
The ISME Journal (2009) 3, 944–954 & 2009 International Society for Microbial Ecology All rights reserved 1751-7362/09 $32.00 www.nature.com/ismej ORIGINAL ARTICLE 16S rRNA gene-based analysis of fecal microbiota from preterm infants with and without necrotizing enterocolitis

Yunwei Wang1,6, Jeanette D Hoenig2,6, Kathryn J Malin2, Sanaa Qamar2, Elaine O Petrof 3, Jun Sun4, Dionysios A Antonopoulos5, Eugene B Chang1 and Erika C Claud1,2 1Department of Medicine, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA; 2Department of Pediatrics, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA; 3Department of Medicine, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada; 4Department of Medicine, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA and 5Biosciences Division, Institute for Genomics and Systems Biology, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, USA

Neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is an inflammatory intestinal disorder affecting preterm infants. Intestinal have an important function; however no causative pathogen has been identified. The purpose of this study was to determine if there are differences in microbial patterns that may be critical to the development of this disease. Fecal samples from 20 preterm infants, 10 with NEC and 10 matched controls (including 4 twin pairs) were obtained from patients in a single site level III neonatal intensive care unit. Bacterial DNA from individual fecal samples was PCR- amplified and subjected to terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis and library sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene to characterize diversity and structure of the enteric microbiota. The distribution of samples from NEC patients distinctly clustered separately from controls. Intestinal bacterial colonization in all preterm infants was notable for low diversity. Patients with NEC had even less diversity, an increase in abundance of , a decrease in other bacteria species, and had received a higher mean number of previous days of . Our results suggest that NEC is associated with severe lack of microbiota diversity that may accentuate the impact of single dominant microorganisms favored by empiric and widespread use of antibiotics. The ISME Journal (2009) 3, 944–954; doi:10.1038/ismej.2009.37; published online 16 April 2009 Subject Category: microbe–microbe and microbe–host interactions Keywords: necrotizing enterocolitis; clone library; operational taxonomical units; Gamma-

Introduction inappropriate pro-inflammatory response and bacterial colonization (Claud and Walker, 2001). Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is an acquired Because the risk factors for NEC are issues common gastrointestinal disease that primarily affects pre- to all premature infants, it is impossible to predict mature babies. It is the most common gastrointest- which infants will develop this devastating disease. inal emergency in the newborn and may lead to As opposed to the adult intestinal microbiota that death in severely affected infants. The incidence is comprise more than 1013 microorganisms, the new- 1–3 per 1000 live births, occurring in 10% of infants born gut is sterile at birth. Although the full-term born under 1500 g and representing 2–5% of neonate becomes rapidly colonized with a diverse neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admissions flora, preterm infants have a delayed colonization, (Kosloske, 1994). Mortality has been reported to fewer bacterial species present and are more range from 9% to 28% (Stoll, 1994). Although the susceptible to colonization with exact cause is unknown, the critical elements are (Goldmann and JLeclair Macone, 1978; Gewolb thought to be prematurity, enteral feeding, an et al., 1999; Schwiertz et al., 2003). Bacteria are believed to be important in the Correspondence: EC Claud, Department of Pediatrics, University pathogenesis of NEC; however no specific pathogen of Chicago, 5841 S Maryland Ave, MC6060, Chicago, IL 60637, has been identified. Previous studies, however, USA. have been limited by the inability of conventional E-mail: [email protected] microbiological cultivation techniques to thor- 6Both are Co-first authors. Received 13 January 2009; revised 6 March 2009; accepted 15 oughly characterize the human gastrointestinal March 2009; published online 16 April 2009 microbiota. It has been reported that 80% of the Microbial patterns in necrotizing enterocolitis Y Wang et al 945 human colonic microbiota are not detected by Table 1 Clinical characteristics of the hospitalized preterm conventional culture methods (Eckburg et al., infants in this study 2005). Taxonomical classification and noncultiva- Characteristics NEC infants Control infants tion molecular profiling of microbiomes are now (n ¼ 10) (n ¼ 10) possible by sequencing the highly conserved 16S small subunit bacterial ribosomal RNA gene (rRNA), Male/Female 6/4 7/3 allowing identification of previously undetectable Gestational age (weeks) 25–32 26–32 microbes (Relman, 1999). This approach therefore Sample collection age 5–49 4–49 provides a more complete picture of the composi- (days) Delivery: C-section/ 8/2 9/1 tion of human intestinal microbiota. For this study, vaginal we hypothesized that there are differences in Feeding: breast milk/ 4/6 6/4 molecular microbial profiles of preterm infants formula without and with NEC, which may be critical in the etiopathogenesis of disease. Abbreviation: NEC, necrotizing enterocolitis.

