J u l y -A u g u s t 2 0 1 7 V o l u m e 25 • I s s u e 6 H o ly T r i n i t y G r e e k O rt h o d ox C h u rch • P i t t s b u r g h , P e n n s y lva n i a O u r V i s i o n : “F a i t h . F a m i ly . C o m m u n i t y .” 2 Father John’s Message The Transfiguration of the Lord on Mount Tabor - August 6 3 News & Events 4 Gheronda’s Corner 5 FOCUS Summer Feeding Program 6 Stewardship Reflections 7 2017 Stewardship Roster 8-10 Holy Trinity Broadcast Ministry Profile 11-17 Community Life Photo Journal 18 Festival News 19 Parishioners in the News 20 Oratorical Festival 22 Ask the Elders

- INSERTS - Paraclesis of Souls Names Form “Taste of Greece” Flyer “Taste of Greece” Ad Book Form


George Lalikos and Stella Atha­ nasiou­ were honored with the 2017 Metropolis Saint Photios Award. Want to see more photos of this event and others in the ou were transfigured on the mountain, O Christ our God, showing to Your life and ministries of Holy Trinity disciples Your glory, as much as they could bear. Shine also upon us sinners with Church? See the Community Life Your everlasting light, through the intercessions of the Theotokos, O Giver of Light, Photo Journal on pages 11-17 or Glory to You! (Apolytikion of the Feast of the Transfiguration) visit our online photo gallery site Y at photos.HolyTrinityPgh.org. Our Mission: To proclaim and live the Orthodox Christian Faith in its fullness as faithful members of the Body of Christ Pastoral Message | Father John

od knocks continuously at the door of man’s heart. He waits until man About the Herald freely opens the door to Him. Then, The Herald is the Monthly Newsletter of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church HeG enters, loaded with His gifts of grace and all Editor Father John Touloumes, Protopresbyter Church: 412-366-8700 His incomparable riches, and makes a feast with Home: 412-831-3574 E-mail: [email protected] m an .” Production Archimandrite Zacharias, Remember Thy First Love Mary Portellos, Office Administrator Dear Brothers and Sisters in our Gracious Lord, E-mail: [email protected] Contributors “Hello! I didn’t know you were out there,” he said, responding to the pounding on the Rev. Fr. John Androutsopoulos front door. “Well, I wasn’t sure you were in there either. I’ve been ringing the doorbell Rev. Fr. Radu Bordeianu for five minutes,” I replied. “Oh, that! Yea, sorry, that doorbell doesn’t work!” Photographers Mary-Magdalene Welsh Has that ever happened to you? You know someone’s home. You press the bell, but Peter Gagianas Theanne Gagianas can’t tell if it rang. And you wait. So begins the awkward process of figuring out whether Copyright Notice to ring again, or to knock loudly. Maybe they didn’t hear? Maybe they’re occupied for This newsletter contains copyrighted material of Holy Trinity Greek the moment? They said they’d be glad to have you come over. Surely, they must know Orthodox Church and third party copyright owners, including, without limitation, text, photos, and graphics, and the contents of you’re out here? Why don’t they answer? the newsletter are protected under the and interna- tional copyright laws. You may not copy, modify, publish, transmit, display, participate in the transfer or sale, creation of derivative “Behold, I stand at the door and works, or in any way exploit, any of the content, in whole or in part. No copying, redistribution, retransmission, publication or knock; if any one hears my voice commercial exploitation of any material in this newsletter is permit- ted without the express written permission of Holy Trinity Greek and opens the door, I will come in Orthodox Church and any applicable third party copyright owner. to him and eat with him, and he About the Parish with me.” This passage from the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Book of Revelation speaks of God’s 985 Providence Boulevard intense desire to always be with us , PA 15237 Phone: 412-366-8700 • Fax: 412-366-8710 wherever we are. Further explained Web site: www.HolyTrinityPgh.org above by one of the great spiritual Email: [email protected] guides of our time, Archimandrite Holy Trinity Church is a parish of the Zacharias of Essex (pictured, right), Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Pittsburgh the Lord desires even more than just (www.odpgh.org) and Greek Orthodox to be with us; He waits patiently to A recent visit to the Monastery of Saint John the Bap- Archdiocese of America (www.goarch.org) bless us, to pour His gifts of grace under the Spiritual Jurisdiction of the tist in Essex, England. From left to right: Archiman- on us. But it is we who must open Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. drite Zacharias, Father Photios Dumont (Seattle, WA), the door; He will not force Himself Father John Touloumes and Father Kyrill (Elder of the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church into our house, our life and our Parish Administration Monastery) seated in the Church of Saint Sliouan. heart as an unwanted guest. Clergy Rev. Fr. John Touloumes, Proistamenos During the sometimes hectic months of summer, with travel, vacation, camps and the Rev. Fr. Radu Bordeianu, Assistant Priest like, it is important for us all to remember, God still stands and knocks. And He waits. 2017 Parish Council For our door to open. But more, for our heart to open. And not just once, but every Gerri Valliant, President time. Imagine the enthusiasm with which we would wake up every day if we knew that Dean A. Balouris Michael Passodelis first thing in the morning the doorbell would ring and it would be God asking to come George Danis Joyce Athanasiou into our house today? In truth, He does, though without the senses of active faith and George Dickos Stephen Stearns daily prayer, we can’t see or hear Him, so we don’t even sense He’s there. Likewise, He Van Backeris Karen Georgiadis invites us to His Holy House. And stands looking out in anticipation of us accepting His Tom Germanos Alex Trilivas invitation. There is no such thing as a “summer off” from God, for He never ceases to be Marios Kritiotis Jean Willow with, invite and, yes, desire us. And when we accept, it inspires others around us. Ministries Please visit the Holy Trinity website at www. Across the world at this very moment Christians are being persecuted like no other time HolyTrinityPgh.org for descriptions and in our life. Churches are being destroyed. Believers are being martyred. We Americans, contact information on Holy Trinity Church’s who walk in the Constitutionally-protected freedom of religion and assembly, as we ministries, including spiritual life, education, celebrate Independence Day on July 4th, should never take those blessings for youth, senior, family and cultural opportuni- granted. We would never tolerate being told by anyone—and person, ties. There is something for everyone, so authority or government—“You cannot attend your Church this morn- please get involved today! ing.” Let’s not allow apathy, habit or spiritual lethargy keep us from “FAITH. FAMILY. COMMUNITY.” doing so either. See you in Liturgy and at Church...all summer!

