' A iteJtJV v ' t --. r i rr - iji -- ,v XV1 LEDOER-rPHILAJDilLPHl- A. a ) Ptfitie " . ..'--I 3T T" '."IV" "".', '.".' J.' '.Ae.T '.y4 n. .'.', t ' ' r i m ., ; inMifiiKliiiiil'-!T-"'- r . " T i nn 1 1 .i ii i i,, iii I .r . .i I ui i , i nfo V jtJSVr GOSSIP ABOUT PEOEE EMBRGE!QAtlJ.gfc FOR" MORE DRESSINGS ;., Concert by Miss Homer Mr. Joint and Werrenrath Valley T& Hospital Service Ogontz and Huntingdon Physician's Wifd Vislte-iltl- to Benefit Hahnemann Social Red Cross Auxiliary to Pro- of Mother Durtntr Rmhini 7. Cushman Club to Give Tea vide 2600 by December 20 Absence on Hunting Trip? i tfnO-MOimo- Wayne, night "tlioro will ti tlio for the wedding party nno Immediate Tho Ogontz Huntingdon Valley branch families. Sir. Howson Is stationed at Camp nnd MOOm:sTOAV.V A Christmas dance''? fJJ't urh.tnlkeil.of concordat tho Academy of the Ited Cross has had n special appeal oe given nt Odd KellowV Hall on" - Meade. uruay i of Music for tho benefit of tho Social Serv- 1600 surgical dressings before December evening. Decembtr 20. The patrol for win no jflce Depirt-ne- nl Hahnemann Hos- - Mrs. It. Herbert Crdwell. Mrs. of tho Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Turner, of Woods SO. Mrs. Sumner II. Cross, chairman of tho Ham McCahan. M T Chicago, J. Jr.. Umi.n n pltal. You sec. theso good women on tho Hole, Mass., formerly of announce surgical dressings committee, received a letter Ing, Mrs. i:dmund W, Maule, Mrs. Joseph! tho marriage of their daughter, Miss Cornelia Doara or managers aro most amwus io from thg Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter Potter. Mrs. W. Cheston Stokes. ".J '3 Turner, to Mr. Wlllard 1'ylo Tomllnson, of Dr. n. II. raUo money to pay another social worker asking for SC00 dressings as Its part of Ilartlne Uimer has left on I Swarthmore, Pa. extended hunting trip In. Florida. Mrs. I) "to talto Mro of tho mothers and babies The wedding took place December B at the tho 200,000 tho Southeastern Penn-s)lvjn- la ' which during his nbsencc. Is vlsltlnr nt tha after they, icavo tho hospital. Mrs. Thomas home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles 11 Crane, uncle Chapter has been apportioned by tho of her mother. Mrs. Edward Berkhead. Is president of tho Social Scrv and aunt of the bride. special llcverly. , II t Carmlcrs'l Mr. Tomllnson. a Haverford College alum-ni- American lied Cross In this drive d. Mrs. Harry Frnntz Is n deleiratx Jce Boa-- Mrs. Carmlchacl Is president secre- Ogontz Hutlngdon Valley branch in 't Is now engaged In war work as a Tho and national convention of tv. C. T. U., now of tho Germantown Cllib also and a most tary for the Young Men's Christian Associa- In tho ten months slnco Its organization has session at Washington. worker In any of tho various affairs tion. He Is a son of Profe'sor A. II, Tom- responded to every call, met every emer- Miss Helen Durmi li enterlolnln ardent llnson and Mrs. Tomllnson. of Swarthmore. In Is Associated with gency, and has exceeded Its apportionment of Mary Owans, of West I'hlladelphla, over tkM ' which she Interested. ttrrfL'.vnil I j l1 rl chargo special affair as the Ited Cross In each field ot activity. her and In of this Mrs. arranged tho following schedulo Mr. and Mrs. William D. Norcross naW5 Sailer, daughter of Mrs. II. Cros, chairman Is Mrs. Clarenco. Eartlctt, and Miss Pauline surgical vvc-r- during the coming two closed their Jiomo and will spend several for " V iho other women on tho commltteo aro Sailer, and Mr. Ileuben Davis were quietly weeks, December S to 20, at tho surgical months In Vlnrl.ln "n married on Sunday afternoon nt 6 o'clock at rooms, Club Heading room, Miss Kathleen Murphy, of N'ew Vork. Is UiV 'f'Mrs. Juy Gates, Mrs. Walter Madeira, 32(3 Rldgo Jenkintown and i the home of tho bride's mother, Prlday, Derember 7, 5:30 a. in. to 5 p. in. ; guest of Mrs. Ucrnard Gray, of East Mala.' 1 Montgomery, Mrs. Dlddlo avenue. ' - Mrs. 'William J. Saturday, December 8, 0 n. in. to 1 p. m. J 6ltoct- i How- C , j-- 11. D. C. Tower, Mrs. 10, n. tit. to p. - Marsden, Mrs. Monday, December !:30 m.j - Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Sweeney announce. tho Wednesday, 12, 0:30 n, to 5 p. air. and Mrs.- William .: ard C. Potts. Mrs. Oeorco C. Thomas. Jr., December in. v.iarn navo to homo marriage of their daughter. Miss Fay m. ; December 11, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p. m. ; returned their after ' dnd Mrs. John H. Whittaker. Friday. lorimghfs stay In Atlantic City. '? Sweeney,' to Mr. Harry M. Itiynlg on Satur- S.iturdny, December 15, 9 aj) m, to 5 p. in.; ,j Tho concert Is to bo a Joint recital by day December 8. Mr. and Mrs Homlg wilt Monday, December 17, 9:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. ; Miss Louisa Homer and Mr. Hclnald Wer- be nt homo after January 1 at 2738 West Wednesday, December 19. 