Loses Hope Salvagers Find Oil Slick

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Loses Hope Salvagers Find Oil Slick A vinga Dally Net Praaa Run WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10^ IM I Tho Waatiiar For Om WMk Ended ronoM t of V. & Waathae I lEit^ning l$eral!i April d, U6S Fair, 6aal tohdght. Law nard Faliflald. 80 Btoeb fit; a aoi 13,985 Tomorrow moatty au—y wt to Mr. and Xra. Mdiard PoreD, v o< the Audit tie ehanga to About ■ T♦ ow i Masonic Club Will Sponsor Hospital Notes Wapplng; a aon to M r. and Mm. I at Qrruhittou around 86. / Delwln Flood, RodcvUla; a non to MUmCiPAL BUILDING Manche§ter— A City 0/ Village Charm The stein Club will meet to- Vlslttaig luNm we S to 8 pjio. Mr. and M n . Warner FhioMger, I , \ R nlcht at 8 at the VFW Home. Frolic at Temple April 25 tor all anas, except mataniiW> RodcvUle; a aon to Mr. and Mto. Hieodore Wagner. 23 Strailt S t; r A color film on a convention of when ttiey are 8 to 8 P>i»<i •!» TOL. LXXXn, NO. 168 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1963 (dasaified Advertising ea Fags 88) PRICE SEVEN CMMTB Hie Fellowcraft Club of Man­ 6:80 to 8 pju., and private roona, a aon to Mr. and Mra Walter Leon­ CLOSED Jehovah'a Witnesses in IMS will where they are 10 ajn. to 8 p.m. ard, 78 Cottage St ____ be shown tomonx>w at 7:S0 p.m. chester Lodge of Masons will spon­ Visitors are requested not to DISCHAHOlX) YESTEKDAT: at Tinker Hall. The pronam is sor a "Spring Frolic" mursday, smoke in pattenfe room. No more Mrs. Karin Weat 27F Bluefleld sponsored by the Manchener con- Dr.; Kenneth Vlara, 00 S t John Friday, April 12, 1963 greSation cc Jehovah's Witnesses, April 35, at 8 p.m. at the Masonic than two visitors at one time per State N e w s SOME Temple, m e program will feature patient. S t; Mrs. Bessie Lappen, 036 Egypt, Syria, Iraq and is open to the publia Gardner S t; James Wilson, East • , GOOD FRIDAY entertainers on a "Western Jam­ ADMITTED YKSTBSIDAY: Hartford; Oleima Childress, 86A The Oolden Age Club will meet boree" program, televised Sunday Larry Dobson, 36 Madison St.; Garden Dr.; Mrs. Madeline McAw- RICHARD MARTIN, Goneral Maiwgor R o u n d u p tomorrow at 3 p.m. at the Senior mornings on WHYN, Chicopee, Anthony Ferrigno Sr., South ley, 14 Edgerton S t; Frank Dim- Loses Hope UNUSUAL CiUsen’s elubroom on School St. Windsor; Mrs. Rebecca Rubin, 410 mock, Stafford. To Form Republic Mass! Miss Sheila Gemon will be Tditphow Numbfin: a solist with the Nomads, a western E. Center St.; Yevette Lajole, 17 DISCHAROED TODAY: Mrs. David Orady, son of Mr. and Footer Dr.; Carl Bjorkman, 37 Louise Chsce, Academy St.; Mra. Highway—M9-5070 Padula Enchanted H es. John Orady, 98 Woodland St., style swing band. Hollister St.; Mrs. Elizabeth Os- Antoinette Dent, 298 E., Middle CAIRO (AP)-—The m lenyBabry'a announcement indicated APPLIANCE baa been named to the dean's list Besides Miss Gemon ,and the No­ borne, Wapplng; Mrs. Marcella Tirpe.; Kim and Sherry LaChap- Gorbi^ 649-7937 that the new U.A.R, will have By Dempsey Stand at the University of Connecticut, mads, the program will include Passet, Rockville; John Yavls, 18 pelle, WllllmanUc; Alfred W l^el, Sanltwy Sawor of Egypt, Syria and Iraq have strong central government, con­ where he Is majoring in mathe­ Mias Diane Lee, soloist; the Rand Leland Dr.; Irene Petkaitls, 106 38 Clinton St.; Jeffrey and Wendy agreed to unite their 88 mil- trolling foreign affaire, defenM, ond matics. Family, a group of western style Campfleld Rd.; Jeffrey Kleman, Merrill, Chaplin; Mi^ Beaaie Bay­ and