“CAROL I” NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY Centre for Defence and Security Strategies Studies E C N E R E F N O S

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“CAROL I” NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY Centre for Defence and Security Strategies Studies E C N E R E F N O S 5 ISSN 2668-651 9 4 by theNationalCouncilforRecognition ofUniversity 8 4 9 “CAROL of “Militaryscience,intelligenceandpublic order” 0 Highly appreciatedpublishinghouseinthefield 3 8 0 2 5 5 1 Degrees, Diplomasandcertificates I”NA 1 9 0 1 1 TIONAL DEFENCEUNIVERSITY P R O C E E D I N G S INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE STRATEGIES XXI Cristina BOGZEANU,Ph.D. Florian CÎRCIUMARU,Ph.D. Editors INTERNA THE COMPLEX “CAROL Centr NA STRA e for TURE OF P I”NA TIONAL ROCEDINGS DefenceandSecurityStrategiesStudies ENVIROMENT TIONAL BUCHAREST NOVEMBER 14-15,2019 TEGIES XXI SCIENTIFICCONFERENCE THE SECURITY DEFENCEUNIVERSITY AND DYNAMIC -ROMANIA V olume 2 “CAROL I” NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY Centre for Defence Doctoral School and Security Strategic Studies P R O C E E D I N G S INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE STRATEGIES XXI THE COMPLEX AND DYNAMIC NATURE OF THE SECURITY ENVIRONMENT November 14-15, 2019 Volume 2 Editors Florian CÎRCIUMARU, Ph.D. Cristina BOGZEANU, Ph.D. “CAROL I” NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING HOUSE BUCHAREST, Romania SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Gheorghe CALOPĂREANU, Ph.D. Prof., “Carol I” National Defence University, Romania Daniel DUMITRU, Ph.D. Prof., “Carol I” National Defence University, Romania Valentin DRAGOMIRESCU, Ph.D. Prof., “Carol I” National Defence University, Romania Ion PURICEL, Ph.D. Prof., “Carol I” National Defence University, Romania Ioan CRĂCIUN, Ph.D. Prof., “Carol I” National Defence University, Romania Doina MUREȘAN, Ph.D. Prof., “Carol I” National Defence University, Romania Florian CÎRCIUMARU, Ph.D., “Carol I” National Defence University, Romania Iulian CHIFU, Ph.D., Center for Conflict Prevention and Early Warning, Romania Gelu ALEXANDRESCU, Ph.D. Prof., “Carol I” National Defence University, Romania Péter TÁLAS, Ph.D., Centre for Strategic and Defence Studies, National University of Public Service, Hungary Pavel NECAS, Ph.D. Prof. Dipl. Eng., Armed Forces Academy, Slovakia Piotr GAWLICZEK, Ph.D. Assoc. Prof., Cuiavian University in Włocławek, Poland Stanislaw ZAJAS, Ph.D. Prof., National Defence University, Poland Josef PROCHÁZKA, Ph.D., National Defence University, Brno, Czech Republic Gábor BOLDIZSÁR, Assoc. Prof., National University of Public Service, Hungary Igor SOFRONESCU, Ph.D. Assoc. Prof., Armed Forces Military Academy “Alexandru cel Bun”, Republic of Moldova János BESENYŐ, Ph.D. Assoc. Prof., University of Obuda, Hungary Daniel FIOTT, Ph.D. Institute for European Studies, “Vrije Universiteit Brussel”, Belgium Mariusz SOLIS, Coordinator NATO Defense Education Enhancement Programme, Belgium Alin BODESCU, Ph.D. Lecturer, European Security and Defence College, Brussels, Belgium Sorin IVAN, Ph.D. Prof., “Titu Maiorescu” University, Romania Florian RĂPAN, Ph.D. Prof., “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Romania Silviu NEGUŢ, Ph.D. Prof., Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Romania Nicolae RADU, Ph.D. Prof., “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Romania Bogdan AURESCU, Ph.D. Assoc. Prof., University of Bucharest, Romania Florin DIACONU, Ph.D. Assoc. Prof., University of Bucharest, Romania Marius ȘERBESZKI, Ph.D. Assoc. Prof., “Carol I” National Defence University, Romania Ruxandra BULUC, Ph.D. Assoc. Prof., “Carol I” National Defence University, Romania Elena ȘUȘNEA, Ph.D. Assoc. Prof., “Carol I” National Defence University, Romania Stan ANTON, Ph.D. Lecturer, “Carol I” National Defence University, Romania Gabriel STOENESCU, “Carol I” National Defence University, Romania Cristian ICHIMESCU, Ph.D. Lecturer, “Carol I” National Defence University, Romania Răzvan GRIGORAȘ, Ph.D. Lecturer, “Carol I” National Defence University, Romania Veronica PĂSTAE, Ph.D. Lecturer, “Carol I” National Defence University, Romania Alexandra SARCINSCHI, Ph.D. Senior Researcher, “Carol I” National Defence University, Romania Cristian BĂHNĂREANU, Ph.D. Senior Researcher, “Carol I” National Defence University, Romania Mirela ATANASIU, Ph.D., Senior Researcher, “Carol I” National Defence University, Romania Marius POTÎRNICHE, Ph.D. Researcher, “Carol I” National Defence University, Romania Dan PETRESCU, Ph.D. Lecturer, “Carol I” National Defence University, Romania Mihai ZODIAN, Ph.D. Researcher, “Carol I” National Defence University, Romania Daniela RĂPAN, Ph.D. Researcher, “Carol I” National Defence University, Romania SCIENTIFIC SECRETARY: Cristina BOGZEANU, Ph.D. Senior Researcher, “Carol I” National Defence University, Romania ORGANISING COMMITTEE: Florian CÎRCIUMARU, Ph.D.; Andra PÎNZARIU; Raluca STAN; Doina MIHAI; Marian BĂDOIU; Andreea TUDOR; Iulia COJOCARU LAYOUT EDITOR: Andreea GÎRTONEA COPYRIGHT: Any reproduction is authorised, without fees, provided that the source is mentioned. Authors are fully responsible for their papers content and for the accuracy of English language. ISSN 2668-6511 (print); ISSN 2668-7828 (online) C O N T E N T S SECTION IV ARMED FORCES AND SOCIETY ETHICAL-MORAL PRINCIPLES CURRENTLY USED IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS ....................................................................................... 