2 • Holy Trinity Herald / July-August 2017 www.HolyTrinityPgh.org News & Events

WORSHIP LIFE Festival Volunteers Needed by the Day, Not Just the Hour! The Festival Committee is looking for parishioners to ful- Weekday Services...... July/August fill a variety of roles—there is something for everyone and Please take note of the following weekday services for the everyone’s help will be needed! Please consider donating feast days in July and August. Unless otherwise indicated, your day (or days!) as your offering of stewardship to Holy weekday Orthros is at 8:30 a.m., followed by Divine Liturgy Trinity Church. Many of our stewards even take vacation to at 9:30 at the St. George Chapel (SG). do so. To learn about how to help, To sign up our events site Aug. 2: 6:30pm Paraclesis Service (SG) at www.HolyTrinityPgh.org/events and choose your slots. Note: The period of August 1-15 is a strict fast season. Thank you! Thank you for your sacrificial offerings of love! Aug. 4: 6:30pm Paraclesis Service (SG) Aug. 5: 6:30pm Great Vespers of the Transfiguration and the COMMUNITY NEWS AND EVENTS Blessing of the Grapes (SG) Aug. 7: 6:30pm Paraclesis Service (SG) Sign Up for the Summer Feeding Program. . . . . Weekdays Aug. 9: 6:30pm Paraclesis Service (SG) Holy Trinity Church has been blessed to serve as the Aug. 11: 6:30pm Paraclesis Service (SG) host site for the new Pittsburgh branch of the FOCUS North Aug. 14: 7:00pm Great Vespers of Koimissis America Summer Feeding Program. Each week from June Services held at our sister parishes celebrating their Feast 15-August 11, teams of local volunteers from Holy Trinity Day in Aliquippa & Oakmont. and other area churches and organizations are gathering on Aug. 15: The Falling Asleep of the Theotokos Monday through Friday mornings to prepare lunches in Holy Aug. 29: Beheading of St. John the Baptist (SG) Trinity Church’s kitchen. The meals are then delivered to the Note: This is a strict fast day. distribution site at the Carnegie Library Extension on Federal Street on Pittsburgh’s North Side, just a few blocks from Holy FESTIVAL NEWS Trinity Church’s previous location. Sign up today to volunteer at www.HolyTrinityPgh.org/summer-feeding. See the com- Holy Trinity’s Taste of Greece ...... Labor Day Weekend plete report on page 5 of this issue. Please mark Wed., August 30, through Sun., September 3 on your calendar for this sum- Special General Assembly...... July 16 mer’s “Taste of Greece“ Festi- An announcement and agenda for a Special General val. The Festival Committee is Assembly on July 16 is enclosed. This is a brief, single-item asking everyone, new mem- assembly to seek approval for the purchase and installation bers and old hands, young of a new freezer section addition to our kitchen facilities. The and young at heart, to pledge Festival Committee has requested this addition and the Parish a donation of their time and AUG. 30-SEP. 3, 2017 Council has endorsed the approval. Because of the dollar talents so that we can continue amount of the purchase, the item needs to be submitted to to grow both the success of the Parish General Assembly for approval. Please be present the festival and the fellowship for this important meeting. Thank you! with all our Holy Trinity church family members! See page 18 Faith Night at PNC Park...... August 17 for information on how you can help! The 5th Annual Faith Night will be held on Thursday, Festival Ad Book Volunteers Needed! August 17 following the Pirates-Cardinals game at 7:05 p.m. The Festival season is quickly coming upon us. Last year’s Enjoy discounted tickets for the Pirates-Cardinals game at 7:05 Festival was a banner event for our Holy Trinity community and stay after the game to hear Pirates Players and Coaches and this year’s is looking to be even bigger. With your help, discuss how faith has impacted their lives, both on and off the the new Ad Book provided tremendous support, and we field. Tickets are $25 for Holy Trinity. You must call or email would like to build on that success this year. We are seek- for reservation. 412-322-6002 [email protected]. ing volunteers to join the 2017 Festival Ad Book commit- tee. Please see the enclosed Ad Book flyer and form or email REGIONAL NEWS & EVENTS inquires and interest to [email protected]. Monastery Dinner...... September 9 Festival Food Preparation...... July Please see the enclosed flyer for the Fourth Annual Holy Cooking for the 2017 Holy Trinity “Taste of Greece” Fes- Nativity of the Theotokos Monastery Fundraising Dinner on tival is almost done...but not yet! Help is still needed for a September 9. This year’s theme is “All Generations Will Call few remaining days during both daytime and evening hours. Me Blessed.” The event starts at 3:00pm with Vespers fol- Everyone is welcomed and everyone’s help is needed...bring lowed by dinner at 4:00pm at St. Nicholas. Reservations can the kids, the Yiayias, the neighbors...no experience needed. be made online at 2017DinnerBanquet.eventbrite.com. Res- No matter what your talent, there’s something for you to do. ervations deadline is September 1 and the requested dona- And it’s FUN! See you and your friends there! tion is $100 per person. For the latest updates and schedule of parish events, visit www.HolyTrinityPgh.org/calendar www.HolyTrinityPgh.org July-August 2017 / Holy Trinity Herald • 3 Gheronda’s Corner | Fr. John Androutsopoulos

Part of a regular series of contributions by our resident “Gheronda” (respected elder clergy), Father John Androutsopoulos JULY-AUGUST 2017 – “THE VOICE OF HOLY TRINITY CHURCH” The Transfiguration of our Lord the season. We continue to obey this order of God. We are and Savior Jesus Christ grateful for the blessing that God has bestowed on us. “How great are Thy works, O Lord, Thou has made all things in wisdom.” ugust 6 is the Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord Questions and Answers on the Gospel of the Feast and Savior Jesus Christ on A Why was Christ transfigured before His Disciples on Mount Tabor. (Read the Gospel of Mount Tabor? the Feast: Matthew 17: 1-9). To confirm their faith in His divinity; to guard them against Troparion of the Feast: “You doubts when they should afterwards see Him die on the Father John were transfigured on the mountain, Cross; to encourage all of the faithful to be patient in all Androutsopoulos O Christ our God, showing to Your crosses and afflictions, for the bodies of the just will be disciples Your glory, as much as they could bear. Shine also made like the glorified body of Christ as their resurrection. upon us sinners with Your everlasting light, through the inter- (Phil. 3: 21) cessions of the Theotokos, O Giver of Light, Glory to You!” Why did Moses and Elijah appear? About the Feast of the Transfiguration To testify that Jesus was really the Saviour announced by The Feast of the Transfiguration of our the prophets on the Old Law, and to be Lord is one of the 12 Great Feasts of the witnesses of the founding of the New Holy Orthodox Catholic Church. When Law. Jesus, our Lord and Master, took three of His Disciples – Peter, James and John – to When we get to heaven, will we rec- the top of Mount Tabor, He truly prefig- ognize those who are already there? ured His Resurrection on that memora- Will we know Moses, David, Peter and ble day. These three disciples were to be Paul? Yes, I think God will give us the with Jesus at His betrayal, so He wanted same spiritual inspiration that He gave them to see the wonderful event so that to Peter, James and John. Moses had they might not be dismayed and dis- been dead 1480 years and Elijah for tressed at His suffering at the crucifixion. 900 years. Yet, here they are alive and Mount Tabor was covered with light the disciples saw them and heard them during the Transfiguration; the light was talking. so bright that the three Disciples threw And, will we recognize our loved ones themselves on the ground, unable to to whom we have said goodbye down look upon the transfigured Lord. He did Interior of the Greek Orthodox Monastery here? shine forth in glory. At that glorious revela- of the Holy Transfigurationon Mount Tabor, Surely, I think that God will give us that tion, Moses and Elijah appeared and con- Israel. privilege and that blessing if we are in the versed with Christ that they might manifest same place, the place of the Just, because that He was the Lord of the living and the dead, and that He there is another place of the unjust. Jesus said I go to pre- was the God who spoke of old in the law and the Prophets, pare a place for you, that where I am you are going to be and He was the One to whom the voice of the Father did bear also. The other place is prepared for the devil and his fol- witness from a radiant cloud saying, “This is My Beloved Son, lowers. Let us remember that heaven is a prepared place hear Him.” for prepared people. The Transfiguration was the mystery hidden before the ages, and now it was revealed before Peter, James and John. Some Reminders about Fasting in August They were not able to stand the radiance of Christ’s counte- Though it falls during the August 1-15 fast, fish is permit- nance and the splendor of his garments, so they fell down on ted on the Transfiguration, Sunday, August 6th. And do not their faces, kneeling, and being overcome with astonishment forget that August 29th, the day of the Beheading of the Glo- at the sight of Moses and Elijah talking with Jesus. rious Forerunner John the Baptist, is a strict fast on whichever My beloved: Each Feast day of our Church has its special day it falls. message for us Orthodox Christians, if we would just take the As always, those with serious illness have a special fasting time to study or meditate the occasion and the meaning of exception. Consult with your spiritual father. the Feast. The Feast of the Transfiguration uplifts us. We are shown the glory of our Lord and Savior, and we are inspired With His Love and Blessing, by the events of the Transfiguration. It is customary for grapes Rev. Fr. John K. Androutsopoulos to be blessed on this radiant and glorious Feast day. In the Protopresbyter and Internal Missionary Old Testament, God ordered the blessing of the first fruits of

4 • Holy Trinity Herald / July-August 2017 www.HolyTrinityPgh.org FOCUS Summer Feeding Program Underway | Ministry News

HOLY TRINITY CHURCH KICKS OFF MAJOR NEW MINISTRY AS THE HOST SITE FOR THE FOCUS NORTH AMERICA SUMMER FEEDING PROGRAM: THE LOVE OF THE GOSPEL IN ACTION! oly Trinity Church has taken a historic step forward in its kitchens and food preparation areas that are able to support HOutreach and Philanthropic ministries by being selected our daily needs, our caterer’s work for the community and, of as a Host Site for the FOCUS North America Summer Feed- course, the tens of thousands of guests who attend our annual ing Program in Pittsburgh. James Portellos, Summer Feeding Greek Festival. Operations Manager for FOCUS, made an official presentation Those great facilities also provide us the opportunity to to the Holy Trinity Parish Council on February 21, describ- extend our mission beyond the walls of our own church by ing the program’s mission, requirements and logistics. After a using them for worthy philanthropic causes, and the FOCUS thorough discussion, the Parish Council voted unanimously to Summer Feeding Program is a perfect fit. Just as Holy Trinity offer our facilities as the Host Site for the pro- Church used to open gram beginning in 2017. The program began its community center its first day of operations on June 13. on the North Side About the Summer Feeding Program in cooperation with the Orthodox Clergy Over 45,000 chil- Brotherhood on a dren in Allegheny regular basis to feed County struggle with the homeless, we now hunger because they also have the opportu- do not have regular nity once again to use access to nutri- our facilities to do the tious and afford- work of the Gospel in able food. Each a new and rewarding way. month their fami- lies are faced with Up and Running for 2017 a difficult deci- Each week from June sion: pay the rent 15-August 11, teams of local or buy groceries. volunteers from Holy Trinity While the and other area churches and reach of federal organizations are gathering on nutrition pro- Monday through Friday morn- grams is signifi- ings to prepare lunches in Holy cant, thousands of Trinity Church’s kitchen. The food-insecure Pittsburgh meals are then delivered to the children still go hungry, distribution site at the Carnegie especially during the Library Extension on Federal summer months when Street on Pittsburgh’s North Side, there are no free or just a few blocks from Holy Trinity reduced school lunch Church’s previous location. programs. There are According to FOCUS Site Coordi- long-term impacts of nator Dan Delvitto (pictured above), child hunger that extend “We’ve had quite a few children beyond the discom- showing for lunch up every day. fort of being hungry. They’re enjoying the food They’re Food-insecure children, enjoying the videos. They’re enjoy- according to Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, are ing the company. They’re very thankful. They’re very respect- more likely to suffer in areas of education and behavior. This ful.” What’s the most rewarding part of interacting with them? summer, through its Summer Feeding Program, FOCUS will “Smiles and happiness!” says Dan. serve thousands of meals across the country in seven cities, As far as community response, Dan says,“The volunteers including Pittsburgh. have been great. Many of them actually join us to serve the How Holy Trinity Church is Helping children as well. They immediately connect with them.” And how has Dan found the Holy Trinity facilities? “It’s an In designing the new Holy Trinity Church facilities—which­ excellent kitchen and the facilities are more than good, to say opened in June of 2013—our architect worked with the com- the least!” Glory to God! munity, its ministries and committees to do a needs analysis so that the final project would serve the current and future Get Information and Volunteer! ministry requirements of the parish. One of the results of that For more information or to volunteer, visit the Holy Trinity process is the inclusion of two wonderfully-equipped, large Church website at www.HolyTrinityPgh.org/summer-feeding. www.HolyTrinityPgh.org July-August 2017 / Holy Trinity Herald • 5 Stewardship News |Stewardship Reflections

