' A iteJtJV v ' t --. r i rr - iji -- ,v XV1 LEDOER-rPHILAJDilLPHl- A. a ) Ptfitie " . ..'--I 3T T" '."IV" "".', '.".' J.' '.Ae.T '.y4 n. .'.', t ' ' r i m ., ; inMifiiKliiiiil'-!T-"'- r . " T i nn 1 1 .i ii i i,, iii I .r . .i I ui i , i nfo V jtJSVr GOSSIP ABOUT PEOEE EMBRGE!QAtlJ.gfc FOR" MORE DRESSINGS ;., Concert by Miss Homer Mr. Joint and Werrenrath Valley T& Hospital Service Ogontz and Huntingdon Physician's Wifd Vislte-iltl- to Benefit Hahnemann Social Red Cross Auxiliary to Pro- of Mother Durtntr Rmhini 7. Cushman Club to Give Tea vide 2600 by December 20 Absence on Hunting Trip? i tfnO-MOimo- Wayne, night "tlioro will ti tlio for the wedding party nno Immediate Tho Ogontz Huntingdon Valley branch families. Sir. Howson Is stationed at Camp nnd MOOm:sTOAV.V A Christmas dance''? fJJ't urh.tnlkeil.of concordat tho Academy of the Ited Cross has had n special appeal oe given nt Odd KellowV Hall on" - Meade. uruay i of Music for tho benefit of tho Social Serv- 1600 surgical dressings before December evening. Decembtr 20. The patrol for win no jflce Depirt-ne- nl Hahnemann Hos- - Mrs. It. Herbert Crdwell. Mrs. of tho Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Turner, of Woods SO. Mrs. Sumner II. Cross, chairman of tho Ham McCahan. M T Chicago, J. Jr.. Umi.n n pltal. You sec. theso good women on tho Hole, Mass., formerly of announce surgical dressings committee, received a letter Ing, Mrs. i:dmund W, Maule, Mrs. Joseph! tho marriage of their daughter, Miss Cornelia Doara or managers aro most amwus io from thg Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter Potter. Mrs. W. Cheston Stokes. ".J '3 Turner, to Mr. Wlllard 1'ylo Tomllnson, of Dr. n. II. raUo money to pay another social worker asking for SC00 dressings as Its part of Ilartlne Uimer has left on I Swarthmore, Pa. extended hunting trip In. Florida. Mrs. I) "to talto Mro of tho mothers and babies The wedding took place December B at the tho 200,000 tho Southeastern Penn-s)lvjn- la ' which during his nbsencc. Is vlsltlnr nt tha after they, icavo tho hospital. Mrs. Thomas home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles 11 Crane, uncle Chapter has been apportioned by tho of her mother. Mrs. Edward Berkhead. Is president of tho Social Scrv and aunt of the bride. special llcverly. , II t Carmlcrs'l Mr. Tomllnson. a Haverford College alum-ni- American lied Cross In this drive d. Mrs. Harry Frnntz Is n deleiratx Jce Boa-- Mrs. Carmlchacl Is president secre- Ogontz Hutlngdon Valley branch in 't Is now engaged In war work as a Tho and national convention of tv. C. T. U., now of tho Germantown Cllib also and a most tary for the Young Men's Christian Associa- In tho ten months slnco Its organization has session at Washington. worker In any of tho various affairs tion. He Is a son of Profe'sor A. II, Tom- responded to every call, met every emer- Miss Helen Durmi li enterlolnln ardent llnson and Mrs. Tomllnson. of Swarthmore. In Is Associated with gency, and has exceeded Its apportionment of Mary Owans, of West I'hlladelphla, over tkM ' which she Interested. ttrrfL'.vnil I j l1 rl chargo special affair as the Ited Cross In each field ot activity. her and In of this Mrs. arranged tho following schedulo Mr. and Mrs. William D. Norcross naW5 Sailer, daughter of Mrs. II. Cros, chairman Is Mrs. Clarenco. Eartlctt, and Miss Pauline surgical vvc-r- during the coming two closed their Jiomo and will spend several for " V iho other women on tho commltteo aro Sailer, and Mr. Ileuben Davis were quietly weeks, December S to 20, at tho surgical months In Vlnrl.ln "n married on Sunday afternoon nt 6 o'clock at rooms, Club Heading room, Miss Kathleen Murphy, of N'ew Vork. Is UiV 'f'Mrs. Juy Gates, Mrs. Walter Madeira, 32(3 Rldgo Jenkintown and i the home of tho bride's mother, Prlday, Derember 7, 5:30 a. in. to 5 p. in. ; guest of Mrs. Ucrnard Gray, of East Mala.' 1 Montgomery, Mrs. Dlddlo avenue. ' - Mrs. 'William J. Saturday, December 8, 0 n. in. to 1 p. m. J 6ltoct- i How- C , j-- 11. D. C. Tower, Mrs. 10, n. tit. to p. - Marsden, Mrs. Monday, December !:30 m.j - Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Sweeney announce. tho Wednesday, 12, 0:30 n, to 5 p. air. and Mrs.