A Church of England


March 2019

Dear parents and carers,

This has been a short and very busy half term in school. Year 11 students have just finished their second set of Mock exams and both Year 11 and Year 13 are working hard as they approach the final examinations at the end of next half term. A revision schedule is available on the website for both year groups and much is going on in school to support students. We are encouraging all students who are sitting exams this summer to make good use of the spring break for revision and preparation.

As you know we were visited by Ofsted last week; the outcome is confidential until the final letter is received and we will communicate this as soon as we are able to do so. What we can say is that we are incredibly proud of our students who were praised by the inspectors for their politeness and for the warm welcome they gave to the inspection team. Students showed the high standards of conduct that we expect of them and demonstrated their pride in being part of the Trinity community.

We are very proud of the success of so many of our students in a whole range of events and you will read about some of these in the body of this newsletter. Particular mention must go to our singers and musicians who did brilliantly in the Carlisle and District Music Festival last week. Our Senior Choir came first in the secondary competition with an outstanding score of 90, an exceptional performance. The Trinity and Combined Chamber Choir came 2nd in the Open Choirs competition, losing by only one mark and again achieving a score of 90, classed as outstanding. Trinity won four of the special trophies too, as well as the vocal ensemble and orchestra classes. There were many individual successes too, both for performance and composition. Well done to all the students who took part.

Many of the students involved in the festival also performed in the Spring Concert on Tuesday evening this week, showcasing a huge range of musical talent. In a diverse programme ranging from Bohemian Rhapsody to Schubert the students were a credit both to themselves and the school. Thanks are also due to our music staff for their commitment and hard work; they raise the bar each year in the standard of performance achieved by our students.

Congratulations to our Table Cricket team from the Year 8 Home Group who won a stunning victory in the Lord Taverners’ regional competition last week. They beat off stiff competition to bring the trophy back to Trinity; you can read a detailed account of how this came about later in the newsletter. Finally, congratulations to the Under 16 Girls’ Football team who became County Champions this week following an 8:1 victory against Walney School: a superb performance. Well done to all.

As we approach the Spring Break it is worth a final reminder that this holiday is separate from the Easter weekend this year: we return to school on Monday, 15th April until Thursday 18th April, prior to the Bank Holiday weekend, in line with other Cumbrian schools.

Yours sincerely,

Sheila Johnston and Derek Kay Co-Headteachers


As you can imagine, this short half term has gone very fast.

In form time at school our themes have been called The Word, Fighting Battles and Easter. Through The Word we thought about the power of words to damage as well as encourage and build each other up, and the privilege and responsibility of having voices and using them well. We heard the story of Andrew Johnston, a former Trinity student and Cathedral choir boy who is about to take up a scholarship to a London opera school and who now sings in three languages! Words in the form of song are the currency of Andrew’s life, and he spoke to students, via our TFTD video, about the importance of finding and following the things they’re passionate about. He encouraged them to believe in their dreams and to keep working towards these. Andrew’s own journey has held quite a few challenges, and he is currently working as a roofer, out in all weather, to fund some of his time in London.

In Fighting Battles we’ve been looking at the theme of Lent and the story of Jesus facing temptations in the desert. The temptation of wealth and power is one we’ve made connections with in terms of industrialised nations and climate change. Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teenager who is mobilising young people across the world, has been featured in our videos as someone who uses her voice for good and challenges the powerful about their responsibilities.

Gareth Malone, the choir master, has also featured in this half term’s videos. In the BBC2 programme The Choir, he has been seen helping students at a secondary school in the shadow of Grenfell Tower to fight their own battles. These are battles to heal, remember and move forward in community. This move towards new life is referred to in our first video in the Easter theme.

The Year 7 students who meet me on a Wednesday lunchtime in the Curve Room are reflecting on these themes and contributing ideas. This group is for now called Conversation Club, but we may well become The Word 7, as we focus on communication, including the skill of listening. Some students have pledged to use less plastic during Lent, and some to moderate use of their phones. A plastic display in Jubilee Hall encourages our community to ‘Turn around’ this Lent and to think of ways to stop contributing to plastic waste.

