Journal of the International Palm Society Vol. 46(3) Ausust 2002

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Journal of the International Palm Society Vol. 46(3) Ausust 2002 Journalof the InternationalPalm Society vol.46(3) Ausust 2002 THE INTERNATIONALPALM SOCIETY,INC. The International Palm Society ,*:ff #:lil:H,t}ffili'1"* An illustrated,peer-reviewed quarterly devoled to intormationabout palms and publishedin March,June, i|il',"t*nfi*,nr:#;?Jt,',""',::r""" Septemberand Decemberby The InternationalPalm nationalin scopewith worldwidemembership, ";i:l#'i,'and t-hen' Socielr Sl0 EasL1oth St.,P.O. Box 1897,Lawrence, l;il::il;i ::#il i,"J i::i',:i:5:"fi :iJ Kansas66044-8897, USA. Editors: JohnDransfield, Herbarium, Royal Botanic ,."^.i".;:*,^"';"ilfi::+il;'d$I*;n :5t Cardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3AE.United [: Kingdom,e-mail [email protected], - tel.44- I Si-ZIZ-SZZS,Fax 44-1 81 -332-SZtg. ScoltZona, Fairchild Tropical Carden, 11935 Old Cutler Cables(Miami), Florida 33156, USA, e-mail :H:il"."-""',',' r':::*:,,"" Road,Coral 1-3 05-66 7-165 1exr Texas77061 , USA,e-mail [email protected], tel. yf,li?,lTil3g:;:;lr3!l,.' ;:::::;::1,, o,,,craf,,Po B.x 500041, Associate Editor: NatalieUhl, 467 Mannlibrary, CornellUniversity, lthaca. New York14853, USA, e-mail y;fjf#; 1-607-257 -0885. lit:11?,iliti*i i:fl 1,, "' [email protected],tel. l?ilj'i,:li"T ifl,T; [Ti' ;',1 I li,,?,';, l,]J.?#i' Supplement Editor: JimCain, 124i8 SLaffordSprings, [email protected],Lel.6i -7-3800-5526. ffiH::1.:"63: Ijl ii;Yiti i ]i\. uun.,0,u Gorresponding Secretary: Don Kurth, 10569 Apple ^" Garden Editor: LvnnMcKamev. Rhapis Cardens, P.O. **; liT,iSH.ilillll I :JJ,llnf il'ul [ Box 287,Cregory, Texas Za:SS, USn. Administrative Secretary: Libby Besse,6729 Peacock ;;;;;,, ;,;; ; "iooon,, ** pur". Road,sarasota, Florida, orrlt-;li t r1{^tt H::':,:,;,.;liil ill:',T,,,S,M .''am ffi:il::H:-.:,::and photographs,should be Lypeddouble-spaced and submittedas hard-copy and on a 3.5" diskette(or *":"::#;;:;",::.",il e-mailed as an attachedfile) to JohnDranstield, NormanBezona, Hawaii; Jacques Deleuze, France; John Dranstield,United Kingdom; lan Edwards,Australia; Don j3""li#'.efi Hobbs,Texas; Bo-Coran i;U,a:"ll iili:ilHil,'l,T,ill*", Evans,Florida; Horace ';J;i? ePe^ rerso n' iiil#,]iL I itili,lllI Y'irl;;fl 5::? Canada;Kampon Tansacha, 'iil::'i,i'33;i',i1;l'i3il"'Thailand; Natalie Uhl, New ffiil;--*;;;H'=*,,***-t"andUS$45.00 lor Familiesinclude a subscriplionto tl I:li:lllsii;ik:fi ll,ll?3;:13':jlfli',T"li5#1"T3,'.'f fi,x;':i?^" ::fr,:.';iiilif k;flli;,ill,::illil?liliil'l;,,,",",,, !:ilTi.:i:Tl:.'ii&T,:3,':3fi:':,',il5:ff:i""i,'i;, ff;liH'a:ruil ;i?",?"lY-i l?.?:ffi:?#'i,:?:'' ff;y,lii:,[tiff :".1';lJi:i,if; ;i,i:,"'^l';l3fo"' Il;lilf;,1??,f,1::",l,ff:,.|A'Ji,T;,ii#ii,x,#?13111,",",, US$5.00per issuetor fasterdelivery via airmail. Bookstore: CeoffStein, 1 196 Callelazmin, Ttousand c'm :';":::,",,.". ;"":;":,dP.o.i:=,1Box 18el, J#::Li*r"n.e, Kansas 66042 :;ffi::: i]lll;l'i;;ma''PSB"ks@a'' n'#,Tf,, Website: [nm::],, Ausus,30,2oo2 FRONTCOVER "^:,!il"'"r:;l'"1i,;il#[]'J:tiHfil:,i:'lit,Hll;i"" ff[H::"ff:":.:: ::':".:,,..,.,"" PALMS Volume 46(3) 2002 CONTENTS Alfred Russel Wallace and the Palms Features 109 of the Amazon SANDRA KNAPP, LYNN SANDERS AND WILLIAM BAKER News from the World of Palms 108 Gulubia costata – a Handsome Palm 122 for the Warm Subtropics Classified 119 CHRIS MIGLIACCIO Palm Research in 2001 120 Observations on Two Dwarf Dypsis 125 Species in Betampona, Eastern Madagascar ADAM BRITT Beccariophoenix Flowers in 130 Cultivation JOHN DRANSFIELD Name Changes in Attalea 132 SCOTT ZONA A Brief History of the Coconut Palm 134 in Australia JOHN LESLIE DOWE AND LUCY T. SMITH The Date Palm Grove of Elche, Spain: 139 Research for the Sustainable Preservation of a World Heritage Site MICHEL FERRY, SUSI GÓMEZ, ELISA JIMENEZ, JOSE NAVARRO, ELENA RUIPEREZ AND JOSE VILELLA From Barcelona to Bordighera: Palm 149 Gardens on Mediterranean Shores JEAN-CHRISTOPHE PINTAUD Nypa fruticans, a Weed in West Africa 154 T.C.H. SUNDERLAND AND T. MORAKINYO The fruits of Gulubia costata reveal the meaning of the specific epithet: BACK COVER “costata” means “ribbed.” Photo by C. Migliaccio. Beccariophoenix in flower in Stan Walkley’s garden, Brisbane, Australia (Photo: Hugh Kunze). 