Preventing Unsafe Chemicals in Food Using Triple Quadrupole LC/MS
WWW.FOODQUALITYANDSAFETY.COM You Are What You Eat Preventing Unsafe Chemicals In Food Using Triple Quadrupole LC/MS Sponsored by: Unbelievably Robust, Remarkably Versatile Trying to keep up with growing demands and challenges in the lab can be an overwhelming task. At Agilent, we are consistently innovating to help you meet those needs. We’ve taken the trusted 6470A LC/TQ and added some new features to this workhorse. The 6470B LC/TQ is enhanced to maximize productivity with new technology for reduced downtime. Now you don’t have to choose between rock-solid performance and flexibility. Visit © Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2021 Contents From The Editor By Samara E. Kuehne esticide residues that remain in or on vegetables, 3 fruits, herbs, honey, oil, seeds, and food of animal From the Editor Porigin can pose major threats to human health and to the environment. Improperly used veterinary drugs BY SAMARA E. KUEHNE and antibiotics can accumulate in food derived from animals, which can also adversely affect consumers. 4 Additionally, mycotoxins, produced primarily by the As- pergillus, Penicillium, and Fusarium fungi, have the po- Comprehensive LC/MS/MS Workflow of tential to contaminate a variety of common foods, such Pesticide Residues in High Water, High Oil, as grains, nuts, cocoa, and milk, and present an ongoing and High Starch Sample Matrices Using the challenge to food safety all along the food chain. Agilent 6470 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS System Limiting exposure to these potentially life-threatening contaminants in food and animal feed is critically im- BY AIMEI ZOU, SASHANK PILLAI, PETER KORNAS, MELANIE SCHOBER, portant.
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