- William .: ard C. Potts. Mrs. Oeorco C. Thomas. Jr., December in. v.iarn navo to homo marriage of their daughter. Miss Fay m. ; December 11, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p. m. ; returned their after ' dnd Mrs. John H. Whittaker. Friday. lorimghfs stay In Atlantic City. '? Sweeney,' to Mr. Harry M. Itiynlg on Satur- S.iturdny, December 15, 9 aj) m, to 5 p. in.; ,j Tho concert Is to bo a Joint recital by day December 8. Mr. and Mrs Homlg wilt Monday, December 17, 9:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. ; Miss Louisa Homer and Mr. Hclnald Wer- be nt homo after January 1 at 2738 West Wednesday, December 19. 9:30 u. in. to 5 linvicitLY Mr. und Mrs. Frank StreeM Montgomery avenue. p. in, navo closed their homo In thl city and will' you know, Is the , ...,l-'.j,- " renrath. Jho former, Bn.n.l ...... I .. l... -.i An urgent appeal Is mado to every lied c,..., puivi.i Mwna in- nuia. ' BT dJURhtc.' of tho 'great contrutto of that Mr. McD. Heppe. 402 A largo flag bearing andltrs. Mareellui of CHARLES FARNUM Cross member In the community to holp In silk servlco flvo stariiTJ Bamo name, and Mr. Werrenrath had, tho Hast Mount Airy avenue, are receiving con- T this pressing need for surgical dressings. Our was unfurled nt tho Sunday evening servV ' "J distinction of being tho barltono soloist In gratulations upon tho birth of a son. base hospital units urc at tho front, and from Ices at tho Methodist Episcopal Churcli. J5jt ffl JIKMIHHhIJIH them tomes the continual cry "Make moro .vir. jiiair Kergusson gavo n ThanksglvlngKt-"- ho great Mahler Symphony, which was MONTHLY MEETING surgical dressings." Over tvvo hundred men dinner to 100 girls nnd boys of this city., WH given with such success hero two years Mr. and Mrs. John Spitz, of 1S23 North ntghth street, announce the engagement of In this territory havo responded to the coun- well-know- Dan- - OF MOTHERS' CLUB I'llflmv-ATtI- J ago. , His father was tho their daughter Miss Sadie Spitz, nnd Mr, try's call tho women nt home must stand IHTM.' vrt- nl.J,,. TlAi.' i lsh tenor, George Werrenrath. Altogether, Myer Itablnovltz. They will bo at home behind them. Don't fall them now! Twenty-tl- x aid has rctunicd to her home. Scotia Farms. hundred dressings December 20. 3 ,you will agree wo may expect some con- - Sunday evening, December 16, frtm 8 to 10, Luncheon Will Fri- before ner pjienuing a iorimgni vvnn trienus Be Given on As soon as possible following this present New York. cert. rciT Vwl day Afternoon in Iankford for drlvo tho turglcal work will bo transfci Lieutenant Frank S. Conrov will leave tOT-.'?- to tho rooms In McDonnell's new building. Old Camp McClellan, Anulston, Ala., after enjoyala AMONG the boxholdcrs and patronesses CHAIN OF PARTIES Guest From Harrisburg York road. Tho new rooms will be open Ing a ten days' furlough with his parents, Mti&fr"? every day except Saturday 9 1 tomorrow' night nro Miss Anna from until u0t. ...n. uuiiii o. uuiirui, vi uroau scrccv. tvV xj.for FOR HOSPITAL UNIT und from 2 until 5. Lieutenant Walter Jones Is home for a fort. XT Hampun Harncs, Mrs. Charles D. Barney, The regular monthly meeting of tho Moth- lilsht and will sneml bN furtmiirli Jtr. tho Mlsaos Bell, Mru. Edward Bok, Mrs. J. VtoXo ty Marccau ers' Club villi bo held In tho Frankford and Mrs. Frank Jones, of Warren lane. ilRS. SAMUEL iL' Albert Caldwell, Mlbs Clydo, Mrs. Joseph Twelve Guests at Roxborough HELL: JR. Library tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Miss Marlon II. Crtsswell has gono toTS Prominent of the overseas who, "WHAT'S Scranton, l'a where sho wilt bo a guest G. Darlington, Mrs. Kern Dodge, Mrs. Fred- Tea Invite ight others, Who, members committee, with a Miss Alice Kecch, supervisor of sewing In DOING tor$i'i number of other active members, are planning to send comfort tho public schools In tho city, will speak on erick Purant, Mrs. George W. llklns, Mr. in Turn, Entertain Four kits to the soldiers throughout the winter. Scranton. i'HS Stanley O. Klagg, Jr., Mrs. Harry 13. Red Cros3 sewing