
Kasetsart J. (Soc. Sci) 34 : 514 - 524 (2013) ว. เกษตรศาสตร์ (สังคม) ปีที่ 34 : 514 - 524 (2556) From ‘Overseas Student’ to ‘Immigrant’: Thai Skilled Migration to

Sansanee Chanarnupap

ABSTRACT This paper is based on a qualitative study of Thai skilled migration to Australia focusing on the transition period during which Thai overseas students become skilled immigrants, as well as the way that they adjust themselves to Australian society. The research employed two major qualitative techniques in the fieldwork: participant observation and in-depth interviewing from 2007 to 2009. Twenty-five Thai skilled immigrants in Melbourne who initially came to Australia for further education and then applied for Australian permanent residency after graduation generated the core data for the study. The paper highlights how a demand for overseas education has traditionally been driven by the value Thais place on being more Western and developing fluency in the English language as well as the expectation that study in Australia will temporarily liberate them from social stresses and raise their economic and social status in the Thai social hierarchy. However, they have migrated to Australia after the completion of their overseas study rather than returning to . Their migration decision can be seen as a social product, not as the sole result of individual decisions but a matter which involved other family members. Non-economic factors relating to the independence of life were of considerable importance in the migration decision. In negotiating culture shock, the students typically integrated into the Australian-Thai community and made use of these connections to make links to Australia’s broader multicultural society. The benefit for Thai students of grouping with fellow Thais was that this initial network gave them the confidence and comfort to develop an understanding of Australia as a stimulating and desirable place to live. This confidence also created a space for the students to make a decision about permanent migration. Keywords: immigration, immigrant, overseas student, international student

บทคัดย่อ ประเทศ ผู้มีส่วนร่วมในการวิจัยเป็นนักเรียนไทยย้าย ถิ่นในนครเมลเบิร์น จำนวน 25 คน เก็บข้อมูลโดยวิธี บทความนี้มีพื้นฐานจากงานวิจัยการย้ายถิ่น สังเกตการณ์อย่างมีส่วนร่วมและการสัมภาษณ์เชิงลึก ของนักเรียนไทยในประเทศออสเตรเลีย บทความนำ ในช่วงปี ค.ศ.2007–2009 ผลการศึกษา พบว่า เสนอการตัดสินใจเลือกศึกษาต่อในต่างประเทศ การ การตัดสินใจย้ายถิ่นฐานของนักเรียนไทย มิใช่ ปรับตัวต่อสังคมใหม่ และปัจจัยที่มีผลต่อการ กระบวนการการตัดสินใจของนักเรียนเองแต่เพียง ตัดสินใจย้ายถิ่นฐานภายหลังสำเร็จการศึกษาในต่าง ลำพัง หากแต่เป็นกระบวนการที่ครอบครัวมีส่วนร่วม

คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยทักษิณ สงขลา 90000 The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Thaksin University, Songkhla 90000, Thailand. E-mail: [email protected] ว. เกษตรศาสตร์ (สังคม) ปีที่ 34 ฉบับที่ 3 515 ในการตัดสินใจ และมิใช่กระบวนการที่มีปัจจัยทาง RESEARCH METHODOLOGY เศรษฐกิจเป็นเหตุจูงใจเท่านั้น หากแต่มีปัจจัยทาง สังคมเข้ามาเป็นแรงเสริมสำคัญในการตัดสินใจด้วย This research engaged primarily with ethnographic perspectives and employed two major ปัจจัยทางสังคมดังกล่าวนั้น ได้แก่ การมีชีวิตอิสระ qualitative techniques in the fieldwork: participant การได้รับผิดชอบและจัดการชีวิตของตนเองซึ่ง observation and in-depth interviewing from 2007 to นักเรียนไทยเหล่านี้ค้นพบในช่วงเวลาที่ศึกษาอยู่ใน 2009. Twenty-five Thai skilled immigrants of ออสเตรเลีย นอกจากนี้ เครือข่ายชุมชนไทยย้ายถิ่นใน diverse age, gender, place of birth, occupation, and ประเทศออสเตรเลียยังมีส่วนสำคัญที่ทำให้นักเรียน marital status were involved. They initially came to Australia for further education and then applied for ไทยเหล่านี้มองเห็นความเป็นไปได้ที่จะพำนักอาศัย Australian permanent residency after graduating. ถาวรในประเทศออสเตรเลีย Almost all participants held Bachelor degrees from คำสำคัญ: การย้ายถิ่น ผู้ย้ายถิ่น นักเรียนนอก นักเรียน Thailand before arriving in Australia. The majority ต่างชาติ had worked in Thailand while the others were newly graduated and unemployed before seeking INTRODUCTION international education in Australia. All participants had been students for at least two The flow of international students seeking years before migrating to Australia. In addition to permanent residency outside their has the Australian-based research, I also undertook recently been much-discussed as part of crisis interviews of seven families of key informants in migration around the world. Australia has been Thailand to investigate the immigration experience regarded as an aggressive exporter of education across the geographic range of this diasporic services. Since the 1980s, the Australian sociality. government has developed policies designed to To approach potential participants, I target immigrants with experience in areas where obtained some assistance from the Thai formal and there is a skill shortfall through its general skilled informal social organizations in the State of Victoria. migration program. This program, known as the In order to establish rapport and develop a deeper General Skilled Migration program (GSM), is for understanding of my participants’ lives, I shared the professionals and other skilled immigrants who are same house as some participants and worked not sponsored by an employer and who have skills casually with some participants in a Thai restaurant. in particular occupations required in Australia I also visited Buddhist temples with some (Australian Government Department of Immigration participants, and worked for the Thai community as and Citizenship, 2012). Accordingly, qualified a volunteer on many occasions, working for the