The New Zealand Gazette. ·1101

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The New Zealand Gazette. ·1101 JUNE 24.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. ·1101 MILITARY AREA No. 4 (HAMILTON)-contmwed. MILITARY AREA No. 4 (HAMILTON)-continued. 504999 Davies, Percy, farmer, Hakanoa St., Huntly. 590202 Emmett, Mervyn James, farmer, Kinohaku. 553007 Davis, Eric Lawrence, omnibus-driver, 150 Ward St. 516177 Endres, Norman Stephen, taxi-proprietor, 278 Victoria St. 627007 Davis, Leonard, farmer, Te Hoe, Waikato. 488755 English, Andrew Lees, clerk (N.Z.R.), 5 Joffre St. 527314 Davis, Russell Thomas, farmer, Mangaoranga Rd., 625381 Ercegg, Stephen, petrol-station attendant, Seddon St'., Te Otorohanga. Kuiti. 499498 Dawbin, Hugh Thomas, farmer, Tokirima, North Tauma­ 627598 Erickson, Norman Ivan, farm hand, Karapiro Rural runui. Delivery, Cambridge. 4 72771 Dawson, Dennis, commercial traveller, 12 Marama St. 588318 Etchells, Wesley Reuben, plumber, 9rPembroke St. 526077 Dawson, Stanley, loco-fireman, care of Taringamotu Totara 591396 Evans, Frederick Earnest Reginald, share-milker, Kiokio, Sawmills, Ltd., Taringamotu. via Otorohanga. 554757 Day, Henry Trace, farm-manager, Kauroa, via Frankton 531842 Evans, Harry Percy, radio manager, River Rd. Junction. 503377 Evans, John Edwin Lockhart, railway clerk, Railway 602411 Deadman, Eric Frederick, lorry-driver, Taitua St., Tauma- Cottage, South Rd., Ngaruawahia. runui. 604557 Evans, Wilfred, carpenter, 24 Somerset St., Frankton 480242 Deakin, William Arthur, carpenter, Hakanoa St., Huntly. Junction. 525369 Dean, Joseph Richard, farmer, Te Kuiti. 562169 Ewan, Thomas Allen, public accountant,, 26A O'Neill St. 525166 Dean, Ronald Hull, dairy-farmer, Orini Rural Delivery, 593732 Eyre, Annesley Seymour, farmer, Pukekawa. Taupiri. 503900 Eyre, John Giles, farmer, Pukekawa Rural Delivery. 487846 De La Haye, Reginald George, sawmill-yardman, Arohena. 548362 Fabish, Anthony, farmer, Taringamotu Post-office, Tauma­ 573697 Delaney, Gordon William, builder, 42 Higgins Rd., Frankton. runui. 532141 Delaney, Norman Robert, auctioneer, Carlton St., Te 499236 Falconer, William Douglas, fireman (N.Z.R.), 22 Park St., Awamutu. Richmond Estate. 553032 De la Rue, Francis Joseph, dairy-farmer, Ohaupo. 502261 Farrell, Herbert George, yard foreman, Ellis and Burnand, 602776 Dellaway, Fredrick George, miner, Glen Afton. Mangapeehi. 561883 Demler, Leonard William, farmer, Pukekawa Rural Mail 553404 Feisst, Eric Russi, farm hand, care of R. F. Budge, Kiokio, Delivery. Otorohanga. 579832 Dempsey, Richard Seddon, farm labourer, Rotowharo, 551408 Ferguson, George Alexander Robertson, traffic inspector, Huntly. 11 Taupiri St., Te Kuiti. 553098 Dempsey, William Victor, labourer, 59 Norton Rd., Frankton 573944 Ferguson, George James Frederick, power-house employee, Junction. Hunua Rabbit Board, Box 69, Taumarunui. 493188 Dent, William James, slaughtcrman, 1 Forest Lake Rd. 495721 Ferguson, John Alexander, lorry-driver, 11 Duke St., Frankton Junction. Cambridge. 