Wotm%-649-9697 Hon people in a new United economic planning, currency, for­ HARTFORD (AP)—A Re­ and religious singers; Bud Alden, 51 Goodwin St.; Geprgella <3ush- er, 219 Parker S t; Mrs. Dorothea Salvagers Find Oil Slick Arab Republic with Cairo as eign trade, customs and taxes. publican legislative leader to­ The Manchester Jtinlor Square master of ceremonies, square and man, Ellington; Mrs. Marjorie Geiger, 616 Gardner St. But a source who was present at Dance Club has canceled its work­ round dancing with Jack O'Lieary Howard, 86 Green Manor Rd.; Ste­ the capital, but they are keep­ the negotiatlona said purely local day said he was “enchanted” TV BUYS! shop for tonight because of Holy calling the square dances, and re­ phen J. DeUlio, Rockville; (Charles ing most of the details secret. affairs wUl be kept in local hands by what he called Gov. John W e». It will be held next week at freshments. Norton, 64B (3ieetnut St.; Jeffrey iliiiiiiiiiiiilHiiiiiiliiiiiiinjiiiiiiiiji After four days of unity negotla- rather than under tight Oaltp con­ N. Dempsey’s “double talk” the usual time. Miss Gemon is a native of Palm­ Kablik, Bolton; Mark Wenther, tloni, Egyptian Premier Aly Sab- trol as was the case in the pre­ er, Mass., and has been with the Bolton; Manuel Margarldo, 29 Oli­ ry announced Wednesday night on the controversial optional vious abortive Syrian-Bgyptlan un­ party lever bill’ now pigeon­ Court Set The Ladies Auxiliary of Man­ Nomads about two years. She has Shlela Gemon ver Rd.; Joseph Wroblewakl, 24 that the new U.A.R. wlU have a ion. chester Barrack, Veterans of also appeared on radio and tele­ North St.; Craig Hahn, Rotlcrille; ■Ingle flag, a central nUUtary Sabry said the new state wiU holed, in a Democratic Senate 2 Cycle World War I, will sponsor a social vision shows throughout the United Mrs. Millicent Kaakl,. 12 Butler eommand and one nationality for have central control of informa­ committee. Friday at 7 p.m. at the Rocky Hill States and Canada. She was fea­ Foley St., chairman; James W. Rd.; Mrs. Barbara Huhald, Glas­ all. tion and propageuida agencies and Rep. Louis J. Padula Of Norwalk Veteran's Hospital. Mrs. Helen tured with the Randy King Show McKay, 500 Porter St.; John tonbury; Mrs. Lulu Johnson, Tol­ HOUSE &. HALE Sabry did not eay who will head of education to insure "unified the GOP majority leader in the To Probe Srickson, hospital chairman, on WHYN-TV a few years ago, VonDeck Jr., Sherwood Dr., Ver­ land; Jerard Charting, Vernon; MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER . PHONE 648-4128 the unified state, but there seemed thought for the nationalist union­ House, which hss already passed Automatic would like volunteers to assist her. and has made several recordings. non, or John Strickland, Vernon. Mrs. Florence Sinatro, 32 Sandra UtUe doubt that Egypt’s President ist trend.” the bill, made the statement in Members may call Mrs. James She Is a regular soloist on “West­ Tickets are also available at Dr.; Mrs. Annie Schroll, 60 Deer­ Gamal Abdel Nasser wUl hold the With much etill to be worked out oommentlng on an eXchemge of Sullivan, 88 BUro St., for trans­ ern Jamboree." Larsen’s Hardware, Park Hill- field Dr. reins. the unity negotiators are continu­ correspondence between tlw Gov­ Disaster portation. Tickets for the event may be Joyce Flower Shop and Vernon ADMITTED TODAY: Paula The three original states wUl be ing to meet bt Cairo. Of major In- ernor and the League of Women purchased from members of the p in t and Wplinc-— Hurlburt, 18 Bonner Rd. Three