Stewardship: Investing in Our Community s a young couple, Stephanie and I are beginning to think contribution. We know that by giving sacrificially to the about how we want to invest our money so that it will church, the rewards we will reap will be returned many fold. Apay dividends for us when we are older. We are setting We all know that the church cannot operate without cash, aside money for things we want right now, saving money for big and we are happy to give generously so that our programs expenses we know we’ll have in the next few years, and also start- can grow. In addition to financial stewardship, we pray for ing to put some away to gain interest for our eventual retirement. the Holy Trinity community and all those who attend, as well When we think about what we want to invest in, it isn’t as those whom the parish serves through charitable outreach. just monetary returns that we hope to get back. That is to Stephanie and I have also given our time to various min- say, we feel that istries. We’ve volunteered to help cook for the festival, which it is equally as has been a great opportunity to meet and get to know people important to we’ve seen dozens of times on Sunday, but would have never invest in our been able to have a conversation with. Volunteering both in community, so the food preparation and at the festival itself has been instru- that in the future, mental in making us feel like a part of the Holy Trinity com- that community munity. will be there to Both of us have also been involved in chanting the share our strug- services with our Protopsalti, George. Our life at Holy Trin- gles and joys. ity really begins and ends with prayer, centered around our That community liturgical services. As the traditional music of our church, it is will help build critically important that our Byzantine chant continues to not us up, support only survive, but to thrive, to be passed on for generations. I us, and give our feel grateful to those who have helped to begin to train me lives meaning. In in this music so that we can all find peace and prayer in the short, we believe traditional services of our church. We are deeply grateful to that now is the the Holy Trinity community and look forward to continuing time to invest to invest our time, talent, and treasure to the building of this our time, talent, community and to the glory of God. and treasures at our church, so that as our 2017 family grows and STEWARDSHIP matures, we will PROGRESS: have that church to be a part of. What Does This Neither Thermometer Mean? Stephanie nor I It’s an easy way to are from Pitts- view our progress burgh and we don’t have much toward our goals. The family in the green fills up as our Niko Petrogeorge and Stephanie Baker area. Having pledges come in. (This Young Adult Couple. both grown up as also includes dona­ Holy Trinity Stewards. Orthodox Christians tions from parishio­ Engaged to be married in July and being actively ners without a pledge involved with our card.) respective churches, we feel blessed that Holy Trinity feels like a natural home. It is familiar and welcoming, and we know So far, we have that as long as we are in Pittsburgh, our church will always be $299,325 in pledges a place that we can come to center ourselves. Even beyond the four walls of the church of Holy Trinity, we’ve been able and support, which to take the sense of community, purpose, and peace that we gets us to 75% of find there and carry it into our everyday lives. While the dis- our goal of $400,000 tance from our home makes it difficult sometimes to get to for the year, with Holy Trinity, being able to be there, even if it’s just once a $100,676 remaining week, offers us a perspective on what is important in life. to get us there! For us, our stewardship starts with a monthly financial

6 • Holy Trinity Herald / July-August 2017 www.HolyTrinityPgh.org 2017 Stewardship Roster | Stewardship News

Thank you to the following faithful stewards who have submitted their pledge cards for the 2017 pledge year. Please join them in their support for the ministries of Holy Trinity and complete your 2017 pledge commitment today! Remember, a signed pledge card is required as part of maintaining your membership in good standing at Holy Trinity Church each year.

