A WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1968 - -s.. 'i iianirlfifatpr lEorttitts 1|mUii V ■ Aforace Dafljr Net PreM R m For Mm W ei* BdM T h e W M th a r ApAlS,' ues Fore m at •< V. R W aathit .R M M The League of Women Voters Tierney and Fatty and lira Loo About Town will have a discusalcm meeting on Catholic Ladies OaAum and Carolyn. WEDNESDAY S-P-E-C-I-A-LI trade poUoy tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Miss Angela Lessard received a 13,990 Osar, eoolsr WnigM. v m m . the home of Mrs. Thomas Ottney, (SERVED EVERY WEDNESDAY) 40. Friday ammy and « See Hair Styles birthday cake and gift for her MHobee e< the Andtt Hit fc M IfcnctwtUr CoimcU of 60 Gardner St. m 15th birthday. e«-«s. Woman wll moot tomor- CHICKEN IN THE BASKET. Oeiww e< OlmilattMi Nine members of Gibbons As­ Mrs. John F. Clifford was pro­ Maneha»iBr-~-A Ciiy of Village Charm t'Al) a.m. at Second Oott- A committee on arrangements gram chairman. V4 BROILER and FRENCH FRIES. g^HSuHnaal Oburata. All keywomen for a 10th aimiversary celebration sembly, Catholic Ladles o f Colum­ o f m ahorahM are ramlnded to at- of the Manchester Lodge of Bilks bus, . and their daughters, appear­ Enjoy Your Favorite YOL. LXXXn, NO. 169 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1968 (CtoMtftod Advertising en Page M) will meet BYlday at 8 pjn. at the ed last might in a Mother-Daughr PRICE SEVEN OmTB Elk’s Home. The anniversary cele­ FRANK’S Legal Beverage Here . . . ter Hair Style Show at a meeting X . o f C. win apomor an bration is scheduled for June 19. at the k of C Home. Coiffures RUMMAGE BaB dinner dance Saturday were done by Mrs. Edna Clarke o f 623 MAIN STREET at tlw R. o f C. Home. Dinner will Mrs. Eugene Blxler, 135 Benton Trea Chic Beauty Salon. Makeup CAFE CORNER OP PEARL Van Allen Sees ba aerved at 8 p.m. There will be St., is a member of a patrons com­ was by Luella Haberon and Nan­ SALE Pearson Will Take State News danrtng from S to 1 a.m. llcketa mittee for a card party Saturday cy Thomas, beauty counselors. e CA’TBRING TO SMALL PARTIES e aa« oivailolble at the K. of C. Home. at 2 p.m. at Centinel Hill Hall. Mothers and daughters who COOPER HALL Cains in Belt Hartford. Proceeds will benefit modeled were Mrs. Stanley Sle- Roundup W m Mtilmai: State Chapter of the Cenacle Retreat House, Mid­ mlenski, president, and Pat; Mrs. Souf^ Mathodisf' Church Sen. Hart Readies Bill dletown, where closed retreats and Office on Monday Sie Valparalao (Irid.) Univeralty Edward Goss and twins, Jack and Made by Man GoUd will meet Monday at 8 p.m. days of recollection are conduct­ Jill; Mrs. Eugene Kelly and Mary THURSDAY. APRIL 18 ed, also catechetical instruction for at Bothlehon Lutheran Church, Eileen, Mrs. George Lukovlts and WASHINGTON (AP) — Party Heads Fail aiatol. Kenneth Korby, professor retarded children. Patsy, Mrs. Lionel Lessard and B:S0 AJMT. to 12 NCiON OTTAWA (AP) — L ib era lflb e oath of office Monday, he will Dr. James Van Alien now tee . e KAorinbegin tliAthe "60 /iBTfadays n#of decision' of reunion at Valparaiso and cur­ Angela and Patty, Mrs. Henry Ko­ Sponsored By Kehler Circle Lester B. Pearson will take rently at Yale University, will be The First District of the Amer­ peck! and Karen, Mrs. Bernard sees scientific benefits, out­ he promised during the campaign, To Reach Accord Of the WSCS. HOUSE k the oath as Cianada’s 14th a period he said would produce guest speaker. Ihose Interested in HALE ican Legion Auxiliary will meet Fogarty and Ellen Mary; Mrs. John weighing the negative ef­ attending may contact Mrs. An- prime minister Monday, head­ more constructive proposals than Friday at 7:30 p.m. at the Legion MAIN ST„ MANCHES'TER • PHONE 6484128 fects,, from the creation of an any government In history. HARTFORD (AP) Re­ Curbing Aid in Bias ing the country’s second suc­ Lorensen, 105 Branford S t Home, Berlin. publican and Democratic lead­ artificial radiation belt in cessive government without Him on the list will be the question of accepting U.S. nuclear ers, a futile five minutes St. Oarard’a MoOimts Circle will St. Francis Xavier M o t h e r .s space by last summer’s high- guarantee majority support warheads for Canada's Bomarc spent together in search of meet tomorrow at 8:15 at the Circle will meet tonight at 8:30 at NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR fashioned by Alps.. ♦ altitude nuclear blast. in the House of Commons. missiles and its air force units home (rf Mrs. George Blake, 46 the home of Mrs. Ernest Green, The State Univeralty of Iowa Gov. Gen. Georges P. Vanler serving with the North Atlantic compromise, remained apart Khrie Dr. Mrs. Artlnir Frlthsen will 49 Winter St. Mrs. Francis Leary ■cientlat aomewhat tempered to­ named Pearson to take over after Treaty Organization forces In today on key legislative bills. be co-hostess. and Mrs. Joseph Hailoran will be day, in a report to the American Prime Minister John G. Diefen- West Germany. The Democrat, Senate Major­ Cut Would co-hostesses. Oeophyalcal Union, hla prediction baker resigned, effective Monday. U.S. criticism of the Conserva­ Our Lady of Victory Mothers GLEN HAVEN ROYS’ CAMP SPORT SHIRTS of a few weeks ago that the ex­ ity Leader Louis I. Gladstone His Conservative pasty trailed tive government’s refusal to ac­ blamed the failure of yester­ Circle will meet tonight at 8:30 at The Manchester Philatelic So­ 5th CONSECUTIVE SEASON pected persistence ot part of the Pearson’s Liberals In the national cept the warheads was one factor Apply for the home o t Mrs. A. J. Lundberg, ciety will meet Tuesday at 7:30 artificial belt for about a decade elections April 8. In the government’s overthrow. day’s meeting on a lack of Re­ «S Ella S t p.m. at North Methodist Church, would ’’foul up” efforta to learn After his conference with Vanler Pearson said Canada should make publican confidence in House 300 Parker St. Members are re­ more about the natural radiation Pearson said he hopes to meet good on Its pledge to take the nu­ JUNE 24 THROUGH AUGUST 23 belta encircling the earth. dajority Leader Rep. Louis Advertisement- minded to bring three items for an 4 .0 0 with President Keimedy late this clear arms, .then negotiate with • Padula. All Grants auction. Plan State PTA Convention Van Allen is the discoverer of month or early in May. He said the United States to get rid of Added Comfort and Convenience. the two natural radiation belts, Podula had sought the meeting Plans for the 63rd annual convention of the Parent-Teacher Asso­ Brochures Available Free Of Charge A t: he plans to see British Prime them. with his Senate' counterpart, but Perhaps this is the summer William A. Andrulot is serving ciation of Oonnectlcut, scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday bearing his name, which ring the Minister Harold Macmillan before (A P ) — you’d really like to plan for that • short sleeve went to Gladstone with little trad­ WASHINGTON as acting superintendent of parks next week at Manchester High School, are made by Mrs. Maurice Nassiff Arms Company, 991 Main Street earth at differing altitudes. going to Washin^n. ing material. dreamed-of patio or terrace for In today’s report, Van Allen Sen. Philip A. Hart, D-Mieh., until the superintendent, Horace Willey of Manchester, standing, assistant chairman; Mrs. Harold Krause Greenhouse, 621 Hartford Road • convertible Pearson said be hopes to call Gladstone and Padula met long home and family. "Your Samuels of Deep River, pres'ident of the state PTA; and Mrs. said the presence of large num' the new Parliament Into session said today he ia preparing a can materialize," say the F. Murphey, returns from vaca­ club collar Sugar Lobbyist enough to take a stroll along the tion May 7. Philip Piper of Woodstock Valley, state convention chairman. Green Pharmacy, 501 Middle Turnpike East bers of artificial particles with en‘ May 16. capttoTs third floor corridor. bill which would prohibit use helpful folks at Connecticut Bank ergles above one million electron The convention will attract an estimated 600 persons. Patio Drive-In, 240 Middle Turnpike West e small, As Pearson got the official nod, Before the walk-together, GOP of federal funds in programs and TVust Company, where instant volts bars a search for naturally the Social Credit party announced carti is available for worthwhile FVancis P. Dellafera of 566 Ver­ medium, Made Big Gift leaders. Including Padula cau­ which involve racial discrimi­ non St. today received a certificate For Further Information Call Camp Secretary:— occurring electrons of those ener­ that six ot Its members who had cused. purpoaes, and home Improvements Mrs. Adele Flower Dalton, mis­ Dakota Council, Degree of Poca­ and large gies as long as the bomb-gener­ pledged formally to back the Lib­ nation. ate ahsaya worthwhile for completing a course at the Hartford 528-0922 Later Padula reported that He told a news conference that University of Connecticut on sionary to Latin America and hontas, will meet tonight at 7:30 at ated electrons remain. eral leader had withdrawn their To Two Parties opinion was divided on the sub- Spain, will speak and .show color Odd Fellows Hall. 'There will be a “ This la an interesting point, pledges. the bill would apply the nondia- ‘‘Principles of Business Manage­ J ^ of legislation to make it il­ crimination formula to all federal ment in the Administration of Con­ slides tonight at 7 :30 at Calvary social time with refreshments after but not one of major Importimce. Thus Pearson will be three legal for minors to have alcoholic Church. This Is the first service the meeting. I consider the positive scientific votes short of a majority in the WASHINGTON (AP)—The Sen­ aid-to-states programs. valescent Hospitals.” He is ad­ ate Foreign Relations Committee beverages with them in cars. EXPERT BACK-HOE in a missionary convention which aspects to outweigh the negS' new 266-member Parliament. His He made the announcement in ministrator of Crestfield Convales­ releetsed testimony today that a Gov. John N. Dempsey has commenting on a recommenda­ cent Hospital, president of Con­ is scheduled to become an annual St. Mary’s Episcopal Guild will tive,” he said. Liberals have 180 seats, the Con­ asked for such a bill. EXCAVATION event. Mrs. Dalton will be dressed meet tomorrow at 11 a.m. in Guild THE FELLOWSHIP CLUB OF Washington lobbyist for Philippine tion Tuesday by the Commission necticut Chronic and Convalescent On the poeitlve elde, he said servatives 94, Social Credit 24 and sugar interests purchased $8,600 It was understood that if Re­ LANDSCAPING in a costume from Malaga Prov­ Hall at the church. Members are MANCHESTER LODGE NO. 78, A J ’. ft AJ«. the New Democratic party 17. on Civil Rights that President Hospital Association, and a town that because the artificially in­ in cashier checks In 1660 for po­ publicans had agreed to a liquor Kennedy look into his legal au­ MASONRY director. ince, Spain. The service is open reminded to bring sandwiches. Preaents jected particles have greater en' However, Social Credit Leader possession bill, Padula would have to the public. Dessert will be served by Mrs. Robert N. Thompson said his litical contributions to candidates thority to withhold federal funds ergy that the naturally occurring for both parties. been able to bargain for improve­ SEPTIC TANK AND Henry Stansfield, Mrs. Florence party wlU support Pearson as it from Mississippi until that stats Girls FYiendly Society Sponsors e black radiation particles In the region, ’The disclosure was made at a ments in the Kerr-Milla program ends alleged discriminatory prac­ SEWER WORK DONE of SL Mary’s EJpiscopal Church The marriage of Miss Patricia Donnelly and Mrs. Arthim Bumap. it has been possible to chart the did Diefenbsdcer—with no specific for medical care for the elderly. A. Ogazaly of Simpson, Pa., to SPRING FROLIC 1963 demands or conditions attached— public hearing at which Chair­ tices. The report centered on what will meet FYiday at 8 pjn. In the e white behavior of the more potent man J. William Flilbright, D- But the Republicans failed to AT FAIR PRICES John E. Farrell of 446 Center St., Timothy Jones Keith, son of Mr. "as long as It brings In sound it called “ open and flagrant vio­ old iMuish hall at the church. Final newcomers. Ark., also produced a series of reach any concrete agreement in scheduled for Saturday morning at and Mrs. BJverett T. Keith, 48 legiislatlon.” caucus and left Padula empty- lation of constitutional guaran­ BY plans will be completed for a mili­ St. James’ Church, has been post­ MASONIC TEMPLE ~ MANCHESTER • red documents detailing years ot lob- tees” of Negroes seeking to regis­ tary whist April 29. Hostesses will Maiden Lane, was recently initiat­ (Oonttmied on Page Ten) Pearson said that after taking handed for hls meeting with Glad­ poned because of the death last ed into Pi Kappa Phi, national ying activity by John A. O’Don­ stone. ter to vote. be Miss Inia Shllllngton and Mrs. night of Richard J. Farrell of 15 collegiate fraternity, at Lee Uni­ THURSDAY. APRIL 25. 8:00 P.M. e olive nell In ‘ behalf of the $78-million Ar sb Io fiiola & Son Eldward Feltham. Mr. Padula must really feel The White House said today Pearl St. father of the bridegroom- versity, Lexington, Va., where he Philippine war damage claims Kennedy has received the report. e coffee great about the lack of confidence CoR 649-0936 elect. is a member of the class of 1966. bill Which Ck>ngress finally enact­ his party displayed In him," Glad­ But Andrew Hatcher, assistant Daniel T. Benavige, son of Mrs. ed last year. Sarah Banavige, 38 Hudson St., re­ stone commented. press secretary, said “ I do not turned to Dayton, Ohio, Monday Conservative Group One document purported to show He said Republicans need not think he has had a chance to read after spending a week with his that campaign contributions to ask for further talks unless they It.” family. friendly candidates for Cong;re8s ore prepared to give authority to Kennedy is Just back from hls Read Herald Advs. were made with cashiers checks negotiate in advance. Easter holiday In Florida. purchased from the Union ’Trust Padula said he expected a Re­ Hart said the commission should Assumes New Look Co. of Washington Oct. 12, 1660 publican House caucus would be be commended for its posltlcm. frank-ly delicious from an $18,000 fund supplied by held next week to pin down rank But he said the recommendation O’DonnelTs Philippine clients. and file feeling on various legisla­ will make It more difficult to pass By CORNELIUS F. HURLEY '^sell the magazine, society pam- O'Donnell was questioned by the tive issues. leg;i8lation extending the life of BELMONT, Mass. (AP)—There phlets and books. Most are the committee in a secret session Gov. John N. Dempsey told his the commission, now due to ex­ ★ SPRING SPECIAL! ★ is a new look about the opera­ exposes of communism, but there March 1. A lawyer, he is a reg­ press in feren ce today that he pire next fall. tions of the John Birch Society. Is more than liberal sprinkling of istered agent for the Philippine Yvlll ask hls party’s legislative Albty. Louis P. Gray, a rertired Navy captain and former submarine skipper, tells newsmen Hart said he has written the m is THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Nowhere Is it more apparent economics writings Sugar Association. leaders for a rqiort on ths sHua- that he will represeiYt Lt. Omdr. Stanley Hecker (rear), skipper of the submarine tender various executive agencies asking than at the home otflce in a red Welch said there are about 125 Among l)is purported campaign Uon today< Skylark, before the Naval Board of Inquiry InvesUgoUi^ the sinking of the nuclear sub­ their view as to whether they now Mtn's, Women's brick building near Belmont (-en­ stores handling society and other oontrlbmons was one of $2,000 to Ha said Uiero was a strong pos­ marine Ttoresher. Ondr. Hecker has been rebuked by the investigating b o ^ for fallii^ to have such authority or whether it and ChHdran's ter, where Robert Welch, Its publications. Some of them iare Rep. Cilement J. Zablocki, D-Wis., sibility that hs would ssk the report Thresher’s last message to higherauthoriities for “on unfo^naUe-length of time." would be neceseory for Oangreee founder, directs ths affairs of operated by John Birch members, who Introduced the war claims leadsn of both parties to meet (AP Photofax.) to pass legislation specificaQy glv-, - - i : the mllltantly conservstivo organis­ as “ American Opinion Library” damage bill in the House. with him within tjlM next $sn days ing them authority. ation. shops. AnoUier was one of $1,000 to to try and rosolvs soma of the is­ There was no tndicatlCH tha HALF There t8'’a sharp contrast with The others either are Independ­ Edward MoConnaok, nephew of sues. President planned any action to­ the status of the society Just two ent, or 01% general bookstores House Spemcer John W. MeCtor- Noting that the time was get­ Seven Charged ward carrying out such a proposal p u re m eat years ago when a sudden surge which carry books on the society mack, D-Mass. which would be hailed by minority At the time, the younger Me ting short, the governor said he Man Who Missed Trip of criticism reached even the floor list. thougiht the leadesship could sit voters In the large industrial ’The 'society magazine, Ameri' Clkirmack was a candidate for of Congress, where there were de­ down with him as they did In oth­ With Plotting states but would be certain to stir SOLES mands that It be investigated. can ^Opinion, comes out monthly Massachusetts attorney general FRANKS THE "SINGING RANDS" er yean with other governors to resentment among white voters In LEATHER or for the sportsman . . . ’The society still occupies half review the whole situation. Cites N-Sub Problems the South. Reg. $2.00 to $2.75 Just the thought whets the of the ground floor of the build­ (Oonthmed on Page Tea) (Contlnaed on Page Ten) XEOUTE ENTERTAINMENT 8 to 10 PJtf. Rep. J. Tyler Patterson of Old In Argentina Nevertheless Southern eenatore appetite! New England ing, along with the basement. erupted with bitter condenmation GROTE SQUARE and ROUND DANCINO 10 to 12 But it has expanded its quar^^ Lyme, the Republican speaker of baked beans with Grote the House, later said that the PORTSMOUTH, N. H. (AP) —A^^was not reducing the air pressure By ROMAN JIMENEZ of the suggestion while civil rlgMe ^‘SHOE REPAIRING—SECOND TO NONE” REFRESHMENTS AFTER 10:00 the A C T IO N B A C K ters, taking over the basement young officer who missed the sub and it would open the valve and & Weigel franks . . ..pure RepublicEuui were ready to meet advocates of both partiee praised an adjoining building. ' ' marine Thresher’s final voyage BUENOS AIRES (AP)—The In­ it. WEIGEL meat and natural spices. ENTERTAINMENT: Hie Nomade with IMane Lee. with the governor at any time. allow high-pressure air to pass.’’ terior Ministry announced today Rand Family. Square Dance Set Caller, Bud Aldeo, M.O. There were 67 employes In 1961; Cuba Buildup Charge testified today there were many "At least 20 per cent of all the This revival of controversy there are 109 on the payroll now. As for Gladstone’s comments on mechanical problems on the ship seven close advisers of deposed ALL APPEAR WEEKLY ON WHYN-TV valves In the hydraulic system President Arturo Frondizi have seemed likely to make It more Famous for finest qualify meat products since 1890 Welch Is a North CaroMfia Padula, Patterson said they were but' all had been corrected before operated backwards so that when difficult for administration leaders HOUSE &, H ALE ’so much hogwash, and this kind been arrested on charges of plot­ GOLF JACKET boy who after college ih hls nbme she sailed on her fatal test dive. DONATION $1.75 the ’closed’ switch was thrown, ting a Communist revolution In to get congressional approval ot HIOE REPAIRING SERVICE state went to the./U.S. Naval Renewed by Keating of talk doesn’t do anything to les­ Lt. Rayniond McCoole, 38, elec­ the valves opened, and vice Kennedy's recommendation for a Tickets may be purchased at Park Hlll-Joyce Florists, 001 Main Academy for two years, and to sen tension.” trical officer for the Thresher, Argentina. USE OUR OAK STHEBT EiNTRANOE—648-4123 versa,” he said. four-year extension of life for the Street, Manchester—and Vernon Paint and Wallpaper, Vernon Harvaurd Law School, for another ’’The House does have oonfi- testified at a Navy court of In­ It said eight other men are He also said there were “ num­ being sought. commission and a broadening of Circle— or call 643-7071 or 875-6793. two. Then he went Into the candy ‘B y STERUNG F. GREEN ^there,” said the senator. ” No denoe in Mr. Padula," Patterson quiry. He would have been erous leaks” in the system. its authority. Unless (fongress 8 .9 9 business and made his fortune in WASHINGTON (AP)—In a di­ functional units have been with' aboard on the fateful trip except However, McOx)le emphasized Elrondizi is a semipolitical pris­ acts before then, the commission a nationally known firm jghlch rect challenge of President Ken­ drawn.” for an eye ailment of his wife. that all the mechanical faults dis­ oner in the southern Argentine would go out of existence in No­ e heavy duty zipper e comfortable raglan sleeve bore his name. Hs retired In 1967 nedy’s reassurances ’ on Soviet Kennedy, who will address the McCoole said that on the night covered had been corrected and mountain resort of Bariloche. He vember. House Gets Jail Bill of April 8, the day before the was overthrown March 28, 1962 to devote full time to organiza­ troop withdraw^, San. Kenneth editors’ annual meeting Friday, HARTFORD (AP) — The Repub­ the Thresher had “ a happy, high­ There already is general racog- e button slack pocket e elasticized waist tion of the John Birch Society. B. Keating charged today ther6 told hls April 8 news conference Threi^er sailed, crewmen and ly competent crew.” by” military leaders who blamed nigitlon that the commission mat­ lican-controlled House may again him for election victories posted Welch, who decries talk of a has been “ no substantial reduc­ that some 4,(XX) Soviet troops had reject a bill to aillow carefully se­ shipyard workers were correcting McCoole said that among other ter is the only civil rights issue e adjustable cuffs new look, says the society isn’t a tion” of Soviet military forces In left in the preceding month, m what he described as errors In difficulties, the raising and lower­ by followers of ex-president Juan likely to be pushed to a vota this lected jail Inmates certain outside D. Peron. secret one, but holds secret only Cuba since mid-November. addition to the 5,(XX) pulled out in privUeges. sail and rudder planes. ing mechEinism of the periscope year. Otherwise, Kennedy’s pro­ DRIVE SAFE the number of members and their Keating, a New York Republi­ November. The bill is a project of Sen. Testifying haltingly, McCk>ole was reversed. Army patrols appeared sudden­ gram in this field probably wUI Identltiee. can, said In a speech prepared At the height of last fall’s crisis Gloria Schaffer, D-Woodbridge, said a fast-cruise test of the He also outlined the replace­ ly on the streets of Buenos Aires await election year consideratkm. No secret, however. Is bis pride for the American A>clety of News­ over Soviet missile bases in Cuba, chairman of the Senate Penal In­ Thresher which began on March ment of engine bearings. overnight, bringing new te a rs ot Chairman James O. Slastland, T oughest ...... fci the circulation of the society’s paper Editors that he has Infor­ there were an estimated 21,000 to 28 was cut short by the skipper, Througout hls testimony, Mc- another military crisis. There D-Miss., of the Senate Judiciary stitutions Committee. monthly publication; American mation that new Soviet arrivals 22,0(X) Soviet troops on the island. The Democratic-controUed Sen­ Chndr. John W. Harvey, because Ckiole emphasized it was his per­ have been three major military Committee which passes on aU m Opinion, which he places at more have about matched the depar­ So the President’s report Indicated ate passed the measure yesterday of the discovery of deficiencies. sonal feeling that none of the uprisings in the last 14 months. civil rights proposiMs, called tbs than 27,0(X). tures. a remaining total a t. only ' 12,000 and sent It on to the House. He said Harvey called the ship’s problems that he was outlining No explanation was given for the SPECIAL Another development cemsists of “ There were and are In the or 13,000. could have affected Thresher’s military patrols. (Continued on Page Ten) Wearing Enamels officers to a meeting at sea and stores acroM the eountry which neighborhood of 17,000 men Keating—resuming with relish (Oontiaaed on Page Ten) told them he was halting the fast- safety. An Interior Ministry communl- hls role as a foremost Republican cruise test because of work items critic of Kennedy’s Cuban policies and deficiencies discovered. (Oontinned on Page Ten) (Gontinued on Page Ten) —drew afresh on the undisclosed intelligence sources with which he McCioole told the court of in­ has been challenging the admin­ quiry faults were found in the air Bulletins BALANCE and and hydraulic systems on Thresh­ U.S. Ban on Raids istration for months. News Tidbits Culled from AP Wirea “ Several thousand personnel er before she sank April 10 in have left Cuba, several thousand from the AP Wires 8,400 feet of water President Still Quiet more have arrived,” he said. “ The air systems were a con­ "Furthermore, they should not tinuing problem,” he said. TRAIN, TRUCK C RAra ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Dismaying Exiles M c(^ Ie explained: ’ ’The re­ CHARLOTTE, Mich. (AP) ~ be’ called troops when they are on Morita Wallaoh, 88, German- their way out and technicians bom craftsman who revived folk ducers In the air systems were re­ On Steel Price Rises Seventeen persons were Injured, placed numerous times. It would We do all this— Correct when they are on their way in. art- of printing fobrics with wood­ two oritlciilly, today adira a caster, camber, toe-in, EDITOR’S NOTE — The U.S.^trenched police state power. Many- ’’’niere is no reliable evidence en blocks, dies inJJme Rook, Conn. seem every time a work day Grand Trunk Western passenger ended the air reducers would By ROGER LANE ^ Will prices of steel-made con­ .train slammed Into a steel' adjust steering, criss­ . -V : %v - 4t'.- ■ ■ . T< ■ ban cn Cuban exile raids on Cas- are willing to concede President whatsoever of a decline In Soviet Harold D. B illing, 76, builder of kro’s Cuba has created deep dis- Kennedy had good reasons for military strength or capability have been replaced. The trouble AP Business. News Writer sumer goods rise ' appreciably? truck trailer at a erosoing. tk-y V tot- Museum of Science and Hayden How, if. at all ,will the results cross and safety check $ Q .9 5 hlusioiunent among the exile oom- Mddlng such attacks, for being since those f l ^ ' withdrawals in with the high-pressure air reducer NEW YORK (AP) - - The steel Planetarium in Boston dies at tires, balance front munlUes in Florida and posed a concerned about the threat of "November. was In the valve. The reducer affect' wage-price stability, a key FALLS TO DEATR Newtem,, Mass. . . . Othello, industry was in the mop-up stage administration goal with ramifi­ itentlal ambarrassmoit for the monumental Sovlet-American cri­ He charged also that some U.S. GROTON (AP)—A S$-yearHiU wheels. All makes Get all three and save f7 Wash., pastor says hip boots will today of its first successful drive cations for the entire economy? models. Cnlted States. Third of four q;w- sis vdilch might result from them. Navy ships have specific orders be allowed tat Oirisnan Church carpenter, father ol a six-week- •lat articles. The U.B. government says the not to searchlight the small ves­ for a significant price increase Frederick Kappel, board chair­ old daughter, fell 16 feet to Ua Here’s a smart fellow! He wants to have the Sunday, opening day of trout sea­ Astronomer Finds since 1958. man of the £;iant American Tele­ ihiPont MCO' attacks In reality provide Castro sels which he said constantly ply son. death morning from a lad­ best looking lawn on the block and he’s tak­ By WOUAM L. RYAN with additional excuses to crack Cuban and Ckirlbbean waters at All but a comparative handful phone and Telegraph Co., made der at General Dynamlea/Elee- Polaris Biibmarine Daniel Web­ Far-Away Planet of steel firms had posted mark­ clear Wednesday that he doesn't ing no chances. AP Speelal OorroHwndeat down against internal Cuban re- night. He mentioned "Navy per­ ster win be lanncdMd April 27, and trie Boat. Donald R. Mmia- a t MIAMI, Fla. (AP)—No bread Is Blstance. Some Cuban exiles will sonnel” as his source of this In­ ups, mostly averaging three per share the President’s concern in Baltic, died at Lawrenee Me­ Stoss or Satin Sheen sponsor will be famed orator and TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — An as­ cent or less, on a narrow range this area. He’s putting on the most wanted of all grass more Uttar than the bread eaten admit even that may be true. formation. slateahian's great • g re a t - grand­ morial Hospital at aUR' a.m., fertilizers— Scotts famous 'TURF BUILD­ In exile. But, iq> to a few weeks ago, Despite U.S. surveillance de tronomy professor reported today of big-tonnage products. The rear The-boosts “ may be a blessing about two hours after he feU. Ha WORLD-FAMOUS DUCO" 6L0SS ENAMR Is the sparMIng finish for daughter, Mrs. W. Osbom Good­ he has discovered a planet outside guard was falling in line rapidly. In'disgulse to the economy,” Kap­ ER (R). And on the same morning he’s put­ Because of that, grave concern at least, something was going on, signed to block the shipment from had been employed at Eleetrle walls, woodwork, and metal-indoors or out Amazingly durable, Itilow t rich Jr. of Farmli^;ton, Conn. . . . the solar system which is 1.6 times There was still no direct word pel told the AT&T annual meet­ Boat since last Nov. M. Eleotrto la being expressed today In Mi­ they say—sudden raids against Cuba of “ weapons, personnel and Ground broken in New Britain for ting down a bag of Scotts remarkable on smoothly.. . dries rapidly. . . and is completely washable. ami at the poaslblllW that current vastly superior forces; and gal­ other tools of subversion" to other as massive as Jupiter. on their actions from President ing. Boat safety department la eon- HAL'TS(R) to eliminate any crabgrass be­ multt-mUllon dolhur Stanley Tools Dr. Peter van de Kamp, direc­ Kennedy beyond qualified recogni­ The executive, who also is ducting an InvesUgatton Into tbs U.fi. policy toward Cuba may lantry of the David against the Latln-Amerlcan cotmtries, Keating Dlvlston plant . . . Ban on pad- LOVELY "DUCO" SATIN SHEEN ENAMEL is the answer wbao a kmc. badtflre. The result, say some OoUath—the gestures of defiance. told the editors: tor of the Sproul Observatory and tion a week ago tiiat some boosts chairman of the Business (;k)uncll, cause of the accident. MuraERS fore it even pokes up its head. (By buying dUag of atndeota stays In force in a sort of Who’s Who of industry, probably were Justifiable and a both he saved a quick $2). wearing low-luster washable finish k desired for walf^ woodwork ki careful atudents of the oituation, It was a way of letting off steam. “ None of these ships are ever professor of astronomy at Swarth- searched by U.S. patrols. District of Columbia schools under more College, said that In mass caution to steelmen against going said he thought Kennedy’s stand- TO CALL BAILEY UN kitchens, bathraomi and other beqr areas aramd the hoaN. Colors eould be a black eye ta t Uncle Then the United States Inter­ 6-4 vote. •am and painful embarrassment vened. The axU6s’ steam was bot­ ” How can we hope to get evi' this new planet all but closes the too far. aside role of recent days bol­ Fre# And because he wanted a new Scotts Spread­ match new ‘lueito” WaH Paint colore. Experimental plane with low- HARTFORD (AF)---Tlie before Laon America and the tled up. dence of support of subversion,’ gap between stars of low mass However, the President kept in stered business confidence. publican ■ controlled Insuranos er, we were able to save him another $5. So drag wing design makes maiden The ‘ debate will have a focal $ T A 7 world. ” I might as wall go back to he went on, “ if we don’t investl' and Jupiter, the solar system’s close touch throughout. He was Committee said today H plaM Installation flight of 76 miles today . . Re­ largest planetary mass. expected to be drawn out of his point next week when a congres­ here he is, getting his lawn work done in a DUCO Miami has at least 160,000 Cu­ Cuba,” a yiMmg student exile told gate these small scale but very to subpoena six officials M tha Dueo Gfou 2jgj ban refugees. Only a tiny percent­ me bitterly. ” If I can’t tight numerous operations? publicans accuse Kennedy admin, Van de Kamp made hls report views in an appearance Friday sional committee start-s an ’’im­ hurry, having himself a good time and sav­ isiration today of "government by John P. Kelly Co. of Hartford $• OeenuBtced for as long as fg evnllo**** age of uiese Is actively engaged them, If 1 must submit, it might “I have never been impressed at the meeting of the American before the American Society of partial” Inquiry into steel prices, testify at a hearing next weak. ing money. Enamo! qr. dealt.” profits, production and related jee ewn jrour car. a o C o lo ra fo harassing the Cuban (fommu- as well be In my own country.” by the view that we are '^ ln g to Astronomical Society at the Kitt Newspaper Editors. One of the offtclala la Conrad alst regime or attempting to fl|^ Wlvea of two Negro Integration Peak National Observatory and The character and handling of questions. And Up We’re here to help you do the same. And Informants who follow the situ­ any concessions by relaidng Kronholm it - , son-ln-lnw of Duco SaUu I t t in various wara. But practically ation closely suggest It Is possible pressure on the Soviets.’ ’ leaders Jailed in Birmingham, the University of Arizona. the pricing ^ move contrasted The price drive stuttered uncer­ State and National don’t put it off. Now’s the time. ' •very adult Cuban la exile ferv- that Castro, playing on frustra­ Keating was the first major Ala., arrive there today as other He said he never has seen the markedly with an abortive effort tainty for several days after It Chairman John, M. Shaaa Enamal ISJ •ally expreeeee the hope that Fl- tions of ttis sxtlsa, sriU make a speaker before the 460 editors Negroes solicit volunteers for new planet but knows It Is six a year ago for an across-the- was launched by Wheeling, then YOUR QUAL>" scon DEALERS Ael Castro will be overthrown. grandstand play -and invito back who, latar In the afternoon, were mass Jail vlslta . . . Ralph Berger, light years distant from earth, or board increase. lurched forward at the first of SPACE HOP IMBLAYiaO MAlfCnBTn ntAMCH Many Ctfoan refugees dbam to Cuba those vdio might want to to hear from the administration’s Chicago busineesman, Indicated in biting around Barnard’s Star, the It took eight days for the Initial the week and snowballed Tuesday S i u i 8 6 t o 46 New York today charged with con­ price rise, by Wheeling Steel and Wednesday. CAFE OANAYBRAlo Flo. • water repellent Ugne now of going through en go home. Any success in such an first team in foreign p o licy - second nearest star to earth. The (AP) — Tha plannad • d honr spiracy to bribe New York State new planet is palled Barnard's Corp., to spr^ d somewhat un­ That it would go all the way agony of dying nope, In the wake antorprlaa, however small, would Secretary of State D ew Rusk and orbital flight of astronant La- • Ijelgb / •f Il.B. crackdbwne on raids liquor Authority official. Star B. evenly through' the industry. The seemed assured when U.S. Steel • action back .. be potent propaganda fodder for Undersecretaries George W. Ball roy Gordon Cooper Jr> .hM hsa> HARTFORD GENERAL Against Cuba or ostenslbla supply Caa&o to use In Latin America. Two oil trucks collide on Wash- Van de Kamp said astronomers pitch^ bartie of April 1962 over Corp., with roughly onq:fourth of E. A. JOHNSON PAINT CO. and shoulders and W. Averell Harriman. delayed several days, paoHMy • BUSK • olive green mleelone to bolster imdcrground Not m ai^ would listen to such The senator’s topic was “Bipkr ingtdn Bridge, Provindence, R.I., know that many stars have com­ across-the-board increases ended the industry’s production capacity LARSEN week, from the iBhnialid Mip 1 with hidden antl-Caetro fighters ob the Island. a {Asa. Not' many srould go back. tlsenshlp: Ihs Lessons of Cuba,’ foday, causing explosion of one panion objects which revolve in a roll-back within 72 hours. announced increases Tuesday. TIRE CO. H ARDW ARE O C HARDWARE CO. 723 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER • charcoal The selective Increases this The last really big firm to Join IswKhlng date, H wae tam ad MANCHESTER expandable ■oOM WlIl admit the armed at- But all ths aamo, many aro sm^ but hls central theme was that and relaae of gallons of flaming around them as they move across MANCHESTER Saeke hr sal lee agalnet tha Oastro W M n A . Kennedy eannot eiqwet real - fat- gaaoUna . . . Embattled head the sky. If^a star does not have a year left some questions that di­ was Kaiser Steel Corp., a C ^ - rallahty today. Ihora WW’ m CENTiai flY R m —TEL. 649-1828 A « e Dettreiy—64S-4121 • natural meeh iuBerts o t tfree D eUveer-SiM tU Ibe attack an a lo- "Iliara ara too. pnrtlsan sup|>ort on Cuba from Cuban Revolutionary Council Is oomps^on, he said. Its track vided olose observers and might fornla oompany which balked fMal wwd mm tha Ni llarob JB—wara eqpeeted to reU tonight doou- ! ■ take a Irnig time to answer con- when Industry Isadora tried to A m a — ttm sm kitmttem (OMrttaaed (^ P o fa Throo) an Paga •) meat iRan'liig H-R Tvttliirtttilwd ioHli. (OonUnoed on Page Thirteen) cMslvely. raise prlosa fast year. t t I ^ •. \ ' -fc'' •'i. ^ ally waB throughout Iba aotlra oose^Ho. Thia was due la no aasall FineGmcot part to the Very competent di­ ARMAIIIKrS World News rection of guest condiictor, Haller, For U.S. Ban on R aids director of the University of Con­ ^ By Orchestra necticut orchestra. Mr. Heller la a Today firat-rate musician, demonstrat­ By A in » DSHEINWOtD < ffewlh dealer “ W f SOBEBU Ol VAXSR ing his ability by consistent con­ NoitihSouth vdnwrable IBOUL, South Koran (AP) — trol, fine shading, and proper bal­ A good nose wlU help you at NORTH Dismaying Exiles » . 1li«luaeliMt«r OMo OvoliMtn the bridge table. If your opponent Students who playod n major rol6 Joseph Erliclisnao a t Hickory Z. BT— itaa a ftM oonoort last aigbt ance between orchestra and solo­ « Q 4 9 makes a peculiar play and you In tho 1960 rovolt w ^b . ousted Dr., will play the role of Bandy ^ m tha Bailey Audltoiium of the ist H em Pago One) but kitanded to go hack home as The concerto was unquestion­ detect a atrong aroma' of herring, ARMAI termor Prooidont Synimnn Rheo Dean when the University of Oon- X Manchester High Sebool, under dl- ■top and think. Tbe nose may not Boats 6, DM8' soon as the homeland was tree. netlon of John Oruber. The en- ably the best work on the pro­ I msnto," said sh angatshed young "Why do ws stay hereT” a Cu­ domandod today that South Ko- & ...... nectiout’s Deportments of ’Theater tell yaii vdiat to think, but at least Next te Baloh Moteta ( 8) Huckleberry Hound r. tire liragram consisted of works gram. It was performed in the Cuban. "The United States was ban lawyer asked me, "It is close ron's military regime restore elvll (34) American Bconoroy and Music ]wesent "Brigadoon’’ most professional manner, and It will toll you when to think. A 10 9 8 4 A A 2 hy Junerioan eonqioeen. South dealer ^9763 ^8 BesenratIWH 2SS-14M with us and now it is against us. to home. The climate to Uke ours. rule. (II) ^bscriptton TV April 36 through May 4. greatly i^reciated by the au­ Ws can flriit Castro or even the Here are oUr friends, relatives. The student-led April Revolution (68) News Tile evening began with a short North-South vulnerable ^ A 8 4 6 10 9 6 3 t (40) Assixiunent Underwater The Lemer and Loews , one '■ eompositioa by the well-known dience, which displayed lU ap­ teenlng lead—Ten of Spades K 7 i A 10 6 4 S RuMians ta Cuba, but how can We know each other. Blsewhoro Federation said the military re- ( 3) News; Bporta; Weatlier proval with spontaneous and sin­ SOUTH wo fight them and the United we would be lost, without any me'e attempt to extend its rule ( 8) Henneiey of the most successful musicals ta Hartford pianist, John Duffy, ti­ West opened the ten of epades, Amerioan theater annals, will be tled "Brief ImiWovlaaUon.” It h a cere applause, even after the first and East won with the ace. East A K I 7 5 States and Britain, too?” sense of security. Here we have an act of treachery against (33) Club House and second movements. While this K J 10 4 2 Against such sentlmehto, argu­ our own stores, our own servloes, democracy and an Insult to the (40) Adventures In Time staged ta the Harriet S. Jorgensen eimpls, yet lovely, work in the ro- returned tbe deuce of epadee, and George Wata Preemte g (68) News Theater eaidi evening at 8 o’clock, mantlo style, and was well played practice la often frowned upon by South won with the U ^ . K Q S ments, no matter how logical, our own customs, our own lan­ revolution which overthrew Rhee. (10-3^80) Huntlsy-BrinklSy News , 8-40-63) McHale's Navy purists as Improper concert be­ ( I) Walter Cta>nkUe (10-33-80) Hazel (C) except on April 28 'when a 3:80 p. by the orchestra. The acore is de­ Now South led the five of dia­ I make little impression. Resent­ guage. If we are eeparated we PANA34A (AP)—Panama wlU (34) The Red Myth dicated "To my friend, John Gru- havior, it seemed most appropriate monds, and West’s nose began to North East ment finds 'its reflection, too, ta lose contact with one another, we urge tbe United States to aban­ ( 8) Wyatt Biarp ( S-ISI Nurses m. matinee is scheduled. last night. 1 V Pan 2 A Pus growing reeiBtanoe to the U.S. have a feeling our exile is perma­ don control of the Canal 2kme and ( 8-13-XI-30-40) Ne Sports (34) Lotte Lehman Master Class In Paclfle bw," and fortunatriy Mr. Duffy twitch. This unexpected play had c 7 b /c r dead Weather ( 8-4048) Prem iere The program closed with "Two 2 ^ Pan 3 ly Pan program to resettle exiles ta oth­ nent. turn the strip back to ths Pana­ (10) Rtix:ord Robert E. Rumens, damage eon- was present at the concert to ac­ a very fishy smell. 3 NT AU Pan (10-32-80) Andy Williams Symphonic Sketches" by George West thought about the spades. er areaa of the United States and "We are grateful because the manians, David Samudio, plan­ (63) Film 11:00 ( 3-8-10-13-23-S0-4O43) News; trolman first class, USN, son of cept the warm i^iplause of the Qisdwlck, from his "Symphonic ease the burden on Miami. Not United States was tiie only coun­ ning director, said today. (34) Driver Education Sports; Weather audience. The return o t the deuce of spades Hearts, A-Q-5; OiamondA J-71 and d U a v ij 7:16 (33) HIghllshU 11:16 (10) Tonight (C) Mr. and Mrs. R o b ^ E. Rumens Sketches” composed in the 1890’s. showed an original holding of eith­ one of the scores of exiles I have try which opened its arms and Samudio told reporters elimtaa- 7;W (10-30) Wide Country ( 3) Movlo of Juniper Dr., is serving aboard The next number, "Poem for While this is perhaps the best Caubs, Q-9-84(-f. talked to said he would agree, helped us. But we still want to g o tlon of ths U.S. zone is a key er two or four spadea But if East What do yon sayT ( 8-4048) Nelson Family (40) Steve Allen the attack carrier USS Oinstetla- Flute and Orchestra" by Charles known and most often performed now, to be resettled. back home and we want to fight it ta Panama’s seven-year, 33) Schools Match Wits 11:20 (12) Movie tion, ourrently on a Seven-month Grlffes, featured the very talent­ bad started with A-J-x-x of Answer: .Bid 8 NT. TTie com­ our own fight.” 1.8-billlon plan for economic oe- 13) Fair Exchange U:80 (33-80) Tonight (O) work of the program, it was antl- es, he would not have playod bined count, with your 11 potato, One ot the swarms of Cuban 8) Award Theater ( 8) Movie tour of duty with the Seventh ed flutist, Nancy Turetsky. She climactic following the MacDow­ axils organisations ta Miami, an Next :Cub«ns in America velopment under the Alliance for Fleet In the western Psnlfic. played with fine tone quality and ell Plano Concerto. It was easy to ace at the first trtok; he is at least 27 potato. This should "Association of Public and Pri­ Progress. SEE SA'nTRDAY’B TV WEEK FOR OOMPl.FTE l *«TTVG phi^ing, but seemed to be over­ listen to, well played by the or­ r would have kept the ace to cap­be enough for game end you vate Accountants of Cuba ta Samudio said the Panamanian Ports of can for the ship Inalude shadow^ at times by the orches­ chestra, featuring the sensitive ture dummy's queen. should not beat about the bush. Exile,” evui put out , a formal Ciyil War Buffs vemment to content to have the Subdo Bay, PhlUpptaee, Hong tra. This is an excellent work in performance of concert-mistress It was clear that East had start­ resolution urging Cubans to resist nlted States continue operating Kong, and tbe Japanese ports of the flute repertoire by a neglected Jeanne Benjamin, but conserva­ ed with only A-2 of spades. South For Shetawold’s 86 - page book­ resettlement. • Guarding Tree the Panama Canal, but it wants Radio Sas^m, Yokosuka and Kobe. composer. tive in terms of contemporary therefore had started with K-J-x-x let, "A Pocket Guide to Bridge," Panamanians to take over indus­ The Omstellation, whose home and was sure to win three spade sent 60 cento to Bridge Book, Since the U.S. government has (nOs Hs4tag inclndes only those news broadcasts of 19 or 15-mlnnte port is San Diego, Calif., Is slated The next two selections, "Chl- composition. Personally, I would confined the militants among the SPRINGDALE, Ark. (AP)—It to trial and commercial operations neae Peep Show" by Rudolph have enjoyed hearing at least one tricks. Tbe Manchester Evening Herald, ta the zone. length. Some stations carry other abort aewsoasta). to return there in September. Oocmts Tricks Box 8818, Grand Central Sta., New exiles to Miami’s Dade County, almost .an idyllic scene in this Kvelve and "Variations on Mary of the more modem contemporary the resolution said, other Cubrnis OSLO, Norway (AP) — state WDBO—1886 7:00 Bill Hughes Only tbe frame sad bare firings of the seat to this tmok wars West thought next about the York 17, N.Y northwest Arkansas, Ozark Moun­ Bfanohester Evening HeraU M A R K 8 Had A Little Lartd>" by Sdward works of our many outatandlng should now consider themselves tain community—a group of Civil mediators won a postponement to­ 00 Jim Nettleton 18:00 Girtmd left sifter fire ewept It yesterday wbUe Its driver was unJoadlng hearts. Scmth had reUd his suit, G Tlckots Now A t Box Oaioa One could imagine a Civil War to continue wags negotiations un­ 40 Sports U:16 Sign Off GOOD, RICH, BLACK original verahm for the piano. that we are very fortunate to have Or By Mall The size or Importance of the centennial event. 60 Bob Conaldlne The highlight of the evening this constantly improving orches­ Fishing Licenses Dinner Planned was he making this peculiar dla- organization does not matter. Its til April 38. 00 Edward P. Horgaa mond play? Actually, the eight colorfully 16 ConnecUcut P i f . ceme directly after intarmlsalon tra in our midst. Among its many House Saved All Color Oomedy Show Oroh. or First Bal. 88.70, IS JO, sentiments reflect those of many dressed men—Hindman’s Raiders HAIFA, Israel (AP)—Some 860 SO Dick’s Den LOAM when ESdward ItecDowell'a ‘Plano assets is the fact that U presents Going fishing? South clearly was trying to steal 89.68—Second Bal. AH 82.10 exiles, and they make up a good- tourists from the United States 80 Tonight at Hy Place By Couples Oub his ninth trick. If he got a Paula Prentiss Dm Hatton In they call themselves—are there to and Europe are spending two ex­ Ooncerto No. 2 in D-minor” was the opportunity, for local musi­ You’ll need a license, and the sized city within a city. help W. T. Pitts ta his battle with wnc—isst cians with varying degrees of mu­ From Damage town clerk’s office is the place mond trick ho would then run the "Viniero Tho Boys Art" Send canoks to tra days ta Israel instead of tour­ 00 News. Sporu and Weather PENTLAND Spftcicri Lead Price pecformed with Mr. Gnd>er at the The Couples Club of Second Bosimsn Memorial, Hartford 14 How many exiles are sheltered contractors who are widening 80 Flnanctal Report keyboard, and guest conductor sical tsilent and si^ , to engage in to get one. spades and hearts. Hence South 6:80 and 9:40 In Miami today? ing Arab areas because of an 86 Album ot the Day THE FLORIST Oongregrational C bun^ will have U.S. Hl|hway 71 through Spring- Arab boycott. Delivered In Mahebester Jack Heller wielding the baton. a cultural activity of real signifi­ Thanks to ths ettariM o t South I^ e office wil be open tomor­ surely had K-Q-x of diamonds. On the roils ot the refugee cen­ dale. :46 Three Star Extra "Everything In Flowers” iMacDoiwdll' is Amerioa’s best cance, affording pleasure and sat­ row from 8:80 a.m. until 7 pjn. a gourmet dinner Saturday at 7 This left room for only one club PhiB Steven McQueen la ter, about 16,Opo have been regis­ They arrived at Beirut Tuesday :U6 Conversation Piece Centrally Located At Windsor volunteer firemen, a in the South hand. So West BiaSlYlYOli Pitts, owner of the used car lot on the Greek ship Athinai for a 30 News ot tne World PfU. end GRAVEL known eaily co m p o se r, and this Is isfaction to listener and perform­ as a swvloe to persons who pjn. in Fellowship Hall at flie “HoMyiiioon MckIiIm " tered since the relief program be- on which the tree stands, has :46 Sing Along 24 BIROH STREET unquesUanably one of Us finest er alike. We riiould continue to nearly oomfxleted house suffered no want to buy licenses. stepped up with the ace of dia- 8:15 gw ta January, 1961. Many were thres-day tour of Lebanon, Syria :06 Pop Concert BO 8-4444—MI S-6247 FOR SALE church. Foreign dishes will be fea­ monds, laid down the king of hired the group to defend the tree and Jordan’s part of the Holy :06 Ntghtbeat wotlBS. It la unashamedly in the support this orchestra with en­ damage yesterday aa a delivery You oan also get them at ta Miami before then, and many until he has been conipensated 00 News Open 8:80-6:80 romantic tradltle futura oono«rta will feature "routine” for the Central Park Woodtond, now being built by Alvin York remains in critical A eommittee for a recent an­ passes. You hold: Spades, Q-e-S; 160,000 and that probably the fig- proached the git>up. the popular ooncerto form with Zoo. They Included fresh fish, pill­ H- York, 76, was hospitalized Satur­ lU K I MARIU.. Saturday Matinee, April 27 at 2:00 way,” Pitts said, "nor have I who is a graduate engineer, took For Your SMAUEST ply Oo., was extensive. Cartons day after complaining of chest M l^M Y E R l one talks with will say he did not ever had a condemnation suit which held the plumbing equip­ Tomorrow: "Son of Flubbei" come to Miami as an immigrant, over her father’s seat ta the Old Working Set and shoulder pains. The World "SINK THE BISMARCK” Shown A t' ,1*3S8p BENEFIT OF INSTRUCTORS OF THE filed against me.” House of Deputies. She was un­ ment were burned, but It is War I hero has been bedridden at 6:40-9:10 HANDICAPPED SWIMMING POOL PROJECT Sanders, who is conducting his opposed when registrations for the thou^t there was no damage to his farm home in Pall Mali, Tenn. road widening work elsewhere for April 39 election closed Wednes­ the flxtures. The eauM o t the Are since suffering a stroke eight BURNSIDE CO-hUT AT 7:80 the time being, says he will even­ day and automatically became a is not known. years ago. tually move the tree, legally. member of tiie House. • ENDS TONIGHT O The raiders are named for MaJ. Msachester Bveniiig Herald Gen. Thomas C. Hindman who led USSR AIDE DIES South Windsor oorrespondeot, Confederate forces ta the inde­ NEW YORK (AP) — Evgeni D. Lsnra Kats, Mephone 644-115S. STARTS FRIDAY! __ cisive battle of Prairie Grove ta Kiselev, 66, top Soviet ui the northeast Arkansais in 1862. United Nations secretariat for tbe Begin U.S, Visit |8WrfcvBsU past year, died Wednesday night LOST ART OF DREAMING in a hospital to which he was PHILADELPHIA (AP)—Prince t JCT. 3l-32.WILUMAIITIC.cft fiL Starte Sunday: "Hie Raven” PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A taken eight days ago, reportedly four-year-old delightedly reported suffering from a heart aliment. Rainer in of Monaco and Prin­ All Color Family Show Plus "Samson and 1 cess Grace, a native Philadel­ 8:10 e:20-9UI6 Miracles of the Worid” to her mother one morning recent­ Kiselev becaihe Soviet under­ phian, arrived with, their children ly, “Mommy, I had a cartoon secretary for political and secur­ Wednesday night to start a six- TotivCuRns while I was sleeping last night!” ity council affsdrs on March 6, week visit to the United States. Alas, for those midsummer idghto 1062. He had been ta the Soviet The gmallest hearing aid in the world, the new Sonotone The prince, accompanied by his of yesteryear. foreign ministry tor 24 years. "WISP-EAR” is worn entirely inside the ear. It weighs daughter, Caroline, 6, arrived «nder.l/5th of an ounce with battery—flight as a nickle, here four hours before his wife small as a dime. The “WISP-EAR” fits completely inside and their son Albert, 5. They flew from Europe to New the ear—^no outside cords, tubes or wire*. Can help 7 York’s International Airport in KNIGHTS of COLUMBUS out of 10 persons with hearing losses, including those separate planes as a precaution OampbeU Oonnea No. 818—Manohestcr who "hear but don't understand.” You must see it to against the possibility of an air iwasK believe it. Phone, visit or wrte— disaster wiping out the ruling house of Monaco. Prss«ifs K o f s k y ^ S MANCHESTER PARKADE The family is staying with Mrs. Eirls! (R) John B. Kelly Sr., in the house SONOTONE where Princess Grace, the former TOUR FAVORITE OOMEDIANB 18 ASYLUM ST., HARTFORD—247-4070 Grace Kelly grew up. Mis. Kelly Gate at 6:M—Screen at Itosk First MADE IN THE USA BATTRIES, ACCESSORIES and REPAIRS ON is flis princess’ mother. PRACTICALLY ALL MAKES OF HEARING AIDS Grand Night Of Music 3 STOOGES FAMOUS MANUFACTURERS' BASKETBAU NEED HEARNG HELP? In Rj^Roartag Oomedy Hits GLADLY COME 'TO YOUR HOME BBNBFPr MSGB. HANNON SOHCNLARSHIP FUND Ohnok Im l of Lefts end Zimy Fnni OUR LOCAL CONSULTANT WILL "Dins in Authentic Colonial Atmosphere" — PLU S — EAST OATHOLIG H. Ss AUDITORIUM LOADS OF CARTOONS SNEAKER SALE Allowance PYQUAUG INN LOTS OF LAFFS and FUN For Your Sunday, May S — 8:1S P.M. Come On Kiddies Old Television 161 MAIN ST., WETHERSFIELD, CONN. Bring Ma and Pa Too WAnRPROOFING CLINIC TEL. 529-9468 e AMPLE PARKING DONATION $1.00 C TIekets Availablt By CaHiiig; MSB n o s REBtARKABLB DEMONSTRATION SMORGASBORD BY A FACTOTIY EXPZaVT 643-5247 649-7794 649-8044 A Feature FRIDAY, APRIL 19,8:30 to 8:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY SATURDAY, 6 to 9 P.M. THE HOME OF SUNDAY, 8 to 8 P.M. [DOfTT PADDIE AftOVND IN YOUR CELLERl GOOD FOOD LIINCHEONS served 11:80 AM. to 2 P.M. $|.25up Buy^m by the ttse t h e DINNERS served 6 P.M. to 9 PM. $2.75 up DELICIOUS SUNDAY DINNERS THORO WAY 12 VOON TO 8 PM. PAUL’S SPECIAL FRIDAY NIGHT—WHARFSIDE DINNER, | WATERPtUG CLOSED Banquet and party room available for STEAK HOUSE Only at Robert Hall... stops bad looks weddings, banquets and holiday partiea MONDAYS For reservations, call 639-9463. mOftOSEAL watorproofs laalh these nationally famous QtfKKSEAL finish-coats with anti-damp tolor Dacron* & Worsted Tropicals nU D A T , A N ^ s t e r °»l> FRIDAY •ATDBIXAT SATURDAY BT. 80, VBBNON, CONN. (Aq^roxlmately 8 SUNDAY Ask M mdao how SUNDAY the"le VeraonVemoB Obrela—takeClrole " take yearyour Iri|A...... t a t d ie le . . . .) Owned and Operated ■ PA~ L. YOUNG SB. ir i no wonder diat Robert Hall aasy H is to enfoy TIME SHOW makes and sells for cash more menli aJtoJU/ THORO-oirr coMFOirn LOW OR HIGH STYLE •%cm o t nnbbei* I "Back Street" I "1001 Arabian Nlgtats^ suits than any other dodder in At 8:20 I At 10:16 | , A -. t 8:46 . - Sunday Only White from Slies 11 Yeufhs' te 12 Men's Americal And the Sorento* is our 95 WATERPROOF YOUR BASEMENT FOR AS LITTLE AS best-selling tropicxtl. . . 55X Dacron Loaded with Laughs! ^ 2 L k LOBSTER DINNER Mock in Youthi' and leys' Abe Avail- polyester for crisp shape-retention OB 4 » OBwnG and 4SX wool for cooling lightness and yo«r booio kBfMtrvetnMfto IfOW—with aia(wic7 *a Baog Bwvotvtaig Budgit Aeoovnt (RA.A). As Httle as pee month 2 Lb. ROAST BEEF DINNER luxurious hand. New patterns and 34 Sav« *10 to »15...contp. tagnaptofioe. f / S t a• Qii O O r F ^ h eokns in regulars, shorts, longs. TWIN LOBS’TKB DINNER EVERY FRIDAY m B B E R COMPLETE DINNER 2 5 THERE'S NEVER A CHARGE FOR suits are selling risht SSMACMURRAYwnOISOlInHHlIilYN ALTERATIONS AT ROBERT HALL now for M-5 to ^50 scam em aai BK> Noovcnau DANCING Fridv and Sstnrdsy 9 to 1 DELIGHTFUL AniOSPHERE-aSTAlL BAR S^emart 'Aaa ste tk H e M8 U se


bulleta hit Kngala. fouB MANCHESTEB feVENINO HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY, APRIL It, IM I Colttmbia HEALTH CAPSULES ifM m by Miehsel A, Rem, BLD. Youth Criishes The car got stuck in ttie aecrnid i . - F " — wall, which forms the border with CAR LEASIN8 From Your Neigh bor*s Kitchen Honor Company IP YOU ABSTAIN COMPLETELY Berlin Wall, West Berlin. FROM ALCOHOL, WILL YOU Unable to crawl through the Includes Demers LIVE LONGER THAN SOMEONE Survives Shot hole because the car was block­ and RENTALS ing it, the wounded youth climbeil Wf DOBIS BBUNNO WHO PRINKS MOPERATELY > First In Maachestar. New oara; • > • ’y atop the seven-foot wall, shouting Mrs. ’Thomas Blevins Jr. of 178 Richard F. Demers, 19, son of BERLIN (AP)—An East Ger­ for help. full maintenanoe, (oily inawrsd' S, Nain J|t is the proud possessor Mr. and Mrs. Francis O. Demers man youth who smashed through As the East Berlin guards kept to reduce your proNKma aad worries. For tall tafcirofaMin of many of her mother’s reiflpss. of Cards Mill Rd., completed re­ Berlin’s Red wall In an East firing, the youth got tangled in cruit training March 29 in a Hall call Two of her favorttM are Sour the Imrbed wire atop the wall, of l^m e honor company at the German army armored car Wed­ Cream (jookles and Orape Nut nesday night was reported In .sat­ then pitched forward and hit the Naval Training .Center, Great sidewalk in the West Berlin dis­ Foul Dodga PoBtioe Bread. She often makes the cook- isfactory condition today despite INC. lee and bread for bake sales be­ Lakes, 111. a bullet wound in his chest. trict of Neukoelln, In the Ameri­ The company won the highest can sector. Phone Ml 9-2881 cause, she says, they stay fresh A doctor said If everything goes 878 MAIN STREET a long time, and may be made a honor awaited to recruits in the well, he will be out of the hospi-' A lone West Berlin policeman, day la advance of the sales. naval service. It indicates company tal In three weeks. on patrol near the scene, fired Sour Cream Cookies coordination throughout the nine- Wolfgang ^Engels, 19, suffered several shots into the East sector • cups all-purpose flour, sifted week training period. wounds in his chest and hand and in an attempt to give the youth To qualify as an honor company, cover. The officer was slightly in­ % teaspoon salt m4''Uple cuts and abra.sions. EXPERT BACK-HOI H teaspoon baking powder the recruits must win 17 pennants 1 Kis daring escape was the talk jured, by concrete fragnments % teaspoon baking soda In competition with other com­ of West Berlin today. splintered off the wall by the East EXCAVATION German bullets. % cup shortening panies In training. THE LIFE e x p e c ta n c y OF Engels took the Sovet-made ar­ LANDSCAPING 9 teaspoons vanilla The "boot camp" . training In­ . THE ABSTAINER ANP THE mored car out of the East Ger­ Angry West Berliners were held m oupa sugar cludes physical fltne.ss. military MOPERATE PRINKER IS IPEN- man army garage where he work­ back from the wall by West Ber­ MASONRY drill, seamanship, basic military lin police. Many shouted ‘‘Pigs!’’ 9 esse TICAL, ALCbHOLCS, HOWEVER, ed as a civilian mechanic. SEPTIC TANK AND law, discipline, and various naval HAVE A SHORTER LIFE Shortly before 8 o'clock Wednes­ and ‘‘Murderers!'’ as the East 1 oup heavy sour ersam German guards pulled the ar­ Sift flour, salt, haUng powder science subjects. EXPECTANCY. day night, he careened down the SEWER WORK DONE •nd soda. Cream Shortening’ In Elach recruit receives tests and east side of Elsenstrasse toward mored car out of the debris. Interviews to determine his future HmMi CapnilM fivM h*iphil MwMlIon. AT FAIR PRICES mixing bowl. Add 'vanllla and mir . aif no4 int«nd«d b« of a iwhira the wall, shouting. "I am going well. Stir In sugar and beat tmUl training and assimments In the over! who wants to go with m e?” Finns Get lA>an BY fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, Navy. Communist border guards fired < L A . and beat thoroughly after each Demers attended Lyman High their weapons as the nine-gun ve­ HELSINKI — Finland is to ex­ addition. Add sifted ingredleots al­ School in Lebanon. Moran Elected hicle plow.ed into the first concrete pand two power plants and build Angelo Giola & Son ternately with sour cream, blend­ End Holy Loch Tour barrier. The impact sprung the a third with the help of a $25.(K)0,- Coll 649-0936 ing well with each addition. Drop John A. Soracchl, machinery re­ VFW Coiiimaiider rear armqr-plated doors and two 000 loan from the World Bank. from tablespoon and plooe about pairman fireman, USN. son of Mr. tiwo inches apart on grossed bak­ and Mrs. Alfred Soracchl of Rt. ing sheets. Cookies may be decor­ 6A, la serving aboard the Navy’s Thomas J. Moran, 20 Juniper a te with nut meats, canokles start to l»nwn. ’TMs reotpe Scotland. next month at a date to be an­ makes three dozen cookies. The Proteus was relieved in nounced. Grape Nut Bread Scotland by the USS Hunley, a Others elected are George C. I oiq> grax>e nuts newer and larger submarine tend­ Edwards, senior vice commander; 1 pint buttermilk er of the same type. Edward Edwards, junior vie? com­ 1 teaspoon baking soda Upon arriving at Charleston, mander; ‘ Patrick J. Humphrey, 9 oggs the Proteus and her crew received quartermaster; Atty. John j . Ma­ % cup sugar the Navy Unit Commendation. hon, post advocate; Robert J. Mc­ 4 cups all-purpose flour She is slated for extensive over­ Kinney, chaplain, and James Fur­ 4 teaspoons baking powder haul before resuming her duties. long, post surgeon. H teaspoon salt Trustees elected are Arthur t cup raisins or chopped nut Manchester Evening Herald Co­ Felber, three years; Joseph . meats lumbia ccrrespondent, Virginia sovsky, two years, and Donald A. Put grape nuts, buttermilk and Oarlson, telephone 228-9224. Maynard, one year. soda In large bowl and let soak Members of a house committee for 10 minutes. Add eggs, one at a .Herald photo by Pinto.) STEPPED-UP EDUCA’nON arc Arthur Felber, chairman; Jo­ time, and sugar. Sift flour 'with MRS. THOMAS BLEVINS AND GAIL WINTER PARK, Fla, (AP) — seph Jelsovsky, Patrick Rooney, Plum bing baking powder and stir into mix­ One can now obtain a master’s Atty Mahon, Thomas Moran, UPGRADE Lum ber Building Materials degree In engineering by attend­ ture. Add salt and raisins or nut George C. Edwards, Edward Ed­ meats. Place In medliun size Mrs. William Huddleston of has been cooking since she was In ing classes at the Park Avenue wards, Patrick HumjArey and l^eaaed bread pans and let stand Nashua, N. H„ Sandra, a senior at her early teens. Elementary School here. James Furlong. Manchester High School, and Gail, Though third g^ade arithmetic Y O U R L A W IM for one hour. Bake at 376 degrees for 60 minutes. This recipe makes a Grade 5 pupil at Washingfton Cable Job Proj^regses may still be on the blackboard, CONFETTI YOU CAN EAT W ITHOUT TURNING OVER OU3 SODl two loaves of bread. School, and a granddaughter. engineering students come to the ROME (AP) — It’s a custom I Mrs. Blevins, a Manchester na- Mrs. Blevins is a member of the KARACHI — About half the elementary school at an hour In Italy to sen da little bag of FW in bare spots, crowd out weeds and put new Mfe in your when the thrid graders should be V. tl've, is a daughter of Dorsey and Salvation Army and Its Friend­ work on the Karachi-Rawalplndl white candy-coated almonds with | entire lawn with Hart's UPGRADE. Ifs a brand new • ONE LOW PRICE TO EVERYONE! Flora Finley. Her husband was ship Circle, of which she is secre­ coaxial-cable project In West Pak­ sleeping. The program Is spon­ wedding announcements. The can­ CASH and CARRY PRICES! bwn seed concentrate containing the most also bom In Manchester, and Is tary. She is a school guard at istan Is to be completed this year. sored by the University of Flori­ dy is called confetti .like the bits | da. employed by the Town Highway South School. At work’s end 'Asia’s first direct- of paper used for celebrations. beautiful permanent lawn seed grasses— Department. Homemaking Is the thing she dial telephone service will reach Merkm Kentucky Bkiegrass, Mahee Red The couple has three |^ lar cost . . . flexible, goes around ..i’xrxH’’.. 54” W id e...... 10.80 ciirves. over uneven ground; is light­ sheet 46c e Bconomleal 60” W id e...... 42.16 weight, more efficient, lasts longer Ckmstructed of the finest Of Coiirsel ^ Paying Income Taxes? A strong, flexible panel that aluinlnum. Won’t rust, twist, and is ideal for well system. Offers outstanding utili­ may be painted, sawed or . Replace your old Porcelain enamel, rust-resisting ty, great strength. For ripped easily . . . used unit with this finish on steel. Less fittings. crack or f.ade . . . easy-to- HJ>. lOO’ roll ___ 1.90 install . . . requires uo 1” H.D. 100* roU ...... 12.99 construction or home use. for making shelves modem, close S' Oast Iron (White) . . . .62.60 coupled beauty. maintenance. 11/4” H.D. IOC r o U ___ 21.99 counters, cabi­ 6’ Cast Iron .(Colored) I ' V’ H.D. 100’ r o U ___ 29.9i» nets. Less seat. &9JK> '

2 x 4 Mesh Wire ALUMINUM 20' ALUMINUM E-X-T-E-N-S-l-O-N FENCING CORRUGATED PLASTIC Combination You won’t have to Fiberglos Panels Windows worry Next Year if you Open an SBM 100’ roU e eoenemical WALL TILE e 1212 gauge, • translucent . . SO" high • shatterproof EckIi each TAX CLUB Accountr Heavy gauge steel resists dis­ s White, Green, etch Lightweight, yet strong and-rigid, Tellow easily maneuvered. Complete with Have money when you need it. Figure thp amount you'll tortion. Weath. 26” X 96” panels sq. ft. or-resistant, gal­ safety shoes. need, divide it by the number of weeks to tax day and vanized for long­ er life. SO" high. Perfect for carports, patios, room 4lividera. • PRE.ASSEMILED 24’ Alum. Extension . . .27.95 you’ll have the needed cash without a major operation A

