Predir Street Name Street Type Suffix Dir Full Name

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Predir Street Name Street Type Suffix Dir Full Name PREDIR STREET NAME STREET TYPE SUFFIX DIR FULL NAME CITY RIGHT CITY LEFT ZIP RIGHT ZIP LEFT MUNICIPALITY LEFT FROM LEFT TO RIGHT FROM RIGHT TO 1ST AV 1st Av KEYSTONE HEIGHTS KEYSTONE HEIGHTS 32656 32656 NONE 6281 6299 6280 6298 2ND AV 2nd Av KEYSTONE HEIGHTS KEYSTONE HEIGHTS 32656 32656 NONE 6281 6299 6280 6298 SE 2ND PL SE 2nd Pl STARKE STARKE 32091 32091 NONE 7234 7314 7233 7315 SE 35TH ST SE 35th St KEYSTONE HEIGHTS KEYSTONE HEIGHTS 32656 32656 NONE 6845 6863 6844 6864 3RD AV 3rd Av KEYSTONE HEIGHTS KEYSTONE HEIGHTS 32656 32656 NONE 6281 6299 6280 6298 3RD ST 3rd St KEYSTONE HEIGHTS KEYSTONE HEIGHTS 32656 32656 NONE 6271 6299 6270 6300 4TH AV 4th Av KEYSTONE HEIGHTS KEYSTONE HEIGHTS 32656 32656 NONE 6285 6335 6286 6336 4TH ST 4th St KEYSTONE HEIGHTS KEYSTONE HEIGHTS 32656 32656 NONE 6291 6499 6290 6500 5TH AV 5th Av KEYSTONE HEIGHTS KEYSTONE HEIGHTS 32656 32656 NONE 6295 6335 6296 6336 5TH ST 5th St KEYSTONE HEIGHTS KEYSTONE HEIGHTS 32656 32656 NONE 6311 6359 6310 6360 6TH AV 6th Av KEYSTONE HEIGHTS KEYSTONE HEIGHTS 32656 32656 NONE 6301 6329 6300 6330 6TH ST 6th St KEYSTONE HEIGHTS KEYSTONE HEIGHTS 32656 32656 NONE 0 0 0 0 7TH ST 7th St KEYSTONE HEIGHTS KEYSTONE HEIGHTS 32656 32656 NONE 0 0 0 0 8TH ST 8th St KEYSTONE HEIGHTS KEYSTONE HEIGHTS 32656 32656 NONE 6601 6629 6600 6630 AARON DR Aaron Dr GREEN COVE SPRINGS GREEN COVE SPRINGS 32043 32043 NONE 2181 2299 2180 2300 ABA DR Aba Dr ORANGE PARK ORANGE PARK 32073 32073 NONE 1849 1895 1848 1894 ABBEY CT Abbey Ct ORANGE PARK ORANGE PARK 32073 32073 NONE 601 619 600 620 ABELIA MNR Abelia Mnr MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 1589 1595 1590 1596 ABERDEEN CT Aberdeen Ct ORANGE PARK ORANGE PARK 32073 32073 NONE 595 601 594 602 ABERDEEN CT Aberdeen Ct ORANGE PARK ORANGE PARK 32065 32065 NONE 2674 2682 2673 2681 ABILENE TR Abilene Tr ORANGE PARK ORANGE PARK 32065 32065 NONE 1201 1239 1200 1240 ACACIA MNR Acacia Mnr MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 1589 1595 1590 1594 ACACIA ST Acacia St MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 4715 4845 4714 4844 ACADIA ST Acadia St KEYSTONE HEIGHTS KEYSTONE HEIGHTS 32656 32656 NONE 5501 5825 5500 5824 ACANTHUS MNR Acanthus Mnr MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 1589 1595 1590 1596 ACCESS RD Access Rd FLEMING ISLAND FLEMING ISLAND 32003 32003 NONE 0 0 0 0 ACORN MNR Acorn Mnr MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 2155 2171 2154 2170 ACORN RUN W Acorn Run W ORANGE PARK ORANGE PARK 32073 32073 NONE 1963 1973 1962 1974 ACORN RUN Acorn Run ORANGE PARK ORANGE PARK 32073 32073 NONE 1955 1961 1954 1960 ACORN CHASE DR Acorn Chase Dr ORANGE PARK ORANGE PARK 32065 32065 NONE 631 689 630 690 ACORN CREEK RD Acorn Creek Rd GREEN COVE SPRINGS GREEN COVE SPRINGS 32043 32043 NONE 2501 2549 2500 2550 ACORNRIDGE LN Acornridge Ln ORANGE PARK ORANGE PARK 32065 32065 NONE 541 579 540 580 ADAMS LN Adams Ln FLEMING ISLAND FLEMING ISLAND 32003 32003 NONE 236 344 235 345 ADAMS RD Adams Rd GREEN COVE SPRINGS GREEN COVE SPRINGS 32043 32043 NONE 3101 3359 3100 3360 ADDIE LN Addie Ln MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 855 929 856 930 ADLER NEST LN Adler Nest Ln FLEMING ISLAND FLEMING ISLAND 32003 32003 NONE 1801 1929 1800 1930 ADMIRALS WALK DR E Admirals Walk Dr E ORANGE PARK ORANGE PARK 