which Is being dono In the wi. aiiu jiip, uumes xariai, or vv ayno, 'a.,'j.i. iTQMGftLS; were guests Mr. McCoy French, Mrs. Qulncy A. GUlmorc, Mrs. Al- bchools this j car. Tho ofilcers of tho Moth- of Strickland atvhtKfl ers' Club nro: VJrtL l iiunio vu ciik uvcnuo lor n. lew anys. f fred M. Gray, Mrs. John Orlbbel, Mrs. Some time at tho beginning of tho new year President, Mrs. r. Embrey; Lieutenant und Mrs. Hayward Webb COLLECT MAGAZINES vice president, ar!? Itobcrt E. Hastings, Mrs. Charles A. tho baso hospital unit from the University FOR SOLDIERS Mrs. John Webster; secretary, 410" Wo spending u fortnight in Atlantic City and r Mrs. -- v-, ra0 o tlietM nt flirt f rf' Ilebard, Miss Mary Hcbard, Mrs. P. 1 of PcnnsjlvanU will leave for France. Tha I'. S. Woodln; treasurer. Mrs. John Cumpbell. wk Mrs. James W. Vodges, of Park lane, will tN? nurses, doctors and all members Mljne, Mrs. Carl V. Martin, Mrs. William of the unit Mrs. R. Pialnflcld, Card party and promenade ut Itlttenliouie spend tho week In Atlantic City, as tho guest slZJi proxlded Junior Members of Wyncote Women's Club Formed of Oakland Mreet. will Hotel for benefit St. Homo McAdoo, Jr., Mrs. Francis D. Mcllhenny, must bo with sweaters, mufflers and give a luncheon on Friday afternoon In of Kdmond's for or major Towsand II. llaldwln and Mr tald many - Crippled Children. Admission charge. Mrs. John D. Mcllhenny, Mrs. Georgo W. other comforts. To aid In this work Committee to Secure Reading- Matter Can- honor of Miss Kidney Clover, of Harrisburg, win. who tiro stavlne nt thn ttntel riennla h number of tho young women students have for Pa., who Is her guest weeks. C,lrl' patriotic rally at Academy of Muile,' Mr. Itlchard Satterhvvnlte will leave on De. Montgomery, Mm. Robert L. Montgomery, for several - it nrranccd to glvo a chain of entertainments. Covers will bo laid for ten guests. under au. pices of Junior War Work Council. cember 11 for Miami, rio., for a threo months- Mrs. Benjamin 1". Miller, Mrs. John J. Miss Hhea Ott. of 375 Green lane, Itoxbor- tonments Jenkintown Choral Concert stay. Mr. J Lister, of Paterson, N". J who Free. IV McDevltt. Mlbs Lydla T. Morris, Mrs H. L. ough, gave a tea at hrr home on Saturday spent afternoon to start tho inoetnent. Her guests several dajs as tho guest of his sister, Uanquet of Veteran' Asaoelatlon of Metro- Northrop, Mrs. Charles A. Totter, Mrs. TH12 Junior members of tho Woman's Club C. A. continued Its drive until yesterday and Mrs. Georgo Norrls, of 4070 Frankford ave- politan I.lfn Insurance agents of Philadel- ,m Included Mrs. Albert Jackson, Mrs, Oliver every responded gener- lS- - Wyncoto have formed a lommlttcc, of now ono has most nue, has returned to his home. phia, at Adclphla Hotel. Members. MARKRT William A. Pearson, Mrs. Koland V. Pol- Dill. Miss Helen Goshow. Miss Margaret War- ously. One of the practical things which tho which Miss Mary Vielo Is chairman, to collect Miss M New house, street, , lock,' Mrs. Staunton 11. Peck, Mrs.,H. It. rington, Mlts Myrtle Sllverwood, Mlrs Kdna V. W. 0. A. does H to provide hostess houses of Dltman Ilelmont Improvement Anaoclatlon meeting-- ABOVU Sjlcc, MI'S Caroline Greaves, Mis Dorothy books, records and magazines for thu canton- will entertain tho members of her knitting 3940 Glrard avenue. Tree. 10T1I Warrington Ilulon, Mrs. Henry V. Hogcrs, to servo lis meeting places for tho families club tomorrow Thomas, Miss Helen Thomas, Miss Vita Jones, ments. tho club Doc-to- y i of tho who waiting afternoon. C'olioeki.lnk At tho last meeting of nnd f lends toldlers aro Mr. Muttlu-v- nntlneaa Men's and Taxpayers' .Mrs. Holllnshcad K. Taylor, Mrs. Floyd Miss Margaret Pcnnock und Miss Mabel n. placo on and Mrs. Wrlglcy. of Fall Association meeting, Robinson, of Swarthmore Collegf, gave a to tako their tho battlefield of River, Mhss., tho guests Mr. Slxni and Diamond 'Tomklns, Mrs. Joseph Trotter, Mrs. Ernest Tho novel Idea will be carried out by Each house Is provided uio of and Mrs. streets. Free. very on food France. with u William Buckley, of 4615 A. 11;1R P M. each of tho twelve guests giving a party of Instructive and