Gov., United Council Meet to Bridge Gaps Lobbyists Optimistic About Governor's Response .R by Karen Rivedal Uary 26
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University-of - Wisconsin Stevens- Point Volume 37/ Number 11 November 12 / 7987 - Gov., United Council meet to bridge gaps Lobbyists optimistic about Governor's response .r by Karen Rivedal uary 26. thirteen four-year UW schools, reaching eighty percent at some communication between United United Council President including UWSP, are full mem ~r UW campuses makes minori Council and Madison, a monthly Adrian Serrano, Academic bers. ty issues a problem that "the meeting was approved between "Tommy 'Thompson bas ta Affairs Director steve Cemmo Also in tl\e works thanks to university must do something ken the steps to shore up the UW System llason Jeff Bartsen and Smith met with the gover the October deliberations are about," according to Smith. and United Council staffers. communication gap between nor to explain the organization's plans for a direct meeting of The United Council 1987-88 UW students and the governor's This arrangement completes purpose and platform. " He's a UW student government presi platform (see sidebar) is devel what Smith sees as the develop office," according to Jim Smith, busy guy," says Smith, " and he dents with the governor and his oped and approved by United United Council of student Gov ment of "an open-door policy" can't keep track of every group staff. On December 11, the pres Coucll staff and UW student for United Council in the gover ernments Legislative Affairs Di in the state and what they do. idents will present an agenda of government member campuses. nor's office. rector. We let him know where we're student goals and suggestions to lt contains eleven resolutions, The Governor's actions at an "He made it perfectly clear," at and what we have going." executive staff members. Gov down from last year's tally of says Smith, "that if we have October meeting with Smith Smith is convinced that the ernor Thompson plans to join fifty-three, and covers legisla and other members of the Madi ar problems to make sure we meeting has cleared the mutual the meeting for one half hour to tive, minority, academic, and go over there and talk to him, son-based UW student lobbying ly adversarial air in Madison: an hour, according to Smith, to . women's issues. coalition will "go a long way" which definitely made us feel " students and the governor can discuss one main agenda item. To foster further productive good walking out of the office." he says, towards smoothing re work together instead of against The agenda will be determined sentments left in the wake of each otbel-." by the student governments ·at the governor's student Regent An upcoming visit by Gover the United Council meeting this nomination. nor Thompson to a United Coun weekend in Eau Claire. Students favor Governor Thompson bas re cil meeting is one esample of "Mnst likely it will be our fused to withdraw his nomina this new cooperation. Smith platform," says Smith, "and tion of John Jarvis for student says the Governor bas agreed we'll probably bring up some of Regent on the UW Board of Re to attend either the January the minority recruitment and condom machines gents despite its rejection by meeting at UW-Platteville or retention ideas that the UW the Senate Education Commit the February meeting at UW by Scott Bnelskamp System proposed this week:" sponded to a recent survey, 800 tee and 'he continued opposition Green Bay. UW student govern The UW System's record for Nen E,dltor · of them favor installation of of United Council. The full Sen ment representatives who be less than five percent minority such a dispenser. Surveys were ate will vote on the nomination long to United Council will faculty together with drop<>ut The issue of whether or not to given to all residence halls and .soon after it reconvenes on Jan- attend. Currently, eleven of the install on rates for minority · students condom machines the distributed in the UC Con UWSP campus has taken a posi course. The survey was con AT&T slides UWSP $500,000 in computer grant tive turn. structed and tabulated by the Of the 1,000 students wbo re- student Government Association (SGA). computer systems grow The resolution drawn up by Campus SGA using the survey results will be presented at the Student The University of Wlsronsin the <:lemonstratlon lab is tied in equipment making It possible Chancellor Marahall says the Senate meeting tbla Tburaday stevens Point is the recipient of with the university's Inforina for the UW Center at Marsh grant will "slgnlflcantly en for dlscusslon and then voted on about $500,000 worth of comput tlon Systema Network (ISN ) field, which hp a