In the last two weeks, Mrs Reay and Mrs Trevorrow have visited the Curve Room to give ideas about its development into a more creative space for students; a place for self-expression, sanctuary, rest and prayer. After Easter a group of Sixth Formers are going to be involved in creating colourful stained-glass windows. Other ideas are a blackboard area for students to write on and a comfy space for reading.

Hope you enjoy the Easter holidays, and if your children have exams coming up, that they’re able to stay calm and focused. Sending lots of good wishes to you all.

Caroline Kennedy, School Chaplain


Instrumental Fees 2018/19 A reminder to parents/carers who are not paying by monthly standing order payments: the second instalment is due by 31.03.19. If payments are not up to date unfortunately students may not be allowed to continue with lessons. Payment can be made by standing order, credit/debit card either with ParentPay or by phoning the Finance Office. Payments by cash and cheque are still acceptable, cheques should be made payable to “Trinity School”.

Should a student wish to stop taking lessons we will require 4 weeks paid notice in writing.

Cumbria Music Service operates an Instrument lease scheme which is available to any young person in . There is also an Assisted Instrument Purchase Scheme run by Cumbria Music Service enabling students receiving tuition with Cumbria Music Service Teachers to purchase their own instrument without paying VAT. Please contact Mrs Richardson, Head of Music, for more information about this scheme. 2

Payment for School Meals Please ensure you give your children the correct change for topping up their school meal a/c’s at the re-valuers as change is not given. The new re-valuer machines unfortunately do not take Scottish notes so please make sure your child has acceptable money to use in them. Payment by cheque is acceptable but cheques must be made payable to ‘Mellors Catering Services Ltd’. Parents/carers are reminded that topping up can also be done via ParentPay with a credit or debit card.

As we are becoming a cashless school, change is not be available.

Cheque Payments: Just a reminder that if you are sending a cheque payment into school you should write clearly on the back the students name, form and reason for payment.

If you have a query or you require further information, please contact the Finance Office on 01228 516051 ext 215.

Payment Due for Trips and Duke of Edinburgh Awards: Please ensure that payments for School trips and D of E Awards are up to date.

Mrs A Larking, Finance Manager

Year 7 Parents’ Evening A letter regarding the forthcoming Year 7 Parents’ Evening will be sent home after the spring break giving details of the opening and closing times of the online booking system for making appointments.

Classcharts Since January, as some of you may know, we have been using a new online platform with our Year 11 students called Classcharts. This platform allows our staff to set homework, upload resources and provide information about the tasks, all in one place. Students have a password exclusive to them for this, but much more interestingly, so do parents and carers. This means that all Year 11 students and their parents and carers know what tasks have been set, when they are due, what they need to complete them and most importantly, who hasn’t done them! The feedback from staff, parents, carers and students has been overwhelmingly positive and so the plan is now to roll this system out to other year groups. After Easter we will be sending out information on how to use this system along with the all-important passwords and log in details. Could I also remind parents and carers of Year 11 students who have not yet logged on to Classcharts, that this system is also really useful for support with revision for the upcoming exams?

Uniform Shop Ltd, Unit 3 Atlas Works Nelson Street, Carlisle CA2 5NB We are holding our annual sale from Monday 4th March to Saturday 30th March. All school uniform both logo’ d and trousers, skirts, shirts and blouses etc in stock will be included.


Year 8 Students have been following the Archbishop Youth Trust Young Leaders Award this year in Religious Studies. The Archbishop of York Youth Trust exists to empower young people to ‘be the change you want to see’ in their schools, communities and the world!

The Youth Trust began life in 2008 when the Archbishop of York, Dr. John Sentamu, announced his vision that, rather than being part of the problem facing society today, young people were actually the solution.

