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The Ledger and Times, April 30, 1962

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5eletfed Al A !lett All Round Kentucky Comtnnntfy fleirripet

In Largest God Circulation In We The City Largest 12 Trust Circulation In The County United Press International IN OUR 83rd YEAR Murray, Ky., Monday Afternoon, April 30, 1962 aa la )1 'I I \ 1 11 /\ 10.100 Vol. LXXXIII No. 102 Administrator Bobby Dale Jimmy Outland Thanked Darnell, I 0 For Two Juveniles Hardin, Dies Sunday County Jr. 4-H Wins JavCee Hospital Visit Hospital Take Car And By United Press International Murray Administrator Bernard Firemen C. Harvey received the following At least four persons died as nice letter from a Murray Road-E:0 High the result of traffic accidents on School &dent A/reek in regard to' a Sunday Kentucky highways Rally visit during the Held to Is the hospital by the eighth past weekend, state police report- grade science class. Aid Mayfield Two juveniles, both age ed today. In 14, The letter is being printed be- were arrested yesterday and charg- low: With the addition of two fatali- The annual Calloway County ed with Grand Larceny of an 200 Murray High ties in previous accidents 000 School which Fire Teen automobile whist) they admitted Saturday -Age Road-E-0. sponsored by -Murray, Kentucky were reported late, this Last brought the Murray Chamber taking from the cleanup shop of of Commerce March 28, 1962 Kentucky's 1962 traffic death toll wai held Sant Overcast at Sycamore and Sunday. from 1•30 to Murray Hospital to 210, compared with 192 through 3:30. Fourth streets. r+ The Calloway County Jr. 4-11 Celia Taylor. Almo. Kathy Harris. Winners were: First place, 801 Poplar Street this date a year -ago. Jimmy Outland, son of Sherrill L. J. Hill is the owner of the ' Club Rally was held Saturday. Lynn Grove; Jane Shoemaker. Ha- Murray, Kentucky Two in the deaths occurred Murray Outland, 1007 Payne Street; sec- car. a 1957 Buick, in firemen aided Mayfield Records were removed ' April 28 at the Calloway County zel; all blue ribbons. Thiee re- Dear Sir: an accident early Saturday from the ond place, Bobby Taylor. Sheriff Rickman was first call- morn- firemen Saturday in a three hour , bank and the finance High School. The following com- ceiving red ribbons were; Nancy son of Ars a member of the eighth ing. company .Alfred Taylor, Route I. ed at 4:45 Sunday morning to long fire which threatened to las a safety precaution munities participated; Kirkse y. Williams, Lynn Grove; Elizabeth Murray; grade science class. I had the John Thomas however. third place, Max E. investigate a wreck on the New Sines, 27. of Flo- sweep the heart of the Mayfield The wind was Lynn Grove, Hazel, New Concord. Nance, Carter - Austin:, Pamela Hughes, son privilege of visiting the hospital. rence, blowing the blaze of Bun H. Concord highway. A car had Ky., and Wesley Mills, 38, business disarict. toward the Faxon, Alm°, Murray College (Continued on Page Ilughes, Route 2, Farm- I found the laboratory extreme- heart of the Mayfield 4) struck the bannister of of Erlanger. Ky., were killed in Damage was estimated at over High, Carter-Austin ington; fourth place, Jerry Wayne ly interesting and the bridge , business district for some time and Calloway think that over the Blond a head-on collision of too auto- $200.000 in the fire which County Dyer. son of Wayne Dyer, Route someday River near New 1 con- and threatened two drug stores, High. I would like to work in Concord, mobiles on U. S. 25-42 at Park sumed the 1, Kirksey; fifth place, C H. Pas- demolishing the front old Anderson Motor a clothing store, a shoe shop and Winners included: Girl's Bread Band Uniform Group one. Hills, near Covington. Company chall, son of Howard D Paschall, end. 1 building while two struc- a printing company for some Demonstration - Nona Bazzell, Seeing the different methods Bobby Dale Darnell of Rt. tures Meets Route I, Fartnington. Winners At 650 Sheriff Rickman return- 1, next to it were damaged. time. A sudden shift in the Kirkaey, "Making Muffins". Corn- Yesterday To of of viewing a person's internal Hardin, Ky. died Sunday wind the first three places are eligible on 'nue on Page ) of in- The fire is thought to have which forced the fire back meal Demonstration - Ellen Wat- structure while in the X-ray room juries stiffered Saturday into Dis-cuss Uniforms to compete in the State night started from paint and other com- itself and a fall of son, Lynn Grove, "How to Make Teen- was very informative. when his almost one Age Road-E-0 car ran off Kentucky bustible materials in the motes inch of rain Cornbread". Other participants which will be held We were shown the electro- allevated the danger M The Murray high- An Franklin. Clean 450 in McCracken County, a mile company building. however. this demonstration School Band cardiogram and how it operated. Up To Stop included; Rob- Uniform. Committee east of Paducah. Friendly Finance Company, a bie Wilkerson,. met yester- was exciting while Anderson Motor Company had _ ___ - Sewing. .Gail day in the et the same Costly Fires Chief - 'Ray Cardwell, 6;---of Hop. -Prudential Insurance Company home of Mrs. Charles The annteet, time very educational. of- just moved into a new building, Smith, Kirksey; "4 T's of Sewing". Clark the Purpose of kinsville, Ky., was fatally injured fice, and a newstand to discuss the details for which Robertson Urges were damag- fronting another street, and was General Demonstration; Kathleen is to instill safe-driiting Thank you for your tine and early Sunday when a car in which ed the new uniforms for the band. in the giant conflagration. using the old building for auto- Madrey. Murray College H i g I-. habits among youth, consisted of efforts spent with us. We have he was a passenger William Myers, director of the ran off U. S. The First National Bank Build- mobile storage and ''Breakfast Table Setting.' four tests of driving skill and a profited much from the visit. "CIlan up is not just a slogan.1 41 two body shop. Other band, explained the various de- miles south ot Crofton in ing adjoined the burning struct- Five cars were participants written examination. A total Sincerely yours, it's a vital way to prevent fire 1 removed from the in the event were; tails which his committee of Christian County. ure however it was not damaged. building Beverly had 56 students from the local Judy Ilargis theatening your home and 1 undamaged and the corn- Rogers. Nancy Williams worked out for the high pany uniforms and schools part :pated. loved ones," Chief Flavil Robert- wrecker, also in the build- of Lynn Grove. Pamela Paschall, the commitee The first test formally .approved measured anity .son of Murray's Fire Department ing was not damaged sinee. it was laazel and Becky Haile). of Murray the selection. to drive in a IA) perfectly straight said today in counjunction with protected by •a concrete floor. Callege High. all Blue ribbons; in The uniforms, line. The second X-15 Soars Up To vesmitten Bull-Only the first purchas- involved the beginning of the annual One Not reitnrray firemen reeflred -The-- the Dairy demonstration; Winner - weaving in and out of Clean ed in over ten years. will dress 46 Miles In Space -Up Paint-lip call for aid and left immediately guNEMIIINIIMN Judy Kelso. Lynn Grove---Straw- closely-spaced obstacles both mov- F'ix-Up camignpa up the Murray Iligh band in mod- which is April in the new et fire truck. On ar- berry Parfait". Others participat- ing forward and in reverse. The 25 through May ern uniforms. Of modern design, 2nd. Subpoenaed In Involved rival they were directed by May- ing were third test measured ability Case iNITE * Drenna Bazzell and Eve- the uniforms will to EDIA'..411DS AFB, ('alif. 11111 field firemen he gold and maneuver through a - Chief Robertson urge. all resi- as to how they lynn Marine of Kirksey, Blue rib- black, with narrow space Test pilot Joe Walker soared could colors accentuated and to stop on the dents to check that their homes best help in fighting the NDMENT" bons. with a an exact spot The X-15 rocket plane EL C-4JON, Calif. 11fr - A ering-each thin white piping Newly last test to 46 miles meet these standards: charging the other blaze Mayfield has aided Mur- • In the Boys' Team demonstra- gauged skill in parallel high today to comely cow, wooed and won by with • designed shakos will also be pun parking. the edge of spate- Furnace and heating system assault and battery. ray at least one time in recent tion, winners were Harold Wil- the higest a neighbor's bull, takes the spot- Attorney S KILLER cased. ever flown in a man checked spring and fall. John Brady. represent- years. the most recent being the hams and Steve Weatherford, AI- Mrs controlled aircraft. light in court Tuesday in the case ing D" Kay Carman reported that Determine if wiring system Mrs. Chickering, Old the up- fire which burned the A di P store m,), "Selection of Daini Cattle Clyde Johnston, Walker was of two lady farmers whose cus- heavel about 12500 had been raised thus project chair- launched from a meets today's electrical demands. over the livestock love af- at Main and Third. aret Beef Cattle". The unier team man for the contest B-52 mother ship tody battle over the bovine charm- fair far on the uniforms and urged expressed at 1:23 a. m. Fuses blowing outoften, flick- was the clainnix to a feud The fire started about 3:45 on participating oas; Mark Pierce the appreciation of (MT) and was er almost started a range war. between that those parents who have not the Murray heard to say, "Pm ering lights, appliances operat- the two women that had Saturday afternoon and was final- and Jimmy Harrell. Kirksey, Blue Junior Chamber of on my way." The "custody battle" ended been 1DAY made a contribution toward the Commerce to ing slowly are warning signals smunering for some tern e. ly brought under control about ribbons. uniform fund, the following business firms Hol- The engine shut down with the two women-Mrs. Hazel A subpoena 6:30. do so as soon as came at that wiring IS out of date. ordering the court Boy's Electrical Demonstration: pole. colm Chevrolet, Parker 80.000 feet and he Copeland and Mrs. Antonia Chick- appearance Motors. soared to the I Old clothes and furniture and of the unnamed Here Winner..--Willialia -140."--Kirltem Approximately and Taylor Motors for ;altitude -of 245,000 feet ford deSeT161.1 $130 was raised lending 411-ewarpaPers are removed from .at her as -.3 whoe • Proper Lighting". Others 1982 demonstrator On the way - faced partici- it a rummage sale last Saturday automobiles, down for a landing, tic. basement and garage Regular Hereford C,WS with two red pating were; David Watson an 1 and and Liberty Supermarket . he said on the Checks To rings around homemaker the Saturday before, and for the radio, "I sure felt Oily rags and paint - stained each eye, a hita Terrill Tidwell. Lynn Grave, over use of their parking that one " markings Bleu $500 was raised in two candy It. dothes are disposed of or Be Made On A-Troops down the back of her 'ribbons. Clayton H I The kept ilargrtive, Lynn saege try Lb* two bandit, highest the sleek-needle- cslosed head, white spots on back legs Grove. Red YOUWS! Oualand received an en- laicise metal containers. Oily —_ ribbon z Money is being raised by sev- ship had prevemsly flown — and forelegs .aid all white undek Main Lesson graved plague and a lop should be hung up so air Boy's Individual General Dem- crab means to reach transistor was 41 miles --the altitude mark By RONALD .H. NENNSEN sides." the. needed radio. The other boys can circulate around them. onstration: Winner, freith Burton. 