NASA Technical Memorandum 78743
NASA Technical Memorandum 78743 (SASA-Y!!*-’767U3) STBUCTOEAL CCVCZP?S AY3 Y75-140,pC EXEEFI!IE.d’IAL CCNSI8EEP.TiOYS FCE A VERSATTIE FiIGI?-S?Z’3D FESflfitP. RIRPLANE (Y3SE) a0 ,C 9C AOS/!4F A01 CSCL OlC Jnclas G3/05 41008 STRUCTURAL CONCEPTS AND EXPERIENTAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR A VERSATILE HIGH-SPEED RESEARCH AIRPLANE L, ROBERT JACKSON, F, S, KIRKHAM, AND J, P, WEIDHER NOVEMBER 1978 Naliona; ASronaLiks arid Space Admini.;tral;on Langley Research Center Hampton Virqinia 23665 STRUCTURAL CONCEPTS AND EXPERIWNTAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR A VERSATILE HIGH-SPEED RESEARCH AIRPLANE by L. Robert Jackson, F. S. Kirkham, and J. P. Weidner .-uture aircraft my achieve flight speeds to Mach 10 ana bum hydrogen fuel. This speed range and cryogenic fuel wiil impose new demands on the airframe, requiring new materials and structural concepts to result in viable payloads. To enable timely application of advances in structures technclogy at least risk, large representative structwal comoonents will require testing in the increasingly severe flight environments. To accomplish useful flight tests and demonstrations, a versatile, high-speed research zirplane has been studied at Langley Research Center. Some objectives of this study are to define a research airplane concept that is capable of testing realistic size components of pertinent future structures at 1-ast expenditure of resources. Reported herein are experimental considerations for a hypersonic research airplane, a means of achieving versatile research capability, a discussion of alternative thermal protection systems, and a definition of the structure and thermal protection system selected ;or the high-speed research airplane. The study has identified a near-art structure and thermal protection system and a mans of dChieVing research ve!.satility for a high-speed research airplane.
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