107 PALMS Volume 46(3) 2002 NEWS FROM THE WORLD OF PALMS As this part of PALMS goes to press, we hear that We are saddened by the news of the death of Dr. our recently retired co-editor, Dr. Natalie Uhl, is Onaney Muñiz on June 7, 2002, in Cuba. He was about to receive one of North America’s most a fine, respected and devoted scientist who made prestigious botanical awards, the Asa Gray Award, an important contribution to phytogeography, given by the American Society of Plant taxonomy and ecology of Cuba. In particular, he Taxonomists in recognition of her outstanding described dozens of new species – including many contribution to plant systematics. Our heartiest palms – and was committed to preserve and congratulations, Natalie. protect the remains of Cuba’s unique flora. He is One of us (JD) paid a brief visit to Lae in Papua commemorated in the palm name Coccothrinax New Guinea to work in the herbarium on the munizii. We hope to have a more detailed profile palm collections for the Palms of New Guinea of Dr. Muñiz in a forthcoming issue of PALMS. project. Throughout the town of Lae one of the Preparations for the 2002 Biennial in the south of most conspicuous palms is Gulubia costata, France are well under way. The organizing towering over coconuts and other planted palms. committee of the Association Fous de Palmiers is What an elegant and spectacular palm this is, and putting together tours of some of the area’s finest it seems most surprising that this wonderful palm gardens, lectures from palm experts and, of course, should be so restricted in cultivation in the tropics. opportunities to sample the famous Niçoise It is every bit as beautiful as Roystonea regia. Why cuisine. The Post Tour will take participants to is it so restricted? Is it simply lack of supply? Chris outstanding Mediterranean gardens in Spain and Migliaccio’s front cover photograph and article Italy. Two of the articles in this issue will whet on p. 122 of this issue should alert IPS members to the ornamental potential of this exciting palm. readers’ appetites for the Biennial: one on the historic date grove at Elche by Michel Ferry et al. This issue marks the regular appearance of Palm and another on Mediterranean palm collections by Research, a feature started by this journal’s first Jean-Christophe Pintaud. We look forward to editor, Dr. Harold E. Moore, Jr. The column, now meeting old and new friends on the French Riviera compiled by Dr. Andrew Henderson of the New for a week or two of concentrated palm York Botanical Garden, is a bibliography of palm enthusiasm and enjoyment. research articles spanning a variety of disciplines. A quarter of a century ago, there were only nine Readers will undoubtedly notice that the articles, one conference proceedings, and three Horticulture Column is absent from this issue. books listed in all of volume 21. A glance at this Katherine Maidman has stepped down from the issue’s column, with its 75 entries (69 articles, five position after an exemplary term of service. We books and one CD-ROM) from the preceding year, are grateful for her many interesting contributions shows just how active and vibrant the many fields to the column, and we invite anyone wishing to of palm research are. We are sure Hal Moore would take on the task of writing the column to contact be gratified to see that his interest in palms is the editors. shared by so many researchers from all over the world. THE EDITORS 108 PALMS Knapp et al.: Alfred Russel Wallace’s Palms Volume 46(3) 2002 SANDRA KNAPP AND LYNN SANDERS Department of Botany, Alfred Russel The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, Wallace and United Kingdom the Palms of AND WILLIAM BAKER the Amazon The Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AE, United Kingdom Alfred Russel Wallace went to South America with Henry Walter Bates in 1848; both men intended to collect plants, but both rapidly chose to focus on insects and birds. Wallace returned to England in 1852; however, a fire on his ship destroyed all of his collections en route. Upon his return he published a small book on palms, based upon the few drawings he had rescued from the burning ship. We here demonstrate that Wallace also successfully dispatched a few specimens of Amazonian palms to Sir William Jackson Hooker at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, for use in the Museum of Economic Botany, where they have lain largely unnoticed for many years. These specimens are not only the important physical evidence of Wallace’s interest in palms, but are also exciting clues to his early development as a field naturalist. Alfred Russel Wallace is best known for his conjunction with a contribution on the same meticulous collecting in the Malay Archipelago subject from Darwin, but neither man was (Camerini 1996, Raby, 1996), for the eponymous physically present at the meeting. Darwin never Wallace Line (Camerini 1993, van Oosterzee strayed far from his home in Downe, Kent, and 1997), and for his bombshell of a letter from the Wallace was still engaged in fieldwork in Southeast tiny island of Ternate outlining his theory of the Asia. origin of species that galvanized Charles Darwin into finally publishing his seminal masterpiece Wallace was a first class observer and collector.
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