

The Canadian M ine raln gist Vol. 32, pp. 617-622 (1994)


STEVEN K. MITTWEDE* SouthCarolina GeologicalSurvey, 5 GeologyRoad, Columbia,South Carolina 29210-9998,U.S.A.


Rare primary scapolite has been discoveredin a body of granitic pegmatite from the Inner Piedmont belt (Piedmont terrane)in northwestemSouth Carolina. The scapoliteconsists of 2-3 cm long, 2-6 mm wide, white to off-white, subhedralto euhedral,prismatic .Electron-microprobe analyses document fwo types of scapolitewithin the granitic material, with compositionsof *707o and 59VoMe. Tlrc overall mineralogy of this peraluminousbody, including andesine(-Ana6) and Ca-rich as well as accessoryallanite, , and , and the high Ca content (>3Vo CaO) of the granitic material,are atypical of granitic pegmatites.

Keywords:scapolite, andesine, tourmaline, granitic pegmatite,Inner Piedmontbelt, south carolina.


De rarescristaux de scapoliteont 6tf d6couvertsdans un massifde pegmatitegranitique de la ceintureinteme du Piedmont (socledu Piedmont),dans le secteurnord-ouest de la Carolinedu Sud.ks cristaux de scapolitesont de 2 i 3 cm de long et de 2 i 6 mm de large, blanchdtres,de subidiomorphesh idiomorphes,et prismatiques.Les donn6esobtenues | la microsonde dlectroniqued6montrent deux groupesde scapolitedans le matdriaugranitique, avec environ 70Voet 59Vodu p6le Ma, respec- tivement. Cene suite granitiquehyperalumineuse contient and6sine(-Anao), tourmalineriche en Ca, ainsi que les accessoires alladte, 6pidote,titanite et apatite;cet assemblage,et la hauteteneur en Ca dansces roches(>3Vo CaO), ne sont pas couftmts dansles granitespegmatitiques. (Traduit par la R6daction)

Mots-cl6s:scapolite, anddsine, tourmaline, pegmatite granitique, ceinture inteme du Piedmont,Caroline du Sud.

IN'rRoDUcnoN and referencestherein: Sinha & Swamakar1971)" as phenocrystsin latite (Goff er al. 1982), and as mega- Scapoliteis generallyconsidered a metamorphicor crysts in tephra from potassicbasanites (Boivin & metasomaticmineral typically found in granulite- and Camus1981). In this report,I describeprimary scapo- -faciesrocks. It is most cornmonin high- lite in a body of granitic pegmatite,consider the gradegneiss, , amphibolite, in skarnsor similar unusually calcic mineral assemblage,and evaluate contact metamorphicsettings, and in granulite inclu- the petrogenesisof the granitic rock. sionsin igneouspipes (Shaw 1960a,Newton & Goldsmith L975, andreferences therein). The scapolite LocATroNAND Groloclcel Sslnr.{c in most "metamorphic" occurrencesis typically viewed as secondary,after (Goldsmith The body of granitic pegmatite formerly cropped 1976),as in alteredbasic igneous rocks (e.g.,in the out in the bed of CountyRoad 131 in western Humboldtlopolith, Nevada; Vanko & Bishop1982). CherokeeCounty, South Carolina,4.67 km N76'E Primary scapolite only rarely occurs in igneous of the intersectionof South Carolina Highway 110 rocks, for example,in aplite (Calkins 1909) and and U.S. Alternate29 in the town of Cowpens.The granitic pegmatite(Lacroix 1919,Safronova 1978 sam.plelocality is roughly 175 m west of the bridge over Rocky Ford Creek. During road maintenance the outcrop was destroyed,but representativeblocks of material are preservedat the South Carolina Geolo- x Presentaddress: McCracken and Associates.P.K. 207, gical Survey and the McKissick Museum, University 06443Yenigehir, Ankar4 Turkey. of SouthCarolina (catalog no. 1992.1.1.).