Interesting talk a director, u cafeteria and an emer- Oakland street. (Irrmantown Men's ll!lS Srtn L. Tustln, Mrs. Gustavo A. Van Lonncp, l'IkIU ; hostess, Mr. Wrlgley, who Is a M. M. In tho United Ilulncn Association then each of the eight, a party of four, He spoko the' food 2,000,-00- meeting, Twcnty-llft- h Wca-'ve- conservation. of situation gency worker. There aro more than 0 and West Tcnn streets. Mrs. Joseph Wayne Jr., Mrs. II. S. and so on until the chain Is comploted, Kach States navy, will ho stationed at Lcaguo Is- as brought about by tho submarine warfare; women In America who do not speak land for several weeks. Fro. ARTCRAFT Mrs. Dlllwyn WIstar, Mrs. J. Morris guest at each party gives tho same amount English. The hostesi liouso Is their only 1'rankf'ord Ilulne Men's op to the general fund. the shortage of sugar, both cano nnd beet, Miss Iottlo Michael, of 2107 Bridge street. Atsoclatlon, rnEsnxTs first showino ?w Wlstar, Mrs. II. C. Wood and Mrs. Carl place of comfort often, where they may find Marshall School, Frankford avenue and Sel- w Miss Kllzabeth Simpson, of Green lane, which had formerly been raised hi Germany, somo one who speaks own language. Is bpendtng two weeks nt Augusta, Ga., lers street. GERALDINE FARRAR Zlcgler. their' bho f'.aiup Free. In the "eell D. De Mllle Directed Play daughter of Mr. II. Mitchell Slmp'on. who Is Austria, Russia nnd Italy and Is confined now Tho Y. W. A. work looks housing vvheia will visit Hancock. Lecture, "Offennlve .Walnut C after Miss Daisy Howell, the Subma- DEVIL-STON- prominent in city's circles, women In of Arrott street. Is rine," by Joseph "THE E" the musical has to tho Weit Indies and the United States, and of joung nnd Industrial plants spending weeks A. Stclnmetz, Franklin In- going completed a courso In surgical dressing work vvhero girls nro now employed In placo several visiting In New York. stitute. Free. Prom tha tjtnry by Beatrice Do Jllllo and Charlotto Cushman Club is to wheat, which Is raised In Canada, Rumania, of Miss Tajlor, Montgomery . THE nt the Ited Cross headquarters and organized men. Laura of East Prison Reform League, 1300 Ilshton O.raun. another delightful tea this veck. avenue, will entertain 500 club .Spruce street. a group of workers In Slount Zlon Methodist Russia and tho British Indies, the Argentino Seven women woikers havo been bent Into her nt her Members. Ft AY a f t.li V.AmV.n. guest bo homo on Thursday. 1 Tho of honor this tlmo will Miss nplsoopal Church last week. This will bo and Australia; and meat from tho United Russia und twelve to France. The Old York Dinner to Harry Dotls, Common Council- rt LirtV-- C o A. M. to 1 1 :1 B P. at : .V. Constanco Collier, who Is no v playing in group 1 of Auxiliary No. 220. Tho meetings Austrnlla; tho Road Clrclo reports from Its collections at man of Thirty-eight- h Ward, Majer's Uanquet ESSANAY PRESENTS i'V States, Argentina and and . AftS Ibbetson." bo will bo held In tho class rooms of tho church the stations last Wedntsday: lloom, 1G20 North Broad btreet, Invitation. TS11RT! AnVI UAVAVAtPA "Peter Tho tea will held good butter which wo have got from Den- -. Informal Teas Given on Thursdays, from 1 to 5 o'clock In tjia after- ?H!,;,- IN FIRST HIIOWINQ OP 1S3 .from 4 until 5:30 o'clock on Friday after noon, 10 evening. Sur- explained UlUlns Park and from'7 to In tho mark and Germany. And he what CS.31 . .Tenklntown .', .. on Sunday Afternoons nttncin n (;i-- . noon. Won't it bo interesting to meet her? gical dressings, hospital garments and knitted has puzzled some of us why we are bending imrxxaci ourii3i up tt.ti11SU apparel will be tho group. Ulensldo 4.50 Tliura.. Frl.. Bat. "Tho Judgment Home." the work of our wheat abroad and not corn, becauto of Xoblo li.Z'i Informal on Sunday afternoon nro METROPOLITAN op1fSB meeting 800 surgical dressings, In guo tkls perhaps more In for- you bo At the first people Jenkintown Red Cross 8,35 jear than happen to lunching nt tho all up to the standard of tho Ited Qrossers, the of Europe tho Italians aro the mer years, slnco tlmo Is so llttlo formal en- (2 Weeks Only) DID good Wyncoto Red Crosi 4.24 R C A D I Dragon Tea Iloom on Saturday wero completed. Miss Simpson Is chairman; only ones who eat It, becauso It Is only St. Paul's Red Cros, Ogoutz! 