POST and 19x17 Save 91.00 and reijelve H0.00 BATHROOM 30 Gallon Sliding CELLAR Spring's Smart New Casual Glass Lined COPPER Save ^2.00 ^100.00 RAH. FENCE SINKS Gi» Water TUBING Tub Jnclofure POSTS CABLE-KNIT Heofers F plain design s All steal . . . (Nra-piwvsd Save ^3.00 and receive »150. V4’ by axaetlng ^sniteeerlng 30” .44 tests. Save H.00 :;;^ r:::;v e ^250.00 High 1 0 * 1.22 1 5 '“ COAT Available in 10’ > “ C 99 Sleek, streamlinsd white lengths (M) in 100’ Ekwl wst floors and . A,tiiMuu. s a .w 100% OrloB Acrylic SoycHc Save ^10.00 and roeelve »5000)0 fei 10 ft. secticsw, includes beauty. Includes recessed e 10 year lot or more 13)ic dripping wet showr from 4’-S” soap holde^. guarantee linear foot. • I er curtains forever to 1'-S”. t e # 2 rails and 1 post - 19x17 Vitreous China • approved for I4” x20’ (L) 24c ft. . smooth gUd- s XUntinates sagging Depooit M " availaMe at (colored) 18.96 either natural or % ”x20’ (M) 22c ft. operatloni ex­ SiMTS and beams 19x11 Oast Iron (white) 'bottled (LP) gas I” x20’ (M) S8c ft. truded aluminum a Works almost m»a aa 46c XMar fs4>t. w/faucet 29.96 46 gal. glass Hued lM''z20> ...6 1 e n . frame. auto Jack gas. M.1S V Swan Design a Saves you tiase, moaegr beiga perfect for cqoual or dreoa wear. 10 ” aad effort! Custom co-ordinated lengths and sizes Sporty knlta are Spring’a fashion favorite! Orion avings anchester 8H to 11. acrylic ‘‘Sayelle’’ holds Ita 'wonderful knit At wash after waah. Won’t si«, bag or pill. CStolce of white M A IN OFFICE EAST BRANCH W E ST BRANCH o r beige. Siaea S-M-L-XL. 9 23 Main St. 28 5 £ a it Center St. Martcheitrr Pcitkiid Sliop King's with ConMonen OPEN THURSDAY Cor. Lenox St. West Middle ferniji'" EVENINGS 6 to a nOTH BRANCHES OPEN fRIDAYS • ,OPEft DAILY FROM 10 lo 10 • AMPLE FREE PARKING • ALL FIRST pUALItYI AiiwAm fUNTT or ijpui rAiK m MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1963 PAGE SEVEN MANCHESTER EVEim O HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1968“ - s i l J 5 ^ 8 I X a careful neutralist pafh In for­ Burma In retreat from the -Com­ have failed to ruffle the Chlne.se. completely neutral, he must even­ cussed. The board of education with Mrs. Robert Larmett as May 16 meeting to be held at K. wUl present a check from Junior eign affairs, diplomats here say. munists have stayed to plague the : The Red Chinese president, Liu tually tdm somewhat toward Com­ Mafinee Saturday border areas. Only last year, a Bhao-chi, Is visiting Burma to fur­ munist China in international pos­ could act on transfers between Play Presented, prompter. TTie cast included Mrs. of C. Home. EUight new members Clubs throughout the state to New Burma Policies But they fear that Ne Win, try­ Negroes Came North, will be welcomed at that time. ing hard to unite his country after riot neatly developed In front of ther cement relations. ture. major accounts and the commit­ Richard Eichackes^ Mrs. James Dr, Marry Whiting, hospital Features Stooges tee would handle minor transfers, Officer Speaks Mrs. Decker reminded members 14^ stormy years of Independence, the U.8. Embassy In Rangoon be­ Ne Win accepted an American superintendent. cause of a l l i e d Aiherican Support offer of $28 minion to build a htgh- KING O FANTIQIJE CAR BUFFS he said. Spencer, Mrs. David .Sampson, that reservations should be. made may use the bogey of an ImperUrt- Mrs. Lawrence Diecker and Mrs. Those planning to attend In- A special matinee of comedies for these elements. \yay from Rangoon to Mandalay That way, the' school budget To Century Club now for the annual June dance Bode III for West Istlo West to bring this about, me CLOVIS. N. Mex. (AP) — Pres­ How Did They Fare? Richard Carlson. clue Mr. Bartlett, Mrs. Bllah, and cartoona is scheduled for the feels he can afford to upset m>e ' The Communist Chinese have recently, but he hasn’t received On Splitting Surplus would "never show red ink,” he scheduled June 8 at - Manchester Carrier, Mrs. Decker, Mrs. 1 ton O’Briant had to build a "hob­ Maj. Williams discussed law en­ Cotmtry Club. Mrs. Bruce'Fowler State Theatre Saturday at 2 p:m. West, but not China. , been playing a careful role with the U.8. ambassador In months. said. acker, Mrs. Donald Forstrom,«rs. "Stooge-a-rama" featuring the "8 Burma over the years, culminat­ Burma’s reaction to foreign by shop’’ to house his fleet of By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the living isn’t easy, North or Members of the ■ Jhior Century forcement agencies’ problems in was hostess for last night's meet­ By PETER ARNETT Aban ail embaasles from showing Burma tended to be oriented Another suggestion for use of Fowler, Mrs. James Gerrlty, Mrs. ing In the signing of a border press criticism of its socialistic cars and now they have over­ Nearly a year has passed since South. Club were treated to a pro­ obtaining convictions in cases in­ ing. Stooges'* in some of their aany RANGOON, Burma (A P )—Neu propaganda films outside Ran­ toward the West after Britain The board of education last night voted against returning the first $35,000 was for text- gram at last night's meeting, held volving obscene literature. He said Larmett, Mrs. Dale Martin, Mrs. comedies and many favorltea oar- goon. The distribution of foreign gave her independence gracefully agreement beneficial to Burma In policies has been sharp. Govern­ flowed into a lot and yard. He the first Negro left the South for A dreary picture emerges, for Thirteen members of the club tralist Burma’s once friendly face to the general fund half of an estimated $70,000 surplus in books at Whiton Memorial Hall. "Lady there is a great deal of misunder­ Charles McKenale, Mrs. Allan toona wlU provide an afternoon of toward the west is reflecting doubt language publications printed out­ In 1048. However, with the rise of 1961. ment publications have chastised owns 24 Model A Fords, seven the North on a one-way bus ticket the most part, from surveys in its 1962-68 budget until it determines whether it can use the Buckley said the board would Rosa" a one-act play, was present­ standing in the overall problem of are planning to attend the State S(Aubert and Mrs. Michael To­ fun and laughs for the young and and suspicion now. side Burma also has been banned. the Southeast Aslan Treaty Or­ Subtle Chinese Influences contin­ the Western press, and dozens of Model T’s, a ‘2 9Buick coupe and supplied by Southern segregation­ the cities to which the voliin'" -” like it understood that by keeping ed by five club members, and Maj. obscene books and associated ma­ Federation of W om en> Cluba’ bin. old. The "8 Stooges" known for The Burmese strongman, Gen. Earlier this year, Ne Win vir­ ganization in neighboring Thai­ ue In Burma, with occasional vl.sas applied for by Western news­ a *20 Buick roadster. The oldest ists. He was followed by more exiles went In search of a better funds during the next three months. the other $35,000 it is not "fran­ Leslie Williams, executive officer terial. He stressed the Importance Junior Membership' Spring Con­ their slapstick comedy, are pop­ Ne Win, is systemBtioally routing tually eliminated foreign business land, Burnrese leaders have tend­ goodwill visits. Even No Win’s men are being held up in the For­ of the 34 cars is a Model T. Last than 100 others, many of them life - Hyanni.s, Mass., nea>' the By a 4-3 vote, board memberE'|> summer he and his family made a summer home of President Ken­ this year and $1,000 for Lutz Jun­ tically hunting for ways to spend of the Connecticut State Police of knowing the situation In each ference Saturday at Waverly Inn, Pipe cleaners can be converted ular In movies and well m TV. out all foreign influences within interests through nationalization. ed to withdraw into their tradi­ ruthless suppression of the war­ eign Ministry. children accompanying their par­ rejected the recommendation of Cheshire. to curlers for the fine hair of lit­ ring Communist parties within his Western observers believe that 115,(X) Omile tri paround the coun­ ents. nedy; New York, Detroit, Phila­ ior Museum. money.” but Is simply considering Depiu’tment, spoke on "Enfoiv > local area, thus making combative Ibe regular performances for his country, but the W e s t is hurt­ Burma has a straggling 1,200' tional suspicion of foreigners. Beldon H- Schaffer, finance com­ Schaffer said his committee the money for educational uses, ment Problems with' Obscene Lit­ efforts easier. Mrs. Decker and Mrs. Fred tle girls. Roll the hair around the ing the most. mile frontier with Communist Remnants of the Nationalist country, and the nationalization of while Ne Win' is genuinely con­ try looking for ancient cars to What has become of them? delphia, Dayton, Ohio, and Chica­ mittee chairman, who wanted to "A. Girl Named Tanllko” and "Its would like to work out a trans­ valid even though the money erature.” Mrs. Norman Bartlett, hospital­ Blish, state junior project chair­ cleaners and twist the ends to­ His most recent move was to China that compels her to tread I Chinese arm y that moved into two Communist Chinese banks. cerned about keeping his country add to the collection. To all, one truism has emerged; go- Wonderful To Be oung" will begin Any other result would have VUt the surplus between the gen­ fer program In which monthly re­ would not go for its originally In- The play, by Maud Merritt, was ity chairman, announced there man for the children's program gether. Since they are soft, the at 5:30. have been astonishing, for the eral fimd and the school system. ports of surpluses would be dis- tended uses. directed by Mrs. J. Keith Carriere would be a potluck supper at the at Connecticut Valley Mospital, cleaners are easy to sleep on. Voting against the return were "Reverse Freedom Riders” — the William Buckley and Atty William r-- South's answer to the B’reedom Collins, Democrats, and Mrs. Janb iicA.'i'’' Riders—were ill prepared to cope Stuek and ChrlsUe F. McCormick, with a high-cost area alien to Republicans. In favor of it were them. Mrs. Katherine D. Bourn, chair­ Not all can be traced, but it man, and Schaffer, Democrats, and was ascertained that many had Edward Glenney, a Republican. S'.- returned home, disillusioned and Atty. John S. G. Rottner, a Re­ home.sick. Some went on relief publican, was absent from the to-3 0% and are stfll receiving assistance. vote; smd Ted Cummings, a Dem­ Some found jobs and are working ocrat, was aibeent from the meet­ f o o d 3fW)S out new lives. ing. f r o z e n One of the first to com e NoHh Report May 1 was I.x)ui3 Boyd, 41, an unem­ Bchaffer was directed to confer ployed New Orleans longshore­ with the committee and with Supt. man. With him on his arrival in Of Schools W illiam H. Curtis on SUPERMARKETS New York on April 21, 1962, were possible uses for the money, and to union his wife and eight children, rang­ submit recommendations at the D o W o f ' •II • "VHrt ing in age from 3 to 12 years. SUPERMARKETS ' ‘ tul next board meeting. May 1. saves v o o "My wife and children were Iiegally, the balance must be DA/Oi\' ck•rje- needing,” Boyd said in explaining Pricf. f •R// sp oit by July 16, or it must be re­ TW»F\£ S BLUE SfAlWPS why lie had accepted an offer by turn^ to the general, fund. Any the Citizens Council of New Or­ purchases must be received by TOP QUALITY BEEF AT SAVINGS TO REMEMBER WE GIVE leans to send North any Negro that time, and any work, such as DRAW UP A CHAIR TO YOUR FAVORITE CUT 6 0 S who thought he might fare better a maintenance project, completed o f 4tei f CASH s a v in g s . . . BLUE STAMPS... STOCK YOUR FREEZER! -J there than in the South. by then. WhUe the fiscal year ends SAVOR THE FLAVOR—ENJOY THE SAVINGS! Things looked good at first for June 30, the 16 days are allowed U W iAS IB a n k s the Boyd family. The Travelers as a grace period. lb. Aid Society placed them in a The $35,000 which the commit­ three-room, $25-a-day suite in a tee had recommended be returned 4h 1 SANc y mid-Manhattan hotel for a week­ V... ia the result of unfilled positions. |h4»- R5T lb. end, and he promptly got a job. Supt. Curtis pointed out that he OOUBLt But the firm which had em ­ has not filled positions “for the BWOS CRUST ployed him as a $100-a-week han­ sake of filling them,” but rather dyman was out of business witliin -has sought the best qualified per­ CORM P/f a month. sonnel and rejected persons he has eo. Boyd finally got another job at »k|*- a small steel mill in Jersey City. thought were inadequate. 1 . - '''e y ; Schaffer had suggested that the ICffCHSW He and his family live in a fed­ $35,000 remaining be allocated to eral hou.sing project, the children other sections of the current budg­ (lONElfSi) are in school and two of them et. as decided by the board. He ^tABs sing in the choir at St. John’s ■aid a posaible distribution might |h»»- Cube $teaks»99‘ \Ground Beef2ib.89(Chuck Roastu75‘ Episcopal church. t>« between the instructional and SfO fjf "Yes, I suppose Uiey're getting 00 Rib Steak 1'.. Ground Round ii89‘\ Round Roast'°'»95 Beef for Stew »79‘ 20, returned to New Orleans le: .s Porterhouse'™89‘ /Rib Roast si". »69‘/ Sirloin Steak»85 than two weeks after their arriv­ When board members prepared al. the budget, “we cut not to the Another, Shelva Williams, 36, bone; we cut Into it," she said. found a job in a grocery. There Schaffer said there are tw o ®'«cc Is no record of what happened to ■chools of thought on surpluses: Your Bm I Buy! the others. (1) That they might be "true sur­ R a One, Roy Hamilton, 23, said a pluses,” that is, extra moneys WLCk after his arrival, "There which, since they weren’t spent T>duxc ^otanu DI9< has been some talk about going for the purposes for which they .V. home.” He added, "You get were originally budgeted there­ turned down again and agalh, and fore should be returned to the then you a.-^k yourself, why did I town; and (2) That they are "ad­ come here?” BONE­ ministrative developments," due to IhOWtif ^ eek Ninety-six went to Cape Cod. .Of LESS circumstance, and can legitimately a 9 5 ‘ \ lb ' these, a mother and her family of be spent for other education pur­ Chuck Roast ? ik49vTop Sirloin Steak ,b99‘/ Chuck Steak ,b59‘ Rump Roast'm Rib Roast »79‘\Shoulder Steak 11 remain on public relief in Hy- poses. annis. She occasionally earns a lit- Buckley asked whether the 3iip Bnggs«Sfrotton V 780 you Ue money when older children re­ board of directors would conclude, K fgS '-'ow lieve her of family tasks on non­ if the surplus were returned even Eiiaine f - school days. One boy has a news­ in part, that the annual education paper route. budget is not prepared tightly as Two young women and four chil­ dren remahi in Newburyport, board m em bers. have mainteUned V. Mass., to which they were sent through the years. i95 from the Cape for housing and "Wouldn’t the reaction of the public care. The women are work­ board of directors be ’you stream­ ing and virtually self-sustaining. ed when we cut yoair budget last I Of the remainder sent tp Cape year — now you have a surplus’ 7” Cod, the majority have wound up be asked. PLUS In Bo.ston job.^. At least four oth­ Atty. Collins agreed that the re­ 'y ers have returned South and five turn would "give the wrong Im­ left to seek jobs outside New Eng­ BONE- THICK pression.” land. Time Element CUT II, BOTTOM London Broil (SHOUIDH) I I 99' \ Boneless Brisket Newport Roast lb A few others found summer Defending his recommendation, Roast lb Swiss Steak lb 99* / Cross Rib Roast ^^^Sb 95' work in hostelrics and went South Schaffer said the three months re­ Ixtrfl *2** C «m »fitaJe (SHOULDER) la.st autumn with employers who maining in fiscal 1962-63 is a very maintained winter e.stabllshments brief time in which to plan new "'ll •/f. in Florida. expenditures. The finance com­ ^Oth One New Orleans Negro chose mittee would need direction from 100 to try his luck In Philadelphia. He the board for uses of the other LOOK WHAT YOU CAN BUY FOR ONE DOLLAR remained less than a week. $35,000, he said, since after study­ He wa.s Raymond Battiste. 20. ing the budget and talking with f t O R ' O A who commented as he boarded a Supt. Curtis it could come up with k • ITC> A ""'"’''’ ^'orVo'A' ' ‘Kf S * • ' k return bus: Mix 'em or Match 'em f B , . only $35,000 worth of profitable /00 “I'm going to tell my friends uses. it’s ju.st as hard getting a job up Supt. Curtis said he is willing 3U \CV Get Blue Stamps, too' here. They might as well stay to re-study the budget and is cer­ S V i t t T put.” tain that the other $35,000 can be Archie Campbell of Macon, Ga.. put to good school uses. f^ C O L -P o.V ar.ived in Detroit May 18 but re­ Arguing against the retention , pr4-„. CHOOSE ANY SOUPS 10/.-OL CHOOSE AN Y turned to Georgia two days later o f the money, Mrs. Bourn said C H IC NOODLE con bonus on a bus ticket supplied by Ron­ town directors might \iew the ac­ bottle- CHIC. RICE this J j? l nie Thompson, a jeweler in his tion unfavorably. 'The school budg­ CAMPBELL'S HEINZ KETCHUP 7 ‘K G . o f hometown. t f ets might suffer in the future, she 200 T F ii ' Three Louisiana Negroes chose ■aid. FRESHLIKE Chicago, but one, Rezzie Moffett, The situation is a question of 45, of New Orleans, returned there "establishing our credibility in the KERHEL CORN after nine days because he failed eyes o f the town,” said Mrs. RITZ CRACKERS 'in'il I to find a job. l^ u m . ^ 1 ^ m, ,.1'^ Clifford Taylor. 25, a handyman She reiterated Schaffer’s earlier FRESHLIKE FOR who arrived with Moffett, stayed comment that money not spent for RtESHPAK 4-01. FOR a while longer but dropped out of ■peclfic purposes should be re­ BtmoNs A suas CREAM CORN Mtt sight and didn’t leave an address. turned, according to one school of con MUSHROOMS soth Frank Hill. 43. of Shreveport, thought and according to his rec­ La., fared better and got a job as ommendation. FRESHLIKE laborer with a contractor. When Sitggests Bestudy GRAND IS-sz. last heard from he was still work- A fter Schaffer moved that $36,- SWiEET PEAS BRAND con iiig. 000 be returned, and Glenney sec­ SPRAY STARCH * ‘lli this The latest case of tiie "R everse onded the motion, McCormick sug­ GRAND pkg. Freedom Riders” is that of Joseph gested that the board hold off lim 2011,, Parker, his wife and their five transferring the sum until after b o 9 BRAND of 400^ lJ U I C iS l-$tvQ-si. FACIAL TISSUE -£ I ^lom ,, daughters. It restudies the finance commit­ it. INI csn They arrived in Dayton. March tee's suggested uses for the other iV-8 COCKTAIL 24 from New Orleans,' and Parker balf of the surplus. J?®rse iimit ; soon got a job as a earwasher The board might fipd that "an ^ ______■ 20th *1111 l U , ooionur with a meat packing firm. extra $1,000 or $1,500” could be CHOOSE A N Y Dayton civic groups paid two used, he said. 'I CARNATION CHOOSE A N Y months rent on a house for Park­ Glenney asked that Supt. Curtis: LIGHT HUNT'S er and furnished it. prepare recommendations for CHUHK TUHA sobonus "We'd just like to live a normal ^>endlng $70,000, should the board TOMATO PASTE COl/Po;V this Cl'-# life,” said Mrs. Parker. “ We were l ^ e all o f it. FRESHPAK fiSIAPs isi Ahnit I only half living down there." Buckley said the board mem- S U C ^ A H A L V n Pax’ker had been unemployed -----VliO f A M I lX , Plf t„.,k! 20th, lien who prefer that the half be 1-B., 13-sx. Jj, since September. returned think that it can't be ■pent for practical reasons any­ CLIHG PEACHES sco n NAPKINS \ b . SJ.J, way. "Some of the high idealism limft,, Prison Ratios Vary Is tempered by the fact that you 14W-OI.' FOR WRAPS EVAPOr .TED p r DVlDElNflE — Rhode Island oouldn*t spend the whole of it 2 CM •Byway,” he s«dd. *1.89 HAHDI WRAP EVBtYTHING! BORDENS MILK has Uie nation’s lowest ratio of "True," said Schaffer. BXtfg prisoners confined per prison "Frankly, I don’t agree — we soli worker: 1.4. Arkansas has the Itavs the money and we can do tRCfc•1.69 hlg’ '. ratio: 64.7 prisoners per bMIJ-O .•2.98 CALO ’5^*- with It as we wish," said Atty. CM ssjsifig' full-time employe. Collins. At that point. Supt. Cur­ PARSOHS AMMOHIA biL CAT■ of their eight children behind aft­ would not Mcessarily be for all er a visit here, the youngster dd* SUNSHINE k"!.- - , V; ■ -Ml 'lorlty items. It might be iWFSTON-ASSORTM^rNT I WESTON-FIE^TA cldcd to follow them. ■spedlent to do other things };■ C - ^ A . Orbit CremesANDwiciiS'pkgs' ■ A motorist spotting fpur-year-old said. iPARTYTIME A S 'SKl.OO | SUGAR WAFERS 3 as 1.00: Larry Boehm r|dfng his tricycle , recomnMnded using theh e , '■ PiiCM (NKtiv* thni Saturday, AprU ZOth. W* roMrva lha risht to Kmit quontitiaa. on U.S. Hlghwa y45, took him to for books. Earlier M cM dlM liv* Ihni ilw U s y , *stS UMi. W* t — m Iw rifht a .'mil mionlHiw. the police station. There he wa« Schaffer said thid reunited with his prrents. Who hiMl r agdght include $1,487 to missed him after driving Mvarfil MANCHESTER PARKADE MIDDLE TURHPIKE WEST , OPEN MON. THRU SAY. 9:30 A.M. TO 10 P.M extra work week for , O P E N M O N blocks. I ’ ■ i guidance counselors V MANCHESTER PARKADE MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST . THRU SAT. 9:JOA.M.TO10 P.M

f t i t - ■ -.i;' ■ . •> - • - >


which Appeared in the British test-d out with n rather high gold represqnting a jewelry firm. There ran of Bridgeport.' But when it aa ws had clsaned our ^Isnses, ws came to the RepubUcah aide o l left no longer trusting our own IKmtrl^atpr Manchester Guardian provided Ita content. Government officials be­ was Joe Cooney of Hartford, rep­ WINDOW SHAKS Comtecticut resenting the optometrist tenant thinga,,the surviving tectlonallsm Impartiality. quiet answer ■ to a question . we came especially suspicleilii of this of a department store. There waa of the Republican state organisa­ ?EttPttitt0 lipraid after agents had, one day, found a OBBA1IVB BOTTIil! • CAFPINO LONG WIARING FUBHaHMD BY TBOi __ Americims may often ha ~e asked ^ ed eri .k U. Conard, Jr., of Hart­ tion, In which patronage for this Nabisco ------ora CO. nra. —the question of just what was charactw whose name appeared Yankee ford, , repnsenting a department session had to m divided, compli­ BONHAM, Tex. (AP) — The 8^ I Mr««t by-16 foot celling In BUI Richard a INTERSTAIf CUANTiX in the minds of our cousins across on the roster of all 10 mining com­ store. There was Max Savitt, rsp- cated things, eO that the iqytome- )T. OOUL By A.H.O. resenting a Jdweler who usually trlsta found It tactful to hire two grocery store Is covered entirely FsMn SWibroad CooHn TBOMA I* rtCKOUBON panies hiding under a tarpaulin on 9 K Made lo Order Redeem eonpom from yonr booklet for W ALt!ro B. aiOtOUSON the Atlantic while they tolerated prefers the e 'e t , anonymous, re­ Republican lobbylsta, one, William with sodapop bottle caps. He ^ Publlabera one of the claims, and deduced gan the project In January, 1962, WHh Tear Bellen his fellow-traveling nonsense. It turned out (hat, although we tiring posture. L. Hadden, Jr.; of'Hamden, to rep- W 4 9 c Don't forget to bring in your B^»^lad^d OctobT 1. H P that he might have been engaged All thip was much as it has reaent Gie Bd May faction, the and when It -was finished the fol­ So, In the following quotation devoted intermittent parts of a f d i x l i n e o r o u b t o m 100 Stamps with $5 §r mart ii pardiam VnbUalMd Bt*i7 Breotac BxoeM been in other years. But, in opto­ other, Richard Rittenband of Hart­ lowing Nov. 34, he figured It cost • and Rollaara. Bntsred at tna from this British farewell, mu: in "salting” the claim with a little whole day at the L e^ latu re to the effort to hear our old friends, metry bill hearings, as in all else ford. the choice of State Chairman about 1,000 man hours In labor, iftlc* al Haneheater Conn., aa readers are' Invited to slip across gold dust so that the government 70,000 sodapop Hds and 140,000 VENETIAN ILINDS SO Stamps with a ColaRial Smoked Shoulder Clati ilail Uattar, the state’s optometrists, defend that is human, change 1s remorse­ Searle Plnney. By the time w o had Garbar's Baby Food the wide Atlantic into ‘ hat wide assay would come out high enough less, and so it was that, when we thus Identified chief counsel and naUs. He spent $18 for nails and coupons for the 7th week of • ' BlTBiSCRIPTlON RATEs" the purity of their professimi by Parable In advance m'ntal room our cousins like to for his purposes. advocating leg^islatlon which would looked at the other side of the chief lobbyists present, our own a ladder. so Stamps with $1 K mori of fresh Vegetables hearing room battlefield, we found The design Includes a large map Strainwl Foodi 9 m 9 5 c One Tear ...... t33.00 give themselves. The suspicion then arose that drive any com;-- • 'al thoughts out glassea had grown blurrod with E. A. JOHNSON f o Honthi ...... 11.00 ourselves r e q u l^ to identify and looking and peering about For of Texas, a United States flag, n r e e Uontba ...... 5.50 "Canterbury tonight,” begins perhaps, after he got title to the of it, we never really got to the SO Stamps with a 2-lb pkg af French Fries One Month ...... 1.85 point where we could settle down admire new c" impiqns. all the roomful of optometrists, and a world map with each coun­ PAINT 00. Junior Foodi 6 9 2 c Extra Top Yaiue Stamps and the account, "made Its formal land from the government,', he in­ and absorb the message. In the 1961 sessxn, the optom­ Parsells, their foe, waa first to our try In different colored caps, sev­ MEMBER o r eral of Richard’s favorite sayings 723 Main S t, TeL MI 9-4501 THE ASSOCIATED PRE8C farewell to ita Dean when the tended to take gold out of it, all One reason was that it took us etrists, in a rare display of bi­ side with a proffer of tissue, and The Aaaoclated Press is exclusively whole length of the choir of the right, but by the process of operat­ most of the day to straighten our­ partisan judi, .ent and taste, had we were so touched that, aa soon are worked Into the dslgn. You can get over 1000 itltlad to the use of repubitcatlon of selves out on the business of who selected two r- mt lobbyists, one Sunshina Extra Stamp* with coupon* SI news dispatches credited to it or cathedral was fi” -:d to hear Dr. ing one of those schemes for sell­ Bill O'Brien of P o :' ‘ ind, the for Swiss Chaiet Dinnehvare aot otherwise credited in this paper ing lots to gullible Ekistemers was, this session, coimsel for and also the local news published here. I’ ewlett Johnson preach his last whom. mer Speaker of the House and the Hl-HoCraaari the next 8 week* in the hooMet All rlahta of republicatlon of special- sermon at congregational even­ anxious to retire to the lush para­ only Democratic Speaker of this dispatches herein are also reserved The biemUal hearings on the op­ century, and the other John Bonee, song. dise of the Arizona desert. tometry bills, and the subsequent » 37c PIUI aervlce client of N. E. A Serv­ the up and coming young Republi­ We've Kept Up With The Times e r Inc, "Time brings charity as well as All this is as good as any televi­ tempestuous weeks of nook and can of Hartford. Pabllshera Representativea The corridor pressures which tradition­ Jallua Mathewa Special Afrency—K wisdom. The city which little more sion Western, and it just happen­ The mere employment of these Yorh. Chlcaao. Detroit and Boston. ally ensue, have now come to be __ For 72 Years MEMBER" AtlDIT BUREAU OF than 10 years ago provided Its ed. recognized as the great lobbyist two individuals wsis Intended to be, dRCOLATlONB. quota of signatories to a petition battle classic of any legislative and did in fact serve us, adequate Though we’ve kept up with the times when it comes to mtv- Crisco that Dr. Johnson should be re­ session. |guarantee that neither the-Repub­ ices and equipment, we have held steadfast to the (wd-fMh- The HeraldId Prlntins Company Inc.. lican nor the Democratic organi­ Vegetable Shortening aaaumes______no _ financial responslbilfty for moved from his office because of The battle line-up this time, was ioned virtues of friendly warmth, courteous consideration typoCTaphical1 errors appearlnc In ad­ A Thought for Today as impressive as ever. zation, ' as such, would take any ______and other readlne matter and neighborly spirit of helpfulness. You’ll enjoy doing vertisements I ■ ■ his expression of Communist V had little trouble recognizing, flat stand against the measure the 3 3 c 8 2 c tn The Manchester Evenins Herald. Sponsored by the Manchestar optometrists wanted to have pass­ business here. views, is today for the most part Council of Churcbea at once, and classifying, those who DIrolay advertisins closins hours: pieased rather than irate that the would prove themselves the valiant ed. The selection of O’Brien was For Monday—1 p.m. Friday. pleasing to the Democratic organi­ Stop & Shop For Tuesday—1 p.m. Monday. Dean is not making his fareweii defenders of free enterprise, the For Wednesday—1 p.m. Tuesday. Bribery does not alter truth. mortal foes of monopoly—In short zation, that of Bonee to the Re­ 'ft For Thursday—1 p.m. Wednesday. to Canterbury itself. Customers get a The soldiers in the guard at the the defenders of the rights of jew­ publican; conceivably, in fact, the Fluff© For FViday—1 p.m. Thursday. optometrists had been told these O For Saturday—! p.m. Friday. "When he leaves the FTecinct tomb realized their precarious elry or department stores in Con­ SAVINGS Classified deadline: 10:80 a.m. each necticut to maintain departments would be the proper lobbyists to Vegetable Shortening big coffee break” ! day of publication except Saturday — next month—this evening marked position before the authorities to employ. • a.m. only his last sermon as Dean, not in which optometrists practiced eij/ ({ Iv O iV M whom they were accountable. optometry. This year, there were new faces. A s S O t i \ I I o N. » 7 9 c Thursday, April 18 the last occasion on which he will When they verified the story of These were lobbyists who have O’Brien, as reward for his general take part in Cathedral services— the resurrection to the chief been at the lobbying game so long service to his party, and perhaps v / A f m s it will be to move into a house —usually on the basis of previous also partly as consolation for his laiTiTeTiew 4' off Sale! *Tasy” Does It This Time priests and elders they were bribed nAWCMSSTSS’S eLSSST VIWAWeiSL within sight of Bell Harry Tower legislative ■ perience of their own failure to get the optometry bill '0 S alad a A year aigio at this time, after to lie about the facts. —that they have become some­ passed in 1661, has gone on to the Current Annual Dividend M 9 0 T efiPtewf, / and within sound of the leaping, On Insured Savings steel management and steel labor Some one has said, "I’d rather thing like elder statesmen who are Liquor Control Commission. As for spraying, dancing chimes. So ends be a dead duck than a live chick­ often quite benevolent and helpful Bonee, who would apparently have BRANCH OFFICE, ROUTE 81, COVENTRY Tea Bagi had received White House bless­ Stop & Shop coiiee on a gentle, plagal cadence the en.” To sacrifice principle for any toward the isary processes of been still acceptable to the Repub- ings for negotiating a new con­ ministry of this most turbulent reason is despicable. Death is not the legislature even while they i llcan leadership, he and the op- MON-TUES.-FR1DAY 6 6 c too high a price to pay for honor themselves are, of course, engaged I tometrlsts themselves apparently Now you can get perfect tract which, by apparent general and Innocent of priests which, Fvtra Hmirc open till s p.m. agreement from all parties. In­ and truth. to the hilt in the business of trying I came to a parting of the ways. often as it has been described as Read Matthew 28:11-15. to Influence -nd control specific I To succeed O’Brien as their L A AI cl n u i l l W THURSDAY 9 A.M. to 8 PJH.—WED.P CLOSED AT NOON coffee every time you make volved no inflationary Increase in the scandal of the Church of Eng­ Rev. Robert J. Shoff items in t’-ese processes. 'ITiere Democratic lobbyist the optome- it! The flavor, color and the price of steel, the steel Indus- Natcafa land, is tn the long run far more Church o f the Nazarene was Norman Parsells of Fairfield, I trlsts picked Atty. Hugh Cur­ tiy attempted a sudden power aroma are scientifically con­ likely to redound to the glory of K)c off leiel 611 play by which it would have ob­ its tolerance and sanity. trolled in the blend — for New tained grmerous price increases V 8 9 c after all. "Dr. Johnson’s farewell sermon England taites. Because H seemed to violate the (incidentally it contained no word spirit and understanding of the ne­ to indicate that it was his fare­ Get these helpful gifts for Top Value Stamps with complete confidence: gotiations themselves, because it well) would not have raised an Surf seemed also rather crudely de­ eyebrow in Barchester, as anybody What a break! What a cake! signed to humiliate and embarrass who knew him might have fore­ 7c off lalol ttie President himself, and because told. Lord Fisher, who whether the K threatened a new round of in­ Dean was backing up the Commu­ ‘■*,4“ 2 6 c 5 0 Extra VALUE Sta m p s flation everybody waa supposed to nist accusation of germ warfare GE AUTOMATIC BABY-FOOO WARMER Inrunersible, sucUon base •• • 2 4 /8 books whoa yea buy a Step 4 Shep dread. President Kennedy fought in China or refusing to sign over Hungary, never called him any­ the price increase hard, and won A d his famous victory, with the steel thing worse than ‘a nuisance to be Large Loaf Angel Cake endured with such patience as we Industry retreating. 40e off $ 1 .9 9 Family eiao, to give you can command,’ has been only one Now, this year, the steel indus­ plenty for “ seconde.** try has accomplished by cleverer of those to emphasize that though t«, IM MW 79c Made from onr own 14 strategy—by a nibble at a time the Dean might perhaps be ac­ technique which reminds one of cused in the words of the Litany of egg-white recipe ‘sedition, privy conspiracy, and re­ some of the finer touches of prag­ BIB *N TUCK foeder. light M a cloud yet matic dlplomtwy—a good portion bellion,’ he had no taint of ‘false sleeper and carrier. . . 2 e Fab deliciously moicL doctrine, heresy, o r schism.’ o f what it was forced to surrender Detergent Only 59c. a year ago. "So this evening the Dean took l-b, 4 M S4b, 1)4 ei o O - By taking a bit at a time, first his text from the passage in Book Mil 3 4 c MW o 3 c here, and then there, the industry of Revelations that tells of war DENNIS-MITCHELL TOT WALKER has ROW completed a roiuid of against the Lamb and the Lamb Removable seat; folds . . . 1 book price increases v/hich, applied to overcoming because he is Lord of different products in different Lords and King of Kings, and Puss 'n Boofs linked it to the Palm Sunday and amounts company by company, Bih Cat Food would seem to be beyond the reach Easter message of the 'victorious o f any Presidential, pressure. power of love over the forces of 2 UJr 29e ‘.r 9c The President and his advisers evil. may decide, in fact, that the coup ‘‘It was dusk -’len he ended. by the steel Industry has been so The soaring vault of the choir waa artistic and complete that he can­ crowded with shadows and the TAYLOR-TOT WALKER, SLEEPER 4 STROLLER. A|ax not even afford any public display twelfth century glass of the win­ Folds; twosome seat... 7 4 /5 books dows in the Nor*' TYansept had QaaniWr o f displeasure, or any admission DETECTO BABY The finest meat you HI ever eat! dimmed till only the blue pane* in SCALE. Accurate that he has now yielded, piece­ weight to 30 Iba___ 8-1/5 books 2 ISn? 3lc 23c meal, the victory he won a year the mosaic still glowed like gen­ ago. H rather looks to us as if, so tians. The Dean, - ’ 88 still as tall and erect as a pillar, strode up the far as the White House is con­ N004-WMY MAPLE CRIB. Standard cerned, it will have to be content long flight of steps to the high size. Touch releese drop sMe . . . • books M r. C lean At m gpecUd with having delayed the price In- altar and gave the Blessing In the ereaaee for one year, and with the same clear unfaltering voice in Mr. Clean Claant EvaryHiing price for you to try kt fact that the new Increases now in whir’- he had preaclied. The purple Compare qiudiiy, eompara price and scarlet lines of the choir l>e- ^ 39c “feift" 69c effect are not as inclusive as they ukh other ffnm brand*! might have been. gan to file out of the stalls. One may feel aorry for the coun­ The Dean came again to bring try, over this, but not for the up its rear, stepping down the ivory Top or Bottom Round White House. stairs like a young man 'without 3 'S’ Sh orte n in g tt*in.’s;i:ric59‘ There la no fiscal magic, no po- looking where he was putting his Prolech Your Hands When it’s Top o’ the Qradc quality you’re cure Mtlcal illusion, which can save this feet. The bob of -white hair and the k will be tender, juicy and flavorful I An out­ 4 1 S T 3 9 c coimtry from the ravages of any curiously shaped head rising to a . DENNIS MITCHEU SIT >N STAND 3 Prince Spaghetti 49' standing value at this low price for a Sunday ■ new Inflationary rounds. The long­ cupola vanished into the North CAR SEAT, "steering" wheel... 1-1/S beeks dinner your family will love I er and the faster we continue ‘Transept. A 30 years’ ministry down the primrose trail of endless which is no more than a moment COMFORT SAF-T-FOLD HI-YOUTM Florient Spar-kool Orangeade 8 cycles of increases in wages and in the Church of Augustine and CHAIR. Compact, cannot tip . . . 5 books prices and government spending Dunstan, Alphege and Anselm and Deodoreot Top 0* the Grade Quality Beef! and private and public credit and Thomas had ended.” Bessey's Apple Juice 5A£99‘ borrowing, the more horrible the This is how our British cousins w m t i m 7 MS 5 9 c final reckoning we are going to managed to tolerate the notorious Face of Rump Roast ■> 89' have to face. "Red Dean.” American Dry Cola tritS' 10' But the White House has pre- A je x k A * Top Sirloin Roast >>99* stous htUe title to object when m xn t factor in our economy reach­ Not Dead Yet Ad Purpose Liquid Cleaner Thir'^•Sliced Bacon 1 % ^ 73c es for Ha own slice of'the infla­ An the escapist nostalgia on 6 9 c m «Sm«i« 3 9 c tionary grab—^not when this same television gives us the impression MORTON'S DINNERS Fresh Haddock Fillets » 4Sc White House is engaged in plan­ that the Old West is now 'vanished ning increased government spend­ Chiches, Tsrfccy forever, that there are no more Ham or tool ing, increased govemmeiit borrow­ frontiers except in Washington D ynam o ing. and decreased government speech WTiting, that the old spirit , Serve each Ms j 39* Youcaift Liquid Detergent taxation, all In the same merry of free enterprise has faded from fiscal policy. our midst, that romance has been ‘’«* ‘49c ‘lb.**89c The fact that one sector or an­ driven from the relationship be- Great value! Great cleaner! other breaks loose and makes its tweim man and the resources of Stop R Shop Gropo Jolly 29* Aluminum Folding Chair own indtyidual advance in the di- bis earth. for fewer stmps...