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The granitic body croppedout in what has histon- TABI.E 2. WIIOLE.BOCK CSEIOCAI. COUPOSTTIONSOF TWO SPECTMENSOT'TgE COU1fTBY-BOCK GNSISS AND cally beencalled the Inner Piedmontbelt, amphibolite- A sPEcnm.l FRoM TBE PECMATITIC GBANTIIC BODY facies rocks (Glover et al. 1983) assignedto the suspectPiedmont terrane (Williams & Hatcher1982). guA gl3 p€g trDgm Recently, this part of the southernAppalachian $oz 68.50 54,30 71.20 Q 3X.54 floz 0.36 1.0E 0.18 c 0.62 Piedmont has been designatedthe Inner Piedmont a2q 14.80 x7.40 t4,97 o! 33.95 (tectonic)block (Horton& McConnell1991) and the Fqq' 2.03 '4.@ 7,77 ab 12.09 MlO 0.04 0.16 0.02 & 15.?3 Inner Piedmontcomposite terrane (Horton et al. Mgo 0.s0 4.13 0.81 hy 6.69 1991).Felsic to intermediategneisses (which locally CaO 1.65 0.75 3.19 tt 0.30 Na2o 2.21 2.41 1.43 ap 0.04 grade into migmatite) and pelitic dominatethe K2o 6.13 1.89 sructurally complex and typically poorly exposed Pzos 0.x9 0.29 o.o2 BaO (d7o) sequence.Lesser amounts of impure quartzite, coz o.o2 0.13 2." s <0.01 0.01 calc-silicaterock and amphibolitealso arepresent. B 0.50 LOI i.st 0.3? Hosr-Rocr Gusrss t wt.g 97,40 98.El 100.45 cl (ppE) 225 323 The granitic body intruded homblende- epidote- Bb to2 72 It 676 472 microcline- quafiz- - plagioclasegneiss Y <10 12 Zt 8? 178 (Table 1). Clots 3-5 mm acrossof subhedralplagio- Nb x3 21 ba 3760 733 claseare a conspicuousfeature ofthe hostgneiss. The 207 zaa indicating B6 4 foliation clearly wrapsaround these clots, 4 that they areprekinematic. 8D <1 Two samplesof gneissfrom outcropsapproxi- ' Tot l iron prplted u Fe2o3. For g!€lasr ealJEts x-my AEsy mately 50 m apart were taken near the pegmatitic ([email protected]! I8boEtorl@, Do! l[illa, ontaifo. Metnoas: 4Jor -elm4ts body. Gneisssample A (gnA) is relatively biotite-rich, wrttns liElt O.Olt) md tme elo@ts (d€t@don lttdt 10 ppE) by and gneisssample B (gnB) is relatively hornblende- :aif'ep;t-ret y; S detendned uhg a L€@ aDslyrer' ed co2 rty @uloretr. Fd poq@tlto, analJEt: Paul E. Burg@' TeohDt€l rich. The gneisssamples, though superficially similar Selde I;toptorts, Msstssuga, ontofto. Mothodl hductlv€ly @pl€d sgon ptBsm (ICAP) EtFctrcretf,y. Nom @l4lEtod GsuDllg in texture,are markedlydifferent in their compositions all F6 s FEo. (Table2). Compositionally,both of thesesamples resemblecalc-alkaline igneous rocks (Table2); gnA samplegnB appearsto containCO2 (0.137o).These plots as a rhyolite, and gnB plots as an andesiteon the results show that the country-rock gneissin the vici- Jensen(1976) cation plot, as modified by Grunsky nity likely was not the sourceof volatilesfor the (1981).These compositions compare favorably with scapolitein the body of pegmatitic . Very few averagerhyolite-rhyodacite and andesite,respectively compositionshave been published on the high-grade (Le Maitre 1976).Although the sum for gnA is some- metamorphicrocks of the Piedmont terrane in South what low, a duplicateanalysis yielded a similarly low Carolina.Secor e/ al. /1986) consideredthe total. and paragneissesof the Piedmontterrane to be derived With respectto volatile contents,neither sampleis from upper Proterozoicand lower Paleozoiccontinen- enrichedin S or Cl comparedto normal volcanic and tal slopeand rise sedimentsdeposited off the south- plutonic rocks of similar bulk-composition.Only eastemedge of the Laurentianplate. However,there is increasingevidence that someof theserocks had TABLT 1. MODAI, ANATYSES OI'TSE SOST-BOCK AND TEE PECII{ATTTIC CBAMTIC MATERIAL igneousprecursors (Mitwede 1990).

