Supplement H5o. 2

Ci)e patatme ®alette jßo. H$t of utfc Starrt), me.


IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 3 of the Village No. 23 of 1944. Administration Ordinance, 1944, the High Commissioner has ordered, and it is hereby ordered, as follows : —

1. This Order may be cited as the Village Administration (Village Citation. Councils) Order (No. 4), 1946. 2. The whole of the village lands of the villages specified in the Application of Schedule to this Order shall be brought within the operation of Part Part II of the II of the Village Administration Ordinance, 1944. Ordinance.

3. The Village Administration (Village Councils) Order, 1946, pub• Amendment of lished at page 93 of Supplement 2 to the Gazette No. 1469 of 24th Order published January, 1946, shall be re-entitled the Village Administration (Village in Gaz: 24.1.46, Councils) Order (No. 2), 1946, and accordingly in paragraph 1 thereof p. 93. the expression "Order (No. 2), 1946" shall be substituted for the ex• pression "Order, 1946". ,

4. This Order shall be deemed to have come into force on the first day Commencement. of March, 1946. .SCHEDULE ־ Name of Village Sub-District District I'billin Haifa Haifa 'Isfiya Haifa Haifa Tira, Et Haifa Haifa By His Excellency's Command, 5th March, 1946. J. V. W. SHAW (Y/13/45) Ghief Secretary.

ROAD TRANSPORT ORDINANCE. RULES MADE BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER UNDER SECTION 23. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 23 of the Road Cap. 128. Transport Ordinance, the High Commissioner has made the following rules:— t 1. These Rules may be cited as the Road Transport (Routes and Citation. Tariffs) (Amendment) Rules, 1946, and shall be read as one with the Road Transport (Routes and Tariffs) Rules, 1934, hereinafter referred Gaz: 1.3.34, to as "the principal Rules". p. 159.

— 429 — 430 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1481—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 14th March, 1946

Amendment of ß. Paragraph (Z>) of Schedule II to the principal Rules (as enacted Schedule II to by Rule 3(2), of the Road Transport (Routes and Tariffs) (Amendment• the principal No. 15) Rules, 1945) shall be amended by the addition of the follow• Eules. ing route and particulars immediately after Route No. N.25 thereof: — Gaz: 21.12.45, p. 1491.

Maximum Fare chargeable Description of Route per Passenger to ply Number of Route . • authorised of Omnibuses Maximum No.

N. 26 Haifa—Beyrouth • 4 • Haifa—Beyrouth, or vice versa ^ 500 mils per single jouruney

Amendment of 3. Paragraph (b) of Schedule VI to the principal Rules (as enacted Schedule VI to by Rule 6 of the Road Transport (Routes and Tariffs) (Amendment the principal ]\f0> !5) Rules, 1945) shall be amended by the addition of the following —:u'es• route and particulars immediately after Route No. L.7^־ Gaz: 21.12.45, p. 1491.

Maximum Fare chargeable Description of Route per Passenger to ply Number of Route authorised ׳ of Omnibuses Maximum No. L.8 Beisan—Samakh—El Hamma 1 (a) Beisan—Samakh, or vice versa— 70 mils per single journey. (b) Samakh—El Hamma, or vice versa— 40 mils per single journey. ־ ,c) Beisan—El Hamma) or vice versa— 110 mils per single journey.

By His Excellencyfs Command, 7th March, 1946. J. V. W. SHAW (HT/64/45) , Chief Secretary.

LOCAL COUNCILS ORDINANCE, 1941: BY-LAWS MADE BY THE LOCAL COUNCIL OF EL BIRA UNDER SECTION 9. No. 36 of 1941. LN EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by section 9 of the Local Councils Ordinance, 1941, the Local Cuncil of El Bira, established Gaz: 31.7.41, under the Local Councils (El Bireh) Order, 1941, with the approval p. 1173. of the District Commissioner, District, have made the fol­ lowing by-laws: — Citation. 1• These By-laws may be cited as the El Bira (Prevention of Noises) By-laws, 1946. Prohibition. 2. No person shall within the area of the local council of El Bira— (a) in any street or public place or in connection with any shop, business premises or other place which adjoins any street or pub­ lic place to which the public are admitted, or (&) upon any other premies, 14th March, 1946 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1481—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 431

by operating or causing or suffering to be operated any wireless loud­ speaker, gramophone, amplifier, or any similar instrument make or cause or permit to be made any noise which shall be so loud and so ־ -continuous or repeated as to cause a nuisance to occupants or in mates of any premises in the neighbourhood or persons in any place of worship in the neighbourhood. . 3. Any person contravening any provision of these By-laws shall be Penalty, guilty of an offence and, on conviction, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five pounds and in the case of a continuing offence to. an additional fine not exceeding one pound for every day during which the offence is continued after conviction or after written notice from the President of the Local Council of such contravention : Provided that no proceedings shall be taken against any person for any offence against these By-laws in respect of premises other than those specified hr paragraph (a) of by-law 2, unless the nuisance be s continued after the expiration of a fortnight from the date of service on such person of a written notice of contravention signed by the * President of the Local Council.

. MUSA FABATNAHMAD HAMMAD President, Local Council of El Biro. Approved. !J. H. H. POLLOCK ־ .7th March, 1946 (G/47/37). District Commissioner, Jerusalem District.

LOCAL COUNCILS ORDINANCE, 1941. LOCAL AUTHORITIES (BUSINESS TAX) ORDINANCE, 1945. BY-LAWS MADE BY THE LOCAL COUNCIL OF FALUJA. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by section 9 of the Local No. 36 of 1941. Councils Ordinance, 1941, and by section 3 of the Local Author- No. 29 of 1945. ities (Business Tax) Ordinance, 1945, the Local Council of Faluja,

established under the Local Councils (Faluja) Order, 1937, with the Qaz. 9,9.37

approval of the District Commissioner, Gaza District, have made the p. 819. following By-laws: — 1. These By-laws may be cited as the Faluja (Local Business Tax) Citation. By-laws, 1946. , 2. In these By-laws— . . , - Interpretation. "Council" means the Local Council of Faluja; . "place or premises" means any shop, house, room, hut, kiosk or part thereof, in which any specified trade or business is carried ., : on, and includes land whether surrounded by a fence or not; "President" means the President of the Local Council of Faluja; "specified trade or business" means• any trade or business specified in the Schedule; "tax" means the local business tax imposed by these By-laws. 3. —(1) Any person carrying on any specified trade or business within Imposition of the Local Council area of Faluja for any period during any financial tax. year shall pay to the Council tax in the amount set out in the second column of the Schedule, opposite such trade or business, in respect of each place or premises where such trade or business is carried on by such person. 432 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1481—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 14th March, 1946

(2) Where two or more persons carry on different specified trades or businesses in the same place or premises, each of such persons shall pay the tax in respect of the trade or business carried on by him in such place or premises. (3) Where one person carries on two or more specified trades or businesses in the same place or premises, tax shall be payable only in respect of one of such trades or businesses, and where, in accordance with the Schedule, the amounts of tax payable in respect of the said ent, tax shall be paid in respect of such־trades or businesses are diffei one of the said trades or businesses as under the said Schedule is subject to the highest tax.

Payment of tax. 4. The tax shall be paid : — (A) in respect of any specified trade or business which any person carries on for any period during the financial year ending on the 31st day of March, 1946— on the twenty first day of March, 1946; (B) in respect of any specified trade or business which any person carries on for any period during any financial year subsequent to the financial year ending on the 31st day of March, 1946, in two ' equal instalments as follows: — • ; (a) if he carries on such trade or business on the first day of April

- of such subsequent financial year— ;, (i) the first instalment on the first day of July of such subsequent financial year, • *. (ii) the second instalment on the first day of October of such subsequent financial year; (6) if he begins to carry on such trade or business after the first • . .־, —day of April of such subsequent financial year (i) the first instalment within thirty days from the date on which he begins to carry on such trade or business, (ii) the second instalment within four months from the date on which he begins to carry on such trade or business.

Power to re- 5. Any person carrying on any specified trade or business who claims N quire production to have paid the tax in respect of such trade or business in accordance of receipts for with the provisions of these By-laws shall, on demand made in that tax. behalf *by the President, or by any official of the Council authorised by the President, produce for inspection to the person making the demand any receipts held by him in respect of the tax which he claims to have paid. »• . Power to inspect 6. The President, or any official of the Council authorised by"the premises. President, shall have the power at any reasonable time to inspect any place or premises in order to ascertain whether any specified trade

or business is carried on therein. • ( Manner of 7. The provisions of the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, collection of regarding the recovery of rates imposed by a local council under tax. that Ordinance shall apply mutatis mutandis •to the recovery of the No. 1 of 1934. tax, as though' it was a rate recoverable under the said Ordinance.

Exemption. 8. The provisions of these By-laws shall not apply to any specified trade or business which is carried on by the Government, the Council .•־. ..a .'־-'•••• .or any naval, military or air force authority 14th March, 1946 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1481—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 433

9. With the approval of the District Commissioner, the Council Reduction or on account of the poverty of any person liable to pay the tax remission of tax׳ ,may imposed by these By-laws, reduce or remit the payment of such tax. on account of poverty. THE SCHEDULE.

