RUST FOOTPATHS & TREE WARDEN: CLLRs TAYLOR & LINGLEY TOWNLAND TRUST: CLLRs LINGLEY & EVERITT FUNDING FOR VILLAGE PROJECTS: CLLR LINGLEY & THE CLERK RECREATION GROUND: CLLR LINGLEY PLANNING LIAISON: CLLRs TAYLOR & RUST ALLOTMENTS: CLLRs BARNARD & EVERITT VILLAGE HALL COMMITTEE LIAISON: CLLR JONES YOUTH CLUB: CLLR JONES VILLAGE SCHOOL COUNCIL LIAISON : CLLRs LINGLEY & JONES WEBSITE: CLLRs JONES & ORROW

Colne Engaine Parish Council meets at 8pm on the 2nd Thursday of each month, except August, in the Jubilee Annexe of the Village Hall. Public and press are welcome to attend and at the beginning of each meeting a 15 minute Public Session is held for non-members to address Council on items specified on the agenda. Please feel free to e-mail, telephone or post a note through the Parish Office postbox about any items you would like added to the Agenda and/or noticeboard, or anything you would like to report to the Parish Council. 18 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 19


We are all familiar with the fact that pine trees, holly and ivy are part of our Christmas celebrations, but have you ever stopped to wonder why? ‘The Holly and the Ivy’ is a favourite carol but these plants’ association with the middle of winter goes back far further. In pre Christian Yule celebrations a girl dressed in ivy and a boy in holly walked through the village to bring nature into the darkest part of the year and encourage light to come back. The evergreen leaves were seen to represent immortality and the fact that greenery would return. Celtic myths state that the Holly King rules the dark half of the year from midsummer to midwinter, when the Oak King took over. When Holly was adopted as a symbol by the Christian church the prickly leaves were seen as a reminder of Christ’s crown of thorns and the red berries as drops of his blood. And what of the old wives’ tale that many berries means a hard winter to come? I’m not so sure about that one after the bumper crop, and mild winter, of 2013... Many of you probably know that the tradition of bringing a tree indoors at Christmas comes from the Royal family, with Queen Charlotte bringing the custom over from Germany in the 18th Century. As with many of our traditions though, it really took off when Queen Victoria decided she liked the idea. That wasn’t the first time Pine trees has been used at midwinter though – Pine was a favoured wood by the Druids who burnt it at solstice celebrations to encourage the sun to come back. It was also decorated with shiny objects at traditional Yule celebrations to reflect and preserve the sun’s light. Today we hang our baubles and add fairy lights for pretty much the same purpose, and when we place the star at the top of the tree we are commemorating the new star that appeared in the sky when Jesus was born. There is one tree that we do not often use now at Christmas, but which was an important part of pre Christian celebrations– the Birch. The original Yule log was a birch log, and was burnt for 12 days (must have been a huge log!) to drive out the old year and bring in the new. Once this was done people would keep a small part of the log at home to ensure the protection of their house and family for the next year. The Celts strongly associated the birch with new beginnings, not a surprise when you consider that Birches are a pioneer species and one of the first trees to colonise bare ground. So, plenty to think about as you decorate for Christmas – however advanced a society we become we still like the reassurance of a bit of natural greenery in our homes in the darkest month of the year. Hannah Elkington 20 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 21


This January, C.E.D.S. proudly presents 'Cinderella and the Velvet Slipper' a pantomime by Peter Nuttall at Colne Engaine Village Hall. 8pm Thursday 22nd Jan: £6 8pm Friday 23rd Jan: £8 2.30pm Saturday 24th Jan: £8 8pm Saturday 24th Jan: £8 Tickets are available from the Box Office on 01787 222360 and the Village Shop. Please ensure you have tickets to avoid disappointment! 22


Hello everyone, My name is Bethany and I am going to be adding word searches occasionally into the Parish Magazine. I have always wanted to put something into the Parish Magazine for the children to do. These word searches are for special occasions like, Christmas, St Patrick’s Day and Easter. I hope you enjoy them and have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Bethany Salmon
















Words: Boots, Celebration, Family, Gifts, Hot Chocolate, Pie, Scarf, Stocking, Turkey, Wrapping Paper Mystery: There is one mystery word in this word search. See if you can find it! Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 23

Christmas Wreath Making Classes in The Annexe, Colne Engaine Village Hall

Adult Classes £30 12-16 year old classes £20 Children’s classes £20 Make your very own luxury mixed foliage Christmas door wreath from scratch. All materials provided including refreshments. Saturday 6th Dec, 2.30pm - 5.30pm Thursday 11th Dec, 9am - 12noon

Create you very own moss snowman to sit within your decorated Christmas pine door wreath. All materials provided including refreshments. Minimum age 10. Wednesday 17th Dec, 4.15pm - 5.45pm