Rev. Fr. & Pres. John Androutsopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bournias Miss Diana Fries Mr. & Mrs. Eric Mitchell Rev. Fr. & Pres. Radu Bordeianu Mrs Sophia Bridoux Mr. John Fries Mr Stanley Morris Rev. Fr & Pres John N. Touloumes Clifford Brubaker & Sondra Balouris Mrs Constance Fries Mr. & Mrs. Simon Najjar Mr & Mrs James Buldas Dr & Mrs Peter Gagianas Mrs. Harriet M. Navarro Mr. Andrew Abboud Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Caromano Mr & Mrs Markos Gambieris Mr & Mrs Mark Opacic Mr. & Mrs. Mark Adamczyk Mrs. Georgia Castellano Ms. Stacy Gambieris Gen. & Mrs. William Pagonis Mr. & Mrs. Justin Ambrose Mr. & Mrs. Doug Cervenak Mrs. Joan Gatsiopoulos Mr. Gust W. Pagonis Ms. Georgiana Anargyros Mr & Mrs Charles Chapas Mr & Mrs Thomas Geanopulos Mr. Michael C. Pagonis Mrs Beatrice Andromalos Mr & Mrs James Chapas Mr. & Mrs. George Geanopulos Mr. Robert Pagonis Ms Victoria Andromalos-Dale Mr Thomas Chapas Mr and Mrs Troy Geanopulos Mr & Mrs William Pagonis Mr Michael Apostolis & Ms Angela Mrs Helen Chapas Ms. Efthalia Geanous Mrs Veroniki Panagiotou Nikitas Mr. Theodore Cherpas Mr & Mrs Nicholas Gelis Mr. & Mrs. George Pandelios Mr. and Mrs. H. William Areheart Mr. & Mrs. John Clayton, Jr. Drs. Leo and Elizabeth Gensante Mr Michael Panos Mr & Mrs Mark Armanious Mrs. Elenie Cocheres Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Georgallis Mr & Mrs Peter Panos Ms. JoAnna Asvestas Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Cole Mr & Mrs George Georges Mr & Mrs George Pantelakis Mr & Mrs Harry Athanasiou Mrs Afrodite Condos Dr. and Mrs. Mark Georgiadis Mr. & Mrs. George P. Pantelas, Jr. Mrs Stella Athanasiou Mr. Demetrios Constantine Mr & Mrs Gus Georgiadis Mrs. Angela Pantelas Mrs. Tessie C. Athens Mr. Miltiadis Constantine Mr & Mrs Steven Georgiadis Ms. Loukia Papatheodorou Ms. Andrea R. Athens Amanda and Ryan Copeland Mr & Mrs Thomas Germanos Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pappis Mr & Mrs Alvin Backeris Mrs Joyce Countouris Ms. Stephanie Baker Ms. Cynthia Morris Criss Mrs Lois R Germanos Mr & Mrs Orestes Paras Dr & Mrs Constantine A. Balouris Mrs. Dorothy A. Cucuras Mr & Mrs Peter Giannoutsos Mr Eleftherios Parikakis Mr & Mrs Anthony Balouris Mr & Mrs George Danis Mr. & Mrs. Jason Gidas Mr & Mrs Michael Passodelis Mr & Mrs James T. Balouris Mr. & Mrs. Peter Dedousis Mr & Mrs Gary Glew Mr & Mrs George Pastor Mrs. Katherine Balouris Mrs Fedra Dedousis Mr & Mrs Peter Glyptis Mr. James J. Patsilevas Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Barron Mrs. Helen DeMoss Mrs Eugenia Graser Mrs. Anna Patsilevas Mrs Georgia Beckas Miller Mr. & Mrs. George Dickos Mr. & Mrs. Guy Guimond Mr. & Mrs. Charles Petredis Mr & Mrs John Beckas Mrs. Christine Dickos Mr. & Mrs. Arsenio Hall Mr. Christian Petredis Adam & Christina Bishop Mr & Mrs Frank Erdeljac Miss Pennie Hareras Ms. Alexandra Petredis Ms. Constance Bistolas-Walters Dennis Bossick & Penny Fakles-Bossick Mrs Voula Hareras Mr. & Mrs. John S. Petropoulos Mr. Michael J. Bober Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Christian Farmakis Mr. & Mrs. Charles Henigin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Phaturos Mrs. Athena S. Bober Mr & Mrs William Fiedler Mrs. Tina Houmis Connors Mr & Mrs John H. Phillips Ms. Pamela M. Bolkovac Mrs. Carol Fiffas Mr. & Mrs. George Hulse Ms Rania Pontikos Mr & Mrs Reggie Bonfield Mr. & Mrs. Brian Fitzpatrick Dr. Kristina Johnson Ms. Christine Pusateri Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bounos Mr. & Mrs. John Franciscus Mrs Stella Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Evan Rigas Mrs. Georgiann Bounos Mrs Tessie Frankos Mr & Mrs Nick Kakavis Mr & Mrs Stephen Roman Mr. Gus Kalaris Mrs Angie Roman Mr & Mrs Dean Kamaras Ms. Corine Russell STEWARDSHIP Mr. & Mrs. Evangelo Kaparakos Mr. & Mrs. Allen Ryan GOAL: Dr. Anastasios & Dr. Yenny Kapetanos Dr & Mrs Dean Scoumis Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Karabin Mr Steve Sedor Why is this Thermo­ Mrs Kelly Karavolos Presvytera Eileen Sedor Mr. & Mrs. George Karpakis Mr. Nick Sfamenos meter Different? Mr & Mrs James Kermes Mr Charles Siebott & Ms Irene Karavolos Mr & Mrs Gus Kilantonis Mrs. Anita Sinicrope-Maier Even though we can Mr. and Mrs. James Kolovos Mr James Statheas meet this year’s goal Mr. & Mrs. Doug Lupnacca Mr & Mrs Robert Stearns Mr. John Komninos Dr & Mrs Samuel Stepanow by reaching the level Mrs Penelope Komninos Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Stephenson to the blue arrow Mr. & Mrs. James Kostopolos Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Stewart ($400,000), this is a Presvytera Louella Kostopolos Mr & Mrs Jon Stipanovich Mrs. Fanny Kostos Mrs Katina G. Tanner reminder to us that Dr & Mrs Dimitris Kraniou Mr. Chris Tarinos what we are really Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Kratsas Mr & Mrs Nicholas Terezis striving for is to Laura & John Wilson Mr & Mrs James Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Marios Kritiotis Ms. Penny Balouris Tomalski fully fund our church Mr & Mrs Michael Kritiotis Mrs Georgia Touloumes expenses through our Mrs Despina Ladakos Mr. George Triantafillos Mr. James L. Lakes Ms. Eleni Valliant giving. Mr & Mrs George Lalikos Ms. Alexandra Valliant Mr. & Mrs. Philip LeDuc Miss Harriet Valliant The red gap, show­ Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Loomis Mr & Mrs Gerri Valliant Mr. & Mrs. Chris Loomis Mr Peter Valliant ing $224,460 is the Mr & Mrs Louis T. Loomis Mrs Anna Vozos distance we need to Mr & Mrs Nicholas Loomis Mrs. Christina Waters Mr & Mrs Nicholas Manis Mrs Elaine Weaver cover to get us there Mr & Mrs Gregory Manis Miss Mary-Magdalene Welsh (we’re now at the 48% Ms. Elizabeth K. Manis Mr & Mrs Daniel Willow mark). This is our ulti­ Mr & Mrs N. Jeffrey Mason Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zagnacky Mr & Mrs John McCann Mr. & Mrs. George Zappas mate goal, and, with Mr & Mrs Jeff Mercadante Dr & Mrs Antonios Zikos everyone’s support, Mr. & Mrs. James Mermigas Mrs. Dorothea K. Zikos Mrs. Arlene Metropulos Mr & Mrs Anthony Zissis we will achieve it! Mr & Mrs Meno Mitaras Ms Anna Zissis www.HolyTrinityPgh.org July-August 2017 / Holy Trinity Herald • 7 Ministry News Behind the Scenes of the Holy Trinity Broadcast Ministry Ministry News THE HOLY TRINITY BROADCAST MINISTRY: SHARING THE WORSHIP AND TEACHINGS OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCH LIVE INTERNET VIDEO BROADCAST  LIVE INTERNET AUDIO BROADCAST  YOUTUBE VIDEO GALLERY  ONLINE SERMON PODCASTS IN-HOUSE DISPLAYS  PITTSBURGH FAITH AND FAMILY CHANNEL BROADCASTS   COMPUTER  SMARTPHONE

Editor’s Note: When the new Holy Trinity Church was built, it was designed with our Mission Statement in mind, which includes the phrase, “...to proclaim and live the Orthodox Christian Faith...” One of the ways we prepared to proclaim that Faith was by incorporating the technology needed to broadcast and record our services. We didn’t really know at the time what that fully meant, but we understood that it was important to provide for it. Since then, the Lord has blessed us and allowed us to become a blessing for others by extending the worship and teachings of the Church to many who cannot attend or would like to replay services, celebrations, sermons or teachings. And we were invited to be the presence of Orthodoxy on the Network’s “Pittsburgh Faith and Family Channel.” Many people and other churches have asked about how we do it. This article is here to explain that, and to also highlight the tremendous talents and contributions of our Broadcast Ministry leader, Melanie Hulse. Many thanks to those whose insights and contributions made these capabilities possible, and to Melanie for her on-going service to the community through this ministry. With thanks in Christ, Father John

he Holy Trinity worship services. As the ministry grew and word spread to Broadcast Min- other parishes about the Broadcast Ministry, Fr. John received Tistry at Holy many inquiries about this new outreach program. Today the Trinity is an outreach Broadcast Ministry includes the live broadcast, the cable program serving not broadcast, and a complete archive of the weekly Liturgy and only our parish, but Orthros as well as Holy Week services. Future plans for the extending to our ministry include the capability to air live feeds of special ser- neighboring com- vices held at the Saint George Chapel. munity as well as Laying the Foundations Orthodox Christians When the broadcast facilities were being designed into worldwide. The mis- the plans of the new church, a team of professionals (Dagos- sion is to provide a tino Electronic Services and Kinetics Audio) and volunteers way to bring our ser- put many hours vices to people who Melanie Hulse into making it may not have a way possible, coordi- to attend; to serve as an educational resource for people who nated by Nikki are interested in learning more about our faith; and to invite Marsh, a Holy our neighbors to worship with us. Trinity parishio- In the Beginning ner. Audio and With the move to the new video broadcast church in 2013, we began making was made pos- the live broadcast of our services sible through- accessible via the church’s website out the church with the intention of providing a campus with way for home-bound or traveling large screens and parishioners to stay connected to even rock speak- One of the Custom-Programmed Android Master Control Tablets their home parish and community. ers outdoors. For In 2014, Cornerstone Television, a external broadcast, we utilized the resources of the Greek national, non-commercial Chris- Orthodox Archdiocese Internet Ministries Department, which tian cable network based in Pitts- provides the live streaming infrastructure. burgh, began airing the church’s With the growing ministry came the need to involve more weekly Liturgy on the “Pittsburgh people in the process. Fr. John began looking for someone to Faith and Family Channel, ” a new assist with the weekly editing when he discovered Melanie concept being piloted in Pitts- Hulse, a teen parishioner with an interest in video produc- burgh and designed to provide tion. In the her first in-depth interview, Melanie offers here The Church A/V Rack continuous broadcasts of local the inside look at how it all happens.