11.05 tertaining done." Few cards havo been Issued, A between tho hours of one and threo? If so, Mrs. Clarence C. Keevcr, vlco chairman, and when eaten hot, nnd principally becauso It but a general Invitation to drop In for tea la Miss Dodgson, secretary treas- widely accepted, and pleasant Impromptu 10:13 A. M., 12. ,2. 3:4.1. ft:45. f:45. 0:30 P. IL Lyou Marian and docs not keep In going through warm coun- Total $153.42 Beg. Mon., Dec. 24 must have been awaro of tho fact that urer. The members Includo Kirs. Arthur Shcb-le- gatherings nfo a very common occurrenco In Mrs. A. Phelps, Wllkes-Barr- PARAMOUNT tho girls of Camp Iroquois, under tho Miss Ida Woodhead, Mrs. Annie Shoe- tries as wheat Hour will. And ho mentioned FrancU of many houses. Tha JIot Wonderful Play In Margaretta America. rnESENTfl FIRST PHOVVTNO chaperonago of Dr. Ann Tomklns Gibson, maker, Mrs. V. Shoesmlth, Mrs, James Turtle, tho fact that we aro not nsked to llvo more who will be remembtred as Miss Mrs. Walter Jackson Freeman and Miss OP ' S3 Mrs. George Llttleuood, Mrs. Jean Wrlcht, Drown, of Philadelphia, has sent out cards Corlnno Borden villi bo TAnr niniuATin of-- tho camp, and of cheaply, but more carefully; that wo should Freeman at homo unwv nvnr unu S director threo last e, Mrs. Georgo Hardman, Mrs, Itlchard for the wedding of her daughter. Miss Fran- from 4 to 6 Sunday afternoons until April at Jn Adaptation Prom Mark Twaln'a years counselors were there, having n re Mrs. Cade, Mrs. George Tag-gar- t, try to mak a shift In our diet In order that ces Slocum Phelps, to Captain Charles II. 1S32 Spruco EXPERIENCE Charleton their residence; street. VjE Mrs. Charles Ianghelm, Mrs. Frederick give to Waller, of Wilkes-llarr- on Icccmlcr 13 nt Mr. Mrs. Walter Tly GEORGE V. "lUiVlSAWIiilt" union. Not that they were noisy ut till, wo may our allies the things that aro and II. Groie, Holljhock ltmiAriT Appeala tu Jinn. Woman or CM14. . Simpson, Mrs. Clarence Turner, Mrs. Oscar tho First Presbyterian Church. A reception 11111, Essen, .'. Y., who aro spending v4 111 no for has not Camp Iroquois gained tho repu- least perishable; In short, to put It Inele- soveral 1',,.Un.'" Wednesday and Saturday. a Genulnn Artlrtlo Treat to Thoaa Wba-- J I.lojd, Miss Uesslo Lewis, Miss Marian Stout, will follow nt tho home of tho bride's mother. weeks with Mr. Grove's parents, Mr. and Mrs. x. Holiday Xtm. and New Year's navo iieaa in hook as Well aa Tnoflo --;it' tation being nn unusually Miss Edith Haln. Mlsa Myra Haln. Miss Irnia gantly, "Do not stuff your husband, but hus- Henry S. Grove, of 258 Tulpehocken Eventr. Prices 00a to fl.r.o. 600 Iwcr-ioo- r Who Hava Not. W. if street, Scats livery Pcrfornianec. carnp7 But then, of course, this is only Clegg, Miss Anna Lawton. Miss Kllzabetlt band your stuff I" Miss Mallaby, of tho fac- Germantown, will assist them In recolvlng at 11.00. TfrnmAnT a iaiikpt m. 'if.! Mrs. Chappell, Miss Flor- Sunday y u a... natural, comprising as it does, u mot-- t at- Hardman. Edward ulty of Bccchvvood School, also gavo two PRETTY WEDDING IN their Informal afternoons at homo Bargain Matinee JXKJii.n. a. sr. to hub p. jt iM ence Holdsworth, Miss Jessie Priest, Miss 1 until 6 o'clock. Mrs. Henry EBOA, girls, eight from Price National Inhibitors' tractive lot of ranging from to Lllla Calhoun, Miss Harriet Forney, Mrs. readings. RIVERSIDE, N. J. Wright will preside nt tho tea tablo next Sun- Anoolatlon Preaentl JLtH eighteen years, from all along tho Main Wood, Mrs. Robert Hetherlngtbn, Mrs. Kuhn, There will be an evening meeting tonight, day. No cards havo been Issued. - BEST SEATS Mrs. Johnson, Mrs.