Make a moss snowman from scratch, attach to and decorate a Christmas pine door wreath. All materials provided including refreshments. Saturday 20th Dec, 2.30pm - 4.30pm

Interested? Contact Debbie on 07800924996 or email [email protected] Payment required at time of booking. flowers by Debbie Burnett db Spring WOW Event Saturday 7th February 2015 at 9.30am Continental Breakfast at Earls Colne Baptist Church with Guest Speaker Reverend Liz Paxton Contact Sharon 01787 220347 or 07879 119255 or Janie on 01787 220049


‘Double Your Money’ is back! Starting in December, buy a voucher & get ‘Double your Money’ on food during January! There’s a limited number available at each pub so get them before they’re gone!

Carol Singing in the bar on Christmas Eve from 8pm

Our Legendary Boxing Day Barrel Hunt! Come & join in the fun from 11am & on your return from the hunt you’ll receive a warm mince pie & prizes for the winners!

Christmas Opening Times Christmas Eve Open all day until midnight Christmas Day Open 12noon-2pm for drinks only Boxing Day Open 11am-5pm, Barrel Hunt & drinks only 27th December Closed 28th, 29th & 30th Dec Normal hours & service New Year’s Eve Open 12noon-3am New Year’s Day Open 12noon-5pm, food served ‘til 2.30pm

Mill Lane, Colne Engaine, CO6 2HY · 01787 224166 · · @The_FiveBells Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 25

OPEN ALL WEEK 7am-7pm Plus late night opening on Fridays & Saturdays until 10pm

Providing everything you need right here in the village FRESHLY BAKED BREAD EVERY DAY



FRESH MEATS from The Rare Breed Meat Co.






We’re a friendly, family business so just drop in and say hello to Richard and Wendy.

Want to know if we’ve got something? Ring, email or tweet ahead and we’ll let you know... t: 01787 220163 m: 07977 636624 [email protected] 39 Church Street, Colne Engaine CO6 2EY

Colne Engaine Village Shop @shopkeeperjones 26


COLNES FOOTPATH ASSOCIATION Date/Time: Sunday 7th Dec at 1.30pm Meet at: Countess Cross (limited parking so please share cars if possible) Details: Margaret & Tony 01787 223843 EARLS COLNE LIBRARY Opens on Tuesday & Friday, 1-5pm and Thursday & Saturday: 9am-1pm. 38 High Street, Earls Colne. 01787 223565 MOBILE LIBRARY Thursdays: Dec 4th & 18th and Jan 15th & 29th at the Primary School at 11am for half an hour. Fridays: Dec 5th & 19th Jan 16th & 30th on The Green at 11.55 then on Brook Street from 12.30-12.45pm. Don’t be caught without a good book! Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 27


In excess of 100 years of a caring service for bereaved families.

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Market End, Coggeshall CO6 1NH Telephone: (01376) 561316 or 561779 Fax: (01376) 561011 28

PAT’S BIG QUIZ NIGHT Quiz Master Terry Beart broke his all-time record sum for charity when he hosted another of his big quizzes at ‘Pat’s Big Quiz’ held on Friday 17 October at Colne Valley Golf Club. Sally Dobson asked him to run it in memory of her mum, Pat King, who died of pancreatic cancer last October, six weeks after diagnosis. Pat had asked her family to raise money for CORE, which is dedicated to fighting diseases of the gut, liver and pancreas. Terry, who had known Pat and her family for about 40 years, was helped by his wife Paddy and friends Mike Prince, Chris Eaton and his grandson Harry. The principal sponsor for the event was Poplar Nurseries of Marks Tey who kindly supplied the top seven prizes and attracted 35 teams and over 200 players from across the Colne Valley area. Other items for auction or the tombola were kindly offered and thanks goes to Darran at the 5 Bells and Dave of Colne Valley Oven Cleaning Services for their generosity. Thanks also to Colne Valley Golf Club. ‘Over Age Six’ were the winning team. 13 lots including an original Versace handbag, tickets to see the London hit ‘The Dirty Rotten Scoundrels’, Manchester City football tickets, and many other items were auctioned. A total of £5,660 was raised for the charity. Sally, Rod, Simon, Daniel and Jonathan sincerely thank Terry for all the dedicated preparation, hard work, and enthusiasm he and his team put in to achieving a remarkable, memorable and fun evening. Thanks also to all who participated or who donated. Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 29

