Pre-convention bulletin #2 / November 16, 2014 for members only _______________________________________________________________________ Contents Page The complexities of rape and sexual assault: a contribution 1 SS for ISO Steering Committee Towards Organized Political Education 12 DT Redesign 16 DW, DJ, and ZK Contributing to the Pre-Convention Bulletins This is the second pre-convention bulletin leading up to the ISO convention in February 2015. Contributions don’t have to be long. They can consist of a report on a branch or district activity; an analysis of a local, national or international political development; a contribution on the ISO’s current perspectives or an article on a theoretical/political topic such as how we understand neoliberalism or what approach to take on “privilege” politics. Please submit your contribution to
[email protected]. The complexities of rape and sexual assault: a contribution I am submitting this document in response to “Towards a Disciplinary Procedure that Trusts Survivors,” by RA (Seattle) and BE (San Diego) in Internal Bulletin #2, July 2014. I want to first make clear that I thoroughly support the spirit and intent of R and B’s document. As they argue, “Given the prevalence of distrust for survivors of sexual assault and the horrendous ways that survivors are treated in the U.S. criminal justice system, we feel it is critical that our organization approach such accusations with different standards than the courts. These standards need to be unapologetically weighted in favor of survivors.” Our position as revolutionary socialists must be unequivocal: Legal and law enforcement systems, university administrators and the sexist underpinnings of so-called “conventional wisdom” in capitalist society are all predisposed to disbelieving women when they say they have been raped or sexually assaulted.