First Column Second Colu"mn '.־ Nature of Trade Amount of tax. or Business £P.Mils 1. Where the annual rent in respect of each place of premises where any of the following trades or businesses is carried on: — (a)• exceeds £P.2 but does not exceed £P.5 —.500 (6) exceeds £P. 5 but does not exceed £P. 10 1.000 (c) exceeds £P. 10 but does not exceed £P. 15 1.500 (d) exceeds £P. 15 ' 2.000 1. Tailors 2. Vegetable and fruit shops 3. Bread vendors 4. Barbers 5. Saddlers, upholster and mattresses makers . 6. Tombac and cigarettes dealers 7. Furriers shops 8. Shops for manufacture and sale of sieves 9. Shops for sale or storage of coal and fire wrood 10. Coppersmiths'shops and workshops. 2. Where the annual rent in respect of each place or premises where any of the following trades or businesses is carried on (a) exceeds £P. 2 but does not exceed £P.5 1.000 (&), exceeds £P. 5 but does not exceed £P. 10 1.500 (c) exceeds £P.10 but does not exceed £P. 15 2.000 ־ d) exceeds £P.15 ; 2.500) 1. Groceries, wholesale or retail 2. Carpenters 3. Cycle and cycle repairs shops 4. Butchers , ' • 5. Shoe makers, 6. Shoe repairers 7. Laundries, cleaners of clothes, and dry-cleaners 8. Tinsmiths 3. Where the annual rent in respect of each place or premises where any of the following trades or businesses is carried on (a) exceeds £P. 2 but does not exceed £P.5 1.500 (b) exceeds £P. 5 but does not exceed £P. 10 2.000 (c) exceeds £P. 10 but does not exceed £P 15 2.500 (d) exceeds £P. 15 :3.000. 1. Drapers and textile merchants 2. Public stables, garages for motors and other vehicles 3. Cereal merchants .4. Blacksmiths , 1 ׳ Bakeries .5 6. Shops for manufacture and sale of wooden implements 7. Wood stores 8. Establishments for the sale and storage of kerosene, ben­ zine, mineral oils ' 434 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1481—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 14th March, 1946 First Column Second Column Nature of Trade Amount of tax. or Business £P.Mils. 9. Cafes . 10. Restaurants . 11. Confectionery and sweets manufacturers 12. Egg dealers 13. Poultry dealers 14. Dyers Any of the following trades or businesses 1.000 1. Hawkers 2. Sale of baskets and reed production 3. Potteries production vendors 4. Plasterers, pavers, stone-dressers, stone-cutters, white washers 5. Watch repairers 6. Hiring out of carts 7. Dairies 8. Farms Any of the following trades or businesses 2.000 1. Masons 2. Building contractors ,r.,.c • 3. Taxi services 3.000 • ׳ Any of the following trades or businesses .6־l 1. Brick and tile factories and potteries 2. Mills 3. Stone crushers 4. Bus services , 5. Tractors and ploughing implements Any of the following trades or businesses 6.000 ~־ Animal brokers .1 Any of the following trades or businesses 9.000 1. Land brokers MUHAMMAD8*'AWWAD President, Local Council of Faluja. Approved. 24th February, 1946. W. B. McGEAGH (F/LG/8/46) District Commissioner, Gaza District.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a~ permit No. NTA/8/46 has been granted on the 28th day of February, 1946, under the hand of the Assistant District Commissioner, Tel Aviv, to Mr. Uriya Feldman residing at 4, Mendele Mocher Sfarim Street, Tel Aviv, to publish once a month at the Hapoel Hazair Printing Press situated at Tel Aviv a news­ paper in the Hebrew language entitled "Hateva ve Haaretz" treating of natural science and geography, and under the editorship of Mr. Uriya Feldman. \ Dated this 6th day of March, 1946.

H. C. HOLME (K/252) for Chief Secretary. 14th March, 1946 THE PALESTINE G-AZETTE NO. 1481—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. , 435

PRESS ORDINANCE. " NOTICE OF GEANT OF A PERMIT TO PUBLISH A NEWSPAPER. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit No. NTA/9/46 has been granted on the 28th day of February, 1946, under the hand of the Assistant District Commissioner, Tel Aviv, to Dr. Eliahou Porezki residing at 123, Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv, to publish daily at the Shoham Printing Press situated at Tel Aviv a newspaper in the Hebrew language entitled "Hed Hacarmel, Hadashot Haerev" treating of general subjects, and under thé editorship of Dr. Eliahou Porezki. Dated this 5th day of March, 1946.

H. C. HOLME (K/251) for Chief Secretary.

PRESS ORDINANCE. NOTICE OF GRANT OF A PERMIT TO PUBLISH A NEWSPAPER. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit No. NTA/10/46 has been granted on the 28th day of February, 1946, under the hand of the Assistant District Commissioner, Tel Aviv, to Eng. Moshe Vlodavsky residing at 8, Berdichevski Street, Tel Aviv, to publish twice a month at the Hechadash Printing Press situated at Tel Aviv a newspaper in the Hebrew language entitled "Madrich" treating of economic subjects, and under the editorship of Dr. Elhanan Horowitz. , Dated this 5th day of March, 1946.

H. C. HOLME (K/250) for Chief Secretary.

• PRESS ORDINANCE. NOTICE OF GRANT OF A PERMIT TO PUBLISH A NEWSPAPER. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit No. NTA/11/46 has been granted on the 28th day of February, 1946, under the hand of the Assistant District Commissionerj Tel Aviv, Mr. Hilel Bergman residing at 24, Frug Street, Tel Aviv, to publish once a week at the Malan Printing Press ' situated at Tel Aviv a newspaper in the Hebrew language entitled "Akrab" treating of humorous and satiric subjects, and under the editorship of Mr. Hilel Bergman. Dated this 6th day of March, 1946.

H. C. HOLME (K/253) .for Chief Secretary.

PRESS ORDINANCE. NOTICE OF GRANT OF A PERMIT TO PUBLISH A NEWSPAPER. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit No. NTA/12/46 has been granted on the 28th day of February, 1946, under the hand of the Assistant District Commissioner, Tel Aviv, to Mr. Rudolf Elias residing at 56, Gordon Street, Tel Aviv, to publish once a week at the Hechadash Printing Press situated at Tel Aviv a newspaper in the Hebrew language entitled "Itim Hadashot" treating of literary, artistic and cultural subjects; and under the editorship of Mr. Israel Levi. , . Dated this 6th day of February, 1946. H. C. HOLME (E/254) for Chief Secretary. 436 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1481—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 14th March, 1946

PRESS ORDINANCE: : NOTICE OF GRANT OF A PERMIT TO PUBLISH A NEWSPAPER. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit No. J/132 has been granted on the 2nd day of March, 1946, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to Mr. Emile A. Ghory residing at Upper Baqa, Jerusalem, to publish oncer a week at the Moslem Orphanage Printing Press situated in the , Jerusalem, a newspaper in the Arabic language entitled "An Nidal" treating of political, economic, social and religious subjects, and under the editorship of Mr. Emile A. Ghory. Dated this 9th day of March, 1946. ^

II. C. HOLME (K/252) ' ' for Chief Secretary.

DEFENCE REGULATIONS, 1939. NOTICE. IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that on the 12th day of April, 1945, I ceased to retain possession of the land described in the Schedule hereto, possession of which I had taken on the nineteenth day of September, 1943, in exercise of the. powers vested in me as a Com• petent Authority under regulation 48 of the Defence Regulations, 1939. SCHEDULE. Site No. Village •Block No. Parcel No. 1834/1 Beit Nabala 4815 115 and 116 Haditha 4145 30, 31 and 32.

7th March, 1946r R. C. H. GEEIG (Gaz/13/40) Acting District Commissioner, Lydda District. Competent Authority.

DEFENCE REGULATIONS, 1939. 1 . • NOTICE. IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that on the 12th day of September, 1945, I ceased to retain possession of the land described in the Schedule hereto, possession of which I had taken on the twenty-eighth day of September, 1943, in exercise of the powers vested in me as a Competent Authority under regulation 48 of the Defence Regulations, 1939. SCHEDULE.

Site No. Locality Block No. Parcel No. ' Dm^Mts

1741/2 Ramie 4375 8 (p.o.) 31.250 10 (p.o.) 23.— 15 10.125 16 (p.o.) 28.750 17 7.980 18 28.609 20 5.091 21 5.318 22 6.380 24 2.042

7th March, 1946. R. C. H. GEEIG (Gaz/13/40) Acting District Commissioner, Lydda District. Competent Authority. 14th March, 1946 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1481-—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 437

TOWN PLANNING ORDINANCE, 1936. TEL Aviv TOWN PLANNING AREA. NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF A PARCELLATION SCHEME. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 20(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that there has been deposited at the office of the Tel Aviv Local Build• ing and Town Planning Commission a copy of a parcellation scheme entitled "Scheme No. 93—of Shikun Amami Ltd.", together with the plan annexed thereto. The copy of the said scheme and plan are open for inspection by any person !interested free of charge, and any person interested as owner or otherwise in land, buildings or other property affected by the said scheme may lodge objection thereto at the office of the said Local Commission within six weeks from the date of the publication of this notice in the Gazette. 23rd February, 1946. E. C. H. GEEIG (Gaz/8/40) Chairman, Lydd,a District Building and Town Planning Commission.


1 (- JAFFA TOWN PLANNING AREA. NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF A PARCELLATION SCHEME. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 20(2) of the Town• Planning Ordinance, 1936, that there has been deposited at the office of the Jaffa Local Building and Town Planning Commission a copy .of a parcellation scheme entitled "Scheme No. F/342—:of I. Shihab Addin and Others", together with the plan annexed thereto. The copy of the said scheme and plan are open for inspection by any person interested free of charge, and any person interested as owner or otherwise in land, buildings or other property affected by the said scheme may lodge objection thereto at the office of the said Local Commission within six weeks from the date of the publication of this notice in the Gazette. 23rd February, 1946. E. C. H. GEEIG (Gaz/8/40) , Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission.

TOWN PLANNING ORDINANCE, 1936. JAFFA TOWN PLANNING AREA. A NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF A PARCELLATION SCHEME. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 20(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that there has been deposited at the office of the Jaffa Local Building and Town Planning Commission a copy of a parcellation scheme entitled "Scheme No. K/348—of O. Abu Taha and H. Zabalawi", together with the plan annexed thereto. The copy of the said scheme and plan are open for inspection by any person interested free of charge, and any person interested as owner or otherwise, in land, buildings or other property affected by the said scheme may lodge objection thereto at the office of the said Local Commission within six weeks from the date of the publication of this notice in the Gazette. 23rd February, 1946. x E. C. H.' GEEIG (Gaz/8/40) Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission.