Materials and methods DNA extraction Patient characteristics and sample collection For DNA extraction, 50 mg frozen fecal sample was Subjects were recruited from a single level III NICU dissolved in 1 ml extraction buffer (50 mM Tris (pH at the University of Chicago. All patients underwent 7.4), 100 mM EDTA (pH 8.0), 400 mM NaCl, 0.5% routine NICU care as determined by the managing SDS) containing 20 ml proteinase K (20 mg mlÀ1). A service. A total of 21 fecal samples from 20 patients slurry (500 ml) of 0.1-mm diameter zirconia/silica were obtained including 10 infants with NEC and beads (BioSpec Products, Bartlesville, OK, USA) 10 infants without NEC as control. The study set was added into the extraction tubes and a Mini- included four sets of twins. In these twin pairs, one Beadbeater-8K Cell Disrupter (BioSpec Products) twin developed NEC (N1-N4) and the other was was used to lyse the microbial cells. After overnight spared (C1-C4) thus serving as an ideal control. incubation at 55 1C, standard DNA extraction with Controls (C5-C10) were matched to NEC (N5-N10) by phenol/chloroform/isoamyl alcohol, and precipita- gestational age and day of life at NEC diagnosis. tion with ethanol were performed. Isolated DNA was Control sample 9 was collected from an infant who dissolved in TE buffer and stored at À801C. later went on to develop NEC; however no follow-up sample after NEC diagnosis was available for this infant due to parent refusal. Only patients with PCR and terminal restriction fragment length definite or advanced NEC, corresponding to Bell polymorphism analysis stages II and III were included in the NEC cohort 16S rRNA gene sequences were amplified from DNA (Bell et al., 1978). For patient N10 with NEC, an samples using broad-range primers 8F (50-AGAG additional sample was analyzed (CN10), which had TTTGATCCTGGCTCAG-30) labeled with 60-carboxy- been prospectively obtained 3 days before disease fluorescein (6-FAM) and 1492R (50-GGTTACCTTGT diagnosis. TACGACTT-30) for the conserved 16S bacterial Included subjects were born between 25 and 32 domain. PCR reactions were performed for 30 cycles weeks gestation and the patient age when the fecal using Takara high-fidelity Ex Taq (Takara Mirus Bio, sample was obtained ranged from 4 to 49 days. Madison, WI, USA) with an annealing temperature Thirteen male and seven female infants were of 58 1C. Replicate PCR products were pooled and included. Seventeen patients were delivered by verified by electrophoresis and purified by precipi- cesarean section and three vaginally. Ten of the tation. FAM-labeled PCR products were then infants were exclusively formula-fed and ten re- digested by restriction enzyme MspI (New England ceived breast milk. Study patient characteristics Biolabs Inc., Ipswich, MA, USA), mixed with were not significantly different between NEC and GeneScan-500 Size Standard (Applied Biosystems, control groups (Table 1). Carlsbad, CA, USA) and sequenced by capillary The study was approved by institutional review electrophoresis. board for human studies of the University of Chicago and informed consent was obtained from patient parents. Fecal samples for NEC patients were Clone library and sequencing collected as soon as possible after the diagnosis was Unlabeled PCR products were purified using the made, with an average collection time of o1 day QIAquick gel extraction kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA, after the diagnosis of NEC. Nurses collected the fecal USA) and cloned into pCR-2.1-TOPO vectors using sample directly from the diaper into the collection the TOPO-TA cloning kit (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, tube using the wooden end of a sterile cotton swab. USA) for sequencing as per manufacturer’s instruc- The sample was immediately frozen. All samples tions. From each library, 288 colonies were picked were stored at À80 1C until processed. randomly and processed for sequencing. The 50 end