55.000 for the received , for manned planes until today. Umted Press Internat,onal But she vas not always purchase of the National Chamber of No leaves or grass cuttings are such a Murray College H i g h. "Tractor uniforms. Commerce Eventually, it may climb WAsHINGTON - Command- model pasture pin-up Safe Driving Keys. to 100 near building foundations. Leaders Meet Maintenance." Others 'n-ales above the ers of atomic weapons units Brady participat- earth. Periodic home fire drills are in said several weeks ago ing were Kent MeCuiston, the Air Force have been ordered the cow. New held with instructions on what unbranded. emaciated Concord. Blue ribbon. to A-reen their personnel at *1st gilet 'apparently 1 Dilltiglas t.: do should fire start from an lonely, wandered Jarrett. New Concord every six months to reduce the ' • %Continued and Clayt, ri uncontrollable cause. on Page 4) The Main Lesson Leaders of the Hargrave. Lynn chances of an "accidental" Grove, both red "The one sure nu- County Homemakers Clubs ribbons. way to success- clear blast. met on fully fight a fire IS before it April 25 at the City Mill for 1 Randy Patterson. An Air Force spokesman said Almo Preschool Calloywa starts. So take advantage of the . lea-in on "Freezing Prepared and County High. gave ai ogrsegulwsast insso roarIscreen- t a demonstra- current campaign and Clean Up Clinic Planned Cooked Foods." Mrs. Larena Wy- tion in the Sr. Division orderingtheFebruary. on "Table now," Chief Robertson advised. att. Bime Economist for the SEA Manners. Paulette Farris is aimed at weeding out any men- Girl'a Doctor A. D. Butterworth. Health gave an interesting and informa- Speech winner from New Concord, tally disturbed men who might 1 Officer will conduct a pre-school tive lesson, showing samples of gave a speech on "Friendship". set off an atomic weapon without i'Letter to the Editor orders. clinic on Thursday and Friday frozen foods that we can have in ..,.! Others participating were faiit. 1-- May 3 and 4. 1982 at the Health our home freezers for 2:11ergrucy I it- ' been Macirey. Murray College The spokesman said the Air Center for Children who meals or for planned part!. 5 : High: 'Debbie Mr. Jim Williams force also had banned atomic will be and Edmonds. Carter- entering the first grade dinners. Austin; Jenny weapons duty for persons who did at Almo Wilkerson. Kirksis ; Ledger and in the fall. The following Clubs Times not graduate from high school be- .sent lead- - 103 North 4th The clinic will be held ers: Coldwater: Mesdames Herman Street cause they are considered more from , 9:00 a. m. to 1,1 -00 Darnell, a n Murray, Kentucky prone to impulsive acts and a. m on both d Wancia Wiliaford. bore- days and 1• City Dear Mr. Williams: dom. - those whose last name Dexter; Mesdames Larry Diimas Resident ' begins with A through and Damon On behalf of the Kentucky Similar cheeks will be inetitut- L sh..tild Matti-is. East Hazel; : come on Thursday Mrs. Leland Guild Artists and Craftsmen, we eal by the Army and the May 3 and Alton and Mrs. Rob- Navy, those last would like to let you know that according to the name begins with M ert Craig. Harris Grove' Mrs. urn Air Force of- : through Dies Sunday the Murray visit was an outstand- .ficial. Z come to the Friday Wilkerson and Mrs. Eugene Smith, :Clinic. ing success. About 3,000 individ- The Air Force regulation Lynn Grove; Mrs. Leon Chambers listed ' All children uals boarded the two-car Gallery 31 categories of officers before entering the and Mrs. Curtis Cooke. and err- !first grade 'dr. Angeline Lyons, age 89 and Demonstration areas during men who must receive a clean must have a physical N or-t h Murray; Mrs. Charlie examination, school Crawford died Sunday at 8:00 p.m. at the the stop here. from April 18-22. bill of health on their mental health record and Mrs. Ivan Outland. , filled out and the Paris Murray Hospital of c miplicatians The response from city, county, outlook in order to keep their required im- It ad; Mrs. Jim Hart and follinving an extended illness. and area residents was terrific- jobs munizations by law. Mrs Elmer Collins. Penny; Mrs. Jack 3 U She resided at 402 SULU. Fourth well above • the state's average. The categories include fighter- N ors w or t. h y Putter town; NAMIS LEFT Street. Your assistance in making pow interceptor pilots miseile corn- OUT Mrs. R L. Cooper and Mrs. Gussie Survivors are four daughters, sable all the many details of pre- menders. nuclear weapons officers Guerin. South Murray: Mrs. Len- 1 Two name, , Miss MiSSIC Lyons. Detn I , Miss paration and operation is just and even some military police- were omitted from n. Fisk. South Plea-ant Grove:. the rosters of 4 Helen _Loons. lalurriy. M.'s Bob antrther evidence of the fine and men. Thosands of men are in- the Pony League Mrs. Clovis Jones and Mrs. Ellen published Saturday. Smith, Murray. and Mcs. Alice cooperative spirit of this city. volved. The boys left Orr Suburban: Mrs. Bernard Ta- ' Pan:. Tennessee, TOUR OUTbTANDING '1; Many visitors expressed the wish off were Tommy Brandon of the! b-yrs, and Mrs. Glen. Sinn; Wades- illIOC sons, KENTUCKY CH MEMBERS, along with one The new regulation Was accom 'I ogo ips, day for ,Washington, leader, left Lexington Satur- that we could be included on Indians and Joe Shrost of the bone Mrs. Wayne Hardie amid 1.y Detroit. Joe Lyons, DC . and National 4-11 Clyb Conference next parried by a manual called "Ilu- Mrs. Cincinnati. and Sam Burke, this week. They are (left to zighti: year's schedule and some went Phils. Baron Palmer. Fran lc Lyons, Christian County: Janet Like, Calluway County; man Reliatality." produced by tkno, Memphis; Miss Charlene Richards, Warren so far as to wish six giandchildren and Helen Marton. 4-H field agent in Extension County; to keep the Georgetown University psychiatry District VI raoutheastern Kentucky); Train here permanently. great-grandchildrea. Davenport. Warren County. Two boys and two and James coin- under contract to the tof girls from each of the 50 states and We weruld Funeral arrangements are in- attending. the conference with emphasizes Puerto Rico are welcome any Air Force. citizenship and leadership. The expense ments te."Ft iends may call at the tional 4-11 Conference is one of -free trip to Na- or suggestions for future The spokesman described the the highest honors awarded to 4-H members. J. H. Chun hill Fun-nil Home. action'. The Kentucky Guild will, manual as a "basic level psychia- LEXLNUTON. also be interested Ky. - Ken- Charlene Richards and in your ideas.' try course" for commanders and tricky's James j Delegates also took rum four delegates to Nation- Davenport, both part in. dis- As your local commmittee co- 'medical officers. It is designed to of Warren Conn- al 441 Conference 'cussions and toured such Wash- chairman, we to express our in Washington, ty; and Sam Burke, Cihristian ap- inform them of what symptons C last week were ington places of Interest as the predation to you for your 12.25' among the county. Two boys and two girls con- might indicate an airman had a illoatiter 42 4-Hers : Capitol 'Building, the honored at a special from each state usually Washington tribution to this cooperative ,- ef- mental disturbance that , could 'are cho- Monument, ,the National ceremony at Lincoln Memorial sen for the Conference Art Gal.. fort. . case* him to trigger a ruielear trip, which !cry, the Wax Museum. • last Tuesday ,night Attorney Gen- is one ,if and Ar- WO:If-son. "Co-dhairrnan weapon. as the top honors award- lington Cemetery. eral Robert F-Kehnedy was the ed to 4-11 members. Among the en- President American Association tie 0~ Pram speaker at the tertamment for the delegates of Universityniversity Women -ceremony which The week's program centered dur- Symphonii honoree! "new voters" ing the week was. 'a concert by the • Branch Band among the around citizenehip. and leadership National . • . ariegate5--Itmer who havehlready Symphony- Orchestra, Claes Eagle, (7o-chairman • Leaves 1•—• Western Kentruiry - with a different'. topic stressed lipec4I On Tour Partly reached voting age in their 'teethe - Parties, -and the annual Head. prvisian 'of Art cloudy and each day. Following the “Build .• warm ulth. aestepeei i.Zitir yea/. lover .ffotillion at the' Aysti-y atvit ,i)owera_.and, The AO.;sang gn Our Heritage' ' Clle.144,- 1:01.1zteke!SYIII7 thuncletshoweis late torn' Geoleral tallied sibout ivrev:"Litip;- A'tffrigtoni Virginia. immatidilll*. Oft- thts afternoon -The enee theme, the program featured manic -Rand. Pm,* Paul W. She- and evening-, high Mning ,if Citizenship " ROUNDUP LUNCHEON today' the spiritual, historical, cultural, Ac:ownpanying • han (.'onductor, will • leave early 80: low tonight 55 Partly Coming from. all 50 the. Kentucky states and educational, political,, and econo- group Tuesday May 1st, on four-day dandy and conic,' 'Tuesday. Puerto Rico, was Mis; Helen • Iforton, The Woman's Society 201 outstanding mic heritage of U. S. of Christ- concert' tour that will take them Temperatures at 5 a. m. (ESTI.: 4-Hers, citizens. UK Extension 4-11 field agent in ian Service attended the 32nd Nation- They also heard a special of .the First Metho- ad Madisonville, ,Providence, Hen- Louisville 61 speaker District VI (southeastern Ken- dist Church al Conference: April 21-27. A and saw an exhibit will have a Round- dersoq. Morgarrifeld. Lexington 61 on the U. S. tucky). While in Washington she delegation of Canada 4-II'ers also space program. up Luncheor honoring the mem- Bardstown and Riesellville. While London NI attended the National 4-11 attended Delegates are - aelected Among Lead- hers who have had 100.- attend- in Louisville the band Bowling Green 68 the "speakers heard by ers Conference, which will pre- on the basis of their achievement, 'was held ance this year on Tuesday May sent two concerts: Hopkinsville 69 the 4-hers during the week were: along with the Seneca High personal growth, demonstrated conference for 4-H 1. The potluck luncheon will be School Paducah Secretary of Agriculture, Orville members and Eastern High school. 70 leadership ability, community About 100 Extension served in the Social Hall follow- ser- L. Freeman, Assistant Secretary The hand will perform music NEWLY ELECTED 11,1 1111)11 of rsl.c; rI,H. nuf Societ, Murray Covington 83 vice, and citizenship v orkers from through the nation ing the program meeting endeavors. of Agriculture, Frank J. at 1030 by Mozart. Vaughn-Williams, Ja- High School are. seated from left. Evelyn Williams, Ann Dunn, Evansville, Ind., 60 Attending Welch, were at the conference, which in the chapel. The from Kentucky were: and E T. York, Jr.. administrator nuraery will cob, I.iadov and Gerheart. Prof. Sandy Lilly, Diane Larson and Leah Caldwell Huntington, W. Vs , 56 Janet Like, had "Reaching New Audiences he open during Calloway county; of the Federal Extension the program and Richard W. Farrell will accompany Standing, left to right, Andrea Sykee Philip Sparks, James Service. More Effectively" as its theme. the luncheon, Wilson the band on the tour. and Richard Workman Not present for picture was Richard Hurt.

