“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” Instructional Council Minutes 1st Meeting August 27, 2018 100%

1. Welcome: The first Instructional Council Meeting was held August 27, 2018 at 3:30 ​ PM in the Central Office Board Room. ● Mr. Montaño and Mr. Cain welcomed everyone back to the 2018 - 2019 1st Instructional Council Meeting. ● We appreciate your… Leadership, Expertise, Time, Hard Work, Willingness to go the extra mile and Dedication to the Students and Families that you Serve. ● Mr. Montaño introduced the two new Vertical Team Leaders. Sandie Shillings will be the new Social Studies Vertical Team Leader and Bridget Segovia will be the new Elementary Language Arts Vertical Team Leader.

2. Information from Mr. Cain: ​ ● School Grades : They are trying to figure out how they are determining School Grades. BECC in one section if everything is shaded blue you are above expectations. BECC had everything shaded in blue but still got a negative score. They are trying to figure how this was determined. ● Mr. Cain said he heard the Secretary of Education say if you want to be C School and be average be a C School and be average. ● Mr. Cain said there's nothing wrong with being a C School. C School is average. We still would like to be a B or A School, but there’s nothing wrong with being a C School. C School is fine. We are teaching our students what they need to know. ● On teacher evaluations being an Effective teacher is good enough.. Your teaching kids what they need to know. We all want to be better but effective is fine. Mr. Cain is happy with being effective. ● We are doing what is expected of us here in Portales. Our kids are being successful. ● Teachers evaluations will be out by Mid September. ● Talked about PJHS. They had 40% growth in math 10 or 12 % growth in Language Arts. They have doubled what they were 3 years ago, but they went down a grade. Don’t know how that happened. No rhyme or reason. ● Might be a correlation between school grades and teacher elevations. ● James school maintained an A. Two years in a row. ● Hopefully the changes in the future will be a good thing. We will have a new governor in January, 2019. ● Both candidates are saying about the same thing. “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” ● We will always have some kind of test. ● Mr. Cain has been looking at ACT Scores and PARCC Scores. Why are one score is higher than the other test. Not seeing a correlation between these two test. ● One candidate wants to go into the Permanent funds and the other candidate doesn't. ● They do have the funds to support Instructional Materials. ● Should have more capital outlay funds with upcoming legislature.

3. TEAMS (100 % Attendance) ● Bilingual/Dual Language: Cynthia Flores-Gonzales ● Career & Technical Education (CTE): Tamara Price ● Counselor: Tammy Hunton ● Fine Arts: Susie Pierce-Perez ● Elementary Language Arts: Bridget Segovia ● Secondary Language Arts: Veronica Ontiveros ● Library: Heather Christensen ● Elementary Math: Maria Villanueva ● Secondary Math: Matt Christensen ● Mentor: Anna Brock ● PE/Health: Christine Blaeser ● Social Studies: Sandie Shillings ● Science: Jack Willis ● SPED: Louella Gallegos

4. Instructional Council Mission: ​ ​ “ The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide ​ Leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & Instruction. Leaders will serve as liaisons, who communicates information Between all stakeholders.”

● Our job and your jobs is to make sure you have the tools and information you need so our Vertical Teams are Vertically aligned.

5. Focus of Instructional Council for 2018 - 2019 ● Keep Vertical Team Leaders informed of what is going on Instructionally throughout the District. Mr. Cain will share important information that he receives from around the state.(Budget, School Grades , etc.) “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” ● Provide Vertical Team Leaders the support needed for Vertical Team Meetings. ● Instructional Council meetings need to be meaningful and productive. (You will receive emails containing information from time to time) We will start sending the Agenda ahead of time so you will have have something to write notes on. ● Possible Topics of Discussion for Instructional Council Meetings: ● Literacy Framework: Birth - 12th Grade ( We received a grant for this) ● District NMDASH - Will start taking place sometime in October. We have school site NMDASH already in place. ● Using data to inform instruction - Learn how to utilize the data in our instruction. Will have training so you can share with your Vertical Team ● Meeting the academic needs of English Language Learners ● Curriculum Mapping ● How to involve parents in their child’s education ● Presenters: Depending on the Topic ● Please send email to Mr. Montaño if there is any training or Professional Development your team would like receive.

6. Expectations for Vertical Team Meetings ● Meetings are mandatory - Start at 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm ● Total of seven meetings (No meeting January and May) ● Attendance will be taken at each meeting; staff member needs to email Vertical Team Leader, Principal and Stacy Gossett if they are absent. ● Administration has asked staff to schedule all appointments around Vertical Team Meeting if at all possible. We understands that sometimes emergency take place. ● All team members need to be actively involved and provide feedback.

7. Vertical Team Leader Responsibilities ● Provide leadership: share knowledge and expertise (new staff/mentor) ● Lead Each Meeting; Provide guidance ● Please share any questions, concerns with your minutes. ● Provide Structure; Keep the group focused, organized and on task. ● Work Cooperatively with colleagues and administration. ● Eliminate Excuses and Negativity. Stay positive. ● Assist in carrying out district initiative. ● Collaboratively set focus calendar for 2018 - 2019. Stacy will send the Focus Calendar out to each Vertical Team Leader. Please return with your August 5, 2018 Vertical Team Meetings Minutes. You can make changes throughout the school year whenever you need too. “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

8. Vertical Team Purpose & Goals ● Provide continuous improvement towards meeting the academic need of students. ● Increase Academic Achievement. ● Improve Programs ● Raise Expectations to Ensure Student Success ● Administration is here to help you in any way you need.

9. Possible Topics of Discussion ● Integrate literacy into all content areas. How do we do this? What can we use from our Professional Development on August 8th and 9th? ● What is the data from our Formative/Summative assessments telling? Do we have access to the data? Anytime you need certain data and are unsure where to find it let your principal, Mr. Montaño or Mr. Cain know and they will help you get the access you are needing. ● How do we increase academic achievement? Brainstorming. ● Do we need to revamp our Common Assessments? If so, why? ● How do I sue the results from the WIDA Assessment to increase English Language Proficiency? Do we need training? ● Think of all of our student populations SPED, ELL all students ● Are Curriculum Maps up to date? Stacy gave all Vertical Team Leader the latest Information she has received from each Vertical Team. ● Are the resources we have aligned to Common Core? Do we need to supplement the core? ● What PD do we need base on data? ● Adoption Process - Aligning Standards (Science is being adopted this year) ● How do we promote reading at all grade levels? ● Is Parental Involvement an issue at our grade level? How can we get parents involved? ● How can we support the core in PE and Fine Arts?

10. Outcomes: ● Meaningful Discussion - Productive Meetings ● Decision Making Discussions - that lead towards increasing academic achievement. ● We want everyone learning something at the Vertical Team Meetings. ● You may decide at the meeting that you need certain Professional Development. “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” ● You may decide that curriculum maps are not aligned and need work. Please send Stacy any updated curriculum maps please add a date at the bottom so we can have the most updated version. ● You may decide that the resources you have may not be aligned with Common Core. ● Discussions may lead to meetings outside of the Vertical Team calendar.

10. Portales Municipal School District Instructional Events ● Eureka Math Summer Institute took place in Denver, CO. We had teachers attending representing each grade level K - 8th. Each school has a specialist that will be the go to person for Eureka. ● Administrators have access to data. Please let Mr. Montaño know if there is any data that your teams is needing. ● NWEA MAP Implementation starts Tuesday, August 28, 2018. Valencia has already been tested. 4th Graders Valencia school was used to work out all of the kinks. ● ENLACE Tutor started last week. If you know of any tutors for Math, ELA or Science please let us know. We have grants for this. ● Professional Development for September 19, 2018 will be a continuation of the Professional Development at the first of school. ● Process Champions continue with Capturing Kids Hearts. We had staff from BECC, James & High School go to this 2 day training. The majority of our staff has been trained. We received this grant through REC6 which has paid the majority of this training. ● Title 4 Grant was approved.

11. Literacy ● Reads to Lead Grant - $183, 367.43 - This is our last year for this grant. This grant has paid for two interventionist and Istation K - 3. ● Striving Readers Grant (SRCL) ● District Literacy Framework - Consistency District Wide ❖ 3 year grant $1,276, 280.28 ($425,426.76) For three years ❖ Birth through 12th ❖ 4 New Literacy Coaches Birth - Day Care - BECC - Tessa Banister Lindsey Steiner - Bernadette Gallegos PJHS & PHS - Veronica Ontiveros Ofelia Alvarez - ELL “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

❖ Outcomes - Expectations (Aligned, Increase Academic Achievement, ​ ​ Teacher Skills) ❖ Administrative Support: Principal’s will be helping with this ❖ Professional Development

12. Science ● NGSS - Official July 1, 2018 ● 2018 - 2019 will be a transition year ● Focus for Science Vertical Team will be to align standards for 2018 - 2019 ; implement a sampling for 18 - 19 . Start working with these standards. ● Course Maps have been released. We will follow the State Course Maps. They will develop a test. They have hired a vendor for this. ● SBA Science test for Spring 2019 will still be aligned with NM State Science Standards. ● NMPED is in the process of adopting a vendor to create an assessment aligned to NGSS ● Spring 2019 - Field Test; not sure on rollout that is aligned to next generation. ● EOC’s will be the same for Spring 2019 with new item types based on NM State Science Standards ● 2018 - 2019 SBA Science Test will be 4th, 7th and 11th. ● 2019 - 2020 SBA Science Test will be 5th, 8th and 11th. ● Science Adoption - Concerned about alignment of New Materials ❖ Waiting on Secretary to sign off ❖ They hire experts to go over all science materials and create a rubric. They rate them and then the secretary will release and we can see them at ENMU. We can choose what science materials our district wants to review. We can pick the top 3 to get samples from.

13. Math ● Eureka Math K - 8th ● Teachers that attended training in Denver this summer will be your go to person. ❖ BECC - Shawna Brown ❖ James - Shana Mead & Selina Roberts ❖ Valencia - Amy Barlow & Ashley Ray ❖ Lindsey Steiner - Tammie Tucker ❖ PJHS - Amanda Crawford & Gaylinda Long

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” ● Mr. Montaño will have monthly meetings with these ladies that attended this training. ● Professional Development with Dora Vigil - CES contractor we will have 4 visits from her. Expertise is with Eureka Math. ● Full implementation last year. ● Continue Math Facts ● Digital Suite purchased for each school ● Review Data - Look for areas of improvement ● We got rid of Istation Math at elementary level ● Purchased Affirm 1st - 3rd grade. This is aligned with Eureka Math. Practice tool of formative items to track student progress & identify areas of need. Provides extra practice. Create your own assessments.

14. Scores - Results ● Make sure that it is being used to drive instruction. ● Collaborate (these are different places that you can collaborate with her colleagues.) ❖ PLC’s ❖ Vertical Team Meetings ❖ Grade Level Meetings ❖ NMDASH ❖ Faculty Meetings

15. Walk - Throughs ● The principals will be doing two documented wall - through per teacher each semester. ● Goals: (These came from the District office) ❖ Provide Teachers with feedback. ❖ Visibility ❖ Provides formative assessment data that answers the question “ How are we doing?” ❖ Opportunity to Document Expected Outcomes ❖ Continuous School Improvement ❖ This is The Key it provides a Tool to Stimulate Professional Conversations. This gives you the feedback for you to see what the principals are seeing in your classroom. Also gives you opportunity to go over what is taking place in your classroom. ❖ Increase Academic Achievement. “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” 16. Lesson Plans ● Principals were asked to develop a Schoolwide Lesson Plan that fits each schools needs. ● The Goal was to have a Highly Effective Lesson Plan without having teachers spend their entire weekend writing them. ● Basic Lesson Plan that use the New Mexico teach rubric have it highly effective. ● Turn in every Monday. ● More time to work with your students. ● Mr. Cain wants it to be easy for the teachers.

17. Test Security Training ● Mr Montaño and counselors will be trained on September 13, 2018 ● Fall training will follow.

18. Fine Arts After School Program ● No longer have violin program ● Added Drama Valencia, Lindsey Steiner & Junior High ● Added Choir at Valencia 3rd & 4th grades ● Added two days of Art at Valencia one for 3rd grade and one day for 4th grade. 3:15 pm - 5:15 pm ● Added art at Lindsey Steiner (so students will not have to be bus over to Valencia) ● Continue with Dance for Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd grade. Added more students this year.

Portales Schools will be having artwork in the State Fair.

Thank -You!! ● Please let Mr. Montaño know if he can do anything to support you and your team. ● Feel free to contact Mr. Montaño at anytime. You can call, come by or email. You do not ​ ​ have to wait for the Instructional Council Meeting. ● Thank you for all that you do for the students and families that you serve.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

IMPORTANT DATES September 7, 2018 - Progress Reports 3rd - 12th September 14, 2018 - Progress Reports PreK - 2nd September 19, 2018 - Professional Development for Staff - No School September 24, 2018 - 2nd Instructional Council Meeting

Approved By: Henry Montaño

Submitted By: Stacy Gossett

Date: 09/21/18 “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

Instructional Council Minutes ​ 2nd Meeting September 24, 2018 88% Attendance

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

Welcome: Mr. Montaño welcomed everyone to the 2nd Instructional Council meeting. The ​ meeting took place on Monday, September 24, 2018 in the Central Office Board Room at 3:31pm. We had one guest, Sara Hunton she will be presenting on Literacy Framework. ​ ​

1. Parent Teacher Conference is October 15, 2018 - 8 am - 4:00 pm. ​ Teacher effective ratings has been released. If we have any inquiry they have to be submitted by September 28, 2018. Science Materials has been rated and scored. ● Science Materials will be available at ENMU Student Success Center for us to review. ● Adoption Process ● Aligning our Standards for the Next Generation Science ● EOC will be based on NM State Science Standards this year. ● Will test 4th, 7th and 11th for school year 2018 - 2019 ● Will test 5th, 8th and 11th for school year 2019 - 2020 ● New Mexico will be hiring a vendor to develop a test for New Mexico. A pilot test will be available in the spring. Portales School District may or may not be selected to participate in this pilot test.

Testing window has been reduced to 3 weeks instead of 4 weeks.

2. Fall 2018 Test Security Training ● Schools All Teachers, All Aides, All Administrators, All Secretaries, All Custodians ● Technology Ms. Griffith and all tech staff helping in any way with testing ● Special Ed Mrs. Aguilar, and all ancillary staff (SLP, Diagnosticians, etc.) ● Federal Programs Mr. Segovia, Mrs. Hunton, Mr. Hernandez & Mrs. Bargas ● Maintenance Mr. Foster ● Central Office Mr. Cain, Mr. Montano, Ms. Gossett, and Mrs. Encinias

Counselors will be providing this training. If you miss a training date you will need to attend a make-up session. All test trainings are listed below and will last approximately 15 minutes. “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

● BECC - Wednesday, October 10, 2018 at 3:15 PM in the IEP Room ● James – Wednesday, September 26, 2018 at 3:15 PM in the IEP Room ● Valencia – Wednesday, October 3, 2018 at 7:40 AM in the Library ● Lindsey - Wednesday, October 10, 2018 at 3:10 PM in the Computer Lab ● PJHS - Thursday, October 4, 2018 at 7:30 AM in Dr. Kemps Classroom ● PHS - Wednesday, September 26, 2018 at 7:45 AM and 3:15 PM ● Central Office – Wednesday October 17, 2018 at 7:45 AM and 3:30 PM in Central Office Boardroom

Please be sure to sign the sign-in sheet and complete a Confidentiality form at the training that you attend.

3. Focus Calendars ● If you have changes to your Focus Calendar please let Stacy Gossett know so she can update it on our Calendar.

