2016-2017 Law School Catalog

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2016-2017 Law School Catalog D E D M A N S C H O O L O F L AW G R A D U A T E P ROGRAMS S O U T H E R N M E T H O D I S T U NIVERSITY 2 0 1 6 – 2 0 1 7 NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATION Southern Methodist University (SMU) will not discriminate in any employment practice, education program, education activity, or admissions on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, genetic information, or veteran status. SMU’s commitment to equal opportunity includes nondiscrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity and expression. The Executive Direc- tor for Access and Equity/Title IX* Coordinator is designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies, including the prohibition of sex discrimi- nation under Title IX. The Executive Director/Title IX Coordinator may be reached at the Perkins Administration Building, Room 204, 6425 Boaz Lane, Dallas, TX 75205, 214-768-3601, accessequity@smu.edu. Inquiries regarding the application of Title IX may also be directed to the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education. * Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. §§ 1681–1688. B U L L E T I N O F SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY 2016–2017 Southern Methodist University publishes a complete bulletin every year. The follow- ing catalogs constitute the General Bulletin of the University: Undergraduate Catalog Cox School of Business Graduate Catalog Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences Graduate Catalog Dedman School of Law Graduate Catalog Hart eCenter/SMU Guildhall Graduate Catalog Lyle School of Engineering Graduate Catalog Meadows School of the Arts Graduate Catalog Perkins School of Theology Graduate Catalog Simmons School of Education and Human Development Graduate Catalog Every effort has been made to include in this catalog information that, at the time of preparation for printing, most accurately represents Southern Methodist Univer- sity. The provisions of the publication are not, however, to be regarded as an irrevo- cable contract between the student and Southern Methodist University. Except as otherwise specifically determined by the University, students entering the Dedman School of Law in fall 2016 must fulfill the requirements for graduation as set forth in this catalog. Students entering prior to fall 2016 are subject to the requirements for graduation as set forth in the catalog in effect at the time they entered the Dedman School of Law. The University reserves the right to change, at any time and without prior notice, any provision or requirement, including, but not limited to, policies, procedures, charges, financial aid programs, refund policies and academic programs. Catalog addenda are published online at www.smu.edu/catalogs. An addendum includes graduation, degree and transfer requirements that do not appear in a spe- cific print or online catalog but apply in that academic year. Information concerning admissions and financial aid is available online at www.smu.edu/law or from the address below. ZIP code information should be included on all return addresses. Office of Admissions Dedman School of Law Southern Methodist University PO Box 750110 Dallas TX 75275-0110 ADDRESS ALL OTHER MATTERS TO THE OFFICE OF THE DEAN. Produced by the Office of the Registrar Southern Methodist University Dallas TX 75275-0221 2016 A MESSAGE FROM T H E D E A N Welcome to the SMU Dedman School of Law! We are absolutely delighted that you are here and hope this catalog will give you some idea of the quality, richness and excitement of a legal education at Southern Methodist University. With an outstand- ing student body, a faculty with superb credentials and excellent physical facilities on a beautiful tree-lined campus just minutes from the heart of vibrant downtown Dallas, the Dedman School of Law seeks to give each student a personal educational experience of the highest order. In addition to the superb J.D. program, the school has some of the oldest and most outstanding graduate legal programs in the country, including a Master of Laws in taxation, a Master of Laws in comparative and international law, a General Master of Laws and a Doctor of the Science of Law. We also offer joint degree programs with other colleges in the University, including the J.D./M.B.A. program with the SMU Cox School of Business. As you will see in the following pages, the school has a diverse and highly talented faculty whose members are dedicated to teaching. Not only do they hold outstanding academic credentials, but virtually all of them also have had practical experience before entering their teaching careers. Consequently, they provide the invaluable link between the theory of classroom instruction and the reality of legal practice. Dedman School of Law enjoys a national and international reputation, with its grad- uates practicing in every state in the union and in many foreign countries. We take pride in offering our students a total educational experience. Students have the opportunity to participate in five respected law journals; a summer pro- gram in Oxford, England; ten legal clinics; and many externship programs. While our curriculum is extremely rich, we are still small enough to take a personal interest in each student. The school’s Law Quadrangle provides a beautiful setting for learn- ing and includes the Underwood Law Library, a modern and comprehensive re- search facility equipped with state-of-the-art instructional technologies. Our Office of Career Services sponsors numerous programs throughout the year, including on- campus interview programs and off-campus job fairs, seminars and workshops, to provide a broad range of employment opportunities. Our student body is diverse, intelligent and inquisitive. Students come from a variety of backgrounds and from all over the United States, although the majority is from Texas and surrounding regions. The student body is enriched by the addition of students from many other countries who participate in the graduate legal programs. Upon graduation, students enter private practice, government practice and the corporate sector, or they may engage in public interest work, serve as prosecutors or defense attorneys, or obtain judicial clerkships. I hope that you will visit our campus, interact with our students and experience SMU Dedman School of Law in a way that the pages of a catalog can only suggest. We wish you the best in your pursuit of a legal career. JENNIFER M. COLLINS Judge James Noel Dean and Professor of Law C ONTENT S Notice of Nondiscrimination .......................................................................... 2 Bulletin of Southern Methodist University ..................................................... 3 A Message From the Dean ............................................................................. 5 Academic Calendar........................................................................................ 8 Administration, Faculty and Staff ................................................................ 10 Administration ................................................................................................................. 10 Dedman School of Law ......................................................................................................12 General Information ................................................................................... 36 Southern Methodist University ........................................................................................ 36 Dedman School of Law ..................................................................................................... 38 The Juris Doctor Program ........................................................................... 44 Admission ......................................................................................................................... 44 Admission With Advanced Standing ................................................................................ 45 Waiver of First-Year Minimum Hour Requirement ........................................................ 46 Joint Degrees .............................................................................................. 47 Juris Doctor and Master of Business Administration ...................................................... 47 Juris Doctor and Master of Arts With a Major in Economics .......................................... 48 Graduate Legal Studies ............................................................................... 50 Objectives of Graduate Legal Studies ............................................................................... 50 Graduate Degrees Offered ................................................................................................ 50 Tuition and Fees ................................................................................................................61 Applications and Information ...........................................................................................61 Office of Career Services ............................................................................. 62 Staff ................................................................................................................................... 62 Career Counseling ............................................................................................................ 62 Resource and Technology Center ..................................................................................... 63 Programming ...................................................................................................................

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