COURTAULD MEMORIAL HALL & JUBILEE ANNEXE The area to the front of the hall now looks much smarter with new fencing and personnel gates. Thank you to Dom Casey for his hard work and professionalism. Not only does it improve the look but it also helps keep the grass and bushes maintained as well as improving safety especially for children. The area in front of the large gates must still be kept free of cars at all times to allow access in case of fire. The toilet refurbishment works are on hold until further grant funding arrives. When it does we will be able to complete the task in one go rather than doing it piecemeal. It is a costly project, but as Trustees, we are fully committed to this much needed improvement. On behalf of the Courtauld Memorial Hall we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and we are very grateful to all of you who support us with your time and money, often both. Lindsay Lane TRUSTEES: Chairman: Stuart Rust 224434 [email protected] Treasurer: Ron Steele 223852 [email protected] Lindsay Lane 223073 [email protected] Geoff Marcoolyn 222334 [email protected] Alistair McMillan 07720 847883 Secretary: Valerie Trew 222956 [email protected] Caretaker: Rachel Owen 07969 354393 [email protected]


MEMORIAL HALL Jill & Chris warmly welcome you to their 17th Century cottage in Colne 1 Station Road, Colne Engaine Engaine.

FOR ALL YOUR 2 double bedrooms plus cosy sitting room and private facilities. SOCIAL NEEDS Countryside views & walks. Receptions, Discos & Dances, English or Children’s Parties, Continental Auctions, Exhibitions, Meetings breakfast. AMPLE CAR PARKING

For full details telephone T: 01787 223348 01787 223668 M: 07919 200646 30 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 31

From The Four Colnes’ Magazine OPEN EVENING & December 1914 TORCHLIGHT The Bishop of has consented to have a Confirmation for Adults early in CAROL PROCESSION January. This will be a great convenience to in EARLS COLNE many grown-up persons who are shy about HIGH STREET coming forward with the children. On November 13th the Earls Colne Voluntary Aid Detachment opened the Village Hall as a Tuesday 9th December Red Cross Hospital, and the same day received fourteen wounded Belgian soldiers. Several Christmas Cheer & Festive Fun members of the men’s VAD were present to assist at the arrival of the wounded. Since for all the Family. then the hospital has received two other patients, one Belgian and a sick private of the Children’s Christmas Trail starts Army Service Corps. at 4 o’clock in the High Street. The Hospital is well equipped, and has an excellent staff of trained nurses, mostly Torchlight Carol resident in the neighbourhood, who are giving Service begins at their services to this good cause. (There follows a long list of gifts for the hospital with 6 o’clock from names of the donors - pheasants, beer, jam, St Andrews Church. eggs, cakes, newspapers, beef, tea etc.) Contributed by Neville Bird 32


November has been a busy month. On the 1st November we saw the commission and dedication of the WW1 100th Anniversary Gate in the recreation ground. The service was in the presence on the Vice Lord Lieutenant of Essex, our Honorary President, Lt Col Paul Morris and over 100 residents of our village. Lt Col Morris and Mr Terry Hawthorn officially unveiled the gate. The last post was played by Mr Sean Marner, who came down from Ipswich as a result of a Facebook appeal. If you haven’t seen the gate, please visit it in the rec ground. In the evening we were entertained at the Fireworks evening by the fabulous singing trio of Fox, Wiggle and Sass. These lovely ladies sang a melody of 1940’s themed tunes from the back of “Betty”, the 1940 Morris truck owned by Committee member, Alison Jones. They helped us raise more funds for the project and were a huge hit. Thank you ladies. November 9th saw the village remembrance service in the church. This year over 130 people attended the service. There was a lovely display of poppies and poems from the Junior Church, a wreath made and presented by the Colne Engaine Youth Club and the standard was carried and escorted by members of 1163Sqn Air Training Corps. Following the service, crosses were laid at both of our war graves in the church yard. In this 100th anniversary year it was lovely to see a packed church, more young people than ever before and so many of the village organisations represented. Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 33

By the time you read this we are hoping to have printed and for sale the CEWM Christmas Cards. These should be on sale in the pub, the village shop and if you contact me, from the committee. ALL proceeds from the sale of these cards do go to the fund. On April 18th next year we will also be participating in the Essex Girls and Boys Clubs Charity Jailbreak event again. This year we have a real challenge to achieve that will require a lot of planning. To give you a clue I will just give you a date of April 25th 1915?? That may point you in the right direction, and trust me - it is a challenge!! On the subject of dates – please keep June 20th 2015 free. We are planning a major event in the village next year Buy A Brick that we would like all your support for! Independent You can make a permanent and original thinking are key for the success of this – investment in the new follow our Facebook page or question the committee War Memorial. wherever you see them in the village for more £5 will purchase a brick information. at The Village Shop, Lastly, on behalf of CEWM, I would like to thank you all The Five Bells or contact for your continued support and wish each and everyone Spike Townsend on of you a very happy, peaceful Christmas and New Year. 07782 105287 or [email protected] Spike Townsend, Chairman

“ Then the men of the opposing sides began to drift towards each other, first as far as the barbed wire and then a few of each side scrambled through. Timidly they approached each other – unarmed, of course - until finally a German and an Englishmen met and shook hands to the sound of a happy little burst of cheering. Within a few seconds hundreds of people were shaking hands, laughing, exchanging drinks of rum and cognac, cigars and cigarettes, chocolate, sausages and so on.” The Christmas Truce of 1914 as remembered by Private M. L. Walkinton, a 17 year old Rifleman in the Queen’s Westminster Rifles.