The ISME Journal Microbial patterns in necrotizing enterocolitis Y Wang et al 946 of the plasmid inserts was sequenced unidirection- gene sequences were imported into the ARB soft- ally using 8F forward primers on an ABI 3730 ware package and aligned into a phylogenetic tree automated fluorescent DNA sequencer (Applied with sequences most similar to each other in closest Biosystems). The raw sequence data were processed proximity and connected by branch points indicat- using the RDP pipeline server at the Ribosomal ing which sequences were phylogenetically related. Database Project II (RDP-II) website (http:// This tree was annotated to indicate the sample rdp.cme.msu.edu/pipeline) by base-calling, quality- origin for each sequence and used to measure the trimming and alignment. Potential chimeric difference between bacterial communities in sam- sequences were checked using the SimRank 2.7 ples using the UniFrac metric (Lozupone and Knight package available through the RDP and excluded 2005; Lozupone et al., 2006). The P-Test was used in (Huber et al., 2004). The classifier analysis tool of the UniFrac metric to determine whether each RDP-II and NCBI BLAST tool were used to assign sample was significantly different from others. A 16S rRNA sequences to the taxonomical hierarchy at distance matrix between environments was pro- different levels. The program DOTUR with the duced by calculating values for all possible pairs of furthest neighbor algorithm was used to group environments in the tree using PCA. Distances were sequences into operational taxonomical units converted into points in space with a number of (OTUs) or phylotypes that represented the number dimensions one less than the number of samples. of 16S rRNA sequence similarity groupings (Schloss The principal coordinates, in descending order, and Handelsman, 2005). A 98% cutoff value was describe how much of the variation is explained used so that sequences with more than 98% by each of the axes in this new space. The first similarity were considered the same. Library cover- principal coordinate is the axis that separates out age was calculated using Good’s coverage formula as the data to the greatest degree; the second principal (1À(n/N)) Â 100 (n is the number of single clone coordinate provides the next most separation OTUs and N is the total number of sequences for the and so forth (Lozupone and Knight, 2005; Lozupone analyzed sample) to demonstrate how completely et al., 2006). The UniFrac interface returned the sequences obtained represented all sequences information on all principal coordinate axes in the present in the sample (Good, 1953). The Shannon data table, and then allowed visualization of the diversity index, which accounts for both abundance data in a scatter-plot that compared all pairs of the and evenness of the species present, was used to first three principal coordinates. For comparison compare diversity of the OTUs in the libraries analysis, all data were expressed as mean±s.d. (Kuehl et al., 2005). The representative sequences Student’s paired t-test was used to test differences obtained were searched using NCBI BLAST to find between two samples or groups. Po0.05 was the nearest matched species. These sequences were considered statistically significant. deposited in the GenBank nucleotide sequence databases under accession numbers FJ557111– FJ557192 for sequences from control infants, and Results FJ557193–FJ557235 for sequences from NEC infants. A phylogenetic tree was constructed by the neigh- Bacterial community diversity by T-RFLP analysis bor-joining distance matrix method in the ClustalX Fecal samples were first examined by T-RFLP program (Thompson et al., 1997) with 1000 boot- analysis in which the 16S rRNA gene is amplified strap replicates and displayed using the Molecular from bacterial DNA and then cut with known Evolutionary Genetics Analysis package (MEGA3) restriction digest enzymes yielding DNA fragments (Kumar et al., 2008). of different lengths which are characteristic for different bacteria. These fragments can then be aligned by length, resulting in a graph with peaks Statistical analysis illustrating the richness (number of peaks) and For terminal restriction fragment length poly- abundance (height of peaks) of the organisms in morphism (T-RFLP) analysis, fragment length and the sampled microbial community. As judged by T- abundance were determined using GeneMapper RFLP analysis, the microbial profile of NEC infants software (Applied Biosystems). The called peaks was different from that of controls. Even for twin were filtered and binned by the algorithm pairs, the T-RFLP profile for the NEC infant was proposed by Abdo et al. (2006) using their R different from its matched control healthy infant script available at http://www.ibest.uidaho.edu/ (representative profiles shown in Figures 1a and b). tools/trflp_stats/download.php. Based on the nor- The absolute richness (the number of distinct malized T-RFLP profile, we treated the number and terminal restriction fragments in each sample) of height of peaks as number and abundance of the community of NEC infants (12.8±7.3) was bacterial phylotypes represented in samples. Diver- observed to be significantly lower than that of sity indices for richness (distinctive peak numbers) controls (25.2±9.8, Po0.05). The Shannon diversity and Shannon diversity were calculated using for- index, which accounts for both abundance and mulas as described by Kuehl et al. (2005). For evenness of the species present, as calculated for principal coordinate analysis (PCA), all 16S rRNA NEC infants based on presence and distribution of

The ISME Journal Microbial patterns in necrotizing enterocolitis Y Wang et al 947 a 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 10000 C1 5000 N = 34 c S = 2.95 2.5 0 10000 N1 2 5000 N = 19 S = 1.82 * 1.5 0 b 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 1 10000 CN10 5000 N = 25 0.5 S = 2.21 0

Shannon diversity (T-RFLP) 0 10000 N10 Control NEC 5000 N = 10 S = 1.53 0

e d 3 30

2.5 25 * * 2 20

1.5 15

1 10

0.5 5 treatment (days) 0 0 Shannon diversity (library cloning) Control NEC Control NEC Figure 1 Diversity comparison between preterm infants with and without NEC by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) and clone library analysis. (a, b) Representative T-RFLP profiles of intestinal bacteria in infants with and without NEC. N1 (with NEC) and C1 (without NEC) were samples collected from a genetically identical twin pair. CN10 and N10 were samples collected from the same infant before and after the development of NEC. For each profile, the number of peaks (N) and Shannon diversity index (S) are shown. (c) Overall Shannon diversity index between NEC and control groups was calculated from T-RFLP data based on peak number and distribution in T-RFLP profiles from each sample and shows decreased diversity in the NEC patients. (d) Overall diversity by library cloning and sequencing analysis in preterm infants with and without NEC again demonstrates decreased diversity in NEC patients. (e) Comparison of antibiotic exposure time between control and NEC groups. In all panels, asterisk indicates statistical significance at Po0.05. NEC, necrotizing enterocolitis. peaks was 1.13, which was also significantly lower microbiota in each infant. Limited diversity was than that of control infants without NEC (1.88, found in all preterm patients, with an average of P ¼ 0.035; Figure 1c). only 16 OTUs in contrast to the more than 200 phylotypes reported for human adults by similar methods (Eckburg et al., 2005). NEC infants had Diversity comparison based on clone libraries significantly lower numbers of OTUs (10.4±6.1) To gain insight into the specific bacterial phylotypes compared to controls (19±6.7, P ¼ 0.008). The that explain the differences in microbial diversity Shannon diversity index was again calculated based between infants with and without NEC, 16S rRNA- on library cloning sequences, and was used to encoding gene libraries were constructed for each compare the libraries. As shown in Figure 1d, in sample. A total of 6048 clones were randomly addition to decreased numbers of OTUs, library picked from the 21 sample libraries and sequenced. cloning data also demonstrate that NEC infants After quality control and sequence assembly, 5354 had a significantly lower diversity of intestinal clones yielded 700 bp of partial 16S rRNA gene microbiota than controls (1.19±0.62 vs 1.99±0.55, sequences that were used for analysis. An average of P ¼ 0.005). The low diversity of the microbial 255 clone sequences per sample was analyzed. 16S population in NEC infants was reproduced for the rRNA gene sequences were assigned into OTUs or entire group by assigning clones to OTUs. Analysis phylotypes at a similar cutoff value of 98%, so that of the 2518 clones for the control group identified 82 sequences that were more than 98% similar were OTUs. However, only 43 OTUs were identified considered the same. Library coverage was calcu- from 2575 clones in NEC infants (Supplementary lated by Good’s formula, and ranged from 95% to Tables 1 and 2). 100%, indicating that the 16S rRNA gene sequences To investigate a possible mechanism for decreased from each sample encompassed the majority of the diversity in NEC patients, clinical characteristics