- James Hardman, Mrs. Mrs. Georgo W. Jacobs, ?1.00 afc i, 2ne, Germantown and Chestnut Hill. And with Miss Ruth Draper, mouologlst, us en- Jr., will bo at homo if DodgVon, Mrs. Mllllgan, Alhs Nellie Miss to Informally on Saturday Eeatu for All Now on Salo -- t Katharine Eniniu Ermick Married ufternoons In Decem- IVrforn.anrca at th DUUULAS'" FAIRBANKSv i li this doesn't mean, cither, that they nro Hchofleld, Mrs Cornman, Mrs. M. Mae Ciena-gha- n, tertainer. Tho next regular meeting of tho 1 o'clock at'1200 Spruco Metropolitan Hou mut Downtown In -- -, ber after street, No Ticket Ofllco. CJiestnut THE MAN FROM PAINTED POST1'. mado to sit up liko perfect llttlo ladles all Mrs. W. Clugston, Mrs. II. Haln, Mrs. club will bo Wednesday, Decembcri-19- , at Mr. Howucd Schuyler, of Bur- cards havo been sent out. lioa St. qulto opposite. Charles Simpson, Mrs. Ervvln Simpson, Mrs. Rri'.nTtiMT MARKET Helow 17TII '"tbitd the time, with knitting tho 2:30, when Miss Mildred Davis will lecturo lington, at Parents' Home 7PDAV I'ATHE PreJntji;!'tna camp glvo W. Walmsley, Mrs. J, B. Lewis, Mrs. Yarnall, Tho entiro aim of tho Is to tho Mrs, C Hammond, Mrs. J. Whlteman. Mlsa on tho work of tho Consumers' League. The Bellevue-Stratfor- d Mrs. Vernon Castle girls, a healthy, happy summer, by encour- Mrs, gavo splendid iomor.. iiarold Lockwood In ttKr- Marian Westorman, Mrs. Law, Charles The Jenkintown Choral a A putty wedding tuok place on SS.ituid.iy B. F. Keith's Square Deceiver, aging all kinds of 'athletics, particularly Jordan, Mrs, ltobert Haln and Miss Miriam concert on Thursday evening for tho benefit evening at the homo of Mr, und Mrs. Charles Theatre Eastwood. CHUST.VLTT A.ND MARKET A iv.a walking, and tho success of their cffortH of tho Red Cross "An Evening .of Old Ermick, when thtlr daughter. Miss Emma TWELFTH STItnETS Ballroom , Tho members of the alumnao of St. John's Ermick, becnino tho brldo Mr. Howard was certainly proved by tho way In which English of , School have organized a dancing class and Sons," IrishX Scotch, and Colonial. Schujler, of Burlington, .1.1,1,.1'iitio J. rt 4. u l JH. lrtf' the older girls climbed to 'tho top of Mount eve- opened by tinging tho Another Tremendous Music 1 will give a series of dance on Friday Tho concert was "Star Tho ceremony was performed In the largo Friday Evg., Dec. 4, 8:30 J. ilill i'UJJUIDp CijrHiRC . at n "Washington last year. Illght hero I might nings during tho winter In tho parlMi hall. Spangled Banner," during which a Red Cross dt awing room, which was banked with potted , irKT.m V.flVPT. AV-- ATIII1.DU.... 'M add, for tho benefit of fhoso whoso mem- Arlast Friday evening's cnjoyablo affair the flag and a servlco flag wero unfurled; then plants and cut turners. Mrs. Edward If. and Comedy Show! guests wcro received by officers sung, ARTISTS CROSS KEYS sjm, rf concerning geographical de- tho of the the club song was tho muslo of which Schuyler, mother of tho bridegroom, plajed DA'. ories certain Umfmnae, MlssMIsabel McDevltt. 'president; by Ralph Kinder and tho may bo rusty has been written tho wedding march. "THE BREAKERS" f& tails somewhat that tho Miss Marie Rogers, vlco president; Miss words by Mrs. Iswjs Bremer, Jr., the presi- The bride, who was given In marriage by ADELE Clara Clemens Olga Samaroff height of said mountain Is C500 feet. Be- Elizabeth Bowe, financial secretary; Miss of, choral. THr. Benjamin F. Evan's, woro ROWLAND dent the her father, a frock of whlto satin Oss.A un5A.D yi, ffi sides this they wcro taught swimming, Mario Cosgrove, recording secretary, and tho , and Miss Bessie Klllo Slaugh trimmed with real laco and a veil of tullo IN A CYCLE Or &ONO HITS Gabrilowitsch . BROADWAY snider at Miss May Qulgley, treasurer. Among othere evening. paddling and all water sports under tho In f were the soloists of tho caught with orungo blossoms, and carried a "nnnciltfiP ?.f Rods" Featurln iAt'v3 present wero Miss Marie Cressman, Mies Imogeno Chandler Oregory, tho n shower bouquet of rests. Mrs, Everett Daw- ThaddeusHh Hans Kindler in Annette KelleraaM of Betty Dallas (head counselor) Nowlan, Miss Mary O'Brien, Miss "The Naughty Princess" Vaudeville Includea "Tha btar Bout" TTT,1 struction Eleanor reader, whose charm of manner nnd volco son, a sister of tho bride, attended as matron Leopold Stokowski and Isabel GIttlngs, whllo Mary Tyler had Nellie Cunnle, Miss Mario McCormlck, Miss aro always winning, gavo great pleasure to of honor, and wore a frock of yellow