g aYg. p€g avg. THs Borv oF GRANITICPncra,c'TruE

Pl,agt@l& u.7 2'1.21 ' M.7S 18.9 5.70 - 36,10 granitic pegmatiteis tabular in form, Blotlte ,2 18.07 - 29.80 The body of - Quarytz 22,6 20,73 - .20 34.6 24,40 48.e0 28-36 cm wide, and 13-21 cm thick. The margins of ldcmcllne ?.6 3,2'l' x,t,07 s3.0 1?.80 - !0.70 S@Ipltts 7,e 0 - 25.80 the body are diffuse, rather schistose,biotite-rich, and foumsue 4.9 tr - 14.30 Epidote 8,2 A.4O - 8.00 gradationalwith the gneissichost-rock. However, gonblilde 3.6 2.20 ' 4.87 beyond the biotite-rich selvages,the granitic material I vo1.t 98.8 98.9 lacks a fabric and has the appearanceof typical granitic pegmatite.Its mineralogy and chemical com- I! the Frilss, 80@r{6 (qch <1.09) include dtaalte (0.558), position(Tables 1,2) areroughly consistentwith that amdte. serldte, tourellne, uddentlfled olaque pbqs, ad traG dron ud alj8nlte. h the xngmtite, a@mrl€s (@ch <1.0$) holude of "normal" granite(Le Maitre 1976).Its average (typl@Uy tlmed by €pldote)' ru@vlt€, blodte' errldots' "il"nlts flt@ite (ttrctudhg @re atteEtion to lil@x@?)' atrBtlts, ud d!@n. mode (Table l) plots in the monzogranitefield, Alrc, eore dmgEpbto-lBt€ htsrgmwth of q@tz ed feldElslo p$ent' syenogtanitefield u deU u sore alteEdoD of plaglGlEe t! serldte. FN tlln but very near the boundary of the wdoru of o,alas rere eedrEd, ud 1500 pohts reF @t€d trDr (QAP diagram of Streckheisen1976). The pegmatitic thln s@t1on. Elght tiln @doE of lmgmdte were mmlned' ud 1000 pdats weE @ted tFr tih Eeotle. materialis peraluminous,with A/CNK (molar) = 1.44.