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411, • PAGE TWO THE LEDGER & TIMES — MURRAY, .40• KENTUCKY "NInV1AV — THE LEDGER &'TIMES APRIL 30. 196'. POISLISHED * LEDGER &TRIES pun-Ls/um C.nnoodideutin or tine Murray COIMPANT. Ince Wild Sunday Ledger. The Cukk••••7 Thane, In Sees Turas, liessaid. Cicssiber and line Pirates And 30. Md. and VW 1, 1942._ Weal SeReaddfla. JaRRNIC/

,JAM/i2a C. WiLLIIJIS, Yanks Take rUkti -I-Ski Fat First Place, Mans Get 6 Hits We mann* Sas right to resect any or Pubbc Advertng. Ledltens to Velem Items which. ie our Sae Kansa, By FRED DOWN or more games. %anent, We nut alte4 fensive, tered of our renders. bar the beet tee- I Press1 iniersiionsl' committ..1 The Wynn, ailing with a sore arm nine errors and New during the . NATIONAL since mid-1961, pitched a three header. REPRESENTATIVIS: WALLACE York Yankees rose to first place - Macitson Ave, Memphis, Term.; wrracca CO,. 15011 ...Roger Mans 5-1 victory that enabled the Homers by Roman Tame & Lila Bldg., Mew went on the war- 'Mena.: Ha StePbenson B3dg., Detroit, Mich. Teak, KY.; path White Sox to sweep a double- Smith and Early Wynn got back and Jun Pendleton pro. header after rookie Mike Mitered ad gbe paid in the winning column.,..and the Hersh- duced the Colts' three runs- trice, Murray, Kantor:kg, berger'a homer topped and bat laminaimicia as San Francisco Giants set up the the Boston gave Dick Farrell his tirst Second Clad Matter Red Sox, 2-1, win. first "crooshul" series ot the in the opener. It Don McMahon, who SUBSCatIPTION young bwiagslethaegu2e threw the KATI:5: By Carrier ;a Murray, season. dvrictury of Wynn's tie-breaking home r u month 85e. In Calloway per week MM. n bail to and aiijoicon,g counties, Per It all happened on career, Mejias in the ninth, where, $5 50. per yew. $3.30, doe- a wild Sun- was the loser, day .of Match Three-Hitters Key singles .11rs big league action . outing by Harmon Kille- w high: Jack Sanford and Billy Pierce brew and Bill Tuttle helped pro Hos. e-The Pirates each pitched a three-hitter for the duce a four-run MONll \ - APRIL :lo. whipped the Los eighth that 1962 Angeles Dodgers, Giants. Willie Mays' two - run won the 6-1 and 1-0, to opener for the i wins, Of regain homer was the big blow the NL lead by 28 percent- of the who then hit six bases-empty age points. Giants''13 -hit first-game Mrs. attack homers to "laugh it up" in and Ed Bailey hit the Streel, -The Yankees extended t h e his sixth homer second game. John Goryl• in the nightcap. led the ing Quotes From The Washington Senators' losing streak The win increased home-run assault with two. News Pierce's record on to 13 games and took the AL to 3-0 and was his By UNITED PRESS lead second thirty NEw INTERNATIONAL v..ith 3-2 and 11-6 triumphs. straight route-going effort. yoRK„naut The Cincinnati DAVIS "Art Lt, (Lot. .lolm II. -Roger Marts had Reds scored a GETS BACKING ing youngsters Glenn, urg- six hits in a 4-3 subjec to enter the country's doubleheader victory after being crushed, HOLLYINOOD wit - Salinity it space program but to raise his average preser necessarily as a•tronauts: 16-3. by the St. Louis Davis, Jr. says he has to .262 and Early Wynn won his Cardinals, a mater She s: "They don't WARHIADS first the Philadelphia Phillies backer for the Broadway see the hours of hard THEIR IN TESTS-The Pacific atmospheric nuclear game since last July 16 to blew the play work that go into warhead testa call for detonation first game "Infidel Caesar Amer' these things. All the the uf these four U. S. missiles (from of advance within seven of their doubleheader, -'He says the pro- see are the flights themselves." left). the Titan, Minuteman, victories of 8-0, duction came Alas. The powof of the warheads being tested Polaris and his coveted 300 but beat the New York Meta, is capitalized at E125,000, ta four megatons (equivalent -lifetime goal. ith . 000 tons of TNT) for filo Titan, half a megaton to 4,000,- -The Giants 10-2, in the second game, and the LONDON — Secretary for the Minuteman, a half for blitzed the Chi- their of State Dean Rusk, mamma Polaris, and three for the Atlas. The the sub- cago Cubs, Houston Colts shaded tht Milwau- stacles to East-West on the ob- atomic bomb which leveled 7-0 and 6-0, to run Mr agreement on Berlin:' equaled Biroshinaa their kee Braves, 3-2, in "The one-fiftieth of a megaton. winning streak to five games other NI. • .1 111111! 4 time obstacles at the present games. time are the failure on the even of a series with tain the Soviet to ob- the In MURRAY sity recognition . . .-of the front-running Pirates. the other AL game., the ostsseE-spis ?- West vital inte-riNts of the 71-41-4.1ad4 of a in F.a";t Berlin—the New York Friend Minnesota Twins long-balled presence of Western forces there. 8 Philadelphia 0, '1st Wins Fourth the chint .and.completely free acce•s Philadelphia Bob Friend pitched Cleveland. Indians, 8-4 and 7-3, to West Iterlin." 10 New York 2, 2nd a four-hitter Open 6:15 • Start 7:15 folk Si. for his the Baltimore Orioles Louis 16 Cincinnati 3, 1st fourth win and Al Mclean beat the NEW Cincinnati turned Kansas City A's, 8-3, Fo YORK Sen. !tarry 4 St. Louis 3. 2nd in a seven-hitter for his and the MORE NITES Goldwater, R.-Ariz., dis- Pittsburgh third straight Detroit Tigers defeated men' claiming any de- ire for 8. Los Angeles 1, 1st victory for the Pi- tie.. Los TO the Rrimblican nomination rates Angeles Angels, SEE . . . broil dent: for presi- SISERAIL Pittsburgh 1 Los Angeles before 51,474 at Los Angeles 13-6. 0, 2nd Howie San Francisco 6 Chicago Goss' two-run homer and "I think my job will he STANDINGS 0, 1st and Eddie Kasko's ninth - VIVIEN LEIGH bettr done in the Senate San Francisco 7 Chicago Bill Mazeroski's two IN Of t United States, of the 0, 2nd -run demote. homer gave Bob Purkey TENNESSEE 111111 .1AMS1 where I can continue bp 14104 rms. InIrrnalion.61 Houston were the his tourth to work %%lilt the young 3 Milwaukee 2 big blows of the first win people of America." game for the Reds after Ken Boyer THE TI AMERICAN LEAGUE Today's Games and Deck Stuart's ROMAN SPRING New York at Chicago. night homer drove in five runs with two ing T. or Pittsburgh at San was the decisive blow tiiples Detroit at Kansas City, Francisco of the night- and a double OF MRS !self WASHINGTON-- New York 10 5 .667 night Milwaukee. cap. and Larry Jackson SIONE President Kennedy, L is Angeles at at Philadelphia. night pitched a i..0STAPP'NG thinner on a White House Ch:cago — 11 7 .611 Cleveland. night Chicago Whitey six-hitter in the Cards' rele honoring 49 .Nobel Prize 1 Boston at Los Angeles, Ford pitched a seven opening %%inners and other Cleveland at Washington. night night - -game rout. Stan Muskat WARREN REMY science and literature: greats of 9 b .600 1 Only games scheduled. ter for his seecond vat:W0. -in the also hennered in the first "I think Detroit 8 ti .a71 Tuesday's opener and the Yankees game. this i- the insist extraordinary Gemos romped Maks Nine Pre collection of Baltimore 7 .563 NATIONAL LEAGUE .Cancinnati in the nightcap Miscues if human knosI ledge talent at New York, ni ht with a 3.13.-Jackeen's-s that „ has ever been Mm -a)00 T, Ank Iti4assettiera-- ettack first- ire trid i old hittei tbe . itts urgh at"--PTM5dTe phia. night -ed-three doubles homers by l1linteollotise.sCTITF-Thii possible Kansas - Git'y 13 4 .765 H aistein and a Frank Thomas :net Ing. exception ut when 9 10 .474 at St. Louis, night homer by Maris. Ford's Jim Thomas _leffer-on Boston San Francisco — 14 3 .737 victory Hickman gave the Mets their Mt Acme." 7 9 .438 Chicago at Los Angeles, gave him a Ilfe-time Los St. Louis 11 4 night rec- victory but the., Phillies Angeles, — 7 9 .438 .733 1 Pittsburgh at San ord of 160-43 for a .7174 won the irk 3; Los *ingeles — franci.:co, night percent- second game as Washington — '3 .133 12 8 .667 2! age that is unmatched Don Demeter, ter 8 Houston - — by any big Tony Gonzalez Sunday's Results 7 8 .461 5 NOW league pitcher and Wes Coving- as YOU KNOW who ever won 100 ton homered Chicago. Boston Miiwaukce 8 10 .444 5. during a 14-hit TE.0041C0t0a•ti00 2 1. Is. By United Press ot- voutufft NOS Ten Ghicaio Philadelphia 7 9 International Years 5 Hosti,n 1, .438 5, Brazil, Ago Today the largest nation Minnesota 8 Cincinnati 8 11 .421 6 in Ledger and Cleveland 4, 1st South America, consists Times File Minnesota Chicago . 