The Anti-fungal and Anti-viral effects of Garlic by Peter Josling B. Sc. (Hons.) first published in Mostly Garlic Magazine

The antibiotic properties of garlic have earnt it the popular name "nature's antibiotic" but this incredible stinking rose can provide a "full house" of activity against fungi, ’s and viral infections. The antifungal properties of garlic have long been used in folk medicine for the treatment of infections, especially those of the skin. The first serious published evidence was produced by Schmidt and Marquardt in 1936 when they demonstrated the extraordinary fungistatic and fungicidal action of freshly pressed garlic juice and dried garlic with epidermophyte cultures. Later, American and Russian authors reported similar findings almost simultaneously, and since then, numerous studies have appeared in which the inhibition of fungal growth by garlic and/or its constituents, mainly allicin, is described. Further evidence that allicin is responsible for the anticandidal activity of garlic has been demonstrated in a study where pure allicin was found to be highly active - with a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of only 7 ug/mL. The study also showed that several varieties of onion had much less anticandidal and antibacterial activity than garlic (Hughes & Lawson, 1991). Growth and respiration are also inhibited by garlic juice in , cerebriforme , and T.granulosum . At a dilution of 1:1000, garlic juice had no harmful effect on tissue cultures, such as chicken embryos or kidney cells; however, it completely inhibited the growth of yeast.

Effect of allicin on various fungal

Fungal Strain Allicin concentration

MIC mcg/ml

Candida albicans 0.3

Candida neoformans 0.3

Candida parapsilosis 0.15 0.3

Candida krusei 0.3

Microorganisms are much more sensitive to the active constituents of garlic than are higher organisms. In 1960 several workers carried out some model experiments with various yeast strains ( Saccharomyces cerevisiae, S.ellipsoideus, S.carlsbergensis ) and enzymatically-produced allicin. Total growth inhibition occurred with the original strains, but not with some mutants of the . Some of the against which garlic is effective are Microsporum gypseum, Trichophyton terrestre, Malbranchea pulchella , and tropicum . Effectiveness against parasiticus, Aspergillus ochraceus, Penicillum patulum, P.roqueforti , and P.citrinum has also been reported. Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida albicans, , Trichophyton mentagrophytes , and T.rubrum are further species responding to garlic. Activity was also observed against Candida albicans, Aspergillus parasiticus, A.flavus , and A.ochreus . At dilutions of 1:200 to 1:1600, garlic juice exhibits fungistatic activity to Aspergillus niger, A.orzae, Rhizopus nigricans , and Mucor racemosus . At higher concentrations it is effective against Didium lactis, Penicillium glaucum , and P.notadum . American Researchers tested 139 species of pathogenic fungi and yeast’s for their in vitro sensitivity to aqueous garlic extract. The results were quite variable, since many microorganisms did not grow at all while others grew well. From these results, it can be seen that the antifungal effect is specific and not general. On several yeast’s which grow on foods or are used industrially, it was observed that even very small amounts (25 ppm) of garlic oil have a strong inhibitory effect. Annually, about 120 Americans fall victim to coccidiosis ("valley fever"), an intestinal disease caused by certain pathological fungi, including , Auxarthron zufiiaanum , and Uncinocarpus resii . All of these fungi are sensitive to garlic extracts. Furthermore the effectiveness of an aqueous garlic extract against a series of human pathogenic fungi and yeasts, which originated from patients with infectious containing Candida, Cryptococcus, Rhodotorula, Torilopsis , and were all inhibited or killed by garlic extract at a dilution of 1:1024. Upadhyay and colleagues in 1980 tested the susceptibility of fresh garlic juice of a large number of fungi and yeasts isolated from the tears of patients with eye diseases. A remarkable antimycotic activity was observed, and the authors recommended the application of juice in opthalmology! Aqueous garlic extracts have been shown in China to have good success in curing patients of life-threatening cryptococcal meningitis (Hunan Medical College, 1980). In poultry farming, the addition of 2-5% garlic (chips or extract) to the feed is used for the prevention of mycocis in the animals. Garlic was also effective against Candida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus . In veterinary practice, garlic extract is used for treatment of infected wounds, in calves, for example, and for promotion of wound healing. In India, a garlic preparation is used for scabies in pigs! Comparative studies on the effects of garlic juice and the pharmaceutical preparations, nystatin, griseofulvin, and against Candida albicans, , Goetrichum candidum, Aspergillus fumigatus , and Epidmophyton mentagrophytes have shown that the antimycotic activity of garlic exceeds that of ALL the drugs investigated. How garlic exerts this incredible activity against Candida albicans is still much of a mystery. However it is known that garlic extract caused damage to the outer surface of the fungal cells and caused several alterations in the fat content. It is also probable that garlic may reduce the adhesion of Candida cells to the mouth. Tests for possible application of garlic oil and recently available stabilised allicin [more details] to control various phytopathogenic fungi in agriculture have revealed a considerable activity against these pests. In a field study with peanut and mung bean plants, garlic oil (50-10,000 ppm) was found to be protective. Gibberella zeae, a parasite of maize, is inhibited by garlic oil (8,000-10,000 ppm) more effectively than by pesticides. The larvae of Trogoderma granarium Everts, another parasite on maize kernels, can be controlled by 1-2% garlic oil. Other Allium species, especially onion and leek, inhibit a variety of rot fungi. Aqueous extracts of garlic and Chinese chive ( Aspergillus tuberosum ) have good fungicidal properties but do not inhibit plant growth. There is evidence that certain plant phenols are involved in resistance of roots. Aged garlic extract, which contains no allicin or allicin-derived compounds, was found in vitro to have no anticandidal or other antifungal activity. (Hughes & Lawson, 1991)