9:30 u. in. to 5 linvicitLY Mr. und Mrs. Frank StreeM Montgomery avenue. p. in, navo closed their homo In thl city and will' you know, Is the , ...,l-'.j,- " renrath. Jho former, Bn.n.l ...... ... I .. l... -.i An urgent appeal Is mado to every lied c,..., puivi.i Mwna in- nuia. ' BT dJURhtc.' of tho 'great contrutto of that Mr. McD. Heppe. 402 A largo flag bearing andltrs. Mareellui of CHARLES FARNUM Cross member In the community to holp In silk servlco flvo stariiTJ Bamo name, and Mr. Werrenrath had, tho Hast Mount Airy avenue, are receiving con- T this pressing need for surgical dressings. Our was unfurled nt tho Sunday evening servV ' "J distinction of being tho barltono soloist In gratulations upon tho birth of a son. base hospital units urc at tho front, and from Ices at tho Methodist Episcopal Churcli. J5jt ffl JIKMIHHhIJIH them tomes the continual cry "Make moro .vir. jiiair Kergusson gavo n ThanksglvlngKt-"- ho great Mahler Symphony, which was MONTHLY MEETING surgical dressings." Over tvvo hundred men dinner to 100 girls nnd boys of this city., WH given with such success hero two years Mr. and Mrs. John Spitz, of 1S23 North ntghth street, announce the engagement of In this territory havo responded to the coun- well-know- Dan- - OF MOTHERS' CLUB I'llflmv-ATtI- J ago. , His father was tho their daughter Miss Sadie Spitz, nnd Mr, try's call tho women nt home must stand IHTM.' vrt- nl.J,,. TlAi.' i lsh tenor, George Werrenrath. Altogether, Myer Itablnovltz. They will bo at home behind them. Don't fall them now! Twenty-tl- x aid has rctunicd to her home. Scotia Farms. hundred dressings December 20. 3 ,you will agree wo may expect some con- - Sunday evening, December 16, frtm 8 to 10, Luncheon Will Fri- before ner pjienuing a iorimgni vvnn trienus Be Given on As soon as possible following this present New York. cert. rciT Vwl day Afternoon in Iankford for drlvo tho turglcal work will bo transfci Lieutenant Frank S. Conrov will leave tOT-.'?- to tho rooms In McDonnell's new building. Old Camp McClellan, Anulston, Ala., after enjoyala AMONG the boxholdcrs and patronesses CHAIN OF PARTIES Guest From Harrisburg York road. Tho new rooms will be open Ing a ten days' furlough with his parents, Mti&fr"? every day except Saturday 9 1 tomorrow' night nro Miss Anna from until u0t. ...n. uuiiii o. uuiirui, vi uroau scrccv. tvV xj.for FOR HOSPITAL UNIT und from 2 until 5. Lieutenant Walter Jones Is home for a fort. XT Hampun Harncs, Mrs. Charles D. Barney, The regular monthly meeting of tho Moth- lilsht and will sneml bN furtmiirli Jtr. tho Mlsaos Bell, Mru. Edward Bok, Mrs. J. VtoXo ty Marccau ers' Club villi bo held In tho Frankford and Mrs. Frank Jones, of Warren lane. ilRS. SAMUEL iL' Albert Caldwell, Mlbs Clydo, Mrs. Joseph Twelve Guests at Roxborough HELL: JR. Library tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Miss Marlon II. Crtsswell has gono toTS Prominent of the overseas who, "WHAT'S Scranton, l'a where sho wilt bo a guest G. Darlington, Mrs. Kern Dodge, Mrs. Fred- Tea Invite ight others, Who, members committee, with a Miss Alice Kecch, supervisor of sewing In DOING tor$i'i number of other active members, are planning to send comfort tho public schools In tho city, will speak on erick Purant, Mrs. George W. llklns, Mr. in Turn, Entertain Four kits to the soldiers throughout the winter. Scranton. i'HS Stanley O. Klagg, Jr., Mrs. Harry 13. Red Cros3 sewing which Is being dono In the wi. aiiu jiip, uumes xariai, or vv ayno, 'a.,'j.i. iTQMGftLS; were guests Mr. McCoy French, Mrs. Qulncy A. GUlmorc, Mrs. Al- bchools this j car. Tho ofilcers of tho Moth- of Strickland atvhtKfl ers' Club nro: VJrtL l iiunio vu ciik uvcnuo lor n. lew anys. f fred M. Gray, Mrs. John Orlbbel, Mrs. Some time at tho beginning of tho new year President, Mrs. r. Embrey; Lieutenant und Mrs. Hayward Webb COLLECT MAGAZINES vice president, ar!? Itobcrt E. Hastings, Mrs. Charles A. tho baso hospital unit from the University FOR SOLDIERS Mrs. John Webster; secretary, 410" Wo spending u fortnight in Atlantic City and r Mrs. -- v-, ra0 o tlietM nt flirt f rf' Ilebard, Miss Mary Hcbard, Mrs. P. 1 of PcnnsjlvanU will leave for France.
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