The Award is accessed through a combination of taught modules (Faith and Hope) and Community action. The Community activities involve Personal volunteering work, in School charity work and Wider Community service. Many of our students have already completed their personal and school challenges and we hope that you have benefitted from some of them at home! They have ranged from packing and delivering Christmas shoe boxes, volunteering to shop and support elderly neighbours, cooking for the family, helping in a variety of ways by donating clothes, bag packing, concerts, setting out and serving refreshments. School challenges have included sponsored events, bake sales and becoming Anti-Bullying Ambassadors! Thank you to parents/carers who have signed these activities off and to those who have got involved, from transporting to and from various activities.

Please encourage your students to complete their personal challenges, sign the permission sheet if you have not already done so and encourage students to plan and participate in their school challenge. Please encourage students to collect evidence of their challenges for their folders.

The final challenge is the Community challenge - all students will spend a morning working in the Community, during the week of 1st July, participating in the Give A Day to the City initiative. Students are currently working with Miriam Lowe and Andy Fearon to put these activities in place.

On the completion of all challenges, students will receive their awards at the Awards Assembly in school. The certificates (either developing/accomplished or exemplary Leaders) and badges will be presented by Elizabeth Howatt, Strategic Lead for Secondary Awards - Archbishop Young Leaders Programme. Mrs Shore, Subject Leader for Religion, Philosophy and Ethics.


Year 10 Parents’ Evening The above Parents’ Evening took place on Thursday 28th February. Parents had the opportunity to speak to subject teachers regarding their child’s progress and work. Thanks to all the parents who attended and who left online feedback.

Funeral Service of Jos Mark A big thank you to the Army and Air Force cadets and choir who were asked to take part in the funeral service of the late Jos Mark, a veteran who was part of our Remembrance Day commemorations for many years. Students displayed exemplary behaviour throughout and showed great respect; they were a credit to Trinity School.

Music Success Spring term is always a very busy time for the music department, and we are pleased that the hard work really paid off at the music festival this year.

A number of students were involved in individual classes including Niamh Bewley, Catherine Johnston, Hannah Borlase, Rachael Crampsey, Amy Boyle, Shannon Scott, Sarah Henderson, Sophie Richardson, Nathan Yielder, Justin Borlase, Calum Taylor, Esther Attwood, Sally Minnett, Bert 4 Wilson, Olivia James, Will Stuart and Charis Blakeman with many of these coming first or second in their classes.

Our ensembles were also very successful: Senior Choirs – Secondary Schools - 1st, Trinity School Choir Choirs – Open - 2nd, Trinity and Austin Friars Combined Chamber Choir Vocal Ensembles - Open - 1st, Trinity Chamber Choir, 2nd A Capella quartet Woodwind ensemble open - 1st, Trinity Saxophone Trio Instrument ensemble secondary schools - Trinity Chamber Group Orchestra class secondary schools- Trinity Orchestra Orchestra class open - Trinity Orchestra We also won some of the special trophies: The Lanercost Festival trophy for the most inspiring choral performance - Trinity School Choir George Taylor Memorial Cup for the highest mark in any brass class - Justin Borlase The Ronmar Challenge cup (highest instrumental mark) - Hannah Borlase Ethel Hogarth cup (most promising string player over 13 years old) - Hannah Borlase

All in all a very successful festival and we are grateful to all the hard work of our students, our peripatetic teachers and the support we get from parents.

More music success for students came on Saturday 16th March in Durham when Sophie Richardson, Sam Middleton and Mrs Richardson competed with J36 Brass in the first section of the North of England brass band championships coming first. The band will now compete at the National finals and have been promoted to the Championship section.

Good news story Two of our Year 8 students, both called Liam, had a fabulous opportunity to take part in a project with ITV Border recently. The News and Sport Correspondent they were working with, Ryan Dollard was so impressed with them both and found them talented and enthusiastic helps. They learned the basics of camera work so quickly and were so respectful of equipment that they were allowed to operate the professional broadcast equipment, taking some excellent footage that is so good it will be broadcast on ITV Border.

Well done, Liam and Liam Mrs Julie Walton, Head of Year 8


Trinity Takes Home the Table Cricket Trophy On a desk in our newly built sports hall, there sits a wooden shield waiting to be engraved with a new name. Finally, Trinity School will be etched onto the Lord Taverners’ Cumbria Table Cricket trophy.