TOWN PLANNING ORDINANCE, 1936. PETAH TIQVA TOWN PLANNING AREA. NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF A PARCELLATION SCHEME. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 20(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that there has been deposited at the office of the Petah Tiqva Local 438 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1481—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 14th March, 1946

Building and Town Planning Commission a copy of a parcellation scheme entitled "Scheme No. 67—of W. Shabata and Partners", together with the plan annexed thereto. The copy of the said •scheme and plan are open for inspection by any person interested free of charge, and any person interested as owner or otherwise in land, buildings or other property affected by the said scheme may lodge objection thereto at the office of the said Local Commission within six weeks from the date of the publication of this notice in the Gazette. 23rd February, 1946. E. C. H. GEEIG (Gaz/8/40) . , Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission. TOWN PLANNING ORDINANCE, 1936. PETAH TIQVA TOWN PLANNING AREA. NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF A PARCELLATION SCHEME. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 20(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, •that there has been deposited at the office of the Petah Tiqva Local Building and Town Planning Commission a copy of a parcellation scheme entitled "Scheme No. 108—of S. Wilf", together with the. plan annexed thereto. The copy of the said scheme and plan are open for inspection by any person interested free of charge, and any person interested as owner or otherwise ,in land, buildings or other property affected by the said scheme may lodge objection thereto at the office of the said Local Commission within six weeks from the date of the publication of this notice in the Gazette. 23rd February, 1946. E. C. H. GEEIG (Gaz/8/40) Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission. TOWN PLANNING ORDINANCE, 1936. • ' PETAH TIQVA TOWN PLANNING AREA. NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF A PARCELLATION SCHEME. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 20(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that there has been deposited at the office of the Petah Tiqva Local Building and Town Planning Commission a copy of a parcellation scheme entitled "Scheme No. 116—of E. and Y. Mazali", together with the plan annexed thereto. ׳ The copy of the said scheme and plan are open for inspection by any person interested free of charge, and any person interested as owner or otherwise in land, buildings or other property affected by the said scheme may lodge objection thereto at the office of the said Local Commission within six weeks from the date of the publication of this notice in the Gazette. ' C. H. GEEIG .׳23rd February, 1946. E (Gaz/8/40) Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission. TOWN PLANNING ORDINANCE, 1936. PETAH TIQVA TOWN PLANNING AREA. NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF A PARCELLATION SCHEME. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 20(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that there has been deposited at the office of the Petah Tiqva Local Building and Town Planning Commission a copy of a parcellation scheme -entitled "Scheme No. 120—of Z. and B. Lipschitz", together with the plan annexed thereto. The copy of the said scheme and plan are open for inspection by any person interested free of charge, and any person interested as owner or otherwise in land, buildings or other property affected by the said scheme may lodge. objection thereto at the office of the said Local Commission, within six weeks from the date of the publication of this notice in the Gazette. 23rd February, 1946. ! E. C. PL GEEIG .Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission ׳ ^ (Gaz/8/40) 14th March, 1916 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1481—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 439

TOWN PLANNING ORDINANCE, 1936. PETAH TIQVA TOWN PLANNING AREA. NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF A PARCELLATION SCHEME. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 20(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that there has been deposited at the office of the Petah Tiqva Local Building and Town Planning Commission a copy of a parcellation scheme entitled "Scheme No. 123—of S. Shaikevitz", together with the plan annexed thereto. The copy of the said scheme and plan are• opeir, for inspection by any person interested free of charge, and any person interested as owner or otherwise in land, buildings or other property affected by the said scheme may lodge objection thereto at the office of the said Local Commission within six weeks from the date of the publication of this notice in the Gazette. 23rd February, 1946. - B. C. H. GEEIG (Gaz/8/40) Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission.

TOWN PLANNING ORDINANCE, 1936. PETAH TIQVA TOWN PLANNING AREA. NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF A PARCELLATION SCHEME. , NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 20(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, ^that there has been deposited at the office of the Petah Tiqva Local Building and Town Planning Commission a copy of a parcellation scheme entitled "Scheme No. 125—of B. Gitl", together with the plan annexed thereto. ^ The copy of the said scheme and plan are open for inspection by any person interested free of chargé, and any person interested as owner or otherwise in land, buildings or other property affected by the said scheme may lodge objection thereto, at the office of the said Local Commission within six weeks from the date of the publication of this ׳ , .notice in the Gazette 23rd February, 1946. - .E. C. H. GEEIG (Gaz/8/40) Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission."

' TOWN PLANNING ORDINANCE,. 1936. RAMAT GAN TOWN PLANNING AREA. NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF A PARCELLATION SCHEME. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 20(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that there has been deposited ,at the office of the Ramat Gan Local Building and Town Planning Commission a copy of a parcellation scheme entitled "Scheme No. 72—of N ah 1 at Margolin Ltd.", together with the plan annexed thereto. The copy of the said scheme and plan are open for inspection by any person interested free of charge, and any person interested as owner or otherwise in land, buildings or other property affected by the said scheme may lodge objection thereto at the office of the said Local Commission within six weeks from the date of the publication of this notice in the Gazette. 23rd February, 1946. E. C. H. GEEIG (Gaz/8/40) Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission.

TOWN PLANNING ORDINANCE, 1936. .;-.״. .HERTSELIYA TOWN PLANNING AREA NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF A PARCELLATION SCHEME. NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 20(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that there has been deposited at the office of the Hertseliya Local Building and Town Planning Commission a copy of a parcellation scheme entitled "Scheme No. 88—of J. Klivitzky", together with the plan annexed-thereto. 440 THÉ PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1481—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 14th March, 1946

The copy of the said scheme and plan are open for inspection by any person interested free of charge, and any person interested as owner or otherwise in land, buildings or other property affected by the said scheme may lodge objection thereto at the office of the said Local Commission within six weeks from the date of 'the publication of this notice in the Gazette. . - 23rd February, 1946. • B. C. H. GBEIG .Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission ׳ \ (Gaz/8/40)

TOWN PLANNING ORDINANCE, 1936. HERTSELIYA TOWN PLANNING AREA. NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF A PARCELLATION SCHEME. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 20(2). of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936,' that there has been deposited at the office of the Hertseliya Local Building and Town Planning Commission a copy of a parcellation scheme entitled "Scheme No. 89—of A. Handler and Partner", together with the plan annexed thereto. The copy of the said scheme and plan are open for inspection by any person interested free of charge, and any person interested as owner or otherwise in land, buildings or other property affected by the said scheme may lodge objection thereto at the office of the said Local Commission within six weeks from the date of the publication of this notice in the Gazette. ' 23rd February, 1946. B. C. H. GBEIG (Gaz/8/40) Chairman, Lydda District Buildiiig and Town Planning Commission.

TOWN PLANNING ORDINANCE, 1936. .HERTSELIYA TOWN PLANNING AREA '-••׳־-.- , | NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF A PARCELLATION SCHEME. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 20(2) of the Town Planning office of the Hertseliya Local ׳ Ordinance, 1936, that there has been deposited at the Building and Town Planning Commission a copy of a parcellation scheme entitled "Scheme No. 91—of R. Yekhiel", together with the plan annexed thereto. The copy of the said scheme and plan are open for inspection by any person interested free of charge, and any person interested as owner or otherwise in land, buildings or other property affected by the said scheme may lodge, objection thereto at the office of the said Local Commission within six weeks from the date of the publication of this notice in the Gazette. 23rd February, 1946. » B. C. H. GBEIG (Gaz/8/40) Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission.

. TOWN PLANNING ORDINANCE, 1936. HERTSELIYA TOWN PLANNING AREA. NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF A PARCELLATION SCHEME. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 20(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that there has been deposited at the office of the Hertseliya Local Building and Town Planning Commission a copy of a parcellation scheme entitled "Scheme No. 93—of S. Radoshitzky", together with the plan annexd thereto. The copy of the said scheme and plan are open for inspection by any'person interested free of charge, and any person interested as owner or otherwise in land, buildings or other property affected by the said scheme may lodge objection thereto at the office of the said Local Commission within six weeks from the date of the publication of this notice in the Gazette. 23rd February, 1946. B. C. H. GBEIG (Gaz/8/40) Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission. 14th March, 1946 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1481—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 441


VTEL AVIV TOWN PLANNING AREA. NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF A DETAILED SCHEME. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 16 of the Town Planning Ordin­ ance, 1936, that there has been deposited at the office of the Tel Aviv Local Building and Town Planning Commission a copy of a detailed scheme entitled "Scheme No. 82— of Pacerls 9—14 and Parts of Parcels 3 and 5 in Block 6978", together with the plan annexed thereto. , The copy of the said scheme and plan are open for inspection by any person interested free of charge, and any person interested as owner or otherwise in land, buildings or other property affected by the said scheme may lodge objection thereto at the office of the said Local Commission within two months from the date of the publication of this notice in the Gazette. 23rd February, 1946. E. C.H. GEEIG (Gaz/8/40) Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission. TOWN PLANNING ORDINANCE, 1936. RAMAT GAN TOWN PLANNING AREA. NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF A DETAILED SCHEME. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 16 of the Town Planning Ordin­ ance, 1936, that there has been deposited at the office of the Ramat Gan Local Building and Town Planning Commission a copy of a detailed scheme entitled "Scheme No. 68— of E. Barinboim", together with the plan annexed thereto. The copy of the said scheme and plan are open for inspection by any person interested free of charge, and any person interested as owner or otherwise in land, buildings or other property affected by the said scheme may lodge objection thereto at the office of the said Local Commission within two months from the date of the publication of this notice in the Gazette. 23rd February, 1946. E. C, H. GEEIG (Gaz/8/40) ! Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission. TOWN PLANNING ORDINANCE, 1936. , • .KEFAR SAVA TOWN PLANNING AREA ׳ NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF A DETAILED SCHEME. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 16.of the Town Planning Ordin­ ance, 1936, that there has been deposited at the office of the Kefar Sava Local Building and Town Planning Commission a copy of a detailed scheme entitled "Scheme No. 2— of Keren Kayemeth Leisrael' Ltd.", together with the plan annexed thereto. J The copy of the said scheme and plan are open for inspection by any person interested free of charge, and any person interested as owner or othewrise in land, buildings or other property affected by the said scheme may lodge objection thereto at the office of the said Local Commission within two months from the date of the publication of this notice in the Gazette. 23rd February, 1946. E. C. H. GEEIG (Gaz/8/40) Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission. TOWN PLANNING ORDINANCE, 1936. LYDDA DISTRICT REGIONAL PLANNING AREA. . NOTICE OF GRANT OF AUTHORITY TO PUT A DETAILED SCHEME INTO FORCE, AND NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF AN AUTHORISED DETAILED SCHEME AND PLAN. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 18A(2) of the Town• Planning Ordinance, 1936, that the Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission have granted authority to put into force, 15 days after the publication of this notice in the Gazette, a detailed scheme entitled "Scheme No. R/173—of Keren Kayemeth Le­ israel Ltd., Kefar Uriy a", notice 6f the deposit whereof, together with the' plan annexed 442 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1481—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 14th March, 1946