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The modal mineralogy,based upon detailedpetro- crete, usually subhedralto euhedral crystals (except graphic study of eight thin secrions(Table 1), is in for the quartzgrains, which are consistentlyanhedral). excellent agreementwith a norm basedupon a single The accessoryphases are presentwithin both, as dis- whole-rock compositionof a sampleof material con- tinct grains r:qithinthe "matrix", and as inclusions sideredrepresentative of the granitic body (Table 2). within the coarsergrains. For example,euhedral crys- Scapoliteappears as plagioclasein the norm, so that tals of allanite (with a rim of epidote) and titanite the sum of ab and an in the norm approximatesthe occur in the "matrix". but euhedralallanite and sumof plagioclase+ scapolitein themode. anhedraltitanite crystalsalso occur as inclusionsin The mineralogy and composition of the pegmatite scapolite.Furthermore, subhedral to anhedralbiotite, reflect its unusuallycalcic nature.In additionto scapo- epidoteand muscovitegrains are presentas inclusions lite, the plagioclase(-Anao) and tourmalinein this within someof the largestgrains of scapoliteand pla- granitic body are both calcic (Table 3) relative to the gioclase.Inclusions of biotite are found in microcline, plagioclaseand tourmalinerypiqgl of simple(barren; andinclusions of zirconoccur in plagioclase. granitic pegmatitedikes (e.g., Cernf 1982).Among On the basisof texturalinforrnation (inclusions and the accessoryminerals of the granitic body, the grain-boundaryrelationships), allanite, titanite, zircon, -richphases include epidote,allanite, titanite apatite,biotite and possiblysome of the epidoteand andapatite (Table l). muscovitecrystallized first. Then came an episode Two texfures are prominent: 1) quartz, microcline of crystallization in which qtrartz,plagioclaie and and plagioclaseoccur in patchesor zones(henceforth K-feldsparformed as the 'omatrix"described above. termed "matrix") of anhedral(tending toward poly- The fust of the larger, subhedralcrystals to crystallize gonal), roughly equigranular,5-10 mm grains; was scapolite,which was followed in sequenceby 2) scapolite,plagioclase, quartz (with strongly undula- plagioclase,quartz and K-feldspar. The last of the tory extinction),microperthitic microcline (approxi- major phasesto crystallize was tourmaline;it tendsto mately Or3s.5iTable 3), recognizedby its grid be euhedral,more so than the other major phases. twinning, and tourmaline (with two color zones,typi- Becausein one instancegrowth of tourmaline dis- cally dark olive green in the core and lighter olive rupted parallel exsolution-lamellaeof albite in micro- green toward the rim) occur in larger (2-3 cm), dis- cline, it is apparentthat theselamellae formed before the tourmaline and that the tourmalinethus is sub- TABIX 3. CSnIICAI. COMPOSTIION O!'F'ELDSPATS AND solidus.Finally, on the basis of the presenceof inclu- TOUNUALINE I.BOM TgX PECMATITIC CBANTTIC BODY sions, it is clear that quartz was crystallizing through- out the formation of all of the other major phases,and plugl@lsso desollDs t@r@Ure that some feldsparcontinued to crystallizeup until (u=3) (a.s) ; orl t ovL ; (!'3) oel and during the crystallizationof tourmaline. Micrographic intergrowths(plagioclase with quartz sro2 5?.s8 0.609 8S.89 0.158 u,37 0.196 fio2 <0.01 0.88 0.066 "worms" or blebs)and sericitic alterationof plagioclase Ar2q 26.07 0.099 18.68 0.080 27,46 0.329 and to a lesserextent, scapolife,were the latestprod- FqO:t 0.02 0.02t <0.01 12.80 0.846 MrO <0.01 <0.01 0.12 0.w uctsof crystallization,attributed to deutericalteration. Mso 7,49 0.339 CaO 8.14 0.064 0.01 o,o23 2.60 0.150 Nazo 8.68 0.085 1.28 0.098 1.45 0.08t Scapor-rrE, w 0.14 0.00s 15.08 0.08? 0.08 0.007 BaO 0.01 0.013 0.88 0.085 0.o4 0.03i1 3zo:* 10.27 The scapoliteoccurs in elongatesubhedral to euhe- t rt.S 99.04 99.08 97.45 dral prismatic crystals (Fig. l), in most caseswith Stnrstul !'mulae Esad oD 8 (fsld8ltr) ud 29 (toureltoo) o at@ cross-sections24 mm acrossand with long dimen- sions up to 2-3 cm. Longitudinal sectionsshow st 2.815 2.974 3.@0 Al 1.38tt 1.019 st 5.e95 second-orderbirefringence, typically Q.024-0.026,bttt Fe 0.001 AI 5.384 CE 0.393 0.001 TI 0.110 scapolitewith a birefringenceof up to 0.030 also is Na 0.586 0.11e F6 0.798 presentin separategrains. K 0.008 0.894 lt! 0.01? Locally, tle scapolitehas a Ba 0.016 Mg 1.842 fibrous or "shredded" appearancealong cleavagesor Ba 0.00i1 4.S88 Ca o,M4 boundaries,but for tle most part is very fresh. Na 0.4€s K 0.017 It also has a distinctiveorange-pink fluorescence in End-llsnbsr FsLlsla, MolE t short-waveultraviolet radiation. Ab 8S.!8 11.46 In the granitic body, scapolite is completely inde- An 39.t8 0.08 O! 0.84 88.48 pendentof plagioclase;it does not resvlt from the alteration of plagioclase.No replacementtextures are Total tro[ rElprtsd 6 F92q. + B2Q ta torelloe @lalat€al present(Frg. 1). In most cases,the scapoliteis not in @r'dn6 g boeD ato@ h the sFuotuEl fomula (Eeuw & Gulalotd 1985). CoEF@tttoE obtalaod by oleotrc!-dcFprcba alalyds m the contactwith plagioclaseand, as has beenalready CB!@_SX-60 nlorprcbe at ths UDlveElty of South C€Flis, TA?, pointed out, the scapolite grains crystallized prior to PET ed LIF aDsfyrClg owBbls, u a@l6EdDgvoltag€ of 16 kV, ud o b€e mnt of 25 nA wsF u6od. theplagioclase.