Garlic oil (steam-distilled) is also an effective remedy against wood-destroying fungi such as Lenzites trabea, Plyporus vesicolor and Lentinus lepideus. Therefore, it has been suggested that garlic should be planted between railroad ties and along fences, in order to prevent premature decay of the wood. Of course, the antifungal components of garlic also protect garlic itself from fungal infestation!

Antiviral Effects Currently relatively few publications exist to show the activity of garlic and its components against viral infections. However the evidence that does exist shows clearly that garlic, or more accurately, allicin, has significant in vitro and in vivo activity. Among the viruses that are sensitive to garlic extracts are the human cytomegalovirus, influenza B, herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, parainfluenza virus type 3, vaccinia virus, vesicular stomatitis virus and human rhinovirus type 2. It was reported that, during an influenza epidemic, the former Soviet Union once imported 500 tons of garlic for the acute treatment of the disease. Garlic therefore acquired the name "Russian Penicillin". Indeed it was also reported that Radio Stations in Moscow advised their listeners to go out and buy more garlic to eat during the epidemic! In eastern Europe and in the South and East Asian countries (India and China), garlic is used as a substitute for the probably more effective, but often much too expensive, western medications. Before the development of vaccines against poliomyelitis, garlic was used successfully as a prophylactic against polio. It was also observed that garlic was very effective against viral influenza A. In the UK recently, we have shown that pure stabilised allicin has demonstrated significant activity against herpes simplex type 1 after only a few topical applications. Patients report a slight stinging on application, but interestingly the smell disappears extremely quickly. For any readers with a young family, this author and co-workers have also demonstrated that allicin can conquer a troublesome viral infection known as molluscum contagiosum. This is a very distressing condition often found in young children between the ages of 2 and 5 years old. A rash appears on the trunk or genitals and eventually nasty wheals, that burst, and often leave scarring can really upset young children. No prescribed pharmaceutical agent works at all. Yet after only a few applications of allicin liquid directly to the spots, they disappear without leaving any significant marks! A further allicin type preparation for parenteral use has also claimed activity against viral infections, among them AIDS. A patent has even protected this application! Significant activity against influenza viruses was also shown with intranasal and intramuscular application of an aqueous garlic extract in mice. Prophylactic application prolonged the survival time of the animals. Sodium fluoride enhanced the antiviral effect of garlic extract. A single report is available on the effectiveness of garlic against rickettsia. Kumar and co- workers (1981) conducted an experiment with Coxiella burnetii, the causative agent for Q fever, in chickens. Among the results were delayed and weaker antibody reaction for the prophylactically treated chickens (daily fed 2g chopped cloves per animal) and faster recovery than the animals of the control group. From these results, the authors inferred that garlic is also effective against the whole group of viruses of this type. Several compounds from garlic as well as several types of commercial garlic products have been investigated for virucidal activity toward several viruses. Ajoene was more active than allicin and other thiosulfinates, while no activity was found for alliin. Only commercial products capable of producing allicin showed any virucidal activity. With the FDA and the UK authorities recently granting a pharmaceutical license for the new GlaxoWellcome anti flu drug, Relenza this presents an ideal marketing opportunity for the drug industry. Since here is a drug that may reduce the symptoms of flu by a mere 2 days, yet will cost up to $45 for a course of only 30 tablets. This amount will buy an awful lot of garlic and I for one know which I would choose for the flu this winter!

Peter Josling - Garlic Center - If you use this article anywhere please quote The Garlic Center as the source of your material - thanks! Email [email protected] if you would like to join our list of free subscribers to The Totally Garlic Ezine