thereto, at the office of the Lydda District Regional Building and Planning Com­ mission (Town Planning Adviser's Office, Tel Aviv), was published in the :Gazette No. ..'.'־' ' .of the 2nd August, 1945, at page 840 1429 AND NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN, in accordance with section 18A(2) of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, that copies of the said scheme ad of the plan annexed thereto, as authorised by the said District Commission, have been deposited and are open for inspection at the office of the said Local Commission. 23rd February, 1946. B. C. H. GEEIG (Gaz/8/40) - Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission. TOWN PLANNING ORDINANCE, 1936. TEL Aviv TOWN PLANNING AREA. NOTICE OF GRANT OF AUTHORITY TO MODIFY A DETAILED SCHEME, AND NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF AN AUTHORISED MODIFICATION AND PLAN. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 19 of the Town Planning Ordin­ ance, 1936, that the Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission have granted authority to put "into force, 15 days after the publication of this notice in the Gazette, a modification (No. 1 of 1945, to be known as Scheme No. 177) of a detailed ,"scheme entitled "Scheme "C-D"—Detailed Scheme for the Lands East of Tel Aviv ׳ notice of the deposit whereof, together with the plan annexed thereto, at the office of the Tel Aviv Local Building and Town Planning Commission was published in the Gazette No. 1440 of the 20th September, 1945, at page 1032. AND NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN, in accordance with section 19 of the Town Plan­ ning Ordinance, 1936, that copies of the said modification and of the plan annexed thereto, as authorised by the said District Commission, have been deposited and are open for inspection at the office of the said Local Commission. 23rd February, 1946. E. C. H. GEEIG (Gaz/8/40) Chairman, Lydda District Building and Town Planning Commission.

TOWN PLANNING ORDINANCE, 1936. s COMPOSITION OF THE LOCAL BUILDING AND TOWN PLANNING COMMISSION FOR THE HAIFA DISTRICT REGIONAL PLANNING AREA. IN PURSUANCE of the powers vested in them by section 7(1) of the No. 28 of 1936. Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, the Haifa District Building and Town Planning Commission have' nominated the following officers of

y Government, that is to say:— , Assistant District Commissioner of the Haifa District— Chairman. District Engineer or his representative Member v Senior Medical Officer or his representative — Member Town Planning Adviser or his representative — Member, and have further nominated a panel of members consisting of the following persons for the purpose of selecting therefrom not more than three persons from time to time, who, together with the officers of Government hereinbefore nominated, shall be the Local Building and Town Planning Commission for the Haifa District Regional Planning Area: — Dr. Erich Moller (Kfar Ata) Mohammed El Yehya (Tantoura) Dr. Albert Weihl (Pardess Hanna) Kamel Abdurrahman (Haifa) Abraham Fein ('Ein Hashofet) / 2. The notice constituting the Local Building and Town Planning Commission for the Haifa District Regional Planning Area dated the 2nd February, 1942, and published in Gazette No. 1167, Supplement No. 2, dated the 12th February, 1942, is hereby cancelled. 4th March, 1946. A. N. LAW ! (Gaz/10/40). Chairman, Haifa District Building and Town Planning Commission. 14th ,March, 1916 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1481—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 443

' TOWN PLANNING ORDINANCE, 1936. SAMARIA DISTRICT REGIONAL PLANNING AREA. NOTICE OF DEPOSIT OF A DETAILED SCHEME. ^ . • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with section 16 of the Town Planning Ordin­ ance, 1936, that there has been deposited at the office of the Local Building and Town Planning Commission for the Samaria District Regional Planning Area (Assistant District Commissioner's Office, Nablus), a copy of a detailed scheme entitled "Scheme No. SR/37—Rafidiya Village", together with the plan annexed thereto and numbered TP/523/45 and dated 20th June, 1945. The boundaries of the scheme are indicated by a dark blue line on the said plan. The text of the scheme is set out in the schedule hereto and a copy of the scheme,- together with the plan, is open for inspection by any person interested, free of charge, and any person interested as owner, or otherwise, in land, buildings or other, property affected by the said scheme may lodge objection thereto at the office of the said Local Commission within two months from the date of publication of this notice in the Gazette. 31st January, 1946. W. V. FULLER (Gaz/11/40) Cliairman, Samaria District Building and Town Planning Commission.


1. This scheme shall apply to that part of the village of Rafidiya as is Citation and defined by the blue line on plan No. TP/523/45 which shall form an application. integral part of the scheme.

2. The purpose of the scheme is to provide for the development of Purpose of the the village area in accordance with the provisions of section 21 of the scheme. Regional Outline Town Planning Scheme, Samaria District, approved by His Excellency the High Commissioner and published in Palestine Gazette No. 1185 of 9.4.1942, and of the relevant sections of the Town ׳ .Planning Ordinance, 1936

PART II. INTERPRETATION OF TERMS. \ In this scheme, unless the context otherwise requires: — "Chairman" means the respective Chairman of the District or the Chairman. Local Commission and includes the Acting Chairman; "Curtilage" means the area of land within the boundaries of a plot,' Curtilage. and includes the area of land under any building therein; District "District Commission" means the Samaria Building and Town Commission. Planning Commission; "Dwelling house" means a house built, and not used for any pmpose Dwelling house. other than habitation; Engineer. "Engineer" means the Assistant Town Planning Superintendent of the Department of Town Planning; Habitable "Habitable room" means, a room constructed or adapted to bu in­ room. habited or in which some person passes the night or which is used 4 as a living room and which shall have a floor area of not less than Height of ־ ;m2 10 "Height of house" means the height of a house measured from the house. approved finished level of the ground to the top of the parapet on the roof, or, where there is no parapet, to the level of the top of the external wall or to ,the eaves of the roof; 444 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1481—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 14th March, 1946

House. "House" means any construction enclosing a space by means of a roof or roofs and walls or columns but shall not include an out• building ; Local Com- "Local Commission", means the Regional Building and Town Plan- mission, ning Commission for the Samaria District Regional Town Plan- • ning Area; Outbuilding. "Outbuilding" means any construction enclosing a space by means of a roof and walls and used as a garage, stable, shed or store; Permissible "Permissible area", in relation to a house, means the maximum área area. upon which the house may be built in accordanee with the pro• visions of this scheme; Plot. "Riot" means an area of land which has been approved as a build• ing plot in a parcellation scheme, or upon which the erection of a house has been authorised by the Local Commission; Road. "Road" means any highway, street, pathway, stairway, carriageway, square or bridge, whether private or public, whether a thoroughfare or not, whether existing or proposed in,any town planning scheme, and includes all berms, channels, ditches, storm water drains, culverts, sidewalks, traffic islands, road side trees.and hedges, re• taining walls, fences, and railings; Roadline. "Roadline" means the line defining the side boundaries of a road; Setback. ' "Setback" means the distance from any building to the boundary of the plot upon which the building is erected, or is to be erected, or to the road line of the road on which the plot abuts; Shop.• "Shop", means a house or part thereof in which a retail trade is carried on', but does not include a workshop; Special site. "Special site" means a site approved from time to time under this scheme for any of the uses set out in the Schedule of Uses in re• spect of "Special sites". . , .PART III. NOTATIONS ON THE PLAN ־ The following notations employed on the plan have the meanings hereunder respectively assigned to them: — Notation employed on the plan Meaning assigned to the notation. Areas coloured orange Residential Zone A Areas coloured light blue Residential Zone B Areas coloured yellow Old Town Zone Areas coloured green Proposed public open spaces Areas left white and hatched green Agricultural Zone Areas coloured sepia and edged dark Sites for public buildings brown Areas coloured yellow and Existing cemeteries hatched green Areas left white and cross hatched green Afforestation area Areas coloured light brown Existing roads Areas coloured red 'Proposed roads and widenings Black figures in northern quarter of Number of road circle Red figures in eastern and western Front building line quarters of circle Red• figures in southern quarter of circle Width of road Area within dark blue line Area to which this scheme applies. 14th March, 1946 THE PALESTINE'GAZETTE No. 1481—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 445

PART IV. ROADS. 1. The sites of roads arid their widths shall be as shown on the plan, Sites and widths provided that additional sites for roads may be provided for in a»par- of roads. cellation scheme. 2. (a) Where a Village Council has been established under the pro­ Construction of visions of Part II of the Village Administration Ordinance, 1944, roads. the Village Council shall, upon the direction of the Local Com­ mission, exercise\ the powers vested in them by Sections 9(5)(a), ll(l)(a) and ll(l)(d) of that Ordinance provided that any works, etc., undertaken in exercise of the said powers shall conform with the directions given by the Local Commission. (b) Where no Village Council has been established, then the Chair­ man of the Local Commission shall have the powers referred to in 2(«) above.

3. (a) Where a Village Council has been established, such Council Diversion and v shall have power, upon the direction of the Local Commission, to stopping-up of divert or stop-up any existing road! and to declare all public rights existing roads. of passage over such road to cease as from the date of diversion or stopping up. (b) Where no Village Council has been established, then the Chair­ man of the Local Commission shall have the powers referred to in 3(a) above.