Thai international students are able to apply for and be Information and Welfare Association, and especially granted permanent residency following the as a teacher in the School of completion of their studies without the need to leave Melbourne. I have attempted to informally interact Australia. The possibility of Australian permanent with many other Thais and their Australian contacts residency has influenced many international and observe them when visiting Thai families, Thai students—not just Thai students—to stay in restaurants, Buddhist temples, Thai DVD shops, Australia after graduation. International students Thai educational agencies, the Royal Thai have not been content to simply return to their home consulates, Thai night clubs, and Thai festivals countries but have become part of a global throughout the year. These contributed to a much movement of labor, skills, capital, and knowledge. greater understanding of migration experiences in

516 ว. เกษตรศาสตร์ (สังคม) ปีที่ 34 ฉบับที่ 3 the broader Thai community in Australia. I have traditionally been driven by the Thai value placed on tried to immerse myself in the day-to-day lives of becoming more ‘Western’ and developing fluency in my Thai informants as much as possible and also to the English language, as well as the expectation that make the research project as methodologically international study will temporarily liberate them sound as possible. from social stresses and raises their economic and social status in the Thai hierarchy. RESEARCH FINDINGS The possibility of Australian permanent residency Becoming an overseas student All participants were clear that before Over the decades, the majority of new coming to Australia they did not have a desire to arrivals from Thailand to Australia have continued migrate to Australia after the completion of their to be students (see Table 1). Recently Thailand has studies in Australian institutions. Their decision to become a main source country for international undertake further study in Australia was not students in Australia. Accordingly, one of the influenced by the possibility of migrating to research questions of this paper is to understand why Australia. My investigation showed that most learnt in the first place many Thai students come to of the possibility of Australian permanent residency Australia for further education. only after arrival in Australia. It is suggested that the The pattern of Thai students studying desire to migrate to Australia was ignited by overseas may be explained by a combination of studying and living in Australia. However, recent ‘push and pull’ factors. ‘Push’ factors operate within data collected after doing the interviews showed that the source country and initiate a student’s decision the possibility of Australian permanent residency to undertake international study. ‘Pull’ factors (often called PR) was mentioned in some Australian operate within a host country to make that country Education Expositions held both in Thailand and relatively attractive to international students. Some Australia, and study courses for PR purposes were of these factors are inherent in the source country, discussed. From this, it is likely that nowadays some some in the host country and others in the students Thai international students will have a desire to themselves. The argument is that a demand for migrate to Australia prior to coming to Australia. overseas education by research participants did not Limited access to higher education initially stem, as might be expected, from a desire Higher is not so for international migration; nor was it derived from limited that it would lead to significant numbers of limited access to higher education in Thailand. Thai students studying abroad. Almost all of my Instead, the demand for overseas education has participants were taking courses in Australian

Table 1 Basic pivot table 2011 - Thai student enrolments in Australia Sector 2008 2009 2010 2011 Higher Education 4,405 4,244 4,145 3,722 Vocational Education and Training (VET) 8,553 11,110 12,102 11,272 Schools 574 572 546 500 English Language Intensive Courses for 8,619 10,254 7,824 6,082 Overseas Students (ELICOS) Other (Non-Award Courses, Enabling Courses) 206 212 173 125 Total 22,357 26,392 24,790 21,701 Source: Australian Education International (2011). ว. เกษตรศาสตร์ (สังคม) ปีที่ 34 ฉบับที่ 3 517 educational institutions that they knew were Why choose Australia? available to them in educational institutions in Participants seemed to trust in the standard Thailand. Participants indicated that they wished for of study programs offered by any Western the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to study overseas. developed country. However, they chose Australia The Thai value of being more ‘Western’ because, they believed it was affordable. Compared and knowing English with the USA and the UK, in Australia it was My interviews revealed clearly that the cheaper (cost for study and living), closer (distance decision to study overseas was influenced by the to Thailand), and easier to obtain a student visa. desire to gain a better understanding of the ‘West’. Participants discussed that Australia was well The national development toward modernization known and seen as the most aggressive player in the and westernization has together over a century educational market. The information accessibility ingrained a general desirability in Thai society to be and administrative process for prospective students more western and speak English (Stockwell, 2000). was readily available and students were able to gain The English language has been regarded as a tool entry