rd Sunday 3 October 2021 The mission organisation we are THE EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY VICAR James Knowles praying for this week is
[email protected] The Kingdom Way Trust (See Prayer Diary for more details) CURATE Jon Haines 419149 Those in our fellowship in need of CHURCH ADMINISTRATOR prayer: Kate D, Linda H, Lynda C-S & Hilary Dale Please note that the 10am service will be LIVE-STREAMED and Heather L and the family and friends of Margaret Threapleton CHURCH OFFICE recorded, which will be shown via our ‘All Saints Eastbourne’ Office hours: 10am - 1pm YouTube and can be accessed from the front page of our website And all those feeling lost and Monday - Thursday 01323 732823 (option 1) www.allsaintseastbourne.com isolated during the Covid pandemic.
[email protected] Telephone Prayer Chain TODAY’S SERVICES Urgent prayer requests can be made YOUTH, CHILDREN & FAMILIES to our confidential chain. Please Julian Dale & Annelie Cooper 419400 10am MORNING SERVICE contact Linda Owen: 07507 781850 Mobile 07522 335021 Led by Jon Haines _________________________________________________________________________________________ Jonah 1: 17- 2:10 (page 927) Chris Hart SAFEGUARDING The All Saints’ Safeguarding Team Jo Whiteman 07801 436441 Intercessions Robin Weldon for children & vulnerable adults is Sermon: Jonah: Praying at Rock Bottom James Knowles Jo Whiteman (07801 436441) & CHURCH & HALL LETTINGS James Winter Sue Walker 6.30pm EVENING SERVICE
[email protected] Led by James Knowles The All Saints‘