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Sq) - GmpA Sclr - Olwp B qn-l ; (n=10) oel i 1n 11

sio2 &.u 0.us 49.42 0.356 Tloz <0.0x eWz 24.18 0.114 25.08 0.087 r%q' 0.02 0.012 0.0s 0.031 MlO 0.02 0.028 0.03 0.025 McP <0.01 <0.01 CaO 16.46 0.149 13,6:t 0.034 N%o 3.98 0.073 0.(F2 Kzo 0.01r 0.01 0.01s Bao 0.03 0.03x c1 o,21 0.013 l.M 0.018 s03 3.24 0.131 1.33 0.04

I rx.$ 9€.40 s7,25 FIc. 1. Photomicrographof scapolitein graniticpegmatite gtructlml foeula€ on the bads of 12 (St, Al) material(plane-polarized light). Width of thelarger grain st 7. 3 of scapoliteis approximately2 mm. The surrounding Al- 4,737 4.48X Fe4 0.001 0.@6 mineralphases are quartz (white) and tourmaline (!lns!). Mn 0.003 0.@4 Ca 2.'162 2,2!S Ba 0.002 Ne t.2M 1.8!e Electron-microprobeanalyses document two types 0.0s0 0.1?6 0.056 0.3?0 of scapolite,in separategrains, within the granitic s 0.380 0.151 body.No compositionalzoning was detectedin either c+ 0.584 0.475