The cameras of Border news were at Penrith Leisure Centre on Wednesday 13th to capture the drama as it unfolded. Trinity eased their way into the competition with a good win over a good James Rennie side, Josh Allen, Alesha Bancroft and Kye Reeves-Brown batting superbly to contribute most of a 106-run haul against our close neighbours. Next up were Ulverston Victoria High School who gave Trinity a run for their money. 91 runs were cobbled together by Nicole Halbert, Logan Wilson and Liam Gibson.

These results saw Trinity top their group sending them into a semi-final against last year’s regional champions, William Howard. This edgy affair was won by a nose in Table Cricketing terms (only 22 runs in it). A majestic all-round display by Josh Allen with his two wickets and 11 runs helped to send Trinity into the final against Carlisle College. Nicole Halbert and Liam Gibson were again top batsman with 16 and 12 respectively.

In the final Carlisle College batted first and set a big total of 42 runs (the highest scored against Trinity in the competition). It was going to come down to another batting masterclass from the youngsters. The same names popped up with the goods. Alesha Bancroft’s 28, Nicole Halbert’s 16 and Liam Gibson’s 14 clinched the victory and sent the Trinity faithful into raptures. A tear welled in Captain Kelsie Sirey’s eye as she finally got to sign off with a champion’s medal.


Boys’ Rugby In the U15 County Sevens Rugby Tournament held at Penrith rugby club, the Trinity U15 team played against Ullswater, QEGS, Nelson Thomlinson and Keswick schools. The rugby was of a very high standard and although Trinity did not win any of their matches, they scored some very good tries and put in a very good overall performance.

In the U14 City Cup Football, the boys’ U14 team played in the semi-final. William Howard school took the lead midway through the first half and Trinity equalised early in the second half. Both teams had numerous chances to score in a very entertaining second half before William Howard school scored the winner with 5 minutes left to play.

The season culminated in a challenge rugby match between two groups of Year 7’s. The match highlighted what a talented group of players we have in Year 7. They’ve trained well throughout the season and have significantly developed their knowledge and understanding of the game and its laws. Regular fixtures since September for both the A and B teams have resulted in both teams being unbeaten, which is an impressive achievement.

The U13s travelled to Nelson Thomlinson School after an extremely tight game in September. NTS started the stronger scoring 2 earlier try’s down the right flank. Trinity responded by secure more possession throughout the forwards and scoring three tries in reply through Ethan Dawson (2) and Finn Kennedy. Trinity built a lead with further tries coming through Finn Kennedy and Layton Burgess, the latter showing great speed and agility throughout the game as well as huge bravery to tackle their main strike runner on a number of occasions. The best play of the game was saved until the last play with Trinity moving the ball from their own 5 metre line all the way up the pitch to score under the posts through the hard-working Leo Graham. The U13s travel to PRUFC on the 18th March to play in the County Cup Competition which will be the final game of the 2018/19

Boys’ Football Having remained unbeaten throughout the entire season, hopes were high that the squad could repeat their achievement of winning the County Cup as they had done in Year 8. A practice match against Ullswater Community College proved to be great preparation for the final. Having gone 2-0 down the team fought their way back into the game and eventually came out 3-2 winners. The Final against Nelson Thomlinson started well with Matthew Foster opening the scoring with a header from a Niall Siddaway corner. However, Nelson Thomlinson equalised straight from the kick off and then capitalised on two defensive errors to make it 3-1 to lift the County Cup.

After an indifferent performance at the northern 5-aside finals (Finishing 4th of 6 teams from the North and north east) in Durham, the U12 football team have made a strong start to their outdoor season. Strong performances against RRCA & RRMA led to two comprehensive victories. Goals were scored throughout the team with Dawid Kulig and Kian Makar scoring hat tricks in both games. A mention must also go to the strong defensive unit of Thomas Randall, Oli Green and Alfie Wedgewood who kept a clean sheet in both games. The U12s will play WHS in the semi-final of the county cup on the 19th March and continue their league fixtures in a busy end to the term.