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN^ IHURSDAY, APRIL IS, 196S Hamburg, HI. She will be married B o lto n Surprise Shower to Joaei^ Manna of Hamden May Hospital Notes 16 at 11 a m. at the Church of the South Windsor \ - For Miss Grader Assumption, Manchester. School Board Dr. A. B., Sundquist Named Conservative Group VMtfag hoora ora 8 to 8 pjn. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and Sen. Hart Readies BiU Trailer Schoolrooms Eyed for aO aieoa, axeept maternity, Mias Martha Grader of Hartford, Mra. Frank Manna of Hamden. 'whhre they ora 8 to 4 pm. formerly of XfOiuahaoter, was guest Seeks Ruling Chief of Medicine at MMH Paine Wages 6>80 to 8 iun.f and private n TO START LOOKINO To Avoid Double Sessions of honor' last nlght-at a mlscel- HOHENWALD, Tenn., (AP) — Curbing Aid in Bias where they are 10 am. to 5 lanaous bridal ahower at the home T>r. Alfred B. Sunqulat has bem Assumes New Look VWtors are reqneeted not to David Humphreys, known as ‘Battle’ Over o f her slater, Mrs. Harold. Treash, "Mister Dave” , has stepped down On Residency appointed chief of medicine at The board o f aduoation laotfcontrol at 5:80 p.m., about three smoke la potienPs room. No more 33 Wyllys S t Forty guests attend­ fCtaallnMd tn m Pag* One) ment with one hand employs the Manoheeter Metnoiial Hospital than twb vMtors at one tkne per after 30 years as clerk and master front page—^'approved by the sk- night displayed . , much interest In hours after its disooveiery. ed the event of chancery court. troops,- attorneys and coiuls to ’The board of education wants a succeeding Dr. Mortimer B. Mori- (beathMed (real Page One t^ ers for school rooms Chief Peter MoasolimMoasolii.. said__ th* patient. fight discrimination v^iile with the Bridge Land ecuUve committee.” ' Mrs. Treash was assisted by " I ’m going to spend my time goiniBiMlon’a recommendation ^or legal definition of residency re­ arty, who reftiree from the position Welch said that doesn't repre­ nf«* year In order to avoid double fire threatened a toed on the autUnv oft payments on highways, other hand it continues to supply week. but Ihe July and August ismisu Xlrs. Harold Jillson and Mrs. John looking at pretty women. I’ve al­ garding public school attendance sent any change to policy. 06MiOlM* erty of Donald Halloran an iT ^ Pattento Todoyt 847 Bouafleld, both of Manchester. ways heard that you were old Hood control, military contracts the funds that sustain racial Dr. Sundquist’s appointment was Town OounoUntan Gtoylord Pain* are combined. It has a managing Mrs. Robert Butterfield o t Ver­ home of Mrs. Grace Duhalme, both "It was planned. At fU-at Z did ADMITTED TESTERDATr The brlde-eleot Is a daughter of when you quit looking,’ ’ he said. and other U.S.-aided programs bias," he said. for two reasons: confirmed at a hoepiltal trustees’ declared his own cold war at a non Rd., who BWgeeted the move set back some distance from the Peter Benson, 64 Mti Nebo Pi.; Sen. Kenneth B. Keating, R- editor, Soott Stanley, and a bus!- it all myself, now they (the execu­ Mr. and Mrs. R. C. G i^ e r of "Mister Dave’’ is 90 years old. He eaid the President doesn’t (1) To clear up a ease of two meeting this week. Dr. MOriarty recent meeting of the Town Ooun- to Bupt Philip C. Uguorl, attend­ road. Anthony Oosdz, 287 Oakland S t ; N.T., another civil rights support­ cU. ness , Richard Ober, and tive committee) are taking more have “any color o l authority" to students who, the administration becomes a senior physician at ed lost night’s school board meet­ Bloodmoblle VWts Mrs. Lorraine BUlis, 47 Virginia •arry It out. > er, said he hopes the recommen­ the hospital, and will continue Noting that the state has not aa earrioB artlclu by many writers, Interest. It la not a changa Ixit growth." ing for the discussion. The Red Cross BloodmOblle will Rd.; David Kshl, RockviUe; Mrs. Agreeing, Sen. John Steiuiis, D- dations bear fruit. learned recently, have been at­ his private practice. yet bought "bridge land” at the inciniWng Westbrook Pegler, for­ It was estimated that three dou­ be in Bolton on April 80 from 1:45 "The President should exert the "We have been growing steadi­ Margaret WllUs, Vernon; Mrs. hOss., said he couldn’t conceive tending Manchester High School Dr. Sundquist was bom in Na­ end o f Ellington Rd„ Paine said he mer newspaper columnist. ble units would be needed. They to 8:80 pm . The unit will set up Mamie Johnson, 08 Maple S t ; Of Congress giving any serious same leadership in this area as tick, R.I., and received pre-medd- ly,” he said. "We were alowed tuition-free since moving to Ver­ jdsnned to bring the matter up would provide three 80 by 88 foot at the ReUgloua Xlduoatlon Build­ Mrs. EUzabeth Carlson. 791 Main eonstderation to the commission’s he does in the tax, foreign trade cal and medical trailing at Tufts "every month until something la There also has. been a change down ^ the attacks on us, hut non temporarily last October, and now we're booming. Our growth rooms, each to house 34 students, ing at Bolton Congregational S t; Mrs. Victoria Szcxerbata, 39 recommendation that legislation and other fields," K eati^ said. University, Medford, Mass. He done about it." in the society’s SS-page monthly (2) To guide future tuition poli­ buUetin wUoh Welch writes and has been rapid in the laat few at an estimated rental of $18,000 Church. Cottage St; Eugene DeCobert, 78 be passed to carry out its sugges­ Sen. J. William Fulbrlght, D- graduated from Tufts Medical Ih e land has been earmarked by Mrs. Emerson Bosworth is Ark., called the proposals unwar­ cies aimed at preventing similar adits. Welch now takes a draft months.” per year. Cottage St.; Leslie Smith, 28 tion. School in 1933, and interned at the State Highway Department The trailer claserooms are com' chairman for the visit. She reports ranted and an "illegal interfer­ situations, whether caused by. ig­ Rhode Island Hospital, in Provi­ of each forthcoming Issue to a Welch said there la nothing new, Kerry St.; Michael Haberem, Cov­ On UConn Staff But Sen. Philip A. Hart, D-Mich. norance of tuition requirements, for use in building the proposed pletely equipped with desks, black' nurses aa well as donors are badly one of the sponsors of the admin­ ence with states rights." dence, through 193S. meeting of the society’s ftve-mem- either. In Us availability for an entry; Louis Guyot, Norwich; Mrs. Dr. Melvin Horwlta, 53 Hilltop misinterpretations of them, or de­ highway from Blseell Bridge to ^ r d a , and similar equipment. needed. Nurses willing to work at Laura Brown, South Windsor; istration’s civil rights bills, ap­ Sen. John Sparkman, D-Ala., He Joined the staff at Manches­ ber executive board, usually In interview. He held several news Dr., has hem appointed to the liberate violations. Buckland. The state "reserved” the conferences laat month, and was Supt. Uguorl will view the units the visit should telephone Mrs. By­ Emile Despathy, Wllllmantlc; plauded the commission lor at­ said that "it would be the Ne­ ter Memorial Hospital in April C^cago. ron Shinn; prospective donors are gro who would be hurt most" if, Board members voted last night land about five years ago. Con­ Interviewed by 'a television panel tat use in Fairfax County, Va., next Mrs. Mary Smith, Bolton; Thom- faculty of the University o f Coot tempting to end what he termed 1936, and has practiced here since. sequently, Paine says, the owners "We go over H tor dUcussion invited to call Mrs. Bosworth. A for example, public welfare funds to seek the oplnle seen before leasing Richard Gaudlno, 98 Spencer St.; Juat what was to be done by the About Town them can be considered, a letter charge is made by the hospital giv­ since coming to town in 1968, Dr. Supt. of Schools William H. fice at 17 Haynes St., and lives at named to the staff of Manchester ing the transfusion to cover the Mrs. Frances Blake, 66 Wells St Horwltz maintains an office at 39 50 Wyllys St. Memorial Hospital in 1927. state with Uiis "reserved" proi>> will be vnltten to the hoard of ft- Eldward F. Wlsotske, 431 Center Curtis and Manchester High Prin­ erty. .The Rev. Joseph H. Dudley, as­ nance ai^ sln g that their use is cost of administration. This Haynes S t TOP or BOnOM ROUND ROAST Lb 89c cipal A. Raymond Rogers Jr. said Dr. Moriarty retires from chief He was promoted to assistant in With Plotting S t; Mrs. Shirley Banka, Bolton; Cites N-Sub Problems During the October lB6iX cam­ sociate minister at Center Congre- being contemplated. The letter will charge, she said, ranges from $5 He graduated with a BA from the family has been living at 10 of medicine after about eight medicine in 1935, and to associate to $10, depending on 'which hos­ Mrs. Mary Myers, 20 Woodbrldge years. He will be one of three sen­ in 1946. paign, Paine said Sen. Fred Doocy getlonat Church, will conduct a alsq adirlse that the school bocud, St.; Mrs. Nlanna Nadasky, Tal' Columbia University ki 1945, and CUBE STEAKS u. 99e **” 1 CHOICE GROUND ROUND l.. 79e Miller Dr., Vernon, a summer advised that the state was tiien service Sunday at 6:40 Am. in the tf it finds the trailers aatlsfaotory, pital Is Involved. received his MD ftx>m Harvard fOontiniied trem Page One) ior physicians currently at the Dr. Moriarty will continue to In Argentina Hearing Tonlgtat cottvllle; Mrs. Anlela Piaseezny, home on Bolton Lake, Instead of ready to purchase the property. chapel at Mimcheater Memorial will request an apropriatlon of Medical School In 1949. His sur- at 36 Durkin »t., as listed in the hospital. practice from his- office at 950 (Oontlnned from Page One) Tile Zmiing Board of Appeals Bolton. SWEET LIFE OLEO McCoole, father of five sons, the A graduate of Yale Medical Main St. He lives at 145 Park St. ’This was to be done within thrM H b ^ to l. O. Albert Pearson will be 111,000 to lease them. ’The request gioal training was taken at New Frozen Food State News students' records. the orgtmdst. WoMd be nuule now inasmuch aa hearing on the application of Al­ ADMTITEJD TODAY. Horace Haven Hospital aivd the Columbia eldest 9, was excused from months and the state was suppos­ que said the seven arrested and ! LIBBY DRINKS Rogers said the students, Pa­ tire board will bave to sign a lease bert L. and Isabelle T. Carpenter Norcross, 67 Lockwood St. l^ e sh e r’s last trip because his ed to have appropriated money for the eight being sought were mem­ Presbyterian Medical Center. Sweet Life 9 Oz. Pk$(. tricia a Junior and Kathy a fresh­ The French Gtob of Manoheater before next year's budget Is ap­ at High Meadow Rd. will be held BIRTHS YESTERDAY; A son Dr. Horwlta was an Amoricon wife had suffered an eye injury the project, Paine continued. bers ot a group known aa the tmdght at 8 at; the Conununlty 3 Pkgi* 59c (SAVE 16e) man, had not notified the school of wBl meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at proved, the letter will note. to Mr. and Mra. Arnold Ray, Ver­ Cancer Society CUnleal Xlellow at In the kitchen of Bieir Dover, Roundup the change in address, although Herald Finalist in Its Class Surveys were taken and «g l- "Fiigeristas'. This is a reference Hall fireplace room. Th* Carpen­ h • es. Osiis . . . neers talked to the property own­ Orange HAU. Cards wiH be played Board member Mrs. Agnes non; a son to Mr. and Mra. Stuart the Columbia Medical Center CRINKLE CUT K.H., homo. the school Instructs students to do to Rogelo Frigerio, who was con­ ters are asking a variance from Carlson, Wapplng; a daughter to ers telling them that the state did and refreshinents served. Kieyslg noted that the Bolton from 1956 through 1956. He Is a Pineapple-Orange m arshm al o w fluff ’Ihe testimony came after the sidered the power behind Flrondizl side line regulations. Mr. and Mrs. John Chimmlngs, 14A 10 for I (Continued from Page One) In Ayer Award Competition not have the money to buy the Proper^ Owners Association had diplomats of the American Board POTATOES commanding officer of the Ports­ George Parry wUl conduct a during his laat months In office. Garden Dr. mouth navy yard, where the He added that he learned of the property at this time. Paine eaid presented this possibility as an al­ cf Surgery and a Fellow of the Plneapple- It would allow prisoners recom­ situation from Robert Digan, su­ di^Uoate bridge game tomorrow Frigerio Is reported living In Bolton news may be BIRTH TODAY: A ton to Mr. Thresher was reconditioned, vol­ that he feels, “from hearsay,’’ that neighboring Uruguay. ternative to double seselona some to the county desk at The American CoUege o f Surgeons. Orapefrnlt, Orange For (SAVE 6c) untarily became an “ Interested mended by the sentencing Judge to pervisor of attendance, who un- The Manchester Evening Herald<»Springlleld Sun the Ayer Cup "for the state has changed its mind at 7:45 p.m. at the Senior Clti- tone ago; and that additional and Mrs. Donald Holbrook, Bol­ 2 43c do work outside in private indus­ successfully attempted to reach was among finalists in its circu­ its overall excellence in makeup aer'B club rooms in the former The arrests were carried out at 648-8711. He was named "Man of the party" to the hearing, represented where it will build the bridge road. dawn in raids by police. folders dsooriblng the trailers ton. Year" for 1962 by the Manchester Lemon, PlneiHpple- try. It also would permit prisoners the step-parents at the Manches­ lation bracket in the 33rd annual and appearance.’’ ’The Sun, which techoicid school on School St. The DISCHAROED YESTERDAY by counsel before the court of in­ has a 17,006 circulation, had pre­ "My only interest in this mat­ games were prevlouely held at the Those arrested were Identified should be on file. Junior Chamber of Commerce for SKIPPY CREAMY PEANUT BUHER quiry. to study at educational institutions ter address March 18. Digan was newspaper contest In which the ter,” Paine said, “la seeing my old Award Painting Oontraet Allene Jones, Thompson-vUle; Joan Lemon, Fruit viously won an honorable mention Army-Navy Club. 3 : his work as president of the Man­ and women inmates to care for assisting the elder girl with filing Springfield (Ohio) Sun took top neigMMrs and friends treated fair- Krapf, Weet WUilngton; Mrs. Et- award. Amaldo Musich, former chief of The fire oonunlsaioners bave Red Cross Unit chester Cancer Society. Punch, Grape- their families during part of the working papers, said Rogers. honors and the Ayer Cup for ex­ When the state says M wlU aw uM a contract for painting U Fallow, 23 Gerard St.; Paul day. cellence in typography, makeup Last year’s winner of the Ayer ICoJ. Walter XL Lamie will con­ the economic section of the For­ Dr. Horwltz is also secretary for 12 Oz. (SAVE 4c) The principal said he was told do something, he added, "it ehould the exterior of the firehouse to Thenien, Rockville; Robert Mc- 39c and printing. Cup was the Christian Science duct a midweek service tonight at eign Ministry; Emeste Sabato, Meets in Town the Town Advisory Board of Lemon (S A V E 45e) (SA V E 17e) by the Haberems that they had Monitor. either do H or not make false a novelist; Marcos Merchansky, Erwin Davis of Birch Mt. Rd. Ext., Vey, 40 Pine HlU St.; Charles Nor­ Health, and Is a member of many moved out of town only tempor­ N. W. Ayer & Son, Inc., of Phil­ TKk) in Memorial Chapel at the ton, 468 Chestnut St.; Antonio Sees No Growth A total of 955 dally English- promises.” Salvatlcn Army. former editor of the newspapers according to Stuart Wells, dialr- Manchester Memorial Hoqpital professional org(anlzations. arily to renovate the summer adelphia, Pa., sponsor of the con­ Beady ‘Tender Arlgno, 107 EEdrldge St.; Howard a rffC HAR'TFORD (AP)—There’s no language newspapers to all the 50 El Nacional and Democracla; Ri­ man of the commisslonen. The today hosted a business meMing EXTRA GREEN STAMPS EXTRA GREEN STAMPS Improvement to sight for freight home. They had rented the Man- test since 1931, made the an­ states were entered in this year’s The South Windsor Country cardo Rojo, former minister coun­ Davis Md o t $486 was the loweet C raft South Coventry; Mrs. Mar­ Mrs. Bernice A. Msmuszlui nouncement. Manchewter Barracks, World of the Firat Aid and Aocideiilt garet Plank, Rockville; Mrs. Saun- Mytch, RockviUe; Brian Sohnell, WITH $20 OB MORE PURCHASai business on the Portland-Willi- hester home for a year or less, and contest, the highest entry in near­ Players will present their spring War I Veterans, and Ladies Aux- selor in the Argentine Embassy o t three received. Prevention OommUtite*, Hartford WITH $10 OB MORE PURCHASE THIS THURS., FRI., SAT. ONLY ROCKVELAiE:—Mrs. Bernice A. da '^yk>r, 30 Harlan Rd.; Mrs, Coventry; Mrs. Jennie Rogowski mantic line, says a New Haven plan to return there in June, said ’Twice before, ’The Herald has ly two decades. The papers were promotion, "The Tender Trap," at in West Germany; Simon Spivak, C and D Painting Oantiactors o t Ohaptor of the American Red THIS THURS., FBI., SAT. ONLY 200 Mamuazka, 66, of 41 Spiring St., iUory will meet Simday at 2 p.m. Jean Schuetz, 83 Lancaoter Rd.; 123 W. Middle Tt>ke. 100 railroad official. Supt. Curtis. won First Honorable Mention In Judged on their March 13 issues. the high school on Ajirll 25, 26 and at the WW Home. Members are not further identified; Marcos Vo- Southington h4d $650 and Hartford Cross, sit a kmcheon meeftag at died this morning at Hartford Hos- Supt. Curtis added that the par­ the contest, and has been a final­ First Honorable Mention of 27. Andy DeFlllppo of Windsor Sharon DuBotz, 04 Foeter St.; Eldward J. Barrett, general man­ reminded of a Department diiuier rosnlk, not further identified, and Painting and Decorating Co., the hoepiltal cofMeria. BUNIONS COME BACK Always Pknty of ICE COLD BEER to Chooso From In Our Cookr... plt^. ents feel that since they are still ist on other occasions. newspapers of more than 50,000 will play the part of Oiarlle Dr. Jaoobo Gringaus, Frondlzi’s Thomas Blevins, 178 S. Main S t; She was the wife of Stanley A. ager of industrial development, SatiHday at 7 pm . at the Hedges, $880. Repreeertting the town wns Jo­ Mrs. Mary Maroin, 186 Blseell St.; SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Dr legal owners of the Manchester ’The Herald, in the 10,000-50,000 circulation went to the New York Reader to whose New York iq>art- New Britain. personal physician. Five Acres Burn seph MoCooe and 8 e d r ic k ICamusEka. “ ‘i therefore Manchester circulation class, was one of two Times for its Western Edition. ment the three-act comedy takes Bmjamin Davis, ’Taloottville; Mrs. Louis W. Breck, an orthopedic She was bom in Rockville, Dec. Frigerio was not named among Lack o t personnel gave firemen Straughan, Mantoester members ESeanor Gustafson, 17 Division surgeon of El Paso, Tex., said I taxpayers, their children may at- Connecticut papers who reached (MetropolltEui New York papers place. D d F llli^ has appeared Several members of the W W those whose arrests are sought. of the H'Srtford chapter, and MTs. to, 1894, daughter of the late WU- generating rail traffic for the last tend school in town without paying some bad moments yesterday St.; Jane Tallent, 04 Constance that bunions were common 25 or 15 years. the finals but did not win an were not published March 13). with the Canton Show Shop, Mark Post and Auxiliary plan to attend They were identified by the Inter­ when five acres o t small trees and Blaine Sweet, executive secretary Bam and Mary Alexy. She was a tuition. award. The Hairtford Couront, in The Baltimore Sun won Second Twain Masquers and the Windsor Dr.; Wayne Mather, West WlUing- SO years ago when women were DOUBLE STAMPS WEDJ a g p tia e meeting of the Hkurtem ior ministry as: brmh burned over behind several of the Manchester Red Cross of- member of St. Bernard’s Church, He made the remarks while tes­ While he gave no opinion on the over 60,000 circulation class, Jesters. ton; Walter Czykleta, 76 North wearing pointed toe shoes. tifying during the second day of an Honorable Mention in this class States Conference Friday through Narclso Machinandiarena, a homes on Hebron Rd. flo*. and Kosduczko Atixiliary. whether the case was a misun­ was the other. and ’Third Honorable Mention S t; Mrs. Janloe MacDuff and "The incidence is increasing | Beetdes her hukband, ^ e is sur­ Interstate Commerce Commission derstanding or a violation of the Sunday at the Hotel Hamilton, movie magnate, Samuel Smuckler Five Bolton firemen were Joined daughter, 87 WaddeU Rd. very rapidly today due to the re­ In the 10,000-50,000 bracket, the went to the Wall Street Journal. Miutchester Evening HeraU Waehhigton, D. C. a businessman who advised Fron- SUs^tly imperfect fresh fruits HOURS: MONDAY Him SATURDAY 9 A.M. to 8 P.M.— SUNDAY 9 A.M. to 7 P.M. vived by a son, Edward S. Ma- hearing on the railroad’s plan to rules, Rogers said the students by men from the Andover depart­ IJESCSLAROEID TODAY: Linda newed popularity of the pointed | New London Day and Bridgeport Total entries in this class num­ South Windsor oorreapondent, dizl on technical matters; Raul ment and the state forestry fire and vegetables can be used in muszka of Ellington; t^o grand­ abandon the line. should have been aware that they Telegram placed second and third bered 171. Lanra Kata, teleplicme 8M-175S. Robinson, Blast Hartford; Mary toes," he told newsmen. children and her mother, Mrs. His testimony yesterday con­ must report changes of address, David E. Baker, son Cf Mr. aixl Damonte Taborda, a former con­ erew in bringing the fire under salads. ■ ■ H I' • LARwe LARGE rKE6FREE FAKRintF PARKING FACILITIES! • I for honorable mention. First place Judges for the contest were Mr*. Vanoe D. Baker, 286 Porter gressman; Dardo Cuneo, former Mary Alexy of Rockville. flicted with that given Tuesday by which must be on hand In case of was won by the Gloucester Henry Cabot Lodge: James L. The funeral will be held at the Leroy Jones, managing director of emergency. St., will attend a national con'ven- minister of the Organization of (Mass.) Dally ’Tlmefl. There were Harrison, Public Printer of the tlon of the Children of the Ameri­ American States and Frondlzi’s Whlte-Gibeon Funeral Home, 65 the State Development Commis­ Patricia listed the Vernon ad­ 438 entries. United States; and Aaron IBums, Elm SL, Saturday at 8:30 a.m., sion. dress In her application for work­ Top Teacher can Revolutkm Friday through first press secretary; Ramon Pri­ Contest judging, held at the director of the International Cen- Suiulay at the Sheraton Plcuga Ho­ eto, Benjamin and Benito Voros- followed by a solenm high Mass While Barrett saw no Increase ing papers, Rogers said, but the Ayer Galleries, Iwought the ter for Typographic Arts. o f requiem at St. Bernard’s CTiurch in rail traffic ahead, Jones pre­ school couldn’t arrange for them tel, Washington, D. C. Ho is a nik, who were not further identi­ A l l e n ’ s SUPER m arket delegate from the BSlhu Drake So­ at 9. dicted sizeable economic growth. because it can seek the papers From G>ast fied, and Isidro Odena, who head­ Burial will be in St. Bernards only for Manchester residents. ciety, CAR, Windsor, and a Grade ed Frondizi's committee for radio ^ L E N GIGLIO, owner and monagor— Phono 643-7083 — Rock ville-Vernou 8 pupil at Bennet Junior High and television. Cemetery. UConn Studies Fees Rogers said he feels that allow­ Miss Helen Estes didn’t win the RT. 44A. COVENTRY. C O N N ___ (Near the Bolton Town Unol Friends may call at the funeral ing the pupils to continue attend­ "National Teacher of the Year" School. The Interior Ministry said the home tomorrow from 2 to 4 and STORKS (AP)—’The University ing Manchester High, because they award, but she brought laurels to group was In close contact with T to 9 p.m. of Connecticut is seeking to sta­ are planning to return here, is the Mary Pfau Resigns Post herself and to the Manchester - The annual dinner meeting and similar organizations in other Lat- bilize iite system of student fees best measure for the board to take. school system with her naming as installation of officers of the in-Ameripan countries "where it Dr. V. A. ChadiiewlcB and charges. The board must also decide wheth­ one of the 10 top teachers In the Manchester Unit of the YWCA sought to achieve the same opera­ Dr. Vincent A. Oiadxieiwicz, 61, ’The question of the fees and er to charge tuition for the period As Democratic Chairman United States for 1963. will be held temight at 6:30 at tion it planned for Argentina—to a New Britain dentist, died charges was turned over yester­ in which they have been living In Look Magazine announced to­ Woodruff Hall, Center Congre climb to power as a Marxist-Len- Wednesday at New Britain Gen­ day to the finance committee of Vernon, he said. day that Elmon Ousley, a teacher gatlonal Church. A program will inlst force.” It said the arrests eral Hospital. He waa a brother the state university’s board of So far, the board has not at­ Mrs. Mary Pfau resigned last^the Young (X>P, said the meeting of speech, American govenunent include a talk by Dr. Marion Cuth- were made under a law banning bert, associate professor emeritus of Mrs. Frances Swlderski of 4 trustees. tempted to collect tuition. night as chairman of the Vernon is for prospective members as and teacher-training at Bellevue totalitarian activities. Supt. Curtis said that if the ad­ (Wash.) High School, has beoi of Brooklyn, (N. T.) College; se- Becker PI.. Rockville. Homer D. Babbidge Jr., univer- Democratic Town Committee, smd well as current ones. A social MANCHESTER Dr. Chadziewlcz was bom to aiity president, said a study of ministration had been notified of hour and orientation session are ^ven top place. lectloiu by the Round Table Sing­ Rockville and graduated from St. various iniquities in the system ttie change in address. It would Mayor Leo B. Flaherty Jr. is be­ planned. President John F. Kennedy is ers of Manchester High School Joseph’s S<*ool in Rockville. He had progressed far enough and have directed the parents to ing mentioned as the most likely One Arrest scheduled to present the award to and group singing. Sugar Lobbyist was a graduate of St. John’s Col­ now it was time to turn over the either request a tranrfer for the person to succeed her. Ethel M. Heywood, 38, of Rt. Ousley at a 'White House cere­ lege at Erie, Pa., and George­ matter to the trustees. students into tlhe Vernon school 2, Rockville, was arrested last mony Monday at noon. The Manchester Junior Square town University Sdhool of Dentist­ system or petition the board that Mrs. Pfau told the town com­ Upon recommendation of state Dance Club will meet tomorrow at Made Big Gift Changes in fees and charges are mittee that illness In her family night at 9:15 and charged with PUBLIC MARKET ry- proposed, but Babbidge did not they.be allowed to remain at Man­ violation of probation. Rockville department of education officials, Verplanck School. Dancing will be (Continued from Page One) He was also a brother of the chester High. compels her to restrict her activi­ Miss Estes, head of the Bhvlish from 7:45 to 10:16 p.m. Lee Pine say what they were. ties. Her father has been hospital­ Patrolman Robert Ahnert made 803-805 MAIN STRc£T Rev. Edward Ohadzierv'vlcz, pastor John J. Budds, of West Hart­ The board would have then de­ the arrest on complaint of proba­ department at Manchester High, of Wethersfield will be the caller. He was a candidate for the Dem­ of St. Paid’s Church In Gla«rton- cided whether to require tuition or ized for several months. was selected as Connecticut’s rep­ Refreshments will be served. ford, chairman of the board of She was elected to her first tion officer Paul McGeery. ocratic nomination for the Senate bury. trustees, said: to waive It, he said. Ends Combat Coarse resentative to the cemtest. last year but lost to Bldward M. FINE Rogers said the policy at Man­ term in 1960, and re-elected last After contestants were weighed 'Die funeral will be held Satur­ "We want this to be a long- April. Marino Pvt. Stephen J. Luka- Miss Carolanne Oryk, daughter Kennedy, younger brother ol the FINE day at 9:15 a.m. from the Blogo- range study so that we won’t have chester High has been to allow for achievements, the list was cut of Atty. and Mrs. Anthony J. President. Kennedy won the elec­ A conunittee will nominate her siewskl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ste­ slawskl Fimeral Home in New to ^ange our fees every year or seniors who move to continue at phen Lukasiewski of Hopkins Rd., to 10 finalists, of vdiich i^e was Gryk, 37 Academy St. and Allan tion and Is now In the Senate. QUALITY Britain with a Mass at 10 in Holy so. The schedule should be such the school if they wish without successor. The committee Is the one. Van Zander, son of Mr. and Mrs. In addition to the contributions QU^ITY ifU S T I paying tuition. Undergraduates, same one entrusted with chooeing Elling;ton, completed four weeks of Cross Church. Burial will be in that a student can plan the cost Individual combat training March In the May T issue at Look, an Edward Shensie, School Rd., Bol­ listed in the document, the tran­ 10 OZ. JA R C H A SE & SAN BO RN ^ Sacred Heart Cemetery. of a four-year education fairly such as the D’Agostino girls, do nominees for city and town o f­ article on the top winner and a ton, are members of the cast of script of the March 1 hearing fices, and includes Abner Brooks, 28 with an infantry training regi­ MEATS Friends may call at the funeral closely." not qualify for the privilege, he ment at Camp Lejeune, N.C. listing of the nine honor role win­ 'The Bus Stops Here," a three- showed that O’Dotmell testified MEATS home from 7 to 9 tonight and 2 to said, but are required to leave at now acting chairman of the town The training provides newly en­ ners will appear. act comedy-drama, Saturday, that day that he made a |5(X) cam­ For Tbis Wtoktsd, Try Our Owu Make Sugar Buiwl 6 and 7 to 9 p.m. tomorrow. the end of the nearest quarter or committee, Anthony Carlisi, Rob­ Miss Estes has been a teacher April 20, at 8 p.m. at Alfred Plant paign contribution in 1960 to Sen. INSTANT COFFEE ’ 1.19 Blast Wrecks House listed Marines with a background semeeter, said Rogers, unless ac­ ert Demlng, Flaherty, and Nich­ at Manchester High for nearly 36 Junior High School, West Hart­ Hubert H. Humphrey of Minne­ John J. Lomtiardl DANBURY (AP)—A two-story tion is asked of the school board. olas Pawluk. of experience in the field under FREE combat conditions. Live-firing years and head of its BkigUsh de­ ford. The play Is sponsored by sota, now assistant Senate Demo­ FREE John J. Lombardi. 51, of Hart­ wooden frame house was demol­ Mrs. Jane Stuck asked what the Flaherty will probably accept partment since 1935 She was the cratic leader. Humphrey Intro­ the post, since he has announced exerdses are conducted, in addi­ dramatic clubs of Mount Saint ford, died Tuesday at Hartford ished today by sm exploakni. The board should do if it learns that first advisor to the High School Joseph Academy and Robinson duced the Zablocki MU in the SA V E 20c IMIRNED owner and only occupant was not he vrill not seek re-election aa tion to field trips and classroom 3-HOUR Hospital. He was a brother of pupils have ■ moved out of town lectures. World, published weekly In The School, both of West Hartford. Senate. NATIVE CHICKENS Louts Lombardi of 45 Brian Rd., at home at the time, and authori­ temporarily and the parents have mayor when his term expires in 3-HOUR Hospital Notes Herald, from the page’s inception O’Donnell also testified he made (QUABTEBS) Wapplng. ties began an investigation on the not rented their Manchester prop­ December. In 1934 until she retired from the a 3100 contribution to the unsuc­ 1 LB. PROS. AUNT JEMIMA Graduation Dates Admitted yesterday: A 1 b « e Two Manchester residents are PARKING ’lire funeral will be held Friday blast. erty. post in June 1961 attending the Continental Con' cessful 1960 Senate campaign of at 8:30 a.m. from the Ahem Fu­ The force of the explosion left Rockville High School seniors Peterson, Farmington Ave., For- PARKING Atty. William Collins said the estviUe; Earl Leighton, Allison In December, when she learned of the National Society, Rep. George McGovern, D-S.D., 2 ^ 3 9 c neral Home, 180 Farmington Ave., the house a shambles, damaged an­ term "residency” legally means will graduate on Wednesday, June subsequently elected to the Sen­ PANCAKE FLOUR BEEF IN TO W N Rd., Taloottville; Irene GUletto, of her final standing, Miss Estes tors of the American Revo­ Hartford, with a requiem Mass at other home, and shattered wln- 19. Sykes Junior High School 2 9 ‘ n> IN T O ¥ fN that a person actually lives at a T on y Rd., ToUand) Glenn O’Brien, commented that "a lot of teachers lution, this week In Washington, ate last year; and |100 to Rep. Immaculate Conception Church a t' dows in other houses nearby. particular address, as opposed to eighth graders will graduate cm 14 Laurel St. are tor more to my Ideal." D. C. They are Mrs. Herbert W. Joseph R. Martin, R-Mass. PARKING 9. Burial will be in Mt. St. Bene-1 Richard Gretch Housatonic "domicile,’’ which indicates intent Thursday, June 20. At a testimonial In her honor Robb of 94 Branford St., regent, In his March 1 testimony, 1 9 A T PARKING Fresh From diet Cemetery. [^Division manager for the Oonnec- Discharged yesterday: William to maintain property at a partic­ The Vemcm board of eduoatiem CantweU, 28 Range Hill Dr.; Rob­ March 21 at Fiano’s, more than and Mrs. John C. Reig, Indian Dr., O’Donnell told the committee; t LOT O N Friends may call at the funeral tlcut Light & Power Co., said one ular address. * has decided on the two dates, after 200 friends and working asso­ delej^te, both of Orford Parish "The re-election of senators and LOT O N home today from 7 to 9 p.m. of its men "found that gas was ert Gagnon, Vernon Ave.; Kenneth He said residency is the legal a month’s study on whether grad­ Coutu, Barbara Rd., Vemon; ciates disagreed with her and said DAR. members of the House who were BIR CH ST. flawing from the end of the ser­ uation should be continued at the with fondness that they are proud familiar . with Philippine affairs The Brine Barrel vice pipe from which the cap had requirement in Connecticut. Ethel Gerbpr, Summit Rd., Ver­ NBC Graham and Honey Grahams...... 