type. On the basisof Cal(Ca+Na)values, there are two t Total bo! Etrrrted d Fe2q. + c Itr stnrotuEl fouula by dlffeFre' types of scapolitein this rock, containingapproxi- c@dttor obtatDed Uv dmum-Aqopmte anolyEds. IEtil@6d6 mately 70Voand 59VoMe (Table 4). The presenceof ud-olnndng ondttiom u t! Tabls 3. the more Ca-rich scapoliteaccounts for the higher birefrigence(Shaw | 960a). Both types of $capolitecontain significant amounts body? In particular, what was the sourcefor the COr, of SO3and Cl (Table 4). The low totals shown are SOr,and Cl? attributedto CO2.Insofar as the anionpositions in the Scapoliteis a relatively high-temperaturephase, as structuralformulae for the scapoliteanalyses repor[ed indicatedby its typical occulrencein high-temperature here (Table 4) are only about half-filled by SO, + Cl, metamorphicrocks, especiallygranulites and skarns. the difference is attributedto COr. Scapolitewith Ca As notedby Goldsmith(1976,p. 164),"Although gen- contentssimilar to those reportedhere characteris- erally metamorphicminerals, the Ca-rich scapolites tically contain'2.5-3.5vtt.Vo CO2(Shaw 1960a, Evans are obviously stablein a temperaturerange high et al. 1969). enoughto crystallize as primary magmatic phasesat It is significant that the Na/(Na+Ca) ratios for depth, assumingan adequatesupply of CO2 and sul- scapolite(0.30 for the more abundantCa-rich type, fate." Millhollen's (1974) experimentalwork led to 0.41 for the less calcic type) are appreciablylower the formation of scapoliteat about 6 kbar and 900'C. than that of the plagioclase(0.60). As shown by Accordingto his findingsand the conclusionsof Goff Orville (1975),scapolite will be more calcic than the et aI. (1982), the formation of Ca-rich scapolite coexist'ngplagioclase for low-An bulk compositions; requires temperaturesgreater than or equal to 850'C accordingto the data of Shaw (1960b), An* appears andtotal pressuresof 3-6 kbar. Furthermore,"the rarity to be the threshholdvalue below which this relation- of scapoliteas a phenocrystmineral suggeststhat high ship generallyholds. partial pressuresof CO2 and SO, are rare in the mag- In this granitic body, an overall trend of Ca deple- matic environmenf' (Goff et al. 1982,p. 86). tion during crystallizationis obvious from textural As notedby Boivin & Camus(1981), crystaTliza- data,namely, the early appearanceof allanite, apatite, tion of a sulfur-richscapolite involves a high fiSOr) and possibly someof the titanite and epidote,and the and, tlerefore, an exceptionallyhigh flO), necessary later sequentialappearance of the Ca-bearingmajor to stabilize sulfate and carbonatespecies in the melt. phasesscapolite, plagioclase, and tourmaline. They suggestedthat their scapolitemegacrysts repre- senthigh-pressure phenocrysts from the host . PETROGENESISoF nIE The modal mineralogyand chemistryof the host- Scarolrrs-Bsanwc Gnarrrnc PscMArrrE rock gneissesdo not appearto provide a reasonable sourcefor the COr, SO3,and Cl in the scapolite.The What condition(s) facilitated the formation of possibility that the body of granitic pegmatiteis a primary igneous scapolite in this pegmatitic granitic simple leucosomewould seemto be ruled out.

