To Volume 48, Six Issues, 1956-1958
Index to Volume 48, six issues, 1956-1958 Abbott, Samuel, 72 Backhouse, Elizabeth Bar Bennett, William, 209-12 Abbott, Sarah, 72 clay, 60 Berkshire Friends MSS., 156, Aberdeenshire Friends MSS., Backhouse, Hannah Chap 235 235 man (Gurney), 56, 62n, Bessbrook, 250-52 Abraham, Richard, 27 69 Be van, Joseph Gurney, 213 Accounts, 2,139, 259 Backhouse, James, 68, 69 Be van, Paul, 213 Ackworth School, 248, 249, Backhouse, John Church, 63 Bevan-Naish Library, 213-14 280 Backhouse, Jonathan, 56, 57, Bewdley, Worcs., 278 Adams, William, 284 60, 62n, 64, 69 Bewley, Edward, 257 Adderbury, 136 Backhouse, Katharine, 60 Bewley, William, 257 Advices in verse, 57-58 Backhouse, Thomas William, Bewley, William F. (1847- Albright, Arthur (1811-1900), 60 1922), 256-57 240-43 Backhouse family, 68 Bilsland family, 256 Albright, William, 241 Baddesley Ensor, 216 Bingley, William, letter, Albright, William Arthur Bain ton, Benjamin, 76-77 137-39 (1853-1942), 174, 241-43 Baker, Ann, 216 Bird, Richard, 187 Albright, William Beaumont, Baker, George, 7 Bird, Robert, 258 242 Baker, George (1825-1910), Birkhead, Christopher, 76 Albright and Wilson, 239-42 243 Birmingham, 233; M.M., 173 Alby, Edward, 27 Balby, 81,129-31 Birr, 31 Alcester, 160; M. H., 159 Balle, Joan, 216 Biscuit manufacture, 252-57 Alconbury-cum-Weston, Ballyhagen, 31 Bishop Auckland, 222 Hunts., 278 Ballymoney, 31 Biss, Thomas, 27 Aldam, Ann (Stacey), 82 Ballynakill, 31 Blanch, William, 7 Aldam, Margaret (Lord), 81 Banbury,93,137, 215 Blaugdone, Barbara, 15, 23, Aldam, Mary (Killam), 130 Bandon, 14,21,25,31 34,40, 78 Aldam, Thomas, 80-82, 129, Bandon Bridge, 124 Blaykling, Francis, 227 136; letters, 85-90, Baptists in Ireland, 20-21 Blaykling, John, letter, 225-57 127-29,131-32 Barbados, 22 Blomfield, Emily, Bevan- Aldam, Thomas, jr., 82 Barclay, A.
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