86o BIRCH ST. r Mrs. Stuek called for an Invest­ eighth grade level. The board de­ non; Donald Campbell, RFD 2. "she Is ours,’’ in the words of Ikl' and who had exhlMted a sympa­ been removed sometime previous cided to do so for the benefit of son M. Bailey, former Manchester thetic attitude toward them was Ohuok pleoeo, bone-ln—not F u n e ra ls to the explosion by persons un­ igation of the whole tuition re­ Fancy'bottom round or eye of Fancy boneleoa briaket. lean or Center outs, eroes-outs, or quirements question, in order to some 20 per cent of the children Vernon news Is handled by The Higdi principal. Fire Guts Truck obviously of Importance to my cli­ chuck piece*—lean or mixed. rolled. known.’’ ents and friends In our allied re- tbo round. ooUd and lean. mlxelL After the explosion, a small ftoe prevent any further problems. for whom the eighth grade at Herald’s RockvfUe Boreeu, 5 W. Burleigh W. Garter Supt. Curtis said he wants to Sykes is the only level of school­ Main St., telephone 875-8186 or At Highway Ramp pubUc." in the basement was extinguished The listing In toe committee Private funeral services were “make a bit of an issue out of ing completed. 849-8797. Pancake Festival quickly by firemen. contained numerous names Iden- L b . L b . 79c held this morning for Burleigh W. this” in order to bring about Underclassmen at Rockville High Fire tbis afternoon gutted the Lb. 99c 89c UoslI with those of members of Carter, 4-year-old Rockville boy policy review. School will attend school the Slated at Church interior and blistered the exterior who was fatally Injured Easter Thursday after the seniors grad­ Congress but. without any Identi- of a panel truck, owned by the ficauon of them aa such. ONE SOLID HEAD OF NEW CABBAGE FREE Kdien he was struck by a car. uate, but only until noon. Van Allen Sees Members of each of the youth The Rev. Laurence M. Hill, pas­ WootBand Auto Body Co., 1208 Some names, such as "Earl Ho­ WITH EACH PURCHASE OF OUR DELICIOUS CORNED BEEF! Seventh graders at Sykes will groups of Second Congregational gan,” listed for $2(X>, do not coin­ FREE!! tor of Rockville Methodist Church, Society Will Fete attend school the Friday after the Church will receive a cash award Burnside Ave., Xhst Hartford. officiated at the services held at cide 'With the name ot any mem­ eighth grraders graduate, but only Gains in Belt for selling the most tickets to an The incident occurred on the ber of Congress. Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main Quotations Furnished by Veteran Members until noon. HORMEL'S 8t., Manchester. Aunt Jemima pancake featival, it eostbound exit ramp of the Wil­ A contribution of |600 purpor­ Fancy, Fmsh Drotsod, Mooty Gobnni Mlddlebrook, Ine. No Menus was today announced by Hury tedly went to Rep. George -P. Burial was in Orovs Hill Ceme­ Bank Stocks Made by Man bur Oroaa Hlghwi^, which leads SPAM ON SALE! tery, Rockville. Bartolomeo Faglia and Frank Since Vernon schcml children Rylander Sr., ehalrmon. The tosU' MiUer, D-Callf. Choice BEEF CUTS Bid Asked PassacanUle, two of the oldest will be on their spring vacation val will be held Thursday, MAy 9, onto W. Xliddl* Tpke. Others listed in toe Ftalbright 42c con 0>nn. Bank and Trust members of the Cristofore Colom­ next week, there vrill be no menus (Oonttmied from Page One from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Two ftraman from two com- document as receiving eontrlM- Mr*. Ctoorge B<*roU Co...... T1 K BONELESS CStOSS-ODT FOB A NICE Puneral aervices for Mrs. Anna bo Society, will be honored by the published today. The Herald will riiuroh. panias went to the scene at 1:10 tions were: POULTRY WE HAVE FRESH Marie 8ll of 60 Deerfield Dr. Hartford National society Sunday at a dinner at 1 run the menus as usual next "For the first time w* bavs a Next week a picture will appear and extinguished the blase. Former Rep. Walter Judd, R- Bank and Trust Go. 63H 67Vi Thursday for the week of April were held yesterday morning at p.m. at the Villa Louisa, Bolton. definitive life history-of electrons In The Herald to be eolorad In a Ronald Zalenlia of Glaatonbury, Mtam., who was defeated for re- Fire Insnranoe Companies 29. driver of Bie truck, ooid he saw BnCDTTJM m23E POT ROAST BLEACHED TRIPE Ooneordla Lutheran Church. ’The There will be dancing from 4 to oonteet for children through 18 eleettcm In 1963, |800. (NOT PICKLED) Htfd. Fire ...... 73 78 9 p.m, Junior Woman’s CSub In the tamer belt," he said. years of age. Piiaee wUI Include a a flame oame up from the left Rep. WUUam MlUer, R-N.T., SIRLOIN TIP FDR A TASTY B«v. Paul C. Kaiser, pastor, of­ Phoenix F ire ...... 124 132 ficiated. Burial was in Rose Hill Reservations may be made with Mrs. Frank Detolla, president Van Allen said he now believes transistor radio, a camera, and side of the driver’s seat. He now chairman of the OOP Na­ Roasting Ghiekens Lb. 39c R). Phoenix Fire ...... 123% 131% of the Vernon Junloii Woman’s Memorial Park, Rocky Hill. Louis Palazzi, 182 Eldridge St. part of the artificial radiation silver dollars. The awards will be stopped tlte vehicle and ran for tional Committee and then chair­ Life and indemnity Ins. Cos. A dinner committee, headed by Club, will attend the spring con­ presents the day of the festival. help. The entire truck shot into man of toe Republican Oongres- OVEN ROAST u, Bearers were Dale Donnelly, Aetna Casualty .... 95 100 ference of the Connecticut State belt will last aa l(»g as 10 years. i qUARTBRKOi, MEATY Richard Donnelly, Wilfred Cheli- Palazzi, will meet tomorrow at 8 Admlaiion to the festival win flames before he ooidd do any­ slcstal Campaign Committee, in nil F M »H L Y GROUND, LEAN Aetna Life ...... 144% 152% Federation of Women’s Clubs, The estimate is a reversal of his Include all the pancakM deaireit thing, he said. his capacity as chairman, 3800. Frozen Food Rmr and William DesKoeier. Conn. General ...... 148 156 p.m. at the Italian American earlier view that the entire belt Club. Junior dlviaion, at the Waverly plus maple syrupy aanoagea, oof'* The host was so intans* that Former Sen. Allen Frear, D- i ChlekonLogs lb. The H < ^ es Funeral Home, ,400 Htfd. Steam BoUm- . .117 126 Inn in Cheshire Saturday. With would disappear within a year aft­ i| Sialn St., was in charge of ar- fee, milk and dessert A padnga lha carburetor ki the motor area Del., 3600. HAMBURG Specials! Travelers ...... 174 182 her will be Mrs. Hugh Collins, er the July 9, 1962, nuclear blast. of iMitteraiUk pancake mix wUl M Sen. Jennings Randolph, D-W. l>V' aenta. PnbUo UtOlUes Mrs. Robert Beerworth and Mrs. For months, Van Allen had been matted and the exterior paint w LARGE, MEATY 2 lbt.$1.10 given to all women atteiidlng. bbstered and fell off. No one was Va., 3600. SViTFTS REG. 58e Ck>nn. Light Power .. 33 % 36% Louis L. Pilver. in disagreement with government Free baby-eitting will be available Checks for 3800 egch were listed Htfd. Electric Light Public Records The bridge club of the Vernon estimates on this point. hurt and new auto parts in the GROUND FRESH in the nursery. Organ music will rear of the truck were saved by for John O’Keefe, not otherwise dhicken Broasts Lb. TURKEY DINNERS New ...... 40% 44% Junior Woman’s Club will meet In announcing his reversed be played during the festival. identified; Rep. W, Pat Jennings, Hartford Gas Co. . . . 39 43 today at 8 p.m. at the homes of opinion. Van Allen said observa­ Zalenka. The truck, a total wreck, 39c ooch __ if Warrantee Deeds A sale of homemade foods will was towed from the scene, state D-Va., Albert H. Quie, Eugene Southern New England Forre.st Williams and Lois M. Mrs. Herbert Flavell, Crestwood tions of the artificial belt by D. K eo^ , and Daniel Flood. CHUCK BEEF be conducted by women of the and Manchester Ptdlee rerouted v | M o w CROP e-oa. m n Telephone ...... 50 54 WUliaims to Vernon Herter' and Rd., Tolland, and o f Mrs. Joseph American satellites bad produced churoli. The fist Inchided a check to W. n ' Ghiokon Wings lb. 2 Uw.$i.sa !■ M cw w iIbiii Manufacturing Companies (Greenwood, George Dr., Vernon. evidence contrary to his earlier the exit traffic tor a half hour. J * a»^a«*r of Hraeat DoCioo- Josephine Herter, property at 61- Tickets s a s f be purahased from Bnaot aaust at lha Era R. Poage for $800, with tba ao- 6 r a n g e j u ic e whs passod away ApthH, mi. Arrow, Hart, Heg. .. 62 86 68 Summer St. Two Grass Firm view iriilch he said hod been tatlan ft was "not endoraad’ ’. A Associated Spring .. 15% 17% of rimnh groupa or at tswnlnad. VEAUEEF-PORK Ellsworth Mitten to Alec Mar­ Rockville firemen sxtlnguiahed based on "intuition." door. 1400 paymant was notad la to* Ib . 29e con do wo I two grass firee yesterday, one on Nooks ’n Basks _ tboaght w* live, Bristol Brass ...... 10''4 11% chuk and Nancy W. Marchuk, HIGH ooBT o r mnoro ■aina of CUtford O.' Mclnttr*. i no loncor iritb us, Dunham Bush ...... 6% 7% property at 136 Greenwood Dr. Maiden Lone, and another on W. NO SITTER PROBUSM HERE The r ^ r d also showed 3100 6 lbs. 25e COMBINATION lb. 69a - 2 Ibt. $1 JO SWEKT U FE 8-eo. MZB omrc------beaHi atlU------Uvm. Em-Hart ...... 62 56 Frank R. Wood Construction Co. Main St. AMARILLO, Tex. (AP) —The *lJnin»urable* Taken WABHINOTON, (AP) —U. S gifts O ct 13, 1800, to Sen. Paul r Fafnir ...... 47 51 'Young GOP Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ctovernmant sMlstlca ahow that bRANGE JUICE MoUmt. yatbsr. Brothers to Maskel Construction Co., fifteen H. D o u i^ , ------D-TU.; Sen. Pat Mc­ Ground TWICE for a real deUdoos meat loaf or and Sisters N. B. M achine...... 24 27 lots in Woods Falm, Keeney St. The Vernon Young Republicums Wayne Benton had enough baby­ NEW YORK—About 5,000,000 during the last decade the cost Namara, D-Mlch.; Sen. E. L.„ 2 cant SBc North and Judd .... 14% 16% Marriage Licenses will meet at 8 p.m. today at the sitters at birth to last two weeks people who could not bave ~bought of Uvmg has climbed 84 per cent, Bartlett, D-Aloaka; S tan ly Pro-' Ohieken Giklats u ^ l S e Swetiish meat balls. ' , la Mamoriam Seknley W ork s...... 18% 20% Wayne Eli Englimd, 499 Lydall home of Bruce Bengaton, Vernon and a day. She not only has four life Insurance 80 fo, ba- while funeral cocts have tnereased kop, Jajmes Delaney and *1110001* •■■■ A Isflaa m m en al Blmsr H. OU- Veedor-Koot ...... 48 52 St., and Barbara Aim Pouein, 428 fire commisitoner at 10 George living grandparents, but six great- cauae o t .health or Job alnuwt twle* os mueh. or 4t p P. O’NeiU. Payments of $800 were . April i8, 1«1. iif-iiiiiiiiliiiii aoiSottsa. The above quotations are not to Center St., Church of the Assump­ Dr., 'Veinon. grandpareBta and flva groat-fraot- ■ at _ th* omna yorlod. f roxnrted to Robert Wife and son be oon q^ ed as setuaL markets. tion, April 27. !•' Thomas Oasratben, preshHent o f graiM^iaraita, 18 In aO. to stor tUn, Jota DtagdL

'X ' ’ ■ ' . ' ' ' \ section Two THTOtsDAv, APRIL 18,1961 E v r t t l n g I f r r a l i b THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1968 PACtt tWICLYB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, APRIL 1968 Pages IS to S4 Oommunlty Service#, OMR, State Speakers to Talk Department of Health; Dr. J c e ^ Bronze Plaques Will Honor Lavender, oonaultant, and Dr. IDI- CHILDRIN'S On Mental Health ton TotiM, agaociata oonaultant, Bwaau o f PttiHl Personnel ai HEALTH SAMD Bowling Alley Kickoff Five Teachers Miss Bennet^ Howell Cheney B j^eolal Educational Services, H m Offlos of Mootel Rsterda- State Depiurtment of Education; tlon, Stats Department of Health, John T . OaaaeU, director' and W. H. ENGLAND Join System BronM pl*qu«B will b« placed in^ many "firsts’* in the school sys­ w ill apanaoe a serlea of radio pro­ Oarety D. Ihome, director of cot­ LMMRIR C a O f $3 Million Complex Bennet Junior High and Howell tem. It will be dedicated in June grams next MoEiday through Fri­ tage life, Southbury Training e Open AH Day Satarday • The txMird of education tait Chaney R egion al Technical as part of a progrram the board is day from 1:40 to 2 pjn. on the School: Fred P.. Finn, superin­ night appointed five new tooriiara planning to honor retired teach­ tendent, Seei^e Regional Center; "A t .the Oteea**—44S-SM1 The construction o f a bowling alley by early' fall is the Bchoola as memorials to the late Pat Tumor ^ow, WINF. to the school aystem, two fo r tita Manchester education leaders for ers. SpeEdcers for the programa' will and Stanley Mayers, aupertatend- f in t step proposed in a $8 million project on Rts. 88 and 16 whom the schools are named. The other will be given to the be David Baumstein, director of «it. New Haven Regional Center. in Vernon, Manchester and South Windsor. remainder of the current achool A t the request of William Buck- state vocational education depart­ Oaom B. RUlay, vtoe pcaaldentf, year rad three, including a read­ ley, its senior member, the board ment for placement in the tech­ * On TUoottvIUe DevalopnMnt ing coordinator, to begin in Sep­ nical school to honor Howell Tech Report Cards of education last night voted to Oorp., Mid today that wliUa plana tember. Cheney, who founded the school in a rt aoUd only fo r tha bowUtw al­ acquire the plaques at a com­ It also accepted two resigna­ bined cost not to exceed $350. 1915. lay, tha eventual projact wui In- Report cards will ba diatrlb- One will mark the renaming in The late Miss Bennet’s achieve­ alude a 996-uhlt ntotw, a 500-aaat utod tomorrow to stodents at tions and granted one leave of ab­ December 1$«1 of the former Bar­ ments include establishing a school aummqr thaaitar, a two-atory rea- H ov^ Cheney Technical sence. nard Junior High for Miss Elisa­ library, promoting a manual train­ L Y N N fiojuJJbu^ J-iVunA, taurant, an exhthMlon haX buildinf School. " The new reading coordinator, atorM, beth O. Bennet, credited with ing program and the first recrea­ with ratal! and aavarai who will work mostly on the pri­ amuaamant araaa. Including nine tion center, and providing the first Choic* Frasii Notiv* PoMitry, . . Direct From Form to You! ■he added, are too fu ll o f fears and mary level, is Miss Diane J. Smith use o f visucU aids in Manchester bolea a t gotf, ptivpte awln of Berlin, Ck)nn. A gp'aduate of poola, tannla oouita,' aoiflUMl concerns, while today's complex schools. eooiety creates woblems rad pree- Central Connecticut State College She w «s a former principal of clambake area and parMne for 1,000 oan . , ■uree for the adolescent. in New Britain with a B.S, degree Barnard, the old Ninth IMstrlct In covering the jierlod of ado- and of Boston University School WANTED! School, Nathan Hale, South and ★ ...... I...... ★ Oonstruottoa a t ttiaae facUltlM wm de|>and on hoar aoon laacents from 11 to 21, Dr. W olf, of Education with a master's In Highlsjid I^ rk Schools. She died — SPECIAL — elementary reading, she will earn Oean, Late Model at the age of 78 on Sept. 1, 1959, oan be aaourad w ith proapaottva ■on stated that parents should re­ tananta, aald Rlalay. member £hat their children are $5,420 to start. nearly nine years after retiring. A guidance counselor and an In­ The late Mr. Cheney served mo-e FRESH. FANCY. NATIVE STRICTLY FRESH GRADC "A" The atta la 24 aorea aouth a t the striving for independence. They W ilbur OroM Highway, baiiind ehould, she added, be given the termediate grades teacher, as yet USED CARS than 40 years as chairman of the opportunity to make their own unassigned, were the others ap­ old Ninth District and Manchester Oonnactlout OoHland In Talcott- TOP PRICES PAID vllle. H m m w ill ba frontage on R t choices at an early age, and to be pointed for the 1963-64 school school boards, and was a member year. of the State Board of Education 88 a fter tw o houaaa have been re­ made to realize the reaponsibllity Fowl afnting works are displayed earn $4,770 pro-rated. 0 average loss for those Rice is available to all food of the operetta from Miss Martha At,I .STATE Safe-T-Treads Tires planner. Seminary, he was ordained in St. Highway. The "M ” a h a ]^ buUdingis are the motel unite. The "J ” shaped building just left of the from each grade, as well as crafts. Both appointments were effec­ vrao faithfully followed the stores. If your grocer does not White, music instructor in the The oonatructlon materied for Andrew’s Church of Christ, Read­ doughnut shaped building la a meeting hall and retail store building. An auditorium is next to it. The exhibit began Tuesday. tive last nijght. Comet Rice Diet for at least five moat of the buildings will be ma­ have it, he can secure it from school system. SEARS ing, Pa., June 17, 1962, rad aasum- Below that i« a shelter for clambakes. I f that Isn’t enough, the amoeba-shaped blobs with lines In Store Window The board accepted the resigna­ days, in an independent rejmrt- Ken J. Pezrow Corp., 72-51 Today, the pupils saw how sets ROEBUCK AND CO sonry. Whether the style will be ed the poetorate at Bast Windsor SUoking out o f them are par-three go4f holes. A ooiqile of arvlmmlng pools nestle in the court­ GONDOLA BEANIES In g groim, ia about 8 pounda in traditional a t contemporary will yards o f the motel units. tions of Kenneth Shapiro, a Grand Ave., Maspeth 78, N .Y ., are changed because the curtains later the same month. ROME (AP) — Italian Univer­ French I and Spanish I teacher at 10 days. Of the greim. say Phone TWining 9-0200. depend on the diolee of the ton- The annual exhibit of public *oating Comet Rioe frequently were not closed between scenes. Retread . . . Sidewall to Sidewall He has done field work at the sity students wear gondola-shaped Bennet Junior High School, rad o f Send your name, address and The operetta will be presented ante. Moravian Church, Lancaster, Pa., school art will continue through made this diet easier and more Rlalay rad Conyers will split the hats to indicate what course they Mrs. Barbara McCord, a Grade 1 pleasant than other diets,” and the box top to ns. in Bailey Auditorium Friday and and was an obaerver-recordcir for Maureen Loughrey, Chriatlne Hen- will share the food with all present April 30 in a display window at are studying. The “ Berretti Go- teacher at Washington School, Address: Saturday, April 26 and 27, at 8:15 eonatruction between their two a year for the United Church of After Easter Fete drlckeon, Michael Plocharczyk, and Invoke the blessings of the the Watkins Bros, furniture store 96% said they would recom­ fltm a liardici” (student hats) are col both effective at the end o f the mend this diet to others. COMET RICE p.m., with a matinee performance Christ The Rev. Mr. O’Rellly is Tori Caldwell, Norman Narkon Resurrected Christ. on Main St. ored differently for each college school year. Comet Rice Co. makes no Box 1881, Dallas 21, Texas Saturday at 2. The Gilbert and believed to be the first Bvai\gelical Set at St. John’s and John Bmg'er. Proceeds of the event will be Two- and three-dimensional —blue for law, green for chem­ A one-year maternity leave waa eiaims for this diet. The diet is Sullivan Workshop is donating rad Reformed postorvto be called The Rev. Walter A. Hyozko, used to renovate the Interior of the works from all public school istry, red for medicine, etc. granted to Mrs. Penelc4>e Nason, OlVM profits from the performances to Mrs. Malkenson to a Crnigregatlonal chunh in Con­ A traditional aftier Boater sup­ pastor, will bteoa tha Bostor food ohuitii. Renovations are expected grades, kindergarten through They have been worn here since a Grade 5 teacher at Nathan H ale Mote to Physiciana: Doctor, if you want to prescribe this easy, the pool project undertaken by necticut since the two bodies per, oslled "8wieoonka," will be and ahead egga after the play. He to begin next month. Grade 12, are Included. Four or medieval times. School, effective this week. simple, inexpensive diet for your patients, please use your pro- Instructors of the Handicapped PTSO President merged in 1061. served Sunday at in the featimial statioDery and tell an how many e a s ie t yon need. (lO H ). Center CBurob's. Chanib Choir Parish HaU k Mrs. Wllttam MaXunaon, 101 win Sing at the 6:16 St^ Natlohal OatlxiUc CSmrw. The Olcott Dr., last night was elected day, the PHgiim *Choir a t 11 o ’clodc Friendship dUb will sponsor the and installed president of Bennet both under the direction of Mar­ program. Mrs. Spitito 'Yeaoo is Junior High School PTSO at a tha White, director of children’s chairman. m eeting at tha aohool. choirs, Walter Oryzb, director of A play, "The Baaber Parade," Everybody saw these headlines this yean Other officers are Mrs Roger music, w ill be the organist. and talent show will be presented Bagley, first vice president; Mrs. before the supper. Mrs. Agnes Burt LaCoe, secopd vice presi­ Skrabaez, director of the Polish dent; Mrs. Bvaratt Johnson, secre­ Astronomer Finds School at the church, will direct tary, rad John Bickley, treasurer. the play. She will be aaaisted by Sub-Zero Cold| ONE A demonstration of calisthenics Far-Away Planet Henry Yaworaki. Mias Beverly and tumbling was given by boys Btugper w ill direct the talent ahow. of a physical education class with Childran partlcipaUng In the Alabaina’s Weather LT.WOOD David Dooman, instructor. (Oontiniied from Page One rips Region program are Michael Poehler, Jean Dr. Beatrice Wolfson, clinical across the sky will be a uniform Luniewski, Frank Lalaahius, Locker Plant >"<< Meat Market psychologist of the State Depart­ motion. If a companion does ex­ Marjorie Majewski, Sharon Ma- „ C«W and Costly; ment of Mentral Health, spoke on ist, astrometric observations will jewnki, Donna Obzut, David Pol- FRESH MEATSRETAIL DEPARTMENT "What Young Adolescents Are charezyk, Stephen Kosakowski, lo » lempetatyj rake." indicate that the path of the star wobbles, said the astronomer. Henry WierbicM, Nora Lalaahius, was belo Wear-Zero Readings The speaker said that all young Mary Lalashlua, Peter Laltudiius, COLUMBIA SMALL LEAN U.S.D.A CHOICE The amount of the wobble Is a X an existing re^ LOW people are marvelous. Parents, measure of the mass unseen com­ Doris Lalaahius, Darlene Lougrey, panion, he said. SMOKED SHOULDERS SHOULDER STEAKS He said an extensive series of lO Fat photographic plates enabled him je c o rd e ri to make a precise determination to ym w ^ a t a dMtor's pr»- of the motion and distance of Notice wrlptloB, ear peodael eeUed Odrinm. Barnard's Star. Spnnil observatory made two WE HAVE DAILY toWe* era cMtk laranoarM. Get r ld ^ other discoveries of planets be­ «xc«.._fjU ^ Uve kiBser. Odrio.x yond the solar system. The un­ DELIVERY TO THE !S*i , sahiHed lor aojr rouoa, seen companion in the 61 Cygni BUT YOU MAY HAVE MISSED THIS STORY: jufl riW B Mie pAckace to yonr dnur- system was measured by KaJ A. rill and fM yoar tall money back. No ieoUoai aoked. Odriam la aold wHh Strand in 1948 and that of Lalande Sla naraatoo by: ArUiar Drac Store, 21186 by Sarah Lee Llppincott In BOLTON EXTRA LEAN FRESHLY GROUND TO BIN’S WEIBSTER au Haia Street, Hall Ordera n iled ?^ 1960. NOT PRE-PACKAGED GUARAKTEED AREA H a s CHUCK GROUND SLICED BACON o r th tv e s t h ig h F a I iT-r. J I URES.I 15 MQNTHS LENOX W "' 'a '" ti* y PHARMACY UTTLE Winter cm au ^ 85 East Centei St, 299 E. CENTER ST. Years lb lb A t Summit St. -Washington Tubeless Blackwalls T E L Ml 9-0896 WEEKEND CASH AND CARRY SPECIAL! moderate winter Northwest -I WAYBEST NATIVE FRESH MUCKE’S LEAN SMOKED LARGE AND MEATY 7.50x14 «.reWee] ta doz. DAISY ROLL 8.00x14 ROSES 8.50x14 _ CHICKEN PARTS Plus Tax And Old LEGS lb. 59c Tire O ff Your Car SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY NIGHT BREASTS lb. 69c TOim OBOIOB A |•ROASTIEpAUJUS \ The Pacific Northwest had another pleasant winter TIME SERVICE GUARANTEE • RAKIDSnmD SHRIk. ^ HOME FREEZER DEPT.—U.S.D.A. CHOICE Tubeless Whitewalls Almost every edition o f newspapers this past winter brought reports It’s the kind of country in which people like to live, and to w orA I f tire- fails during the monthly guarantee period, we will, at our option, either re- Guaranteed Against cf record cold. In Louisville, Kentucky, one day this past January, ‘ All Road Hazards • ROAfT STUFFED TURKEY The climate is one of many reasons the Pacific Northwest is on^ WESTERN STEER BEEF pair it without cost or in exchange for the ^ g id winter blasts dropped temperatures to 10 degrees below zero, old tire, give yon a new tire or a refund, ■AKID U S A d N A ...... $1.25 of America’s last great frontiers—a modem frontier O f economio charging only for the period of ownership, 7.50x14 'fai Chicago that tame memth, temperatures plummeted to 18 below Free ALLSTATE ICHfCKM CHOW MEIN ...... 99e and population growth. FOREQUARTERS HINDQUARTERS 8.00x14 ^ ro ; fat St Louii, to 11 below zero. ★ ★ ★ AU adjustments made by retail atorea ate Tire Mounting FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL prorated at the regular retail price ploa 8.50x14 iThe-aews was similar almost all over the country. Federal Excise Tax, leaa trade-in, at thp The Pacific Northwest states of Washington, Oregon and Idaho i time of retnm. lOCMHlTE LOBSTER DiMiER .... $1.95 But not in the Pacific Northwest. among the 11 states of the West served by El Paso Natural Gas Con NO SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL There, the news was good— another mild winter; in fadt, one of pany, whose pipelines are connected with the great gas-producinfl the warmest ever. ISTEAK BINNER...... $ areas of the Southwest, the Rocky Mountain states, and Canada lib lb 1.95 In Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington— leading cities of MONEY i B m i O AKB ...... 48e In 1962, the Pacific Northwest states used more natural gas I a Only the most select tire casings are ever used 8ie Pacific Northw est-winter temperatures over a 30-year period IWu Hr m WIm ki BusinMsmen’s Luncheons— 85e to 99e •ver before. . . and this new frontier is just beginning lo grow,) W lm you aoe tUo stamp (D.S.D.A. Choice) you know if* the beat. W e age and cuatom cut to P-95 AD D ITIVE . . . as new as tomorrow! for Sean retread tires... tread width and tread OKNEBOUS PORTIONS U m nmged hi fba moderate mid-SO’s to mid-40’A In aammer, the your apaelfloatton. N o extra charge for catting—wrapping—aharp freezing. DOWN Every A L L S T A T E tire is now made with design are just like braiid-new ALLSTATE tires »LUR OUR REGULAR MENU (BmpaniH* noge BVMBges a to d 56 to 79 dagfMS. Par a topy Of our 1962 Ammitat JUport, string this new revolutionary, exclusive blend rub­ • UBOAL BKVEBAOllB • YasrooopcLI temperamsea are mOdt'warmer iM uriiverage in on Sears Easy HKMaaiADl} BRKAO aad PASTBIW HXTRA TALL SIZES iU$aits on urviet to I I Wtsitm ttattt, wriitt W * raat cdM storogB lockan fpr your froxM muots and vegetables for os ber to provide better traetion and give you Paymmit Plan bwist tm Scan precision whed bafauidng weights and a 8 0 V P S MATOB P U S H D A IL Y EXTRA BIO SIZES iraxer, oooler in aommer. And A ere’s little k e or snow to shovel. El Paso Natural Gas Company, El Paso, Texas Htfle o i $1.25 a montli. Tha locker holds about 250 lbs. of meat. Compare longer mileage. • . . . . TO 66. iMt deal before you buy o heihe freezer. labor $1.50 each. Rajoy Yoor Favorite I FRANK’S Legal Beverage Here . . EL PASO NATURAL 6AS COMPANY STORE HOURS REGAL IF YdU LIKE THE REST GIVE US A TEST 62S MAIN STREET Sliop at Sears azid Save I MATUfMi. earn t o owtwwution ooMPANies a n o iNouarfiMu < II MSSEU ST. ^ REAR OF ICE PLANT 643-8424 Taca.-Sat. Mon.-Wed.-Thurs.-FrL ICAFE CORNER OF PEARL MEN'S SHOP Satielaction Gnarantaod or Yoor M onaj Book OA3SMMO VO. U , PARODDOB M * MAIN S n u v a m wrjjMmnrtt.rmm m v-----waiw■worrw i.-vmMO .4 PLENTY OF FRU PARKING SPACE 9:80 AM. to 6 P.M. 9:80 A J I4-9 P J L M I 8-2478

% MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN^ THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1968 PAGE nrrBSN PAOl FOUSm N harmed but the blaM took the apparently became overheated National Academy of Sciences has meeting.. Refreshments will be the governorship of Mississippi— Five Children Die Uvea of the three younk aona and Scandia to Host called for an Intematlmial effort knd set the houae afire. served. a jMst which he tried to wUt m two daughtera of EllaaMth Moea, Today in Wtuhington to cope with "unccmtrolled popula­ The baby sitter, Judy Cook, 17, The Excelsior Degree Team of Johnson personally blocked the I Cuba Buildup Charge 28, who waa away at the time, In House Blaze a sister of Mrs. Moea, was Rhode Island will perform the entrance of James H. Meredith, a tion growth." State ______Vasa I Units police at this northern Lower awakened by amoke and flames inlttatofy degree for about 30 new Neg^ro, Into the University of Mis­ “ In our judgment, this problem WAKBOtCnas (AP) — in ttMfpnrtmaut to ant pared peat rdaa ORATUNO, Mich. (AP) — A Michigan community aaid. from sleeping on a downataira Scandia Lodge, Order of Vasa, members. sissippi one time last fall. Later The Baby Has BO that revenues for this service can be successfully attacked by ’The victims were Barbara couch and ran from file houae, will host Connecticut lodges of Meredith was enrolled after rlot-[ aawa from Waahlngton: devdoping hew methods of fertili­ Renewed by Keating frame houae burnt into flamea POST OFFICE!: Poatmuter a re within 4 p er cent of coats. Lynn, 9; John David; 7; Scott A l­ police said. Vasa Saturday at 8 p.m. at Odd TO SEEK CM)VERNOR8HIP Ing which took two lives and in­ ty relation and implementing aarly today and five ohUdren Oanaral J. IMward Day baa hint- The department loses money, on len, 5; Jamee, 4, hnd BlUle Faye, She was blocked by flamea from Fallowa Hall at a statewide initia­ JAC3CS0N, Miss. (A P ) —Lt. jured scores. programs of voluntary family (Ootttinned from Page Oaa) propaganda effect wcuM have epR/NO pariahad. 2. Oov. Paul B. Johnson Jr., 47, an­ ad pared poat aarvtee may be pared post—4t accounts for $127 returning to the house to rescue tion. Martin Lundberg’s Orchestra Gov. Ross Barnett cannot aue-| a a a million of the $2Sl-mlllion deficit planning w iddy and rapidly grave consequences. A baby altter aaoaped un­ Firemen said a apace heater the youngsters, police said. will play for dancing after the nounced Wednesday he will seek eeed himself. Been Named abut down July 1 and Saturday throughout the world.” n a il deUvarlea auapended. expected to the year ahead—and Congress or the public until toere The report said administration if the prowidon is followed. Day Based on the present rate of is a firm policy to support “ some press officers have not refuted Wbat may lead to an and of population increase, the academy evidence that some information aaid, oveNtU rates would have to over-all, long-term, consistent pro­ parcel poat, Day told a Senate forecast there would be 6 billion was “purposely distorted for ^proprlatlona aubcommlttee on go up at least 25 per cent and the rates on Knaller packages people In the world by the year gram to dislodge the Soviets.” PQses Of propaganda deception.'’ W ^ e a d a y , la **00 impoaalble strong, Janlco Marie, daughter c& William and Kathryna about 40 per cent 2000 and about 25 billion by the Disunity also la fostered, Keat­ “ It the country should estabUah Loughan Strong, Virginia Lane, RFD 1, Tolland. She waa bom hodg^xxlse of lesialatlon” that be year 2070. The present world pop­ ing went on, when attempts are the use of news as a weapon of Double Green Stamps aaid would require radical in- Appealing for a Senate rider to April 7 at Rockville C»ty Hosplta), Her maternal grandfather la caned the 4-per-cent formula- for ulation is in excess of • billion. made to “discredit the motives national poUoy—a poUcy of manip­ WllMam Loughan, Waltham, Mass. Her maternal grandmother ereaaea in the ratea for handling and sincerity of every critic,” ulation and deception—^we wUi packagea. a year. Day described the provi­ Ifl Mrs. Sarah Loughan, HoHywood, Calif. She has a sister, Debo­ sion as self-defeating. His reason­ ACnVi: REHIREE The senator contended that pol­ have undermined me bedrock of \ p J J J E S ! Day tied the chance fOr auapen- free society,” the report said. rah Ann, 2V4. aion of Saturday aerviee — and ing: The increase in rates will MONTE!VE!RDH, Fla. (A P ) — itics stops at the water’s edge WEDNESDAY « « « * « drive away business, throwing To hdp other retired people learn only when the party in power DeLlsIe, I.««Ue Georgia, daughter of Leonard amd Ix)ls Gate* possible denial of aervlce to new SEEK TEST BASES bomea and busineaBea—to the $92 pared post deeper in the red. a hobby or find a way to sup­ shows full confidence in, and pro­ DeLlsIe, Webster Rd., Ellington. She was bom April 9 at Rock­ million out by the House from the OVEIRSEAS TOURS; Secretary plement their incomes, Daymon vides for full consultation with, PARIS (AP)—The Fraoch gov­ AT YOUR FIRST NATIONAL SUPERMARKETS ville City Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and. $6-bllllon Poet Ottlce-Tresaury ap­ of Defense Robert 8.- McNamara Amesbury has purchased a build­ the minority party. ernment opposes any revision of W E G IV E Mrs. George Gates Sr., ’Thompsonville. She has three brothers, propriation bill. has given the military services ing to be used as a ceramics Both parties have nmde serious the military clauses of the Bivlan Leonard, 8, Lawrence, 7, and John, 16 months; and a sister, Ih e Senate subcommittee chair­ greater leeway in setting overseas studio. blunders in Cuba and must share agreement with Algeria, a cabi­ HARTFORD COUNTY Laurie, 6. man, A. WllUa Robertson, didn’t tours. Amesbury, a retired personnel "bipartisan blame” for the “lack net spokesnuui Said Wednesday. first * « « * • give Day cause for much cheer. Men who leave their families at director, was advised by his of any consistent iwllcy” in deal­ The spokesman was referring to Ritchie, Renee Sue, daughter of David Alan and Loretta Only about one-fourth of what the home may have their overseas physician to move to Florida and ing with developmients there, demands raised by Algerian ne- National Bogacki Ritchie, Box 48, Tolland. She was bom April 2 at Rock­ Rouse cuts is eventually restored tours cut to a year. They now are to find active retirement through Keating ssild. mier Ahmed Ben Bella for a revi­ ville City Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and M n. before Congress completes its sent abroad for as long as two mastering a hobby he knew noth­ The society’s freedom of infor­ sion to halt French atomic tests Stores John Bogacki, Natrona Heights, Pa. Her paternal grandparents work on the budget, the Virginia ing about. Now that he h u mas­ mation committee, headed by edi­ in the Sahara. H ie Evlan accords, are Mr. and Mrs. George Ritchie, Brackenrldge, Pa. years. And men who take their 4> • * * « Democrat told the postmaster families with them may be asked tered both shellcraft and ceram­ tor John H. Colburn of the Wichita which gave Algeria its inde­ general. to serve abroad for four years ics, he wants (o share his hob­ (Kan.) Eagle and Beacon, pre­ pendence last year, gave France firs t Vallee, Sandra Eileen, daughter of John Thomas and ElUeen The pared poet dtuation stems instead of the present three. bles without charge with others sented a report warning______^ that___ a the right to use bases in the 8a- Vallee, 8 Bright St., EJnfield. She was bom March 29 at St. from a provision requiring the de- POPULATION CONTROL: The who want to learn them. pollcy of news manipulation for 1 hara for five years. Francis Hospital, Hartford. Her maternal grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. Edward J, Moriarty, 47 Tanner St. Her paternal grand­ N ational father Is Earl .1. Vallee, San Fernando, Calif. She has two broth­ ers, John Jr., 7%, and James, S'/a; and a si.ster, Joanne, 6’/4. piliniilllliliiilil S to re s • « * * « 375 Bonus Stamps W E G I V E Beebe, Brian Allen, son of Alfred Monroe and Juliana Hen­ derson Beebe, 9 Country Lane, Rockville. He was bom April 3 ON HOUSE CLEANING ITEMS BELOW at Rockville City Ho.spital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Henderson, 205 Woodland St. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beebe Sr., Rockville. Hlii il:!: EXTRA ST AMDS With Each Urge materned great-grandmother Ls Mrs. Jeasie Watt, 205 Woodland Today at First National C.R.EEN St. He has a brother, Bruce Monroe, 4; and a sister, Lois fi Mae, 2>/4. H % c riw a y s 100 BELLVIEW BROOM you can be just as sure S T A M P S ^ ***** of fine quality— Gorsky, John WUUam Jr., .son of Mr. and Mrs. John William il:n IXTRA STAMPS With One 26-cz Cen Gorsky, RFD 2, Gehrlng Rd., Tolland. He w-as bom April 9 at OH: LOW DISCOUNT g uaranteed quality — as your Rockville City Hospital. His maternal grandfather Ls Louts Am - |[j! r S I ^ ~ primo. Crystal Lake. His paternal grandmother is Mrs. Helen PRICSS 50 JOHNSON'S KLEAR grandmother was. Gorsaky, 'IVjlland. i l * * * * * itu! e x t r a s t a m p s WHH one 1-lb Pkg Combined with low prices IRHN Jeskl, Kenneth Raymond, son erf Louis Joseph and Sandra this means real savings — Jcuie Chlcky Jeski Jr., 1019 Ellington Rd., South Windsor. He LTMMPS was bom April 8 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His mater­ 50 GOLD SEAL SNOWY BLEACH famous First National value! tii:f nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Alex Chlcky, South Windsor. iPAA IXTIA STAMPS With One Quart Bll Hia paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jeski, Wap- ping. His gfreat-grandmothers are Mrs. Anna Jeski, East Hart­ u tm u r> ford, and Mrs. Kate Balski, Arlington, Mass. He has a brother, 50 FINAST ALL-PURPOSE CLEANER Daniel Louis, 14 months. ***** IXTRA STAMPS With One 7-oz Bomb ^ r- Lord, Marjory Sue, daughter of Robert and Lillian Boothroyd Lord, Jones Hollow Rd., Marlborough. She was bom April 9 at in s id e . . . Manchester Memorial Hospiital. Her maternal grandfather Is M 25 JOHNSON'S GLADE MIST So Tender — So Flavorful Charles Boothroyd, ‘‘Rockville. Her paternal grandparents ars ’• M f IXTRA STAMPS With One IS-^z Cen Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lord, Marlborough. She has two brothers, Robert Jr., 3, and Arthur, 20 months. ina ***** 25 BON AMI JET SPRAY Leonard Warren Theodore, son of W alter Joseph and Louksa i l FIRST FOOD STORE Ellen Gardner Lieonard, 73 Cottage St. He was bom April 9 at Here ora some IXTRA STAMPS WithQneQueH Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Come shop where the sky is always bright and sunny . . . wdiere Mr. and Mrs. Eknest Gardner, Raymond, N.H. His paternal grand­ ’.is! values bloom in every department . . . where friendliness and cour­ CHAR or SUDSY parents are Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Leonard, Raymond, N.H. ir-ii 25 FINAST AMMONIA ***** tesy are convincing . . . where a bright and sunny disposition goes p i with you as you check out with the feeling that no matter where Fairfield, Teresa Jean, daughter of Maynard and Nattdla IXTRA STAMPS With On# 47-oz Pkg l a r g e you might have shopped you couldn’t have done better. W e invite Webster Fairfield, 89 Birch St. She was bom April 9 at Man­ you to pay us a visit and see for yourself. Snow White chester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandmother is Mrs. PORK ROASf Helen We/bater, Islesboro, Maine, Her paternal grandparents are 25 FINAST DRY DETERGENT Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fairfield, Islesboro, Maine. She has four slB- U. S. CHOICE TENDER TOP QUALITY IXTRA STAMPS With One Pint Bri FULL 7-RIB CUT tera, Janet, 11, Sheryl, 10, Wanda, 9, and Clndl, 5. Cerrots '•»<» 3 oc ***** A l Cut From Tender Specially Rawed Young Porkan i • Stanley, Bethany Jane, daughter of Irving and Lyrni Frad- FINAST AU-PURPOSE CLEANER eriok Stanley. 211 Union St. She was bom April 6 at Hartford And Ramambar at Firtt National You Oat Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. C. If. Jhicorjr 2 23. Frederick, Middleitown, N.J. Her paternal grandparents are Mr, BONELESS end Mrs. Howard Stanley, Andover. THE FULL 7-RIB CUT ***** Oiiii Vallee, Sandra Ekleen, daughter of John T. and Eileen Mori- Celery 5,^* 2 -« 2 9 . arty Vallee, 3 Bright St., Enfield. She was bom March 29 at u St. Francis Hospit^, Hartford. Her maternal g;randparents are LOIN 45< I RIB HALF »43< | LOIN HALF » 53< Mr. and Mra Edward J. Moriarty, 47 Tanner St. Her paternal C H U C K SERVE FIHAST APPIMAUCI - DELICIOUS WITH PORK______grtuidfather 1s Earle Vallee, Oalifcmia. She has two brothen^ « 4 9 . John Jr., 7%, James, 5%; and a sister, Joanne, 6%. m r v B f i P A s t a m p s WITH ITiMS USTtD ULOW Pears 2 «39. O’Brien, David Elno, son of George Richard and Mary KalUt- Sliced Bacos u49< •rine Femald O’Brien, 161 Llynwood Dr., Vernon. He was bom R O A S T lb. OMi-ibpfcg Manor Maid Saesage Meat April 10 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grand- O M i-bph g ^ "Child M id " Franks father is Charles Femald, Framingham, Mass., and his maternal Link Sausage J hamTA »63< gfrandmother Is Frances Femald, Orleans, Mass. His paternal K V K n m i A S T A M P S grandmother is Mrs. Doris O’Brien, Hyannis, Mass. His paternal U.S. CHOICE TENDER great-grandmother is Mrs. Sadie Baker, Hyannis, Mass. He hag p— axTMid>f axAMPa three sisters, Diane Elizabeth, 6, Donna Evelyn, 4%, and Denlag BONELESS SHOULDER ONB LB Fbwft Livnrwurst Eileen, 3. V/1TH A 4 TO 6 LB SHOULDER Fnscun "loo" • ***** OUR OWN FRE8HLT MADE ONB i-oc pile Fkwst Largn SKcad Bologna o^«^ unto Formula 7 X F IN I S C M T 280ZBTL Flood, James M., son of D. Edward and Faye Webber Flood, Lestoil 150ZBTL 39« SMOKED PICNIC ONI M-«c pkg Colonial Sandwkk Pack 1® ’Thompson St., Rwkvllle. He was bom April 9 at Manches­ i a . ii ITAUAN SAUSAGE 79c O M 4-ec pkg Gnu a Brand Salami ------upgrade Lawn Snnd ter Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandmother Is Mrs. Allcg Weibber, Spiingvaie, Maine. His ixatemal grandparents are Mr. FANEUIL HALL CLOD ROAST 8 9 lb LARGE PKG 34< and Mrs. Walter Flood. East Hartford. He has a brother, Wal­ Fob Detergent SlicDd Halibut ui S3c ter R., 1%. SLICED BACON Lb 53c ***** TENDER FLAVORFUL 7-oz CAN Kehl, Gerald Thomas, son of Gerald and Margaret Oollard Florient houhhoib Deodoriier 79< Kehl, 21 Mary Lane, Rockville. He was bom March 27 at St. JE8S-0 Francis Hospital, Hartford. His maternal grandparents are Mr. il and Mrs. ITiomEis Collard, Meredith, N.H. His paternal grand­ TOMATO JUICE ^^^23c PORK RIB Ivofy Soup 2 31< parents are Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kehl, Meredith, N.H. H e baa two sisters, Maureen, 5, and Lisa, 4. CUT ***** CARNATION lb Palmolive Soap 2 >a k 31< 3 .!l^ 31< VmcK nut m imoKT Son^MR SHnafpgf Martin, Mary Jennifer, daughter of AU}m Francis end EUeta ofc. ROAST Pecklnpaugh Martin, 113 Bratton Rd. She was bom April 11 at Cana * l * l v Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandmother la EVAP. MILK SPAM ts-oz S A V i 3-OZ W-OZ BTL Hormel CAN ec Kraft' S-OZ PKG SSe PKGS 25c EXTRA STAMPS Mrs. G. M. Pecklnpaugh, Muncie, Ind. Her paternal grandpor^ KRAFT Dynamo »<)<» Detergent ents are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Martin, Wlnsted, Conn. She haa For OHOCOLATI WITH ITIMS IISTID BILOW two brothers, Allyn, 17, and Paul, 15; and five sisters, Maureen, Mozoki Oil Cooking 9 H 6 9 C Hershey SVRUR 2 ’ c‘ ;!^n^s 3 7 c 10, Denise, 7, Alison, 6, Stephanie, 5, and Patience, 1. GRAPE JELLY Jar 29c Ajax AU-PURPOn UQUID aiAN IR 15-OZ BTL ***** SAVI Ice Cream M ad iso n ’Tloe, David Edward, son of Warren and Jean Carew Tice Jr., SANDWICH _ POOD WRAP Cureol eoiAMPrwiiiAT*^^ 39c Marshmallow 2 1 c 18 Ridge St. He was bom April 10 at Manchester Memorial PKG of 50 PKG of 25 Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Baggies Carew, Waterbury. His paternal gfrandparents are Mr. and Mro. Wheaties Cereol 41c Minute Rice ONI 15-OZ pkg Keebler Paeon Sandies Warren ’Tice Sr., Waterbury. He has a brother, Warren WiUlani, 2%: and a sister, Kim Arlene, 7. Action Bleach PKG of 8 4 1 * Wheatena CerDol^iira 37c Ketchup 47c ***** CALIFORNIA, TENDER ONI 46-OX Mn Noonan, Barry Richard Jr., son of Barry Richard and Atory CARNATION 14M O I S A V i SAVI Vegamato Juice Hughes Noonan Sr., Saulters Rd. He was bom April 8 at Man­ Ehier'r Coffee R B C A N 67. Milk IVAPORATID 3 CANS r e r e C Be ReR •oum 69c 6 9 e chester Memorial Hospital. His, maternal grandparents are Mr, BUNCH and Mrs. J. Lee Hughes, Swampsoott, Mass. His paternal grand­ C A T or DOO 15MOZ g g e e S A V I parents are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Noonan, ^Hehnont, Mass. H# CANS ^ 1 ^ Me Finast O atm eal Bread BROCCOLI Xc DIAL Colo MOO 8 Hormel 37c has a sister, Beth Ann, 2. ***** Mrs. Filberts Margarine PACK WBPKOXDt r A O A L B0)UIS b a v i Y e i l o w , r i p e Kleenex TMSUI 4 or 400 y OC Me Apricots "*W«W* CA? 29c ONI FINAST Decko, Jeffery Charles, son of Lt. Charles and Nan<^ Adams Ginger Bread Deoko Jr., 5 Cassidy Dr., PlainvUle. He was bom A^rH 9 at BOSCO AMPUPHR 240ZJAR 59< 12-OZlAR 8-OZ New Britain General Hospital. His maternal gp-andparents ora Mr. Herthey Cocoa CAN 29. * r Joon Carol V£i^ 49c and Mrs. Edward Adams, 19 Seaman Circle. His paternal grand­ BANANAS 2 lbs. 29< ONI FINAST mother Is Mrs. Frances Decko, Windsor. Pineapple Pie ***** CAN a g. FRESH Tri-Nut Margarine POUND AT Vt PRICE A2 PKGS 61< Bakers Cocoa Beam Ora an ar W ax 4X^59c Matthews, Alison, daughter of Malcolm and Gloria Richard­ son Matthews, Old Stafford Rd., Tolland. She was bom April 18 to-oz 9 | t e SAVI Heinz Chili Sauce'‘m 33c Educator MAU.M PKGS 17e at Rockville City Hospital. Her maternal grrandparenta are M>. Green Giant ASPARAOUf SPIARf 19-OZCAN 55« o«iM -p < ,Stou H er's Beef-Frozen and Mrs. George Richardson, East Lempster, NJI. Her paternal CORN Sears 39'^ grandpa-rents are Mr. and Mrs.’ E. D. Matthews, Claremont, N J L _ ! Log Cabin 29€ Hills 2 49c ***** M eM Chocolate Wofer Bars moiPK. 49* Bouchard, Brenda Marie, daughter of Roger Roland and Do­ LARGE, RIPE, SWEET Swanson wTurkoy A CANS eye m Hills nStSTSmAT ts-oz CAN 33c lores Dobosz Bouchard. 87 Vernon Ave., Rockville. She was bom EXTRA STAMPS April 15 at Rockville City Hospital. Her maternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dobosz, Rockville. Her paternal grand­ Prince Elbow Macaroni )A«iTn 25* Ocean Spray Tn29t *M€* LoRosa mSdSmm liiL 47c WITH THf PUKHASl Of THl fOUOWINS parents are Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Bouchard, Madawaska, Maine. CANTAKMIPE ea. 25' * * * * * ilHOZ Swanson, Karl Martin, son of Richard S. and PhyUia Kirk NABISCO EDUCATOR k im m u Dazzle Bleach NOAijua 35< Planters N A N U r S CAN Swanson, RFD 1, Storns. He was bom April 14 at Bookvllla aUOAR WAFERS OB. pkg. 10a FRUIT and NOT OOOKIBI U ca, S0e Swift's Meats 2 ’!i;S‘49< 65. ^ONlpkgotM Finast Orange Donuti City Hospital. His maternal gp-andparents are Mr. and Mro. 4 - A O . S 1 9 0 S A V I M g ArUvur Kirk, iRockville. His paternal grandparents art Ife. tad Welch's Candies Mrs. W illis Swanson, Mansfield. Ragu SpaghetN Sauce WVkOZJAR jMMka Mint* • WMrUgig* ***** Krafjack, Brian Sean, son of Jack M. and M arda Albro KriUf- jack. 8 Heidi Dr„ Vernon. He was born April 9 at St. Francto Hdspital, Hartford. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mn. ^Jhomas Albro, 50 Winter St. His paternal grandparent* are Mr. if::: Saloda Tea B ags 4 P / /vw iycAsy / o r w niOZ£M FOOP SPECIALS... /and Mrs. EMwaxd Corby, Nortliford. He hae a Bister, OoUeea VSue, 16 months. -YOr- XAIDM - CONCOID ^ ***** 1« iA L lt JTM Feis Nlipljw Hand Soap 2 JR 23c GoM AAockii Hoar s-uMa s/g FIRST FOOD M Y 4a TEA BAGS - GETIdPORIe FKGOF64 Q | | | f Jacobs, Michael Joseph, son of MaxweH Hcdlto tad MiMay |h- i Soft-Wove wnwoonnwe 2 JRi 27c PiMB F T B o o n 2 m 2 9 c HotCtner Jacobs, 7^ Florence St. He waa bom April 10 at;Man- Grape Juice ^32* 2^33< chester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandmother to Mn, STORE OF MANCHESTER, INC. liwlaatFoli 30c K a a c o D o g AAool >-«•>*• 7 9 c CMavlne, HotKneir, 73 Florence at. H e has a brothsr, Kennsth Mhx- nrOT’ CAROM • PORDHOOK well, 2; and four sisters, Eileen Marie, 13, Rita Ross, 10, MaxtoO ICONOMY 646 CENTER ST. — PLENTY OF FREE PARKING k T M f aonriaFols ‘^ dJ T ^ X - e t m a 5 5 c Rival Dog Food 2 2 9 e Busan, 6, and Karen Ann, 5. li-Ui JELk-0 PKGS iiM 01 -a 1 - ***** iai: D upont Spongos 33c S'a 21c Sweet l^epper Relish CAM'S .M l O l e PKGS il OGAimis, iia a tobacco piopu as exempt from stawip offh Lima Beans 2 39. Wetherell, April Lee, daughter of Richardnuxiara B.0 . andam Ritan n * mwuiStuta HIGH QUALITY • GROCERIES • MEATS • PRODUCE • LOW PRICES U p to n S o u p M ix oPOcawwoDU 3 1 g Ctorox Ble^ »««“ 89c Wetherell Jr., S4 Union St., R^kvlUe. She waa bom April...... 18.. at * SwaBisoBi 3 Course DlBiBiers >ach 89c RookvUle CRy Hoapltal. Her maternal grandparenta . a n Mr. and ; m6h i ]Q UMi gutMoms N i«m aviM ffl«N ATio^ Sunabina Kriipy Oadcari 3ig Gab Meat 2.09 OPIN WEDNESDAY, 1HUES0AY, MIDAY THX ? P.kU-SA1VI(DAY TH l iques’’ will be the topic Cat Food 2 CANSC A N S a r o f guest speaker, Mrs. PhUip SAVINGS! RING • Jane Parker SAVE Summers. EXTRA PLAID STAMPS WITH M NC PARKER 8 i.Tch 1 lb 8 Oz 20c YOUR CHOia Mrs. Andrew Verprauskas, Unit-, '"'J h'"' Angel Food GERI ANN - * ed Nations committee chairman, Mocha Iced Layer Cake Jane Parker Large SAVE 2 29 w ill hold a meeting at her home on Mayonnaise Cherry Pie 8 Inch 1 Lb 8 Oz Size 10c Boston Hill Rd. on Wednesday at PASCAL CELERY DM. Bch. 23c 10 a.m. Committee members are M OMMr AMANIIC t Monc « A OOMMNY, MC WHITE •eked to attend, and other league 17e memhere and their children are Cinnamon Rolls ”” SAVE liOng Green 3 For 29c ANN PAGE QTJAR, 59V J^arkets l-LB. CUCUMBERS SAVE M O R E ----- LOAVBS liM h ‘ 66th Tear »?c: ''i.'kiii’ j.ha isit PARKER VALUE J Ito. and Mrs. John Bogardus Peanut Butter ANN PAM JAR 65^ Creme Cookies BUY AU FOUM CARROTS FTeeh Weetem 3 ^ 2 5 c WM eelefarata their 65Ui wedding DOLE •■atvarsary Sunday. They are (nir- PrtMaakaOTl*tai.iatiaraU**atU*IUMa*HIM BanaatlwaiAUA4PtaaaraiilMslaWi*MMlv*epostt HALF B A L 0 W on wedilings just won’t seem PAIMOIIVI nmN*. *ui**57* WE RESERVE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES to some Icxial families, with- PAIN naiiVM

HOWnS HOLCOMB Fate Prevents Leagues Slam Doors on Suspendeii Stars AMiatvit Sport* Editor Lee Turns on OldMates^ Wins Dodger Pitcher N E W YO R K (A P )-—Pro-ftold information to gsmblsrs or^ Roselle said Horaung’s 'oetttng More to Baseball Than the Game fessional i(x>tba11 on both Shaved points. habits Stemmed from hie acquaint­ Basdball fans who get to major league parks only a few Gu8 friandds sides of the border slammed The other five players, each ance with a West Coast business­ minutes before game time and see only the game itself miss From Winning fined $2,000 for betting $60 apiece man, whom Hornung met in 1956 Just as Expected, its doors today on two sus- on Green Bay to beat the New in San Francisco. Investigation what this writer feels is the best part of the day. It’s before NEW YORK (AP)—For Mnded stars of the National York Giants In the 1M2 playoff showed Hornung placed several tte game, during practice especially, when the little Tiger*’ Hero Football League and rallied game, were: John Gordy, guard; beta through this friend, the com­ tough luck with an unusual missioner added, saying In one “extras” occur. ^ behind N F L CommiBsioner Gary Lowe, defensive back; Joe Lakers Top Celtics twist, you’d have to go far to year the threat halfback An added treat not availablo to W. L Pet. e.B. Sphmidt, all-league middle line­ beat life with the hitless won­ In New York Pete Roselle in his smashing backer; Wayne Walker, line­ made $1,600. th* ortUnary fans is a chance to Detroit ...... 5 2 .714 blow at gambling influences. stand behind the batting cage and ders as experienced by Bob 2 .667 backer, and Sam WUIiams, defen- Karras’ reaction to the suspen­ Kansas City ...... 4 V t A penitent Paul Hornung and an LOS ANGELES (A P )—Jerry West and Elgin Baylor play­ ohln with the players. This oppor­ 8 Jill 1 NEW YORK (A P )— Don Bivc end, all of the Lions. sion was entirely different. Miller, the persistent right­ New York ...... 4 outrraed Alsx Karras, two of the tunity presented Uaelf Tuesday ...... 4 8 .571 1 Lee, Los Angeles’ pitching Detroit was fined for falling to ' "It comes as a shock to me," ed superlative gasketball and gave the I x>b Angeles Lakers hander kissed by Lady Luck, Baltimore .. •port's Wggest naqies caught in when the invad­ 8 .500 take proper action on undetHrable the big lineman, also 27, a one­ their first victory over the Boston Celtics in the National Cleveland ...... 8 I'/l professor, seems just about tha web of the latest sports scan­ ed Bean Torwn to play their fourth then smacked in the kisser by .500 associations reported by police. time All-Amarlca at Iowa, said at Los Angeles ...... 8 8 1'/, ready to teach American dal, apparently were left with no Basketball Association championship series last night, 119- taaugural of ttie year. Dame Fortune. .429 2 hls home in Detroit. " I haven’t Boston ...... 8 4 rscourss except possible future Roselle, in announcing the re-, 99. ‘Tve never, been with a club Miller, who last year struggled .400 2 League batters a thing or two done imything 1 am ashamed of Chicago ...... 2 8 forgiveness of the league—not suit at extensivs Investigations i TTie Celtics now lead the best-of- The score was tied at 83 as the that played four opmers,” com­ through 12 consecutive defeats 4 .338 2Vt about the art of hurling. and I am not guilty of anything," Washington ...... 2 ssrller than 1964. which included 62 separate inter- j seven serle.s 2-1. They took the fourth period started. The Lakers mented A I SmiUi, an off-eeaaon with the New York Mets before .286 8 The right-hander turned In a He said he had hired an attor­ Minnesota ...... 2 6 The rival American League, views, emphasized "there is no first two in Boston. The fourth then turned on the speed and scor­ addition from the Chicago White winning on the next-to-last day of three-hit, 4-0 shutout against hi* ney and planned to fight the Wednesday’s Results battling the N F L for the spectator evidence that any N F L player has game, to be played here Friday ed 36 points to the Celtics’ 19. ool the sea.son, got the big smile from former Minnesota teammate* league action. However, he could B Detroit 4, New York 2. dollar, and the Canadian League, given less than his best in playing night, is sold out. •'We’re playing 1.000 so far,” the Lady when he was traded to Wednesday. any game." not hide, hls pessimism. He said Baltimore S, Boston 4. a refuge fpr ousted American Wednesday night’s crowd of 16,- grinned AJl-Star third baseman Los Angeles’ pen­ he figured the ban is for life and Los Angeles 4, Minnesota 0. Lee, 29, wae a slighUy confused players in ths past, said they have He made It clear, however, that 493 was the largest to see a bas­ Brooks RoUnson.” We’ve won all nant contenders. Washington at Clev^and, PPD.' that he and a group of friends are Pagjani’s Winners 'Then the Dame shoved the Lady young man when he came to the no place for the two players ac­ he iwlll not tolerate gambling of ketball game in the Sports arena. three up to today.” (BM. note — Only Games Scheduled. Angels last M ay In a trade for going ahead with plans to operate out of the picture. cused of wagering on games. any sort -in the league nor permit "Friday’s fourth game will be The streak was broken about three Today’s Games a Detroit bar. Miller pitched 7 2-8 of [>ltcher Jim Donohue. The Twins "Under no circumstances will association of players with the key to this series,” said Cap­ In Rec Pin League hours later.) Los Angeles (McBride 1-0) st lied tried to change my de­ characters who might create pub­ Rozclle said Karras had made tain Bob Cousy after the Celtics Batting practioe is the time scoreless ball against Houston in they be permitted to play in the Minnesota (Stlgman 0-1). livery,” says Lee, who admits “I lic suspicion. In this stand, he at least six bets since 1958 through lost. "W e suffered a natural let­ s t a n i A n o s when players, particularly when his first start and left with no American Football League until Kansas City (R ^ o w 1-0) at didn’t feel settled until I got with had virtually the unanimous sup-1 a buslnes.s assoctete. The comm's- down. But then, we didn’t figure W. Pet. the team is winning, have a lot of score in the game. Wednesday their suspensions are lined,” Joe Chicago (Herbert 0-0). the Angels.” port oif the league directors, hls sloner said that the bets were for to beat a good club like Los Ange Paganl West Sides ..47 .746 fun. A lot of their commento aren’t night he made his second start Foes, cpmmissloner of the AFL, Only Games Scheduled. bosses. I$50 until last year when the De­ PagaJil Caterers . . . .46 .730 suitable in original form for pub­ and allowed only three hits as Los Against the Twin* Le* atruck said in a formal statement in Dal- les three straight. Friday’s Games Hornung, 27, a handsome bache-1 troit tackle bet $100 on the Lions Hartford Bd. Grill .. 21 .338 lication In a family newspaper. Angeles edged the Chicago Cubs out three while walking only one lltl. JOE SCHMIDT PAUL HORNUNG ALEX KARRAS "If we win Friday, the series Detroit at Boston, 2, 10;M a.m.> lor who might double as a matinee | to beat Green Bay on Thanksgiv­ Htfd. Rd. Enterprises 12 490 But by and large they’re funnier 1- 0 in 10 Innings. and was touched only for single* Sidney Halter, commissioner of won’t go seven games.' 2 p.m. idol, was subdued and humble 1 ing Day—which they did—and $100 Ckrach Fred Schaus of the Lak­ than a lot of night club comic rou­ Miller left for a in — by Bernle Allen In the third in­ th* Canadian League, said: "I Giants championship game on Is gratif3dng that Pete Rozelle Asked about Rick Casares, Chi­ Los Angsles at Kansas City, 2 would refUM to rei^te r any con­ when he received the news at his on the Packers against the Giants ers said W est’s sensational play Dominating the W est Side Rec tines. BROOKS ROBINSON the ninth . ning, Vic Power in the fourth and television,” he- related. "In the took this decisive and forceful ac­ Twi-nlght. home in Louisville. is the title game, won by Green cago Bears' fullback whose name Wednesday was the greatest he Bowling League thlo season- waa ’The main thing a visiting re­ The unusual also happened at Lenny Green in the ninth. Not a tract submitted by a C F L club group of us we decided to get up' tion,” he said. ! New York at Washington, 8 with a .player suspended by an I 'I

MANCHESTER EVENINO HERALD, MANCHESTER,'CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1968 PAGE TWENTY-THRIIm . - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1968 Wanted—To Buy 68 Apartment*—Plato— Hobsea Por Sale 72 Honscfl For Sale 72i Honsea For Solo 72 Houses For Sale 7$ Hoiwm For Salo 72 Lots For Salt T8 . Irs w at. SELL or lirdda oallqiw Tenements 6 $ i '■.-J.lgi Basineas Services O ffer^ 18 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW B y FAGALT and SHORTEN 4%ft-488J0 MONTHLY. Attrao* FOSTER SIHBET — Lovely 8^1 ROCKLBtXlB — 4 bedroom bl- LARGE b u n g a l o w , Buckland, MANCHESTER — You’d ba sur­ THREE BinUjlNO lots, ims and ue>d fuinltuto, eltoto. f laoe, ITODlOiN a ROOM apartment. tlve Srbedroom ranch, aluminum room ranch, aluminum atorbia;) level ranch, 2 baths, cathedral near school and Wilbur Ooss prised at the amount of space to location, AA utM, lok FARM LOAM-r-Top quality, Wg KENMORH AUTOMATIC /ashing ■term s, dollar. anqMBte drive, pmltel brick front, 2-osr garags, celling, WsU-to-wsU nylon car­ Hightray, on bus line. 5 rooms thla delightfully located Capa Cod Agency,’ 649-8464. I.ANDSCAPING — La v iu i cleaned ■'V moohlna, good condition ersens, Can he ranted tum isbed or un* and fertilized, graze cut, ahruba five yard load, IU. Also cow turaUtoed. J . D. R ealty, 648-8129. trees, Only 118,900. Carlton W. buUt 1987. Carlton W. Hutchins, peting, intercom, game room, * newly decorated on first floor, S hom e. 8 bedrooms, nicely shrub­ u o n u rs, Colum bia 128-M3S, after s liss 8814x47 and SSHxSr •9-1782. aoUatUofli. a m oaotanta or wiwia Rut^Uiw, Roalfor, 84*8183. 64*6188. ply r o o t, wooded aettlng, near unfiidshed on second floor, labile bed lot. Immediate occupancy. WYLLYS 8T. — ExtraoriMiiary CLASSIFIED pruned; fertinzer and nuraery HIMeBJ'AStHe W O K j/0 IT eCMW TO PRHUClWTrtF, •ototw. Furniture r single lot. 340 toot frontage. 8 p.hi.______litore R m ir Btrvioe, PINB 4 ROOM apartment near P orter Street. B elflore, 648-8131. screened porch, Uled bath, full Only $15,800. Coll The Jarvis stock at reasonable prices. Call fORTUNC 1CLLSK T fOR HU OF T »N «fr 8AC§-W IU, A6l6 TWoettvlUe, Coon.i. HOME AND income or office and 648-7444. S38-1782. FUTURT 10 an OMN 0OOlCr HIS eooN w A M u r i m r V oyerytblng. Bos all convaniances. n UNNMORB Drive. 8% rpom ceUor, steam heat, oil burner, * Realty Co., Realtors, 288 Bast GOOD COW MANURE. 26-210 Box A, Herald. C ^ , acreenad porch and finish* income—Main Street locotian. 2 SO. WINDSOR — nice 6 room car garage, extra large lot land­ Center Street, 648-4113, M*1028, LAWNS — RAKING rolling and loads. Dellvsrsd. Excellent for WATKINS ad rocrootion room, alumjmim large 8 room iq>artmente, S-cor ranch, 100x900 tot, low taxes. scaped, garden. P rice $16,600. 649-7814. Resort Property For Salo 74 X cam an IT ALL AJ0T Af CUMt A N O n m iOLONR.Hiy, N R .SM IM M t gardens, shrubs, lawns, ate. Rooms Without Board 59 MODERN FOUR roome In new combinations, near shomlng and goiiage, 828,900; 644-0288. Shopping nearby. Belflore, ADVERTISING mowing by dependable adiilta. T O inuN or 0O4OOP CaU 649-0989. 64B-2436 Or «49-6M3. AS ckwr >araK mns to sit , itt-7806, 648-2721. Burgain Sho. house, beat, hot water, nppU* tranaportat!itton. PliUbtlok. Agoncy, 64*8121. MANCHESTBUl — Newer 6 room ANDOVlUt LAKE — Buy from A PROPCtoU. FROM A CORN-. T w y r ■ m w i r - s lammSHED ROOM lor genuo- BOLTON — SIX room ranch, S-car Colonial with 3-car garage, 33’ men, heat, Ughta. private an* onoes, parking, adults prafened. m -M U . owner. 4 room bouse. ■■■ heat, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS HAROLD h SON Rubbish Re­ PLA0TCR SALMMAN WITH FIV0MA L ooee $120. m onthly. Call 649-8811 garage, large fomUy room , oU 4MK, MORTGAGE — n ice mon, centrallyoentrolly located, kkltoh- l^ - full basement, basement ga­ financing. WANTED — By private party, 8-6 REWBAVINO Of bums, moto holes. term s, 887 Main. anI prlvUeges K desired. Can cupancy, $18,900. Robert W olver- 2H^q>sn repaired Window Shades VERNON — Nicely furnished 8 rage, nicely landscaped, 100 ton A gency, R ealtor, 640-9818, BOWERS SCHOOL — delightful $15,800 East Hartford — Expand­ BOLTON LAKE — A year ’round room older single home or 2 $79.60 79” M odem Bofa-bed, •M-14981 after •. room and bath apartment, private feet from the nicest section of able Cape Cod. Full base­ made to measure; oU sixad Vaw- ELECTRIC stove - refrigerator blue-green cover, 49.96 64*4848. cedar shingled Cape with garage, vacation will be yours in this 4 famUy. Phone 649-4988. TOOK OOOPUIATION WUX tlao blinds Keys made whUe you combination. Excellent condition. prance, parking, near Vernon the lake. Priced for quick sale. nicely treed yard. Approved for ment, Dead end street, bedroom lakefront home. IH BE APPRECIATED Center and Parkway. All utilities FOUR BEDROOM 8 room Dutch Ideal fo r children. $8,000 baths. liv in g room 15x29 with WISH 8«)MEUNB tc handle youl D IA L 643-2711 wait Tape Recorders tor i Ideal for summer cottage, ef­ $17.60 t i W Colonial Tabla ApartmtBt*—Flat*— minimum down. Belflore, real estate? Call me at 64*0820 M ariow’s, 867 Main, 649-5221. ficiency apartment or recreation Lamp, white ceramic baae, woeh- paid. Adults only, $116 a month. Manchester — 8 bedroom Odcnlal, centrally located, 648-5131. assumes m ortgage, $101.00 fireplace. Large screened and i t i n J U i s - TsUMBSHts M jCtoll 815-9081. $17,600. Phllbriek A gency, a month pays ever^Hhlng. >e Cod, double garage, recreation rooms. Roofing, con­ able. Phone 649-7816. LOOKING FOR a new kitchen or oatlon, ideal for professional, close to ahopping, echoola and lot. Better, yes, better than new. 4 bedrooms, pine paneled BOLTON CENTER ORDERED: That six months from crete work. Call Leon Cieszynskl, DRIVERS — FOR school buses, DARK, RICH, stone free loara, dinette set? Come to Marlow’s cellent condition. CaU 648-6948. apartment, eecond floor, heat, manufacturer’s agent or realtor. cation, $28,900. P blibn ek A gency, bus, attached garage with pittio, the 10th day of April. 