
Name ______Date ____ Class _____

East Asia and Today Chart, Graph, and Map Skills Activity

Reading a Density Map Learning the Skill Population density is the average number of people living in a square mile or square kilometer. A population density map uses colors, shading, and patterns to illustrate differences in population. Dots, squares, or stars represent capitals and of varying . To read a population density map, follow these steps. • Read the title of the map to determine the area you are viewing. • Study the map key to identify the various population densities on the map. • On the map, find areas of lowest and highest population density. • Compare the map with other information to explain the region's population patterns.

(I Practicing the Skill Directions: Read the key and study the map below. Then answer the questions that follow.

Japan: Population Density


POPULATION Per sq. mi. Per sq. km 1,250 and over ~ ;·"~I 500 and over 250-1,250 _ 100-500 Sea of 62.5-250 k======1 25- 100 Japan 25-62.5 c=J 10-25 (East sea) 2.5-25 EZZ!1-10

Cities o National capital • over 6,000,000 o City 2,000,000 - 4,000,000 .•

a 600 kilometers I I a 600 miles Two-Point Equidistant projection East ,. Sea . I

93 Name ______Date ____ Class _____

Chart, Graph, and Map Skills Activity continued

1. Analyzing What is the population density around the capital city of Japan? .

2. Locating What two cities are in the most densely populated areas of Japan?

3. Identifying What is the population of ?

(I Applying the Skill Directions: Study the map and its key again, and then answer the questions that follow. 1. Analyzing How would you describe the population density of the northernmost island of Japan?

2. Comparing How do the population densities of the areas surrounding Sendai and Hiroshima compare?

3. Drawing Conclusions What can you conclude about the physical features of places in Japan where the population density is 2.5 to 25 persons per square mile (1 to 10 per sq. km) or less?