4. Eastern New Mexico University received a grant for funding for the Portales Municipal School District to work alongside Eastern New Mexico University with a co teaching model to develop a lab school at James Elementary for recruiting, training and retaining perspective practicing teachers..

● Schools will be receiving materials in science, social studies & math through this funding. ● Hopefully, the program will give future teachers an authentic experience of the classroom situations. ● Give more experience exposing them to classroom management. ● Met last week with Dr. Elwell at the University. Purpose of the meeting was to discuss how ENMU could help with retaining teachers. ● Provide more experiences for pre-certified teachers in classroom management. ● Exposing them to multiply theories. ● Having a bootcamp to help with dealing with different classroom situations ● Alternative licensures: How we support them as pre-certified teachers. Professional Development in classroom management for all Alternative licensures candidates. ○ Degree in University studies. Direct pathway to a job. “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

○ There are several students that try a different career path and decide that they want to teach.

● Teacher shortages (Schools have had to hire teachers from other countries) ○ Large teacher shortage in New Mexico ○ ENMU will host a bootcamp to help students pass the basic skills assessment.

5. MESA Competition: Jack Will ● 5 Students attended competition in Las Cruces, NM ● 1st Competition Best Robotics (Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology) ● New Mexico Regional (State competition) for us. ● We participate in the Texas region. ● 12 students compete. ● We have 25 members ● NM MESA students graduating from a NM MESA High School are able to earn the Loyalty Award (LA) for their first year of college. The amount available for a NM MESA student to earn is up to $1000. ( The Loyalty Award goes directly to student.)

In order to qualify for the MESA Success, students are required to ​ meet ALL of the following criteria: Student graduating this academic year of 2018-2019 from a NM MESA School

Member of NM MESA for 2 years including his/her senior year (senior year only 1st Semester and one other year).

A-1 form, completed and signed, submitted to your Advisor every year participated in NM MESA. (Advisor will submit a copy to your regional MESA office, and the MESA coordinator will indicate you are an active member in the database.) Demonstrated loyalty to NM MESA by having a minimum of 175 points total (Both MS and HS, refer to Table 1 on the right; points will stop calculating after the end of the 1st semester of senior year).

Minimum ACT score of 18 or a minimum SAT score of 870 or a 2.8 weighted G.P.A (End of 1st semester of senior year as appears on official transcript). “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

6. Sara Hunton: Literacy Framework “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Initiative: SRCL Grant is a Federal Grant ● We had to make a Literacy Framework ● This is the Highlights from the SRCL Summit ● Added Birth to 5 Literacy Interventionist and Home Liaison: Tessa Banister at BECC Pre-school with the SCRL Grant. ● Added Literacy Coach for 5th & 6th Grade - Bernadette Gallegos - Lindsey Steiner ● Added Literacy Coach 7th - 12th Grade - Veronica Ontiveros - PJHS/PHS ● Added ELL Literacy Coach 7th - 12th Grade - Ofelia Alvarez - PJHS/PHS

Challenges or Concerns

● Framework is very doable. ● Framework you can move on if you have conquered each step. ● Not rolling out a perceptive curriculum ● When you looking at Literacy we looking at delivery mode. Delivery in a way that is effective in the classroom. (a mind set) ● Each teacher got at least 25 boxes of materials (We had a private donor that donated 300 books per classroom K - 3) Great Support System ● In need of Classroom Computers for History , Science & Math. ● Plagiarism is a big issue for some teachers. (Why they don’t assign writing assignments) ● How is The Framework relevant to individual teacher other then literacy. ○ Foundation of literacy is new learning ○ New learning is acquired through reading

District Family Cabinet Meeting - Monday, September 24, 2018 at 6:00 pm ● Support Voluntariness in our district ● Keep parents informed throughout the district not just individual schools. ● Collaborate together year to year not having to learn a new process for differents schools.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

7. Vertical Team Reports

● Bilingual/Dual Language: Team Leader - Cynthia Flores-Gonzales at ​ ​ ​ ​ Valencia ○ 1. Instructional Council information ​ ○ 2. ELL Template-for Lesson Plans-Have these with your lesson plans 1-12 grade ○ 3. Language Objectives-Reviewed this document to help support other teachers who have English Language Learners http://www.colorincolorado.org/article/language-objectives-key-effective-content-area-instruc tion-english-learners ○ 4. Curriculum Update for the Spanish Language Arts Standards-Our goal for the next meeting is to have our Spanish Language Arts curriculum guide and be able to edit the document, so we can update it. ○ 5. This will be shared by grade level and time allocated to work on this document. Our rough draft for our plan is included in these minutes ​ ​

● Career & Technical Education: Team Leader - Tamara Price at PHS ​ ​ Together we have several celebrations and announcements: -Mr. Faver has a student teacher from NMSU this semester -FFA county fair went well. All but one student made the sale. Students will leave 9/7/18 for the state fair and are preparing for Roswell fair in October. -Mr. DeFoor has a student who will be making cups in his classroom to sell. Let him know if you are interested in purchasing one. -The Grads program is up and running -BPA at PHS has their first recruitment meeting -FCCLA at PJHS and PHS had their first recruitment meeting Teachers were asked input on the Focus Calendar. We filled in the calendar with topics of interest for the group and discussed other instructional council information. We also discussed encouraging our students to wear their organization t-shirts on Tuesdays to bring awareness, accountability, and fun to our organizations.

● Counselor: Team Leader - Tammy Hunton at Lindsey/Steiner ​ Mental health employees came together in order to finalize the protocol and forms that will be used when a threat to harm or suicide threat has been made by a student or staff member of Portales Schools. All protocols and forms have been placed in google drive and can be viewed by mental health employees only. We looked over all of the documents and reviewed the “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

assessments we will give when a threat has been made. We created small teams that will evaluate our final plans and make sure each plan is comprehensive. After this part of the meeting was complete, we met as counselors and discussed what we would like to put on our focus calendar. We also discussed professional development that would be helpful for our group and decided that we would like to be updated on school law, pertaining to mental health in the schools.

● Fine Arts: Team Leader - Susie Pierce-Perez at PJHS ​ New Staff - BECC - Cyra Wegner REQUIREMENTS- Elementary Fine Arts Allocation ● Each K-6 fine arts teacher will send parents a letter identifying targeted vocabulary at that grade level and teach students the targeted vocabulary. ● Fine arts teachers will meet at least 1.5 hours a month in the K-6 elementary fine arts vertical team. Vertical team will work on curriculum alignment, mapping, and adoption, best practices, professional development, and communication. ● Mrs. Susie Pierce Perez will coach visual arts teachers in grades 1-6. ● Each classroom will give five (5) L to J assessments. Beginning of Year (BOY), 1st nine weeks, 2nd nine weeks, 3rd nine weeks, and 4th nine weeks (EOY). Students will master key content at 70% mastery by the end of the year. This test should be a cummulative knowledge test and the same test given BOY and EOY with random question drawn from the test for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd nine weeks. ● Each school will have at least one guest artist/musician/speaker each semester, budget is available through allocation. ● All fine arts teachers will attend at least one professional development outside of Portales. BUDGET - Adoptions & Requisitions No budget for new adoptions in Fine Arts Budget per teacher is $500.00 for supplies and materials from the allocation ● Mrs. Saiz usually has an order totaling approximately $1,800. Mrs. Stroik spent approximately $800 last year. Curriculum Mapping-Update with current curriculum, no new adoptions. ● Mrs. Pierce-Perez provided each teacher with a copy of the NMPED New Mexico Core Arts Standards which provide the anchor standards. ● Each teacher also received a copy of the National Core Arts Standards: A Conceptual Framework for Arts Learning from the website: www.nationalartsstandards.org. ​ ​ Guest Artists/Musicians/Speakers ● Each school should have one each semester. ● These people do not have to present to the entire grade. ● They can present to only the classes you have one day or a few classes. Professional Development ● Gave music teachers three AOSA workshop flyers. They are already registered for the one on September 8th. ● Discussed all staff attending the PED Mid-Winter Meeting which usually has some music and art workshops. ● Art teachers asked about attending the NMNAEA Conference this year November 2-4, 2018 in Albuquerque, NM.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

● Elementary Language Arts: Team Leader - Bridget Segovia at James ​

● Secondary Language Arts: Team Leader - Veronica Ontiveros at PJHS/PHS ​ Discussed important information from instructional council. Provided a mini-PD on how to utilized the highly qualified lesson plans. Lindsey-Steiner would like a copy and implement soon. Enlace tutors need to be used in the classrooms more effectively. Lindsey would like to know if they will be getting tutors in their building. Completed Topics for Discussion Focus table. Discussed parts-of-speech with the High School. How in depth does the High School go for this topic?

● Library: Team Leader - Heather Christensen at PHS Library ​ We worked on the Focus for the year and decided we wanted to address reading promotion, cataloging review, how to use the report section of Alexandria, the new standards, and inventory tips. We also talked about who would be attending the upcoming state conference, and went over some important concepts for adding new records to our catalog (Alexandria).

● Math Elementary: Team Leader - Maria Villanueva at Valencia ​ The Elementary team had a great discussion about what was happening at every building with Eureka Math. The majority of the time was used to create the Focus calendar and plan for future school year meetings that would be meaningful and useful at every grade level.

● Secondary Math: Team Leader - Matt Christensen at PHS ​ We mostly worked on the Focus for the year and our discussion revolved around that document. We talked some about school grades and PARCC scores. Copies of student score sheets were handed out to high school teacher. We are all hoping and will be working hard to ensure we see continued growth. High school is looking forward to a new testing schedule so students will not do 3 sessions of math in one day. We also the discussed the use of content specific vocabulary and how that will be implemented in the different classrooms. We closed the meeting with discussions about the start of school and how fast time is going already.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

● Mentor: Team Leader - Anna Brock at BECC: ​ Held 3 Orientations for new teachers and mentors: August 2, August 16, and September 10, 2018. We kept hiring new staff so the group grew! We currently have 15 New Teachers and 15 Mentors in our program. This is the largest cohort in many years! The staff shared strengths and opportunities to improve. The atmosphere was fun and engaging. We are kindred spirits with a desire to teach children and encounter blessings and challenges that unite us! Our next meeting will be held on October 11, 2018 at 3:30-5:00.

● PE/Health: Team Leader - Christine Blaeser at Lindsey/Steiner ​ ● PHYSICAL EDUCATION/HEALTH 9/5/18 AGENDA AND MINUTES • Share out of information from Instructional Council. • Produce a calendar of topics to be discussed throughout the year. 1 Supporting Academic achievement in P.E. classes. 2 Refocus techniques for students with anger issues. 3 Classroom management improvements 4 Parent involvement 5 Curriculum mapping 6 Concerns to be addressed for the next year, professional development for P.E. instructors in our district.

● Social Studies: Team Leader - Sandie Shillings at PHS ​ 10/3/18 The Social Studie Vertical Team

● Science: Team Leader - Jack Willis at PHS ​ The science vertical team set their focus for the year which will center around three issues: Textbook Adoption; NGSS alignment; Curriculum maps (Pacing Guides). We will look at the 3-D dimensionality of NGSS in our next meeting in preparation for preview adoption materials. “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

● Sped: Team Leader - Louella Gallegos at BECC ​ IC Meeting Highlights Reviewed Cheryl’s email about VT changes Louella asked that each team email her with topics of discussion that need to be included in the VT agenda. All vertical team members were present and the remainder of our time was spent in small groups which included: SLP’s 1. Discuss campus procedures for speech/language screenings, referrals, and REEDs. Screening request through SAT referral? SAT documentation prior to speech/language referrals? REED for every request for additional testing? 2. Professional development opportunities Assessing School-Age Children with Language Disorders Changing Developmental Trajectories of Toddlers with ASD Effective Solutions to Ethical Dilemmas in AAC Early, Persistent, and Remediated Speech Sound Disorders Assessing School-Age Children with Speech-Sound Disorders Maximizing Intelligibility in Children and Adolescents with Down Syndrome Building and Expanding your CAS Toolkit Assessment and Treatment of Age-Related Voice Disorders Early Identification of Autism in Children Who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing 3. Supplies, materials, and apps 4. Academic vs. functional goals for speech only students 5. Academic monitor and/or academic pull-out for speech only students 6. PDP Social Workers ​ PDP Community ABA Services Service Time Make-Ups Staff cases as needed Diagnosticians a) Reviewed Diagnosticians are now in charge of getting their own consents/go over parent rights. and case-history for evaluations. b) If a diagnostician has a Bilingual Evaluation, you need to swap out with Sara. a) Inventory of Protocols/order if needed. Order test kits if needed b) Discuss options to help and review difficult cases if needed. c) Suggestions or guidance for referring for 504 for consideration d) Keep track of evaluations from REEDs ​ OT/PT ​ 1. Therapy times for different situations such as half months (Cheryl input) 2. Standardized Tests for 2-3 y/o – M-FUN and Early LAP-D 3. PT/OT Ancillary Log 4. Equipment storage and changes to room at Brown 5. Caseloads 6. Issues/Concerns D-Level Teachers Topic of Discussion: Teachers decided on Topics for Discussion for each Vertical Team meeting. ​ “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

Each teacher shared how their BOY is going, challenges, frustrations, and celebrations were shared. It was important for teachers to have the opportunity to support one another during the difficult times and offer suggestions. It was noted that we need this time each VT meeting. A discussion was held regarding our educational assistants. How do you utilize your EA? Do EA’s have trainings or professional development available to them? The majority of the teachers discussed their EA roles in their classroom as assisting teachers with students based on teacher directions. EA’s should not deliver instruction, they should follow teacher’s lesson plans and assist students to be successful in lessons planned. Next Vertical Team Topic of Discussion: SPED Law Conference presentation

Meeting Adjourned at 4:40 pm


October 3, 2018 - Vertical Team Meeting October 8, 2018 - Columbus Day “No School” October 10 - NMPED 40th Reporting Day October 12 - Grade Period Ends October 15 - Report Cards & Parent/Teacher Conf. 8 AM - 4 PM - “No School”

Approved By: Henry Montaño ​

Submitted By: Stacy Gossett ​

Date: September 27, 2018 ​

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” Instructional Council Minutes 3rd Meeting October 29, 2018 100% Attendance

Welcome: The 3rd Instructional Council Meeting began at 3:33 pm in the Central Office Board Room. We had 100 % in attendance with one guest Sara Hunton.

1. Parent Teacher Conferences:

● Brown had 1% increase from last year. ● James stayed at 100% for the last two years. ● Valencia had 2% increase from last year. ● Lindsey Steiner had a 10% decrease from the previous year. ● PJHS had a 1% decrease from last year. ● PHS had a 2% increase from last year.

2. Signs of Suicide (SOS) Curriculum: The district purchased 4 kits (SOS) Curriculum Signs of Suicide one for Lindsey Steiner, one for PJHS and two kits for the High School. “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” ● Counselor will go into the classroom and show a video to bring Awareness of different signs of Suicide. ● The goal is to decrease suicide and suicide attempts by increasing students knowledge and adaptive attitude about depression. ● Be aware of the signs of depression and suicide. ● Targeting 6, 8, 10 and 12 grade. ● Encourages personal help seeking for students who are suffering depression for themself or a friend that are contemplating hurting themself. ● A: Acknowledge ● C: Care ● T: Tell 3. Science Adoption: ● Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and Pearson Science Materials are on display in the Zia Room. We waiting for McGraw Hill to send their science materials. Their materials just arrived in New Mexico on October 24, 2018. ● Publishers are running late because the Secretary of Education did not sign off on them until September. ● Mr. Montaño will be setting up 3 different presentations with each of the publishers. He will send this information when the presentations dates are set. ● The Science Team did look into a fourth publisher Accelerate Learning. Delta on this publisher is all on-line, not enough devices for each student and some students do not have access to internet for homework.