584853 Derrick, Bertram James, farmer, Waingaro. 515319 Fickling, William George (jun.), farmer, Onewhero, via 493727 Devereux, Howard Cecil, clerk, Bledisloe Tee. Tuakau. 504564 Devlin, Robert Desmond, truck-driver, Taniwha, Te 568389 Fink, Leslie Harold, commercial traveller, 13 Gillies Ave., Kauwhata. Claudelands. 504468 Dick, William Cecil, slaughterman, 4 Devon Rd. 551320 Fisher, Keith Elliot McKenzie, farmer, Te Mapara, Piopio, 556325 Dike, James Leonard, farmer, Rotokauri Rural Delivery, 536943 Fisher, Keith Fowe, fitter, 34 McFarlane St. Frankton Junction. 610439 Fisher, Reginald Lewis, labourer, care of Mrs. M. Bryant, 556310 Dingwall, William Rae burn, mine-deputy, Rotowaro, Huntly. Tiki Farm, Te Awamutu. 489155 Dixon, Herbert Frederick, truck-driver, Pakura St., Te 551328 Fisher, William John Hastings, electrician, Kihikihi Rd., Awamutu. Te Awamutu. 466140 Doak, Edgar Somers, accountant, 44 Matai St. 497733 Fitness, Ian Hamilton Alexander, share-milker, Roto-Rangi 626138 Doe, Raymond Arthur, farm labourer, care of Mr. G. Goddard. Rd., Cambridge. Rural Delivery, Te Kuiti. 571802 Fitzgibbon, Edward· John Henry, farmer, Rural Delivery, 627307 Donaldson, Laurence Robert, labourer, Central Hotel, Te Kuiti. Taurnarunui. 478219 Fladgate, Richard Pierre, farmer, "Fawley Farm," Whata- 490720 Donovan, Richard Joshua, garage-proprietor, 23 Forest Lake whata. Rd., Frankton Junction. 535950 Fleming, David Sibbald, coal-miner, Jackson's Rd., Huntly. 532256 Dow, Robert, coal-miner, HuntlyBouth. 504212 Fleming, Edward John, carpenter, Norton Road Extension. 589006 Dowman, David Percival, tile - worker, River Rd., Tau­ 493249 Flint, John Albert, general labourer, 6 Hillsbro' Tee. rnarunui. 591291 Floyd, William Grant, grocer, care of Margans Limited, 590341 Downes, Henry Frederick, carpenter, care of :Mrs. F. Sharp, Ohura. Karakariki Rural Delivery, Whatawhata. 617573 Flutey, Arthur, mill hand, care of E. L. Smith, Ngahape 564321 Downey, Walter Patrick, linesman (P.W.D.), care of District Rural Mail Delivery, Te Kawa. Electrical Engineer, P.O. Box 445. 517550 Follett, Albert Eric, clerk, 64 Higgins Rd., Frankton 492321 Dreadon, Lindsay Maitland, foreman, Tramway Rd. Junction. 590340 Dring, William Charles, farm hand, Cambridge Post-office. 502667 Forbes, Alan Douglas, taxi-driver, 30 Marama St. 473385 Drinkwater, George Norman, labourer, 20 Duke St., Cam- 517596 Forlong, Houlton Gordon, dairy-farmer, "Braeburn," • bridge. Taumarunui. 564310 Druce, Ralph, garage-proprietor, Ohura. 517600 Forsman, Lawrence Leo, grader-driver, Rewi St., ,Te 611903 Dryden, James Herbert, contractor, Ngaroma, Te Awamutu. Awamutu. 626681 Duck, John Fullerton, lorry-driver, Rotokauri Rural 552002 Forsman, Trafford lvis, contractor, 1 Dyer St. Delivery, Te Kowhai. 497898 Forster, Claude William, farmer, Puketaha. 525184 Dudeck, Charles Sheen Holm, railway porter, 24 Weka St., 480305 Foster, Alfred Holroyd, truck-driver, Onslow St., Huntly. Frankton Junction. 