Year 8 City Tournament Five wins out of five games for the Year 8 girls at the City Tournament to see them become City Champions. Their performance improved game on game. The nature of a tournament with such short games meant the girls had to cope with the pressure of getting the ball quickly to goal and capitalise on each centre pass and turnover of the ball. Well done to all girls – Fern Varah, Isobel Beal, Nicole Latour, Emily Hodgkison, Beth Palmer, Anna McCue, Esther Townsley and Freya Mitchinson - a great way to end the season.

Year 10 City Tournament It was a great standard of netball at the Year 10 City Tournament. As a team they had a slow start, losing to William Howard in their opening game – a game they should have won. They gathered momentum throughout the afternoon and played exceptionally well in their last game to beat Austin Friars by one goal. The girls showed their potential and talent by beating Friars who were the eventual winners. Dorina, Halle and Neve received nominations for ‘Girl of the Game’ from the opposing teams. Next year their aim will be to qualify for the county final of the National Schools’ Competition. Well done to all girls who have competed this year – Neve Varah, Dorina Horvath, Caitlyn Shaw, Emma Harding, Julia Zielinska, Leah Hanson, Jess Horseman, Halle Gawith, Charlotte Kirkup and Beth Farrar.

6 Fixture vs Ullswater Year 7 lost 13-2 Girl of the game – Izzie Touray Year 8 won 9-4 Girl of the game – Emily Hodgkison

Fixture vs Keswick Year 8 lost 8-13 Girl of the Game – Fern Varah Year 9 won 12-6 Girl of the Game – Grace Hodgkison

Fixture vs William Howard and Austin Friars Year 7 and Year 8 undefeated

Girls Football

U12 ESFA 5 a-side competition – Regional Finals Congratulations to the following girls who represented the school fantastically in the above competition. They played some excellent football and worked extremely hard against some tough opposition. Martha Leadbetter, Jade Taylor, Izzie Touray, Georgie Finn-Caile, Robyn Priestley, Ella Porter and Leah Johnston

U16 County Cup The Girls U16 team took on Walney School in the County Cup Final at Sheepmount securing a solid 8:1 victory, making them County Champions 2019. Their performance was outstanding with continuous effort, high levels of performance and lots of team encouragement throughout. The girls went 1:0 down within the first five minutes, but then a quick reply from Lucy Eagling made it 1:1. The goal scoring didn’t stop there with Eagling scoring another two, Lucy Cook scored 1, Year 10 Neve Varah scored one as well as birthday girl, Jess Wharton getting a hatrick towards the end of the game. Daisy Wilson in goal made some amazing saves keeping us in the game. It was a commanding defensive display with the team superbly marshalled by Jess Hetherington. I would like to say a special thank you to all the Year 11s who have played over the past 5 years: Jess Hetherington, India Reynolds, Poppy Wilson, Daisy Wilson, Lucy Eagling, Lucy Cook, Frankie Sewell and Julia Babik. I’m very proud to have coached these girls for 5 years and it was a great way to end their school football by winning the County Cup! The team would like to say a special thank you to Mrs Miller for being a great coach over the 5 years. Well done!

Gymnastics -Milano Floor and Vault Competition Trinity entered a team in each age group category (U14 and U19). The U14 team were 2nd (with a fantastic score on floor and vault for Nicole Latour). Team: Chloe Sjurseth, Niamh Griffin, Evie Thompson, Ella Dean, Sadie Kelly and Nicole Latour]. The U19 team were 1st and are regional winners. The girls will go on to represent the North region in the finals in Stoke. Team: Ella Scott-Lamont, Emily Fitton, Anya Neile, Anya Bartlett and Katie Taylor Congratulations to all the gymnasts for your hard work and dedication.


Sixth Form Student Leadership Our prospective applicants for 2019-2020 Student Leadership positions are currently going through the application process. This week, prospective Head Boys and Head Girls were given two minutes each at Sixth Form assemblies to convince students that they should receive their vote. Online voting begins next week followed by an interview with senior staff after the spring break. Best wishes to all our applicants, including those who have applied for deputy and ambassador positions.