How did you become involved with the Broadcast Ministry? adjust them as needed. Next I add the title slides. The file is In May of 2015, Fr. John asked my father to help out with then ready to render and is saved for uploading to the You- the weekly editing of the cable broadcast. Since my father Tube Channel later in the process. didn’t have extra time to offer, he suggested that Fr. John talk 3) Edit and Upload Sermon Audio files: Once that is with me. I had started video editing as a hobby and had an done, I go back to the original file and extract the audio from interest in expanding my skills. I met with Fr. John to talk the sermons. This part is fairly fast, so I upload the sermons to about the commitment and the rest is history. He spent time the website as soon as they are finished. teaching me about the system and the process he used. Then 4) Edit and Upload for PFFC Cable Broadcast. I had a few weeks to practice before going solo in Septem- Then it is time to work on the Liturgy for the Pittsburgh ber. At 15, I became the Editor for the Broadcast Ministry. It Faith and Family Channel. The service airs three times a week has been a wonderful opportunity to serve the church on a and must be uploaded to their system by Tuesday morning. regular basis. I have really enjoyed learning about how the My goal is to system for a live broadcast works and perfecting my own edit- complete that ing skills. upload on Sunday night in What are the components of the Broadcast Ministry? order to have When I started, we had the live feed of the weekly Sunday enough time Orthros and Liturgy to fix a prob- plus the edited weekly lem should one Sunday Liturgy for the arise. I have a cable broadcast. Fr. “formula” for John had also set up editing the video the YouTube Channel down to the for the archiving the required limit videos. Aside from a of 58 minutes, few special events, Faith and Family Channel Website 30 seconds. there wasn’t much Throughout the there (yet). broadcast and at the end, I insert the church’s address and Now I keep the website. Since this is a very abbreviated version of Liturgy, channel up to date one goal of this ministry is to get people interested in our with full Orthros church and in Orthodoxy. and Liturgies added 5) Upload videos to YouTube/HT Website: After ren- weekly. I also edit the dering and uploading the PFFN broadcast, I go back to the audio of the sermons Orthros and Liturgy and upload those to YouTube. that you see posted on the home page of the How long does all of this take? church’s website. And I try to start my download by about 5 p.m. on Sunday. If I edit and upload some HT Website Live Broadcast I can work straight through on the editing, the upload will be of the special events finished by about 9:30 p.m. While the upload runs, I can do that you see on the channel. All this is accessible from our homework. So it is not a solid time commitment. When I first parish’s website, www.HolyTrinityPgh.org, by selecting Multi- started, I used Adobe Premiere Elements on a PC. Last fall, media from the menu. I upgraded to a faster processor in a MacBook and started using Final Cut Pro X. Even with the time required to learn a What is your process for producing the videos? new operating system and professional level editing software, 1) Download: First, I start by downloading the live broad- I can see a big difference in the time it takes me to complete cast later that evening. I can access the computer remotely to the process. It is much easier and faster! Each week I try to download the stored file from the computer that is used to have everything uploaded within 24 hours and most of the control the video and audio in the church. time it is available within 12 hours. 2) Edit Videos for Website: Once I have the download, So if you average five and a half hours each week, that is I convert the file to a different format. Then I start with the 286 hours a year. That is a huge commitment of service to the edits for Orthros and Liturgy. First I check the audio levels and community.

www.HolyTrinityPgh.org July-August 2017 / Holy Trinity Herald • 9 Ministry News | Behind the Scenes of the Broadcast Ministry

What have you gained from the experience? What are your goals for the Broadcast Ministry? I believe that community service is not what you get out My main goal for this year is to get the word out about how of it, but what others gain from your contribution. With the to access our live feed and videos. While the live feed and Broadcast Ministry, I have been able to use my talents to give videos are not intended to replace being at church, they serve back to the church, and offering time and talents is a form of a great purpose for our parishioners who may not otherwise stewardship. I enjoy video editing and am happy that I can do be able to attend due to illness or travel. While the link to our it for the good of the church community. live feed is posted on the Archdiocese and OCF website, the In giving back, I have also received. As strange as this YouTube channel subscribers are scattered worldwide. I’d like might sound, I have enjoyed learning more about marketing for our local parishioners to know that this service is here for and analytics through our YouTube Channel. Each week I am them too. I would also like to improve the quality of our titles amazed at and graphics. So this summer, I am learning how to use Apple the reach of Motion, a software package that works with Final Cut Pro X. our Broad- High school graduation is around the corner . What hap- cast Minis- try. Currently pens with the Broadcast Ministry and your future plans? we have 415 The beauty of the process is that it can be done remotely subscribers and I look forward to continuing as video editor as long as my worldwide. time allows. However, my goal is to attend college locally so Yes, that that I can continue to work in my family’s business. I plan to is world- major in business and something in video production depend- wide! While ing on what college I attend. So the Broadcast Ministry and I cannot see my future plan work very well together. who they Do you have anything else to add? are, I can see I would like to thank Fr. John for trusting in me with this Broadcast Ministry Team Meeting where they responsibility. I am looking forward to seeing how we can are watch- continue to grow the Broadcast Ministry and reach more ing. We have viewers from Greece, Romania, Italy, Serbia, people within the parish, within the greater Pittsburgh area, and many other countries. and worldwide.

THE HARDWARE, SOFTWARE AND VIEWER FEEDBACK SERVICES IT TAKES TO RUN THE BROADCAST MINISTRY I wanted to thank you sincerely for the broad- casts of your THE CAMERA: services at Vaddio ClearView HD-19 High Definition 1/3-Type Exmor high-speed CMOS Image Holy Trinity. Sensor PTZ video camera. I’m a univer- sity student THE COMPUTER: from Massa- Apple 15” Macbook Pro (Late 2016) running chusetts, but macOS 10.12.5; 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD, AMD Radeon Pro 450 I am studying in Europe this year and I thought GPU; External Porsche Design 2TB USB-C that I was going to miss out on Holy Week entirely hard drive for storage of raw and until I discovered that these livestreams exist. I rendered videos. was able to join in for the end of the week in Pitts- burgh since it’s in the closest U.S. time zone to THE SOFTWARE: Apple Final Cut Pro X 10.3: Video editing and creation. me. It was so amazing being able to understand Handbrake: Video media conversion. the words of a service again, and I will admit to FileZilla: Upload files for cable system broadcast. becoming no small bit emotional when you asked GoToMyPC: Download raw video from A/V system. the congregation to sing Χριστός ανέστη with those of us watching. It did make me feel not alone. I THE A/V SYSTEM: Custom-designed facility-wide A/V system and control pads just wanted to share this with you so you would know how much it meant to someone.

10 • Holy Trinity Herald / July-August 2017 www.HolyTrinityPgh.org Church School Graduation | Community Life Photo Journal

Congratulations to all our students and many thanks to the Church School staff, parents and volunteers for a successful year!

Pre-School Class Kindergarten Class

First-Second Grade Class Third-Fourth Grade Class

Fifth-Sixth Grade Class Seventh-Eighth Grade Class

Ninth-Tenth Grade Class Eleventh Grade Class

Graduating Seniors and Their Families www.HolyTrinityPgh.org July-August 2017 / Holy Trinity Herald • 11 HOLY TRINITY CHURCH CLASS OF 2017

Please join us in celebrating the talents and God-given gifts of the students from Holy Trinity Church who are graduating from high school this year. We also thank God for the families, relatives and community which have nurtured them in the rich soil of the Holy Orthodox Faith. May God be with them always! Themistocles Balouris Themi graduated Maggie graduated Maggie Fitzpatrick from Pine-Rich- with Highest Hon- Pine-Richland High School land High School ors from Seneca Seneca Valley High School as 4-year Honor Roll student. Valley Senior High School. She He played on the football team was a member of the Color Guard for 4 years. He is the recipient for 4 years and Captain for 2. She of the Technology Award and was active in musical theater and participated in the March of Concert Band, where she played Dimes Walk for 3 years. He has trumpet, and was President of the been very involved in church Chess Club. She also started a activities, including serving as support group for victims of bully- an Acolyte, a HOPE, JOY and GOYA member and ing. She has been active at Holy Trinity Church, with is currently GOYA President. He has played GOYA Church School, GOYA, summer camp, retreats, choir, basketball and volleyball and has been a long-time Greek dance and philanthropic work. Maggie is the Greek dancer and Greek Festival volunteer. Themi producer of a forthcoming video, “My Big Fat Greek has been active in philanthropic work, at the Pleas- Festival,” which documents the Holy Trinity Greek ant Valley Shelter and the FOCUS lunch program. Festival. She will attend the University of Dayton He has also participated in multiple mission trips. and major in Marketing and Communications. She He will attend the University of Dayton and major will also be in the Marching Band Color Guard. in Engineering and Business. Niko graduated from North Al- Niko Mermigas Elizabeth gradu- Elizabeth Durosko legheny Senior North Allegheny High School ated from North High School as a scholar athlete. North Allegheny High School Allegheny Senior He has been awarded sev- High School as a 2-year member eral local and national athletic of the National Honor Society. scholarships for his performance She was also involved in many on the football field. He served organizations, including the as captain of the North Allegh- Health Occupations Students of eny football team and received America, Spanish Club and Stu- 3 varsity letters for football. He dent Council. She enjoys study- was also a WPIAL First Team ing languages and has received All-Conference Wide Receiver and was named to the National Spanish Exam Silver the North Pittsburgh Fabulous 22 during his junior and Gold Awards. She also recently received the year. He also worked with the Project Water As- Greek Nationality Room Independence Day Poetry sociation at NA. Niko has been active at Holy Trinity Scholarship. Elizabeth has been active in Church in many ways, including Church School, GOYA, School, Greek Dance and GOYA, including playing Acolyte service, Greek Festival volunteer work and a GOYA basketball and volleyball. She will attend the player in the Holy Trinity Golf Classics. He will attend University of Pittsburgh at the College of Arts and Dartmouth College and major in Economics. He will Sciences. also play on the university’s football team.

