Contents Introduction and recommendations p.2 Chapter 1 Chief Editor Beijing’s hands, police Chris Yeung batons pose threats to Executive Editor Lau Wai-kuen media freedom p.6 Writers 9 Extradition bill stokes fear Chris Yeung, Au Ka-lun, Ronson Chan, Kris Cheng 10 Police’s pledge of facilitating reporting mere words Shirley Yam, Alvin Lum, RTHK Programme Staff Union, 13 Reporters become the target of protesters Tse Chung-yan, Ching Cheong 13 Beijing expulsion order of US journalists damages Translators autonomy Pamela Ngai, Cheung Choi-wan, Wendy Lee Copyright Hong Kong Journalists Association HONG KONG JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION The Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) is the only industry-wide union of journalists in Hong Kong. The HKJA promotes the right to freedom of expression and activity focuses on a range of press freedom and ethics concerns. As a trade union, the HKJA focuses on labour rights, pay issues, health and safety, and training. Executive Committee (2019-2020) Chris Yeung, Chairperson; Shirley Yam, Vice-Chairperson; Ronson Chan, Gary Chau, Kwok Ho-yin, Lam Yin-pong, Luther Ng, Hilda Poon, Charles Tang, Tse Chung-yan Hong Kong Journalists Association Flat A, 15/F., Henfa Commercial Building 348-350 Lockhart Road, Wanchai Hong Kong tel +852 2591 0692 e-mail
[email protected] fax +852 2572 7329 website Contents Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Journalists under the RTHK: Dual role threat of police brings dilemma p.36 p.16 37 Beating up the kids with the door closed brutality 38 Cut budget 16 Three measures to improve