4 15 .2i1•10 of 22 7 Cleveland 3. 2nd states having, limited New Y,ri 3 autonomy, 4 s_. New York 3 Washington 13 .188 9! a '4 2. I-1 federal district Brasilia 1 ,t) t. -r tat: ,:siurray New York 11 Sunday's RssuIts and Thort:tighbreds. has . lsetn State Wasilingt,n 6. 2nd five territories. n.iined top defensive Baltimore 8 Kansas team-Mates for player by his -C1:y 3 the' 1951152 -rassin. Detroit 13 1., s Angeles Cecil Charles 6 Nk est. L.S. Navy, sun Today's CROSSWORD Henry of Slr..and Mrs. Games PUZZLE '- Vt eal. lites receilt:V made Ni games scheduled. an adsancement in -rating from Electrician s Mate - Tuesday's .111-rd Clasa - to Electrician's Gasses ACROSS Svcs end (his*. Mate Baltimore at Minnesota l'r.nter's Reeldue Mt's. rh*.a sure Fannie Ruth' age 11, slaughter 4- l'ostscrtpt 1.. ..14-et Mr-. of Mr. and &her 12 dean Stokley 'Mathis of 6-s enetuan we'll banish liarthii. died Saturday 4 rig f41411 Hospital at the .hurray SPRING SPORTS magistrates follossing a short 1.14.r.) II -4•ra.sert It- Hot iened Miss Joan 13- Beset them for good Love has been 1; -ss VA named as Valedictorian of Mur- 13- A state ray High School awl- 0.4.r ) Miss Jane 2.; • '..-4*-41 la, .1 Perry SaIntat"riaii. Misa Is. S1,004,ary Is the persistent Live haa a four SCHEDULE 24. r'. r example presence year average of 11-Not• of siral• 97.2 and Miaa I'err) 97.0, • 161.1.1 11-11Nsete le u• • (abbe i of silverfish getting you i'n.f.,11,4 1 :1-Sailors 3...1. fl; 4,•olloo sje.n down? We'll get them out MURRAY STATE COLLEGE Vraise 3.. /!, 1.14-Lanwreril new 3- - car or old. get r.ler 44-11 Monday Al a.. III's of your house or span- 1nel rument nit kr.ln, Baseball 3,.• o • - Middle Term. Sq- Devoured 41.• .; .h 41-N -ii• of merit 2s-Raap 11+.210 to STAY outi EXTRA Tuesday 31- Winer ,snps,.tg 41- Watke 60- ADerr TWO OUTDOOlt LUBRICATION 43- WRITERS, Jame* Tri..tarb. Tennis at Southwestern vehtete tor ompiHime)1," Poe krarn (left) of the St. 33- Printer', 111-Tur whorl god4n. -Dispatch, and Joseph loads Track at Cape Girardeau fodder (.0•444* Irighi I of Get Our Free Estimate! measure 63-D1rk 64-Note of aralo atallon %%TVS'S', teleslaidsek 24-Fri- show Go.. Kett ( Thursday it cake om I,. a SIT i SMOOTHER 2s\ caught la Rock Creek ng Of trout they PERFORMANCE Tennis id Tenn Tech 1 -2 1 '. 4 during a rrrent meeting 3s- P.444 -.5 "-".•:-Iti of Retie* 7 a 9 10 lT:l at Camp outdoor writers We exterminate pests Baseball - Lambutn 4,.• ire nail Earl Wallace, mar here -•.•., Mouiertio ou kcottstlys -4 Lilt Golf 11 12 • besland. Cum- with a: So. Intercollegiate ...... 13 14 Of all kinds at low cost Athens,'Ga. -4-3 hitonlate IS :.....:'le Yrug I; ,-. 45 ,....-.•te MOTOR-MEDIC "Makes Friday _ Naeredl beS „,.'... your engine 5:• .7•7.,19 4.•••••J Golf at Athens. Ga. 20 ...• 21 t.."...,22 23 Sit up and It • Ss.mbol fee ; :•:;' hELLEY'S IEST sing:" •:.. . Saturday tin A • .:1 24 25 Golf it Atl ry god ,._.....,.4 'let 27 1:7::?: 21 NO. I Added at .1.. f MURRAY to the crank- 14 4114, LOAN Baseball CO. at Tenn. Tech 40- 4•• 11.1e4 29 s30i. :-.:.:31 101W. case, this famous formula man 52 'i5 Main IL Telephone Traak at U.K. e,s110,1 Pt. 3-2621 LONTROL P- lteS ' , 34 SI "YOUR NOME STOPS OIL BURNING and .. • ',' 7 •:•: -OWNED Phone PL.Aza MURRAY • ._ ,.... 4•••'''' LOAN C 0. " HIGH SCHOOL 17..•t...• t .-4 exhaust smoking 31 39 .. • 40 .. in- is 41 .-.:7:1 42 43 44 Monday ...... creases oil pressure 57 .• • 45 Irr.,..7.4 •as and Track at alas 47 ati ,..7. 45 field t, • • 41 :...:. ,•.••• compression - .... . saves gos Tuesday 50 51 22' 53 Track DOWN 4 . . . reduces C.-*Ileg. High - Home ,.. friction and 35 Wednesday I -ftwlaa fiver (545 .57 lir% .'• 59 ,.,3. wear. You'll actually 2 IS,* oho be able Trade - N. Mar-nal: - Home shoot• frees 0:.*:.... to ,63 64 hear and feel the differ- Thursday Exrlarnetioe Track - - Herne stmory ...-- ence in your Car! A Saturday 6. It...mirth 4- Toone girlie ihstr. Track - We Kv Conf by United Festers Syndinate. lee. 30 OPENING - Pad NO. 2 Added to the gas tank, this scientific blend TUESDAY, MAY cleans the 1, carburetor jets 1962 as you drive... frees sticky valves, rings ... gives that sluggish engine more power, Hubbs improved performance. Gulf Service r I And to tern automatic transmissicmit I MAIN 1+ak-free, use Murray,. "The Original" TRANSEAL Kentucky -414 —stops leaks, conditions seals 'PHONE. - .. . gives you smoother, quieter, more responsive power... make* shifting "whisper-smoothr 753-91511 CLETUS HOBBS • s Quality Solder'&41 Prodacts-' ' • At•Strvice Stations, Aimee SepOy Stems everywhere. LSIVIITH•Silitib. . Ebb STATION .1 ROBERTS & LOVETT Cludand Coldwater t. GULF Mewilheet CRANi/Fdlat,Arkegg,,t,'I .' • 'Murray • *.r• • :•.*.r.:4;44•6 "'„‘.• • —Loyir.e eve HOURS: • • POWEIL SHELL Murray C & E SHELL SERVICE 4-8 0411. SERVICE WEEKDAYS Murray. Hardin TW.PTIf rERCEPTIOV. 1:111:Cri% JOHNNY'S TEXACO F. .C111151 N VI IONA (11:: M 1.111 U.S VICK-HENNIGIN 'cif this room, ishich illustrates .all E I FAT VII ES CLOSED SUNDAYS D-X SERVICE a Striking-trend in interior dollen. Mall " )PParil at 1.-It, plank-and- 1 erilinE are of iselsionril *sifinfteern Murray Noe d•nlilro color of ts .,off blend* Murray__ b teliing arrangement, nett %s ilk brick. open plan gate dimension in depth sad Impression "FOR of Spaciousness. THE SERVICE THAT MADE THIS CORNER FAMOUS"


L. -

•': •

\PRI!, 30. 1962 MONDAY - APRIL ••• 30. 1962 I• I, ' 14 4444. T - L-E D G-LPMniritt — MURRAY, • .44 C e / • • KEktOCKT PAGE s And 111.• U.1.1110.0. IMP IIMMIIIIMMb. THREE corps of Big Revolution bell ringers for whom the supermarkets. Then, five years kids wait to come by in their lit- ago, the soft-serve business toot Hits In Ice Cream tle white trucks on their regular to wheels. routes with cones, sundaes and Today, the itinerant ice cream milkshakes. tee---Philltes maa:s bell is ringing a big-time comity t•el NEW YORK IUN: - With the Until Buy HIRE this coup d'etat, accord- jingle. Soft ice cream s during the weather getting warmer 10 years double- SELL (or sup- ing to Dairy Dan, Inc., RENT of Wilkes- ago was TRADE a $17 million HELP -a-year posed to) it's time to report a Barre, Pa., a leading soft-serve business. In by Roman ,Mejia: revolution thpa apparently has 1961, sales reached Hal ' firth, ice cream buying usually $120 million. Jim Pendleton been going on quientiy throughout Lee. 2 bedrooms, very clean. involved a trip to a confectionery Colts' three $3,195 RECENTLY DECORATED 5-room painted. Call PL 3-2450 the land in recent mils- 'old( SALE Paducah Road, or 692- years. It's the or drug store for a sundae, Farrell Mayfield, CH 7- house, ceiling upstairs, back porch 2560 or see cone his tirst 9066. just beyond city limits big ice cream revolution. or hand-packed ihon, aalc and garage, located at 1,112 Syca- FOR RENT quart. This is NOW YOU KNOW who threw on Concord Road or 4i miles from The revolution, according to a known the PARTS FOR ALL ELECTRIC more St.; owned as "hard" ice cream. g home r u n bail by the Scat's city limits on Hazel Highway. communique from a trade source, to SHAVERS. LLNDSEY'S JEWEL- Grove "Hard" ice cream manufactur- le ninth, was the Baptist Church. For ['irk er Iliac THREE BEDROOM HOUSE, 1606 was sparked by a young upstart 'user. ERS. LIKE NEW 12-FOOT BOAT and information ers began to reduce their inter- By United les by Harmon a30 contact Joe Morton, Ryan. Immediate possession. known as "soft" ice Press International Kele- THREE cream Or, est in hand-dipped sales. Bill Tuttle 5 h.p. motor. Joe Watkins, Dexter. phone 753-3379 or Billy Turner, BEDROOM BRICK house, Claude L. Miller, Real Estate and sometimes, Less The Roinaru gave the name of helped pro "oft-serve" frozen drug and specialty HOUSE TRAILERS phone 753-4927. m2c hardwood floors, electric h e a t, Insurance. PL 3-5064 stores sold Caledonia to the country -run eighth inning - 47x Elcar, Ky. 437-3162. m5p and PL 3- dessert. cones that lat- that built-ins, air