The ISME Journal Microbial patterns in necrotizing enterocolitis Y Wang et al 948 were investigated between the two groups. No for days before the diagnosis of NEC, thus antibiotics difference in gestational age, age at time of sample for NEC treatment were not included in the count. collection or type of feed was found. Patients in both groups were on comparable amounts of feeds at the time the sample was obtained, with NEC patients at Taxonomic structure analysis an average of 79% of full feeds at the time of sample To further analyze the composition of the micro- collection and control patients at an average of 84% biota, frequencies of sequences from each sample of full feeds (P ¼ 0.74). Full feeds were defined as all were grouped according to public database NCBI enteral nutrition at 130–150 cc per kg per day with and RDP-II. Consistent with the demonstrated no administration of hyperalimentation or intra- difference in diversity between control and NEC venous fluid. Notably however, increased previous infants, for control infants four phyla were present: antibiotic exposure time was noted in the NEC Proteobacteria, (34.97% relative abundance), Firmi- group. Infants with NEC had a history of signifi- cutes (57.79%), Bacteroidetes (2.45%) and Fusobac- cantly more days of antibiotics (13.7±10.2 days teria (0.54%) with 4.25% unclassified bacteria. compared to control infants (3.7±3.0 days), However, NEC patients had only two phyla, Proteo- P ¼ 0.005; Figure 1e). Antibiotic days counted were bacteria (90.72%) and Firmicutes (9.12%) with




40% # 20%

0% Control NEC

100% Pseudomona Klebsiella Escherichia 75% Enterobacter Shigella Enterobacter Escherichia 50%

Sequence 25% percentage (NEC) 0% N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10

100% Staphylococcus

75% Escherichia Veillonella Escherichia 50% Veillonella Veillonella Staphylococcus Enterococcus Enterococcus Escherichia Klebsiella Sequence 25%

percentage (Control) 0% C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 CN10


Figure 2 Overview of bacterial composition of all samples by clone library analysis. (a) Relative abundance of Proteobacteria in preterm infants. *Comparison of Proteobacteria between two groups, Po0.01; #Comparison of other phyla (Firmicutes for NEC; Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes and Fusobacteria for control) between the two groups, Po0.01. (b, c) The genus-level composition of gut microbiota. Genera whose abundance was more than 10% in any sample and its corresponding phyla (P, Proteobacteria;F,Firmicutes; B, Bacteroidetes) are shown as bars (NEC samples top panel, Control samples bottom panel). The dominant genus in each sample is labeled. Only samples from NEC infants had dominance of a single genus of the Proteobacteria phylum (more than 50%). Samples C9 and CN10 are notable for Escherichia dominance, and developed NEC shortly after samples were obtained. NEC, necrotizing enterocolitis.