4. Mr. Montaño talked about Process Champions that is a continuation of Capturing Kids Hearts. Each school has a 4 member team tasked with sustaining the program. The team members developed an implementation plan to continue Capturing Kids Hearts at their school site. We need to make sure we are implementing this program at all schools. PJHS is up to be recognized as a showcase school. Scores are showing improvement.

5. MAP Testing in September was a little bumpy. MAP Testing is set for December for grades 4th - 11th.

6. Mr. Cain: ● Election is coming up on November 6, 2018. Need to make sure you vote for whomever you feel will be the best candidate for the State of New Mexico. ● More money in the state. Everybody wants a piece of it. “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” ● The sufficient education lawsuit. The state of NM lost this lawsuit. This should add more money for education. We will have to use this money correctly and show results. ● NMSSA - New Mexico Schools Superintendents’ Association has created a Vision to Transform Education in New Mexico. The Superintendents have been working on this for about a year. ● In the Superintendent recommendation they are proposing minimum salaries go up Level 1 - $45,000, Level 2 - $55,000 and Level 3 - 65,000. This will mean administrators salaries will go up and also means that if teachers salaries goes up so will support staff. Regardless if this happens they will be working on getting the support staff raises in this year budget. ● They are suggesting to the State to set up a “Rainy Day Fund” ● If it’s important it needs to be in the SEG ● Legislature is suggesting more Instructional Time: Currently in the classroom we work 1080 hours and the proposal is to add 10 Professional Development. ● Superintendents are asking if it’s mandated for schools then it should be available in our SEG Budget. ● Superintendents are trying to keep the schools in the driver seats in the education system not the legislature or PED. ● Legislature will be a 60 day sessions and will start Mid January. They will be introducing 11,000 bills. Mr. Cain will keep us informed during the legislature session. ● Thank you for all you do for our school district.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

7. Data Correlations to Common Core Standards - Presented by Sara Hunton PARCC -- NWEA MAP -- Istation

In second column 1st Number is Mean, 2nd Number is Level & 3rd Number is Proficient Percentage.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” ● Research shows that a year and half growth is max. ● This data is from the same students. Moved with students. ● K - 3 is Istation Percentages ● We are below 50 % percentile in all grade level in all content area.

Language Arts Anchor Standards ● Anchor Standards are College and Career Ready Standards that we want every 12th grader to leave with. ● Key Ideas and Details: Simplify information; prove understanding of text and analyzing the world around us. Strengthening reasoning skills in the classroom ● Craft and Structure: All about the author and the child processing the text. Processing and decoding text is two different things when measuring grade level. Kids can read text but they are not understanding the text. Background knowledge plays a big part in information processing ● Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: Reason for writing text or purpose of the contents.

Mathematical Practices ● We want kids to problem solve, explain their thinking, show reasoning, argue their claim and points. We want the same things in both content areas.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

8. District Family Cabinet - Sara Hunton ● Volunteers K - 6 ● Communications for Parents throughout district. ● Support classroom teachers ● Average of 25 - 30 in attendance in the last two meetings. ● Next meeting November 12, 2018 at 6:15 in the Zia Room

9. Vertical Team Reports ● Bilingual/Dual Language: Team Leader - Cynthia Flores-Gonzales at ​ ​ ​ ​ Valencia Instructional Council Information-Teacher Effectiveness ratings released, Science Materials update, Testing window reduced to 3 weeks, Sara Hunton shared the literacy framework and Mr. Montano asked what can each vertical team do to support the Literacy Framework? The Bilingual Team will be writing their Spanish Language Arts Curriculum maps. 2. Share English Language Arts Curriculum for how each grade level will build their Spanish Language Arts Curriculum-High School shared minutes prior to meeting, so we reviewed. Kinder did the bulk of the work this summer and will be sharing. “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” 3. Spanish Language Arts Curriculum from Beginning of year to October complete by our next meeting and then we will work to update from October to November. A handout was shared regarding this focus and where we will be meeting for the remainder of the year. Segovia-Director of Federal Programs 1. Accommodations-Mr. Segovia will be setting up appointments with the team and the counselors to ensure we have our accommodations submitted to the PED. 2. Iturralde working to help our team with testing. La Cosecha and other conferences were discussed.

● Career & Technical Education: Team Leader - Tamara Price at PHS ​ ​ Announcements and Celebrations -NMSF art exhibits were complimented with a possible film/video follow up from an Albuquerque news station -BPA and FCCLA memberships at the high school are up -FCCLA will attend their district meeting on the 24th -BPA and FCCLA will attend Fall Leadership Rally on the 30th -CTE Tshirt Tuesday is up and running. Each organization is trying to wear their tshirts on Tuesdays to spread awareness of our organizations -iCEV curriculum expires May 2020. This gives us a little more time than originally thought. Teachers were encouraged to evaluate the program for future needs. Curriculum Reflections - Literacy Framework How are we supporting Literacy in our CTE classrooms? -FOCUS questions in both Spanish and English -Video notes daily-Complete sentences required -Written and discussed recipe evaluations -Journal entries -Extra Credit given when academic language is used within the class period -Proofreading marks Diane Kemp - Quizizz Demonstration -Diane Kemp gave a demonstration of how Quizizz works. She also provided handouts for each group member to take back to their classrooms for reference. We participated in a group Quizizz and discussed ways in which we could use this in our classrooms to prepare students for EOCs, encourage engagement and participation, and gain valuable data to analyze.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

● Counselor: Team Leader - Tammy Hunton at Lindsey/Steiner ​

We began the meeting discussing upcoming test trainings and that Mr. Segovia and Esther Bargas will be going to schools to discuss ELL accommodations. Then, we discussed the final draft for suicide prevention and made the final changes. We also discussed the final changes for threat assessment protocol and the next steps for crisis intervention. Tammy Fellows explained the SOS (Signs of Suicide) curriculum and that the Counselor at the 6th, 8th, and 10th grade buildings will be teaching this curriculum.

● Fine Arts: Team Leader - Susie Pierce-Perez at PJHS ​ “Good Things” or “Celebrations” in classrooms ● Wagner - Everyone in Kindergarten is singing. Better at using electronics for classroom music. ● Stroik - 1st and 2nd graders loved the texture project crayons rubs. ● Nation - Friendship Circle at the end of class which is a part of the Capturing Kids Hearts. ● Saiz - Afterschool program is going well. ● Thomas - Afterschool Wednesday Theatre Program began in her room today. ● Pierce-Perez - Creative study guide Guest Speakers/Performers in Fine Arts Classrooms ● Mrs. Thomas has a observation student who has performed for two classes as a guest artist at Valencia ● Valencia will also have guest musican Andy Mason in December ● Other observation students should be at James Elementary soon to perform. Professional Development ● Mrs. Thomas won a raffle at the workshop provided by West Music. Not sure what the prize is yet. ● Nation-Adoption year and NM has three option that the state will decide on. If we follow suit then funding will come from the PED. ● Thomas-Impletemented a couple of the things that she learned from the workshop in her classroom ● Wegner-She did get several ideas from the workshop and has begun using the electronic technology for music in the classroom. ● NMNAEA - November 2-4 ○ Pierce-Perez, Stroik, and Saiz are already registered. Fine Arts Calendars updated Instructional Council Information ● Literacy Plan Powerpoint ● Integration in the classroom Donated Art Supplies ● Katrina Prince Classroom #301 ● Teachers took some of the donated supplies.

● Elementary Language Arts: Team Leader - Bridget Segovia at James ​ “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” In October, the K-5 ELA Vertical Team analyzed PARCC ELA data for grades 3-5. We formed groups by ensuring that every school was represented within the group. Each teacher was given a PARCC ELA District Evidence Statement Analysis for Grades 3-5. They were also given the ELA and Writing Evidence Statements for Grades 3-5. Each team analyzed the PARCC data and noted strengths and challenges and correlated the challenges with the CCSS that was addressed on the test. We noticed that questions about main idea in informational texts were a challenge in most grade levels.

● Secondary Language Arts: Team Leader - Veronica Ontiveros at PJHS/PHS ​ As a team we analyzed the PARCC ELA data for grades 6-11. Each member filled out the district summary for each school. We looked at each strand for strength and challenge. A discussion of the glossary terms and the importance of knowing the acronyms PLDs, EBSR, and PCR. Teachers discussed how we would help students be ready for this type of question. We discussed the MAP data for each level and checked to see if we saw a correlation between grade levels, strengths, and challenges. Next vertical team we will be ready to discuss writing for short responses.

● Library: Team Leader - Heather Christensen at PHS Library ​ -Instructional Council notes Literacy Framework--How can we support? -GO Bond status -Alexandria Reports Fines/Overdue notices New Books/Lost Books/Discarded, etc. Collection Analysis New patrons Usage by Period

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” ● Math Elementary: Team Leader - Maria Villanueva at Valencia ​ In our meeting Math vertical team members had a discussion about increasing vocabulary by doing the following: - Vocabulary walls - Repetition of math terminology - Using teachable moments to incorporate vocabulary - Math definitions and vocabulary in a math notebook - Breaking down words for parts that we know to assist in understanding the words - Making connections between different terms within math problems - Modeling proper use of terminology through instruction We also had a discussion on consistency with grading within each grade. The following topics were discussed: - Standards Based Grading - Grading exit tickets, homework, topic quizzes, mid-module assessments, and end-of-module assessments - Teachers share out grading methods - Teachers suggest Affirm K-8 for next year

● Secondary Math: Team Leader - Matt Christensen at PHS ​ We started our discussion about good things. - Brandi – MESA is sponsoring a prosthetic leg. - Matt – Kay Jilek is joining us at the High School. - J’mi – recently got married and is moving to Portales.

Discussed common assessments - Looked at questions and standards being assessed. - Lindsey has already finished. - PJHS were just starting to administer test. - PHS would begin next week. st Discussed progress through 1 ​ – 9 weeks ​ - Lindsey is right on target with students progressing well. - PJHS is staying on target, working to fill holes with PARCC evidence statements. - PHS is a little behind in Algebra 1, filling gaps in prior knowledge from evidence statement. Discussed PD with Holly Roberts - Highly Effective Objective. - Evidence of Learning Statements “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” Discussed as a group the various homework policies at the different campuses. We are trying to find ways to help students be more successful at completing and turning in homework.

● Mentor: Team Leader - Anna Brock at BECC: ​ Mentor Roundtable for Quarter 1 10-4-18 3:30 - 5:00 at BECC. Mentor Topics: Role of the Mentor Weekly conference Expectations and How to Support New Teachers Coaching Self-Assessment--How, Why, and When to Coach Teacher Evaluations and Walk Through expectations per building Diversity of Generations Study to be inclusive of all 14 Mentors required to attend 100% Plus: Everyone in attendance Good sharing from everyone that attended Good information. Loved the information regarding different generations Insights into others’ situations Great questions from practicing mentors exercise

Delta: none

New Teacher Seminar for all Mentors and New Teachers on 10-11-18. Below is our agenda of topics. Topic: Parent Teacher Conferences Report Cards Reflections on Teaching Evaluations Parent Conference Tips handout was shared Practical Advice from Mentors Evaluation Informations as Needed Required Documentation/Deadlines reminders Refer to handout: Top 10 Behaviors--please review in weekly conferences as needed Be a Marigold--handout to demonstrate positive influences in culture of learning 1st Quarter Share Celebrations/Reflections/Opportunity for Growth Discussion and Sharing of Wisdom/Concerns for next quarter Required to attend: 14 mentors and 14 new teachers Total in Attendance: 24/ 28 = 85 %

Plus/Delta for meeting: “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

Plus: Supportive collaboration ​ ​ ​ ​ Great discussions ​ Quarterly reflection helps mentor identify needs of new teacher ​ Sitting with and sharing with other grades/schools was good ​ Amazing Mentor Leader (thanksTori! ) Marigold analogy and cups of treats Delta: Several ABsent Arrival times are so varied, difficult to begin on time. RX try to get here sooner????

Next Meetings: ​ Mentor Roundtable 11-8-18 New Teacher Seminar December 6, 2018

● PE/Health: Team Leader - Christine Blaeser at Lindsey/Steiner ​

● VERTICAL TEAM MEETING ● P.E./HEALTH ● October 3, 2018 ● MEETING FOCUS: SUPPORTING ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT IN P.E. CLASSES. ● The P.E. teachers continue to be committed to supporting the academic achievement of students through creative lessons designed to offer students extra practice in the academic areas of Math, Reading and writing. The following are examples of how the P.E. teachers support the academic achievement of students: ● In the lower elementary schools teachers utilize Counting activities, sight word practice using relays, math practice using relays, jump and spell games, sight word games using a word wall. ● At the upper elementary school and junior high school, teachers utilize writing assignments incorporated into the lesson plan design. The P.E. teacher at th Lindsey/Steiner also dedicates two class periods a day to helping the 5 ​ grade ​ students to read and write.

● Social Studies: Team Leader - Sandie Shillings at PHS ​ - Talked about items addressed in the Instructional Council meeting on August 24th. * Teacher effectiveness ratings are out and inquiries were due last Friday. ​ * Testing window reduced to 3 weeks and results should be in by May. * Literacy Framework - Sara Hunton “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” - Shared September 11, 2001 lessons and activities that were used in the ​ secondary classrooms. * Mrs. Brooks, Mr. Fraze, and Mrs. Shillings * Erika Grenko shared a story about a group of people in India who paid tribute to those who were lost in the 9-11 attacks. -Brought up Columbus Day and what some of the primary grades may ​ do to study Columbus and his impact on history. -Shared technology and website resources that can be used as a tool in the classroom. * Chris Horton - Kahoots ​ * Jalissa King - Quizlet * Wade Fraze - YouTube clips * Sandie Shillings - Sheppard Software.com

● Science: Team Leader - Jack Willis at PHS ​ The team went over the Focus Agenda for the 2018-2019 school year. We noted that significant changes had been made to the EOCs with all standards being NGSS. As of 10/3/18, PED has indicated that EOCs this year will be from New Mexico standards. There was a presentation on unpacking the NGSS given by Rebecca Mitchell, Logan Brown and Killeen Tapia. Mr. Montano discussed the resources abailable on the NMPED website for NGSS. He stated that the Science Vertical Team will serve as the core committee for textbook review and adoption. He also stated that the state has allocated $36 per book for districts. Starting in 2019-2020 school year, 5th, 8th, and 11th grades will be tested for SBA. Mr. Montano is arranging for the some of the publishers to make presentations to the entire vertical team for evaluation. The January 7th PD will be allocated to Science VT to work on curriculum alignment and textbook adoption. Mr. Montano also explained the Course Code Alignment component of the EOCs.