12 • Holy Trinity Herald / July-August 2017 www.HolyTrinityPgh.org CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR GRADUATES!

Hank Morris Hank (Steven) Jack graduated Jack Passodelis Morris gradu- from North Allegh- North Allegheny High School ated from North eny Senior High North Allegheny High School Allegheny Senior High School. School as a member of the Na- He was active in sports and tional Honor Society and a 4-year was a North Allegheny Base- All Academic Scholar Athlete. ball Association veteran for He also received the Student 5 years. In all he has played Excellence Award. He competed baseball for 13 years. At Holy in club soccer for 10 years and Trinity Church, Hank has been was captain of the NA Varsity a life-long student of Church Soccer Team. Jack was named School, a member of GOYA for four years and has an WPIAL All-Section and Finest been involved in GOYA basketball and volleyball, 15 Honorable Mention player. He also played lead the Metropolis of Pittsburgh Summer Camp and trumpet in the NA Jazz and Honors Wind Ensemble. other GOYA events. He has also been a participant He has participated in Holy Trinity Church School, in GOYA mission trips for 4 years and an active GOYA, Greek Festivals and played GOYA basketball. Holy Trinity Greek Festival volunteer. He will attend He will attend The College of William and Mary and Xavier University where he will major in Business major in Applied Mathematics and Economics, with a Management. minor in Music. Christos Pappas Chris graduated from North Al- North Allegheny High School he fear of the Lord legheny Senior High School on the High Honor T is the beginning of Roll and the Higher QPA Roll. He received the Student Excel- wisdom, and the knowl- lence Award for Pre-Calc and Honors Senior French. He was edge of the Holy One is active in hockey, playing for 3 years on the Foxes travel insight. team and playing for the North Allegheny Varsity Inline Hockey team. Chris has (Proverbs 9.10) played violin since 3rd grade and was in the North Allegheny Orchestra. At Holy Trinity Church, Chris has served as an Acolyte and has been an active Holy Trinity Greek Festival volunteer. He has also participated in Greek School for 6 years. eep my words and treasure up my com- K mandments with you; keep my command- ments and live. (Proverbs 7.1-2)

www.HolyTrinityPgh.org July-August 2017 / Holy Trinity Herald • 13 Community Life Photo Journal | GOYA Cedar Point & Monastery Mission

June 13/14, 2017: Holy Trinity GOYA took its annual Summer Fun & Mission Trip to Ohio in June. The teens enjoyed a hot and sunny summer day riding the coasters (and playing Arcade games!) at Cedar Point on Tuesday, joined by GOYAns from other parishes from Ohio, They then moved on to the Saint Gregory Palamas Monastery in Perrys- ville, where they offered a day of mis- sion work, prayer and Q&A discussion time with the Gheronda of the Monas- tery, Father Joseph.

14 • Holy Trinity Herald / July-August 2017 www.HolyTrinityPgh.org GOYA Senior Dinner and Car Wash | Community Life Photo Journal

May 30, 2017: Holy Trinity GOYA hosted its annual Senior Recognition Dinner at Heinz Ward’s Table 86 restaurant. The juniors upheld their annual tradition of presenting the graduating seniors with gifts commemorating their GOYA years and memorable moments. The seniors also had an opportunity to offer their reflections on their years in this founda- tional Orthodox Christian teen ministry and the life-long friends they have made.

June 11, 2017: The GOYA teens got out the buckets and rolled up their sleeves for their first GOYA Car Wash at the new Holy Trinity location. Lots of parishioners dropped off their cars during Coffee Hour and the GOYAns went to work! Funds raised by GOYA go to support their many activities, including trips, events, sports uniforms, retreats and all the other fun-and-faith-building opportunities.

www.HolyTrinityPgh.org July-August 2017 / Holy Trinity Herald • 15 Community Life Photo Journal | Saint Photios Awards Banquet

April 22, 2017: The Metropolis of Pittsburgh celebrated its Fourth Annual Saint Photios Awards Banquet at the Sheraton Station Square. Each parish is asked to submit two names of “unsung heroes” who have served the life of the Church. Each awardee is given a special Saint Photios Award pin and plaque and has his/her picture taken with His Eminence Metropolitan Savas. This year, Holy Trinity Church’s recipients were Stella Athanasiou and George Lalikos. The banquet was attended by many Holy Trin- ity friends and family members.

In the spirit of thanksgiving for the dedicated work rendered by the faithful of this Metropolis in service of their Lord through their dedicated stewardship to the parishes, the Metropolis of Pittsburgh recognizes the volunteers of our parishes at the Annual St. Photios Awards Banquet. 2017 Holy Trinity Recipients: Stella Athanasiou and George Lalikos. Congratulations and thanks to both!

16 • Holy Trinity Herald / July-August 2017 www.HolyTrinityPgh.org Community Events | Community Life Photo Journal

“Crown Them With Glory and Honor”: One of the ways the glory and honor of marriage is celebrated at Holy Trinity Church is the blessing of couples on significant wedding anniversaries. Pictured below are Michael and Angela Leist (left), who celebrated 25 years on June 4, and Anthony and Helen Balouris (right), whose children and grandchildren joined them in celebrating 60 years of wedded life.

May 13, 2017: Holy Trinity Church was hon- ored to host the 2017 Saint John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival Metropolis Finals. Twelve fine speeches were offered, six by Junior Divi- sion regional finalists and six by Senior Divi- sion winners. Of those, one from each division was selected by a panel of impartial judges to represent the Metropolis at the Archdiocese Finals level in Boston on June 10. For the first time (at least the first time known by anyone involved), both finalists came from the same parish: our own Holy Trinity Church! Congratu- lations to Stefan Bordeianu (Senior Division) and Evan Chrisanthus (Junior Division) for their excellent presentations and for being chosen as winners to go to nationals. For their speeches and Boston photos, see page 20-21.

May 28, 2017: Holy Trinity Church was also honored to host a gathering of the YES Leader- ship Team of FOCUS North America. They came from around the country to Pittsburgh this weekend for leadership training and joined us for Divine Liturgy, then met in the Fireside Room. Katrina Bitar, YES Program Leader, expressed her thanks to the community: April 22, 2017: Stefania Bounos and 2 other classmates from the 4th grade Greek “Thank you so much for your hospitality and School class at St Nicholas Cathedral competed at the Greek Language Festival held love. The YES leaders were truly touched by the Cathedral. Each won first place and each girl received a trophy. Well done! Axioi! your kindness and interest in them.” www.HolyTrinityPgh.org July-August 2017 / Holy Trinity Herald • 17 Festival News | Last of the Cooking / Ad Book / Documentary Video!

THE 2017 “TASTE OF GREECE”: Wed. Aug. 30-Sun. Sep. 3 This is it! Thanks to all the good work, labors of love and JULY COOKING DATES sacrificial offerings of the Holy Trinity family and friends, Fri. 7/7 8am-9pm Souvlakia cooking for the 2017 Holy Trinity “Taste of Greece” Festival is almost done...but not yet! Help is still needed Sat. 7/8 9am-5pm Souvlakia fora few remaining days during both daytime and Thu. 7/20 9am-9pm Moussaka

evening hours. Everyone is welcomed and everyone’s help Fri. 7/21 9am-9pm Moussaka is needed...bring the kids, the Yiayias, the neighbors...no experience needed. No matter what your talent, there’s Sat. 7/22 9am-5pm Moussaka something for you to do. And it’s FUN! Sun. 7/23 After Liturgy Moussaka

SUPPORT THE FESTIVAL BY SPREADING THE WORD! The 2017 “Taste of Greece” flyer is ready for you to share! A copy is enclosed and it is available online at www.HolyTrinityPgh.org/festival. Also, please post your yard signs in July!

SUPPORT THE FESTIVAL BY SPONSORING AN AD IN THE 2017 HOLY TRINITY GREEK FESTIVAL AD BOOK! We are asking for you to support the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church “Taste of Greece” Festival, held again this year during Labor Day weekend, by placing an ad in the Greek Festival Ad Book. See the enclosed flyer/form.

BE THERE FOR THE “WORLD PREMIERE” OF THE “MY BIG FAT GREEK FESTIVAL” DOCUMENTARY ON JULY 2ND! Holy Trinity Church’s very own Maggie Fitzpatrick spent many months documenting, videoing, inter- viewing and editing materials for a film-making course project based on the Holy Trinity “Taste of Greece” Festival. This professional-quality production will be premiered on the big screens in the Grand Room during Coffee Hour on Sunday, July 2, follow- ing Divine Liturgy. Come and see the “behind the scenes” look at what it takes to put together the big- gest, fattest Greek Festival in the Pittsburgh region! It’s great fun everyone will enjoy. Admission is free.