The ISME Journal Microbial patterns in necrotizing enterocolitis Y Wang et al 949 0.16% unclassified bacteria. The average proportion pairs in which one twin developed NEC and the other of Proteobacteria was significantly increased and was spared, representing ideal matched controls. the average proportion of Firmicutes was signifi- Certain phylotypes such as K. pneumoniae, S. cantly decreased compared to controls (P ¼ 0.001; dysenteriae and Enterobacter hormaechei,couldbe Figure 2a). Furthermore, at level 2, Gammaproteo- identified in both the NEC and healthy twins. bacteria was the major detected class of the phylum However, one of these organisms had predominant Proteobacteria in both control and NEC infants. colonization in the NEC infant whereas only a small Further exploration showed that the high abun- percentage of the same organism was found in the dance of Proteobacteria in NEC infants included healthy control. For example, the Enterobacter hor- dominance (more than 50%) of one genera of maechei phylotype was detected in both samples C1 Proteobacteria in each individual patient. In control and N1. But only 3 sequences belonged to this patients, there was more even bacterial distribution phylotype out of 261 clones of library constructed with no Proteobacteria genus more than 40% of total from sample C1 compared with 160 sequences bacteria. The exceptions were samples C9 and CN10 belonging to this phylotype out of 267 clones of that were both collected from patients that later library from sample N1. Comparative analysis of just developed NEC. These samples had a predominance the twin samples also highlights what was shown for of Escherichia (Figures 2b and c). the whole cohort. Individual pairings had decreased To identify potential bacterial pathogens related to diversity and increased percentage of Proteobacteria the pathogenesis of NEC, the representative OTU in the twin with NEC (N1-N4) compared to the twin sequences from NEC and control groups were control (C1-C4; Figures 4a and b). aligned with the GenBank database to find the closest match by BLAST search (Supplementary Tables 1 and 2). The frequency of each representa- Multivariate analyses of clone libraries tive OTU was also calculated. In samples collected The bacterial composition and profile in each from the control group, the most frequently detected individual sample was compared to explore the representative OTUs were ECC226e09 (six infants), potential similarity and relationship for NEC and ECC237b02 (four infants), ECC247c07 (six infants), control infants. As revealed by library cloning and ECC289a06 (five infants) and ECC227b03 (five sequencing data, high interindividual variability in infants), which exhibited the highest levels of intestinal bacterial composition was found in the similarity (99–100%) to Veillonella sp., E. coli, infants. Using the UniFrac program to compare the Enterococcus sp., Staphylococcus sp. and Entero- sequence composition between libraries, significant bacter aerogenes, respectively. These phylotypes differences were observed between all pairings of covered almost 90% of clones from analyzed infant samples (Po0.01; Supplementary Table 3). libraries. However, for samples from NEC patients, Even for the four pairs of twins, intestinal micro- the most frequently detected representative biota varied significantly between samples. OTUs were ECN224a01 (six patients), ECN232e08 Furthermore, the limited diversity and Proteobac- (six patients), ECN224d08 (four patients) and teria dominance in NEC patients represented a ECN291c02 (four patients), which were closely unique bacterial pattern associated with NEC by related (99–100%) to , Shi- PCA. As shown in Figure 5, samples from each gella dysenteriae, Enterobacter hormaechei and patient were represented as discrete points without E. coli. These four phylotypes represented 1755 overlap, the control samples (blue squares) were clones and one of these four was dominant (more clearly separated from NEC samples (red circles) by than 50%) in the NEC samples, except for samples grouping into one side of the PCA plot. This N4 and N6 that were dominantly colonized by suggests that the bacterial populations of the NEC Haemophilus parainfluenzae and Pseudomonas sp., infants share some characteristics that differentiate which covered about 70% of library clones in these them from healthy controls. Moreover, both CN10 NEC patients. and C9 samples, the only control samples that To show the phylogenetic relationships among the grouped with the NEC patients, were obtained from phylotypes identified in control and NEC infants, a patients who developed NEC 3 and 10 days later, phylogenetic tree of all representative clones in the respectively. Clustering analysis using only twin library was constructed. As shown in Figure 3, for pairs again also demonstrated that sequences from both control and NEC infants, phylotypes that were NEC patients clustered separately (Figure 4c). Thus affiliated with the class Gammaproteobacteria con- samples from NEC patients (red) were more similar structed the largest phylogenetic clade in the tree. to each other than were samples between twins, Control infants had a more diverse gut population even genetically identical twins (sample N1/C1). colonization pattern compared to NEC infants. The phylogenetic tree indicates that for most of the OTUs of Gammaproteobacteria identified in NEC infants, Discussion the same phylotypes or their closely related se- quences could also be found in control infants. This The newborn gut is initially sterile. Thereafter, was further illustrated by comparison between twin a rapid colonization by a wide variety of organisms

