PROCEEDING, SEMINAR NASIONAL KEBUMIAN KE-10 PERAN PENELITIAN ILMU KEBUMIAN DALAM PEMBANGUNAN INFRASTRUKTUR DI INDONESIA 13 – 14 SEPTEMBER 2017; GRHA SABHA PRAMANA GEOLOGY AND GEOTREK MENGKARANG: POTENTIAL OF MENGKARANG RIVER AS FEATURED GEOTOURISM IN BEDING REJO VILLAGE, MERANGIN REGENCY JAMBI Muhammad Zelandi1* Dolvi Sasmita1 Putri Dwi Afifah1 Endang Wiwik Dyah Hastuti2 1Mahasiswa Program Studi Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Srwiijaya. Jln. Srijaya Negara No. 32 Bukit Besar Palembang 30139 2Program Studi Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Srwiijaya. Jln. Srijaya Negara No. 32 Bukit Besar Palembang 30139 *corresponding author:
[email protected] ABSTRAK Beding Rejo village, Merangin district, Jambi are drained by Mengkarang river, one of the tributary of Merangin River. This area include to Merangin Geopark, where the Mengkarang River had characteristics of rock ages 290 million years and intruded by 200 million years Granite. There also found fossils like Calamites sp., preserved Log Fossil, ancient Root and some kinds of fossils such as Pecopteris sp., Gigantopteris sp., and Cordadites sp., thus this area known as endemic area and marker of ancient flora fossils which has older age than the other region. It also found a cascading waterfall as result of fairly structural control. Geologically, this area include in Mengkarang Formation age as Paleozoic’s Permian, older than the ages of basins in Sumatra Island, and intruded by Jura’s Granite. Morphologically, Mengkarang River surrounded by eroded hills, create the hidden impression and cause the river preserved well. The river condition, which is not too deep, facillitate the tracking alongside the river and the banks of river, while learning the characteristic of Mengkarang Formation plentiful of endemic fossil of flora and fauna.