4. (a) Where a Village Council has been established, such Council Land no longer shall have power, with the approval of the Local Commission, ro required for • dispose of any land no longer required for a road as provided for road. in Section 6(2) of the Village Administration Ordinance, 1944. {b) Where no Village Council has been established, then the Chair­ man of the Local Commission shall have the powers referred to in 4(a) above. 5. —(1) The Local Commission shall have power to order the owners of .Fences, hedges, lands abutting on a constructed road to erect on such lands boundary trees and walls or fences, and to prescribe the height, materials and the manner obstructions. of construction of such walls or fences, the planting or trimming of hedges, trees and shrubs, and the erection of any obstruction to the View between the building line and the road line. (2) Any owner on whom an order under this paragraph is served shall, within the period prescribed in such order, erect such wall or fence, pr remove such obstruction, and otherwise comply with the terms of the order; and if such owner fails to comply with the terms of such order within the period prescribed in such order, the Local Commission may cause the works prescribed by such order to be carried out and recover the expenses thereof from such owner. PART V. DRAINAGE. 1. The Local Commission may, with the consent of the District Com­ Eight of way. mission, reserve any lands necessary for the passage of storm water or foul water drainage, and no building shall be constructed upon any •"•׳..• ,land so reserved 2. All building plots in this scheme shall be suitably drained before Special treatment building operations commence. The Local Commission may require before building • .־ " .an owner of a building plot to treat his land in a special manner operations before building operations commence if in their opinion this is necessary. THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1481—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 14th March, 1946 446 x

Prohibition of 3. The Local Commission may, after consulting the Director of building in the Medical Services or his representative, restrict or prohibit building vicinity of in the vicinity of springs or wells in order to prevent the pollution of springs. water.

Existing 4. All courtyards shall be properly drained to prevent flooding to the courtyards. satisfaction of the Director of Medical Services or his representative.


Use of lands 1. No land situated in any zone shown on the plan shall be put to and buildings. any use other than a use set out in the Schedule of Uses in respect of the zone-in which it is situated: Provided that a parcellation scheme may provide that any land in a residential zone shall be a private open space, public open space or recreation ground. • • , Number of houses 2. One house only may be erected on any plot in residential zones: on a plot. Provided that the Local Commission may, with the consent of the District Commission, permit the erection of one or more houses on one plot where used for farming or similar purposes.

Shops, work• 3. No shop or workshop may be opened, and no trade or industry shops, trades and may be carried on, save on a site which has been approved for a industries. purpose in this Scheme or, exceptionally, by the Local Commission. Plots falling . 4. Plots situated in more than one zone shall be considered as situated within several in the zone wherein there are the least restrictions. zones. SCHEDULE OF USES.

Zone Uses I. Residential Zones Dwelling houses. -, (A and B). Garages for private cars. Recreation grounds. % . Private clubs. Buildings for public worship. Education buildings. Hotels. ; Shops, provided that their use is a use set out in the Appendix hereto under the heading "Residential Zones" 9. Seed nurseries, green houses, tool houses and seed stores. 10. Stables and cattle sheds. , 11. Poultry houses. 12. Other buildings approved by the District Commission. II. Old Town 1. Dwelling houses. 2. Buildings for public worship. 3. Hotels. 4. Recreation grounds. 5. Shops, workshops, trades and industries, provided that their use is a use set out in the Appendix hereto under the heading "Old Town". Educational institutions. Offices. Other buildings approved by the District Commission. 14th March, 1946 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1481—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 447 Zone Uses III. Agricultural Zone 1. Seed nurseries, green houses, tool houses and seed stores. 2. Industries with the approval of the District Com- ־ .mission 3. Buildings for recreation. 4. Stables and cattle-sheds. 5. Poultry houses. ׳> , .Dwelling houses .6 7. Other buildings approved by the District Commission. IV. Special Sites Any use set out in the Appendix hereto under the head­ ing "Special Sites" may be permitted on any site, provided that such site is approved for such use by the District Com­ mission. . V. Public Open Spaces 1. Public gardens. and Recreation 2. Sports and recreation grounds. Grounds 3. Buildings incidental to the above with the approval of the District Commission. VI. Private Open Spaces 1. Afforestation and gardening. 2. Buildings incidental to the above with the approval of the District Commission. VII. Cemeteries 1. Graves. 2. Monuments. 3. Buildings incidental to the above with the approval of the District Commission.


׳ .I. RESIDENTIAL ZONES (A AND B). 6. Offices 7. Blacksmiths. 1. Shops for dairy produce, vegetables, 8. Motor repair shops. fruits, bread, meat, groceries, confec­ 9. Coppersmith shops. tionery or other articles for human 10. Tinsmith shops. consumption. 11. Watch and clock shops and repair 2. Barbers. workshops. 3. Stationery and book sellers. 4. Boot makers and repair shops. III. SPECIAL SITES. 5. Tailors and dressmakers. 1. Slaughter houses. 6. Cafes and restaurants. 2. Public markets. 3. Fuel, wood and coal depots. II. OLD TOWN. 4. Stone crushing plants (stationary and 1. As in Residential Zones (A and B). mobile). 2. Carpenters. 5. Public car parks and garages for pub­ 3. Drapers and outfitters. lic vehicles. 4. Petroleum, paraffin and mineral oil 6. Flour and grain mills. shops. 7. Oil presses. 5. Furriers shops. 8. Public ovens.


1. No house shall be permitted in any of the several zones set out in Minimum the first column of the Zoning Table on any plot the curtilage of which curtilage. is less than that set out in the second column of the Zoning Table opposite the respective zone: 448 •THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1481—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. • 14th March, 1946

Provided that, where the area of a plot is less than the minimum curtilage set out in the Zoning Table for the respective zone, the Local Commission, with the consent of the District Commission, may give permission to build thereon on condition that the building density, height and setbacks conform to the provisions of the scheme for t|ie respective zone.

Maximum per• 2. —(1) No house shall be permitted in any of the several zones set centage of house. out in the first column of the Zoning Table, save to such a maximum percentage as is set out in the third column of the Zoning Table opposite the respective zone. (2) No account shall be taken of any excess in thickness of external walling over 40 centimetres. '

Outbuildings. 3. Outbuildings shall only be permitted as indicated in the fourth column of the Zoning Table unless otherwise approved by the Local Commission.

Size and height 4. No newly constructed living room shall be less than ten square of living room. metres in floor area and less than 2.80 metres in height measured in• ternally from the floor to the highest part of the ceiling.

Floor covering. 5. The floor of all habitable rooms shall be stone paved, tiled or otherwise suitably finished to the satisfaction of the Director of Medical Services or his representative and shall be at least 20 cm. above ground level.

Window space. 6. Every habitable room shall have window space, giving direct access to the open air, of an area not less than one-eighth of the floor area of the room. In addition, means of cross ventilation shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Director of Medical Services or his repre• sentative.

Old town'. 7. Notwithstanding anything contained in the above provisions, no house or outbuilding shall be constructed in the old town without the approval of the Local Commission.


Front, side and 1. The front, side and rear setbacks shall b.e as indicated in the rear setbacks. eighth column of the Zoning Table : Provided that where the Local Commission is of the opinion that the size and shape of any plot are such as to justify a relaxation of the setbacks of a house on such plot, the Local Commission, with the consent of the District Commission, may grant such relaxation.

Walls of houses 2. No wall of a house or boundary wall at the junction of two roads and boundary shall project beyond the arc tangential to the road lines, having walls at junction tangent points not less than 8 metres from the intersection of the two of roads. road lines, and such arc shall be the road line.


Maximum and 1. No house shall be erected in any zone to a height greater than, that minimum heights indicated in the fifth column of the Zoning Table. of houses. ./ 2. No house shall be erected in any zone to a height less than the minimum height indicated in the sixth column of the Zoning Table. E. ZONING TABLE.

(1) (2) • (3) (5) (6) (7) (8) Maximum Minimum setbacks Minimum percentage of Maximum Maximum Minimum Zone as Minimum in metres curtilage in plot which area of height of height of frontage shown on plan square metres may be built outbuilding house house ' of new plot Rear upon Front Side

Residential 1,000 or as 200 m2 50 m2" Not exceeding two storeys. No 3 metres 20 metres 5- 5* 5 Zone A existing part of the house to exceed 10 metres. Residential 750 or as 200 m2 50 m2 Not exceeding two storeys. No. 3 metres 18 metres 4 3* 5 Zone B existing part of the house to exceed 10 metres. Old Town 500 or as 50% or No out• The height of any building 3 metres Unlimited Nil oi' as 2* 3 existing 150 m2 building used for-, domestic habitation shown on whichever is not to exceed twice the width plan and in the less of the abutting road or 10 any case not metres whichever is less. less than 3 metres from the centre of road Agricultural 5,000 or as 250 m2 or as As approved Not exceeding two storeys. No 3 metres 25 metres, if 10 10 10 Zone existing approved by by Local part of the*house to exceed 10 for dwelling the Local Commission metres , purposes Commission

*In the case of shops the side setback may be dispensed with; with the approval of the District Commission. 450


Stone-facing. - 1. The external walls of all houses and outbuildings shall be con• structed of or be faced with natural squared dressed stone.

Removal •of 2. Within such time as the Local Commission shall direct temporary temporary structures such as corrugated iron verandahs etc. at present existing structures. shall be removed at the owner's expense.

Openings in 3. No windows, doors or any other openings shall be made in any outbuildings. • outbuilding onto adjacent properties.

Tree planting. 4. The Local Commission may require the planting of trees in ap• proved positions by private owners.


Dangerous 1. It shall be competent for the Local Commission to require, to such buildings. extent as they deem necessary to remove any danger, the repair or alteration of a building which, in their opinion, is in urgent need of repair or alteration due to its dangerous or unstable condition, and any repair or alteration so authorised shall be carried out by the owner at his own expense in accordance .with the instructions of the Engineer.

Relaxations. 2. The District Commission shall have power to grant a relaxation of any restriction imposed by this scheme on the use of any land or building or any other restriction contained in this scheme, after con• sidering the effects of such relaxation on the adjoining properties.

Delegation of 3. Subject to the provisions of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, powers. the District Commission and the Local Commission may delegate any of the powers conferred upon them by the scheme to the Chairman of the respective Commission or to the Engineer or to a committee or to a village council where such exists for the purpose of carrying out the objects of this scheme.

Ruinous build• 4. The Local Commission may, after due notice, order the removal ings, etc. by the owner at his own expense or may themselves remove ruinous and/or insanitary buildings situated in any part of the area of the scheme. , '

Ovens. 5. If, in their opinion, existing ovens are causing a nuisance either by being located on land normally used or required for a road or square or by emitting smoke, the Local Commission shall serve a notice on the owner of the oven requesting him, at his own expense, to remove that oven by a specified time.