● Sped: Team Leader - Louella Gallegos at BECC ​ ● IC Meeting Highlights ​ Open Discussion with Cheryl – no items were presented for discussion. Cheryl was available during small group discussions “Tell Me Something Good!” – Louella led the whole group to share something good. Every person shared either a personal or professional celebration. It was great to share the good things happening in our lives! The remainder of our time was spent in the following discussions: SLP’s 1. Share information from Special Education Law Conference ​ “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” 2. Upcoming NMSHA Conference in Albuquerque (Oct. 18-19) 3. Discuss the process at different buildings/grade levels for testing Language AND Academics together for students that are demonstrating significant language concerns in the classroom. 4. How does everyone handle “dropping” services for Language or “adding” services for Language? Is formal evaluation being completed before a determination is made to EXIT a student from Language services? 5. Confusion about REED/Evaluation date changing, when it is determined that more information is needed and the team recommends that an evaluation be completed. st 6. PDP – due to Cheryl Aguilar by October 31 .​ ​ Social Workers · Policy and Procedures Questions/Review ​ ​

​Discussed SPED law conference · Current Social Work Topics ​ ​ - Discussed Professional development options ​ ​ · Staff Cases ​ ​ · Items to Address with Special Education Director ​ ​ - CPI holds documentation process ​ ​ Diagnosticians Information from Technical Assistance Program REED presentation Review of Special Education Law Conference Streamlining procedures Review of problematic and/or complicated cases Open floor for discussion of any current issues OT/PT 1. Therapy times for different situations such as half months (Cheryl input) ​ ​ 2. Continued concern for lack of vision services to OT/PT students ​ ​ 3. Vision/hearing required before screening? (Cheryl input) ​ ​ 4. Behavior issues with many students mostly with transitions (James) ​ ​ 5. Behavior vs. sensory ​ ​ 6. Students with sensory only referrals ​ ​ 7. Licensure updates/CEU’s ​ ​ 8. PDP’s ​ ​ 9. Caseloads ​ ​ 10. Issues concerns ​ ​ D-Level Teachers Topic of Discussion: SPED Law Conference presentation ​ Teachers shared highlights from law conference which included: · Be cautious of the words “Always and Never” during an IEP ​ ​ · A student who is suspected of having an obvious disability can be referred for testing without going ​ ​ through the SAT · Must “convince” a parent to attend the IEP ​ ​ · Parent’s role is as important as the outcome. ​ ​ · Child Find is not only intended for pre-k. ​ ​ · Related services include teacher/parent trainings ​ ​ What can each VT do to support the Literacy Framework? “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” Our SSS VT supports each student’s individual literacy skills through IEP goals and objectives in the identified area of need for D level students. A discussion about the Fountas & Pinnell books/materials raised questions that teachers needed to clarify with their literacy coaches. We believe that access to these materials will help us to support our district’s literacy framework. Next Vertical Team Topic of Discussion: ​ Recording Grades Progress on Goals and Objectives

IMPORTANT DATES November 4, 2018 - Daylight Savings November 7, 2018 - Vertical Team Meetings November 9, 2018 - Progress Reports November 11, 2018 - Veterans Day November 19-23, 2018 - Thanksgiving Recess November 22, 2018 - Thanksgiving Day November 26, 2018 - 4th Instructional Council Meeting

Meeting adjourned at 4:33 pm

Approved By: Henry Montaño ​

Submitted By Stacy Gossett ​

Date: November 1, 2018 ​ “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” Instructional Council Minutes 4th Meeting November 26, 2018 94% Attendance

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

1. Welcome: Mr. Montaño welcomed everyone to the 4th Instructional Council Meeting. ​ The meeting began at 3:33 pm on November 26, 2018 in the Central Office Board Room. We had 94% in attendance with 1 guest Mr. Rick Segovia, Director of Federal Programs.

2. Mr. Cain: ● Received email about Opportunity to learn Survey. This is for semester long classes. He will get these out to the principals on Tuesday. ● School Board Annual Convention is next week. ● PJHS Cafeteria will open up on Tuesday. They are still waiting on tables and chairs. Will not start cooking their yet.

3. Science Adoption: ● Presentations will be November 28, 2018 @ 3:30 PM with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishers December 5, 2018 @ 3:30 PM with Pearson Publishers December 12, 2018 @ 3:30 PM with McGraw-Hill Publishers ● NMPED has adopted the Next Generation Science Standards ● Thank Mr. Willis and his Vertical Team for all their hard work pertaining to the Science Adoption. ● Science Materials are set up in the Zia Room for review.

4. Fall Testing at PHS - Senior Retakes ​ ● November 27 - PARCC - ELA ● November 28 - PARCC - MATH ● November 28- SBA - Spanish Reading

5. Vertical Team Focus Calendars ​ ● Please keep your meeting on task with what is on the focus calendar if you have any changes please let Mr. Montaño and Stacy know and they will change it on the focus calendar that you turned in at the first of the year.

6. Curriculum MAPS ​ ● Curriculum Maps are a live document and always need review. Please keep updated with the different resources and activities that becomes available. ● Science adopted the Next Generation Science Standards ● Art adopted National Art Standards.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” 7. MOY MAP testing for ELA and Math ​ ● Testing will take place in December for Valencia, Lindsey Steiner, PJHS and PHS. (Window is the whole month of December) 8. Professional Development ​ ● January 7, 2019 - FERPA/Confidentiality/Accommodations ● January 8, 2019 - Continuation PD with Sara Hunton ● Will release schedule of Professional Dates at next Administrative Meeting

9. Mr. Segovia - English Learners: K - 12 : We have 212 ELL Students

This is the document that they give to all principal’s and teachers so they know which students are ELLs.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” ● TESOL: Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages: Is very crucial for ELL ​ Students. ● The District has hired two ELL coaches for the Junior High and the High School. Mrs. Veronica Ontiveros and Mrs. Ofelia Alvarez ● The High School was targeted as a TSI School (Targeted Student Improvement) High School teachers have been attending Professional Development to help with ELLs student population.

● The above chart is the process they follow when they get a new ELL Students ● Even if a parent opts out of the ELLs classes the student will be tested annually using the Access for ELLs 2.0. ● If parents opt out of the program. They try to place students with a TESOL endorsed teacher if at all possible.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

This is the form that parent’s fill out for each student in order to help give the student the best possible education.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

This is filled out for all ELLs students that decline services.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

● This is the letter that is sent home if student qualifies for EL Services. ● Students are tested in 4 different language domains: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

● This document is kept in each ELL students Bilingual LPC Folder.

● ELL Students will be included in our School Grade beginning next year.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

● To help support your needs at your school and classroom whether it be materials or Professional Development.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

● Migrant Service our for the students that move around during harvest time. ● Help with School Supplies ● Program to help parents learn to speak English. ● We only have 33 students that qualifies as Migrants

● This programs help with our local Baptist Children Home and Christian Children Home. ● Provides funds for tutoring ● Baptist Children Home receives funds for the Internet Access. ● Gives funds to the Bonem Home for educational services.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

● Provide Professional Development for teachers and principals ● Provide funds for classroom reduction. (Teachers salaries)

● This fund has to be used to help EL students achieve english proficiency. ● Pays for Professional Development for teachers to help students achieve english proficiency in their classroom.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

● Dual Language starts at Kindergarten - 6th grade. 50% English and 50% Spanish.

● Pays for Capturing Kids Hearts ● Pays for Process Champions ● Will pays for training for teachers to learn the effective ways of teaching with technology. ● Pays for our Home School Liaison at the High School to help increase are graduation rate and reducing our truancy.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

10. Vertical Team Reports

● Bilingual/Dual Language: Team Leader - Cynthia Flores-Gonzales at ​ ​ ​ ​ Valencia

● Career & Technical Education: Team Leader - Tamara Price at PHS ​ ​

● Counselor: Team Leader - Tammy Hunton at Lindsey/Steiner ​ Our meeting began with a visit from Mark Maestas from MHR. He wanted to explain a program they offer to help kids and families within the community. We will refer students to the program and MHR will evaluate the information and determine if the student is a good fit for the program. The MST therapist will meet families at their home or other designated area. We discussed testing at PHS and what was going on at each of our buildings. Our team then went over the SOS curriculum and the preparation that we will need to do, as well as, what we will do to help students if they disclose after the presentations. We also evaluated the threat and suicide protocols and how they are working for us.

● Fine Arts: Team Leader - Susie Pierce-Perez at PJHS ​ “Good Things” ● Stroik-Came back from conference with good information. Looking at implementing 5th/6th sketchbook. ● Thomas-Has three observation students from ENMU. One played guitar and sang for 3rd graders. ● Nation-Working really hard on Christmas Program with flag routine. Lesson plan formated ● Wagner-Know the first song for the Spring Program. 1st evaluation done. Expecting a baby! ● Pierce-Perez-Finished portraits Guest Artists ● 3rd grade, 1st grade, Rick Segovia and Mr. & Mrs. Seriano, Matt Hunton, potential in K-Brass Quartet, Andy Mason Dec 14th at Valencia Curriculum Mapping Updates ● Members took examples of prior maps ● Answered questions about format and information on curriculum map ● Answered specific questions about assessments as relates to curriculum map Fine Arts Calendar - Winter Performance Information ● Nation-Stroik will have an art show during the 2nd grade performance. ● Thomas & Wagner-No changes

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

● Elementary Language Arts: Team Leader - Bridget Segovia at James ​

The ELA VT focused on Interactive Read Alouds during November’s meeting. We divided the team into grade levels and each grade level watched a video of an Interactive Read Aloud modeled by Sara Hunton. As they watched, they filled out a reflection form on what they observed before, during, and after the read aloud. When the Interactive Read Aloud videos were finished, each group came up with a “wow” and a “wonder” and reported them out to the other team members. In closing, Sara Hunton reported some of the findings she has observed during her Interactive Read Aloud observations K-6.

● Secondary Language Arts: Team Leader - Veronica Ontiveros at PJHS/PHS ​ -PT Conference attendance-short discussion on how to raise attendance for secondary level. Incentives plays an important role when getting students and parents to attend. -Importance of maintaining or implementing CKH/all schools have Process Champion members- discussion on the need to build relationships with students and reach out to the members that can help. -December MAP testing- discussion on the dates and how to motivate students to take seriously. -Data correlations to Common Core Standards-S. Hunton overview- discussed the percentile that our students performed at and again discussed the importance of incentives. We discussed questions that Hunton gave to IC. Team would like to know more about MAP i.e. types of questions, types of concepts, verbiage between MAP vs. PARCC, types of passages MAP vs. PARCC, MAP as an intervention tool. ACT preparation? Team is getting better about less teacher talk and more students talk. -Short-response writing rubrics share-out- Team decided to use all rubrics found for PARCC. -Team feels that we need more MAP training-not completely comfortable with ​ the program and not sure if we are using it to the best of our abilities. -Next meeting we will be disaggregating MAP data---Members will bring MOY MAP data and next Vertical meeting will be Dec. 12th due to 4 teachers missing for Teacher Liaison Meeting in Roswell.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

● Library: Team Leader - Heather Christensen at PHS Library ​ ● The librarians met at the new Golden Student Success Center, where director Melveta Walker gave them a tour of the new facilities.

● Math Elementary: Team Leader - Maria Villanueva at Valencia ​ The math vertical team had a discussion on the following topics: ● How are we guaranteeing learning in math throughout the district? ● Talking versus Teaching ● The team then shared how they are integrating technology in the math classroom. The websites can be used to support Eureka Math instruction or the common core standards at each grade level. Interactive Websites ○ Kahoot as engaging review ○ Prodigy as center work ○ FactDash as repetition for math facts ○ IXL as repetition for math facts ○ Interactive whiteboards as center work or whole group ○ Clever Library (full of applications for all subjects) ● Our last discussion was on how to prepare students for the next grade ○ Discussion of deficiencies seen from one grade to the next and development of a plan to improve those skills for the upcoming year ○ Focus: Math Facts

● Secondary Math: Team Leader - Matt Christensen at PHS ​ Good Things: Brandi - put together a function auction that the students enjoyed and reinforced their knowledge base on functions. Gaylinda - used an activity at Halloween that reinforced prior knowledge. J’mi - working on Transformations activity- small groups, hands on. Matt - activities that involve equations and inequalities. Shared these activities with the group and discussed some of the websites where we are finding them. Warren is going to make a shared folder where this activities and websites are located. I would like to see at minimum 2 of these rich activities per 9-weeks.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

Maps Testing Hopefully MAPS testing will go smoother this time around and we won’t lose but 1 day. Looked at the district MAPS and were encouraged by our BOY scores.

District Report We are all wondering where the election is going to take us next year in education. We are all hoping that we will get less input from the state and get to rely more on our local school board. Supt. Vision looks like a good idea on paper if anyone decides to listen. Most think CKH is making their campuses a better place.

Summary Good meeting, all of us seem to be on the same page “working to create students that can think on their own”. By providing high quality instruction, we all believe students will see a higher level of success both in the classroom and on the standardized tests.

● Mentor: Team Leader - Anna Brock at BECC: ​ ​ Mentor team met via google doc discussion for Quarter 2 Mentor Roundtable on 11-8-18. All mentors reported on status of new teachers and many agree classroom management is the most difficult area to master. Our next meeting will be Thursday December 6, 2018 to discuss AIP and RtI with struggling students.

● PE/Health: Team Leader - Christine Blaeser at Lindsey/Steiner ​ VERTICAL TEAM MEETING AGENDA/MINUTES PHYSICAL EDUCATION/HEALTH 11/7/18 Agenda set for discussion for 11/7/18: Refocus techniques for students with anger issues for the purpose of de-escalation of volatile students while in the Physical education setting. Minutes: ● Strategies used at the High School for refocus and discipline are relationship development and capturing kids hearts.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” ● Strategies used at the kindergarten include a refocus spot (they do not call it time out) and verbalization of how and why they ended up there and verbalize how they should have acted to get out of refocus. ● At Lindsey, I use active time out by designating a jogging area to run in when the students are breaking the classroom rules of respect and classroom procedures. They must verbalize how they should have acted in order to get back in the game. ● Also, at Lindsey, I have incorporated a writing assignment for students who are not following classroom rules, procedures and respect rules. This is a 3 paragraph paper in which the students must restate, in writing, what classroom rules that they broke, state what they were doing instead and then write about what they will do differently next time. The paper must have completeness of information, correct spelling, punctuation and grammar. The student must turn in a final draft to me to be graded. They must receive a passing “grade” from me before they are allowed to return to activity. ● The best way to handle volatile students is to use capturing kids hearts and get to know the students and make connections. We believe that this creates an atmosphere of trust. Some techniques work well with some students while other techniques make the situation worse. Staying calm and giving choices seemed to be the consensus of the group when dealing with volatile students.

● Social Studies: Team Leader - Sandie Shillings at PHS ​ * Discussed meeting focus. *Review technology that was shared in the last meeting and asked for any ​ additional technology that would be useful for Social Studies in the classroom.

* Talked about items addressed in the Instructional Council meeting on October 29th. * Teacher Conference attendance ​ * Signs of Suicide Curriculum * Information from Mr. Cain - Election - More Money in the state and how it may be allocated including superintendent recommendations * Sara Hunton - Data correlation to Common Core Standards - District Family Cabinet (viewed the PPT provided by Mrs. Hunton) * Shared plans for Veteran’s Day and Thanksgiving Day lessons. * Mrs. Brooks has a lesson the Mr. Fraze and Mrs. Shillings have used for the last couple of years.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” * Mrs. Walker shared a Thanksgiving/Economics lesson that she uses for Thanksgiving

* Looked forward to holidays in December and January including the observance of December 7, 1941 -- Pearl Harbor Day.

* Open discussion for new ideas and questions. ​ Allowed time for questions, ideas or concerns pertaining to the Social Studies ​ Vertical Team.

● Science: Team Leader - Jack Willis at PHS ​ The science Vertical Team was informed that we will have textbook adoption presentations on Nov. 28th, Dec. 5th, and Dec. 12th all at 3:30 pm in the Zia room. The team generated a list of Questions that we would like the publishers to address. The concerns that the team had dealt with consumables, kits, and workbooks. We will use a +/delta rubric for our review. Kathleen Tapia gave a Curriculum Map template presentation that she has been researching and developing. She has incorporated sample curriculum map templates into our PMSD curriculum map template. This is a work in progress and we certainly appreciate Kathleen’s work and time for developing the curriculum map template. We also are currently addressing our course sequencing K-12.