The ISME Journal Microbial patterns in necrotizing enterocolitis Y Wang et al 950 100 clone ECC308g01 Uncultured bacterium clone GP (20) 97 95 clone ECC289f08 Uncultured bacterium clone GP_1aaa01c08 (13) 99 clone ECC288f01 Clostridia clone ECC289h01 clone ECC226d02 Clostridium sporogenes (1) 100 clone ECC307e11 Gemella haemolysans (68) 99 clone ECC289e06 clone ECC288b11 100 clone ECC247g01 61 clone ECN225f05 clone ECC247c07 Enterococcus sp. F95 (613) 78 clone ECN223f12 Uncultured Enterococcus sp. clone KLONA01 (66) 92 clone ECN223b07 clone ECC289d05 clone ECN225d04 clone ECC345e12 99 clone ECN353h12 clone ECN230f08 Uncultured Streptococcus sp. clone IS039B96 (16) Bacilli 83 clone ECC332f11 Streptococcus mitis strain ATCC 49456 (2) clone ECN293f05 clone ECC345d04 Streptococcus sp. C151 (6) clone ECN353d12 clone ECC289a06 Staphylococcus sp. MOLA 509 (377) 99 clone ECN228f12 Staphylococcus epidermidis strain ELA-18i (23) clone ECN230a11 clone ECC289c04 52 ECN341h03 88 clone ECC247d04 clone ECN295d01 clone ECN221f11 clone ECC355a06 clone ECN343f06 clone ECC227e12 82 clone ECC287f07 clone ECC226e09 Uncultured Veillonella sp. clone KLONG06 (430) clone ECN342a06 Uncultured Veillonella sp clone 402G08 (111) clone ECC246a11 85 clone ECC346b12 Clostridia clone ECC288h01 clone ECC357d12 50 clone ECC357f12 Uncultured bacterium clone rRNA030 (2) clone ECC346g01 Megasphaera micronuciformis strain AIP 412.00 (19) clone ECC346e03 clone ECC345g06 70 clone ECC227b12 clone ECC227b05 Fusobacterium periodonticum strain ATCC 33693 (15) Fusobacteria clone ECC317b07 Pelomonas aquatica (5) 100 clone ECN354f03 Delftia tsuruhatensis strain H5# (3) clone ECC317g08 Uncultured Delftia sp. clone GI2-SSB-cs-B04 (3) clone ECC317c02 clone ECC317f06 Uncultured Acinetobacter sp. clone GI5-007-G02 (5) 97 clone ECC237e04 clone ECC357e12 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (1) clone ECC237b02 536 (293) clone ECC345c07 strain FBD014 (6) clone ECN291c02 Escherichia coli 0127 (389) 98 clone ECN232e08 Shigella dysenteriae strain FBD014 (355) clone ECN343b06 strain Sam066-TS6 (39) clone ECN236C06 clone ECC289h06 bacterium Z4076 (28) clone ECC246a07 Enterobacter hormaechei subsp. oharae (9) clone ECN224d08 Enterobacter hormaechei subsp. oharae (401) clone ECC226g03 Klebsiella pneumoniae 342 (38) clone ECN224a01 Klebsiella pneumoniae 342 (610) clone ECC344g10 71 clone ECC227b03 Enterobacter aerogenes strain CTSP30 (271) clone ECC226f03 strain SA-C4-35 (82) clone ECC322f04 Klebsiella oxytoca (2) clone ECN354e12 86 clone ECC246a03 clone ECN220d11 clone ECC345e07 clone ECN229e08 ECC288e06 clone ECN230e12 clone ECC356e05 Uncultured bacterium clone CE2_b09 (1) clone ECC287h08 clone ECC289e05 clone ECN343e07 Gammaproteobacteria clone ECC227a01 clone ECC344g07 clone ECN342d07 clone ECC247h03 clone ECC355a10 clone ECC344e03 89 clone ECC246a09 clone ECN232e02 64 clone ECN354h09 clone ECC346a10 clone ECC289a09 clone ECC288e03 clone ECC239f10 clone ECC226d05 clone ECC346g04 clone ECN352h12 100 clone ECC246c12 clone ECN225g05 clone ECN342d12 clone ECN294h04 clone ECC355b08 (5) clone ECC289d08 Haemophilus parainfluenzae strain 225322 (3) clone ECN291a09 Haemophilus parainfluenzae strain 225322 (219) 100 clone ECN293d04 84 clone ECN222g01 clone ECN220g05 Pseudomonas sp. LDd (256) clone ECN222b03 clone ECC345b04 Uncultured bacterium clone P2D1-693 (11) 93 clone ECN295c09 clone ECN294f02 Anaerococcus prevotii strain CCUG 41932 (3) 59 clone ECN352c03 Finegoldia magna strain CCUG 17636 (1) Clostridia clone ECN352g08 95 clone ECC240e09 Uncultured Bacteroidales bacterium clone HB10 (57) 73 clone ECC240d01 Uncultured Bacteroidales bacterium clone MS097A1_G09 (6) 96 clone ECC240g03 clone ECC241e11 Uncultured bacterium clone TS6_a04h10 (8) Bacteroidetes 100 clone ECC241a02 Uncultured bacterium clone C1_664 (4) clone ECC241e02 Parabacteroides merdae strain JCM9497 (6) clone ECC317g11 Uncultured bacterium clone 5.60F (2) 100 clone ECC322e03 Uncultured bacterium clone K79S2_79g04 (1) clone ECC317c04 95 clone ECC344d07 Uncultured bacterium clone CRWD5 (1) 84 99 clone ECC331e09 Uncultured bacterium clone GORSD_aaa03d07 (1) 100 clone ECC317g07 Uncultured bacterium clone H83N3 (6) Uncultured bacterium clones clone ECC323b08 Uncultured bacterium clone WD2_aaf07c02 (1) clone ECC241e03 Uncultured bacterium clone TS51 (13)


The ISME Journal Microbial patterns in necrotizing enterocolitis Y Wang et al 951 100% 3 N3 N4 C2 80% 2.5 C3 N1 C4 2 C1 N2 60% C1 N3 N2 C3 1.5 N1 40% C2 1 N4 proteobacteria 20% C4 Shannon diversity 0.5 Sequence percentage of 0% 0 Control NEC Control NEC

