Review of Research Issn: 2249-894X Impact Factor : 5.7631(Uif) Volume - 9 | Issue - 2 | November - 2019
Review of ReseaRch issN: 2249-894X impact factoR : 5.7631(Uif) volUme - 9 | issUe - 2 | NovembeR - 2019 RAMAYAN AS A COMPLETE LIFE OF REAL HUMAN Mr. Bhosale S. N. Assistant Professor , Head, Department Of Economics. ABSTRACT The Ramayana was a significant impact on later Sanskrit verse and Indian life and culture. Like the Mahābhārata, the Ramayana isn't only a story: it presents the lessons of old Hindu sages (Vedas) in account purposeful anecdote, scattering philosophical and reverential components. The characters Rama, Sita, Lakshmana, Bharata, Hanuman and Ravana are for the most part central to the social cognizance of India, Nepal, and some South- East Asian nations, for example, Thailand and Indonesia. There are different adaptations of the Ramayana, KEYWORDS: Indian life and culture , social cognizance of India. 1.INTRODUCTION : body of the account needs Valmiki's Ramayana is an epic 1.1. The past and arrangement explanations sonnet of somewhere in the Customarily, the Ramayana is of Rama's godliness, and range of 50,000 lines. The credited to Valmiki, viewed as recognizable pieces of proof of content makes due in a few India's first artist [1-5]. The Rama with Vishnu are thousand halfway and complete Indian custom is consistent in uncommon and stifled even in compositions, the most seasoned its understanding that the the later pieces of the content [9]. of which seems to date from the sonnet is crafted by a solitary As indicated by Indian eleventh century A.D.[11]. The writer, the sage Valmiki, a convention, and as indicated by content has a few provincial contemporary of Rama and a the Ramayana itself, the renderings,[12] recensions and fringe on-screen character in Ramayana has a place with the subrecensions.
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