Sped: Team Leader - Louella Gallegos at BECC ​ Open Discussion with Cheryl – no items were presented for discussion. Cheryl was available during small group discussions “Tell Me Something Good!” – Louella asked for celebrations, Cheryl said everyone was glad Thanksgiving break was soon. We proceeded to small groups (everyone had full agendas). SLP NMSHA sharing ​ a. Christi Lucero-attended telepractice & AAC workshops and will share more information/handouts if we would like from either workshop. b. Dan Hill- not present c. Ashley McBroom-AAC: a valuable statement for IEP outcome/goal… “___ will use the appropriate mode of communication…”“How-AT Workshop-Assistive Technology a. Alicia & Shirley- hand out will be emailed with contact information for lending library and upcoming conference that all SLPs showed interest in. (Assistive Technology Conference 2019 “unlock the door…with assistive technology” to be held May 6-7 in Albuquerque at the Sheraton Uptown Hotel) The conference is free and the district would only pay travel and lodging expenses. An email will be sent to Cheryl with the information. Out of state testing (Dan) discussion was had that more information on Dan’s specific situation was necessary to answer the question. AAC evals @ ENMU- the group questioned the process to follow when we are in need of an evaluation and would like to know if the school would ever provide a device that can be sent home with the child and in what circumstance. The group also discussed using Medicaid generated funds for AAC devices and other equipment/supplies needed for children that could be used at school and at home. A consultation with Cheryl will be necessary. Consent for initial placement form- Do we have one and if we do not, do we need one? Christy Wooldridge will look in federal regulations and find an example


“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” 1.Approval of minutes from last meeting .Open issues Open floor for discussion of any current issues New business a)Count Protocols b) Order Protocols Adjournment OT/PT New tests for 0-3 years (M-FUN –PS and Early LAP (E-LAP) were discussed and handout information provided. The PT ​ and OT were in agreement that new tests are necessary to address the younger population of children transitioning from ECI needing to be tested for Preschool. These will be ordered as well as the option of using other tests we currently have including the PDMS-2 and Early Developmental Milestones. Test have been ordered but have been delayed because a qualified user had to be identified to purchase the test.Licensure updates/ CEU’s/ licenses are current and continue to work on CEU’s PDP’s/ have been completed and turned in Therapy times for different situations such as half months (Cheryl input) Carried over from last meeting Continued concern for lack of vision services to OT/PT students Carried over from last meeting Are Vision/Hearing required before screenings? (Cheryl input) Group services discussion – Push-in instead of pullout. Other models and experiences in doing so. How to address all goal and objectives on the IEP? Effectiveness of inclusion activities at James Behavior issues with many students and transitioning and need for a room in the building at (James)

D-Level Teachers ​ Topic of Discussion: Recording Grades, Progress on Goals and Objectives, IEP Scheduling Conflicts Grades for D Level students are not typically given since their academics consist of Life Skills. Therefore, progress reports on IEP goals and Objectives are given instead of report cards at each grade period end. A lengthy discussion was held about how grades that are entered for our D level students affect our teacher evaluation. When writing goals and objectives, we discussed that if progress on previous goals and objectives were addressed in the PLP’s it would be beneficial to have that information as you modify, or write a new goal. Transition page must be completed on D level students. Please be aware that you can document “case manager” as person responsible if you chose “non look-up.” Julie said she would share an example of her saved bank statements to help when filling ​ ​ in information. IEP scheduling concerns: Cheryl suggested we visit with Emily when we have concerns with IEP schedules. Next Meeting: Dec 5, Topic of Discussion: Assessment

IMPORTANT DATES December 3, 2018 - NMPED 80th Reporting Day December 5, 2018 - Vertical Team Meeting December 9, 2018 - Progress Reports December 24, 2018 - Winter Recess Begins December 25, 2018 - Christmas Day January 1, 2019 - New Year’s Day January 7 - 8, 2019 - Staff PD - No School January 9, 2019 - Teacher Work Day January 10, 2019 - School Resumes January 11, 2019 - Report Cards January 21, 2019 - Martin Luther King Day ( School is in session) February 6, 2019 - Vertical Team Meeting

Approved By: Henry Montaño

Submitted By: Stacy Gossett

Date: November 29, 2018

Instructional Council Minutes 5th Meeting January 28, 2018 82% Attendance

1. Welcome: The 5th Instructional Council Meeting started at 3:35 pm on January 28, 2019 led by Mr. Montaño. We had 82% in attendance with one guest speaker, Rebekah Mitchell. Mr. Montaño welcomed everyone back to the 2019 School year. 2. Mr. Cain: ● Senate Bill 1 has made it through Senate Bill Ed ○ Will change the way we handle our budget. ○ Will drive on what we do it our classroom because of the way we have to report it in the budget. ○ We have to write a narrative stating how we are going to meet our goals. ■ How we are going to make sure our classroom are not overloaded. ■ How we are going to meet the needs of our at risk students and ELL students. ● Accountability: Our budget will be tied directly to how we are meeting the needs of goals stated in the narrative. ● This bill will tie us more closely to our budget. ● Analysis shows that PED and Districts will have to hire more administrative staff to meet the requirements of SB 1 ● Will allow for raises for teachers ● Looking at putting in 500 Million dollars into education. ● Schools can opt into going to longer school year. (If it is funded) 10 days Instructional and 10 Professional Development days. ● Possible raises $40,000, $50,000 & $60,000 (Bottom salary for each level at a 180 day contract) ● $42,600, $52,800 & $63,000 ( For extended days) ● Mr. Cain main concern is if we give pay raises he wants to make sure that the district can maintain them. ● This year he wants to work on giving the support staff raises. Bring them up. ● Wants to get our minimum to $12 per hour. ● House Bill 212 (Has not made it to the committee) ○ Creates a new uniform teacher and principal evaluation. ○ Up to PED to create standard & uniform evaluation system for schools. ○ Has four areas that they evaluate.

● Bill 247 (Has not made it to the committee) ○ No analysis ○ Allows District to create their own evaluation. (Due October 9) ○ PED will have to approve. ○ Four things you have to measure ■ Student Assessment ■ Principal Evaluation ■ Professionalism ■ Opportunity to Learn Survey ● PARCC will not be part of the evaluation this year. ● EOC and ISIP is still up in the air. ● New Deputy Secretary Tim Hand wants to suspend all the rules from June 30, 2018 to present that was created by PED. ● ACT will be taken at the High School on April 3, 2019. The cost is $42.50 (Students will pay) online eligible to 9th-12th Grade. Can request paper based test. ● Deputy Secretary Tim Hand said their goal is to be a support department not a punitive department. (They have started with the licensing department.) (Some Superintendents have already seen an improvement.) ● – Karen Trujillo: Public Education Department Secretary ● – Kara Bobroff: Deputy Secretary ● – Tim Hand: Deputy Secretary ● – Katarina “Kata” Sandoval: Deputy Secretary ● – Gwen Perea Warniment: Deputy Secretary ● – Pedro Noguera: Special Advisor to the Secretary ● – Daniel Manzano: Chief of Staff

****Keep an eye on Senate Bill 1****

3. New Mexico Standards - Based Transition Assessment: Mr. Montaño ● Standards-Based Transition Assessment of Mathematics and English Language Arts ● Assessment will be 1 to 1.5 hours shorter per subject area, reducing overall testing time up to 30%. ● Comparable to prior year’s results, with five reporting categories. ● Delivered on the same platform and during the April 22-May 10 scheduled window. ● A new test will be developed for 2019 - 2020 School year. ● Teachers should continue to do what they do best: teach content with high rigor that is aligned to our adopted New Mexico Common Core Standards (NMCCSS). ● Results could be available 2 weeks after test. ● Assessment will be comparable to PARCC (5 Performance Levels) ● Accommodations will stay the same. ● Accessibility features will be the same. ● Did change the blueprint. It is available on NMPED’s website. ● February 1, 2019 will release a digital library for teachers to be able to create their own formative assessments.

4. Implementation of NGSS - Mrs. Mitchell

● 4th, 7th and 11th Grade will be taking the SBA Science Assessment this school year. ● School year 2019 - 2020 Grades 5th, 8th and 11th will be taking the SBA Science Assessment. 5. Science Adoption - Mr. Willis ● The Science Team has restructured the science curriculum so it becomes more vertically aligned. Cover all the performance expectations based on the Next Generation Science Standards (K - 12). ● Killeen Tapia has set up K - 12 Curriculum guides. ● They have changed the scope and sequence ○ K - 5th Grade follow a string curriculum (they are all tied together) start on one concept and build on it K - 5th. They will start with the foundation fundamentals of Science. ○ 6th Grade - 8th grade will start with a discipline core curriculum. ■ 6th grade Earth Science ■ 7th grade Life Science ■ 8th grade Physical Science

○ 9th - 12th Grade ■ Added Earth Science (high school level) ■ Added Anatomy & Physiology (for students that want to go into the Medical Field) ■ Took out Physical Science for 9th graders ■ 9th grade will start with Biology ■ 10th grade will have a choice Chemistry or Intergrated Science. ■ Will still have Honors Biology and Honors Chemistry ■ 11th grade will have a choice of Anatomy & Physiology, Earth Science or a Dual Credit Class (two levels of chemistry, one level of physics and one level of General Biology) ■ Will be giving High School Students the Fundamental Foundations they will need to attend college. ■ High School will be adding Rocketry to the Curriculum. ● The High School will be adopting Science Material through Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and a couple of textbooks from Pearson. ● The Middle Schools are looking at adopting Science Material from either Houghton Mifflin Schools and Pearson.

6. We will be looking into the process of discarding old adoption materials. ● Mr. Cain said we will look into getting a rollaway district wide to get rid of old textbooks. Every schools has excessive amount of textbooks stored at each school. ● If books are still in the adoption cycle we have to get permission from PED to discard them.

7. Student Organizations and Student Competitions. - Mrs. Price ● Career Tech Education ( CTE) ○ FFA- Future Farmers of America: is at Portales Junior High and High School ○ BPA - Business Professional of America: is at the High School has 13 members ○ FCCLA - Family Career Community Leaders of America: is at the Portales Junior High and High School has 24 members

● All three Organizations work on ○ Career Development ○ Leadership Development Skills ○ They all 3 compete in different events throughout their organization regional, state and some national level.

● FHA - Junior High ○ 1st place Creed Contest - Travin Price ○ 1st place and 4th Place - How to start up a business ● FHA - High School ○ 1st, 2nd, 5th, 7th and 9th Place in Job Interviews Skills

● BPA - High School ○ 1st place advance Interview skills ○ 1st place Interview skills ○ 1st place Advanced Spreadsheet Application ○ 1st place Basic Office System ○ 1st place Digital Publishing ○ 1st place Desktop Publishing ○ 4th place in Extinct Speech ○ 3rd place Fundamental Spreadsheet ○ 3rd place Word Processing ○ 4th place Graphic Designs ○ 1st place Human Resource Management ○ 1st place Integrated Office Application ○ 1st place Personal Finance Management

Mrs Price will be taking 7 students to State on February 14, 2019

● Family Career Community Leadership of America - FCCLA ○ Competition was postponed.

8. Vertical Team Reports

● Bilingual/Dual Language: Team Leader - Cynthia Flores-Gonzales at Valencia Bilingual Department: WIDA manuals Distributed Instructional Council Information-Shared Gonzales ● The meeting began with looking at the English Curriculum guide for Kinder and then what was done thus far for Spanish Language Arts in Kinder. We continued to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th. Mr. Tellez was not in attendance nor Mrs. Combs. She has submitted her plans. ● Kindergarten is one document and here is the link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uKiaw2jjVQr304dfnHFTKPQFFnYCj_zl/view?ts =5bb7616b ● First Grade Link: Unit 1, ● Second Grade Link: Unit 2, Unit 3, Unit 4 ● Third Grade Link Unit 1 and 2 ● Fourth Grade Link: Unit 1 Link Unit 2 Link, ● Fifth Grade Link: Social Studies ● Sixth Grade Link: Social Studies ● Jr. High: ● High School is broken into two parts: Spanish LA I & II Spanish LA III & IV *Update Literacy coaches helping bilingual team order IRA-Thank you Mr. Segovia!

● Career & Technical Education: Team Leader - Tamara Price at PHS Announcements and Celebrations Media Arts: We survived Football and volleyball season!! Destination Imagination: Upcoming fundraisers: Rhythm and Games (for L-S students only) on Jan 11 and our annual Spaghetti Dinner and auction will be on Feb 2. BPA: 13 Members. Students will compete at Regionals on January 8th at ENMU. PHS BPA & FCCLA: Chapter Incentive documentation has been submitted. We are hoping for some extra funds for our groups from the state. Portales High FCCLA has 24 members. FCCLA District competition will take place on January 26th. Shout out to Portales Junior High FCCLA for sending me some wonderful 9th graders this year! PJHS FFA: District Creed Contest Winner - Travin Price. Will proceed to state in Feb. PHS FFA: 2 Winners will move on to State in June for the Greenhand Contest. Dec 14th - Job Interview competition in Texico

● Counselor: Team Leader - Tammy Hunton at Lindsey/Steiner

We began the meeting with a team from MHR talking to our group about the wrap around services they can provide to our students and families and how they can help us support them. We discussed our upcoming SOS presentations and the parent responses from the letters sent home and the DVD opportunities provided. Our team learned more about the SADD Program led by Amy Green at PHS. The goal of the SADD program is to support students with the best prevention and intervention tools possible to deal with the issues of underage drinking, other drug use, impaired driving, and other destructive decisions. These decisions include teen violence, teen depression and suicide.

● Fine Arts: Team Leader - Susie Pierce-Perez at PJHS WELCOME / “Good Things” ● Mrs. Nation shared notes and pictures from students with affirmations. ● Mrs. Saiz husband is in remission. ● Mrs. Pierce-Perez junior high finishing printing. ● Mrs. Stroik students enjoying Christmas projects. ● Mrs. Wagner students liked guest artist, her husband who played and discussed the trumpet. ● Mrs. Thomas rehearsal for December performance going well. REQUIREMENTS Parent Surveys out in December ● Teachers voted to leave questions the same, but add a “Current Program” paragraph. Guest Artists/Speakers ● Mrs. Wagner had a guest artist today and scheduled for tomorrow as well in all her classes. Her husband Mr. Wagner played trumpet and visited with students about instruments. Curriculum Mapping ● Mr. Montano will be requesting fine arts adoption material samples to assist with curriculum mapping and to use as a resource. ● Update with current curriculum/resources and NM Core Arts Standards based in National Core Arts Standards ● Hoping for a possible workday at the February/March VT meeting. ● Mrs. Pierce-Perez will ask Mr. Montano about a possible January workday during January PD. FINE ARTS CALENDAR ● Winter Performances - there are no changes to the schedule. All performances still on schedule.

● Elementary Language Arts: Team Leader - Bridget Segovia at James: Lisa Pinkerton from the Ohio State Literacy Collaborative provided a mini PD on Interactive Read-Alouds via Skype. She defined the definition and values of an Interactive Read Aloud and walked the VT through the planning process. She provided handouts outlining goals while Thinking Beyond the Text and Thinking About the Text (Fountas and Pinnell). She demonstrated an Interactive Read Aloud and gave participants a list of her favorite IRA picture books.