32073 32073 NONE 2641 2905 2642 2904 ADMIRALS WALK DR N Admirals Walk Dr N ORANGE PARK ORANGE PARK 32073 32073 NONE 2730 2792 2729 2793 ADMIRALS WALK DR S Admirals Walk Dr S ORANGE PARK ORANGE PARK 32073 32073 NONE 2552 2592 2553 2591 ADMIRALS WALK DR W Admirals Walk Dr W ORANGE PARK ORANGE PARK 32073 32073 NONE 2743 2963 2744 2964 ADRA CT Adra Ct FLEMING ISLAND FLEMING ISLAND 32003 32003 NONE 4901 4923 4900 4924 AFFIRMED CT Affirmed Ct GREEN COVE SPRINGS GREEN COVE SPRINGS 32043 32043 NONE 2827 2875 2826 2874 AGATE CT Agate Ct KEYSTONE HEIGHTS KEYSTONE HEIGHTS 32656 32656 NONE 5749 5753 5750 5754 AGAVE MNR Agave Mnr MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 2155 2165 2154 2166 AIR PARK LOOP E Air Park Loop E GREEN COVE SPRINGS GREEN COVE SPRINGS 32043 32043 NONE 5231 5419 5230 5420 AIR PARK LOOP N Air Park Loop N GREEN COVE SPRINGS GREEN COVE SPRINGS 32043 32043 NONE 1141 1209 1140 1210 AIR PARK LOOP S Air Park Loop S GREEN COVE SPRINGS GREEN COVE SPRINGS 32043 32043 NONE 1141 1149 1140 1150 AIR PARK LOOP W Air Park Loop W GREEN COVE SPRINGS GREEN COVE SPRINGS 32043 32043 NONE 5231 5419 5230 5420 AIR PARK RD Air Park Rd GREEN COVE SPRINGS GREEN COVE SPRINGS 32043 32043 NONE 1041 1139 1040 1140 AIRPORT RD Airport Rd STARKE STARKE 32091 32091 NONE 7041 7385 7040 7384 AKRON OAKS DR Akron Oaks Dr ORANGE PARK ORANGE PARK 32065 32065 NONE 1301 1379 1300 1380 ALAMEDA WAY Alameda Way KEYSTONE HEIGHTS KEYSTONE HEIGHTS 32656 32656 NONE 7551 7655 7550 7654 ALAN LAKE RD Alan Lake Rd KEYSTONE HEIGHTS KEYSTONE HEIGHTS 32656 32656 NONE 4521 4599 4520 4598 ALBERT SMITH RD Albert Smith Rd MAXVILLE MAXVILLE 32234 32234 NONE 295 329 296 330 ALBERTA CT N Alberta Ct N MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 1843 1863 1844 1862 ALBERTA CT S Alberta Ct S MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 1869 1885 1868 1886 Page 1 of 71 PREDIR STREET NAME STREET TYPE SUFFIX DIR FULL NAME CITY RIGHT CITY LEFT ZIP RIGHT ZIP LEFT MUNICIPALITY LEFT FROM LEFT TO RIGHT FROM RIGHT TO ALBURY CT Albury Ct MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 2210 2216 2209 2215 ALCOVE DR Alcove Dr MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 3701 3755 3700 3754 ALDER DR W Alder Dr W ORANGE PARK ORANGE PARK 32073 32073 NONE 1821 1865 1822 1864 ALDER DR Alder Dr ORANGE PARK ORANGE PARK 32073 32073 NONE 1729 1817 1728 1816 ALDERMAN RD Alderman Rd MELROSE MELROSE 32666 32666 NONE 8051 8349 8050 8350 ALDERNEY CT Alderney Ct MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 2221 2249 2220 2250 ALDERSGATE ST Aldersgate St GREEN COVE SPRINGS GREEN COVE SPRINGS 32043 32043 NONE 100 250 101 249 ALDERWOOD CT Alderwood Ct JACKSONVILLE JACKSONVILLE 32244 32244 NONE 8555 8579 8546 8580 ALEC DR Alec Dr MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 3401 3649 3400 3650 ALETHA MNR Aletha Mnr MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 1655 1693 1654 1694 ALFALFA ST Alfalfa St MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 4901 4969 4900 4970 ALFORD LN Alford Ln MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 5601 5649 5600 5650 ALLABOARD DR Allaboard Dr MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 4491 4537 4492 4538 ALLIANCE AV Alliance Av KEYSTONE HEIGHTS KEYSTONE HEIGHTS 32656 32656 NONE 6259 6431 6260 6432 ALLIE MURRAY RD Allie Murray Rd MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 1319 1619 1320 1620 ALLIGATOR BLVD Alligator Blvd MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 4541 4989 4540 4990 ALLIGATOR CT Alligator Ct MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 2621 2929 2620 2630 ALLISON CT Allison Ct MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 2087 2099 2088 2098 ALMOND CT Almond Ct KEYSTONE HEIGHTS KEYSTONE HEIGHTS 32656 32656 NONE 5201 5349 5200 5350 ALOE MNR Aloe Mnr MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 2155 2159 2154 2160 ALOHA LN Aloha Ln MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 2401 2489 2400 2490 ALPACA AV Alpaca Av MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 2961 3019 2960 3020 ALPHA CT Alpha Ct ORANGE PARK ORANGE PARK 32073 32073 NONE 2012 2052 2011 2053 ALPINE RIDGE CT Alpine Ridge Ct ORANGE PARK ORANGE PARK 32065 32065 NONE 965 969 966 970 ALPS CT Alps Ct FLEMING ISLAND FLEMING ISLAND 32003 32003 NONE 1717 1735 1718 1734 ALS SATCH RD Als Satch Rd MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 4001 4199 4000 4198 ALSEY DR Alsey Dr ORANGE PARK ORANGE PARK 32073 32073 NONE 467 499 466 498 ALTON CT Alton Ct MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 2641 2645 2640 2644 AMANDA LN Amanda Ln MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 3997 4079 3996 4080 AMARYLIS AV Amarylis Av MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 2241 2289 2240 2290 AMBER CT Amber Ct ORANGE PARK ORANGE PARK 32065 32065 NONE 1057 1065 1056 1064 AMBERLY DR Amberly Dr MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 1701 2159 1700 2160 AMBERWOOD CT Amberwood Ct ORANGE PARK ORANGE PARK 32065 32065 NONE 521 539 520 540 AMBROSIA DR Ambrosia Dr MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 2401 2531 2400 2532 AMECA AV Ameca Av ORANGE PARK ORANGE PARK 32073 32073 NONE 400 512 401 513 AMERICAN WAY American Way MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 4125 4149 4126 4150 AMHERST AV Amherst Av KEYSTONE HEIGHTS KEYSTONE HEIGHTS 32656 32656 NONE 6317 6427 6318 6428 AMYS CT Amys Ct GREEN COVE SPRINGS GREEN COVE SPRINGS 32043 32043 NONE 3191 3225 3192 3224 ANCHOR RD Anchor Rd MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 2701 2899 2700 2900 ANDERSON RD Anderson Rd GREEN COVE SPRINGS GREEN COVE SPRINGS 32043 32043 NONE 3051 3107 3050 3108 ANDREWS RD Andrews Rd KEYSTONE HEIGHTS KEYSTONE HEIGHTS 32656 32656 NONE 6581 6655 6580 6654 ANDREWS WAY Andrews Way ORANGE PARK ORANGE PARK 32073 32073 NONE 1677 1707 1678 1706 ANDROMEDA LN Andromeda Ln KEYSTONE HEIGHTS KEYSTONE HEIGHTS 32656 32656 NONE 7251 7299 7250 7300 ANDY CT Andy Ct ORANGE PARK ORANGE PARK 32065 32065 NONE 2911 2923 2910 2924 ANGELICA AV Angelica Av MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 2501 2569 2500 2570 ANGORA ST Angora St MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 4241 4389 4240 4390 ANGORA BAY DR Angora Bay Dr MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 3001 3199 3000 3200 ANGUS RD Angus Rd MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 5305 5409 5306 5410 ANNE DR Anne Dr MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 1637 1679 1636 1680 ANNETTE CT Annette Ct ORANGE PARK ORANGE PARK 32073 32073 NONE 1301 1369 1300 1370 ANNIS RD Annis Rd KEYSTONE HEIGHTS KEYSTONE HEIGHTS 32656 32656 NONE 5511 5585 5510 5584 ANTELOPE ST Antelope St MIDDLEBURG MIDDLEBURG 32068 32068 NONE 4551 4669 4550 4670 ANTHONY DR Anthony Dr MAXVILLE MAXVILLE 32234 32234 NONE 1389 1415 1388 1414
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