somewhere because of the large number of for modernization in Thailand (Cohen, 1991). Today, educational institutions. Moreover, the direct entry no one would challenge the fact that English is now English language course offered by many Australian the pre-eminent language of global communication. institutions would potentially allow students to Over time, this has provoked the desire of modern satisfy the English language requirements to begin Thais at all levels of Thai society to learn English. their university studies. After successfully International education as an instrumental completing their English pathway, the students were value not required to sit an external English test (such as With respect to the value of education, my TOEFL or IELTS) in order to begin their university research findings revealed that ‘knowledge-for- degree. knowledge’s sake’ did not receive a high value in the opinion of these participants. Education is Student life in Australia perceived more as a ‘means’ of climbing the social It was clear that participants initially came to ladder and of gaining prestige and a higher salary, Australia for further education and expected that rather than as an end value in itself. Nineteen of my overseas education in the Western world would be participants revealed that an international degree an eye-opening experience, and one they could was seen as a key to becoming a high profile person utilize to their advantage in their career in Thailand. and holding social and occupational privileges in However, participants have changed from being Thai society. tertiary students in Australia to new Australian In addition, international education was also immigrants after the completion of their studies. It is seen by participants as an option to liberate them therefore necessary to examine life as a Thai from social strains and stresses present in Thai international student in Australia to understand the society. For seventeen participants who had been context of how these Thai students come to the working in Thailand before studying in Australia, decision to seek permanent residency as skilled the majority revealed that they were bored with their migrants in Australia. routine lives. They had sought leave from what they By studying abroad, participants showed perceived as a tiresome existence, and looked their initiative and eagerness to experience personal forward to the next chapter of their life. and academic challenges which were unavailable in their homeland. Most participants agreed that, in addition to being fun and an exciting adventure, 518 ว. เกษตรศาสตร์ (สังคม) ปีที่ 34 ฉบับที่ 3 study in Australia was a unique life-changing problems were solved over time but they were not experience which could have a lasting impact, resolved overnight. helping them grow academically and personally. Today there is a general acknowledgement However, there was a price to be paid for an that overseas students require an advisor to lessen overseas qualification. In investigating life as an their burden, and there are a number of student international student in Australia, I explored how support services throughout Australian educational research participants initially experienced culture institutions just for international students looking to shock in the form of personal and academic get further help (Boonyanate, 1996). However, challenges during study in Australia. participants were not familiar with seeking Academically challenging experiences professional help for personal problems. The overall Beside academic entry requirements, all implication of these patterns is that student support international students were required to meet an services seem to be more useful particularly when English language requirement. Before arriving in students need to negotiate with the university about Australia, participants were not concerned, or indeed academic problems but such services may not be informed, about the many varieties of English used taken up when dealing with personal issues. Again, in the Western world and thus entered the country the language/culture nexus is important; at the early unaware of the extent to which local accents, fast stage of studying in Australia almost all participants speech, and Australian colloquialisms were going to were struggling with their English communication affect their ability to speak and understand English skills. Due to this language barrier and Thai cultural in Australia. It was highly likely that they were not protocols of ‘saving face’, they could not muster used to the speed, slang, or accent of Australian their courage to access the full range of services. speakers. The major sources of complexity were not Negotiating ‘culture shock’ just the lack of competence in Australian English My research revealed that the typical way but also culturally distinctive learning styles. that most participants negotiated culture shock was Learning style issues could produce differences in to integrate themselves to a network of expectations and methods of study, such as styles of in Australia, making use of a Thai community as teaching and learning, the roles of teachers and part of an Australian multicultural society. Even students, and the nature and functions of assessment. though they did not run back to their comfort zones Almost all of my participants recalled in interviews in Thailand, they were most likely to integrate into a that they had experienced academic challenges, in network of Thai people in Australia which could terms of both language barriers and in adapting to a then be their new comfort zones in Australia. new learning culture. Despite