● Secondary Language Arts: Team Leader - Veronica Ontiveros at PJHS/PHS Reminder on Curriculum Maps- these are live documents and always need review. Please make sure that you update with the different resources and activities that become available throughout the year. MOY MAP testing- Junior High and Lindsey are in the middle of testing so the team has agreed to disaggregate the MOY data in February. Heather Christensen- STAARS and TEAR strategy for thesis statement, analysis of informational text, and building a structured paragraph. This mini-pd emphasized the importance of teaching thesis statement/analyze through the graphic organizers STAARS, TEAR, and TAG+2. We will introduce rhetorical devices in the 6th grade and go more into detail through Junior High to help scaffold students to better prepare them in High School with this concept. Powerpoint will be shared with team and next meeting we will answer any questions on the strategies. Needs from administrators: IXL, program that ELA department would like to use in stations , AP 4th edition for Prokop, an edition has been order every year, and Bilingual Aid/IPADS for translation, newcomers need their tests translated; O. Alvarez shared with the group an app that can be used to translate by taking a picture on the smartphone.

● Library: Team Leader - Heather Christensen at PHS Library The librarians met and discussed ways to implement the new National Library Standards in their activities and lesson plans. We also shared our favorite take- aways from the state library conference.

● Math Elementary: Team Leader - Maria Villanueva at Valencia The math team had a discussion on how to improve classroom practices. Our first discussion was about using technology for math instruction. Digital Suite - Great Minds added through clever accounts - Digital suite needs an administrator log in - In Great Minds, click Navigator and find each lesson, with videos for sprints, lessons, or other components - Videos are for teachers to watch and then instruct based of videos - Eureka has its own Pinterest link. Each pin is Eureka company approved and can be used as a resource for lessons Our second discussion involved the fluency component of the Eureka lesson. Sharing Resources for Fluency - Write skip counting as students say them to show skip counting with a more concrete model. Using this as a skill for them to use on PARCC. - Cut out on multiplication charts to focus on harder facts - Creating songs out of skip counting - Sprints and pattern sheets - Using whiteboards for fluency practice - Pick one fluency component from the Eureka lesson Last we shared great things happening in our buildings/ math classrooms. AHA Moments - Closing the Eureka gap with students having exposure for more than one year - Students catching on and moving through concepts quicker - It is evident when students have had a previous year of Eureka - The hope is that this gap will continue to close as students have exposure through the years

● Secondary Math: Team Leader - Matt Christensen at PHS Good Things! Ramirez - glad he can be a part of these meetings now. Harris - 12 days of school until Christmas. Bergman - Finished with MAPS testing for this session.

High School - Finished with Winter MAPS, Between 60% - 80% of the students showed growth in math scores, depending on the class. We will need more time to analyze the data to help guide instruction. Junior High & Lindsey were still in the process of testing.

Looked at a couple websites: parcc-assessment.org/released-items/ to see what new items have been released for each level. http://www.aps.edu/assessment/parcc/released-items-2017 has a nice layout that is easy to use. Most of the team is using these problems as daily starter problems (bell work). Will practice some full test after the break. Need to work on getting students to fully answer the multi-part questions.

Discussed cheating by students at all levels. Lindsey not many problems due to the fact that all of the work is done in class. Both the Junior High and High School the problem is pretty rampant. Mian solution is to ensure students show all work and give written explanations. Close monitoring of phones also makes a big difference.

All levels working on the language of math and trying to ensure students are using the correct vocabulary for processes and procedures.

Everyone is crazy busy trying to finish-up curriculum before the break. Excited about having a nice long break with a teacher workday before we start back with students. Good Meeting!

● Mentor: Team Leader - Anna Brock at BECC: Our last mentor meeting was held at BECC for New Teachers and Mentors on 12-6-18. We had 23/28 attend for 82% attendance. We discussed RtI/AIP/SAT and how to individualize and differentiate for students in need of additional support. We celebrated our 1st semester successes and reflected on what we each still need to refine for 2nd semester. We also looked at the NM Teach rubric and a quick walk through form. Each person was instructed to do a self-evaluation using this form and then meet with the mentor/new teacher partner to talk about for self improvement. We are always enlightened and encouraged when sharing the Quarterly reflection to see how we all have similarities and challenges as we are continuous learners!

We will meet again for Quarter 3 NT seminar on 2-14-18

● PE/Health: Team Leader - Christine Blaeser at Lindsey/Steiner

● Social Studies: Team Leader - Sandie Shillings at PHS ● Welcomed all in attendance ● Discussed meeting focus. Information from Mr. Cain, fall testing, VT focus calendars, curriculum mapping, December testing ● Talked about items addressed in the Instructional Council meeting on November 26th. A. Mr. Cain -- just received OTL surveys from the state (semester classes only) B. Fall Testing underway at the PHS, including senior retakes! C. Vertical Team focus calendars can be adjusted and may need to be in some cases -- (Social Studies focus may change due elementary teachers being required to attend training during vertical team meeting time for the remainder of the school year.) ● Discussed upcoming calendar events addressed in Social Studies. * Discussed Veterans Day lessons * Looked forward to Pearl Harbor Day and Christmas Around the World * Discussed Martin Luther King Day lessons and assignments ● Looked forward to holidays in December and January including the observance of December 7, 1941 -- Pearl Harbor Day. ● Open discussion for new ideas and questions. Allowed time for questions, ideas or concerns pertaining to the Social Studies Vertical Team.

● Science: Team Leader - Jack Willis at PHS The only item on the agenda was the textbook presentation by Pearson.

● Sped: Team Leader - Louella Gallegos at BECC IC Meeting Highlights Open Discussion with Cheryl – Cheryl was at an IEP and not in attendance “Tell Me Something Good!” – Louella asked for celebrations from everyone. It was nice to hear all the good things in our lives! Thanks for sharing, it is important to celebrate good things! Diagnosticians Information from Technical Assistance Program REED presentation Review of Special Education Law Conference Streamlining procedures Review of problematic and/or complicated cases Open floor for discussion of any current issues Social Workers Discussed CPI trainings in January Discussed upcoming SOS (Signs of Suicide) trainings Discussed NASW Conference for CEUs Staffed Cases SLP’s LANGUAGE ACQUISITION THROUGH MOTOR PLANNING (LAMP) Thu., May. 2, 2019 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Amarillo TX 0.5 CEU Discussed special education funding and several members expressed interest in attending for continuing education units as required by ASHA. SLPs will wait to hear towards the end of the 2019 school year to see if funding is available for this. LAMP TRAINING WORKSHOP (IN-PERSON) Fri., May. 3, 2019 9:00 am-3:30 pm Amarillo TX 0.5 CEU Discussed special education funding and several members expressed interest in attending for continuing education units as required by ASHA Open Discussion for SLPS to comment and ask/answer questions Group discussed wanting SLP T-Shirts to show unity among SLP team Selina Nanez stated she would check with DMT embroidery and let the group know of prices/styles. OT/PTCaseloads 1. New Tests were received - M-FUN, GOAL, and ELAP 2. Filling out ECO’s for PS students (Cheryl) 3. Referrals for PS cautions - checklist or communication documentation D Level Teachers Topic of Discussion: Assessment What assessments are you currently using? Each D level teacher utilizes teacher made assessments which are more appropriate for our students. Brown – BECC Data Folder/Report Card Assessments, Informal Brigance when appropriate, Teacher made individual assessments based on IEP Goals and objectives James – Data Folder Assessments, IEP Goals and Objectives Valencia – Brigance, School Student Data Folders Lindsey/Steiner- Brigance, ABLLS when appropriate Junior High – Brigance, Data Folder High School – Formal Data = Portfolios if they don’t pass NMAPA A discussion to determine what assessment data was beneficial to send to receiving teachers ensued. We decided that since our students’ needs are unique the most beneficial data/information happens during the EOY staffing. This staffing is planned on our last VT meeting this year. Next VT Topic of Discussion: NMAPA Accommodations/Modifications

IMPORTANT DATES February 6, 2019 - Vertical Team Meeting February 8, 2019 - Progress Reports February 11, 2019 - Parent/Teacher Conf. 8 AM - 4 PM - No School February 13, 2019 - NMPED 120th Reporting Day February 18, 2019 - President’s Day - No School February 25, 2019 - 6th Instructional Council Meeting

Meeting Adjourned at 4:50 PM

Approved By: Henry Montaño

Submitted By: Stacy Gossett

Date: February 6, 2019

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

Instructional Council Minutes 6th Meeting February 25, 2019 70% Attendance

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

1. Welcome: The 6th Instructional Council meeting took place on Monday, February 25, 2019 in the Central Office Board Room at 3:33pm. We had five people absent and two guest speakers, Deanne McKinney and Christine Baca. a. Jack Willis reported that he took Mesa Students to Santa Fe, NM. ■ One student was recognized by the senate on the senate floor. The Senator from Gallup who was Navajo wanted to recognize a Navajo student from our Mesa group. Brianna was given a certificate of appreciation. Brianna and Mr. Willis got to sit behind the senators.

2. Mr. Cain - Legislative Updates: 600 - 800 bills in the senate and the same amount in the house. a. Need to be aware of House Bill 5 and Senate Bill 1 b. House Bill 5 is headed to the appropriation committee. ■ Big money deal for teachers, principals and counselors. These bills will set new salaries for everyone. ■ They will be making an amendment to it $41,000 $50,000 & $60,000 for teachers. ■ Principals will be tied to the Level 3 salary and a responsibility factor. ■ Counselors will be at a Level 3 salary. (We have already done this) ■ Extended School Year (Schools can opt in and go an extra 10 days) You have to offer an extended school day that is academic or extracurricular enrichment. ■ Extending School days by 10 days (190 Day Calendar) ■ 80 Hours of Professional Development. ■ Expecting it to be amended (only have ⅓ of the funds needed to fund extended school days) to 3 extra school days instead of 10. **Mr. Cain is concerned how this bill will affect our school populations with students and with teachers. (May want to go to a district with shorter school days if we opt in)** ** Mr. Cain is concerned about the Accountability piece of this bill (District will have to write a narrative on how we are going to use this money for at risk, Special Ed, Bilingual & classroom size is meeting the standards by law.** (Will have to set goals and set a budget to meet these targets) **Mr. Cain will put it out to the teachers and let them have a vote on the extended days and see what they would like to see happen in our district. Mr. Cain does not want the extended days he wants us to better plan on how we use our time in the classroom. Analysis says additional days does not necessarily make things better its the time on task is the important piece.** Raise will be at the daily rate if we go the extended days.

c. House Bill 2 (General Budget for the State) “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

■ 440 Million dollars extra to go to education (60 Million short on what the governor was asking for.) ■ Teachers will get 6% minimum raise ■ Counselors 6% minimum raise ■ Principals 6% minimum raise ■ Support Staff 4% Average d. House Bill 212 - Teacher and Principal Evaluation Act ■ Is headed to the House floor. ■ Create a new teacher evaluation system that will be on instructional qualities, student feedback, student growth and professional responsibility. 1. 50% will have to be on instructional qualities 2. Create 4 categories for Teachers and for Principals a. Distinguish: a formative every year and a summative every 3 years. b. Proficient: a formative every year and a summative every 3 years. c. Basics: Level 1 teacher will have a summative every year/Any teacher that received Basic would have a summative every year. d. Unsatisfactory: Would have a summative every year. 3. Will build a committee to build this framework. e. House Bill 227 has already passed. ■ Can not use teacher attendance for evaluations unless it’s more than what the school district allows. f. House Bill 236 - Attendance for success Act ■ Passed the house 60 to 0. ■ This bill puts the Attendance for students back in the districts lap. 1. We have to develop a early warning system. 2. We have to to create an attendance improvement plan. 3. We have to provide additional education opportunities for students that are struggling with attendance. 4. We have to take role for every academic period. 5. We have to report them to the JPO - Juvenile Parole Office (which we already do) g. House Bill 133 - Amended - Schools Sexual Activity Consent Standards ■ Requires policy regarding affirmative consent in our schools. ■ Requires 7th grade students get age appropriate training on sexual abuse, assault and affirmative consent. ■ Affirmative consent training for our Health Education Department in High School. “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

h. House Bill 532 - Friendship between certain students ■ We have to enhance programs in Junior High and High School that fosters one to one friendships between students with and without intellectual development disabilities and promoting inclusions in schools. (We have already started doing this) i. Another bill is the bathroom bill you can not use the bathroom as a restriction or as punishment. j. Another bill we would have to provide for free Sanitary products. k. House Bill 495 - Level 1 teachers mentors ■ Will allow only Exemplary and Highly effective teachers to be teacher mentors.

3. Mrs. McKinney & Mrs. Baca - Professional Development Site at James Elementary

■ Was awarded a grant to make improvements “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

● Dr. Crockett math instructor at ENMU and Mrs. McKinney determined that the math and science night that they hosted was not preparing the ENMU students for the classroom.

■ No experiences of being in the classroom. ■ This method ended up interrupting instructional time. “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

■ Dr. Crockett had two weeks to write this grant. ■ The above diagram is the plan that they came up with. ■ They asked for $62,000 and ended up getting $100,000 of the grant money for this PD Site.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

■ Clinical teachers were Highly effective teachers and achievement growth in perceptive areas. “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

■ James Elementary had 16 teachers be Clinical Teachers.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

■ Grant has provided updated materials. In English and Spanish ■ Hosting teacher will get a stifiend.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

4. Process Champions - Capturing Kids Hearts ■ Representative came and observed at the schools and met with the 4 member team at each school. ■ Met with the Administrators. ■ Each schools has goals they set at the beginning of the year. ■ High School has met their goals and have set new ones. ■ Junior High is going to be recommended on being a showcase school.

5. AdvancED Accreditation ■ Met this goal ■ Mr. Matthews is working with the team. We have a member from each school site on this team. ■ We are on track. ■ 3 goals we have to work on 1. Professional Development 2. Implementation of Instruction 3. Keeping data and utilizing data ■ We have had good feedback. ■ They are now going to start meeting once a semester to make sure everything is on track.

6. Science Book Adoption ■ Elementary will be Pearson (Depending on our Funds) ■ Junior High will be using Pearson ■ High School will be using Pearson and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt ■ Mr. Montaño will be presenting the Science Book Adoption to the Board of Education on Monday, March 4, 2019

● Memo from the state that they will be developing a new assessment that is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. (This new administration is trying to slow it down) ● This year will be the last year for 4th, 7th and 11th to take the SBA Science ● 2019 - 2020 The Science test will be developed and hopefully pilot with all schools in the state. Piloted in grades 5th, 8th and 11th grade tested. Not hold anyone accountable with the results during this pilot. “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

● Rollout the new assessment in the Spring of 2021. ● It will be called ASR (Assessment Science Readiness) It will be using the same database.

7. ACT will be administered at Portales High School on April 3, 2019 during the school week ■ 96 are registered to take ACT Assessment ■ Cost is $42.50 ■ School District will pay for free and reduced students to take ACT Assessment.