18 • Holy Trinity Herald / July-August 2017 www.HolyTrinityPgh.org Aris Pantelas | Parishioners in the News

“Fox Chapel Grad Pantelas Hitting All the Right Notes” orget the southern twang, Indiana Township native Aris Paul receive his finance degree. In 2016, Pantelas won the WYEP Pantelas has a little Pittsburghese in his country-style music. Dos Equis Singer-Songwriter of the Year contest, and later that F The 25-year-old started writing music as a teen at year, opened at Club Café for Raelyn Nelson, Willie Nelson’s Dorseyville Middle School and has since been recognized granddaughter. locally and nationally for his singing, songwriting and instru- It was at Excuses five years ago that Pantelas’ father intro- mental talent. duced him to Bill Toms, a Pittsburgh musician who has played Stardom struck for Pantelas even before he graduated from and written for Bruce Springsteen and Bob Dylan. Since, Toms Fox Chapel Area in 2009, and now he prepares to release his has not only mentored Pantelas, but also welcomed him on first album, “Drive All Night.” stage to perform. “When I first started out singing in Nashville, people were His personality, songwriting ability and performance skills like, ‘He’s got this strange twang about him,’ and they just are what makes Pantelas stand out in the Pittsburgh music couldn’t place it,” Pantelas said. “I think it’s the Pittsburghese scene, Toms said. that they just couldn’t figure out.” “It seems to be he’s really discovering his own voice as While he appreciates the a songwriter,” Toms said. sound of country icons like “As a roots-oriented song- Willie Nelson and Patsy Cline, writer… He’s in line with Pantelas also harbors a love rhythm and blues and is for classic rock, blues, soul oriented with a little bit and his native Greek music. of folk and that Nashville Music was – and still is – sound as well.” a lifestyle for the Pantelas While juggling full-time family. He starting strum- construction work during ming his first chords at age the day, Pantelas’ nights nine. are long as he prepares to “My dad just had guitars release his full album and lying around the house, so perform at next month’s I began messing with them Three River’s Arts Festival. young,” Pantelas said. The album is a collection His father, Paul Pante- of songs dating back to his las, was a touring guitarist college days, only a por- playing Greek music, blues tion of what he’s written and rock. With WDVE on his over the years. dad’s car radio, he got a crash course in classic rock. “I am beyond excited to finally get these songs out there,” “I grew up loving it all,” he said. Pantelas said. “There is so much development that goes into it In the late 1980s, his father and uncle opened Excuses Bar with a lot of time, a lot of money and a lot of working things and Grill in the South Side, a home for beer, burgers and live out. blues music. Still open, Pantelas now performs there regularly. His current EP – what he calls a tease to his soon-to-be “Back in the day, South Side only had a handful of bars, released album – can be heard on WYEP, iTunes, Soundcloud believe it or not, and Excuses was known as the music one,” and The Rivers Edge web radio station. Pantelas said. “That was back when Pittsburgh’s music scene “I never stop writing and I actually have a whole catalogue was just starting out.” full that could make many more albums.” In middle and high school, Pantelas performed with the Despite performing and working in different cities, Pan- same band, but never under the same name. From Mickey telas said Pittsburgh’s growing music scene holds the most Murder and the Quartet, to Car Chase Explosions, Pantelas promise for him. and his group would perform for school pep rallies and other “Each Pittsburgh village holds its own renaissance of music, school functions. It wasn’t until his junior year he began and I think that’s really cool,” Pantelas said. entering his instrumental composition into regional and state His band standing next to him on stage consists of two competitions, leading to his Nashville recognition. guitarists, a drummer and a bass player, but one day he hopes “It was sort of a developmental thing where they wanted for it to grow. me to write songs,” Pantelas said. “I was blown away at age “My dream band is one of those giant rock ensembles that 17 and 18 where I was going down to Nashville and seeing you do soul, country and all that because you just have so all the stars.” many players,” he said. Between his junior and senior year, Pantelas was flying Christine Manganas is a freelance writer. to the Music City for a couple of weeks every three to four Article appeared in: months. triblive.com/local/foxchapel/12256517-74/fox-chapel-grad- He kept writing while attending Allegheny College to pantelas-hitting-all-the-right-notes www.HolyTrinityPgh.org July-August 2017 / Holy Trinity Herald • 19 Youth Ministry News Two Holy Trinity Youth Win Metropolis Oratorical Festival And Go To Nationals In Boston! Youth Ministry News

Metropolis of Pittsburgh Junior Division Winner Evan Chrisanthus: “Send Me”

Oratorical Festival Junior Division Topic 4 mass shooting in Oregon, the gunman asked his victims if “The Orthodox Church venerates saints and mar- they were Christian. If they responded yes, he shot them in tyrs every day. Talk about a saint whose life the head. Think of the courage of those students who con- inspires you to be a better Orthodox Christian.” fessed their belief, knowing their fate! How did Saint Tarsizios, and other Christian martyrs, s the Christians gathered to worship deep in the cat- endure, and remain courageous? The simple answer is Spir- acombs, the priest requested volunteers to take the itual bravery. Saint Paisios of the Holy Mountain says, “In Eucharist to the jailed Chris- the spiritual life even the most A cowardly person can acquire tians to give them courage. Who- ever went would surely be arrested great bravery, if only he places if they were caught, and the Holy his trust in Christ. Such a Gifts would fall into the hands of person, can go to the front line unbelievers. “Send me,” said a and fight in a war and win.” young boy named Tarsizios. He How do we gain this unstop- convinced them that no one would pable Spiritual bravery? Spiri- suspect him because of his age. tual boot-camp, like a soldier So, Tarsizios held the Eucharist preparing for battle: through close to his heart and traveled to the increased fasting, prostrations, prisons. Along the way, he encoun- receiving the Eucharist more tered some boys his age that asked frequently, confessing to our him what he carried. Unwilling to Spiritual fathers, and above all, surrender the Eucharist, the prayer. As Saint Paisios explains, boys began to beat him mer- “a soul at prayer can hold the enemy at bay.” cilessly. A soldier and secret Do we have opportunities to practice Spiri- Christian saw this and chased tual bravery in our daily lives? Indeed! Something the boys off, but by then, Tar- as simple as doing our Cross amidst non-religious sizios succumbed to his injuries. friends can go a long way. Spiritual Bravery can Miraculously the Eucharist was also mean standing up for someone being bullied, found intact, meaning Tarsizios and standing up for the fought with each unborn child. Nowa- breath to protect days, society is telling the Body of Christ. us that our beliefs are This boy, no more not ‘politically correct.’ than fourteen, Spiritual Bravery means clung to Christ, and not compromising the gained the crown Gospel of Jesus Christ of martyrdom. But or the teachings how can this boy of the Orthodox martyr who lived Church in the almost two millen- name of politi- nia ago be an inspiration to my life? After all, the times of cal correctness. Christian persecution are over. But what if I told you that the So, my last 120 years have been the bloodiest time for Christianity? brothers and During the 20th Century, over 30 million Christians were sisters in Christ, martyred, over 20 million in Russia alone under Communism. let us call to Today in North Korea, over 70,000 Christians are confined in mind and pray concentration camps, and up to three generations of a family for those being can be arrested just for owning a bible. The daily plight of persecuted Christians in the Middle East is something that is horrifying every day, and remember the Martyrs of our times, so that beyond belief. Christians being slaughtered and brutalized on we may learn from them, and live by their example. Let us a daily basis; aware that at any time, they could be forced to pray daily for the Grace of God to prepare ourselves for Spir- endure unspeakable atrocities, like the twin bombings that itual training, so that we can be Spiritually brave, through killed 50 Christians on Palm Sunday while they celebrated the God’s grace. Let us cling to Christ with every ounce of our Liturgy. These persecutions may seem that they don’t affect being like young Tarsizios, so we can become, as Saint Paul our lives, since they are so far away. But in 2015 during a says, “greater than conquerors.” Let us all step forward with- out hesitation and say, “Send me!