the attraction of familiarity, many hoped Personally challenging experiences that they would not be “ghettoed” in Australia with It is possible to list typical problems that other Thais so they would be forced to improve their Thai overseas students encounter in Australia. English while they lived surrounded by other Thais. Beside academic challenges, there is, for instance, My participants revealed clearly that the homesickness. In general, participants need to cope issue of integrating into Australian-Thai networks with day-to-day living and might have problems did not stem from a desire to preserve Thai culture with many other time-consuming non-study and reject contact with host members and activities. They might be perplexed and feel a bit let participation in Australian culture. Instead, Thai down from time to time. In practice these difficulties student group formation can be seen as ‘today’s might not be insurmountable, indeed most of these integration’ in the particular Australian multicultural ว. เกษตรศาสตร์ (สังคม) ปีที่ 34 ฉบับที่ 3 519 context. The Thai international student group in Thailand, communicating with friends or family in Australia was arguably more open to integration Thailand over phone and email, or parents than would be the case in more explicitly occasionally coming to visit them in Australia, most mono-cultural countries. In Australia, a range of participants (eighteen in total) used Thai restaurants different international student communities can to get in contact with other Thais in Australia. readily be seen and Thai students from this Working in Thai restaurants is the main target for perspective are simply one more international group. Thai international students who are looking for The benefit to Thai students in grouping with fellow casual jobs. Thai students work in restaurants as Thais, and other international students, is the waiters or waitresses, kitchen hands, dish washers confidence and comfort they develop from and chefs. It is interesting that almost all of my associations of shared experience. These patterns of participants had not worked part interaction affected students’ sense of life prior to starting their Australian sojourn. It was not satisfaction. While the window of opportunity to common in Thailand for students (from a middle form international associations in Australia was class family background) to undertake paid work as opened widely, their eagerness to develop a better their parents would supply all their necessities. understanding of English and Western lifestyle, However, almost all of my participants had work which had previously driven them from Thailand to part time while studying in Australia. Australia, seemed to assume less importance in the Certainly, to obtain an Australian student students’ daily lives. visa, students are required to show they have the I argue that students’ attachment of the Thai financial resources to live and study in Australia community networks in Australia is simply an initial until the end of their study course. Nevertheless, coping strategy that relies on familiar networks to many participants stated that they looked for a begin the process of integration into multicultural casual job because they thought that all other Australia. Participants have portfolios of Thai social students did this. It could then be argued that during networks that could be used to connect them with their studies in Australia they had been socialized to others for various reasons at various times, because accept this as one of the new things they should do in this way their needs could be met. Participants in their lives. Moreover, many indicated that they engage with other Thais through the networks that had too much free time during studying in Australia. exist to access accommodation, jobs, place of Their free time made them feel lonely and homesick. worship, and many other resources they need. The Many also believed that doing paid work could Thai community can be seen as a gateway to lessen their family’s financial burden or give them considerable social and economic resources in extra money to spend. Australia. These Thai community networks provide Working in Thai restaurants was attractive the different degree of accessibility, accountability, for many Thai students because students from every availability, intimacy, confidentiality, and rewards. area of study could apply. Thai international They have been connected to Thai social networks students could make use of their personal since the time of their arrival; they have used these background, reduce meal costs in their living networks to construct their personal world and expenses, earn some money to cover their tuition livelihood. fees and other expenses, practice English with customers, and connect with other Thais. In general, The Thai restaurant: a gateway to a little Thai those working in a Thai restaurant for the dinner society shift would have dinner at the restaurant before Apart from taking a school break to visit working and supper after working, which they could 520 ว. เกษตรศาสตร์ (สังคม) ปีที่ 34 ฉบับที่ 3 take home for breakfast or lunch the next day. A overseas students, Thai international students generous owner might allow them to have special worked in low skill jobs in which advanced English authentic Thai meals which did not appear in the communication skills were not required. Typically, menu. Food provided by the restaurant was normally the student’s academic and language skills were not more healthy and balanced than the food students significantly progressed by this type of work cooked or bought. Students generally received