Catholic Youth Organization SPORTS MANUAL 2018 – 2019 Policies, Rules and Regulations CYO/Camp Howard 825 NE 20th Avenue, Suite 120 Portland, Oregon 97232 Phone: (503) 231-9484 Fax: (503) 231-9531 Member Agency of Catholic Charities and Catholic Charities USA BENEFIT DINNER Be part of our family by joining us this fall to help raise money in support of the ongoing efforts and mission of CYO/Camp Howard. 100% of the proceeds from the evening go to camp and sport scholarships, capital projects and endowment. SAVE THE DATE! 8th Annual Champions of Faith Benefit Dinner Oregon Convention Center Tuesday, October 9th, 2018 Save the Date for the 9th Annual Champions of Faith Benefit Dinner October 15th, 2019 Oregon Convention Center To sponsor a table or purchase individual tickets contact: Lisa Sanders // Development Director
[email protected] // 503-231-9484 ext. 102 “Sports are not merely the exercise of muscles, but the school of moral values and of training in courage, in perseverance and in overcoming laziness and carelessness. There is no doubt that these values are of greatest interest for the formation of a personality which considers sports not an end in itself, but as a means to total and harmonious physical, moral and social development.” ~ Saint John Paul II 11/24/1984 7/2/2018 CONTENTS **Note: Any copy in BOLD = updates and/or changes from the previous publication.** ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE I. INTRODUCTION TO CYO//CAMP HOWARD CYO/Camp Howard Staff ........................................1 CYO Commissions .............................................2 Athletic Director Contact Information ..............................5 Mission Statement ..............................................6 Structure and Function ..........................................6 Athletics and Youth Ministry .....................................6 Organizational Chart ............................................7 II.