7 Daniel COCOLICI MILITARY MEANS AND METHODS OF UNDERMINING USED BY THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ............................................................................ 16 Marius POTÎRNICHE, Ph.D. MILITARY-PATRIOTIC EDUCATION IN TRNASNISTRIA: TROJAN HORSE, STATE-BUILDING OR STATUS QUO? ............................................... 24 Corneliu CORMAN THE CONCEPT OF SOCIETAL SECURITY AND ITS IMPLICATIONS ON ROMANIA’S NATIONAL SOCIETAL SECURITY ...................................................... 43 Octavian Victor Mihail DIMA THE SECURITY OF EUROPE: SAFEGUARDING FREEDOM IN THE CONTEXT OF CROSS-BORDER THREATS ......................................................... 50 Alexandru MANOLIU THE SOCIAL-IDENTITARY PARTICULARITY OF THE PHENOMENOLOGY OF WAR, THE VULNERABILITIES OF THE EUROPEAN ETHOS AND THE ETIOLOGY OF THE AGGRESSIVENESS MANIFESTED IN THE IMPACT AREA OF RELIGIOUS MILITANCY ................................................................................... 62 Lucian GRIGORE HUMAN PARADIGM IN THE MILITARY AREA. A PHILOSOPHICAL APPROACH ........................................................................................ 73 Ion SÎRBU 3 SECTION V ROMANIA’S STRATEGIC INTEREST AREAS NATO’S REPOSITIONING AFTER THE 2014 RUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN CONFLICT .................................................................................... 82 Violeta NICOLESCU CONTESTING INTERNATIONAL NORMS REGARDING SOVEREIGNTY, SELF-DETERMINATION AND LOGIC OF CONFLICT IN THE BLACK SEA REGION. THE NEED FOR LEADERSHIP IN FRONT OF THESE THREATS ................. 90 Mihai PANAIT IDENTITY CONSTRUCTION OF STATEHOOD AND THE IMAGE OF THE ADVERSARY IN THE DE FACTO STATES ABKHAZIA AND SOUTH OSSETIA .................................................................................... 99 Elena TUDOR THE POLITICAL PROGRAM OF PRESIDENT VOLODYMYR ZELENSKY. HIS POSITION TOWARDS CRIMEA AND SELF-PROCLAIMED REPUBLICS DONETK AND LUGANSK ........................................................................... 112 Elena TUDOR UKRAINE TO BOOST ITS DEFENCE AGAINST RUSSIA .............................................. 122 Jan-Florin GANEA, Ph.D.; Robert POENARU, Ph.D. U.S. SPACE FORCE: POSSIBLE IMPLICATIONS FOR ROMANIA ............................... 128 Ulpia Elena BOTEZATU COOPERATION ACTIONS IN PESCO FRAMEWORK .................................................... 139 Ion ANGHEL DEVELOPING A MORE STABLE AND SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT THROUGH COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE ..................................... 147 Adina MIHĂESCU SECTION VI RESILIENCE OF THE NATIONAL SECURITY SYSTEM – CORE ELEMENTS OF REGIONAL STABILITY THE FUTURE OF EUROPEAN SECURITY. MEASURING RESILIENCE ..................... 155 Ștefan-Antonio DAN-ȘUTEU, Ph.D.; Răzvan GRIGORAȘ, Ph.D. CYBERSECURITY IS A WAY OF LIFE ............................................................................ 161 Octavian FRATU, PhD.; Maria-Mădălina ANDRONACHE 4 INTELLIGENT THREAT DETECTION IN IOT ................................................................. 168 Octavian FRATU, Ph.D.; Iulia Alexandra GUDOVAN CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE MODELLING AND SIMULATION ............................. 176 Meda UDROIU, Ph.D. CYBERTHREATS TO CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND IOT ................................. 185 Meda UDROIU, Ph.D.; Victor GÎNSAC SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE FOR IOT DEVICES IN THE DOMESTIC ENVIRONMENT .................................................................................. 194 Carmen FLOREA, Ph.D.; Viorel SURDU; Victor GÎNSAC SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE AND REQUIREMENTS FOR A SIMULATION PLATFORM OF CYBER ATTACKS FOR IIOT DEVICES IN SMART CITY ENVIRONMENT................................................. 202 Carmen FLOREA, Ph.D.; Simona HALUNGA, Ph.D.; Marin BOGDAN AN INTEGRATED PLATFORM FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT ................................. 210 Meda UDROIU, Ph.D.; Ștefan-Antonio DAN-ȘUTEU, Ph.D.; Ionica ȘERBAN INDEX OF AUTHORS ......................................................................................................... 218 5 STRATEGIES XXI International Scientific Conference The Complex and Dynamic Nature of the Security Environment ETHICAL-MORAL PRINCIPLES CURRENTLY USED IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Daniel COCOLICI Colonel, Ministry of National Defence, Bucharest, Romania E-mail: [email protected] Abstract: The current international system bases its moral fundamentals on principles developed along the centuries with major contribution from theorists associated to the Western and Christian culture. The Just war theory, a term that encompases generally
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