experience. between AUD 45 and AUD 60 per shift: the lunch Eventually, almost all participants met the shift running from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and the dinner cost of all other expenses involved in living in shift from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. Tips would be equally Australia while their parents supported them for divided between all the staff on that shift. After the tuition fees. While enjoying working, some of them dinner shift, some owners arranged a lift for the staff experienced the effects of work overload which to go back home or to the nearest public transport showed up in poor academic results. point. Eighteen participants who worked in Thai Why migrate to Australia after graduation? restaurants revealed that after linking into Thai The desire of participants to continue to live restaurant networks they knew more about Thai in Australia after graduation from Australian festivals or Thai gatherings throughout the year, institutions was stimulated during study abroad. who was who in the Australian Thai community, This decision was made after they had successfully what was happening in the Thai community, where adjusted to the culture shock and found their feet in to find products and entertainment newly released a new environment. The students typically from Thailand, where to find Buddhist temples and integrated into the Australian-Thai community and Thai night clubs. Thai restaurants also provided made use of these connections to make links to news about happenings in Thailand, particularly Australia’s broader multicultural society. The information on the latest Thai music, Thai TV benefit to Thai students in initially grouping with programs, movies, politics, and daily news. They fellow Thais is the confidence and comfort they were also seen as social spaces for empowering Thai could develop, in order to forge links with other culture in Australia, especially the culture of respect student groups and the wider multicultural milieu. for seniority and authority. This process caused them to consider that Australia In many cases, participants began working in is a stimulating and desirable place to live, and this one place for only one or two shifts per week. For became a key ingredient in the decision to seek those who had never worked in Thailand before, Australian permanent residency. their sense of independence was kindled and they In focusing on the decision making process, were happy to receive money for their labor which I argue that Thai international student immigration they were free to save or spend in whatever manner is a socially produced outcome, not just a result of they saw fit. Some bought new clothes, shoes, individual decisions made by individual actors or mobile phones, or even went gambling in the casino. crude economic motivations. It is an outcome of the Those who had worked in Thailand and spent their interaction between economic and socio-cultural own savings to get to Australia for overseas study factors. This paper highlights the importance of often preferred to spend that money more carefully. non-economic factors in a decision to immigrate, It was common across all eighteen participants who particularly the sense of independence of life that worked in Thai restaurants that they extended their students cultivated in their time studying in working hours over a period, sometimes eventually Australia. I argue that this relatively greater sense of working in two to three places. Like most other independence to be found within the host country ว. เกษตรศาสตร์ (สังคม) ปีที่ 34 ฉบับที่ 3 521 can be seen as a critical component in directing Thai Thailand (Klanarong, 2005). Family support skilled migrant flow to Australia. developed from the belief that their children will The value of being more independent have a better life and more income if working This paper argues that economic disparities overseas. In this study, only four participants had an alone are not enough to explain international obligation to financially support their family back movements. The immigration motivations of these home, but for other participants the non-economic participants were not based solely on current issues were of primary importance. Participants and economic opportunities. I found that economic and their family also perceived that they would be able socio-cultural factors both affected the attractiveness to maintain their social status in Thailand. They of migration decision making to stay in Australia, would not lose their social acceptance in the Thai but greater impact was found in socio-cultural hierarchy after migration. factors relating to the life style, especially in relation Legal considerations of migrating to to a sense of an ‘independent life’. Australia From interviews, it was common to hear Legal and social considerations about participants comment on changes in their personal citizenship and nationality also positively affected attitudes to life. The willingness to prioritize the participants’ perspectives on migration to Australia. individual over the group marked a fundamental Participants and their families were most likely to shift. This was arguably because of the implications understand that according to Australia’s of discovering a new sense of self in their personal multiculturalism policy, Australia allows and professional relationships, and the potential immigrants to apply for Australian citizenship after impact of this sense of self on everyday life. they have been a lawful permanent resident of Autonomy was one of the many achievements Australia for a certain period of time. Also, after