Placer-Mining in British Columbia
BRITISH COLUMBIA DEPARTMENT OF MINES €Ion. 11'. A. MCKENEIE,Minister. ROBE DUNN,Deputy Xinister. J. D. GALLOWAY, ProvincinlMineralogist. J. DICKSON,Chief Inspector of Mines. BULLETIN No. 1, 1931 PLACER-MINING IN BRITISH COLUMBIA COMPILED BY JOHN D. GAI;LOVVAY, Provincial Mineralogist. PRINTED BY AUTROKITY OF TAB LEGISLATIVE ASSENBLY. I .._ .. To the Eon. W. A. McKenzie, dlinister of Miines, Victoria, B.G. SIR,-I beg tosubmit herewith a Special bulletin on Placer-mining in British Columbia. This bulletin is in part a reprint of Bnlletio No. 2, 1930, but contains additional information on placer-mining, particularlyrelating to activities during the fieldseason of 1931. Of decided interest is the special report by Dr. R. TV. Rrock on the nlacer possibilities of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway lands. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, JOHN D. GALLOWAY, Provincial Mineralogist. Bureau of aches, Victoria, B.G., September 3rd. 1931. PLACER-MINING I[N BRITISH COLUMBIA. GENER.AL SUMMARY. BY JOHND. GALLOWAY,PROVIKCIAL IIIIKERALOQIST. INTRODUCTION. During 1931 muchinterest has been shown in placer-mining. Prospectinghas been par. ticularly active as many men, finding employment difficult to obtain, hare scoured the hills with gold-pan and shovel in search of the yellow metal, which is now more firmly entrenched as the Symbol of real value than eyer before. Development of placer properties has been vigorously prosecuted and productive hydraulics are enjoyinga successful year. The placer-output will uudoubtedly show a substantial increase for the year, as preliminary figuresindicate that largeramounts of ?:old are beingrecovered in the importantareas of Cariboo and Atlin.
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