472668 Foster, Harold Ellis, motor mechanic, 57 Clarence St. 504757 Dufty, Tasman William, vulcanizer, 29 Abbotsford St. 464804 Fowler, Albert Frank, draper, Turonga .St., Otorohanga. 489708 Duncan, Charles Fabert, postman, 26 Hinau St., Frankton 602274 Frank, Herbert Dale, farmer, Horsham Downs Rural Junction. Delivery. 561818 Duncan, Clarence Joseph, farmer, Whitehall, Cambridge. 595484 Franklyn, Floyd Bryden, foreman carpenter, 25 Breckan 467283 Dunn, Francis Hugh, clerk, 11 Fow St. Ave., Frankton Junction. 559220 Dunn, James, farmer, Fencourt, Cambridge. 599354 Fraser, Alexander, motor engineer, 3 Armagh St. 504805 Dunstan, Clifford Lloyd, miner, Huntly West. 578123 Fraser, Alexandra George, toolsmith, Main Rd., Taupiri. 534871 Durham, Jack, labourer, care of Mr. W. Harbutt, 554471 Fraser, Donald Quintal, farmer, Cambridge. · Fencourt, Cambridge. 574226 Fraser, William Raeburn, farmer, Puketarata Rd., Otora­ 559231 Dwight, Cecil Victor Charles, share-milker, Rutherfords Rd., hanga. Taupiri. 628134 French, Alan George, farm hand, Tokirima, via Taumarunui. 559207 Dyer, George William, dairy-farmer, Onewhero. 595461 Frost, Selwyn Samuel Thorneycroft, crane-driver (N.Z.R.), 604152 Dyer, Ivan Henry, farmer, Onewhero. Maata St., Taumarunui. 513389 Eady, Edward Clifford, farmer, Hikimuti Rural Delivery, 505419 Froude, Reginald Burgoyne, accountant, North St., Taumarunui. Rangaroa., 1,aumarunui. 454517 Earl, Thomas Heatley, farm hand, Pukekahia, Huntly Rural 627372 Fullerton, Graham Beresford, farm hand, Rotokauri Rural Delivery. Delivery. 595282 Earnshaw, John Clifford Thomas, farmer, Hamilton East. 581725 Fulton, 'rhomas, farmer, \Vaiterimu, Ohinewai. 599956 East, Arthur Norris, carrier, Waitcrimu, Ohinewai. 627946 Easton, Selwyn Hume, farm hand, Kairangi Rural Delivery, 555845 Gadsby, Thomas Hugh, farmer, l\fatiere. Cambridge. 527413 Gair, John George, coal-miner, Glen Massey. 606053 Edmondson, Leslie Owen, signwriter, 9 Moana St. 488863 Gardner, Frank William, grocer, 108 William St., Cambridge. 487715 Edwards, Howard, clerk, Railway Cottage, Taupiri. 567728 Garland, Harry Ralph, da.iry-farmer, Pah Rd., Maungatautari, 481642 Edwards, Vernon Charles, agricultural worker, care of Cambridge. W. A. Godfrey, Te Rore, via Frankton Junction. 626373 Garmonsway, Raymond Harry, farm hand, Ohaupo. 542393 Edwards, William Edmund Tranter, miner, care of Post­ 603503 Garvey, Patrick, storekeeper, 22 l\Iassey St., Frankton office, Rotowaro. Junction. · · 626523 Elley, Jeffrey Gordon, motor-driver,'care ofl\frs. E. Rentoul, 541075 Gascoigne, Alwyn Raymond, farmer, Roto-o-Rangi, Cam­ Albert St., Cambridge. bridge. 605911 Ellice, Roy Frederick Charles, surfaceman, Newstead Rural 480920 Gavin, Thomas, grocer's assistant, William St., Huntly. Delivery. · 612472 Geddes, David Eric, insurance agent, 277 Grey St,, Claude. 517625 Ellis, Alexander Kelly, farmer, Te Awamutu. lands. D .
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