1968. be and the Vernon - Manchester area, 7:80 - B elflore, 648-6131. family room. A-1 condition, same are limited and allowed (or the A4 V-MOO 649-4291. fill gravel, sand, stone, manure. fo r styla and value. 867 Main. hot water, electric range, garb­ •4*3228. 649-8464. huge kitchen, dining room, Uv­ 8:45 a.m ., 2-8:30 p.m . 643-2414. C ^ l 643-8603. SEWING MACHINE — Used elec­ age dispoMl included, M88. nice setting. Country living Etoormous custom 6 room creditors within which to brine In Electrical Services 22 lng room and den, fireplace, SWIMMING POOL, patio on their claims against said eatate. and REMODELING — Charles Home tric portable just received In RefMrences. «4*0808. 649-898». SEVEN ROOM home, 8-cor gar­ In town. ranch, breezeway and garage, leave TaiTB hear from ear advertteer la Jtg EXPERIENCED spray painter, full baths, aluminum combina- premises. U A R sjdit level, 6Vi said administratrix la directed to give Improvement. All kinds of re­ SCREENED LOAM for the beat In trade. Good cemdition. Only $19.95 Hoasw For Rent 65 age, located on an acre of wood­ tons, oil hot water heat. Reduced $18,900 So. W indsor — 8H-room quality construraon through­ ubllc notice to the creditors to bring ■ eoenhig at toe teiepteoe. FREE ESTTMATES. Prompt serv­ part-tim e work, 4:30 or 6-10 p.m . lawns from our scremilng plant Singer Sewing Center, 882 Main rooms, 3 baths, kitchen with bullt- 1 their claims within said time allow­ modeling, financing arranged. lliree Ropms New ed land Including three building to $18,000. Robert W olverton, SpUt Level Hom e, Ideal out. Many fin« features, com­ E ice on all types of electrical wir­ Write Box EE, Herald. Andover - Columbia. George Qrlf- Street, 648-8883. TWO ROOM iortm ent, 14* Oak- ins, attractive family room, 3- ed by publlahlng a copy of thla order 649-4920. ROOM HOUSE with heat and lota, oloee to acboola ahopping R ealtor, 649-2818, 648-4648. for large family, con­ parable neighborhood. in some newspaper having a circular ing. LlcensM and insured. Wilson (ing, Inc., 742-7886. land Street. 9-5330, 94. zone heat, large lot. Belflore, Electrical Co., Manchester, PRODUCE CLERK, full-time, ex- Guaranteed Furniture h ot w ater, $100 per month cen­ and transportation, $16,400. co m ­ 648-5121. venient to East Hartford, tlon In aald probate district within ten Lost and Found AnkMnolHles For Sale 4 CALL ME on your formica needs, tra lly located. CaU 648-6870. plete. Phllbriek A gency, 649-8464. $16,900 — FIVE T E A R old, low tax area. days from the date of thla order and 649-4817. Glastonbury, 633-7376. perienced. Apply Produce Man­ TWO MODERN lounge ohalrs, Uke FIVE ROOMS, newly decorated return make to this court of the notice bars, counters, kitchen cabinets, 1299 648-4808. room ranch bus line, $17,000 — WTLLYS STREET — 10 room $18,960 So. Windsor — Move right LAWRENCE F. FIANO given. FOUND — LADY’S watch In park­ 1959 FORD 2-door sedan, 6 vaidtory units, table-tops and ager, Popular M arket, 725 M id­ FLUORESCENT lighting ftxturea, new. 646-9669. at>a>’toient, all eanvenlencea, cen- GLASTONBURY — 6 room ranch, dle Turnpike, E., Manchester. 100, $6 each. Call 649-OnM. Sparklliw 6 room Ctope, IH spUt level In Manchester’s finest In. New Georgian Raised JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge ing lot at 158 Main St. Owner may cylinder, standard shift, radio Island stands. 649-8936. tm location, no ehlldren under , 8 bedrooms, attached breeteway RiXSCLEDGE — Contemporary baths. B. J. Carpenter. Brdcer, R ealtor MI 8-3766 Floor Finishing; 24 10 po. Startore bedroom group MODERN GOLD chair with otto- 12. 64S-4664, 0 4 . with heated garage. Excellent lo­ ranch, cathedral celling, Uvlng area. Cathedral ceiling, 8 baths, Ranch, family room. Im­ LIMITATION ORDER «dalm by Identifying and paying and heater. Best offer. 643-0664. O K BUSTER, Don’t just sit there. 649-9162. AT A COURT O F PROBATE held at ALTERA’ITONS — Roofing, gut­ LAWNMOWERS, garden toooton, man, large green sectional sofa, cation. Large tot, MOO. CtUI room with fireplace, electric 3 garages, master lighting con­ pressive kitchen, S bed' fo r ed . 648-6587. FLOOR LATINO, sanding, rsfin- Are you looking for a way to earn trols, vhdk-out rec room to' de­ Charles Nlchotoon PI *M64 Mancheater. within and for the Dlstrlot DeSOTO, 1960, 2-DOOR deluxe, ters, repairs, porch enclosures. and tUlers. Terms, trades, porta 21 pe. dinette eiwem ble formica top blond comer table MANCHESTER — Choice 2 bed­ 64*7819. kitchen with built-Ina, 8 bed­ rooms. Formal dining of Manchester, on the llth day of LOST — Pass Book No. 506 Sav­ very low mileage, good condition. Hatchways built and repaired. ishlng our specialty. Get the bes*- extra money. Act now. Contact, and service. Capitol Equipment, and white coffee table, two room apartment in convenient lo­ rooms, 2 baths, family room with lightful patio, wall-to-wall practlc room, IH baths, 2-car ga­ April, 1963. William Graffeo, Avon, Conn. esent, Hun. Jotm J. Wadlett. Judze. ings Deparbnent of the CannecU- 643-1292. All kinds of carpentry — dorm­ for less. Call 644-0601. SB Main Street, Maneheater. It pc. eonvertlMe Hving room table lamps, blond tapestry plat­ cation. Rent includee heat, hot fireplace, attached garage, aun- iJly everywhere, park-llke rage. Very impressive 673-3627. I will get you started 643-7958. grounds. Radio controUed grarage NICE SIX ROOM Cape, oU hot Eatate of Samuel Pollack, late of out Bank & Trust Company. Ap­ ers, additions and garages built. form rocker, mahogany Duncan water, kitchen appUances, ator- Wanted 16 Rent 68 deck, wooded lot, ^,900. PhU- home, easy to finance. Manchester. In said District, deceased. 1960 CORVETTE Convertible and FLOOR SANDING and refinisblng selling KNAPP SHOES. Top com­ No money down, Instant credit. Phyfe dining table and lowboy, age and parking. Lease required. ENJOY HOME doors. Exquisite stone work Just listed. water heat, convenient location, plication made for payment. Call J. Charis, 649-0722. (specializing in older floors). Free dMlvery, free lay away brlok A gency, 649-8404. On motion of Harold P. Fields of Hardtop, white with red trim, au­ missions, Bonus, Free insurance. G.E. PARTIO cart with uml»eUa, beige floral sofa, and Thayer Call The Jarvis Realty Co., Man­ Leisurely inspection recommend­ $22,360 So. W indsor — 1560 square- $14,900. D iscos Agency, 649-0626. said Manchester, executor. FOUND — BROWN mongrel, ALTERA’TIONS, repairs, roofing, Painting. Ceilings. Pap««rbanging. Some areas still open. brand new, retail $700, eriUng plan. FAMILY DESIRBE 8 room houae ed, Ume needed to assimilate all ORDERED: Tliat elx months from tomatic transmission, excellent baby carriage. Ebccellent condi- aging Aganta, 648-4112. LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN. Seven foot Oolonial. Bright as a SO. WINDSOR — 6 room SpUt Lev­ the llth day of April, 1963, be and the male, dragging 6 foot i^iain. Call condition. R easonable. 649-0538. porches, and gareiges. Call Russ No job too small. John Verfallle, $400. 640-8481. or first floor apartment 649-0670. OWNERSHIP features. B elflore, 648-6121. 649-5750. Uon. CaU 648-0886. room Colonial, VA baths, attach­ new dollar. 6 large rooms, el home with extra features ga­ same are limited and allowed for the Lae Fracclda, Dog Warden, Atkins, Builder, 643-0411. FOUR ROOM apartment, beat, ed garage, large family room 1-car garage, IH baths, credltore within which to bring In FOR SALE — Flat stone for walls, NORMAN’S, INC. MANCHESTER — 6 room Co­ lore, Including aluminum siding. their claims against aald estate, and 648-8694. 1956 BUICK CENTURY Hardtop, 30” HOTPOINT ELECTRIC range, hot water, stove, refrigerator, with fireplace, city utllltieB, trees, powder room, H' acre 4-door, fully equipped, power Saleranen TVanted 36-A fireplace, veneer, and patios. Coll EMmiture Warehouse excellent condition, 1662 model, odulte only.' |106 par month. 87 Apartment Buildings lonial plus attached garage, $9,- A real pleasure to show, $18,2(X). said executor Is directed to give pub­ HARDWOOD FLOORS — laid 840-0167. large lot, built-ins. Charles Les­ W ITH GOOD treed lot. Many extras. Warren E. Howleind, Realtor- lic notice to the creditors to brine FOUND — OOLUE type female, brakes, power steering, top con­ Roofing—Siding 16 > $100. 649-2916. M arble Street, Mancheater, 600 ; 6 room Cape, excellent con­ In their claims within sold time allowed sanded, refinished. CaU 649-4920. NATIONAL CONCERN — Has 199 Foreet eor. Pine Street, For Sals 69 perance, 649-7620. $32,600 Bolton — R eal special — Trader, 64*1108. brown and white, dragging 8 foot dition, extra snow tires, |496. Tel. opening in sales route calling on •484888. dition, dormer, bullt-ins, rec by publishing a copy of this order In chain. Call Lee Fracchia, Dog 646-8138. ALL TYPES of roofs repaired or M anchester room, wooded lot, priced right; Picture book *room some newspaper having a circulation established customers. Average HIP BOOTS, SiM 9%, for sale. BIX UNn apartment house In A-1 EIGHT ROOMS, 4 or 6 bedrooma, INCOME In aald probate district within ten days W arden, 643-8594. replaced, specializing in Bonded G. E. 86” ELECTRIC RANGE, $16. MODERN 8 ROOM apartment beautUol 8 bedroom ranch, IH Ranch, full rec room, WOODLAND STREET — Im­ over $6,000 yearly steady Income. 649-6881. Open doily 9-9, Saturday 9-e conditian, excellent return on in- paneled famUy room,' Uving maculate 6H room ranch, IH from the date of this order and return 1962 PONTIAC TEM PEST Con­ built-up and shingle roofing. Bonds—-Stocks— 649-4692. with bath, heat, hot vmter, stove baths, heated rec room carport, large bedrooms, IH baths, make to this court of the noUce given. For interview call Manchester veatment. Mortgue available, room with fireplace, aluminum 368-265 HIGHLAND STREET — baths, garage, 100x800 lot, extras. LOST — POCKETBOOK at Dart’s vertible. N ice condition, 7,000 Coughlin Roofing Co., Mtuiches- Mortgages 31 and refrigerator furntshed, off centrally located. Hill brick Agen an older 4-4 duplex that bos been large tot, $19,300. Call the EUs- L-riiaped Uving room, fire' JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge 644-0202 between 6 and 8 p.m . 200 AMP D C W ELDER mounted 1969 WESTTNOHOUSE refrigera­ eomUnatloM, attached guage, Owner relocating! Offers wanted! Dairy Ice machine, E. Center original miles. Red, black top. ter, 643-7707. on tooUer. Bex traUer buUt to street parking, $100 m onthly. ey, 649-8464. dpee to ecbool, shopping and completely remodeled, Including worth Mitten Agency, Realtor, place, aluminum combina' “ a t a C»tniT“OF'PROBATE“heId at Street. R eward. 649-0988. SECOND mwtgages — Unlimited tor, apartment size, used very tions. Custom built, majes­ M angiaflco * B rooks, 526-8980. Manchester, within and (or the district Standard transmission. Call convert to haul boat. 86 Birch MARLOW’S CHAIR Town — We 876-8400, 848-9488. transportation, $17,600. Phllbriek new baths, new plumbing and wir­ 643-6980, 648-2335. 649-1302. fimds availaUe to r second mort­ Uttle. 648-7664. tically treed 1 acre lot. Ex­ of Manchester, on the 16th day of Street. have the chair you want and the A gency, 640-8464. ing. New roof, new aluminum ANDOVER LAKE — EV>r sale or April, A.D. 19W. gages, payments to suit your rice le right. Easy terms at 867 FOUR R(X)M8, first or second Land For Sale 71 storms and two excellent heating FIVE ROOM ranch, stone front, cellent value. Present. Hon. John J. Wailett, Judge. 1962 FORD COUNTRY Squire, au­ lease furnished waterfront win­ . AnomcMMiita budget. Expedient service, f . D. AUTO SALESMAN 1962 EDITION A m ericana E ncy­ SIain. floor, heat furnished, nice yard, EIGHT ROOM Garriaan Oolonial, system s. The lot is 188 x 300. plastered walls, 2 bedrooms, din­ $38,900 M anchester — I f you ap­ Estate of Ethel M. Bralnard. late of ship guaranteed. 399 Autumn St. terized house. 4 rooms and bath, Manchester in said district, deceased. tomatic, very low mileage, |100 R ealty, 643-5129. clopedia and dieticHiarleB. Good Musical Instrumeftts 63 residential. $90 and $100. 648-2171 400 FE E T OF Industrial land with large Uvlng room, dining room, ing room, fireplace, ceramic tile preciate fine construction, F r e e m o t h proofing for your takes over payments. C3all Rudy 643-4860. city utilities, paved street. Charles ^19,600 bath, aluminum a'wnings extreia. stone fireplace, large heated Upon aimUcatlon of Everett E. blankets and winter clothing at 346-6861. Earn more money selling condition, $160. Kitchen set or 643-8470. kitchen, study and lavuory, 4 Porter St. neighborhood, porch, knotty pine Interior, at­ Bralnard, praying that an hutnunent ACTION AT ONCE 648-2920. DINING ROCAI set, 6 ohoira. Call Lesperance, 646-7620. bedrooma and bath on eecond 27 HUNTINGTON STREET — Owner 649-1434. this is the Colonial for purporting to be the last will aad Lucky tiady Coin Oeanera. M BIDWELL HOME Improvement CONSOLIDATE TOUR BILLS Chevrolet. Now’s the time to 646-9062. UPRIGHT PIANO, good eondlUon, tached garage, boat, terrace with testament of said deceased be ad­ M!^>le Street. Company—roofing, siding, altera- make the move. All Interviews THREE ROOM apartment, heat floes, Reoreatian room with flre- Fine *famUy In A-1 condition. 4-4 you. Gracious living room, fireplace. Seen hy appointment. mitted to probate and that letters of PLYMOUTH 1968 SAVOY, 4-door, Ask about our new 1st and 2nd 8OTER-CEDBD ROTARY and $50. 649-9982. MANCHESTER — 8 room modem white, V-8, automatic transmis­ tlcsis additions and remodeling eonfldentlal. ALBERT’S PAYS YOUR and hot w ater, 92 W illiam 72 ploea to boeeihent. Attached rooms aU bMutifully decorated. * home, 4 bedrooms, family room, dining room, cheery kitch­ 849-8725. administration with the will annexed mortgage plans. reel Toro mowers at special Street. Houses For Sale double garage. Aluminum siding. car garage. en, two oversized bed­ be granted on said estate, as per ap­ sion, radio, heater, power brakes, of all types. Eixcellent workman­ Call Us First — Quick Cash RENT! YES, FOR A attached garage, 168’ frontage, plication on file. It la Personals ship. 649-6495. p rice s! Save up to $20. M ariow’s, Office and Store FOREST STB EBT—D elightful 10 C en tra l' location $29,000. PhU- rooms, 2-car garage, SIX ROOM older brnne, garage, excellent condition, low mileage. MORTGAGE LENDING AGENCY 867 Main Street. WHOLE MONTH! $19,800 trees, $18,600. Carlton W . Hutch­ ORDERED;—That the foregoing ap­ May be seen at 78 Scarborough With purchase of any 8 room out­ Eqaipmen^ 54 FOUR ROOM Duplex, heated, room former Cheney, reeldence in brlck A gency, 640-8464. ins, 640-5132. screened porch, lovely newly redecorated, quiet neteh- plication be heard and determlnsd at tLBCntOLUX smea and Serrlos. RAT’S ROOFING CO. — shingle 76 Pearl St., Hartford GEM CHEVROLET adult or working couple preferred. 91 PARK STREET — Very de­ landscaped lot. Truly borhood, many extras. $ , ! ^ . the Probate office in Manchester In Road. ® CAST IRON white porcelain sink fit during our great outfit sale, Al­ park-Uke aettlng. 5 bedrooms, 4H 16 said Dlatrict. on the 2nd day of Hay. headed repreaantatlvo. Alfred and built-up roofs, gutter work, 522-4221 Call 640-7568 after 5. MANCHESTER - New 6 room sirable 2-family to good condition gem . Must be seen. Call M I 9-8446. No Evenings and Sundays 528-6154 1182 Main 8t., with aprons both sides 54x22^, berts wUl pay the first month’s NEW TYPEWRITBRS, $59.96 up; baths, excellent eondltloii. Owner WADDEUjL SCHCXJL — 8 bedroom A . D. 1963, at ten o’clock in the fore­ A m ell, 206 Henry St. 648-0450. FALCON 1960 white deluxe, im­ roof and chlnmey repairs. Ray used typewriters, $29 up. Berube’s brick ranch, built-ins, 14x20 Uvlng throughout 4-4H rooms recently remch, comer lot, plenty of trees, agents. noon. and that notice be given to all $16. 649-9896. rent lor your new home up to $60. 648-7444. room with fireplace, hadf acre lot, BARROWS & WALLACE maculate, 4-door, automatic, ex­ Hagraow, 649-2214, R ay Jackson, BESET BY BILLS? Let u# help WilUmantic, Oonn. If your rent is less we will refund Typew riter Service, 479 B. Mid­ redecorated. Oak floors, aluminum trem endous buy at $16,700. T. J. persons Interested In said estate of the 643-8325. reasonably priced. Hayes A g m c y , 66 E ast Center St., ROCKLEDGE—S bedroom ranch, pendency of said application and the cellent condition, low mileage, 6 you to a fresh start fay ccmsolf- 1949 ONE TON ]Uckup, good run­ the difference to you in cash. Fair dle Tpke., Manchester. 649-8477. CONCORD RD.—Beautiful ranch, storms. Nice lot and garage. Crockett, R ealtor, 648-1577. time and [dace of hearing thereon, by Aatomobnes For Sale 4 tires. 648-9483. 648-4808. Manchester, Conn. large rooms, garage, fireiUace, dating the many debts that de­ ning condition; Kenmore wringer enough? You bet It is! ONE LEFT large Uvlng room formal dlnl $20,900 Open 7 Days a Week publlahlng a copy of this order in some room, oalwet kitchen, 2 b EIGHT ROOM home, IH baths, convenient to schofUs, stores, newspaper having a circulation In said 1867 PLYMOUTH Belvedere, 4 mand your attention into one washer, excellent condition. Desk. $10 DOWN DELIVERS T a n n e r s t r e e t — Bowers Roofing and Chimneys 16-A KODAK VERIFAX copier, oxeel- rooms, recreation room land fireplace, porch, oil heat, garage, 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. bus. Owner 64*1470. district, at least seven days before the door sedan, excellent eonditicn, easily paid monthly obligatloa. 648-0898. 8 COMPLETE School area. 7 room Colonial, 8 167-159 WADSWORTH ST. E X ­ day of aald hearing, to appear if they lent condition, $60. 289-156is. 849-6306 — 875-6611 clean, 2 brand new tires in front, Trucks— ^Tractors ROOFING—teeoiallalng repairing $2,000 requires only $44.50 per ROOMS OF BRAND QUALITY APARTMENT ■caped ywd. Marion B. Robert­ twin slxed bedrooms, garage, TENSION — AttracUvs *(amlly combination windows and doors, see cause at said time and pleiee and Help Wanted— son, R ealtor, 048-6958. CUSTOM DESIGNED executive be heard relative thereto, and make 2495. See at 38 Duval St., 643-2846. roois o( afl kinds, now roods, gut­ month including rej^ymoit. If NEW FURNITURE m ortgage, only $16,900. in an exceUent location. 6-6 spaci­ recreation room, wall-to-wall DARTMOUTH HEUGHT8— room carpeting, city utiliUes, near bus home in one of Mfmdiester’s return to this court, and by mailing on ter work, ehlmnoya doanod, re­ you have property equity, con­ Male or Female 37 AND APPLIANCES Wearing Apparel—Fan 57 H ayes A gency, 648-4808. ous rooms, 2-car garage, land­ Colonial, large famUy room with or before April 18, 1963, by certified MEED CAR? Tour credit turned 1956 FORD PICKUP F-100, rack Boats and Accessories 46 A REAL FAMILY h<»ne with line, shaping center, Verplanck prime locations. 7 spacious paired Aluminum siding. 80 tact Frank Burke, Connecticut 8 ROOMS ...... $188 scaped lot. fireplace, *car garage, IH Ule rooms, sunken Uvlng room, mall, a copy of said will and of this down? Short on down payment? body, 16 Duval Street. 648-0916. AT THE WAS-NU Shop, 476 Main Main Street — Brand new 8^ rooms, 2% baths, 2 fireplaces, 2 School and church. Priced at only order to Everett E. Bralnard, 46 Bart­ yesrs’ experience. Free estlmatee. Mortgage Exchange, 15 Lewis The “Economy” MANCJHESTER — 7 room split $21,900 hath, large kitchen with buUt-lne, cathedral ceUlng, 2 huge fire­ Bankrupt? Repossession? Don’t WANTED — A registered hair­ SEVERAL OLDEBl used boats for Street, you’ll find a choice se­ room duplex apartment. Heat, car garage, cheeiy Provlncjal $18,000. Charles Lesperance, lett Ave.. Arlington 74. Hass.; Florence Call Howley, 643-6361 643-0768. St.. H artford 246-8891. sale; also, some used motors. Free $50 month’s rent level, 1% baths, rec room, gar­ large lot, city utiUties, ameslte places, landscaped lot. Call own­ B. Hall. R .F .D . No. 1, Buakirfc. New despair]deimiiJr T RSee Honest Douglaa. In dresser. 423-4246. lection of designer’s clothes at a hot water, stove, refrigerator, cabinet kitchen, buUt-in dlshwash LD3ERTT STREET — Brand new 64*7620. Trailers—Mobile Homes 6-A Good used Mastercraft traUer. 14 8 ROOMS ...... $269 er, disposal, oven, range, and age covered patio half acre of drive. Immediate occupancy. For er 649-6286, after 6 p.m . o r Satur­ York-.^Elizabeth S, Wooten, 1361 East quire about lowest dowm small­ The "Honeymoon” fraction of their former cost, disposal, master TV, parking. parUike grounds. Hayes Agency, 2-family, 6-6 Beautiful and up-to- the discriminating buyer. (Carles 8Sth Place, Denver 16, Colorado; Vir­ est payments anysrtiere No small foot fully equipped boat. Can be Daytime, cocktail, and dresses blender. Tastefully decorated. BOLTON — Ternon Road over- day and Sunday. ginia Feeney. Liberty Rood, Box 314. FOR SALE or rent — Crestliner Radio-TV Repair Services 18 Basiness Opportimities 32 Free $60 month’ s rent AvaUable M ay 1. |116. OaU M I 8-4808. the-minute In every detaU, includ­ Lesperance, 649-7620. Randallstown. Maryland; Rldiard loan or finance company ^an. seen at 819 Clark St., So. Wind­ suitable for weddings. Open 10-5, Priced to sell In the mid thirties. ing buUt-ins, formica counters, lofUclng lake, 94 acres o f land, one mobile home on Coventry Lake, SUtuatlong Wanted— sor. CaU 644-0360 o r 648-0068 eve­ 8 ROOMS ...... $894 649-6544. Warren E. Howland, Realtor- 8 room house, one 6 room house, ANDOVER — 6 room ranch, 4 Mowil, 9618 Purnell Drive, Baltimore 7, Douglaa M otors. 888 Main. 30x8', with large aluminum room CONNIES TV and Radio Service, WILLIMANnC — Restaurant for Tuesday through Saturday, SIX ROOM Cape, attractive open eeramlc Ule baths. MANCHESTER — Cute 4 room years old, knotty pine cabinets, Md. _____ nings. The "(jharm House”^ one 8 room cottage, 8 garages, JOHN J. W A LLETT, Judge attached. 875-0060. available all hours. Satlsfaetloti sale with 7 day liquor license. Female 38 Thursday till 9. 648-9407. Trader, 648-1103. stairway, o<^per plumbing, oU ranch, convenient location, ideal ceramic bath, large nicely land­ ALWAYS A good supply of used guaranteed. Call 649-1816. Elree $50 month’ s rent $26,900 stable tor 8 horses, seve^ otiier Owner has other Interest. Priced WILL CARE FOR two children in 1961 46 h.p. MERCURY motor; 16 S ROOMS ...... $488 hot water heat, aluminum com tor younger or older couple, scaped lot. Ideal for chUdren. Chevrolets and Fords, 2895 and right, excellent financing. J. D. SERfERAL EXPENSIVE suits and binationa, one block from bus buUdings, $86,000. Frank Mott, $11,700. 648-0264. down, at Center Motors. 684 Cen­ my home while mother works foot MFG fiberglass boat; Mas­ The “Hollywood” All of the above are also excellent Asking $11,600. Owner 742-8218. 1962 MOBILE HOME, 50x10, set Realty, 643-6129. dresses, nearly new, size 10-12. REDECORATED 2]i room apart­ line, $14,900. Phllbriek A gency, investments and each and every 643-5658. 12th Cirenit ter Street, 643-1691. Financing MiUinery, Dressmaking 19 649-8860. tercraft trailer, canvas, and ex­ EYee ^ month’s rent WUl sell cheap. 643-5825. up in park. 289-8401. tras. E xcellent cerhanglng, cellliw wallpaper or pizza store. Full price, $1,250. AN 7-4862. 130-188■188 Pearl SL—MI S-8808 ranch to Coventry, buUt-in oven ROCKLEDGE — Custom 6 room red, must sell. T. J. Crockett, SIX ROOM Cape, full basement, E. George Gorsky. Parandes was books on request. Fimy insured. BOARDING MEDIUM size and aet. 649-1664. Charles Lesperance, 649-7620. returned to the State Jitil at Hart­ 2867 CHEVROLirr 2-door hard­ Garage—Service—Storage 10 lock, stock and barrel. Call any- small dogs. Grooming Cocker and range,' lake privUeges. Bel ranch, large Hving room with R ealtor, 648-1577. 2-car garage, ameslte driveway, top, 8 cyUnder, radio, original (Jail Edward R . P rice. 649-1003. Ume, 527-6771. Air Real Estate, 64*9383. fireplace, formal dining room, shaded yaiti, good condition. Call ford to lieu of a $300 bond while 800 sq. ft. GARAGE SPACE suit­ Spaniels our' specialty. Harmony Garden—Farm—Dairy SIX ROOM colonial, IH baths, ex­ BOWERS SCHOOL -J- 6 room he awaits trial. owner, excellent eonditicn. Must Hill Kennels, Hebron Road, Bol­ electric kitchen, natural wood­ owner 649-0306. Cape, one unfinished, possible 4 see. 649-5638. able for tradesman. Central. HmnRIOR AND tatorior painting. Prodneta 50 work, 3-car garage, large wooded ceUent condition throughout. A Until htey 2, tor court trial, Reasonable. Call 643-8763. Wallpaper books. Paperaanglng. ton. 643-5427. real buy for the quick buyer. bedrooms, very neat and clean, Help Wanted— Female 35 lot, $26,900. P U lbrick Agency, SC3IOOL STREET — Real oppor­ permanent siding, $18,900. Hayes Oddvar Brelland, 20, WllUmontlc, 2988 CHIEFTAN PONTIAC sedan, OelUngs. Floors. Fully tanmirsd s a l e :—M acintosh ap|Ues, 20 lbs., * HIGH RIDGE, Charles Lesperance, 649-7620. vtiio has pleaded not guUty to driv­ workmanship guaranteed. Leo FREE — Peter, ^aul and Mary Spring Special 649-8464. tunity! Well kept duplex 6-6, Agency, 643-4803. automatic riiift, needs repairs, WOMAN to live in as housekeep­ looking for new pads. The folksl- cold storage, No. 1 grade, $1.89; ing left at the crest of a hill. The 2100. 649-9679. Motorcycles—^Bicycles 11 Pelletie;. Mf 9-8826 If no answer, RANCHES and CAPE CODS RAKED RANCH, 7 rooms, 2 fire­ aluminum storms, extra lot, er, private room, adult and three est kittens in town. 644-0204. No. 2 grade, 89c. Btmce Farm, WANTED MANCHESTER BOWERS SCHOOL—6 room Oape, double glirage. Only $30,900. 42 COURTLAND STREET — 6 case was continued for reason that ca ll 648-9043. children. Call 649-0600 for In­ 529 W. Center Street, 848-8116. Pointed For plug recreation room, offers places, rec room, 2 garages, 2 baths, transportation, shopping, Robert B. Anderson, Realtor, rooms on one floor with garage the defendant’s one wltneos, his 26” BOY’S EVANS bicycle, CKcel- PAlNTINa AND terview. THREE HEALTHY parakeets, MAN TO DRIVE privacy and convenience, back­ 628-0139, 628-1776. Call owner 649-2766. father, is ill and can not testify. cage, stand, food. Reasonable *yefUM>ld 6 room Oolonial L - yard fully fenced, new knotty schools an near. House Is im­ lent conditlcm, 649-2109. Good clean worinnmutfiip ot'reo- AVON SETS the style in '68! Our shaped ranch with attached m aculate, $26,900. W arren E. SCRANTON MOTORS CARS aotiabU rotsa. 80 yaors In Mon- price. 643-0290 after 4:80. PLUS PAINT DELIVERY TRUCK pine kitchen, walking distanca to sales and Representative earn­ New Listing—Maacheeter garage ahd aluminum oom- sch od a , bus line. New- Howland Realtor-Trader, 64*1108. ehester Raym ond F iske. 040-9287. ings will double as we continue mmA TRIM ORd HELP IN STORE RodcvBie BusinesB Swvices Offered IS btaaUoos, on cul-de-sac, 8 full ^ redecorated. 14,600. «4*2300. our tremendous growth! Join us F R E E 1— TWO darling ysUow Mt- WPEdAL PBICB8 ON COMPLETE PAINTING €U>d deco­ SPLIT-LEVEL eeramlc tfle baths, Swedish LAWN MOWERS rating service, interior-exterior, so YOU can share in this im- tens, 649-0296. LARGER ROMES BOLVON — • room Oape, over­ 1882 Oadtlloc Goiq>e de TlUe rspairsd sales and Mrvioa, plok •qualed earning opportunity. You fireplace, extra large kitchen size *car cinder block garage Manchester fully guaranteed to your satis­ 1 roeme with dlatag room and SCHIEBEL BROS. 2882 P cotiae "BoRneville Oonver- ■p and daUvory. lee akatos m u y - faction, with down to earth will be proud to offer the newest AUSTATE PAINTERS Phone 848-8184 with buUt-ln oven and range, with lubrication pit, loft storage. tlble ^ sned, preolBlaa ground. L h M and best in cosmetics, toiletries SIAMESE KITTENS for sale, no large family room, 1 Mock to Oeatar St. and Proetofa B el A ir Real E state, 648-9882. prices, fully insured.’ Vick’s papers. 649-1422. COVENTRY I Bd. dishwasher and disposal, slid- 2881 OodUlac Goiq>e de Y ille Equipment OMroratlan, ftouta 88, Painting A D ecoratin g. 629-8422, „and good grooming aids. No ex­ aohool and shopplBg. AH olty M anchester TWO FAMILY perience needed. Immediate eonvenleiicea. Lew V.A. oe- TeL 148-1SS8— 748-8101 tog glass doors to patio. Large SEIVEN R(X)M raised ranch, IH DRIVEWAYS 1881 Oldsm ablle 96 Holiday Coupe Vecnon. Conn. *IR 5-1008. Manobao- 649-5452. earnings. Call today. 289-4922. Bumptloii. Loeotloa 4d NUee S t lot with wooded back, $21,600. baths, 2 zones, 2 fireplaces, 2-car 26W OodUloc Fleetwood ^ PAUniNO and wallpaparlng, wall- (jail owner after 6 p.ai. or garage, city utilities, excellent lo­ Vacant, clean cider 4-4 flat. M61 Chrysler New Yorker, 4-door GARDENS PLOWED — Also, WOMAN FOR general housework, NOTICE cation. Charles Lesperance, Free Estimates On: paper removed. Wdlpoper books $20,990 8<9 iOM. Oanventent 100x100 corner lot 1881 Chevrolet G rseifbriar wagoOi wheel harrowing done. 848-5096. OB requeet. OsUlnga. Fr^ esU- M onday and F riday, 9-4, must At a meeting bdd by the Town •49-7690. m ates. Call R oger 648.0928. have own transportation. Refer 8173 Oty UtiUties. Immedlate.^oo- 2880 OldamofaUs 88 Ooovertlble STEPS, SIDEWALKS, atone snees. Call 849-1650, 9-5 w eek Planning Cdnunission April 16, MANCHESTER — 6H rom oMer 1983, foUowing a pttolic hearing CHAPLIN REAL ESTA11 ______ItH A M aapoBsy. Boolly flnanosd. -BITUMINOUS ASPHALT PAVING 2880 P ontiac OaSaMna OowvsrtlUa walls, flr^loeoB, fla^cne ter­ P A D raN O , days. MANCHESTER — Extra large 6H Cape, A zone, tece neigfabortiood, 2881 Hoaifatar Aosetloaii, 8 swl- races. All concrete r^Mdrs. sanding, eelUngs whitened. For held March 11, 1968, it was voted JOB OPENING V tallorad ahM w oli bullt-tos. Tongren A gency, to m ake tljio foU owing aone 0 U -064S, d«0-148d. Sfd-ddtS rooin ranch on a one acre land- • DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS • GAS STATIONS hidsr, shidard totft R easonably ptioed. 648-0T96. lowest rates and good clean work­ NURSES AIDE, U-T, five nights wmmi te at bonM In any iltua- Ood eottoB thread and ringle ■c^ied and tree shaded lot. 3- 648-6821. manship ca ll 644-0601. per week, experience preferred change: tom. A speelnl derign for the wom­ eroohet mokea this lovely ‘tiered’ LAWRENCE F. FIANO SHARPBNHfQ car garage, full cellar with rec but not necessary: Laurel Manor. LIT”[TjE STREET— T o (Uiange to an who wears half otesa. pUbox to wear now and later! 8b room, 8 bedrooms,'ceramic bath, HOmSTER STREET school area • BASKETBALL COURTS ktony. Many More knivao, anas, tooon, NESMAN AND BROWN — Paint­ 649-4519. Industrial Zone, an area now in For An Experienced No. St1« wMh Patt-0«aaM to — 6 room ranch, tree shaded Realtor 64*9766 Over 80 Ours — ratan falados. Qulek aorvioo. Capi­ easy to do; go aloe to use! huge living room with fireplace, ing. decorating. Interior exteri­ Residence Zone -B, described os to Stoss m k . M H . P o A ^ Mo. H097-M iMiji eroe h it fairat 1964, |H,900. R obert Ir a v e r - lot, fun cellar, rec room, oil hot Finest Belsctlon Ihrsr tol Uivtpnml^o., 28 Main S t, follows:starting at. a point on watw heat olumtoum ooozbiiia- Chatasa Mtobotaon 1466864 or, paperhanging. Call Coventry teii. Realtor, M*88U, •48-4048. Manchsntor. Honrs dolly 7-5. 742-7179 or 742-6089. LPN — FULL or part-time. OoU the souoi side of Little Street ttflaa. 8 bedrooms, tfa*top ecndl- AU Work PersonaHy Superrieed Thursdagr T-8. Mntnrday T-4. 649-2858. (160’ oast o e B vood at) to e line LINOTYPE OPERATOR w tns* NDVBN ROOM Roteed Ronob. 4, t e terou g h o^ , $14>K>. R obert KMAMVOir WKL •88-1958. w S v ertoB . R eaWca, 818 8818, W l ARE 100% MMNUD^^ COUNTER Wt Carry JftiMill* Sadair JuM OOo for the new ‘08 album! rage, landacaj^ yard 109x619. Cops, acre wooded lot, fireplace, rage, enclosed porch,pori large more in famouslouB proaucis.products. mmlssioo oitgr utilttiss, ^lulot ju tM M li^ b orh ood , | 1865 Ambassador, outo- EXCELLENT WORK done in COMPLETE PAINTING'and deco­ shopping savesrOs friends momy. Martin E. Alvord ag« oatdM . „ Ohainnoti MUutfiffntpr Ettntins jBBt SOe. E stol n ow fo r to a apatog fo r o a tt aad to halt; 9P«yaa^. I t e t o B. Roturteon, ••,800. ' onadlttna. |H ^ u r a ^ e d ^ fu lly tasurad, O U EoofailKatiMi. DepL a •nd sammer *Sf odgiaai *Bd flItopM* 1 §ift>0008»