satin a Mr.DLiiT op aurtTit melody Regina Walsh. Miss Phyllis McIIugh, Miss audience? gold and CHESTNUT ST. OPERA chargo of tho basketball, tennis, archery her '' with an ovci dress of tullo trimmed with .' IIC.VUriT OP THU PKTTLUJinNT HOUSlfn Loretta McMann, Mlss'Beatrtce Martin, Mlts Mr. und Mrs. Louis B. Fortncr, of Jcnkln-town.ia- re lace, un arm bouquet Under Direction ot MESSRS. SIIURBRT wi f baseball. Tho week wcro Ray- and carried of chrjsau, MUMC SCHOOL ana HAT., and last that' Marie Gallagher. Miss Ella Rogers, Mr. In New York for a short time. themunV Llttlo Miss Ruth Schuyler, bis- Six American Dancers r.vu. asi". ivix. vvku. 3:lB."w Rogers, Mr, a SKATS JJ. O.V HALU thero they gave a play and operetta, under mond Treacy, Mr. "John Leo C.fJennlng and Miss. Jtmulng, of ter of thY bildegroom, was flower girl. AT I.EDOEn CENTKAL Arthur Ilamnierateln'a Wondroua Muslo MrsE. a riCTimusquu HEPPC-- DELLUVUE-STrtATPOnD- PlaMJiij the supervision of Betty Delias, stage McKernan, Mr. John Lcnahan, Mr. Raymond WvncofV nreVtajlus at Atlantic City. Mr. Schujler had his brother, Mr. Charles noveltv and THU ! Schaeffer, Mr. Leo Boyce. Mr. James Nawn, S. C. A. of Montgomery County S. Schuyler, as man. Tho Rev. YCJU'KK IN , ir manager, and Dorothy Dlnsmorc, musical Burgess, The P. best James VR Mr. John Fltzpatrlck, Mr. James held Its regular monthly meeting at the, homo Jentsch, of tho Lutheran Church, performed Howard's Animal Spectacle FORREST THIS NEXT WEEK ONLT Direct Trora 8 Mentha' Run at N. T. CHaa.)$M counselor, and their attempts, both vocally Mr. William Everly, Mr. Jaqjes" Travis and of Mrs. Homer L. Pound, of Wyncoto, and tho ceremony. J.,:vi3Ui', J'"'- - Tomorrow. and histrionically, wcro most successful. .Mr. John O'DonneJl. formed plans for the annual meeting January A reception followed the sen Ice. After a A NOVEL POO AND TONY CIRCUS Good News for Theatre Goers I T.YRIC ST 7 TIMES. NiailTS. 850.. tiVti Tho Boys' Friendly Club of Itoxborough 3 For tho reunion they engaged a. private In All Hallows' parish house. , short wedding trip Mr. and Jlrs. Schuyler will ntiRKn a rrtAMTO: malkta donconi: JOHN bARRYMORE, CONSTANCE meets on Thursday evenings at the home of Tho Old York Road Clrclo of tho Y. W. live in Riverside. HARRY LESTER MASO.N't HEABURY & Engagement Extended! JW room upstairs In tho tea room, and pos-elb- ly -- SIIAW. LilUXMbL, )- Mrs. K. C. Moore, 6119 Rldgo avenue. Tho BY POPULAR DEMAND COLL1E.K, JJAKKYMORB ycu heard fragments of camp bongs membership Is limited to twenty and at tho that may liavo floated to tho main dining present tlmo Includes sixteen boys. To "pro- FOR ONE WEEK in ?: mote friendship and moral uplift among HANGING ON THE FAMILY TREE room downstairs. After luncheon they saw A SMASHING CVBMNOS AT 8:1S. , SiXm, i , . SUCCESS! ATlF.T.PHI toys" Is the object of tho club. This club , MATINEB AT 2dS. movie. , has contributed to the war work fund of f KLAW & ERLANGER'S Pon. Price Mat. Thursday. Heat Seaia ll.oo. i. girls C. organizations. z i-- -- A few of. tho who couldn't get thero tho Y. M. A. and similar -- - " "" i ''-- CA1TIVATINO MUSICAL on account of tho weather, or provlous ,Mr. Walter Donald Is president; Sir. Harold jajJr 'yO WILLIAM COLLIER ,;f eiv PX Seats on ORKATEPT iT.T, fl gagements, so Uttley, vice president: Mr. Herbert Fltzrdy, IN THE Of PtRrKS 'i$, wero Ulsarrolntod that secretary, and Mr. Harry Wagner, treasurer. &?" Sale Pimo'ther "NOTI11MU HUT THE TKUl'il'',' reunion was planned for next Fob- - Red Cross group No. 3 of Auxiliary No. 171 Ji-!- Thursday juarj, and later on toward spring a large has completed stacks of work for, tho Society ADDRESS BT affair wIILJjo' given to which not only and not one article has been rojected fur for M. PATTERSONS being up group JUDGE JOHN old flBrls new ones' not to the standard. This the Itho but tha who 'tiro meets every Tuesday from 2 o'clock to 10 in LAW' ',-.- on WOMEN IN THE lM coming camp next year, as well, bo '. i -- ft'w-iT.iivi.'r.