Grumpyʼs Sunday Quiz Answers The one with all the Christmas questions

1. Which British comedy returned last Christmas with a special 10 years on from its last tv airing? A. Gavin and Stacey

2. What gift did Santa give to the little boy in the film The Snowman? A. a scarf

3. What is the name of the convenience store in the TV series The Simpsons? A. Kwik-E-Mart

4. The city of Portsmouth lies in which county? A. Hampshire

5. “You walked into the party like you were walking onto a yacht” is the opening line of which song? A. Youʼre so vain, Carly Simon

6. Last Christmas a little girl named Florence accidentally stumbled on a hand written message in a brand new box of Christmas cards. It claimed to be from foreign prisoners in Shanghai and read “Forced to work against our will. Please help us and notify human rights organisation.” But which UK supermarket did she buy the cards from? A. Tesco

7. Which policeman was at the centre of the movies? A.

8. In which year did Robbie Williams leave Take That? A.1995

9. How many years would you have to reuse your artificial tree in order for it to more environmentally friendly than a fresh-cut tree? A. 20

10. In Elton Johnʼs memoirs entitled ʻMeʼ, which famous person did he claim he pelted with oranges for being bad a game of Christmas charades? A. Bob Dylan

11. The heart is divided into four chambers, name all four of them for a point. A. Left atria, right atria, right ventricle, left ventricle.

12. Which costumed character topped the UK Christmas charts in1993 with a self-titled song? A. Mr Blobby

13. The royal family released photos of The Queen and Prince George last Christmas, but what was he doing in them to ʻcheer her upʼ? Making a Christmas pudding

14. What are the surnames of the title characters in Romeo and Juliet? A. Montegue and capulet

15. Who lived at 52 Festive Road and regularly visited a fez-wearing shopkeeper? A. Mr Ben

BONUS ROUND: Give each team 1 minute to collect these random items from around the house: A dice, a tooth brush, a kitchen pan, something round, something starting with J Fastest team earns 2 points!

16. Which artist exhibited a piece of work named the ʻWalled off Hotelʼ in Bethlehem in December? A. Banksy

17. What percentage of the whole yearʼs sprout sales are made in the two weeks before Christmas? A. 25%

18. In which fictional village was Noelʼs House Party set? A. Crinkly Bottom

19. In which James Bond film was there the following exchange: “You expect me to talk?” “No, Mr Bond, I expect you to die!”? A. Gold finger

20. What did the government ordered a fresh batch of, months after a Brexit delay forced them to destroy 1 million of the same item? A. a commemorative Brexit 50p coins

21. What did Del Boy and Rodney famously dress as in the 1995 Christmas special of Only Fools and Horses, an episode entitled ʻHeroes and Villainsʼ? A. Batman and Robin

22. What unfortunate event happened at William the Conquerorʼs Funeral? A. He exploded covering mourners in his rotten guts.

23. Name the members of the Fantastic Four? A. the human torch, the invisible woman, mr fantastic, the thing

24. In The Wizard of Oz (1939), what was used to simulate snow during the poppy scene? A. Asbestos

25. Who won the first series of Iʼm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here? A. Tony Blackburn

26. The Christmas film ʻThe Holidayʼ was shot in two locations – Southern California and which English county? A. Surrey

27. Three of the following statements are Donald Trump and one is Buddy the Elf, can you spot the odd one out? A. You did it! Congratulations! World's best cup of coffee. Great job, everybody. It's great to be here.

28. In Game of Thrones what is the name of Jon Snowʼs direwolf? A. Ghost

29. What was the title of the first single by the Spice Girls that did not reach no.1 in the UK? A. Stop

30. What is the square root of 289? A. 17

31. Which football league club is famously vegan? A. Forest Green Rovers

32. Put these top Christmas toys of the 90s in the correct order of their release: A. Tracy Island 1992, Power Rangers 1994, Buzz Light Year 1996, Tomagotchi 1997, Furby 1998

33. What fast food eatery is a popular meal choice in Japan on Christmas Eve? A. KFC

34. In Harry Potter, What does S.P.E.W. stand for? A. Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare

35. Which was founded first; Netflix or Google? A. Netflix (1997) Google (1998)

36. Which famous author wrote Chitty Chitty Bang Bang? A. Ian Fleming

37. The most read BBC headline of 2010 relates to which incident? The Chilean Miners Rescue

38. Name 3 of the 5 headlining acts from Glastonbury 2019? A. Choose from; The Cure, Kylie, Stormzy, Janet Jackson, The Killers

39. What is the first rule of Fight Club? Do not talk about Fight Club

40. Which is greater; the amount of roles of cello tape we go through in the UK at Christmas or the amount of turkeyʼs eaten? A. Turkeys (10 million vs 6 million celleotape)

***Tinfoil Round:*** Each Team has 10 minutes to make themselves a wearable tinfoil outfit to the theme of: THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS Best effort wins 2 points!

Weʼd love to see your creations, tag us @grumpysleeds / #grumpysquiz