C2 C3 C1 C4 N1 N3 N4 N2

Figure 4 Increased abundance of Proteobacteria (a) and decreased diversity (b) are demonstrated between samples collected from infants with and without NEC in samples from four sets of twins. (c) Dendrogram demonstrating that even for twin pairs, NEC patients (N1-N4, red) clustered together and distinctly separated from their healthy cohorts (C1-C4, blue) by UniFrac analysis. NEC, necrotizing enterocolitis. is a normal part of development important for gut Colonization of the blank slate of the preterm maturation, containment of pathogenic organisms intestine is influenced by iatrogenic manipulations and normal metabolism (Hooper et al., 2001; in the NICU. This includes a hospital environment; Stappenbeck et al., 2002). The initial colonization frequent use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, opioids patterns in normal full-term infants are dependent and H2 blockers; and instrumentation with endo- on environmental influences such as mode of tracheal, feeding and suctioning tubes. Resulting delivery and type of feeding (Gronlund et al., altered microbial flora may have significant implica- 1999; Harmsen et al., 2000; Penders et al., 2006; tions for development of the immature preterm gut Palmer et al., 2007). Full-term infants are described and susceptibility to NEC. as having relative abundance of 46% Proteobacteria Previous studies using culture-based techniques and 35% Firmicutes converging to an ‘adult-like’ have failed to document a causative pathogen for microbiota by 1 year of age (Palmer et al., 2007). NEC. Rather, isolated studies using culture-based Adult samples demonstrate a dominance of Firmi- techniques have noted associations with various cutes and Bacteroidetes phyla and small numbers of organisms including Enterobacteriaceae (Bell et al., Proteobacteria (Eckburg et al., 2005). 1979a; Millar et al., 1992), Clostridium (Sturm et al., In this study we used molecular techniques to 1980), E. coli and K. Pneumoniae (Bell et al., 1979b). explore the composition of the fecal microbiota of However, results from bacterial cultures do not preterm infants. Our data demonstrate limited necessarily represent the most dominant or func- diversity of the intestinal flora of all preterm infants tionally relevant organisms. Molecular 16S rRNA (average 16 OTU) compared to full-term infants or gene cloning techniques have the advantage of adults (4200 OTU) (Eckburg et al., 2005). Further- giving a more complete picture of the microbial more, we document that all preterm infants with community of interest based on present bacterial NEC have a Proteobacteria predominance. This DNA. Using UniFrac analysis our data demonstrate limited diversity and pathogenic bacteria domi- that each infant has a unique individual gut nance may explain the susceptibility of preterm microbiota, even for twins. Consistent with other infants to NEC. studies, our data do not implicate a specific

Figure 3 Phylogenetic relationships among the OTUs detected in fecal samples both from control and NEC infants. The representative 125 clone numbers are listed in the tree. Clones labeled with ECC on blue branches were obtained from control infants. Clones labeled with ECN on red branches were obtained from NEC infants. Sequences with a more than 99% match are given the name of the matched species in GenBank and labeled with the number of identified clones in the libraries. The accession number, the nearest neighbor, the level of similarity and the number of clones in the clone library for each sequence are shown in Supplementary Tables 1 and 2. Bootstrap values are based on 1000 replications and values above 50% are labeled. OTUs, operational taxonomical units; NEC, necrotizing enterocolitis.

The ISME Journal Microbial patterns in necrotizing enterocolitis Y Wang et al 952 PCA - P1 vs P2 These pairings represent ideal matched control sets 0.5 and again demonstrated the decreased diversity and 0.4 Proteobacteria dominance in the patient with NEC. C2 Notably, the only two control patients with micro- C3 0.3 bial community patterns which clustered with the C7 C5 NEC patients, went on to develop NEC days after 0.2 C6 these samples were obtained. C10 C1 It has been speculated that the initial colonization 0.1 C4 of intestinal microbiota in infants is determined by C8 the opportunistic exposure of the specific bacteria 0.0

P2 (8.82%) (Palmer et al., 2007). Sequence matching demon- N5 N10 N6 N1 strated that many of the same organisms were found -0.1 C9 CN10 in both NEC and control infants. However, in the NEC patients a specific organism was present at a -0.2 N4 N3 N7 N2 N8 N9 much higher percentage than the same organism in -0.3 the control patients. This investigation focused on differences in bacterial colonization patterns be- -0.4 tween infants with and without NEC. We did not -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 P1 (16.23%) analyze all variations in clinical practice that could contribute to this difference. However, we did find PCA - P3 vs P2 that patients with NEC had received significantly 0.5 more days of antibiotics during their neonatal course before the onset of this disease (13.7±10.2 0.4 ± C2 vs 3.7 3.0 days, P ¼ 0.005). Although it is possible C1 that antibiotics are merely a marker for ill infants at 0.3 C6 C7 risk for NEC or an infectious indication that increases susceptibility to NEC, our data are con- 0.2 C10 sistent with previous studies demonstrating an C3 C5 inverse correlation between days of previous anti- 0.1 C4 biotic treatment and number of bacterial species in C8 0.0 preterm infants (Gewolb et al., 1999). The concept