conditioned, on sew- 3059. and bulk ice cream. The er became ,pener for the I a30c The seeds of the revolution Scotland and called the wins, 1956 BUICK tiPECIAL 4-DOOR erage, possession were shift was to family-portion pack- hit six with deed. Can sown by the rise people who lived there Caladon- bases-empty hardtop, clean car in good condi- be bought in number of aged containers on the worth the money. FLORAL DOUBLE-DUTY shatlYns ci tans. "laugh it up" in the tion with cars owned by Americans and, YOUR MURRAY-CALLOWAY good tires. New fuel SIX ROOM BRICK HOUSE, two NEW YORK ie. John Good- led COUNTY 81P1) - Two peren- the mass movement of families the „. pump and battery, $575. Phone bedrooms a rid carport, electric issault with two. nial favorities, the camellia -and to the suburbs. PL 3-3905 after 6 p.m. m2p heat, air conditioned, near col- gardenia, serve double-duty as The shock troops of the revo- lege. You should see this before CHILD'S YARD SWING & Slide both house plants and bouttonieres. lution are the white-uniformed GETS you buy. BACKING BUSINESS set. $10.00. Phone PL 3-5421. ltc ANNOUNCING rOOD 1UPD - Sammy THREE ROOM HOUSE with two . says he has a :nape. 6 BEDROOM BRICK VENEER acres of land, good fence and a the Broadway play house on Olive Boulavard, one good well. Near city limits. Quick sale tsar," He says the pro. block from tne college (ampus, $2500. Possession with deed. LAKE -PROPERTY, Smith capitalized at $125,000. DIRECTORY has 3 ba:lis, full basement, central 29 ACRES of -Corona's ^ heating and air conditioning, gar- land near Cozy Grove near the age apartment, priced to sell. water. Good timber on good road. Heavy ...7.-"--""-••"71111111Nra 8 ROOM HOUSE ON Approxi- Price $3500. Duty ADDING MACHINES W. H. BROWN REAL OFFICE SUPPLIES mately 21 acres of land 11 miles ESTATE, ENTER 11 COLUMNS, TOTAL 12 UIRRAY and TYPEWRITERS from Murray on Highway 94, has Murray, Kentucky, office phone 'INF- AIRE Ledger - Sales & Service & Times PL 3-1916 over 300 feet of road front on 2 PL 3-343Z, residence rL 3-1311. -- different roads. Ideal for any type a30c 6:15 • Start 7:15 Ledger & Tunes PL 3-1914 business. Electric Adding PRINTING •••••••• Machine ROBERTS REALTY. IORE a30c NITES DRUG STORES Ledger & Tunes PL 3-1916 HOME LOAN With . . . )SEE . . . HOUSE AND LOT IN NICE resi- Scot' Drugs PL 3-2547 NOW TYPEWRITER RENTAL dential area. Adjacent to business SERVING MURRAY WITH IEN FHA Credit Balance LEIGH zone and zoned as commercial. and VA home loans. Phone NPIESSIEWit l*M INSURANCE AND SERVICE or write Step-Over Multiplication Will sell or trade. Contact through 'I'. C. Ezzell, Kentucky Murtgage Company, Single, Doable and SRI% Frazee, Melugin Holton Ledger & Times PL. 3-1916 Vaster Orr or write August Wil- Paducan, Triple Cipher Bars & Kentucky. Electric Correction Gen. insurance PL 3-3415 son, Buz 117, Jeffersuntown, Ky. m4c RS STONE Two Color Ribbons Stalre'sal USED AUTO PARTS a30c Multiplication LADIES READY TO WEAR HELP WANTED I Counter BEATTY Murray Auto Salvage - Hazel Rd. PICNIC TABLES. 5, 6 or 7, FOO'l Non-Print Key Littleton' PL 3-4823 Parts For AU Models - PL 3-3756 lengths, painted, stained or un- Non-Add Key MAN OR ,WOMAN, SPARE Time And Many Other Fine Features to refill and eoIli-ct money-6"—om our machines dispensing Hershey- Greatest Thriller ells, gum and sport cards in this IAN FLEMING'S area. Easy to du. Excellent in- only $26450 come. $440.00 cash required secur- 4%. ed by inventory. Include phone OTHER ELECTRIC ADDERS '1, ALL number. Write P.O. Bo x 476, orn PolaittitR BROS LuIPUMDE{a3 Li ansi lie, Indiana. a lc start at '126.50 Mil'e"w=elri"it =a:we'In`re.='....="zawile=2:=V•s=

t ITU; Iltrrrro men who would be Call PLaza 3-1916 far Demonstration e- n the world two tit- amused by al ten-h. The four others were di- le onnbil are •t the d IS- gamble like this, a pleasant p4,41341 4,1 I vided into two pairs. They -wore THE J & J GLASS CO. WOULD III.. super-hierarchy of sunshine gamble with 1.0,1d-wide ,.rinie a couple webbing slung between them like to announce that tney have Unless SPECTRE of weeks' holiday Manuals start at _ _ 94.00 Illpectal Cantu- in Nassau to and they sat on the edge of the moved from 105 N. tit. lot Coonterintelligente Terror- 5th St. to 509 ism. make up for it if the doubloons troll Ftto.enge and Extortion) Is paid grating with their frog- Main in the building formcrly half a billion dollars were after all not within Retell in the wreck. man's feet dangling, waiting tor occupied by the Dollar WITNESS AGAINST HIS MASTER-Rex, a Belgian shepherd, is I da%s one of the bombs will destroy General • That evening, with all the the water led into federal court in Baltimore by his custodians, Wriitern military utatallation. It to swirl in ano give Store. The J & J Glass Co. has a Mr. the names, has not visitors on board, the and Mrs. James Hoffman, Ledger been delivered engines of them buoyancy. to be a witness against & Times after On the web- complete line of glass, mirrors his master. another 45 hours SPECTRE. the Disco had led by Ernst begun to mur- bing, between each pair, rested FM agents found Rex standing guard at a stolen car. Riot. 'IS with the most mur, cut to size, wall plaque, shower we'll banish ruthless, cunning and intelligent Just when they should a six-foot-tong tapering clung/was ("meet doors, tub enclosure and on earth at his conunand have, the larbor folk glass --,••••• sill biow up • agreed, In an obscene gray rubber en- l'EANUTS mane rit. when glazing. Whatever the them for good Woirt of •II. APkitTltk; threatens it was getting dark, velope. Job IS, in MC5T OF TriE TIME I NEVER announr it Its plan to the wio id and the beautiful dark whether large or small, the J & J llrt the blue and The water first bleat. plunging eterY seeped, rushed, and Glass Co. ev'EN "T-o!,IK ABOUT IT... '11c:h e into irsiee white yacnt had slid out of will do it best. Phone t•-• steet p,enence dus,..rn pii,a reor. then burst into the hold, sub- lull. this harbor. 753-6970. a30c million to au on, James merging the five men. Tht Bond, Agent Once in the y fah getting you i517 of British Intelligente Is sent open sea, the en- slipped to otf their seats and NdA•111U I. the Bahaniaa. which gines had started LOST is.iudging up their deep trudged out — FOUND I by the known ,..urne of through the bitten- ell get them out the booming that had hijacked plane carrying the gradually way, Largo burnt,. in the lead and tne the •100dt like* area of their diminished to the southeast, to- holing Owe WW1 two pairs behind ban at pre- house or apart • the help of the ward, the listeners LOST: 1 WHITE REAR FLOOR Ante,tan elk. James Road nagrows agreed, an cisely tested intervals the mat for 1961 Dodge, field ot nusfre.ts down to gine entirely appropriate bunting I red 13x21" STAY outl Emilio Largo. tattensibly • Westinf ground. • Largc. did ant at first switch floor mat. If found call PI- 3-1417. Italian playisoy conducting an Osb- on his torch. It was orne@ ...arta for The 'southerly not neces- in2c sunken pirate treas- course was con- sary ure. Largo's yacht the Dozen Vo- sidered and it would bring stupid, Free Estimate! tante. appropriate because it a a ape, tacular twydrofoil dazed fish that were • distrac- NANCY ship. di,orned to outrun anything Is aniong the Southern Baharna.s afloat. Pelacchi. tion. It might even bring the stern bunib that the great lo5 treasure shark by Faille Busbeeiller pane pilot 11•10/1! t. 1 1 ot,,on Walt or barracuda and, though they ermlnate pests bought by SPECTRE. troves are expected to had no tone be found. would be no to ens, the money he was rwir • It Was more than a nuis- DOWN TO dered through the southerly THE ids at low at his rendezvous With the ance, one of the team. despite THEY cost Largo yacht. passages through these islands CORNER TO MAIL MIGHT RAISE Largo's assurances, might MY THE -the Crooked Island. the lose CHRISTMAS POSTAGE Ma- his nerve. CARDS TO FIVE CENTS CHAPTER 13 yaguana and the Caicos pas- BY CHRISTMAS I'S IP: motor yacht Myer) co- sages-that the Spanish treas- They swam on In the soft PEST moonlit T mpote was a hundred-tn ure ships •7ould try to dodire mist of the sea. At hydrofoil craft, built for Com', the pirates and the French and first there was nothing but a milky Largo with SPECTRE funds by British fleets as they made for cold below them, but then the coral INTROL Italian constructors. With a home. shelf of the island showed PLaza 3 37.14 hull of aluminum and mag- All Bahr miens know that up, climbing steeply to- ward the nesium alloy, two Daimler- treasure is there for the find- surface. The Benz four-stroke .itesels super- mg. and when the harbor folk underpart of the island had charged by Lavin. Brown-Boveri of Nassau heard the deep boom been eroded by the waves so turbo superchargers, the Disco of the Disco s engines dying that, seen from below, it V("tante could move at around away to the south, they nodded resembled a thick mushroom. nay knots, with a cruising Under the umbrella of coral there range at that speed of around But once the Disco was well Was a wide fissure, a dark wound in the • four hundred miles. She had cost away and th-. moon had not yet side of the stern. Largo made for it .000,000, but she had been the risen, with all lights doused, and, when am, S I P O.