Can we teach morals to A.I.? Rosa M. Gil Universitat de Lleida Webminars 1st. Option

We can make programs edition-illustrations-art-isaac-asimov 1988 Japan’s “Ten Principles of Robot Law”

1. Robots must serve mankind. - 2. Robots shall never kill or injure humans.

3. Robots shall call the human that creates them “father.” japans 4. Robots can make anything, except money. 5. Robots shall never go abroad without permission. 6. Male and female robots shall never change roles.

/ 7. Robots shall never change thier appearance or assume another

law identity without permission. - 8. Robots created as adults shall never act as children.

robot 9. Robots shall not assemble other robots that have been scrapped

- of

- by humans.

10. Robots shall never damage human homes or tools.


- ten Judeo-Christian monotheism also adheres to the doctrine that only God can give life …any human who breathes life into an inanimate object is assuming the role of God and thereby becoming a false idol. Such a blasphemer deserves punishment, and in the conventions of science fiction, this usually comes in the form of betrayal by the robots. americans-fear-them/ “In Japan… they’re culturally open to robots, on account of animism. They don’t make a distinction between inanimate objects and humans.”

Animism is a component of the Shinto faith, the religion that preceded the introduction of Buddhism to Japan and remains an influential part of the country’s culture. Animism is the notion that all objects have a spirit - even man- made objects americans-fear-them/ Consequences

It is very hard to specify directly values! because there are infinitely many undesirable outcomes in an open world. They mimic us (some examples)

• Eugene Goostman a passed the • 7 June 2014. Portrayed as being a 13-year-old boy from Odessa, Ukraine, who has a pet guinea pig and a father who is a gynaecologist. • Chat bots in human beings social networks • Simulated a person on Tinder. • Alphabet chairman says Google Duplex passes Turing test in one specific way (2018) • Cleverbot in 2011 … Learning

Facebook and Stanford researchers design a chatbot that learns from its mistakes (January 17, 2019) Learning

Can neural network computers learn from experience, and if so, could they ever become what we would call 'smart'? And could two different neural networks teach each other what they know, thereby making each other a better network? n-neural-network-comput/ October 2019 Some answers …

• Neural network computers can learn from each other • Its 'smartness' is confined to a single task, which is not what 'smart' typically implies • While the network may be capable of assimilating the old and the new knowledge, this would in all likelihood require that the network re-learn both the old and the new concepts. Has Skynet been born? • KAIROS, short for Knowledge-directed Reasoning Over Schemas It is an electronic system by BlackRock Solutions, the risk management division of the largest investment management corporation, BlackRock, Inc. In 2013, it handled about $11 trillion in assets (including BlackRock's $4.1 trillion assets), which was about 7% of the world's financial assets, and kept track of about 30,000 investment portfolios.

“Aladdin has an effect on the management of around ten per cent of the world’s financial assets, or around $20 trillion. Over 25 years, it has grown into a system that is directly or indirectly responsible for more than four times the value of all the money in the world.” Can we make artificial intelligence ethical? “The sooner we come to an understanding of AI that ensures its powerful capabilities are a net positive for people and workers, the more wisely we can develop and deploy it. And the more talented young people from all disciplines we train to think critically about AI, the more we can guarantee our leadership in this vital area for the long term”

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 2019 Stephen A. Schwarzman $300M MIT 150M Oxford Blackstone Chairman, CEO and Co-Founder Intelligent Nudges in AI

Unique Insights Humu’s insights combine thousands of employee data inputs to focus teams on the actions that matter most. Nudge Engine® Humu's Nudge Engine® delivers personal, achievable suggestions that make every employee a change agent. Rooting in emotions …

Emospark is an emotionally-aware AI console for the home

EmoSPARK is an artificial intelligence console created in London, United Kingdom by Patrick Levy-Rosenthal. The device uses facial recognition and language analysis to evaluate human emotion and convey responsive content according to the emotion

2007 Emotional Intelligence

•Affectiva develops software that understands people’s emotional and cognitive states by analyzing their facial expression. human-centered-artificial- intelligence-70b019f956d1 Understanding humans Commonsense and corrupted reward) AI Systems Helping Humans Understand Them • AI Rationalization (It is our hypothesis that AI rationalization will promote feelings of trust, rapport, and comfort in non-experts operating autonomous systems and robots) A Neural Machine Translation Approach to Generating Natural Language Explanations Computational Creativity Commonsense and corrupted reward)

We can teach morals to robots by telling them stories? Using stories to generate a value-aligned reward signal for reinforcement learning agents that prevents psychotic-appearing behavior Stories encode many types of sociocultural knowledge: commonly shared knowledge, social protocols, examples of proper and improper behavior, and strategies for coping with adversity Humans learn sociocultural values by being immersed within a society and a culture. While not all humans act morally all the time, humans seem to adhere to social and cultural norms more often than not without receiving an explicitly written down set of moral codes An intelligent entity must learn to align its values with that of humans Storytelling is a strategy for communicating tacit knowledge How can it be implemented? Use of reinforcement learning to control agent behavior, and computational reasoning about narratives. Reinforcement learning (RL) is the problem of learning how to act in a world so as to maximize a reward signal. Deep reinforcement learning

Many believe RL, especially when combined with deep neural networks to predict the long-term value of actions, may be part of a framework for artificial general intelligence

Computational Narrative Intelligence

Narrative intelligence is the the ability to craft, tell, and understand stories Automated Story Generator

A process of finding a sequence of events that are consistent with the model then translating abstract events into natural language Scheherazade system from a value alignment perspective because of the ability to learn a procedural understanding of how a story about a particular topic can unfold without a priori hand-coded knowledge Value alignment in a reinforcement learning agent theoretically can be achieved by providing the agent with a reward signal that encourages it to solve a given problem and discourages it from performing any actions that would be considered harmful to humans Quixote Automated Measures

To test that automated measures correlate with human judgments we compare the scores our algorithms produce to the scores from the human-subject study Evaluation of story generation systems • Grammaticality • Narrative Productivity (“interesting language” and “avoiding repetition”) • Local Contextuality (capture differences in context between adjacent sentences). Ex: Sent2Vec measure • Temporal Ordering (temporal ordering Bayesian estimate and“temporal ordering” results) Thank you very much

Rosa M. Gil Iranzo Can creativity be automated? • Google’s technology, known as NSynth, is even able to merge the characteristics of different instruments to create new sounds. • there is a great deal of artistic input that goes in before the AI can start to put together the pieces. In some ways, this could be described as artistic optimization rather than creation, using machine learning to essentially carry out focus groups at a greater scale and speed than would be possible using traditional techniques. Creatives have put together the pieces of the campaign and the different ideas, while the machine learning helps to choose the combinations that work best. Van Gogh: Loving Vincent (2017) • r/vi1862449433?ref_=tt_ov_vi