discussed by participants, particularly among those achieving Australian citizenship immigrants are also who had been under parental control at home. It is allowed to hold dual citizenship. From the Thai side, worth considering that awareness of re-entry Thailand’s Nationality Act B.E. 2508 as amended problems seemed to be greater among those who by Acts B.E. 2535 No. 2 and 3 (1992) has opened a came from highly conformist family backgrounds possibility for a Thai immigrants to not lose their but later developed individualist tendencies while in Thai nationality after migration to another country. Australia. It is implied that after migration to Australia, Thai It is important to note that the value for immigrants still retain their Thai nationality unless participants of an independent life and self control they declare their intention to renounce Thai did not cancel out their respect for their family. nationality to the competent authority or their Thai Participants emphasized family ties but felt a sense nationality is revoked by the Government of the of ‘powerlessness’ if they were to work or live their Kingdom of Thailand (Nationality Act B.E. 2508 as life under their family’s control. A tangible impact amended by Acts B.E. 2535 No.2 and 3, 1992, of this ongoing tension between family and self is Chapter 2). In this sense, then, Thai people can both found in the fact that almost all my participants ‘have their cake and eat it too’. This was a positive asked for and received permission from the family influence in immigration decision-making for them before making the decision to migrate permanently and also made it easier for families to give to an independent life in Australia. They received permission to their children to become citizens of support from their family and friends in Thailand for Australia, not only just a permanent resident. their immigration plan, partly because of the positive image of international migration in 522 ว. เกษตรศาสตร์ (สังคม) ปีที่ 34 ฉบับที่ 3

The migration decision making process Making a choice and negotiating with the The individual and the family family There is a polarized debate regarding the It is evident that before the completion of social units that drive immigration decisions. One their study courses in Australia, participants side argues that only individuals make immigration considered alternative choices for life after decisions. The other side argues that the family is graduation, and analyzed what they might encounter the reasonable decision making unit, since members under each choice. Expectations, or how the of a family usually move together. This study participants visualized new experiences before they revealed that participants made the initial decision to happened, could be both positive and negative— apply for Australian permanent residency by how participants imagined things might be close to themselves. They did this after they managed to reality, but sometimes might be far from it. It was make some successful adjustments to culture shock obvious that my participants did not want to return and found their feet in a new environment, typically to Thailand after graduation as an independent life by integration into the Thai community networks in was now a priority. Australia. However, it was rare that participants In order to achieve their immigration plan, made the final immigration decision alone. It was participants negotiated carefully with the family, almost always a matter which involved other family discussing the benefits of immigration to Australia members. This was not because their family by relating to Thais’ perspectives on international members had a desire to move internationally with migration as an action that channels affluence, status, their children or participants wanted to move their and a high standard of living to immigrants and their parents to stay with them in Australia. Participants family back home. Also, still avoiding the question sought family advice and family permission due to of independence, the mature participants often the persistent strength of family ties in the claimed that “they were getting old”. In Thailand, international context and the normative aspects of the job market did not provide them much Thai respect for authority. opportunity compared to younger Thais. In Australia, Accordingly, it can be argued that the they were working. Even though it was a part time immigration decision-making of Thai overseas and low skilled occupation, it was sufficient to students was a personal strategy within a familial support them financially while studying. Their net socio-cultural context. That context was partly income might be higher than the salary they would conditioned by the positive image of international have received if they returned to Thailand. In a migration held by immigrants’ family members and number of cases they had developed confidence that Thai society more broadly (Sciortino & Punpuing, they might be able to find a full time position after 2009). As migration to Australia is seen as a channel graduation and thus find a better life after to affluence, participants received permission from immigration. their parents to migrate to Australia after graduation. In most cases, their families eventually The family consideration was illustrated in the belief accepted their child’s immigration proposal and that students will have the better life in terms of allowed them to remain in Australia. However, in a income if working overseas. The family assumed few cases there was conflict at the beginning of that the students would earn a satisfactory living in these negotiations derived from the pull between Australia. Moreover, due to the legal environment, their wills and their families’ wills. Most families participants could retain their Thai citizenship after were told that their child had never intended to migrating to Australia. spend the rest of their life in Australia. Originally, their child had planned to work and earn money in ว. เกษตรศาสตร์ (สังคม) ปีที่ 34 ฉบับที่ 3 523