EARLS COLNE HERITAGE MUSEUM Current Exhibition: 1914 Centenary An exhibition to commemorate the start of World War 1 which includes the village as it was, recruitment, village hall hospital, losses, celebrating peace and the war memorial. Opening Times: Wednesdays, Saturdays & Sundays, 2-4pm. Admission free. The Old Water Tower, Massingham Drive, Earls Colne CO6 2SZ 34


Juliet Townsend’s ‘American Adventure’ (in November’s magazine) puts my efforts rather to shame! We have walked a bit in the Great Smoky Mountains, a really beautiful part of Tennessee, but apart from having to take our boots off to wade through a river and tackling some steep climbs, the walks we did weren’t very challenging. But that’s the beauty of walking - anyone of virtually any level of fitness can find a walk they can manage. And the more you do, the more you can do! The quiet time between Christmas Day and the New Year are made for walking - especially a walk to a local pub for lunch and back. The walk mustn’t be too long at this time of year: you want to be back before dark; so the walk to the King’s Head at is just right. It took us about 45 minutes each way today. It did seem a bit odd, though, checking out a walk for Christmas in T shirt-warm weather (I’m writing this on the warmest Hallowe’en ever). There are paths to Pebmarsh on either side of the Peb, so you can go one way and come back the other. The path we took starts to the left of Nightingale’s Cottages on Brickhouse Road. The decrepit stile that used to be there has been cleared away, so there is no problem getting on to the path, which runs round the field and is usually kept clear. The path cuts through the hedge at the bottom and then straight across a field, though the map shows it zig-zagging. Somewhere in this field you cross the parish boundary; at the other side of the field a small foot bridge takes you into the next field where the path runs along a hedge of mature trees and then down a muddy track. The track turns right and then left, to climb up towards Marvel’s Garden. Before the house is reached, however, go through a field entrance on the right. The path across the field and down the hill is usually clearly marked through the crops and is followed by deer and badgers. The delightfully named and utterly desirable Marvel’s Garden to the left enjoys wonderful views over the valley. At the bottom of the field, a footbridge takes you across a stream and then you have a choice of paths. The path to the right crosses a stile and goes through a field with horses; it then crosses the Peb and climbs up the slope through trees to meet the alternative Pebmarsh path - so you can return this way making a shorter circular walk if you don’t want to go all the way to Pebmarsh. The left hand path follows a grassy track to come out on a paved lane. Turn to the right and it will lead you into Pebmarsh, coming out opposite the King’s Head. For the return walk, go up the hill towards the church and turn right on Mill Lane. The footpath is signposted along a drive, past a couple of cottages and then over a stile to plunge into the wood. This path is well used and so mostly easy to follow - although it can be muddy and there are nettles and occasionally fallen trees. There’s also an ancient badger sett not far from Pebmarsh which can disrupt the path, and further on the stems of old wild clematis (Old Man’s Beard) reach down to the ground and are so thick you could probably swing on them like Tarzan. As the fishing lake becomes visible Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 35 on the right hand side, the path crosses through a couple of open spaces and finally comes out on the edge of a field which it follows to the drive which goes down to the lake. The lake looks completely natural but was created quite recently and the first OS map we bought when we moved to Colne Engaine doesn’t have it on. The border of the parish passes through the lake, so by the time you reach the dam you’re back in Colne Engaine. The path continues ahead between the Peb and a scruffy field - this is where we saw bee orchids in the early summer - then back into woodland. In the field on the other side you meet a path crossing from Nightingale’s Farm to your right to Peverel’s Farm to your left. If you continue ahead, along the edge of the field, you go through some more woodland before entering another field where another path crosses ours. This time we took the right hand path, which crosses a footbridge and climbs the field to go round Brickhouse Farm. If we’d continued straight ahead we would have come out at Brompton’s - the edge of the field is often overgrown with thistles and nettles right up to the crops, but the diverted path round Brompton’s is kept clear. There is a third path leading up to Brickhouse Road from the Peb (no. 11 on The Parish Footpaths map) but the footbridge was washed away decades ago - though it was only this year that a notice appeared to say that the path was closed! Whichever way you return to the village, make sure it’s in time to have tea and crumpets in front of the fire. Let’s just hope the winter is cold enough to enjoy these simple pleasures! Wishing you all Happy Walking, Cate Gunn