8. Vertical Team Reports

● Bilingual/Dual Language: Team Leader - Cynthia Flores-Gonzales at Valencia LOCATION: Portales High School Room 117 FACILITATORS: Director, Rick Segovia and Vertical Team Leader, Cynthia Flores-Gonzales 1. Gonzales-Instructional Council emailed information 2. Segovia-Admin being trained on ELL. This school year our school grade will have ELL scores attached. A document was shared about what our school grade would be if our ELL population was attached to our score this past year. Everyone reported who was testing at their site for WIDA. Inquiries were made regarding Parent Advisory Councils. It appears that from the schools being represented there are no School Advisory Councils, but all schools seem to have a representative from the District Advisory Council 3. Time to complete Spanish Language Arts Standards. Kinder, 5th and 6th as well as High School is complete other than tweaks that are being made. Our goal for this meeting will be to be done for everything that has been taught from August to December. 4. The meeting adjourned at 4:05. ● Career & Technical Education: Team Leader - Tamara Price at PHS The G/T students are preparing to attend Destination Imagination state competition on March 2, in Albuquerque, NM. We held a spaghetti dinner and auction fundraiser on Feb. 2, which was highly successful. The funds from that fundraiser will be used to help teams that qualify to attend Global Finals in Kansas City, MO, in May of this year. Media Arts received a plaque for helping with MLK day. Chapter incentive money was received for PHS FCCLA and BPA from the NMCTSO office. PHS art classes will be entering their work in the spring Texas Tech art show, they are only be picking 5 pieces from each school this is the first time they invited schools from NM to participate. “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

PJHS FFA just returned from Albuquerque where they competed in Opening and Closing Ceremonies and the Creed contest. They received 3rd place at state for Opening and Closing. PHS BPA leaves for state on February 14th. We have one student running for state office. PHS BPA has collected over 200 items for The Hope Lodge in Lubbock, TX. This is a state wide community service project. FCCLA Junior High District competition will be held Tuesday, February 12th at PJHS and PHS District competition is TBD; this will determine who will be attending State. FCCLA State Leadership Conference will be held March 21-23; students will compete in their STAR events. Legislative updates and New Mexico Standards-Based Transition Assessment information from IC was shared and discussed. We all are anxious to see what changes are coming our way. An email from the state department concerning Precision Exams and CTE classes will be shared with any members interested in signing up for the webinar to gain more information on certification/testing through this company. Since we are not required to give EOCs for elective classes, these exams would be optional. All members were in agreeance that the current certifications we have worked into our curriculum is a better fit.

● Counselor: Team Leader - Tammy Hunton at Lindsey/Steiner

● Fine Arts: Team Leader - Susie Pierce-Perez at PJHS WELCOME / “Good Things” ● Mrs. Saiz-After school art program is going great! ● Mrs. Nation-Working on Spring program, 2nd graders are doing orchestra instruments. ● Mrs. Thomas-After a hard day, Mrs. Saiz had a root beer float for Mrs. Thomas. Gave her an idea for afterschool choir. ● Mrs. Pierce-Pérez - Portfolios almost ready. ● Mrs. Wagner - Two songs left to learn for musical. ● Mrs. Stroik - Almost have all K-ENMU project picked out, still getting “I love you Mrs. Stroik”! REQUIREMENTS ● Surveys out to two teachers’ per each art core for allocation application info ● Guest Artists/Speakers ○ Valencia - Julian Gonzales Watercolor Demo ○ BECC - Eastern Alumi Singing Voices ● Data Review ○ All teachers have currently have three assessment data points, BOY, 1st 9wks, and 2nd 9wks. Students continue to show growth in the arts vocabulary and concepts. CURRICULUM MAPPING continues ● Adoption material samples - Montaño ● Update with current curriculum and NM Core Arts Standards based in National Core Arts Standards ● Work Day for March meeting? FINE ARTS CALENDAR ● Winter Performance-My apologies to Mrs. Nation and Mrs. Thomas for not catching the conflict on the calendar. ● Art Contests/Events ○ 4th grade Hospital contest has changed no longer coloring book. “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

■ No longer hospital Christmas card ■ Hospital cutting costs ■ 4th grade contest will now be during Doctors’ or Nurses’ week ○ Doodle for Google - Mrs. Stroik and Mrs. Perez have students entering the art contest ○ K thru ENMU deadline is February 15th ○ 5th Friday at the YAM Art Show is March 29th - Portales Creative Group, Crystal Cronk (575) 218-9166 if interested for your own art and your student’s artwork. ● Future Dates checked calendar for any conflicts.

● Elementary Language Arts: Team Leader - Bridget Segovia at James Lisa Pinkerton from The Ohio State University Literacy Collaborative continued our Professional Development on Interactive Read Alouds. She suggested using “wide open” questions during your stopping points during an IRA. The questions are: 1. What are you thinking? 2. What are you noticing? 3. What are you wondering? 4. What are you feeling?

She said, “the wider the question, the wider the thinking you’re going to accomplish.” She went on to add that during IRA, students think, talk, and feel like actual readers and that continues through other contexts throughout the day (such as Guided Reading). The ELA VT has responded really well to Lisa Pinkerton and the feedback has been very positive.

● Secondary Language Arts: Team Leader - Veronica Ontiveros at PJHS/PHS MOY data MAP- Data presentation shared from S. Hunton...most members have seen this data in collaborative meetings. They have reported to administration on challenges, strengths, and strategic approaches for student growth. Discussion on Writing through the grade levels- Most of our time was dedicated to discussing the importance of formal writing throughout the grade levels. The team has decided that 6th through 8th grade will write a formal paper each 9 weeks, a Narrative, 2 Argumentative, and an Expository. 9th grade will assign 2 1000+ word Informative, 10th grade 1000+ word Argumentative and 1000+ word Informative, 11th grade two 1000+ word Argumentative, and 12th grade 1000+ word Narrative and 1000+ word Informative. These will be added to the updated curriculum maps per grade level. Review STAARS strategy- This strategy has been used at JH in scaffolding literary text analyzation. Teaching has been very “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

explicit at this level and graphic organizer is only used at this time. The TAG +2T is being used in the 7th grade honors class and students are understanding this concept to help in creating a strong thesis statement. Debrief from the PART 2 Writing PD- S. Meeks gave an overview for 6th teachers that were not at the PD….the Before, During, and After prompt taught in the 7th grade classes. Junior High is focusing on distinguishing the difference between tone and mood, help scaffold for next year. Mauldin shared the TPCASTT poetry analysis, another strategy to use for struggling students.

● Library: Team Leader - Heather Christensen at PHS Library We met at Lindsey-Steiner this month and our focus was looking at how we can use the AASL Standards to promote reading motivation. Our reading survey last year showed that students lose considerable interest in reading between the primary grades and high school. One of the most important things we discovered was making connections to books everytime we meet with students. Often, especially in the lower grades, this means reading aloud a book or book-talking (or other ways of sharing & introducing books). Library organization & displays can also help promote reading. Several librarians gave examples of this in their libraries. There are practices that sometimes get in the way of promoting reading. One example is when teachers insist on students only checking out books in a narrowly defined reading level. One possible solution we came up with would be to recommend to the teacher to allow students to check out two books--one that stays within their guidelines and one that is of their own choosing. For students at either end of the spectrum (those reading much lower or much higher than their grade level) this allows them to find books within the grade interest level that they are more highly motivated to read. They may need help from a parent if the reading level is significantly higher than their ability, but allowing them to find books they enjoy will help sustain their interest as they are developing skills. We came away from our meeting motivated to be creative in finding ways to promote a love of reading in our district.

● Math Elementary: Team Leader - Maria Villanueva at Valencia

Our math vertical team members Discussed weaknesses in each grade and struggles seen with students. We also discussed how lower grades can support the upper grades to ultimately support students. Some of the skills discussed were: Telling time, rounding numbers, and simplifying fractions identified as weaknesses across grades and using the same verbiage and learning tools across grade levels (i.e. vertical number lines) “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

We plan on bringing introductory modules (Module 7) to next vertical team meeting to discuss with the next grade which topics are most important.

● Secondary Math: Team Leader - Matt Christensen at PHS - Good Things Matt - Kay brought snacks. Jamie - Students are working really hard for this time of year. Suzy - 2 weeks of 4 days coming up. J’mi - Getting a better feel of where her students are academically.

- All 3 schools are happy with positive growth from the majority of students. We still have some students that need to make a great deal of growth to be where they need to be. Some at the high school noted that their higher scoring students didn’t show any growth and some actually went down. Talked some about switching test next year for high school to the 6th+ growth test. We feel the data collected might be better especially for our lower students.

- We are all trying to use a richer vocabulary in our everyday lessons. Christensen and Jewell are both using the Frayar Models for chapter vocabulary with vocabulary quizzes for each chapter. PJHS and Lindsey are both including vocabulary on common assessments. At each VT meeting we talk about the various vocabulary that we want students using.

- Most of us have watched the webinars and have been on the PED website. None of us can log onto the new Pearson Access website. Pearson sent us an email to log on with but when we get there it says we don’t have access yet. Hopefully that site will be up in the next few days. We all realize the test this year is going to be a shorter version of the same test so we are preparing in the same way. We are using released PARCC items to review and over the next few weeks will be spending some time on the computers to refresh the students on the test format and using the various tools provided by TestNav.

- Not a whole lot of discussion here, we know there is another 45 days of legislation so there is no use speculating on what might come out of Santa Fe. By the end of March maybe we will know what direction the new PED will be taking.

- Good Meeting!

● Mentor: Team Leader - Anna Brock at BECC: Meeting was held 2-14-19 at 3:30-4:45 “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

Agenda: Attendance was lower than normal 23/29 = 79% ● Have a Heart –What do we LOVE about teaching ● Testing the Test—implications and share out ● Retention? Pros and Cons ● Generational Considerations ● Social Media ● 3rd Quarter Celebrations/Reflections/Opportunities for Growth ● Discussion and Sharing of Wisdom/Concerns

We also welcomed 2 new teachers and 2 new mentors to our growing group of 29! Plus: Snack and chocolate We all have similarities in strengths and challenges We help provide solutions to issues Reminder of What we LOVE about teaching activity! The Make your Mark One Heart at a Time Valentine Delta/RX: Party Day Sports keeps so many from attending our meetings! 4 today Poor attendance Next meeting will be Mentor Roundtable 4-18-19 Then Final New Teacher Seminar May 9, 2019! So much to accomplish in so little a time!

● PE/Health: Team Leader - Christine Blaeser at Lindsey/Steiner

● Social Studies: Team Leader - Sandie Shillings at PHS 1.Welcomed all in attendance 2. Introduced meeting focus. Information from Mr. Cain, Mr. Montano, Mrs. Rebekah Mitchell - NGSS, Mr. Jack Willis - Science Adoption, Mrs. Tamara Price - Student Organizations and Competitions, MLK Day Lessons 3. Talked about items addressed in the Instructional Council meeting on January 28th. A. Mr. Cain -- Updates on various legislative movements concerning budget, school year being expanded, raises, etc. B. Mr. Montano -- Addressed the Standards-Based Transition Assessment C. Mrs. Mitchell -- Presented the Science Department’s Next Generation Science Standards and told us about the variety of science courses that are being added to the PHS curriculum. D. Mr. Willis -- Informed us that the science materials have been “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

selected and that with the acception of a couple of subjects, they will be from the same company. E. Discussed the disposal of all old adoption materials and that we are working on how to deal with the excess. F. Mrs. Price -- Talked to us about the amazing student performances at various competitions at both the high school and junior high levels. 4. Discussed lessons that we each used in our classrooms to teach our students about Martin Luther King, Jr. 5. Looked forward to President’s Day and other holidays that will be addressed in our Social Studies classrooms at different levels. 6. Open discussion for new ideas and questions. Allowed time for questions, ideas or concerns pertaining to the Social Studies Vertical Team. **All is good! 8. Review and Close

● Science: Team Leader - Jack Willis at PHS The Science VT reviewed the textbook adoptions. K-5 (Pearson) 6th-Elementary Earth and Space Science (Pearson) 7th-Life Science (Pearson) 8th-Physical Science (Pearson) High School--Biology, Chemistry and Earth & Space Science (HMH) Integrated Science and Anatomy and Physiology (Pearson)

Killen Tapia then led a discussion on unpacking the NGSS. She presented a Curriculum Map Packet that she has developed for all grade levels. This packet includes all of the NGSS and is designed to be user friendly. All the user has to insert is information about activities they will be doing in each specific topic. She also showed the team how to access the NGSS Hub where there are topics, activities, and verified resources.

One of the questions asked was if it would be possible to have a day to work on the Curriculum Map to insert activities and implementation dates with subs covering classes.

● Sped: Team Leader - Louella Gallegos at BECC SLP’s: Screening/Evaluation Materials What materials are being used throughout the district and thoughts on new assessment materials Student refusal of services Process for making up time due to excessive refusal of services “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

NMTEAM 101 Back to Basics Training Sharing if you attended the trainings on 12/4/18, 12/12/18, 1/17/19, or 1/24/19 Next training is 2/13/19 in Los Lunas AT Conference “Unlock the Door….. With Assistive Technology” Conference held in Albuquerque, NM Information regarding the date and funding Hands-On Workshop of Assistive Technology: Las Vegas When: February 28, 2019 - 11:30 to 3:30 Location: NM Highlands University, Victoria de Sanchez Teacher Ed. Center Room 305 What: Free hands-on training of assistive technology with topics including text-to-speech, built in accessibility for Windows 10 and Android, Tablet apps for notetaking and literacy Diagnosticians: Inventory of testing protocols b)Testing children with visual impairments -3, Wien Discussion re: REED process and possibly developing a flow chart of the REED process Review of problematic and/or complicated cases Open floor for discussion of any current issues D Level Teachers: TOD: NMAPA Accommodations Modifications Cheryl sent an email yesterday for a webinar PD on the NMAPA. Gary said it talked about the 1% cap statewide. The percentage of SSS students participating in the NMAPA should not exceed 1% of our student population state/district wide. Annette was at a high school SPED meeting and did not attend VT. She would have provided valuable input and feedback on our TOD. We will revisit the TOD at our next VT to give her the opportunity to share. Other items discussed included our students transitioning to new teachers. We feel like if we were able to observe them at the EOY this would be more beneficial than simply “staffing” with the teacher. We would like the opportunity to spend one whole day in the classroom. This would help us be better prepared in the fall when school starts and we are somewhat familiar with the students’ needs. Louella will talk to Cheryl and get her approval for subs to cover our class while we observe. Reminder: March 6, 2019 TOD Resources for outside services, agencies OT/PT: Therapy times for different situations such as half months (Cheryl input) Carried over from last meeting. Cheryl reported that she wants the service time on the IEP times 34 weeks regardless how or when the IEP time is provided for a total of 34 weeks of therapy. That allows for the first and last weeks of the school year to be used to get into a routine and to wrap up the end of the year. If a student is 2x a month and it is a short month, you still have to do despite the number of the weeks in the month. Continued concern for lack of vision services to OT/PT students. Carried over from last meeting. Expressed concerns to Cheryl about lack of vision services. PT and OT have a student we are supposed to be working together with the Vision Teacher to learn more about her role in providing services to students with a visual “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” impairment. It was also explained by Cheryl that the Vision Teacher is a SPED Teacher with a speciality in visual impairments. Her role is to make modifications/accommodations for visually impaired students and teach Braille and that is the extent of her services. Are Vision/Hearing required before screenings: (Cheryl input) As per Cheryl - Yes, it is a state law Group services discussion – Push-in instead of pullout. Other models and experiences in doing so. How to address all goal and objectives on the IEP? Effectiveness of inclusion activities at James. Groups have been working well and coming along with the students. Different applications of the inclusion services being provided in the classroom were discussed. Caseloads - PT and OT are still testing students and caseloads are continuing to increase with new students transitioning in and qualifying through testing. PTT for OT and PT only - PT and OT have to get the PTT now. Cheryl stated that we have to get permission to test and vision and hearing for screenings even if referred for the screening in the IEP meeting. Cheryl stated that when exiting services, we don’t have to have a REED for ancillary only academic areas do a REED to exit students.. She suggested doing an exit summary or putting the exit information on the IEP and going over it at the IEP meeting either in the PLP and document it as an exit summary or word document exit summary. AT workshop PT attended - Hand out provided and review of the workshop was given. Information for another larger workshop in Albuquerque was given to the staff if interested in attending in May. Retesting students who have already been tested and DNQ - 1 year per CherylPreschool Sensory Referrals (Part C to Part B)Summer schoolIEP’s: Make sure to put if previous goals were attained or not. Ensure that goals are reasonable and attainable in one year. Also, Accommodations are preset in Prek.Time for inclusion or group sessions from Cheryl Starting to use the M-FUN for evaluations AT Workshop in Albuquerque in May - Free

Meeting was adjourned at 4:50 PM.