Power of Local 6. If any person fails within a specified time to carry out any work Commission to required by the Local Commission in accordance with paragraphs 1, execute work. 4 and 5 of this Part of this Scheme (relating to dangerous buildings, ruinous buildings and ovens) that person shall be guilty of an offence against the Town Planning Ordinance and the Local Commission shall be empowered themselves to carry out the work and shall be entitled to recover the cost thereof from that person as a civil debt.

Compensation. 7. No compensation shall be payable to the owners of a dangerous or ruinous building or of an oven in respect of any work carried out by him in accordance with paragraphs 1, 4 and 5 of this Part of the Scheme 14th March, 1946 THE PALESTINE GAZE-TIT No. 1481—SUPPLEMENT NO. '2. 451

URBAN PROPERTY TAX ORDINANCE, 1940. URBAN AREA OR JERUSALEM—REVISION, 1946—47. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF VALUATION LISTS, 2ND TOUR. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Revision Committee having duly recorded their valu• ation of the properties which have become assessable and whose valuation has been revised since the publication of the last valuation lists of the Blocks detailed herebelow in the Urban Area of Jerusalem, the valuation lists of such assessable properties have now been deposited for inspection at the office of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem. \ Block No. Name of Quarter •Block No. Name of Quarter 30001 Upper Baq'a I 30080 Schneller III 30004 Upper Baq'a IV 30084 Bukharaliyeh I 30006 Qatamon I 30085 Bukharaliyeh II 30007 Qatamon II 30090 Ziebenburgen I 30009 Namamreh 30092 Nahalat Shimon 30010 Dajaniyeh 30095 Sheikh Jarah 30014 Baq'a Wariyeh II 30103 Al Karmin 30019 30106 30020 Shama'a 30116 Talpioth 30023 Kiryat Shmuel 30117 Talpioth 30033 Joret en Nusnas 30121 Qatamon V 30038 I 30123 Qatamon VI 30039 Sha'arei Hessed 30128 Az-Zawiyeh II 30042 Ratisbonne v 30132 Wad al Joz II 30057 Wad al Joz I 30134 Al Rihaniyeh 30065 Sheikh Okasha 30140 Krum es Samak II 30067 Ahwa 30143 Al Himri II 30069 Kerem 30149 Beit Hakerem I 30073 Beit Ya'aqov 30151 Al Marahin II 30075 Rom'ema 30153 Montefiore II 30076 Abu El Bassal 30159 Beit Hakerem II 30077 Khiliet al Mghar 30163 Al Marahin I 30079 Schneller II 30144 Wad El Madine. Objections may be lodged in writing (on forms obtainable from District Offices) with

the Assessment Committee within a period of thirty days from the date of this publica• tion. Dated this fourteenth day of March, 1946. \ • J. H. H. POLLOCK (Gaz/22/40). District Commissioner, Jerusalem District. URBAN PROPERTY TAX ORDINANCE, 1940. URBAN AREA OF BETHLEHEM—QUINQUENNIAL REVALUATION. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF VALUATION LISTS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Assessment Committee having duly, recorded the valu• ation of the properties in the Blocks detailed herebelow in the Urban Area of Bethlehem, the valuation lists have been deposited for inspection at the District Commissioner's Offices. > ' Block No. Name of Quarter Block No. Name of Quarter 28010 El Qubeh & Mawradeh 28017 Bab Ez Zekak 28011 Qubour El Atfal 28018 El Bissa 28012 El Qitta' & El Mauradeh 28019 El Karmel 28013 El Zauyeh 28020 El Farahiyeh 28014 Et Tarajmeh 28021 El Fawaghreh 28015 Hreizat , 28022 Hreizat 28016 El Baten , 28028 Ed Dheisheh. 452 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1481—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 14th March, 1946

Objections may be lodged in writing (on forms obtainable from the District Offices) with the Assessment Committee within a period of thirty days from the date of this pub­ lication. ! Dated this 9th of March, 1946. \ • , J. H. H. POLLOCK .District Commissioner, Jerusalem District : ־ : .(Gaz/22/40)

• URBAN PROPERTY TAX ORDINANCE, 1940. URBAN AREA OF NAHARIYA. i NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF SUPPLEMENTARY VALUATION LISTS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Revision Committee having duly recorded their valuation of properties in the undermentioned blocks situated in the Urban Area of Nahariya, the supplementary valuation lists have been deposited for inspection at the District Offices, Nahariya. ! Blocks Nos. : 18146, 18147, 18165, 18166, 18167, 18168, 18169, 18170, 18171, 18172, 18173, 18174, 18175. ; Objections may be lodged in writing on the form obtainable from the District Offices, Nahariya, with the Revision! Committee at the District Offices, Nahariya, within a period of thirty days from the date of the publication of this notice in the Gazette.

7th March 1946. ! C T. EVANS (Gaz/25/40) 1 District Commissioner, Galilee District.

. URBAN PROPERTY TAX ORDINANCE, 1940. URBAN AREA OF MAJDAL. NOTICE OF POSTING OF VALUATION LISTS UNDER SECTION 13(2). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the j Revision Committee having duly recorded their "valuation of properties in the undermentioned blocks, the valuation lists have been deposited at the District Office of Gaza. .Blocks Nos.-: 1209,1218,1234,1243—1246,1248,1250—1257. Any person may examine the list and, if he is aggrieved, may lodge an objection in writing on form CL/10 obtainable from the District Office, before the expiration of thirty days after this notice has been published in the Gazette. W. E. McGEAGH (Gaz/29/40) . District Commissioner, Gaza District.

URBAN PROPERTY TAX ORDINANCE, 1940. URBAN AREA OF KHAN YUNIS. NOTICE OF POSTING OF VALUATION LISTS UNDER SECTION 13(2). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Revision Committee having duly recorded their valuation of properties in the undermentioned blocks, the valuation lists have been de­ posited at the District Office of Gaza. Blocks Nos. : 49, 63, 67, 98—100, 103—108, 110—113. Any person may examine the list and, if he is aggrieved, may lodge an objection in writing on form CL/10 obtainable from the District •Office, before the expiration of . thirty days after this notice has been published in the Gazette.

\ W. R. McGEAGH (Gaz/29/40). . District Commissioner, Gaza, District. 14th March, 1946 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1481—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 453 LAND REGISTERS ORDINANCE, 1944. NOTICE UNDER SECTION 4. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the entries in the land registers relating to the sub­ sisting interests, rights and obligations in respect of the lands described in the First Schedule hereto have been destroyed in whole or in part and that I intend to hold enquiries with a view to preparing new entries. Any person who claims that he is interested in the reconstruction of the entries is hereby required to submit in writing ,to me at the Department of Land Registration, Jerusalem, within, the period of thirty days from the date of the publication of this notice a statement of his claim. The entries believed to be concerned relate to the interests menti6ned in the Second Schedule hereto. ' * THE FIRST SCHEDULE.

Particulars of Property Tax Area Serial Town or Registration Assessment File Locality No. Village No. Dunums Metres Volume Folio Block Parcel

Old dunums Pics 634 El-Harika 2 — 72, Eilul, — ' 2859/45 1299, Yoklama — 635 Lifta Jisr Bartoum 74, Eilul, — 2859/45 1299, Yoklama 636 Bethlehem Najajreh — — 91, 92, 93, — — 3063/45 and 94 ״ ,Nisan, 1321 Yoklama 637 Bethlehem Akabat Allan — 1200 111, 112,, — — 3063/45 '113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, Nisan 1321 Yoklama 638 Bethlehem Akabat Allan — 1200 119, 120, — — ; 3063/45 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, Nisan, 1321, Yoklama 639 Bethlehem Akabat Allan — 800 127, 128, — — 3063/45 129, 130, 131)132, • 133, 134, Nisan 1321, Yoklama 640 Bethlehem Al-Madba'a 5 — 68, 69, 70, — — 3063/45 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, Nisan,1321 Yoklama 3063/45 — — ,84 ,83 ,׳Bethlehem Al-Madba'a 1 — 82 641 85, 86,87,: > GQ fiQ Nisan, 1321 Dunums Metres 642 Bethlehem El Bassa 1 799 4 207 9 7 3063/45 454 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1481—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 14th March, 1946 Particulars , Property Tax Area Serial Town of Registration Assessment File Locality No. or Village No. Dunums M êtres Volume Folio Block Parcel

Old dunums Pics 643 Bethlehem El'Khilal 1 800 76 & 77 Nisan, — — 3064/45 1321, Yoklama Bethlehem Akabat Babun — 300 109 & 110 — 3064/45 644־ ׳׳ ,Nisan 1321, Yoklama 645 Jeeb Khirbet El Ajouzeh 1 — 189 Shibat, — — 3040/45 Daimi 1325־ 646 Jeeb El Madina 1 — 190 Shibat, — — 3040/45 ־ 'Daimi 1325 647 Jeeb Siret Isrim 2 800 191 Shibat, — — 3040/45 1325 Daimi Shibat, — — 3040/45 '192 ׳ — Teeb Iktaa Abu Khaldch 2• 648 1325 Daimi 3040/45 ־• — ־ ,Jeeb El Khirbeh 1 — 194 Shibat 649 1325 Daimi 650 Jeeb Hariket Bakir 3 — 195 Shibat, —. — / 3040/45 1325 Daimi . 651 Jeeb Mares El Mihratheh 1 — 196 Shibat, —. — 3040/45 1325, Daimi Dunums Metres 53 652 El Baka'a — 592 12 178 30013 (Urban) 66/46 Old Dunums Pics 653 Lifta ' Jabal Wad Sahyoun 10 — 312 Tishrin — . — 78/46 Awal, 1298, Yoklama Dunums Metres 654 Lifta Zil El Bur 3 677 21 t . 3,4 — — 3041/45 655 Lifta , Karm El Bur 5 056 21 9,10 — 3041/45 qt o 459 12 14 6 656 Bin Karem Wad Um Wadin — (Eural) 2926/45 o,A /7 5 515 12 . 15 * 6 2926/45 657 Khirbet Wadin (Eural) 0 658 Ein Karem El Bassa 2 758 12 10 . 6 (Eural) 2917/45 2 659 Ein Karem El Mahjarah 7 354 12 11 6 (Eural) 2917/45