-,1111 •••••• •••••••41 only she swung away he was close, switched on his Ce '04111, 5,444004,0444, 1 a craft in the world with in a wide cir- Slette-le- torch. the speed. cargo-. an" pasi-ien- cle •oward the west and toward He ger-space. And with the essen- the rendezvous point she was lowered the black fins on LIL• ABNER his feet, got .a..1.1.1 I Ai • . •.• .4••• tial shallow draft for the Job now leaving. NoW she was a his balance on a . III .16411.4111111L 4E400 •• • ledge, and by Al Caps required of her in Bahamian- hundred_ miles, two hours, away looked round, shin- ing his waters. from Nassau. But it would be torch on the rock es that the THASS TH' Six months be•ore, the Disco,. almost da .11 when, after one two teams could get BIGGEST a foothold. ??-.4H is ASHAMED THAR'S A SERIOUS SIDE TO had been shipped out to the more vital call, Nassau would Then he waved them FINEST TOW BSTONE HA,N on and TOMBSTONES '70' Florida Keys by the South At- again hear the boom of her en- into the smooth broad EVA44-1 WHOMPED 0''10:7 7 ENVYIN' SEEM TO Oc* 5-50 ALL. fissure that OvERLOOKED.r. lantic route. She had been a gines coming in from the false showed a glimmer up,' FAMBLY THEY'LL , TH'FAM /SLY TWE. of moonlight , ," FUN, eennation in Florida waters and southern trail. at its tar end in- GIT WHUT G ITS IT, side THET TOMB- GOTTA DO!! among the Bahamas. and had Largo got up and bent over the center of the rock. IS The STONE" DIE FIRST fir vastly helped to make Largo the chart table. They had cov- underwater cave was -90'IS IT.? only the most ponular "millionaire" ered the course many times and about ten yards long. Lar- DEEP, go led in a corner of the world that in all weathers. It was really the teams one after the other MAMM`ift crawls with millionaires. no problem. But Phases I and through -.nd into the small MAIN chamber The fast and mysterious voy- U had gone so well that double that might once per- haps ages he made In the. Disco, care must b- taken over' Phaae have been • wonderful repositqry .entucky with all those underwater swim- for a different kind cm treasure. mers and occasionally with a The small Island. Dog Island. Above two-seater folding-wing am- was no bigger than two tennis the present water line NE . in phibian mounted on the roof of courts. It was a hunk of dead the chamber, Largo's men had the artreantlined superstructure coral with a smattering or sea- hammered stanchions into the had aroused Just the right grape and battered screw patio rock to form cradles for amount of excited comment. that grew on nothing but pock- the two atomic weapons with leather • Slowly, Largo ..had let the ets tit bradkish rainwater and steeps to hold them se- cure against - /secret leak out -,-throtigh his sand. It was the point where any weather. Now, one byone, own Mdiscretione at dinne,rs arid the Dog Shoal broke the sur- the two teams lifted the cocktail parties, :.hrough ,ere- face, a well-known navigational ribber packske up onto the iron ABBIE 'AN' fully primed members of the hazard that even the fishing bars and made them SPATS aecars- -crew in the Bay Street' bare. boats kept well aivay from. Largo eausenened the re- • Itashome .yas dens stilt and was 'satisfied. IThAt'LL • This was a treaatire hunt, an .• • The COST VA - I'LL PAY WHATEVER. weapons Important one. There was al would be ready for LEMME SEE -- IT COSTS. ALL lE DISCO came up ftist anci him "A WANTS (GASP) I INSIST pirates-ump, Al 'sunken when he needed theth. MULTIPLY BY 211- galleon 'Ti then slot lowered 24-HOUR TELENO.* ON. I S‘AL EItT,. A CC)RAT E • thickly overgrown with her- In the meantime such raffle- • CARRY THE coral, sole back In the Water ANSIACRIN' SE-R.V10E SERVICE! yhe wreck had been locate,. Ana' don Mt there was ‘iriatifd he- . HAI/GUT-- toeing 4441, cabie's , Largo was only stiAtilig quarantined wb,tittiny_ this -gra .k. the 'end of the winter , :••••'e.laias:., _ . 'nil brought asalei waves t,hat 'reason and for maw and nimi men nnd hia -ship the -calms of and sticked at early summer the.rotk and would be clean and innocent and then his then were still. as shareholders snow. would be coming The anchor out slipped' silently The five men trudged (DAYS from Europe and work doyn forty calmly feet and held. Down back to the ship and would begin in earnest. And two in the Into the hold, Largo and the dis- hold through the days before, the shareholders, posal hatch. To the JNPAYS team of four waited for boom of the nineteen cif them, had •dillY engines the bows The underwater hatch to be of the Disco lifted come tilt Wing in to Nassau. opened. slowly out of the water and the beautiful ship Rather diilt.Iooklng people to The five men wore aqualunge. skimmed off on the lS" be Jii.t the scat of hart', homeseard Lai go held nothhig but a, join ney. 10414641F4 headed, hard-working business- powerful underwater electric '( To Be Continued Tomeo-rose

S •


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Prat. 30. 1460. PAC rouR TT-?r trncrR & TIME! MURRAY, grNT11CKY Ilwnemakers Council Stars Of Wedding APRIL SPECIAL _ ocial CsimmeiNi S Plans Programs At Ought To Expect I TWO-TRACK TRIPLE TILT Mrs. J. B. Burkeen - PLaza 3-4947 Many Toastings ALUMINUM STORM WINDOW ______1110.50 Monday. April 30 Meet On Friday WINTERSEAL STORM DOOR 125.00 The daiieway County High The Executive of the Council NEW VORK The 'first' School PTA \VW have a call Calloway--Co un t y Homemakers STARKS HARDWARE occasion tor toasting the- bride meeting at 3:30 p m. at the school Club met Friday morning at the and bridegroom is at the engage-' _ to transact urgent business. All extension office with the rarest- ment announcement party. members are urged to attend. dent, Mrs. W. A. Ladd Jr., eresid-1 • Traditionally, say etiquette dee - ing. perts, it is the custom for the fa- - Tuesday. May 1st • Planning for the coming cielb ther of the bride to offer the • FOR FINE FINISHES - The Murray Toastmistress Club year's programs was the business Bucy's toast, followed by a toast from • Plywood for all occasions. (cabinets, will have a dinner meeting at the for the day. PERSONALS To Be Married June 17 the father of the bridegroom. • interiors, exteriors, pre-finished and Collegiate Inn ai 6. p.m. Each member of a homemakers • t The second important toasting un-finished paneling. Mrs. Lithe Miller had as her cluck is asked to meet at tee Mur- occasion is at the bachelor din- recent guesas. her daughter and The Jessie -Lucheick -Circle of ray State College Student Union Years ner party given by the bridegroom dee jimmy Duey wit-h 27 family. Capt.