United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7820,184 B2 Stritzker Et Al

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United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7820,184 B2 Stritzker Et Al USOO782O184B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7820,184 B2 Stritzker et al. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 26, 2010 (54) METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS FOR 5,833,975 A 1 1/1998 Paoletti et al. ............. 424.93.2 DETECTION OF MICROORGANISMS AND 5,976,796. A 1 1/1999 Szalay et al. ................... 435/6 SirNRTREATMENT OF DISEASES AND 6,025,155 A 2/2000 Hadlaczky et al. ......... 435/69.1 6,045,802 A 4/2000 Schlom et al. ........... 424,199.1 (75) Inventors: Jochen Harald Stritzker, Kissing (DE); 6,077,697 A 6/2000 Hadlaczky et al. 435/1723 Phil Hill, West Bridgford (GB); Aladar 6,080,849 A 6/2000 Bermudes et al. .......... 536,23.7 A. Szalay, Highland, CA (US); Yong A. 6,093,700 A 7/2000 Mastrangelo et al. ......... 514,44 Yu, San Diego, CA (US) 6,099,848. 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