Days Till Easter known as the Egyptian region, Voters. WASHER Temple Chapter, Order of Bhut- F''Mo\vcraft CTlub or a committee may be Imd by writing to Wilhs BIRTHS YESTERDAY: - A liil dyrian region and Iraqi region. (Oonttinied on Page Ten) The Governor wrote to Mrs. Nel­ WASHINGTON (AP) — em Star, will have a business which Includes Willis Hoyt, 43' Hoyt, P. O. Box 202, daughter to Mr. and Mrs. May­ son J. Miller, league president, that The Navy gave up today on meeting tonight at 8 at the Ma­ and Houso and Hale is raady be favored the optional party lever the nuclear-powei^ subma­ sonic .Temple. Officers are re­ but that he did not Intend to "use rine Thresher and the 129 minded to wear colored gowns. for all your last minuta naads . any improper or imjustlfied force Mrs. Virginia Lewis will head a re­ or pressure on any member of the men who rode her down into freshment committee. Rusk Wins Approval General Assembly” to get it pass­ a mile and a half of water 220 ed. miles off Boston Wednesday. The Church Council of Bmanuel IHlii Dempsey said a "maximum-ef­ Adm. George W. Anderson, chief Lutheran Church will have a spe­ O N L Y A HTS LIKE A KOREa fort at persuasion wiU be made” of naval operations, made the an­ cial meeting In the board room to­ korell For NATO N-Force but he questioned whether “the nouncement more than 26 hours morrow after the 7:30 p.m. serv­ Governor can and should bring the after contact was lost during a ice at the church. full Wright of his office to bear" deep diving test of the recently NO M O N EY overhauled vessel. PARIS (AP)—The Western al-f>clear. force in which BYance wlU to help promote passage. Waahington Lodge, LOL, will I nmtrn ri* m mtm . “Never in my legislative experi­ "Very reluctantly I have come DOWN meet Friday at 8 p.m. at Orange Mea have cleared the way for ore- participate on a limited basis. The to the conclusion that the TTireeher smiDBv. aUon next month of a unified nu- ence,” Padula said, "have I seen Hall.

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    Rail Talks Broken Off; Say Union Is 'Stalling' CII1C co (AP) - Railroad management brol:e off nego­ tiations with 200,000 operating worker Frida 0\ r work rul that the employers (.'Onsidcr call for unnecessary job '. The unions. mad up oC engi· neer . conductor. trainmen, fire­ men and witchmen, mainlaln the u.s. Presses rules are needed for safe and effi­ cient transportation service. It w.s the MCOftd time Ii.. For 4 .. Power MIIy 17 thAt the c.rriers hII4I Itrek.n elf t.tlr. with IIIbtr. MiIn' Wall Meeting •••menl KCused the Ullien ...... ti.tlons of ...111... efforts te BON ,Germany IA'I - The Unit· r.lICh .....Iement of the eli .... ed Stales may press the Soviet A statement is ued by the rail· Union for a four· power meeting roads said it had become "pain· fully clear" that the five union to pul a stop to the Inc rea ing gun· had no intention oC accepting any play along Berlin's wall American part Q[ the recommendation of a Worm/s Eye View of Sum'mer ources reported Friday. pecial commis ion appointed by Secretary of State Dean Ru k former President Dwight D. Eisen­ Twe unkNtttlfl..t SUI .tuIIentt ...... te he". ,....... the 'UII, the 0- CII,,'t help Itut wender, thouth, where the books .re. OIl. well. de,. If they hlllle ,lenty of lotion t. t.ke CII,. of these .UftlHlrMCI hower to work out an agr ment. 11ft •• foet? -Photo by .... Klrtc lah apparently suggested the idea Fri· sky .nd the nt.tity 1_. RIII.r 1 w.y to cepe with June.
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