IMPORTANT DATES March 6 - Vertical Team Meeting March 10 - Daylight Savings begin March 11 - 15 Spring Break State Basketball - Week of of Spring Break March 22 - Grade Period Ends March 27 - Report Cards April 3 - ACT Assessment at the High School

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

Approved By: Henry Montaño

Submitted By: Stacy Gossett

Date: March 1, 2019 “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

Instructional Council Minutes 7th Meeting March 25, 2019 88% Attendance

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

1. Welcome: The 7th Instructional Council Meeting was held on Monday, March 25, 2019 at 3:35 pm in the Portales Municipal Central Office Boardroom. We had 15 team members present and one guest speaker Sara Hunton.

2. Mr. Cain - Legislative Updates ● Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has until April 5 to sign or veto bills. ● Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has not signed the budget ● Important bills waiting to be signed for education ○ House Bill 2 (general funding bill for the state) ○ House Bill 5 & Senate Bill 1 are companion bill which has the extended school year and teacher’s raises. Mr. Cain expects one of these bills to be signed. House Bill 5 has more amendments and more language than Senate Bill 1. Mr. Cain ○ believes that the two bills have been combined.

● Mr. Cain wants to know what the Vertical Team Leaders have heard about the thoughts of the Vertical Team members on the possible chance of an extended school year. ○ Team Leaders said they have not heard of anyone that was for the extended school year. ○ Thumbs down. ○ Lots of confusion among teachers about the compensation of the extended school year. (Mr. Cain said if they go to the extended day they will be paid at the daily rate) ● Extended School year is an extra 10 days and 80 hours of Professional Development time. ● Mr Cain doesn’t believe that we need to go to a 190 day school year. He believes what we need to do work on more at task time during the day. ● If this passes it will go in effect for the 2019 - 2020 School year. ● Will also have to offer an extended day for academic enrichment program. (Not sport related) Trying to get the at risk students but would be offer for all students. ● Mr. Cain is not in favor of going to an extended school year. ● All staff should get at least 6% raise. ● Have set a minimum wage of $10 per hour in the district.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

3. Family Engagement - Sara Hunton ● What does family engagement currently look like/What is working for Family Engagement. ○ Title 1 Calendar that they utilize in the district for Family Involvements.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

● These are funded by the New Mexico PreK Grant or the Title 1 Grant (K-6 Grant) ● Every building K - 6th grade are required to have 6 training a year. ○ ½ half is whole school other ½ is individualize or at risk trainings for parents or family that have student at risk that are not reaching proficiency in literacy. ● New Mexico PreK requires 4 trainings per year. ● With the Circle Grant they have partnered with the PHS Childcare Center. ○ Quarterly one to one meeting with parents to talk about developmental milestones. ○ Monthly events. They send home different activities that parents can do with their child.

● Family Engagement in Grades 7-12 ○ Teacher/Parent Conferences ○ Extra Curricular Activities: includes sports, BPA, FHA, FFCLA, Band, Choir & Drama ● District Family Cabinet ○ K - 6th Parents. Gives parents input on what is going on district wide ○ Help parents stay involved in their students education. ○ BECC has PIT Crew (Parent Involvement Team) They train the parents to do specific task at the school.

● What needs consideration for revision and extension for Family Engagement ○ Successful is the one that they do an activities with their child instead of a training. (Bingo, Carnival) ○ Incorporate training during the family activities. Talk about the importance of literacy give parents different strategies that could help their child. ○ Have parents come in during the school day to do an activities with their child so they can see what the day looks like for their child. ○ Schedule during parents lunch hour so they don’t have to go during the evenings. ○ Get communities members to help contribute a meal so parents don’t miss eating their lunch. ○ Have database that shares parents different skills that follows them from school to school. Update year to year. ○ Have room moms

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

○ Anna will create google doc of Parent Volunteers that can share with all schools. ○ Teach students how to communicate for themselves and have the parents be able to encourage different strategies to their child.

● How can we utilize times parents are already on campus to support school to home relationships. ○ Have a tutorial of Powerschool and Google classroom at Parent Teacher conferences or on the Web site. ○ Have a short training/tutorial at different schools at the parent meetings for extra curricular activities to show how to use Powerschool and Google Classroom. ○ Half time at Sporting Events or other Schools activities. ○ Have a system that allows parents to help teachers with different task that they do not have time to do. ○ Powerpoints to show parents how to use different programs that are offered through the school. ○ Add tutorials to the Web site. ○ Add Parent Volunteers site on the Web site. ○ All of the Schools Websites needs to be updated.

This poster will be on display at all schools “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

4. April 3, 2019 is the last Vertical Team Meeting this school year ● Talk with your team about PD that they are needing or wanting that we could do within our district. ● Will share any information to you for your team as we receive it.

5. Vertical Team Reports

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

● Bilingual/Dual Language: Team Leader - Cynthia Flores-Gonzales at Valencia

● Career & Technical Education: Team Leader - Tamara Price at PHS Destination Imagination shared the results of their most recent competitions. PHS: --- 1st place the DaVinci AWARD! Participating in the Scientific Challenge, Medical Mystery, PJHS: --- 1st place Participating in the Scientific Challenge, Medical Mystery --- 2nd place Participating in the Service Learning Challenge, Escape Artists Valencia Elementary: --- 3rd place Participating in the Service Learning Challenge, Escape Artists

Instructional council minutes were shared with the team.

Uploading artifacts and evidence to NMTeach for domains 1 and 4 was demonstrated and discussed. Members spent time gathering their documentation and discussing what they had that would prove each domain. Time was allotted for scanning, uploaded, etc.

● Counselor: Team Leader - Tammy Hunton at Lindsey/Steiner

Our meeting was focused on our duties as test coordinators and the current and upcoming testing. All of us have completed and turned in WIDA Access test materials. SBA is going on for grades 4, 7, and 11. NMAPA testing will begin the first week after Spring Break and we will meet with Stacy Gossett to count and inventory the test materials and check the materials out to SPED teachers. We set up a date to get together and put in accommodations for the state test. We also discussed scheduling for the state test and grouping students. Some of us will be meeting with RGH and MHR on March 7th to discuss crisis protocol and make sure that everyone involved in the process is on the same page. We will have a meeting on April 9th with NMPED in order to meet with school counselors across the state and the New Mexico School Counseling Association. This will ensure we are meeting the needs of our schools and students.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

● Fine Arts: Team Leader - Susie Pierce-Perez at PJHS WELCOME / “Good Things” ● Mrs Pierce-Perez art classes are finishing up their paper sculptures to be displayed in the PJHS Library. ● Mrs Thomas-Rehearsal is beginning and parts have been assigned for the original score of “Jungle Dream” in May. ● Mrs Wagner-Recent doctor visit shows baby Wagner is healthy. REQUIREMENTS ● Survey results-Although we had several tallied, there are several still out and not returned. Mrs. Pierce-Perez asked to have them by Monday, March 11. ● Guest Artists/Speakers ○ Guest Singers from ENMU at BECC on March 7 & 8 to demonstrate “singing voices” to kindergarteners. ○ Mrs. Thomas has had guest piano player and ENMU Saxophone musician. ● Data-March 22 is the end of the 3rd Nine Weeks. Please have data for that assessment entered by April Meeting. Professional Development ● Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Wagner attended Professional Development with Adam Foley, Ph.D. – WEAVING IT ALL TOGETHER: Exploring and developing musical understanding on February 2. ● March 7 & 8 - Stroik and Pierce-Perez - FAEA Mid-Winter meeting (reason for early meeting date) Curriculum Mapping- ● Adoption material samples - Montano (still haven’t received them) ● Update with current curriculum and NM Core Arts Standards based in National Core Arts Standards ● Work Day for April meeting ?? Fine Arts Calendar ● Art Contests/Events ○ K thru ENMU-Mrs Stroik and Mrs. Pierce-Pérez took student work to be juried. Results not available. ○ Hospital-Liz Saiz had entries for the contest at the Hospital, also awaiting results. ● Future Dates ○ Art Show Downtown Portales on March 29th-all artwork welcome.

● Elementary Language Arts: Team Leader - Bridget Segovia at James We continued the Interactive Read Aloud PD with Lisa Pinkerton from The Ohio State University Literacy Collaborative. She asked the team to list challenges and celebrations they are facing from the IRA implementation. Celebrations: Challenges: -students enjoy it -time management -making connections -not enough time to dig -higher level thinking deeper -students are engaged and -anchor text from Journeys is allowed to have too long conversations with each -scheduling other -kids won’t talk “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

Lisa responded to the challenges by reminding teachers: -We don’t teach STORIES, we teach STUDENTS. -If you are trying to teach the book and cover everything, you will ruin the IRA. -Don’t teach rigorous questions, go for rigorous thinking and rigorous joy! She read aloud The Brief Thief which is a hilarious book that the teachers absolutely adored. The teachers then looked over a picture book of their choice and planned stopping points for questions. Next month will be our final PD with Lisa Pinkerton.

● Secondary Language Arts: Team Leader - Veronica Ontiveros at PJHS/PHS Debrief on formal writing pieces- Reviewed last vertical team minutes and discussed the different formal pieces for next school year. Discussed how we are going to keep track of students writing-creating a folder in the students’ drive and dropping all formal pieces in that folder. 6th grade will start this process and troubleshoot some future problems. Explored websites for new testing and items that have been released- team did not see any differences between the released items from last school year. We will continue using what we have developed for this year. CKH Update- JH is going to be recommended on being a showcase school. Please let your administration know if you have not been trained or want to pursue being a CKH Champion and want further training. Biel shared writing video and activity for multi-paragraph essays- Biel went through the process of how she teaches research and how students construct a multi-paragraph essay as a group. Each student has a job and they hold each other accountable.

● Library: Team Leader - Heather Christensen at PHS Library Inventory procedures were demonstrated and discussed. The purpose of inventory is to see what we have and what has been lost. Completing inventory every year keeps this manageable. Since we have a shared catalog, Mrs. Christensen emphasized that we need to be very careful using the utility to mark books lost, so that we only mark the books in our own “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.” collection, not the entire system. We also discussed the pros and cons of having three book fairs in a year, and how the Brown remodel will affect the library.

● Math Elementary: Team Leader - Maria Villanueva at Valencia The math vertical team members had a discussion at each grade level to determine how younger grades can support the next grade. Each grade left with valuable notes showing how the grade level below would assist the grade above. ○ Kindergarten can support 1st by getting students fluent within 5. ○ 1st can support 2nd by getting students fluent in place value. ○ 2nd can support 3rd getting students fluent in telling time. ○ 4th can support 5th by getting students fluent in measurement conversion.

● Secondary Math: Team Leader - Matt Christensen at PHS - Suzy – 2 days until Spring Break. Brandi – Mid-School Math Conference in Santa Fe was a success. Ramirez – Jesus is Lord and Savior.

- Common Assessments: PJHS – taking this week. PHS – taking this week.

- PearsonAccess.net – is not a working link, not sure why they sent us an email.

- Edulastic.com – PJHS teacher gave a demonstration on how to use this program. Works well with google classroom and is how they are common assessment testing at the Junior High. Great test bank with PARCC released items and many others, which allows teachers to monitor students’ progress while testing. Only problem at High School is we don’t have chrome-book carts in the classroom.

- NM.Digitaliitemlibrary.com – Is up and running for math. It contains a large number of released problems to use as review items for students. Problems are listed by standard which makes it fast to find the problems needed.

- All Schools – working with common vocabulary and implementing in classrooms daily Good meeting – really liked the Edulastic.com program. We spent a lot of time looking at the program and felt that it is another tool that can help the mathematics programs at PMSD.

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

● Mentor: Team Leader - Anna Brock at BECC: We have not met again since 2-14-19. Next meeting will be for Mentors only on April 18. Final New Teacher Seminar is May 9, 2019 for final celebration and presentation of certificates.

● PE/Health: Team Leader - Christine Blaeser at Lindsey/Steiner

● Social Studies: Team Leader - Sandie Shillings at PHS

● Science: Team Leader - Jack Willis at PHS The science vertical team explore the NGSS hub via the National Science Teacher Association Link:https://ngss.nsta.org. We also used the PMSD Science Curriculum Maps shared by Killeen Tapia to access and explore activities that might be used with our curriculum maps. The entire rest of the year will be dedicated to unpacking the NGSS and developing new curriculum maps.

● Sped: Team Leader - Louella Gallegos at BECC Discussion with Cheryl: Cheryl gave permission to SLP’s and D level teachers to attend a PD conference on feeding and swallowing here is the link for the training: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3A9c43f958-5c0c-4b69- 8109-6b8ba74aa676 D Level teachers can collaborate with each other, secure a substitute, and choose a day to observe transitioning students in the classroom at the EOY. Teachers feel that this would be more beneficial than simply meeting with the teacher. “The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

D Level: TOD: Resource pamphlet Louella presented a list of resources and asked for additional resources that would be relevant to our parents. A comprehensive list was created and a discussion revealed that teachers would like to have an electronic copy available as well as a hard copy. More time is needed to verify information from each agency to ensure we are sharing updated information. Louella asked teachers to email her a list of resources they would like to include. WIDA testing- Case managers need to be informed of which students require the WIDA. A suggestion was made to contact the students’ LPAC committee with concerns. OT/PT: Preschool Sensory referrals were discussed. Tina Thron, OTR reported that she had spoken with transition person, Vera Herrera about waiting until students get in to school to perform sensory screenings. The reasoning behind waiting, is so that staff and therapists can get a true and accurate result of the screening while students are actually within the school environment. Summer school Services will be provided by Teresa Varnel, PT and Tina Thron, OT. Tina Thron, OT reported that therapists must document on IEP whether previous goals and objectives were met.Teresa Varnell, PT reported that SSS director, Cheryl Aguilar stated, that times for inclusion or group sessions will be documented as the amount of time the student is present in the classroom.PT and OT discussed using the M-Fun for evaluations. PT reported that she will be using the evaluation but the OT stated, she would review the evaluation information but probably would not be implementing it for this school year.PT and COTA will be attending the Assistive Technology Conference, “Unlock the Door...With Assistive Technology” in Albuquerque on May 6th and 7th. PT will find out if therapists will be paid for profession days off and if funds will be available to attend the conference for registration fees, meals and overnight lodging. Emily reported on 3/5/2019, that new referrals for the remainder of the school year will be continued in the fall. Therapist’s will verify this information with the SSS Director. All IEP’s for August 2019 are being scheduled now until the end of school so that none will be due in August. Confusion with IEP’s that are held strictly for test results among staff members in regards to whether a full IEP is necessary vs. just an addendum. OT reported that materials need to be ordered for wrist splints such as, velcro straps, etc.

Diags:Ordered Protocols, Took inventory New business Case loads Time management

IMPORTANT DATES March 27, 2019 - Report Cards April 3, 2019 - Vertical Team Meeting April 18, 2019 - Progress Reports April 19, 2019 - Good Friday (No Schools) April 21, 2019 - Easter April 22, 2019 - No School April 29, 2019 - Instructional Council Meeting

“The Portales Municipal School District’s Instructional Council will provide leadership support to each Vertical Team Leader in the areas of curriculum & instruction. Leaders will also serve as a liaison, who communicates information between all stakeholders.”

Meeting ended at 4:40 pm

Approved By: Henry Montño

Submitted By: Stacy Gossett

Date: March 28, 2019