The Poppy Book Club has been running for a number of years and meets approximately once every six weeks on a Wednesday evening, generally at the Five Bells. We all bring a choice of a book and vote as to which one we read then review at the next meeting. It is all very informal and we generally have a meal (optional), chat over the book and have a general gossip! If you would like to join us, the next meeting will be on Wednesday 21st January at 7pm (for meal) or 7.45pm for book review at The Five Bells. If you want to come prepared, we are reading Lynda Bellingham’s ‘There’s Something I’ve Been Dying to Tell You’. We look forward to welcoming new members. For further information please contact Rita on 01787 223867. 36 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 37

WHIST DRIVES In the Village Hall - 6.30 for a 7pm start on Friday January 30th. A light hearted game of whist, coffee interval & raffle. Everyone is welcome - we’re always looking for new faces. Profits to the Village Hall Improvements Fund. DO COME AND JOIN US Ring Frances Simmons on 222872 for more information. Future dates: February 27th, March 27th & April 24th.

School hall available for evening or weekend lettings If there are any local groups looking for somewhere to meet our school hall is available from 4.30pm to 10pm each evening and also at weekends, term time only. Mon - Fri before 6:00pm £13 per hour (plus 5% if heating required) after 6:00pm £15.50 per hour (plus 5% if heating required) Sat & Sun £15.50 per hour (plus 5% if heating required) For more information please call Bev Coltart on 01787 222717 38

Luxury top of the range mobile toilet trailers for hire. We cater for any wedding, party or event from 50 to 500 people Bespoke toilet trailers handmade to a superior finish with white porcelain sinks, oak trimmings, chrome fittings, hot water, flowers and music. They arrive sparkling clean and fully equipped with soft toilet tissue, hand towels, luxury soap, hand cream and a range of toiletries. All we need is a standard 13amp power supply. Call Ginny Jeggo now on 01787 220358 or 07792 424061 or [email protected] Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 39


Deanery Advent Carol Service - Tuesday 2nd December at 2pm in St Andrew’s, Colne Engaine Colne Engaine Church is hosting our annual service, which starts at 2pm and will be led by Terry Streamer. Please come and join us. All are welcome. Refreshments will be served after the service. Our Christmas Lunch will take place on Wednesday 10th December at Drapers in Earls Colne High Street. We look forward to meeting together from 12pm. Please note the change in date and venue. Praying Together - There will be no meeting in December; our thoughts and prayers are with friends and families wherever they may be, near or far. In our Prayer Diary, 23rd December we read – “In the busy world in which we live, may God help us make time to reflect on the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Let our hearts be open to receive fresh insight and understanding of the significance of the Nativity.” We meet for Prayers in January on Tuesday 20th January. Families First – Towards the end of the year - World Wide president, Lynne Tenbey writes in Families First about the places she has visited and people she has met. “In every encounter I have felt God at work through the lives of others. On each journey I have been privileged to hear how many times the Mothers’ Union members have been there for those who society has not been able to help.” Mission to Seafarers - Over a hundred knitted items, toiletries and cash donations were delivered to the Seafarers Centre in Tilbury Docks in November. Many thanks to all those who help. January Meeting- In January our AGM takes place on Tuesday 13th January at 2pm at the Earls Colne Village Hall. After the business part of the meeting there will be time to catch up with each other’s news. Don’t forget to bring items for the Bring and Buy Stall! The MU theme for 2015 is “United in Prayer” – a declaration of fellowship and reliance on God, building on the 2014 theme, “Sowing the Future Together”. Prayer is at the heart of all we do, as we continue to plan for the future and grow together. “When a believing person prays, great things happen”. James 5 v 16 A Blessed and Peaceful Christmas and New Year to you all. Beryl Amy

COLNE ENGAINE WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Thurs 18th December - Members Christmas meal. Thurs 15th January - A Social Evening. (There are no competitions for either date) Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 7.30pm in Colne Engaine Village Hall. The WI offers opportunities for all women to enjoy friendship, to learn, to widen their horizons and together influence local, national and international affairs. Visitors welcome. Olive Green 01787 222150 40 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 41

Carols on the Green Friday 12th December 6pm at St Andrews Church, Colne Engaine All welcome Bring your torches and lanterns to walk up to the village green. Children are welcome to bring homemade decorations for the village Christmas tree.