Assemblies and Talks Sixth Form welcomes a wide range of speakers to our year group assemblies and this term saw the first visit from members of Carlisle City Council’s Homelessness Prevention Team. Through a role- play scenario, the team explained the process of prioritising and dealing with those who find themselves homeless; an eye-opening assembly for all about how easily someone could find themselves in this situation.

7 Our university visitors included Dundee University who made the trip south to explain to Year 12 the difference between the Scottish and English higher education systems. Northumbria University will visit before the spring break to talk to Year 13 students about managing stress before their exams begin.

We are also part way through a programme of talks for Year 12 students by Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service focusing on road safety awareness. The talks are especially important at this stage as, for many, it will be their first year of driving. The purpose of the programme is to raise students’ awareness of the dangers on the road and their causes and this hard-hitting programme really impresses on them the consequences of being involved in a collision, both for themselves and others.

TERM DATES for 2018 - 2019

First Day of Term Last Day of Term Half Term Week Spring term 2019 Friday 29th March Good Friday – 19th April Easter Sunday – 21st April Summer term 2019 Easter Monday – 22nd April Friday 19th July Monday 15th April Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May (Early May Bank Holiday – Monday 6th May)

TERM DATES for 2019 – 2020

First Day of Term Last Day of Term Half Term Week Monday 21st October – Autumn Term 2019 Friday 20th December Friday 25th October Wednesday 4th September

Monday 17th February - Spring Term 2020 Friday 27th March Friday 21st February Tuesday 7th January

Good Friday – 10th April Easter Sunday – 12th April Easter Monday – 13th April Summer Term 2020 Friday 17thJuly Half Term: Tuesday 14th April Monday 25th May – Friday 29th May Early May Bank Holiday – 4th May




Friday 29 March Break up for Spring Break SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK Monday 15 April Summer Term commences Wednesday 17 April Year 12 Futures Ready Day Monday 15 April – Thursday 18 April GCSE Art and Photography exams Friday 19 April – Monday 22 April Easter weekend – School closed Tuesday 23 April Back to school Wednesday 24 April GCSE PE Moderation Day Theatre Trip – Educating Rita Year 7 Parents’ Evening Thursday 25 April Year 12 Interim 3 to Parents Thursday 2 May Year 13 Drama Tech and Dress Rehearsals Friday 3 May Year 13 A level Drama and Theatre Final Devised performances Thursday 2, Friday 3 and Tuesday 7 A level Art exam May Monday 6 May May Bank Holiday Wednesday 8 – Friday 10 May A level Photography exam Wednesday 8 May HPV vaccinations - Year 8 Girls Year 12 Parents’ Evening Thursday 9 May Y10 Reports to Parents Monday 13 May A level/GCSE Art exam - Extra Time Monday 13 May – Tuesday 25 June A2 Examinations Monday 13 May – Friday 21 June GCSE Examinations Friday 24 May BREAK UP FOR HALF TERM HALF TERM HALF TERM Sunday 26 May – Thursday 30 May Netball Tournament Trip Monday 3 June Second half of Summer Term commences Thursday 6 June Year 9 Interims to Parents Wednesday 12 June Year 8 Parents’ Evening Wednesday 19 June Year 11 Celebrations Day Thursday 20 June Year 11 Prom Monday 24 June A Level Art Exhibition Wednesday 26 June Year 13 Leavers’ Day Thursday 27 June Sixth Form Induction Sixth Form Leavers’ Ball Monday 1 July – Friday 5 July Archbishop of York Community Project week Great War Trip Year 10 Work Experience Week Thursday 4 July Year 7 Reports to Parents Tuesday 9 July – Thursday 11 July Whole School Musical Thursday 11 July Year 8 Interim 2 to Parents Monday 15 July KS3 Diploma Evening – St Cuthbert’s Church Monday 15 July – Friday 19 July Duke of Edinburgh Expeditions Year 12 Work Experience Week Friday 19 July Break up for summer

Dates are subject to change.