660 Ein Karem Khanouk Wad 22 982 12 12 6 (Eural) 2917/45 Madian 4 661 Ein Karem Jisour El Misseh 3 677' 12 13 6 (Eural) 2917/45 662 Ein Karem Eehavia Hamur- — 140 • 12 31 — — 2925/45 heveth 663 Ein Karem Eehavia Hamur- — 367 12 32 ' — • — 2925/45 heveth 664 Ein Karem Eehavia Hamur- — 332 12 33 — —- 2925/45 heveth 665 Ein Karem Eehavia Hamur- — 298 12 34 — 2925/45 heveth 666 Ein Karem Eehavia Hamur- — 213 12 35 — — 2925/45 heveth 667 Ein Karem Eehavia Hamur- 1 206 12 39 — — 2925/45 heveth 668 Ein Karem Eehavia Hamur- 4 , 773 12 51 — — 2925/45 heveth • 669 Lifta Burji El Tout —' 861 4 62 — 74/46 14th March, 1946 x THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1481—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 455

Area Particulars of Property Tax Registration Assessment Serial Town or Locality File No. No. Village Dunums Metres Volume Folio Block Parcel

80/46 72 66 ׳Jerusalem Okashe 195 22 168 670 671 Deir Yassin 4 692 6 9 131/46 Ard Abu Shamieh 101 Jerusalem 1 694 65 17 30084 (Urban) 63/46 672׳ Bucharian Quarter 47 673 Jerusalem Kiryat Shemuel 315 73 2 30023 (Urban) 135/46 674 Jerusalem Janzeer El Foka — 476 20 53 38 115 107/46 45 675 Jerusalem Bab El Amoud 026 31 • 196 64 (Urban) 79/46 Waar Rajab 1 88 44 676 Lifta , 64 3056/45 677 Jerusalem Bab El Khalil 1 294 17 7 102/46

THE SECOND SCHEDULE. Serial Deed Nature of ' Grantor Grantee Share No. No. Transaction

634 Succession Ahmad Hamdan Hamoud Salin!, Nimeh and 1/2 Hilweh children of Ahmad Hamdan Hamoud 635 Succession Ahmad Hamdan Hamoud Salim, Nimeh and - 1/2 Hilweh children of Ahmad Hamdan Hamoud 636 Partition Jiries Khalil Abdallah 2/7 Handal Issa Khalil Abdallah 2/7 Handal Hanna Khalil Abdallah 2/7 Handal Jamileh Khalil Abdallah 1/7. Handal 637 Partition Jiries Khalil Abdallah 2/7 (Land) Handal Issa Khalil Abdallah 2/7 Handal Hanna Khalil Abdallah 2/7 Handal Jamileh Khalil Abdallah 1/7 Handal Partition Jamileh Khalil Abdallah 1/7 (Trees) Handal Jiries Khalil Abdallah 1/7 Handal Issa Khalil Abdallah 1/7 Handal Hanna Khalil Abdallah 1/7 Handal 638 Partition Hanna Khalil Abdallah 1/7 (Land) Handal Jiries Khalil Abdallah 1/7 Handal Issa Khalil Abdallah 1/7 Handal Jamileh Khalil Abdallah 1/7 Handal 456 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1481—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 14th March, 1946

Deed Nature: of Grantee . Share ־,־ Serial Grantor No. No. Transaction Partition — Jamileh Khalil Abdallah 1/7 _ (Trees) Handal Jiries Khalil Abdallah 2/7 Handal 1 Issa Khalil Abdallah 2/7 Handal Hanna Khalil Abdallah 2/7 Handal 639 Partition — Hanna Khalil Abdallah 2/7 (Land) Handal «Tiries Khalil Abdallah 2/7• Handal Issa Khalil Abdallah 2/7 Handal Jamileh Khalil Abdallah 1/7 Handal Partition — Jamileh Khalil Abdallah 1/7 i (Trees) Handal Jiries Khalil Abdallah 2/7 Handal Issa Khalil Abdallah 2/7 Handal Hanna Khalil Abdallah 2/7 Handal 640 Sale (Land) Ibrahim son of Abdallah Jiries Khalil Abdallah 36/168 Handal and others Handal Issa Khalil Abdallah 36/168 Handal Hanna Khalil Abdallah 36/168 Handal Jamileh Khalil Abdallah 56/168 Handal Sale (Trees) — Jiries Khalil Abdallah 32/168 Handal Issa Khalil Abdallah 32/168 Handal Hanna Khalil Abdallah 32/168 Handal Jamileh Khalil Abdallah 18/168 Handal 641 Sale (Land) Ibrahim son of Abdallah Jiries Khalil Abdallah 36/168 Handal and others Handal Issa Khalil Abdallah 36/168 Handal Hanna Khalil Abdallah 36/168 Handal Jamileh Khalil Abdallah 18/168 Handal Sale (Trees) — jiries Khalil Abdallah 36/168 Handal Issa Khalil Abdallah 36/168 Handal Hanna Khalil Abdallah 36/168 - Handal Jamileh Khalil Abdallah 18/168 Handal In whole Sale Issa, Jalii, Saleh, Jiries Khalil Handal ־ 5547/35 642 children of Anton Suleiman and Farida bint Jadallah Dakarat 14th March, 1946 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1481—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 487

Serial Nature of Deed No. Grantor Grantee Share No. Transaction

643 Sale (Land) Ibrahim hin Abdallah Jiries bin Abdallah 3/4 ' Handal and others Handal — Sale (Trees) — Jiries bin Abdallah 3/4 Handal 644 — Partition — Jiries bin Abdallah In whole ; (Land) Handal Partition — Jiries bin Abdallah In whole (Trees) Handal Succession Yousef Abu Sabeé Suleiman bin Abdallah 3/30 • ׳ , 645 Muhamad bin Abdallah 3/30 Ahmad bin Yousef 6/30 Abu Sabe£ Khadijeh: bint Yousef 6/30 Abu Sabee Safieh bint Yousef 6/30 Abu Sabee Hammad son of Muhamad 2/30 Muhamadieh bint' 2/30 Muhamad Hamdeh bint Muhamad 2/30 646 — Succession Yousef Abu Sabeé Suleiman bin Abdallah : •, 3/30 Muhamad bin Abdallah 3/30 Ahmad biri Yousef 6/30 i Abu Sabe6 Khadijeh bint Yousef 6/30 Abu Sabee Safieh bint Yousef ' . 6/30 Abu Sabee Hammad son of Muhammad 2/30 ׳ Mohammiadieh bint 2/30 Muhamad , Hamdeh bint M.uhamad 2/30 647 — Succession' Yousef Abu Sabeé Suleiman bin Abdallah 3/30 Muhamad bin Abdallah 3/30 Ahmad bin Yousef 6/30 Abu Sabee^ Khadijeh bint Yousef 6/30 Abu Sabee Safieh bint Yousef 6/30 Abu Sabee* Hammad son of Muhamad ! 2/30 Mohamadieh bint 2/30 • Muhamad Hamdeh bint Muhamad 2/30 648 ' Succession Yousef Abu Sabeé Suleiman.bin Abdallah.". 3/30 Muhamad bin Abdallah 3/30 Ahmad bin Yousef 6/30 Abu Sabee* Khadijeh bint Yousef 6/30 Abu Sabee Safieh bint Yousef 6/30 Abu Sabee* Hammad son of Muhamad 2/30 Mohamadieh bint 2/30 Muhamad Hamdeh bint Muhamad , 2/30 , 649 ' Succession Yousef Abu Sabeé Suleiman bin Abdallah 3/30 Muhamad bin Abdallah 3/30 Ahmad bin Yousef 6/30 V Abu Sabee* 458 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1481—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 14th March, 1946 .1 Serial Deed Nature of Grantor - j Grantee Share No. No. Transaction 1

> Khadijeh bint Yousef 6/30 Abu Sabe6 Safieh bint Yousef 6/30 Abu Sabee Hammad !son of Muhamad 2/30 Muhamadieh bint 2/30 f Muhamad Hamdeh bint Muhamad 2/30 650 Succession Yöusef Abu Sabee Suleiman bin Abdallah 3/30 Muhamad bin Abdallah 3/30 Ahmad bin Yousef 6/30 Abu Sabee* Khadijeh bint Yousef 6/30 Abu Sabee Safieh bint Yousef 6/30 Abu Sabee Hammad son of Muhamad 2/30 Muhamadieh bint 2/30 Muhamad Hamdeh bint Muhamad 2/30 651 Succession Yousef Abu Sabee Suleiman bin Abdullah 3/30, • Muhamad bin Abdullah 3/30 Ahmad bin Yousef Abu 6/30 Sabee Khadijeh bint Yousef 6/30 Abu Sabee Safieh bint Yousef Abu 6/30 Sabee > Hammad son of Muhamad. 2/30 Muhamadieh bint 2/30 Muhamad Hamdeh bint Muhamad 2/30 Husein bin Mahmoud In whole ׳ Sale Jamileh bint Moustafa 886/32 652 El Karram El Karram 653 New Re­ — Joudeh bin Ahmad In whole gistration Adawi 654 3878/35 Succession Ilayan bin Muhammad Ahmad Ismail Muhammad 320/23040 Mu'alla • Akleh Musa Abdul Hay Ilayan 240/23040 Amneh bint Abdul Hay 240/23040 Ilayan Aishe bint Abdul Hay 240/23040 Ilayan Hilweh bint Ahmad Ilayan 410/23040 Fattumeh bint Ahmad 320/23040 Ilayan Khadijeh bint Abdul 131/23040 Hady Abu Zeinab Muhammad bin Mustafa 63/23040 Ismail Aisheh bint Mustafa 63/23040 Ismail Fattuma bint Mustafa 63/23040 Ismail Muhammad bin Ah Muhd 192/23040 Earhan Fatmeh Hasan Saleh 192/23040 Farhan 14th March, 1946 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1481-—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 459

