Journalof the InternationalPalm Society vol.46(3) Ausust 2002 THE INTERNATIONALPALM SOCIETY,INC. The International Palm Society ,*:ff #:lil:H,t}ffili'1"* An illustrated,peer-reviewed quarterly devoled to intormationabout palms and publishedin March,June, i|il',"t*nfi*,nr:#;?Jt,',""',::r""" Septemberand Decemberby The InternationalPalm nationalin scopewith worldwidemembership, ";i:l#'i,'and t-hen' Socielr Sl0 EasL1oth St.,P.O. Box 1897,Lawrence, l;il::il;i ::#il i,"J i::i',:i:5:"fi :iJ Kansas66044-8897, USA. Editors: JohnDransfield, Herbarium, Royal Botanic ,."^.i".;:*,^"';"ilfi::+il;'d$I*;n :5t Cardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3AE.United [: Kingdom,e-mail
[email protected], - tel.44- I Si-ZIZ-SZZS,Fax 44-1 81 -332-SZtg. ScoltZona, Fairchild Tropical Carden, 11935 Old Cutler Cables(Miami), Florida 33156, USA, e-mail :H:il"."-""',',' r':::*:,,"" Road,Coral 1-3 05-66 7-165 1exr Texas77061 , USA,e-mail
[email protected], tel. yf,li?,lTil3g:;:;lr3!l,.' ;:::::;::1,, o,,,craf,,Po B.x 500041, Associate Editor: NatalieUhl, 467 Mannlibrary, CornellUniversity, lthaca. New York14853, USA, e-mail y;fjf#; 1-607-257 -0885. lit:11?,iliti*i i:fl 1,, "'
[email protected],tel. l?ilj'i,:li"T ifl,T; [Ti' ;',1 I li,,?,';, l,]J.?#i' Supplement Editor: JimCain, 124i8 SLaffordSprings,
[email protected],Lel.6i -7-3800-5526. ffiH::1.:"63: Ijl ii;Yiti i ]i\. uun.,0,u Gorresponding Secretary: Don Kurth, 10569 Apple ^" Garden Editor: LvnnMcKamev. Rhapis Cardens, P.O. **; liT,iSH.ilillll I :JJ,llnf il'ul [ Box 287,Cregory, Texas Za:SS, USn.