V ' ♦

N -r • y THURSDAY, APRIL 18, M M ; i^ a r tvnw w -iw ni ATsravs Dail)r Nat ^ h m Ron iHanrIr^0t^r lEtt^ning Ifc^ralb For tl(aWssk Unfed Tht Wdathar April U . 100a of V. & Woathi

Pvt. James Ironfleld, UR. Ma­ c t o j a y toiiicM «4ah a o lN ^ ^ rine Oorpa, son of Mr. and Mrs. BowerR Students 1 3 ,9 9 0 About Town Arthur Ironfield, 613 W. Middle showere aad #raad4rsheweee. Low Tpke., recently completed .four In Two-Act Play Member ef the Audit 45-50. Saturday eioartaig aad ono- A Mtnunaff* Mtle will be oonduct- Hnrsan o f droalaU oa •d at Taloottvine Ooncregatlonal weeks of individual combat train­ Manchetter—^A City o f VUIage Charm ney. High 66-70. CbureA •ativday at 10 a.m. Hie ing at Camp l,ejeune, N.C. ‘George Diacoveta Science,” a Ladlee MUelonary Society o f the play In two acts, waa presented aburoli la aponaorinf the •eent. Chapman Court, Order of Ama­ yesterday afternoon at Bowers VOL. LXXXn, NO. 170 (TWENTY PAGES) ranth, will meet tomorrow at 7:46 School by the alxth graders of MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1963 (Olasilfled AdvorUsIng on Page IS) PRICE BEVBN CENTS Pvt. Oedlmaa P. Oulbinaa, XJA. p.m. at the Masonic Temple for Mias Helena Booth’s room for their U. S. CHOICE Marine Ooriio, aon of Mr. and Mra. its annual birthday party. Mrs. parents and upper grade class: Aldona OuSiinaa, IB North Bti Gusthf Anderson is in charge of mates. recantly completed four weeks of entertainment. Members of the The principal parts were played TOP OP BOnOM eon'Jbat training with, an Infantry Past Royal Matrons and Patrons by Anya Treach as Mother Nature, Mansfield Seeking StateNews regiment at Cunp Lejeune, N.C. will serve refreshments. David Blackwell as George who wonders why he has to study sci­ The Holy Name'Society of St. The Manchester PTA Council ence, Laurie Heard of Neptuna, Roundup Bridget'a Church will meet tonight will have ita annual meeting to- Robert Rivers as Davy Jones, ana ning Miro at T:80 at the church AalL Several ihght at 7:30 at the Highland Park Colin Marceau as Science Freak. Lobbyist Fee Cut u.s. abort fUma will be shown after a School. All the Bupporting parts were huahieas meeting. Refreahments written by the students who used Hartford Gas Co. will be aarved. Hie meeting la open The Greater Hartford Antique materials studied in their science Bo high school boys of the peiiih. Show will be Kfeld next week, Mon­ class. WASHINGTON (AP) — f97S-mUllon war claims bUl boesuse he stood to day through Friday, from 1 to The various sciences were repre­ Senate ' Democratic Leader o gal;ain from $160,000 to Sets $2.1 Million 10:30 p.m. at the West Hartford nearly h&-)million dollars In sented by Bruce Selwits, Peter Mike Mansfield gave top pri­ fees. Armory. The Women of St. James’ McNamara, Bruce Fletcher, Kathy Expansion Plans Episcop>al Church, West Hartford, ority todfQf to proposed re­ Zablockl and Miller were chief Giving Castro Free Hand Conyers, David Marsh, Unda Fos­ are sponsoring the! event. Tickets vamping 'of the Philippines sponsors of the bill in the House. ter, Harry Johnson, Christopher Humphrey Introduced It in the HARTFORD (A P)— Hart­ are available at Watkins Bros, and Dougan, Carol Mclntoeh, Russell war claims bill after disclos­ Millkowskl Flower Fashions. Senate. It passed both bodies last ford Gas Co., plans a 1968 Willis, Melissa Wilbur and Ronald ure of a lobbyist’s campaign summer by a voice vote—with no construction and expansion Girard. gifts to Congress members The VFW Auxiliary will sponsor record roll call. program costings an estimated Creatures of the sea, in costume, sympathetic to the b ill.. The bill provides for payment ForAnyon® a card party tomorrow at 8 p.m. were described and played by $2,1 million, to be partly fi­ at the post home. U.S. CHOICE But Mansfield made It clear he of Individual damage claims grow­ 9 Members Cynthia Cornish. Sheryl Sleffert, Is "certain in my own mind that ing out of Japanese occupation of nanced by a new stock issue Wendy Wilson, Dennis Sullivan, tfhoPain^ I*vt. James A. Morlanos, U S. no member of the Senate was In­ the Philippines In World War H. and involving eight of the 11 John Ohidester, Susan Rlggott, Top Round Steak “•99c fluenced by these contributions In Marine Corps, son of Mr. and Mrs. Judith Rhuda, Candace Hurley, Greater Hartford commun­ James Morlanos, 16 Ulley St., re­ any way and they did not affect (Conttnued on Page Two) Q u it w ith cently completed four weeks of in­ Cynthia Flaherty, James Cejkow- (heir votes on legislation.” ities in its franchise area. dividual combat training with an ski, Susan Bentley, Linda Herzog Lb. $|.09 The Montanan was referring to ’The PUC last month authorized Infantry regiment at Camp L#e- and Margaret Helfrick. Cube Steaks I960 contributions by Washington the new stock issue, 80,000 shares Jeune, N.C. Margaret Helfrick played a vio­ lawyer-lobbyist John A. O’Donnell Rome Doctors at up to $30 a share, with a po­ Exile Head te»o»W»* lin solo, accompanied by Donna MORRELL HAMS, whole or butt h a l f ___ Ib. 79o —inoludlng g ^ of $2,000 to Rep. tential total value of up to $2.4 million. Pfc. John H. Hilditch, UR. Ma­ Carpenter of Mr. Edwerd Cox’s FROZEN CUBE Clement J. Zablockl, D-Wis., and rine Corps, son of Mr. and Mrs. sixth grade. $600 each to Rep. George P. Mil­ End Boycott The company said It will use MIAMI, Fla. (A P )—Dr. John K. Hilditch, 58 Summer St. Curtains and lights were man­ MIX and MATCH SALE VEAL CUTLETS u. 79o ler, D-Oallf., and Sen. Hubert $1.9 million of the new money to Jose Miro Cardona, stepping Is serving aboard the submarine aged by Christopher Penslero and I B. Humphrey of Minnesota, as­ pay off outstanding short-term down as leader of Cubans in James Naschke of Allan Chester­ bank loans and the balance to as­ tender USS Proteus which recent­ sistant Senate Democratic leader. Of Insurance exile, charges that President ly returned to Charleston, S.C., af­ ton’s sixth grade. MR. G. FROZEN S The Senate Foreign Relations sist in financing the new expan­ Kathleen Coughlin announced B&M sion program. Methods of raising Kennedy has given Fidel Caa- ter two years of duty at Holy C Committee released testimony ROME (AP)—Government me­ the program for her class. ^AD kl Whole or n cans Thursday that pictured O'Donnell additional needed financing for the tro “ absolute immunity in the IxKh, Scotland. Cream Style FRENCH • diation ended today a week-old ^ as interested in passage of the program will await a decision by execution of Khrushchev’s A2c. William L. Anderson, son boycott of medical Insurance the board of directors. FRIES ’ • In an exhibit before the PUC, sinister designs.” tee Uieni at of Mr. and Mrs. William Ander­ FRENCH STYLE agencies by 46,(KX) Italian doctors. In a 6,600-word resignation letter son, 76 Bretton Rd., has been as­ 28th Greater Hartford PKO. The doctors' non - cooperation the company outlined its projected Calvary Church Missionary Speaker expansion program this way: that split the Cuban Revolutionary signed to Dauphin Island Air CUT W AX BEANS or $ 1 Business Slow strike provoked demonstrations Council apart, Miro accused Ken­ F\>rce Station, Alabama, as a that turned into riots in the city Hartford, new gas line, $58,000. CUT GREEN BEANS 'Wethersfield, relocation of a nedy of backing out on a promise VERNON budget specialist. He is married to The Rev. Roy Nylin will speak^ He was a teticher and admin­ ANTIQUE l i of Taranto. of a second invasion and of PAINT and WAI.LPAPEB the former Caroll D. EJltts. They istrator o f' the Assemblies of God PRODUCE To Pass Along Negotiators agreed on an im­ feeder station, installation of lat­ and show color slides tonight at eral lines and other work, $386,- “ liquidating” the struggle ter are presently residing at 365 La- Bible School In Manacas, Cuba, an mediate 40 per cent increase in Cuba. VKRNON OEROUC 7:30 at a public missions rally at 000. Rose Dr.. Mobile, Ala. institute for the training of young SHOW u.s. NO. 1 fees for the doctors and negotia­ And he warned tfaat the Soviet Calvary Church^ The missionary, people for the ministry. In addi­ Steel Increase tions to re’vise fee schedules and Farmington, new lines, $164,- Tel. HD S-1652 FARMHOUSE M -l» 000. premier, “ day by day, will in­ TB 5-2262 his wife and daughter, Charlotte, tion to his duties at the school, he April 22 Through POTATOES SO Lbs. 1 simplify the Insurance fornis the crease his army of local Com­ also served as presbyter of a dis­ doctors must fill out. Simsbury, new lines and other were one of the last missionary NEW YORK (AP)—Few manu­ work, $241,000. munists” in the Western Hemis­ families to leave Cuba under the trict. April 26 CREAM ^ facturers of steel-using items plan Labor Minister Virginio Bertinelli phere until a “ terrifying catastro­ FIRM, RIPE met with the negotiators for the Manchester, similar new work, p L A N f Castro regime. They are in the Prior to missionary appoint­ 1 i $ 1 •arly markups on their products $61,000. phe” develops. United States on furlough. He Is ments the Nyllns pastored Assem­ WEST HARTFORD ^ as a result of the selective price final six hours of talks. In support of Miro and his PIES > • 1 Eighty per cent of Italy’s 60 Additional residential, commer­ a brother of Vernon Nylin, 26 Har­ bly of God Churches in Massa­ TOMATOES 19o increases by steelmaking suppH- stand, nine members of the 16- ARMORY Cello Pack 4s ars. million people. Including almost cial and industrial lines, in several rison St. chusetts, New Jersey, New York, 896 Farmington Avenue man council quit during a l a ­ Most of them still are mulling the entire labor force, is covered unspecified areas, $540,000. bour session that followed Miro’s The missionaries first arrived in and North and South Carolina. A tleflN%{tween East Hart­ 1:00 to 10:80 PJtf. over the situation or seeking more by some kind of heeilth Insurance. departure. a a B m\A Cuba two days before the fall of The Rev. Mr. Nylin attended Cen­ In addition to wanting more mon­ ford an^UiUM^ter, $60,000. the Batista regime, and have information, a spot check by 'The No successor was chosen to tral Bible Institute, Springfield, Sponsors: THE WOMEN Associated Press across the coun­ ey, the doctors said the forms they A Glastonbury, witnessed the gradual take-over of head the council, which was Mo.; Gordon College, Boston, try showed today. had to fill out for the agencies formed with U.S. government sup­ Communism under Castro. The Mass., and the School of Langu- OF 8T. JAMES’S ^ e construction industry ap­ were too Involved and time con­ Pebble test bdring for cav­ Dr. Joee Miro Cardona has quit as- president of the Cuban Revo­ port to launch the futile invasion Rev. Mr. Nylin is under appoint­ Eiges, San Jose, Costa Rica. EPISCOPAL CHURCH HIGHLAND PARK MARKET ern storage of gas, $50,000. Dr. Manuel Antonio de Varona has emerged as the guiding force I peared a possible exception. suming. lutions^ Council, charging that the U.S. has reneged on prom­ at the Bay of Pigs. But Dr. Man­ FALLACY m in the Cuban Revolutionary Council’s struggle for survival. He ment of the Foreign Missions De­ The missionaries expect that 317 Highland St-, Manchester, Also IMoomfield, Conii. Phone MI 3-4278 Increase in storage and produc­ All merchandise for sale J. J. Buckley, executive vice The doctors averaged 800 lire ises to help fight Castro. (AP Photofax). is expected to head the exile lx)dy. (AP Photofax.) uel Antonio de Varona, Mira’s partment ^ the Assemblies of their next term of service will be president of the Youngstown Steel (48 cents) for an office visit and tion of low pressure gas facilities, right-hand man, said he would Gtod. in a Latin American country. Door Co., estimated the steel double that for a house call. Origin­ $165,000. seek to strengthen the council by n oote people have ibe idea disc price rise will cause an increase ally they asked $2.40 for an office And, additional new business wooing more of the many exile lit costs a lot of money to buy and of about two per cent in his com­ treatment and $4.80 for a house services of an unspecified nature, groups into its ranks. And he said $296,000. American Aim •el common atocks. k does noc pany’s prices. call. Kennedy Says Budget Slash every effort would be made to In New Brunswick, N.J., Trl- To press their demands, doctors gain U.S. help for the (Jubain Cotnmissions charged by member Trout Season Opens Questioned on exile cause. fiema o f die New Yoric Stock (Contlnaed on Page Two) (Coptlimed on Page Bight) Miro, first prime minister of the R&R HAR’PFORD (AP)—Unable to Castro regime who later de­ Eacfaange are among the lowest get to his favorite fishing spot to­ Would Cost Jobs, Progress Cuba Soldiers fected, said Kennedy told him at eommiswona rharged for the BONED morrow for the opening of the a meeting in the White House 6 OZ. trout fishing season. Gov. John N. April 10, 1962, nearly a year after tranafet of any property. They Dempsey said today he lu^es all WASHINGTON (AP)—President'^ But the President also referred* “ will benefit even more from the By JAMES MARLOW the first Invasion, that the prob­ vary aocoeding M the amount of CANS the rest of the anglers catch the Associated Press News Analyst lem of Cuba was essentially a mil­ CHICKEN Factories and Mills Kennedy said today a $6 billion at the outset to the Cuban inva­ stimulation in jobs and personal legal limit. WASHINGTON (AP)—Now it’s itary one and that the council money and die number o f ahtum The governor added a special cut in his budget would cost a sion fiasco of two years ago and income that the tax cut \rill give SOLID PACK the handling of the Cuban crlsi.s to the nation.” up to the Kennedy administration should contribute the major con­ kwotved . . . bat they avetage just request to his good luck wish. million jobs and offset all the tingent of soldiers. of last Octo1:)er, and he said that "The federal government is the to explain why (^ban refugees, a bk over 1% . So, if you have Big tender pieces of plump fresh tasting chicken, packed solid to g o ”I’m aakilng all my fellow fish­ benefits from a proposed tax cut. “ I left the WhKe House with toe Change South’s Life ermen to have a good time, but to "there is today more widespread people—and the budget is a re­ further by ^chardson and Robbins, the finest packers in the chicken In an address prepared for a assurance that both peace and perhaps 4,000 of them, are being assurance that the liberation of •voided investing becauM you as- business. Remember . . . 1 6 oz. can usually sells at 6Bc . . . no limit exercise every caution, every bit of flection of their needs,” Kennedy meeting of the American Society freedom can prevail.’ said. He said that to cut a dollar trained in the American armed Cuba would follow soon with Cu­ aomed k waa axpensive, eome on while stock lasts. care, so we won't have any brush of Newspaper Blditors, the Presi­ bans at the vanguard in teittle,” By DON MCKEE He added that, while ■vigilance of expenditures-, for every dollar forces—and for what. in and let at help you get started. ^on the average you bring in 859 fires,” Dempsey said. dent said he wasn’t saying that cannot l>€ relaxed, there is a he said. He In^cated that thi.s Associated Press Writer He said the light rain that fell cut in taxes would remove with Neither President Kennedy nor people, $710,000 of additional federal spending is desirable just tendency among many newspaper one hand the stimulus given with was to be in connection with the We aatuae you a most eotdial Industrial fever is sweeping the spending power, $229,000 in new Wednesday night did little to les­ the Defense Department has ever Cuban blockade that President for the sake of spending, or that readers and writers to devote the other. clearly explained it. Some of the iwdcome.'* NEW XIRWICK SPRAY douth In a fiercely competitive bank deposits, $330,000 in spend­ sen the danger of fire in the state’s economy efforts should stop. more attention to- the domestic Kennedy proclaimed Oct. 22, 1962. BATHROOM battle for pajnrolls and prosperity, ing in local stores, three or four parched woodlands. "Let us understand, then,” the training has been in amphibious Later, he said, U.S. policy on But, in words aimed obviously scene. So he, too, concentrated on President said, "that every dollar warfare, the kind that would come Jauiiwy A tu feih u i 5 / tftaU bringing myriad changes to the new stores and about 100 more Dempsey said a full schedule at Republican critics who have that. Cuba "shifted suddenly, violently AIR FRESHENER TISSUE land of cotton. autos,” said Caldwell Marks,’ will keep him from wetting a line. cut in feSderal expenditures cuts in handy in an invasion of Cuba. and imexpectedly” and “ the strug­ been calling lor reductions of up In toto, the speech added up to even more from our gross nation­ But tlie administration now not In 5 refreshing fragrances Retiring to the nearest magnolia chairman of the Alabama Cham­ His favorite stream, he said, is to $16 biUion in his $100 billion a massive plea for the program gle for Cuba was in the prxKesa of ahade are the old ways, as the ber of Commerce’s "Committee Natchaug Brook in Natchaug al product. A cut of $5 billion only shows no signs of wanting being liquidated by the govern­ PUTNAM usually 69c each this week budget, Kennedy - said: he has submitted to Congress, in­ now from the proposed federal such an invasion but has even 10 rolls 69c new South choruses: "We want of 100” —one of many industry- State Forest, which is mostly in ’’But I am saying that careful­ cluding his proposed $10 billion ment.” & C O . Industry!” hunting g^roups. the Windham County town of budget, as many have suggested. blocked the Cuban refugees from The United States was the vlc- ly screened and selected federal net tax cut, spread over three would cause one million fewer | making hit-and-run raids on Fidel 2 cans 69c Packed By Dovalette Factories and mills, stores and "The rise of a middle class in Eastford. expenditure programs can play a years. time of a “ master move” by the n I. «NTfR n., MANCHHVn jobs have come. So have changes the South is connected with in- It will be the first opening day jobs by the end of the fiscal year. | Castro’s island from American Soviets, Miro declared. useful role, both singly and in As for the average family man It would offset all the benefits soil. Ml 3-2151 and, problems, touching every dustralizatim and the breakup of he has missed In years, he said. During the negotiations that fol­ combination; that to cut $5 billion in “ Random Village,” Kennedy which the tax cut would have And Thursday a leader of the facet of life. the old twd-class farm system,” to $10 billion from the proposed said, the cut would reduce his lowed the blockade, he asserted. hviatvf, Nvw York Siotk txthanga Prosperity has rolled in on said Dr. Joe W. Hart, sociology brought by then. refugees—Dr. Jose Miro Cardona Khrushchev maintained his attack Showdown Looms budget would harm both the na­ federal taxes about 20 per cent. "And If^ that lower level of ex­ —hit the President from two di­ those industrial wheels — raising professor at Memphis State Uni­ tion and the t3rpical neighborhood The whole community, he said. Income, living standards and edu­ versity. HARTFORD (AP) — A show­ penditures were maintained there­ rections, neither of them flatter­ (Oontinaed on Page Twelva) down is ahead between the John In it; and that the right way to after, it would eventually cause, ing. Open B to 6 DAILY cational facilities, shaking racial This middle class, influenced by a balanced budget Is to seek first customs, political systems and al­ job security and broadening cul­ P. Kelly Co. of Hartford and the not only a recession, but an even 1. He said Kennedy ran out on INDIAN RIVER a balanced economy. The tax cuts OPBN 6:S0 to B THURS. EVE. tering social levels and tax struc­ tural changes, carries increasing Republican-controlled house in­ greater budgetary loss in revenue a promise—“ absolute and total RED SEEDLESS I have proposed, and the level of than the amount supposedly tures. weight in elections and serves to surance committee. expenditures I have proposed, News Tidbits —to back a second invasion of OPEN 8 to U SATURDAY From the ranks of white-collar check radical action in racial Is­ It could come next Wednesday saved.” Cuba. He said Kennedy made the have been carefully fitted togeth­ Kennedy was repeating here GRAPEFRUIT workers is rising a new middle sues, when the committee is schedul^ er with that chief objective in from the AP Wires promise right after the first Inva Bulletins class, heightening urban-rural The industrial advance also has to resume its probe into the dis­ familiar arguments he has laid Sion failed in 1961. Kennedy took mind.” down before. Culled from AP Wires conflicts as cities grow and rural ’’provided the foundation for a tribution of some $600,000 In com­ For the most part, the speech responsibility lor that one. areas decline. new power structure” consisting missions on state insurance po­ Labor Secretary Willard Wirtz A $15 billion budget cut, Kenne­ 2. And the Cuban, just retired as dealt with economics at home. dy repeated, would cripple the na­ 4 for 3 3 ' The Intense drive to capture largely of business executives, licies. Kennedy drew a picture of a typi­ says future unemployment figures president of the Cubw Revolution­ new industries has pitted state said Dr. Perry H. Howard, Lou­ The Committee has subpoenaed projected by New York Gov. Nel­ tion’s defenses, make it perma­ ary Coimcll, implied that Premier LAOS REDS GAIN cal American community he nently second-best in space, and VIENTIANE. Laos (AP). against state. South against North isiana State sociologist. seven officers and employes of called “ Random ’Village,” and son A. Rockefeller at recent Khrushchev outwitted the Presl- ARE YOU IN in a new struggle. In the Mississippi racial crisis the company. Including Conrad Omaha, Neb., speech are "not Pro-Oommnnlst Pafliet told at length how it is affected (Continued on Page Fifteen) "Anytime you bring into a com­ by activities of the federal gov­ Just wrong, but irresponsible.” . . (Oonttnued on Page Fifteen) foroea today launched aa at­ or out of munity an industry with 100 jobs, (Oontinaed on Page Seven) (Gontlniied on Page Twelve) ernment. Secretary of State Dean Rusk tack on the atrategio PUIm dea says U.S. cannot agree that Laos Jarres after driving neutralista "should be drawn into Communist from their last stronghold ont- HOT WATER? orbit” or Into any other orbit. side the area, nentrallat offletala announced. In sriiat MiP^red to U.S.NO. I MAINE • Communist Pathet Lao troops Just 9V4^* a day for fuel Cuban Exiles Upset be a move to solidify their coa* 50-foot Fall Kills Wallenda Aerial Artist keep up pressure on beleaguered trol of all northern Laos, the can get yon out of trouble! POTATOES 25 lb. bag 79c neutralist Laotian army today, Pathet Lao also brought the battering last major position out^ matai airstrip on the Plaine des side of Plaine des Jarres. . . Stu­ I f you Hve in a typical bouae, "My Husband FRESH CHIVES—RHUBARB—CORN OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — Yetta Jarres under artillery fire, 'these dents demanding ouster of Korean Economy of Miami you could easily run out o f hot IMPORTED WHITE GRAPES Grotofent, 42, of the famed sources said. The field is the la st. military regime interrupt cere­ main supply line for the neu­ water eeveral times a week. circus aerialist family, the Wall- ______/ endas, died in a 60-foot fall from monies marking third anniversary tralists. Now you can have all the hot of 1960 student riots that removed water you need at one time for her slender gray pole at a Shrine EDITOR'S NOTE—The Influx of*the way they drove them In Ha-1 Circus performsuice Thursday former President Syngman Rhee. UNION VOTES NO only a day. Think of it— rrs TIMB FOR Cuban exiles in Miami has cre­ vana—and that was wildly. You night. Red China’s leaders are telling ated tremendous pressures and hear complaints that Cubws are SEATTLE, Wash. (A P) —The only a day! STUFFED their people there is no hope for She had reached the climax of resentments sunong the local pop­ emotional and noisy and like to first votes from macliiaista* un­ Yes, thanks io Mohilheat— her solo act and was swaying Communist unity as long as So­ ulation that do not seem to be ion mMnbers at Wichita, Kan.__ extra viet Premier Khrushchev remains talk at the tops of their voices and an oil-fired hot water heater likes his thick” GREEN back and forth in a wide near solution, despite the U.S. at all hours of the night. You who apparently will decide in power. . .Pravda, Communist o f correct capacity—yourfismily It’s a pleasure, neighbor, to give you exactly the kind of steak, roast arc when, as the pole was oh a ban on further exile raids against hear that Cubans give the impres­ whether a new Boeing Oo. work “hls and her” club steaks just right for one serving. If you enjoy rib back swing, Yetta suddenly tum­ party paper, today ignores criti­ contract is accepted — were oan take care of oii t l ^ washing or special cut your family likes best. Don’t hesitate to ask us. We’re roast beef try a Pinehurst ne’wport style roast . . . Pinehurst new PEPPERS Castro’s Cuba. Last of four spe­ sion that what happened to them needs at one time. bled backward sind plummeted to cism by Italian Communists of cial articles. heavily against the aerospace happy to do it—and it’s esisier to get just what you want at Pine- small 2% to 8 lb. very lean Silver Tip and Chef cut roasts appeiU to Soviet crackdown on liberal art­ was the United States' fault, and M om can do the family wash, her death as 4,666 spectators Americans owe them a living. Ann’s propoaal. The union an- hurst, where meat is sold custom cut . . . not pre-wrapped In cello small families and lovers of very lean meats. 2 lbs. 29c watched in awed rilence. ists and intellectuals. ffia can do the dishes at the same packages. ’This week we offer steaks and roasts of exceptional ten- . By WILLIAM L. RYAN But these are .small matters, nouDoed that Boeing woriters She was the third member of East Pakistan National Assem­ at seven Air Force bases who tim e Junior takes his bath, and derriess. iSizzling sirloins for your first outdoor picnic that will just All Pinehurst lamb legs and chops wUl be cut from new 1968 erqp AP Special Correspondent which would mean little. unle.ss the troupe to die in a fall in the bly shows concern because U.S. are repreMnted by Ibe t^ehlfa you eayoy a ahower. melt in your mouth. Porterhouse with great large tenderloins and Genuine Spring Lamb from now on. MIAMI, Fla. (AP)—There is a complicated by much graver last 16 months. Ambassador John Gallbralth’s chil­ vague feeling of imeasiness problems. local voted 456-41 against tlM D on’tdday—^phoneua today. EXCEPTIONALLY FANCY TOMATOES Dieter Schepp, 28, and Richard dren have shortened name of gift around here. Inside Miami today there is a contract. K nd ont bow easy it is to switch Faughnan, 29, were killed in De­ cat from Ahmedabad — Buddhist At the moment, Miamians pro­ city within a city, an American BonMobilhsat-fired vrater heat* troit on Jan. 30, 1662, in a high Indian city—to Ahmed—Pakistan fess to see nothing to be alarmed community separated by a cultur­ WAVES HIT HOTELS Pinehursf Tendercure wire accident involving seven name for prophet Mohammed... OJtmnsstmsufycffoa^ Morrell B-Z out Pride or Do- about in their city's unique situa­ al chasm from the refugees it RIO DE JANEIRO, BtaaH Those who had ’Turkey or Self Zervloe Case Specials Now On Sals At Pindiurst members of the troupe. Patrols around Cuba increased to tion. But its problems are grow­ (AP)—Raging Atlantic seas Buque Hams, round half with shelters. The Cuban refugee pop­ Chicken for Easter dinner win Rand McNally Illustrated Yetta was not a member of that keep tabs on all cargo and passen­ ing. ulation — despite resettlement of whipped acroea the Avenlda At- be looking for Ham this week 2 extra slices off. If you act. ger ships outbound from (fastro’s The well-traveled visitor senses 57,(XX) in the past two years — lanAoa early today and i-siiiefi MISS IOWA BACON isl^d. CORNED BEEF end. What caused the death of the something akin to West Berlin probably numbers well above thousands of dollars of daotags MORIARTY ask ...... lb. 89o Ib. 55c 42-year-old Yetta? Argentine military chiefs indi­ here. In a way, Miami Is a sister 150,000. It may be 200,000. No ac­ to Oopaoabana beach-front bte Use it for’ a boiled dinner, serve it cold, sliced wafer thin, for sandwiches ATLAS OF A member of the Kristensen cate Thursday night ^ y have city to West Berlin, an outpost of curate figures are available; tels and luxury apartment bnlUh on rye . . . but don’t vi-aste any of it in hash . . . it’s too delicious for that Morrell E-Z cut or troupe of equestrians said in a nipped another power bid by navy the cold war which has opened Miami, already with a fragile Ings. Offlcials said tlie OopaoA- BROTHERS Pride Ham butts ...... lb. 6Be Here’s really 4 meals in 1 if you taped Interview that ” I think she and civilian rebels . . . El Paso its arms to tens o{ thousands of economy, sees its problems multi­ bana Palace, fme of Rio’s larg­ VERY LEAN CUTS OF CHUCK A T ...... 79c count the extra sandwiches you TODAY’S WORLD must have passed out up there (Tex.) Times says preparations refugees from communism; plying daily. est tourist hotels, was ona s| DUBUQUE BONELESS because she didn't scream or (or Communist rally are reported In few U.S. cities is there such This city was elected, because the hardest. hit. A thick layer We win out a riioe o t t your ham get. Be sure to have plnei^ipla M l S -5 1 3 5 BRISKETS. RUMPS and TIPS A T ...... 99c Toluma 1 40c, vohunas X nothing.” in Juarez, Mexico. an awareness of international of its geography, to become an of saad was left on streets. if you wiriL to use with jraor broMsd sUco (b lo w n also as daiqr bsiws) Several other circus people said Presidential Press Secretary friction. With a (Communist Island instrument of U.S. policy, without of hauL thru IS' 900 each. Now of­ M I41I CMtar Sr. It’s lean . . . H’s corned just right. they had heard Yetta wasn't feel­ Pierre Salinger says access to so near, the possibility of the ac­ having been consulted in advance. BODIES RECOVERED HAM BUnS Ib. ^9e fered volunies 1, s; S, 4 and S. ing well before she began her solo news In Washington is better than cident which can lead to war is Never in U.S. history has any MALARTIC, gue. (AP)~ act. ever . , . Mrs. John F. Kennedy something Miamians think about American city been required to Rescue crews tofay brsugiit WE aivE jtvr PINEHURST TENDER Some spectators said the aerial- frugally plans to use old maternity frequently. undertake such a massive assimi­ out (be bodies of two m U ilt trapped by faOea rook Thntsdag PINEHURST ’TENDER' iat appeared to slip. clothes during pregnancy: But unlike West Berlin, Miami lation of foreigners in such a short •MEN STAMPS In- an Interview in Detroit in Navy Court of Inquiry receives is host to foreigners speaking a time. at the 400-toot levs! of Ito TOP ROUND STEAK ROUND STEAK GROUND lb. 99c 1968, Yetta had said that when list of more than d ^ n malfunc­ foreign tongue, clinging to foreign Mayor Robert King High says grade CM BUae. Tka CUBE STEAKS she was on the Indoor pole “ it tions that plagued nuclear subma­ customs. Some of the customs, he Is proud of the way the city were HUake “ Pinehurst Grocery Inc. seems so little I feel I have to rine Thresher before disasterous some of the habits, some of the responded. aad Maartoe M o b ilh e a f. IT*BB ' lb. 99c do more to impress the audience. sea trials . . . Faulty Atlas rocket characteristic ways of the Cubans "Miamians have acted nobly Ohampagaa Is servived b f Have it out thicker t&c Swiss lb. 1.09 Lsan Chuck Ground . . Hb. 79c Hamburg .. Ib. 49a COR. MAIN and MIDDLE TURNPIKE I get a little reckless.” gyroscopes may delay astronaut can grate on the nerves of Amer­ and with maturity,” the mayor widow and sovsB cfelNbm ( steak . . . T itU O n otof^ 42, of tlM famed oirau family, the WaJtondaa, Uee on the flow of the Oma- ! ^ t comment had followed her Leroy Gordon Cooper’s proposed icans. tedd me, "and the thanks o< ths assa sat sff a Mm 9 PARKINa>- vied May T laun(nchlng date. Oube^ drive their •utomobilefi % - $