Carol Singing / Mulled Wine & Mince Pies Donations in aid of The Children’s Society 42

Christmas & New Year at the Village Shop Christmas Eve - 7am to 2pm Christmas Day - Closed Boxing Day 26th - Closed We’ll see you at the Five Bells’ Barrel Hunt Saturday 27th – Closed Sunday 28th 7am-3pm Monday 29th 7am-3pm Tuesday 30th 7am-3pm

New Years Eve Weds 31st 7am to 2pm New Years Day - Closed We will have papers as usual on all open days, available from 7am We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers for your support and wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 01787 220163

Here for your convenience Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 43

As usual we will be providing our personalised ordering service for your Christmas provisions. If you are not familiar with this service, these are some of the things available to order: Fresh Turkeys and meat from Blackwell’s Farm & Rare Breed Meat Company. All Fruit and Vegetables,Chestnuts, dates etc Freshly Baked Bread Milk, Cream, Cheeses, Sliced Meats & Eggs… …also lots of other goodies to make your Christmas and New Year special. Leave the shopping to us, one less thing to think about at this busy time of year. Order forms are available at the shop, online or can be emailed to you. Order forms need to be returned to the shop by Tuesday 16th December. Orders can be collected on the date required, up to 1.30pm on Christmas Eve. [email protected] Tel 01787 220163 44 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 45

CLUB NIGHTS 7-9pm Friday in the Village Hall Dec: 5th & 12th Jan: 9th & 16th

Feb: 6th & 13th Mar: 6th, 13th, 20th


MOTHER, BABY & SENIOR CITIZEN’S LUNCHES WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO TODDLER GROUP OUT TO LUNCH EVERY FORTNIGHT? in the Village Hall every Three ladies from Wednesday morning 10 – 12noon Crossways Church (term time only).£2 per family. Fellowship cook a 2-course meal for up to 40 people at Earls Colne Village Hall every Drinks and biscuits other Tuesday at 12.30pm. Sometimes a for the littlies. professional pianist serenades the diners! Fun, play, art and Cost £3.50. craft projects and Free transport is available. friendly chatter. Next lunches: Tea, coffee, biscuits Christmas Lunch 16th December. and the occasional January: 6th and 20th. cake for grown-ups. If you’d like an enjoyable meal

in friendly company please call Contact: Grace Carey, 6 The Green Margaret Sibson on 222800. Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 47

Reg & Elsie’s Playmates of the Month

Reg & Elsie are a bouncy ginger lurcher and a speedy slate greyhound who look after our designer. Nominate your pet as their playmate by sending a photo and details to [email protected] RUBY & MAX Ruby is a beautiful chocolate labrador of about 3 years old and Max is a 1 year old collie type of dubious background. Ruby's hobbies include eating, going to the Five Bells and running on the beach. Max enjoys a slightly unhealthy interest in small furry animals. Both are resuce dogs from Cork Dog Action Welfare in Ireland. Poos properly picked up by the Rushbrook family from Lawshalls Hill.

Dog Grooming Services All breeds of dog welcome Free Puppy Introductory Visits Collection and Delivery Service available Easy Free Parking Caring, Friendly and Professional Fully Insured Bathing, clipping, hand stripping, nails

Loyalty scheme with discount offers available

01787 267888 Cooks Cottage, Road, Pebmarsh CO9 2PB

***MICROCHIPPING NOW AVAILABLE*** 48 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 49 50 Have you got an idea for a 2015 cover for this magazine? Send your design to the Editor and you may find yourself a cover star! The magazine is produced in Microsoft Publisher, so please submit designs or ideas as .jpg, .png or .pub format.

? Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 51

52 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 53


Autumn Disco - What a great time the children all had dancing the evening away. We made a fabulous £260 and some very happy if slightly sweaty children. Christmas Fayre. Friday, 5th December, 3.15 - 5.30 - We’re really looking forward to our Christmas Fayre. As in previous years it promises to be a wonderful event full of fun, laughs, shopping opportunities, magic, wonder and calories (our cake stall is a must!). The children without fail are sure to love our Father Christmas’ Grotto which is a little piece of pure wonder magic’d into Colne Engaine for the event. We’ll be drawing the raffle winners- don’t forget to have bought your tickets, available from the Village Shop (thank you Richard and Wendy). Our Tombola tables will be straining with prizes and will need lightening. The children can choose between their own raffle, tombola, toy stall, lucky dip and games. We have a great range of local talent selling their wares so please do come along (free admission) and browse, shop, eat, play and enjoy. Help Colne Engaine School by doing on-line shopping via Grace Carey (FACES Secretary) [email protected] 01787 220219

Registered child minder in Colne Engaine Contact Jayne on 01787 221864 Email: [email protected] Member of NCMA - CRB checked Insured - Paediatric first aid trained 54 Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 55




to Colne Engaine, Earls Colne, White Colne 20p per Envelope COLLECTION POINTS:


PUBLIC BUS COLNE VALLEY COMMUNITY BUS Colne Engaine to Colchester No.83 EVERY MONDAY TO BRAINTREE Mon, Weds, Thurs & Sat. The service stops in the villages and in From The Green. Halstead and as long as it is safe to do so, 9.17am arrives at Colchester Bus Station the bus will stop along the route within at 10.10am the village when hailed. 1.22pm arrives at Colchester Bus Station For help boarding or leaving the vehicle, at 2.15pm or with shopping bags, just speak to the Colchester to Colne Engaine No. 83 driver. The service is fully accessible, but Mon, Weds, Thurs & Sat please would passengers in wheelchairs From Town Centre, Head Street phone ahead on 01376 557896. 12.18pm arrives at the Green at 1.20pm FARES, payable on the bus Saturdays Adult £2 (single or return) 4.20pm arrives at the Green at 5.15pm. 5-16yrs £1 (single or return) Under 5s Free Colne Engaine to Halstead No. 329 Concessionary bus passes must be shown Fridays only. From the Green; to receive free transport. Concessionary 11.03am arrives on High St at 11.23am bus passes are available from Braintree and Butler Rd Car Park at 11.25am. District Council on 01376 551414. Halstead to Colne Engaine No. 329 Timetable Fridays only. 11.10 White Colne, Heatin’ & Eatin’, 2pm From Butler Rd Car Park and 2.02pm Colchester Rd High St; Arrives at the Green at 2.22pm. 11.13 White Colne, Village Green 11.14 Earls Colne, Tey Road, Lowefields Colne Engaine to Sudbury No. 323 11.20 Earls Colne, Hillie Bunnies Thursdays only. 11.23 Earls Colne, De Vere Road From Shellcroft or The Green; 11.26 Colne Engaine, The Green 9.35am (Shellcroft) or9.36am (Green) 11.31 Halstead, Market Hill arrives at Sudbury Bus Station 10.24am 11.32 Halstead, Bridge Street 11.55 Braintree, Sainsburys Sudbury to Colne Engaine No. 323 14.00 Braintree, Sainsburys Thursdays only from Sudbury Bus Station; 14.18 Halstead, Bridge Street 1.30pm arrives at the Green at 2.18pm and 14.19 Halstead, Market Hill Shellcroft at 2.19pm 14.24 Colne Engaine, The Green 14 27 Earls Colne, De Vere Road Full details of all the above timetables, 14.30 Earls Colne, Hillie Bunnies including all stops, are available from 14.36 Earls Colne, Tey Road, Lowefields 14.37 White Colne, Village Green 14.40 White Colne, Heatin’ & Eatin’, Colchester Rd Does not operate on Bank Holidays. Colne Engaine Parish Magazine Dec & Jan 2014-15 / 57

LIST OF DEFIBRILLATOR OPERATIVES WHAT TO DO IF YOU SUSPECT A HEART ATTACK Should you suspect that a person you are with is suffering from a heart attack or they have stopped breathing for whatever reason, Call the Ambulance Service first on 999. When, and only when you have taken this step, you may call any of the trained defibrillator volunteers on this list who will attend with the AED (Automated External Defibrillator) and assist you until the Ambulance Service arrive. Name First phone Second phone Darran Lingley 01787 224166 (5 Bells) 07715 991221 (Mob) Richard Jones 07813 746717 (Mob) 01787 220163 (Shop) 01787 223666 (Home) Brian Fleming 07967 949808 (Mob) 01787 224166 (5 Bells) 01787 222080 (Home) Barbara & Geoffery Marcoolyn 01787 222334 (Home) 07771 950735 (Mob) Jo Davidson 01787 223163 (Home) 07815 140568 (Mob) Suzie & Adrian Gasser 01787 224983 (Home) 07714 647696 (Mobile) PLEASE NOTE WE CAN ONLY ATTEND INCIDENTS WITHIN THE PARISH OF COLNE ENGAINE

24 Hour Call Out / All Work Guaranteed / Free Estimates & Advice OFFICE: 01787 462990 The Workshop, Wethersfield Road, , Halstead, Essex CO9 3LB 58 INDEX OF ADVERTISERS Accountancy 26 Babysitting 41 USEFUL NUMBERS Bed & Breakfast 29 Church Bookkeeping 26 St Andrews Church, Colne Engaine Builder 36 01787 220347 Car Care 9 Carpet & Floor Fitting 8 Councils Carpet Cleaning 28 Colne Engaine Parish Council 01787 220200 Council 01376 552525 Chartered Surveyor 21 Colchester Borough Council 01206 282222 Childminder 53 Chimney Specialist 38 Doctors Computer Services 17, 44, 46 The Elizabeth Courtauld Surgery, Halstead Dog Grooming Services 47 01787 475944 The Pump House Surgery, Earls Colne Double Glazing 44 01787 222022 Electrician 48 Estate Agent 15, 21 Schools Fencing 40 Colne Engaine C of E (Aided) Primary School Financial Services 18, 30 01787 222717 Fireplaces 49 Honywood Community Science School, Coggeshall 01376 561231 Flower Arranging 23, 26 The Ramsey School, Halstead 01787 472481 Funeral Directors 27, 52, 54 Garage Door Man 15 Police Garden Services 16, 30 Halstead Police Station 0300 333 4444 Gas Fitter 31 Village Amenities Groceries 25, 42, 43 Colne Engaine Village Hall 01787 223668 Insurance 20 Colne Engaine Village Shop 01787 220163 Luxury Toilets 38 Earls Colne Post Office 01787 222258 Newspapers 25, 42, 43 Village Groups Osteopathy 31 Colne Engaine Village Archive 01787 222080 Oven Cleaning 14 Youth Groups Painting and Decorating 37 Colne Engaine Youth Club 07984 794004 Physiotherapy 10, 14 1st Earls Colne Brownies 01787 224175 Plumber 3, 31 1st Earls Colne Girl Guides 01787 220065 Property Services 57 1st Earls Colne Rainbows 01787 224913 Pub 24, 51