- and Mrs.. Al-lie E. the College Presbyterian Church Building Thursday morning at for his ushers, best man and close -Supply : Huildint•;.F.xperience. MeMullian and children, David, will meet at the home" of Mrs. nine o'clock to ,make aprons Ter friends. Janet. and Neale-of New Carlisle, Rex Hawkini at 1:30 pen. Mrs. the national council meeting in 623 S. 4th Street Phone 753-5712 After the bridegroom offers a Ohio. and her 'son and family. Mr. B. F. Schernius will give the August. Lunch will be served toast to his bride, the stems, of and Mrs. Harold Miller and son, Bible study, and Mrs. Henry Mc- shortly after eleven o'clock. the glasses are broken so they Kevin. of Louisville. Capt. Mc- Kenzie will have the program on Those present on Frida; were may never be used for a "less Mullian is stationed at Wright "God's World." Mesdames Charlie Crawford Low- .• • honorable purpose." Patterson Air Force Base. ell Palmer, Herman Hornell, Hol- The next toasting comes the • s • The Woman's Society of Chris- mes Dyne. Leo t a Norsworthy, night before the wedding. At the M4'0/7e Mn. and Mrs. le. J. Hoffman tian Service of the First Metho- Barletta Wrather, and Ladd. rehearsal .,dinner, it is traditional has e returned home after spend- dist Church will hold its 'dirgir re• con 9./io5y 4<-70)14 for the father of the bride to ing a week with their ••-#11 and meeting at 10:30 a.m, followed by make the first of the many toasts family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoff- a potluck luncheon. The executive which are offered. man and son, David. of 1.1.3.-kham, board will meet at 10 a.m. .• • County .. . The final toasting takes place III., who had spent the Easter .1 /34 104 at the couple's wedding reception. weekend here In Murray. Other Murray Assembly No. 19 Order (Continued from Page 1) bridal toasts include: guests in the Hoffman home in of the Rainbow for Girls will Faxen and Janice Brandon, Hazel. .Suggested "As unto the bow the cord is, Murray far that weekend we: meet at the Masonic Hall at 7 p.m. Boy's Speech winner: Dickie and many other Lovely Flowers • • • is woman. their granddaughter -and family, West. Lynn Grove, -What Are so unto the man draws him, yet shc Mr. and Mrs. Ken MeNeees and Groups I and H of the Christian 4-H Clubs?". Others part cleating Though she each without the baby. Cliff. of Berrien Serings„ Women's Fellowship of the First Were Larry Wisehart, Hazel:John- follows: useless Potted Henry Wadsworth Mich. Christian Church will have a joint ny Kelso. Lynn Grove, Malcolm other." - • • • meeting at the church at 2:30 p.m. Adams, Kirksey; Bobby Dodd, Longfellow. ring for you: let M-r. and Mrs. Dawson Srn:rn re- Mrs. Rupert' Parks is directing a Faxon; Steve Erwin, Hazel; all "Let the bells Let the Rose Bushes ,turned to their home in Asheboro. play, "With Halo' Awry", for the blue ribbons, . the angels sing for you. and let N.C., on Friday after 3 week's program. Red ribbons were; Danny Os- children dance for you • • • Anonymous CALIFORNIA visit with their son. Richard Smith been. Kirksey: Max Cleaver, Almo; us drink to you." - and family. Group IV of the CWF of the Douglas Jarrett, N e w Concord, "To the health of the bride ano • S • groom. May they always be as GROWN First Christian Church will meet James Rutz, Alm.): Sammy Cele as con- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Doherty of at the home OT-Stre. A. He inseMurray College High. Tom- poyous as this wine and Bristling Green spent the weekend worth at 9:30 a m. my Dyer. Kirksey' and Danny Car- stant as these good wishes, whice EXTRA NICE! IS • • Oliver Wendell with his bother, A. As- lson, Carter-Austin are eternal." - /4'm/. and Mrs. Doherty. Holmes. The Delta Department of the Those having Electrical. exhibits Douglas Jarrett, David Murray Woman's Club will meet included: Federal State Market at the club- -house-ad -7e34} Watson, Keith Burton, Charles Hostesses will be Mesdames Hugh Marine, Mark Pierce, Jimmy Har- esmittew• ••.- Lamb, News Service Oakley, A. C. Sanders, E. C. Park- rell, Danny Carroll, Pat (Continued * PEAT MOSS er, Elliott Wear. and Miss Ruby eerrell Tidwell, Artie Haneline, from Page 1) clog UP Simpstire Lliesd Cooper, John Cooper and ML''RRAY. Ky., April 24, 1962.1 SW UP • S • William Ross. onto his client's ranch. Ile saiI * ROSE FOOD Metres Livestock Auction Co. , Woodwork exhibits were: Doug- Mrs. Chiekering nursed her hack . FIX tiP • RECEIPTS: Hogs. 30: Cattle aria Wednesday. May 2nd l's Barrett. Nicky Dunn, Danny to health and claimed her. * ROSE DUST C'als es 330. The Ladies Day Luncheon will Carroll. L. W Petterson and Hugh Then, as Cupid would have it, ! 'MISS JEANIE MAE TALENT HOGS: Receipts mostly mixed be served at noon at the CallowaY (Inland. Mrs. Copeland's bull took a fancy grade butchers. 25e higher. U S. bit of Madelle- Tant anrioun-ces the eniagemeht and al''V'araching County Country Club. Reserva- Leaders Who helped with 'the to this-rrow- weft-groomed - Ni,. 1. 2 and 3 barr ivie arid gets Potts, bovinity and lured her across the marriage of her daughter. Jeanie Mae. to Kenneth Lee Lamb, eon tions must be made by Monday Rally were: Mrs. Seerweoct 28 . head 213 lb. $16 Oti: 255 ib. noon. in boundary line to Mrs Copeland's ad Mr and Mrs. Nottees Lamb. She is the granddaughter .if Mrs. Hostesses a r e Mesdames Mrs. Elmer Collins eho were 515.50: 300-340 lb $1375 - 14.50: Thoroughly: smitten by her new Jerene Caters-. Hugh Houston. chairman. Hen:y charge of Registration. Mrs. Gene 150-180 lb. 514 00-16 00; No 2 and beau, the cow set up Hereford The bride-elect i a graduate ef Murray High Schee: and is new Holton. Don Hunter. Ben Grogan. Watson and Mrs. Glen Rogers Shirley Florist 3 >ode 300-600 lb. $12 50-13.75. , Demonstrations. housekeeping in Mrs. Copelandei employed it Swarm Super Market. Nat R. Hughes, J. C. Gregory. were Li charge of CATTLE and CALVES: Receipts Robert Huie, -meadow. Mr Lamb is a gradeate of Sedalia High School and is presently Russell Johnson, and Robert Young helped with the mostly cows, stock steers: and Brady said the feud erupted employed at The Interstate Battery System. - Dan Hutson. • Woodwork ana Electr.sal raeeets 500 N. 4th • heifers: Cows fully steads-. Other • • • Members from the Club helping when the two women met to dis- classes about steady. Good 800- The wedding will be solemnized it the First Baptist Church in were Jerry Spieeland. Tommy cuss the cow. The conference A kickoff coffee will be 957 lb. slaughter steers $23 In- Murray on Sunday. June 17, at three o'clock in 'he afternoon With held Lassiler and Donnie Yarbroughl quickly turned into a heated ar at 9 a.m, for the opening day 01 24.70, few head 700 - 960 ID. Dr H. C. Chile, reading the cerern my All friends and relatives are who were in charge of Electrical gement and ended with an ex- e the ladies gulf season slaughter heifers $22.70 - 22 80; invited to attsnd at the Cat- nd Vs•exiwork senibits. Randy change of blows that smacked of leway Goud 300-500 lb slaughter calves Celerity Country Club. All Petterstm was in chatge of Dein- the Old West when arguments $2375 - 2430. Standard S2225- :miles are urged to attend. eeetenstens. and Eddr• Grogan was were settled by a swift poke in • 4 4, •• 22.75, Utility ,and Cemmercial Alpha Siema Alpha lIrs. Goldia Curd in cnarge -of Spec' ens. the nose. cows: one commercial heifer at Thursday. May 3rd eidiees were; Mrs Dauveen Ro- A third neighbor, Herb Hasefell, _llumni Hostess For Club Toe $18.60; Cutter and unless .$15.40- lleets Town and Country Horne- per. Assoelate Cieinee Home Dent- stepped into the controversy and 16.90: Canner 51220-13.60; eland makers Club will meet at the s rive-anon Agesse Mayneld. Mrs. also was charged with assault , llrs. Don Tucker lieeting Thursday Mn' and commercial bulls $18.70-19.7 Z. C Erux. Henry Donna Ingram. Hones Economist and battery by Mrs Chicicering Rb G30d and Chimer 300-500 lb. sloes. Street. at 7:30 p.m. The program 'Martha Mill, Nash- 1She said he interceded in behalf Toe A.urrini meeting of tis e Toe Jeseie Houston Service Clue frtra steers $24.50-25.70: Medium $22.75 w ill be in -Family Insurance Chester Merphy,is( Mrs. Copeland. Aiptia Sigma Alpna ion:mete was of the Supreme Fores: Wisodmen ville. Term. -23.75, fee: head 600 :b. medium Needs" with Gene Cathey an cnar- Farm Electrieal'Advder, West Ky I The charges and eisuntercharees held on Thursday evening in the Circle met Thursday evening at I 'feeder steers $23 70; C;,.uct and ge of the program. All members Electrical-Coepeiative, May- were filed and the court-think- As Tucker. . e''n-thirty o'clock - in the hone. ' Rural Advertised in Choice 300-500 'ea. stock heifers h. me of Mrs.' Dort are urged to attind. ing ad the eelfare of the cow- THIS WEEK, PARADE •' et Mrs. Goidia Curd at ter new field, Paul Lyuns. Industrial Ails $24.10-28.50. Medium $21 75e23 00. .