Australia and could then become an entrepreneur in English-speaking western countries. upon return if they were able to accumulate savings In investigating student life in Australia, the overseas. Such reasoning contributed significantly culture shock experienced while moving from Thai towards the family giving a student permission to to Australian culture was considered from two migrate to Australia after graduation. aspects—the academic experience and the personal dimensions of this transition. After participants had CONCLUSION made the initial personal, social, and economic adjustments to life in Australia typically by Although immigrants around the globe may integration into the Thai community networks in have some common experiences, immigration itself Australia, their lives settled into a steady rhythm and is a complex and diverse phenomenon. Immigrants some stability was established. Participants who can be differentiated by ethnicity, the reason to were able to swim over the river of unfamiliarity immigrate, the stage of the lifecycle at which they learned how culture shock was important for move, and the impact of globalization that affects self-development and personal growth. Early population movement. It assumes that immigrants feelings of disorientation were replaced by act and are acted upon with reference to their new-found strength; fear of being alone was socio-cultural locations. In utilizing this research replaced by a new capacity to withstand stress and finding, a consideration of Thai skilled migration to enjoy a feeling of independence. Independence, Australia may offer a better understanding of the stress and strength were positively linked; studying process of transnational migration, particularly overseas was now viewed as a testing yet where it is focused around higher education. life-changing event. It was common to hear By examining the period of time between participants say they became stronger because of my participants’ arrival in Australia and the point at their improved capacity to manage stress. It was an which they are willing to consider seeking experience of greater self-understanding, permanent residency, several significant features of intercultural understanding and change. As their Thai experiences in Australia have shed light on confidence and comfort developed they now had a how these young Thai people come to the decision solid platform from which to consider the possibility to seek permanent residency outside their homeland. of immigration after graduation. This paper addresses three major arguments in the In the immigration decision process, we process of recent Thai skilled migration to Australia. have seen that there was a mixture of individual and First, I argue that a demand for overseas social forces, and personal and familial decision education by these participants did not making that explain the motivations of participants fundamentally stem from a desire for international to come to Australia, and then to want to remain in migration nor was it derived from limited access to Australia. The international migration for higher education in Thailand. Rather, the demand participants was seen as a social product, not as the for overseas education has traditionally been driven sole result of individual decisions made by by the Thai value of being more western and individual actors, not as the sole result of economic knowing more English as well as the expectation of parameters, but rather as an outcome of both its ability to temporarily liberate the students from economic and socio-cultural factors in interaction. social stresses and to raise their economic and social This paper highlights the greater experience of status in the Thai social hierarchy. This is a result of independence in the host country as a factor in the the growing prestige of international tertiary study, decision to migrate. The sense of independence of fluency in the English language, and life experience life cultivated in the time studying in Australia was 524 ว. เกษตรศาสตร์ (สังคม) ปีที่ 34 ฉบับที่ 3 a critical component in directing Thai skilled explain to their Thai friends and family at home that migrant flow to Australia. they stay in Australia because they are making a The participants of the research project have reasonable income. The fact is, of course, money is challenged the Australian assumption (or perhaps not the primary factor to be considered in the social stereotype) of the traditional Thai immigrant as decision making matrix that Thai skilled immigrants unskilled, poorly educated, someone who finds work through. English language acquisition difficult, and who is uncomfortable outside the local Thai community. REFERENCES The Thai people in this research are skilled immigrants, they added further degrees to their Australian Education International. 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Retrieved from http://www of their friends and family who continue to be fully .ecoi.net/file_upload/1504_1218184364_ involved in Thai society and culture at home, but it nationality-act-no-3-b-e-2535.pdf is a powerful decision-making factor in the Australian context. Nevertheless, sensing the incomprehension, these Thai skilled immigrants