- Last to will tho social hall of the Fourth Reformed ' WEDNESDAY EVENINO. DEa 12. at 8 o'CIseat ,'V Invited and Initiated into tho joys of a Church. Mrs. William J. Bcatty, Is chair- Week I2t houiji unaer toe Aua Ehly, vlpe .chairman; Vl ,n, PortiamiClubna.e..of Templo University. ,' Camp Iroquois life on Lako Wlnnepc-eaukee- . man; Mrs. Francis "f Mrs. Robert Ehly, secretary, and Miss Farewell Night, Sat, Dec. 22 All Women Interested In th Law Aro Invited 4 ; i , Blanche Taylor, treasurer. Mrs. George ,ri,.. tho surgical Fleming, who Is a graduate of BROAD-L- 5 Evgs. WITHKKafUUlN aAUU ' V' dressings course Red Cross Society, ast wo 3 of the 850 "gg FRIDAY EVO.i DBC. H. AT EIOIIT EN let .kiddles read tho charge of work In the group. Mls.i aood Seata Vowtt Floor t Wed .Mat CCUX VV 'fnwtiv nnnrt 1 na ll thArv. trr has that THE I.V tv- DT7.TRR AfnoQTIRFN. V R that. Mabel Leasing directs the knitters, and Mrs. PLAT THAT TUTU JOT LIVING - fl ometlrnes forge't what Imitators llttlo chil- Christopher Odelnelm, the hospital garment ,l1ectur7eu thb GREAT WAR dren aro and how often they belle their workers. Mrs. Samuel F. Ehly has charge slings towels, and HOMB name's. So of the comfort kits, and BENEFIT OF THE FRESIlYTIfnlAN t when small Celeste knolt down Mrs. Hamilton Beatty the ambulance pillows. to say her prayers the other night and Miss mmm TOMOR. Under the direction cf Anna E lleclnnlns EVQil Interrupted the "Clvo us this day our dally Beatty a quantity of oakum pads, have been GARRICK tABT " WEEK8. Eve... SiO. LITTLE JtAHUAKBTa A JTfJT made. As It takes so long to pick the oakum, M Tomorrow at 2:o0 bjead"' with "Dlngbust It, Daddy, I can.'t' ''THB - It occurred to the president of the group to . ..Jli.'":..v '?. OPEN rmw. .'member tho rest," really Daddy ought not i ZJTri. - " HWJay form a clasir of boys and girls who work THE.BOOMERANG i iuiuiitri mvm rpouiirCT'UUr, tto havo been surprised. Dut from tit way on Tuesdays from 4 to 5 o'clock getting the' ne tjninese pads. ' December t utnt 'tie toid It to mo I believe ho was a bit. oakum ready fcr the They used to STRAND otn- - Av- - t Venanso. K, of Uroad; stay In work rooms andbeg for some- Time lo PMIa. MBTIlOrOLlTAN OPERA' IIOUUM.f Ot NANCY WYNNE. tho ' virt thing to do ; now they are liappy beca"use "-- ,' THE JUDGMENT .HOUSE CTm" rosiwn AT 8 tTCLSSSV they aro regular workers for the Red Cross. lTtOM B1R OlLUERT 'ABkEH'S KOVEL While much bf thework Is requisitioned from The DAUGHTER J, REGIMI j the society, the group purchase!) Its own wool T nr.TTST 8St AND LOCUST MS. KB, JlKMl'tiU, iUlltt-LU- . OL Social Activities liUOUOi Mais. 1:.10-J.3- Evr.. 8:S0 to D'ANOBU). Conductor, ' Mr, (or the knitted garments. Amonr recent II. BCOTTI. pt. i"1 Alf. UIIU 01IP, JW IHUI A4I1IIVIII I.WII1.CVI W gifts for this work was 125 from Mr. George DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS rtaat. im i."tnu. nimuimt wed- fayne, have Issued' Invitations for the Auman, treasurer ot the Wawatam Tribe In "nEACHINa,POIl THE JIOON" vrXDK.MT or MUMIC TomorroTr. Kvnl ding of their daughter. Miss Mary Hurd of Red Men. for the tribe, Holmes, to Mr. Itlchard Howson, sou of Mr. Miss Ethel E Lush, of 26 Ort(n lane, NIXON A ItEaULAR and Mrs. Charles IL Howson. of Wayne. The the members of her Bible class "VS?18 "AN Homer Werrc tq place. entertained r.i.siK FBitausoNn.it tflayed by Sitf Ceremony, which was have taken en Thursday evening at her' home. liar Altai DtSQl In ''TUB IUBU OP riKNEFIT HAHNEMANN HOSPITAl,. lilt B A1.C-A- SE-T- ooc s, JMXt spring, win taite piaco weantsaay, guests were Miss Edythe Everett. Miss Iva JKNNIB CUBHINO" AOT8 5 ! Nuvv, to nt lllv.CkiaSail 2t. at 4;30 o'clock. In Mary's Dul-o- n. A. PJIENCM KU0UC8 .. 'm St Dalley, Miss, Ruth Firth. Miss Doris r VUTVX h, Wayne, ana 'win oe toilowea oy a Mlsa Marian Layre. Mlsa Grace Predlger, Copyright, Lift Publishing Company, Reprinted by pa;Ul permission. VjAXJiX yABRT F1ELD8.LENA PAILt Teoepttefl, at Holnwhuret,, the residence "KlM ' Myrtle HWYar-roovaa- ai HI 'Hewlett "MQ.tofi ' te the . GovenuMnt.Bervic; ane4iwvra v, a 1 HWr;Mmwi jy; j.Af '. - J- i r vQcrim3&j?ll' wwvwvMM- .V-- . ,.. Vmv&?m71'-- T ' Plui"' -- da Ay ' ifiayfiftJiMV3!m&'m ' ,i ..kSltfJ 'dk IsrfiS " &.& ik vitimrmv"' "in iirniiimiiir - laff.7'. J L'