20 • Holy Trinity Herald / July-August 2017 www.HolyTrinityPgh.org Youth Ministry News Two Holy Trinity Youth Win Metropolis Oratorical Festival And Go To Nationals In Boston! Youth Ministry News

Metropolis of Pittsburgh Senior Division Winner Stefan Bordeianu: “Give Your Life to God” Oratorical Festival Senior Division Topic 5 told us to devote our lives to him. It is a mockery of God’s “Jesus said, ‘Render therefore to Caesar the words to back political beliefs with the scripture, especially things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things considering God’s power. When a politician uses God’s name, that are God’s’ (Matthew 22:21). When no he portrays himself as a man of God, and is therefore more political party represents genuine Christian influential towards the 70% of the American population that teaching, how does an Orthodox Christian navi- are Christians. Abusing such power is using the Lord’s name in gate political conversations and make political vain. There is no way to know what God truly wants, because judgments?” there is no definite answer in the bible. The only clear answer is that we must give our lives to n the book of Matthew, a group God. of pharisees “went and plotted The dialogue also establishes how to entangle [Jesus] in his a separation between God and I State. When Jesus asks the phar- words.” 22:15. They asked him: “Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or isees to “render to Caesar the not?” 22:17. Jesus skillfully rebutted things that are Caesar’s, and to by asking “why put me to the test God the things that are God’s”, you hypocrites? Show me the coin there is no room for interpreta- for the tax.” 22:18-22:19. When tion. Render to the state what is they did, he asked “whose Like- owed to the states, and render ness and inscription is this?” They to God what is owed to God. said, “Caesar’s.” Then he said to Faith should not determine them, “Therefore render to Caesar political stances, because there the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are is a clear separation. God’s.” 22:21. The pharisees were amazed and awestruck. That leads to the question of There is are a profound message that we can derive from how a Christian can incorporate this dialogue in regards to faith and political concern: give faith into his or her political deci- your life to God. sions. The answer is that living a In the beginning of life of God will lead you to make the encounter, Mat- political decisions. The scriptures thew explains to us tell us to feed the poor and bring that the “pharisees them to our house, it tells us to went and plotted how preserve life, it tells us to be good to entangle [Jesus] in to our neighbors, it tells us to live his words.” The phari- as God would, and it tells us to sees use the question love one another. No about taxes for a very political stance or can- specific reason, being that there is no Jewish law that didate will be an epit- requires paying taxes to an occupier, but it is unlawful ome of our faith. There under Roman law to not pay taxes. In other words, the will never be a perfect pharisees are asking Jesus if it is better to obey the law choice, just as the phar- of God or that of the State. If Jesus answers in favor of isees brought to Jesus the Romans, the jews will consider him a traitor to God’s two imperfect options. law. If Jesus answers by opposing Roman taxes, he will When choosing a politi- not be considered a good citizen by Romans. So Jesus, cal candidate or politi- being perfect, cannot side with either of the two imper- cal stance, the scriptures fect choices. He then asks the pharisees what is on the tax and our Orthodox tradition should lead the decision. There is coin. They answer with the image of Caesar. He then says no clear answer in the bible about who you should vote for, “render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God but there is a clear answer on what is right and what is wrong. the things that are God’s.” In other words, give the image In conclusion, we should lead lives devoted to God, and of Caesar to Caesar, and give the image of God to God. But we should make political decisions based on the scriptures what is the image of God? The answer is us. It is the duty of and Orthodox tradition while always knowing that there will Christians to to give their lives to God. When voting for politi- never be a perfect candidate or stance to match our faith. cal candidates, the bible does not give any answer on who Jesus told us to beware of the entanglement of religion and to vote for. God never said, I like Trump. You should vote for politics, and we should follow suit. While we give to Caesar Trump. He never said that Hillary is a great person. He just what belongs to Caesar, we should more importantly give to God what is to God.

www.HolyTrinityPgh.org July-August 2017 / Holy Trinity Herald • 21 Ask the Elders | The Grace of Our Call

One of the great blessings of Orthodoxy is the presence, prayers and inspired words of the Holy Elders of the Faith. They have been referred to as “precious vessels of the Holy Spirit.” In recent years, many books have been published in English with their writings and talks. This column provides an opportunity for each of us to blessed by their words. Father, what is the true calling of our In a word, God makes a personal covenant with man, human nature? which actually constitutes a renewal of what he professed at his baptism. This covenant, an act which on man’s part an’s calling lies within the cre- indicates a positive disposition towards God’s call, is accom- ative mind of the pre-eternal panied by grace that illumines man and regenerates him for Counsel of the Father and M “life in the living God.” the Son and the Holy Spirit. God, out of sheer goodness, conceived the idea What does it feel like to embrace our calling? Archimandrite of man outside time, and by His cre- uring this first period of spiritual life, man feels the Zacharias ative word called him into a life which living presence of God as the Light of Love, and of Essex includes duration. He destined man for Drejoices in a deep peace. This feeling evokes in his a life in the incorruptibility of loving communion with Him. He spirit an irresistible attraction towards Christ,’ and he gradu- implanted divine grace as a seed of deification in man’s created ally becomes familiar with His inner life. When grace comes nature. God’s pre-eternal plan for man, the direct and personal into his soul man is filled with consolation as he discovers mode of man’s creation, the ‘many and various ways’ He takes his inner spiritual freedom and the inspiration to undertake care for fallen man, and His ineffable providence ‘in these last the struggle of the Cross. He has a great desire to be found days’ for man’s restoration—from all this we are persuaded that worthy of God’s calling and to be led to the fullness of divine man’s vocation is incomprehensibly wonderful and great. love. He accepts the ‘folly’ of faith and believes with boldness How does knowing our calling change our lives? that he “can do all things in Him who strengthens” him [Phil. 4:13]. He then begins to accomplish the spiritual work of his P he knowledge of the magnificence of man’s calling development in Christ. in Christ—that is, how God chose and destined man This first period of divine visitations shakes man to the before all ages to become perfectly like his Heavenly T core, altering his entire vision of life. The initial experience Father—inspires humility before the ineffable goodness and of grace establishes the foundations of his new life in God in providence of God. This humility disposes man’s spirit favour- accordance with divine revelation. An unusually vivid energy ably and opens his heart to receive gratefully the blessed gift of takes hold of his heart, which burns with inexplicably sweet his calling from the Father who is above all worlds. love for God. “His heart is alive with feeling during this initial When God’s call, and the honour inherent in His promises, stage which abounds in [...] powerful experiences.”An inner are voluntarily received with faith, creative grace is attracted, euphoria concentrates all man’s powers and makes every which re-animates the hardened heart of man. The first visit work of piety so light and pleasurable that he cannot attribute of grace is a gift of God’s good pleasure and it inaugurates in this to himself, and he accepts it as a gift of God [cf. Eph. 2:8]. man a beneficial change, wrought by the experience of the love God’s blessing rests upon man in a wonderful and palpable poured into his heart by the Energy of the Holy Spirit. This is the way; heaven is open to his requests and his prayers are read- “first love” [Rev. 2:4], which bears witness to the truth and sets ily heard. He feels the peace of reconciliation with God and the seal of “certainty” [Luke 1:4] about the New Testament of savours the grace of salvation. He experiences the true jubila- God the Saviour. Thus, the calling of the Triune God is a calling tion of his passage from death to life. of love; but it is love which is “not of the earth, but of heaven.” His life is no longer supported by the conjectures of fan- Gheronda, how can prepare ourselves to understand our tasy or logic, but by the fire of divine love... which can teach calling? him everything he needs to learn so as to “walk in newness he first movement of God’s love towards man takes of life” [Rom. 6:4]. He becomes familiar with the word of the place when God finds man favourably disposed to Gospel and with the words of Scripture as a whole; they are Treceive the visitation of His grace in the right spirit. The now addressed to him directly and personally. They purge preliminary union between man and the Holy Spirit is a pure his mind and his heart, continuously re-animating the grace gift of God’s will and its measure accords with the measure of of his calling to a radical transformation of all his being.’He the love with which man accepts it. is totally captivated by the divine desire that the love he has Man, from his very first meeting with God, receives grace known become his inalienable inheritance forever.” He feels and enlightenment, which reveal the pattern of life which fulfilled and understands that the meaning and purpose of conforms to God. This grace bestows on him a foretaste of all his life is ‘to be with Christ’ [Phil. 1:23], both now and for all the godly virtues, and an introductory experience of “many eternity.” of the mysteries of life in God.” Prayer issues from the depths Excerpted from “Christ, Our Way and Our Life” of the heart and becomes man’s natural state. The mind turns by Archimandrite Zacharias (Zacharou) of the inward; it is refined and illumined, and with the immediacy Saint John the Baptist Monastery in Essex, England of a flash of lightning it moves in accordance with the Spirit (Note: Father John had the great blessing of visiting Father of the Lord. Zacharias in person at the Monastery in Essex recently.)

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IT’S SUMMER! We bask in this wonderful time for family, friends, relaxing, and fun. It’s a time for vacations from work and school. But there is one vacation we shouldn’t consider this summer—and that is from Church. Church should be the center of our lives throughout the year, and summer is no exception. Join us this summer as we #soakuptheSON. What is #soakuptheSON?

#soakuptheSON is an Archdiocese summer program for individuals, couples, and families to assist them in deepening their relationship with Christ and His Church. The weekly content is offered to help “commit ourselves and one another and our whole lives to Christ our God.” To participate, check out our website and Facebook page each week for a new theme. From there, you can modify the program to your liking.

The most important part of #soakuptheSON is to share it—with your family at home, your family at church, and your family of friends. Share it with us, your family at the Center for Family Care, by using the hashtag #soakuptheSON. We look forward to connecting with you! Don’t miss out! This summer relax, have fun, and use lots of sunscreen—but most importantly #soakupthe SON! FIND IT ALL AT: www.goarch.org/-/soak-up-the-son

Scripture of the Month: “We know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding.” (1 Jn. 5.20)