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However,it is possiblethat the granitic body repre- generalmechanism for the formation of granulites. sentsa partial melt that drew from a wider chemical 3) The widespreadoccunence oftounnaline and par- reservoir.The contactrelationship described above ticularly tourmalinites in the area (reviewed in suggeststhat the granitic body may representan Mitfwede 1990),especially to the north, may reflect an anatecticmelt that was producedduring conditionsof evaporitic paleoenvironmentin which not only B but peak metamorphismor, alternatively,that tle body also the anionsnecessary to form scapolitemay have may havehad a deep-seatedigneous source that was beenabundant. As notedby Serdyuchenko(1975) and tapped during .In either case,because Slack(1982), ancient evaporitic teranes generally are the granitic body - country rock contactsare not marked by an abundanceof diagnosticminerals such sharp,it is not unreasonableto concludethat the as anhydriteand scapolite.Although thereis a tounna- gneisswas at elevatedtemperature (probably high- line and, therefore,a boron anomaly in the area grademetamorphic conditions) when the granitic body (Mittwede 1984),unusual amounts of scapolitehave was emplaced.Morphologically, the body of granitic not beennoted. Mittwede (1984) concludedthat the pegmatiteshould be consideredsimply a vein, as there tourmaliniteshave a volcanogenic-exhalativeorigin. is not enoughknown of the field relationsto define the Thesealternatives are not directly testableat this body as either a sill or dike. time. Basedupon the textural evidenceand available Alternativesources for the "exotic" anionsin the geochemicaldata, it is clear that the mineral phases scapoliteinclude the following: presentdid crystallizefrom a magma. 1) The granitic melt may haveinteracted with carbon- ate rocks prior to emplacementand crystallization. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This hypothesishas beeninvoked previously to explain the presenceof primary scapolitein aplite I gratefully acknowledgeJim Wittke for his help describedby Calkins(1909) and in someof the peg- with the mineral analyses,obtained on the Cameca matitesdescribed by Safronova(1978). SX-50 microprobe at the University of South Although no carbonaterocks have beenfound in Carolina.I also thank A.H. Maybin, Itr of the South the immediatevicinity of t}te granitic body" discon- Carolina GeologicalSurvey for supplyinggneiss tinuousbeds or lensesof calcitic to dolomitic marble samples,R.V. Dietrich and D.M. Shaw for helpful are not uncommonalong the southeasternflank of the discussions,James W. Clark (USGS)for kindly trans- Inner Piedmontbelt (Overstreet& Bell 1965).For lating an article in Russian,and Erkan Atalik and the example,the old Ottersonmarble quarry, describedby Turkish PetroleumCorporation (TPAO) for the use of Sloan (1908),is said to be locatedabout 3 km east- a Zeiss petrographicmicroscope and a Zeiss Axioplan southeastof the dike outcrop,although I was unableto universalmicroscope in the last stagesof this research, locate that quarry in the field. A number of other I also thank Robert C. Newton (University of marble occurrences,many of which were old quarries Chicago) and Denis M. Shaw (McMaster University) with limited production,are locatedalong strike to the for readingan earlier versionof the manuscriptand for southwest,in LaurensCounty (Sloan 1908). The most, their helpful comments,and to RobertF. Martin, notableoccwrence is the Master's Kiln locality (Sloan BernardBonin, and two refereesfor their insightful 1908,Clarke 1957,Snipes 1969). At this locality, a criticisms and suggestions. granitic rock intruded a marble bed and produced a skarn characterizedby ,scapolite, and acti- RnrnnsNcEs nolite. This is the only other significant occurrenceof scapoliteknown in South Carolina.According to BorvrN,P. & CAMUS,G. (1981):Igneous scapolite-bearing Clarke(1957), the scapoliteat MasterosKiln has a associationsin the Chaine des Puys, Massif Central compositionof Me65(based upon its indices of refrac- @rance)and Atakor (Hoggar, Algeria). Contrib. Mineral. tion). Petrol.77.365-375. 2) The granitic body may have had a deep-oustal CALKINs,F.C. (1909): Primary scapolite in igneousrocks. magmaticsource in which the anionsnecessary to Science29.946-947 . form scapolite,especially CO2 and possibly SO3, may (Newton CenNt, P. (1982): Aaatomy and classificationof granitic be enriched & Goldsmith 1975.Goldsmith pegmatiles.In Granitic Pegmatitesin Scienceand 1976). Industry (P. Cernj, ed.).Mineral. Assoc. Can., Shon' It is possiblethat CO2coming from the earth'sinte- Cours e Hanlbook8, 1-39. rior could be entrappedin scapolitepresent in inter- mediate or basic rocks and that remelting of these Clanrs, J.W. (1957): Contact metamorphismin Laurens rocks could liberatethe CO2to higher crustallevels County, South Carolina. South Carolina State Devel (Newton& Goldsmith1975, I-overing & White 1964). Board,Div. of Geology,Mineral Ind. Bull, 1,2-7. On the other hand, Moecher& Essene(1990) have EvaNs,B.W., SHAW,D.M. & HaucsroN,D.R. (1969): arguedpersuasively against the role of CO, flooding Scapolitestoichiometry. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 24, or mantleoutgassing (e.9., Newton et al. 1980)as a 293-305.

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GLovER,L., [I, Senen,J.A., RussELL,G.S. & Fennen,S.S. NEwroN,R.C. & Gor-osrramr,J.R. (1975): Stability of the (1983):Ages of regionalmetamorphism and ductile scapolitemeionite (3CaAl2Si2O2.CaCOr)at high pres- deformationin the centraland southernAppalachians. sures and storageof CO2 in the deep crust. Contrib. Lithas16, 223-245. M ineral. Pe tro l. 49,49 -62.

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