• • ordered her impounded. FAMILY WEEKLY Tee' haablight ef the ?needing home on the Bentrift Road. Doe . Murray High Sehdil. Leroy end SUNDAY BABY CALVES: About 20 head ' Temple Hill Chapter No. 511 Brady said he subpoenaed the NEWSPAPERS was the election id officers wit., . Eldridge. Instructor of Agriculture, THURS. APRIL 26 THRU SAT. MAY 5 ALSO ON RADiO 5I3 00-40 00 per head. Mrs. Terry Lawrence, president. Order of the Eastern Star will Revers cow for the court session because of,/ arc Mrs. Don Tucker. erseident; Murray College High and TV VEALEBS: Mostly 25-50c high- meeting and di- hold its regular 'meeting at the was the judge Mild presided at the end Hoyt Owen. Minister of it Possible °ism 11-gie Aerosol 34.00; Mrs. Charles Churen. •reaStirer: - Lodge Hall becomes of her 1 er. Choler $31 75 Good bested games -with Mrs. Nanni- at 7:30 p.m. South Pleasant Grine Methodist determine what ANTISEPTIC Sal 50 - 31 25. Standard $23.75- Videsten. edit. Robert.; and after disposition of the assault SHAVE CREAMS Miss Beulah • hecCey, Mrs. Heins I Church Map. Par Mi-31 MOUTHWASH ' Mr. Sid Jobs being the recipients Friday. May 4th charges Aril Piet, Refreihments were seined by 2 #f the prizes. The United Church Women will ! bull is now alone in his Reg. 'pc ler 90C td MAKE 2.9* YOUR e hesteet te the menden-es-at the meet at 12 noon at the Cellege . pasture-he was not siitipoenaed 1(1111 contacted germs, 'testi Lavender or Ready sweetens breath ise of the meeting The Circle president. Min. Jetec. Presbvterian Church for a pet- Snsse. 'gluier or mer.• APPOINTMENT AT FIVE DAY FORECAST telsiat•d read a letter from the netieriel luck luncheon. The May Fellew- By United Press International N•ww 1.00 BOXED STATIONERY Theenext s meeting 'wIll tse held president explaining the extra Cert. ship Day program will begin at 1.0l'ISVTI.I.E, Ky lief -- The 2: F:\ - won by the grove during Juveniles .. . NANO LOTION :;,"tY',--`‘. 2 for ES peens 1 pm Pe elle from all churches extended 2 1.01 weather forecast for •, Sr Mk the pat year in the de: ere invited. MONACET *PC TAILETS.., or .99 Kentucky for the five day period, (Continued from Page 11 Bottle of 100. ..__... Z I .• • boys 1 1 Mothers' Day program e !Tuesday through Saturilas ed to the scene and 9•11.4 two 21.. 99c /5 NAIR SPRAY LT' Set. 7 oz...... S -nneri for trie ainner lilt" 'Temperatures will average five near the area and picked them iregreet, 2 for 1.26 1.0ti OF Wife Of Eichmann lanoi.n-ruli to keep Pk degrees above normal. up Rickman said that on question' hands soft, smooth. MOTH FUME CRYSTALS 2 for .90 • Styling • be_heldirt May by the clef::: • # • • [Tugs. full Po.nd, Tinting • Manicures • Facials V 62 rag them, they admitted taking isits In Prison Kentucky normal mean Resell 45c • and Permanent Waves . . . done by Mrs. Curd. assisted by M r S. . TOOTNUUSHIS - Louisville menial extremes 73 the car. RUBBING ALCOHOL 10enz0 .1 on A ' 2 for Patricia and Mrs. N. 11". ' .50 Norman - Sharon Roland - Carolyn Hopkins .1madge „Tun TF7I, AVIV. Israel 171 - Mrs. and 50. The two were placed in the 5,nr, Rog 71, 1.19 SACCHARIN TARiFTS. party plate Faye H. Farris, Owner dnall, served a Vera Eiehmann. wife of Cone. Turning cooler Tuesday. a little Calloway County jail. Today Jude' Regan '• lt, . 1 2 for 1.20 members pr. - 2.25 Phone 753-3191 ish of the twenty di caned mese merderer Adolf warmer Thneeday and Friday and Robert 0. Miller issued an order 21er 80c VITAMIN Ii 500 Maple St. 50 mg . &Pile of 100.. Eichmann. visited her cooler adain Saturday placing them in the physical cus- 000tittmg body 2 for 2.26 husband in ruts. Finest twat '1. 1.19 VITAMIN C his prison Sunday and then left 'Precipitation Mill total around today of their parents until May (Ascortpc TOO T•ble.. as xo.i. At it; ResaIl one-dri undisclosed three-fourths-ig an inch in show- 12 at 10-00 a. m.- at- winch time Menu, NOV. of 7,10 2 cheireniflon, it ASPIRIN for 1.20 !was reported today. ers tonight and Tuesday. Showers a hearing will be held. a 69c RO-BALL DEODORANT 2.for .70 S.., 111.11 644 21 ',co, ;.•.-or.• • - Mrs in the- smith Wednesday One 0( the boys 'lives on Bent' Eictimann arrived in is- are likely' 4„ 1 tadl Sunday and eas reported to and over the entire state Friday on route five and the ether on -21., 63c route one. REX FILM Drycleaning Sale he making a visit ef three to four or Saturday. Hardin No liner qual,ty Reg $rs• •••4, days. Details of aspirin made at any her visit- were pric•' peed 2 -for .56 sot available. She was believed Panchromattc hulk ufts 120, 121, 670 have come here from Geneva. I. 2 for 2.60 111110R114 1161176" 121car 'Vile Israeli government c on - 510C9015 $199990ST lecell PAHOV)fE- April 23 03 Toots, Resell 12 S. L through May 3 -ned Mrs. Fechmann had via- AAAAA „sr. .60 M•Ih-Vit•••i•r I. NALL 59c MILK OF st•• s:•• her huelsenti Sunday and had OV ULM city um I 17 or L. lu KLINE° Asnistruc 2 for 2.99 et Tel Aviv by plane, but gave bt iDBRIttg 4I'MO1141 I Ic9I • ' wir. rim 2 for •80 • ..bik fire% you art no details. regular 4 sitaMins normally lac •"0411PIVITS, s.2 lv ,11 recited. ' An aide of Dr. Robert Servatius, :d colorsyd, r...,10e.all ANY eirmantes West German defense 41C 011.1,Voet ce.#1,,•• SUPPORT termed\ was said to have ..‘o:or.5.444 accom• yds , or NYLONS S.gipuhe , periled the Austrian-born Mrs. 111c TOUT .88 KILLER 6 or. Aerosol 2 for 2 F:sehrnann, who eas pairs 496 1 living in Ar- C • I, fa' a•e Sernel or seamless Garment - ntma -trith her husband and 69c Ilter•11 2 COTTON BALLS s#, ,,,le, in. deiren 'at the time of his cap- 89c MOUSEHOLD ... 2 fee .70 GLOVES Nen Ills #.1#•.• ture by' Israeli agents two years 2.00 r,.; 2 for .90 des LEATHER BILLFOLDS it.,,,,,ss When Seat la With A. Full Garment at the- Regular Price 1.50 es,..,..e.. 2 for 2.01 Garden Party MIST COLOGNE _Fectimarut is awaiting -a decision re, 100,rant0 2 far ••,1 #•• 131 on his•appeal against a death sen- 011111111. • OFFER GOOD ON ROUTE..T.00f Myers or . , • tence for the - eartime murders of DEMANDS HIS PAY II CUT-Mayor Norman A. voicing a NW/MT #74:lims rirreethlo::fis rn. millions,of Jew*. lie is heirig held Overland, Mo., stands tn front of City Hall after ESTINCNOUSI '1w inder maximum security demand that, his ply be cut !Tom $12,000 a year to $150 a slow mane prts All I -hid:. SLASIMULIIS preceu- 'Ness ' 8 or. rad" Peg its . 1/a SW, Nes SI ',I 1.14 --e ode month plus $150 a month .expenses. The aldermen voted in Bantle prison new here' 6 pack. Reg Si 92 1.114 intil dmen three times, but he's still Instating. Myers Ls a No 5. Reg. 31 SC 1.29 'the keine: dupresue cenrt lam 1.11 SPUNTIX NYLONS oc oSti.r.i.saidNohLFIribl., 4;m:es .43 roles on thelappenl. purchasing.i gtaLikkAkDonnell tele:drat L • •.• Seamless /srst .87 _.• • ..derres Meer 11.55 vales LAWN sraiNsiLie See sseee,„,,ed ONE'S' - 5.55 vale, 1005115' Pat- SIT grnn 77,12", w,th emote 001 51,99 • 3.q§' se ....- ss tom malt ram 425e atIT:ita;",t.711;ittsfit,;,:,.:... WILLIO NB EMEETINGA FLAME ,11 ”. TCHLJELRTEIVAT Per 8 illyfir.hto "k r n c Pr,ce includes proCers,c, ' Omedo s r ,s.e • Cash and Carey at Itoth Lc:cations .49 , FARMERS: 1.59 FLUORIN TOOTIMASTE .89 10.115 SIX WRIST WATCNES ATTENTION men's or .Pe,alI 3 tube pack lad -es' 8.88j DEMONSTRATION ON MAY 1st, 3.58 valise All MATTRESS COIN SHOWING RESULTS OF OUR 1861 PLDT %,..„..11..42 Woe lATINIOOM SCALES 4.49 heavy rat+, vtri,1 1,,,,t .,, ..,,.. LAUNDRY-CLEANERS guaranteed .mal• l'u•'-t, 1 dherr. 6 #. '' w,te Z.1)„, LAUNDRY-CLEANERS Avenue 1962, AT 7:30 AT THE Railroad Main Plant - So. Side Square I eith and Main Street KENC1 Ai OFFICE • Murray. Ky. 9-4 DALE 6g. LEARN HOW GREATER PROFITS :AN BE MADE THROUGH "FLAME Fast One Hour Service on Shirts and Drycleaning CULTIVATION" WITH THE KENGAi CORPORATION! STUBBLEFIELD DRUG

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