two-year col hance UWSP's computing net the following Tburaday. u the er equipment from AT&T, which connects ·everything ·from. legiate curriculum, to be linked work." propooa1 la passed In the Sen Chancellor Philip Marshall an- mainframes to personal com by computers with UWSP. The · Marshall bas been active In ate, it will be shown to the nounced today. · puters, terminals _and-other net-· hookup will make it possible for helping establlsb UWSP as a University Affairs Council for The g?1III! includes 1~ AT&T . works. It embraces Starlans, Marshfield students and faculty national leader in higher educa- their input, but they do not business personal computers. smaller networks using the to access a wide range of infor tion In the use of computers have the power to override the Seventy.,seven of them 1'fil be campus' celatlvely new fiber op mation from UWSP. In turn, a for instructional purposes. What vote. installed in laboratories and tics data and voice communica similar Dnk has been made for sets the school apart from all "I thint some sort of resolu faculty offices at UWSP and 25 tion wiring to link AT&T micro UWSP with UW-Madlaon. stu other, he contends, la the fact tion will pass for condllln vend are to be use<l at the UW Cen and minicomp~. dents and faculty members at that computer equipment is ing machines," said SGA Presi ter campus in Marshfield, · AT&T is broadening its ser-' Marshfield will be able to use readily avallable to students. dent steve Cady . "I thint we which is being .linked by phone. vice to liigber education in this the link to access information There are more than 250 com- will see condom vending . line to the computing network part of the state by adding from Madlaon as well. puters in seven laboratories machines nest year, possibly on the stevens _Point campus. throughout the campus. Each of even ne&t semester." UWSP, -which bas purch98ed the facilities is open 90 hours UWSP does not want to considerable AT&T equipment per week. In addition, offices assume the llablllty of condllln in the past, bas also received which serve students are machines on campus so if the several previous equipment quipped with another 200 com resolution is passed, an outside grants as an outgrowth of a . ·.uters and faculty members vending machine company will partnership agreement it bas nave 400 of the devices in their be contracted for the in5talla with the company. ?fflces. tlon. The university bas agreed to James Leonhart, AT&T na The possible locations for the be a beta test site and show clonal account manager, said machines will be In bathrooms case/demonstration facility people from his company take or laundry rooms in residence where AT&T can refer prospec "ff special Inters! in what ls being halls. There will probably be tive clients, particularly in the i:J done with computers at UWSP only one machine per hall. Cady lield of higher education. -; because "stevens Point was one said the resolution was left open Since 1986, AT&T bas been --=-----• i:, of the first sites in the country so that machines can be in equipping a special deomonstra ..-·- "'.:""::illiiiEiii:iii ell where the AT&T Information stalled anywhere on campus. tion laboratory which is open to .., Systems Network and Starlan " It is not the sales that will visitors and can be used in local .o networks were integrated." do a great thing because the academic projects by students ~ Beyond instructional pro company will not make a lot of and faculty. The latest grant f grams, the university is .iaing money off the machines but it also includes about $20,000 in computers in the handling of will raise awareness," said additional equipment and other accounting, financial, physical Cady. furnishings for that facility. The demomlratlon lab, In the Science Bnlldlng, eaten to the plant, alumni, student aid and Located in the Science Hall, compater needs of many slndenll. admissions operations. Pleue - page u Pointer Page z T. G. I. F. Thursday, November 12 UAB Visual Arts Speaker : Virginia Beach. Communication Room in the UC 8 p.m. and 10 :45 p.m. UAB Leisure Time Activities DJ Dance with Tom Hoffman in the Encore Room of the UC at ~11 :30 o.m. UAB Visual Arts Film: Chil dren of a Lesser God showing in PBR in the UC-7 p.m. and 9: 15 United Council p.m. Love story with William Governor Thompson meets Hurt involving his relationship with student lobbyists to bridge with a deaf woman. a perceived communication Friday, November 13 gap. l UAB Alternative Sounds TGIF presents Pat the 13lofish in the Condom Commitment? Encore from 3-S p.m. Students voted overwhelming UAB Special Programs Come ly to have condom dispensers dian: Jim Barber and Sevllles placed on campus, but no final in the Encore in the UC.