Serial Deed Nature of Grantor Grantee Share No. No. Transaction

Shahdeh bin Muhd: 75/23040 Abdul Hai Fatmeh bint Muhd 75/23040 Abdul Hai , Ahmad bin Ali Ahmad 80/23040 Mohd bin Ali Ahmad 80/23040 Moussa bin AH Ahmad 80/23040 Eassa bin Ali Ahmad 80/23040 Eassa bin Moussa . 64/23040 Saleh Farhan 64/23040־ Hussein •bin Moussa Saleh Farhan Husni bin Moussa. 64/23040 Saleh Fä'hah Jamileh bint Saleh 80/23040 Hassan Farhan Eashide bint Eashid 192/23040 Hassan Farhan ׳ Zarifeh bint Mustafa 32/23040 Hassan Farhan Daoud bin Hussein 20/23040 Khalil. Hassan bin Daoud 30/23040 , Hussein Khalil Mustafa bin Daoud 30/23040 Hussein Khalil Azizeh bint Ahmad 320/23040 Ilayan 3879/35 Sale Ahmad Ismail Muhd Ismail Moussa Abdul 160/23040 Alcleh Hay ' Shahdeh Muhd Abdul 160/23040 , Hay 655 3878/35 Succession Hay an bin Muhammad Ahmad Ismail Muhd 320/15360 Mu'alla Akleh Musa Abdul Hay Ilayan 240/15360 Amneh bint Abdul 240/15360 Hay.yflayan Aishe bint Abdul 240/15360 Hay Ilayan Hilweh bint Ahmad 410/15360 Ilayan Fattumeh bint Ahmad 320/15360 Ilayan Khadijeh bint Abdul 131/15360 • ־ Hady Abu Zeinab Muhd bin Mustafa 63/15360 Ismail Aisheh bint Mustafa 63/15360 Ismail ; Fattuma bint Mustafa 63/15360 Ismail Muhd bin Ali Muhd 192/15360 Farhan Fatmeh bint Hassan 192/15360 Saleh Farhan Shahdeh bin Muhd. 75/15360 Abdul Hay Fatmeh bint Muhd. 75/15360 Abdul Hay 460 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1481—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 14th March, 1946:

Serial Deed Nature of Grantor Grantee Share No. No. Transaction

Ahmad bin Ali Ahmad 80/15360 Muhd. bin Ali Ahmad 80/15360 Mussa bin Ali Ahmad 80/15360 Eassa bin Ali Ahmad 80/15360 Eassa bin Musa Saleh 64/15360 Farhan Hussein bin Musa Saleh 64/15360 ׳ Farhan Husni bin Musa Saleh . 64/15360 Farhan Jamileh bint Saleh 80/15360 Hassan Fârhan Eashide bint Eashid 192/15360 Hassan Farhan Zarifeh bint Mustafa 32/15360 Hassan Farhan Daoud bin Hussein 20/15360 Khalil Hassan bin Daoud 30/15360 Hussein Khalil I Mustafa bin Daoud 30/15360 Hussein Khalil Azizeh bint Ahmad 320/15360 Ilayan 3879/35 Sale, • . , Ahmad Ismail Muhd Ismail Moussa Abdul 160/15360 Akeleh Hay Shahdeh Muhd Abdul 160/15360 Hay 656 1205/44 Sale Ayish Muhammad Ali Palestine Land Develop• 4/32 Issa ment Co. Ltd. 1217/44 Sale Mahmoud Abdallah Palestine Land Develop• 1064/7168 Odeh Zeidan and others ment Co. Ltd. Sale Palestine Land Develop­ Odeh Ismail Odeh 252/7168 1218/44 ' . ־ Ahmad Zeidan ment Co. Ltd.

657 1205/44 Sale t. AyshelV Muhammad Ali Palestine Land Develop­ 4/96 Issa ment Co. Ltd. .1217/44 Sale Muhammad Abdalla Odeh Palestine Land Develop- 1064/21504 Zeidan and others . ment Co. Ltd. ׳Sale Moussa Ismail Odeh Palestine Land Develop­ 252/21504 1218/44 t Zeidan ! ment Co. Ltd. 658 3084/42 Sale Ayshé Muhammad Ali Palestine Land Develop• 5040/307200 Issa ment Co. Ltd. 3140/42 Mortgage ! Palestine Land Develop• Keren Kayemeth 5040/30.7200 ment Co Ltd Leisrael Ltd. 659 3084/42 Sale Ayshé Muhammad Ali Palestine Land Develop• 5040/307200 Issa ment Co. Ltd. 3140/42 Mortgage Palestine Land Develop• Keren Kayemeth 5040/307200 ment Co Ltd Leisrael Ltd. 660 3084/42 Sale Ayshé Muhammad Ali Palestine Land Develop• 5040/307200 • Issa ment Co. Ltd. 3140/42 Mortgage Palestine Land Develop• Keren Kayemeth 5040/307200 ment Co Ltd Leisrael Ltd. ' 661 3084/42 Sale Ayshé Muhammad Ali Palestine Land Develop• 4/192 Issa ment Co. Ltd. 3140/42 Mortgage Palestine Land Develop• Keren Kayemeth 4/192 ment Co Ltd Leisrael Ltd. 662 1040/43 Parcellation — Palestine Land Develop• In whole ment Co. Ltd. 663 1040/43 Parcellation — Palestine Land Develop• In whole ment Co. Ltd. 14th March, 1946 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1481—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 461

Serial Deed Nature of Grantor Grantee \ Share No. No.• Transaction

664. 1043/43 Parcellation — Palestine Land Develop­ In whole ment Co. Ltd. 665 1043/43 Parcellation — Palestine Land Develop­ In whole ment Co. Ltd. Palestine Land Develop­ In whole ־— Parcellation 1040/43 666 ment Co. Ltd. 667 1040/43 Parcellation : — Palestine Land Develop­ In whole ment Co. Ltd. 668 ,1564/43 Parcellation — Palestine Land Develop­ In whole ment Co. Ltd. 669 2537/34 Sale Ovadia ben Todros Haim Zarfati In whole 670 2585/30 Correction of Harold Henry Harris Leib Sarasohn In whole Registration and Arthur Cohen in accord­ ance with the Cor­ rection of ׳־Land Ee ׳gisters Or­ • i dinance, 1926 671 4316/34 Sale Michael Shraga Harris Abraham• Miller In whole 672 36/42 Exchange Blor widow of Yehuda Mishael Masheyoff 1/2 Masheyoff and others 673 1179/44 Sale Free Loan Fund Ozar < Alice Schenbraut 1/2 Hahessed Keren Samuel Esther Charnilas 1/2 674 4207/41 Sale Israel Zablodovsky Binyamin Markovitz , In whole 1/2 ־•' ' Sale Binia Perelshtcin Miriam Fridel 1475/34 675 Eeuben Fridel 1/2 676 1839/29 Sale Esther bat Shlomo Kalie Yaqov ben Itzhaq Sasson In whole 677 4498/34 Gift Benjamin ben Joseph Maurice Moise Coke In whole Kokia

Dated this 12th day of February 1946. \ ' ;J. F. SPEY Assistant Director of Land Registration, Authorised Officer.

LAND (SETTLEMENT OF TITLE) ORDINANCE. NOTICE OF POSTING OF SCHEDULES OF RIGHTS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the schedules of rights to land in the village, town and settlement areas scheduled hereunder, and for the registration blocks mentioned, have been posted at the offices of the Area Settlement Officers concerned and at the District Offices of the Sub-District* in which the village and town are situated, in accordance with section 33(2) of the Ordinance. "»

Settlement Date of Posting Nos. of Registration Village/Town Sub-District Office at of Schedule Blocks

Sabbarin Haifa Haifa | 28.2.46 11963, 11965, 11966, ' 11968, 11972, 11977, 11983, 11984 and - 11985. Haifa Haifa Haifa 6.3.46 10751

E. F. JAEDINE (Gaz/1/40) Acting Director,* Department öf Land Settlement. 462 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1481—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 14th March, 1946

ANIMAL DISEASES ORDINANCE, 1945. NOTICE BY THE CHIEF VETERINARY OFFICER UNDER SECTION 2. No. 43 of 1945. IN EXERCISI: of the powers vested in me by section 2 of the Animal Diseases Ordinance, 1945, I hereby declare the following offices to be offices the holders of which are included in the term "Veterinary Officer" for the purposes of the said Ordinance: — Senior Veterinary Research Officer, Veterinary Research Officer, Senior Veterinary Officer, ^ Assistant Senior Veterinary Officer. G. B. SIMMINS ־ .12th March, 1946 (A/154/32) . . Chief Veterinary Officer.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with regulation 20(2) of the Regulations for the nomination and election of councillors for muni­ No. 1 of 1934. cipal corporations set out in the Seventh Schedule to the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, that the names of the candidates set out in the Schedule hereto have been reported to me in writing by the

Returning Officer as the names of the candidates declared by him to Gaz: 14.2.46, have been elected, at the election held at Beisan on the 4th day of p. 294. March, 1946, as councillors for the Municipal Corporation of Beisan. SCHEDULE. 1. Ahmad Eff. Abu Ali 2. Dr. Rashad Darwish Ahmad 3. Ass'ad Eff. Ali Tahtamouni 4. Abdul Ra'ouf Eff. En Naji 5. Mohammad Eff. Hussein Za'za' .ad Eff. Abu Ali'־Fu .6 8th March, 1946. • C. T. EVANS (G/6/46) District Commissioner, Galilee District.


No. 4 of 1942. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by section 4 of the Food CM.G., C.B.E., Food ׳ ,Control Ordinance, 1942, I, GEOFFREY WALSH Controller, do hereby order as follows : — Citation. 1. This Order may be cited as the Food Control (Rusks) (Revoca­ tion) Order, 1946. Revocation. 2. The Food Control (Rusks) Order, 1943, shall be revoked. Gaz: 28.10.43, p. 981. G. WALSH 12th March, 1946 Footf Controller. 14th-March, 1946 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1481—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 463

FOOD CONTROL ORDINANCE, 1942. ORDEE BY THE CONTEOLLER UNDER SECTION 4. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by section 4. of the Food No. 4 of 1942. Control Ordinance, 1942, I, GEOFFREY WALSH, C.M.G., C.B.E., Food Controller, do hereby cancel the order made under section 4 of the said Ordinance, notice of which was published on page 747 of Supple­ ment 2 to Palestine Gazette No. 1190, dated 30th April, 1942. G. WALSH .Food Controller ' ׳ .12th March, 1946

EXPLANATORY NOTE. The above Order cancels the provision by which the sale or other disposal of imported butter was made subject to a special permit signed by an. Assistant Food Controller.