Removals 6 If you are an officer of a club or group in Restaurant 27 Colne Engaine and would like to place School Hall 37 information about the group’s activities Soft Furnishings 18 and events in the magazine for free, please Solicitors 8, 16, 18 contact the Editor (p3). Swimming Pool 15 If you would like to advertise your business Tutor 9 in the magazine please see the inside front Village Hall 29 cover for advertising rates. Wood Burners 49 COLNE ENGAINE VILLAGE DIARY: JANUARY 2015 1 Thu New Year’s Day 2 Fri School 3 Sat Holidays 4 Sun 8am + 10am 5 Mon Bell Practice 6 Tue Senior Citizens Lunch (p46), 7 Wed Mother, Baby & Toddler Group (p46) 8 Thu Thursday Prayers (p5) 9 Fri Youth Club (p45) 10 Sat 11 Sun 10am 12 Mon Bell Practice 13 Tue Mothers Union AGM (p39) 14 Wed Mother, Baby & Toddler Group (p46) 15 Thu Thursday Prayers (p5), WI Social Evening (p39), Mobile Library (p26) 16 Fri Youth Club (p45), Mobile Library (p26) 17 Sat 18 Sun 8am + 10am 19 Mon Bell Practice 20 Tue Senior Citizens Lunch (p46), Mothers Union Praying Together (p39) 21 Wed Mother, Baby & Toddler Group (p46), Poppy Book Club (p41) 22 Thu Thursday Prayers (p5) CEDS present Cinderella & 23 Fri the Velvet 24 Sat Slipper (p21) 25 Sun 26 Mon Bell Practice 27 Tue 28 Wed Mother, Baby & Toddler Group (p46) 29 Thu Thursday Prayers (p5), Mobile Library (p26) 30 Fri Whist Drive (p37), Mobile Library (p26) 31 Sat DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Saturday 7th Feb WOW Breakfast (p22) Saturday 20th June CEWM Village event (p33) COLNE ENGAINE VILLAGE DIARY: DECEMBER 2014 1 Mon Bell Practice Ferriers Barn Christmas Bazaar (p12), 2 Tue Mothers Union Deanery Advent Carol Service (p39) 3 Wed Mother, Baby & Toddler Group (p46) 4 Thu Thursday Prayers (p5), Mobile Library (p26) Mobile Library (p26), FACES Christmas Fayre (p53), Youth Club (p45), 5 Fri Revolver at The Five Bells (p51) 6 Sat 7 Sun Junior Church Nativity Play (p11) 8am + 10am 8 Mon Bell Practice 9 Tue Earls Colne Open Evening and Torchlight Procession (p31) 10 Wed Mothers Union Christmas Lunch (p39), Mother, Baby & Toddler Group (p46) 11 Thu Thursday Prayers (p5) Youth Club (p45), Colne Engaine Carols on the Green and Torchlight Procession (p41), 12 Fri Bouncing Off Concrete at The Five Bells (p51) 13 Sat 14 Sun 10am 15 Mon Bell Practice 16 Tue Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch (p46), Youth Club Trip to Rollerworld (p45) 17 Wed Mother, Baby & Toddler Group (p46) Bible Reading Fellowship (p5), Thursday Prayers (p5), WI Christmas Meal (p39), 18 Thu Mobile Library (p26), Scouts Postage Final Collection (p55) 19 Fri Handle with Care at The Five Bells (p51) , Mobile Library (p26) 20 Sat 5pm 21 Sun 8am 22 Mon 23 Tue 24 Wed Christmas Eve Carol Singing at The Five Bells (p24) 3pm 25 Thu Christmas Day School 10am 26 Fri Boxing Day Barrel Hunt at The Five bells (p24) Holidays 27 Sat 28 Sun 29 Mon 30 Tue 31 Wed New Year’s Eve