P2 (8.82%) N3 N1 N5 that prolonged antibiotic administration decreases CN10 N9 intestinal microbial diversity and predisposes to -0.1 C9 intestinal disease has been demonstrated for Clos- -0.2 N4 N7 N8 tridium difficile , and antibiotic-associated N2 N6 N10 (Young and Schmidt, 2004; Chang et al., -0.3 2008). A recent study has specifically correlated prolonged duration of initial antibiotic therapy with -0.4 increased rates of NEC, demonstrating that each -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 P3 (7.65%) antibiotic treatment day was associated with in- creased odds of NEC (Cotten et al., 2009). It is Figure 5 Principal coordinate analysis (PCA) of sequence possible that early antibiotic use interferes with libraries. Samples collected from infants without NEC (control) are represented by squares (blue); samples from infants with NEC establishment of non-Proteobacteria species, limit- are represented by circles (red). Distribution of samples collected ing competitive containment of these species. from infants with NEC was distinct from that collected from Diversity in any ecosystem is important in establish- control infants. Samples C9 and CN10, which were collected from ing stability and preventing dominance by single control patients who later developed NEC, notably clustered with the NEC group. NEC, necrotizing enterocolitis. species. We speculate that frequent broad-spectrum antibiotic use decreases the microbial diversity of an already susceptible developing gut, allowing the pathogen. Rather, we find that the microbial com- bloom of a single pathogenic Proteobacteria species. munity structure in NEC patients is distinct, based Although bacteria are often thought of as primar- on a further decrease in diversity and increase in ily harmful, a large body of literature demonstrates Proteobacteria dominance compared to other pre- that in the gut certain commensal bacteria have term infants, and with a bloom of a single genus of critical beneficial functions. Bacteria are responsible Proteobacteria to 450% of the overall bacterial for provision of essential nutrients such as vitamin composition. This decreased diversity is consistent K, vitamin B12 and short-chain fatty acids such as with patterns found in other inflammatory bowel butyrate (Hooper et al., 1998). Bacteria are important diseases such as Crohn’s disease (Dicksved et al., in the metabolism of polysaccharides (Salyers et al. 2008). These findings were emphasized by the 1977; Vercellotti et al., 1977). In addition, certain isolated analysis of four twin pairs in which one bacteria provide bacterial interference resulting in twin developed NEC and the other was spared. competitive colonization against pathogenic organ-

The ISME Journal Microbial patterns in necrotizing enterocolitis Y Wang et al 953 isms. Normal commensal flora compete for host microbiota development. Furthermore, limited mi- binding sites, stimulate host defense mechanisms, crobiota diversity among preterm infants may render compete for nutrients and trigger cell-signaling the microbiota more susceptible to perturbations events that limit the production of virulence factors; introduced by clinical care or environmental condi- thus the growth of competitive nonpathogenic tions. Our results raise the possibility that decreased strains of bacteria may protect the infant. Bacteria microbial diversity caused by administration of are also necessary for maturation of the intestine and antibiotics predisposes to NEC. Breast milk feeding appropriate containment of inflammatory responses and probiotics have been shown to alter intestinal (Hooper et al., 2001). As interindividual variations flora and decrease the incidence of NEC (Lucas and in microbial composition are known to exist, it is Cole, 1990; Hoyos, 1999; Harmsen et al., 2000; possible that a difference in the overall pathogen vs Bin-Nun et al., 2005; Lin et al., 2005). Given the beneficial bacterial balance predisposes to disease. clear separation of NEC and non-NEC microbial 16S A limitation of the 16S rRNA gene-based method is rRNA gene profiles, we suggest that this approach that the function of the identified bacteria is should be studied further to determine its utility as a unknown. Microbial metagenomics is a high- prognostication tool for identification of preterm throughput sequencing technique applied to infants at highest risk for development of NEC who whole-microbial-community DNA, which provides could then be treated with targeted therapy (for information about the functional diversity of a example, to Gammaproteobacterias), fresh breast microbial community (Turnbaugh et al., 2006). milk or probiotic agents. Metagenomic analysis to evaluate differences in functional biochemical attributes of the bacterial Acknowledgements populations in NEC vs control patients will be useful for future studies to gain further insight into This study was supported by National Institutes of Health the role of different microbial populations in the grants HD043839 and HD 059123 (to E Claud) and development of NEC. DK047722 and HG4858 (to E Chang). The Digestive Disease These data represent patients from a single nursery, Research Core Center of the University of Chicago (DK42086) with the advantage of consistent clinical care patterns provided core facilities and services used for this study. and environment. However, our study is limited by sample size, reliance on stool samples and potential References bias of NICU-specific practices. For these studies we have used stool samples as a surrogate for the Abdo Z, Schuette UM, Bent SJ, Williams CJ, Forney LJ, intestinal microbial community that would be directly Joyce P (2006). Statistical methods for characterizing influencing the incidence of NEC. Stool samples may diversity of microbial communities by analysis of not represent the bacteria locally at the point of terminal restriction fragment length polymorphisms of intestinal injury (Eckburg et al., 2005; Lepage et al., 16S rRNA genes. Environ Microbiol 8: 929–938. 2005). Previous studies have suggested that bacterial Bell MJ, Bell MJ, Shackelford P, Feigin RD, Ternberg JL, Brotherton T. (1979a). Epidemiologic and bacteri- adherence may be important in NEC, and studies in ologic evaluation of neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis. patients with other inflammatory bowel diseases have J Pediatr Surg 14: 1–4. demonstrated increased bacterial attachment to the Bell MJ, Feigin RD, Ternberg JL. (1979b). Changes in the intestinal epithelium surface compared to controls incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis associated with (Panigrahi et al., 1994; Conte et al., 2006). In adult variation of the gastrointestinal microflora in neo- patients it has been shown that significant variability nates. Am J Surg 138: 629–631. exists between stool and adherent intestinal mucosal Bell MJ, Ternberg JL, Feigin RD, Keating JP, Marshall R, samples, but similar studies have not been performed Barton L et al. (1978). 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